10 major islands in the world on the map. The title "The world's largest island" gets ...

Do you know how many times the biggest island of Russia is less than the largest island of the world? Read the post and find out.

№10. Elsmir (Canada) - 196 236 km2

Elsmir - the North Island of Canada - is among the top ten largest islands in the area in the world. Due to the harsh climate, the population of the island is about 150 people.

On the territory of Elsmir, the remains of prehistoric animals were repeatedly found. The first settlers were nomads from Siberia. In 1250, the people of Tula, the ancestors of Eskimos settled on the territory. But by the middle of the 18th century, the island became desertless.

The island was opened in 1616 by the English navigator William Buffin.

№9. Victoria (Canada) - 217 291 km2

At the ninth place in Square - Victoria Island (Canada). The island was opened in 1838 during the Expedition of the British researcher Thomas Simpson.

In the 50s of the 20th century on the island there were several settlements in which meteorologists lived. By the end of the 20th century, the population of the population will increase by the settlers of the Eskimos, who engaged here commercial activities.

№8. Honshu (Japan) - 227 970 km2

Honshu is the largest island of the Japanese archipelago and ranks 8 line rating the largest islands in the world. On the island of Honshu are the largest Japanese cities: Tokyo, Iokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto, Hiroshima, etc.

The island is covered by many volcanoes, some of them valid. The population of the island is more than 103 million people.

№7. United Kingdom (United Kingdom) - 229 848 km2

The United Kingdom takes the 7th place in the list of the largest islands in the world and is the largest island among the British Isles and in Europe as a whole.

The beginning of the History of Great Britain is the period of Roman conquest in 43 BC, but the island had an earlier story.

The United Kingdom was populated by the people noto several hundred thousand years ago. A modern man arrived at the British Islands before the start of the last glacial period, but retreated to South Europe due to glaciers covering the territory of the island. According to archaeological finds, after 12,000 BC. e. The British Islands were again populated. About 4,000 years BC. e. The island was populated by people of neolithic culture.

To date, the population is the population of the UK islar more than 61 million, which makes it the most densely populated area of \u200b\u200bEurope.

№6. Sumatra (Indonesia) - 443,066 km2

Sumatra - the sixth is the island in the world. It is located immediately in two hemispheres, since almost the middle of the island passes the equator. The island belongs to Indonesia and is part of the Malay Archipelago. It is in the zone of frequent earthquakes and tsunami.

To date, the population of the island of Sumatra is more than 50 million people. Main cities Sumatra: Medan, Palembang, Padang. People live on Sumatra, about 90% confesses Islam.

Approximately 73 thousand years ago on the island of Sumatra, there was an explosion of a Toba volcano. This event led to 1800 years of the glacial period and a reduction in the number of human population up to 2,000 people.

The name of the island comes from the Sanskrit word Samudra - "Ocean", or "Sea".

№5. Baphinova Earth (Canada) - 507 451 km2

Buffinova Earth is the first in the area among Canada Islands and the fifth in the world. Due to the harsh climatic conditions of the island, the population is about 11 thousand people. The largest settlement of the island - Ikaluit.

The first description of the island made William Buffin in 1616, in honor of him and called the island.

№4. Madagascar (Madagascar) - 587 713 km2

The fourth line of the rating is the island of Madagascar. Located in the Indian Ocean at the eastern shore of Africa. The island is the state of Madagascar (the capital of Antananarivo). To date, the population of Madagascar island is more than 24 million people.

Locals call Madagascar Red Island due to soil color. More than half of animals living in Madagascar will not meet on the mainland, and 90% of plants are endemics.

Number 3. Kalimantan (Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei) - 748 168 km2

Kalimantan or Borneo Third largest island in the world. It is divided between 3 states: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunhem. The island is located in the center of the Malay Archipelago.
Kalimantan in the local language means a diamond river. He is named so thanks to its rich resources, in particular a large number of diamonds.

The first people settled Calimant about 40 thousand years ago. To date, the population of about 20 million people. More than 300 ethnic groups live on the island.

