Kadar mountains, hiking in the Kadar mountains, rest in the Kadar mountains. Help !!! geography of the irkutsk region

KODAR GLACIERS, a natural monument of federal significance (Decision of the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR No. 199 of 24.9.1986) in the Kalarsky District. Glaciers discovered in 1958 by the geographer V. & nbsp Preobrazhensky are the only place modern glaciation... More than 30 glaciers are located in the center. parts of xr. Kodar on ter. Irkutsk region and Zab. cr. The Irkutsk part of the glacial region is included in the Vitim state. reserve. Zab. part - a natural monument with a total area of ​​6375 hectares. Glaciers are located 40-60 km to the west. from s. Chara on the axial dividing part of the ridge at the headwaters of the Bass rivers. pp. Chara (rivers Upper and Middle Sakukan, Byurokan, Kondrat, Taezhnaya) and Vitim (rivers Syulban, Oleniy, etc.) bass. The largest are the Glacier named after. Soviet geographers and the glacier them. E. Bobina, also significant areas have a belt glacier named after Preobrazhensky , glacier named after Nina Azarova , Kolosov glacier... Most of the glaciers are located in the upper reaches of the valleys and in the glacier carats (cirques), opened in the north-east. side, in the upper reaches of the trough valleys (river valleys formed by a mountain-valley glacier). A feature of the glacial circuses of the ridge. Kodar are steep, almost sheer slopes, while in classical glaciers of the Alpine type, circuses are significantly expanded to the top. parts compared to the bottom. Wed the thickness of the glaciers is 54 m, the ice volume is 0.83 km 3. Firn line of glaciers (height, below a cut of long-term packed snow (firn) does not turn into ice) on the ridge. Kodar passes at an altitude of 2200-2500 m, which is about 1000 m below the classical level of occurrence of eternal glaciers. With a positive heat balance, there should be no glaciers in this region, and this is another of their unique features. Modern glaciation is slowly degrading. On ter. natural monument are subject to nature protection. glacier complexes and rare animal species listed in the Red Data Books of the Russian Federation, Chit. region and Aginsk. Boer. ed. env .: black-capped marmot and bighorn sheep. The natural monument is actively used as a tourist object (extreme, ecological, photo tourism, etc.): more than 30 sports tourist routes pass directly along its territory, attracting more than 2000 growth annually. and foreign tourists. The organizer of hikes and excursions is the department. local history and tourism of the Kalarsky local history museum. In the projected Kodarsky nat. park (see. Kodar glacial region) the monument is supposed to be ter.

Lit .: Preobrazhensky V. & nbspС. Kodar Glacial District (Zab.) // Glaciology (Section IX of the International Geophysical Year Program). - M., 1960. - No. 4; Catalog of the Glaciers of the USSR. - L., 1972. - t. 17, no. 2; Dolgushin L. & nbspD., Osipova G. & nbspB. Glaciers. - M., 1989; Plyusnin V. & nbspM. Glaciers of the ridge. Kodar // Udokan: preparation ter. to development (ecological and geographical aspect). - Chita, 1992; Red Book Cheat. region and Aginsk. Boer. ed. env .: Animals. - Chita, 2000; Red Data Book of the Russian Federation: Animals. - M., 2001.

Small encyclopedia of Transbaikalia: Natural heritage / Ch. ed. R. & nbsp Geniatulin. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2009 .-- 698 p.

1) does the constituent entity of the eastern Siberian region occupy a large area? 1) Trans-Baikal Territory 2) Krasnoyarsk Territory 3) Irkutsk Region 2) Republic

3) which entity was formed on the basis of the merger of the Chita region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug? 1) Irkutsk Region 2) Krasnoyarsk Territory 3) Buryatia 4) Trans-Baikal Territory

1) Which subject has the lowest population density? Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Sverdlovsk Region Omsk

Novosibirsk region

2) The highest population density is typical for:

Kemerovo region

Krasnoyarsk Territory

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Taimyr Autonomous Okrug

3) The indigenous peoples of the Far East include:

4) Which of the following cities is the largest in terms of the number of inhabitants


5) Which of the following cities is a major port center?



6) Which of the economic regions is the leader in terms of population

Far East

Eastern Siberia

Western Siberia

7) The nature of Western Siberia is characterized by:

prevalence of a temperate monsoon climate


the presence of a large number of karst landforms

prevalence of significant altitudes above sea level

8) The branch of industrial specialization of Eastern Siberia is:

ferrous metallurgy

non-ferrous metallurgy

fuel industry

chemical industry

9) The fuel industry is a branch of specialization:

Eastern Siberia

Of the Far East

Western Siberia

10) Which of the industries occupies a large share in the sectoral structure of the industry of the Far East?


ferrous metallurgy

11) Select the type of industrial products that the Far East specializes in

tin concentrate


chemical fibers


12) Select the type of industrial products that Western Siberia specializes in


coking coal

combine harvesters

13) Select the type of industrial products that Eastern Siberia specializes in



textile products


14) Establish a correspondence between the subjects of the Russian Federation and its capital.

1) Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug a) Kyzyl

2) Republic of Tyva b) Barnaul

3) Altai Territory c) Salekhard

d) Gorno-Altaysk

15) Establish a correspondence between the subject of the Russian Federation and its capital.

1) Taimyr Autonomous Okrug a) Ulan-De

2) Republic of Khakassia b) Dudinka

3) Republic of Buryatia c) Abakan

d) Barnaul

16) Establish a correspondence between the subject of the Russian Federation and its capital.

1) Amur Region a) Anadyr

2) Primorsky Territory b) Vladivostok

3) Chukotka AO c) Blagoveshchensk

d) Khabarovsk

Help me please!!!

Write a description of the Atlas Mountains (Africa) according to the plan:
1. Determine what cards are needed for the description;
2. In what part of the continent is the relief form;
3. In which direction it stretches;
4. What are the approximate dimensions;
5. What are the greatest heights, prevailing heights;
6. If possible, find out what is the origin of the landform.
Thanks in advance: 3

Expedition routes: ridge Kodar (mountain)

In the north of the Chita region, where the territories of Yakutia and Buryatia, Irkutsk and Amur regions converge closely, there is a country of contrasts and surprises — the Charskaya depression with the surrounding Kodar and Udokan ridges. Quite recently, only a specialist-geographer knew about these places, and the word “tourist” was completely absent in the dictionary of local residents. Now books are being written about Kodar, Udokan and Chara, and their beauties are shown in films. Many people dream of getting here. The popularity of this region of Transbaikalia is explained by the fact that it has several strong "magnets" that attract a restless tribe of travelers from all over Russia. First of all, this is the Kodar ridge, which stands out sharply among the surrounding Siberian plateaus and middle mountains with a clearly expressed alpine relief. Here is the highest point of Transbaikalia, here the mountain dissection reaches a two-kilometer span, here the “towers”, “pyramids” and “fangs” of rocky peaks rise formidably. A lover of mountain travel in Kodar can go through five or six passes in one trip, half of which according to the tourist scale will be rated at least 2 A of the category of difficulty. In other words, Kodar is “Transbaikal Alps”. In addition, Kodar is the only ridge in Transbaikalia that has modern glaciation. Three dozen Kodar glaciers in size (length up to 2 km and more) and in total area surpass the well-known Ural glaciation. Discovered only in the 50s, the glaciers immediately became the "highlight" of the area.

The most powerful Kodar uplift, which carries almost all the glaciation of the region, is located in the Central Kodar region, which stretches from the Leprind lakes to the northeast along the Apsat pass for almost 100 km, reaching the highest height in the region of the Upper and Middle Sakukan rivers. In the upper reaches of the Upper Sakukan, there is the highest point of the Kodar ridge and the entire Transbaikalia - the BAM peak (3073m). In the vicinity of the BAM peak, most of the interesting objects of Kodar from a tourist point of view are concentrated: the peaks of Leningradets (2780m), Glaciolog (2773m), Chara (2815m), Lednikovy (2807m), the passes Snezhny, Gelfgata, Vodopadny, UPI, Ptichy, Spartak. On this site, Kodar is difficult to pass. The passes are difficult and rocky. The slopes are rocky, there are often walls and cliffs, glaciers of a significant area. Most of the tourist routes on Kodar pass through this interesting area, crossing in the area of ​​the HMS base in the upper reaches of the Middle Sakukan.

The Central Kodar route is designed for tourists who are not making their first trip in the mountains. Participation requires basic mountain climbing and rope handling skills. The route includes several passes of 2A category of difficulty. The group's path runs through rocky areas, glaciers and rugged river valleys. Several overnight stays are organized in the alpine zone above the forest border, including on the glacier. The extreme abundance of midges in this area should be noted. The route ends at Charskie sands, which are located 5 km west of the village. Chara and 8 km northeast of Novaya Chara, between the Upper and Middle Sakukan rivers. Charsky sands (their area is rather big - 45 sq. Km) is an extraordinary place. Everything here is like in a real desert. But there is also something that you will not see anywhere except Transbaikalia: next to the warm yellow sand, there is a blue cold frost; among the sandy ridges you suddenly come across an oasis, but not with palm trees, but with northern larch trees. Around the sands there are mountains, even in summer covered with snow; dunes break off into swamps, then into lakes. In the southwest of the sands there is Lake Taezhnoe, and in the northeast - Alyonushka. Here you can relax, wash off your hiking fatigue, just lie on the shore. You can go on an excursion to the desert or drink mineral water from a spring near Lake Alyonushka.

the duration of the active part of the route is 9 days; the length of the route is 90 km.

The Kodar mountain range is the peak of the Trans-Baikal mountain system "Stanovoe Upland". It is a favorite place for climbers and travelers who are just starting to conquer the mountains. Insanely beautiful and picturesque place. ( 18 photo)

Every year hundreds of people come here to take a break from the bustle of the city and admire the effective wonders of nature.

Although Kodar cannot be called an untouched place. During the Soviet years, copper ore and coal were mined here.

Convicts worked in the mines and faces. The conditions in which they existed and the workers were hard labor.

Photos of the barracks - Kodar.

Much has remained here from those times. Housing, communications, tool remains.

Now in the local area it is quiet and deserted, only sometimes you can meet reindeer herders. Kodar is considered to be the peaks of BAM, it is an elevation of 3072 meters above sea level.

Translated from Even, and the Evenki are one of the local nationalities, Kodar is a sheer rock, a wall.

The name fully suits the local mountains, their slopes are steep and sheer, almost vertically rushing into the sky.

Some part of the Kodar Range is covered with glaciers. In the gorges, there are crystal clear, fast-flowing rivers flowing into. In some places there are lakes.

Kalarsky district of the Chita region ti. These words will tell a little turisthere. But it's worth saying the magicthe name "Kodar", as you will hear inthe answer is delighted "Oh! .." And fromthose who have never been there. Kodarhas always been a popular tourist destination area.

Even in the 60s, when dobit was very difficult to move here:I had to fly first to Chita, byvolume to Chara, lost in the taiga underknives of mountains. Routes accounted fordo mostly circular, becauseku could only leave Chara- hundreds of kilometers around the nicknameany other housing.With the arrival of BAM here, everything became much easier.

Took a train in Moscow(Samara, Yekaterinburg, Omsk ...) andleft at the station Novaya Chara. And from?here the mountains are already a stone's throw. Candrive up by car - those who wisha ride is always enough.Tourists need to registerin the department for civil defense and emergency situations of Kalarskydistrict (beginning A. Davydenko). Addresson working days: from. Chara, st. Pioneerskaya, 8 (Administration of Kalarskydistrict, department of civil defense and emergency situations), tel. 2-16-55,2-15-37; p. New Chara, st. Centralnaya, 4 (Kalarsky local historymuseum), tel. 3-89 (RUS). Out of worktime: s. Chara, st. Udokanskaya, 14,Tel. 2-11-99. (RUS is a district knotcommunication, there are also communication centers of the Ministry of Railways.)

By car, you can reachhorn along the Middle Sakukan River toentrance to the gorge (26 km from the village of Chara). Beforethe horn goes on, but it will pass along itmaybe a motorcycle. Primer pullsXia before the destroyed bridge in Marblenew gorge (there was a Stalinistcamp), and then goes to the trail.Another option for approaching the beginninglu route - by local trainNew Chara - Severobaikalsk oron suburban trains ("bichevoz",as they are called here) New Chara -Kuanda and New Chara - Hani.

These trains run three times a day (in the morning, atlunch and evening) and stay atevery crossing. Anyone can go to chase the hike.

(So ​​much cheaper thanby car or off-road vehicle, pick upXia to the starting point; but it all depends onroute.) On weekendsthere is no day train.Two long-distance trains pass here.of the following route: N№ 75/76 "Moscow -Tynda "(runs every other day) and N№ 97/98"Kislovodsk - Tynda" (runs twoonce a week). From Moscowboth trains arrive at Novaya Charain the morning. (By the way, the time difference fromMoscow is here for 6 hours.)

On Kodar, you can do most timeshikes: from hiking or skiingpricks "to" five ". Water "unitku "is hard to find here, but" triplets "-"Five" - ​​please! True drillmountain rivers on Kodar are short,so you have to do a bunch of rivers withwalking part. Perhaps that is why Kothe gift is not so popular among water workers.But along the rivers Chara (ridge Kodar), Kuanyes, Kalar, Vitim (Kalar ridge) in halfit is not possible to make a "triple" hike.

The highest point of the region is the BAM peak(3072.6 m). Perevalov ZB k.s. on Kodano, but "complex 3A" is available. Yingteresny and difficult peaks for alpinist ascent is also a gripno. Let's say the Irkutsk people did heretheir alpiniads. Alpinists of Krasnoyarsk one hundredwhether the champions of Russia in the class of wintersthem ascents - climbedroute 6A class to the top in the circusRoyal Throne. Team alpinistas from Angarsk passed the southernwall (600 m, 6B class) of Mount Obrez(2880 m) and also showed up at the championshipnat Russia in winter class.On Kodar there are still many “whitespots "for travel lovers.

Let's say such peaks, “on whichno one has been "and who do not havetitles. For example, there is a passSnezhny (OUTSIDE, 2300 m), about the passer-bydenia which through and through there are nodata. Many bands do at itradial exits from the riverMiddle Sakukan Plain Poloto the next slope. And who went down to the sidewell, the Vodopadny stream, the Levoy tributarySygykty (or ascended from there) Fromcall, if there are any!

On the right bank of the Middle Sakukana there is a hut on the border of the forest- the former hydrometeorological station (HMS),and now spontaneously organizedtourist shelter. It is located in very udaplace. From here you can get outto various passes, to do a surveynew routes. Here at the height of the seasonyou can always find at least onegroup, and sometimes several. Touriststhey themselves maintain order in the shelter,there is always prepared firewood.

Finish the route well on Charsands, which are 5 kmwest of the village. Chara and 8 km to the northeast of Novaya Chara, between thekami Upper and Middle Sakukan.Chara sands (their area is rather largekaya - 45 sq. km) - extraordinarya place. Everything here is like in a real pusyou do not. But there is also something that you will not seenowhere except Transbaikalia: next to the teplight yellow sand adjoins barebaya cold ice; among sandythe ridges suddenly come across an oasis, butonly not with palms, but with northern larch trees.

Around the sands - gory, covered with snow even in summer; barkhans break off into swamps, then into a lakera. There is a lake in the southwest of the sandsTaiga, and in the northeast - Alenushka. Here you can rest, wash awayoff my marching fatigue, justlie on the shore. You can goon an excursion to the desert or for a drinkmineral water from the springnear the lake Alyonushka.There are in the Kalarsky district and lessfamous ridges Udokan and Kalar (settlementthe ice one used to be referred to as Udokanu). These are old flattened mountains withthe highest point of Udokan is 2603 m (byold maps 2561 m).

Small height and relative simplicityroutes are compensated by an unusuallywar wildlife. Here walksmuch fewer tourists than on Kogift. Accordingly, less rubbish.(By the way, Kalarsky local history muzey together with the district committeeon ecology and nature managementin July 2002 plansconduct an environmental experimentdistance to Kodar along the river Sredniy Sakukan and on the HMS. Invitewe shake everyone!)There are many mines on the Kalarsky ridgeral sources, there are even so

called Kalarsky geyser.

He located on the left unnamedtributary of the river Eimnach opposite the mouthR. Chulbachi, 2 km from the mouth of the tributary.(Eimnakh is a left tributary of the Kuanda River.)And there is a hot spring near the Pu riverrelag flowing into Kuanda. Waterfallsthere is enough here and on Kodar.There are also hot springs there.In East Kodar - Verkhne Charsky (or Goryachy Klyuch, as it is calledits local residents). Situatedhe is on the shore of Lake Arbakalir, whichthe swarm is located 600 m from the river. Chara on herleft bank, 25 km from Evenkigo village Chapo? Ologo down the riverChare. In Western Kodar - on the riverChelolek, the right tributary of the Vitim.