The most famous square is 100 to one. The most famous city squares in the world

If you are planning to go on a trip this summer, then we advise you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most famous squares. Why do you ask? In order to feel like a savvy guide for friends!

Grand Place, Brussels

One of the largest squares in Belgium. It is famous for its floral carpet, which unfolds every two years in August, occupies most of the area and attracts thousands of tourists. But besides the carpet of the square, there is something to offer the curious traveler: it is a set of historical monuments and buildings that are associated with the history of Belgium.

Market Square, Krakow

The square was formed in the thirteenth century, which makes it one of the oldest and one of the most attractive squares for tourists. The market square is surrounded by ancient mansions, administrative buildings and offices. Clos Hall, St. Mary's Cathedral - these buildings make the square a real pearl of European architecture.

Times Square, New York

By far the most famous square in the United States is Times Square. Here you can find a wide variety of restaurants and shops, bars. This square looks especially good at night, when numerous screens and neon signs start to glow with colorful lights. Every tourist who has been to the United States should visit Times Square.

St. Peter's Square, Vatican

This square is located near the Cathedral of St. Peter in the heart of Rome and the Vatican. This round square is decorated with a huge colonnade, which cannot fail to impress tourists who are fond of architecture. St. Peter's Square becomes a place of pilgrimage for many thousands of tourists every year.

Zocalo, Mexico City

The Mexican city of Mexico City is famous for its square, which many call the largest square in the world. She has really impressive dimensions, but she is interesting not only for this. There are many interesting historical buildings in the square that are worth visiting. There is a National Palace, a Cathedral and a huge flagpole with a Mexican flag. This square is the main venue for all city events: parades, holidays, marches, celebrations.

Piazza, Venice

It is also one of the largest squares in Europe. Piazza is interesting because it is surrounded by dense historical buildings around the entire perimeter, which makes it quite quiet and excellent for walking. However, the square has a small drawback: when it rains, it fills up very much with water, since it is the lowest point in the city. During such flooding, it is not very comfortable to be on it and you have to choose a place for yourself on land.

Tiananmen Square, Beijing

The square is decorated in a rather peculiar style: the glorification of the Chinese leaders, the predominance of red shades, many government buildings. This is one of the most famous squares in all of Asia. Tiananmen is also good because people from all over China flock here, which provides a unique opportunity to look at the faces of various people from all over this rather big country. Bloody political events have taken place on the square more than once, associated with the death of many people, which makes Tiananmen a special place.

Piazza del Campo, Siena

This square is one of the most famous medieval squares in Italy. You can see medieval buildings on it, which creates an incredibly beautiful picture. It is safe to say that this is one of the most beautiful squares in the world. It is also a place for city cultural events: parades and celebrations.

Plaza Mayor, Madrid

The most famous square in Madrid and one of the most famous squares in the world. This place becomes a must-see point on any tourist route. It should be noted that earlier this area was far from being used for tourist purposes. Bullfights were held there, noisy markets unfolded, and executions were carried out. Now the square has exclusively decorative and aesthetic functions. On the square itself, you can also find several attractions: this is a statue of Philip III in the very center and a building that once belonged to the bakers' guild.

Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires

This is one of the main squares in Argentina, where the most important political events of this country took place. The revolution that took place at the beginning of the nineteenth century made the Plaza de Mayo a political arena of national importance. Until now, in case of unrest or dissatisfaction with the authorities, residents come to this square to defend their rights. The square is a historical monument, as is the building of the city council located on it, which was built in colonial times by the first settlers from the mainland.

If you are planning to go on a trip this summer, then we advise you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most famous squares. Why do you ask? In order to feel like a savvy guide for friends!

Grand Place, Brussels

One of the largest squares in Belgium. It is famous for its floral carpet, which unfolds every two years in August, occupies most of the area and attracts thousands of tourists. But besides the carpet of the square, there is something to offer the curious traveler: it is a set of historical monuments and buildings that are associated with the history of Belgium.

Market Square, Krakow

The square was formed in the thirteenth century, which makes it one of the oldest and one of the most attractive squares for tourists. The market square is surrounded by ancient mansions, administrative buildings and offices. Clos Hall, St. Mary's Cathedral - these buildings make the square a real pearl of European architecture.

Times Square, New York

By far the most famous square in the United States is Times Square. Here you can find a wide variety of restaurants and shops, bars. This square looks especially good at night, when numerous screens and neon signs start to glow with colorful lights. Every tourist who has been to the United States should visit Times Square.

St. Peter's Square, Vatican

This square is located near the Cathedral of St. Peter in the heart of Rome and the Vatican. This round square is decorated with a huge colonnade, which cannot fail to impress tourists who are fond of architecture. St. Peter's Square becomes a place of pilgrimage for many thousands of tourists every year.