№2. New Guinea (Indonesia, Papua New Guinea) - 785 753 km2

New Guinea still has places where there was no man. This place attracts researchers of flora and fauna, as they can meet here the rarest species of animals and plants. More than 11 thousand species of plants live here, 600 unique species of birds, over 400 types of amphibians, 455 species of butterflies and about a hundred famous mammalian species.

New Guinea Bala is populated by a person at least 45 thousand years before. e. from Asia. From the first settlers and there were more than a thousand Papuans and Melanesian tribes. The absence of large animals suitable for domestication on the island prevented the development of agriculture and made it impossible cattle breeding. This contributed to the preservation of the primitive-communal system in the large territories of New Guinea until today's days. Mountain landscape contributed to the isolation of people from each other, as a result of which a huge variety of languages \u200b\u200bappeared on the island.

The Portugal Dong George di Menezish, who landed on the island in 1526 became the discoverer of New Guinea. According to legend, he gave the island of the name "Papua", which is translated as curly, is connected with Curly hair of local aborigines.

To date, the population of New Guinea island is more than 9.5 million people.
On the territory of New Guinea, there is an ancient agricultural settlement of Cook, showing the isolated development of agriculture for 7-10 millennia and the UNESCO World Heritage List.

№1. Greenland (Denmark) - 2 130 800 km2

The biggest island in the world is Greenland. Green country, as it is also called this island, belongs to Denmark. Due to the glacial coating (84% of the surface) and adverse climatic conditions, most of the island is not populated. To date, the population of Greenland is more than 57 thousand people. The largest settlement of the island is Nuuk (Gothob).

Several thousand years before the arrival of Europeans, Greenland Eskimos lived on the island, who call themselves inuita. Inuit adapted to the extreme conditions of the Arctic climate and feel quite comfortable. They proof of the centuries are engaged in fishing fish and hunting.

From Europeans first on the island joined Norman Gunbyorn in 875. In 982, Eric Rauda with several comrades, sent from Iceland for their crimes committed on the island. Later, Norwegian Vikings joined them. In 983, the first Norman Colony was founded in Greenland.

After the settlement of Greenland Europeans, the island was repeatedly transmitted from hand to hand. Until 1536, the island belonged to Norway, then began to belong to Denmark, in accordance with the unia between Denmark and Norway. In 1721, a Danish colony called Gothoba was officially established on the island. In 1814, after termination of UNIs between Norway and Denmark, Greenland became completely possession of Denmark.

The main activity of the population of Greenland is fisheries. But at the end of the 20th century, the breeding of reindeer and sheep and oil mining appeared. Tourism and air transport plays a major role. Greenland is visited annually more than 20 thousand tourists.

The biggest island of Russia (Sakhalin) is less than the largest island of the world (Greenland), 27 times.

The largest islands of Russia:
Sakhalin - 76600 km2
North - 48904 km2
South - 33275 km2
Boiler - 23200 km2
October Revolution - 13708 km2

Good day, dear readers of the site "I and the world"! Today we want to tell you about the islands and be sure to highlight the world's largest island. Even the largest of them differ from the mainland with their size - they are less than the continents and are surrounded by water on all sides. But even during the tides, they are not swamped, because Located above sea level.

We present you the top 10 largest islands, and what the largest and what is called, you will learn by reading the article to the end.

On 10th place - Elsmir - 196 236 square meters. KM

Snow, eternal glaciers, the remains of prehistoric beasts - so you can describe Elsmir Island. The map shows that this is the North Island of Canada with a population of only 150 people.

It was opened by the English sailor and traveler William Buffin in the 17th century. It is hard to live here because of a very harsh climate.

To the closest Canadian city with difficulty can be reached - 3578 km. Even the North Pole is much closer - 817 km, but local residents are probably not necessary there.

The next in the list is the island of Victoria - 217,290 square meters. KM

The English navigators were very brave, once opened many territories. Victoria also opened the Englishman Thomas Simpson at the beginning of the 19th century and called him in honor of his queen.

At first, only meteorologists lived here, and only by the end of the 20th century, Eskimos began to move here, engaged in fishing activities.

On the Island Square can fit, for example, a small country of Belarus.

8th place - Honshu - 227,970 square meters. KM

According to the legend, in the old days, the gods decided to divide the ocean and water was cut in a huge sword. And when the sword was raised, 4 drops slowly fell down and formed the islands. The biggest turned into an island, which was called Honshu. It is a pity that the drops hit seismically unstable places, because, on the island parts of the earthquake.

Famous volcano Fujiyama snaps here. Currently, about 103 million people live on the island and nowhere they are closely.

It is here that large cities are located: Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima - and all this is Japan.

7 place occupies - United Kingdom - 229,848 square meters. KM

The United Kingdom is also an island, and in Europe he is the biggest.

The beginning of the history of the island is considered to be 43 years before. e. Since ancient times, the people of Noto lived here, modern people began to settle the territory. Along the island, the chain of chalk white rocks stretches. It is said that because of white color, the UK began to call the Roman word Albion (white).

The territory is thick and live here more than 61 million people.

On 6th place is Sumatra - 471,066 square meters. KM

Located in one of the parts of Indonesia. The territory almost in the middle crosses the equator, so the Sumatra is immediately in two hemispheres.

Here, quite often there are tsunami and earthquakes, but 50 million people living here are visible, it is not too bothering.

73,000 years ago, Tobob's volcano exploded here, which resulted in 1800 years of the ice age.

In the lands of Sumatra a lot of minerals: gold, nickel, tin, iron, coal, oil, but all these wealth belong to Indonesia. Go on the journey to the shores of Sumatra, fly better by the aircraft: pirates are in the waters.

5th place - Buffinova Earth - 507,451 square meters. KM

And again we are in Canada! And again the English discoverer - William Buffin. In the 17th century he was looking for a road to the shores of fabulous India. Well, without going to the destination, it accidentally opened the island and the next sea.

Everything was named after the sailor. What is good on the ground of polar cold?

Of course rich animal world: deer, white bears, polar owls, white wolves, sands. Well, people are as many as 11 thousand! Many do not taste polar cold and frosts even in July.

On 4th place is Madagascar - 587,713 square meters. KM

This is the state, and the island whose coast is washed by the water of the Indian Ocean and lives more than 24 million people.

Madagascar has recently become known to the world around the same cartoon. Look, very funny!

Scientists believe that the island is one of its side to fall from Africa, and the other - from India, so there is a very rare flora and fauna. And different spices are a huge amount, such as cylinder pepper.

The 3rd place belongs to the island of Kalimantan - 748 168 square meters. KM

It was divided by three states at once: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. How many countries, so much and preferences. Some call him Borneo, others - Kalimantan - translates as a "diamond river", because the diamonds here is a huge amount. Of course, this is not a private island of one of the states. They simply have an impact on it.

The first people settled here about 40,000 years ago and at present the population has increased to 20 million people.

The territory is also called river, since here leaks from the island rivers the longest - the Kapulau River (1143 km).

Residents of one of the cities every day walking here on the equator, as in the boulevard, because the city is just on the line of the equator. Beautiful sandy beach attracts many tourists.

2nd place is occupied by New Guinea - 786,000 square meters. KM

There are few continents in the world, and even Australia is his smallest continent, but claims to many nearby territories. So new Guinea before the middle of the 20th century belonged to this country, but then still provided independence. Until now, there is a desert corner, having researchers with rare specimens of plants and animals.

In some places in New Guinea, a primitive life has been preserved. Opened these lands no longer an Englishman, but a navigator from Portugal in the 16th century. According to legend, he looked at curly hair of the Aboriginal and called the new land of Papua - "Curly". The modern population lives 9.5 million people.

And finally, 1 place - Greenland - 2 130,800 square meters. KM

Green Island - Greenland, belonging to Denmark - the largest of the world islands.

Why green, it is not clear, because there are plenty of ice around. The story is silent about this. About 57,000 people live in Greenland, but most is covered with glaciers, and therefore not populated.

Local Eskimos since ancient times are engaged in fishing. But the first Europeans settled here in 875.

Greenland passed several times from Denmark to Norway. You ask: What country belongs now? Little Denmark. And if it is 43,000 square meters. KM to attach Greenland, then Denmark will be at 13th place in magnitude in the world. Now the local population is engaged not only fishing fish, but also breeds deer and sheep, and also produce oil.

