Sharm El Sheikh or Hurghada choose. We solve the dilemma: Sharm el-Sheikh or Hurghada? Climatic conditions during the year

Going on holidays in Sharm El Sheikh, it is very important to choose the right area or bay, where your hotel will be located, since it may depend on the overall impression from staying in Egypt. And whatever this impression would have spoiled, I propose to consider each area of \u200b\u200bSharm El Sheikh in more detail.

It is difficult to imagine that for some more 20 - 30 years ago, this beautiful resort in the south of the Sinai Peninsula was few known. Since 1982, by order of the President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, who he himself loved to relax in these places, began construction of a tourist resort and by the end of the 80s charm El Sheikh acquired worldwide popularity. Since the resort began to develop after the ban on the deforestation of corals, so almost all of the charm bays can boast a beautiful sheer coral reef wall with almost the coast. But still, each of them has its own characteristics. In general, the entire resort is a thirty kilometer coast located between Nabe Reserves and Ras Mohammed. So, in order.

Bay Charm El Sheikh

Nabbe Bay

NAP -the northernmost, long and developing part of the charm. This area contains the newest hotels with a fairly high level of service. Although local call the area Nabbe Bay, there is no bay, on the contrary, an open coastline, so there is always windy, and often over the beaches hang red or black flags, warning that bathing is not possible. This is especially noticeable in winter (January, February) and choose hotels for recreation with children in the District area in the winter, I would not advise. But since April, this area is perfect for recreation with children, as the beaches are here with a comfortable seaside at sea. True and tides are fetches the most tangible.

In this region, the longest coral crust, respectively, is the longest pantons, most often wooden on massive iron stamps. During the sweeps, the coral crust is taken off, but it is impossible to walk on it without special shoes, as you can hurt. In most hotels near the shore there are artificial small lagoon, where during the tides there is an opportunity for children to pour into the sea. Thanks to its openness and permanent winds, Naqi district is a real paradise for kaitsurfing lovers.

There is here and your entertainment center - trade area La Stradawhere are located shopping centers La Strada, Al Khan, Metro supermarket, fixed prices, McDonalds and many other restaurants and cafes. Many Nabe hotels provide free transfers to La Strada Street. There is a Hard Rock Café nightclub, opposite the La Strada shopping center, so youth here too, what to do.

Who comes up?

Area Nabbe Bay Perfect for relaxation families with children, people who prefer a calm measured vacation, kaitsurfing lovers, diving. For active youth, this area may be boring due to their remoteness from the center.

Ras - Naray

Next bay towards the center of Sharma - Ras-Naray, located in the Montaza area, which is in translation from Arabic means " locality". In this area, in addition to hotels, there are so-called compounds, such as El Mare - residential apartments and villas that can be bought, or rent on the site airbnb , for example, if you are planning a longer stay in Sharma. In the Montaza area is and international Airport Sharm El Sheikh, so the Trasfer at hotels in this bay will be the shortest, which is very important for families with children.

This area, as well as the emergence of wind, but not so strong, and, and, usually in the first half of the day. The width of coral crusts at the shore is not quite large, so the Pantons are not long here. Coral reef in the Ras-Nara region in the form of a sheer wall from 5 to 20 meters and lively and beautiful, so this area choose diving and snorkeling lovers. Some hotels have small lagoon near the coast, where children can bathe. The area itself is quite quiet and calm, is in some removal from the main road. There are no special entertainment here, as well as shops or shopping centers. If you want to visit the center Naama Bay or will have or.

Who comes up?

Bay Ras-Naray more suitable for lovers calm holiday Away from noisy streets and parties, for families with children, lovers of underwater beauty, for the class of diving and snorkeling. For active youth, it will be bored here, and spend money every day to get to local entertainment.

Sharks Bay

Bay Sharks Bay The right is considered the most prestigious area of \u200b\u200bSharm. The bay is also close to the airport, so the transfer to hotels in the area will be short. It is in this bay that is the most beautiful lively coral reef, the Entertainment Center SOHO Square and popular hotels of world chains. Unlike his name "Shark Bay" - this is a fairly calm bay, even in winter there are no strong winds here.

The width of the coral crust in the shore is not big, therefore, the Pantons in the area floating, plastic and not long. There are no hotels with a sandy approach here, you must need special. The Central Street of Sharks Bay Bay -, is a Europeanized walking promenade, with beautiful shops (where no one will grab your hands), restaurants of Chinese, Indian, Egyptian, Japanese cuisine.

Here is an ice rink, bowling, singing fountain, cinema, clubs, bars, amusement park for children, a scene on which our stars and stars of the Egyptian pop. The Shark Bay bay area also includes several small bays: Tiger Bay (or Pasha Bay), in which the Domina Coral Bay complex is located and Gardens Bay, the coral reef of which is considered the most beautiful on the all coast of Charm.

Who comes up?

Bay Sharks Bay Suitable for people who prefer high-quality comfortable vacation, for diving and snorkelling lovers, for active youth. Perhaps, this is not the best area for children, due to the lack of a common sunset at sea, nevertheless, hotels compensate for this lack of developed infrastructure on the territory of the hotels themselves.

Naama Bay

Bay Naama Bay - This is the "heart" charm El Sheikh, the oldest, noisy, part of the resort. There is no strong winds even in the winter months. At one time, when the Israeli warships were still based here, all corals cut down in the bay, so the occasion in the sea is quite gentle and sandy. Sometimes there are small pieces of corals, but they are dead and do not have such beauty like alive, but the fish here are sometimes sailing here. But such a coast is very convenient for recreation with children.

The feature of hotels in this area is that the territories have enough compact and some special activity in hotels. But it is worth only to go to the main promenade of Naama Bay, and here you will find everything: souvenir shops where you can bargain; Restaurants, cafes, hookah at every step where to smoke Shishche worth $ 1.

Here are discos Hard Rock Café, Little Budha, Le Pacha. There are here I. entertainment center Hollywood, with moving dinosaurs and singing fountains that will definitely like children.

Who comes up?

Bay Naama Bay Most often prefers active youth due to their proximity to many resort entertainment. It also loves her families with children, as the occasion at the sea here is sandy and gentle, but do not forget that this is a very active bay, there are always a lot of yachts here, so it is impossible to call it particularly clean.

Hadaba (Ras Umm-El Sid)

Next area - Hadaba And the bay Ras Umm el-LED It is also the oldest and most residential area of \u200b\u200bCharm El Sheikh and is located on a small peninsula. In the translation of Hadab means "elevation", and really hotels in the area have cascading areas and often descending to the sea on the steps or on the elevator. In this area, many economical hotels in the second and third line, as well as compounds where you can rent apartments For a longer period.

There are here and your shopping center Il Mercato, with shops, cafes and restaurants, entertainment complex "1001 night"Where in the evenings there are entertainment shows.

Coral reef in the Hadaba area is alive and very beautiful, in the form of a sheer wall at 20-50 meters with a lot of caves, therefore professional divers like to stop in the area. Pontoons in this area are not long, in some hotels, in addition to the beautiful coral reef, there are small lagoons at the shore, where children can hide.

Who comes up?

Area Hadaba Suitable for lovers of underwater beauties, diving, snorkeling. There will be no boring and youth here, since in the evenings there is where to go to take a walk, and if you wish to go to Naama Bay.

Sharm El Maya.

Bay Sharm El Maya. The most southern and windless bay of Sharm El Sheikh, even in the windy winter months here will be comfortable to relax and children and adults. As well as in Naama Bay's bay here, the bottom and gentle sandy approach in the sea is cleared from corals. So if you eat rest in Egypt with children or not very well swim, then it's better not to find the bay. Here is a pier with whom the yachts are sent for a tour in national Reserve Ras-Mochhamed.

In this bay is located Old city or Old. Market. - This Egyptian market, where you can buy souvenirs in the most low prices In all the charm, fruits and spices, dine in the Bedouin cafe, smoke a hookah, generally feel the local flavor. Here you need to bargain, for the Egyptians it is a kind of game and tradition.

Who comes up?

Bay Charm El Maya is suitable for relaxing families with children, fans will be filled with the opportunity to bargain and experience the entire local flavor. In general, this is a fairly calm bay.

I hope my article helped you decide on the selection of the bay to relax in Sharm El Sheikh.

Find hotels in Sharm El Sheikh

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Updated: September 25, 2018 by the author: admin.

Hurghada - ancient city on the Red Sea popular resort and paradise. Sharm el-Sheikh is a small town on the Sinai Peninsula with Mantha Views and fashionable hotels. To determine what place you like more, you need to know the peculiarities of the resorts and their climate in the time of season.

So, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh - Where is it better in November?

Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh?

