How in advance you can buy flights. When it is better to buy tickets

The journey is very pleasant, but also a very cost process. When is it better to buy plane tickets not to overpay? With a competent approach to the purchase, you can save up to third costs for tickets, and sometimes more. The main thing, when planning a budget vacation, know some nuances and tricks.

A frequent error of travelers is to think that the earlier you order tickets, the better. However, the purchase earlier than 8-9 months before the trip is not the best solution. The fact is that airlines often form a price depending on the loading of the passenger flux last year, but this year it can decrease at a specific direction. Therefore, purchasing tickets are too early, the tourist risks overpay for the trip.

In which month it is better to buy plane tickets

It is more profitable to buy tickets in advance. The optimal period for buying a ticket for domestic flights is 4-5 months, and for international ones for 5-6 months. As the departure approaches the date of departure, the flights will only be expensive, and already two weeks before departure, the cost increases every day and, about 5-7 days, reaches its maximum.

Sometimes you can find cheap flights in a couple of weeks or even days before departure when companies are arranged if unnecessary places are left. But this is the question of good luck, and not a regularity.

Buy a ticket from a discount ticket, if you plan your vacation in advance so that it does not fall out for seasonal months. The most "expensive" periods are considered July, August and New Year holidays. Since mid-January and February, there is a decline in prices. In February, you can purchase tickets by 30-40% cheaper, compared with the hot August.

It is also advantageous to purchase tickets from mid-November and approximately until December 12. Such a purchase ticket saves up to 40%, and sometimes to half of the cost.

If you are important to purchase tickets for the summer, then you can save a bit. Avoid popular directions, as for some routes the cost is growing slightly. For example, in Israel, there is even some decline in Israel, there is a significant difference in value and when traveling to Croatia or Bulgaria in the summer. A good option is to plan holidays for September-October, the weather in many countries is still warm, and the prices are significantly lower.

It is important to take into account the features of specific directions. For instance:

  • the most economical tickets to the Maldives and Sri Lanka can be bought in June;
  • december is considered the most expensive month for a trip to Thailand;
  • the best months for traveling to Canada and the United States are November and February.

What day of the week is better to buy airline tickets

When is it best to buy cheap flights? It is believed that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are the most suitable days to acquire economical tickets. According to statistics, the best option for buying tickets is Tuesday, the second half of the day. It is on this day after 15:00 airlines often spend sales. In addition, a good time to order a ticket is a night, about 1:00, at the same time, take into account the time zone of the airline.

Which date is the best planning your flight? Here are also favorable options are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This is due to the fact that the bulk of tourists is planning a trip, adjusting to the standard working schedule to capture the weekend, and the weekdays are less popular.

The perfect day of the week for departure is a medium, it is precisely for these dates most often tracked. If we talk about the time of departure, then the most profitable morning watches will be, then in popularity there is a lunch time.

Tricks for buying advantageous air tickets

  • Play with the days of the week. If you are not fundamental to the flight date, it will be good to check the neighboring numbers, perhaps tickets will be cheaper than the number you look at.
  • Buy airline tickets immediately "there - back" is more profitable than to take a one-way ticket.
  • If you fly together, it is better to take tickets individually for each person. When a search is given for two people, the system usually gives the standard cost.
  • Track stocks and sales on the official websites of airlines. As a rule, the firms declare in advance to reduce the cost of specific directions.
  • Also use various services of software - they issue offers from various airfirm. For example, the popular Aviasales resource makes the emphasis on cheap tickets and when requesting issues the most profitable sentences to the client in the first row.
  • To better search, clean your browser's memory regularly. The fact is that the search engine remembers your requests and begins to seduce with marketing techniques - notifications may appear that the latest place remained at the chosen direction.

General Recommendation - If you know a specific direction, you need to start tracking tickets for half a year. If you have not yet decided on the travel destination, then on the Avials resource or other services there is an opportunity to choose the cheapest flights for the near future or upcoming holidays.

No doubt, the topic of a better time for buying a ticket is not Nova and discussed more than once. However, over time, airline sales strategies are changing.

Perhaps at the end of the work week, you most want to buy a ticket and break somewhere, but it is not entirely profitable to do it, because it is closer to Friday, the air tickets are usually sold more than just.

On average, air tickets purchased on Friday, 13% more expensive than bought on Sunday, according to a study conducted on the basis of tickets to all over the world last year. While holidays are more likely to book on weekends, business travelers tend to buy flights somewhat more expensive at the end of the work week.

Prices are maximal on Fridays. Flights with discounts usually end up by Friday and many airlines launch new sales and promotional tickets on the weekend to see how they relate to offer airlines-competitors. Thus, tickets at discounted prices are already sold out by the end of the week, until the weekend or at the beginning of the week they will not replenish them with new special offers.

Hunt for cheap air tickets - constant test for advanced travelers. Sometimes they are watching as prices fall, it is worth booking a ticket, and sometimes see how prices grow, while you expect a decline. The study suggests that in reality there is no magic solution for pubicing the best price itself in addition to buy tickets in advance.

How good the air ticket is purchased is important. Optimal time on average - about two months before departure. However, this time should be increased for long distice flights. Intercontinental flights tend to be cheaper than 4-8 months before the departure date. Many flights, a duration of more than 8 hours, buy cheaper even for 7.5 months before departure.

However, the attempt to find the lowest price may be losing in the price game of airlines. Airlines are usually not starting to actively correct the prices of the flights of a certain flight earlier than 3 months for internal flights and 3-6 months for international shipments. Therefore, the probability to buy too early is small.

Tuesday often consider the best day for buying a ticket at a discount. Managers setting prices for tickets come to work on Monday and study sales performed on weekends. If the insufficient number of seats are sold, sales are organized and new prices are introduced into the system on Monday night.

Two thirds of all sales are still entering online sales of air tickets on Monday night and, usually, last a couple of days. Such sales, however, often offer tickets with restrictions and not for all directions.

The system of calculating the cost of airline airline airlines determine the price for each flight and compare it with competitors prices. If there is a win as soon as possible or convenience of transfers, such tickets tend to be more expensive and vice versa. The system also takes into account the popularity of the direction and adjusts the price depending on the staffing of the flight.

Times when tickets could be purchased very cheaply immediately before departure, almost completely passed. Now air carriers have been able to fill flights by 90%, leaving the remaining places expensive for business tourists.

Unfortunately, the golden rule for the acquisition of the cheapest air tickets is not. It is only known that the best time for this is a weekend or the beginning of the week, although there is some chance, special lucky travelers can catch a discount on any day. For the greatest savings should avoid trips to countries in a high season. For most countries, this is the summer months. For traveling around Russia, a high price for air tickets are especially allocated by the May holidays. Many directions are more expensive than the New Year holidays.

avia Panda wishes you successful purchases of tickets! Book tickets in advance, do not wait when there is no choice no longer. Do not forget to look at our section of discounts on flights, where new special offers are always waiting for you.

Advise this article to friends:

Very frequent question, about which hot spores in forums often flared up: For how many days of airline sell tickets and how to choose time to buy the cheapest tickets.

It is worth saying that the most incredible offers are nominated, from buying a ticket a year before the trip before it acquisitions in a couple of hours before departure. Unfortunately, none of these answers is close to the truth.

Flynow experts advise to buy tickets for two months before the trip - this is the best time to book them at the minimum cost. With foreign trips, the purchase time can be increased to 2.5 - 3 months. We also recommend the early purchase of tickets for popular summer destinations in the southern resorts.

We will try to explain why this time is considered optimal, but first should be explained when tickets appear on sale.

For how many days start to sell tickets.

The sale of air tickets is divided into two seasons: spring-summer and autumn-Winter. Airlines claim the Spring-Summer season schedule, agree with the airports about the possible arrival time and departure. If the airline works with tour operators on charter flights, it needs to combine charters and regular flights so that they have affected the delays and late as possible.

In addition, if several airlines fly in one direction, the schedules must be drawn up so that all the departures are more or less uniformly distributed during the day, for example, flights must be searched in the morning and in the afternoon. In the morning one airline flies, the afternoon is different, in the evening.

In the fall, the number of flights to the southern directions is significantly reduced, the number of charter flights and the vacated airline aircraft can be sent to other directions or increase the frequency of flights on existing routes.

Flight timetables are argued twice a year. You can buy tickets when you have already published the schedule of departures to the season you need.

Summer season Large airlines argue flight schedules at the end of December - the middle of January. Small carriers this process can delay until the end of February.

Flight timetables for autumn and winter Usually become known in the middle of summer or in August.

Do not hurry buy tickets

So, buy a plane ticket about six months before the flight. But we recommend not to hurry with the purchase.

Reasons why not worth buying tickets long before the flight:

    You may have plans. In this case, you will have to change flights to another date or even refuse to fly. All exchanges for the exchange and return of plane tickets are paid and depend on the tariff of your ticket.

    The cheaper you bought a ticket, the more you pay for the exchange. And if you bought a non-returnable and unnecessary plane ticket, you just lose your money.

    Early booking of air tickets - only for those who are 100% confident in their trip.

    Airlines can change tickets. Opening flights to the new season, each carrier takes into account the film of flights for the season over the past year. If the rearness remains the same, then, most likely, the cost of tickets will not change.

    But if for some reason passenger traffic decreases, or a competitor appears in this direction, the airline may well correct the price and make tickets cheaper.

    Discounts and promotions of airlines Usually begin in two or three months before departure and never for half a year.

    It is not necessary to hope in advance that you will fall per share or sell, you should not. But when booking tickets for a couple of months, especially in the fall and winter, chances to buy flights on the stock are significantly increasing.

Exceptions from rules

There is no rules without exception, we will also tell about them. Of course, there are situations where plane tickets make sense to buy immediately after they appear on sale.

These are tickets to popular holiday destinations on holidaysespecially for New Year and Christmas. For example, flights Moscow - Havana for New Year's holidays are bought up as hot cakes. And the carrier, most often, does not lower with time, but increases their cost. The same applies to New Year's flights to Prague, Vienna and many other European cities.

Council when booking such tickets: If you booked tickets to the holidays, do not pull with their purchase, try to buy the most quickly as possible. With the large demand of the airline, it is entitled to change the retention time (time limit) and your reservation may unexpectedly cancel you.

Fakes and legends about buying tickets

On the Internet, there are quite a lot of absolutely unconfirmed information about how to buy the cheapest air ticket, here are some of them:

    You can save by buying a ticket for two or three hours before departure. Airlines are cheap selling empty places.

    In fact, there is no such a long time, the information is outdated for twenty years. Now you can buy tickets only by the tariffs that are in the booking system.

    Tickets are cheaper by certain days of the week (on Thursdays, Mondays, etc.). For holidays and weekends, airlines increase prices.

    It is not true. All tariffs for all days of the week are the same. But some days can enjoy the greatest demand and cheap flights for these days are bought faster.

    If you book tickets for one and a half or two months before departure, the price of air tickets will not depend on the day of the week.

    The best time for buying tickets - at night, from Tuesday to Wednesday. Also another fake, but with justification.

    The fact is that the basic cost of tickets for international flights is calculated in dollars or euros. And every week, on the night of Tuesday on Wednesday, the cost of tickets in rubles is adjusted with the current currency rate.

    But if the price of the ticket has already been adjusted, then it will remain like this all week, until next Tuesday. And it does not matter, book you ticket at night or day.

    To the flights within the country, this is not related, because The price of tickets to domestic flights is established in the national currency of the state.

    The earlier the tickets are bought, the more cheaper. Also very popular misconception.

    In fact, the airline establishes several economy-class tariffs. The cheapest of them, as a rule, non-returnable, and maybe hopeless. The cost of the cheapest tariff is unchanged, regardless of whether you buy tickets for the month, for two or six months before the flight.

MegaInstructions, how to find and buy tickets for the plane cheaper than just! 11 tricks that will help to significantly knock down the price of tickets.

  • How to learn how to find and book tickets?
  • How to fully use all the features that are given airlines and ticket search engines?
  • How to break the system and force the airlines and agents to turn their cunning acceptors against themselves?
  • How to apply "the empire air transportation" crushing strike, know the power and use it for the benefit of free travel?
  • How, the features of the shatter, finally learn to travel a lot and cheap?

Answers in this article!

Reading articles and site news, you have repeatedly might noted a number of ways to buy air tickets at the lowest price, sometimes - on an indecent low price! In this article, I systematize all the knowledge and skills of searching and buying cheap plane tickets and briefly cut them into 11 points. I love to travel, fly on airplanes and always try to do it cheap or even for free. Knowledge and skills I have accumulated enough - now I share everything that I know here.

I will transfer ways to acquire cheap tickets in ascending order of their steepness and non-triviality. Let's start by S. basic knowledge which should have any independent traveler, and gradually come to advanced skills And the most cunning ways to knock down the price of air tickets to find out even an experienced traveler.

The article is large (what to do, tips a lot), so take patience - who knows maybe she will change your life, significantly increasing the time you will spend in flight and travel.


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How to Find Cheap Flight tickets

1. Use search engines for all 100%

Search engines of cheap air tickets (aggregators) are the easiest and most reliable way to find tickets at the lowest price. The essence of their work is to compare prices for tickets for the direction you need among hundreds of airlines and all major agencies and find the best offer.

If you are looking for tickets exclusively on the websites of airlines or, Eupy of Lord, driven into Yandex or Google requests like "Buy Cheap Flights Aeroflot" (I checked, very many do this), or do not buy tickets online, but go to the ancestors in Acellas, then the cheapest tickets to the plane always will be bypass. With this approach, you just have no chance to meet with them.

I consider the best search engines by three services: Avials, Bouruki and Skyscanner. Their use when searching for cheap air tickets is approximately 80-90% of success. However, in order to get a complete return from search engines, you need to use their capabilities for all 100% - and this is done not all: even familiar travelers do not know about a number of excellent functions of these aggregators.

Tip: Before you buy tickets, check the price in all three search engines for greater reliability - so you will increase your chances to find the cheapest flights. Sometimes the price difference can be about 2-7% of the ticket price.

Well, now about the useful features of search engines of cheap air tickets you want to know and apply in practice.

(Photo © jrpboo /

A. Advanced (Non-specific) Search for cheap airfares

This awesome opportunity has a search engine Skyscanner - she will solve the problem of anyone who does not have certain plans, where and when to fly, but wants to do it as cheaper as possible. In the crisis the most! So, in the search form you can ask not only specific cities / airports and clearly fixed dates, but also the options are uncertain.

  1. In graf "From where" You can specify the whole country entirely (all of its airports) - for example, insert "Russia", "Ukraine", "Belarus" or, say, "Zimbabwe". Plus you can install a tick at the point "Add airports nearby".
  2. In graf "Where to" You can enter "everywhere" or leave the field blank, then the search system will look for the cheapest flight options to all countries of the world.
  3. In fields departure and Return Dates You can specify immediately "all month" or "all year".

Here is an example of how you can fill out the search form on Skyscanner:

B. Subscription to the price of ticket prices

  • The ability to mark specific dates or search for several months at once;
  • The ability to set the length of the planned trip;
  • The presence of filters to cut off excess;
  • Comparison of specific days of departure among themselves;
  • For a number of directions, the system shows information on interesting events and holidays in a particular month.

Mobile application

It is very useful to have a search engine of cheap tickets always at hand. It is easy to implement - just install your mobile application on your smartphone. Avials has convenient and debugged applications for Android (download), and for iPhone (download). Interestingly, according to Avials statistics, almost half of their users is looking for and buying tickets through these mobile applications, and at each 8th iPhone in Russia this program is installed.

D. Sophisticated (composite) route

This feature is available on Avials and Skyscanner search engines. It allows you to make routes with three and more flight segments and "routes - forks" when the city of arrival and subsequent departure are different (open flights). Also, thanks to this feature, you can buy tickets with a blank (docking longer than per day).

  • An example of a simple route: Moscow - Barcelona - Moscow.
  • An example of a complex route: Moscow - Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBarcelona - Paris, Paris - Moscow.
  • An example of "forks" (Open-Jaw): 1) Moscow - Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid - Moscow; or 2) Moscow - Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBarcelona - St. Petersburg.

The benefits of "forks" and complex routes and how they can buy tickets are cheaper than simple flights, read further, in section of advanced skills, in point.

E. Cheap flights to holidays

Collecting plane tickets at the best prices can be seen on the Burok service on the page "Flew for holidays!".

Choose your city and holidays you are looking for tickets (for example, May or New Year), and the system will give you a list of the best offers for these dates. You can sort the issuance in the directions (Europe, Asia, America, etc.). Very comfortable thing for leisure planning!

J. Low price map for flights

Another interesting and original function. Allows you to search for cheap tickets for flexible parameters:

  • Travel dates: accurate, weekend or holiday tickets, searches for months or seasons.
  • Ability to look for only direct flights.
  • Visa filter: visa-free countries, Schengen, other visa.
  • The range of duration of stay.
  • The budget that you are willing to allocate on the purchase of tickets.

Try to use the low price map for Avials or Skyscanner.

2. Follow stocks for flights

From a strong and unbearable desire to buy the cheapest flights, you can get away - dried up on mailing all existing airlines and agencies. It's not worth doing so - please yourself and your mailbox, the wave of garbage pseudo-accommodation will simply crush you and take all the desire to be interested in special offers in the future.

The fact that airlines call "Shares" and "Interesting offers", Not always they are - most often it is just a marketing course to attract attention with calls to buy air tickets. Sprouted the grains from the whores in this area is not easy, requiring a clear understanding of what price about tickets is considered usual, and what kind of promotional one.

We are here and we are engaged in this - only the information deserving information appears in the information, and everything is dubious and deceased. So watch out for our news! The easiest way to do, subscribing to our - the announcements of fresh news appear there instantly, and sometimes some news about the appearance of cheap tickets I am only there (when I do not have time to write about it here on the site).

(Photo © Rennett Stowe /

3. Walk out the right moment

You can only buy the cheapest flights in a certain time, a whole year weekly, the minimum prices will never hold on. Therefore, always follow the rules - as soon as a chance has appeared to purchase cheap tickets, they need to take advantage. As soon as you have read the news of the sale or ourselves found an attractive version on search engines, do not slow - buy.

You also need to know the periods when plane tickets can be bought cheaper than:

  1. a year before the planned journey;
  2. 2-3 months before departure;
  3. a few days before departure.

Of course, the rule is not iron - it is rather a tendency. Consider what to count on the last option is always risky.

4. Buying a ticket with departure from the neighboring city

We live in St. Petersburg - check the prices of departures from Moscow and Helsinki, live in Perm or Chelyabinsk - ask if there is no opportunity to buy cheap flight tickets with departure from Yekaterinburg, and so on. Sometimes it can save not one tet of thousand rubles. For example, when you see the news like ", it is not necessary to hope that a kind wizard will delight similar prices for the inhabitants of Perm, Tyumen and the entire Ural district, you just need to take and book such incredibly cheap tickets, while there is a chance.

Moscow residents either should also yawning. Yes, 80-90% of all shares and interesting offers of airlines are relevant only for departures from the capital, but this does not mean that you need to forget about the remaining 10%. It makes sense to check whether there is something interesting for flights from Pulkovo.

(Photo © SEWYEROWN /

5. Loocoles

It is possible to read in, and specifically about European budget carriers specifically.

Competently use luitive capabilities - this means:

  1. Fly from the cities of Europe closest to us: Vilnius, Kaunas, Riga, Tallinn, Helsinki, Lappeenranta, Tampere. From the airports of these cities you can fly in virtually anywhere in Europe for 10-30 euros, and also extremely cheap - in Israel, Georgia, Morocco, Canary and Azores and not only. Read more about this in the article about.
  2. Do not forget about the fact that some airlines-discounters come to Russia: for example, from Moscow you can cheap to fly to Budapest on board Wizz Air or fly to London on EasyJet. Of both of these cities you can also cheaply fly anywhere in Europe.
  3. Invent, on the basis of how the directions of Loocosostans are pleased with particularly low prices. Scheduled to go to Barcelona and suddenly learned that from there to Malta could fly for 28 euros (1880 rubles), and from her to Milan for 10 euros (650 rubles)? So why not collect the route of a rich and very budgetary journey () from such pieces. It's easy and exciting!
  4. Luggage to abandon, because most of the budget airlines have its procure separately. Sometimes you can buy very cheap tickets (for € 10, for example), and pay three times for the luggage. Travel lights - so cheaper and easier.

(Photo © Cheelah /

6. Fly company

Some airlines are ready to make discount passengers if they fly by the company and book tickets at once a few people.

For example, Lourogenger EasyJet usually makes a discount when you can book flights for two and three people: a discount can be 7-10 euros for each ticket. Wizz Air has loyalty program - Wizz Discount Club. Having bought membership in it (€ 30 - for two, € 50 - up to 5 people), you can purchase any tickets for at least € 10 cheaper during the year (that is, membership pays off immediately).

You can even fly with imaginary friends - they are also able to help you buy plane tickets with a good discount. About this below, in the Advanced Skill Skills section for flights. And in general, ahead is all the most interesting!

Advanced shopping skills cheap air tickets

7. Fictional infant

It is interesting that sometimes you can simply invent yourself "friend" and get free discounts on your flights. Our imaginary friend should be a baby (for a ticket for children under 2 years old usually do not need to pay). It is necessary when searching for the plane tickets to add as Pasazhira Baby, as a discount is applied to your ticket - sometimes very tangible. This trick does not always work - it all depends on the agent selling a ticket, airlines and a search engine. As far as I know, the trick is still working only on Avials (most often for TRANSAERO tickets).

I have already written about the use of this tricky way to buy air tickets the cheaper of the original prices (the cost is for tickets back and forth):

  • Tickets from Moscow to Petersburg or the opposite for 1408 rubles. instead of 2670 ().
  • In Georgia from St. Petersburg for 4904 rubles. instead of 6200 ().
  • In Vilnius from Moscow for 3952 rubles. Instead of 4508 ().

Of course, no babies will fly with you - when registering for a flight, just come up with a valid reason why the baby did not fly (fell ill, I stayed with someone from my relatives, etc.).

(Photo © Demandaj /

8. Sly deceived zigzag

Airlines love to earn on direct flights, because many are ready to overpay (sometimes a lot) for the convenience, speed and lack of tedious docking. Well, let's think through workarounds and make the airline sell us the cheapest tickets.

All that is needed for this is to pretend. To pretend that we want to fly no where we really need. Going to Tallinn? Do not rush to find tickets to this city, let's look at the view that we need in Oslo. See ourselves, the best offer for tickets to the Estonian capital is 5430 rubles by direct flight of the airline Estonian Air.

But you remember that for the pleasure of flying a direct flight a passenger has to pay more? Solving this problem Simple: knowing that Tallinn is a hub (basic airport) Airlines Estonian AIR, as well as the fact that tickets for its flights from Tallinn to Oslo usually cost quite inexpensively, we simply check the cost of air tickets from Moscow to Oslo. Voila, for them are asked only 4045 rubles! The flight is carried out through the Tallinn we need - we arrive there, take the luggage and forget about Oslo. Congratulations, we saved almost 30% From the cost of a ticket for a direct flight to the city you need!

How to find such cheap alternatives? To do this, you need to be a bit in the subject:

  • know which airlines fly to the city you need;
  • is his airport for them basic;
  • by what directions, these airlines fly from the city you need at minimal tariffs (in order to properly substitute the city of destination to a ticket that we will buy).

Knowing it and using logic, design similar workaround flight routes are very simple and fun! Even if you are not in the subject, then, armed by the search engines of tickets, Wikipedia and Google, you are easy to wind in this matter and find a solution.


  1. Do not forget to register the luggage not to the end point, and before the intermediate (the argument can be invented anyone: you carry a gift that you want to convey along the way, in the bag you need a thing, etc.).
  2. I miss any segment in the flight, remember that after that the ticket is canceled. Therefore, if you have bought a ticket on both sides and missed the segment when you fly there, then you will not fly back for this ticket. For example, you have a flight "Moscow - Tallinn - Oslo - Tallinn - Moscow": refusing to fly from Tallinn in Oslo, you deprive yourself with the opportunity to fly later from Tallinn to Moscow. Therefore, for such purposes, you need to separately buy a ticket there, separately - ticket back.

(Photo © benjaminlansky /

9. Complex (multi-storey) airfare

Sometimes you can buy much cheaper plane tickets, if you integrate your flight to the route of your flight (you want to use it, you want no).

Cases of practice:

  • For example, the Etihad Airlines has repeatedly happened to a interesting case with pricing for tickets to Asia, if you form a route as follows: "Moscow - Asia - Ekaterinburg". In Yekaterinburg, at the same time, it was not necessary to fly on the way back - the flight was carried out through Moscow and it could be passed there. Savings accounted for about 3-5 thousand rubles. Here is the news about it.
  • Somehow I wrote () about the excellent opportunity to fly for 29 thousand rubles to Dublin, in Seychelles, Mauritius and Paris in the framework of one trip. Just a dream for insatiable travelers who are one or even two countries on one trip little!

Such incidents happen precisely in multi-storey routes on joint flights of several airlines at once due to the fact that the calculation system is imperfect and in some atypical cases fails.

Bonus of this option: The ability to visit is not one, but two or three cities for one trip and at the same time save.

Alas, finding such loopholes and failures are not so easy. If such capabilities appear, I am writing about them news - follow. However, you yourself can try good luck, try to build complex route (You can do this at Avials and Skyscanner), including several flights by different cities in one form.

10. Elegous tariffs

As mentioned above, any price calculation system is imperfect and sometimes gives failure - it occurs most often with complex flight routes, but sometimes it happens with simple.

Rule here is simple: If you found incredibly cheap flights (for example), do not think for a second - take it. You do not need to call your brother / wool / wife / friend - if everything works out, they will approve the initiative. It is not necessary (in no case) to call in the airline or agency with the question why the price is so low. The erroneous tariff is wrong that no one knows about him, and as soon as the fact of its existence is noticed by sellers of tickets, the shop will cover immediately.

Yes, you need to be prepared for the fact that the ticket, erroneously sold under an excessively low cost, can be canceled by the airline. In this case, you just return your money - everything is up to a penny. So this is the worst version of the development of events - with which there were, with the same left. But another outcome is possible - the tickets will be confirmed, your journey will take place, while you are damn savor.

(Photo © Caribb /

11. Free flights from Tinkoff Bank Bank

Three years ago, I finally decided to order the famous Credit Card All Airlines "Tinkoff Bank", which sharpenedespecially for travelers. Map and bank exceeded all my expectations!

Actual shares of Tinkoff Bank: 6000 miles as a gift to all new customers or a year of free maintenance.

(Photo © Mrmorodo /

+ Optional: not a single ticket ...

Yes, you will not cheap some cheap air tickets - buying them, you also need to resolve the issue with hotels, car rental, etc. Here I will list the most convenient and reliable services that decide these additional tasks.

Housing in the journey

Hotels at the best price for your travels are looking for a popular service RoomGuru - it compares the prices of a variety of booking systems and finds the best. Read more on how to save when booking hotels, read.

Sometimes cheaper and more comfortable to rent a house or apartment - many interesting options from the owners can be found on the popular AirbnB service. By the way, it is definitely profitable if you travel with family or company.

Cheap tours

Car rent

You can rent a car with the help of online services Skyscanner Car Hire (car rent around the world).