Monuments of the history and culture of the Republic of Altai. Gorno-Altaisk: Attractions

The Altai Republic is not a rich edge from the point of view of the economy, but it is very rich in natural beauty. The nature of the edge is unique. Mountain ridges, and taiga, and steppes, and semi-deserts come together here. Extreme lovers can conquer mountain routes, lovers of quiet tourism - to see more affordable places.

Unfortunately, the tourism infrastructure is not yet highly developed, and it is necessary to be ready for Spartan living conditions. However, the purest air, the wealth of nature and the animal world with interest can everyone, and will not leave a single traveler indifferent.

Shavlin lakes are a complex of lakes that have arisen in the period of glacial activities. Of all the lakes allocate two lakes, top and bottom. Access for transport here is not. To achieve the goal, you will have to go through a distance of about 70 kilometers. Part of the path can be driving on a horse, but not all parts of the road it is possible.

However, lakes are standing. Clean water, untouched nature, unique animal world, abundance of berries and mushrooms throughout the route.

On the lake, the local is invited to relax in the bathhouse. And in the glade of idols, everyone leaves their crafts from the tree. This is a kind of open-air museum.

Beluha Mountain - the most high mountain Siberia. The name of the mountain comes from a snowy cut on its vertices. Although, initially Mountain had the name three-headed, since it includes three peaks. According to the legends of the indigenous inhabitants, the three-headed mountain is the pier of the gods and spirits, so it is necessary to go there only with bright thoughts.

On Mount Belukha, several routes are provided for the ascent of varying degrees of complexity. But from afar, the Mountain impresses with their beauty.

Beautiful waterfall, about 160 meters high. Tons of water with power and rumble are descended by a cascade in the river surrounded by the striking nature. Fascinating spectacle, from which it is difficult to break away.

And although the walk to the waterfall takes quite a long time, it is worth it. Winning charges the purest energy and joy from beauties for a long time.

Chulchish waterfall is a fairly young attraction. Tourists began to show him about ten years ago, opened it in the 70s of the last century, and formed a little over 200 years ago, as a result of the breed collapse.

In the village of Verkh-Uymon in 1926, within the framework of the Central Asian expedition, the scientist and artist Nikolai Roerich stopped at the Central Asian Expedition. Sheutored Roerich and his accompanying Local Peasant-Strover Vakhroma Atamanov. He was at Nikolai Konstantinovich and the conductor.

This house was turned into the Nikolai Roerich house-museum, where they tell about Roerich, about his life and his family. Here are represented by the reproductions of his paintings. The cinema show a small documentary about him. As a genuine artifact, Jacquac Roerich, in which he walked around the surrounding area.

Also talk about the difficult fate of the ordinary village family of Atamanov. In the local shop can be purchased for souvenirs and printed products about Roerich.

Location: Verkh-Uymon village, Naberezhnaya Street - 20a.

Probably the most accessible waterfall. Before him, it is not necessary to get through the passes and Brody of the mountain rivers. It is within walking distance near the mouth of the river Kamyshl on the left bank of Katun. Although it is small, only 12 meters, but also has its fascinating beauty and purity.

The wildests can plunge into its cold water, and then in the local cafe to warm hot tea. No extreme lovers can take a picture of memory very close with a cascade. Fortunately, a wooden walkway is laid nearby.

Located Museum in the village of Upper Uymon Ust-Koksinsky district. The museum was created by the local teacher of Raisa Pavlovna Kuchuganov. She also leads all excursions. With all his inspiration and enthusiasm to share knowledge about the history of the region, about fellow villagers and as 200 years ago, the emergence of the Old Believers mastered the surrounding lands. The museum introduces their life and culture. Although he and small, but the fascinating stories of Raisa Pavlovna are fond of guests from the first minutes to plunge into history and local legends.

The name comes from the next false village of Manzherokskoye. The same and official name of the lake. Mergeok has already gone from folk simplification. Local originally given name - Denigol.

Until recently, the lake was wild and not visited by tourists. But at some point, the lake cleaned from Slah, built a ski resort nearby, made an entrance to him, and it became popular for visiting. There are even places for renting boats and catamarans, on the shores are equipped with skewers and attractions. On the nearest mountain, you can climb the lift and explore the surroundings.

However, it is also forbidden to swim here, since there is no rescue observation on the lake.

On the Katun River next to the village of Chelal lies the island of Patmos, like a piece of cliff rises above the water. On the island there is a Temple of John-Bogoslovsky, belonging to the Barnaul Znamensky women's monastery. The shores in this place are very high and incisive, so you can get on the island only through the suspension bridge.

Sailugham Park is a fairly young ecopark created in 2010. It occupies a huge territory on which nature has been preserved in its original form. Also inhabit the populations of many wild animals, which are listed in the Red Book. This locality contains a few local nationalities, which still live with their own national traditions and rites.

Park infrastructure only develops, but tourists are invited to visit local history museums, ancient Tarkhatin observatory, as well as explore the rock paintings and runes of ancient people.

Seminary pass is the border of the Northern and Central Altai. The name comes from the Mongolian word "fortress". And indeed, the pass in antiquity was taken by storming as a fortress. And now there is a constant weather change on it, and you can not guess what to dress. Therefore, warm clothes should always be at hand.

At the top there is a stele in memory of the voluntary entry of Altai to Russia, and can be admired to the surrounding beauty of nature.

Many believe that there is a place of force where three world cultures and three religions are converging.

The most beautiful lake with the purest water and the surrounding pristine beauty, which is in the Heritage of UNESCO. Local residents The lake is called Altyn-Kul, which means the Golden Lake. The official name goes from a tribe living on the shores of the lake.
On the shores of the lake are located tourist baseswhere you can stay and enjoy the rest.

North shore is more populated and equipped in terms of service. The southern coast is more wild and with Spartan conditions, but it is more quiet and small. There is also a big plus of this side that you can swim here. Water better warms, unlike the north side, where even legs in ice water I am problematic to dip.

Local guides offer trips to a boat on the lake with a visit to the Cuba Waterfall.

This is the main road of Altai. At least it represents the usual asphalt road, but passes through such natural beauty that herself becomes a local attraction. Driving along it can be seen the valleys of seven rivers, many mountain rows and cross the steppes and passes.

In the city of Gorno-Altaisk is the National Museum, which is founded by the musician and ethnographer Andrei Anokhin, who devoted his lives to the study of the culture of the peoples of the region.

The museum presents an exposition dedicated to different historical periods. Various household objects, weapons and armor found in the excavations. And also here is kept mummy, called the Altai princess.

Location: Gregory Choros Gurkina Street - 46.

Not far from Turuysova Katun is the Tavdinsky caves. The length of these caves is quite large, but mostly visited the larger Tavdinskaya cave. Visit takes only a guide accompaniment. In the case of rain, the caves are closed and not available for visiting, as slippery rocks, and can be easily slipped.

Inside, the guides are talking about the origin of the data of the caves and the legends associated with them. Be prepared that there are quite narrow passages into some premises and sometimes you have to squeeze on the karachets.

Botanical Garden in the village of Kamlyk was created by local enthusiasts. From its annual expeditions, they bring samples of a rare flora and plant them for further reproduction and distribution. In a small area, both traditional plants of local flora are assembled, and pretty rare representatives.

To navigate the presented exposure best take a tour and listen to specialists. On the territory is also invited to get into the bath and taste local phytics.

The main attraction of the Altai Territory is a great nature. Picturesque transparent lakes, full-growing mountain rivers, mysterious caves and rocks, sheedy mountain legends, endless forest arrays, mineral healing sources. Cognitive tourism in the Altai Territory is associated with visiting numerous archaeological monuments and museum expositions, as well as entire memorial museum complexes created in memory of the famous natives of the region. Holidays in Altai may be associated with fishing, hunting, living in nature, activities of active sports, organism improvement activities and even recently, gambling.

List, photos with titles and descriptions of the main attractions!

1. Pine belt bors

Forest arrays, which stretch along rivers in the form of a bandwidth from 5 to 40 km, are called tape bodies. In Altai, their 5, the largest - tape of the Barnaul boron, its length along OIS is more than 400 km. Altai forest tapes have no analogues in the world, it is believed that they were formed during the ice age. Unique flora and fauna of these places fascinates, this is one of the most popular holiday destinations from tourists.

2. Belokurich resort city

A large balneological resort at the foot of the Church Mountain is famous outside the edge. At the end of the XIX century, radon thermal springs with healing mineral water. There is not only water, but also local air - the number of aeroimes in it is twice as high as the best Swiss resorts, and phytoncides are also present in large quantities. Recently, Belokurich also acquired the status of one of the popular ski resorts.

3. Mount Church

One of the natural attractions of the resort of Belokurikha. The mountain peak with the cross installed on it resembles the church dome, hence the name of the church. Climb the very top of the cliffs from which a wonderful view of the picturesque surroundings covered with forests can be on foot along the path or on cableway. Upstairs there is a small café where you can have a snack. In winter, the mountain turns into a popular ski resort.

4. Lake Large Sneakers

The famous lake of 53 km 2 is located in the Kulundy steppe, near Slavgorod. The reservoir is known for its miraculous properties, which are due to the presence of medicinal ilic mud and high-mineralized salted water. These natural wealth are successfully used in medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. For this purpose, sanatoriums and balneological hospitals were built on the coast of the lake.

5. Denisova Cave

One of natural monuments Altai Territory, in the territory of which archaeologists work from the second half of the last century. Tens of thousands of unique exhibits are already collected - adaptations for hunting, labor guns, the remains of more than 100 species of ancient animals and plants. It is assumed that our ancestors lived in this area 280 thousand years ago. It proves the remains found by the remains of the unknown people while the species of people who received the name Altai, or Denisovsky man.

6. Museum-Reserve V. M. Shukshina

A small village of Surestka in Altai became famous thanks to his famous countryman - Vasily Shukshin. In memory of it, a whole memorial complex of several buildings and corners of nature associated with the life of the writer was created here. Among them is a school where Shukshin studied, a house in which he spent his childhood and a house that bought his mother. The museum also includes a local cemetery, the Popovsky island, a small chapel and a mountain picket, known by annual Shukshin readings.

7. Lake Aya

The lake is located close to the famous Chui tract, on the border between the Steppe and Mountain Altai, and is very popular with tourists. In shape it resembles crescent, therefore it has such an unusual name, which with the Turkic translates as "Moon". The climate in this area is soft enough, from the wind on all sides the lake protect the mountains, the water in the summer is warm, even children can swim. On the coast, many hotels and the turbases are offered water entertainment.

8. Turquoise Katun

This is a large-scale tourist area on the shore large river Altai Territory - Katun. The resort infrastructure includes numerous hotels, bases, restaurants and cafes, sports grounds, trading rows. Here is the artificial lake with warm water offering a lot of water entertainment. In the Katun itself, it is impossible to bathe due to a strong current and low water temperature, but, nevertheless, the rafting on the river is very popular.

9. Tavdinsky caves

In the mountains of Altai, there are about 500 caves, many are recognized as nature monuments, and among them - Tavdinsky, 5 km long. This is a complex of three dozen different caves in the form and depths connected to each other. They are in the valley of the river Katun. The most visited - the large Tavdinskaya cave, electricity was carried out inside it, stairs and railing was installed. The protrusion in the center of the cave is similar to the gnome. According to legend, this is her keeper, and you need to leave him a coin.

10. Cascade of waterfalls on the river

A small picturesque river of shinkles and its surroundings is a monument of nature, the reserve, one of the popular tourist facilities in Altai. All this is due to the Cascade of 7 large and small waterfalls of amazing beauty. The overall length of their length is 120 meters, and the height of the largest - 70 meters. All waterfalls have names, for example, giraffe or yogi. Also, the river is interesting for its fauna. Here you can meet rare sapsans, marals, two-color leather.

11. Siberian coin

The only one in Siberia entertainment center The area of \u200b\u200bmore than 2000 hectares, in which the legislation is allowed to conduct a gambling business. It includes a network of exclusive casino, hotels and villas of a five-star level, shopping and sports centers, aquapark, a film concert complex, a snowboard park, a helipad and much more. There is a gambling area near the resort "Turquoise Katun".

12. Mountain Pharmacy Museum in Barnaul

Cozy, the homely atmosphere of this institution will not leave anyone indifferent. Here will come out with delicious tea, it will be offered to taste the famous Altai balms, hold a tour of the pharmacy museum, will reveal the secrets of the preparation of old drugs and pill. By the way, there is a pharmacy in an old building - the first building from a brick in Barnaul, here more than two hundred years ago, and the first pharmacy was opened.

13. Mount of damns finger

Heavdown by foreign legends Mountain 250 meters high is close to Lake Aya. If you look closely, the rocky ledge on its top really resembles a lone finger protrusion. From this place, the Valley of the Katun River and the picturesque lake appears in all its beauty. It is believed that the mountain heals female diseases and gives men power. Studies confirmed the presence of a geomagnetic assembly under the rock emitting a powerful energy flow.

14. Tihigirek Reserve

This is a relatively young protected zone in the south of the Altai Territory, she received his status at the end of the last century. Presents interest to the relief of this area. There are mountains and forest arrays, and cave complexes, and the magnificent valleys of the Eini rivers and white. Also located here are the Tihirek Fortress - Monument architecture XVIII. century. The vegetation and animal peace of the protected area differ in variety, some species are considered rare and disappearing.

15. Rock four brothers

A unique geological monument to a height of about 10-12 meters and an area of \u200b\u200b75 m 2 is located in the south of the city of Belokurikha. If you look closely at him, you can really see the outlines of the four men standing shoulder to the shoulder. You can climb up to the rocks by pedestrian walkways, while there is an opportunity to meet bugs living here, squirrel, rare birds. Since 2000, the cliff and its surroundings received the status of a environmental monument.

16. Museum "City" in Barnaul

One of the youngest museums that opened its doors to visitors in 2007 in the old building of pre-revolutionary times. The main task of the museum is to show the main historical moments in the life of the city through the fate of people who played an important role in its development. More than 6 thousand museum exhibits - documents, photographic materials, letters, clothing, household items allow you to gradually trace the story of the transformation of a small factory village to the modern industrial center of Siberia.

17. Kolyvan Lake

One of the most famous Lakes of the Altai Territory is located near the town of Zmeinogorsk. Its distinctive feature - framing the cliffs of the most bizarre, fabulous form. And the lake is famous here in large quantities of water walnut. This is a rare plant with the fruits of an interesting form, listed in the Red Book. It is believed that it has been preserved since the time of the smudder period. On the lake, all conditions have been created for comfortable recreation and entertainment.

18. Tsarsky Kurgan

The largest and spectacular of such archaeological monuments in Altai is located on the banks of the Saintek River. The diameter of the Kurgan is 46 meters, and its height is 2 meters. It is assumed that the leader of the tribe was buried here. The uniqueness of the Kurgan consists in the presence of an underground ring from the slabs with dimensions of about 1.5 meters, as well as a number of stone steels of different heights, the distance between which is strictly 320 cm. Probably, Kurgan was also used as an ancient observatory.

19. Pokrovsky Cathedral in Barnaul

The first service in the cathedral took place at the beginning of the last century. It was built on donations of the parishioners, although he was in the poorest district of the city. The architecture of the building corresponds to the Byzantine style, with its design, frescoes on the theme of Picks Vasnetsov, Kramsky, Nesterov were used. During the years of Soviet power, a cross was demolished from domes, the bell tower was destroyed, but the temple itself survived. In 2011, he was finally renovated.

20. Dendropark "Holmogorier"

Most the best way Relax from everyday stress and fumes - to plunge into the world of coniferous and deciduous green, therapeutic herbs and shrubs, luxurious flower beds and picturesque alpine slides. The "Holmogorier" complex covers an area of \u200b\u200b800 hectares. In addition to plant plantations, two mirror ponds are located on its territory, a shop with products from environmentally friendly raw materials, a summer cafe, a tea house, pottery workshops, children's attractions, a zoo.

21. White Lake (Courinsky District)

The lake and its surroundings are very popular with tourists. It is located at the foot of the mountain of the blue, has a small size and almost perfectly round shape. Like many natural attractions of Altai, the lake has its legend. In the midst of the reservoir rises a small island. It is saying that in the old days there was a workshop for the manufacture of fake silver coins, and silver in them was even more than in real.

22. Assumption Cathedral in Biysk

In 2003, one of the most magnificent Orthodox cathedrals of the Altai Territory noted his centenary anniversary. It was built in the Russian-Byzantine style for donations of citizens and admires not only with its architecture, but also a magnificent interior decoration. This is one of the few temples who survived over the years of the Board of Soviet power, and after the war he remained the only temple in the south-east of the Altai Territory, where church services were held.

23. Altai Memorial Museum of S. Titova

Unique Museum of Cosmonautics is in small settlement Polkovnikovo. It consists of two objects: the buildings of the old school, in which the cosmonaut once studied, and a new building, which contains exposure on the development of astronautics, as well as materials on the life and activities of Herman Titov. Here you can see the mockup of the ship East-2, which manned the titles, a space safe, a logbook, a piece of lunar soil.

24. Museum of Chui Tract in Biysk

The museum is dedicated to the history of the main road of Altai and its development stages, starting with a small trail for riders and coys of animals leading to Mongolia and China, and ending with the super-modern route. It is symbolic that the Museum is located in the house of the merchant Varvinsky, whose gates began the Chuyet path. Also, the museum's exposition introduces the characteristics of the climate of the region, its flora and fauna, presented a paleontological collection and a magnificent collection of diverse stones. The museum was in the middle of the last century. Its funds have more than 13 thousand exhibits - the best samples of domestic art, Orthodox art, starting from the XVI century, the folk art of the Altai Territory and Siberia of the XVIII-XX centuries, ancient and Western European art. The museum regularly conducts exhibitions, youth festivals, theatrical excursions, meetings with poets and musicians, master classes and gaming classes.

26. Museum "The World of Stone" in Barnaul

The private geological museum presents a collection of minerals, ornamental and precious stones not only by the Altai Territory, but also brought from other countries. The basis for the creation of the museum served as a personal mineralogical collection of the citizen of Sergey Berger. The attention of visitors are offered the work of the Altai folk craftsmen - Kamnezes. One of the masterpieces is a cedar branch, which has nephite needles, obsidian stem and snow on a branch of white marble.

27. Mount Sinauha

Syanihi slopes - the most high Point The Kolyvan Range, thick covered with fir forests, flowing blue. Hence the name of the mountain. To conquer it, do not need special preparationThe top can be calmly climbed along the field trail. The height opens a wonderful view of white and Mokhow Lake, placer granite, pine forest. On the grief there are several natural granite bowls containing clean and delicious water, which is considered to be holy.

28. Mount Babyrgangan

The height of the northernmost point of the seminal ridge is more than 1000 meters, from the end of the last century it is declared a monument of nature. Translated from Altai, the name of the mountain is "protein-flying". It is believed that the age of the mountain is about 300 million years. It's not difficult to climb it, on top there is a plateau with scaling remains of the most bizarre forms. From here there is a magnificent panorama of the plains on one side and the mountains - on the other.

29. Kolyvan Stamnezny factory

One of the main attractions of the Altai Territory is located in the village of Kolyvan. From the end of the 18th century, Altai masters were engaged in processing jasper, quartzite, marble, made magnificent vases, bowls, fireplaces, columns for palaces. Unique products of the plant can be seen in their beauty in the largest museums of Russia and other countries. At the plant, a museum of a clinner case is open, where a collection is presented from samples of various stones and workshop workshops.

30. Chapel on the site of the death of Mikhail Evdokimova

In the tragic accident on the highway nearby from the city of Biysk in 2005, the most beloved artist and the governor of the region Mikhail Evdokimov, as well as his guard and driver. At the site of a terrible accident, a small chapel of Mikhail Archangel was built. There is also a memorial stone with a memorable plate, at the foot of which there are always a lot of living colors, and 47 birches are planted, in the number of years lived by the beloved artist.

In the Altai Territory a huge number of the most diverse monuments. The site presents the most significant and interesting monuments of the Altai Territory.

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    0 m to the city center

    One of the central places of Barnaul is the Demidovskaya Square, in the center of which is the Demidovsky pillar. This obelisk was erected in honor of the 100th anniversary of a mining, existing in the Altai Territory. The construction of the monument was launched in 1825 with the investment of the first stone, the end date of the construction of 1839. Obelisk height is about 14 meters, it was erected from 12 granite blocks, 4 cast-iron supports lying on the pedestal were used as the base.

    0 m to the city center

    In 2010, Peter I was opened in Biysk. It is he who is considered the founder of the city, as for more than three centuries ago he issued a decree on the construction of the first outpost at this place. In the heart of the so-called merchant Biysk, namely in the park Garkavo, the bronze rider fits perfectly.
    With a proposal to create a monument to the founder of the city, the authorities appealed to several masters from all over the country. As a result, the author of another Byky monument was taken to work - St. Makaria, Rostov Master - Sergey Isakov. According to the project of the artist, the emperor sends on the hill, which is bulgedized to the three-meter pedestal.

    0 m to the city center

    Barnaul is located the only monument of an outstanding writer, director, writer and actor, Vasily Shukshin. The history of the creation of this monument is quite interesting. Make a similar monument to her countryman decided Nikolai Calls - a person is absolutely not related to the art of sculpture. He is an ordinary freumers, studying sculpture in the studio with DC Transmash. Calls have long tried this idea about creating a monument. She was immediately supported by the head and director of the plant, where the self-taught sculptor worked. For the embodiment of the idea required a year and a half.

    0 m to the city center

    In Russia, only two monuments of the leader and the founder of the USSR Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, where he is depicted in the hatch-Ushanka, one is in Rybinsk ( Yaroslavl region), Other - in Biysk. Socialism dictated the rules that this man had to be either without a headdress or in a cap. However, Siberians decided to bring Lenin to culture and local flavor. Moreover, the leader is never during his reign in this city. Monument to Lenin in Biysk opened in 1983. The author of the project was Christopher Gevorkyan. The sculpture of Vladimir Ilyich performed by Master Gevorkyan, was cast in Minsk. During transportation, the figure was transported in the rail along the railway.

Altai - the subject of the Russian Federation, the republic in its composition. The Republic of Altai is part of the Russian Federation, but simultaneously borders with Kazakhstan and Mongolia. It is not considered tourist Moz or a popular point for visiting Russia, like sea resorts, for example. But this is a great place consisting of magnificent mountainous arrays and blooming fields. If you see in the living nature of Altai, you will never forget it and you will just in love. The number of mountain ranges is impressive, Beluha is located on its territory - the highest mountain of Siberia (4509 meters).

Moreover, their contrast with huge river valleys is impressive. Especially colorfully looks like a change of climate in the Altai Territories, on the landscape of the mountains and rivers you can see not only colorful and bright summer time, when everything around flowers and overflows. But also to catch a strong stepper and a harsh winter. But in any time, the mountain altai is impressive with his picturesque magnificence. Of course, Western Siberia is famous not only for its beauty, but also a culture. This beautiful area is filled with monuments and memories of their own culture, whose story you will probably be interesting to learn, especially through historical artifacts. It has complete mysteries past, which is not so easy to solve, but it is very interesting to study.

The first settlements appeared in Altai in 2-3 centuries. BC. In ancient times, Mongols reigned there, and after other people of China and Central Asia, and the initial peoples of Altai were considered to be Mongols, Turks and Tibetans, who settled there, being nomads, and after the settlements were formed there. So, the nomadicism and a variety of flavoring the neighbors of this region makes this territory interesting for archeology.

Historical and cultural monuments of Altai

Stone Baba

One of the most memorable finds are the creations of the Altai peoples of the Warriors. The stordst thing is that in the end they purchased such a name. And hearing him, it misleads, because the case is about the image of Worders and Men. In the Altai Territory, more than 200 such stone boulders were found, and some were transported to central cities Moscow and Peter. They are dating 8-9 century AD. No image is similar to another, if you can put it, they are made in different style, although they are the same. This is a big stone, sometimes made under the silhouette of a person with the image of a man or his face. Usually each of them has a straight look with widespread eyes. Everyone has some distinctive sign showing its status.

In the lowered hand, a saber Il Dagger is usually located, perhaps on the belt. They are dressed in the robes of the warrior, and in the hand hold the cup or a cup with a drink. It is believed that this bowl in hand is a symbol of the participation of the soul in the burial. These stone sculptures attract some kind of magical aura, remind something far and sacred. They only published resemble people, serve their description rather. The statues height is different from 1.5m to 4x. It happens, they are located in groups near some ancient villages. They are attributed to one time and are associated with a historical event. They are closely related to the history of Altai and are considered her heritage. These amazing stone blocks of the strengths and brave men living so sometime.


This is the subject of the discussion of archaeologists. It is also considered to be the property of Altai and is a large number of stone blocks set close to each other. There are several versions of explaining a similar phenomenon, or rather, their purpose. After all, this is a question why someone once established a large number of stones in one place, gone from the village, they must have some meaning. It is generally recognized by their role in the funeral ritual, but the meaning of this location is important. This is definitely not the tombstones of the dead, because there was no one bone next to the burial. But at that time the corpses and burned. However, looking at the history and legends about these parts, some believe that it is directly connected with the testes about wars.

In ancient stories, it is said that when some nice warrior or a commander was dying, there were so many stones with his burial, as he killed how many enemies. True, even for the period to present that a person killed about a hundred people is very difficult. And they are usually in large quantities. Therefore, it is rather a legend, albeit interesting, but dubious. In another version, these funeral stones also consider a certain cemetery, they said that the warriors and stones were buried there - this is a sign of confession who came to honor him. But, on the other hand, they could also bury both women and children, and the stones then will be the reverence from people who came to spend their soul.

In another embodiment, they expressed the theory that it was not easy stones, and Konovyzya, which usually nomadic people put on their homes towards the East. And it is possible that when the rite of burial happened, people were overlooking the convales to this place, as a sign of respect or as a stay there. Perhaps they had a deeper point as a sign of attention to the human soul, so that he could know that this man remembers about him. Therefore, such places of the Balbaly are still a controversial monument of culture. Everyone converge on the fact that they have a ritual value, but what else will have to learn. While they are impressive with their multiple and location among the rocks, resemble a kind of cemetery, and on these stones you can even find inscriptions as some messages to the deceased.

Denisova Cave

Altai is full of mountains and ridges, very amazing with its beauty. And there is a lot of different caves. But this names contains not only the spirit of the people, but also historical importance. The cave among the people is called "bear stone", because according to the legend, there was a dark shaman who terrorized the neighboring settlements and forced them to pay him. He himself could turn into a huge bear and sculpt the boulder who rolled on the village, and where his road was running, then it was always raining and spoiled sowing. Only the highest deity was able to defeat him, who prayed local.

He destroyed the shaman and shook the thunderwall deep into the cave. Now there are many archaeologists there, and the neighboring settlements scold them for it. After all, they believe that if those surpass at least a piece from the stone, then the rain will fall again on their homes. But they are unlikely to leave this place alone, because it was this cave that became a source of cultural find. Namely, it was found confirmation that in this part of the mainland, people began to settle from not from 1 centuries. N.E, and already from 2-3, and it had more influence.

Of course, then the question arises, why is it called Deonisov? This name, she acquired due to the fact that in it some time lived in 18VV. Hermit Dionysius. For those who lived there, the Old Believers he was a shepherd. Believers came to him in the cave for the blessing and advice. Therefore, now the cave is indicated by this way.

Ukoka princess

This unexpected and amazing find came into the hands of the researchers of one Kurgan on the plateau of ocke. In 1993, she found the burial of a person with two knives and a couple of horses, which was quite expected to this place. But after this burial, something really amazing was discovered. They discovered a whole funeral room, with a shaded body of a young woman, which is now called the Ukok Princess. The room was decorated with various skins, and there were also buried 6 horses there, which speaks of her status, because only the royal genus could have such a number of horses.

She herself was in the sleeping pose, amazing kind of burial, she lay on the pillow and was covered. Everything was decorated with ornaments from the Golden Foil, in addition, there were many trinkets of female Bouire and figurines of various animals. The girls's hands were covered with pearls, and in the ears there were earrings in the form of golden rings. It is believed that she died at the age of 25. Local believe that her name Ak-Kadyn, the keeper of the underworld. For archaeologists, this discovery was of great importance. Since the room was in ice and things, right up to the mummy of the young girl well preserved.

Boma Fortress Biç

In fact, it is a rock that has the name of the bicker-kaya. She got his fortress through the old legend. On the rock there is an inscription, which in the translation says "the war was held here," and the remains of the fortress were found in the rock and her caves. The story itself states that there was a time when the enemy troops fell, and men and women destroyed. Then they fled and made fortifications in this grief. Then the enemy leader of Mongols Sonaka tried to take their fortress, but could not do it directly. When he tried to send an army to surround the opponent, all his soldiers died.

In the mountains, there is no experience in local weather and environments, they were littered with snow in the bora or crashed. As a result, he surrendered and told his people no longer walk to Altai. This very interesting legend, although it is difficult to say whether it has real events during the attacks of Mongols. All the same, it is of interest to their ancient drawings, which are covered with its walls. In the cave they found more than a hundred, mostly scenes of hunting or some animals, some of them are different times. The scenes of the hunt are depicted in the militant spirit, but, except for them there are both the narratives as deer in some dance, perhaps, too, in battle, there are cute, sniffing each other in the meadow. This is practically gallery of ancient art.

Almost 2000 thousand monuments of history are located on the territory of the Altai Territory. These include:

1. Military - revolutionary monuments - historical objects related to events of the period Civil War And the formation of Soviet power in Altai is the graves of red partisans and underground workers, places of fighting, buildings where the first state bodies of Soviet power were located.

Grave of red partisans

2. Monuments of the Great Patriotic War period (1941-1945) are represented by individual monuments and memorials to the warriors - fellow countrymen in the fronts of war, buildings in which hospitals were wounded, fraternal graves of the dead from RAS, the graves of the heroes of the Soviet Union, who died after the war, buildings where heroes of war lived or studied.

3. Memorable objects associated with the life and creativity of representatives of science, technology, culture, public figures.

4. Monuments of the mining and metallurgical production of the XXVIII - XIH centuries. Presented by the mines and remnants of the factory complexes (Barnaul, Pavlovsky, the top are Alasky plants, the Kolyvan grinding factory).

Obelisk Mountain Production in Altai

5. Little Monuments of Military Engineering Arts XVIIIV. - remnants of defensive structures by Kolyvan - Kuznetsk fortified line (Tigretsky, Beloretsky, the top is alaic outposts, the Klyuchevsky lighthouse).

Sanatorium - resort complexes of the Altai Territory

Large sanatoriums are CJSC "Resort Belokurikha", AOZT "Sanatorium" Russia ", OJSC" Sanatorium "Altai-West"

Balneological resort BelokurikhaLocated on unique healing sources, the pearl of Siberia is considered right. The main wealth of the resort of Belokurikha is the famous thermal waters with the content of radon, the beneficial mountain air, healing mineral water, and, of course, the nature of the Altai Territory is unique in their beauty and positive energy. The climate is dry, moderately continental: early spring, moderately hot summer, pretty warm and dry autumn and windless sunny winter.

Winter Belokurich, both for local residents and guests - this is a prestigious ski resort. Snowboard lovers and high skis admirers come here. Meet Christmas I. New Year In these places for many, it became a glorious tradition.

Sanatorium "Altai-West" - the best health resort of Altai and Russia

Sanatorium "Altai-West" - a modern resort complex in Belokurikh, located in close proximity to unique thermal sources.

Sanatorium Altai-West Capacity 607 people began its activities in 1963 and is located in the center of the Belokurich resort. On the territory of the sanatorium there is a parking area near the river with alleys, arbors, terns, children's playground, sports ground.


Included in the cost of the voucher.

Three times. Breakfast - buffet; Lunch and dinner via a custom menu. Diet menus Presents No. 1,2,5,6,8,9,10,15.

In the dining room sanatorium (450 seats), the restaurant "Budapest" (56 places) or the Altai restaurant (52 seats).

Orders are accepted for banquets, buffets, coffee breaks, delivery to the room.

Work lobby bar and coffee shop


24-hour reception, taxi call, luggage delivery. Storage of values \u200b\u200b(safe on reception); laundry service; small clothes repair; Order for awakening.

Hairdresser, minimarket, periodic printing kiosk; Department of Sberbank; Service cards Cancer, Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard Electronic, MasterCard Maestro; At the reception it is possible to pay for terminal services.

Free internet access.

Duty doctor / medical center.


Disco, Music and Entertainment, Musical Evenings by the fire, Festive Concert Programs, Shows, Artists, Demonstration of Films.

Excursions to the temple of St. Panteleimon-Healer, in the vicinity of the resort (Mountain of the Church, the Old Mill, Mount Four Brothers, Round Mountain, Century Pine, Mount Grace).

Active routes provided by travel agencies: horseback, hiking, mountain, cycling, rafting; Excursions to tribal coniferm in p. Altai, where you can see horses of purebred riding and ahalteff rock.


For recreation: Film Concert Hall (500 people), Library (Fund 15,000 Ex.), Billiard club with a cozy bar, night club "Rest" (show programs, discos).

For sports: gym, table tennis, equipment rental (roller skates, bicycles, skateboards, scooters); In winter - skates, skis.

For recreational holidays: indoor pool, heated summer pool, solarium.

For children: children's playroom (computer games, video, designers, toys); children playground.

Game room