Mysterious island Tyuters. War Reserve: Journey to Tyuters Island Eight square kilometers taiga and stone

On the Baltic, on the island of Big Tyuters, the intermediate results of the expedition on the search and export of techniques of the Great Patriotic War are submitted

The event organized by the Russian geographical society together with the Ministry of Defense started at the beginning of May, and will end on August 14th. For four incomplete months, search engines must play the island, collect the German military technique, which he is full, and take to the mainland. This is the first such expedition: only sappers worked here. According to experts, the island can be called unique: wild, almost uninhabited (only two people on the lighthouse), scored, as if the open-air museum, artifacts, abandoned 70 years ago.

Eight square kilometers taiga and stone

Go away from the Levashov Military Aerodrome. Weather flying, despite the low violet sky. Several officers of different kinds of troops are loaded on board. And two soldiers with a bidon-loud - for berries.

- Asked, we were taken, "they share, saying along the way, that until the end of the service they were still left - 4 months. - Interesting! Will be at home to tell ...

To the Big Tyuters, who, if watching the map, lies with Estonia itself and Finland, is about an hour, 180 kilometers. The island switched to the jurisdiction of our country back in the distance 1721, when Peter I defeated the Swedes in the Northern War. In 1920, he began to unexpectedly belong to Independent Finland. After 20 years, he returned to us again. After three years, Finns and Germans were commissioned. Since 1944, he has been Russian again.

All post-war time these eight square kilometers of stone and taiga are empty: without need. And dangerous. Until 2005, when sappers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations came to the island, he was stupid by projectiles and mines.

From the porthole, Tuers looks like a cozy green lush hat in the middle of the water. When decreasing, extensive sand dunes are visible on the shores, stepped rock formations. On the West Bank - a lighthouse match. Through the island stretches the thread of the forest road. And expedition camp: white military tents, cargo technique.

The key of the Finnish bay

We are engaged. The nose is hit by a strong smell of needles. In the ears - unusual silence.

We transplant on the UAZ and, picking the cabin of the bitch along the loop track, we are going to place one of the finds. A month ago, there was a curious copy of the Wehrmacht's anti-aircraft gun.

Island, I must say, looks truly wild. But in the past century there was a large Finnish fishing village, there was a wooden church, a school, later - a narrow-skinned railway.

During the Second World War Garnis, the German troops on Tuertres was 2 thousand military: one person for four square meters! And it's not by chance - along with the neighboring gogland and another couple of islets less than this ridge played a strategic role - the key from the Gulf of Finland. Who owned the archipelago - he controlled the entrance to the bay. Between the islands, the Germans pulled the anti-submarine networks, pounding mine chains. Gopland controlled Finns, Big Tyuters - Germans. Our attempts to bring them back, but unsuccessfully. That is why our Baltic fleet stood, without entering until 1944 in large battles, locked in Kronstadt and Leningrad ...

In every field of field kitchen - grenade

On one of the hillocks across the road, the Urals and the car crane are facing. Next to the weapon is the 88 mm Baquors system gun.

- was produced in Sweden, "General Valery Kudinsky enters into the course of the case. - One of the best samples of anti-aircraft weapons of the time: automatic, reliable. Its condition is currently satisfactory. Clean, renovating - and almost like new. Near the ground found and the guests: 80 shells in washesized paper. From these the most guns and wipe on our aircraft.

Search works, explains the general, are now over. From May to June, the expedition members fushed along and across: walked chains, 20 - 30 meters from each other. Now the task is to deliver the found on the pier. Total discovered 207 objects. 137 of them need to be pulled out with heavy machinery - these most tractors and cranes. Half is already on the shore, half in the forest. Among the findings are anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank guns, airfight control locations, field kitchens, spotlights, trailers of different power, fuel barrels.

Everything without exception, I must say, declined. The German island left hastily. Those all and September 18, 1944 left this land. Cannon, trailers undermined. In every field of field kitchen - grenade. In each barrel - a few cross-cutting shots ...

