UNESCO monuments in Brazil. Monuments of Brazil from the UNESCO list

UNESCO World Heritage List in Brazil (19)

Bruzilia City (1987)

Brazilia, the capital, based on the previously empty place in the very center of the country in 1956, became a significant object in the history of urban planning. Specialist in urban planning Luciu Costa and Architect Oskar Himeier believed that each element, ranging from the planning of residential and administrative districts, and ending with the symmetrical decision of the buildings themselves should be in harmony with the general design intent of the city (the city resembles a flying bird). Impressive innovative architecture of the official buildings of the capital.

Historical center of Salvador de Bahia (1985)

Historic Center for Salvador Di Bahia
The former in 1549-1763 of the first capital of Brazil, Salvador Di Bahia became the place of mixing of European, African and American cultures. Since 1558, the city was the first market in the new world, where they traded slaves attributed to work on sugar plantations. The city has a large number of outstanding buildings in the style of revival. A feature of the old part of the city is buildings of different colors that have an interesting plaster stucco.

Historical center of San Luis (1997)

Historic center of San Louis
The core of this historic city founded in the XVII century, then occupied by the Dutch and, finally, who had passed to the Portuguese, retained the initial rectangular layout as an intention. Due to the economic stagnation at the beginning of the 20th century, most of the historic buildings have survived to the present day, which makes San Luis outstanding an example of the colonial city of Iberian type.

Historic center of Diamantine (1999)

Historic center of Diamantina (Diamantina)
Diamantina is a colonial settlement, which is surrounded by the harsh rocky mountains, recreates the life of the era of diamond seekers in the XVIII century. The city is a symbol of a triumph of the cultural and artistic activity of a person who lived in unfavorable natural conditions.

Historic center of Goyas (2001)

Goyas city is a witness and colonization of the central part of Brazil in the XVIII-XIX centuries. The planning of the city is an example of the organic development of the mining settlement well adapted to the conditions of the terrain. The public and private architecture of the city is modest, but forms a harmonious integer through the use of local materials and traditional construction techniques.

Historic center of Olinda (1982)

The history of this city, founded in the XVI century by Portuguese, is related to the production of cane sugar. City build, restored after the plundering of the city of the Dutch, refers mainly by the XVIII century. The harmonious combination of buildings, gardens, 20 baroque churches, monasteries and many small "Passos" (chapels) contribute to the special charm of Olinda.

Historic city of Oro-Pretu (1980)

Founded at the end of the 18th century, the city of Oro-Pretu ("Black Gold") became in the 18th century the main hearth "Golden Fever", which was then led to the onset of the "Golden Age" of Brazil. After the depletion of the gold mines in the XIX veva, the value of the city decreased, but many churches, bridges and fountains remain the proof of its past prosperity and the exclusive talent of the Baroque Baroque sculptor.

Jesuit missions on the lands of the Indians Guarani: San Ignasio-Mini, Santa Ana, Nourera-Senora de Loreto and Santa Maria La Major (Argentina); Ruins San Miguel Das Missoyns (Brazil) (1983)

Ruins of San Miguel-Das Missoyns in Brazil, as well as San Ignasio Minci, Santa Ana, Nourera Senora de Loreto and Santa Maria La Major in Argentina, are in the thick of the rainforest. These are the impressive remnants of the five Jesuit missions built on the lands of the Guarani Indians during the XVII-XVIII centuries. Each of them has a specific layout and various degree of safety.

Rio de Janeiro (2012)

The world heritage sites are the coastline of Rio de Janeiro with the Beach of Copacabana, the mountain sugar head and the statue of Christ-Redeemer.

Church complex Bon-Gesus-do Congonias (1985)

The church complex Bon-Gesus-do Congonias, built in the second half of the XVIII century in Minas Gerais to the south of Belo Horizonte, consists of a church with a luxurious Rococo style interior, an outer staircase, decorated with statues of the prophets, and seven chapels dedicated to Stop on the way to the place of crucifixion of Christ. Their multicolor sculptures of the work Alejdiny are bright examples of original expressive forms of Baroque art.

San Francisco Square in San Cristovo (2010)

San Francisco Square in San Cristovo is a quadrangular open space surrounded by the monumental buildings of the Church of St. Francis and the Monastery, Church and Santa Casa Da Miserikhondi, the Palace in the provincial style and other buildings belonging to various historical periods. This monumental ensemble and the surrounding houses of the eighteenth-nineteenth centuries create an urban landscape, reflecting the history of the city since its occurrence. It is an example of a typical religious architecture that has established in northeastern Brazil.

Serra da Kapivara National Park (1991)

Among the numerous rock shelters in the National Park Serra da Kapivara, caves decorated with paintings, which have more than 25 thousand years in some cases. They are outstanding evidence of the existence of one of the most ancient human communities in South America.

Forest reserves of the South-Eastern Atlantic Coast (1999)

Forest reserves of the South-Eastern Atlantic coast are the largest and preserved arrays of the ingredical forests in all Brazil. 25 forest reserves with a total area of \u200b\u200b470 thousand hectares lying on the ocean coast in the states of Paran and Sao Paulo demonstrate a rich biodiversity and illustrate the evolution of surviving virgin forests. The territory includes a wide range of various ecosystems (mountains covered with thick thickets, wetlands, dune complexes, islands) and stand out of special painting.

Brazilian Islands in Atlantic: Fernandu Di Noronaya and Rocas Atoll (2001)

Brazilian Islands in Atlantic: Fernanda Di Norona and Rocas Atoll
The Archipelago of Fernandu Di-Norona and Rokas Atoll, which are the tops of the top of the underwater South Atlantic Range overlooking the ocean, lie in the eastern shores of Brazil. These islands are one of the largest Atlantic in the area, and their coastal waters are characterized by high bioproductivity and play an exceptional role as habitats and breeding tuna, sharks, sea turtles and marine mammals. On the islands marked the largest clusters of sea tropical birds in the Western Atlantic; Also here has developed a large local dolphins population. During the ties on the rokas atoll, you can observe an impressive picture: the crushed lagoons, sising fish.

Central Amazonian Reserve (2000)

The Central Amazonian Reserve is the largest Amazon basin complex of protected natural territories (6 million hectares) from the point of view of biodiversity - one of the richest regions on the planet. Lakes and ductures form a mosaic and constant aqua system, which serves as habitat for the largest population of electric eel. Among the rare and endangered species include Amazonian Lamantine, Black Cayman, two types of river dolphins, as well as a fish - giant arapaia.

National Parks Zone "Campos Sumrado": Chapada-Doss-Beadairus and Emaas (2001)

Flora and the fauna of two national parks that form this object of the World Heritage are typical for the zone of wooded savannah - Campos Surrado. This special type of savannah is recognized as one of the richest biodiversity and one of the oldest on time of its formation of a tropical belt ecosystems. Throughout the Millennium, these places acted as shelters for different types of animals and plants, especially during periods of sharp climate change. It is believed that in the future they will be able to act as the foci of maintaining biodiversity Savannan Campos Sumrado.

Forest Reserves of the East Atlantic Coast (1999)

Eight protected natural territories (including three national parks) with a total area of \u200b\u200b112 thousand hectares are located in the states of Bahia and Espirita Santa and include atlantic wet forests and shrubs ("resting"). By the degree of biodiversity, this area belongs to the number of richest on the planet. The reserves dwell a number of types of endemics, which makes it possible to trace the path of the evolution of living organisms, and this, in turn, is of great importance to both scientific and environmental points of view.

Iguazu National Park (1986)

There is one of the most grandiose waterfalls of the world with a front of the falling water of 2.7 kilometers away in this fleet. There is a number of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, incl. Giant Oter and Giant Ants. In the area irrigated by the splashes of the waterfall, magnificent vegetation grows.

Pantanal Reserve (2000)

Four natural reserves have a total area of \u200b\u200b187.8 thousand hectares. They are located in the west of central Brazil, in the southwestern part of Mata Grosu, and make up 1.3% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bPantanal - one of the world's largest areas of wetlands. Here are the origins of the two largest rivers of this region - Kuiabs and Paraguay, and the abundance and species diversity of plants and animals are exceptionally large.

The eastern and southern parts of South America are considered by us as part of the two tourist mesologies of Macro Region. One of them is a Brazilian tourist Mesorgion, the second - Tourist Mesaregion moderate South America, which includes four states (Paraguay, Argentina and Chile). Brazil is famous for its recreational resources, diverse nature and cultural heritage of the colonial era. The countries of moderate South America are striking, first of all, the painting of their virgin nature and the uniqueness of cultural monuments.

Cultural specifics and moderate South America defines a Catholic religion. In the inner districts of Brazil (B) and local traditional beliefs have been preserved. The indigenous Indian peoples of Chile and belong to the Andean family: Kechua, Aymara, Araucanians, etc. Indians of Brazil and Paraguays belong to two language families: Equatorial-Tucanoan (Aravaki, Tukano, Tukano, etc.) and pan-Caribbean (Caribbean, Pano and others). Most of the population make up the peoples of the Romance Group of Indo-European Family: Chileans, Argentines, Uruguayans, Paraguayans, speaking in the language, as well as Brazilians who speakers in Portuguese.

By their name Federative Republic of Brazil (8 million 547.4 thousand square meters. Km, 196.3 million people. In 2008), it is obliged to the tree of Brazil (from Brasa - "heat, hot corners"). So the Portuguese called the Red Sandal - a tree with dense yellow-red wood used at the time in a beautiful business. Initially, Brazil was called the Earth of the Holy Cross. But the Wood Brazil was the main subject of export from this country, for which the latter was called Brazil (Russian form - Brazil). The consolidation of this name contributed to the fact that in Europe from the XIV century. The mythical island was known Brazil, lying somewhere in and attributed to the number of "stray", i.e. Changing their location.

Name Republic of Paraguay (406.8 thousand square meters km, 6.8 million people. In 2008) comes from the river of the same name, meaning translated from local Indian languages \u200b\u200b"Big" or "River River".

The name occurred Uruguay - From the river of the same name, the name of which in the Tupi Indian language means "bird, or chicken river." The full name of the state adopted in 1830, the Eastern Republic of Uruguay (176.2 thousand square meters km, 3.5 million people in 2008), which is associated with the location of the republic on the eastern bank of the Uruguay River. In colonial time, the territory of the country was part of the Spanish General Government as the province of East Beach, and from 1815 - the Eastern Province.

Argentine Republic covers an area of \u200b\u200b2 million 780 thousand square meters. km, population in 2008 amounted to 40.5 million people. The name of Argentina appeared after the liberation of the country from the Spanish domination in 1826 and means "silver". Prior to this, the territory of Argentina was called the name of the La Plata on the general name of the river and the Bay of the Rio de La Plata ("Silver River").

Republic of Chile covers an area of \u200b\u200b756.6 thousand square meters. km, population in 2008 amounted to 16.5 million people. The name of Chile in the Language of Aravakov Indians means "cold, winter", which is associated with their perception of the snowy tops of the Andes.

