Vera Island. Megaliths of the Urals

We all know about the horrors of German fascism, concentration camps and massacres. But they happily forgot about an equally nightmarish page in the history of mankind - slavery. The small islet of Gore, which is 5 kilometers from the coast of Senegal, can definitely be called the scariest place in Africa. For 300 years, the island was a prison for millions of black slaves brought in from the mainland and waiting to be sent to the Americas. People were kept in inhuman conditions, in tiny cells of 3x3 meters, where up to 20 (!) People were stuffed. They waited for the slave traders to buy them, after which, like cattle, they were herded into the holds of ships and set off on a long voyage across the ocean. On average, every third slave died from hunger and disease on the way from Africa to America, and a large part of them on the Island of Horus.

The journey to the island begins from the Dakar seaport, where you are attacked by the inevitable "helpers", here, in the photo, he runs screaming "Misieu, I'm from your hotel, do you remember me?" Of course I remember how I can forget my girlfriend? So he told him, wanting to test their reaction to a joke that was clearly ambiguous for a Muslim country. He didn't get it right away, he said: "I'm your friend, not a girl rand." I spread my arms theatrically, and you look so much like my mistress! The man was a little confused: "-Uh-uh ..." and left me alone.

There is a hitch at the gate, the guard hums something and does not miss. I walked around the entrance to the left, through a large gate, but another figure noticed me, he is visible in the photo and stands with a telephone. What? They say something incomprehensible in a mixture of French and Wolof. I do not understand. I begin to walk away from them, not responding to the screams. But the watchman ran after me, grabbed my hand and let’s pull back. And I pull on myself, stand, push, onlookers gather. The situation was settled by a random person who told me that the guard wants a passport, such rules when visiting the seaport. Passport? Yes, no problem, but he did not ask for a passport, but mumbled something indistinct, I can even make out the word "passeport" even in French. I show my passport, he immediately returns to the gate. The incident is over.

Dakar seaport -

Ferries to Gore Island run once an hour and cost 5,000 CFA (US $ 9) both ways, with locals paying three times less. Landing begins -

The audience is extremely colorful! Today in Senegal there is some kind of holiday and people are walking around the city in white robes and singing songs, the content of which is unknown to me -

Interview for television, filmed with a regular camera -

And here is the island of Gore. The people cheered, singing even louder, laughing, dancing (the video will be at the very end of the article). Meanwhile, their ancestors were driven to this island in shackles and no one felt the joy of getting there ...

Bingo, I'm on Mountain Island -

Long-changed ferry schedule and fares -

The island was discovered by the Portuguese in 1444, erecting a fortress there, but in 1588 it was captured by the Dutch, from whom the French and then the British took the island. In 1817, France won the final victory. The island, like Senegal as a whole, remained under its control until 1960, when Senegal declared its independence. The place is very picturesque, quiet and pleasant to explore. Old Catholic churches coexist with elegant European villas with courtyards hidden in lush greenery.

There are a lot of people, but most of them are newcomers. There are about a thousand permanent residents on the island.

Baobabs -

Portuguese fortress -

Fans of military history and fortifications, are you surprised by the concrete bunkers on the African island? Of course, they were built by the French in the period between the two world wars, but they were never used for their intended purpose. Fortunately for Senegal, the war did not reach him.

These heavy guns were supposed to prevent German ships from entering Dakar Bay -

There are five such fortifications along the perimeter of the Mountain -

Inside the fortress -

Little has changed here over the last century -

During the slave trade, soldiers and their families lived here. Buyers of live goods also came here and were accommodated in hotels specially created for this. Yes, the first "tourists" on the Mountain were the slave traders -

I bastard with baobabs -

On the main square of the Mountain, a universal prayer is held -

And again my beloved baobab -

This is the place where a huge group of white-clad pilgrims dined. I did not find a mass lunch, but I saw how they "finished eating" lunch: they simply pick up rice from vats into a paper "plate" and eat from there with their hands -

And here is one of the hotels, built in the early 19th century to house slave traders. Works to this day -

Soldiers' barracks. Several hundred soldiers lived on the island to keep an eye on the slaves and, if necessary, suppress riots and stop attempts to escape -

Grace and the boys pulling the boat to the shore -


The embankment is very picturesque and all the colonial villas have been preserved here -

French fort built in 1830 -

Imperceptibly 3 hours flew by as I walked around the island. It would be nice to spend the night here and take a walk in the evening, when the sunset will be. An extremely pleasant island, unless of course you think about what happened here 200 years ago.

