The lake with fish has gone underground. Under Vladimir, a forest lake fell into the ground along with fish

The forest lake Sakantsy with a depth of more than 20 m has completely gone underground in the Vyaznikovsky district of the Vladimir region.

About unique natural phenomenon told reporters the head of the department water resources and water management of the regional administration Ivan Shaposhnikov.

He explained that this was due to the processes of karst formation going on in the area.

“As a result of soil erosion, voids formed, into which water went along with the fish. It is not yet possible to say what will happen to the lake further.

There is a possibility that the place of failure will flood and the lake will recover again. Currently, there is only a funnel in place of the lake, ”said the specialist.

Shaposhnikov specified that the lake was located not far from the Pivovarovsky sinkhole, a similar sinkhole that formed in 1959.

A karst funnel is a failure of soil of natural origin. A funnel occurs when groundwater erodes soil and rocks, and the earth falls into the resulting voids.

The disappearance of Lake Trostyanoe in the village of Chernorechye frightened the inhabitants. They are afraid that the whole village can fall into the karst void.
Valentina Brovyakova, head of the administration of the rural settlement of Chernorechye, says that the disappearance of Lake Trostyanoy on the outskirts of the village at the end of July greatly frightened the inhabitants of the area.

How can it be? There was a lake and now, one moment - and it is not there, - she says. Some kind of mystic...

Eyewitnesses are horrified

There were few witnesses. Anyone who saw how Lake Trostyanoe went underground experienced horror, and this horror was transmitted to everyone who listened to the stories of eyewitnesses. Many perceived what was happening as the beginning of an approaching natural disaster or as a bad mystical sign. What a summer: one trouble after another - fires, dried-up reservoirs, shortage drinking water. And then there's the lake, in which for decades they fished and swam in a row, suddenly disappeared. And this has never happened in the vicinity, although there are many such small, round, like saucers, lakes around Chernorechye.

As a child, we went swimming at Trostyanoe, - recalls 40-year-old Ekaterina Nikolaevna, a resident of the village of Chernorechye. - I bathed in it, but even then it frightened me with its depth. No one swam into the middle of the lake, they said, there was a whirlpool. I splashed on the edge, at the bank, glancing warily at the dark water in the middle of the reservoir.

Recently, no one has bathed in Trostyanoye. It was impossible to approach: the banks were completely overgrown with grass and reeds. But crucians and crayfish were found in it visibly-invisibly. And it was a paradise for fishermen.

Eyewitnesses say that the water of the lake went underground quite suddenly - with a rumble and roar, forming a giant whirlpool in the center, which rose above the surface of the water in the form of an inverted funnel. Then the inverted funnel became ordinary and very large - all the water went into it.

Fortunately, another resident of the village, Tatyana Mirgorodskaya, says that none of the fishermen were on the shore at that moment. Because the banks also collapsed with a roar, along with grass and reeds: everything was dragged into this terrible funnel. If there was a person, he would also, I think, be sucked into the abyss.

When it was all over, in the place of the funnel in the middle of the lake, people saw something similar to a well, the depth of which no one dares to talk about now.

A terrible black failure formed ... Ten meters deep, I think, no less, - continues Tatyana. - It was an unpleasant, terrible sight ...

This black hole yawned frighteningly for several more days in the place where the water of the lake disappeared.

Return of water

Mystical versions are different among the people. Along with the abnormal heat, which no one in the province has yet known, the sudden disappearance of the lake, according to some residents of the district, promises even greater troubles and almost heralds the beginning of the end of the world.

Many say so, - says Tatyana Mirgorodskaya, a resident of Chernorechye, - that in some way we were guilty before heaven.

And from the materialistic explanations, one thing is passed from mouth to mouth: everything happened because of the builders who are developing a sand pit nearby, they, they say, are to blame for everything. They chose all the sand from under the ground for their building materials, so a void formed, where the water from the lake flowed. According to the principle of communicating vessels. And this also frightens the inhabitants, although not with heavenly punishment, but also with rather terrible consequences.

They destroyed the environment. We are afraid that because of this, in one day the whole village, together with the inhabitants, will fall underground into these voids, - says another villager, Oksana Kondratenko. “We haven't seen anything like it so far. True, the old people say that once the lake disappeared: it left just as suddenly, there was something similar many years ago. But so long ago that no one can even remember exactly when.

I don't think the quarry is to blame, concludes Valentina Broviakova. - Quarry from the lake - a few kilometers. There's some other reason. Let the scientists talk about it. We are guessing here and there, but in fact no one knows where the lake went and where it is now returning from ...

The lake is indeed coming back. The bowl is already half full. The water left quickly and with noise, but it returns quietly, slowly.

I think there is only one explanation for this, - says Aleksey Nikolaevich from Samara, who built a dacha near the village of Chernorechye. - Under the village, apparently, there are underwater rivers. They become shallow from the heat or dry out altogether, leaving voids instead. In one of these voids, water has gone. And now the recharge has come from somewhere again, and the lake is filling up again.

dangerous phenomenon

Lake Trostyanoe, it seems, is one of those that are called karst, says Sergey Saxonov, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin. - And that well, the so-called ponor, which was formed after the “disappearance” of the lake, confirms this. Karst lakes are fed by groundwater. The largest number karst lakes are located in the Sergievsky, Isaklinsky and Kamyshlinsky districts.

The incident in Chernorechye, of course, could have been caused by the heat that dried up underwater rivers and streams, - continues Sergey Vladimirovich. - Karst fields are a fairly common phenomenon in the Middle Volga region. There are a lot of karst sinkholes. They have always been here. And this is a dangerous phenomenon indeed. Not only water can go into the karst void. Especially if the current developers neglect the danger of this phenomenon. In the old days, people never settled in such places. People felt this danger intuitively, with some deep instinct of self-preservation. And they bypassed the ghost lakes, which either disappeared or appeared, also experiencing a mystical fear of them. The largest and most beautiful of these ghost lakes, as well as the most famous disappearing karst lake, because it is surrounded by an incredible number of fantastic legends, is located in the Elgushi tract on Samarskaya Luka.

People say that it itself periodically disappears, islands disappear and appear in the middle of this lake. And at the moment of its return from the depths of the earth's bowels, it emits light that reaches the heavens...

Some don't come back

On the Padovskie oxbow lakes one can observe the negative evolution of floodplain water bodies. The lakes are heavily silted up, overgrown with vegetation from the shores and algae from the bottom. It can be seen with the naked eye: the lakes are surviving last days of its existence.

The lakes Kostylevo and Dubovoye are silting up from the heat and land near the Alekseevka station. Once upon a time, perches, pikes, and roach were found in them. On the beautiful banks of Kostylevo, the Samara residents rested with their whole families. Today it is deserted, the water level has dropped by more than a meter. You can still save this lake. Water in it arrives on other days, you need to be able to hold it back, properly block the flow. But there is no one ... Dams are being built incorrectly and the shores near Bazhanikha Lake are being destroyed. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm and demanding decisive action to protect the Padovski oxbow lakes.


24.01.2018 This week in several regions of Russia came the strongest cold.
24.01.2018 Since the beginning of the year, about 25 accidents involving buses have occurred in Samara, more than 50 people were injured.

This story made a lot of noise in pre-revolutionary Samara. It was discussed even on the pages of federal newspapers and magazines.

In place of the reservoir, only a funnel with a muddy bottom remained.

Experts believe that the water went underground due to voids that arose from soil erosion.

We are talking about karst formation, when rocks containing silt pass through aquifers, and then they are washed away, and voids are formed. This sometimes causes such failures, the 360 ​​TV channel reports.

The lake was located near the famous Pivovarovsky failure, which was formed in 1959 and was a hole the size of a nine-story building. Now it is overgrown with trees.

However, environmentalists did not see anything surprising in the failure. Due to the geological features of these places, such failures often occur in the Vyaznikovsky, Murom and Gorokhovets regions.

It is possible that the lake will recover, but it is not yet possible to say exactly what will happen to the reservoir in the future.

In the Sobinsky district, a lake also went underground for 15 years. It stood without water for five years, and then filled up again. The same story was in Gus-Khrustalny. No one can explain these processes. Moreover, it is not taken to investigate: drilling can only aggravate the situation. Such failures can appear anywhere.

Residents of the village of Nikolichi in the Kungursky district of the Perm Territory found dried cracked earth in the place of the forest lake Peshchera. There was no water, no fish that lived in this reservoir. There was only a small hole leading deep into the earth. Apparently, Lake Cave flowed there.

Together with the specialist of the Ostashat House of Culture, Olga Kolyvanova, who turned to the editorial office of the local newspaper Iskra, we drive along the forest road to the disappeared lake. It is a kilometer from Nikolichi.

- That the lake was gone, I was told by a neighbor. He says it was still at the end of April. I went to the forest on May 9, and in its place - a puddle and a small failure, - says Olga Stanislavovna. - Creepy. I've been fishing all my life. And on the bait and nets. And then suddenly it took and disappeared. Why would suddenly?

Where did the cave go?

We go down to the lowland and follow along a small log. Melt water rushes along it in the spring and fills the depression, shaped like an elongated comma. Now on the site of Lake Cave there is a large bright spot, the "bottom" cracked in the sun. Judging by the outlines, the length of the reservoir reached 80 meters. Near the shore, from the side of the forest, a small dip is visible and a narrow hole, one and a half meters from the surface, through which, apparently, the lake left, dragging all the aquatic fauna with it. Ten kilometers from the disappeared lake is the entrance to the Zuyatskaya cave, which is considered one of the largest in Perm region. Its length is 1410 meters. She is remarkable underground lake at the entrance and stream. Some of the passages are completely flooded. The water level is subject to significant seasonal fluctuations. Maybe the resulting ponor (the place through which the water left) is the entrance to another cave?

Why did the bottom crack?

The locals are guessing. One of the versions is that the earthquake affected Sverdlovsk region with a power of 4.1 points at the epicenter, which happened last fall on the night of October 19. Iskra talked about this on October 20 in the material Tremors of the Earth. Judging by the statements in social networks, the vibration was felt not only by residents of the Sverdlovsk region, but also by the Perm Territory. It shook in Nikolichi too. Maybe this vibration of the soil led to the formation of a crack at the bottom of the reservoir? Another version is the activity of oilmen. In the neighboring Berezovsky district, oil is being extracted from the ground. There are voids.

All around failures

The unrest of the inhabitants about the disappeared lake is understandable: the villages stand on the karst. Failures, as the locals call small karst funnels, are a common occurrence here. But the disappearance of an entire lake is a cause for concern. The only source of water supply for the villages is Lake Lyubimovo. True, it is located on the opposite side of the failed lake - three kilometers from Ostashat. Half a kilometer away from it, about ten years ago, Chervyaki Lake went underground. Then the failure was covered with stones and clay. And in the spring the cavity was again filled with water. Residents, of course, are worried about whether such cases of the disappearance of miraculous reservoirs will become a regularity. In Ostashaty and Nikolichi, among the benefits of civilization, there is electricity and water supply serviced by the local collective farm. A lopsided 30-meter pipe stuck into the ground is water tower. The pump drives liquid from Lyubimovo Lake into it, then it enters the houses through the water supply network. In the village of Nikolichi, which stands on a hill, from the beginning of the gardening season, the water does not come well: there is not enough pressure. In the village itself there are several long-standing karst sinkholes that are filled in with precipitation in the spring. Lakes are protected. Periodically cleared of mud. They don't let the cattle in and don't rinse the linen. The water in them, relatively speaking, is for drinking. There are no other sources of drinking water.