In total in Brazil and moderate South America, 31 objects are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, 20 of which are cultural monuments.


Criteria and conditions for the inclusion of natural objects in the World Heritage List

1 Conditions

2 Natural criteria

South America. World Natural Heritage Objects

1 Argentina

2 Los Gosyares National Park

3 Iguazu National Park

4 Peninsula Valdez.

5 Natural Parks Schiguala and Talampaiya


1 Namel-Kepff-Mercado National Park


1 Iguazu National Park

2 Serra da Kapivara National Park

3 Forest reserves of the East Atlantic Coast

4 Forest reserves of the southeastern Atlantic coast

5 complex of reservations of Central Amazonia

6 Protected area Pantanal

7 Brazilian Islands in Atlantic: Fernandu Di Noronaya and Rocas Atoll

8 National Parks Zone "Campos Sumrado": Sapepada-Dus-Beadairus and Emaas


1 Canaama National Park


1 Los Qatios National Park

2 island Malpelo

1 Historic Mach Pickcho Reserve

2 Wascharan National Park

3 National Park Manu

4 Rio Abiscao National Park


1 Environmental Territory of Central Suriname


1 Galapagos Islands

2 Sangay National Park


References and Internet resources


UNESCO World Heritage - Natural or Man-created Objects, priority tasks in relation to which, according to UNESCO, are their preservation and popularization by virtue of special cultural, historical or environmental significance.

In 1972, UNESCO adopted the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage (entered into force in 1975). By September 2012, 190 participating countries ratified the Convention.

Every year, the World Heritage Committee holds the sessions on which the "status of the World Heritage Object" is awarded.

As of 2013, in the World Heritage List - 981, the object, of which 759 are cultural, 193 - natural and 29 - mixed.

In South America there are 67 UNESCO World Heritage sites.

1. Criteria and conditions for the inclusion of natural objects in the World Heritage List

.1 Conditions

In accordance with the definition data in Article 2 of the Convention on the Protection of the World Heritage, the following objects include natural heritage:

) Natural monuments created by physical and biological formations or groups of such formations that have outstanding universal value in terms of aesthetics or science;

) geological and physiographic formations and strictly limited areas representing the area of \u200b\u200bsubjected to the threat of animal and plants that have outstanding universal value in terms of science or conservation;

) Natural attractions or strictly limited natural zones that have outstanding universal value from the point of view of science, conservation or natural beauty.

Outstanding global value means cultural and / or natural significance, which is so exceptional, which goes beyond national borders and represents universal value for real and future generations of all mankind. Therefore, the constant protection of this heritage is of paramount importance for the entire international community as a whole. The natural heritage object corresponding to one of the data above the definitions that put forward on the list of world heritage is considered an outstanding world heritage for the objectives of the Convention if the Committee has the opportunity to make sure that the object satisfies one or more criteria as well as integrity conditions.

1.2 Natural criteria

The main goal of the World Heritage List is to make well-known and protect facilities that are unique in their own way. For this, and due to the desire for objectivity, evaluation criteria were compiled. Initially (since 1978) there were only criteria for objects of cultural heritage - this list has numbered six points. Then natural objects appeared to restore some equilibrium between different continents and for them a list of four points. And, finally, in 2005, all these criteria were summarized, and now every object of the World Heritage is in its description at least one of them. - Include the greatest phenomena of nature or place of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic value; - represent an outstanding sample reflecting the main stages of the Earth's history, including traces of ancient life, continuing geological processes of development of the forms of the earth's surface, which are important, or significant geomorphological and physiographic phenomena; - represent an outstanding example of important and continuing environmental and biological processes of the evolution and development of ground, river and lake , coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals; - include natural ranges, the most important and significant in terms of the preservation of biological diversity, including the habitat area of \u200b\u200bthe disappearing species representing the outstanding world value from the point of view of science and nature conservation.

2. South America. World Natural Heritage Objects

South America - South Continent in America, located mainly in the Western and Southern Hemispheres of the Planet Earth, however, partially the continent is located in the northern hemisphere. It is washed in the West by the Pacific Ocean, in the east - the Atlantic, from the north is limited to North America, the border between America takes place through the Panama Isthmus and the Caribbean Sea.

.1 Argentina

uNESCO Monument Sightseeing Area

In the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site in Argentina, there are 8 items (for 2011), 4 facilities are included in the natural criteria. Los Glassares and Iguazu are recognized as natural phenomena or spaces of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance. Among them:

· Los Chairlas National Park (1981)

· Iguazu National Park (1984)

· Peninsula Waldes (1999)

· Natural parks of the silence and Talampaiya (2000)

In addition, as of 2010, 8 objects in the territory of the state are among the candidates for the inclusion of the World Heritage List, including 5 - by cultural, 1 - by natural and 2 - on mixed criteria.

Argentina ratified the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage on August 23, 1978. The first facility on the territory of Argentina was listed in 1981 at the 5th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

2.2 Los Gosyareas National Park

Los Gosyares National Park (Parque Nacional Los Glaciares, Glaciers) - National Park, located in Patagonia (South America), on the territory of the Argentine Province of Santa Cruz. Park area is 4459 km ². In 1981, he was listed in the World Heritage List.

Founded in 1937, Los Gosyares is the second largest Argentina National Park. With its name, the park must be a huge ice cap in Andes, which feeds 47 large glaciers, of which only 13 flow towards the Atlantic Ocean. This ice array is the largest after the ice of Antarctica and Greenland. In other parts of the world, the glaciation begins at least 2500 m above sea level, but in Los-Gosyareas Park, the glaciers begins from a height of 1500 m and slide up to 200 m, eroding the slopes of the mountains under them.

The territory of Los Glyasyares, which is 30% covered with ice, can be divided into two parts, each of which belongs to its lake. Argentino Lake Argentina (Area 1466 km ²) located in the southern part of the park, and Lake Viedma (area of \u200b\u200b1100 km ²) - In North. Both lakes feed the Santa Cruz River, which flows to the Atlantic Ocean. Between these two parts, the central zone (Zona Center) is closed for tourists, in which the lakes are not.

Northern half of the park includes part of Lake Viedma, Viedma Glacier, small glaciers and several mountain peaks, popular among climbers and mountainous tourists, such as Fitzroy and Serro Torre.

Southern half of the park along with small glaciers includes the main glaciers flowing into the lake Argentino: Perito Moreno, Uppsala and Spegazini. An ordinary boat tour includes an inspection of the unavailable glaciers and Spegazini unavailable. Perito Moreno glacier can be reached by land.

Los Gosyares Park is a popular destination in international tourism. Tours begin in the village of El Calafate, located on Lake Argentino, and in the village of El Chalitan, located in the northern part of the park at the foot of the Fitz Roy Mountain.

Climate . The entire natural appearance of the park and its originality is primarily connected with the climatic features of the region. Nowhere on the globe there are no such favorable conditions for the development of modern glaciation in such low sprats, "roaring the forties" winds of the Western destination meet on their way over the oceanic expanses of the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere only the only obstacle and the form of Patagonian Andes. On their Western (Chilean) slopes of the winds are collapsed with terrible force and give almost all the moisture accumulated from the ocean.

Completely different climatic conditions are characteristic of the eastern (Argentine) slopes and the previations of the Patagonian Andes, where the national park is located. Lost the power and moisture on the Western slopes, the air masses of "roaring forties" on the eastern slopes come "weakened" and practically desired. Being in the "rain shade" of the Andes, the territory of the park receives a much smaller amount of precipitation - up to 900 mm on the slopes of the mountains and 500 mm in the east of the park. The average indicator of the amount of annual precipitation for the entire fleet takes the value of 809 mm, and the average annual temperatures are in the range of +7.5 ° C, the minimum +3.3 ° C, the maximum + 12 ° C. Here, unlike the eastern slopes of the Patagonian Andes, the sun shines most of the year. Only from April to May the sky is tightened with clouds, go rains in the foothills, and snow falls in the mountains. In winter, and this is in the South Hemisphere June - August, common snowfalls. In early spring and summer over the territory of the Park, strong hurricane winds are rushed with South and South - from Antarctica.

Flora. In addition to the snow-covered vertices (representing undoubted interest for climbers), huge glacial zones and amazing in the beauty of lake glands in the National Park "Los Glassares" can be acquainted with a peculiar Flora Patagonia.

The park presents two types of plant communities - the subnutrctic Patagonian forests (in the West) and the Patagonian steppes, characteristic of the lines of the plane-plate main (in the east).

Fauna. The fauna of vertebrate animals of the National Park, with the exception of Ornithofauna, has not yet been studied. There are about 100 species of birds, of which the most remarkable Andean Condor and the long-hearted (Darwin) NANDU.

Among the birds are very numerous and shore (stream) duck, chaff.

There is a small population of the Andean deer. Andean deer is listed in the International Red Book.

In the park there are separate individuals of mountain weiggers from the rodent detachment. More often you can meet Lam, Guanako.

Very rich in Ichthyofaun Ice Lakes and small streams. Many tourists come to Los Gosyares National Park specifically for sports fishing. In Lakes Viedma and Lago Archentino, two types of salmon fish are embodied specifically for sports fishing.

.3 Iguazu National Park

Iguazu National Park (Parque Nacional Iguaz ú) - National Park in Argentina, located in the Department of Iguazu, in the northern part of the province of Misonee, in the Argentine interference.

The park was created in 1934 and partially contains one of the natural monuments of South America - Waterfall Iguazu, surrounded by subtropical jungle. On the other side of the river Iguazu is a Brazilian Park with the same name (Iguazu National Park). Both parks are proclaimed by UNESCO World Heritage Site (in 1984 and 1986, respectively).

Flora. The flora includes 2 thousand species of plants, in particular: one of the endangered species of tree trees by ASPIDSPERM - Aspidosperma Polyneuron (English), rarely occurring outside the park due to cutting due to edible fruits, one of the types of cabbage palm trees - EUTERPE EDULIS (English. ), Fea, Ostolist, Nogoplodnik, Recently, there is an increasing gravestone, Araucaria, Palo Rosa. The trees of the family of bourzer, many vascular plants grow. Among the colors there are bromels, various types of orchids.

Fauna. Fauna Park includes 70 species of mammals, 400 species of birds, 40 species of reptiles, several hundred species of butterflies, including extinct views. The most common representatives of the fauna are as follows: Jaguar, Jaguarundi, Mazama deer, plain tapir, capybara, water opossum, Ocelot, Giant Much, Brazilian Ottoman, Shrub Dog, Puma, Monkeys (Capuchins and Curtains), Nosecha, Paraguayan Cayman, Women's Caiman, Coral asp. You can also find such birds like haircuts and big tucanis. Normal for these places Vinnogruda Amazon, American Streach, Tika, Brazilian Krochal, Bronze Penelope (English) Russian., South American Garpia, Hummingbird. Among the famous representatives of volatile mice most often occurred by the type of vampire - an ordinary vampire.