Zocalo, Mexico City

The Mexican city of Mexico City is famous for its square, which many call the largest square in the world. She has really impressive dimensions, but she is interesting not only for this. There are many interesting historical buildings in the square that are worth visiting. There is a National Palace, a Cathedral and a huge flagpole with a Mexican flag. This square is the main venue for all city events: parades, holidays, marches, celebrations.

Piazza, Venice

It is also one of the largest squares in Europe. Piazza is interesting because it is surrounded by dense historical buildings around the entire perimeter, which makes it quite quiet and excellent for walking. However, the square has a small drawback: when it rains, it fills up very much with water, since it is the lowest point in the city. During such flooding, it is not very comfortable to be on it and you have to choose a place for yourself on land.

Tiananmen Square, Beijing

The square is decorated in a rather peculiar style: the glorification of the Chinese leaders, the predominance of red shades, many government buildings. It is one of the most famous in all of Asia. Tiananmen is also good because people from all over China flock here, which provides a unique opportunity to look at the faces of various people from all over this rather big country. Bloody political events have taken place on the square more than once, associated with the death of many people, which makes Tiananmen a special place.

Piazza del Campo, Siena

This square is one of the most famous medieval squares in Italy. You can see medieval buildings on it, which creates an incredibly beautiful picture. It is safe to say that this is one of the most beautiful squares in the world. It is also a place for city cultural events: parades and celebrations.

Plaza Mayor, Madrid

The most famous square in Madrid and one of the most famous squares in the world. This place becomes a must-see point on any tourist route. It should be noted that earlier this area was far from being used for tourist purposes. Bullfights were held there, noisy markets unfolded, and executions were carried out. Now the square has exclusively decorative and aesthetic functions. On the square itself, you can also find several attractions: this is a statue of Philip III in the very center and a building that once belonged to the bakers' guild.

Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires

This is one of the main squares in Argentina, where the most important political events of this country took place. The revolution that took place at the beginning of the nineteenth century made the Plaza de Mayo a political arena of national importance. Until now, in case of unrest or dissatisfaction with the authorities, residents come to this square to defend their rights. The square is a historical monument, as is the building of the city council located on it, which was built in colonial times by the first settlers from the mainland.

Many tourists in every city are attracted by the beauty of the squares. there is always a crowd of people, where you can see both locals and tourists and people just walking by! In such places, various events, concerts and more are held. Even lovers make appointments here more often than in other places. So, before you are the most beautiful areas of our planet!

Old Town Square in Prague, Czech Republic

One of the oldest in Europe, the Old Town Square in Prague has been known since the 12th century. Initially, the main market of the city was located here. For many centuries, coronation processions and other solemn events have been held on Satromestskaya Square. This place also became the center of unrest. So, in 1422, riots took place here, connected with the execution of Jan Zelivsky, who advocated the rights of the poor.

On the square you can see such architectural sights as the Church of St. Mikulas, the monument to the Czech national hero Jan Hus, the Tyn Church and the Old Town Hall, where the astronomical clock is located.

Trafalgar Square in London, UK

One of the most famous in the world, Trafalgar Square in London has long become the brightest symbol of the English capital. She is familiar to many of their English textbooks, others remember her from the history of England. Initially, it was the square of King William IV, but after the victory of Admiral Nelson over the Napoleonic fleet at Trafalgar, it received its modern name.

On the square you can see Nelson's column with frescoes made of metal obtained after the melting down of captured French cannons; sculptures of lions, fountains, as well as four pedestals with monuments to King George IV, Generals Henry Havelock, Charles James Napier and a huge bright blue rooster.

In the summer of 2013, the mayor of London, Boris, unveiled a monument to a rooster in Trafalgar Square, calling it a symbol of "the unreality of the world around us." The sculpture shows the residents and visitors of the English capital how bright uncertainty can beautify our lives.

Grand Place in Brussels, Belgium

There is an amazing place in Brussels - the Grand Place. In translation, its name means "big market". This place has served as the city's trade center since the 12th century. Today, the square is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List due to its unique history and architecture, represented by the Town Hall and the Bread House (or King's House).

Since 1986, there has been a tradition in Brussels, according to which, once twice a year, the main square of the city is covered with a floral carpet. This colorful event falls in mid-August. In a few days, the squares are planted with a bright panel of color 24x77 m. The total area of ​​the carpet reaches 1800 m2.

St. Peter's Square in the Vatican (Rome, Italy)

One of the most magnificent in the world, St. Peter's Square in the Vatican is the centerpiece of the Catholic Church in the world. It is here that St. Peter's Basilica and the Apostolic Palace are located, from where the Pope addresses the faithful. Traditionally, thousands of Catholics come here for the Pope's Sunday appeal. The square was built in the 12th century by Giovanni Bernini. Its layout is a combination of two semicircular colonnades, in the center of which there is an obelisk from Heliopolis. This is the oldest monument of Egyptian architecture.

Abelisk can be used to determine the time, astronomical noon and the direction of the North. Almost all tourists visiting Rome mark the amazing beauty of St. Peter's Square in the Vatican.

Times Square in New York, USA

Probably the most famous square in the world, Times Square has become a symbol of urban paradise with neon signs, skyscrapers and Broadway theaters. Its official history begins in 1904, when the editorial office of The New York Times was moved here, and later a metro station was built, which gave the modern name of the square. Today it is the most visited place in New York.

Times Square annually celebrates the New Year by launching a crystal ball, here is Madame Tussauds Museum, nearby theaters are located where the famous musicals "MammaMia!", "The Lion King" and others are performed ..

On October 10, 2013, Paul McCartney gave an impromptu concert in Times Square. In the morning, he warned his fans by tweeting that he would be performing on 42nd Street in New York at 1pm. By this time, the square was filled with fans. It is worth saying that every tourist who comes to New York dreams of such a pleasant surprise.

It is customary all over the world to perceive the central squares of any cities as the main attraction. Many of them have witnessed and participated in many historical and fateful events in the history of cities. There are squares that have been around for several centuries. We offer an overview of the 10 most famous such areas.

The Constitution Square, known as Zocalo, is a symbol of Mexican culture. The history of this place is rooted in the distant past, during the existence of the Aztec tribes. One of the largest squares in the world is surrounded by buildings of historical and cultural value, for example, the Cathedral, the National Palace. In the center of the square is the country's large national flag, which is traditionally raised daily during various ceremonies and lowered at the end of the day. Various mass events are held on the square.

Jemaa al-Fna in the Moroccan city of Marrakech is arguably one of the largest urban areas on the African continent. The square dates back to the 12th century. She witnessed the development and formation of the statehood and culture of the country. Every day the square is crowded with people, because there is a bazaar here. There are many street musicians, snake tamers, folk healers, dancers and local product sellers in the square. This square has its own special charm.

Piazza del Campo is located in the historic part of the Italian city of Siena. It was built in the Middle Ages and is shaped like a shell. It is considered one of the most beautiful city squares in the world. Classical buildings are built around the square, such as the City Hall and the Torre del Mangia Tower. There is a fountain of amazing beauty in the north-western part of the square. Horse races are held on the square twice a year, in which horse riders go around the square three times.

The symbol of the Czech Republic is the square in Prague, the Old Town Square, which is located between the Charles Bridge and Wenceslas Square. It is surrounded by many buildings, including the Tyn Church, the Town Hall and the Church of St. Nicholas. The most popular astronomical clock in the world, the Prague Astronomical Clock, or eagle, is located on the Town Hall and is the oldest in the world, since it was installed back in 1410. In the center of the square there is a monument to the religious reformer Jan Hus.

Located right at the entrance to the world famous Cathedral of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, St. Peter's Square is oval in shape. It was built according to drawings by Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini. In its center is the Egyptian obelisk, erected in 1586 at the direction of the Pope, Sixtus V. The square is framed by Tuscan columns, installed in four rows. It is without a doubt the most famous square in the history of mankind, where people from all over the world gather to receive the blessing of the Pope.

Tiananmen, which is located in the Chinese capital, is one of the largest and most famous urban squares in the world. Named after the gate that separates it from the Forbidden City, the square is surrounded by government buildings and various monuments, including Mao Zedong's mausoleum and the National Museum of China. Many historical events took place on it, for example, the formation of the People's Republic of China. In 1989, citizens protested here against the actions of the country's government. As a result of clashes with the police, hundreds of civilians were killed.

Trafalgar Square is one of the most famous symbols of London. The square is located in Westminster and was built to commemorate the victory of Admiral Horatio Nelson in the naval battle against Napoleon (Battle of Trafalgar 1805). In the center is the Nelson Monument, surrounded by four large lions and several fountains. The square also has monuments to other prominent British people, the National Gallery and the Church of St. Martin in the Fields.

The main market is located in the historic center of Krakow. The medieval square was built in the 13th century, making it one of the oldest in the world. In 2005, the square was recognized as the best as a result of the "Best Public Place" project. Pedestrians can enter the square from thirteen different directions. It is framed by beautiful city buildings, and in the center is the Clock Tower, a monument to Adam Mickiewicz and the Basilica of St. Mary. The square hosts many events and festivals.

Often referred to as the center of the universe, Times Square in New York City is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the United States, with over 50 million visitors annually. The square is located at the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. Lanterns, LED signs and screens illuminate the square at night, giving it a unique charm. There are many restaurants and theaters in the square. Since 1907, the New Year's celebrations have also been held here.

Red Square is located in the center of Moscow and is deeply connected with the history of the city and its culture. This landmark has witnessed many tragic historical events. The square houses the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, the State Historical Museum, Lenin's Mausoleum and the Kremlin, the official residence of the President of Russia. In 1990, it was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Moscow is known not only for its Red Square, but also for its excellent metro. There is at least