Natalia Lavrova, Researcher at the Stationary Laboratory of the Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

- Now it is difficult to draw any conclusions. The opening of a crack or ponor, through which water escaped, could occur both as a result of technogenic impact, and for natural reasons. I do not rule out that there may be a cave under the lake. We haven't been to the site yet. Over time, the ponor should be covered with clay, earth. After a while, the lake may return.

A lake in Tunisia appeared in 1 day. Phenomenon in the desert.

If in our Perm Territory the lake disappeared overnight, then in Tunisia the lake appeared in one day. Isn't this a miracle of nature?

In Tunisia, a lake appeared in the middle of the desert. big space with turquoise water arose in the Tunisian desert in just 1 day, in a place where, apart from hot sand, there was nothing. This phenomenon lake was discovered by shepherds. It is believed that it is up to 18 meters deep and covers one hectare. Local geologists suspect that the reservoir was created due to seismic activity, possibly a break above the water table, which opened the passage of fluid to the rock surface. hundreds local residents arranged a beach and enjoy this miracle in the area where they always languished from the heat. However, water can contain chemical impurities of phosphates, which can be harmful to human health, but so far this has not stopped anyone.

In the Vyaznikovsky district, the forest karst lake Sakantsy near locality Pivovarovo went underground. The video of the disappeared reservoir, at the bottom of which only silt remained, was published community "Vyaznikovsky offroad"

“On October 12, 2017, at 13:30, a failure occurred in the village of Pivovarovo on Lake Sakantsy. All the water left with the fish, - such a signature is accompanied by a video.

According to the Internet portal, which tells about the life of the two cities of Vyazniki and Gorokhovets,, the karst lake Sakantsy was located approximately 40 meters from the famous Pivovarovsky failure, formed in 1959. The Pivovarovsky failure itself, according to the testimony of old-timers, is a pit in the middle of the forest, which could fit a nine-story house. Now the slopes of the failure are overgrown with trees

As the director of the department of nature management and protection explained to Zebra TV environment Administration of the Vladimir Region Alexey Migachev, there is nothing surprising in the fact that karst sinkholes are formed in the Vladimir Region, especially in the Vyaznikovsky, Gorohovets and Murom regions. This is due to the specifics of geological processes in these areas.

“Karst formation is underway. That is, aquifers pass through some rocks containing silt, they are washed away, dissolved and voids are formed. In some places, strata form close to the surface and similar sinkholes form. These processes have been going on for decades, and there are no sharp collapses. And in this place a void has already formed under this lake, there are about two meters of silt that held water. But, apparently, after the rains, these processes went more actively, and the silt simply sank in some place, and the water flowed away, as if into a funnel.

What will happen to this next - different points of view are expressed. There were cases when these lakes reappeared. The bottom line is that the place of failure can become silted up, and then again it can become a place of water accumulation. But the lake may never recover.

In the Sobinsky district, about 15 years ago, a lake also went underground. It stood without water for 5 years, and then filled with water. There was such a story in Gus-Khrustalny. Nobody knows why this happens. Because if you start research, start drilling the surface, the situation may worsen.

Such dips can form anywhere throughout the territory, especially in the Vyaznikovsky, Gorokhovetsky and Murom regions. There is an active formation of karsts”, - explained Zebra TV Alexei Migachev.

By the way, it was the karst relief, prone to sinkholes, that was the most weighty argument against the construction of a nuclear power plant near Murom in the Navashinsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region. However, this did not prevent the authorities from approving this particular site for the construction of a nuclear power plant.

“According to geologists, karst lakes go underground due to the dissolution of rocks by underground and surface waters. In the case of Lake Sakantsy, water was retained due to the muddy bottom, which played the role of a plug between the lake and an underground river flowing at a depth of 80 m.

In addition to Vyaznikovsky, karst processes cover Kameshkovsky, Kovrovsky, Gorohovetsky, Muromsky, Selivanovsky, Sudogodsky, Melenkovsky and Gus-Khrustalny districts. explained later