Dragoon adventure read. Children's fairy tales online

The protagonist of Viktor Dragunsky's story "Adventure" is a boy named Denis. He lived with his parents in Moscow and once went to visit his uncle in Leningrad. Denis was supposed to return home on a plane, on which Uncle Misha was going to put him. And at the Moscow airport, Denis was supposed to be met by dad.

But when they arrived at the airport, it turned out that due to the delay of the planes, many passengers had accumulated on the Moscow flight and there were not enough seats for all. But Denis managed to be the first to reach the plane and took off on this flight. And Uncle Misha called Denis' dad and said that he was already flying.

However, due to bad weather, the plane was forced to return to Leningrad. The next flight was expected only at seven in the morning. Denis managed to get through to Moscow and inform his mother about the flight delay. Then he had dinner at the airport restaurant and went to look for a place to sleep. But all the seats were occupied, and passengers were also accommodated on the floor.

The place was found only in the room for long-distance telephone conversations. There were already two military men there, but when they saw the boy, they made room, and Deniska went to bed.

But no one met Deniska in Moscow. Dad was supposed to arrive at seven in the morning, and now it was only five o'clock. The military, who were grateful to Deniska for waking them up in time, decided to help the boy and took him home in a car that met them at the airport.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​Dragunsky's story "Adventure" is that in difficult situations one should not get lost and panic. When Denis found out that there were not enough seats for everyone on the plane, he managed to get to the gangway first. And when the plane returned back to Leningrad, and Deniska was alone at the airport, without adults, he was not at a loss, called his mother, had dinner, found a place to sleep and managed to board an extraordinary flight to Moscow in time.

Dragoonsky's story "Adventure" teaches to be collected and purposeful, never to get lost in difficult and emergency situations.

In the story, I liked the military, who shared a place to sleep with Deniska, and then, having flown to Moscow, helped the boy get from the airport to the house.

What proverbs are suitable for Dragunsky's story "Adventure"?

Who had time, he ate.
You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
As it comes around, so it will respond.

Last Saturday and Sunday I was visiting Dimka. This is such a handsome man, the son of my uncle Misha and aunt Galya. They live in Leningrad. If I have time, I will tell you how Dimka and I walked and what we saw in this beautiful city. This is a very interesting and funny story.

And now there will be a simple story about how I was supposed to fly to my mother in Moscow. This is also amusing, because it was an adventure.

In general, I flew on a plane, but alone, on my own, never! Uncle Misha was supposed to put me on the plane. I will fly safely, and in Moscow, at the airport, my father and mother will have to meet me. That's how interesting and simple everything was conceived for us.

And in the evening, when Uncle Misha and I arrived at the Leningrad airport, it turned out that somewhere there had been some kind of delay with transport, and because of this, many people who did not get on Moscow flights accumulated at the airport, and a tall, foldable the uncle sensibly explained to us all that the situation is as follows: there are many of us, but there is only one plane, and therefore whoever manages to get into this plane will fly to Moscow. And I took an oath to get on this particular plane: after all, my dad will definitely meet me in Moscow.

And Uncle Misha, having heard this "pleasant" news, said to me:

As soon as you get on the plane, wave your hand to me, then I will immediately run to the phone, call your dad that you, they say, have taken off, he will wake up, get dressed and go to the airport to meet you. Understood?

I said:

Got it!

And he himself thought about Uncle Misha: “That's how kind and polite. Another would have taken everything, and this one would also call my relatives. And here I will be like a relay race. He will call, and dad will come to meet, and without them I will sit on the plane for only an hour, and there, on the plane, they are also all my own. It's okay, don't be afraid!"

I said out loud again:

Don't be angry that I'm the only one worrying, I'll soon learn to fly alone, on my own, and I won't bother you so much...

Uncle Misha said:

What are you, sir! I am very happy! And Dimka was so glad to see you! And Aunt Galya! Well, hold on! He handed me the ticket and fell silent. And I also shut up.

And then suddenly began landing on the plane. It was a pandemonium. Everyone rushed to the plane, and I ran ahead of everyone, everyone else followed me.

I ran to the stairs, there were two girls at the top. Just beauties. I ran up to them and handed them the ticket. They asked me:

You are alone?

I told them everything and went to the plane. I sat down by the window and began to look at the crowd of mourners. Uncle Misha was nearby, then I began to wave and smile at him. He caught this smile, made me under the visor and immediately turned and walked to the phone to call my dad. I took a breath and looked around. There were a lot of people, and everyone was in a hurry to sit down and fly away. The time was already late. Finally everyone settled down, spread out their things, and I heard that the engine was started. He hummed and growled for a long time. I even got bored.

I leaned back in the seat and quietly closed my eyes to take a nap. Then I heard the plane move, and I opened my mouth wide so that my ears wouldn't hurt. Then a flight attendant came up to me, I opened my eyes - on her tray there were a hundred or a thousand small sour, and mint, too, sweets. My neighbor took one, then the second, and I immediately took heels and three or four or five more things. Still, the sweets are delicious, I will treat the guys from the class. They will gladly take it, because these candies are airy, from an airplane. Here you don't want to, but you'll take it. The stewardess stood and smiled: they say, take as much as you like, we do not mind! I began to suck on the candy and suddenly felt that the plane was descending. I leaned against the window.

My neighbor said:

Look how fast they arrived!

But then I noticed that a lot of lights appeared ahead of us below us. I told my neighbor:

Look, Moscow!

She began to look and suddenly began to sing in a bass voice:

- "Moscow is my beauty..."

But then the stewardess came out from behind the curtain, the same one who delivered sweets. I was glad that now she would distribute more. But she said

Comrade passengers, due to bad weather, the Moscow airport is closed. We flew back to Leningrad. The next flight will be at seven o'clock in the morning. Settle in for the night as much as possible.

Then my neighbor stopped singing. Everyone around them murmured angrily.

People went down the stairs and walked calmly home to come back in the morning. I couldn't go home quietly. I didn't remember where Uncle Misha lives. I didn't know how to get to it. I had to stick to the company of those who have nowhere to sleep. There were a lot of them too, and they all went to a restaurant for dinner. And I followed them. Everyone sat down at the tables. I sat down too. Took a seat. There was a pay phone nearby, long distance. I called Moscow. Who do you think picked up the phone? My own mother. She said:

I said:

She said:

It's hard to hear. Who do you need?

I said:

Anastasia Vasilievna.

She said:

Hard to hear! Maria Petrovna?

I said:

You! You! You! Mom, is that you?

She said:

It's hard to hear. Speak separately, spell by letter.

I said:

Um-ah, um-ah. Mom, it's me. She said:

Deniska, is that you?

I said:

I'll be leaving tomorrow at seven o'clock in the morning. Our Moscow airfield is closed, so all is well. Let pe-a-pe-a ve-es-tre-tit em-e-nya-me!

She said:


I said:

Well, be ze-de-o-ro-ve-a!

She said:

Zhe-de-u! Dad will come out to meet at exactly seven!

I hung up, and my heart immediately felt light. And I went to dinner. I asked to bring me meatballs with pasta and a glass of tea. While I was eating cutlets, I thought, seeing how wide, comfortable chairs are here: “Uh, yes, it will be great to sleep on these chairs here.”

But while I was eating, a miracle happened: exactly half a minute later I saw that all the chairs, absolutely all, were occupied. And he thought: “Nothing, not a von-baron, I’ll sleep on the floor! Wow, how much space!

Just miracles in a sieve! Half a second later I look - the whole floor is occupied: passengers, shopping bags, suitcases, bags, even children, there is simply nowhere to step. This is where I got pissed off!

Then I went, carefully stepping between sitting, lying and reclining people. I just went for a walk around the airport.

Walking among the sleeping kingdom was awkward. I looked at the clock. It's already half past twelve.

And suddenly I came to another door, on which it was written: "Long-distance telephone." And it dawned on me right away! This is where you can sleep well. I quietly opened the felted door.

Stop! I had to jump right away: two people had already settled there. Unk. Officers. They looked at me and I looked at them.

Then I said:

Who are you?

Then one of them, with a mustache, said:

We are foundlings!

I felt sorry for them, and I stupidly asked:

Where are your parents?

The mustachioed made a plaintive face and seemed to cry:

Please, I beg you, find me my dad!

And the second, who was younger, laughed like a tiger. And then I realized that this mustachioed man was joking, because he also laughed, and I laughed after him. And now we were laughing together. And they beckoned me to them and made room. I was warm, but cramped and uncomfortable, because the phone rang all the time and the light bulb burned brightly.

Then we wrote on the newspaper in large letters: "The machine does not work," and the young man turned out the light bulb. The calls are silent, there is no light. A minute later, my adult friends asked such a snorer, which is just a miracle. It looked like they were sawing huge logs with huge saws. Sleep was impossible.

And I lay and all the time thought about my adventure. It turned out very funny, and I smiled all the time in the dark.

Suddenly, a loud, completely sleepless voice rang out:

To the attention of passengers flying on the flight Leningrad - Moscow! Tu-104 aircraft number 52-48, flying out of schedule, takes off in fifteen minutes, at four fifty-five minutes. Boarding of passengers upon presentation of tickets from gate number two!

I immediately jumped up, as if tousled, and began to wake my neighbors. I spoke to them quietly but distinctly:

Anxiety! Anxiety! Get up, they tell you!

They immediately jumped up, and the mustachioed felt and screwed in the light bulb.

I explained to them what it was. The mustachioed soldier immediately said:

Well done, boy!

Now I will go with you to any intelligence.

Didn't abandon, then, his foundlings?

I said:

What do you like!

We ran to gate number two and boarded the plane.

There were no more beautiful flight attendants, but we didn't care. And when we took off into the air, the military man, who was younger, suddenly burst out laughing.

What are you? the mustachioed man asked him.

“The machine doesn’t work,” he replied. - Ha-ha-ha! "The machine doesn't work"!

They forgot to remove the inscription, - the mustachioed answered.

After about forty minutes, we sat down safely in Moscow, and when we left, it turned out that absolutely no one was meeting us.

I looked for my dad. He wasn't there... He wasn't anywhere.

I didn't know how to get home. I was just sad. At least cry. And I probably would have cried, but my night friends suddenly approached me, with a mustache and who is younger.

Mustache said:

What, didn't you meet dad?

I said:

Didn't meet. The young one asked:

When did you agree with him?

I said:

I told him to come to the plane, which takes off at seven in the morning.

Young said:

All clear! There's a misunderstanding here. After all, we flew out at five!

Mustachioed intervened in our conversation:

Meet me, we're not going anywhere! Have you ever ridden a goat?

I said:

The first time I've heard! What is this "goat"?

He replied:

Now you will see.

And they waved their hands with the young.

A small, curvy car, stained and dirty, drove up to the airport entrance. The driver-soldier had a cheerful face.

My military friends got into the car.

When they sat down there, I began to feel sad. I stood there and didn't know what to do. There was sadness. I stood and everything. The mustachioed leaned out the window and said:

And where do you live?

I replied.

He said:

Aliyev! Debt good turn deserves another?

He answered from the car:

Mustachioed smiled at me:

Sit down, Deniska, next to the driver. You will know what a soldier's income is.

The driver smiled kindly. In my opinion, he looked like Uncle Misha.

Sit down, sit down. I'll ride with the wind! he said hoarsely.

I immediately sat down next to him. I had fun in my heart. That's what the military means! You won't get lost with them.

I said out loud:

Cart row!

The driver turned on the gas. We rushed.

I called out:

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Recently we were walking in the yard: Alenka, Mishka and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the yard. And there is a tree on it. We ran after the car. So she drove up to the house management, stopped, and the driver with our janitor began to unload the Christmas tree. They shouted at each other... Read...

This was the case. We had a lesson - work. Raisa Ivanovna said that we should each do according to a tear-off calendar, whoever figured it out. I took a piece of cardboard, pasted it over with green paper, cut a slit in the middle, attached a matchbox to it, and put a pile of white leaves on the box, adjusted it, glued it, trimmed it, and wrote on the first sheet: “Happy May Day!” Read...

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If you think about it, it's just some kind of horror: I have never flown an airplane before. True, once I almost flew, but it wasn’t there. It broke. Straight trouble. Read...

The stories of Viktor Dragunsky are illuminated by love for children, knowledge of their psychology, and spiritual kindness. The prototype of the protagonist was the author's son, and the father in these stories is the writer himself. Victor Dragunsky wrote not only provocative stories, most of which probably happened to his Deniska, but also a little sad and instructive ("The Man with a Blue Face"). Good and bright impressions remain after reading each of these stories, many of which have been filmed. Children and adults enjoy reading them over and over again.

Last Saturday and Sunday I was visiting Dimka. This is such a handsome man, the son of my uncle Misha and aunt Galya. They live in Leningrad. If I have time, I will tell you how Dimka and I walked and what we saw in this beautiful city. This is a very interesting and funny story.
And now there will be a simple story about how I was supposed to fly to my mother in Moscow. This is also amusing, because it was an adventure.
In general, I flew on a plane, but alone, on my own, never! Uncle Misha was supposed to put me on the plane. I will fly safely, and in Moscow, at the airport, my father and mother will have to meet me. That's how interesting and simple everything was conceived for us.
And in the evening, when Uncle Misha and I arrived at the Leningrad airport, it turned out that somewhere there had been some kind of delay with transport, and because of this, many people who did not get on Moscow flights accumulated at the airport, and a tall, foldable the uncle sensibly explained to us all that the situation is as follows: there are many of us, but there is only one plane, and therefore whoever manages to get into this plane will fly to Moscow. And I took an oath to get on this particular plane: after all, my dad will definitely meet me in Moscow.
And Uncle Misha, having heard this "pleasant" news, said to me:
- As soon as you get on the plane, wave your hand to me, then I will immediately run to the phone, call your dad that you supposedly took off, he will wake up, get dressed and go to the airport to meet you. Understood?
I said:
- Got it!
And he himself thought about Uncle Misha: “That's how kind and polite. Another would have taken everything, and this one would also call my relatives. And here I will be like a relay race. He will call, and dad will come to meet, and without them I will sit on the plane for only an hour, and there, on the plane, they are also all my own. It's okay, don't be afraid!"
I said out loud again:
“Don’t be angry that there’s only anxiety with me, I’ll soon learn to fly alone, on my own, and I won’t bother you so much ...
Uncle Misha said:
“What are you doing, sir! I am very happy! And Dimka was so glad to see you! And Aunt Galya! Well, hold on! He handed me the ticket and fell silent. And I also shut up.
And then suddenly began landing on the plane. It was a pandemonium. Everyone rushed to the plane, and I ran ahead of everyone, everyone else followed me.
I ran to the stairs, there were two girls at the top. Just beauties. I ran up to them and handed them the ticket. They asked me:
- You are alone?
I told them everything and went to the plane. I sat down by the window and began to look at the crowd of mourners. Uncle Misha was nearby, then I began to wave and smile at him. He caught this smile, made me under the visor and immediately turned and walked to the phone to call my dad. I took a breath and looked around. There were a lot of people, and everyone was in a hurry to sit down and fly away. The time was already late. Finally everyone settled down, spread out their things, and I heard that the engine was started. He hummed and growled for a long time. I even got bored.
I leaned back in the seat and quietly closed my eyes to take a nap. Then I heard the plane move, and I opened my mouth wide so that my ears wouldn't hurt. Then a flight attendant came up to me, I opened my eyes - on her tray there were a hundred or a thousand small sour, and mint, too, sweets. My neighbor took one, then the second, and I immediately took heels and three or four or five more things. Still, the sweets are delicious, I will treat the guys from the class. They will gladly take it, because these candies are airy, from an airplane. Here you don't want to, but you'll take it. The stewardess stood and smiled: they say, take as much as you like, we do not mind! I began to suck on the candy and suddenly felt that the plane was descending. I leaned against the window.
My neighbor said:
“Look how fast they arrived!”
But then I noticed that a lot of lights appeared ahead of us below us. I told my neighbor:
— Look, Moscow!
She began to look and suddenly began to sing in a bass voice:
— “My Moscow, beauty…”
But then the stewardess came out from behind the curtain, the same one who delivered sweets. I was glad that now she would distribute more. But she said
— Comrade passengers, due to bad weather, the Moscow airport is closed. We flew back to Leningrad. The next flight will be at seven o'clock in the morning. Settle in for the night as much as possible.
Then my neighbor stopped singing. Everyone around them murmured angrily.
People went down the stairs and walked calmly home to come back in the morning. I couldn't go home quietly. I didn't remember where Uncle Misha lives. I didn't know how to get to it. I had to stick to the company of those who have nowhere to sleep. There were a lot of them too, and they all went to a restaurant for dinner. And I followed them. Everyone sat down at the tables. I sat down too. Took a seat. There was a pay phone nearby, long distance. I called Moscow. Who do you think picked up the phone? My own mother. She said:

— Hello!
I said:
— Hello!
She said:
- Hard to hear. Who do you need?
I said:
— Anastasia Vasilievna.
She said:
- Sounds bad! Maria Petrovna?
I said:
- You! You! You! Mom, is that you?
She said:
- Hard to hear. Speak separately, spell by letter.
I said:
- Um-ah, um-ah. Mom, it's me.
She said:
Deniska, is that you?
I said:
— I'll be leaving tomorrow at seven o'clock in the morning. Our Moscow airfield is closed, so all is well. Let pe-a-pe-a ve-estretite em-enya-me!
She said:
- He-are-ashe-oh!
I said:
- Well, be ze-de-orove-a!
She said:
- Zhe-de-u! Dad will come out to meet at exactly seven!
I hung up, and my heart immediately felt light. And I went to dinner. I asked to bring me meatballs with pasta and a glass of tea. While I was eating cutlets, I thought, seeing how wide, comfortable chairs are here: “Um, yes, it will be great to sleep on these chairs here.”
But while I was eating, a miracle happened: exactly half a minute later I saw that all the chairs, absolutely all, were occupied. And he thought: “Nothing, not a von-baron, I’ll sleep on the floor! Wow, how much space!
Just miracles in a sieve! Half a second later I look - the whole floor is occupied: passengers, shopping bags, suitcases, bags, even children, there is simply nowhere to step. This is where I got pissed off!
Then I went, carefully stepping between sitting, lying and reclining people. I just went for a walk around the airport.
Walking among the sleeping kingdom was awkward. I looked at the clock. It's already half past twelve.
And suddenly I came to another door, on which it was written: "Long-distance telephone." And it dawned on me right away! This is where you can sleep well. I quietly opened the felted door.
Stop! I had to jump right away: two people had already settled there. Unk. Officers. They looked at me and I looked at them.
Then I said:
- Who are you?
Then one of them, with a mustache, said:
— We are foundlings!
I felt sorry for them, and I stupidly asked:
— Where are your parents?
The mustachioed made a plaintive face and seemed to cry:
“Please, I beg you, find me my dad!”
And the second, who was younger, laughed like a tiger. And then I realized that this mustachioed man was joking, because he also laughed, and I laughed after him. And now we were laughing together. And they beckoned me to them and made room. I was warm, but cramped and uncomfortable, because the phone rang all the time and the light bulb burned brightly.
Then we wrote on the newspaper in large letters: "The machine does not work," and the young man turned out the light bulb. The calls are silent, there is no light. A minute later, my adult friends asked such a snorer, which is just a miracle. It looked like they were sawing huge logs with huge saws. Sleep was impossible.
And I lay and all the time thought about my adventure. It turned out very funny, and I smiled all the time in the dark.
Suddenly, a loud, completely sleepless voice rang out:
— To the attention of passengers flying on the Leningrad-Moscow flight! Tu-104 aircraft number 5248, flying out of schedule, takes off in fifteen minutes, at four fifty-five minutes. Boarding of passengers upon presentation of tickets from gate number two!
I immediately jumped up, as if tousled, and began to wake my neighbors. I spoke to them quietly but distinctly:
- Anxiety! Anxiety! Get up, they tell you!
They immediately jumped up, and the mustachioed felt and screwed in the light bulb.
I explained to them what it was. The mustachioed soldier immediately said:
- Well done, boy!
Now I will go with you to any intelligence.
“You didn’t abandon your foundlings, then?”
I said:
- What are you, how can you!
We ran to gate number two and boarded the plane.
There were no more beautiful flight attendants, but we didn't care. And when we took off into the air, the military man, who was younger, suddenly burst out laughing.
— What are you? the mustachioed man asked him.
“The machine doesn’t work,” he replied. — Ha-ha-ha! "The machine doesn't work"!
“They forgot to remove the inscription,” the mustachioed man replied.
After about forty minutes, we sat down safely in Moscow, and when we left, it turned out that absolutely no one was meeting us.
I looked for my dad. He wasn't there... He wasn't anywhere.
I didn't know how to get home. I was just sad. At least cry. And I probably would have cried, but my night friends suddenly approached me, with a mustache and who is younger.
Mustache said:
- What, did not meet dad?
I said:
- Didn't meet. The young one asked:
- And when did you agree with him?
I said:
— I told him to come to the plane, which takes off at seven in the morning.
Young said:
- All clear! There's a misunderstanding here. After all, we flew out at five!
Mustachioed intervened in our conversation:
"Meet me, we're not going anywhere!" Have you ever ridden a goat?
I said:
- The first time I've heard! What is this "goat"?
He replied:
- Now you will see.
And they waved their hands with the young.
A small, curvy car, stained and dirty, drove up to the airport entrance. The driver-soldier had a cheerful face.
My military friends got into the car.
When they sat down there, I began to feel sad. I stood there and didn't know what to do. There was sadness. I stood and everything. The mustachioed leaned out the window and said:
- And where do you live?

I replied.
He said:
- Aliev! Debt good turn deserves another?
He answered from the car:
- Exactly!
Mustachioed smiled at me:
— Sit down, Deniska, next to the driver. You will know what a soldier's income is.
The driver smiled kindly. In my opinion, he looked like Uncle Misha.
- Sit down, sit down. I'll ride with the wind! he said hoarsely.
I immediately sat down next to him. I had fun in my heart. That's what the military means! You won't get lost with them.
I said out loud:
- Carriage Row!
The driver turned on the gas. We rushed.
I called out:
- Hooray!


Last Saturday and Sunday I was visiting Dimka. This is such a handsome man, the son of my uncle Misha and aunt Galya. They live in Leningrad. If I have time, I will tell you how Dimka and I walked and what we saw in this beautiful city. This is a very interesting and funny story.
And now there will be a simple story about how I was supposed to fly to my mother in Moscow. This is also amusing, because it was an adventure.
In general, I flew on a plane, but alone, on my own, never! Uncle Misha was supposed to put me on the plane. I will fly safely, and in Moscow, at the airport, my father and mother will have to meet me. That's how interesting and simple everything was conceived for us.
And in the evening, when Uncle Misha and I arrived at the Leningrad airport, it turned out that somewhere there had been some kind of delay with transport, and because of this, many people who did not get on Moscow flights accumulated at the airport, and a tall, foldable the uncle sensibly explained to us all that the situation is as follows: there are many of us, but there is only one plane, and therefore whoever manages to get into this plane will fly to Moscow. And I took an oath to get on this particular plane: after all, my dad will definitely meet me in Moscow.
And Uncle Misha, having heard this "pleasant" news, said to me:
- As soon as you get on the plane, wave your hand to me, then I will immediately run to the phone, call your dad that you supposedly flew out, he will wake up, get dressed and go to the airport to meet you. Understood?
I said:
- Got it!
And he himself thought about Uncle Misha: “That’s how kind and polite. Another would take everything, and this one will also call my relatives. And now I’ll be like a relay race. I’ll sit on the plane, and there, on the plane, everyone is also my own. It’s okay, it’s not scary!
I said out loud again:
“Don’t be angry that I’m alone with anxiety, I will soon learn to fly alone, on my own, and I won’t bother you so much ...
Uncle Misha said:
- What are you, gracious sovereign! I am very happy! And Dimka was so glad to see you! And Aunt Galya! Well, hold on! He handed me the ticket and fell silent. And I also shut up.
And then suddenly began landing on the plane. It was a pandemonium. Everyone rushed to the plane, and I ran ahead of everyone, everyone else followed me.
I ran to the stairs, there were two girls at the top. Just beauties. I ran up to them and handed them the ticket. They asked me:
- You are alone?
I told them everything and went to the plane. I sat down by the window and began to look at the crowd of mourners. Uncle Misha was nearby, then I began to wave and smile at him. He caught this smile, made me under the visor and immediately turned and walked to the phone to call my dad. I took a breath and looked around. There were a lot of people, and everyone was in a hurry to sit down and fly away. The time was already late. Finally everyone settled down, spread out their things, and I heard that the engine was started. He hummed and growled for a long time. I even got bored.
I leaned back in the seat and quietly closed my eyes to take a nap. Then I heard the plane move, and I opened my mouth wide so that my ears wouldn't hurt. Then a flight attendant came up to me, I opened my eyes - on her tray there were a hundred or a thousand small sour, and mint, too, sweets. My neighbor took one, then the second, and I immediately took heels and three or four or five more things. Still, the sweets are delicious, I will treat the guys from the class. They will gladly take it, because these candies are airy, from an airplane. Here you don't want to, but you'll take it. The stewardess stood and smiled: they say, take as much as you like, we do not mind! I began to suck on the candy and suddenly felt that the plane was descending. I leaned against the window.
My neighbor said:
- Look how fast they arrived!
But then I noticed that a lot of lights appeared ahead of us below us. I told my neighbor:
- Look, Moscow!
She began to look and suddenly began to sing in a bass voice:
- "Moscow is my beauty..."
But then the stewardess came out from behind the curtain, the same one who delivered sweets. I was glad that now she would distribute more. But she said
- Comrade passengers, due to bad weather, the Moscow airport is closed. We flew back to Leningrad. The next flight will be at seven o'clock in the morning. Settle in for the night as much as possible.
Then my neighbor stopped singing. Everyone around them murmured angrily.
People went down the stairs and walked calmly home to come back in the morning. I couldn't go home quietly. I didn't remember where Uncle Misha lives. I didn't know how to get to it. I had to stick to the company of those who have nowhere to sleep. There were a lot of them too, and they all went to a restaurant for dinner. And I followed them. Everyone sat down at the tables. I sat down too. Took a seat. There was a pay phone nearby, long distance. I called Moscow. Who do you think picked up the phone? My own mother. She said:
- Hello!
I said:
- Hello!
She said:
- Hard to hear. Who do you need?
I said:
- Anastasia Vasilievna.
She said:
- It's hard to hear! Maria Petrovna?
I said:
- You! You! You! Mom, is that you?
She said:
- Hard to hear. Speak separately, spell by letter.
I said:
- Um, uh. Mom, it's me. She said:
- Deniska, is that you?
I said:
- I'll be leaving tomorrow at seven o'clock in the morning. Our Moscow airfield is closed, so all is well. Let pe-a-pe-a ve-es-tre-tit em-e-nya-me!
She said:
- He-a-re-a-she-oh!
I said:
- Well, be ze-de-o-ro-ve-a!
She said:
- Zhe-de-u! Dad will come out to meet at exactly seven!
I hung up, and my heart immediately felt light. And I went to dinner. I asked to bring me meatballs with pasta and a glass of tea. While I was eating cutlets, I thought, seeing how wide, comfortable chairs are here: "Uh, yes, it will be great to sleep on these chairs here."
But while I was eating, a miracle happened: exactly half a minute later I saw that all the chairs, absolutely all, were occupied. And I thought: "Nothing, not a von-baron, I'll sleep on the floor too! Look how much space!"
Just miracles in a sieve! Half a second later I look - the whole floor is occupied: passengers, shopping bags, suitcases, bags, even children, there is simply nowhere to step. This is where I got pissed off!
Then I went, carefully stepping between sitting, lying and reclining people. I just went for a walk around the airport.
Walking among the sleeping kingdom was awkward. I looked at the clock. It's already half past twelve.
And suddenly I came to another door, on which it was written: "Long-distance telephone." And it dawned on me right away! This is where you can sleep well. I quietly opened the felted door.
Stop! I had to jump right away: two people had already settled there. Unk. Officers. They looked at me and I looked at them.
Then I said:
- Who are you?
Then one of them, with a mustache, said:
- We are foundlings!
I felt sorry for them, and I stupidly asked:
- Where are your parents?
The mustachioed made a plaintive face and seemed to cry:
- Please, I beg you, find me my dad!
And the second, who was younger, laughed like a tiger. And then I realized that this mustachioed man was joking, because he also laughed, and I laughed after him. And now we were laughing together. And they beckoned me to them and made room. I was warm, but cramped and uncomfortable, because the phone rang all the time and the light bulb burned brightly.
Then we wrote on the newspaper in large letters: "The machine does not work," and the young man turned out the light bulb. The calls are silent, there is no light. A minute later, my adult friends asked such a snorer, which is just a miracle. It looked like they were sawing huge logs with huge saws. Sleep was impossible.
And I lay and all the time thought about my adventure. It turned out very funny, and I smiled all the time in the dark.
Suddenly, a loud, completely sleepless voice rang out:
- To the attention of passengers flying on the flight Leningrad - Moscow! Tu-104 aircraft number 52-48, flying out of schedule, takes off in fifteen minutes, at four fifty-five minutes. Boarding of passengers upon presentation of tickets from gate number two!
I immediately jumped up, as if tousled, and began to wake my neighbors. I spoke to them quietly but distinctly:
- Anxiety! Anxiety! Get up, they tell you!
They immediately jumped up, and the mustachioed felt and screwed in the light bulb.
I explained to them what it was. The mustachioed soldier immediately said:
- Well done, boy!
Now I will go with you to any intelligence.
- Did not abandon, then, their foundlings?
I said:
- What are you, how can you!
We ran to gate number two and boarded the plane.
There were no more beautiful flight attendants, but we didn't care. And when we took off into the air, the military man, who was younger, suddenly burst out laughing.
- What are you? the mustachioed man asked him.
- "The machine does not work," he replied. - Ha-ha-ha! "The machine does not work"! ..
- They forgot to remove the inscription, - the mustachioed man answered.
After about forty minutes, we sat down safely in Moscow, and when we left, it turned out that absolutely no one was meeting us.
I looked for my dad. He wasn't there... He wasn't anywhere.
I didn't know how to get home. I was just sad. At least cry. And I probably would have cried, but my night friends suddenly approached me, with a mustache and who is younger.
Mustache said:
- What, did not meet dad?
I said:
- Didn't meet. The young one asked:
- And when did you agree with him?
I said:
- I told him to come to the plane, which takes off at seven in the morning.
Young said:
- All clear! There's a misunderstanding here. After all, we flew out at five!
Mustachioed intervened in our conversation:
- We will meet, we will not go anywhere! Have you ever ridden a goat?
I said:
- The first time I've heard! What is this "goat"?
He replied:
- Now you'll see.
And they waved their hands with the young.
A small, curvy car, stained and dirty, drove up to the airport entrance. The driver-soldier had a cheerful face.
My military friends got into the car.
When they sat down there, I began to feel sad. I stood there and didn't know what to do. There was sadness. I stood and everything. The mustachioed leaned out the window and said:
- And where do you live?
I replied.
He said:
- Aliev! Debt good turn deserves another?
He answered from the car:
- Exactly!
Mustachioed smiled at me:
- Sit down, Deniska, next to the driver. You will know what a soldier's income is.
The driver smiled kindly. In my opinion, he looked like Uncle Misha.
- Sit down, sit down. I'll ride with the wind! he said hoarsely.
I immediately sat down next to him. I had fun in my heart. That's what the military means! You won't get lost with them.
I said out loud:
- Carriage row!
The driver turned on the gas. We rushed.
I called out:
- Hooray!