To the Baltics by car: personal experience. Tour Baltic travel three countries Train travel Lithuania Latvia Estonia

Hello dear readers and guests of the site. In previous posts, I promised to tell you about my recent trip to the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), which I managed to visit without planning.

After I managed to achieve my goal in 2012, namely to go to the Black Sea, which I told about in the article "", it was decided that there was more than enough rest for the next year. However, it turned out quite differently ...

Trip to the Baltic States (Talin - Sigulda - Riga - Jurmala - Vilnius)

At our place of work, the "trade union committee" organized a tourist trip to the cities of the Baltic states, and only four of them were allocated to our site. Naturally, everyone wants to travel for a modest price, since half of the trip or even the most part is paid by the company.

It is clear that I did not get a ticket right away, because I occupy a modest position, and there are other people who are offered first. But at the last moment, for unknown reasons, someone refused to travel and then my turn came to me, of course I did everything quickly, and that was to hand in photos, money and a passport for a Schengen visa, also fill out a form and get insurance.

Since I understood that I would be gone for about a week, which means that the blog will not be updated for 10 days, because until you come to your senses after the rest, you also need to write an article in the same time. It was decided to write the article "" in advance, but I planned to publish it on April 13, thanks to the wordpress engine for allowing it to be done.

Estonia - sightseeing Tallinn

Since we live in a small town called Luninets, and the bus departed from Baranovichi, we had to get there by our favorite transport - "diesel train".

There we all plunged into the bus together and went to the city of Lida, because it was necessary to pick up the remaining people there.

Further, as always, crossing the interstate border with Lithuania, where we had to stand for about one hour. It is good that there was no long queue, and checking documents always takes a certain amount of time, especially since we entered the territory of the European Union.

Then, while I slept in 9 hours, we drove through Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. At about 10 o'clock in the morning, the beauty of the city of Tallinn appeared before us.

After breakfast at the hotel, which was in the form of a buffet (food is in everyone's sight and you can eat it as much as you like), we went on a tour of Tallinn.

To tell everything where we have been, I simply will not have the patience to write, as there were a lot of places, and I took even more pictures.

First, we drove along the coast of the Baltic Sea, namely the Tallinn Bay, where you could see several famous monuments (Rusalka, Singing Stage). We saw the Pirita area and the Olympic facilities.

But most of all I was impressed by the Baltic Sea, because in our country it does not exist at all, and we really like to contemplate the unusual views of the water leaving the horizon.

Usually you go to the sea in summer, but here it is quite another thing to see the sea in winter, despite the fact that it was mid-spring.

After everyone became completely cold, we went to bask on the bus and we were taken to the Old Town, the most historic part of Tallinn.

On the way, we were greeted by the Estonian youth who walked the streets of the city and were just “fooling around”.

Estonians were the luckiest of all, as they have the most towers and a fortress wall that protected the city from enemies.

We visited the Town Hall Square, which is very different from our Lenin squares. Almost all cultural and public events take place here. We also visited the largest Orthodox church - Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

The old town is divided into Lower and Upper. If you want, you can go up to the observation deck and look at the city from a bird's eye view.

There is really something to see in Tallinn, I was very impressed that everything was done for the convenience of the tourist. Although there is nothing to be surprised here, tourism replenishes the city treasury.

Various souvenirs and trinkets are sold at every step. For a simple fridge magnet, you will have to pay from 2 euros. In Estonia, only euros are used in money circulation.

Their standard of living is much better than in our Belarus, this can be seen even from the cars they drive, including law enforcement agencies.

Then, a little tired, we went to the hotel, where we still had to check in. Probably, I was very far behind civilization, but it was surprising for me that everything in the room works only from a plastic card: a door lock and light.

If we compare their elevator with ours, it is generally heaven and earth, after a ride in ours it can definitely get seasick.

After settling in, we went to see Tallinn by the light of the moon. Although the town is small, there is a place for a walk.

There are a lot of bars, discos and restaurants. We sat in some bar and even treated us to homemade liquor. People are very kind and friendly, though they speak Russian very poorly.

We did not have to resort to the services of urban transport, since you can get everywhere with your own two ... After an overnight stay, breakfast and checking out of the room, in three hours we were already in Latvia.

Latvia - Riga, Sigulda and Jurmala

The first thing in Latvia we went to the city of Sigulda. It is also called the Latvian Switzerland - it is a favorite vacation spot for tourists and residents of Riga.

