Quotes about mountains, travel and wildlife are my collection. Message about the Ural Mountains Interesting information about the mountains

Many poems and songs are dedicated to the mountains. They attract not only writers, but also artists and filmmakers - no one is alien to romance. Here are some interesting facts about the mountains.

The peak of the highest mountain on Earth - Everest, is located at an altitude of 8848 meters above sea level. The first climbers reached this summit at half past eleven in the morning on May 29, 1953. They were Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay, his Sherpa guide. Later Tenzing said that Edmund Hillary was the first to climb the mountain.

In the Khabarovsk Territory, there is the Konder mountain range, which is unique in that it has the shape of an almost perfect ring. Interestingly, this is not a crater of an extinct volcano, but the result of a magmatic intrusion. In this process, igneous rock comes out of the deep layers of the earth.

The highest point in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro. Its height is 5895 meters above sea level.

Talking about interesting facts about the mountains, the Austrian Gruner Lake, surrounded by mountains, should be mentioned. In winter, the depth of the lake does not exceed two meters. There is a nice park around the lake. In spring, sometimes the snow in the mountains begins to melt, feeding the lake with new water. By May, the depth of the lake increases to 12 meters and the water covers benches, paths and even tree crowns. The crystal clear water makes the lake with a flooded park a popular diving destination.

Angel Falls (meaning "angel"), which falls from the top of Mount Auyantepui, is considered the highest in the world. The mountain that gives rise to it, translated from the dialect of the local Indians, is translated as "the mountain of the devil."

The well-known stone-carved heads of American presidents were the work of sculptors during the period 1925-1941. The sculptor Gotsum Borglum supervised the project of the original monument to Washington, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. After his death, his son continued to work, but soon due to a stop in funding, the project was completely terminated. The monument to the presidents was declared complete, despite the initial intention to depict the leaders of the nation up to the waist.

The Austrian part of the Alps occupies 62% of the entire land area of ​​this European country.

Mount Ararat, considered a symbol of Armenia and depicted on the coat of arms of this country, is not in Armenia. Part of the territory of Armenia with the mountain in 1921 went to Turkey.

The first scientific measurement of the height of Mount Everest was carried out in 1856. The result was exactly 29 thousand feet (equivalent to 8,839 meters). Considering that round numbers are rare in nature, and in an effort to avoid accusations of approximate measurements, scientists have declared 29,002 feet as the height of the mountain.

There are many mysteries associated with the mountains. The height of Mount Kailash is 6666 meters. The distance from this mountain to the English Stonehenge is 6666 km. People living near Kailash age much faster (12 hours are equal to two weeks). This is evidenced by the growth of nails and hair. The mountain has two huge crest-cracks, the shadows from which, especially in the late afternoon, form an image of a huge swastika.

In some areas of Indonesia, China and the Philippines, there are burials in the form of coffins nailed to the rocks. One of the Chinese national minorities, the Bo people, considers the mountains to be the most suitable place for burial. This is explained by their beliefs that the mountains are a staircase leading from the earthly to the heavenly world.

The entrance to the Lemaire Channel in Antarctica is marked by a rock with two peaks, officially designated on maps as Una's Tits, which means “Una's breasts.” The peaks were named after a member of a British Antarctic expedition. Una's name.

Interesting video. Noah's Ark found on Mount Ararat:

God's beautiful creation these mountains.

Before the mountains were born, and You formed the earth and the universe, and from time to time You are God. (Ps. 89: 3)

On Earth there is at least at least 100 mountains, whose height from sea level exceeds 7200 meters, all of them are located in central and southern Asia. The total height of the first ten is approximately 83.78 kilometers - stacked on top of each other, they would not "reach" the official boundary of space for only 16.22 kilometers.

In the Bible, the word "mountains" occurs 217 times.

Mount Sodom is a hill that stretches along the southwestern coast of the Dead Sea in Israel. It is notable for the fact that it consists almost entirely of rock salt. It is approximately 8 km long, 5 km wide, reaches 226 m above the Dead Sea level and 170 m below sea level. Due to weathering, significant parts are sometimes separated from the main massif. One of these free-standing columns has long been called "Lot's Wife", recalling the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah described in the Bible.

In the Khabarovsk Territory, there is the Konder mountain range, which is unique in that it has the shape of an almost perfect ring. Interestingly, this is not a crater of an extinct volcano, but the result of a magmatic intrusion. In this process, igneous rock comes out of the deep layers of the earth.

First scientific measurement of the height of Mount Everest was carried out in 1856. The result was exactly 29 thousand feet (equivalent to 8,839 meters). Considering that round numbers are rare in nature, and in an effort to avoid accusations of approximate measurements, scientists have declared 29,002 feet as the height of the mountain.

Mount Ararat, considered a symbol of Armenia and depicted on the coat of arms of this country; however, it is located in Turkey.

Well-known stone-carved heads American presidents were the result of the work of sculptors in the period 1925-1941. The sculptor Gotsum Borglum supervised the project of the original monument to Washington, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. After his death, his son continued to work, but soon due to a stop in funding, the project was completely terminated. The monument to the presidents was declared complete, despite the initial intention to depict the leaders of the nation up to the waist.

Talking about interesting facts about the mountains, the Austrian Gruner Lake, surrounded by mountains, should be mentioned. In winter, the depth of the lake does not exceed two meters. There is a nice park around the lake. In spring, sometimes the snow in the mountains begins to melt, feeding the lake with new water. By May, the depth of the lake increases to 12 meters and the water covers benches, paths and even tree crowns. The crystal clear water makes the lake with a flooded park a popular diving destination.

The Himalayas are the highest among the highest mountain ranges on the planet.

"Himalayas" translated from the Hindi language means "the abode (kingdom) of snows". Indeed, in terms of the scale of snow, firn and ice cover, in terms of their thickness, the Himalayas represent a real kingdom of snow. The Himalayas are huge. With a total length of more than 2,400 km, they reach a width of 350 km in some areas. This powerful uplift of the earth's crust, according to the evidence of research scientists, is still undergoing mountain-building processes and is slowly continuing to rise.

Mount Everest has other names as well! In Tibet, she is known as "Chomolungma" or "Qomolangma"... The Chinese translated its name as "Shèngmǔ Fēng", but it is rarely used. Locals in Darjeeling call it "Deodungha" which means "Holy Mountain".

Mountains illuminated by the morning sun, Greece.

In some highlands, such as the Sierra Nevada, California, you can see watermelon snow in the summer. It is pink in color and has the smell and taste of watermelon. This phenomenon is due to the presence in the snow of the algae Chlamydomonas nivalis containing the red pigment astaxanthin. These algae also serve as food for some organisms, including ice worms. They can live only in glaciers at low temperatures, and when heated to at least 5 ° C they disintegrate and die.

MOUNTAIN OF ELEON (mountain of olives, olive; Zech 14: 4, Luke 19:37) - one of the Judean mountains lying to v. from Jerusalem, from which it is separated by the Kidron Valley (John 18: 1). Undoubtedly, it got its name from olive or oil-bearing trees, which have grown in abundance around it since ancient times and centuries-old specimens of which can still be seen on the western slope of the mountain in the garden of Gethsemane.

The highest point in Africa is the mountain Kilimanjaro. Its height is 5895 meters above sea level.

Did you know that in the Guinness Book of Records the record for the "highest mountain" on Earth belongs not to Everest (Chomolungma). In fact, the highest mountain on Earth is Mauna Kea (translated from Hawaiian - "white mountain"), which is located on the island of Hawaii. Mauna Kea is a volcano that occupies almost a quarter of the island's territory.

It rises above sea level "only" by 4.205 meters, but from the base, which is hidden by the water of Mauna Kea, rises by as much as 10.205 meters - an absolute record for the height of the mountain. Everest remains the highest mountain above sea level - 8.848 m.

The highest mountain in the world, which has not yet submitted to man, is considered Gangkhar Puensum in Bhutan with an altitude of 7570 meters.

The Bible mentions the Ararat mountains: "And the ark stuck to the Ararat mountains." It was from these mountains that humanity was born after the Flood.

The Austrian part of the Alps occupies 62% of the entire land area of ​​this European country.

The crevices in the rock can be up to 50 meters deep. Appearing, they seem to cut the ice. In connection with this phenomenon, separate ice blocks are formed, the so-called seracs (tops of glaciers). Water, which has such a harmless appearance, can split a mountain, if it only has to penetrate into its crevice.

The higher we climb the mountains, the temperature becomes lower. It falls 6.5 degrees every 1000 meters. However, in winter, we can sometimes shiver from the cold on the plateau, while at the height it will be warm enough. The temperature gap in exceptional cases can be up to 20 degrees. This phenomenon occurs due to clouds that form at an altitude of 1000 m, which resist the penetration of sunlight below and thus do not allow the valley to warm up as well as in the highlands.

If you climb to the top of Everest, you will find yourself at the upper border of the troposphere.

The city of Wichipruf in the Australian state of Victoria claims that the mountain of the same name is the smallest in the world. Its height is 43 meters. There is no universally accepted definition of a mountain, but in many countries objects with a height of more than 609 meters are considered mountains.

Surely everyone knows what kind of grief we are talking about. Of course, about Elbrus. But did you know that there is a hotel just one and a half kilometers from the summit where you can stay? And TravelAsk knows and will tell you about it. And about many other things.

5 kilometers and 600 meters above ground level

Elbrus is the highest peak in Russia. And since the border between Europe and Asia is not very clear, it is often called the highest mountain in Europe.

The summit is located in the Caucasus on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. This is a classic stratovolcano: it has a conical shape, which it acquired as a result of multiple eruptions.

Elbrus has two peaks, and both are high: 5642 and 5621, respectively. The distance between these two peaks is approximately 3 kilometers.

For the first time the mountain was measured in 1813 by the Russian academician Vikenty Karlovich Vishnevsky.

Why Elbrus

Elbrus had about ten names. So the indigenous people of this territory admired the enormous size of the mountain. In the Karachai-Balkarian language, Elbrus is called "Mingi-tau", which means "reminiscent of a thousand mountains" or "a mountain of thousands." Another name sounds a little different: "Minge-tau", which means "saddled mountain." The Turks called the mountain “Jinpadishah”, which means “the lord of the spirits”, the Abkhazians called the mountain “Orfi-tub” (“mountain of the blessed”), the Georgians called “Yal-buz” (“snow mane”).

There are also several versions about the origin of the modern name: perhaps it came from the Iranian "aytibares", which means "high mountain". It is likely that the origins of the name lie in the language of the Zend, one of the tribes of Iran: "Elbrus" means "brilliant".

When is it better to conquer the top

In July and August, the weather is the most stable on Elbrus. The air temperature here is about -8 degrees. However, as it rises, it can go down to -30 degrees. Winters are very hard and long here: from October to April. During this period, it is better to bask at home under a blanket and drink hot chocolate, otherwise the rise may end in sad consequences, including death.

The conquest of the summit takes about a week. Moreover, civilization made this path easier: there is a cable car that will take you directly to the Bochki shelter. It is located at an altitude of 3750 meters. The camp got its name for its insulated wagons that are located here: they look like barrels.

There are ten of them, each trailer can accommodate six people. There is also a specially equipped kitchen. It is from here that the ascent basically begins.

The next camp is located at an altitude of about 4000 meters. Once there was a hotel "Shelter of Eleven", but it burned down and the building was never restored.

But not far from it is the operating eco-hotel Leap-Rus.

It was designed by Italian architects and has all the amenities: water, electricity and even internet. The price of one night will cost 3250 rubles per bed.

Conquest history

The very first person to climb the summit of Elbrus was the Russian general Georgy Emmanuel. He conquered the mountain in 1829 with a whole group of people from the scientific world: geologists, physicists, zoologists.

The western peak, which is the highest, was conquered much later, after more than 40 years, in 1874. English climbers with a guide who took part in the first expedition in 1829 ascended here.

The first person who visited both peaks of Elbrus was topographer A.V. Pastukhov. He climbed to the western peak in 1890, and in 1896 - to the eastern one. He made detailed maps of the mountain.


Elbrus is an extinct volcano. Neanderthals lived on this territory for a long time. However, after the eruptions that took place 45 thousand years ago, they left the mountain in search of a more favorable place of residence.

Studies have shown that the last eruption of Elbrus was in the 50s of our era.

Fact number 1... It was to Elbrus that Zeus chained Prometheus for his "trick": he gave people fire.

Fact number 2... During the Great Patriotic War, the Edelweiss division of the Germans captured mountain bases, including the Shelter of the Eleven. Nazi banners were erected on the mountain, and enthusiastic articles were written in German newspapers that both peaks were taken. The mountain was planned to be renamed "Hitler's Peak". All participants of the ascent were awarded with a token with just such an inscription.

Fact no. 3... In honor of the 400th anniversary of Kabardino-Balkaria, 400 climbers simultaneously climbed Elbrus in 1956.

Fact no. 4... In 1991, the Shelter of Eleven's toilet was voted the worst toilet in the world by Outside Magazine.

Fact number 5... Elbrus is one of the most dangerous peaks in the world. Accidents happen here on a regular basis; in 2004 alone, 48 people died here.

Fact no. 6... In 1997, the mountain was conquered by car: this was done by the Russian traveler Alexander Abramov. Land Rover was specially equipped for this purpose.

Fact number 7... Elbrus is included in the list of "Seven Peaks" - the list of the highest peaks of the planet.

Fact no. 8... There are 22 glaciers on Mount Elbrus. They form the sources of three rivers: Baksan, Malka and Kuban.

Fact number 9... The viewing radius on the mountain is constantly changing. It depends on the weather and pressure. Sometimes from here you can see two seas at once: the Caspian and the Black.

Fact number 10... Elbrus is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world in Russia.

Who else is in the top three

The second and third places are occupied by the same peaks of the Caucasus: Mount Dykhtau, 5204 meters high, and Mount Koshtantau, 5152 meters high.

Usually a mountain means a mountain tectonic origin. But there are also erosive and volcanic... Among the tectonic ones, there are folded, blocky and folded-block the mountains.

Tectonic mountains

Tectonic mountains- these are mountain ranges that originated on the seabed.

Volcanic mountains

During volcanic eruptions, magma does not always manage to reach the earth's surface. If the upper layers of the earth's crust at the site of the eruption are very strong and the cracks do not reach the surface of the Earth, the magma stops and freezes, raising the sedimentary rocks. Huge mountain-like domes are formed. Gore volcanic origin not much on the globe.

Folded mountains

Folded mountains- these are mountains in which rock layers are crumpled into folds and, as a result of vertical movements of the earth's crust, are raised above the surrounding terrain.

Parts of the mountains

The high parts of the mountains are called peaks, and the pointed peaks - peaks.


Mountain range

On the earth's surface, it is very rare to find a lonely mountain. Usually mountains are located in a row one after another for several tens or even hundreds of kilometers. Such a group of mountains stretched in a line is called mountain range.

Mountain valley

The depression between two mountain ranges is called a mountain valley (Fig. 57).

Mountain country

Sometimes, in a relatively small area, there is a huge accumulation of individual mountains and mountain ranges. It is difficult to make sense of such a jumble of mountains, because the mountain ranges stretch in all directions. Such a cluster of mountains is called mountainous country.

It is known that everything on Earth, absolutely everything, at some point is born, exists for some time, develops and then dies off, is destroyed, being replaced by something new. And this applies not only to plants and animals, but also to rivers, lakes, seas, mountains. Mountains, made of very hard rocks, live their own lives.

Thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of years pass, mountains grow old, pointed peaks disappear, and once mighty ridges more and more resemble hills. Vast plains are formed.


Alps- these are the highest mountains in Europe. The peaks of the Alps are covered with snow and ice that do not melt throughout the year. The highest mountain is Mont Blanc (height 4810 m) and is called “White Mountain”. Glaciers go down the slopes of the mountains. As they melt, they give rise to mountain rivers and waterfalls- streams of water falling vertically down from steep cliffs. Deep valleys divide the mountains into separate ridges- elongated mountain chains. The lowest parts of the ridges are called re-roars.


Every year hundreds of climbers climb the highest peaks of the mountain ranges. Their path is not easy: after all, most of it passes along the slopes covered with ice and snow. At the height of summer, there are frosts and strong winds blow. Climbers have boots with iron spikes on their feet, ice-pipes in their hands. You have to go very carefully: in the ice you come across narrow deep cracks, which are not visible, since from above they are often covered with snow.

The Urals mountains stretch for 2000 km from north to south, dividing our country into 2 parts: European and Asian. They begin at the Arctic Ocean, cross Russia and end in Kazakhstan. This can be clearly seen on the map. The highest mountain in the Urals is Narodnaya. It is located in the north, its height is 1894 meters. The width of the mountains throughout its length ranges from 40 to 150 km.

The ancient Greeks knew about the existence of the Ural Mountains. They believed that the legendary country of Hyperborea was located just beyond the mountains.

Geology of the Urals

The Ural Mountains were not always so low. Their formation began about 350 million years ago. During their youth, the mountains reached a height of about 6,000 meters. There was a time when here volcanoes were active, there were strong earthquakes, magma poured out, new rocks were formed, future mineral deposits were laid. Hundreds of millions of years have passed since then. Volcanoes have grown old, mountains have collapsed. But from time to time the Urals recalls their stormy youth, and then. The last of these happened in the fall of 2015.


For 2000 km the mountains pass several natural areas, starting with the tundra in the north, continuing with the taiga in the middle and ending with the steppe in the south. Naturally, both nature and the animal world are different everywhere. If in the north you can find, then in the south marmots and gophers are common. When tulips are already blooming in the south, winter is still seen off in the north.

Although the mountain slopes are not steep, they interfere with the winds, therefore the climate of the European part is different from the climate of the Asian part.


It is located and mined in the bowels of the Urals. Some of them are very rare and are found only here. The most famous are:

  • silver;
  • copper ore;
  • semi-precious stones;

Everyone knows crafts and jewelry made from a beautiful green Ural stone - malachite. Products made from it can be seen in the St. Petersburg Hermitage. Many folk tales about the extraction of fossil resources were processed by the storyteller P.P. Bazhov.


The majority of the population lives in large industrial cities. In terms of ethnicity, these are mainly Russians. Then there are Tatars, Bashkirs, Ukrainians, Kazakhs and other nationalities.


In the Ural region, the most common industries are metallurgy and mechanical engineering. Copper ore was mined here 5 thousand years ago. The modern period of development of metallurgy began under Peter I. The most famous industrial city is Chelyabinsk. If Yekaterinburg is called the capital of the Urals, then Chelyabinsk is the capital of the Southern Urals. There are good rail, road and air links between all cities in the region. A highly developed industry also has negative sides: the atmosphere in the cities of the region is very dirty.

Books have been written and feature films about the origin and development of industry in the Urals. During the Great Patriotic War, the Urals took over enterprises from the western part of the Soviet Union. Both old and young worked here, supplying the front with ammunition. In the cities, military hospitals were established in which wounded soldiers were treated.

The Ural Mountains still keep many unsolved mysteries that future historians, naturalists, geologists, and zoologists will be able to discover.

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