The highest mountains of the world: seven peaks. Geography lesson: what the highest mountain in the world as the highest mountains call

On the surface of the Earth, you can detect two types of large forms. These are mountains and.

Mountains are very diverse. Most often they form mountainous countries in which the vertices can be found - separate mountains, noticeably towering over the general level of the mountainous country (Elbrus on, Jomolungma in Himalayas, Beluha in Altai). B, on the mountains often have a conical form with a smoothed or rocky vertex. Such mountains are called hills. Special types of mountains formed as a result of prolonged destruction are called a small-scale and encounter, for example, in the central one. It is characterized by randomly scattered hills and small ridges of various shapes, sometimes with a slightly pointed peaks and a wide base, a relative height of 50-100 m. They are separated by wide flat basins, often occupied by lakes, or valleys.

For the relief of the mountainous countries, the mountain ranges are typical of mountain structures with a well-pronounced axis in the form of a single line of the watershed, along which the greatest heights were grouped. The mountain range has two slopes, often asymmetrical, often different steepness. For example, the Ural Mountains East slope is cool, and the western gentleh. This is due to the historical development of a mountainous country. The vertex part of the ridge is called a mountain comb. Depending on the age of rock, it happens different. The vertex part among young mountains is most often pointed, older is round or a potato. Wide slides with gentle slopes are called mountain passes. If the mountain range is low, has soft, rounded outlines of the vertices, then it is called a mountain varnish. Typically, these remains of ancient destroyed mountains, for example, in Russia there is a Timan ridge, the Yenisei ridge and others. There is a declared mountain lift with a well-pronounced sole, approximately equally elongated in length and width, called a mountain massif (for example, B). The area of \u200b\u200bintersection of two or several mountain ranges is called a mountain assembly. Typically, the mountains in the mountain node are high, hard to reach (for example, Tabyk-Bogdo-Ola mountain node in Altai). Mountain ridges, united by origin, located in a certain order (linearly or divergently divergent), make up a mining system. Reduced outskirts in such are called foothills. Many Africa Mountains have flat tops and steep or speed slopes. Such mountains are called dining. They occur most often when dismembering the current waters of reservoir plains, and the vertices are formed by durable sediments. Constantly covered tops of the mountains are called proteins (), and bare vertices located above the limits - Goltsy; Usually they have a dome-shaped form.

At the height of the mountain are divided into 3 groups:

  1. low (800 m above ocean ocean): Northern Urals, Tien Shan, separate ridges;
  2. weighway (up to 2000 m above ocean). They are characterized by smoothed, soft outlines of vertices, gentle slopes (middle mountains). They are covered and do not rise above the snow line. Very rarely, these mountains have pointed peaks, a narrow jagged comb (polar urals, mountains);
  3. high (more than 2000 m above ocean). Such mountains have steep slopes, their crests are narrow, served. These are Mountains of Pamirs, Tien Shan, Caucasus, Himalayas ,.

By the origin of the mountain can be divided into tectonic and volcanic. Tectonic mountains arose as a result of moving the earth's crust. In moving areas, most often at the edges, as a result of tectonic movements, crushed into the folds of various sizes and steepness. So form folded mountains. On the land, the folded mountains are rare phenomenon, since when climbing over the sea level, the folds of rocks lose plasticity and begin to smoke, to give cracks with folding shifts. Typical mountains of this species have been preserved only by individual sites in the Himalayas (young mountains) arising in the Alpine folding.

With repeated tectonic movements, when the loss of ductility and hardened rocks of rocks are subjected to faults on large blocks of the earth's crust that rise or fall, folded-bully mountains occur. This type is characteristic of old mountains. Thus, the folded mountains of Altai, the emerged of the Caledonian epoch of the mountain formation, were subjected to secondary to the Gersin and Mesozoic era. During the Alpine Folding, they finally turned into folding-bully mountains, like many other mountain facilities.

Mountains are characteristic not only for sushi. Single mountains as it were scattered throughout. There are many volcanoes, both existing and extinct. Some of them rise above the water surface forming. Others spew the lava under water, ashes, which settle on the bottom. The ocean's extinct volcanoes differ from sushi volcanoes by the fact that the vertices are flat, and the currents.

There are in the ocean and mountain ranges. So, in 1948, the Water Range of 1,800 km was opened by the Soviet Expeditions. He was named after the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov. The most important discoveries of recent years are the mid-ocean ridges. This is the grimy raising of the earth's crust. Usually they are located almost in the middle of each ocean, forming a single chain. Along the axis of the raising usually passes a break - a gorge of a depth of 3 km, up to 50 km wide. At the bottom of the gorge, the outpouring occurs, there are hot springs, and volcanoes are eructed on the slope of the ridges. The ridges are dissected by transverse faults with which volcanism is associated and. Where the peaks of the median and ocean ridges go to the surface, the islands are formed. An example of such an island is. Underwater mountains often exceed the mountains on land.

So, parts of the earth's surface, highly raised over the plain and strongly dismembered, are called mountains.

Highest mountain peaks

Mountain peaks Mountain systems Mainland Height
1. Jomolungma () 8848 M.
2. Peak communism Eurasia 7495 M.
3. Peak Victory Eurasia 7439 M.
4. Akonkagua Andes

The highest mountains of the world name are different, but at the same time they can be called briefly - seven peaks - this is the term appeared in 1985 at the suggestion of Richard Basa (a man who first conquered all seven peaks) and united seven highest peaks on each Continent. This union is not equal to the rating of the highest mountains of the world, most of which are located in Nepal. This list is made up of mountains, each of which is the highest on its continent.

The highest peak of North America is located on Alaska and is the center of Denali National Park. The top of the Mac-Kinley Mind is removed from the ground by 6194 meters. This mountain is the third in the world on topographic position, it was overtaken only Everest and Akonkagua. And if you take into account the attitude of the basis for a peak, then Mac-Kinley is the highest mountain in the world. Mountain received its name in honor of the American president, and the Indian name - Denali - means "Great."

As a part of the Andes and having a height of 6959 meters, Mount Akonkagua is considered the highest peak of South America. The mountain is located in the Argentine Province of Mendoza and removed from the border with Chile by 15 km. The name of the mountain occurred from words in the language of the people of Kechua "Stone Guard".

Europe - Mount Elbrus (Russia)

Elbrus is an invalid volcano of a 5642 meter high, which is located in the Caucasian mountains on the border of Russia and Georgia.

Elbrus has several other names, the most romantic of which translated from Adygei and Kabardino-Cherkessky means "a mountain that brings happiness."

Asia - Mount Everest (Nepal / China)

The highest mountain of the world Everest is exactly on the border of Nepal and China. Everest is part of Himalayas - the highest mountain range in the world. It is here that the highest mountains are located in the world. Everest height - 8848 meters. Everest manites all climbers in the world and it is understandable. Technically, Everest routes are not very complex, but they are added to them such problems as high-altitude disease, the strongest wind and disgusting weather conditions. The name Everest is English - in honor of the head of the geodesic service, for the first time to host the European Community about this top. The mountain has the Tibetan name of Jomolungma (the Divine Mother of Life) and the Nepalian Sagarmatha equivalent to him (the mother of the gods).

The highest mountain of the African continent is an extinct volcano, the highest point of which is distant from the sea level by 5895 meters. Moreover, Kilimanjaro has three peaks, two of which were extinct, and the third may well wake up. Kilimanjaro eves 360 thousand years ago, but volcanic activity in the peak of Cybo (the highest of three) was seen 200 years ago, which indicates that the volcano is potentially active. In the language of Swahili, the name Kilimanjaro means "sparkling mountain."

The highest point of Oceania is also the highest mountain in the world, which is located on the island. Punchy jaya is located in the west of New Guinea Island. The height of the Punchak-Jay Mountain, which is also called just Jay or Pyramid Carstenza, is 4884 meters. The name of the mountain in Indonesian means "Mount Victory".

Antarctica - Mount Vison

The seventh of the highest mountains of the world is his name in honor of Charles Vyson - American famous politician. Mountain Massif Vinson is part of the Alsuworth Mountains and has a high point remote from the sea level by 4892 meters.

Seven mountains, each of which is unique in its origin and beauty, mounted climbers around the world. Climbers who conquered seven peaks are combined into an informal community.


sUD, g., uPOTR. Often

Morphology: (No) what? the mountainsWhat? gore, (I see) what? mountainWhat? goro., about what? about Gore; mN. what? the mountains, (no) what? mountainsWhat? mozham., (I see) what? the mountainsWhat? mountains, about what? about the mountains

1. Mountain - This is a large mass of the Earth, the stone formed in the process of forming the relief of the earth's surface elevation, lifting over the surrounding area for dozens, hundreds, sometimes thousands of meters.

Top, foot of the mountain. | Ridge, chain of mountains. | The slopes of the mountain were covered with coniferous forests. | The sun rose due to the mountains. | In a narrow path, we descended from the mountain.

2. Mountains Called terrain, in the relief of which hill prevail.

Despite the external severity, the inhabitants of the mountains are very hospitable. | The whole family loved Sunday walks in the mountains. | Sanatorium was located in the mountains.

3. Goro. Called specially built of snow, ice, wood, etc. The exaltation, as well as the natural ranges of the slopes used to descend on sledding, ski, etc.

Children ride from the mountains. | In winter, a huge icy mountain was built on the area for passing the public.

4. Goro. Call a lot of objects, things, etc., which are compiled, folded into a large bunch; In colloquial speech.

In the corner lay the mountain of old newspapers. | Mount books hung everywhere in the repository.

5. If you say you have mountain anything, such as cases, worries, money, etc., it means a very large amount; In colloquial speech.

I converted a mountain of affairs. | There was no income from the hotel, but the concerns - a whole mountain.

6. If you have (like) mountain from shoulders (fell)So, you have experienced a great relief because it was safely completed for some reason, a difficult question was resolved, the situation, etc., who were worried, worried you; In colloquial speech.

When the son returned from the army alive and healthy, she has fallen from her shoulders.

7. If you can, ready, etc. mountain (Mountain) Watch (shift)So you feel capable of making a lot, even what seems impossible; In colloquial speech.

For the sake of the fulfillment of his dream, he was ready to wise mountains.

8. If any event not far awaySo it will soon happen.

Autumn is not far off.

9. If anyone going to the citySo, he successfully makes a career, rich, becomes an influential person, etc.

His position is still small, but he is still young and quickly goes to the mountain.

10. If anyone goes, rolls, etc. downhillIt means that he is deprived of the former well-being, loses its impact, authority.

Having lost all his posts, he rolled quickly under the mountain.

11. If anyone prises Golden MountainsSo, he promises a lot of things; In colloquial speech.

When it was called to work here, the golden mountains promised, and now even the salary do not pay on time.

12. If you mount rice For someone, something, it means that you will assume anyone for anyone or something, protect anyone or anything.

He always got up the mountain for his friends.

13. Pir Mountain They talk about noisy, cheerful feast with abundant treat; In colloquial speech.

In the house she was a feast Mountain: music, laughter, funny voices sounded.

mountainous arr.

Mountainous terrain.

mountain arr.

Mountain ridge.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



Watch what is "Mountain" in other dictionaries:

    Maul ... Russian verbal emphasis

    Mythological functions of g. Difficult. G. acts as the most common variant of the transformation of the world's Tree. T. It is often perceived as the image of the world, the model of the universe, which reflects all the main elements and parameters ... ... Encyclopedia mythology

    Wives. The total name of all earth exaltivity, · counterpart. dol, divided, valley, log, lowland; (and plane, plain, lack of both). Distinguish the sole or under the mountains, top or vertex, slope, side or eelium, and relatively ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    S, wines. Mountain; MN. Mountains, dates. AM; g. 1. Significant elevation rising above the surrounding area. Steep, rocky, wooded top, pinnachable mountains. Ridge, chain of mountains. Ride the mountain (on the mountain). The sun dropped out of the mountain (behind the mountain). ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    1. Mountain1, Mountain, MN. Mountains, mountains, wives. 1. Significant elevation rising above the surrounding area. || High river shore (region). There is a nice mountain. 2. The elevation, a bunch, folded from the snow, for Katanya from her on sledding. Ride ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    1. Mountain1, Mountain, MN. Mountains, mountains, wives. 1. Significant elevation rising above the surrounding area. || High river shore (region). There is a nice mountain. 2. The elevation, a bunch, folded from the snow, for Katanya from her on sledding. Ride ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Wines. p. Mountain, Ukr. Mountain, art. Slav Mount ὄρος, mountain ἄνω, Bulg. Mount Forest, Serboorv. Mountain, wines. P. Goer, Slane. Gora, Cesh. Hora, Polish. Gora, c. puddle. Hora, N. puddle. Gora. Belnar Dr. Prusska. Garian Wed R. Tree, lit. Girià, Dial. Gìrė ... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language Max Fasmer

    Highlights, elevation, swamp, hillock, beacons, hill, kurgan, hill, volcano, height, plateore, foothills. Top, foot, sole of the mountain. Ridge (ridge, ridge, chain) mountains. See hill. Mountains, around the corner, go uphill, not far from the mountain, ... ... Synonym dictionary

Mountain peaks covered by eternal snow always attracted people with their greatness, grandiose beauty and some secret, which is hidden behind their impregnable slopes. Let's look at what the highest mountain in the world and where it is located. On Earth there are vertices that reach 8 km in height.

The highest mountain in the world is Jomolungma, in the West is widely known in the name Everest. Located in the territory of majestic Himalayas, according to the right of the roof of the world. This is part of the high-mountain range of Mahalangur Himal, where, in addition to Everest, a few more dozen picturesque vertices rise, exceeding the mark of 7000 m.

Jomolungma has a pyramidal outline with the sheer southern and high northern slopes. Translated from the Tibetan language, the name means "Divine Mother of Life Energy." Such a beautiful name is the biggest mountain, in honor of the Tibetan goddess Sherac Zhang, which personifies the unconditional and all-consuming maternal love. He was suggested by the researcher Andrew in, who was the successor to J. Everest.

Interesting information about Jomolungma:

  1. Height above sea level - 8848 m.
  2. The first successful climb is March 29, 1953.
  3. The number of climbers who managed to conquer peak - 8306 (some of the climbers climb more than 1 time).
  4. What is the highest mountain of the world in Nepalese - Sagarmatha.
  5. The English name Everest was given a peak in honor of J. Everest, who headed the Geodesic Department of India, who at that time was under the rule of Britain.
  6. Anomalous weather: The top of Jomolungs often blow strong winds, whose speed can reach 200 km / h. The air temperature in the cold season is sometimes reduced to -60 ºС.
  7. The average raising time on peak is 2 months.
  8. The best time for mountaineering is from the middle to the end of spring and early autumn.

Since ancient times, people are trying to conquer the most hard-to-reach tops of the Earth, which allowed them to not only experience themselves on endurance and strength, but also approach the great and limitless space. Majestic Jomolungma enjoys extremely popular with climbers.

Every year Everest tries to conquer about 500 experienced climbers and true bravers. However, this is possible only to units. The vertex of the Earth is conquered by a little. It is impossible to get to it even on a helicopter. Climbers who decided to take on this pictorial peak must pass long preparation and have high-quality specialized equipment with them.

Note!Everest in Himalayas is not only a beautiful peak of the world, but also one of the most dangerous.

According to official data for 2012, approximately 260 climbers and extremals who tried to conquer this peak, and did not reach the goal. Their life was tragically interrupted on the slopes of this mountain. Most bodies have not been found. Despite this, every year many brands are desperately trying to conquer the highest point of the world.

Useful video: the highest mountain in the world


The highest point on our planet is located on the territory of the most famous part of Mahalangur Himala - Khumba Range. In addition to Jomolungma, there are 2 more peaks in excess of 8 thousand meters.

In which country is the largest mountain in the world. Jomolungma is located on the borderline between Nepal and Tibet (currently it is the autonomous CNR district).

The highest point in the world is hidden under the thickness of ice and snow. To get to it, it will take expensive equipment, which, unfortunately, does not guarantee the success of ascent.

It is worth noting that in the place of finding Mount Everest part of the Nepali Ecological Park of Sagramatha. Translated from Sanskrit, the name means "Divine Mother". Almost all the territory of the park consists of deep gorges and difficult areas of terrain.

Interesting!With Jomolungma, a huge number of legends and legends is connected. It has long been honored as a place of power.

It is believed that this peak is the abode of the gods. He is also directly related to space. In addition, Everest is a habitat of a shower that did not find rest in the other world. Some climbers argue that during their ascent, they saw ghosts. The fact is that under the thickness of the jomolungma stored a huge number of climbers bodies, which could not reach the target. Therefore, Everest is often called the Cemetery of the Himalayas.

Rating Verkhin

Almost every person knows that the highest point on Earth is Jomolungma. However, few people know what mountains are at their highest in the second or third place. It is worth noting that other eight-kilometer peaks are no less interesting than Everest.

All the highest mountains are located on the territory of the southern and central part of Asia. They exceed 7500 m. In total, there are 14 mountains on the planet, towering over the surface of the Earth for more than 8 thousand meters.

NameHeight, M.LocationInteresting information
1 Chechrie.8611 Baltoro Ridge (Pakistan), Karakorum Mountain System.This is the most northern eight-kilometer peak of the world. Today 10 routes lead to it. Technically, the rates of climbing this peak are much more complicated than on Jomolungma. Number of successful expeditions - 45.
2 Kanchenjanga8586 At the border of India and Nepal, on the territory of large Himalayans.The highest vertex of the same ridge. In addition, it is one of the most dangerous routes for climbing. According to Nepalese legend, Kanchenzhanga is a mystical woman who kill all climbers trying to conquer her peak.
3 Lhotse8516 Array of Mahalangur Himal, Big Himalayas, Tibet.This is one of the most beautiful and most impregnable Himalayan peaks. Only 25% of the lies in Lhotz were crowned with success.
4 Makalu8485 Mountain massif Mahalangur Himal, Central Himalayas.There are some good climbing routes to the peak of the mountain. Climbing on macal is very complex. Only 30% of expeditions achieved success in conquering the vertices.
5 Cho-Oyu8188 Mahalangur Himal, Big Himalayas.This peak was first submissive without using oxygen cylinders. Today, its top leads several excellent routes.
6 Jaulagiri I.8167 Nepal, Chief Himalayan Range.The highest point on the ridge of the same name. Translated from the ancient Sanskrit, its name means "White Mountain". Number of successful expeditions - 51.
7 Manaslo8163 Mansiri Himal, Nepal.The highest peak of the same mountain ridge. The name of Manaslo on ancient Sanskrit means "Mount of Spirits". This peak is located on the territory of the magnificent and environmentally friendly National Park. The trekking route is laid around it, pass which you can approximately 2 weeks.
8 Nangarbat.8126 Northwest of Himalayas.This is one of the most difficult and dangerous mountain peaks for climbing.

On Sanskrit, the name of the mountain sounds like a diamir, which means "Mount of Gods".

9 Annapurna I.8091 Nepal, the territory of Himalayas.It is the highest point of the same ridge and the most dangerous peak for climbers. The number of successful expeditions to the top is only 36. The number of tragic cases during the ascent is approximately 32% of the total attempts. Despite this, Annapurna became the first in the history of eight-leather peak, which was conquered by a man. Successful ascent took place in the middle of the last century a few years before the jomolungma conquest. On the ancient Sanskrit, the melodic name Annapurn means the "Goddess of Fertility".
10 Gasherbruum I.8080 Karakorum, Baltoro Music Ridge, Pakistan.This is the second highest mountain of pictorial and impregnable caracorum. It also has another name - Hidden Peak, that from English means a hidden top. Translated from the Baltic language, the name of the peak means "Beautiful Mountain".
11 Broad Peak8051 It is part of the Multi Mountain Ridge of Gasherbrum. This is the third point of Karakorum.
12 Gasherbruum II.8034 Mountain System Karakorum, Baltoro Muztag Ridge, Pakistan.It is part of the Multi-Parish Ridge Gasherbrum. This peak has elegant outlines and sheer slopes. It covers eternal snow.
13 Shishabangma8027 Mountain Range Langtang, Central Himalayas, Tibet.This is the smallest eight-kilometer peak of the world. It consists of three vertices.

Useful video: Top 10 The highest mountains of the world


Summing up, we can say that the highest point and one of the most impregnable peaks of the world is Everest in large Himalayas. This majestic vertex is located on the intersection of two Asian states - Nepal and Tibet. She has long attracted climbers, researchers, creative personalities and real romantics.

In contact with

On planet Earth a lot of highest peaks. People conquer them, chanting them, study with interest where the highest mountains are located. One of these places is called Everest is the highest mountain in the world, known not only to its height, but also by numerous ascents in trying to conquer it, hundreds of the worn lives and an interesting study history. In addition to her, there are 13 more mountains that have overlap 8000 meters.

The highest mountains

The list of the biggest mountains of the planet Earth includes 117 titles. It fell into it most of the highest vertices, which are more than 7,200 meters. Most of them are located in Asia, in Himalayas - chains stretching from India to Bhutan. The rating opens the highest top of the Earth - Everest. The highest mountains on Earth also belong to the Himalayan eighties: Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Kanchenjang, Karakorum, Lhotz, Makalu, Manaslo, Nangarbat, Choiri. Pay attention to the mountains that are on other continents of the world:

  • In the first place - Everest (Jomolungma), 8848 meters. It is located in central Himalayas.
  • American Mount Akonkagua from Argentina ranks second and reaches 6961 m.
  • At Alaska is the top of McKornley, 6168 m.
  • The famous Kilimanjaro from Africa ranks fourth due to its 5891.8 meters.
  • Popular Alpinus Alpinus is located at the Greater Caucasus. Height - 5642 m. The first conquests in the Caucasian mountains dates back to 1829.
  • Vison, whose height is 4897 meters. This is the highest peak of Antarctica.
  • Mont Blanc is the biggest peak of Europe. Reaches 4810 m.
  • Kosyushko - a mountain that Australia boasts. Height - 2228 meters.
  • Pyramid Carsten (4884 m). Refers to the highest peaks of Australia and Oceania.

Highest peak of the world

Any heights on land are accepted from the sea level, which determines which mountains are the highest. Since its position is constantly changing, a permanent monthly rate is taken as the basis. It does not depend on fluctuations in water, tides, sings and evaporation, therefore is an accurate mark. The mark above this level is considered vertically from the mountain, the position of which is determined to the average surface level. This revealed that the biggest points of the Earth reach almost 9 thousand meters.

What is the name of

The highest mountain in the world is part of the Himalayev mountain belt, is located on the Mahalangur Himal Mountain Ridge and is known as the names: Jomolungma, Everest, Sagarmatha, Chomo-Cankar. The first name was given in the mountains of Tibet. It means the goddess of the world or the divine mother. The second name - Everest appeared since 1856. The mountain is named so named Sir George Everest, who managed to be the first to conquer it. The local name of Chomo-Cancar or Queen of Snow White is preceded by the European name. Sagarmatha - Nepalese word, which means the mother of the gods.

Where is

Himalayas collected the highest mountains of the world in their chain. This is Everest, which is located on the border of Nepal with the border of China. In Nepal, there is a smaller peak, in China - the highest. Everest is a crown of the main ridge of the entire chain. Around the base of the mountain is located Nepal National Park - Sagarmatha. In the same region there is a basic camp, from where you can start climbing. The closest settlement, where the base for climbers is located, is also located in Nepalese territory. This is Lukla village.

What height

On Jomolungma there are two higher points: South, peak of which reaches 8760 meters from the sea level, and the North, which is the main thing, reaching 8848 meters. From the southern slopes and on the east side, the mountain is a sheer cliffs that are not even covered with snow. The northern slopes reach 8393 meters. Because of these three sides, Everest has a triangle shape. From the ground to its highest point, the mountain pulled out three and a half kilometer.

History of climb

Although the mountain is distinguished by harsh natural conditions, the temperature exceeds the mark -60 degree and constantly blows the strongest wind, the climbers regularly try to conquer Jomolungma - one of the most difficult vertices. The history of the ascent began since 1921, but the mountain surrendered far from immediately. The first to reach the top managed the British, in honor of which the mountain and wears one of its names. Dating this is 1953. Since then, four thousand people have committed ascent. Every year, Jomolungma storms 400 people. Of the total climbers died and continues to die 11%.

The highest peak of the world

Long before Everest became the answer to the question of how the biggest mountain in the world was called, they were the extinct Chimbrasca volcano from the mountainous arrays of Ecuadorian Andadors. The top of the volcano is located at the furthest distance from the center of the Earth. According to the navigation satellite system, with the help of which measurements were made in 2016, the volcano in height reaches 6384 meters from the center of the Earth. If you repel from this indicator, then Everest loses three meters and ranks second. The length of the Himalayan vertex is 6381 meters.