We started our tour from Sigulda Castle, the passage to which lies through the New Castle, in other words, a palace or a manor. It is a pity that only a small part of the castle has survived to this day.

Then we went to the Gutmana cave. This is one of the largest caves in Latvia, from the base of which flows a source of pure healing spring water.

Then we visited the Turaida Castle. Only one tower has survived to this day, the bottom of which is made of stone, and then turns into red brick. After I climbed 5 floors of the tower, I got a beautiful winter view of the castle in heights.

Then we also visited the museum and walked around the landscapes of the estate. Beauty, and only if in such bad weather the landscapes were simply mesmerizing, I can imagine how everything looks there in summer.

After the end of the excursion, we went to Riga, where we were to check into a hotel and go for a walk in Riga at night.

Of course, Riga impressed me a lot, as I like big and beautiful cities. In the evening we decided to walk along the old part of it. Songs are pouring around, music is playing, which fills and charges tourists with a good mood.

We continued our tour of the Baltic Riga in the morning. Although the weather was damp, it still did not spoil our rest.

We visited many beautiful places and looked at all the main attractions of the city. I cannot but mention the Church of St. John and the House of the Blackheads - some of the most beautiful Gothic buildings.

And also many other attractions: Riga Castle, Dome Cathedral, Swedish Gate, Powder Tower and much more.

By the way, Latvians are very fond of pets, especially cats. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are even used to decorate buildings and other structures.

They say that if you rub a monument "Bremen Town Musicians" and make a wish, then it must necessarily come true.

So I also decided to make it up, and to find out whether it was fulfilled or not, I will tell you at the end of this year in the report on the work done for the whole year. So that keep for updates and don't miss new blog posts.

Having seen enough of Riga, we went to Jurmala, a city that I often heard about on TV, as there are various New Wave festivals, as well as the well-known KVN-Voting Kivin and others.

Of course, I tried to look at the DZINTARI concert hall, but construction work was underway there and there was no good access to it.

But most of all I was impressed again by the Baltic Sea, or rather the Gulf of Riga. For the first time in my life I saw the sea, which was practically frozen. I threw a coin for luck to return there again.

After Jurmala, we plunged into the bus amicably and went on the final tour of Lithuania.

Lithuania - travel in Vilnius

Arriving in the capital of Lithuania Vilnius, we stayed overnight at a hotel. If we compare this hotel with Tallinn or Riga, then I would give it 2 out of 5. It can be seen that it was very poor before, but a little renovation made its own adjustments.

After an overnight stay, we went on a bus and walking tour of the city. I liked the Cathedral very much, which is of great value both for Lithuania and for the whole world.

The walls of the cathedral are decorated with paintings and frescoes from the 16th century, and a museum is located in the underground.

It was also fascinating to see the monument to Gediminas, the church of St. Anne, three crosses, the church of St. Peter and Paul.

After a sightseeing tour of the old city, everyone wanted to go to the Akropolis shopping center (Akropolis). This is the so-called entertainment center where you can buy absolutely everything and also have a great time.

You can really find anything here. Starting as a constructor Lego and ending with a cool car.

What is most interesting is the opportunity to buy some product at good discounts, but I did not find anything for myself, since the prices were no different from ours in Belarus. But it's really worth visiting ...

After the shopping center, we went to our homeland, and after 10 hours I was already sharing my impressions with my relatives and friends.

Summing up

To be honest, of the three countries I liked Estonia and Latvia the most. And if we consider the cities, then Riga, perhaps, has no equal. Such a historical and modern city in one place. However, Tallinn is more modern in terms of development.

It felt like you were not in Estonia, but some Czech Republic. In a word, Tallinn impressed me with its modern lifestyle, which cannot be said about Lithuania (Vilnius), which reminded me more of my country.

As for prices, Estonia turned out to be the most expensive country, where prices are cheaper in Latvia, and Lithuania has become the most affordable.

Summing up my expenses, they turned out to be very modest.

1) Insurance + voucher (travel, accommodation, breakfast and a guide) + visa cost me and my wife $ 400 for two.

2) Well, the rest of the expenses amounted to another $ 300 for two.

The total is 400 + 300 \u003d 700 divided by 2 \u003d $ 350 per person. I think it's very cheap, so if you have the opportunity, be sure to go on an excursion to the Baltics.