Westers and helicopters

On the loading gun leaves half an hour. Despite its seemingly compactness, she does not fit entirely on the tractor. During transportation on one of the hillocks, crept with creak on stones. Again you have to customize the crane, cling the cable ...

The deputy head of the director of the Expeditionary Center of the RGO and the chief inspirer of the entire process of Artem Khututor is welcomed to us.

"Almost every object has to mess around like this," he says. - And something in general wheeled technology does not take - rocks, burlyas. We will try through the air, with a helicopter.

And adds that, despite the difficulties, all work is in joy. They were dreaming for many years with this project, studied archives, including German. But just to take and go here it was impossible - we need considerable funds. In December last year, the project was presented to the President of RGO Sergey Shoigu, and the Minister of Defense gave good: act.

Three-dimensional gun, nonsense aircraft

The result of the work of military and geographers is obvious: the pier is a picturesque pile of metal. For specialists, all this is valuable exhibits that in the near future are likely to take their place in different military museums of the country.

- Here are a barrel for fuel, standard, two-toll, - tells the farm. - Immediately from several countries. German, Finnish, Latvian, French. Look at their rounds - here you can make a whole collection! Or a very interesting object: a three-link gun made in 1917 on Putilovsky factory. She moved to independent Finland. And he fought during the Great Patriotic War ...

- And how are people who died? - I'm interested.

- As for the Germans, from 1941 to 1944, about 20 soldiers were killed at large Tuiters for various reasons. We found the place of a possible cemetery - there were eight nominal tags there, which were attached to the grave crosses. But the basic losses of fascists suffered at the neighboring gogland. In 1944, when Finland has already come out of the war, the Germans decided to intercept the gogland - he could get to us! At first they tried to negotiate peacefully, then they began to intimidate, and in the end they sent their landing there. And Finns - yesterday's German Allies - gave them a serious rebuff. Moreover: requested air aid from the Soviet troops - it became the only one such case during the Great Patriotic War. Nazis, then our and Finns were broken by the head: died, they were missing and were injured to 700 Germans.

- And our here, on the big tyuters? ..

- Losses were. And when we went out in 41st. And when in the 42nd two times they tried to storm. It is known that the two of our scouts planted here later. But they disappeared. The swamps lie Soviet aircraft - one or two. The World Manager says that he remembers the boy's tail of the aircraft in one of the swamps. But where - it is unclear. Part of the fuselage trim we found. Nothing more…

In the next two weeks, the delivery of techniques on the pier will continue. Then - sending to the landing boats to Kronstadt, accommodation at one of the military arsenals of the Leningrad region. It is likely that in the coming years on this penadiac in the middle of the Gulf of Finland, the work will begin the detachments to find the dead fighters.

By the way

As part of the expedition of the Russian Geographical Society and the Ministry of Defense at the end of July - the beginning of August, search engines are held on the island of Gogland. Unlike Big Tyuters, an exclusively search engines operate on Gobland, which are engaged in the detection of the burials of our soldiers (military equipment from here was taken almost immediately after the war). According to preliminary data, about 500 redarmeys were killed here. Work on the island is conducted by the search group of the North-West union of 16 people (including different detachments of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region). This is the first similar large-scale action. Currently, many objects of life and armament of both Soviet and Finnish soldiers are discovered - grenades, shells, rifle flaps, communication coils, flakes, mugs, spoons, kettles, sanitary stretchers. And the remains of one fighter of the Red Army: the surname - Sapozhnikov found next nearby. Searches are complicated by the stony character of the soil. Currently, accrehensible directions of the island are swapped.

Last week, the heading expedition "Gogland" sent by the Russian Defense Ministry to the Island of Great Tyuters in the Gulf of Finnish Bay, plunged several dozen units of German military equipment and weapons of the Second World on the territory of the Baltic fleet to the landing boats of the Baltic Fleet. At the end of the war, the Germans, hastily leaving big tunts, were forced to leave a large amount of heavy weapons, military equipment, ammunition and other property on the island. Among the detected findings of findings are legendary German anti-aircraft guns Flak 18/36 caliber 88 mm, Swedish anti-aircraft gun Bofors L60 and rare models of German artillery trailers.

The island is located to the west of the Baltic coast of Russia, so for the observer from St. Petersburg, the Sun enters the big tyuters

The expedition works on the island from July 15: there are representatives of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Geographical Society", the All-Russian Public Movement on the perpetuation of the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland and "search engine of Russia". The total number of expedition is more than 80 people.

In the Finnish bay there are many large and small islands. The fact that on some of them are preserved the ruins of fortification structures and there are remnants of a broken military equipment, it was known for a long time. The scientific expedition of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) in 2013 examined the group of external islands and confirmed these facts in its reports. Such islands as Goreland, Small Turats, Big Tyuters, Sommers and Skar, having a strategically significant location, during the war years served as important reference points for the Germans.

Big Tyuters Island (marked red)

The island of Great Tyuters is 180 km to the west of St. Petersburg, has about 2.5 km in the diameter, and its area is approximately 8.3 square meters. km. Big Tyuters is located south of the island of Gogland, forming a certain semblance of a gate with him, through which the main seaway is held leading to the ports of St. Petersburg and Vyborg. This is the location of the island defined its role as a place to accommodate coastal batteries. Currently, from the current buildings on the island there is only a lighthouse with a height of 21 m.

Lighthouse of the island of Big Turats serves a caretaker who does not risk far away from him, fearing deadly "surprises" of military pore
smolbattle. Ru

In different years, garrisons were placed on the islands, strengthening with mine harnesses were built and coastal batteries were established, which held the sea paths under the sight. Some of the islands have changed their owners, alternately as the Swedish, then the Finnish, and Russians, and during the Great Patriotic War, some of them were busy with German troops (Big Tyuters held in Germans almost until the end of 1944). The fierce battles in the Finnish bay cost the warring sides of thousands of victims, and the exact number of Soviet soldiers and officers dead here were not established here.

The plot of the first channel about the search expedition to the big tuiters

Not all islands after the end of the war were completely purified from mines and shells, especially those who were in border areas closed to visit. There is reason to believe that besides the old military equipment on the islands, the remains of the soldiers who fell in battles for their liberation may be discovered.

At the end of the war, the Germans, hastily leaving big tyuters, were forced to leave a large amount of heavy weapons, military equipment and ammunition on it. In addition, there remained mine fields and barriers, and in such a large number that Big Tyuters earned a reputation as the "Island of Death", as the servicemen continued to die for many years after the war. In the post-war period on the island, the spermage departments arrived several times (aware of the seven such landings), which were working to deminister territory. In particular, in 2005, the joint expedition of Russian and Swedish sappers worked here, the achievement of more than 30 thousand explosive objects.

Despite all the efforts to deminister Island, Big Tyuters still represents a greater danger to people

Preparations for the expedition of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the islands of the Finnish Bay began in the spring of this year. The reconnaissance expedition "Gogland", consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, RGO and participants of the search engine, attended the external islands at the end of May and fulfilled a large amount of work: he studied the locality, outlined areas of searches, routes paved, conducted engineering marking, prepared berths and platforms Ways of weapons and military equipment.

Closed to visits the island has become a kind of reserve, retaining weapons and technique of the Second World War

After the reconnaissance expedition in the first day of July, the Islands laid the landing of the sapper of the sea engineering regiment of Baltflot. Fleet sappers, working on the cards prepared by the reconnaissance expedition, conducted a study of a number of areas, freeing them from explosive items. For a week, the work of the sappers discovered more seven minutes of min, shells and other ammunition that were destroyed by undermining. At the same time, anti-personnel mines, whose fuses were in the activated state of several decades and could be detected at any time.

Among the found military equipment - a lot of valuable samples. In the photo - presumably, automatic anti-aircraft gun Bofors L60 caliber 40 mm

Specialists of the Russian Ministry of Defense, working on the islands, report that it has already been collected and shipped about two hundred samples of German weapons and military equipment. After delivery to the Great Earth, those found samples that are subject to restoration will be renovated and become exhibits Russian military-historical museums and memorial parks. As reported in a recent interview, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, restored arms samples and technicians will become exhibits of the Patriot Military Patriotic Park, which it is planned to transport the exposition of some military museums.

