Dolmens of the Altai Territory. Guam gorge

An unusual find was made by archaeologists from Novosibirsk. During excavations in Gorny Altai, they found a dolmen of an unknown shape. Before that, no one knew about the existence of such structures in this region.

Novosibirsk archaeologists managed to find in a hard-to-reach tract Mountain Altai a new type of stone structure - a megalithic structure, similar to a dolmen. The find is unique: for 150 years of archaeological study of this region, nothing of the kind has been found.

Four archaeologists of the Novosibirsk Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS spent the whole summer in reconnaissance. Not real, of course, but archaeological. They explored the inaccessible territories of Gorny Altai, where large expeditions cannot reach. Their task was to survey the area of ​​the Katun and Chuya rivers, identify promising places for further research, draw up an archaeological map of the territory, and mark the found monuments using GPS coordinates.

The archaeological team managed to visit the mountain slopes and steep passes (up to 45 degrees), which neither locals nor tourists can reach. There are not even roads there: sometimes archaeologists had to manually excavate a road for their car.

Their efforts were not in vain. Archaeological research in Altai has been going on for 150 years, but only the Novosibirsk people managed to find a structure that has never been found here. In one of the mountain tracts, archaeologists have discovered a megalithic structure, reminiscent of the famous dolmens. This discovery could change the idea of ​​the history of the development of the region.


Find of Novosibirsk archaeologists

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Dolmens - ancient burial and cult structures belonging to the categorymegaliths, that is, structures made of huge stones.In the simplest version, this is one stone placed on several others, or three stones placed in the shape of the letter P (Stonehenge is built from many such elements). More often the dolmen consists of 5-6 stone slabs and is a closed stone box: on four slabs, placed vertically, the fifth slab lies, the sixth slab is the bottom. The front cross-slab usually has a hole that can be closed with a stone plug. It is these dolmens that made him famous North Caucasus... Dolmens could be built on the top of the mound or, conversely, covered with earth. Today there are about 9 thousand dolmens in the world. Dolmens are common all over the world, in the most different countries and cultures: they are found on the Mediterranean coast, on the territory of modern England and France, along the Black Sea and in the Caucasus, even in Korea. Their age reaches 7-8 thousand years.

The structure found in the tract was built of huge stone boulders. Its length is 8 m, the height of the walls is 1.5 m, and the width is about 2 m.

I have been conducting research in Altai for 30 years, but I have never seen anything like it. This is the most interesting thing that we have been able to find. There is no other such in Altai, or at least it has not yet been found. There are no analogies in the nearest territories within a radius of 1000 km. There are similar constructions on the Eurasian continent, but it is too early to draw sensational conclusions. 2, 6, 10 thousand km - for archaeological science these are very long distances, it is difficult to trace the chain, it is easy to make a mistake. So while I would not want to voice conclusions about the significance of our find, I do not like cheap sensations. And I also would not want it to be called a dolmen without giving any explanations. What is a dolmen? This is a large stone box, somewhat similar to a birdhouse. If we open the dictionary, we will see the following: "Dolmen, a stone passage is ..." The structure we found is definitely a stone passage. The same megalithic structures are structurally close to dolmens, but they are not dolmens in the literal sense of the word. It would be more correct to say that our discovery is a megalithic structure resembling a dolmen.

To measure the dimensions of the megalithic structure, archaeologists had to clear the bushes and remove the layers of earth above it. Behind the walls of the structure, above its base, a cultural layer of the Early Iron Age, about 2,500 years old, was discovered. This means that the found "dolmen" is even older. It probably belongs to the era bronze age... Archaeologists have yet to establish in what paleometal period it was built. Perhaps during the Advanced Bronze Age. In the II millennium BC. NS. in Gorny Altai, the Karakol culture developed. It is characterized by similar structures, but they are built of stone slabs, and there are paintings on their walls. The "dolmen" found by Novosibirsk residents consists of separate blocks, but there are no paintings on the walls. Another option is that it belongs to the Afanasyev culture, which developed here at the turn of the II-III millennia BC. NS.