I will be glad to hear everyone in the comments who have already visited these countries, what impression did you have?

Don't miss my new trips around the world subscribe to the update blog. See you soon!

It doesn't matter if you are an experienced traveler or if you are in Europe for the first time, you can easily organize your trip to Riga on your own. Without dwelling on the merits of the city, which we have written about many times, here are five stages of planning a trip on our own.

Time planning for a trip to Riga

Riga is a very popular city among tourists, it is visited by more than a million guests a year, and the city hall plans to bring this figure to 1.5 million tourists a year. And this is with a population of 700 thousand inhabitants, that is, there are 1.5 tourists per one resident of Riga.

But nevertheless, we hasten to reassure you, even during the peak periods, tourists are absorbed in Riga and Jurmala in such a way that for Muscovites the city may seem deserted.

The best period to visit Riga is from May to August, as well as during the Christmas and New Year holidays. If you are planning a trip at this time - take care of hotel reservations and transport tickets 2-3 months in advance.

If you prefer a calm atmosphere, then we advise you to come in the second half of April, or from September to mid-October.

The tourist flow decreases, but the weather often gives warm sunny days. Plus, hotels at this time reduce their prices for accommodation, so you can save up to 30-50% of the summer room rate. Below we will share the secret of how to book a hotel in Riga most profitably.

Registration of an entry visa to Latvia

Latvia is included in the countries of the Schengen zone, which means that if you have a Schengen visa in your passport, you can skip this item - the road to Riga is open to you.

If you don't have a visa, you will have to apply for it.

We have described this process in sufficient detail on our website in the section ““, here you can read about the necessary documents, the procedure for filling out the questionnaire, etc.

We book a hotel in Riga

Yes, we start with the hotel.

There are several reasons for this - you can get to Riga by various types of transport, the number of only flights per day reaches five (Aeroflot, Transaero, Utair and Airbaltic). But there is still a train, a bus, a private car, finally. There are also a lot of hotels in Riga (about 200), however, in high season the occupancy reaches 100%. Finally, hotel reservations can be canceled, but plane tickets are problematic.

With booking, everything is very simple, without further ado, it is enough just to go to one of the on-line services for booking hotels.

The risk at this stage is minimal, because no one forbids it later.

We plan what we will use to get to Riga

We have already done an overview of the most economical ways to travel, which you can read by following this link ().

In our understanding, the best solution is an airplane. With absolutely reasonable prices, you do not waste a night on the train (with a mandatory rise at three in the morning for customs control), do not waste your nerves crossing the border by car and do not shake on the bus for fifteen hours.

Getting ready and dreaming about the trip

The worries are over, it's time to plan your trip. First, we search the Internet for travel guides around Riga.

You can't, there are sites, and so to download to your phone? But you don't want to buy books - carry them around the city later?

Well, it is quite a reasonable desire, which we are going to meet - on our website you can download (and, free) four parts of the Riga guide -

No copyright infringement - the guide has been prepared by the site and we give you all the rights to use and distribute it! (just don't change anything in the text) In the near future the fourth part will be released - “Riga - the pearl of Jugendstil”. We can promise that it will not be the last.

Finally, we have available advice on where and how to pay for parking .. oh, it's not good to praise yourself, so let's stop here and wish you an unforgettable vacation in the most beautiful city in the Baltic States!

We have been planning a trip to Latvia for a long time. And then somehow all the cards came together. I wanted to change the scenery, but to go close and the sea was.

I'll start with a pleasant one - a visa. I heard that Latvians are harmful in this regard, and you shouldn't count on a long-term visa. But here the brothers did not let us down: they opened a six-month "cartoon" to all the members of our trip. I will not write about the whole process, documents, etc. I will only say that the delivery service Pony express surprised me. This service is provided free of charge at the visa center and the passports are delivered straight home.

We went on a trip by car. It came out more budgetary and on the spot we had our hands untied, that is, our legs. The whole trip took 13 hours, including the border. There were no problems at the border control. Everything is fast and clear. But here the main thing is to calculate the time and not get into the border guard shift. Usually it is from 8 to 9 and from 20 to 21.


Riga welcomed us with wonderful weather. Despite the fact that it was August, it was good luck to find +30 degrees in the Baltics. I can confidently add Latvia to the list of cities where I would like to return. Therefore, I will write down the points how and what and answer the main questions.

What to see?

Of course, the most important asset and charm of Riga is the old city. You can safely park your car on the outskirts and go sightseeing on foot.