Loading finds on the ships of the Baltic Fleet

It is reported that the expedition also found the remains of the soldier of the Red Army, whose name still has to be installed. Work on the island will last until August 14.

Big Tyuters (Fin. Tytärsaari; Swede Tyterskär; Est. Tütarsaar - a subsidiary island) - Russian island in the central part of the Gulf of Finland, located 75 km from Finland and southeast of Goreland. It is part of the Kingisepp district of the Leningrad region. Island Area - 8.3 sq. Km.

The island of Great Tyuters in the Gulf of Finland, after the war they also called the "Island of Death". People continued to die there in the 1950s, and in the 1960s.

Finns and Germans captured the archipelago located in the very center of the Gulf of Finland, even at the beginning of the Great Patriotic. The islands of Gogland and Big Tyuters at the same time had an exceptional value. After all, they are right on the Farvater, according to which the military and civil courts are also coming in those years. The island of Gogland then ranked Finns, and on the Big Tuiters there was a headquarters group of Germans and a large garrison. There is also a powerful battery to combat the Soviet fleet. It is quite clear that the fascists preparing for a serious battle brought a huge amount of ammunition on the island. In addition, some time of the projectiles were made right there. In a hurry leaving the island, the Germans could not take the accumulated arsenal. They entered insidiously - mined the territory of the island, turning it in fact in one big mine. Soviet paratroopers landed on Tyuters in the summer of 1944 came to this terrible trap.

To deminate the strengthening and territory of the mined island was tried repeatedly and immediately after the war, and then, in the 1950s. At the same time, a lot of sappers died. In order not to destroy people, the island decided to simply not touch. At the same time, a lighthouse appeared on Turatres, which still works. The population of the mined island still consists of one person - Leonid Kudinov's hermit, which is the very lighthouse and serves. Lighthouse caretaker lives on a small plot of land, gets everything necessary from a large land and does not risk separating away from home. After all, any careless step can become the last ...

It is quite clear that the ammunition on the ill-fated island was found. It is not even necessary to look for them. In the dugouts, in warehouses, in the open area and underground are thousands of shells, mines, rolling checkers. Next to them can be seen and the German guns standing around 60 years. All this is mined and can take off on the air even at easy impact.

In 2005, the Supres of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia together with the specialists of the Swedish agency of rescue services (ShasS) completed the demining of the island of Big Tyuters in Finnish Bay.
The sappers found and destroyed on the island of 30 thousand 339 of the explosive items of the Times of the Great Patriotic War.

In the expedition, which began on August 10, together with Sipers from Sweden, participated employees of the 294th Center for Special Risk Rescue Operations "Leader", the 179th Rescue Center and the North-Western Regional Center for EMERCOM of Russia.
In addition to numerous mines, shells and aviation bombs, the sappers of the two countries were found on the island of six minor fortification structures.

The Complex Expedition of the RGO with the support of the Ministry of Defense of Russia continues to examine the external islands of the Finnish Bay. The group went on Big Tyuters and GobindTo learn their geography, geology, biology and historical and cultural heritage.

"Death Island" breaks up with the heritage of war - hundreds of tons of rusty military iron volunteers from all over the country are preparing for export from Big Tyuters. The sleeves from shells, fragments of ammunition will soon be disposed of. But this land still pays danger.

Despite the fact that there were already seven demining operations here, volunteers find another ammunition scroon. Sappers that have recently worked in Syrian Palmyra, found a hundred German anti-personnel mines - so-called "frogs" without detonators on the island.

"When the Germans left here, they did not have time to pick up with them - and drove something and hidden. Look, they are in excellent condition, even the paint did not cut down, "shows the mine commander of the mining group of the 30th engineering and sapper regiment Ilya Shcherbakov.

