Mari chodra national park map. Mari Chodra Park - interesting facts, recreation areas, attractions

national park"Mari Chodra" was organized on September 13, 1985 by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR "On the establishment of the State Natural national park"Mari Chodra" in the Mari ASSR. The history of Mariy Chodra is not limited to 1985.

At the end of the 19th century, in the Kazan province, which included the Mari Territory, the Lushmar forestry was formed.

On October 1, 1927, the Lushmarskoe forestry became known as the Mushmari forestry enterprise, and since 1929 the forestry enterprise has become a timber industry enterprise.

Since 1963, the Mushmarinsky forestry enterprise has become a mechanized forestry enterprise, the material and technical base is expanding, its staff is increasing, thinning has been carried out mechanized, and reforestation is mainly artificial, but, as before, the main factor of production was man.

1966 was the year the permanent tree nursery was founded. With modern technology and advanced work organization, the nursery was one of the best in Russia and was repeatedly awarded the title of "Nursery of High Culture".

A significant contribution to the development of the Mushmarinsky mekhleskhoz was made by its director Nemtsev A.N. Having justified the organization of a permanent forest nursery, he laid the foundation for the concept of the future national park "Mariy Chodra". “Do not cut down the forest, but take care of it, restore and use it for recreational purposes,” this principle was discussed back in the mid-60s and 70s, but was legally enshrined only in 1985.

The National Park "Mariy Chodra" today is 36.8 thousand hectares of forest, 4 forestries: Lushmarskoye, Klenogorskoye, Yalchinskoye, Kerebelyakskoye, and since 2000 also the Mushmarinsky forest nursery (now the nursery of NP "Mariy Chodra").

Creation goals:

Preservation of natural complexes, unique and standard natural sites and objects, preservation of historical, cultural and other monuments cultural heritage, environmental education of the population, creation of conditions for regulated tourism and recreation of the population, familiarization with nature, cultural and historical sights, development and implementation of scientific methods of nature protection, educational activities, implementation of measures for the protection and reproduction of flora and fauna. The regime of the national park allows you to preserve natural complexes and objects of flora and fauna, cultural and historical objects.

Particularly valuable natural objects

There are more than 30 monuments of archeology and history in the park, which date back to the Neolithic era: settlements, places of worship (burial grounds, prayer places, altars).

Archaeological sites:


a brief description of

1. Oshutyalskoe VIII settlement

Opened in 1995 There are 6 deep depressions. Presumably belong to the remains of ancient dwellings-semi-dugouts.

2. Oshutyalskaya IV site

It was discovered in 1994. No material remains have been found, cultural affiliation has not been determined.

3. Oshutyalskaya I site

It was discovered in 1975. The width of the site is 7–9 m. The surface is turfed, overgrown with mixed forest. Approximate area 200 m 2. On examination, he will find a subrhombic arrowhead.

4. Oshutyalskoe III settlement

Discovered in 1991. The surface of the monument is well-turfed and covered with mixed forest. A total of 14 depressions were identified. The excavation collection includes 3320 items. The monument is attributed to the Late Bronze Age of the Zamischensky and Atabayevsky stages of the Order culture (the last quarter of the 2nd millennium BC). The monument is of interest for the study of the Late Bronze Age in the basin of the river. Volga.

5. Settlement Ozerki III

Opened in 2002. The surface of the monument is well-turfed, covered pine forest. Area 900 m2. 3 depressions have been identified. The cultural affiliation of the monument and the time of its existence have not been determined.

6. Complex of monuments near the village of Ozerki (Oshutyalskaya II site)

Opened in 1975. The site of the monument is crossed by an old dirt road. In 1974, a forest plantation was made on the site of the monument. Defined as an Eneolithic site (Volosovo culture). Excavations have been made. The monument is of interest for the study of the Neolithic, Eneolithic, Late Bronze Age and early Middle Ages on the left bank of the river. Volga.

7. Parking Ozerki V

Opened in 1994. The site of the monument is well covered with turf, overgrown with mixed forest, the area is 2000 m 2 . Excavations have been made.

8. Ozerki IV site (Oshutyalskaya VI)

Opened in 1994. The monument is attributed to the Kama culture of the Neolithic era. Excavations have been carried out.

9. Burial ground near the village Polevaya

Opened in 1956. The burial ground is dated to the 17th – 18th centuries. and identified as Mari pagan. Excavations have been carried out.

10. Prayer near the village of Yanash-Belyak "Aga payrem arch"

Opened in 1956

11. Prayer near the village of Pekoza

Some birch trees reach 1.5 m. All the birch trees of this grove have signs (ancestral tamgas), cut down with an ax at a height of 1 - 1.5 m. It is an ancient Mari pagan prayer site.

12. Prayer near the village of Tashnur

Opened in 1956

13. Location I near the village of Pekoza

It was discovered in 1956. The cultural layer and other finds were not found. By local resident found an ax dated to the Bronze Age (Balanovo culture).

14. Location II near the village of Pekoza

It was discovered in 1956. A local resident found an iron pink salmon scythe, a coulter and a copper stirrup. No other finds were found. According to the clothing complex, the location is dated to the first half of the 2nd millennium AD. e.

15. Location I near the village of Toshnur

Discovered in 1956. Flint flakes found. No cultural layer has been identified.

16. Location near the village of Yanash-Belyak

In 1956, granite and flint flakes of indefinite shape were found. No cultural layer has been identified.

17. Parking at the village of Alekseevskoye

In 1956, fragments of stucco pottery with textile imprints and flint flakes were found. The parking area is 250 m 2 .

18. Burial ground near the village. Alekseevskoe

It was discovered while digging a foundation pit in 1970. Human bones, jewelry made of silver and bronze, beads, iron tools were found. Grave pits with the remains of tombs were found in the walls of the pit. The graves were not opened.


The territory of the national park "Mariy Chodra" is located in the eastern part of the Russian Plain, on the southern spurs of the Mariysko-Vyatsky ridge, in the basin of the river. Ilet - the left tributary of the Volga River. There is an alternation of flat (Mari lowland) and elevated sections of the Mari-Vyatka ridge, complicated by uplands, cut up by ravines, sides, hollows, relief drops. The park is located in a natural zone of coniferous-deciduous forests with boreal and forest-steppe elements. Floristically, the national park "Mariy Chodra" is located at the junction of the European and West Siberian provinces of the Eurosiberian floristic region A. A. Fedorova (1979). The capital of the Republic of Mari El is located 70 km, Cheboksary - 80 km, Kazan - 80 km. The Yoshkar-Ola-Kazan railway and the Yoshkar-Ola-Zeleny Dol highway pass through the park from north to south.

The Mari Chodra National Park is one of the most beautiful corners of our state, the pearl of the Mari region. Its visiting card is rightfully the cleanest lakes and springs, full-flowing rivers, forests with their diversity of flora and fauna. The territory of the national park includes natural complexes and objects of the Middle Volga region, which have a special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, which are intended for use in environmental, educational, scientific, cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.

Any activity that can damage natural complexes and objects of flora and fauna, cultural and historical objects of the national park is prohibited on the territory of the national park. In this regard, a differentiated protection regime has been established in the park, taking into account its natural, historical, cultural and other features, and five functional zones have been identified in the park.

The fauna of vertebrate animals of the national park "Mariy Chodra" has a mixed character due to the peculiarities of the geographical location of the territory occupied by the park. In the fauna of the national park there are taiga species (brown bear, elk, wood grouse, hazel grouse), 4 species of coniferous-broad-leaved forests (yellow mountain mouse, squirrel, dormouse, oriole, green woodpecker), as well as forest-steppe species (hare, field mouse, reddish ground squirrel, common hamster). In total, 58 species of mammals are represented in the park, of which 1 species is included in the IUCN Red List, 2 species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and 17 species are in the Red Book of the Republic of Mari El.

The avifauna of the national park is represented by 188 species of birds, of which 11 species are listed in the Red Book Russian Federation and 44 species - the Red Book of the Republic of Mari El. The most representative orders are galliformes ( capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse), anseriformes (mallard, gray goose, whooper swan, wigeon, common goldeney, pintail), owls (snowy owl, eagle owl, long-eared owl, long-tailed and gray owl), falconiformes (osprey , red-footed falcon, kestrel, white-tailed eagle, golden eagle, buzzard, white-tailed eagle, short-toed eagle, black kite) and passerines (raven, magpie, jay, chaffinch, siskin, goldfinch).

Amphibians and reptiles are represented by 13 and 6 species, respectively. More than 43 species of fish live in the rivers and lakes of the park - catfish, pike, crucian carp, golden and silver, carp, tench, bream. A rare species, the European grayling, lives in the channels of the Ilet River. The invertebrates of the Mariy Chodra National Park have not been studied enough. To date, 281 species of arachnids, 10 species of flatworms, 1408 species of insects, 73 species of mollusks have been identified.

Lake Yalchik is the most big lake in the Republic of Mari El
By origin, the lake is a failure-karst lake. It consists of two lakes, Big and Small Yalchik, connected by a canal, which periodically dries up in summer.
There is a legend that the lake was formed after the washed meadow collapsed. The last big collapse happened in 1914 and created a big wave.
Lake Yalchik is one of the popular places for summer holiday residents of Mari El and the Republic of Tatarstan. There are many explanations for its popularity. First, this wonderful nature that surrounds the lake. Secondly, the purest water, and around the majestic coniferous forests. The forest is not only transparent, but also, one might say, healing air.
In addition to the cleanest lake, there are 20 recreational facilities in the water area. These are children's health camps, boarding houses and recreation centers.

In the tourist town of Kugu-Er there are 14 houses for tourists: two and four local. It offers vacationers: rental of sports equipment, catamarans, boats, the opportunity to cook food on a fire and relax with the whole family or a friendly company. On the coast there is a beach where you can sunbathe.

Ecological and local history trail "Trace of a man"
The route passes through the forest of one of the unique natural objects - the national park "Mariy Chodra".
The route goes through historical places Lushmarskogo forestry
"Old Kazan tract"
"River Yushut"
"Mineral springs"
"Floodplain oak forests"
"River Ilet"
"Stone quarry"
"Mixed Forest"

You can also visit the equestrian section, where you will find an exciting horseback ride along a short route for beginners (300 rubles) or riding in a circle on a rein (50 rubles).

Old Kazan tract
This road in the past connected the city of Kazan with Tsarevokokshaysk, now the city of Yoshkar-Ola. It was the most difficult of the postal roads of the Kazan province and the only one where carts were going. The road went for the most part through marshy and sparsely populated places in the middle of the forest, which made it difficult for both foot and horseback, and laden wagons to move. In addition, there are several steep and dangerous descents and ascents from the city of Kazan to Klenovaya Gora. It is known from history that Emelyan Pugachev with his army of 500 people, leaving Kazan, passed through the Mari forests: in particular, along the Kazan highway. Not far from Lake Konan-Er, he climbed an oak tree and peered through a spyglass at the city of Kazan, engulfed in fire. Until now, this oak is called “Pugachev’s oak”, and these places are called “Pugachev’s” places.

The old Kazan tract was the main "artery" connecting the city of Kazan with the Mari capital, the proud Yoshkar-Ola (Tsarevokokshaisk). But after the railway bridge across the Ilet River was built in 1927, it lost its former significance. The first train reached the Ilet station and returned back to Kazan. After the construction of the railway bridge, the train was able to reach the capital of the Republic of Mari - El - Yoshkar-Ola. The construction of this road was carried out manually, with the help of a pickaxe, shovels, wheelbarrows and stretchers. Construction began in the 1960s highway- highway. Imagine, before, to get from the village of Krasnogorsky to Tsarevokokshaysk, truck drivers took vouchers for three days. And in places where it was impossible to drive (through swamps, sands) there were tractors that pulled these stuck cars. And so, now the Old Kazan tract has completely lost its significance and is already overgrown with young growth.

Yushut River
From the stone quarry we descend to the mouth of the Yushut. Here, up along its bank, a velvety-green plain continues, which, on the opposite bank, is bordered by fragrant thickets of riverine willows and the hills of the Iletsky coast. This is a beautiful and convenient place for meetings and competitions. Fast and nimble Yushut attracts athletes not only with its beauty, but also with a good natural training ground for water competitions.
It flows into the Yushut River a large number of mineral springs. Their water is cool and tastes good. They say: if you go down to the stream and quickly rinse your face with this water three times, then the headache will go away, the vitality and mood will increase.

floodplain oak forests
And now let's look at the floodplain oak forest - oaks are 100-200 years old. Oak is a short word, but not at all simple. And its meaning is still debated. Some believe that this word "means" dark because of the dark color of the oak heartwood. And also because the color of bog (long under water) oak is dark gray or even black. Others argue that "oak" means "mighty, strong." After all, and, indeed, durable oak is a tree for all trees.

Ilet River
Slowly, the beautiful Ilet, sung in Mari legends and songs, carries its waters, meandering and winding through the forests. The water in it is transparent, like a tear, cold as ice, but does not freeze even in severe frosts. This is the most major river flowing through the park. Ilet originates in the Paranginsky district, flows in a south-westerly direction and 10 km above the city of Volzhsk flows into the river. Volga. Feeding on many underground springs, the Ilet river carries rather cold waters highly saturated with calcium salts, thanks to which it does not freeze in winter. This river is very popular with water tourists. Kayaking is very interesting and attracts both beginners and experienced travelers. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, it was a working river, along which ship timber was rafted. Now the need for alloying has disappeared, but still on the Ileti and its tributaries you can find dilapidated dams and a lot of sunken logs. Here you can swim in the river, organize a picnic. There are tables equipped with a fire pit.

stone quarry
Behind the forest giants, on a hillock, a country road, running up like a snake, and disappearing into the dense forest of young coniferous growth, disappeared. In the 60s, a stone quarry and a working settlement were located on the site of these landings. It housed a shop and offices of the rafting site, as well as a quarry management.
Stone was mined in the quarry for the construction of the Yoshkar-Ola-Volzhsk highway. Many individual developers have used crushed stone for laying foundations in the construction of houses. The nearest collective farms, state farms and organizations used local raw materials to improve country roads, village streets and other works. The enterprise that was born developed, gained power, and became a leader. But it was merged with another, larger enterprise, but located too far away, and the quarry became unprofitable, neglected and stalled.

The forest restores the strength and health of a person. And the route in the park passes through the forest. Here you will see amazing plants and, if you are lucky, wild animals; hear the music of the forest: the singing of birds, the rustle of leaves, the murmur of a stream. Here is the kingdom wildlife. Together with the guide you will learn many legends about these plants and animals.
Sometimes you really want to take a break from the bustle of the city, find yourself in an ecologically clean environment, feel an inextricable connection with nature. You have a unique opportunity to realize your desires on the route to give yourself an unforgettable pleasure from the walk.

Horse tour "According to the legends of the Mari region"
Route for lovers of the real active rest Outdoors. The proposed route passes through the picturesque places of the Mari Chodra National Park and provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the rich and diverse nature, historical past and the economy of the Mari Chodra National Park. Along the route, you can observe the change of landforms and landscapes, castration funnels and lakes, visit historical monuments. Lots do not need special physical training, enough good health, psychological readiness for camping conditions and overnight stays in a tent and love for horses.

Bus and walking tour "Journey through the Maple Mountains"
Maple Hills is a wonderful land, with its fabulous nature, beautiful blue lakes and springs, mighty oaks and slender maples, is located in the center of the Mari Chodra National Park. The swift river Ilet washes the foot of the Klenovaya Mountain, and from its top there is an amazing view of the forests stretching for many kilometers around.
Numerous vacationers, tourists and just nature lovers annually come to visit picturesque places, enjoy the aroma of blooming lilies of the valley, taste the purest mineral water, just breathe fresh air, take a break from the bustle of the city and monotony.
The ecological route, laid along the Maple Mountain, leaves an indelible impression of the beauty of the surrounding landscape.
During the tour you will visit the Museum of Nature, the observation deck "Shungaldan", a karst failure, the mineral spring "Green Key", the Ilet River, the "Pugachev Oak", Lake Mushan-Er.

The Museum of Nature of the National Park "Mariy Chodra" is located in the Klenogorsk forestry in the village of Ilet.
The museum stands provide information about the history of the creation of the Mari Chodra National Park, its flora and fauna, natural monuments, and archaeological finds. The layout of the karst failure is interesting, which are mostly found in the vicinity of Maple Mountain. Everything is beautiful, impressive, informative, interesting.
Now we will climb to the observation deck "Shungaldan", which in translation from the Mari language means "a steep clay bank of a river with a fast current". "Shungaldan" opened with a steep 50-meter cliff. With this observation deck a wide scope for viewing opens up, a beautiful panorama of the Kerebelak Upland. On the other side is the protected area of ​​the national park "Mariy Chodra", its visit is strictly prohibited. A protected area in national parks is created to preserve and study nature in its original form.
Karst sinkholes are an interesting natural phenomenon. Traveling along the "Maple Mountain" and, especially, along the top of the mountain, one often comes across large and small pits that have a characteristic appearance: an almost regular circle and the slope of the slopes is funnel-shaped. Karst sinkholes are formed as a result of the dissolution of water-soluble soil rocks by groundwater underground with the formation of underground voids and subsequent failure. Karst sinkholes are large, several tens of hectares in size. Over time, they fill with water and form large lakes. Lakes of karst origin are Yalchik, Mushan-Er, Konan-Er, Glukhoe and others.

Mineral spring "Green Key"- this is the largest of 200 mineral springs in the Maple Mountain area. Water rises from the bottom of a two-meter funnel and flows out from under the base of the Klenovaya Mountain, and, having united in a single stream, rushes into the Ilet River. The source does not freeze in winter and has a constant water temperature of + 6.50 degrees throughout the year. The composition of the water in the source is sulphate-calcium, it has extensive indications for therapeutic use.

Oak Pugachev
A giant oak stands proudly at the top of Maple Mountain. According to legend, he “remembers” how the voivode himself rested under his crown - the peasant protector Emelyan Pugachev, who left besieged Kazan with his troops in 1774. The giant spread its mighty "arms" wide - branches. Tall, thick-set hero, beauty and pride of the Russian forest. In 1969, "Pugachev's Oak" was declared a valuable forest object.

Lake Mushan-Yer
it favorite place recreation for residents and guests of the Republic of Mari El. The lake settled on the northeastern slope of Maple Mountain. north coast The lake is a steep descent with several terraces. Along the shores of the lake there are tourist camps equipped with "forest furniture" and places for making fires. The shores are covered with pine forests, sometimes turning into pine-birch forests. This gives the forest beauty and attractiveness.

Trips to Mari Chodra are carried out by the travel company "Family Chemodan"

See also:

The lake is interesting for its location on the mountainside, great depth (38.5 meters) with small size (lake length 50 meters, width 45 meters) and unusual green color of the water.

Nolkinsky caves - unique and very interesting place in Mari El. It's interesting for everyone here - ordinary tourists, speleologists, botanists, cyclists, and, of course, ethnographers and local historians.

The largest state on the planet - Russia, has on its territory about 50 operating national parks. Most of them are located in the European territory of the country. One of the rich natural places of our state is the Mari Chodra National Park, the sights of which will be discussed in the article.

General information about the park

The Mari Chodra National Park is located on the territories of the Morkinsky, Zvenigovsky and Volzhsky districts in the Republic of Mari El, which is a subject of the Russian Federation. The area of ​​the park is 366 square kilometers. It was created in 1985 in order to protect rare species of plants from extinction, of which there are more than 100 here. Photos of the Mari Chodra National Park can be seen in the article.

There are about 15 tourist routes. The main attractions of the national park "Mariy Chodra" are lakes, for example, Yalchik, Glukhoe, Kichier, as well as the Ilet and Yushut rivers. One of the places frequently visited by tourists can be called Pugachev's Oak. Tourism in the park plays an important economic role for the republics of Mari El, Tatarstan and Chuvashia.

The state organization Federal State Budgetary Institution "Mariy Chodra National Park" controls and carries out tourism and security activities in the park. The property of this organization is a number of natural objects and complexes located in the Middle Volga region.

Perhaps this is one of the favorite places of tourists who come to relax on the territory of the national park "Mariy Chodra". On the shores of the lake there are several recreation centers that provide rental services for boats, bicycles and other equipment. According to tourists, there is a beautiful sandy beach with a magnificent view of the shores of the lake, and the recreation centers are quite well-groomed, there are shops. Tourists also speak positively about the food, which is varied and tasty.

Lake Yalchik is one of the largest natural reservoirs in the park. It consists of two small lakes connected by a bridge. In the summer, when the region is hot, this bridge often dries up, completely separating one lake from another. Perch, pike and other types of fish are found in the waters of Yalchik, so for lovers of fishing, a visit to one of the recreation centers on the shore of Yalchik will be good choice.

Ilet River

This is one of the popular tourist places national park "Mariy Chodra". The river has a length of more than 200 km, most of it is located in the park. The river itself is not wide (several tens of meters), the banks of the upper Ilet are steep, and the banks of the middle and lower reaches are gentle, they are often found sandy beaches. Surrounded by mixed forests.

The Ilet River is famous for the fact that outdoor enthusiasts come to it in order to raft along it, mainly in kayaks and catamarans. The flow of the river is calm at a speed of 3-6 km/h, so it is well suited for beginner kayakers. There are several routes for rafting on the river, their length varies from 20 to 90 km.

Oak Pugachev

Perhaps, rest in the park "Mariy Chodra" cannot be imagined without excursions to Maple Mountain, where it grows. The peculiarity of the oak is its size and age, for example, the diameter and height of the tree are 1.59 m and 26 m, respectively, and the age, according to modern estimates, is over 400 years. A stone was placed near this giant, on which there is an inscription testifying to the events that took place in the second half of the 18th century on Maple Hill.

According to one of the legends, Emelyan Pugachev himself climbed this oak before making a trip to Kazan. According to another legend, the leader of the uprising climbed a tree after the defeat near Kazan to watch it burn in flames. In any case, it is reliably known that Pugachev's detachments were in the summer of 1774 in the forests near Maple Mountain.

As for Pugachev's Oak himself, he could have witnessed the uprising, but Pugachev could not climb it, because at that time the tree was still too small. It is believed that Emelyan Pugachev, if he climbed a tree, it was another oak, which was even larger than the existing one. It dried up a long time ago and was cut down in the 40s of the XX century.

Currently, excursions to the Pugachev's Oak are carried out both in summer by bicycles and cars, and in winter - on skis.

National Park "Mari Chodra" - "Mari Forest"

Address: 425090 Republic of Mari El, Zvenigovsky district, pos. Krasnogorsky - train Moscow-Yoshkar-Ola and the highway Moscow - Yoshkar-Ola - Kazan.

The Mari Chodra National Park, in the Morkinsky Morkinsky, Zvenigovsky and Volzhsky districts of the Mari El Republic was established in 1995. Its area is 36.6 thousand hectares

The park is located in the basin of the Ilet River, the left tributary of the Volga River, not far from the border with Tatarstan - 30 km from the city of Volzhsk and 60 km from the city of Yoshkar-Ola.

Mari Chodra is famous for its rivers (tributaries of the Ilet River) Yushut, Petyalka, Uba, Voncha, as well as numerous picturesque lakes. Many lakes contain fango.

Karst lake Tot-Er

Lake Yalchik

Other lakes: Kichier, Melnichnoye, Teterkino, Mushan-Er, Konan-Er, Shut-Er, Kuzh-Er, Ergezh-Er (Round), Kugu-Er, etc.

Mari Chodra National Park — Photo

Boiling Square and Green Key r. Ilet

An ice-free mineral spring on the Yushut River

maple mountain

At the foot of Maple Mountain Hydrosulphuric Lake Shungaltan

Lake Dolgoye Kuzh-Er

Teal Whistle - Anas crecca

Lake Okunevo

The park includes a part of the Mariysko-Vyatka rampart, highlands (mountains Klenovaya, Kerebelakskaya, etc.) and serves as a place of rest for the inhabitants of Chuvashia, Tatarstan and Mari El.

The vegetation cover is sub-taiga coniferous-deciduous forests.

On a hill there are areas of oak forests with an admixture of maple, linden, and spruce; in the valleys mixed forests of spruce, pine, linden, oak, maple, aspen, elm and floodplain oak forests.

There is pine forests with an admixture of aspen, birch, spruce. Some small areas are occupied by eutrophic grass marshes.

birch mane

Old Kazan (Galitsky) tract

Pugachev fields

Lake Mud - floodplain of the river Ilet

Deaf Lake - a landmark of the national park "Mari Chodra"

Flora represents taiga, forest-steppe and steppe species. About 50 plants are rare for the Mari El flora.

Common to the life of animals of the protected area are elk, squirrel, chipmunk, hare, least weasel, ermine, European polecat, marten; among the mammalian inhabitants are the (reacclimatized) beaver and the otter.

Inhabitants, grouse birds (Tetraonidae) include black grouse, capercaillie, hazel grouse; birds of prey - buzzard, goshawk, kite; sometimes a golden eagle appears. On floodplain lakes - mallard and European teal.

On the reservoirs, the habitation of the goldeneye is possible - a typical forest duck, arranging nests in hollows.

Mistletoe - Turdidae

Fieldfare Thrush - Turdus pilaris

Linnet - Cannabina cannabina

Bullfinch - Pyrrhula

Waxwing - Bombycilla

Seasonal concentrations of birds are small. In autumn, diving ducks temporarily stop on the lakes.

And in the spring, the flight over the flooded rivers is more lively. In autumn and winter, bullfinch, waxwing, and sometimes nutcracker migrate.

Location and history of the national park "Mari Chodra"

national park" Mariy Chodra"in 1985 on the territory of the Republic of Mari El. The national park is located in the south-east of the Republic of Mari El, in its most economically developed part, on the territory of three administrative districts: Morkinsky, Zvenigovsky, Volzhsky. There are 5 settlements, where about 15 thousand people live.

The area of ​​the national park is 36.6 thousand hectares, all lands are provided to the national park. forest land occupy 34.0 thousand hectares (92.9% of the park), incl. forested - 33.5 thousand hectares (91.5%).

Non-forest lands occupy only 7.1% of the park, among them: hayfields, pastures, arable land - 1%, water - 2%, swamps - 1%, roads and clearings - 2%, the rest - estates and other lands. The national park is located at a distance of 60 km from the city of Yoshkar-Ola and 30 km from the city of Volzhsk. Its territory is crossed Railway Yoshkar-Ola - Moscow and the highway of republican significance Yoshkar-Ola - Kazan.

The nature of the national park "Mariy Chodra"

The flora and vegetation of the park are diverse. Its territory is located on the southern border of coniferous-deciduous forests of the subtaiga zone, and in floristic terms - at the junction of the European and West Siberian provinces of the Euro-Siberian floristic region. The flora of this limited area includes 774 species and subspecies from 363 genera of 93 families, which is more than 67%. A number of taiga species, both European (European spruce) and Siberian (Siberian fir), are found here with elements of forest-steppes (summer oak) and steppes (feather grass).

Pine forests grow mainly on sandy and sandy loamy soils and make up 27.7% of forests. Among them, pure green moss pine forests predominate, often with the participation of aspen, birch, and sometimes spruce. A special place belongs to sphagnum pine forests. Although they cover only about 600 hectares, they are an important component natural complex parka. Spruce forests are presented in mosaic and occupy only 3.3% of the forest area. They may include pine, birch, aspen.

The flora of the park includes about 50 rare species, which is 1/4 of the list of rare and endangered species of local flora. Of the species listed in the Red Book of the USSR (1984), there is a real slipper and a red pollenhead. Relic plants can be seen in sphagnum bogs: marsh hamarbia, Magellanic and string-rooted sedges, white gooseberry, multi-eared cotton grass, sundews. Some plant species have become endangered as a result of the disappearance of plant communities. For example, from the swamps - the marsh dream, the pulp is single-leaved, the streamer is compressed, the Lapland willow, and from the field - the common cockle. As a result of increased exploitation, the endangered ones include sandy cumin, pure white water lily, curly lily, Siberian iris, etc.

Animals of the national park "Mariy Chodra"

The park is inhabited by many animals of the strip of mixed forests of the European part of Russia. This is due to the ecological and trophic diversity of habitat conditions, as well as geographic location park at the junction natural areas. Animal world republic is well studied. However, a systematic study of the fauna of the national park has not yet been carried out. But if we exclude species that live in ecotopes that are not typical for the park (the forest-steppe part of the republic, the Volga valley, the Cheboksary reservoir), then it should be assumed that about 50 species of mammals, about 100 - birds and 29 species of fish live in its lands.

Among mammals, the order of rodents is the most numerous. In the forests of the park, from the squirrel family, there are squirrels and chipmunks - a recent eastern alien; from the mouse family - wood mouse, red vole, yellow-throated mouse, etc. From the order of lagomorphs, a hare is not uncommon, and a hare is occasionally found along the borders with fields. The order of carnivores is represented by the mustelid family: weasel, ermine, forest polecat, pine marten, European and, possibly, American mink - all are relatively small. The otter noted by Yushut is especially rare. Interestingly, the mink sometimes hunts birds, in particular hazel grouse, by voice. Of the cats, apparently, the lynx comes in. Moose are common in the forests. Another representative of the artiodactyl order - the wild boar - is less common. In the lands of Mariy-Chodry, especially in the Ileti floodplain, many bats live in hollows in overmature forests. Specially protected species include the otter and the beaver, which was brought from the Voronezh Reserve and released into the lands of the republic in 1947. It is interesting that beavers were previously found on the Irovka, a tributary of the Ileti, but were exterminated.

The most common birds of the passerine order, whose life is connected with forests: jay, magpie, oriole, crossbills, pika, nuthatch, titmouse, etc. This should also include birds from the woodpecker order: large and small motley woodpeckers, bile. In mixed forests with a diverse and dense undergrowth, representatives of the thrush family are common: fieldfare thrush, mistle, blackbird. Of the forest birds that lead nocturnal and twilight life, although less common, one should name the long-eared owl, hawk owl, leggy owl and the largest of the owl family - the eagle owl. Common nightjar. Of the grouse birds, taiga species live in the park: capercaillie (unfortunately, its numbers have sharply decreased) and hazel grouse. In clearings and young forests, a resident of the forest-steppe and broad-leaved forests - black grouse keeps. Of the snipe family, the woodcock is common; snipe and great snipe are less common due to the limited meadow-marsh spaces. The family of pigeons is represented by the dove, the dove and the dove. The first two live in old oak forests on Maple Mountain and feed on acorns. Of the daytime birds of prey, the most common buzzard, goshawk, black kite.

No nesting eagles found. But flights of the golden eagle - the largest eagle - are possible. Another rare feathered predator - the osprey - was noted along the river. Ilet, a little south of the park. Until recently, gray herons lived in the park: two pairs of herons nested in huge pine trees on the banks of the Ileti. There are currently none. Of the waterfowl nesting birds in floodplain lakes and swampy channels, mallard duck and common teal are common, but they are less common in reservoirs of failed origin. Perhaps the habitation of the goldeneye - a typical forest duck, arranging nests in hollows. Seasonal concentrations of birds are small. In autumn, diving ducks temporarily stop on the lakes, and in spring the flight over the overflowing rivers is more lively. In autumn and winter, bullfinch, waxwing, sometimes nutcracker, etc. migrate.

Birds: woodcock, large spotted woodpecker, small spotted woodpecker, stockhead, black kite, osprey, eagle owl

Mammals: marten, elk, wood mouse, European mink, wood ferret

Insects: forest ant

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