The promised video -

p.s Since not all readers have a Livejournal account, I duplicate all my articles on life and travel on social networks, so join us:


There are many oddities in the world.

Some are created by nature, others are invented by people.

20. La Isla de las Munecas ("Island of the Dolls")

This island is located near the city of Mexico City. A man named Don Julian apparently lost his mind, abandoned his family and fled to this island, where he hung several dolls to ward off evil spirits. After a while, he drowned.

19. Okunoshima Island

This small islet is located in the Sea of ​​Japan, near the city of Takehara. It is also called "Rabbit Island". Between 1929 and 1945, the Japanese army used the island as a site for testing chemical weapons and apparently brought in rabbits as test items. The rabbits that inhabit the island today are the descendants of those very poor animals.

18. Isola La Gaiola

Not far from the coast of Naples lies the terrible island of Gaiola. Almost every inhabitant of this island has either been killed, drowned, or lives in devastation. Many consider this place cursed and refuse to live here.

17. Deer Island, Thousand Islands Archipelago

At first glance, this island, located near Alexandria Bay, New York, USA, looks like an old island with old houses. But in fact, it is the site of the oldest secret society, Skull & Bones, organized by students at Yale University.

It is believed that only representatives of the upper elite, the heirs of the wealthiest and most influential families in the United States, become members of this secret society. Both in the past and now, members of the Skull and Bones Society hold the highest positions in the fields of politics, the media, finance, as well as in the scientific and educational fields.

16. Floating Islands on Lake Titicaca

These islands, created entirely by human hands ka, are connected by reeds and are the possession of the local Uros tribe. Long ago, representatives of the tribe created these islands and settled on them in order to avoid problems with other tribes. Today this tribe still lives on the islands and is engaged in fishing and tourism.

15. Poveglia Island

This island is one of the most famous in the Venetian Lagoon, which is located in the north of Italy. For many years this island served as a dumping ground for the sick and the dead. Here at one time the Romans sent victims of the plague.

In 1922, a hospital for the mentally ill was built here and, according to legend, crazy experiments were carried out in this institution. Today the island is uninhabited, moreover, none of the locals even thinks to visit it.

14. Alcatraz Island

Located in the San Francisco Bay, the island's territory was originally used as a defensive fort.

After some time, the island was turned into a military prison, and then into a super-protected prison, in which there were especially dangerous criminals, as well as those who were caught trying to escape from the previous place of detention. Al Capone himself was sitting here. Today this place is a museum.

Islands in the atlantic ocean

13. Sable Island

Not far from the shores of Nova Scotia is Sable Island, which is also called the "Atlantic Cemetery". All you find on this island are horses and wrecks from 350 ships. It is worth noting that the image of the horses of this island can be found on Canadian stamps and 2005 coins.

It will also be interesting to note that due to the two opposite currents: the Gulf Stream and the Labrador Current, the island is moving and its speed is about 200 m / year. This sometimes leads to navigation errors.

12. Keimada Grande or Snake Island (Ilha de Queimada Grande)

The island is located in the Atlantic Ocean, near the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Keimada Grande is simply teeming with venomous snakes, and these are not just venomous, but very venomous snakes.

Moreover, the Brazilian naval forces prohibit even setting foot on the coast of this island.

11. Fort Boyar

This island was built for 56 years. The island's stone fortress project was far from easy - when French troops completed construction in 1857, advances in militarization made the island an easy target. This led to the fact that Fort Boyar was turned into a prison.

