What is the modern name of the city of Helsingfors. Open left menu Helsinki

Scientific, industrial, educational and cultural center of the country. It was founded in 1550 by King Gustav Vasa of Sweden. For a long time, until the 18th century, Helsinki remained a small town, mostly of wooden construction. However, in 1748, on the islands located near Helsinki, the Swedes begin building the Sveaborg fortress to protect the city from attack from the sea. This gives impetus to the further development of the settlement.

Helsinki was captured four times by Russian troops. Twice in May and July 1713 during the Great Northern War, then during the Russo-Swedish War of 1741-43 and the Russo-Swedish War of 1808-09. During Russian rule, the rapid development of the city begins, which made the central part of Helsinki similar to St. Petersburg. In 1860, the first railway was built in Finland, connecting Helsinki with Tampere and Riihimäki. And in 1870 the railway was laid to St. Petersburg.

Helsinki is a city created for tourism, since most of its attractions are in close proximity to each other. The environment of the Senate Square is a unique architectural ensemble in the neoclassical style. It consists of four buildings designed by Karl-Ludwig Engel in 1822-1852: the building of the State Council, the Cathedral, the National Library and the Main Building of the University. In addition, on the Senate Square there is a monument to Emperor Alexander II by Walter Runeberg, 1894. The bronze sculpture stands on a red granite pedestal.

One of the main attractions of Helsinki is the Assumption Cathedral. Erected according to the project developed by the Russian architect A.M. Gornostaev in 1886, at present it is the largest cathedral in Western and Northern Europe. The exterior of the cathedral is made in the pseudo-Byzantine style and makes an indelible impression. It stands on a high rock, and from the platform at the entrance to the cathedral offers a magnificent view of Helsinki.

The Cathedral, standing on Senate Square, designed by Karl-Ludwig Engel, was built in the period from 1822 to 1852, simultaneously with St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg and has much in common with it.

Do not ignore the symbol of Helsinki - the Havis Amanda fountain, which means "sea nymph" in Swedish. Made in 1905 in Paris, it was installed in Helsinki in 1908 and features an image of a young woman emerging from the water. The fountain is located on another iconic place in Helsinki - Market Square, where you can buy souvenirs, all kinds of sweets and drink coffee all year round.

In addition, Helsinki is a very green city: all kinds of parks, squares and gardens occupy a third of the total area of ​​the city. The most famous and oldest park in Helsinki is Kaivopuisto. The park is home to many embassies, including those of the United States and Russia. The beauty of the surrounding nature, the proximity of the sea, rocks, spacious green lawns have made the park a favorite vacation spot for citizens and guests of the city. At the highest point in the park is the Ursa observatory. And on the nearest islands and the seashore, restaurants and cafes await their visitors.

One of the oldest parks in the city, founded in 1812 for public use, is Kaisaniemi Park. It owes its name to the owner of the restaurant located in the park, Kaisa Vallund. The restaurant, by the way, is still open today. The park itself smoothly flows into the botanical garden founded in 1829.

In addition, it is certainly worth visiting the Sveaborg fortress (now Suomenlinna). Located on the islands near Helsinki, the fortress was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1991. Currently, the fortress houses the Finnish Navy Naval Academy, several museums and a light security prison, whose prisoners maintain the fortress in proper condition. On the territory of the fortress there are museums: the Manege War Museum, the Ehrensvärd Museum, the Suomenlinna Museum, the Toy Museum, the Customs Museum and the Vessiko submarine. Entrance to the territory of the fortress is free, but you will have to pay to see the exposition of museums.

Particular attention should be paid to visiting the Temppeliaukio church, which is completely carved into the rock. One of the principles used in the construction of the church was the complete preservation of the surrounding landscape. And the interior, completely carved into the rock mass, is illuminated by natural light that enters through the glass dome of the building. The excellent acoustic characteristics of the church have led to the fact that it hosts many concerts. It was consecrated in 1969 and is visited by more than half a million people a year.

In addition, one of the largest and northernmost zoos in the world, Korkeasaari, and the Serena Water Park, the largest in Northern Europe, are located in Helsinki. In addition, Helsinki has a large number of theaters, cafes and restaurants, entertainment centers and other establishments created in order to brighten up the leisure of a tired tourist.

And if you visit Helsinki in the summer, you can use the free bicycles provided at 26 parking lots located in the city center to explore the historical part of the city, the deposit for a bike is only 2 euros.

According to the English magazine Monocle, Helsinki topped the list of the best cities in the world in 2011. In the same 2011, Helsinki was recognized as one of the safest (after Luxembourg) cities in the world. And in 2012, The New York Times ranked Helsinki second on its list of cities to visit.

The harsh beauty of this city, located on the rocks, can amaze the imagination and be remembered forever.



Helsingfors, the capital of Finland. The city was founded in 1550 under the name of Swede Helsingfors; helsing base is often found in scand. place names, but its meaning is unclear, fors Swede, "waterfall". Fin. name of Helsinki (Helsinki) derived from Swede. waterfall names. In Russia until 1917 G. was taken by Helsingfors.

Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001 .


(Helsinki, Helsingfors), Swedish Gelsingfors , capital Finland. The city is located in the south of the country, on the coast Finnish Hall. the Baltic Sea. 539 thousand inhabitants (1998), in the agglomeration, incl. the cities of Vanta and Espoo, more than 800 thousand people. The climate is temperate, transitional to continental. Avg. January temperature -9.7 °С, July 16.8 °С, precipitation approx. 700 mm per year. The bay freezes for a short time in winter. X. was founded in 1550 by decree of the Swedish king, in 1641 it was moved 5 km to the south, in the 2nd half of the 18th century. At the entrance to the harbor, the Swedes erected the fortress of Sveaborg. Since 1812, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Finland (part of the Russian Empire), since December 1917 - independent Finland. The historical core of X. is the Estnes peninsula and the fortress of Sveaborg. The main architectural monuments belong to the era of classicism of the 1st half of the 19th century: the building of the former. Senate (1822), St. Nicholas Cathedral (1830–52), Helsinki University with a library (1828–45). Archite. the buildings of the Finnish nationality are also of value. theater (1901), nat. museum (1906–09), center. station (1904–14), parliament (1927–31). Univ., Academy of Music. J. Sibelius, the Academy of Fine Arts, the Academy of Finland and a number of scientific institutions. Botanical Garden. Finnish national opera, national Finnish and Swedish theaters, a number of other theaters. Important railroad. node, seaport, intl. Malmi airport. Ferry service to Tallinn. Machining; chemical, ceramic, text, sewing, knitwear, leather shoes, furniture, paper, polygraph, food. prom. Metropolitan. In 1952, the Games of the XV Olympiad were held in X. In 1975, the final act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe was signed here.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .


Helsinki (Swedish name - Helsingfors) is the capital of Finland and the administrative center of the land of Usima. The city stands on the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia of the Baltic Sea. The population of the capital is about 508 thousand inhabitants. Helsinki was founded in 1550 and since 1812 has been the main city of the Grand Duchy of Finland (part of the Russian Empire). At the end of 1917 the city became the capital of independent Finland.
Helsinki is a modern city characterized by an international character, links with East and West, and strong cultural development. Busy business life gives the whole region a new dynamic.
The sea surrounding Helsinki gives the city a special charm. This is an integral part of the urban appearance of the capital. The coastline of the city is almost 100 km, and there are 300 islands in the water area. During the summer, it is very popular to visit the islands of the archipelago. In winter, the islands can be reached by sea ice.
The inhabitants of Finland affectionately call their capital the daughter of the Baltic Sea. The city center is located on a cape surrounded by the sea. Today's Helsinki is a wonderful combination of old and new, the beauty of the city with the beauty of nature. A specific feature of the city's architecture is quite significant built-up areas according to a single plan, which represent various trends in architecture from neoclassicism to modern school, such as Ruoholati. The real masterpieces of architecture are the buildings in the Empire style on the Senate Square: the cathedral, the university, the state council.
Cultural life is at its best, and the election of Helsinki as one of the European Capitals of Culture in 2000 was an acknowledgment of this. The variety of cultural life is provided by three symphony orchestras. The National Opera and Ballet, almost 70 museums, a large number of art galleries, excellent concert halls, 8 theaters, etc. The National Opera is a meeting place for lovers of theater, ballet and opera, and in the Museum of Modern Art, lovers of the avant-garde direction can see Finnish and world avant-garde art of our time.
The parish center of Helsinki, located in Vanta, is an example of a compositionally intact rural settlement of the 17th-19th centuries that has survived. It is declared a monument of national importance and is subject to protection by a landscape complex. Nissbakka Manor dates back to the 16th century. In the summer, temporary art exhibitions are held in its park and exhibition rooms, and the works of the sculptor Laila Pullinet are also presented there.
At the turn of the century, Art Nouveau style appeared in Helsinki, examples of which can be seen in the Katajanokka area. Other important attractions are eg. The Finlandia Palace, the church carved into the rock on Cathedral Square, the Sibelius Monument, the Olympic Stadium and the new Opera House. A suitable object for a walk on the sea is the zoo on the island of Korkeasaari, located near the center.
The Esplanade is the busiest shopping street in the city, which starts from the Market Square located on the seashore. The largest metropolitan department stores are located nearby. Along with the popularity of a trading city, Helsinki has also gained fame as a city of traditional diplomatic meetings, international conferences and congresses, so it can rightly be called the Geneva of the North. In 1952, the games of the XV Olympiad were held here.
Helsinki is interesting for tourists at any time of the year. In summer, bright nights and the sea, in winter, snow and the intense rhythm of the city attract. On Christmas and New Year's Eve, department stores beckon with a wide selection of gifts. But even then there are many concerts and theatrical performances.
Helsinki is a major seaport and the main industrial center of the country. Mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, electrical, textile, chemical, ceramic, food industries are developed here. The city has a subway. International transportation is carried out by Malmi Airport.
The capital is home to the University of Helsinki, the J. Sibelius Academy of Music (1882), the Academy of Fine Arts, the Suomenlinna Fortress Museum (Sveaborg), the Ateneum Art Museum, the Architectural, National, Customs, Ethnographic and other museums.
In 2000 Helsinki will celebrate the 450th anniversary of the city.

Encyclopedia: cities and countries. 2008 .


Helsinki (population - about 546 thousand people) - the capital of Finland (cm. Finland)- called the White City of the North. It stands on the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia in the southernmost part of Finland. Here is the main Finnish port. The city center is located on a cape surrounded by the sea. The sea is an integral part of the city. No wonder the inhabitants call Helsinki “the daughter of the Baltic Sea”. The Helsinki region, or Greater Helsinki, adjoins the capital. The cities of Vantaa with Espoo International Airport, Tikkurila, Kauniainen, Järvenpää and Kerava, the municipalities of Tuusula, Nurmijärvi and Vihti are located in this area.
Helsinki was founded by King Gustav Vasa of Sweden in 1550 at the mouth of the Vantaa River. In 1640, the Governor-General of Finland, Peter Braahe, ordered the city to be moved to the peninsula, where the city center is now located. Four years later, a fire destroyed most of Helsinki. In 1710, a plague broke out in Helsinki, killing about half of the population. Not much more than three hundred people survived. After the war of 1808-1809, when Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland within the Russian Empire, the city became the capital of Finland in 1812 by the imperial decree of Alexander the First. Since 1917 Helsinki has been the capital of independent Finland. During the Second World War, Helsinki, along with London and Moscow, was the only capital in Europe that was not occupied during the entire war, the capital of the country that took part in the war. After the war, Helsinki was the site of many important international events: the 1952 Olympic Games, the 1970 Consultative Meeting on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, and the 1975 Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
What attracts Helsinki today is the perfect combination of old and new, the beauty of the city with the beauty of nature. A significant part of the city was built according to a single plan; these areas represent various trends in architecture from neoclassicism to modern school, such as Ruoholati.
The real masterpieces of architecture are the buildings in the Empire style on the Senate Square: the Cathedral, the University, the State Council. The Senate Square with the buildings surrounding it was built according to the designs of K. L. Engel. All buildings were erected between 1818 and 1852. The main merit of the architect is that he managed to create a harmonious and integral ensemble, sustained within the framework of neoclassicism, on a terrain rugged by hills and rocks.
In the center of the square there is a monument to Alexander II, created in 1894 by Walter Runeberg. Emperor Alexander II was loved by the Finnish people because he granted autonomy to the Finns. Alexander II is depicted in the form of a guards officer during a speech. Around the imperial figure is a sculptural group: "Law", "Peace", "Light" and "Labor".
The project of the cathedral, the old name of St. Nicholas Cathedral, was created in early 1818 by the architect Enzhel, but construction work began only in 1830. In 1852 the Temple was consecrated. Angel was very pleased with the progress of the construction of the Temple. In his last letter, dated September 3, 1839, he wrote: "Elegance, which is difficult to surpass, prevails in the appearance of the Temple." Unfortunately, the architect never saw his creation fully completed.
In section, the Temple has the shape of a Byzantine cross. The cathedral is crowned with a high central dome and Corinthian columns on each side. Angel's successor, E. B. Lohrmann, added 4 small towers and two buildings from the side of the Senate Square to the structure of the building. Later statues of 12 apostles were added.
The building of the university was built in 1832, but the university itself is much older: it is over 350 years old. The university was founded in the city of Turku, and after the fire was moved to Helsinki.
One of the most interesting sights of Helsinki is the church on Temppelinaukio Square, carved right into the rock. Its only decoration is the copper plates that line the ceiling; the church does not even have a dome. The church in the rock is perhaps the most successful monument of Art Nouveau architecture. It was built in just a year by Finnish architects Timo and Tuomo Suomalainen. In 1969, the church was consecrated, and very soon it received the status of an international church. The church building has the best acoustics in the world. Concerts of organ and violin music are held here.
The oldest building on the territory of the city is the sea fortress Sveaborg (Finnish name is Suomenlinna). Its construction began in 1748, when Finland was part of Sweden. The architect and construction manager is the famous Swedish military leader, Count A. Ehrensvard. In 1808, during the Russian-Swedish war, the fortress passed to Russia. With the transfer of the capital of the Grand Duchy of Finland to Helsinki, Sveaborg acquired great strategic importance as a military base guarding the sea approaches to the city. After Finland gained independence, the fortress was first used as a concentration camp for soldiers of the Finnish Red Guard. Then a military garrison was housed here, and in 1973 Sveaborg passed under civilian control and turned into a unique open-air archipelago museum that keeps the history of three countries - Sweden, Russia and Finland.
Among the main attractions, in addition to the fortifications themselves, are a Finnish submarine from the Second World War, the Manege military museum, museums of dolls and toys, customs, several art galleries.
Helsinki is home to Europe's largest Orthodox Cathedral, the Assumption Cathedral. The cathedral was built in 1868 by the architect Alexander Gornostaev. Architectural solutions date back to church wooden architecture of the 14th century. According to Orthodox tradition, the architecture of the cathedral has a lot of symbolism: 13 onion domes - a symbol of Christ and the twelve apostles. The interior is made in the Byzantine and Russian traditions.
One of the most visited attractions in Helsinki is the monument to the composer Sibelius.
The competition for the best project, held by the Sibelius Society, was won by Eila Hiltunen. The competition aroused great interest among the public: the dispute between abstractionists and figuratives was resolved when a bust of Sibelius was added to Hiltunen's composition. What makes this monument unique is its spatial solution, which allows visitors to go inside, where various acoustic effects are achieved.
In the center of Helsinki, a huge station building stands out, built in the early 20th century by the architect E. Saarinen in the style of national romanticism, using decorative elements of medieval Finnish architecture.
Impressive with its massiveness is the Parliament building, a symbol of Finland's independence, built in the late 1920s by the architect J. Siren in the neoclassical style. Not far from the Parliament, a monument to Marshal K. G. Mannerheim was erected, the central avenue of the city was named after him. Next to the Parliament is the National Museum built in the form of a medieval castle.
The statue of a cheerful nymph, created by the sculptor Ville Wallgren, was erected in the autumn of 1908. For almost 100 years it has been one of the symbols of Helsinki. Unlike other monuments to great figures located in the city center, this fountain is distinguished by playfulness and ease. The statue was named "Havis Amanda", which means "sea nymph" in Swedish. In the 1930s, a tradition appeared on the student holiday "Vappa", which falls on May 1, to put a student cap on the head of Manta (as the Finns call the statue).

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .


See what "Helsinki" is in other dictionaries:

    Helsinki- Helsinki. The building of the Finnish National Theatre. HELSINKI (Swedish Helsingfors), the capital (since 1917) of Finland. 502 thousand inhabitants. Port on the coast of the Gulf of Finland; international Airport. Metropolitan. Mechanical engineering (shipbuilding, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Helsinki), Swedish Helsingfors (Helsingfors), the capital of Finland. It is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea. The city was founded in 1550. Planned building was carried out from the beginning of the 19th century. according to a regular plan (1808 17, architect I. ... ... Art Encyclopedia

    - [Finnish. Helsinki is the name of the capital of Finland] watered. the abbreviated name of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), signed by the heads of 35 participating countries (including the USSR and the USA) in 1975 in Helsinki with ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Helsinki, the dynamically developing capital of Finland, is a city filled with life and energy, located on the sea coast, with beautiful islands and luxurious green parks. Helsinki is a city with its amazing and unique rhythm that impresses visitors with its cuisine, design, architecture and saunas! Helsinki, like all the northern European culture represented in it, was created by the painstaking work of local residents.

Helsinki is the largest city in Finland. The population living in the metropolitan area is 1.4 million. If you look at the map, you can see that Helsinki is comfortably located in the northernmost corner of Europe, but getting to it is not difficult, thanks to convenient flights connecting eastern and western directions. No flights? No problem! Helsinki can be easily reached from St. Petersburg, Estonia and Sweden via the Baltic Sea. In fact, the sea is one of the most characteristic elements of this city. The Helsinki archipelago consists of more than 300 islands that captivate with their beauty.

Life in the city proceeds in an imposing and unhurried rhythm, and it is very easy to establish contact with this city, both literally and figuratively. Helsinki's public transport system is considered one of the best in the world - thanks to one excellent metro line - the city is also easy to get around on foot or by bike.

In addition to Helsinki, within the radius of the capital region there are also other equally interesting cities to visit and places full of attractions. These include the neighboring cities of Espoo and Vantaa, the historic city of Porvoo, the Järvenpäa-Tuusula region, known for its rich artistic heritage, and the artisan villages west of Helsinki that were once home to iron foundries. Less than 2 hours from Helsinki there are 6 national parks and countless other natural attractions.

Go for a walk in the woods, enjoy concerts, festivals, a traditional Nordic dinner or visit one of the iconic public saunas - you'll find it all here!

The capital of Finland is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland and is famous for its picturesque landscapes and architecture. Helsinki is a unique city that brings all the best features of Finland together. In 2011, the city was recognized as one of the best in the world, so you should definitely come here and feel what the capital of Finland is so famous for.

Finnish Helsinki attracts Russian tourists with its location, so many vacationers emphasize that this is one of the best weekend options.

The capital of Finland is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea. The city is the largest in the province of Uusimaa.

Helsinki on the world map

City climate

The capital of Finland is a city with a temperate climate, but a little milder than in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The longest season is winter, but the temperature very rarely drops below -17°C, in summer the temperature does not rise above +30°C. Helsinki in winter is an opportunity to visit ski resorts, and in summer you can walk around the city and see all the sights. The climate in Helsinki is mild, so there are no large temperature fluctuations, which makes the city attractive to tourists from all over the world.

In autumn there are heavy rains, so many say that the most favorable time for a trip is July.

What you can see in the capital of Finland - Helsinki

  1. Senate Square is the main square of Helsinki and the most popular place among tourists. Here is the Cathedral, which is known as the Nicholas Cathedral. Also here are the buildings of the Senate, the university and a monument to the patron saint of Finland - Alexander II.
  2. Assumption Cathedral is the largest Orthodox church in Northern Europe.
  3. The fortress of Sveaborg was built in order to defend the city from opponents. Now there are museums that will tell in more detail about the history of the state.
  4. Zoo Korkeasaari, which is located on the island and has a large number of animals and plants.
  5. Temppelaukio Church, which is located in the rock and is a unique landmark of the city. The acoustics here are incredible, so concerts are often held indoors.

Where to stay in Helsinki

There are many hotel options in the capital of Finland, which differ in cost and level of comfort. Here you can stay in budget three-star hotels or more expensive five-star hotels. In addition, the location of the hotel is of great importance, so tourists who plan to get acquainted with the city center can choose a hotel here so as not to waste time and money on moving around the city.

Helsinki has economy class hotels, hotels with a lot of additional services, such as a spa center, and even hotels where you can stay with animals.

Where to eat

There are a lot of establishments in the city, so tourists have a lot to choose from. Swedish and Russian cuisines harmoniously merge here. But still, the Finns have their own national dishes, which can be tasted both in large tourist places and small restaurants, where the main visitors are local residents.

The city has very expensive meat, but the prices of desserts and berry sauces are also not inferior, so it’s better to visit non-tourist places. Very often there are more suggestions on the menu in Finnish.

Map of Helsinki with attractions

  1. In Helsinki it is not customary to haggle in most shops and malls, but it can be done in smaller markets.
  2. Tips in restaurants and hotels are included in the price, so it is not customary to leave extra money.
  3. In hotels, high-class service, regardless of the number of stars.
  4. Tourists who come with their families can take advantage of a favorable system of discounts.
  5. Smoking is prohibited in public places, but littering is also prohibited, because fines are high here and Finns carefully monitor the environment.
  6. You need to have an ID with you to avoid trouble.
  7. During the Christmas holidays there are big discounts, so this is the best time for shopping and buying gifts for loved ones.
  8. Tourists who are going to recover in nature should wear tightly closed clothes and take insect repellent so that no one spoils the rest.
  9. In Helsinki, there are many home goods that will not leave anyone indifferent.
  10. Many tourist areas have free internet, also on some buses with the WLAN sign and in all restaurants, cafes, bars.

If you ask the average Russian to write down several associations that arise after pronouncing the word "Finland", a number of similar concepts will appear on paper, such as cold, lakes, Scandinavia, Santa Claus and, of course, Helsinki.

Helsinki! This material aims to give the interested reader as much information as possible about this amazing city - the capital of a neighboring state, which will increase the associative list at least three times.

What does "Helsinki" mean: interpretation of the name

There are many legends, each of which tells about the etymology of the name Helsinki. Two of them, compared with many mythical stories, have a more real appearance:

  1. Swedish name sounds like Helsingfors. The Finns, being somewhat lazy by nature, decided to shorten the long word, giving it their own national flavor.

The Swedish name itself is made up of 2 separate lexemes: "Helsin" and fors.

The first comes from a Swedish word meaning “narrow section”: two cities in Sweden with similar names - Helsigør and Helsingborg - are located on opposite banks of the narrow strait.

The second part - fors - is interpreted as fort, which means "fortress".

  1. Once upon a time, the inhabitants of Sweden, the province of Hälsingland, settled in southern Finland. Nostalgic for their native places, they called their haven Helsingeå (by analogy with the abandoned homeland). The settlement was located near the Helsingfors waterfall. In 1550 a city was founded here. The progenitor and founder of Helsinki was Gustav Vassa, one of the Finnish kings.

Geographic location of Helsinki

With. w.- 600 10’ 24”;
v. e. – 240 56’ 55”.

The city is located in the southern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, right on the coast of the Gulf of Finland. The territory of Helsinki occupies about 1150 km 2, it is a total space of 315 islands.

Important: In Helsinki, it is customary to switch the clocks to daylight saving time, so 2 time zone designations are applicable to the capital of Finland: UTC + 3 (in summer) and UTC +2 in the rest of the year. Read more about time in Helsinki.
The telephone code of the city is +358 9.

The city of Helsinki is located in the province of Uusimaa, in the province of South. Finland.

Climatic conditions of Helsinki

The northern location of the capital already excludes the presence of a tropical climate in the city with hot summers and snowless winters. The climate of Helsinki is slightly milder compared to the average annual weather in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but the city's location in an open area, around which the water element rages, makes it vulnerable to strong wind currents attacking the mainland from all over the world.

From a tourist point of view, the most favorable time to visit Helsinki is June.

The table shows the average temperature in Helsinki for each month:

Times of Day

in January

in Feb.

in March

in April

in May

in June

in July

in August

in sept.

in Oct.

In November

in December

Daytime (0 C)
Night (0 C)

Administrative divisions of Helsinki

The most densely populated area in Finland - the capital region, with the main city of Helsinki, sheltered more than 1 million people. Every year, the number of local residents of Helsinki and the surrounding area increases by about 10 thousand people. The Central Region is the largest region of the state, consisting of 4 separate cities: Vantaa, Kauniainen, Espoo and the main Finnish metropolis of Helsinki.

The entire southern territory of Finland, located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, belongs to the capital region, which includes 14 administrative units.

The municipalities of the Helsinki region are:

Each municipality of Helsinki chooses its own governing body, which is endowed with certain rights. The responsibilities of municipalities include the implementation of specific activities within the following areas of life:

  • Medical;
  • educational;
  • Communal;
  • Social;
  • Construction.

Elections to the governing bodies of municipalities are held every 4 years.

In addition to dividing Helsinki into municipal units, the city includes several districts, including:

The oldest district of Helsinki, on the territory of which most of the sights of the Finnish capital are located: the Cathedral, the Church of the Holy Trinity, Senate Square, the State Library, etc.

The name of the area comes from Teelenlahti - the bay located in its vicinity. As a new separate administrative unit, it began its existence at the beginning of the last century. The architectural style of buildings made in the spirit of classicism testifies to the belonging of local buildings to a recently bygone era.

The most famous sights of the area are the Sibelius monument with the famous church carved into the rock.

Initially, it was a cape, deep into the bay. The main path that attracts the attention of the tourist public is a surprisingly harmonious combination of old and new, neoclassical and romanticism.

The area was mainly built up in the 1st half of the 20th century. The architecture of local buildings is implemented in the style of "Jugend".

This is a rapidly growing business district of Helsinki.

Rapid construction in the region was observed at the end of the last century. The local landscape is a steep sloping hill, occupying about a kilometer of the territory of the capital.

If your path lies in this area, you should drive to the main harbor of Helsinki or to the shipyard. The developed infrastructure of the territory pleasantly surprises: you will be met by nightclubs and restaurants, fashionable boutiques and bars, and other components of the tourist service.

Kampi is the central district of Helsinki.

It is located near Meilakhdentie - the highway of the capital.

A modern area with a large number of high-rise buildings, located in the northern part of Helsinki.

Basic national concepts

The ethnic composition of Helsinki mirrors the ethnic picture of the whole of Finland. Here they found shelter, and several peoples coexist comfortably. 5 nationalities should be singled out as the most numerous:

(*) information 2011

Karelians are considered here as a sub-ethnos, therefore they are considered to be a Finnish group. The composition of national minorities also includes gypsies, of which there are about 10 thousand people throughout the country.

How to get to Helsinki

Finland is gaining momentum in the tourism business development segment every year. There are several reasons for the ever-increasing popularity of the state among a vibrant and multinational public. In the era of mass tourism for the purpose of education, health improvement, shopping, providing business, new ways of moving citizens over long distances are being developed.

Decided to visit famous places in Helsinki? We recommend choosing one of the 5 modes of transport as a travel option:

  1. Airplane.
  2. A train.
  3. Bus (minibus).
  4. Own transport (car).

Flight: Helsinki-Vantaa Airport

From the two main cities of the Russian Federation - Moscow and St. Petersburg - aircraft of several airlines fly to Helsinki:

  • Modern Aeroflot and Finnair airbuses will take you from the Moscow airport to the capital of Finland. Flight time - 1 hour and 45 minutes;
  • From the airport of the northern capital to Helsinki, passengers are transported by aircraft of the Pulkovo airline. Flight time - 55 min.

Reference: The base airport of the Finnish capital is Helsinki-Vantaa. From here, most of the international and domestic flights of Finnair, a member of the Oneworld international alliance, are made. In addition to the specified carrier, Helsinki-Vantaa "sheltered" Finncomm Airlines and Air Finland.

About 90% of international flights pass through the airport.

Vantaa is a reception point for more than 30 international airlines, including Russian ones.

Helsinki Airport is equipped with two terminals - T1 and T2, international and domestic, respectively. The layout of the terminals is made in the form of a hub. This provides maximum comfort for the transfer of passengers from the arrival area to the departure area.

Speaking of Helsinki-Vantaa, one cannot fail to mention the infrastructure of the airport, namely, Aviapolis, which is a world-class business park. The alliance includes several dozen enterprises involved in servicing the airport. Nearby there are a number of luxury hotels and the famous landmark of Helsinki - the Museum of National Aviation.

Rail connection to Helsinki

An alternative and relatively inexpensive way of passenger transportation from Russia to Finland is a train. Russian Railways and Finnish Railways offer citizens several railway routes:

Train "Allegro" St. Petersburg - Helsinki Flights from Finland Station:
11:25 a.m.;
20 hours 25 minutes;
Return flights:
10:00 a.m.;
Travel time: 3 hours 36 minutes
"Leo Tolstoy", No. 31 and No. 32 Moscow - Helsinki (Helsinki - Moscow)

From the Leningradsky railway station, departure 22.50 (arrival 12.00).

From the railway station of the Finnish capital leaves at 18:23, arrives in Moscow at 8:25.

About 14 hours.
"Repin", No. 33 and No. 34

Departure from the Finland Station in St. Petersburg at 07:27, arrival at 12:35.

Departure from the railway station in Helsinki - at 15:23, arrival in St. Petersburg - at 22:41.

6-7 hours
"Sibelius", No. 35 and No. 36 St. Petersburg - Helsinki (Helsinki - St. Petersburg)

Departure from the station to St. Petersburg - at 16 hours 44 minutes, arrival in Helsinki - 20 hours 58 minutes.

Departure from the railway station of the Finnish capital - at 7:23, back - at 14:05.

6-7 hours

Travel by bus

Bus passenger transportation is considered the cheapest way to deliver Russian citizens to the territory of ancient Suomi, moreover, convenience is provided by a large number of operators that operate regular flights to and from Helsinki.

The transportation of passengers is trusted only by comfortable buses with the most developed service, which includes toilets and air conditioners, spacious luggage compartments, distribution of soft drinks and a light breakfast. Already after 6 or 7 hours the bus arrives at the destination. The starting point of the route of any auto operator is the Oktyabrskaya Hotel, located not far from the Moscow railway station.

Ferry service Russia – Finland

The fact that Russia and Finland have common water borders has led to the popularization of another way of moving - ferry service, despite the fact that it is considered not cheap. If in winter passengers try to buy a ticket for a ferry with a seat in the most comfortable and warm cabin, then in summer they can save money on a ferry crossing: in windless sunny weather, it is not at all necessary to use the amenities of a cabin. You can simply enjoy the coolness, standing on the open deck and admiring the beauty of the expanses of water - affordable, beautiful, convenient.

Sights of Helsinki

The formation of Helsinki is largely associated with a convenient location. The daughter of the Baltic is the second, unofficial name of the capital.

Hundreds of tourists try to visit as many memorable places, historical and modern sights as possible during a short vacation, the vast majority of which are located on the peninsula. Museums and parks, churches and monuments to famous people - colorful photos of Helsinki will remind you of this trip throughout your life.

The most visited and famous places in the Finnish capital include:

Fortress Suomenlinna The sea fortress, one of the largest coastal defense strongholds on the planet, has been under the auspices of UNESCO since 1991.
Helsinki Zoo

Korkeasaari is the name of the zoo in Helsinki, which occupies the whole island.

Linnanmäki - amusement park If you want to ride the highest rollercoaster in the country, or view the city from a 35-meter Ferris wheel, this is the place for you.
Church carved into the rock Lutheran church located in Teele. The monument is carved into the granite thickness and covered with a glass dome, which gives the church a large amount of natural light.
Assumption Cathedral The main Orthodox church of the state, named after the Assumption of the Virgin, built in 1868.
Cathedral The main Lutheran church of the country, located on Sennaya Square (1840)
Ateneum - art museum The repository of the most famous works of world culture. Located near the railway station, on the street. Kayvokatu.
Monument to Sibelius

Monument to the famous Finnish composer Jan

Sibelius is a monument of several hundred short and long copper pipes. One of the most visited places in Helsinki.

Aquapark Sirena Located in Espoo, a suburb of Helsinki, it operates all year round, except for September (at this time, preventive work is carried out here).

Where to stay: hotel service

If you decide to visit Helsinki on your own, refusing the service offered by numerous travel agencies, we suggest considering the following accommodation options:

  1. Hostels are an example of the European system of accommodation for foreign tourists, which consists in providing guests with beds for a short or long period.
  2. Rented apartments are an alternative option. For the price, this option will cost a little more, but if you install an extra bed or a folding bed in the apartment, this method becomes the most attractive in terms of cost.
  3. The Hotel Room type is a modern accommodation option that involves living in a separate apartment converted into a hotel.
  4. Hotel: option does not require additional presentation. The room and the hotel itself are chosen in accordance with life priorities and finances.

Transport Helsinki

– a city that is convenient to travel by public transport, by bike or on foot. At the service of tourists and local residents, the authorities provided several options for vehicles for moving around the capital:

  • Bus;
  • Tram;
  • Taxi.

Payment for travel on any type of transport is made using a single travel card, which can be purchased for a period of 2 hours to 7 days: by purchasing a card in one of the special machines, the validity of which is limited, for example, to 2 hours, its owner can during this time travel by any urban mode of transport. The countdown starts from the first trip.

General characteristics of the economic development of the capital region

The leading position in the list of demanded work areas in Helsinki is occupied by the service sector. The picture of the distribution of jobs in the capital is as follows:

  • 86% belong to the service sector;
  • 14% - to the industrial sector.

The private service sector owns half of the jobs, the public sector - about a third. The direction that brings the maximum income to the treasury of Helsinki is the sector of business services, in particular - real estate transactions (maintenance, rent, sale, research, etc.). First of all, it is worth highlighting the following economic areas that are popular in the Finnish capital:

  • Service providers in the advertising sector;
  • Processing of information sources;
  • Research (analytical) activities;
  • Economic consulting.

Approximately 50% of the named industries and work areas in Finland are concentrated in Helsinki. Approximately ¼ of the jobs associated with freight mail transportation, telecommunications are located here. 1/3 part belongs to the printing sector.

Medical service

In order to cross the border from Helsinki without hindrance, you do not need to pre-do a specific list of vaccinations. If you are used to drinking raw water straight from the tap, you should not deprive yourself of this "pleasure", although the taste of life-giving moisture leaves much to be desired.

Be sure to take out medical insurance. This will help to eliminate huge bills for the services rendered, in addition, medical care and the cost of services in Finland are fundamentally different from medical services in Russia.

Notable Medical Centers in Helsinki

Traveling is a combination of positive emotions, which are sometimes “diluted” with unpleasant negatives, such as a fall and a bruise. If the case is extraordinary and self-treatment can lead to a deterioration in the condition, it is better to seek professional medical help. In Helsinki, emergency assistance is available to anyone in need, at any time.

The list of medical centers known to locals and tourists is as follows:

  1. Ava Medical Center.
  2. diacor.
  3. Dextra
  4. HUS - services of doctors on duty around the clock for children and adolescents.
  5. Pikkujatti.
  6. Mehilainen.

Shopping in Helsinki

Sales volumes in the city can be described as follows - the choice of goods here is so huge that you will not be able to leave without souvenirs or local products. In addition to consumer goods, supermarkets and shopping centers in Helsinki offer a diverse collection of handicrafts, designer glass items, jewelry, fashionable clothes from local and foreign couturiers, confectionery, and food products.

In terms of outlet types, the bulk of businesses are department stores, huge malls, or compact boutiques. If the main purpose of your trip is shopping, we recommend that you look at Unioninkatu and Aleksanterinkatu, Fabianinkatu and Esplanadi, Kluuvikatu and Mannerheimintie streets. Colorful showrooms and boutiques here are replaced by shopping pavilions of the Forum, Stockmann, Kamppi and Sokos centers.

Only small establishments close for the weekend. Friendly sales assistants of most outlets will serve you on any day of the week from 9.00 am to 21.00 pm (except Sunday, when shops close a couple of hours earlier).

Helsinki Tourism

The city of Helsinki is one of the 9 cultural capitals of the European continent. A metropolis that never ceases to amaze with its versatility, leaving in memory vivid images of cultural monuments of bygone years and the present.

If you suddenly need to characterize Helsinki in a few words, you get the following chain of epithets: the capital of Finland is a rich history, which has been replaced by technological progress; these are white nights, in the bright light of which magnificent festivals and entertainment shows take place; it is a city-market where you can buy everything - from a small souvenir to a luxurious furniture set.

It is convenient to relax here for those who cannot stand the tropical heat. The temperate climate in this case is an advantage that is felt even in winter, when a snow-white fluffy tablecloth envelops the entire city. A picture familiar to the inhabitants of central Russia.

The best time for tourism in Helsinki, however, is the warm summer. Autumn is especially rainy here, so the "dull time" is convenient for business travel, but not for relaxation.

Helsinki So Close: Weekend Tour

The following information may be useful for those who prefer to spend even Saturday and Sunday in outdoor activities and trips. A weekend tour to the capital of Finland will cost about 400 Euros (per 1 person, airfare included).

If you are traveling without the help of a travel agency, you will have to buy a plane ticket on your own, paying up to 250 Euros. The price of a hotel room is an ambiguous category:

  • 3 stars - about 60 Euros;
  • 4 stars - about 70 Euros;
  • 5 stars - about 90 Euro.

Taking into account the approximate price of one lunch, which is from 7 to 10 Euros, and the above data, we can calculate the approximate cost of the tour. All kinds of cafes and restaurants are ready to offer such a diverse cuisine of the peoples of the world that this eliminates the problems with food for tourists of different nationalities. Especially popular in Helsinki are exotic dishes based on seafood, fish and venison.