Tourism here is well developed - about 20,000 tourists come here every year. Greenland has long time to recognize the mainland, because it is only three times less than Australia.

I want to tell you about the Greek Island of Crete

Here, legends and myths live near modern reality. Every year up to 4 million tourists attend these beautiful places.

And many people want to become owners of local real estate, and the quality of these houses is excellent. They say: "There is everything in Greece," so there is everything in Crete - an excellent climate, a huge number of attractions, calm beaches and, of course, shopping.

We talked about the largest in the area and amazing planet islands. The list of excellent places can be enlarged, but we will focus on ten. These are picturesque corners of nature. But there is a concept - an artificial island created by man. This is the following articles. Watch out for our publications and advise to read friends. In the meantime, we say goodbye to new meetings!

1.12.2015 at 00:40 · Pavlofox. · 27 570

Top 10 The largest islands of the world

The island is a plot of land separated from other continents. On the planet, the Earth has more than half a million such sections of sushi. Moreover, some may disappear, others appear. So the youngest island appeared in 1992 due to volcanic emission. But some of them are affected by their scales. In ranking the largest islands of the world Presented the 10 most impressive positions of software.

10. Elsmir | 196 thousand sq.km.

Opens ten the largest islands of the planet. Its territory belongs to Canada. It is the third largest island of this state with an area of \u200b\u200bjust over 196 thousand square meters. This land sushi station is located north of all Canadian Islands. Because of the harsh climatic conditions, it is little populated by people (on average the number of residents is 200 people), but is of great value for archaeologists, as the remains of ancient animals are constantly found. Susha remains cowardly since the time of the ice age.

9. Victoria | 217 thousand sq. Km

Ninth place the largest islands on earth occupies. Like Elsmir Victoria belongs to the Canadian Islands. His name received from Queen Victoria. Sushi Square is 217 thousand sq.m. And washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. The island is famous for its numerous lakes of fresh water. The surface of the whole island has almost no elevations. And only two settlements are located on its territory. The population density is very low, as a little more than 1,700 people live in this zone.

8. Honshu | 28 thousand sq.m.

In the eighth place in the ranking the largest islands Located relating to the Japanese archipelago. It occupies a territory of 228 thousand sq.m. On this island, the largest Japanese cities are located, including the capital of the state. The highest mountain, which is the symbol of the country - Fuji is also located on Honsu. The island is covered with mountains and there are many volcanoes on it, including those operating. Because of the mountain relief climate on the island is very changeable.
The territory is densely populated. According to the latest data, the population is about 100 million people. This factor puts Honsu in second place among the islands in the number of residents.

7. United Kingdom | 230 thousand sq.m.

The seventh place in the list the largest in the area of \u200b\u200bthe world of the worldis also the largest among the British Isles and in Europe as a whole. Its territory takes 230 thousand sq. Km, on which 63 million people live. The UK owns the main part of the United Kingdom. The high population is the UK in the third place in the world among the islands in the number of residents. And this is the most densely populated area of \u200b\u200bEurope. Located on the island and the capital of the Kingdom - London. The climate is more moderate than on other lands in this natural zone. This is due to the warm flow of Gulf Stream.

6. Sumatra | 43 thousand sq.km.

settled on the sixth position of the rating the largest islands of the planet. The equator shares the bulk to two almost equal half, so it is located immediately in two hemispheres. The island area is more than 443 thousand sq. Km, which lives more than 50 million people. The island belongs to Indonesia and is part of the Malay Archipelago. Sumyra is drowning in tropical vegetation and washed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. It is in the zone of frequent earthquakes and tsunami. On Sumatra big deposits of precious metals.

5. Buffinova Earth | 500 thousand square kn

Opens a five the largest islands. This is the most huge island of Canada, the territory of which exceeds 500 thousand sq.m. It is covered with numerous lakes, but populated by people only half. The number of the island is only about 11 thousand people. This is due to the harsh climatic conditions of the Polar region. The average annual temperature is kept at in-8 degrees. Here, the weather dictates the water of the Arctic Ocean. Baphinova Earth is cut off from the mainland. To get to the island is possible only by air.

4. Madagascar | 587 thousand sq.km.

Next in the list the most impressive islands by scale Square - Madagascar. The island is east of Africa, once he was part of the Industan Peninsula. With the mainland, the Mozambique Strait shares them. The area of \u200b\u200bthe plot and the Madagascar state of the same name is more than 587 thousand square meters. With a population of 20 million. Locals are called Madagascar Red Island (such a color at island soil) and Kabanim (due to the big kabanov population). More than half of animals living in Madagascar will not meet on the mainland, and 90% of plants are represented only in this geographic area.

3. Kalimantan | 748 thousand sq.m.

Third stage rating the largest islands of the world Busy with an area of \u200b\u200b748 thousand sq. Km. and with 16 million inhabitants. This island has another common name - Borneo. Kalimantan occupies the center of the Malay Archipelago and belongs to the three states at once: Indonesia (most), Malaysia and Bruneja. Borneo is washed by four seas and covered with dense tropical forests, which are considered the oldest in the world. Borneo's attractions is the highest point of Southeast Asia - Mountain Kinabalu 4 thousand meters high. The island is rich in natural resources in particular diamonds, which gave him the name. Kalimantan in the local language means a diamond river.

2. New Guinea | 786 thousand sq.km.

- second place in the list the largest islands of the world. 786 thousand sq.km. We are located in the Pacific Ocean between Australia and Asia. Scientists believe that once the island was one part with Australia. The population is approaching 8 million people. New Guinea is divided between Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. The name of the island was given by Portuguese. "Papua", which is translated as curly, is associated with curious hair of local aborigines. New Guinea still has places where there was no man. This place attracts researchers of flora and fauna, as they can meet here the rarest species of animals and.

1. Greenland | 2130 thousand sq.km.

The most impressive island in the world - Greenland. Its area exceeds the square of many European states and is 2130 thousand square meters. Greenland is part of Denmark, and several dozen times more than the mainland of this state. Green, as it is also called this island, is washed by the Atlantic and North Arctic Oceans. Because of the weather conditions, most is not populated (about 57 thousand people live), and is covered with ice. In the glaciers, huge stocks of fresh water are concentrated. By the number of glaciers, it is inferior only by Antarctica. The Greenland National Park is considered the northern and large in the world.

Choosing readers:

What else to see:

This article lists the largest islands on Earth, some of which in the area and the number of the population could well go beyond the whole continent. Most of the islands in this ranking are widely known, but there are also those you could not hear about. The islands in this list are distinguished by a special flora and fauna, characteristic of them only, which attracts tourists from all over the world and allows you to consider them as places for a honeymoon.

10. Elsmir Island, North Arctic Ocean

Having an area of \u200b\u200b122,000 square meters. KM:

  • the tenth largest island in the world,
  • third in Canada,
  • the North Island of the Arctic Archipelago.

Most of the island of Elsmir is covered by the famous mountain chain Cordiller. The second largest Canada National Park is located on this island.

9. Island Victoria, North Arctic Ocean

This island is located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Victoria Island has an area of \u200b\u200b135,000 square meters. km and is the second largest in Canada. He is named after Queen Victoria and is amazing on beauty. The island boasts a mild climate and offers tourists to distract from the vocabulary world in the wake of wildlife.

8. United Kingdom, North-West Coast

The largest island of the British Islands, it covers an area of \u200b\u200b143,000 square meters. km. In the UK in 2011, about 61 million people lived, which made it the third most densely populated island after Java and Honshu. It is surrounded by 1,000 small islands and is famous for history, magnificent architectural monuments and an excellent ecology.

7. Honshu, Japanese Sea of \u200b\u200bPacific

Honshu is the most densely populated island in Japan. Pay attention to . It includes the largest cities of Japan:

  • Kyoto,
  • Tokyo,
  • Osaka.

This is the second population island after Java. According to estimates in 2005, the population was 103 million people. The island is almost 1300 km long and from 50 to 230 km wide, with a total area of \u200b\u200b143,500 kV km, about 60% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bJapan.