During World War II, German troops used the island for shooting practice and caused significant damage to the structure. For the next 20 years, the Fort was in desolation, and continued to collapse under the influence of waves, wind and birds. Only later did television become interested in him, the island was bought out, the necessary work was done to restore it and began to be used for the television game of the same name.

Islands in the indian ocean

10. Christmas Island

This small island is located in the Indian Ocean and is the outer territory of Australia. It is he who is the site of one of the largest migrations of representatives of the animal world on Earth.

Each year, about 120 million crabs move from the forests to the coast during the month to reproduce. This is a truly exhilarating sight.

9. Socotra Island

The island is located in the northwest of the Indian Ocean. It is part of the Socotra Archipelago and is administered by the Republic of Yemen.

Since for a long time this island was isolated from prying eyes, a wide variety of plants and animals have been preserved here, most of which cannot be found anywhere on Earth.

8. North Sentinel Island

This island is one of the Andaman Islands located in the Bay of Bengal. North Sentinel Island is officially ruled by India.

The aboriginal Sentinelci live on the northern Sentinel Island. Their number cannot be accurately determined, since they are hostile to any contact from people outside their civilization. At this time, the island exists in a rather unusual state of uncertainty.

Islands in the Pacific Ocean

7. Tashiro Island

Also known as "Cat Island", this small Japanese island is home to about 100 people and a huge number of cats and cats.

The animals are reported to have appeared on the island in the 1850s in order to control the number of rats that interfered with silk production on the island.

Over the years, a large number of residents left the island, and the number of cats and cats began to increase. Today, the inhabitants of the island consider animals to be symbols of good luck. Tourists can even spend the night in a cat-like lodge.

Lake Taal on the island of Luzon, in the northern part of the Philippines archipelago, is recognized as one of the most unique in the world. The fact is that this is one of two lakes on the planet that have a third-order island inside. In other words, Taal, which is located on the island of Luzon, has its own volcanic island, inside which there is another crater lake containing another small island inside called Volcano Point. So we get such an amazing matryoshka: island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island! If you have not yet started celebrating Friday and the upcoming New Year holidays, then you can probably easily understand the previous phrase.

Another similar lake with lakes and islands inside is located in Canada. We are talking about an unnamed island with an area of ​​1.6 hectares, which is located inside a small, also unnamed lake, which, in turn, lies inside another slightly larger lake. This place is located about 90 kilometers inland from the southern coast of Victoria Island. It can be seen on the map in Google Maps by setting the following coordinates: 69.793 ° N, 108.241 ° W.

Here are some photos of Lake Taal on Luzon Island:

credit: Storm Crypt / Flickr
credit: Stefan Krasowski / Flickr
credit: Joanneq Escobar / Flickr
credit: Roberto Verzo / Flickr

If you like to take risks, then you may be interested in this amazing seed. You will appear at the top of a high mountain, which is essentially an island. The mountain is so high that you will be standing level with the clouds.

A steep mountain near which you appear. X: 9.5 / Y: 116 / Z: 8.5

The mountain is truly mesmerizing, displaying some of the most attractive landscapes generated in the clean version of Minecraft. It offers pits, waterfalls, lava falls and everything you need to create a pretty big base! Since this is an island, it is perfect for a super villain's lair!

The oceans surrounding the mountains are not lifeless; there are several temples in the water nearby. They are only in versions of the game 1.8, in Minecraft 1.9 there are no temples under water.

The first one is right next to the mountain.

The first ocean temple, in the immediate vicinity of the mountain and the player's spawn point. X: -200 / Y: 61 / Z: 168

Moving south from here, you will find another temple. Before diving into the water and trying to conquer temples, make sure you have potions, food, and adequate equipment.

The second ocean temple found in the south. X: -248 / Y: 61 / Z: 758

The third ocean temple is located in the northeast of the mountain. Again, there are a lot of guards here, so crossing the body of water nearby can quickly result in a lethal outcome for the player.