Great Tyuters, Goreland and the neighboring Islands literally lock the exit to the Baltic from the Finnish Bay. From 1941 to 1944, it was from here that the Germans conducted a fire on Soviet ships and aircraft.

The Square of Big Tyuters is just eight square kilometers. But during the years of war, the Germans made it absolutely impregnable: the ranks of the barbed wire were glad the whole island, each 50-100 meters there were machine-gun nests. Everything was done so that he could not take the Soviet landing.

Tytems defended a three thousandthly garrison, while fighting losses for almost three years of war amounted to only 30 people.

The German Military Cemetery is located on the island. Now the servicemen of the individual search battalion of the ZO, at the request of the People's Union of Germany, conduct work on the exhumation of the remains of German soldiers.

"Since here is a forest, wild, even last year there were attempts to make marauders to penetrate the island, despite the distance. Therefore, if you imagine the idea to leave and touch anything - unfortunately it will not work, "explains the employee of the People's Union of Germany Dmitry Volkov.

The participants of the joint expedition of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the Russian Geographical Society are hoping to find the remains of Soviet fighters - participants of several landings. Hundreds of soldiers and sailors disappeared in these places.

"It seemed after last expedition, well, everything was already - this island has emanated along and across, all the interesting things escaped. And it seems that everyone would know, but it turned out that there was a lot of interesting things, "Valery Kudinsky notes the head of the international integrated expedition.

A large bunkers equipped with Germans in granite rocks found on Big Tuiters. Their goals are still unknown. This riddle of the island is now trying to solve geophysics.

Here, presumably, the grottoes can be, the entrances in which were littered with the Germans during the retreat. They could hide anything - from stocks of weapons and food to values \u200b\u200band objects of art, led by Nazis under Leningrad.

70 years old mined along and across Tyuters remained a war reserve on the delete, and only now he finally began to open his secrets.

The expedition to the big tunts is a time trip, and not in space. From September 18, 1944, when the Germans passed the positions and turned to flight, the island stood as intact - completely covered with gunpowder, shredded sleeves and scued mines

On September 1, 1943, the German patrol discovered a breech in a wire fence. Nearby there was a rubber boat. It was clear that at night on the island of Great Tyuters, where the artillery of the Wehrmacht settled, the Soviet speakers penetrated. The entire garrison was raised by alarm. 800 people fused the modest 8 square meters. Km Islands in search of several saboteurs. Soon their shelter was found: laying, food supply and medicine, cartridges, details from the radio station.

The Germans never managed to catch our soldiers. I had to hastily change the defensive positions and build new fortification facilities. However, according to the onboard magazine of the Soviet submarine M-96, with which the landing landed on Tyuters, back on board the fighters were also not returned. Their fate remained a mystery.

Today on the big tuyers is crowded and noisy. Here, sappers, geologists, volunteers and journalists are working, delusitically push trucks and pickups, takes off and the helicopter sits down. But in the evening, when the twilight appeared on the island, the Twilight is descended, it seems that Soviet intelligence officers are still hiding somewhere nearby, in forest thickets or for the nearest stone. That's because of the hill, brying weapons, the German search group will seem. Time on Big Tyuters as if stopped. The island looks as if the war on it ended only yesterday.

Islands of the Gulf of Finland

Big Tyuters was not always uninhabited. The first archaeological finds on the island are dated by the VI century. From the XVI century, the island was populated by the peoples of the Finno-Ugric group. Past of the external islands of the Finnish Bay passed the path "from the Varyag in the Greeks". Waters near Big Tyuters had bad fame: piracy flourished here, ships died. Shortly before the beginning of the Second World War on the island there was a Finnish village with a population of more than 400 inhabitants.

Brown dunes

Big Tyuters is a small uninhabited island, just 2.5 km in the diameter. From the western side in Karelsk, sharp rocks were sophisticated. Sand dunes spread out in the east. Landscape here reminds Kurisk Kosa, challenged with photographers. From the crest of Dunes offers a picturesque view, especially at dawn. But the barbed wire cramps come across. You begin to notice the pillars, along which barrier was stretched. Having looked down, you understand: the sand literally mixed with the "straw" of artillery powder and hundreds of sleeves.

On the same dune until last year there was a kind of business card of Big Tyuters - 88 mm anti-aircraft gun Flak.aimed at the sky. It was covered with a two-meter layer of sand, one barrel stuck out. Last year, the instrument was dug off, transported to the bay, and from there the boat was sent to the mainland.

If it were not for this sentence and her 15 twin sisters, the war could end much faster. Fervater of the Finnish Bay passes exactly in the middle between the Gogland, the largest island of the archipelago, and the big tunts. In March 1942 after almost three months of the heroic defense of Goreland, the squad of the Red Army teams, without receiving reinforcements from the mainland, was forced to retreat. Gopland occupied Finns, Big Tyuters - Germans. Attempts to return the islands were not crowned with success, and the sea exit from the blockade Leningrad was closed. Coastal artillery did not allow the surface ships to leave the bay, and the stretched networks and mine barrage were not allowed to pass by submarine.

In 1944, when Finland signed a peace treaty with the USSR, Big Tyuters was hastily left by the Germans. Leaving, they mined the island and blew almost everything that could represent at least some value.

What is there to talk! It was all spoiled, everything that the fascists had had time to get, "the volunteers sigh, showing the ridiculous bucket," and this you have not seen the boilers of field kitchens. We will be taken out with garbage. The Germans were chosen inside grenades. Nothing left.

"Gifts" under the legs

Weapons, ammunition details, household items and personal items soldiers - all this usually becomes mining of "black diggers". The Islands of the Gulf of Finnish Bay for amateur search engines are practically unacceptable. We traveled to the big tunts on the helicopter. The landing site on the island, of course, no, but for the Military Mi-8 is not a problem: it sits on the cleared Pyatak right next to the army tents. A little indeed - camp. RGO tents are bright, tourist, not so big as the military. There is nothing like the road too. For working points, soldiers and volunteers are delivered by army trucks. In the role of high-speed vehicles of high comfort - Pickups Volkswagen Amarok..

On the ground sandy shore is equipped with a pontoon berth for a landing boat. Near it is a mountain of rusty cylinders. In Germany, each artillery projectile was stored and transported in a separate metal tube (the Red Army was transported ammunition in wooden boxes). These tubes are somewhat hundreds here, and only tens of thousands of their island. In the same pile, curls of barbed wire, debris, not subject to restoration of technology.

All this volunteers collected for the day of stay on the island. They have to stay here for a month. And this is just one of the stages of the Gopland comprehensive expedition, which lasts the fifth year.

If not counting Anklava Kaliningrad, the external islands of the Finnish bay are the most western point of our country. You can say, the threshold, "says Major General Valery Kudinsky. - This is our home, and I want to keep it clean. And look at nature. Rusty pieces in this landscape extra.

Clearing the island is not mechanical gathering. Working your head here is more than hands, but you can only make a mistake once.

Quite often, "Gifts" of those times come out of the ground, - complains one of the sappers, - the shells are mainly. Sometimes mines. You'd better do not go for this ribbon yet.

Somehow in the morning we were told about the new find, put in the pickups and brought to the place. Search engines found a surviving weapon warehouse with mines. We held at a respectful distance, while the sappers did their job. After a few minutes, we were invited to come closer. As mines lay on the storage, they had no fuse. The corded blasting devices are destroyed in place, and foreign things are not allowed.

As it turned out, the warehouse was kept S-mines, also known as "frogs". Before exploded, such a mine jumps out of the ground for a height of about a meter, after which 350 metal balls destroy all living on the radius of tens of meters. Somehow without claiming, we all decided not to go with completely explored tracks.

Field work

Expedition "Gogland"

Complex Expedition "Gogland" began work in the fall of 2012. Expedition Actions region - 14 external islands of the Gulf of Finland. The largest one is a gogland of 21 square meters. km, located 180 km west of St. Petersburg. The second largest island is a big tuiters, on it will be the main work in this season. It is also planned to examine the islands of Sirk and Sommers. The team has more than a hundred participants. Among them, the military personnel of the 90th separate special search battalion and experts Russian geographical society: Archaeologists, historians, geologists, environmentalists. Separately, it is worth mentioning volunteers, each of which was the difficult contest of the RGO. It is them that they have to carry out work on the search, identification and restoration of military weapons, the establishment of the personalities of the fighters buried here, as well as cleaning the island from garbage.

Dissolved names

Having arrived at the next platform cleared from the min, we saw the remains of three German servicemen. They were raised to the surface to be reburied in a more affordable place, on a military cemetery near the village of Solnogovka of the Leningrad region. As part of a joint program with the People's Union of Germany, about 55 thousand soldiers of the Wehrmacht have already found their last refuge.

Judging by the preserved fragments of the form, the fighters of Crigsmarine, Luftwaffe and Ground Forces were faced. On the buttons of the sailors depicts anchor, at the pilots - abbreviation LW., the infantry buttons are smooth. Large luck is the find of a well-preserved personal token of the serviceman: for 70 years, many of them have gone too deep into the soil.

Hurry to leaving the big tyuters, the Germans undermined most of the guns. However, a significant part of the weapons remained in excellent condition. In the course of previous expeditions, the restorers were taken out 88 mm anti-aircraft Flak., 20-millimeter Swiss "Erlikona", as well as the rarest minor-caliber anti-aircraft gun "Baques" produced by Switzerland.

Most of the equipment was taken from the island last year, but something else remains. In the most edge of the picturesque cliff, a rusty cooler of a large-caliber cannon. Massive and unshakable, but devoid of trunk, it resembles a huge lock without a key. Castle from blockade Leningrad.

Echo War

On paper, the war ends with the signing of the capitulation agreement. In fact, everything is much more complicated. Need to bury the dead, collect fragments across the vast country, remove the burden of nature. Need to answer questions.

For example, the head of the "Gogland" expedition, Artem Khutorskaya told us about the aircraft of the Red Army, which, according to archival sources, was shot down over the island. It is already trying to find it for several years. In 2015, duralumin fuselage trim fragments were discovered. Unfortunately, it is impossible for them to determine what it was for the plane and how it was above the big tyuters.

Artem told this story before leaving. After a couple of weeks, news agencies reported: on the island of Big Tuiters found fragments of the Soviet bombard of PE-2 and the names of the crew members were established. The commander Mikhail Cossacks, the arrows-Radioist Arseny Tychchuk and the navigator Mikhail Tkachenko flew to the island on the night from 8 to September 9, 1943. Eight days after disembarking secret interpoups from the submarine M-96.

A big find will give historians new data to work with the archive. Perhaps they will help shed light on the fate of Soviet intelligence officers. Then the answer will appear on this question.



The most massive pyric bomber produced by the USSR. According to the Soviet tradition, named after the designer Vladimir Petlevakova, but in the army he received a joking nickname "pawn". In Finland, he was called "Pekka-Emely", and on the classification of NATO, the aircraft is called "deer" - Buck..


88 mm anti-aircraft gunAlso known as "eight-eight." Due to the high initial speed of the projectile, it was used not only to combat aviation, but also as an anti-tank and anti-religious gun. It is considered the most famous weapon of World War II.


20 mm Anti-aircraft gun with speed-fire 450 shots per minute (for comparison: Flak.- Up to 20 shots per minute). It was designed by the German engineer Rhinehold Becker, but was produced in Switzerland: in Germany, the production of many types of weapons was prohibited by the Versailles.


Jumping anti-personnel mines was developed on the basis of Schrapnell-Mine. Times of the First World War, Hence the name - S-Mine.. If the old model joined the team from the ground from the remote, the new triggered automatically. Americans nicknamed her "jumper Betty", and the Russians "frog."

Photo: Alamy / Legion-Media, Grigory Polyakovsky (X4), RIA Novosti, Legion-Media (X2), MKFI, Evgeny Loko / RIA Novosti

The editors thanks the company "Volkswagen" for organizing a trip. Amarok is an iron car to whom the teeth are large tunts.