The Grand Canyon of Crimea: among the enchanting natural beauties. Grand Canyon of Crimea - travel by car Grand Canyon of Crimea opening hours

Tourists who come to the Crimean peninsula to see its natural sights must leave time to visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea. Locals with love they call it the eighth wonder of the world, because the nature of this reserve is really extraordinary beautiful and unusual.

Grand canyon- the most visited of all the canyons of the Crimea. One has only to say that the cost of excursions for visitors is comparable to visiting the famous Livadia Palace or Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Travel companies and excursion kiosks, open in almost all large cities Crimean peninsula, create bus tours with a visit to the Grand Canyon. For those who travel around Crimea by private vehicle, there are several options for , how to get to the Grand Canyon by car.

Geographical position

Historians and ethnographers say that the Grand Canyon of Crimea in ancient times was part of the ocean floor. Today this natural landmark has several main geographical landmarks:

  1. Geographically, the reserve belongs to the Ai-Petrinsky mountain range;
  2. The canyon begins from the village of Sokolinoe, Bakhchisarai district (distance from the village - 3 km);
  3. The river Auzun-Uzen flows along the bottom of the canyon.

As a result of the centuries-old impact of water on rocks and the movement of tectonic rocks, the walls of the gorge sank to a depth of 32 m, forming a slope of 75-90 0. The bottom of the canyon is a jumble of boulders and boulders, numerous rapids and waterfalls. In terms of area, this place is considered the largest canyon of the Crimea peninsula. The first explorer to descend to the bottom of the canyon was Doctor of Historical Sciences - Professor I.I. Puzanov.

Excursion program

The first thing that amazes tourists coming to the Grand Canyon of Crimea for an excursion:

  • The splendor of nature, unusual for these places;
  • Scenic trails on the plateau and along the rubble of boulders;
  • Numerous waterfalls and springs with drinking water;
  • Cool and fresh air.

When signing up for an excursion, be sure to specify what the last point will be walking route... It is desirable that hiking trail lasted beyond the Baths of Youth and reached the narrowest point of the gorge.

Experienced guides lead the group along the most interesting impassable stone paths so that tourists get the full experience. After overcoming stone rubble and dangerous areas, you can come to a picturesque mountain source - a spring flowing from the mountain along a stone trough.

How to get to the canyon?

If you are resting in Yalta or in the suburbs, and decide to drive to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car, you should choose the route leading towards Bakhchisarai. Along it, driving to the Ai-Petri pass, you will need to overcome the path along the descending mountain serpentine road.

Along the road you can see the "Grand Canyon" sign and turn along it. A visit to this natural landmark is hampered by the fact that regular buses do not go here and route taxis... Therefore, you can only get to the Grand Canyon by personal car or by booking an excursion in advance.

If you came to the canyon by car and decided to spend time using the services of a private guide, remember that these people, as a rule, do not have a license to conduct an excursion, and in case of an unusual situation they will not bear any responsibility!

If you are driving from Sevastopol, follow the following route:

  1. Drive along the Sevastopol highway to Bakhchisarai;
  2. Then choose the route leading towards the Ai-Petri pass using the navigator or the map;
  3. Passing the village of Sokolinoe - be extremely careful, 3 kilometers from it on the way you will see the “entrance gate to the Grand Canyon”. This will be the end point of your route.

Near the entrance to nature reserve there is a guarded parking lot. The car will have to be left on it, since the movement of tourists in the canyon is allowed only on foot.

If you decide to get to the canyon by minibus or regular bus, you will have to get off at the village of Sokolinoye. Further, the passage of bus transport is prohibited. Many tourists hike to the entrance to the canyon, but at the stop in Sokolin there are always many motorists and taxi drivers who offer to bring them to the reserve for a nominal fee.

From the article you will learn everything about the Grand Canyon of Crimea: why it is interesting, how long the excursion lasts, what sights are included in the route.

The Grand Canyon occupies a special place among the natural monuments of the Crimean Peninsula. A huge majestic gorge is located about four kilometers from the village of Sokolinoye - on the northern slope of the Main Ridge Crimean mountains... The height of the canyon bed ranges from 500 to 600 m above sea level. The mighty cliffs of the gorge rise 300-350 m above the sea.