The third ocean temple found in the northeast. X: 232 / Y: 61 / Z: -410

Not far from the mountainous island is a neat abyss where waterfalls of lava and water touch each other, several mines are accessible, which gives easy access to ore, usually found at lower levels. The main thing is not to forget about dangerous mobs.

Quite a steep abyss with several shafts. X: 625 / Y: 67 / X: 12

You will find several mainland lands far to the north, with lots of trees, mushrooms and deserts. It was not possible to find a jungle or interesting temples here, but there is a very picturesque mountain range.

The mainland to the north doesn't look so bad. X: -751 / Y: 118 / Z: -1343

The biggest feature of this seed is the mountain you spawn next to. With waterfalls and lava, it's just the perfect place to create a cool base. It's a pity that there are no villages or temples in the immediate vicinity, so it won't be easy to get items. But if you are ready for a small challenge, then this is not a problem.

Sid to an island with a high mountain.

The Urals are undoubtedly the most valuable region, and not only because of the huge amount of resources. For researchers of the past, this is primarily a kind of "tin can" with artifacts. Due to the inaccessibility, sparsely populated, harsh climate and a number of other reasons, the Urals and Siberia became natural reserves, where people simply did not have time to put their hand to destroy the memory of the past of the country and the planet as a whole. Although we tried hard. Now we can only guess what we have lost, "thanks" to the activities of stone cutters and metallurgists.
I already wrote about
http: //site/39163.html

It was the turn of another island. It is widely known, well studied, we also adore it by tourists, and it would seem that there are no more mysteries left there. Well ... let's see?

Lake Turgoyak It is located near the city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region.
Its origin itself is controversial. Versions - from academic to ufological. There is no consensus even about his age. From 2 million years to 15, wow runaway? I think this is the clearest confirmation that our science is not science at all, but a collection of delusions.

More recently, 25 years ago, only the locals knew about the very existence of the lake, but when they passed the "dashing nineties", researchers rushed to the island with an area of ​​6.5 hectares and a width of 800 meters in its widest part. In total, 33 archaeological sites were discovered, covering up to 40% of the island's territory.

And then it began ...
Entrepreneurs from tourism vividly smelled the smell of easy money. On the shores of the lake, the name of which is translated from Bashkir as "Main place", dozens of boarding houses have grown like mushrooms. To attract more pilgrims, a lot of legends and myths were born. As in that advertisement: - "Legends say ... St. Petersburg griffons have not only golden wings, but also golden hearts ..." Nonsense of a stoned PR manager ... What legends, who announced them ... go and check, there were were there such legends before the appearance of boarding houses?

They say there was a skete, founded either by a princess, or (according to other sources) by the nun Vera. As if she had run away from her parents, so as not to marry her husband for her not loved one. And then she treated fishermen and wanderers ... Well ... so be it! Nobody saw her at home, there are only burials, camps of primitive people, dolmens, menhirs and just bizarre stones. The age of the structures is estimated from 5 to 8 thousand years. True, they do not specify the methods by which the dating was carried out.

Did Vera live here?

"Versions of archaeologists"

After visiting the island, each archaeologist expresses his point of view and makes his own comparisons. However, for the most part, their views coincide - the buildings are truly unique.

Here is some of them:

1) The structures found on the island are very similar to the gallery tombs of Atlantic Europe in architectural techniques, the location of galleries and burial chambers, and has a similarity and a camouflage embankment.

2) The hermit's "cave" was originally a gallery tomb (a long corridor with burial chambers on the sides), built of stone slabs. Such buildings on the territory of Russia have not been found before. Presumably the age of the stone tomb is 6 thousand years. It is practically the same age as the world famous British megalith Stonehenge.

3) The megalithic structures of the island are not a household, not a residential facility. The island is overgrown with a wonderful timber, it is more convenient and logical to use it for overlapping earthen structures. A dozen meters from the cave, excavations are underway at the site of the Old Believers' dugout of the late 18th century - it was built on this very principle.