Choosing a suitable resort, your view falls on, and you see two familiar names - Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh. The soul is moving, because these two tourist destinations both are good.

Climatic conditions during the year

Affectionate Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh allows you to rest and there, and there practically round yearTherefore, all seasons are not taken from tourists.

In addition to climatic conditions, water here surprises with its transparency, and clean pleasant beaches Create comfortable conditions for recreation.

Climate Hurghada It is divided into high and low seasons. The low season is when the air temperature is highest (up to 43 degrees at midday hours), as well as sea water temperature (up to 28 degrees of heat). Also, the season applies the second half of winter, with a comfortable air temperature of +21 degrees and approximately the same water temperature, which is rather cool for swimming.

Climate of these seats tropical desert. Therefore, at the hottest time, in summer, tourists are much smaller. Name "low" The season goes from the decline in the influx of tourists. But in the high season - on the contrary. The high season is the autumn months and - the beginning of summer, when the temperature is most comfortable and there is an increase in the flow of arriving on vacation. During the day the maximum air temperature in the fall +28 degrees, water +25 degrees.

The most favorable month for visiting the resort of Hurghada is considered. it the Velvet season, suitable for those who suffered from heat in the summer and would not transfer cool water at the end of winter.

It is difficult to imagine that one of the best resorts of Egypt, Sharm el-Sheikhwas once an inconspicuous little city, if not a village. The velvet climate could not be easily without attention and therefore the resort of the global value that Russians and Europeans love to visit the Russians and Europeans are now banging at the site of a small town.

The climate is here feeling more hotrather than in Hurghada. This is explained by the presence of mountain ranges around the resort that impede the passage of winds. The best time For a holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh, or a high season begins in the middle of spring and ends in. At this time, the air temperature is also hot, but very comfortable +30 in the air and +25 degrees in water.

The second same comfortable period for recreation continues from until the end of November, approaching the same air temperature as in - June. Those who decided to meet new Year holidays In Egypt and does not know which resort to choose, it is worth knowing that the temperature in Sharm el-Sheikh is a little higher.

Where is warmer in November?

In Sharm el-Sheikh, air temperature in November in comparison with Hurghada higher for 1-2 degrees. This is not a lot, and for a tourist is noticeable. In the afternoon, there is an average temperature in +28, and in Hurghada - + 26-27.

But in the evening after sunset in Hurghada will not so comfortableThe temperature drops even to +18 degrees, so it makes sense to take a thin windbreaker with you. In, respectively, in the evenings - + 21-22.

By how the wind blows at these resorts, it becomes clear that in Sharm el-Sheikh a little more comfortable. There will be not so windy, because of the location of the city in the bay among the mountains.

Where is it better to rest?

In some regions, winter comes in November, so many seek in warmer climes. Choose the resort of Egypt will be easy, having studied certain nuances.

Beach rest

For sunbathing on a lounge chair and long swims in the transparent sparkling in the sun, both cities equally good. Clean beaches, pleasant, beautiful. But the water temperature in Sharm el-Sheikh is still warmer. It would seem that a couple of degrees, and how it becomes noticeable when bathing. It affects the location of the city on the Sinai Peninsula - Sharm el-Sheikh is surrounded by coral reefs, so not all the beaches are comfortable for swimming.


Pyramids, who are the most important Egypt, is not the only place for the excursion.


Sharm el-Sheikh:

Youth rest

Extreme sports More youth like, in Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, they are plentiful:

  1. November - a month when the wind period begins. Especially in Hurghada will be to the place surfing and kitesurfing. Sharm el-Sheikh can not boast in November enough good windsuitable for surfing;
  2. Lovers diving The weather does not contradict, so you can safely go in search of adventures for the bottom of the sea. In Sharm el-Sheikh, surfers will be upset, but divers, on the contrary, will be amazed by the beauty of the seabed, which is more diverse and more beautiful;
  3. Speed \u200b\u200bsensations seekers may want to visit in Hurghada aquaparka "Makadi Water World" or "sindbad". In Sharm so big Aquapark. "Albatros. Aqua Park."Will take all those who want to ride on water slides.

And, of course, each, respecting his tourist travel, will not be able to miss such well-known entertainment as a trip to the desert on quadrocyclah. It will be an unforgettable adventure!

Sharm el-Sheikh famous for its institutions for night rest. Therefore, the very active tourists They can run into one of the famous night clubs "Le Pasha" or "Hard Rock Café" to dance. Also in the city there is a resort "El Fanar Beach Resort."Where you arrange parties for young people.

Vacation with children

It does not matter what city you are going to rest if you are going to relax, pick the hotel carefully.

It is better to choose a hotel equipped with childish entertainment, taking into account your child's preferences.

Where to go with the child in Hurghada:

IN Sharm el-Sheikh Not little children's entertainment:

  • The most curious will like the excursion to boat with transparent bottom. An alternative to diving, which children engage in early;
  • Large water Park "Albatross Jangle" Gostechamen to everyone. Here, a sufficient number of children's and adult slides - no one will be boring;
  • Fascinating attraction karting "Ghibli Raceway" will give the opportunity to ride along with your child in the racing car. Attentive and sensitive instructors will teach children to manage the racing machine and tell a fascinating story;
  • Popular entertainment among children in Sharm el-Sheikh has become brazier "Mangroovy Horses"where you can see, touch the pony horses and ride them.

In Sharm el-Sheikh, a variety of children's entertainment is more than in Hurghada. But even if you decide to go to Hurghada, you will not be bored there, believe me.

Financial component

Of course, it is important and how much will it cost on any resort of Egypt.

Where is the rest of the rest?

Sharm el-Sheikh - City more expensive Compared with Hurghada. But it is not easy to do so. It has become a resort not so long ago, so there is an increasingly new and modern.

If you want to relax, but your budget is limited or planned a bit, then Hurghada is the option that will suit you. Essential differences in rest you will not notice, and a penny sports.

Where better hotels?

The novelty hotel has differences due to the fact that Sharm el-Sheikh was equipped like a resort, just 10 years ago. Coral reefs protected by law create a very convenient approach to the sea from hotels. To do this, from hotels built near reefs perched bridges, which formed a cozy embankment with cafes, arbors, restaurants. There are hotels that have comfortable output to the beach. Tourists note that the quality of service in Charm is slightly higher, but not significantly.

Of Hotels Sharm el-Sheikh can be highlighted:

  1. Hilton Waterfalls.;
  2. Baron Resort.;
  3. Royal Albatros Moderna.;
  4. Rehana. Royal Beach. & Spa and many others.

Feature of Hurghada and her plus is a large number of HotelsWith direct access to the sea.

Hotels on the second line of Hurghada are much smaller and if you look from the satellite, it is clearly seen that the majority go well along the coast.

From Hurghada 5 * hotels, you can note:

  1. Baron Palace Sahl Hasheesh;
  3. Jaz Bluemarine.;
  4. Iberotel Makadi Beach..

Most of Hurghada hotels and Sharm el-Sheikh even with low star, often turn out to be very comfortable and cozy. And in both resorts there is also Hotels With chic apartments.

So, if you want to soak on the sun and swim in transparent water With family, and all this for reasonably small money, you definitely in Hurghada. Rest for sophisticated wishing to relax beautifully and expensive, waiting for you in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Before gathering in, carefully Learn the resort, its features, climate, see hotels and read about their reviews. This will allow you to be aware and avoid trouble and "surprises."

In front of many tourists heading to Egypt, it is worth the choice that it is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh. Both of these resorts of the country are considered the largest, quite comfortable, they are familiar places of recreation of Russian travelers. Therefore, it is quite difficult to decide which one is better. It is worth trying to compare both cities, as well as what is offered to tourists.

If you compare what is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh, you need to start paying attention to local hotels. At both resorts, you can find places in your own taste. Here are both elegant apartments and more modest hotels. Most of them work on the "All Included" system. You need to fly in both places about the same time. Therefore, the cost of a trip tickets, as well as the prices for accommodation will be about the same.

Some tourists choose that better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh, depending on the proximity to the sights. Resorts are located on the coast. They created all the conditions for relaxing on the beach and diving classes. Some travelers praise a varied underwater world, which is famous for Charm El Sheikh. However, in Hurghad, most hotels have a gentle entrance to the sea. Cairo from both of these resorts can be reached in the same time. Sharm el-Sheikh is located near the colored canyon, it is interesting to visit Mount Moses nearby. At the same time from Hurghada closer to Luxor, respectively, the cost of the excursion will be less.

Invite tourists to relax all year round. However, relative to this parameter as climate and weather, Hurghada wins slightly in hot months, as the winds that shove here will help better carry high temperatures. Sharm el-Sheikh is convenient for rest in winter timeWhen I want to soak under warm, but not the scorching sun. The thermometer column is up to 25 degrees.

Thus, determine what is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh is quite difficult.

Both resort offer tourists a comfortable pastime on sandy beaches. If we talk about family holiday, It is recommended to Sharm el-Sheikh, as it is more calm and comfortable here. Hurghada will have to taste youth companies that prefer noisy establishments and nightclubs. At the same time, most hotels have their own bars and discos, so you will not need to look for entertainment outside the hotel.

The situation in Sharm el-Sheikh is currently calmer than in other resorts. Due to unrest in the country, tourists prefer this particular city that is better protected. However, this does not mean that in other places of Egypt, travelers can threaten something. Going to this country, you can be sure that whatever the resort you choose, high-quality rest is guaranteed. Inspection of the famous pyramids and beautiful corals, considered by the local heritage, will leave only vivid impressions and wonderful memories of vacation.

Those who visited Egypt often return there again. Tourists, reflecting on what resort to choose, can be advised to visit each of the cities of the country, even if not immediately. Only personal experience Determine in the future where you want to return for the time of vacation.

Sharm el-Sheikh - Popular resort of Egypt with well developed tourist infrastructure. Almost all hotels have pools, bars, restaurants, a team of professional animators works. In hotels on the second coastline Recreation is offered transfer to the beach.

The resort is located in the south of the Sinai Peninsula and washed by the waters of the Red Sea.

The first information about Sharm el-Sheikh date back to the XVIII century. At that time, the city was a small village, where the villagers were engaged in predominantly trade. In the 60s of the XX century due to the territorial conflict of Egyptian Sinai peninsula Fucked by Israel. The Israelis began to develop the tourist industry here. The first hotels and entertainment centers appeared. In 1979, as a result of a peace agreement, the Earth was returned to the Egyptians. Local residents The construction of embankments, new hotel complexes and attractions continued.

Sharm el-Sheikh lies in a tropical climatic belt. average temperature Air in winter is + 15 ° C, in summer - + 38 ° C ... + 43 ° C. Humidity is low here, in a year up to 8 mm of precipitation falls. The temperature of the water on the coast is not lowered below + 20 ° C Even in the winter, in the summer, the Red Sea is heated to + 27 ° C - + 29 ° C.

Holidays in Sharm El Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh is located on the coast of the Red Sea. More than 200 hotels of different categories are open. Almost all the entertainment resort is located off the coast. On the beaches, all conditions for diving, snorkeling, surfing, riding water scooters and skis are created.

Sharm el-Sheikh is known for its coral reefs. At the resort, vacationers offer underwater excursions in Batiskaphs and walks on the boats with a glass bottom. In addition to corals, the underwater world of the Red Sea attracts tourists with exotic fish and sunken ships. Thus, 16 dive sites are equipped in Sharm el-Sheikh, where you can rent equipment and wetsuits, as well as undergo diving. Best districts For diving with aqualung are Ras Mohammed, Nabe, Sharks Bay and Tiran Island.

In Sharm el-Sheikh there is sand beaches. For example, in the areas of Naama Bay, Sharm el-Maya and Nabe Bay.

In the evening, on the embankment of the resort a lot of entertainment for both youth and families with children: there are nightclubs, bars and casinos, the Egyptians arrange holidaylors of the show program, and the children entertain animators.

Most tourists in the resort in spring, autumn and on New Year holidays. The cost of a ticket to Sharm el-Sheikh in the peak of the tourist season varies from $ 800 to 1500 $ Depending on the hotel category and hotel distance from the beach.In winter, vacationers are smaller due to the cool sea (water temperature in January-February + 18 ° C - + 20 ° C), and in summer due to heat (up to +45 ° C in July and August). ABOUTdako during this period it is advantageous to buy a ticket to Sharm el-Sheikh at a reduced price. A burning tour in Sharm el-Sheikh all inclusive will cost an average of $ 300-400 for two.

Charm El Sheikh Guide

Top attractions:

  • Hollywood shopping center with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 80 hectares. There are dozens of shops and souvenir shops, many cafes and restaurants, a cinema. Especially interesting in the territory of the complex "Park of the Jurassic period". And at night, tourists are impressive singing fountains and their light show.
  • Coptic churchBuilt in 2010, attracts holidaymakers with manual paintings on the walls.
  • Papyrus MuseumWhere tourists can familiarize themselves with a papyrus technology.
  • Reserve "Ras Mohammed" enters the top 10 best beaches The world for diving, this is the most picturesque area of \u200b\u200bthe Red Sea.
  • Museum of Tutankhamon, Where the copy of the collection of the Cairo National Museum is presented, among the exhibits Golden Mask and Sarcophag Pharaoh.