The dating of dolmens is different in different parts of the world. In Western Europe, Great Britain, Ireland, megaliths were built in the IV millennium BC. e., possibly at the end of the 5th millennium BC. NS. Our oldest megaliths are later: the end of the 4th - beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. NS. It is not so important what the age of the megalithic structure found in Altai will be. It is important that, in principle, a construction of this type was found here. Previously, it was believed that on the territory of our country dolmens are found only in the south: on the slopes of the Caucasian ridge and Krasnodar Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea, on Black sea coast... V last years began to discover megalithic monuments in the Urals. This find changes our understanding of the territory where the dolmen culture is spread.

It will be possible to establish the exact dating of the found "dolmen" after more detailed research, which Novosibirsk archaeologists plan to do next year. Perhaps they will bring great discoveries, since the inaccessibility of this territory and the absence of settlements give hope that the "dolmen" was not plundered, in contrast to the overwhelming majority of such burial structures. Almost all of them fell prey to treasure seekers in ancient times. And those who accidentally escaped such a fate were plundered by "black diggers". Andrei Borodovsky fears that their discovery may suffer the same fate.

Places of power are zones of the Earth endowed with special energy. Unusual properties are acquired by them for various reasons: the natural features of the area (for example, geotectonic faults), important religious or historical events that took place in this territory leave their mark.

Such zones can have a pronounced positive or negative energy. In the first case, visiting places of power can heal a person both on the physical and spiritual levels. In the second, on the contrary, take away some of the vital energy.

Within the framework of one article, it is impossible to tell about all such places located within our state. We have collected 11 famous objects with a powerful positive energy and surrounded by many legends.

Mount Belukha in Altai

Esotericists call it a sacred place, believing that here our planet is charged with universal energy, ufologists believe that a UFO "camp" is located in the Yarlu gorge. Mystics say that here the entrance to the mysterious Shambhala opens - a mythical country inside a mountain, accessible only to a select few.

Since time immemorial, people have come here to find peace and tranquility. Belukha does not leave sick and unfortunate people in trouble, as well as punishes those who are overwhelmed by pride. Roerich celebrated this place for its strong energy.

Chardon archipelago in Karelia

Layers of granite and quartzite create a unique rock pattern on the islands of the Chardon archipelago. The wild beauty of these places attracts everyone without exception. People come here to listen to the silence, admire the sunsets, fish and, of course, recuperate.

The energy center of the archipelago is a relatively small area on which trees of an unusual shape grow - their trunks are twisted in an intricate way and burned by lightning.

Here people feel a surge of vivacity, some say that if you put your palm forward, you can feel a slight tingling sensation.

Olkhon Island on Baikal

Olkhon is surrounded by the waters of Lake Baikal. This is one of the most beautiful places in Russia, shrouded in many mysterious legends. The island is called the sacred center of the northern shamanic world. The ancients believed that the spirits of Baikal settled here.

Not far from the island, at the source of the Angara, there is a Shaman-stone - the habitat of Ama Sagan Noyon, the owner of the river. Two stone peaks protruding from the water resemble a shamanic headdress.

Here important ceremonies were held and justice was administered. The convicted criminal was left on a stone overnight. If a person was not taken away by Baikal or he did not go crazy, he was acquitted.

Cape Burkhan - belongs to 9 shrines of Asia. Here, in the Shamanka rock, there is a through cave, where sacrifices used to be made, and now a statue of Buddha is installed. For a long time, the road to the rock was open only to the strongest sorcerers of the world: and in our time they come here every year to their tailagan.

Mount Demerdzhi in Crimea

Mount Demerdzhi is a rocky place of power, shrouded in a mystical halo. There are many eyewitness accounts that tell of humanoid creatures that are found here as well as in Arkaim, the city of ghosts. There is a belief that once in the fog on the slopes of Demerdzhi, the traveler runs the risk of never returning - the mountains will not let him go. V good weather the place gives strength and helps to make the right decisions in silence.