4) Most of all, the megalithic structure of the island looks like the gallery tombs of Atlantic Europe (northwestern France, Denmark, England). Everything converges to the smallest detail: the same architectural techniques, the location of galleries and chambers, the same embankment that masks the structure from prying eyes. European monuments date back to 3-4 millennium BC.

Thus, scientific research to date allows us to draw the following conclusion: since ancient times, the island has been used as a place for performing cult (religious) actions. This is probably why it is called "The Island of Faith" - faith in a religious, ritual sense.

Until now, the cemetery of the Old Believers has not been found on the island. Perhaps this is due to the fact that over the past century, the water level in Lake Turgoyak has noticeably increased. The cemetery could have gone under water. This version stirs up the interest of archaeologists in a detailed survey of the underwater part of the island.
Undoubtedly, the cave of Holy Faith is a cult building, in this case the time and labor expended do not matter, an unknown magical ritual is important.

Everything is painfully everyday and devoid of romance. Ritual objects, places of worship, and although no confirmation has been found, they are still religious buildings .... blah blah blah ... Continuous working off the salaries of scientists. Like it is not in vain that they eat the bread of taxpayers.

"The most ancient finds of the Paleolithic period (ancient Stone Age, 30-20 thousand years ago) were discovered during excavations under a canopy (an outlier with a cross on it). These are pieces of stone, split for ritual (cult) purposes.

Most of the archaeological sites (sites, remains of dwellings and megalithic structures) belong to the Neolithic period (New Stone Age, 7-8 thousand years ago) and the Eneolithic (Copper-stone age, 6-5 thousand years ago).

Archaeologists have not found any finds from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age. The following traces of a person's stay here date back to modern times: these are 2 quarries of the 18th century and the ruins of stone buildings of the Old Believers' skete of the 19th century. " As I say, they learned nothing else at the institute besides the words "ritual" and "cult"!
But, even in such information, you can catch the grain of truth. At least they agree that no one has been here for a long time. There were savages, then it became depopulated, and quite recently our great-grandfathers came here to break stones.

Again, as in the history of the exploration of Mount Popov Island, the question arises: - "Why the hell were they going to chop a stone on a hard-to-reach island, if there were simply heaps of stones around !?"
And here's another very important question: - "What culture caused the greatest damage to what came before it?" Obviously, the dolmens were not built by the miners of the 18th century!

And in general, what is so remarkable about buildings that are so primitive that you can't look without tears? Beautiful? Yes! And what does this give to science? But nothing. Or...?

In my opinion, you need to consider everything more carefully ...
Especially after what became clear from the information on the site - Vera Island (Chelyabinsk). " Scientists have found chipped rock crystal and quartz, which are not on the island. There were also found adzes made of stone and wood, which could be used as a chisel or for dressing the skin of animals and humans. Finally, it is here that things were found, the age of which reaches 10 thousand years. "

Now this is very interesting! Rock crystal and quartz! As in South America! Here it becomes quite interesting! it would be necessary to look for gold ... and really! There is information about gold reserves in the Miass Valley!


From time immemorial, legends about the rich gold of the Miass Valley have lived in the Urals. Until now, old people talk about nuggets that amaze the imagination, about wonderful placers and rich veins. Behind many of them is the true truth. There are other stories about how people went to deception, meanness, and murder for the sake of gold. Here is one of them, about the industrialist Petrov. One of the mines he owned was empty, with almost no gold left in it. There is no point in working, but I don’t want to quit. And Petrov went to the trick. In the evening, when the prospectors went home, Petrov took a gun from the wall and took cartridges. Before going down into the mine, I poured shot out of them, and instead of shot I charged golden sand. I walked stealthily to the mine. For a long time, shots were heard in the face, inaudible on the surface. The next morning Petrov went to bargain with foreigners. Bargained for a long time. Petrov deliberately raised the price, buyers slowed down. Finally, we decided to take a sample. Petrov confidently led the foreigners with him. He had no doubt that it was the right thing to do. Of course, the test gave "excellent" results, the mine was sold profitably.

This nugget became the Urals record holder - 2 poods 7 pounds 92 spools! In our opinion it is 36kg. 200g. He was found in 1842 by 17-year-old Nikifor Syutkin. Well ... it all fits:

Lots of stone, lots of water, rock glass, quartz and mica. gold and lack of roads. It seems that there is still something to catch on to! Well, it's not for nothing that visiting the island without a guide is prohibited!
Not much is allowed to photograph either, otherwise how to explain that the photos of hundreds of tourists on different sites seem to be from one camera. Almost the angles even coincide! we work with what is:

I will not voice the tips. You see everything for yourself.

An obvious discrepancy in the quality of the stone. It does not fit into a single whole - a structure of natural stones, simply stacked on top of each other, rough boulders and suddenly among them there is a clearly processed block, with ideal geometry! It remains to be seen whether our restorers used modern stone that was cut down here in the 18th or 18th centuries, or did the basement builders use an older find? Judging by the absence of traces of modern intervention, I dare to assume that the ancient primitive builders used everything that came to hand, but they also got it!

This photo rozaluxemburg
I do not know, when she was filming she saw a pebble behind? Anyway, the plates on which the man is located look like a tourist very much resemble something ...
(Original here:

It was not in vain that they called the river that way ... I wanted to know? Wow to you! Come yourself, look, measure ...,
However .... do not forget about the bottom of the lake! Divers of antiquity did not get there !? And rightly so! At the bottom of Turgoyak there is something that undoubtedly proves that we have again what we have. All normal people do that. They see orphaned building materials and take them to their dachas. So surprise! Diving!

How is it?
The underwater photography was done by Konstantin Pozdnyakov. I will not comment further, see for yourself and enjoy! All that was required to prove! We see with our own eyes well-preserved stone blocks, irrefutably having traces of processing or their production. More precisely, no one will dispute their artificial origin.

Help from the "New Region":

Lake Turgoyak is located in the eastern foothills of the Urals in a deep intermountain basin between the Ural-Tau and Ilmensky ridges at an altitude of 320 meters above sea level. The lakes are 26.4 sq. Km, length - 6.9 km, maximum width - 6.3 km, length of the coastline 27 km. Its depth reaches 34 m, the average depth is 19.2 m. In terms of water purity it was second only to Baikal. There are several versions of the origin of the lake. According to one of the historical hypotheses, Turgoyak is 15 million years old. Others are limited to a more modest age of 2 million. One of the versions speaks of a fault or fault, similar to the Baikal, the other about the uplift of rocks around the granite lens exposed as a result of weathering. There is also a version of meteoric origin. Along the western side of the lake, about 3 kilometers away, there is a horseshoe-shaped Zaozerny ridge, which, together with the Pugachev Mountain (in the south-west of the reservoir) and a low ridge that limits the lake from the east like a dam, form an almost perfect circle with a diameter of about 9 km. The location of the rest of the nearby ridges obeys a completely different pattern, which is clearly visible in the image from space.

The underwater relief of the lake resembles a flat huge bowl: the bottom goes deeply immediately from the coast, and after a depth of 15-20 meters (this is about 100-200 meters from the coast) turns into an almost flat surface with a very slight inclination towards the center and at a distance of about kilometers from the coast almost from all sides reaches a mark of 30 meters. The bottom here is almost perfectly flat (the change in depth at a distance of 100 meters is no more than half a meter) and consists of sand-gravel mixture and rare small stones (10-20 cm) with a granite-like structure. Rocky outcrops at the bottom of the lake consist of layered granites, and these layers are almost horizontal, especially closer to the center of the lake.

How can we not recall the three-dimensional map of Professor Chuvyrov? After all, this region is depicted on it!

How now there is not enough of it to compare with it the modern relief of the Urals! Who is not in the know

However .... But there is still something to look for! and this is good news!