How to make a sun bed for a dog and choose a suitable place for him? The most uncomfortable places.

Any entrepreneur who opens his business, sooner or later faces the problem of choosing a place to place a traffic point.

How to find "Golden bottom"?

In this question - no little things. If you want good sales - it is responsible to the selection of space. It is quite realistic to find an acceptable option, you just need to adhere to the correct search algorithm and selection of sales points.

1. Selection of the Shopping Center

Before stilding places in the mall, you need to choose the shopping center. Many young businessmen really do not give this value, but in vain.

After all, you can get a very cool place in the "dead" shopping center where you will simply lose money. Do not hurry to agree on the first sentence of the shopping center.
Compare several complexes. To do this, collect all the information about them: the plan of the premises with an indication of free space, the level of passability, the cost of a square meter and everything they are still ready to tell. Only comparing several options for accommodation, you can make a reasonable choice, and not a choice based on emotions.

2. Patency

So that your "islet" is not uninhabited, pay attention, first of all, on traffic.

Traffic is the number of people who will pass by your trading point. Be a trap for traffic.

"It is better to spend a week for analysis than to get a place on the first day and burn in a month."

At the same time, it is not necessary to chase only for the traffic point, perhaps 95% purposefully go to the hypermarket on the first floor, and people simply do not pay attention to anything other than the goal of their visiting.

You can also option that you simply cannot process the client stream and come across the negative from buyers, which will certainly affect the work.

Be careful, and try to track how people behave.

3. Location

As if we did not want to get up directly opposite the entrance, unfortunately (or fortunately), it is not always possible to do, because the shopping center has its own vision about the location of retail space. But do not be afraid. Get the trading point at the shopping center with the placement of free space, simply speaking, a plan of a possible location. In the document you will find the room scheme and the size of the sales point. Using the plan, you can choose the most suitable place for your island.

Also important floors and the location of the island. The most passable points are on the 1st floor and on where there is a cinema or Fudcourt. And yes, pay attention to the entrances to the shopping center. If they are all at the zero floor - it makes sense to look for accommodation there. On the principle of storey there are all the islands "Wow! Dessert".

The escalator reduces the flow twice. That is, if you are 5, and people went to eat on 4, then traffic will fall by half. People are lazy enough to make extra television, so you should not count on the whole stream from 1st floor. But not all shopping center is the same, there are also strange options, you must test.

4. Measurement technology

How to determine if the place will suit? Sit down a cup of coffee near the point, and watch it a couple of hours. Distribute this time, at the afternoon day and evening. During this time, consider the number of people passing by. Ideally should be from 500 people per hour. Keep in mind that you need to cut off the misuse of an audience at least, almost all of all these are older people. They do not take into account.

From how your island is located, the number of your sales depends, up to 100% of profits.

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Publication date: 12/01/2016

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Previously, to take a good place in the aircraft cabin, you had to go to the airport and negotiate the provision of a particular place individually with the airline employees. Today it is not necessary to even leave the house. It is enough to know how to choose a place in the plane by e-ticket. On many tickets for the sale of tickets, you can not only book a ticket for a specific date, a certain flight, but also to choose the most suitable place in the cabin.

In order to choose and book a specific place, there is no need to wait for the opening of registration. Immediately after placing the order and e-ticket, you will receive an email in which the aircraft interior scheme will be indicated. Free places on such a scheme are marked brighter. You only need to bring the cursor to the right seat and click on it with the mouse. Then click "Save".

Select the appropriate place in the cabin offers about 180 airlines passengers who buy tickets online. Among the carriers that provide such a right must be allocated:

  • Aeroflot;
  • "Ural Airlines";
  • "UTair";
  • SWISS;
  • Lufthansa and others.

Please note that some air transporters provide such a service for an additional fee. For example, British Airways provides the ability to select a passenger on their own place in the airliner from available free for $ 16. Moreover, such an opportunity is provided only to passengers flying economy class and tickets for flights for flights that last no more than 3 hours. With a longer flight, such a service will cost 32 dollars. If you want to book a place in the business class, you will have to pay for a choice of approximately 100 dollars. Therefore, before using this service, learn more about its cost and other nuances that can be spelled out in the rules of a particular air carrier.

Book a specific place in both the airport, having agreed with an authorized employee, so at the rack of self-registration.

Selecting the right place, you will spend flight time with high comfort, even in economy class

What else should take into account?

In the process of booking a specific place, the passengers are often encountered with the situation when there are quite little free places in the diagram and they are all "unsuccessful" in terms of location. Most often, this is due to the fact that carriers themselves book favorable places. Subsequently, authorized employees give these places to certain categories of passengers who buy tickets for this flight. Companies themselves book several places to subsequently give them to pregnant women, elderly people, passengers with children.

From this situation there are two outputs:

  1. You can drive up to the airport for registration early and ask for an employee at the rack to provide you with one of the "profitable" places. As practice shows, most often authorized employees satisfy such requests.
  2. You can also wait until all passengers take their places on the plane. If after that you will notice a suitable free place, ask the stewardess to transplant you to the seat. Usually no obstacles arise for this.

If you fly a business class, you do not have to pay for a specific seat. The exception is only cases if the passenger is used to sit in one particular place for individual reasons. In other cases, it makes no sense to book a specific place, since all places in this class are characterized by a high degree of comfort provided. At any place, you can comfortably accommodate, fold back the back and straighten your feet.

Unlike booking in advance, which often requires additional financial costs, there is a much more profitable way to occupy the desired place in the plane. As a rule, registration on the flight opens 1.5-2 hours before departure time. If the passenger passes online registration, he will be offered to choose a seat on the plane from all the remaining free. In this case, the reservation will be free, but there is a high probability that the desired place will be already occupied by another passenger.

How to find out your place in the cabin?

Many passengers are wondering how to find out the place in the plane by e-ticket? At the ticket itself, this information is not displayed. The seat number in the cabin is indicated on the landing coupon you will receive after check-in on the flight. Another option to find out the number of the seat is to call the representative office of the air carrier. You will be asked the reservation number, after which the authorized employee will find a ticket number in the database and voiced the place in the cabin.

Victoria Low | 08/10/2015 | 1875.

Victoria SOLOP 10.08.2015 1875

Any dog, even a decorative breed, should be their place in the house where it will rest. So that the pet felt comfortable, make him a soft sun bed and put in a comfortable place.

I have a pretty big dog of the Labrador-Retriever breed, and there was no bed in any pet store, which would fit my favorite on which my favorite would fit. Therefore, I purchased a children's ottoo for a pet. The dog has become incredibly delighted and now does not get off his sofa.

But it is not necessary to pour pet as I do. For example, a small and medium dog will be a fairly small soft bed, which can be easily made with their own hands.

I offer 2 options, how to make a sleeping place for a dog.

1. Sunbed from the suitcase

You will need:

  • old suitcase;
  • short legs from furniture;
  • pillow;
  • 2 boards;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws and nuts;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil;
  • tape measure.

Using a screwdriver, unscrew all the screws in the suitcase that connect both parts of it, and the upper part (cover) set aside. She will not be useful for you.

Measure the length of the inner part of the suitcase and mark it on two narrow wooden boards. At the edges, insert the nuts. Turn over the suitcase and make 4 holes in each corner at the same level where nuts are in the boards. In addition, keep in mind that the diameter of the holes must coincide with the diameter of the screws.

One side, screw the screws into the legs from the furniture, and the other in the suitcase and the board.

This is how this design is from the inside.

Now put a pillow there. It should be free to fit into the suitcase.

Lyzhik ready!

2. Lenhing from an old sweater for a small dog

You will need:

  • old sweater;
  • a small pillow (it should be placed in a sweater);
  • long scarf or towels;
  • scissors;
  • threads with a needle.

Any sweater is suitable: both with buttons and without. The main thing is that it is a little more than the size of the PSA. If you use the clothes with buttons, the first thing to remove them and sew (on a typewriter or manually) in the place where it was unborn.

Put the pillow in the sweater, and the scarf or soft towels - in the sleeve. After that, squeeze the bottom of the sweaters, and the sleeves are covered with each other by holes. If the sleeves are not long enough, you can laugh between them a piece of any fabric into a sweater tone.

Form the bed so that the sleeves become sides, framing the pillow, and squeeze the top of the sweater (in the scene of the neck).

The sleeves can be sewed to the base so that the design is not overlooked.

Where to organize a sleeping place for a dog?

After you have made a lay, it needs to be placed in such a place at home so that the dog is comfortable to relax. That is, there should not be drafts, noise and other stimuli. At the same time, the PSU should be convenient to observe all family members. Therefore, you should not put the sun bed to the farthest corner of the house.

Many believe that a sleeping place for the dog should be placed in the corridor. This is not always the right decision. If there are many tenants in the apartment, they will interfere with the PSU to relax, because every family member, running out of the room to a room or kitchen, will disturb the dog several times a day. Therefore, better organize a place for it away from the human trail.

If you love a lot and often travel, then you probably spend a lot of time on the road, namely on board the aircraft. If the flight lasts not long, you do not pay attention to small inconvenience, but if you need to fly 8-10 hours, then comfort is of great importance, and other things being equal, I always choose more convenient flight conditions.

The comfort of your flight depends on many factors - entertainment on board, but most importantly - from the convenience of the very place where you will spend almost all the way. Today I want to talk about what different places are different on board the aircraft, how to find out in advance which salon will be from your flight, and how to choose the place you like.

To choose the best place on board the aircraft, you must first find out what exactly the plane you fly. Moreover, even the same aircraft in different airlines can have a different layout of the chairs, so it is important to find out not just the type of aircraft, but a particular aircraft.

You can do this before buying a ticket on the airline's website (in flight schedules) or in the ticket search engine.

For example, when searching for a ticket for immediately in the description of the route, you can see the name of the airline and the flight number. Let's look at the following flight London-New York:

The first flight segment will be carried out by Norwegian Air airline, flight number DY-2802. Using this information, you can learn more about a specific plane on the sites and

2. Where to find a cabin scheme

You can also see the salon scheme on specialized sites.

Let's try to find a plane salon scheme for the same flight. London New York For the first segment of the flight at

First, on the main page, we enter the necessary information - the name of the airline and the flight number (we have already learned on the search engine or on the airline's website):

A window opens where you can see what a plane will be. To see the salon scheme, click "View Map":

A page with detailed information about the aircraft, as well as the location scheme of the armchairs:

3. Features of different places on board the aircraft

In addition to the detailed study of the schemes, you need to remember some of the features of different places on board and select the best place based on your needs. Consider various types of places in the plane.

3.1. Emergency exit place

If your growth is above average, these places are created specifically for you! In a number opposite the emergency exit, much more place for feet than on ordinary places. But there are both restrictions - the manual stall will have to be removed on the luggage shelf, because Security rules are not allowed to put things in a passage to emergency exit. So nor under your nor under the chair to publish a passenger can not be put. Also for emergency outputs do not fit passengers with children, because It is assumed that the emergency exit should sit a person who will be able to help flight attendants to open an emergency exit and to evacuate passengers.

Also note that if your place is located in a row, which is located in front of the emergency nearby, then the back of the chair you will not be able to not be able to not freeze the emergency exit.

3.2. Places at the beginning of the aircraft

  • Most often, the very first row is booked for frequently flying passengers and for passengers with children. So keep in mind that, perhaps, you will not be able to sleep because of a crying baby. Although from this you are not insured in other places, but here is the likelihood above.
  • Service begins just from the first rows, so you will have the maximum choice of dishes.
  • Before the toilet will have to go, because Toilet for a business class can not be used.
  • After landing, you can leave the plane in the forefront, immediately after the first and business class passengers.

3.3. Places in the middle of the aircraft

These places do not have pronounced disadvantages or benefits. When you choose a place in the middle of the aircraft, pay attention, will there be an airplane wing to block your review if you plan to sit near the porthole.