  • The Dome Cathedral is the country's main cathedral and a must-see. This is a fairly ancient structure. The first stone was solemnly laid already in 1211. Since then, it has been rebuilt many times, but it has not lost its greatness.

Unfortunately, when we were there, the spire and tower were completely in the forests, so there are no particularly beautiful photos. But then we went to the historical museum. The ticket cost 3 euros.

The main asset of any Catholic cathedral is its organ. We were not lucky and it was restored, but now in the Dome Cathedral they regularly hold not only services, but also concerts. The poster can be viewed on the official website. If there is an opportunity to hear the music of this particular organ, then it should not be missed. It is not for nothing that he was recognized as sounding wonderful in the world.

The interior decoration is not particularly luxurious, but how calm it is ...

Stained glass is an integral part of all Catholic cathedrals.

There is an observation deck at a height of 72 m where an elevator will take you. From a bird's eye view, there is an excellent view of the city on the banks of the Dvina. The observation deck is open every day, except Monday.

  • Main Dome Square. She seemed a bit typical to me. It is very similar to the squares where the Gothic style is preferred, as in Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary. The same neat gingerbread houses.

  • Cat house. I used to think that Egypt is the country of cats, but it turns out that Latvia. They are everywhere and all black! Superstitious people would go crazy. But as a desperate cat lover, I wanted to see this particular house.



The story goes: the house belonged to Mr. Blumer, who really dreamed of joining the guild, which was located opposite his house, but he was not accepted in any way. As a sign of protest, he installed black cats on the roof and turned them around with their priests towards the guild. As a result, comrade Blumer was nevertheless accepted into the coveted state, and the cats were turned in the opposite direction. But since then they have been symbols of Riga.

  • Narrow streets of Riga. Back in the days of the USSR, if it was necessary to film "abroad" in a movie, then we went to Riga, because even then it resembled Europe as much as possible. Such film masterpieces as Sherlock Holmes and 17 Moments of Spring were filmed here.



  • Monument to the Bremen Town Musicians.


The monument was cast by the Bremen sculptor Christa Baumgartel. The moment is depicted when the musicians look into the window to the robbers, and judging by their worn noses, everyone believes in the magical power of these guys. But they look creepy.

Within walking distance from Old Riga, or as the locals affectionately call it - an old woman, there are also several attractions.

  • Powder Tower.



  • Lyme clock. In Latvia there is Laima not only Vaikule, but also watches, and even sweets. By the way, Lyme is translated into Russian as "happiness". An invariable meeting place for all citizens. They are located opposite the Freedom Monument.



Riga National Opera. Quite a significant place in the city.


This is a fast food cafe. The specialty of this institution is spicy dishes. Every day the menu changes and opposite each dish there are hot chili peppers, which determine the sharpness of the sensations. Maximum 10. On the day we were there, the hottest thing was with 3 peppers. I must say right away that tears come out from a dish with 2 peppers, and with 3 you breathe fire. It is scary to imagine the level of extreme with 10 points.

The prices are very nice. You can take both the whole dish and half of the serving. This establishment is closed on weekends! And on weekdays it works from 11 am to 8:30 pm.

Address: Gertrudes iela, 6

2nd place. Lido restaurant. A fairly well-known restaurant with unusually beautiful decorations! I advise you to first walk around the territory and take a couple of pictures, and then go inside. There is a buffet restaurant on the ground floor. Take a tray and fill it with whatever you want. I must say right away, everything is delicious! Especially desserts. There is a bar on the -1 floor. They also have their own mini-brewery, where they brew beer and immediately serve it to guests. And on the 2nd floor there is a restaurant, a banquet hall. There is already dinner on the menu. The choice is yours. But the interior is incredible! And how beautiful it is at Christmas, I can't even imagine.

Soon, very soon it's already New Year's holidays. Where to go for the holidays? The company "A-Renta" is ready not only to provide you with really affordable prices for car rental from Moscow, but also to submit ideas for holidays. For example, why not arrange a romantic car trip in the Baltics?

Many treat the Baltics with disdain: they say, the countries of the former USSR, which zealously rushed to Europe, although there is no European smell there. There is nothing to watch, service is zero, and the attitude of the Balts to us, Russians ... to put it mildly, leaves. However, those who think so are fundamentally wrong. Let's try to break the prevailing stereotypes by driving a car across the Baltic states.

Traveling to the Baltics by car

Taking care of the documents in advance is a must:

  1. For those who travel by car, it is necessary to issue a so-called Green Card, which will need to be presented when crossing the border.
  2. And do not forget that Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are members of the European Union, therefore passports must have valid visas.

How to get there?

You can get to the Baltics in two ways: through Belarus and through the Leningrad Region. Residents of central Russia, as a rule, travel through Belarus. Therefore, if you need a car to the Baltics from Moscow, then at the same time you can also look at some of our former out of the corner of your eye, as they say.

Tests at customs

The first and perhaps the only thing that darkens the journey by car is the incredible queues at the border with Lithuania. You can stand for 6, 8, 12 hours. This is as lucky as anyone. You need to be prepared for the fact that impudent drivers on cool cars with thieves' license plates pass through the queue. And for some reason they are allowed to pass.

Before the trip, it is better to "scan" the forums of auto travelers, where people share their observations and thoughts about what time it is best to cross the border.

The very procedure of searching the car and passports takes a little time.

Traveling in the Baltics ...


And the cherished stamps on crossing the border are in the passports: you are in Lithuania.

The most famous Lithuanian city Vilnius is a must-see. Don't be confused by the old five-story buildings of the Khrushchev era. Yes, they are the ones who will meet you at the entrance to the city. But the so-called Old Town in Vilnius is incredible:

  • cozy atmosphere,
  • small streets,
  • beautiful architecture of ancient buildings,
  • paved paths,
  • hospitable cafes - that's what you should visit Vilnius for!

In addition to visiting sights in Lithuania, you should definitely ride along the coast. Both Klaipeda and little-known Palanga are perfect for a seaside holiday. Palanga, by the way, is the largest resort city on the Lithuanian coast. And housing prices, as well as food prices, bite there a lot.


You don't have to cross any borders to get to neighboring Latvia. It takes about four hours to drive from Lithuania to Latvia.

Naturally, the first city to see is stunning Riga. The old town in Riga is one of the most beautiful in all of Europe. There are incredible old buildings, cathedrals, squares at every step. An ideal place for romantic walks for two or for visiting with the whole family.

Cozy cafes are located here and there on small streets. The prices are truly European. A fairly modest lunch for three will cost no less than 50-60 euros.

The most important thing to know about Riga for those traveling by car is paid parking in the Old Town itself. You can leave the car for free only in specially designated places and only for a few hours. Usually at night.

When booking a hotel, it is important to clarify whether there are free parking spaces, which, most likely, will not be included in the price. In addition to Riga, car travelers are advised to look into Jurmala, Cesis and Liepaja.


The last in line, but not the last in beauty, is Estonia.

Traditionally, start your acquaintance with the country from the Old Town in Tallinn. There are a lot of incredibly beautiful towers, town halls, fortresses and cathedrals. The center of the Old Town is the famous Town Hall Square. The place is truly amazing: once you find yourself there, it is as if you are transported to the Middle Ages. It seems that a little bit more and a knight will gallop into the square from the neighboring street on horseback.
By the way, many cafes that are located in the Old Town at every step are decorated in a medieval style. The prices are quite high. The closer to the Town Hall Square, the more expensive.

Another must-see place in Estonia is Tartu. A very beautiful city with one of the oldest universities in Northern Europe. Take the time to get to Haapsalu - the "Venice of the North" in Estonia. Haapsalu will amaze you with its small streets and cute wooden houses.

Sharing impressions

So, the general impression of the Baltics:

  1. Incredible, beautiful, atmospheric.
  2. The tracks and roads are perfect, everything is very clean and comfortable.
  3. Ancient buildings and churches are amazing.
  4. They treat our compatriots very well, they are always ready to help suggest a route or any other question.
  5. Cafes and restaurants have a menu in Russian. The waiters are very welcoming and friendly. They are constantly wondering if everything is good and if they liked the ordered dishes.
  6. Almost everyone speaks excellent Russian. The only exception is young people. She almost does not speak Russian.
  7. Hotels for every taste and budget, and there are almost always empty seats. (It is better to book the room you like for the night, if you wish it can always be extended).
  8. Be sure to take warm clothes with you. Even in summer it can be very cold in the Baltics. Nature is especially capricious in Estonia: it often rains there, the temperature in July-August can only reach + 16-17 degrees.
  9. Cons: long border crossing from Russia and back. And also the prices in the cafe: they are quite high, designed for wealthy Germans and Frenchmen, of whom, by the way, there are a lot.

Don't let the rising currency rate scare you. If you plan your trip well, the trip will cost you a fraction of the cost. I was convinced of this once again during my last trip to the Baltic countries.

1. Buses between Riga, Vilnius and Tallinn for 3 euros
The capitals of the Baltic countries are connected by a bunch of bus routes with great service (toilet, heating, Wi-Fi and even free monitors).

The SimpleExpress carrier throws out 5 promotional tickets for each flight exactly six months before departure. Travel Vilnius-Tallinn, Vilnius-Riga, Riga Tallinn and back for only 3 euros.
There are also ongoing promotions in the bus companies LuxExpress, Ecolines, and Eurolines.
Discounts can be up to 70% and a ticket for an international route costs around 5 euros.

2. Discounts on railways and buses.

There is a 15% discount on Lithuanian railways when buying a round-trip ticket. Remind the cashier about this. In Latvia, travel by electric trains on weekdays during working hours is a quarter cheaper. Between Estonian cities it is better to travel by SuperBus buses. The ticket costs 2 euros (the cunning ones indicate the price in Eureka, but you can't get away from paying for reservations).

3. Do not overpay for travel in cities.

The cost of travel in public transport for our money is crazy. For example, in Riga a ticket costs 2 euros when bought from a driver! However, the same ticket in the machine will cost you 1.15 euros. If you will use the transport more than 4 times in 24 hours (from the date of the ticket breaking through), then it is more advisable to buy a travel card for 5 euros.

In Tallinn and Vilnius, you need to buy a special plastic card for multiple trips. They cost 2 and 1.5 euros, respectively. In the capital of Estonia, it can be returned (but only at the customer service center), Lithuanians do not return money.

4. Get free cards at tourist centers.

Each tourist information center provides a free paper map of a city, region or the entire country. As a rule, they are located in the main squares of cities, train stations and airports. Do not hesitate to ask travel agency workers about the events that take place in the city, free museums and where to eat inexpensively but deliciously.

5. Business lunches, canteens and fast food.

On weekdays at lunchtime (usually from 11 to 15), many restaurants offer set meals (or business lunches) at a significant discount. For example, in the center of Tallinn in the Karja Kelder restaurant, minced meat soup (this is how it was presented to us) and the main dish (pictured) cost us only 3.7 euros.
There are still Soviet canteens in Vilnius. Lithuanian they will be Valgykla.
If the goal is to satisfy hunger, then in Riga fast foods you can buy a complex: burger, french fries and cola for 2.65 euros.

6. Where is it more profitable to refuel?

The cheapest gasoline among the three Baltic countries is in Estonia. A liter of the 95th costs a little more than euros. You will have to pay the most in Latvia. The difference in the price of fuel between states is within 10 cents.

7. No money for the museum and parliament.

There are a number of interesting museums where admission is absolutely free or the fee is purely symbolic. For example, these are museums of money at banks in Estonia and Lithuania. It's not boring here - it's very modern and interactive. You can even print your own money or treat yourself to a bank-branded candy.

Also in the Baltic countries there is a great opportunity to visit local parliaments. You can sign up for an excursion to the Lithuanian Sejm or the Estonian Parliament in advance.

The art museums in Tallinn have the so-called "One Euros of the Environment". Entry once a quarter on Wednesdays for € 1. Check the museum website before you travel!

Some museums have free admission with a press ID. And it doesn't matter if it is "Zhmerynsky worker" or "Forbes Ukraine". For example, in the interesting Maritime Museum Tallinn. Employees of other museums (including ours) also have a similar benefit.

8. Shopping from catalogs in supermarkets.

The lowest supermarkets in Lithuania. We're mad about their chocolate curds! Price from 0.2 eurocents. Citrus fruits - like ours. Please bring your promotional pricing brochure before entering the supermarket. Sometimes the discount can be up to 50%. Of course, everything that is cheaper to take is not worth it, but in this way we bought ourselves delicious Riga sprats or double snickers with coffee in an IKI supermarket for 1 euro.

9. We book accommodation earlier.

We booked a hotel in Riga a couple of months in advance. In addition to discounts for early booking, we used a promotional code on the hotel website. Won more than € 10 A friend of mine used Airbnb. Had a private room in Tallinn for 9 euros.