Sanctuary of Pegrem in Karelia

Pegrema - an abandoned village on the coast of Lake Onega - is ranked among the most mysterious places Russia. Visitors are greeted by a churchyard of peasant houses with facades facing the lake, and a crypt made of wood from the Valaam Khutynsky monastery.

The glade of idols brought fame to the place. Here the ancestors of the Karelian-Finns worshiped the gods, performed rituals, honoring the clan totems and seeing off their compatriots on their last journey.

Among the idols, a duck is easily recognized - the foremother of the earth in Karelian-Finnish mythology, a frog, a turtle and other representatives of the fauna, created by someone in stone.

Lake Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The second name of the reservoir is "Russian Atlantis". The still waters of the lake, according to legend, hide the magnificent city of Kitezh from sight. This is indicated by the occasional swell running along the mirror surface.

Those standing on the shore of Svetloyar see lights in the depths of the lake, hear drawn out singing and bell ringing... The water of the reservoir is considered sacred, since it can be stored in a vessel indefinitely without losing its qualities.

Dolmens in the Krasnodar Territory

Dolmens are stone megalithic structures. They were built several millennia ago by unknown craftsmen. Dolmens are scattered throughout the Caucasus. Most of them are near Gelendzhik: on Mount Nexis, in settlements Revival, Pshada and on the way to them.

Scientists put forward several versions of their purpose. Dolmens are called ancient observatories, kind of energy cannons, ancient tombs. One thing was found out for sure - all the buildings were erected in geoactive places (where geological faults and springs are indicated on the map). People believe that desires come true here, there are answers to important questions.

Ukok Plateau in Altai Territory

The Ukok plateau is located not far from Gorno-Altaysk, and, like many places of power, is surrounded by an aura of mystery. It is forbidden to shout here, since it is believed that a loud sound is a sign of sacrilege and offending the spirits "living" here.

On the pastures of Ukok, from a great height, you can see geoglyphs - giant drawings similar in scale to those found in the Nazca desert.

Ufologists believe that this is a markup for the messengers of heaven.

Champ Island in the Arkhangelsk region

One of the many atolls of the Franz Josef Land archipelago is attractive for its mysterious balls. At first glance, it looks like the spheres are created by nature from a very hard rock, but in fact, their structure is quite loose. Tourists compare it to very densely compacted sand. Spherolites seem to "grow" from the ground

Valley of Geysers on the Kamchatka Peninsula

A rare and dignified natural manifestation in the form of swirling steam, incessant roar and water spray on the only geyser field in Eurasia.

Travelers feel like they are on another planet. The play of colors gives the landscape a special beauty: the greenery of the flora is interspersed with yellow, purple and red shades of rocks covered with thermal algae and moss. They match the names of geysers, one of which is the "Gates of Hell".

Everyone who has managed to visit here falls under the charm of this land.

Tekie dervishes in Evpatoria (Crimea)

The only Islamic monastery on the peninsula is a refuge for supporters of Sufism (a mystical trend in Islam). The mystery is inherent in the dances of the dervishes, which represent the performance-ritual of worshiping Allah.

Here, at their meetings, the Sufis shared knowledge with each other and immersed themselves in meditation, arranged joy with chants and dances, after which they fell into mystical ecstasy.

The editors of the site believe that the world is full of secrets, many of which have yet to be solved by humans. Scientists have already found explanations for some amazing phenomena. We invite you to get acquainted with natural illusions that look like a miracle.
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Several thousand dolmens are known in our territory. They are stretched out in a narrow strip along the Caucasian ridge from Anapa to Achamchiri in Abkhazia. The first stone tombs appeared on the mountain slopes about 4.5 thousand years ago, at the dawn of the Bronze Age. In our time, dolmens should be looked for in a dense forest, but in ancient times the border of mountain forests was much higher. Consequently, the megaliths stood on the open slopes, creating a majestic picture, and this made a strong impression on the neighboring tribes. In the mythological consciousness of ancient people, the thing and the master who made it were not divided. Therefore, any people tried to have a material symbol of their power, most often temples or tombs of their ancestors became such a symbol, the construction of which was not spared. The dolmen could be used for a solitary burial or serve as a family tomb, in which members of the same family were buried for many years.

Dolmens were built from separate large slabs, made up of blocks, partially or completely carved into the rock. More often than others, dolmens are found, which are made up of four slabs placed on the edge, covered with a fifth slab. The opening of the entrance was closed with a heavy stone plug. The sizes of the structures ranged from relatively small "houses" to giants with a height of 3.5 m. The efforts of many people were required to build these structures, because only the dolmen lid near the village of Verkhnyaya Eshera weighs about 20 tons. At the same time, the huge stone slabs have the correct shape and are neatly hewn. In ancient times, most of the dolmens were completely or partially covered with earthen embankments, without which it is simply impossible to install a multi-ton cover. At the same time, the embankment protected the tomb from natural destruction and robbers. Rescuing the graves from desecration, the builders used different methods, sometimes even imitating the entrance, cutting out a false cork, while the real hole was in the back, covered with stones. But this did not help much, and many burials were plundered in ancient times.

However, dolmens were not simple tombs, but served as a place of worship and special religious rites associated with the cult of the dead. It is no coincidence that the entrance of many of them is located on the sunny side - south or east. Even in dark gorges, the facades of dolmens face a mountain or rock well-lit by the sun. The psynako mound near the city of Tuapse is especially famous. It was an amazing structure. Ancient builders erected a dolmen inside a round stone building with a dome, then they covered it all with a clay embankment, and a stone hill 5 meters high was poured on top. At the same time, a long underground passage(dromos), through which you could get to the tomb. Not long ago, at the top of the mound, there was a round platform, from which stone rib-rays departed downward. All this allowed us to assume that Psynako is not just a burial place, but a kind of temple, a place of worship for the great ancestor. Moreover, some scientists believe that with the help of specially placed stones, the priests could observe the starry sky and draw up a calendar.

Nikolay Fedorovich Shevchenko
Head of the field research department of the Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve named after V.I. E. D. Felitsyna

Dolmen of unusual shape found in Gorny Altai Novosibirsk archaeologists made an unusual find. During excavations in Gorny Altai, they found a dolmen of an unknown shape. Before that, no one knew about the existence of such structures in this region. Novosibirsk archaeologists managed to find a new type of stone structure in the hard-to-reach area of ​​Gorny Altai - a megalithic structure similar to a dolmen. The find is unique: for 150 years of archaeological study of this region, nothing of the kind has been found. All summer, four archaeologists of the Novosibirsk Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS spent the whole summer in exploration. Not real, of course, but archaeological. They explored the inaccessible territories of Gorny Altai, where large expeditions cannot reach. Their task was to examine the area of ​​the Katun and Chuya rivers, identify promising places for further research, draw up an archaeological map of the territory, mark the found monuments using GPS coordinates. The archaeological team managed to visit the mountain slopes and steep passes (up to 45 degrees), which cannot be reached neither locals nor tourists. There are not even roads there: sometimes archaeologists had to manually excavate a road for their car. Their efforts were not in vain. Archaeological research in Altai has been going on for 150 years, but only the Novosibirsk people managed to find a structure that has never been found here. In one of the mountain tracts, archaeologists have discovered a megalithic structure resembling the famous dolmens. This discovery could change the idea of ​​the history of the development of the region. The structure found in the tract was built of huge stone boulders. Its length is 8 m, the height of the walls is 1.5 m, the width is about 2 m. I have been conducting research in Altai for 30 years, but I have never seen anything like it. This is the most interesting thing that we have been able to find. There is no other such in Altai, or at least it has not yet been found. There are no analogies in the nearest territories within a radius of 1000 km. There are similar constructions on the Eurasian continent, but it is too early to draw sensational conclusions. 2, 6, 10 thousand km - for archaeological science these are very long distances, it is difficult to trace the chain, it is easy to make a mistake. So while I would not want to voice conclusions about the significance of our find, I do not like cheap sensations. And I also would not want it to be called a dolmen without giving any explanations. What is a dolmen? This is a large stone box, somewhat similar to a birdhouse. If we open the dictionary, we will see the following: "Dolmen, a stone passage is ..." The structure we found is definitely a stone passage. The same megalithic structures are structurally close to dolmens, but they are not dolmens in the literal sense of the word. It would be more correct to say that our discovery is a megalithic structure resembling a dolmen. Andrey Borodovsky, head of the expedition.In order to measure the dimensions of the megalithic structure, archaeologists had to clear the thickets of bushes and remove the layers of earth above it. Behind the walls of the structure, above its base, a cultural layer of the Early Iron Age, about 2,500 years old, was discovered. This means that the found "dolmen" is even older. It probably dates back to the Bronze Age. Archaeologists have yet to establish in what paleometal period it was built. Perhaps during the Advanced Bronze Age. In the II millennium BC. NS. in Gorny Altai, the Karakol culture developed. It is characterized by similar structures, but they are built of stone slabs, and there are paintings on their walls. The "dolmen" found by Novosibirsk residents consists of separate blocks, but there are no paintings on the walls. Another option is that it belongs to the Afanasyev culture, which developed here at the turn of the 2nd-3rd millennia BC. NS. Photo: ITAR-TASS The dating of dolmens is different in different parts of the world. In Western Europe, Great Britain, Ireland, megaliths were built in the IV millennium BC. e., possibly at the end of the 5th millennium BC. NS. Our oldest megaliths are later: the end of the 4th - beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. NS. It is not so important what the age of the megalithic structure found in Altai will be. It is important that, in principle, a construction of this type was found here. Previously, it was believed that on the territory of our country dolmens are found only in the south: on the slopes of the Caucasian ridge and Krasnodar Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea, on the Black Sea coast. In recent years, megalithic monuments have also been discovered in the Urals. This find changes our understanding of the territory where the dolmen culture is spread. Alexander Gay, It will be possible to establish the exact dating of the found "dolmen" after more detailed research, which Novosibirsk archaeologists plan to do next year. Perhaps they will bring great discoveries, since the inaccessibility of this territory and the absence of settlements give hope that the "dolmen" was not plundered, in contrast to the overwhelming majority of such burial structures. Almost all of them fell prey to treasure seekers in ancient times. And those who accidentally escaped such a fate were plundered by "black diggers". Andrei Borodovsky fears that their discovery may suffer the same fate. Previously, the megalithic structure we found was not visible. Now that we have cleared the thickets, cleared the perimeter, it is easy to find. Therefore, I do not want to say where it is located. This information will be immediately used by "black archaeologists". And when next year we arrive at the excavation site, it will be too late, everything will be plundered, as has happened more than once. The only thing I can say about its location is that it is located on the Middle Katun in a very inaccessible place. Andrey Borodovsky, head of the expedition, leading researcher at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, SmartNeus This find is just the tip of the iceberg. The Novosibirsk archaeological team made a whole series of interesting discoveries: discovered about 2 thousand magnificent cave paintings of different eras, from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages. Petroglyphs on the territory of Gorny Altai were found in abundance, but these drawings have not yet been seen or studied. Andrey Borodovsky during one of the expeditions to Altai. Photo: Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Altai / There are still many discoveries to be made on the territory of Gorny Altai, and I am not surprised that a new type of megalithic structure has been discovered here. The fact is that for 150 years all research in this area was carried out only along river beds. Hard-to-reach places of Altai remain terra incognita for archaeologists. Many discoveries are yet to come. Read more: