Make a travel itinerary for America. Great trip across the USA

In the fall of 2012 I went to the USA for the first time. Ride there in a car through 10 states

Horseshoe - the meander of the Colorado River. Impressive live. Enough famous place You must have seen this photo many times.

Bonneville salt flat at sunset.

Ford Mustang Cabrio is a separate topic for conversation. And, I must say, very beloved =) I probably won’t go on any trip in the summer without a convertible.

I really liked Yellowstone. All liked it. Recommend. On a convertible, of course =)

Yellowstone =) Who are you? =)

Malibu beach

Perhaps the most famous arch in the world. Its height is 20 meters. Then I will show other angles.

Grand Prismatic Spring. Yellowstone.
Pond size: 100 by 100 meters. Depth 50 meters. The water temperature is 94 degrees.

New York

Grand Teton National Wildlife Refuge at night

Chinatown in New York

I don't believe in stealth technology. San Francisco.

Your obedient servant in Wyoming

In general, I immediately liked Wyoming =))) They shoot around, and you understand that you don’t have a gun here, only you have one =))

Front of our hotel-casino in Las Vegas. Photos from the casino will be =)

About the car.

Needed a convertible. The choice in the states is as follows: Mitsubishi Eclipse, Chrysler Sebring and Ford Mustang. They all cost about the same plus or minus 7% of the cost. Anyone here would choose a Mustang. And if you also take into account that it is much more powerful than its competitors, has rear-wheel drive and a large trunk, then the choice becomes obvious. In the US, car rental is generally very cheap. Even a convertible, even a jeep - quite inexpensive. The only thing that upset me a little was the fact that there was only a black car in the rental office ... but there was nothing to be done, I had to drive a black one. And, of course, I was offered a blue Eclipse and a white Sebring. 10 minutes of thought and we are driving a black mustang =)

How does he ride? I must say right away that I compare mainly with my Golf GTI V 200 hp. The Mustang drives frankly badly, and given its 305 hp. according to the passport, we can say that he simply does not go. Acceleration from a standstill is difficult for him: he growls and does not go, it feels like the transformer in the box is slipping. The Golf GTI is definitely faster here. At speeds over 120, the Mustang can be a little quicker than the GTI, but not by much anyway. Yes, and in the USA you don’t really drive: just a little - immediately the cops accept you =)

Nevertheless, I managed to get through a couple of times well. Once on the mountain path of Lake Tahoe and the second time on the path north of Golden Gate, where the Muir Woods park with 1000 year old trees. In general, the Mustang rides calmly and safely. It can even be said that it is not scary, since the speed that his tires (all-weather marked M + S) allow to keep is noticeably less than the speed at which my car would drive under the same conditions. Therefore, taxiing is slow and relaxed. The tires whistle, but the car drives absolutely calmly and accurately. Rear-wheel drive, the steering wheel is generally transparent. And the speed is slow. Beauty =) If tires whistle on a serpentine on a Golf GTI, then the driver is far from calm. Well, in the sense of the most ordinary driver.

The Mustang does not even slip the rear wheels (and they are narrow and all-weather) at any start on asphalt. Though with ASR, though without. But on the dirt road (thanks to the rear-wheel drive) it is very pleasant (and spectacular) to turn around and drive onto the highway =)

One of the most important mustang chips is the sound of the engine. Excellent baritone. It is frankly pleasant to press the gas pedal when starting from a place harder. And one more discovery: amazing silence in the cabin when driving with a roof. Very quiet. How? Why? I don't know, but be quiet. With the roof folded in the cabin, the wind even goes ahead, but not critical, since you can always turn on hot air blowing to its fullest. Fortunately, the engine with a working volume of 3.7 does not cool down and warms up very quickly.

I came home and got into my car. And... and all my impressions intensified. In golf, the steering wheel is very thin and small (in outer diameter). The car is perceived as a toy kart. Very stiff suspension, lightning-fast lane change at the slightest movement of the steering wheel (the steering wheel makes less revolutions). Just a completely different car. And it doesn't growl at all. And it’s unpleasant to sit under the roof: it’s like climbing into a tin can. But the doors close well: very tight and pleasant. They got these rattling doors, plus they also move the glass up / down with each opening / closing of the door. Unpleasant.

The convertible in the USA fully justified all the hopes placed on it. Fully! Frankly, I thought about taking some kind of jeep and driving off-road ... I even thought about taking two cars: part of the way on one, and the other part on the second. But still, the mind won - Mustang =) We had great weather the whole trip and we always went without a roof. Actually 2 weeks outdoors. Only early in the morning and late in the evening the roof was put on. Literally a little bit with her drove. The view is awesome in all directions, it's very nice and good for traveling. I won't go anywhere else in the summer without a convertible. Waste of time, not the same experience at all. And now I think I understand why most convertibles are sold in Scandinavia.

Houses of Americans in Wyoming, their cars, as well as the Americans themselves)

In the south of the USA, it is very dusty everywhere, as there are deserts nearby. Pictured is Salt Lake City. A typical large American city: in the center there are large houses where people work, and then one-story private houses - the huts of the townspeople. That New York, that Los Angeles, that San Francisco - everywhere such one-story (rarely two-story) cardboard nonsense.

Casino at Wendover. In two hours, I was almost blinded by such an abundance of acid paints and point light sources. Wendover is a separate story, the town (in fact, a hole) of the American dream. Fans of fast driving come here from all states, it is here that the Bonneville salt plateau is located.

I could not resist and took a picture of the glasses =)

In Wendover "e there is no car that does not drive on a salt plateau. Literally everything is in salt. Unreal sur. Even in the hotel, all the carpets are in salt.

Monument Valley. A splendid spectacle. The photo is not very high quality, because the fotik sucks. But still interesting. The height of these remains is almost 300 meters.

Typical American hotel on Lake Tahoe. A creepy pop place is Tahoe. American dream. You don't have to drive here.

Alpine Lake Tahoe. It may be cool for Nevada and California, but Russians cannot be surprised by such lakes.

Hoover Dam. Two trucks on the bridge for scale. There are engineers in the USA.

Falling rock. People in the frame for scale.

Mustang on vacation

Malibu safeguards. Unfortunately, I didn’t see Pamela Anderson there, but there were her analogues =))) It looks like there is some kind of fashion now. All on implants.

Iconic cafe in Malibu. He is 80 years old. All films show it. In fact, it's terrible. America surprises with its simplicity. But you understand this only when you see everything live.

House-iron in New York at the intersection of Broadway and 5th Avenue. Interesting building, classic design. There are such houses in all major cities of the United States. This, of course, is the most famous, although it appeared later.

Avenue of Stars in Hollywood. Miserable and sparse street.

Star close up.

Subway in New York

The so-called Dead End in San Francisco. City beach after sunset. Right endless Pacific Ocean. The sun set right into the ocean and went to Russia - to the right in the frame.

San Francisco. View from Twin Peaks. Below is the 5th GTI on 18" Detroit.

Cable car in San Francisco.

expanse of Montana.

Room in Las Vegas for 1000 rubles per day.

bath with hot water in Yellowstone. The colors are 100% real. Each color is a certain kind of bacteria that live strictly at a certain temperature.

Walkway in Yellowstone.

Tourist dinner in Wyoming: potatoes, vegetables and steak.

The place where it is served. Family restaurant in Jackson.

Grand Canyon at dawn.

Brooklyn Bridge in New York. Photoshopped to my liking. We do not scold =)

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone with a very fast flowing river below. The spectacle is very, very. It is difficult to convey something here with photography, especially when shooting against the sun.

Powell Reservoir. Artificial pool on the Colorado River.

Golden Gate Bridge and the city of San Francisco. It is from this bridge that all self-respecting suicides jump.

Let's zoom in and see the city. The air is opaque, the same problem as everywhere else in the US.

Zion Park. I remember this red carpet for a long time. I recommend to visit.

There are roller skates in San Francisco too. Pay attention to the background. Cop.

Canyon Glen. And some factory.

Typical Yellowstone.

Sleeping area in San Francisco. Well done guys, they found the right store (pay attention to the sign). I was standing at a traffic light when I saw them. I really wanted to take a picture, because the camera always lies on my lap. As the green light turned on, I raised my camera and clicked. Of course, they did not expect such impudence =) The very next second we were already moving away to the juicy baritone of Mustang =)

Iron building in San Francisco.

Departure from Santa Monica to the Pacific Coast Highway, which runs along the coast to Malibu. Santa Monica Beach in the foreground, Malibu Beach in the background.

A hotel room right next to the Grand Canyon. It costs 7000 rubles per day. Look at the pictures on the wall.

Restaurant in the same hotel. The most famous restaurant in the whole area.

Food in the same restaurant.

San Francisco. When you drive from below, you can't see the intersection at all. In the states, the stop sign and the passage of intersections work very well as cars approach it. These two rules make it possible to avoid accidents at such blind intersections.

Subway in New York. The very center of Manhattan. Intersection of 5th Avenue and 53rd Street. Very narrow and dirty.

Typical Yellowstone. All trees are young, as fires burn everything every 10-15 years. Snow can fall here any day of the year.

Center of Manhattan. Trees look a bit aloof =)

Arches park. Utah.

Uncle demands satisfaction from the parking meter. New York. At the top right of the frame is the Empire State Building.

So I took that photo at the beginning of the post. Height 300 meters.

School in New York. Separate entrances for boys and girls. I wonder if everyone is studying together now?

Canyon Glen. Branch of the Grand Canyon.

Parking in Chelsea, New York. The cost of a monthly subscription is $360.

Landscapes of Utah.

The most famous electronics store in New York: BH PhotoVideo. It is remarkable, first of all, for its employees. The type of employees you see in the photo. There are no others and cannot be. Yes, of course, the store is closed on Saturday. Located in downtown Manhattan.

The world's largest natural arch. Its length is 88 meters. The stones below are its partial collapse (thinning) in 1991. It's called Landscape Arch.

There are a lot of police in New York. They are literally on every corner.

Zion Park.

Grand Teton Park. Jenny Lake, provided by snowmelt from the Grand Teton mountain. Incredibly clean water.

Ordinary yard football central park New York. They play so-so, they play better in our yards.

Mustang in Wyoming.

New York. Architecture.

Grand Canyon. The Colorado River has done this to the plateau in 6 million years. That burgundy color that you see at the bottom of the canyon is rock that formed 2 billion years ago. For comparison, the age of the earth is 4.5 billion years. This photo has me. For scale.

Police cars are the second largest after taxis. So it seemed to me. And everyone in front has something like a battering ram.

Bryce Canyon. Utah.

Grand Canyon. View from the plane.

Bird in Malibu.

New York. Central Post Office on the left and Madison Square Garden (sports arena) on the right.

Los Angeles at dawn. View from observation deck that's on Mulholland Drive. Very, very dusty. The camera is almost blind. In the foreground is the highway called Hollywood and, in fact, Hollywood itself (where the light is - the Kodak cinema, where Oscars are given), in the far - the center of Los Angeles.

Now you will laugh... This is Mulholland Drive=) The very street where the houses of celebrities are located. In the center is another chicken coop. Someone decided to build a house above the observation deck.

Apple store in Santa Monica, Los Angeles on the second day of iPhone5 sales. Everyone who gets in line is given a black umbrella from the sun.

Sleeping area in Las Vegas. Street with allowed turns to the left.

AT&T Central Switching Building. Unreal skyscraper without windows. ATS.

An oasis in Zion Park. Utah.

The guys came to the Malibu beach for a swim. They scolded me a little for the photos =)

Quite by chance it turned out that during my trip to the USA my cousin (checkered shirt) also went to the USA _for_work_. And even we have the same time and place. Met him in Hollywood. We laughed at each other for a long time when they saw our cars. We are in a black Mustang Cabrio and they are in a yellow Chevy Camaro. Yes, only the Russians could take such cars on purpose =))) I took a picture of him with a friend, the Mustang is standing behind. Slavik and Dimon, damn it =) In general, the Camaro also does not go nifiga. And its loopholes instead of windows finished me off completely. Well, the roof is so generally tin =)

Tourists in New York sea. Everyone is randomly photographed.

Dawn over the Hollywood hills.

The central staircase at the Kodak Cinema in Hollywood. It is on it that the stars rise to the Oscars. I used to think it's better there =)

Casino in Las Vegas.

Downtown Los Angeles.

Alcatraz prison in San Francisco. America's first prison. Now there are a lot of prisons and almost all of them are concentrated in Nevada.

Downtown Los Angeles.

New York.

Women's strike in Los Angeles. What is AF3IRM you can look on the Internet.

First of all, New York is surprising that completely different people live there.

Roulette in Las Vegas.

Central street of Las Vegas. Very dusty, fotik sees nothing. large buildings only in the center, everything else is one-story.

Interesting rubber bands New Yorkers hang on their parked cars. In the front and in the back. Hope this helps them.

Casino in Las Vegas. See the guard in the white shirt approaching? This is my last photo in this casino.

Above was a photo of a Malibu cafe from the 80s summer history, now showing the place where it is located. It's not very visible in the photo, but it's right behind the place where the pier comes ashore. At the top of the residence of the rich.

Hoover Dam. You can even see people on it. Remember the above photo from the dam? Now here is a photo from that bridge that you saw in the photo from the dam. The grandest building.

Manhattan sleeps neither day nor night. And it's nice, damn it!

You don't have to close the doors in the Mustang, it's all open anyway =)

Hollywood. The stars are right there. Be careful, don't step =)

Yellowstone. Grand Prismatic Spring

Manhattan bridge. View from Brooklyn.

Zion Park. No convertible here.

Typical hotel in USA. Here our neighbor scratched the left front fender of the car for us. Scratched and left. Gad.

Bryce Canyon. Utah.

Come on fish! San Francisco.

Road in the Bryce Canyon area. Utah.

Bonneville Salt Plateau. Needs no introduction, I think. Notice the car tracks.

Suburb of New York. I think it's understandable why so many cardboard houses were destroyed after the hurricane.

Canyonlands in Utah. I really liked this place. They drove well on the dirt road. Rear wheel drive + 300 hp ride well =)

Beach on Lake Tahoe.

Intersection of 5th Avenue and Broadway in New York.

Cacti in Utah.

Delicate Arch. The height of the arch is 20 meters. Impressive even.

We met a chic car on Lake Tahoe. The color of the car is unreal, and a handsome man is driving =) It's a pity the photo failed. Pay attention to the number. There are a lot of cars with custom numbers in the states.

Road in Grand Teton Park.

River in Grand Teton Park.

Grand Teton Park.

Guys on motorcycles in Jackson. Wyoming.

Our hotel is between Grand teton and Yellowstone. Perfect place. Write down the name, it's on the wall. Recommend.

Subway entrance in New York

Lake Yellowstone. Huge, volcanic origin. Every year the water level in it rises. In theory, the end of the world will begin here.

Cable car on Market Street in San Francisco

Bison in Yellowstone. Absolutely calm is next to people. I shot this photo with a 35mm lens - you can imagine how close we were to it.

Bryce Canyon. Tired of driving there =)

We climbed into Yellowstone well. The biggest danger there is a meeting with a bear. It seemed to work, but in places it was very scary. You really feel that the bears already see you =)

Here, your obedient servant is trying to fill the Grand Canyon with stones.

Yellowstone. I find it difficult to say the composition of this liquid, but it's beautiful.

There are a lot of rescue equipment in the town of Wendover. As a rule, people climb into the salt and successfully get stuck there. They usually save everyone with the help of such simple pushers. And the arches are all in salt.

Island in Lake Tahoe.

Taxi in New York. By the way, these boots are very comfortable. Behind the seats is a wagon + a computer for passengers with a touch-screen.

Bridge in San Francisco. From Richmond to San Rafael. Asphalt in the states is stripped off very precisely. Not like ours.

The expanse of Utah. Pay attention to the quality of the roadway.

Subway in New York

Don't drive in the USA. You'll get caught up faster than you think. And I'll have to take a picture =)

There are a lot of routes in the USA that are worth taking, but there are some that are simply not to be missed.

A selection of these was collected by Buzzfeed.

  1. A musical journey from rocker Cleveland to blues Memphis

Approximate distance is 735 miles (1,183 km).

What to see: Start your journey with a visit to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, ride through the countryside and Nashville at the Grand Ole Opry, and top it off with a little blues visit to Graceland in Memphis.

2. Desert trip from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon. Photo: Depositphotos

Approximate distance - 230 miles (370 km).

What to see: Architecture lovers must visit Taliesen West in Scottsdale. In addition, it is worth seeing the ecological town of Arcosanti, hiking on the red slopes of Sedona and completing the trip through the Grand Canyon.

3. Tour through Kentucky: from Lexington to Louisville and back

Approximate distance: 200 miles (322 km).

What to see: Stop at distilleries in Lexington, Lawrenceburg, Loretto and Clermont for tastings (make sure you have a driver to replace you). And enjoy the view of plants and white fences as you progress.

4. California Coastal Scenic Journey: From San Francisco to San Diego

San Francisco. Photo: Depositphotos

Approximate distance: 500 miles (805 km).

What to see: Head south from San Francisco along the coast through the quaint Half Moon Bay and see some of the most beautiful coastal sights in the US. Stop for a soak on the beaches of Malibu and end your trip with a walk to San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter.

5. Journey through the Midwest from Chicago, Illinois to Door County, Wisconsin

Approximate distance: 280 miles (451 km).

What to see: Stop at the Milwaukee Museum of Art on the western shore of Lake Michigan, then take a sports-oriented visit to Lambo Field and end your trip in Door County for hiking, boating, or tasting old-fashioned fish soup.

6. Explore the oldest cities in America along the Atlantic Ocean from Boston, Massachusetts to Key West, Florida

What to see: Examine the hot spot civil war— Boston. Then visit the home of the Silesian witches in Salem, Massachusetts, and then head south to the most Old city in America - St. Augustine, Florida, ending the trip in tropical Key West.

7. Texas Heart Tour: Dallas to Corpus Christi

Approximate distance: 420 miles (676 km).

What to see: Explore the microbreweries in Dallas, then check out the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum in Waco, followed by more live music on stage in Austin. Also visit the Alamo in San Antonio and end your trip in the Gulf of Mexico in Corpus Christi.

8. Journey through natural wonders from the Dakotas, the Badlands, to Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park. Photo: Depositphotos

Approximate distance: 1,300 miles (2,092 km).

What to see: Along the way you will have the opportunity to observe fantastic rocks and Mountain peaks, stop by Mount Rushmore, visit Devils Tower, and end your trip in good old Yellowstone.

9. American-style nostalgic city trip: from Chicago to Los Angeles

Los Angeles. Photo: Depositphotos

Approximate distance: 2,400 miles (3,862 km).

What to see: The skyline of Windy City will fascinate you, and you should also see the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. Then you can visit the Colman Theater in Oklahoma, as well as the Seligman Historic District in Arizona. And finally, explore the Arizona Crater in Arizona on the way to sunny Los Angeles.

10 Drive From Provincetown, Massachusetts To The Oregon Coast

Approximate distance: 3,300 miles (5,311 km).

What to see: Feel what the first settlers in the US experienced as they wandered from coast to coast. Stop along the way to enjoy the Finger Lakes panorama, views of Chicago, and end your journey by admiring untouched beauty coast of Oregon.

11. Fun trip from Los Angeles to Las Vegas

Las Vegas. Photo: Depositphotos

Approximate distance: 320 miles (515 km).

What to see: Get some ocean views from the Santa Monica Pier first, then head east from Los Angeles to Elmer's Bottle Tree Ranch and Calico Ghost Town. If you get hungry on your way to Nevada, don't miss the 50s-style diner called Peggy Sue's Diner on your way to Sin City.

Step-by-step instructions for organizing a trip to the USA on your own, what to look for, accommodation, car rental, how to choose a route and direction of travel. What can you save money on and what time of the year is best to go. Useful websites to help you organize your trip to the USA. Only my personal experience. I will answer questions about the organization of the trip, I will give advice on the route.

Travel to the USA- pleasure is not cheap, standard package tours in which you will never feel the real America are two to three times more expensive than in the case of self-organization of the trip.

trip to the USA organizing is as easy as any European country, excellent tourist infrastructure, sane cost of gasoline and car rental, an extensive network of roadside motels and more expensive hotels, in addition, there are many other housing options.

Getting a US visa

Unlike other countries, the same Schengen agreement, for example, the preparation trips to america you need to start not with the route or booking hotels, but with obtaining a US visa. Now it is issued for 10 years, which is much more convenient than every year to be humiliated in European embassies. Step 1 - we get a US visa, how to do it, read the article Get a US visa in Ukraine: step by step instructions and description of the procedure .

Planning a US itinerary

The United States is a fairly large country and there is much more to see there than you think. Even if you don't miss a single issue of the Travel Channel or Discovery, you will only get to know a small fraction of all the beauties of the American continent. Perhaps that is why Americans are not so often seen in Europe or Asia. They have something to see in their homeland.

I have a lot on my blog routes, reports and notes about travels in America , keep for updates.

Choosing the time of the trip to the USA

Many people miss this important moment, and it depends on whether you will hide from the rain and wind in a hotel for half of your vacation or spend the whole day among the wonderful nature of the Wild West.

The United States is a country with many climatic zones, and when it snows in New York, Miami celebrates Christmas under palm trees, taking sunbathing. Even in California, the weather within one State can be very different, in October it is stable + 20-23, and in the Napa Valley wine valley the temperature may well go off scale for +30 and pomegranates will sing, at the same time in San Francisco there will be wind and rain drive you into something warm place. And it's all the same state.

Buying a cheap air ticket to the USA

From our latitudes, the only way to get to the States from our latitudes is by plane, unless you are planning a transatlantic cruise.

There are hundreds of flight options, I prefer Turkish Airlines with transfer to Istanbul or KLM with landing in Amsterdam if I fly to Los Angeles on the West Coast. On the East Coast Ukrainian UIA flights fly non-stop or with a transfer via Vienna or Frankfurt - Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa, United Airlines.

You can book a flight on the website of airlines, but it is better to use an aggregator airline sales and buy a budget flight in the direction TO iev-los angeles , Moscow-Los Angeles, Kiev-New York , Moscow-New York

Details about buying tickets: 9 Rules for Buying Cheap Flights

Booking accommodation for a trip to the USA

For me personally, the easiest and most enjoyable moment in preparing a trip, if the route is one city, then it is better to book in advance. When we had a long enough route along the coast, mountains and national park, I looked for and booked hotels or motels along the way. In the US, there is a fairly well-developed network of inexpensive motels costing between $50-70 for two, there are cheaper options, but I do not recommend it.

Cheap accommodation or hotels in the USA can be found through the booking system Hotels Combined (Room Guru), a service I use myself. The advantage of the service is that it compares the prices of dozens of booking systems - you just have to choose Best offer. In each article or report, I provide links to hotels where I have stayed and which I liked.

In addition, there are a couple of sites that stand apart: in addition to comparing offers from different companies, like previous sites, it also allows you to name your price and offers it to airlines, hotels and rental companies. They often agree to it. Before payment, the name of the hotel or rental company is not known. The level of the hotel and its approximate location or type of car are known.– offers significant discounts, but before payment, they only show the level of the hotel and its approximate location or type of car, but not the exact name of the hotel or rental company.

In addition to hotels, you can rent a house, part of a house, an apartment or apartment through. Usually there is a kitchen and several bedrooms, which is convenient for families with children and large groups traveling together.

More accommodation booking sites:


Hotels can also be booked directly on their own websites. They often provide online coupons that are only valid when booking through their own websites.

Booking a car for a trip to the USA

America is an automobile country, and if this is a problem, then the planned travel pleasure will decrease several times. In the same Los Angeles Buses are used by either the homeless or package tourists. I would choose a car for travel, after all, America is not a bus country.

car rental It is possible together with the hotel, using popular sites that compare offers from different companies.

Websites of nationwide car rental companies with offices almost everywhere:


If you book directly with these companies, you can use all sorts of online coupons, which, with a certain knowledge of English, are quite easy to find on various forums. Google comes first here - a search for "car rental coupons" or "car rental discount codes" will give enough results to think about.

In addition to them, there are many more regional small companies that can have the best prices in a particular place.

If you do not want to overpay and want to receive rental offers, including from local companies, then it is better to use specialized car rental websites that compare offers from different companies. I use - simple and clear interface and always the best price.

Emotionally prepare for a trip to the USA

And tune in to receive the most powerful and pleasant emotions in your life. Prepare a camera, a few memory cards, so that upon arrival you can show off to your friends a selfie from or against the backdrop of New York skyscrapers, or maybe you are lucky in Las Vegas and you will become one of those whose American dream came true.