3.4. Aircraft

According to statistics, the places in the tail of the aircraft are considered the safest, because Most passengers survived in a plane crash were in the tail.

But absolutely safe places do not happen, so let's consider other features of these places:

  • in the tail part there are toilets that on the one hand it is convenient - no need to go far, but on the other hand, people will always be next to you, so it can be very noisy.
  • the last rows do not always have portholes, so if you want to enjoy the views in advance, look at the aircraft scheme in which you fly.
  • also on the last row may not be folded, because An additional place is not provided.
  • if you like to take pictures of the view from the window, then you care that there may be bad visibility in the tail part due to the exhaust loop.
  • if the plane is not clogged under the string, most of the free seats usually happen in the tail part, so you can take several chairs at once, comfortably raised.
  • if you fly with a transfers, then it is better not to sit down in the very tail of the plane, because You can get out only the most latter, thereby lose a lot of time.
  • distribution of food usually begins with the beginning or middle of the aircraft, so if you did not order specials. The cost of some dishes may not be enough for you (for example, you only fish, but only a few servings with meat will remain).

3.5. The most uncomfortable places

In addition to relatively convenient places that have advantages, and disadvantages, there are also places that are categorically recommended to sit, for example:

  • places in a series of emergency exit. You will not have the opportunity to throw back the back.
  • places in the middle row (if there are three rows of seats in the plane, with a layout of 3-3-3, 3-4-3, 2-5-2). Especially if you are sitting in the middle of this row - it is difficult to get into the toilet, perhaps you yourself will have to pass passengers, it is also difficult to get something from the luggage shelf, the longest of all to stop the aircraft.
  • places next to the toilet - may be an unpleasant smell, as well as people driving there, people will not allow to relax.

4. How to book a concrete place on board

When you decided on the place you want to occupy, you need to book it. You can do it both in advance and immediately before departure. It should be understood that the sooner you take place to book the place, the more chances will take exactly what you want.

So, there are several options for booking space.

4.1. Booking when buying a ticket

If you, Most likely, you can immediately book and place on board. Immediately recognize about the possibility of such an option.

Features. If you fly to the louder, then, most likely, additional payment is charged for booking a specific place. So I do not see sense to book something in advance, only if you really need a certain place for some reason (for example, you are traveling with a child and want to be confident in advance that you can sit near or take a place in the first row) . If you do not book a place in advance, it is likely that you can use another choice option, about it below.

4.2. Booking in the Personal Account

If you have bought a ticket from an intermediary (for example, via or Skyscanner), then you can manage your booking on the airline's website. Just come to the airline's website, register (or immediately go to your personal account, if already registered) and enter the "My Booking" section in the Personal Account. There you can already choose places (if there is such an option) or, for example, insert the card number to take into account miles.

4.3. Choosing a place during online registration for flight

Online registration begins usually 24 hours before the departure of the aircraft, but it opens before, you need to find out on the airline's website. It is best to register immediately, in the first minutes after the start of registration, it will be more chances that you have time to book the right place. In order not to miss the time, put a reminder. Again, this option does not concern losost-companies, because There is a choice of place only for an additional fee.

4.4. Choosing a place during registration at the airport

It also makes sense to come to the airport early to register among the first. The best places are already busy, but at least you can choose a place at the porthole or in the passage, in the middle part of the aircraft or at the end. If you are resorting to the reception at the last minute, then most likely to choose the place will not be possible. This concerns flights to popular directions in the midst of the season. If you fly to the low season and the plane is semi-empty, then closer to the end of the registration you can, for example, ask for a place on a free row, where there will be no one next to you.

4.5. Choosing a place after completing landing on board

As soon as they announced the completion of the landing, you can safely choose a more comfortable place. This concerns, first of all, traffic, because This is the only free choice of place.

Also, the peculiarity of the train is that tickets sell a little more than places in the plane, because According to statistics, about 10% of passengers do not come to the flight. Therefore, passengers who came the best can often plant on the best places, even sometimes put in a business class (if he, of course, is provided in this Loadoste).