The depth of the Grand Canyon of Crimea is also impressive - it reaches 320 meters. The gorge is about 3,500 meters long.

What is the Grand Canyon in Crimea famous for?

The Grand Canyon has been around for millennia. It was washed by the waters of the mountain river Auzun-Uzen, which still flows between the Ay-Petri yayla and the Boyka mountain range. The flora in these places is diverse. The rocky slopes are overgrown with Crimean pines. In the lowlands, trees form dense thickets. Here you can find birch, hornbeam, ash, beech, etc. There are also relict yew trees in the gorge. Rare species of ferns, relict butcher and saxifrage, one of the endemic species of Crimea, also grow here. Evergreen ivy is found almost everywhere.

The Grand Canyon in Crimea is famous for its picturesque waterfalls, rapids and monumental stone chaos formed by masses of marble-like limestone. For thousands of years, the waters of a mountain river have been moving boulders downstream. It was they who "drilled" in the softer limestone bed of the gorges of the baths and hollows.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea - how to get there

  • Independent tourists. As a rule, those who are poisoned in walking trip in the canyon are ready for difficulties and know that public transport is tight at this point in Crimea. The easiest way to get to the Grand Canyon is to take a taxi in the village of Sokolinom. The locals have been driving for a long time and, most likely, will figure you out from afar and offer you a lift to the beginning of the route. The only thing to do is to get to Sokolinoye itself;
  • Independent travelers with a car. It is easy to get to Sokolinoye by car from (a little closer) and (a little further). Then climb up to Ai-Petri, following the signs. There is only one road, so there should be no discrepancies. The second option is, on the contrary, to go down from the Ai-Petri plateau. A little below the middle of the path you will find the sign "Grand Canyon";
  • Group tourists (with a guided tour). The most optimal option. You will be brought and taken away with comfort, and during the walk you will be told and shown everything.

Grand Canyon - difficult to access public transport Sight. But it's worth a visit. Therefore, ordering an organized excursion seems to us the most profitable solution.

Where to stay in the Grand Canyon area

For those on their own, we have an even better idea than a day trip to the Grand Canyon. Especially the residents of Sevastopol and the guests of the hero-city will like it. In the village of Sokolinom there are two camp sites where you can have a great weekend. So to speak, at the foot of Ai-Petri, half an hour's drive from the reserve.

We like both, which one is better - choose for yourself.

#1. Kutler Manor

Landscapes of the Belbek Valley (Kutler Estate)

A family-run guest house in the Belbek Valley, where at different times the poppies bloom, then the alpine herbs. At the Kutler Manor, rooms are decorated in a chalet style, with air conditioning, panoramic breakfast terraces, a sauna and a well-groomed area.

# 2. Fisherman's Farm chalet

A new hostel with nice cozy rooms, which few people know about. In addition to standard amenities (bathroom, air conditioning, wi-fi), there are microwave ovens and electric kettles. On the territory there is a well-kept garden and mountain views.

Grand Canyon - full itinerary

The excursion route along the Grand Canyon begins behind the village of Sokolinoye. After about 5 km, the trail leaves to the gorge. It leads through a beech forest to a small picturesque meadow where the Pochtovaya Oak stands - one of the most famous trees - about 350 years old. The oak is famous for the fact that since the middle of the last century there has been a tradition to leave notes with wishes in the hollow of a century-old tree. If you make a wish from your heart, it will certainly come true.

In the early 80s. 20th century oak burned down. The dry, burnt-out giant gradually turns into dust, but still continues to stand at the entrance to the Grand Canyon.

Stop # 1. Blue Lake

Silver Streams waterfall

If you go from the Post Oak along the path to the right, then soon you will see Blue Lake and Silver jets waterfall- two amazingly beautiful . Blue Lake is the widest erosional basin in the gorge. It is filled with unusually pure and clear water with a delicate blue tint. The water temperature in the lake does not rise above 12 degrees, even during the summer heat season. Swimming in a shallow cool bath gives tourists the strength for their further journey.

The picturesque Silver Stream waterfall is located two meters above the basin. It fully lives up to its name. Above him hangs a green cap of moss, and water falls down over the stones, dividing into streams, shimmering in the sun, like threads of silver.

Stop # 2. Apple ford

Yablonevy ford - one of the stages of the excursion along the canyon

After descending from Sentinel Cliff, tourists will find one of the natural beauties of the Canyon - Apple ford. Here upstream of the river at a large number wild apple trees grow. With the arrival of autumn, their fruits and foliage fall into the water. The current brings them to the ford opposite the mouth of the Almachuk - a tributary of the Auzun-Uzen, the name of which is translated into Russian - "apple".

Stop # 3. Pania Spring

Pania Spring (Grand Canyon)

Beyond the ford, the river valley becomes deeper and deeper. The Pania spring is located not far from it. Its name is a simplified form of the word "Panagia" ("All-Holy"). In Crimea, there are many holy sources discovered in the Middle Ages. Most likely, Pania also refers to them. It is one of the largest fresh water sources on the peninsula. In an hour, up to 1400 m3 of water comes out of it. There is a flooded cave of the same name near the spring.

Stop # 4. Youth bath

The end point of the route is the "bath of youth"

The excursion ends at the Bath of Youth - one of the main attractions of the Grand Canyon of Crimea. This is the deepest cauldron (5 m) along the Auzun-Uzen stream. A waterfall falls into the basin from above. This is the most famous "youth bath" on the Crimean peninsula. It is filled with cold, transparent water that does not warm up above 11 degrees even in forty-degree heat. Swimming in the hollow hardens and invigorates. By tradition, most tourists plunge into it.

Grand Canyon Observation Decks

Panorama of the canyon with observation deck

There are several viewing platforms in the gorge. The most popular of these is the summit of Sentinel Cliff, which offers a magnificent panorama of the canyon. Good visibility the tract also opens from the Fifth Cliff. From this observation deck, the Grand Canyon is perfectly visible for almost its entire length.

What to take with you on the excursion

The walk along the Grand Canyon takes about 2.5-3 hours. The difficulty of the route is below average. However, it can be equated with hiking in the mountains. You have to walk through the forest, jump over ravines, rivers, overcome obstacles. So note that for an excursion to the Grand Canyon of Crimea, you need to wear comfortable shoes. Girls climbing the forest bumps in open sandals, sometimes even in heels, cause not only a smile, but also sympathy. Take care of yourself!

And don't forget to bring a liter bottle of water per person. The excursion is long, there will be nowhere to buy on the route.

Route map that will accompany you on your way

Ticket prices for the Grand Canyon 2020

The Grand Canyon is a nature reserve, but there is a fee to enter. The ticket price for adults is 100 rubles. At the same time, the condition of the route is excellent. There are handrails and steps along the trails, along the way you will see signs and maps.

Where to stay.

Photo tour of the Grand Canyon. Enjoy nature, forest, clear water in the springs and, of course, the bath of youth!

For a large army of tourists, there are places on Earth that are very popular. But gradually the interest in them cools down, as the conveyor belt visit by everyone turns this place into an ordinary route, devoid of attractiveness.

The Grand Canyon in Crimea is both a visited and at the same time not explored place on tourist map Crimea. Primordial and the most majestic of all the gorges in the Crimea. Everyone who visits it discovers for themselves in a new way every time.

Where is the Grand Canyon in Crimea? Can you climb it yourself? What places in the canyon are worth visiting? We will talk about this in our article.

Description of the place

The Grand Canyon was formed as a result of a fracture in the earth's crust. Its age is approximately 2 million years. As a result of earthly transformations, the Grand Canyon in the Crimea turned out.

A tectonic fault has divided a single mountain range into two: and Boyka. This is a mountain funnel 3000 m long, 320 m high, and in some places it is only 2 meters wide. But how a tourist route it was opened relatively recently, in 1925. This year, a documentary film about the canyon was released, which brought him popularity among tourists. The territory of the Grand Canyon of Crimea covers an area of ​​300 hectares.

However, it is not so easy for many to walk along its bottom because of the great difficulties and obstacles during the journey. Therefore, to facilitate the route and enjoy the hike, all tourist routes were laid along the upper edge of the canyon. They do not require a special tourist and physical fitness... You do not need to have special tourist equipment for these routes.

But for those who are not afraid of difficulties on the way, the route along the bottom of the canyon is more attractive and informative, since few people visit these places. That's why untouched nature, not visible from above, fascinates with its extraordinary beauty.

See photos of the Grand Canyon in Crimea:

The Crimean canyon is fed by numerous mountain streams. The water temperature in them never exceeds 11-12 degrees.

The main decoration of the canyon landscape is the Auzun-Uzen river. Its waters, being replenished by numerous tributaries and springs, the main of which is the Pania spring, are the main "architect" of this reserve. It was the influence of water over many centuries of its existence that allowed the canyon to acquire a unique look.

The waters of this river formed about 150 different water baths and cauldrons. There are many grottoes and niches along its channel. The second important river in this canyon is the Sary-Uzen river. These two rivers combine to form the Kokkozka River. A tourist route runs along the entire gorge of the canyon.

There are places on it where you need to prove yourself a little rock climber. The narrowest hole in it is only 3 meters. Very beautiful vegetation: many unusual fruit and berry bushes, rare species of ferns and juniper, pistachio, strawberry tree. It is here that there is a unique grove of yew tree, of which there are only 1000 specimens and they belong to endangered trees.

Unique vegetation, freshness of river water, heady air - these are all components of an unforgettable time spent on this route. And it is very interesting to travel with the whole family, no matter what, there will be fatigue from the distance covered on foot, but the general positive emotions from everything seen around will make even children forget about the difficulties on the road.

Some experienced tourists know the inconspicuous path that leads to the cliff-ledges. Standing on these ledges, you can admire all the beauty of this majestic canyon.

Silver jets waterfall

This beautiful creation of nature is located 4.5 km south of the village of Sokolinoe (Bakhchisarai district), in the Small Canyon gorge. It, like many "creations" of the Sary-Uzen river (from the Tat. "Yellow river"), was formed by its waters for a long time.

Outwardly, its entire structure resembles a musical instrument, and the jets look like silver strings. This gave him one of the names.

Another name for the waterfall is Silver. The third name is "Crystal", since in winter the jets freeze, forming many icicles. It is located away from the Grand Canyon, 3 km west of it. A very unusual waterfall outwardly: a huge "cap" of moss from under it numerous streams of pure "silver" water are knocked out. This whole composition hides behind itself a black hole of the entrance to the mysterious grotto. The waterfall is surrounded by a forest with a lot of hornbeam, beech, oak, mountain ash, dogwood

Youth bath

It is located above the Paniya spring among numerous small baths and cauldrons. But it was she who acquired the fame of a special bath, the waters of which preserve the young and return youth to the older generation. This beautiful belief made a visit to it especially desirable for all, without exception, organized tourist groups and independent travelers.

This bath is up to 5 meters deep, the water temperature in it, even on a strong sultry day, does not exceed 10 degrees. Until the beginning of the 60s, it was called Kara-Gol, which means "Black Lake". Usually at this bath the excursion along the Grand Canyon of Crimea for mass groups ends. To move, you need further good preparation rock climber.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea on the map and how to get there

Anyone can find this canyon both on the map and on the ground. This is due to its immense popularity among vacationers. Therefore, there is a well-established infrastructure that allows you to get only positive emotions when visiting this magnificent place in Crimea.

To the Grand Canyon, the starting point is the famous one. Regular minibuses to this city from all major cities Crimea run systematically.

Grand Canyon on the map:

You can also get to the Grand Canyon from Sevastopol. In both cases, from these cities you need to take regular buses to the village with nice name Falcon. However, there are only three such flights from Sevastopol per day. If by personal transport, then having reached the village of Sokolinoe, then on the road to the south from it, drive 3 km. And before you will open in all its indescribable beauty - this is a magnificent natural reserve of the Grand Canyon of Crimea.

See the map (diagram) how to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car from Bakhchisarai:

Let's summarize:

  1. On the territory of the Grand Canyon, there are areas that are prohibited from tourists. The probability of rockfalls is very high on their territory.
  2. In the reserve, it is strictly forbidden to pick flowers, fruits from trees, cut trees, spend the night, and light fires.
  3. It is recommended to visit the Grand Canyon during the dry season, since during high water, it is impassable and dangerous for travel in many areas.
  4. If on the way you come across a "cauldron" or "bath" with a black water surface, then it is undesirable to swim in them. This is often the case when the water is low (during dry times). The water in these "containers" stagnates and begins to turn black from rotted algae, acquiring an unattractive brown color and smell.

Watch a video about the trip to the Grand Canyon in Crimea: