Double-decker train ceiling height. Where do double-decker trains run in Russia?

I have already shown the aerial photo from and, and now the turn has come to the double-decker car, by which I returned from the Kuban. A very interesting experience, which I asked for deliberately. So, on the way back, I took a ticket for the lower shelf in the compartment on the second floor, seat 109. The train goes very quickly, less than 19 hours from Krasnodar to Moscow. But its passage there is very inconvenient - around four in the morning. However, what can you do for the sake of an interesting experiment! :)

Below is a story not about the path, but about the two-story building itself and about its passenger properties.
Consider what is good in it, and what is inconvenient, and what is the overall balance.

Double-decker train No. 104 at Liski station

2. 04.10 am. We are waiting for our train on the platform of the Krasnodar railway station, it has already been announced. Now Anapa, the usual one, will come to the neighboring track, and in five minutes our Hundred and Fourth will also come.

I have already published the video of his arrival, but I will repeat here again:

3. The car is high, unusual for our region. To the contact network from the top point remains, if I understand correctly, 75 cm. The first floor is below the usual level, the second is much higher.

The train has arrived, I'm on my way. Seven more people sit down, despite the night. Behind me is a mini-scandal: at the next passenger, the conductor does not let the escort through, who wanted to bring a heavy suitcase upstairs. The conductor, according to the instructions, is right - parking is less than 7 minutes, but it’s also not a fountain to drag a suitcase up the steep stairs to the second floor. So she didn't let go.

4. And here is the passage of the second tier, in the light of the lamps. The windows are unusually low, at the level of the abdomen; below will be a daytime photo with people, you can see it more clearly. This photo clearly shows the emergency exit of the 2nd floor from the side of the aisle. By the way, it is interesting: the passage of the 2nd floor is located above the compartment of the 1st floor. So, when they walk and sit down at the stations, the clatter is heard by those who ride on the first tier.

5. Early in the morning we drove through Rostov-Glavny. Outgoing and incoming trains are massively filmed "against the background" - the train is perceived as very unusual, for half a year they have not gotten used to it.

6. Here's more :) And even on the hauls, people look at the line-up with curiosity, or even take out their phones to shoot.

Well, now let's look at the coupe.

7. The very first thing that catches your eye is sockets. Yes, there are two of them per compartment, at the head of the window! And this is very good. Finally, the energy is with us! But the window has become noticeably smaller. It's good that the light panels were not placed on the side, but directly on the course of lying - now the light does not fall on the opposite passenger. But... The curtains have completely disappeared - which the FPK apparently recognized as an unnecessary rudiment. So now it will not work to close from the sun - only if you lower the tight visor and plunge into darkness.

8. The most radical change is that the space on the top shelf has decreased. And strongly. Although, in fairness, on the first floor of the carriage there is more space for the "upper" ones. But here, on the second - very little. Now you won't even be able to sit on top. Just lie down, or get up, but remaining in a half-bent position. However, a child of 7-9 years old can sit down, but not an adult.

9. Tea is served in glass holders, honoring traditions. For the first time, I caught my eye not just a standard Russian Railways cup holder, but also with an overprint below "OAO FPC". Tea is given net Greenfield, not slop-weedy. This is good. A glass with tea leaves - 20 rubles, with sugar-lemon - 30 rubles. The ticket also includes meal kits, they are further at the window. Vodicka 0.25, mini-pate, two biscuits, waffles, jam, plastic cutlery and something else.

10. The mandatory set includes a press (pictured). We went on May 4, the press was for April 29-30. The second freshness, frankly;)

11. Linen included, hygiene kit (brush, paste, napkins).

12. The train is positioned with wi-fi. A coverage map hangs in the corridor, showing solid speed values.

13. In real life, everything is much more prosaic: the network is taken from megaphone 3G traffic, so where it is - that is (10-15% of the travel time), and where it is not - do not blame me. There are at large stations, in some places closer to Moscow after Ryazan, near Rostov and its satellite cities ... perhaps that's all. The routers are right at the aisles down the stairs, my wagon wi-fi caught perfectly. But this, as you understand, is not identical to the presence of the Network.

14. The top luggage bins, of course, have disappeared. On the ground floor too. Now the passenger of the top shelf can put his luggage only at the bottom, sharing a place with the "bottom". That is, relative to a conventional compartment car, the luggage space for 4 passengers has decreased by about 2.2 times - taking into account also a slightly reduced distance under the bottom shelf.

15. However, the most important ambush for "summer" passengers turned out already in the middle of the day, in the Michurinsk region. It turned out that the designers of the car placed air conditioning not only from above, from the roof, but also from below, under the window, as shown by the arrow. And if, God forbid, you lie down to rest your head on a pillow by the window, then it will blow right into your ear. In general, the right way to otitis and colds on the way to the resort. We, of course, did not expect such an ambush - upon arrival home, I had to crush the creeps for a cold with a shock dose of vitamin C.

The three of us were traveling in a compartment, a neighbor with a 9-year-old son also sat down at night in Krasnodar. Interestingly, she also took a ticket to the second floor partly out of curiosity to try. Partly because of the speed, the train goes very fast and arrives in Moscow at 11 pm. In general, along the way, we just discussed what was good there and what was not.
Then he also got into a conversation with the conductor, a Krasnodar Armenian woman in her fifties. Such a talkative got caught, friendly, but corrosive. I ask:
- And there are only two of you left on the car, because there are 2 floors?
- Yes, that's the way it is...
- Is it hard to constantly climb the stairs back and forth, from floor to floor?
- Well, tolerable ... we are used to it ... but it's difficult to go down after a while, you get tired. Going up is not as tiring as going down often. Especially with tea or linen in hand.

16. The conductor was so imbued with my interest in the car that she opened an unoccupied compartment and gave me the opportunity to take pictures. General view of the shelves and space.

And the shelves here were placed on the reserved seat, short ... Not transformers.
- Yes, I see.

17. The shelves are really shortened, reserved seats. And more rigid than in the new Tver coupes. I felt uncomfortable lying down. The general feeling is "clean but poor". A kind of coupe-light. The most unpleasant thing is that they were reduced not only in length, but also in width - they became narrower. A little, 2-3 centimeters - but it is very felt!

18. The door on the inside is completely mirrored.

19. Another serious minus - now you can’t just shift the pillow to the other side and lie down with your head against the aisle, as in Ammendorf (if, for example, air conditioning blows in your head or the sun shines right in your face, without curtains, then). Big gap, and the pillow falls down. Pichalka. Shelves are short...

20. Cards from the compartment were not given to us. But there is a technical possibility.

21. A big plus of the lower shelf of the second floor is an ideal high view of the area. In addition, the windows of the second floor have fewer pollution factors, so they are clean and look good. But if you are unlucky and you took a ticket upstairs, then alas. Neither look from there, nor look in the aisle - you have to bend twice.

22. This is what ordinary trains look like when you look at them from our level.

Now let's get out of the compartment and walk around the car.

23. Here you can estimate the height of the corridor of the second floor and the level of windows. The windows are good for a child of 6-9 years old, and in the aisle, tall men, somewhere from 180, are forced to bend down.

24. Let's go to the first level. Ladder with a mirror - you can see if someone is coming from below. A wi-fi router is also visible. Under the mirror is a trash can.

25. Going down...

26. And here it is, the first floor.

27. He, of course, is freer than the second. The distance to the ceiling is higher, the windows are at a comfortable level for an adult. It's much more comfortable to ride here. I did not dare to rent a compartment from the inside with other people, but it was clear that the upper shelf had more space on top. Windows do not open anywhere - only air conditioning. If it is not there, the air feels a little stale.

28. At the non-working end - three toilets. They are united on 2 floors. Previously, there were 2 toilets for 36 places, here - 3 for 64.

I also took off the toilets, mindful of the blogging law "without photographing a point there is no successful trip", but they were very smeared, as luck would have it. So, just take my word for it - narrow, but very clean. Everything is inside, from wipes to a humidifier and liquid soap. Toilets bio, work at the stations.

31. Passage from car to car. Here it is necessary to press the button, and not open it mechanically with the handle. The door will move if it is not locked.

32. View from the toilets to the first floor from the compartment.

33. In the working side of the car - a service compartment for conductors and a working compartment.

34. Immediately - a mini-buffet, you can buy sweets, water, chewing gum. An unpleasant change - titanium with boiling water has halved and is hidden by the conductor. Now you can’t just walk up to him and get boiling water at any time, even at the station, even when the conductor has left or is sleeping. Only when it's there :(((

35. We go up again. Wagon tour completed. For a reminder - 2nd floor is 81-112 seats, 1st floor - 1-32 seats.

And some views from the platform. Filmed in Liski, where we stood for 15 minutes.

36. Comparative view of a 2-storey wagon and a high covered wagon from the other side.

37. Exit from the car. Yes, the doors are now only with one sides.

38. The height of the car in comparison with the locomotive (led by the latest EP20).

39. ... and arrival under the arches of the Kazansky railway station in Moscow. End of the road.

General balance: on the first floor - closer to a normal compartment and more comfortable; on the second - closely and worse reserved seat in size.
The view from the top is perfect, good. Carrying things is hard. Places for things have been reduced by more than half.
For the sake of interest, you can drive, but in general - it's better to go in an ordinary simple compartment.

Then I'll try to tell

I have seen modern double-decker trains only in European countries. In Finland, on the Allegro, they passed a similar train with the VR logo - the Finnish Railways. And in Germany and Belgium, they managed to use them for their intended purpose. But these were trains with seats that run between cities in the same country during the daytime. And the new cars of Russian Railways are designed to occupy the niche of budget night trains. There is a problem with the shortage of tickets for weekends of the week, and double-decker cars will take over this passenger flow.

At the moment, new cars are in the depot of the Moscow railway station:

From the first photo, you can judge the height of the new cars and compare them with the old, one-story ones. Sergey, a great expert on railway transport, kindly agreed to help me visually demonstrate the height of the car in the photo. Impressive, right?

This is what the wagon train looks like from the outside. How the passage between the cars is organized inside can be seen below:

Approximately such a picture will be seen by those who enter the car for the first time. I would like to note the pleasant colors in which everything is painted around:

These double-deck cars are produced in Russia at the Tver Carriage Works. I didn’t know about the existence of this, everyone knows only the Mytishchi plant, which makes cars for metro trains :)

General view of the passage on the first floor. I will note the digital board on the ceiling, which shows the time, temperature and car number:

On both sides of the corridor there are stairs that lead to the second floor:

The view of the corridor on the second floor is practically no different from the view on the first floor. If you do not pay attention to details and do not look out the window, of course. The numbering of seats on two floors is as follows: on the first floor - 1-32 seats, on the second floor - 81-112 seats. The lower places of compartment cars are odd, and the upper ones are even.

And now let's take a closer look at the coupe. The doors here are unlocked with magnetic cards, which are issued to passengers upon boarding:

General view of the compartment. Energy-saving LED lamps are used as lighting sources. Sleeping linen is included in the ticket price. The upper shelves are covered with a conductor before departure, the lower shelves are packed sets of linen already in the compartment.

Now let's look at the details. On this wall there are retractable steps to make it convenient to climb to the top place:

Bright spotlights with switches are mounted on both sides of each bed. With their help, you can arrange your own personal lighting without disturbing others' sleep. The window is glass. A speaker is installed above the window in the middle, from which music plays, and, if necessary, voice alerts sound. There are volume buttons below the speaker:

Soffit included, and hooks with hangers. Below are the main light switches:

A lot of people will say thank you for the electrical outlet:

Here I used the help of Michael to show the distance between places:

The number of information plates with inscriptions and warnings is impressive:

Compartment cars come in two varieties: staff and ordinary. In the staff car, along with the passengers, the head of the train rides, there will be one such car for the entire train. The headquarters car has a slightly different configuration of the premises, and because of this there are fewer seats - 50 versus 64 seats in a regular car. In this regard, some rooms in different cars may look different. For example, toilets can be in at least three different configurations. In the photo below, the main toilet in the staff car. On the right hand is a sink, a water tap, a liquid soap dispenser, an electric razor outlet and three rather big mirrors:

Toilet bowl and toiletries opposite the sink:



In addition, the staff car has a toilet for the disabled, including wheelchair users. Here the room is several times more spacious:

And next to it through the wall is a compartment for the disabled. There are two beds (one for a disabled person, the second for an accompanying person), and a separate chair.


All switches are signed in embossed Braille for the visually impaired and the blind:

In an ordinary car, the toilet rooms are simpler and smaller. Apparently, there will be no shortage of free toilets on this train:

He promised to show the passage between the cars. The orange doors open when the “OPEN” button is pressed, and automatically close hermetically after 15 seconds. There is a vestibule, but it is narrower than in old trains, and you can’t smoke there:

We pass into the third car, which they showed us - the dining car. It is also two stories.

On the ground floor bar and kitchen:

View across from the bar:



On the second floor there is a restaurant with 48 seats, 4 seats at each table:


Above each table there is a panel for calling waiters. They brought a separate button in order to ask for an invoice. Competently!

While eating, you can watch football, for example:

The restaurant has a very rich menu for the train. I'm used to seeing this in decent restaurants. How about a burger for 400 rubles? Quite an adequate price, given that food is provided by train on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow and back.

In addition to the main menu, there are signature dishes. This menu is different depending on the direction of travel:

Well, a few views from the office premises. Here you can pour cold water or boiling water for tea, heat food, wash dishes. Opposite is a coffee maker.

Each car is equipped with a heating and air conditioning system, which is controlled from such a panel. Panels of the video surveillance system, security and access control to the premises are also displayed here. The cars receive all electricity from an electric locomotive. And the staff car, in addition, is also equipped with satellite communication and navigation systems.

And I also want to add that young and smiling conductors work on this train:

Now let's talk about the price issue. The train we were watching will be numbered 5/6. Under number 5, he will go from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and under number 6, back. The first flight, as I said above, is scheduled for February 1st. You can buy tickets for this train only in compartments, there are no reserved seats here.

Tickets are already on sale. This happens according to the dynamic pricing system, when the cost of tickets increases as they sell out and the seats on the train fill up. The very first 200 tickets for the flight will cost the minimum amount - 1299 rubles. The next 300 seats will cost 1699 rubles, and then on the rise. The most expensive will be the last 100 seats, they are assigned a price of 2999-3299 rubles. You also need to know that the lower shelves will be a little more expensive than the upper ones, namely by 150-200 rubles. But the fare on the first and second floor has no difference in price.
For comparison, the usual second-class carriages of other trains cost 1,100-1,600 rubles, and a compartment costs 2,000-3,000 rubles.

Now you know roughly what awaits you if you decide to buy a night ticket in a compartment in the direction of St. Petersburg - Moscow - St. Petersburg. We will follow the first reviews during the actual flight. If there are any comments and suggestions - write here, I will pass it on to the responsible employees.

Almost everything is here. Air conditioners, video surveillance, bathrooms (really rooms, not a corner to relieve yourself), doors with an electronic key, even a compartment for people with disabilities. And there are twice as many seats here - double-decker cars, but it's still the most ordinary train ...

Unusual were second-class carriages. They are not found anywhere except in Russia and the countries that were in the USSR. This is exclusively our invention.

In 1951, the German drawings of the Ammendorf plant, as was customary in the post-war period, end up at the Kalinin Carriage Works. Here, under the leadership of the director of the Kazan Helicopter Plant Lukyanov Ivan Alekseevich, the design of the compartment car is brought up to Soviet standards. Doors are removed, partitions are cut and compacted, adding 18 side places. For 65 years they have been traveling around the country like this ... In 2006, in honor of the inventor of the reserved seat car, one of the Tver boulevards was named.

It is noteworthy that the first double-decker car in Russia was made at the same Tver Carriage Works in 1905.

The 21st century began in 2013. An unexpected turn - the Tver Carriage Works again begins to produce double-decker cars, which should completely replace the second-class cars.

New cars are not much higher than usual

But you can photograph them in different ways, even from the same angle. Here they are huge and scary.

And then cheerful and swift

Inside you won't even know which floor you're on. This is the first

And this is the second one. Almost no difference, except for the mirror at the end of the corridor

First floor compartment

The second one is pretty much the same.

God, a 220 socket! Not in the aisle at the reclining chair, not in the closet with the warning “Shavers only”, but in the compartment and already two of them! But why not four then?

Intercar doors open with a button and close automatically

Entrance to the compartment by cards

The most popular search query, starting with the words "What if" will gradually become a thing of the past. Start typing this phrase in Yandex if you don't understand what I mean.

On February 1, this train began to travel between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Departure at 22:50, arrival at 06:47.

Conductor's kitchen. Microwave, coffee machine, thermo pot… I didn’t understand where the cup holders are hidden.

The dining car is decorated with collages. On the one hand, Moscow - the Kremlin, Tsar Cannon, University, on the other - St. Petersburg. They just did not take into account that the sculptures are created in such a way that they are looked at from below. Face to face they look monstrous.

Nothing supernatural. Just a train, as it should be in modern countries. I would even say a budget train. The price is slightly more expensive than the reserved seat and usually cheaper than all other compartment trains in this direction.

Who missed the post, you can first familiarize yourself with, and I will now tell you how I had to ride on the second floor of the Moscow-Adler train.

Actually, I got to the second floor by accident. The train that goes from Stary Oskol to Adler takes 36 hours, and if you spend an hour to get to Voronezh, then from there Adler will be at your service in 16 hours. Here's the math.

We didn't have time to buy tickets for the first floor. I had to figure out how to ride the train on the second floor.

Photo 2.

Tickets right away. The bottom place cost 7,000 , the top 5,000 , and the children's 3600 approximately.

Well, actually, most likely, everything that I liked is actually the usual requirements for passenger transportation. It's just that sometimes things get worse for a variety of reasons.

So, we sat down in the evening and they brought us a hot supper. In other trains, I remember there was only dry rations.

In general, at first glance, there were as many seats on the second floor as in a regular train. Convenient step to the second shelf.

Photo 3.

I expected that there would be some kind of narrow and uncomfortable staircase between the floors. Worried for nothing. Quite comfortable. I ran back and forth many times. I went up with bags, there is enough space.

Photo 4.

The only thing you remember on the second floor is that you are not on an ordinary train - it is low. To see what is there on the street - you have to literally get on your knees.

Photo 5.

Once again the stairs.

Photo 6.

Mirror, for "adjustment of movement". Not to try to go down when the crowd is already rising.

Photo 7.

In the coupe, finally, there are modern personal lights. And an outlet!!! OOOO!!! It's a damn thrill. We have the only FIRM train from Stary Oskol to Moscow, so in the compartment for a lot of money there are sockets only in the corridors. And here is a personal one in your bed.

Hello cinema and laptop.

Photo 8.

Such a big and beautiful box, but inside there are only plastic cutlery and a cupcake :-(, well, and also a lollipop.

Photo 9.

The first floor of the car goes straight ahead, and the second floor goes to the left.

Photo 11.

From the side it seems the car is so high that it will not fit anywhere in the tunnels and under the rungs. Creeps through.

It's amazing why then all the other cars are so low :-)

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Conductor's hutch.

Photo 14.

In this place, in ordinary carriages, there is usually a "samovar" with hot water.

Photo 15.

Conductor, in person.

Photo 16.

This is how a mirror works.

Photo 17.

112 seats - well! It is not clear why the cost of tickets is more expensive than in an ordinary compartment car. After all, they promised that due to the large capacity of double-decker cars, the prices there would be lower, especially on the second floor.

Photo 19.

I don't know what it is, but it sounds very impressive.

Photo 20.

And here is an interesting feature. Usually, garbage is piled up in mountains in ordinary wagons, but here it’s just sorting. I don't even have that at home.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.

Step lighting.

Photo 23.

Well, if we have rockets consecrated, everyone has icons in cars, and guards in offices and apartments, then why shouldn’t this be in the railway car.

Photo 24.

Photo 25.

But still there is one drawback. On the second shelf of the second floor, there is still less space than in ordinary cars. First, as you noticed, there are no shelves for things. And sometimes they really helped out.

Photo 26.

Secondly, now it is only convenient to lie on the second shelf. It’s already impossible to watch something while sitting because of the beveled edges of the roof of the car

Photo 27.

The first time I used free wi-fi on a train. Cool! Is this satellite internet? Because there was no cellular connection, and the Internet worked:

Photo 28.

And the speed, in general, you will agree is normal for free Internet on the road.

Once again, an uncomfortable second shelf.

Photo 29.

The whole car is crammed with fire alarms, alarms and warning speakers.

Photo 31.

So I also noticed this in ordinary cups, but I still can’t find the time to find out more about it. What are these cards with which you can open and close the compartment? Why are they never issued to passengers.

Photo 32.

Has anyone ever used them? If not, then this whole system in each car is essentially wasted and wasted.

Photo 33.

Well, we are already in Adler. Hello everyone from the shores of the Black Sea.

Photo 34.

This trip was quite spontaneous and was due to 3 daytime November holidays, to which I managed to stick 2 more days. And voila - a little vacation is ready.
Branded train No. 104 departed for Adler from Kazansky railway station at 10-52 . We arrived at the station itself 45 minutes before the train departure. We did this in order to print electronic tickets at the station machines and issue a free ticket for Ulyanka, our youngest crew member. In order not to pay for parking the car at the station itself, it was decided to leave it in Sokolniki, as they said in one famous film - “There is where to hide” (film “The meeting place cannot be changed”), and drive 2 stops by metro to the station itself.

How and where to print an electronic ticket for the Russian Railways train and whether it needs to be printed

It is not necessary to print an electronic ticket for Russian Railways, you will already be in the electronic lists of the conductors. But if you need it to report to work or you are traveling with a small child for whom you need to issue an additional free ticket, then you need to print these tickets through the terminal at the Russian Railways station. Please note that after the tickets have been printed, you can only return them through the ticket office of the station. To print tickets, we first look for these terminals:

1. Select the item - Print ticket

2. Enter from the keyboard on the screen Order number from an electronic ticket
3. Leave the type of document selected by the system by default - Russian passport
4. Enter the number and series of the passport in a row, without a space in the cell opposite the order number (the cell is called - document number)

It is enough to enter the passport details of only one passenger and it will be possible to print all tickets if you have several of them in your order.
5. Press Choose
6. Press Seal
7. Wait about 2-3 minutes until all tickets are printed.
If you need to issue a free ticket for a small child, then after printing your ticket, with your passport, birth certificate of the child and a printed ticket, you should go to the long-distance ticket office at the station.
That's all.
And now let's get down to review - recall branded train RZD Moscow - Adler. The train made a lot of positive impressions, but in my opinion there are things that could be made more interesting and of high quality, but first things first.
The appearance of the train, the quality of the outer metal body, as well as the interior decoration of compartment cars (there are no reserved seats in the branded train) left only positive impressions.

Appearance of the RZD branded train No. 104

The steps to the second floor, as well as to the first one, are well made and the ascent along them, as well as the descent, will not cause any special problems even with suitcases and bags. The passage to the vestibule of the car is wider than in conventional trains, which creates additional comfort when moving with oversized cargo. The vestibule itself has standard sizes.

Please note that the steps are equipped with handrails for comfortable ascent and descent, as well as the illumination of each step for ease of movement at night with subdued lights in the sleeping car of the train.

The quality of the materials used is at a high level and does not cause any complaints, especially considering that this was not a new train and it has been running along this route for several years. The compartment is equipped with 220 V outlets only at the bottom, there are no outlets on the upper shelves, which is inconvenient and somewhat surprising. Individual lamps for each passenger reliably and efficiently cope with their function, a beam of light is enough even for the most blind passenger. Also in the compartment there are hangers on the right and left at the entrance. Luggage space is limited only by the space under the lower passenger bunk. Double-glazed windows are of very high quality and do not let air into the passenger compartment, as was often the case in old trains.

The sleeping place is very comfortable for sleeping, after it the back does not hurt. On the upper shelves, special fasteners are made so as not to fall during sleep or emergency braking. The stairs to the top are located at the entrance to the compartment, as well as in the old cars. The toilet of the train deserves special praise. It is equipped with dry closets and now there is no such thing as a green zone. Toilet to make very high quality and at the European level. There are 3 toilets in the car, but the cars are always linked so that the toilets from different cars are nearby and you can always get through the vestibule to the toilets of the next car by taking a couple of steps.

It is also worth noting that in the branded trains of Russian Railways, one serving of food is included in the ticket price. In your personal account, of course, you can choose when you will eat it and what exactly, but this is pointless, because. anyway, everything is decided right in the car and food is always brought immediately after the train starts moving. So do not waste your time choosing a diet in the personal account of the Russian Railways mobile application. It is also worth noting positively the place of the conductor in the car, where you can find everything you need and even heat food for a small child in the microwave.

But the restaurant somehow did not impress, it would be possible to make it more affordable and entourage in perception. Here on such a wonderful train we traveled on the November holidays to the city of Sochi. You can read the trip report at the link below.

Discounts for children and other categories of citizens on branded, double-decker and regular Russian Railways trains

RZD trains can be traveled inexpensively, very inexpensively, including abroad. I will tell you about how to ride the train cheaper below:
1.) First of all, let's start with the most banal - Special rates and promotions from Russian Railways (link to this page on the company website)
Everything is simple here and there is nothing special to say, look, read and buy if you find something interesting for yourself.
2.) Secondly, still about the banal, you can buy RZD train tickets in advance (maximum 90 days before the trip) and then you will also get tickets cheaper than they cost
3.) Thirdly , all the same about the banal, benefits / discounts for children, students, pensioners on the Russian Railways train inside the country.
Brief information about benefits and discounts for Russian Railways trains:
a) There are discounts for children on the train.
Children under 5 years old travel FREE when sharing the same seat with their parent
Children under 10 years old, when placed in a separate seat, have a discount of up to 65% on all trains, children ride in Lux cars for FREE
b) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia, Full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory - travel for these categories of citizens is FREE 2 times a year (round trip) for personal needs and 1 time a year for treatment
c) Heroes of Socialist Labor, Persons awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees, Persons awarded the orders "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of three degrees - travel by Russian Railways trains is FREE once a year for any needs
d) Well, deputies and other loafers from this category are naturally FREE unlimited number of times
4.) Fourth. It's not so banal anymore. The essence of the idea is to buy tickets that if you need to say to the Baltic States, then it will be cheaper to buy a ticket to Kaliningrad and get off in Vilnius.