Websites that help you save money when planning your own trips

Aviasales- budget flights around the world

RoomGuru- search for budget accommodation, hotels and apartments worldwide and on all popular booking sites, including Agoda, and other popular booking systems habitual and convenient search and booking accommodation around the world

– car rental worldwide with the possibility of free cancellation

Site for buying bus tickets in Europe and CIS countries


I broadcast all news and articles on the LifeIsTravel page in

Hitchhiking around the world is what travelers Vitalik and Lesya left their cozy apartment for. They did not limit themselves to hitchhiking and after a while they continue to get out for adventures, now with their son, and they write about it in the telegram channel “Journey through life”. Well, for 34travel, Lesya talked about how to organize a budget trip around the USA.

Riding through the States with a breeze is a romantic adventure of youth, which many Europeans of the seventies generation can boast of. It is quite possible to repeat this now, but it seems that it is more difficult to save money for this than for the tenth iPhone. Vitalik and I drove through the States three times from east to west and twice from north to south. And then a year later they made another circle, having spent eight months in the country in two trips. And with our budget of $5 a day for two, it was hardly possible to count on much, but a little skill and recklessness helped to get a feel for America with its eccentric character and daring style.


Nearly died in the States. As a hitchhiker, I shouldn't say that, but we're tired of proving to every car and cop that we're not homeless, crazy, or selling weed at crossroads. You can hitchhike, but you need much more time and patience than in, where everyone strives to rip money off you. At some point, we realized that those who ended up picking us up were themselves a bit of a freak: from a dude who travels with a dog, a cat, drinks beer and wraps joints, to a dad of three children from different mothers. Average Americans who have lived in their beautiful houses have seen their beautiful clean cars, they just don't stop. So the more normal the place, the harder it is to leave.

Trains have long been considered entertainment for the rich and the vagabond. Most cheap ticket will cost $ 49, you can buy it on Amtrak, or you can pretend to be a hobo after reading Kerouac, and. We did not try it ourselves: with twenty-kilogram backpacks, this idea seemed not the best.

Buses convenient value for money. The two main carriers in the US are Greyhound and MegaBus. If you plan a trip in advance, you can leave for a dollar in a neighboring city. We shushed from to, but we didn’t come across such a freebie again. The bus had wi-fi and an outlet, a toilet worked.

Car- the perfect way to get around the States. No bus or hitchhiking will allow you to get into all interesting places and parks, which are more than a hundred kilometers long (and shuttle buses do not always go to them).

The coolest experience was, of course, with the purchase of a car. We raised money on a boomstarter with the idea of ​​traveling across America and baking Russian pancakes, creating an occasion for cultural exchange. A tourist can buy a car in California - proof of residence and American rights are not needed there. You can choose a car on Craiglist or even order through the app. We bought our Pulka from the pastor, and sold it to an uncle named Jesus, it was with a manual, non-working air conditioner and no hydraulic booster. The Americans laughed that there were no more such wrecks in the States, and we were glad that there was simply nothing to break in it. In six months, it has become a real home - with curtains, a kitchenette in the trunk and a bunch of stories.

The last life hack for auto travel: at gas stations - they often charge a fee of about a dollar for a card and the price will be a little more expensive than on the scoreboard.

Aircraft- what the Americans themselves prefer. Low-cost airlines are ready to take you without luggage, sometimes for twenty-five bucks across half the country. Fast, cheap for American salaries, but pretty boring. We were lucky to somehow fly with the Spirit low-cost airline, our luggage was not even checked for overweight. Other options are Frontier Airlines, JetBlue, Sun Country Airlines and Virgin America.


There is no national cuisine in America as such, but there is a developed network of fast foods, when McDonald's, Burger King, Tacos, and five more restaurants are at the same gas station at once. Dollar hamburgers and unlimited cola are very captivating. And if the order is delayed, they will also give it away for free. You can come to Starbucks with a glass bought on the same day and also ask for a refill, but it doesn’t always work, and the coffee isn’t very good either.

We mostly cooked on a burner - we bought food at Walmart or OneDollarTree and cooked porridge right in the trunk. Sometimes they arranged a holiday for themselves and fried bacon in a frying pan, surprising passers-by. Walmart and SafeWay often have a clearance counter—yesterday's (albeit fresh) dollar donuts were the best dessert of all time.

Sometimes we got free fast food stamps from compassionate Americans, and when we took out low-income insurance for ourselves, we received coupons for six months at any large supermarket. Once, we redeemed one check for a month at once and came to visit the Couchsefer with six gallons of milk.

Also in most cities you can find out where food is distributed to the homeless. We were advised by couchsurfers and friends. Often this is done right on the street. So we once cooked seven hundred sandwiches for the homeless in .


If we talk about legal ways to stay overnight, motels in the off-season will cost from $ 40, campsites - from $ 5. Officially, you can spend the night for free in the Walmart parking lot and in National Forests (National Forest - not to be confused with parks). Many Walmarts are open 24/7, have clean toilets and often wi-fi, and the National Forests are nature and quiet - we were only harassed once by a policeman, asking why we weren't camping and apologizing for the intrusion.

You can't sleep in a car anywhere you please. Vigilant Americans will immediately call the police. We were making breakfast one day in the parking lot, and some lady called the sheriff, telling her that we were cooking meth at seven in the morning. There are parking lots with clean toilets on the roads every 40-80 miles. Many of them have “no overnight parking” signs, but in our practice, the tow truck came only once. In other cases, we slept in the car on such rest areas ourselves and saw many other drivers.

But the coolest place is gas stations for truckers. There are several nets - Flying J, Love, etc. They are usually visible from afar - on a huge scoreboard, the price of diesel per gallon is red, and gasoline is green. Clean toilets, shops, showers and laundromats are open around the clock in these parking lots. A trip to the shower can be bought for $ 10-15 or negotiate with the driver to share - they get passes with bonuses for refueling the truck. They give fifteen minutes to take a shower - Vitalik slipped through the door a couple of times, opened by some driver. The downside of such places is only that the lights shine brightly there. We hung the curtains and didn't sweat it.

If there is no car, but there is a tent, everything is much simpler - you can spend the night in a city park or a roadside forest. The main thing is not to be seen by others. In San Francisco, we made friends with local homeless people, and they told me that they spend the night in the central park, where no one bothers them. After we sold the car and whiled away the time before the plane, we set up a tent in the woods not far from the highway.

City museums often have free admission days or donation entry options. Of course, the Americans indicate the desired amount of donation, but we left the dollar and went to the Guggenheim Museum in New York to admire the modern impressionists.

In New York, you can save money and take a ferry not to the Statue of Liberty, but to Staten Island - it is free, but floats by. Photos will not be worse.

The medicine

The main thing is not to lose the remnants of health when traveling or working locally - medicine in the USA is expensive. We found out that we were expecting a baby, just in time for our part-time jobs. After a little let me google it for you, I drove to a homeless clinic somewhere in the outskirts of St. Louis.

America. It is worth going here at least once for the spirit of freedom, urban atypicality and, of course, the greatness of the unique nature!

My trip to the States lasted 6 months, I just brought my body to this continent and decided to see what would come of it. There was a great desire to visit a lot national parks, but I had no idea how to do it with my ridiculous budget. In my head there was only porridge about prohibitions, rules, someone else's freedom and the far-fetched high cost of everything around.

I still come across people who carefully keep the belief that planes are a super-outrageous luxury, and a flight to the USA costs a thousand bucks. Are you guys serious?! Yes, in Russia, I increasingly see tickets for trains that are more expensive than planes. The development of technology and the competition of airlines are ready to give you tickets almost for free, take at least the growing number of low-cost airlines.

The cheapest flights to America from everyone's favorite Europe. The average price is $ 130 (there are offers from $ 50), to find these tickets you need, firstly, to plan your trip in advance so that you can buy tickets in advance, and secondly, to scan sites for tickets for some time, until interesting options will appear (note the Vandrouki website, there are a lot of good suggestions and check the options).

*Sometimes from Moscow there are tickets for 15,000 rubles round trip, incl. Aeroflot (added from comments). Check for tickets too.

Sometimes there are good prices from Moscow, but most often it’s all the same with a transfer in Europe, and in order to avoid various misunderstandings with the transit zone (and I hear such stories more and more often), it’s better to get a Schengen visa just in case. This process is elementary.

How to get a visa to Europe for ordinary, mortal, non-working, autotop workers, I have described:

  • (Finnish, Schengen expense $ 65 plus from 30 rubles a day),
  • and (Spanish, easy to get, but you need a certificate from the bank on the availability of funds).

Round-trip flight to the USA from Europe within $400. We flew from Madrid to Las Vegas for $180 with a layover in Oslo.

Housing. Where to sleep in the USA cheap

It is very, very logical that there will be no prices for hotels and hostels, we exclude this. Although I’ll say just in case that we were somehow rented a room in LA for a hundred bucks and cockroaches ran over our toasts! So you just go broke on normal numbers.

We take a tent with us and remember about your profile on the hospitality site. For the period of stay in the city, we find someone to stay, in national parks we sleep in a tent.

You can buy a fitness subscription from $10 (a large network that exists in many cities) and go there to take a shower, I think it's convenient. Sometimes there is no registration (according to couchsurfing there are no people ready to accept us, or they have sudden business), then we sleep in a tent in the city.

In the USA, a lot of homeless people live on the streets, and not all of them are drug addicts, alcoholics or psychos, many are quite adequate and look very good, but they sleep on the street in a tent. Yes, a backpack with foam and a tent is a set of a typical American bum. In Las Vegas, we felt very well all the salt of their life, and in Los Angeles, even homeless social workers gave us cards for food and travel, finding us in the tent in the morning.

Free showers can be found at gas stations for trucks, truckers are given free shower coupons as a bonus for refueling a truck, you just need to tell them about your trip and ask.

Movement in the States


The first brilliant idea that came into our bright minds was to buy bicycles and slowly, with a breeze and a spirit of freedom, try to understand what is happening in this country in general.

At our service is a Walmart store, we bought bicycles and everything necessary for their repair here. Within three months, the store is ready to return the money for the goods without the need to explain the reason for the return. Very convenient free rental, I recommend.

Prices for bikes are 70-200 dollars. As soon as we stopped liking one of the bikes, we calmly handed it over and bought another, better one.

Minus this undertaking in the scorching desert sun. If your trip is from March to September and you plan to cross the western part of America, be sure to check the weather. When I overheated in the sun, I could only lie under a bush, make lowing noises and sleep, and this slightly slows down the journey.

Pros a lot of this stuff. The main ones are, of course, mobility, independence and secrecy. It is very easy to bypass the payment points at the entrances to the National Parks, just as easily you can spend the night anywhere, hiding behind a bush or a stone, without paying for camping.

Another plus is the indisputable image of travelers, here the attitude towards you is different, many ask about the need for help, they give food, water, but this is only when we leave the city. In the city, we are no different from the homeless, at least in Las Vegas, where we were based for the first time, homeless vagrants often look better than us, and they have expensive brands of backpacks with bicycles ..

In cities, as a rule, there are special paths for cyclists, if they are not there, then you still feel confident, the drivers are quite adequate (the complete opposite of Vietnam, for example). Outside the city, we moved along the autobahns, I don’t know if this is legal, but the police did not stop us.

When we were rewinding our trunks in complete darkness, in the American wilderness, they drove up to us and asked if we needed help. When our camera exploded, we always found someone who would give us his spare, well, that is, they found us themselves. Once, those we met did not have a spare camera and they took us to a store in the nearest city in their pickup truck.

For the night we set up a tent anywhere near the track, or in a secluded place in the park. If you are traveling in the summer season, you need to be attentive to the presence of snakes, scorpions and tarantulas, go into the grass only with a stick and it is better before dark. We personally met with a rattlesnake, which we almost stepped on, it rattled loudly, my indifference about living creatures dissipated in an instant, be careful in general. We also saw tarantulas in their natural habitat more than once.

Bicycles visited 2 national parks (Lake Mead with Hoover Dam and Valley of Fire) and 1 state park (Red Rock), in time - 30 days, in distance - about 700 kilometers (for a very long time we got used to the heat, lay in the shade , waiting for the sunburn to pass, the temperature was stable over 40 Celsius, at night it often did not fall below 25.

Our bike trip ended as spontaneously as it began, I came across an entry on the Internet about looking for people to travel together in the USA in a rented car, and I thought that this was my dream. Having calculated the remaining money, I realized that there was enough for this venture, if I ate just a little bit, in general, back to back, but I could no longer be stopped. We returned our bikes to the store and took the next bus from Las Vegas to Los Angeles, where the Russian team was arriving shortly.

Traveling with a rented car

For one month our home was a Dodge Caravan that we rented for $70 a day, it was unforgettable. We had one baby six months old, different stories with the police, a lot of snow and beauty.

If you are planning a month-long journey, then it will be cheaper to buy a car than to rent. Especially if you are a master felt-tip pen and like to delve into these pieces of iron.

Price from 1000 bucks (60 thousand rubles), You can see the options for example here:

The ideal state for buying a car is California, here everyone does not care about your rights and citizenship.

It is better to rent through different aggregators like The whole point of renting a car is its insurance, since you are a foreigner it will cost you a fortune. Perfect option -
take the car to big company, like us.

There is a variant of another adventure: on the site - the owner of the car needs to drive a car from one city to another, sometimes across the country, and he is looking for a way to save on the services of drivers. This is the perfect way to see the country cheaply and tastefully! The number of days is of course limited, and you can’t deviate much from the route, but you can always visit something interesting along the way. You only pay for gas, but very often this pays off with a generous tip upon arrival at your destination.

Gasoline is not quite expensive, in some places even very cheap ($2-4 per gallon (3.78 liters), it's like 32 rubles per liter. It is better to pay for gasoline in cash, they always take a commission for the card and the price differs from that indicated on the scoreboard.

The journey took 30 days.

Distance traveled: 7250 miles (11920 kilometers, further than from Moscow to Vladivostok). Covered 9 northwestern states.

Money spent:

$983 for gasoline
$246 for food, that is, 100 rubles a day per person!
$150 to visit parks (price per pass and entrances to state parks)

27 nights spent in a tent, 3 nights in friends' apartments.
Of all the nights spent in the tent, four did not contradict the law and rules.

4 times dealt with the police.

1 time drove into the car in the parking lot.

Visited 9 National Parks:

Joshua Three National Park
Rushmore nat. monument
devil's tower
Mount Rainier
North Cascades
Crater Lake

6 State Parks:

Palouse Falls
cape perpetua
Oregon Dunes
Silver Falls

4 cities:

San Francisco
Salt Lake City

And drove most of the east coast of America on the first route along the Pacific Ocean!

As for the police and rights, the states have a slightly different control system, here you will never meet a semblance of traffic police, no one will be waiting for you behind the bushes to check if you are drunk or under something.

If you do not violate, they do not stop you, and vice versa, if you violate, then the highway patrol calculates you, turns on flashing lights and attaches itself to the back, if you see bright lights chasing you, this means that you need to snuggle up to the side of the road and wait in the car, putting hands on the steering wheel. I know several people who drive perfectly, without breaking, but without a license, and for several years there were no problems with the police.

Peculiarity budget travel by car is an evening adventure to find places to sleep. If on a bicycle you can turn off the road anywhere and crash camping in nowhere, feeling calm and wonderful there, then by car you need to find appropriate place for parking, Here, according to the principle “Everything that is not prohibited is allowed”, we scanned the parking areas of the rest area for signs prohibiting night parking. If this is not available, then we stayed, Lesya's mother slept in the tent with the child, and the remaining team members left to look for places for two tents. As a rule, there are no hidden places in such parking lots, so we just parked on the edge, and this is no longer legal, so we woke up at dawn and pretended that nothing had happened.

There are also quite a lot of green zones marked “National forest” on the map of the States, it is legal to park a car on the territory of these forests, set up a tent camp and burn fires, the main thing is to do it away from the road.

On the territory of national parks, we found an official campsite, parked a car there, set up a tent after sunset, when the rangers were already leaving, and gathered at dawn, thus saving a fortune.

Aircraft inside the USA

They fly across America in all directions, the minimum cost of tickets is $50, although there are some mystical low-cost airlines, but not everywhere and not always. And why deprive yourself of the pleasure of seeing the American outback from the window of a bus or car. Although, when we realized that we didn’t have time to hitchhike to New York, and the 6 months allotted for us on a visa would soon end, we took a plane from Chicago to New York.

Buses in the USA

The most budget option for moving around the states, not counting hitchhiking, is buses. The two main services and staged an auction of unprecedented generosity and sell tickets from $ 1 if you buy in advance. The routes do not cover all of America, but you can go to many places and with amenities (free Internet, sockets, toilets). So, we drove from Las Vegas to Los Angeles and from San Francisco to Los Angeles for $5. But the most beautiful adventure was the bus from Texas to Chicago, 22 hours for $15.

The Americans themselves prefer to fly by airplanes, so there were some blacks in our bus from Texas, reading repch and creative inadequate, but it is fun).

We hitchhiked approximately 6,000 kilometers across six states. During these 54 days, money was spent:

  • for food $ 270 (143 rubles a day per person),
  • 34$ for public transport in cities,
  • $10 for laundry
  • $18 for gas cylinders,
  • $47 for clothes
  • $58 for permits in the parks (mostly they did not pay, but sometimes they had to),
  • $40 for little things.

Hitchhiking is generally legal, but some states still list it as illegal, although the police themselves do not know about it. But to feel confident, you can find information about the legality and difficulty of hitchhiking in a particular state here:

In order to stop the first car, we got out to the outskirts of the city, walked to the freeway check-in and waved our hand, making it clear that we needed a lift.

They stopped more willingly than not, took us far, fed us, worried about us, told us about the beauties nearby.

I really like American hitchhiking because of the diversity of cultures here, everyone from Africans to Colombians consider themselves local, an amazing mix of nationalities who grew up in American culture. Trucks rarely stopped, mostly wide cars with huge wheels, here they love space in everything.

Police came to our soul only once, when we did not leave before dark, and were gloomy silhouettes in the darkness of the night, and this is already suspicious. It was explained to us that it was not safe and illegal to stand on the roads to the highway, even if it was the best place for our business. We were sent to a deserted gas station and wished good luck.

In the light of day, under these same circumstances, police cars just drive by, because they see that we seem to be adequate.

Appearance. In America, it is very important to look neat, your appearance is 90% of success. This is probably why lonely hip-looking guys with a big beard are not very lucky here. But put a girl next to you - there is already more trust.

Sometimes the most narrow-minded policemen can tell you about the impossibility and illegality of hitchhiking, in this case I would take a bus to another exit from the city and stop the car there.

The most unfavorable places for hitchhiking - nearby big cities, or, even worse, in urban areas. The deserted expanses of "nowhere" are the most favorable places for hitchhiking, where you look quite unambiguously like people who want to go somewhere. Although once we were not badly stuck in the north of Utah, where there are not so many cars, but on our arrival there was one at a time in fifteen minutes. Stayed for two hours, which is rare.

On hitches we drove through 6 states, winding between national parks. In those parks where no free buses were found, we also hitchhiked, learned that each park has its own laws on this matter, and even if hitchhiking is legal in the state, it may be prohibited in the park. Yes, in the park carlsbad caves several rangers stopped us and said that we were doing something illegal, they told us to walk and not try to stop the car anymore, but after walking 15 kilometers, we still caught the car before the exit.

Hypermarket parking lots. If you are stuck in the city, and the police ruthlessly drive you from the entrance to the highway, or it is very far from it, then it is most logical to find a large hypermarket, such as Walmart, and slow down the cars at the exit from the parking lot, asking them to take you to the entrance to the highway, they ate , relaxed and not difficult for them.

Gas stations. As for gas stations within the city, it seemed to me that this was not the best idea. Truckers do not understand where they are going, and when asked if they are going north, with fear in their eyes they automatically name the opposite side of the world.

But with this type of travel, I can't guarantee you will have the same experience, just know that hitchhiking exists and I personally had an incredible experience during two months of such an adventure!


For food, we spent no more than $ 5 for two a day (150 rubles each), with different types of transportation, this figure varied slightly. For a large company with a rented car, where you can store huge packages of rice, pasta, beans - we spent 100 rubles a day per person, although we ate heartily!

The secret to economy and variety is the gas cylinder, burner and large packages. When traveling by car, there was always oatmeal with bananas for breakfast, salad and pasta for lunch, diversity and sweets for dinner. Sure, we looked a little weird, sprawled out on the sidewalk, or in the parking lot with all our plates. Once seeing us with all the staff in the library parking lot, the librarian called the sheriff, saying that we were cooking amphetamine here early in the morning! But in general, apart from the awareness of their absurdity, there were no problems.

Fast food. In general, America is a country of fast food, in any parking lot and McDonald's and Fatburger, and Kingburger, this stuff is enough. Yes, you can really find dollar burgers and free unlimited soda there (just find a glass in the neighborhood and refil indefinitely). Be sure to install the McDonald's USA app, thanks to it I had free ice cream and food every day, without having to buy anything, Americans love coupons.

The shops. It's good to save money with stores where all goods are for the dollar "99 cents Only", "Dollar Tree", there is absolutely everything that we ate every day. The Walmart or SafeWay chain always has a counter with sales of sweets, and the prices in them are generally pleasant.

The longer you stay in America, the more budgetary you start to live. This country is beautiful with its price contrasts. You can buy two kilos of bananas for $ 1, and in the store opposite for $ 7, and so on everywhere. To buy products for the house, you need to go around at least 4 stores and then it will be as budget-friendly as possible. But this is only if you stay somewhere for a long time.

If you just need to shop and not sweat, then let it be walmart. Also here, the prices are indicated without a tax, that is, you will go to the checkout and see other prices from those on the price tags, this is always a surprise. Unless the first-use products (bread, milk, eggs ..) are not taxed, and in each state the amount of the tax is different.

The key to your savings is a burner and a pot, you will still "love" this romance of cooking pasta for dinner ... Gas cylinders are sold in the same Walmart for $ 8 large, $ 4 small and $ 2 "dichlorvos". If you have multi-fuel, then this is the cheapest option, but it often clogs even with high-grade gasoline.

Free food. V big cities they often distribute food to the homeless and the needy, you can ask local vagrants where these places are. In the city of Fresno, we somehow accidentally came across a park where all the tramps had a loaf and a pie, moving towards a concentration of people, we came to a car full of muffins, cheese baguettes, pies and loaves. Not expired at all, they just give it to everyone who wants it.

It's no secret to anyone that modern world where supply exceeds demand, a lot of good food is thrown into the trash every day. Well, for example, every morning a certain amount of pastries are baked in this store, and everything that is not sold goes to the trash by 9 o’clock in the evening, in a beautiful package, because there will be fresh buns in the morning. Well, you know what I mean….

Here is one of the sites

Entrance, Annual Pass. If you plan to travel around the national park, then at the entrance to the first one, be sure to buy an Annual Pass for all parks. Its cost is $80, it is valid for a year and pays off very quickly. You need one pass per car, if you suddenly enter the park without a car, you still need only one pass. At the entrance you need to show your passport, they check your photo with you and signatures. If your trip ended before December, then the pass can be sold, the signatures are easily erased. You can also buy someone's pass through the Amazon website, or by hand.

Overnight stays. In national parks, it is necessary to spend the night in specially designated paid campgrounds. This is a place with cleared ground for tents, a metal fire pit, a clean toilet and possibly a shower.

Life hack. As a rule, a box with envelopes is attached to the information stand. You must take one, fill in the information, put the indicated amount in it and lower it into another box, after tearing off the label, with the number on the envelope, by which you can be checked. We arrived at about eight o'clock in the evening, when the rangers were already leaving, took this envelope, collected the indicated amount in it, but never dropped it into another box. If the check did not come, but it did not come, we sorted the money back and threw out the envelope at the exit. And if she had come, we would have explained in clumsy English that we were stupid tourists.

My favorite state is Utah, it has an amazing red-yellow color, it is indented with canyons and rich in beautiful natural arches, in this state nature moves with the wind, weathers, crumbles, transforms ..

In the USA, I got to know and feel all kinds of deserts, and prickly, and rocky, and with snakes, and with dunes, and with white lizards, and with giant cacti and without, and even the one where the sky merges with the horizon and everything is lost idea of ​​reality.

In the USA, I saw how close volcanoes, craters, lakes, the same deserts, dense forests, ocean shores are from each other, wildlife mountains, advanced civilization, geysers, wild deer, distinct cultures, snowdrifts and hot springs..