Years after the tragedy. What happened after the tsunami

The earthquake that struck on December 26, 2004 off the coast of Indonesia caused a giant tsunami wave, recognized as the deadliest natural disaster in modern history.

The epicenter of the disaster was located at a depth of about 20 kilometers under the ocean floor, about 200 kilometers west of the northern tip of the island of Sumatra (Indonesia). The length of the earthquake source in the north-north-west (Andaman Sea) - south-south-east direction (along the coast of Sumatra Island) was more than a thousand kilometers.

The energy released during an earthquake is approximately equal to the energy of the entire world stock of nuclear weapons or the annual world energy consumption.

Following this natural disaster, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO was commissioned to develop and implement the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System. In 2005, the Intergovernmental Coordination Group was established. As a result of eight years of international cooperation under the auspices of the IOC, the Tsunami Warning System became operational in March 2013, when Regional Tsunami Watch Centers in Australia, India and Indonesia took over responsibility for transmitting tsunami warnings to countries in the Indian Ocean.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The 2004 tsunami became one of the most destructive cataclysms of our time. Although the epicenter of the tsunami was in the eastern Indian Ocean, near Indonesia, the giant wave also reached Sri Lanka. The 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka was very devastating.
The incident in Sri Lanka on December 26, 2004 happened unexpectedly - the tsunami waves hit the island without warning, so the population did not have time to evacuate and prepare for this cataclysm. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the large number of victims and victims during this natural disaster. A total of 13 tsunami tidal waves hit Sri Lanka. Only the northern part of the island was practically unaffected by the tsunami, while areas in the southwest, southeast and south of Sri Lanka were severely affected by this cataclysm.
The tsunami in Sri Lanka in 2004 was caused by earthquakes off the coast of Sumatra with a magnitude of 9.1 on the Richter scale. It was the third most powerful earthquake on Earth since the recording of the strength of earthquakes on the Richter scale began. Because of this earthquake, a tsunami was formed, which went in all directions from the epicenter of the earthquake. Countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand were the first to suffer, but other Asian countries and even some East African countries also suffered.
There were at least two, and sometimes even up to six, tidal waves before the tsunami penetrated the interior of the island of Sri Lanka. These waves also caused great damage to the island. In addition, the receding water also destroyed buildings and carried objects and people into the ocean. That is why, after the tsunami, many people were considered missing.

Which areas of Sri Lanka were affected by the tsunami

Sri Lanka was hit hard by the 2004 tsunami. Almost all areas of the island were affected. These are, in particular, not only areas in the south and southwest of Sri Lanka, but also areas of Southeast and Western Sri Lanka. Thus, nearly three-quarters of the island's coastline was affected. In addition, the tsunami led to the most serious railway accident in the country, the death toll of which exceeded 1000. There was another very negative effect - due to the tsunami, it became almost impossible to determine the location of more than a million antipersonnel mines on the islands, which were planted during the civil war.

The death toll in the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka

Although Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia are thought to have the highest tsunami fatalities, Sri Lanka is in fact the second most fatalities in the 2004 tsunami.
Death reports vary. As of March 1, 2005, an estimated 36,603 people died in the months following the tsunami. 800,000 people living on the coast of Sri Lanka are considered directly affected by the tsunami. They were injured and / or lost a roof over their heads or some other important property. Tourism and fishing have created a high population density along the coast. The coastal lifestyle of people in Sri Lanka has contributed to the high death toll from the tsunami. Below you will see an image that shows the death toll by area of ​​Sri Lanka. In addition to the large death toll, nearly 100,000 buildings and 180 schools were destroyed. The houses were easily demolished as they were built mostly of wood.
The damage caused by the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka is visible even today. The country's infrastructure, which has been badly damaged, is recovering very slowly. The Sri Lankan government estimated the damage from the tsunami at $ 1.4 billion. One can imagine what this money means for such a poor country like Sri Lanka. Visually, today only monuments remind of the tsunami. One of them is the Hikkaduwa Memorial, which was built with financial support from Japan and is dedicated to the victims of the tsunami.

The impact of the tsunami on the nature of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island with many plants and animals, many of which are endemic. Sri Lanka is also home to very delicate ecosystems such as rainforest, coral reefs, and mangrove wetlands. The long-term impact of the tsunami on these ecosystems is not as obvious as the impact on humans. Ecosystems, although very fragile, can withstand long periods of time after being harmed, making it difficult to judge how well they will recover from direct damage. Wetlands and forests were initially destroyed, but how quickly and efficiently they are being restored is still unknown. It is important that these areas recover and restore the immense biodiversity they once had.
Sri Lanik's forests acted as a barrier or cushion for the waves. Forested coastal areas helped alleviate the impact of waves on the hinterland. Nobody knows how many lives have been saved by the forest environment.
There is an irony that is very evident in the tsunami story. The natural environment caused this disaster and stole the lives of many people. When the dust settled, people turned to the environment for food, shelter and income, just as they did before. The importance of preserving coastal forests and wetlands to provide buffers for future tsunamis is emphasized. Fishermen, whose boats were not destroyed, headed for the oceans again, and tourists again contemplate the idea of ​​a vacation in Sri Lanka. The irony is that the source of such a horrific event was the giver of life on the island of Sri Lanka.

Earthquakes in Sri Lanka and the risk of a new tsunami

As you know, Sri Lanka has already experienced earthquakes and tsunamis. Today, many are interested in the question of what is the likelihood of a new tsunami or earthquake in Sri Lanka? Before trying to answer this question, it is best to understand what is the main cause of earthquakes and tsunamis. First of all, it should be noted that predicting the time and date of future earthquakes and tsunamis is one of the frontiers of scientific research. Anyone trying to predict a future earthquake can assume that they are speculating. So it's better to just look at what the real probability of an earthquake in Sri Lanka is.
The main plate boundary is located about 1000 km east of Sri Lanka. It is near Indonesia, Sumatra, Nicobar and Andaman Islands. This area is as active as ever. In fact, this particular plate boundary is now the most active in the world. It was on this border that a gigantic earthquake with a magnitude of more than 9.0 on the Richter scale occurred, which caused the tsunami in 2004. The region is clearly hyperactive and has experienced hundreds of earthquakes over the past few years. Although major earthquakes occurring in this region do not affect Sri Lanka, except for minor aftershocks due to distance, a tsunami cannot be ruled out. Not all earthquakes underwater cause tsunamis, but the likelihood that one of them will cause a tsunami is definitely there.
Many still believe that the island of Sri Lanka is quite safe in terms of earthquakes and that, with the exception of minor aftershocks, nothing like this can happen here. It should be mentioned, however, that an earthquake struck the Colombo area in 1615, after which more than 200 deaths were recorded. What does it mean? This only means that the geological conditions are favorable for a moderate-sized earthquake that could occur in Sri Lanka. So there really is a probability of an earthquake in Sri Lanka, and it is foolish to rule out such a development of events. Indeed, many people would laugh if they were told before 2004 that a devastating tsunami would come to Sri Lanka. Historical records are often dismissed with contempt. In August 1883, a tsunami had already hit Sri Lanka after the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano.
Several other geological options should not be ignored either. According to one scenario, the northern end of the plate, on which Sri Lanka is located, could crash into the Asian plate with such force that it would cause a powerful earthquake throughout the plate. The voltage at the north end of the plate will be transmitted across the Indian mainland, and Sri Lanka could also suffer from this voltage transfer. This accumulation of stress within Sri Lanka's landmass will also lead to instability and possibly earthquakes, aided by the many fractures and lineaments that cross Sri Lanka.
In general, new earthquakes and tsunamis in Sri Lanka cannot be ruled out. However, since 2004, Sri Lankans have indeed learned some harsh lessons and can now better warn people of impending disaster thanks to the National Disaster Management Center and the Bureau of Geological Survey and Minerals.

In 2004, there was one of the three most devastating earthquakes in its history of observing this phenomenon in general. The magnitude of the earthquake is 9.3 points. It happened on New Year's Eve, on December 26, at about 1 am in the Indian Ocean, near the island of Simyolue.

The only more powerful earthquake in history happened only once - in 1960 in Chile. It had a magnitude of 9.5 points. But even this disaster was not as devastating as the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake.

Earthquake prevalence

According to rough estimates, the disaster claimed the lives of 300 thousand people. There could probably be many more, but it is impossible to calculate the exact number of victims. Many could have simply been washed into the ocean, so no bodies were found. The population of 18 countries was affected, including Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Seychelles, South Africa, Kenya, etc.

The echoes of the earthquake reached the distant shores of Australia. The waves have traveled colossal distances to inflict damage even on the other side of the world. The destruction took place at a distance of 6.9 thousand km from the epicenter of the disaster. The colossal magnitude of the Earth's underwater shifts led to the formation of monstrous waves that rose to a height of 15 meters or more. They washed away all life on the nearby islands and rolled in a deadly storm to the distant continents.

Natural disaster power

The hypocenter - the point where the lithospheric shift itself occurs - is fixed at a place with geographic coordinates of 3 ° 19 ′ s. lat., 95 ° 51.24 ′ E It is located in the infamous Pacific Ring of Fire. This unfavorable territory accounts for 80% of all earthquakes that generally occur in the world. The depth where the earthquake took place is 30 km from the surface of the world ocean.

Even such a water column could not damp the power of the tremors. The tsunami waves that they raised in the ocean had a force of 5 megatons in TNT equivalent. This power can only be compared with the doubled force of all the explosions of the Second World War, together with the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Waves on nearby islands covered up to 4 km of land, burying entire cities under them and then washing them into the ocean. Nothing more monstrous has happened, at least for several centuries.

What happened to the lithosphere

In the hypocenter of the disaster, abrupt and very long tectonic plate shifts occurred. Two plates have moved: Indian and Eurasian. The rock rose sharply upward. A giant rift with a length of 1200-1600 km was formed. The seabed has risen several meters in this place. This provoked the formation of a colossal tsunami.

Nature warnings

The described movement of the earth's crust took place in 2 stages. The interval between the tremors was approximately several hours. Despite this, residents of all affected countries were taken by surprise. Interestingly, the animals immediately sensed the approach of trouble. Birds and animals left all coastal zones and went deep into the continents. But people didn't pay attention to it.

As a result, 235 thousand people died, up to 100 thousand were missing. Material damage is estimated at billions of dollars. According to the UN, the rescue operation and the elimination of damage caused by the earthquake are the most expensive in the history of mankind.

A powerful tsunami occurred on December 26, 2004 in Thailand, at the very peak of the season. Its cause is an underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean. Until now, it is considered one of the most serious natural disasters in modern history and the third most severe in the entire history of observation. Its power was 9.1 points on the Richter scale.

The force of the elements can be judged if only because it backfired even in South Africa, where waves of 1.5 m were recorded.Around the world, this event claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, according to various estimates, the number of victims of the tsunami in 2004 was from 200,000 up to 300,000 people.

Watch the video

The epicenter of the earthquake was located near the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The countries located directly next to it have suffered the most: Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Maldives, Myanmar, Malaysia and others. Waves 15 m high reached the coasts of states at different times - to Sumatra very quickly, to India - after 1.5 hours, and to Somalia - after 7 hours. The tsunami reached the mainland of Thailand 2 hours after the earthquake.

The large number of casualties is attributed to the poor warning and tsunami recognition system. The fact is that huge waves appear only near the coast, and in the ocean they are not very high. A good indicator was the animals that left all coastal areas overnight and rushed into the mountains. But in the process of evolution, man lost his intuition and connection with nature, therefore he rested as if nothing had happened.

Tsunami in Thailand in 2004

A tsunami in 2004 hit the western part of Thailand, which goes into the Andaman Sea, Phuket, Phi Phi, Khao Lak, Lanta, Krabi, and the Similian Islands were badly affected. It is estimated that about 9,000 people died, with the majority being tourists and not the local population.

Outwardly, the tsunami in Thailand in 2004 looked like this: suddenly the water began to leave the coast into the sea for a very long distance, and after a few minutes everyone saw giant waves approaching the coast. There were only 1-2 minutes left for the rescue. As the wave height reached 10-15 meters, many "undersized" hotels were flooded. However, we will omit the details so as not to once again remember the tragedy. Probably everyone saw the news footage that flew around the world: twisted trees, cars, trains ...

Tsunami in Phuket in 2004

The tsunami affected almost the entire western coast of Phuket, where the most are located - Patong, Karon, Kamala and Kata. The infrastructure was partially destroyed - hotels, restaurants, bars, clubs. It is estimated that several hundred people died.

Although the tsunami on Phuket Island caused great damage, the infrastructure was rebuilt very quickly. In fact, by 2006, nothing reminded of this tragic event.

Tsunami in 2012

The tsunami in 2012 is a failed tsunami and, in a sense, even a curious incident. Many do not even know what it was. But first things first.

Should you be afraid of a tsunami in Thailand in Phuket, Phi Phi and others

Having described all the horrors of the tsunami above, many will decide not to get involved with Thailand and forever deprive themselves of the joy of rest in the resorts of the Andaman coast. We hasten to calm you down. Our answer is unequivocal - not worth it. The fact is that after the tragedy of 2004, the Thai government, together with American experts, installed a deep-water system (the largest in the world) for early detection of tsunamis. A loudspeaker system was also installed on the coast, which notifies the population of the approaching disaster in several languages. And all this happens a couple of hours before the alleged disaster. An evacuation system has already been worked out, which will quickly take people to safe areas, away from the sea.

You may ask, what about such small ones as the Phi Phi Islands, where you don't really get away from the coast. Again, our answer is, don't worry. There are huge mountains, compared to which the height of the 15 meters wave is just dwarf.

The early warning system was tested on April 11, 2012, when there was a tsunami in Thailand and when the entire west coast of Phuket was evacuated, which I witnessed. So everything is fine, welcome to the resorts of the Andaman coast!

If you are still plagued by vague doubts, then relax in the resorts of the Gulf of Thailand. They are successfully protected by the Malacca Peninsula from the tsunami in the Indian Ocean and Cambodia and Vietnam from the tsunami in the Pacific Ocean. The safest are located in the very depths of the Gulf of Thailand - Pattaya, Rayong, Hua Hin, Cha Am, Samet Island and Ko Lan. If you come to Thailand for a long time and the sea is not particularly important for you, then go to the north of the country, where the worst thing that can happen is to overflow the banks of the Chao Phraya or Mekong rivers. Of course, this is an unpleasant event, but in no way fatal.

Which hit the Caribbean, Cuba and the United States. But let's remember that on December 26, 2004 at 7:58 am an earthquake occurred in the vastness of the Indian Ocean, which brought irreversible consequences. The magnitude of destruction reached 9.1 - 9.3 points. It triggered the development of the strongest tsunami in Thailand. Many countries were hit by the natural disaster, including Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and the Maldives. Most of the blow was taken by the inhabitants of the islands of Phuket, Phi Phi, Khao Lak, Lanta, Krabi, located on the western coast of Thailand. According to Wikipedia, from 225 thousand to 300 thousand innocent people died. Accurate calculations of the victims are complicated by the fact that many were carried off to the open sea by the giant wave.

How did the greatest tragedy of the century begin?

December 26, 2004 was an ordinary morning that did not bode well. The people who visited during their trip and the local population went about their usual affairs and could not even think that this day would bring so many sacrifices.

Meanwhile, changes began to occur in the sea, which in the future led to irreversible consequences. As a result of a sudden earthquake on the ocean depths, water masses were displaced. This led to the fact that the sea waves formed water semicircles that stretched over a distance of thousands of kilometers, and headed towards the coastal zone of Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, while developing a speed of up to a thousand km / h. Approaching the coast, the waves slowed down, however, they could reach 40 meters high.

The earthquake did not make itself felt on land, and the giant waves had not yet had time to reach the embankment and show themselves to people. Therefore, everyone who was at the moment on the islands of Thailand, in particular in Phuket and Krabi, could not imagine that they would witness a fatal crushing tsunami.

An hour after the start of the tremors provoked by the earthquake, the first signs of an approaching cataclysm appeared on land: animals and birds were leaving the beach with anxiety in their eyes. The water from the sea at one moment moved away from the coast. The shallow areas of the seabed were strewn with fish and shells, which ended up on land due to the fact that the sea water narrowed its boundaries. People with undisguised interest went to collect seafood. This was theirs fatal mistake.

After all, a wall of sea water was approaching the shore, rising to 15 meters high... Guests and residents of Thailand could not notice the impending tsunami with the naked eye, because the wave did not have a white crest and seemed from afar a reflection of the sea surface. When the real picture of what was happening rose up in front of people, it was already too late to run - attempts to hide from the disaster were unsuccessful.

With frantic energy, the water dug out, covering the land for two kilometers. At the same time, she demolished everything in her path, carrying only destruction with her. After a short period of time, the sea wave went back. The threat was posed not only by water, but also pieces of earth, concrete, destroyed furniture, building materials, cars, billboards that it carried with it. These items could easily take the lives of people who managed to escape from the disaster.

Tsunami in Thailand 2004 video

Those who were at the epicenter of the events managed to capture the unique moments on video cameras. These shots amaze with how ruthless elements swept through the territory of Thailand and what losses humanity has suffered. You can watch the 2004 Thailand tsunami in the video below:

Thailand Tsunami 2004: How Many Fatalities?

The death toll surprised everyone in earnest: 8,500 people died, about 3 thousand were residents of Thailand, the rest were citizens of more than forty countries. The 2004 tsunami caused the largest and deadliest natural disaster on record.

What did the tsunami leave behind?

When the water left the land and returned to the sea shores, the people who were destined to escape during the tsunami could not believe their eyes. Exotic corners of Thailand, impressive in their beauty and attracting many tourists every year, have turned into ruins. Around one could see destroyed buildings, shops, restaurants, pieces of metal from broken cars, fallen trees, mutilated human bodies under the rubble.

Elimination of consequences

When the deadly element receded, work was immediately started to eliminate the consequences of the 2004 tsunami in Thailand. For the surviving people, points were created where they could receive medical care, food and clean water, and spend the night. All victims were assigned to medical institutions. The big minus of the fact that hot weather always prevails in Thailand, there was a high probability of contamination of the air and drinking water, as a result of which an outbreak of infections could develop. Therefore, the list of the initial tasks of the local authorities included the search for all the victims, their further identification and burial. Since there were only ruins around, the discovery of dead bodies under the rubble took a lot of time, personnel and effort.

Useful for the tourist:

The authorities of many countries of the world provided the necessary assistance to the Thais: be it human cadres or material resources.

The tremors generated by the earthquake had an impossible force, as they passed through the planet Earth and caused the earth to vibrate up to 3 mm in the United States. During the raging of the elements, a large amount of energy was released, which provoked a change in the rotation of the planet. Because of this the length of the day decreased by 2.6 microseconds... Some of the islands located near Sumatra have moved 20 meters to the southwest.

Thailand nowadays

Since the 2004 tsunami, Thailand has managed to completely recreate the destroyed areas. A year after the cataclysm, people who lost their homes and apartments were provided with new housing.

All buildings that are being built in Thailand, especially on the coast, meet special requirements. They are designed in such a way that in the event of a new catastrophe they can withstand the blow of the sea and save the lives of thousands of innocent people.

Thailand takes part in the international tracking system for the movement of water masses in the ocean, thanks to which they can anticipate the outbreak of a tsunami. In the settlements close to the sea, systems of notification of the approaching disaster and plans for the evacuation of the population have been formed. People were introduced to the rules of conduct in the event of another natural disaster.

The authorities managed to restore the former atmosphere of a tourist center in Thailand, although all these achievements did not come easily. In 2005-2006, people planning to travel were still in fear of what had happened and were in no hurry to buy tickets to these resorts. Therefore, the cost of vouchers has significantly decreased so that there is an opportunity to somehow arrange tourists to rest on the Thai coast.

Years later, the situation in Thailand is the same as in the days before the fatal natural disaster - this is one of the most popular, world-famous resort corners of the world. Reviews of tourists satisfied with their trips only confirm this information. Now only fragments of video files and warning signs on the shore remind about the tsunami in Thailand in 2004. However, we will always remember the losses that this cataclysm brought to humanity.