An essay on the topic: "How I spent the summer." Writing on the topic: "How I spent the summer short message how I spent the summer

Stories of children about that "How I spent the summer"

Yakovleva Yana, the group "Joy"
-Itim in summer I rested in the village with my brother. There we have an old grandfather. There are a lot of different animals in the village. I helped the grandfather to collect berries. I also really liked to swim on the Volga. It was very fun.

Filatov Kirill, Group "Joy"
-Itim summer I drove on North Caucasus. I was in the city of Stavropol in relatives. Stavropol very beautiful city. I lived in a big house. Bought in the large pool, sunbathing. And then by car traveled to the Mountains of Dombay. They are very beautiful and big. We called to the teberdinsky reserve, which is 30 years old. I saw live bears, bison, boars. I liked it all very much.

Egorova Sasha, group "Joy"
-Let flew quickly. I often went to playgrounds with my grandmother. I like to swing on the swings and on the carousels, ride a hill and climb on physical scientific projectiles. I went three times with adults in a grove, where colors collected. Was visiting. With Granny and Grandfather went to the garden. There he sunbathe. With dad walked on the Volga. There I sunk and ate kebabs. Well in summer!
Now I go to kindergarten. The group is fun. Supporters and assistant are the same - Irina Aleksandrovna, Vera Valentinovna and Tatiana Platonovna.

Rymakov Sasha, group "Joy"
"Every summer we are trying to go to the village to the village to the village, usually for a week, but this time my brother and I persuaded my mother to stay on the week.
The most interesting and favorite occupation with our brother Egor is fishing. If we catch grasshoppers, then we go to the river, and when the Cocks of the worms, then we catch karas on the lake.
But one day, Yegor and I slept fishing. Since the fish pecks early in the morning, the granny did not wake us, regretted and went without us. And when we woke up, one big carp was already rooted in a pan, whose tail got out of the edges of the pan. On the one hand, we were insulting, and on the other we were proud of our grandmother, because no one caught the fish on the river for a long time.
And the neighbor Uncle Andrei knitted us in a saccus and we ran down the street and tried to catch butterflies. In the older children, I got better. We put butterflies in glass jars and admired them, and then released to the will.
That's how I spent my time at Grabuli in the village. I was sad to part with rustic children, and most of all with great-grandmother.

Zemlyanskaya Anya, Group "Joy"
-Let me, mom and dad went to the village to Grandma and Grandfather. They were very pleased. With my grandfather we went fishing and caught a few fish. At home, I washed the fish under the crane, because she was very slippery, and gave the cat to the puske. I love her so much.
I also have a favorite dog Tobik. He always whines and is waiting for me when I treat his bones or sausage.
My grandmother loves to care for his hens, there are a lot of them. When I gave them grain, they fled to me and began to peck. I was very afraid, so the grass gave through the grid.
We also went to the cottage, through the village. Our babe Lyuba lives there and she has a bull. He walks, tied on the rope, and I brought crackers and water for him.

Mom's story about how Andryusha Karpov spent the summer
group "Joy"

These in the summer Andryusha went to the country in Pushchino.
The weather was hot. We went to the Volga with the whole family pine forest. Nature we have very beautiful there. There we live herons. Andryusha watched their nests. Herons were sitting in nests on the tops of the pines. Birds were very big and shouted loudly.
On the banks of the Volga Andryusha saw live cancer, watched a floating ship. Sunborn, bought in the Volga, collected shells, pebbles, built a fortress from the sand. When they returned from the walk, they saw a hedgehog near the house and fed him with milk.
Andryusha went to the village of Elbarusovo. Seen pets there: cows, piglets, geese, chickens. He helped the grandfather at work: Water buckets with water, collected berries. In the village he really liked.
We recently bought Andryusha Turtle. He was very happy, called her Pasha. He cared for her, fed, walked with her on the street.
Andryusha loves to play chess, checkers, domino. Loves when he read. Over the summer, he listened to the "Magician of the Emerald City", "Dunno on the Moon." He liked them.
Favorite place in the city - Cathedral Square. In the summer he often walked there, rode a swing, on quad bikes, inflatable trampolines.
He also loves to walk on the Alley of Glory, where there are tanks and guns.
In the summer, an exhibition attended the art museum, saw monkeys, parrots, butterflies, snakes.
I liked the visit to the circus: riding bears on a bicycle, monkeys, dogs, clowns.
Andryushi has a lot of musical instruments: Bayan, Garmoshka, Drum, Piano, Guitar, Dudge. Evenings loves to sing karaoke, playing tools and dance.
He went to the cinema "Atal", watched children's cartoons "Panda Kunfu", "cars".
More Andryusha loves to walk in the Ylannikovskaya grove, playing soccer on the glade, rode a pony and on the machines.
In the courtyard he has many friends of schoolchildren. They ride together on bicycles and scooters playing different games.

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Writing such an essay is a mandatory stage in learning any student. More than your parents came across the need to register the events of the past vacation, trying to exclude those moments from the composition that the teachers would not approve. This guide will help you write a good writing, not overloaded with excessive details and not revealing all the subtleties of your personal life.

An example of writings on the topic "How I spent the summer":

Step 1. Entry

The first paragraph may generally do not touch you at all, dedicate it to the summer. Write what is a wonderful time, as you feel a pity that she went, what a sunny and blooming time it was. The paragraph can be quite large, which will take it a significant part of the writings. In the end of the paragraph, you can add some phrase from the Russian classics - good, only lazy wrote about summer pores.

It is best to write an essay into a draft, and then rewrite it in the notebook well - oddly enough, it will only save you time if you need to add or swap some phrases.

Step 2. Several weather deals

Now it is still a little split about what you did in the summer. It can be written, for example, that at the beginning of the holiday you were at home, well fell out, they read a lot and went for a walk. The weather was good, sunny. In general, write more about the weather, sun or rains, temperatures this summer - this will allow you to make your essay of the summer atmosphere.

Step 3. Holidays in Nature

Next, write that after that it's time for active rest. It will be the main part of your essay, here should write where you went on vacation. Sea, forest, mountains, other cities? Depending on the place, again pay more attention to the description of nature. The sea is blue, warm, lots have bathed. Mountains are high and snow-covered, you learned the mountaineering. In other cities you started a lot of friends. Write the truth, but try to get rid of common phrases to avoid the excessive attention of the teacher to your creation - if, of course, you do not have the opposite task.

Step 4. Rest in the city and in the country

If you didn't go anywhere at all, you will have to talk about how much you walked. Perhaps you were in the country? Tell us about the country house, vegetables in the garden and fishing at the nearest pond. Were in the city, ride rollers and bike? Tell us about it, as well as how many friends did this with you. If you still went to relax, you can still add this information, it will not be superfluous.

Step 5. Computer pastime

If you, like most modern schoolchildren, were spent the main part of the summer, you can also write about it too. But there will be enough full pair of phrases - about the fact that you used the Internet, they communicated a lot, learned new interesting information And they played in educational games (after all, all the games are still developing anyway).

Step 6. Final paragraph

In conclusion, write that the autumn time comes, and although you are a little sad that summer is over, you have been looking forward to returning to school, meetings with old friends and classmates. If this is really not true, write about the beauty of the golden autumn and that poets also sneeze it. It also does not hurt a quotation from the classics, which can be deserved to complete your essay.

I always look forward to summer, waiting for something particularly interesting. It gives me complete freedom, as you can be on the street with your friends all day, travel, rest. Behind the tasks, dictations, test work and examinations remained.

I spent the first month of summer in the city, but we often went out with my parents to the cottage. I helped them to plant vegetables, giving out the bed and water. Not far from the site is the forest. He always attracted me with his beauty and clean air. I like one glada, where I sometimes spend time, admiring the colors and joining the berries of fragrant strawberries.

One day, as usual, came to the clearing, it was in the evening, and noticed that the grass moves a bit. I decided to look and saw hedgehog. He immediately curled the ball. But as soon as I moved, the hedgehog ran from all his feet. After this incident, I again came to my favorite place, but he did not meet him more.

In the evenings, we love to ride bikes with friends, inspecting the neighborhood of the city, and also play football on the site in front of the house. Therefore, evenings were not boring.

In July, with her parents went to the sea on their car. It turned out this journey. We often stopped and organized breakfast in nature. When passed beautiful places, I could surely try to go out, inspect them, a lot was photographed. I especially liked the blooming lotuses, I have never seen such beauty from close!

On the road visited many beautiful and big citiesThey admired architectural monuments, came to museums. And ahead of us was waiting for rest on the sea.

As soon as they arrived and unpacked things, they immediately ran on cote d'Azur. Just passed the thunderstorm rain and the beach was half empty. When they went into the water, it was caressing and very warm. We fell in pleasure, we shot a little bit. It was a pleasant feeling of complete freedom, because everything is forgotten by the sea. It seems that there are no longer any difficulties and problems.

In the evenings, we went to the park, they rode the attractions there, admired beautiful and fragrant flower beds, sat in a cafe and ate ice cream.

The sea attracts its diversity - it can be calm or excited with foaming waves. Once we float on the waves, it is an indescribable feeling when some power throws up and throws. On this day I made a lot of big seashells brought by the sea.

On the way back, you drove to relatives to the village to chat and relax from the road. We were drunk with warm steam milk. And early in the morning, my dad and I went fishing. I was immediately lucky and I pulled a big crucian, after some time one more. Dad also caught a few small fish and was still a mirror carp.

Ahead of us waited again the road to the house. But there are many pleasant impressions that will not forget for a long time.
I was pleased with the fact that a month of rest to school. Although I already missed my classmates. You can start learning again, please the parents with excellent marks, knowing something new for yourself.

Summer has passed quickly, I rested well, but it left a lot of pleasant memories and impressions. All the same!

When the summer holidays end and study again, schoolchildren should be prepared to write an essay on the topic "How I spent the summer." Such a task is not excluded from the school program for decades. Therefore, moms and dads will definitely prompt their choices, how should an essay should be.

What to write in the writing "How I spent the summer"

You can write a short essay, but you can tell everything in the details. Such tasks help to understand how much the child rests, whether he did during the holidays and smoothly set up boys or girls to the worker.

Regardless of age, each child wants to boast of their travels and adventures during a long vacation. If there were no special events, the children can include fantasy and describe the rest of their dreams. The most important thing is that an essay on the topic "How I spent the summer" was interesting and read in one breath.

Composition plan

Parents can pre-prepare their child to such a task. It will help boys and girls beautifully, competently and in the correct priority to state their thoughts. To do this, you can write a detailed plan for croches.

  1. Introduction. In this part, you can talk about the fact that summer that was waiting for so long, finally came. You can also write about what plans were last summer.
  2. Main part. It follows in the details to tell, where the rest was held, in what places it was possible to visit, and that most of all I remember during the summer holiday.
  3. Conclusion. Here you need to briefly and beautifully finish your presentation. In conclusion, it can be written about the rest or not, what I would like to add vacation.

Such a plan will help write an excellent essay. Therefore, it is necessary to facilitate the fate of the child and suggest how to write correctly and how beautiful to complete the writing. Then daughter or son will be able to get an excellent mark for the task.

Writing on the topic "How I spent the summer" for the smallest

Pupils of the first classes do not need to write complex spokes and phrases, quite the most memorable events that have happened on vacation. How to complete the writing, we will also consider. For example, you can write a brief essay of the following content.

When the summer holidays came, I was filled with emotions and expectations. For a whole year, I waited for this saturated and excellent period.

In the first month of summer, my mother and I went to relax at the base under the city. Every day some adventures happened to us every day. On the first day we went to the forest, there I found a mink of some animal. I do not know who lived there, but the mink was quite large. A few days later, we went for a walk on the ship, right in the middle of the river, we dived in the rescue vests in the river, it was very fun.

In the second month of the summer, Mom went to work, and I went to the sea with my grandmother. We lived on the very shore. Therefore, when I woke up, I saw the brilliance of the sea, I immediately fled with my grandmother to the shore to build in one day there was a competition for the best figure from the sand. I took second place by making a mermaid from the sand, her hair was branches from Willow. For this, I was presented with a medal and a fridge magnet.

At the end of the summer, we went to the cottage with the whole family. There we calmly and quietly spent time, without adventure. In the morning I helped my grandmother to collect berries from the bed, and in the evenings we got roasted with the kebabs and I told me that I became a completely adult, a real man.

I am very pleased with how I spent the time this summer. I will look forward to the next. I gained strength, rested, and ready to learn again and get knowledge.

Such a story is quite suitable for kids younger school. You can safely take it on the note. How to finish an essay about summer, we will look at further.

Essay "How I spent the summer" for high school children

Pupils of secondary classes can write a more complex essay on the topic "How I spent the summer." Of course, you should still stick to the specified plan, but the turnover and sayings can be included in the composition more complicated. For an example, you can take the following essay.

Summer I spent just wonderful. My favorite parents planned my holidays in advance so that I did not miss a minute and spent time with the benefit.

In June, I visited the beautiful children's pioneer camp "Lazur" outside the city. There, we all tried to get award every day every day. Once every two days we had concerts on different topics. I especially remember KVN. Each detachment prepared entire productions, it was fun and interesting. Our team took the first place, we won a visit to the Amusement Park, which is located on the territory.

In July, I and Pope flew to Egypt. I was the first time abroad and I really liked it. Adventure began with an airplane. I used to never flew, so it was fascinating and interesting to look at the ground when she seemed tiny. Very remembering the hotel and the beach. Our room was very beautiful, and every day brought fruit and juice. And on the beach, the hotel workers offered very tasty cocktails of different colors every day.

In August, I was half a month at home, because it was necessary to make a summer homework. And I lived the second half at the cottage with my grandmother. There we went to the lake in the morning, located nearby, and in the evening burned the fire and fried sausages.

My summer was beautiful, I will never forget him. I am very grateful to my mom and dad that they arranged for me such a wonderful stay. I feel that my holidays have passed with benefit, now I am ready to learn again and do homework, because I will earn the opportunity and next summer you have a great time.

How to complete the writing "How I spent the summer"

It is necessary to carefully think about the essay. An options for how to complete the wrist, there may be the following ideas.

I spent the summer perfectly. Parents told me that if I learn well, next year they will arrange a wonderful stay. For this, I am ready to try and get good grades.

I would not want to change anything in my holiday. Everything was as I dreamed, so I can say with confidence that summer I spent fine. Thanks to my mother and dad for an unforgettable vacation. With new forces, I can learn well and show excellent results.

Mom and dad said I deserved an interesting holidays. Therefore, now I will diligently study all items so that next year, too, spend exciting and fun all summer.

On vacation, I rested perfectly, now I am full for strength to get new knowledge.

It is quite good ideas of how to finish an essay on the topic "How I spent the summer." Briefly summing up said in the main part, the child makes his story completed and full.

How to get a high assessment for an essay

To get a good mark for the written story about the summer, you do not need to do anything special. Adhering to the Working Plan and expecting thoughts sincerely and competently, the child will achieve the first to be excellent.