Geography of waterfalls. The complex has a width of 2.7 km and includes about 270 separate waterfalls. The height of the water drop reaches 82 meters, but on most waterfalls just over 60 meters. The largest waterfall is the "Devil's throat" - a U-shaped opening width of 150 and 700 meters long. This waterfall denotes the border between Brazil and Argentina.

In the vicinity of the waterfalls there are three cities - Foz do Iguazu on the Brazilian side, Puerto-Iguazu on the Argentine side and Ciudad del Este on the side of Paraguay.

The most famous names of the waterfalls: "Adam and Eve", "Three Musketeer", "Two Sisters", "Salto-Escondido" ("Hidden Jump"), "Floto-Floriano" ("Flower Jump"), "San Martin" , "Ramirez" and a number of others.

Tourism. Waterfalls Iguazu are one of the most visited places to tourists in South America. Every year there is 1.5-2 million visitors. Especially for tourists are equipped with viewing platforms. In the vicinity of the waterfall, hiking and car routes were laid. Also tourists are offered rapid clothes, since the routes pass to the foot of the waterfalls. In the vicinity of Waterfalls Iguazu, there is an international airport, tens of hotels, campings, driveways, walking trails are built. The local population is also employed in this industry, they are specially equipped with platforms where they show local dances and songs, while driving into local costumes.

.4 Peninsula Valdez

Valdez - Peninsula on the Atlantic Coast of Argentina. Area - 3625 km ². Connects with the mainland of Carlos-Amgino. From the north there is a bay of San Jose, from the south - Golfo Nuevo. Most of the peninsula is an uncomplicated territory. There are several salty lakes, the largest of which is 40 meters below sea level. This is the lowest marker on land for South America.

In 1999, the Valdez Peninsula is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List - first of all for its unique and rich fauna.

Physico-geographical features. The peninsula is located in the northeast of the province of Chubut, and washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. From the north and south of its coast are washed by the Bays of San Jose and Nuevo.

Territory relief represents a typical Patagonian plateau, which breaks down into the sea with sheer shores. The shore is composed by sea deposits, which are subject to permanent erosion. Part of the coastline is represented by beaches, among which the stony-beloved place of marine elephants are highlighted.

The climate on the territory of the peninsula is transitional between the temperate climate of the central part of the country, with a maximum of precipitation in hot months and a cold climate with winter rains, which is more characteristic of Patagonia. Summer on the peninsula Roast, but short, and winter is cold.

Variety of flora and fauna. The main vegetation of the sea shores - algae. They cover the stony shores with multi-colored blankets: blue-green, green, brown, red or yellow-green, depending on pigment in plants cells.

The Valdez Patagonia Patagonia Patagonia is of great importance for the protection of marine mammals. A population of the Australian subspecies of southern whale is multiplied here, which is threatened with disappearance. The peninsula is known all over the world due to the excellent possibilities of observing these giants. They sail to the shores in June, and stay until December to produce offspring. South whale reaches a length of approximately 14 meters and weighs up to 50 tons. Females are carrying a young one for a year, and at times they give birth to only one offspring.

South marine elephants and southern sea lions are also multiplied here, and the fighters living here use a unique hunt strategy adapted to the local coastline conditions.

A lot of types of birds and terrestrial animals also live on the peninsula, such as Guanaco, Fox, American Ostrich Nanda, American (pampas) partridge, and Patagonian hare.

2.5 Natural parks of the silent and tamlapaiya

Natural parks of Schiguala and Talampaiya are two adjacent parks that spread out in the territory of over 275300 hectares in the western border of the Sierra Pampeanas Mountains in Central Argentina. Here you can see the most complete paleontological chronicle, starting from the triad period (245-208 million years ago). Six geological formations in the parks contain petrified remains of numerous living beings of the predecessors of mammals, dinosaurs and plants, showing the evolution of vertebrates and the nature of the paleographic situation in the Triassic period. Included in the UNESCO list in 2000

Flora and Fauna is silent. Animal and vegetable world is silently peculiar. All inhabitants demonstrate an amazing fitness to a desert arid climate. One of the most common types of animals, which travelers can not only see, but also feed, are gray Argentinean foxes, whiskers and rabbits. While traveling in the park, the guests come across and peculiar animals - Mara, who are also called Patagonian hares, although they have nothing to do with the hares.

From predators living in the silent, one of the most common are skunks, damage, since these animals protecting with the help of fetid excretion of the anal glands have special preference to open areas.

From the family of dogs, gray Argentinean Fox, or Sorrot-de-La Pampa is widespread here.

Condoras are found on the protected area, two types of South American vultures are turkey and Uruba, a lot of singers of birds. And even representatives of the parrot family, which in our presentation are characteristic of exclusively rainforest.

It is not surprising, but even a few kinds of frogs and the toad live in these anhydrous lands.

Vegetation is presented mainly by cacti, rare barbed shrubs and trees, such as "reta", "Chanyar", "Algorobo and others. Many of the plants found here are used in medicine.

Talampaiya Park Attractions

· The drone riverbed of the Talapaya river, where dinosaurs lived a few million years ago - as well as in the silenceously you can find the fossils of that era.

· Talampaia canyon - the height of the wall reaches 143 m, the minimum width is 80 m.

· The remains of the settlements of local peoples, such as Petroglyphs in Puerta del Canyon.

· Botanical garden with local flora in a narrow center of the canyon.

· Fauna of the region: Guanaco, Hares, Mara, Foxes and Condors.

3. Bolivia

In Bolivia there is only 1 World Natural Heritage Object - Noel-Kepffo National Park. In addition, as of 2010, 7 objects on the territory of the state are among the candidates for the inclusion in the list of World Heritage, including 4 - by cultural, 1 - by natural and 2 - on mixed criteria.

.1 National Park Noel-Kepff-mercado

Noel-Kepffo National Park is located in the province of Jose Miguel de Velasko Department of Santa Cruz in the eastern part of Bolivia on the border with Brazil. Territory Park is 15,838 km ² What makes it one of the largest parks in the whole Amazon basin. In 2000, the park was listed by UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Climate. The climate is clearly seasonal approximately from 1400-1500mm of average annual precipitation. There is a dry season about 4-6 months (from May to September), when the amount of precipitation is reduced. The average annual temperature is 25-26 ° C, but during the dry season, the temperature may drop up to 10 degrees within a few days when the cold dry air masses Patagonia (Surazos) get to the park.

Flora and fauna. The inaccessibility of these places is good natural guards of the virginity of the park, which includes five ecosystems located at altitudes from 200 to 1000m above sea level: Mountain evergreen forests, deciduous forests, dry savanna, wet savanna and wet tropical forests. A variety of flora has 4000 species of plants, of which 2,700 species are identified. Among them are several species of palm trees, cedar, oak, lianas and bromelia, many types of orchids. The exciting colors and odors, the exotic fruits of the Maraca and Mangan fill these places.

More than 630 species of birds live on the territory of the park, 139 species of mammals are more than in all over North America, including: Jaguar, Puma, River Dolphin, Giant Much, Grievous Wolf, Tapir, Cabribs, Marsh Deer. Many types of butterflies and other insects, 62 species of amphibians among which South American Boxian Turtle and Black Cayman, 127 species of reptiles. Here at the same time there are two types of anaconda - green ordinary and yellow Paraguayan. Rivers have about 254 species of fish.

Some of these types of fauna are threatened in other districts of Bolivia.

4. Brazil

The UNESCO World Natural Heritage List in Brazil is 8 natural objects. Among them, 4 facilities are recognized as "natural phenomena of exceptional beauty and aesthetic importance" (criterion VII).

· Iguazu National Park (1986)

· Serra da Kapivara National Park (1991)

· Forest reserves of the East Atlantic Coast (1999)

· Forest reserves of the South-Eastern Atlantic Coast (1999)

· Central Amazonian Reserve Set (2000)

· Protected area Pantanal (2000)

· Brazilian Islands in Atlantic: Fernandu Di Noronaya and Rocas Atoll (2001)

· National Parks Zone "Campos Surrado": Chapada-Doss-Beadairus and Emaas (2001)

.1 Iguazu National Park

Iguazu - Brazil National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site, located on the territory of Paraná. He gained fame in connection with the waterfall (part of which is located on the territory of Argentina in the province of Misones) and picturesque wildlife (especially a large variety of birds), which includes rare and extinct views. This is the most unique place in the world, as 5 breeds of the forest focused on one block of the Earth.

4.2 Serra da Kapivara National Park

Serra da Kapivara National Park - National Park in Piaui in Northeast Brazil. The park contains many monuments of prehistoric rock painting, which discovered the archaeologist Nyed Gyuton. At its same initiative, the park was created to save images. In 1991, ranked world heritage sites. Park area is 1291.4 km².

As the studies of archaeologists show, in ancient times, Serra da Kapivara was very thick inhabited, there was the largest concentration of prehistoric peasant farms in ancient America.

Climate, Flora and Fauna. The climate in these places is very hot and arid, and therefore the vegetation of the park is represented by thorny trees and shrubs, as well as cactus, a variety of bizarre forms, to a greater degree reminiscent of the candelabr. Despite the dryness of the climate, which, I must say, is not at all typical for Brazil, in these places it is not difficult to meet the amusements, battleships, snakes, jaguars, pums, various parrots. Also in these places inhabit an interesting animal - a false vampire. This is a bat with a meter scope of wings.

Attractions Park. In the Brazilian National Park Serra da Kapivara there are caves, where distant ancestors of man lived 50 thousand years ago. Most likely it is the most ancient community of people in South America. National Park is located near the city of San Raymondo Nonato (central part of Piaui).

Scientists counted in this place more three hundred archaeological monuments. The main images are well preserved have the age of 22 -25 thousand years before Christ. On the rocks are drawn extinct animals, which will never be on the planet Earth.

4.3 Forest reserves of the East Atlantic coast

Eight protected natural territories (including three national parks) with a total area of \u200b\u200b112 thousand hectares are located in the states of Bahia and Espirita Santa and include atlantic wet forests and shrubs ("resting"). By the degree of biodiversity, this area belongs to the number of richest on the planet. The reserves dwell a number of types of endemics, which makes it possible to trace the path of the evolution of living organisms, and this, in turn, is of great importance to both scientific and environmental points of view.

Biodiversity. Despite the fact that the EKOREGION has greatly suffered from the information of forests for agricultural needs and urbanization (from a million square meters. Km of virgin forests remained about 7%), Flora and fauna are very rich here, 450 species of trees can grow on one hectare. Many endemics, for example, 92% of local amphibians are no longer found anywhere. An example of primates can serve a lion toilec (leontopithecus). The view of the Collar Leniv (Bradypus Torquatus) was preserved only in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Birds represent the types of blue tanagra (Tangara Cyanocephala), a red-eyed krax (Crax Blumenbachii), the Sinebrukhiy Parrot (TriClaria Malachitacea), a three-nailed Yakamara (Jacamaralcyon Tridactyla) and others.

.4 Forest reserves of the south-eastern Atlantic coast

Forest reserves of the south-east atlantic coast include the best and extensive samples of Atlantic forests in Brazil. 25 security zones that constitute this monument with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 470,000 hectares demonstrate the biological wealth and the evolutionary history of the last residues of the Atlantic forests. This area is distinguished by variety and beauty and has tremendous scientific importance.

Biodiversity. Partially isolated starting from the ice age, the Atlantic forests developed into a complex ecosystem with an extremely high level of endemism (70% of trees varieties, 85% of primates and 39% mammals).

The designated world heritage object contains well-preserved areas of very diverse Atlantic rainforest. More than 450 varieties of trees on hectare can be found in some areas. Forest canopy along the river valleys are higher with isolated trees reaching up to 30 m in height.

There is a very diverse fauna. Mammals include 120 varieties, probably the greatest number in Brazil. Some remarkable varieties - Jaguar, Ocelot, Shrune Dog, La Platage Dog, 20 species of bats and various types of endangered, especially Muriqui and Brown Hawler Monkeys. Ornithofaun is very diverse with 350 registered varieties.

.5 set of reserves of Central Amazonia

A huge zone (more than 6 million hectares) of unique world treasures of nature is a delightful set of reserves of Central Amazonia. This region is characterized by a large variety of biological objects. For example, the reservations include such valuable protected protected areas as: Zhau National Park, Anavilianas Archipelago and Forest Pokrov Amazonia. A variety of environmental systems "Warza" and "Igapo" make reserves of an invaluable world attraction. A peculiar ecology of these places is a great place to habit of the world's largest electric tires, Amazonian Laman, Black Cayman, as well as Giant Fish - Arapaima. In rivers and lakes, which form a bizarre-free Equree, here are 2 types of dolphins.

Flora. Flora Igapo is relatively poor, for it the most characteristic of the imbub-cecropy, which grows quickly, but low (usually about 10 m), with wide painchables, almost white leaves and air roots supporting it under water. At the surface of the water, in the rags covered with huge leaves of Victoria Reggae, the bushes of non-bright Ivoreian are extended. During the depths of floods, high rigid cereals are developing. Curly liana and epiphytes are decorated with crushing forests, including many orchids. Amazon's forests - the kingdom of Lian. They are garlands sprinkle on the ground, spitting on the trunks, are thrown out from the branch of the branch, from one tree to others hanging from the trees.

Fauna. Numerous lakes and ducts form a mosaic aquatic system on the territory of the object, which is in a state of constant development and serves as a location for the world's largest population of electric eel.

Amazonian Laman, Black Cayman (the largest South American alligator, whose length is 5 m), two types of river dolphins, as well as a giant arapaima, and fish are a giant arapaima, belonging to the rare and endangered species.

In the territory of the object a lot of herbivores, forest deer and antelopes are especially common; There are amusements, sloths, tapir, bakers, armaduses, a lot of rodents. You can see monkeys everywhere, they are very numerous and diverse: Kapuchins, Durukula, Uakari, Revubus. There are a lot of volatile mice in the forests.

.6 Protected area Pantanal

Pantanal is an extensive wetlastonic treasury in Brazil, small parts of it are also located in Bolivia and Paraguay, in the Paraguay River Pool. Located in the west of Matu Grosu-do Sul and in the south of Mata Grosu. The total area is estimated between 150-195 thousand km ², this is one of the largest wetlands on the planet.

Geography and geology. Prevailing heights 50? 70 m above sea level. From the north, the East and Southeast, the territory is sharply limited by the cliffs of Brazilian plateau. The natural conditions of this region are very contrasting. Flooding in the wet summer season turn the pantanal into a huge lake-swamp and alternate with winter droughts forming a spotted landscape of unqualced semi-razed marshes, lakes, barely distinguishable wandering rivers, salt marsh, sandy shallow and grassy sites.

Biodiversity. Here is a huge variety of plant and animal world. Over 3,500 plant species grows throughout the Pantanal. 650 species of birds live, 230 species of fish and 50 types of reptiles, more than 80 mammalian species. Only crocodiles about 20 million individuals. On the territory of the Pantanal there is a specially protected natural reserve - "Pantanal", which is the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Pantanal Reserve is unique and at the same time a wonderful attraction of Brazil. His borders come into contact with Paraguay and Bolivia. Prevailing heights in the range of 50-70 meters. This amazing savannah from the north is separated by the jungle of Amazon, and in the south - dense coastal atlantic forests. Paraguay River flows through the pantanal, which creates numerous swamps, lakes and fuel meadows.

Among this richest on the planet fauna, such famous species like Ara Hyacinth, Tucanians, Capybara, Wolf Guara, many types of monkeys, deer, coaty, armor, antiquity, sloth, more than 1000 species of butterflies, etc. Many of the animals threatened with Disappearance in other areas of South America, inhabit that in Pantanal. Not far from the reserve, there is a small and wonderful city of Bonito, which is drowning in greenery. Brazilians dubbed him - the gate to the Pantanal. Thousands of tourists from all over the world yearly attend this protected natural park of amazing beauty and diversity.

.7 Brazilian Islands in Atlantic: Fernando Di Noronaya and Rokas Atoll

The Archipelago of Fernandu Di-Norona and Rokas Atoll, which are the tops of the top of the underwater South Atlantic Range overlooking the ocean, lie in the eastern shores of Brazil. These islands are one of the largest Atlantic in the area, and their coastal waters are characterized by high bioproductivity and play an exceptional role as habitats and breeding tuna, sharks, sea turtles and marine mammals. On the islands marked the largest clusters of sea tropical birds in the Western Atlantic; Also here has developed a large local dolphins population. During the ties on the rokas atoll, you can observe an impressive picture: the crushed lagoons, sising fish.

Flora and Fauna Fernanda Di Norona. The island was covered with a forest until the nineteenth century, after the island opened the prison, the forest began to cut down from the construction of rafts for escape. Currently, the islands are mainly covered with shrubs, and in some areas a new forest has been planted lately.

Two types of endemic birds live on the islands - Norona Elaenia (Elaenia Ridleyana) and Norona Virao (Vireo Gracilirostris). Both are on the main island; Noronaya Virao is also present to Ilya-Rata. In addition, there are eared giving Norona Auriculata Zinaida, rodents, Noronhomys Vespuccii, which refers to Amerigo Vespucci, to date disappeared.

Geography of Rokas Atoll . It has volcanic origins, formed by corals. The only atoll in the South Atlantic, one of the smallest atolls in the world.

The atoll has an oval shape, its length is about 3.7 km, the width is 2.5 km. The depth of the lagoon is 6 m, the area is 7.1 km ². The area of \u200b\u200bthe two islets of the atoll (Cemit Ério. in the southwest, Farol Cay in the north-west) is 0.36 km ², of these, Farol Cay accounts for about two thirds of the territory. The highest point is the sand dune in the south of Farol Cay, its height is 6 m. The atoll consists mainly of corals and red algae. The coral ring is almost closed, with the exception of a 200 meters wide strait on the north side and a much narrower strait on the western side.

Both island frightened grass, shrubs, they also grow several palm trees. Crabs, spiders, scorpions, sand fleas, beetles, as well as many species of birds live on the islands. Next to the atoll live turtles, sharks, dolphins.

.8 National Parks Zone "Campos Surrado": Sapepada-Dus-Beadairus and Emaas

Campos Sumrado is one of the ecoregions of the tropical Brazilian savanna, which occupies about 20% of the country's territory. In this zone there are two Brazilian National Parks (Emaas and Shapada-Dus-Tadaeirus), which are not simply environmental territories, but also by UNESCO World Heritage Site. Their flora and fauna differs in their biodiversity and at the same time is one of the oldest ecosystems of a tropical belt that is impressive by its amazing contrasts. These places are pleasing to the eyes for thousands of years, and also serve as a reliable shelter for a variety of animals and plants.

Emaas. The Emaas National Park is located in the central part of the Brazilian Savannah Highland. The authorities of the country, and more precisely, President Juselin, made this territory by the reserve in 1961, but in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites in 2001. The park is rich in the flora of wooded savannas. It is here that you can meet amazing palm trees characteristic of wooded savannas. In the park, tourists can see the round crowns of huge palm trees reaching 75 meters in height.

Savannah Emaas helped to preserve many types of living organisms when climate change. Among the most interesting representatives of the fauna, a large game can be noted, armadapors and a grivastoy wolf. As for the climate, the winter is cold here, and the summer is roast. Inquisitive tourists here are offered such types of entertainment as fishing, horse riding or boating travel.

Swapad-dus-tadairus. An equally interesting object is the Park-Dus-Beadairus Park. Who also became a protected territory in 1961. Park in Goyas state in ancient plateau. If the Emaas is very rich in the fauna, then the Duad-Tadaeirus Sadaada believed a large variety of flora. There are more than 25 species of trees on the territory of the reserve. The animal world of the region is also quite bright and motley (marsh deer, armadors, tapir). In the hot summer days there can be a temperature of up to 40 degrees, and in the winter it is sometimes found a small frost.

5. Venezuela

The UNESCO World Heritage List in Venezuela 3 names (for 2010) are 0.3% of the total (981 for 2013). 2 objects are included in the List of Cultural Criteria, 1 Object - by Natural (Canaima National Park).

In addition, as of 2010, 3 facilities in the state are among the candidates for inclusion in the World Heritage List. The first object on the territory of Venezuela was listed in 1993 at the 17th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

.1 Canaama National Park

Canaima National Park - Park in the south-east of Venezuela, on the border with Brazil and Guyana. Park area about 30,000 km ². Located in the state of Bolivar and takes about the same territory as the Natural Park Gran Sabana.

The park was opened on June 12, 1962 and ranks second in size in the country, yielding only Parim Tapirapeco Park. In 1994, Canaima was listed on UNESCO World Heritage Site. The main attraction and value of the park are Tempui (flat-terrestrial mountains).

Flora and fauna. In the territory of the canaimami, such representatives of the animal world, as: Tapir - a large herbivore mammal (somewhat resembles a pig, but has a short, adapted trunk), bakers - a large pitfall, like a pig, Aguti - rodents, relatives of guinea pigs, Moving on long limbs, an ant, Puma, Jaguar, as well as a concordant Cayman, etc. In the village indians - Peremonov lives many rabbits whom children chase. Local jungle is famous for the special abundance of various types of orchids, which there are about 500 species here.

Sights. As the fragments of another world, there are tablet mountains here - the unique plateau of Grand Saban, part of the Guiangian plateau, whose two-kilometer walls, are absolutely flat upstairs, rest in the clouds. These mountains, called Tempui, are one of the oldest formations on Earth, which appeared countless years ago, when Africa and South America were one continent. Arthur Conan Doyle, inspired by a surryissic landscape, settled at the tops of the Tyranozvarov and Pterodactile Plateau. Ancient lizards, of course, there is no on Grand Saban, but the micromir who lives at an altitude of two thousand meters above the rest of the world around the world is truly unique.

Another attraction of Canaama - Waterfalls, the highest on the planet. Falling from the sheer ledges of the dining area, these waterfalls produce an impressive spectacle. The most famous of them is an angel waterfall, overthrown from the top of one of the highest Tempuses - Ayangtepui, which is quite well-deserved means the "Mount of Devil".

6. Colombia

In the list of UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site in Colombia, 2 facilities are found:

· Los Qatios National Park (1994)

· Island Malpelo (2006)

.1 Los Qatios National Park

It was created in the north of Colombia, in the border zone with the state of Panama. On the other side of the border, another environmental zone was created - Darya National Park. On the territory of Colombia, Los Catios National Park appeared in 1976, today its area has grown to 72 thousand hectares. The nature of the park is represented by the following natural zones: tropical forests and floodplain swamps. The territory of Los Katios Park lies around the Atrato River. On its shores and among the nearby complexes of wet forests, a total of about 600 plant varieties were found. A pretty remarkable local species is considered a cotton tree. This is a typical tropical view that refers to the Malvic family. The birthplace of this species is considered Mexico, some countries of Central America, the Caribbean Islands, the tropical region of West Africa.

.2 Malpelo Island

Malpelo is an island in the eastern Pacific, 500 km from the coast of the Burenutura bay in South America. Belongs Colombia, part of the Valle del Kauca Department. Area 0.35 km².

On July 12, 2006, Malpel, together with the surrounding water area of \u200b\u200b857 150 hectares, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is the largest zone with a ban on fisheries in the eastern tropical part of the Pacific Ocean.

Geography. The island is a rock without abundant vegetation, the maximum height is 376 m (Mount Mon, Span. Cerro de la Mona). Length about 1850 m, width up to 600 m. Surrounded by small cliffs. Natural guarded territory Malpelo occupies a circle with a radius of 9.656 km around the point with coordinates 3 ° 58? 30? from. sh. 81 ° 34? 48? s. d. (G) (O).

The population of silk sharks, sinking sharks, whale shark and shark molotov, are inhabited around Malpely, which makes the island of a popular place among divers.

The island is composed of effusive rocks, volcanogenic breccias and tertiary basalt dikes. Vegetation - algae, lichens, mosses, some types of shrubs, fern.

Biodiversity. Island Malpelo - refuge for a number of rare species of marine inhabitants. Many sharks, giant dampers, marliners are going here. This is one of the few places on Earth, where reliable meetings with deep-sea sandy shark were recorded. In these depths, sustainable populations of large marine predators and pelagic species are maintained, in particular, these are accumulations of more than 200 fish mills, over 1 thousand paid sharks, as well as whale sharks and tuna. 17 species of marine mammals, including humpback and blue whales, 5 terrestrial and 7 marine species reptiles, 61 species of birds, 394 species of fish and 340 types of mollusks were registered with Malpelo .

7. Peru

For 2012, there are 11 facilities in the list, 2 of which natural and 2 are mixed:

· Machu Picchu (1983)

· Wascharan National Park (1985)

· Manu (1987)

· Rio Abiscao National Park (1992)

.1 Historic Machu Picchu Reserve

The city of Ancient America, located on the territory of modern Peru, on the top of the mountain range at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level, dominant over the Valley of the Urubamba River. In 2007, awarded the title of a new miracle of light.

In 2011, it was decided to limit the number of visitors, according to the new rules only 2500 tourists per day can visit Machu Picchu, of which no more than 400 people can climb the Vain Picchu Mountain, which is part of the archaeological complex. In order to preserve the UNESCO monument, it requires to reduce the number of tourists a day to 800.

Flora and fauna. On the territory of Machu Picchu you are constantly surrounded by landscapes of dazzling beauty. The splendor of archaeological ruins is harmoniously combined with a huge variety of representatives of flora and fauna. On the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lost city, which makes up about 32520 hectares, you will see the exotic trees of Pisoni and Kunyual, thyroid palm trees, alder - they are striking their greatness. About 400 species of begonia and orchids are growing here, of which only 260 species are classified.

Animals living in Machu Picchu are also affected by their variety. Approximately 375 species of birds live in the city, of which 200 species can always be seen during an excursion. One of the bright pennate representatives is the rock cockerel, it is he who symbol Peru. Bird is easy to learn from colorful plumage, it is easy to meet on the banks of the rivers.

As for animals, the Andean Bear is particularly interested in the disappearance. In these parts, it is known as "Point Bear". An animal is absolutely safe, eats only vegetable food. Because of his shy in the wrong way, it is infrequently taken to take pictures. In Machu-Picchu, you will also be able to see Vikuni, whitewate deer, wild lamas and other representatives of exotic fauna.

Modern condition. Machu-Picchu, especially after obtaining UNESCO World Heritage Status, became the center of mass tourism. In 2011, it was decided to limit the number of visitors, according to the new rules only 2500 tourists per day can visit Machu Picchu, of which no more than 400 people can climb the Vain Picchu Mountain, which is part of the archaeological complex. In order to preserve the UNESCO monument, it requires to reduce the number of tourists a day to 800. Machu-Picchu is in a hard-to-reach region. To support tourism, the railway was built to the neighboring city of Aguas-Kalientes from Cusco through Olitantambo, from Olitantambo goes over ten trains a day. From the railway station Aguas-Kalientes to Machu-Picchu walks a bus that overcomes eight kilometers of steep lifting over the serpentine. UNESCO opposed the construction of a cable car to limit tourist flows. As a result of the 2004 earthquake, the area of \u200b\u200bthe railway suffered greatly, but was restored.

At the 35th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, it was decided that an ancient city from February 1, 2012 would be excluded from the list of World Heritage List under threat.

7.2 Uscaran National Park

National Park, located in the Peruvian region of Ankash, on the territory of Cordillera Blanca.

Park area is 3400 km ². Announced the reserve on July 1, 1975. UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985. The name of the park comes from the name of the highest peak of Peru - wascaran, 6768 m high. Many rare and endemic plants and animals live in the park. For example, PUYA Raimondi is a plant of a family of bromelic height up to 10 meters, which can reach up to 100 years.

Climate. The climate in the National Park, besides what is characterized by a typical high-rise valillance, is divided into two seasons a year. One of them is wet, due to strong warm winds that are on the part of the Jungle Amazonia, and continues from December to March. The other, lasting since May to October, is dry, characterized by a large number of sunny days. The temperature at this time may rise to 25 degrees Celsius, but the nights are very cold, and often the thermometer's column falls below 0 degrees.

Flora and fauna. Fauna White and Black Cordiller is represented mainly by birds and mammals. Part of the species is not yet described or our knowledge of them is extremely scarce. According to scientists, there are 112 species of birds, representing 33 different families in the National Park. Among them are Andean Condor, Andorian Duck and Andean Tinaum. Mammals are presented in the park with only ten species. However, among them are so amazing, rare and beautiful animals, like a Pampas Cat, Anda Cat, Point Bear, Vicuna and Peruvian Deer.

The vegetation world of the National Park Wascaran is more diverse in terms of species growing here. In the park allocate seven climatic zones and a huge number of microclimate. All this contributes to the development of unique plants, breathtaking literally every part of the mountain surface suitable and growth. In total, the scholars described 779 species of plants related to 340 genera and 104 families.

.3 National Park Mana

The park was organized in 1977 in the regions of Madre de Dios and Cusco, and in 1987 he was recognized as the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Manan Square - 19 098 km ², of these, the National Park takes 15 328 km ², the rest is the backup zone. The main part of the territory is Amazonian forests, but some part is in the Andes at an altitude of up to 4,200 m. A large number of types of flora and fauna live in Mana. More than 15 thousand species of plants were found on its territory and about a thousand species of birds (more than a tenth of all types of birds and about 1.5 times more than in Russia). In the park, the Population of Incile Toad is guarded - Endemic Peru.

.4 Rio-Abea National Park

Rio-Abea National Park is a National Park located in the Peruvian San Martin region. Since 1990, the UNESCO World Heritage List is included. Many types of flora and fauna live in the park, there are also more than 30 archaeological sites of the Precucumbian period. Since 1986, certain parts of the park are closed for tourists due to fragility of both natural and archaeological environment. The largest and most famous archaeological site on the territory of the Park is Grand Pahatane, located on the top of the hill at the region of the region. Los Pinchudos Ruins are located nearby (open in 1965), which are a number of stone graves. Most of the archeology studies on the park are held by the University of Colorado.

Geography and climate. Rio-Abea National Park is located on the Eastern Slope of the Peruvian Andes between the Rivers Maranyon and Ualaga, covering the territory of 2745.2 km ². In particular, the park covers about 70% of the basin area of \u200b\u200bthe Arabisao River. Heights of the park from 350 m to 4200 m above sea level.

On the park there are seven climatic zones, ranging from alpine meadows and mountain forests to dry forests and wet rainforest. The precipitation varies from 500 to 2000 mm per year. The wet mountain forest, which occupies most of the park, consists of low trees, Mukhov and Lishaev. This ecosystem exists at altitudes about 2300 m. Humidity is permanent here, and rains fall throughout the year, especially at large altitudes. Soil sour.

8. Suriname

The UNESCO World Heritage List in Suriname is 2 names (for 2010), this is 0.2% of the total (981 for 2013). 1 The object is included in the list by cultural criteria, 1 object - by natural (environmental territory of Central Suriname).

.1 Environmental Territory of Central Suriname

The conservation territory of Central Suriname is a protected area in Suriname. The territory of the reserve occupies 16 thousand km ², it consists mainly of the tropical forests of the Gwiang Highlands. The reserve lives many species of animals, which are also under the protection of the state.

On the territory of the reserve there is a unique granite monolith - Voltzberg, whose age is 1.8 - 2 billion years. It has two vertices separated by a crack: one of them has a height of 245 meters above sea level, another 209 meters. Monolith itself is located at an altitude of 150 meters above the surrounding area. This monolith has 1.1 km long in the north-south and up to 700 meters wide in the East-West direction. Only on the top of the monolith there is rare vegetation.

9. Ecuador

The list of UNESCO World Heritage sites in Ecuador is 4 names (for 2010), this is 0.4% of the total (981 for 2013). 2 objects are included in the list of cultural criteria, 2 objects - by natural:

· Galapagos Islands (1978)

· Sangay National Park (1983)

In addition, as of 2010, 7 objects in the state are among the candidates for inclusion in the World Heritage List. The first facility on the territory of Ecuador was listed in 1978 at the 2nd session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

.1 Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands - Archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, 972 km west of Ecuador, consisting of 13 major volcanic islands, 6 small islands and 107 rocks and woven territories.

Climate . Despite the breadth, due to the cold flow climate on the Galapaghos, much cooler of other territories at the equator. The water temperature is sometimes reduced to 20 ° C, and the average annual amounts to 23- 24 ° C.

Flora and fauna. The inability of large predators, developing on the islands, allowed many types of animal world to flourish on these islands. Therefore, Galapagos are home to a large number of endemic and unique animals, such as sea lions, local penguins, Galapagos turtles, dolphins, championship vampire, sea iguana, lizards lava, whales, sharks, etc. There are also a wide variety of seabirds, such as frigates, flamingos and albatrosses. Galapagos plants also surprises with its diversity, a large variety of endemic trees, tree ferns, other types of shrubs and colors grows on the islands. The archipelago has some rare types of cotton, tomatoes, peppers, guava and orchids. Underwater life in the Galapagos Islands is also very beautiful. In the surrounding waters, there are many species of fish, animal and aquatic plants, so Galapagos Islands are considered one of the wonders of the underwater world.

Fortunately, due to the remoteness of the islands from the continent and active maritime communications, wildlife here practically did not suffer and remains the same as Charles Darwin found it. Tourists arrive at the Galapagos Islands mainly by plane. Galapagos probably the only place on Earth, where you can immerse the water with a penguin or swim among sea lions. Galapagos Islands are one of the most precious Treasures of the planet and one of the last refugees of wildlife in the world.

.2 Sangai National Park

Sangai National Park is located in the Ecuador Mountainside. The territory of the Andes included in the national park is full of volcanoes. The most important fleet volcano wears the name of Sangai. The approaches to Him in Ecuador are protected since 1975, it was then that the Sangay National Park was formed. Until today, the territory of the park has grown to 500 thousand hectares. Basically, the parking lots are represented on the park of a wet rainforest, as well as foggy mountain forests.

Flora and fauna. As for the arrays of a tropical wet forest, then among them in numbers the following types of vegetation dominate: tute trees, palm trees, laurel trees, lianas. And in the highland zone of foggy forests prevail the following types: various orchids and ferns, bamboo and shrubs thickets. The variety of plant species in the park is a completely natural phenomenon, because here is very large, the height range, which ranges from 1000 to 5230 m above sea level. In total, in the park Sangai, you can observe as many as 8 high-altitude belts of vegetation, in general, about 1,000 species are registered in the region.

The animal The world of Sangai volcano is presented with the following types: Mountain Tapir, Vicuna, Dwarf Deer, Red Bird, Condor and other birds dominate in Ornithofaun. As for the mountainous inhabitants, such as mountain tapir, then we have enough information about them.

A red bird is one of the most amazing birds in Sangai Park. The red bird is also often called the paradise, it refers to the detachment of sparrows. The bird of medium-sized, in length has about 30 cm, while the length of the wing is about 16 cm, and the tail is 12 cm. It has a golden-green plumage, a small joke on the back of the head. Bright red color in the bird chest and wings, also legs. The back has a gray-yellow tint, the throat is dark green.

On fairly limited areas of the park, such beasts are inhabited by the Puma, Andean Fox, Point Bear, Pad, Ocelot and Jaguars, Guinea Pigs. Of the feathers, such unique species like Cubillin and Quilimas, a vulture, giant hummingbirds remained without attention.


Thus, on the example of the region of South America, it was possible to get acquainted with the UNESCO World Heritage program, which began its existence since 1975. Since 1977, annually, the World Heritage Committee conducts sessions on which the Program facilities are defined - natural or human-created objects, priority tasks in relation to which are preservation and popularization by virtue of their special cultural, historical or environmental significance.

The main goal of the World Heritage List is to make well-known and protect facilities that are unique in their own way. For this, and due to the desire for objectivity, evaluation criteria were compiled. The six first criteria have been operating since 1978 and determine cultural objects, natural objects are included in the list since 2002, when four natural inclusion criterion appeared.

Also, during the work done, it was possible to make sure that the "status of the World Heritage Object" gives the following advantages (for natural heritage objects): It is an additional guarantee of the safety and integrity of unique natural complexes; increases the prestige of the territories and the management of institutions; promotes the popularization of objects included in the list and the development of alternative species of environmental management (primarily ecological tourism); Provides priority in attracting financial resources to support world cultural and natural heritage sites, primarily from the World Heritage Foundation; It contributes to the organization of monitoring and monitoring the condition of the safety of natural objects.

States in whose territory are located world heritage sites are committed to preserving them.

References and Internet resources

Drobot V.I. World Natural Heritage Concept: Tutorial / Mar. State un-t; IN AND. Drobot. - Yoshkar-Ola, 2008. - 122 p.

2.Gebel P. Natural Heritage of Mankind: Landscapes and Treasures of Nature Under the Protection of UNESCO. M.: Publishing House BMN AO. 1999. - 256 p.

Maksakovsky N.V. World Natural Heritage. - M.: Enlightenment, 2005. - 396 p.

Kattaneo M. Treasure of mankind. UNESCO World Heritage. - AST; Astrel, 2005. - p. 512.

Official Information Site "UNESCO: World Heritage Site" http://unesco.heritage.ru

Http: // World Heritage.RF







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Sights of Brazil

Brazil is a country whose culture has been under the influence of Portuguese and African traditions. Latin American roots are also very felt in historical development. The diversity of cultures was directly affected on the formation of the tourist infrastructure, the phase carriage in the country promise a lot of enzymatic impressions. They may include visits to carnivals and festivals, pass through cultural centers or religious places. The sights of Brazil are extremely diverse: these are monuments of architecture, museums, and famous sambodromes. Excursions are carried out highly qualified specialists familiar with the history and culture of the country. They will replenish the luggage knowledge of tourists with fascinating stories and will answer any question of interest.

What to see in Brazil first

2. Waterfall "Adam and Eve" ("Iguazu")

Waterfall "Adam and Eve" on the River Iguazu

UNESCO Heritage Object Complex Waterfalls has become in the 80s of the last century. "Adam and Eve" is located in the park "Iguazu" next to the Bossetti waterfall.

Especially beautiful Waterfall "Adam and Eve" on a sunny day, when millions of splashes reflect the rays that are transfusing with all the colors of the rainbow. At the same time, the spray cloud itself rises a few meters - so large the power of the incident water flow. For tourists, strong viewing platforms are arranged here.

3. Park Birds (Foz do Iguazu)

Parrot Toucan in bird park

The municipality of Foz do Iguazu is the Park Park. It covers the territory of 17 hectares. According to the organizers, the birds live here in a natural habitat. The places of the accumulation of feathers are surrounded by grids. Tourists have the opportunity to enter inside the enclosures and admire the birds in their natural conditions.

In the park you can see all birds living in Brazil. Specialists counted about 900 species. Park Birds is based not only for tourists. Research work is constantly being conducted here, the purpose of which is to create optimal conditions for preserving particularly rare rocks. In addition to birds, in the park you can see exotic butterflies affecting your brightness. In addition, there are crocodiles and snakes.

As for flowering and evergreen plants, their freshness and beauty are provided with special care. The aromas of freshness soar floats in the air. You can enjoy this attraction of Brazil within an organized excursion.

4. Wanda shafts (Puerto Iguazu)

Vanda mine view

Mine is located next to Puerto Iguazu. This is an extensive deposit of semi-precious stones. If there is a question that you will visit in Brazil, then the Wanda mine is a good option to replenish the luggage of impressions. Mine is named after the Polish princess of Vanda. The unique field is open in 1976.

Mine is rich in minerals. Here, in particular, agate, topaz, mountain crystal, quartz and some others are mined. Most semi-precious stones mined in the mine are raw materials for jewelry production. To attract tourists, several special stores work nearby, in which jewelry with minerals and stones produced here.

No less interesting to tourists will be the process of mining stones. During the excursion you can familiarize yourself with their diversity. Guides are interested in how many forms of stones are found here, as well as what colors in them are prevalent.

5. Pantanal (Mata Grosu do-Sul)

Water lilies in Environmental Pantanal

In the western part of the state of MATU-GROSU-Du-Sul spread out picturesque tectonic vpadin. Pantanal translated means "wet lowland". On the planet, such large wetlands is found very little. Approximate area - 195,000 square kilometers.

In the flood season, Pantanal turns into a beautiful lake. However, winter droughts come, and in the place of the lake arises overgrown swamp and sandy shallow. In addition, in the period of winter drought at this place, we can see herbaceous sections and the wandering beds of the rivers. At the same time, the plant world is extremely diverse here, which allows you to attract a pantanal to the natural sights of Brazil.

There are 650 species of birds and more than 50 types of reptiles. The plant world is represented by 3 500 species of plants. This is a protected natural territory, which is declared the UNESCO object. From three sides, the pantanal is sharply limited to the cliffs and gorges of the plateau. The relief here is the same contrast, as well as weather conditions.

Look at the beautiful places of Brazil in this wonderful video!

6. "Devil's Throat"

Waterfall "Harness of the Devil" from a bird's eye view

On the Iguazu River there is a unique complex of waterfalls. They are numbered here 275. The most impressive is the 700-meter protrusion, which has a horseshoe form. The Waterfall "The Devil's Harness" consists of 14 water flows that are continuously lowered from a height of 350 feet.

The waterfall is in a huge spray cloud, sparkling in the sun. "The sip of the devil" opened for the Western world in 1541 the famous Traveler Eldorado Cabez de Vaca. The power and power of the waterfall will be interesting to those who think what to see in Brazil. Examining platforms are very durable here, there are no danger to tourists. Multistage platforms extend many kilometers, which makes it possible to admire this attraction of Brazil anytime.

History has kept the enthusiastic review E. Roosevelt which was stunned by the majestic picture of the waterfall. Seeing him, Eleanor said shocked: "Falah Niagara. It is better to overcome the waterfall from the helicopter when all the flow of water is open in one panorama.

7. Mountain "Caarsal Head" (Rio de Janeiro)

Cableway to "Sugar head"

The mountain has a height of 396 meters. She is majestically rising above the Bay of Guanabar and is the natural attraction of Brazil. The unusual shape of the mountain served as the original name. Locals call her pan-di-askar, which means "sugar head". What caused such an unusual mountain shape?

It turns out that the intrusted magmatic breeds were weathered for centuries. On the slopes of the mountain there are practically no vegetation. From the side it looks harsh and ascetic. The first settlement at the foot of the mountain arose in 1565. It was here later that Rio de Janeiro was founded.

In 1817, the British flag appeared on the top of the sugar mountain. He was watered by the English nurse Henrietta Kurshirs. It was the first ascent on the mountain. And already in 1912, a cable car appeared here. It is available for travelers and now.

To everyone who thinks what to see in Brazil will be interested in climbing the cable car on the sugar mountain with three stops: Praia Vermel, Urka and the top of Pan di Aschak. At the same time, on Mount Urda, you can admire the amphitheater. In the concert complex, the end of Verde in the Urka often pass dance shows that are so loved in Brazil.

8. Tropical Amazon Forests

Evergreen forest Amazonia

The Natural Attractions of Brazil includes Amazon's forests. They have the second name - Amazonia, which in Brazil is more common. These are widespread forests with high humidity. Amazonia is located in the river basin with the same name. Powerful evergreen forests occupy an area of \u200b\u200b5.5 million square kilometers.

This is 50% of the area from all the rainforest on the planet. Amazonia extends in the territory of 9 states, including in Brazil. The biological diversity of wet forests invariably attracts travelers and tourists.

Currently, 40,000 species of plants and 3,000 species of fish are described, but scientists tend to believe that this is not complete data. The Fauna Amazonia is also rich, and many predators live in tropical large forests, which represent a serious danger to humans. Among them - Jaguar and Cayman. In addition, in rainforests there are many poisonous snakes, therefore independent travels are undesirable.

Unfortunately, Amazonian forests are rapidly reduced. There is statistics according to which only from 1991 to 2004 the territory of forests decreased by more than 400,000 square kilometers. Cutting is carried out unsystematic, the state is not always able to control this process.

Cause of deforestation - clearing the territory for agriculture. However, the situation is currently optimized somewhat, since Greenpeace and many public organizations actively connected to preserve the tropical forests.

9. Pedra Pintada (Roraim)

Rocky education "Colored Stone"

In the Brazilian state of Roraim is an amazing rocky education. Translated the name of the Pedra Pintada is read as "Colored Stone". From the side it looks different, and in the coloring the vertical light stripes prevail on a dark background. The rock extends up on 35 m. It is above sea level at an altitude of 83 meters.

Tourists have something to see Brazil. Inside the "painted stone" there is a cave with weak pictures. Once there were ancient tribes, leaving the descendants of stone axes and many ceramic dishes. It should be noted that not always tourists have the opportunity to get into this cave. The fact is that Pedra-Pintada ("Colored Stone") is located on the territory of the Indian reservation.

The Indians are zealously belong to this attraction of Brazil, which is on their lands. With tourist or other purposes, to get into the cave is possible only with the permission of the National Fund of the Funai Indian Foundation. If permission is received, then bright impressions of travelers are guaranteed. After all, rocky pictures inside the cave are made of bright white-pink paint.

10. IIBERPAER PARK (São Paulo)

Monument Banderas, dedicated to European pioneers of Brazil

Do you think to see Brazil? Of course, the Parkaeer Park in São Paulo. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b140 hectares. The year of the base of the park is considered to be 1954. Its discovery occurred in honor of the 400th anniversary of São Paulo. The author of the landscape project was Roberto Burle Marx, and the buildings in the park were designed by the architect Oscar Nimeur.

Tourists leads to constant admiration not only park vegetation, but its device itself. In essence, this is a small kingdom in which there are palaces, lakes and forests. The entrance to the park spread the largest lake. On his waters, white and black swans are swaying. Here the fastened geese and ducks are swimming nearby. One of the pleasures for visitors to the park was the opportunity to feed them.

Birds are accustomed to treats and swim close to people. On the lake installed multicolored fountains with moving jets. Vegetation is very diverse here. For example, there are Japanese kindergartens in the park, and weathered palm groves. In essence, all the nature of the southeastern Brazil is presented here. The structure of the park is thought out that the buildings organically fit into the landscape.

Therefore, in general, the park gives the impression of complete harmony. Among the iconic monuments is a monument to Pedro Alvarez Cabral, who is the first European, who managed to reach the coast of Brazil. The park looks very romantic, so here you are often prescribed. It is impossible to assume that the sights of Brazil are inspected if you did not get acquainted with this beautiful place.

Attractions Brazil: What else to visit, being in Brazil

Continuing to consider interesting places, we will tell about those who attract equally tourists and local residents. It is most convenient if you are accompanied by professional, which is known for optimal time to visit attractions and other fineness of the organization of excursions.

11. Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro

Alley of the Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro

All the enchanting variety of Brazilian flora and fauna is represented in the Botanical Garden. It takes 54 hectares. There are 6.5 thousand species of plantations. At the same time, those that are on the verge of extinction are especially valued. In addition to rich vegetation, there are monuments and architectural facilities in the botanical garden.

In addition, a scientific center operates to systematize and study vegetation on the territory of the Botanical Garden. It has a rich library. The books in it are chosen, mainly on botanical theme. The basis of the base of the botanical garden is 1808. Initially, it was created in order to be brought from other countries. Exotic plants can pass acclimatization.

For this, they were created special conditions, greenhouses were constructed. The garden was divided by the coile of King Juan VI. He crosses the sights of Brazil and is a national heritage. Botanical Garden is right hand from the famous statue of Christ. Since 1992, the Botanical Park in Rio de Janeiro was declared the UNESCO object. Currently, it is considered a biosphere reserve.

12. Copacabana (Rio de Janeiro)

Beach "Light Spot" in Rio de Janeiro

Copacabana Beach District in Rio de Janeiro was progressing for 4 kilometers. Earlier, there was a fishing village at this place, which wore the same name. Translated this word denotes a "light spot". Copacabana is known that representatives of the world of art were found here. Brazilian artists, writers or artists often settled here.

Copacabana's special heyday reached in the 50s of the last century. And later in the area began to settle the wealthy citizens and politicians. With Rio de Janeiro, this area is connected by the tram line.

The year of the founding of Copacabans is considered to be 1750, when the chapel appeared at this place. Over time, the first settlements began to occur here, which now turned into an independent suburb of Rio de Janeiro.

Nowadays, the prestige of Copacaban has declined significantly due to the fact that illegal business began to flourish. However, it is in Copakabane that the most surrounding concert area of \u200b\u200bRio de Janeiro is located. The concert of Stewart in 1994 gathered more than 4 million people, which was noted in the Guinness Book of Records. Later, in 2006, a concert took place here with the same incredible success. Rolling Stones gathered about 2,000,000 spectators. Copacabana and now carries the spirit of free creativity.

13. Stadium Maracan (Rio de Janeiro)

Top view of Maracan Stadium

The sights of Brazil include sports facilities. These include Maracan Stadium in Rio de Janeiro. This is the largest football stadium in the country. Famous clubs "Flamengo", "Fluminens" and the Brazilian team consider his home arena.

The stadium was called by the name of the river. The year of its foundation is 1948. Then Brazil was preparing for the 1950 World Cup. Finally, work was completed in 1965. Since then, Maracan is considered the main Brazilian stadium.

This is a very roomy platform, the stadium owns several attendance records. It is built in the form of oval. It is noteworthy that here the playing field from the rod is separated by a moat with water. Appointment of the RVA - drain from the tribune. The stadium is in the zone of tropical showers, so the drainage channel device is a functional necessity.

The stadium is open, but by the contour of the position of the stands, a large canopy also arranged an oval shape. In 2016, the solemn opening of the Summer Olympic Games was held at this stadium. All football matches in the framework of the 2016 Olympics also held at this stadium.

14. Waterpark Ponta Dunas (Fortaleza)

Extreme slide water park Ponta Dunas

In Fortalez, there is one of the largest Brazilian water parks. Ponta Dunas is a favorite summer entertainment tourists. Countless dizzying attractions attracts guests here. Gorki and extreme descents in the flow streams from which the heart freezes is a guarantee of the most vivid impressions. Ponta Dunas complements the sights of Brazil . It admires the designed engineering and technical solutions and the fountaining fantasy of the creators.

For example, it is located on the territory of this water park there is a slide, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records. It is terrible to imagine that someone will decide on the descent, because the slide reaches the level of the 14-storey building. Nevertheless, the slide is never empty. Dozens of brave brave, which are peculiar to the Spirit of Azart. A pretty dose of adrenaline them is provided!

There is a 40-meter slide nearby, it is built later, so the world record has not yet been stated. The descent from it is practically vertical. Surprisingly, but she is never empty. The organizers have provided a system of restrictions for such attractions. Pregnant and children below one and a half meters it is impossible to ride them.

The territory of Ponta Dunas is huge. Moreover, the height of local attractions allows you to admire the sea expanses, because the water park is in the coastal strip. For tourists, everything is provided here: from eating to relaxing places. Cafes and restaurants offer an exquisite menu. Tourists who are tired of extreme pleasures are offered relaxing and cozy rooms in the hotel.

A few artificial rivers flow through the park. It has basins of different depths. Moreover, its temperature balance is observed in each pool. On the territory of South America Ponta Dunas is the first such structure.

15. Gastronomic Museum (Salvador)

Fish Mokeka - Traditional Brazilian Gilrovina Fish Soup

What to visit in Brazil? For fans of delicacies, the gastronomic museum in El Salvador is a real find. Exposure here is very unusual. It is entirely dedicated to the gastronomic wisdom. Here you can get acquainted with the history of Brazilian cuisine and national customs. The museum is open in 2006.

In addition to classic exhibits, you can see video footage. In addition, guides offer to familiarize documentary films dedicated to the gastronomic features of Brazil. Also, tourists cause non-validiousness cutlery dated by different centuries.

Here is the souvenir shop. And since the exposition is fascinating about food, then the local restaurant is never empty. Here you can taste many dishes from those about which is told in the museum.

16. Portuguese Royal Library (Rio de Janeiro)

Facade of the Portuguese Royal Library Felipe Restrepo Acosta Interior of the reading room of the Portuguese Royal Library UWephilly

An old, very recognizable monumental building is difficult to call just a library. This is a real temple of science, whose greatness amazes and outside, and especially inside, when you fall into the kingdom of books, placed on the striking beauty of shelves made of carved wood. And in general, absolutely the entire interior decoration is made of wood - carved lace from the floor and to the ceiling alternate with thousands of books, and the ceiling space crowned a magnificent mosaic, through the colored glasses of which light penetrates into the room. The building, designed in the style of Manuelino, began to be built in 1880, and in 1900 the library opened its doors for the general public.

17. Amazonas Theater (Manaus)

View of the Amazonas Theater Karine Hermes

In the heart of the Brazilian city, Manaus is located the building of the Opera House - Amazonas, built in the late 19th century, during the period of "rubber fever". The increased demand for rubber has once allowed local planters to get rich so much that they were able to invite European opera stars. Over time, England was able to establish rubber production in his tropical colonies, and with the advent of a competitor, Brazilian planters were rapid enough. The theater was abandoned for many years, and only in the 90s of the last century he experienced a new flourishing. Today, the Amazonian Opera Festival is held annually on his walls, to visit which thousands of tourists go.

18. Museum of Contemporary Art (Rio de Janeiro)

Museum of Contemporary Art on the territory of Flamengo Park in Rio de Janeiro Halley Pacheco de Oliveira

The attractions of the capital of Brazil, which is still considered Rio de Janeiro to this day, despite the fact that the city has lost this status in 1960, they include not only historical, but also modern objects. The building of the Museum of Contemporary Art, in its shape, resembling a flying plate, is remembered by all visitors with one view. Both the facade and the internal design of the museum are distinguished by their originality. The very exposition of the museum was created as a result of a large-scale cultural and economic coup, which Brazil experienced after World War II. The collection is exhibited by works of contemporary art collected from different countries. These are objects of painting, sculptures, graphs, metal and plastic designs.

19. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)

Machine with dancers on the carnival in Rio de Janeiro Sergio Luiz inside Sambadrome on Carnival in Rio de Janeiro Alan Batensley

If we talk about the national sights of Brazil, the carnival in Rio is their most striking sample. This event can be called one of the most colorful, enchanting, large-scale events all over the world. Every year hundreds of thousands of people from different countries come to the holiday every year to personally participate in the celebration. Traditionally, the action unfolds in February-March, shortly before the Great Post on the Catholic Calendar. In the event of the event, representatives of the 12 best schools of Samba demonstrate the skill of the incendiary dance, and the jury groups located at several points along the carnival procession route at this time estimate the quality of the performance, ranging from the dance technique and ending with the view of the costumes.

20. The city of Oroa Pretu (Minas Gerais)

Street in the city of Oro-Pretu View of the colonial city of Oro-Pretu

The old city in the east of Brazil was once one of the main foci of the Golden Fever in South America, and the evidence of its significance today is a number of unique buildings, most of which were erected in the 18th century and decorated in the style of colonial baroque. Today the town has become a real open-air museum, and in its historical part there is even a movement of transport. Among all urban buildings, the Catholic Church of the Orau-Pretu is particularly distinguished, and a huge number of museums are concentrated here. No less interest is the suburban Park of Itacomy, in the tropical forests of which you can see the wild nature in its original beauty.

21. Historical Center Olinda (Pernambuka State)

Church of the conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the historic center of Olinda

On the buildings of the historic center of one of the most beautiful Brazilian cities - Olinda, the history of Brazil is read, starting from the time of the first Portuguese colonialists. This authentic city in the north-east of the country was founded in the 16th century. At that time, the colonializers were settled here, and the city built by them flourished over the century. During the raids of the Dutch invaders, he was seriously destroyed, and after a couple of decades, the power of Portuguese was restored, and new beautiful palaces and rich mansions were erected here - they were in their most people to live to our times. Elegant stucco, rich gilt and other abundant decor of the facades of these structures still impressive with its magnificence.

22. Church of San Francisco (Salvador)

Square and Cross in front of the Church of St. Francis in Salvador Rosino Golden products in the interior of the Church of San Francisco in Salvador Fernando_dallacqua

Another object representing historical value is located in Salvador - this is the Church of San Francisco, also built in the era of Portuguese colonial dominion. Outdoor, in moderation, a discreet appearance of the structure heavily contrasts with its inner decoration, whose wealth is even difficult to describe. Literally the entire temple from the inside is covered with gold, impresses the unusual abundance of gilded carved elements, paintings and sculptures - their gold glare is striking the most sophisticated imagination. It is thanks to this decoration that the temple received his second name - "Golden Church". The building itself is decorated in the best traditions of Brazilian Baroque.

23. Bridge Oktavio Frias de Oliveira (São Paulo)

Cross-shaped support Bridge Oktavio Frias de Oliveira on the Pineyar River in Sao Paulo

Visiting San Paulo , you can see one of the most unusual and modern constructions in the country with your own eyes - Oktavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge. For visitors, it is a unique look at the sight, where you can make original photos, and for locals - important transport artery of the city. The main visual features of the design are a characteristic X-shaped 138-meter support, the main function of which is the support of two levels of the transport highway, as well as 144 powerful cables that hold the vehicle. The construction of the bridge started in 2006, and after two years later his grand opening took place.

24. Mount Corcovado (Rio de Janeiro)

Train raising tourists to the top of Corcovad Klaus with K

Brazil, the capital of which today is the city of Brazilia, yet the main part of the attractions keeps in their former capital - the city of Rio de Janeiro. One of the symbols of Rio and the whole country is the monumental statue of Christ of the Redeemer, thanks to which Mount Corcovado Mountain became famous for the whole world - the colossal 40-meter sculpture of the Savior rises to its top. Mountain itself is located on the territory of the National Park of Tisuka. It has a special design railway on its vertex - it has a gear gearing, which is necessary for the safe clutch of the train with rails on a steep rise. Three trains regularly drive on this ride, which provide mountain visitors a rapid rise to the vertex in 20 minutes.

25. Lift Laucan (Salvador)

Passenger Lift Laucan in Salvador Krebsmaus07

One of the most notable attractions of the city of Salvador is his unusual lift of Laceda, which performs the function of public transport. The fact is that the city itself, located on the ocean coast, has a strong height difference, ranging from the coast to the depths of the mainland. Therefore, for the convenience of movement, a peculiar elevator was created, connecting Cairo Square in the lower city and Sound Square in the Upper City. It represents two towers - in one there are cabins of elevators, in another, located in the rock, there are counterweights. Daily about 28 thousand passengers thanks to the lift fall from one part of the city to another.

26. Ipanema Beach (Rio de Janeiro)

Vacationers on the beach of Ipanema in the south of the city of Rio de Janeiro

A paradise with a hot southern mentality and a bright national flavor is all this Brazil. Attractions Rio de Janeiro are pleasing not only to cultural facilities, enchanting holidays, but also an unusually beautiful nature, including beautiful sea beaches. Among them - the romantic beach of Ipanema, the place of exclusive recreation and contemplation of beautiful solar sunset species. If you compare this place with the first to significance by the beach of Copacabana, it can be noted that Ipanoma is distinguished by calm and serenity. At the same time, entertainment lovers will find here classes in the shower - ideal conditions for surfing have been created on the beach, you can play football, volleyball and fetas.

27. Beaches of Salvador (Salvador)

Scenic view of the bay and sandy beach in El Salvador

Lovers of wild rest will certainly come up with picturesque, little-known beaches, which can be called one of the most beautiful in Latin America. This is truly heavenly lands - the multi-kilometer sandbag coast is adjacent to hundreds of palm trees and other abundant vegetation. A small number of campgrounds, several small restaurants and bars are all that can be found from signs of civilization in these places. But there are excellent opportunities for surfing, other sports, serene bathing in gentle waves, as well as natural pools for a relaxing holiday.

28. Lensois Maraneensis National Park (Marian, Barreirinjas)

Dunes and lagunons of the Lensois Maraneensis National Park

For fans of natural attractions in Brazil, there is plenty of opportunities to contemplate the most dizzying landscapes. Many of the sights of Argentina and Brazil are on the border of the two these neighboring countries. These, for example, include large-scale waterfalls Iguas, who have become the property of two states. Most natural objects are located on the territory of the reserves. Among such places is the most beautiful Lensois Maraniensis National Park, striking the imagination with his mysterious nature - all its territory is covered with snow-white sands, but this is not a desert. Here are periodically abundant rain, forming a lagoon of incredible blue, turquoise and green colors between the rows of sand dunes.

29. Serra da Kapivara National Park (Piaui)

Canyon in the National Park Serra da Kapivara Py4nf Natural Beauty of Serra da Kapivara National Park

The unique reserve of archaeological monuments is located in the northeastern part of the country is the Serra da Kapivara National Park. The rocks located on its territory are kept numerous evidence of cultural development of humanity - in their caves you can see unique samples of ancient rock painting, depicting scenes from the life of prehistoric people. By reserves, these lands officially became in 1979, when the Brazilian woman archeologist organized here the first excavations, as a result of which the dwellings and burials of an ancient person were found, as well as decorations, objects of labor and works of art. To this day, archaeological studies continue in this region and new discoveries are performed.

30. Fernando de Noronaya (Pernambuka State)

Beautiful aerial view of Fernando de Noronaya beaches

350 kilometers from the northeast coast of the country in the Atlantic Ocean is the archipelago of volcanic nature, consisting of 21 island, and one of them, the largest, gave the name of the whole archipelago. This is the island of Fernando de Noronary, who was once appreciated by the wealthy Lisbon merchant. On the islands of the archipelago a beautiful, warm tropical climate, with a dry season from August to January. Here you can see several vintage structures - for example, the historic church or the palace, as well as the Pusada in Portuguese colonial style. Stunning beauty Beaches are ideal for relaxing, diving and sailing.

First of all, with detailed planning, and on the principle "Do not pass by". But sometimes organizing and targeted expeditions to one or more places that earned the special attention of this competent organization. And regret it does not have to regret it, he always sees justifying expectations. There are now more than a thousand such facilities on the planet that are classified as natural or cultural and historical. The list is movable, all new lines are added to it, but some, unfortunately, are deleted, not all heritage can be saved.

The Brazilian part currently consists of 18 elements, clarifying the inclusion chronology, and indicating the number by which you can find a detailed description on the UNESCO website (link above):

(1) The historic city of Ouru-Pretu, 1980, number 124.

(2) Historic center of Olinda, 1982, number 189.

(3) Ruins of Jesuit Mission-Raduts San Miguel Das Missois, 1984, number 275.

(4) The historic center of Salvador Di Bahia, 1985, number 309.

(5) Church complex Bon-Gesus-do Congonias, 1985, number 334.

(6) Iguazu National Park, 1986, number 355.

(7) BRAZILIA, 1987, number 445.

(8) Serra Da-Kapivara National Park, 1991, number 606.

(9) Historic center of San Luis, pcs. Maranjahu, 1997, number 821.

(10) Forest reserves of the South-Eastern Atlantic coast (PC. Sao Paulo - Pc. Parana, 1999, number 893.

(11) Forest reserves of the Eastern Atlantic coast ("Shore of the opening"), 1999, number 892.

(12) The historic center of Diamantina, 1999, number 890.

(13) Central Amazonian Reserves Complex, 2000, number 998.

(14) The protected area of \u200b\u200bthe Pantanal and the protected territory adjacent to it, 2000, number 999.

(15) Brazilian Islands in Atlantic: Fernando Di Norona, 2001, number 1000.

(16) Natrops ZoneCampos Sumrado: Chapada-dus-tadairus and EMAS, 2001, number 1035.

(17) Historic center of Goyas, 2001, number 993.

(18) San Francisco Square in San Cristovo, pcs. Sergipe, 2010, number 1272.

Despite the diverse natural wealth, including huge spaces of equatorial and tropical jungle and thousands of kilometers of the magnificent coast, as well as partly deserved glory of "Countries of small wild monkeys", natural reserves are here in the minority, their only 7 against 11 cultural and historical monuments. It looks even more strange, if you consider that the colonial history of Brazil is quite short, and the traces of developed pre-colon civilizations have not yet been found on its territory. But this is the systematics of the work of the Committee, criteria for inclusion in the list on these two categories are completely different, and these proportions It is quite consistent with the general trend.

Continued :.