6. Sumatra, Northeastern Indian Ocean

This island, located in Western Indonesia, is part of the Zonda Islands. Sumatry Square is 294,283 square meters, and the population is more than 50 million people. Medan is the largest city of the island, has 4,300,000 inhabitants. Its landscapes are drooped by two geographic regions: wetlands in the east and the Barisan mountains in the West.

Wild and mountainous island has great natural wealth. The main attraction of Sumatra is natural beauty: volcanoes, lakes and jungle.

5. Baphinova Earth, North Atlantic Ocean

The largest Canadian island, which lies in the nunavut. Its area is 315,112 kV km, the population in 2007 was about 11,000 people. Alpine mountains are distinguished by high peaks and ridges, however, the planeau is also present. Barnes and Penny Ice Happers are the largest on the island. Baffinova Earth is an impressive wilderness, exciting Motherland of Eskimos and the Arctic land, open for bold people and lovers of extreme.

4. Madagascar, Indian Ocean

This island is an island state in the Indian Ocean, officially known as the Republic of Madagascar ( previously, Malagasy Republic). It covers an area of \u200b\u200b434,500 kV km, which makes it 47 largest countries in the world and the fourth largest island.

As a result of a long isolation from adjacent continents, it is home to animals and plants that do not exist anywhere else. Different island ecosystems are under threat of disappearance due to environmental hazards.

3. Borneo, West Central Pacific

This is not only the third largest island in the world, but also the largest in Asia. It is divided between three countries:

  • Indonesia,
  • Malaysia,
  • Brunhem.

Almost 73% of the island is the territory of Indonesia. This island is home to one of the world's oldest type of tropical forests (about 140 million years old). Borneo has an area of \u200b\u200b462 365 square meters of square kilometers, which is 1% of the Earth in the world, but contains almost 6% of global biodiversity. Amazing land similar to the island in the clouds.

2. New Guinea, South-West of the Pacific

The second largest island, located in the southwestern part of the Pacific, occupies an area of \u200b\u200b138,500 square meters. km. The population of the island is 11.306,940 people. Earth on it contains an uninterrupted chain of the mountains with tops of more than 4,000 meters, which are crowned with ice caps.

The climate of the country is mainly tropical, with an average annual maximum temperature between 30 and 32 degrees on lowlands. While daytime temperatures in the highlands are usually above 22 degrees all year round. The island is characterized by colossal biodiversity, it contains more than 5% of the total number of species inhabiting our planet.

1. Greenland, Northern Atlantic

Greenland is the largest not continental island of the world. Located within the Arctic belt. The island has an area of \u200b\u200b3,500,000 square meters. km, but is the least densely populated country with a population of 56.452 people. Greenland - independent country as part of the kingdom of Denmark. More than three-quarters of the island is covered with the only modern ice shield outside Antarctica.

The largest of them are in the Arctic Ocean. Sushi island slightly located in the Azov and Black Seas. Most territories are weakly populated, on the remote Islands of Russia can only be accessed with an expedition. The population of the rest of the island lands is mainly fisherous fishing. Below is a list of the ten largest islands of Russia with a brief geographical description and location on the country's map.

Map of the largest islands of Russia

Karagian Island

The area is 2.4 thousand km². The length barely exceeds 100 km, the maximum width is 27 km. The territory is located in the Bering Sea, not far from Kamchatka. Karaginsky Island has volcanic origin. The relief is varied, there are mountain ranges and steep capes on the coast. The climate is harsh, winter lasts about seven months. Flora is diverse. Growing alder, rowan, larch. The coast is inhabited by whales, from can be noted a bear. Numerous species of birds nest on the coasts: Eagle, paint, asian long-hearted fawn. Karaginsky are not populated by people. The watch carries the staff who serves the lighthouse.

Vaigach Island

The island covers an area of \u200b\u200b3.4 thousand km². Length is 100 km, width 44 km. Vaigach is located behind the polar circle, next to the New Earth archipelago. Vaigach has mainland origin. Relief is plain, there are several mountain varies. Natural conditions are among the average between and climate. Winter temperatures are lowered to -25 ° C. Summer air warms up to + 12 ° C. The plant world is represented by lichens, dwarf herbs that are fluttered annuals. Bears, northern deer, walruses, marine hares live on Vaigche.

Island of Kolguev

The area is about 3.5 thousand km². The diameter of the island is about 80 km. The KGUEV is behind the polar circle, is washed by the Barents Sea. KGUEV has a mainland origin. The island has a rounded shape and a low-aluminum relief. Climate subarctic, there is a strong oscillation of average annual temperatures. The territory is covered with shrubs. Fauna is represented by sands, foxes, white bears. The entire population lives in two villages. The number does not exceed 450 people.

Wrangel Island

Island Area 7.67 thousand km². The maximum island length is 150 km. Susha is located at the junction of the Chukotka and East Siberian Sea. The origin is controversial: the island is referred to mainland origin, then to tectonic. The relief is represented by plateau, mountains and lowlands. Due to the Arctic air, the climate is very severe. In addition to lichens, grows by Mattik, Papel, Poppy Lapland. Animal world, despite the cold, diverse. On the shores there are 40 species of birds. The terrain is comfortable for lemming, white bears, sands, wolves, wolves, seals. The island does not enjoy people.

Kurile Islands

The area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago is 15.6 thousand km². Length exceeds 1200 km. The territory shares the Okhotsk Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Islands have volcanic origins. Relief mountain, there are more than a hundred volcanoes. The climate is soft, with a long winter and cloudy summer. For smoked storm and earthquakes often. Flora multifaceted, there are 1400 species of plants. The slopes are covered with rods from oak, aspen and maple. On the shores there are many types of ocean birds. Ground mammals are represented by forest animals: fox, brown bear, squirrel, hares. People burned most of the territory of Kuril.

Land Franz Joseph

The area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago is 16.13 thousand km². The territory is located in a thousand kilometers from and covered with glaciers. Islands have a continental origin. Over the entire surface, relief of volcanogenic structures prevails, there are many lakes. In the conditions of the Arctic Earth, the temperature is -50º S. Summer indicators rise to + 2 ° C. MAY is allocated from vegetation. The population of polar bears and the sands has greatly reduced. The population consists of workers of research stations.

Northern Earth

The area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago is 37.6 thousand km². The lands are located at the Taimyr Peninsula, between the Kara Sea and the Sea Laptev. All the islands of the archipelago have a continental origin. Most of the area is covered with ice, the third is engaged in rocky placer. The climate is arctic, with severe winters and cool summer. Land covered with ice bursts. From plants allocate mosses, stamping, polar poppy. Animal world, on the contrary, is diverse. The coastline is a solid bird market. From dwell, wolves, lemmings, white bears. Islands are not populated by people.

Novosibirsk Islands

The area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago is 38.4 thousand km². Islands lie on the border of the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Laptev and East Siberian Sea. They have a continental origin. Plain relief prevails on the territory. Winter lasts 9 months. Short summer windy and cold. The surface of the soil is covered with butterms, lichen and stamping. On the islands there is a polar owl, partridge, reindeer, sandy and polar bear.


The island area is 76.4 thousand km². Length reaches 948 km, the maximum width is 160 km. Sakhalin is located at the Asian coast of Russia, and is washed by the Okhotsk and the Japanese sea. The island has a mainland origin. The relief combines the plains and mountain systems. The climate is characterized by long snow winters and a cool summer. Vegetation has 1500 species, among them shrubs, larchs and coniferous trees. On the island there is a large population of brown bears, wolves, mink, raccoon dogs. Sakhalin is the most populated from the Russian islands.

New Earth

The island archipelago has an area of \u200b\u200b83 thousand km². Length from north to south is 925 km. Islands are located at the junction of Pechora, Kara and Barents Sea. By the origin of the Mainland archipelago. The climate is arctic. Winter temperatures on average is -40 ° C, strong winds blow. Summer indicators rise to + 7 ° C. Flora is represented by MKHI and annual herbs. From mammals you can allocate lemming, reindeer and sand. Meteorologists and military live on the islands. Their number usually does not exceed 2500 people.