Features of the rest:

  • There is no language barrier at the resort. All staff of hotels, shops and others public institutions Speaks in English, many know German, French and Russian.
  • Route taxi resorts run without graphic with intervals of 3-5 minutes. Some hotels provide their own transport, but first check the cost of the trip, sometimes it is 5 times more expensive. In addition, you can rent a car or scooter in Sharm el-Sheikh, gasoline is inexpensive here, and the roads are good.
  • Many beaches of the Red Sea coral, so check the coast type in advance at the hotel administration, and take special shoes with you.

Tatyana Solomatina

We solve the dilemma: Sharm el-Sheikh or Hurghada?

Good afternoon friends! When you choose rest in Egypt, you immediately remember the two most famous resorts - Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh. If earlier tourists preferred after all the same Hurghada, now the Sharm el-Sheikh purchased very much popularity.

Everyone who wants to relax in Egypt face a dilemma: Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh? Some immediately know the answer to the question, others are tormented by long meditation.

What differences between the two most famous resorts Egypt? I'll try to paint on this topic. I will immediately say that I do not pretend to "truth in the last instance", so I ask you not agree with me readers, strictly not judge me.

If Hurghada is a historically created city on the African continent, existing on the territory of Egypt for a long time, then Sharm el-Sheikh is an artificially created resort on the territory of the Sinai Peninsula.

It is noteworthy that in Sharm el-Sheikh there is a residence of the former ruler of Egypt, so the city was originally built with an oriental wise and luxury inherent in Egypt.

These distinguishing features determine another distinguishing feature between cities: no Sheeich in Sharm El Sheikh local population (During the construction of the resort, the population was removed over several kilometers). Only the service staff of hotels, shops and markets, taxi drivers and other people who make rest are comfortable and deprived of organizational problems remained.

In Hurghada, comfortable hotels are not always attractive for the spoiled eyes of tourists at home of the local Egyptians. It is impossible to say that the streets are thrown by garbage and everything in a wretched state. However, the architecture of Egypt residential buildings is significantly different from usual. For Hurghada, it is quite normal for the presence of half-armed houses without roofs and windows close to cardboard boxes of holes in the walls, etc. It is not surprising that on the streets of Hurghada can be found a lot of beggars, children who will pull you over the sleeves with a request to give them money either food.

After calm and not burdened with lifestyles in Sharm el-Sheikh, this fact overshadows rest in Hurghada, so a day or two disappears every desire to leave the hotel's territory.


The temperature of the air and water in summer and winter time in Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghad are similar to each other (a small difference of 1-2 degrees to tourists invisible). However, in Hurghada more windy, because the city is not surrounded by mountains, unlike the opponent.

Beaches and sea

Differences are tangible in the state of the beaches and the sea of \u200b\u200bHurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh.

If in Sharm el-Sheikh, not every hotel boasts a pleasant gentle sandy entrance to the sea (and not every hotel has an entrance to the sea from the shore), then Hurghada - perfect place For recreation with children. Beaches of Hurghada sandy, smooth, with gradually increasing depth.

However, in order to admire underwater world On the coast of Hurghada, in most cases it is necessary to order travel on yachts (diving and snorkeling), while in Sharm el-Sheija chic coral reefs can please the most attractive tourists almost all hotels.

Therefore, for a more relaxing holiday and traveling with children, choose Hurghada, and for outdoor activities, diving, stalling, youth - Sharm el-Sheikh. Although this is also a "conditional" statement, because there and there, if you wish, you can find any options. Just on one resort a little more opportunities than on the other.

Excursions to resorts

In addition, the choice - Sharm el-Sheikh or Hurghada, also depends on the excursions that you plan to visit. There are excursions that are convenient to visit exactly from Hurghada, especially - Luxor, the temple of the Hatspishut. Of course, the excursion to Luxor is also provided from in Sharm el-Sheikh, however, in this case, only one type of transport is possible, and not the cheapest is a plane. The same applies to excursions to Israel: if from Sharm el-Sheikh there is an opportunity to go on a bus trip, then from Hurghada only by plane.

Conditions and cost of recreation

According to the beauty, price category, luxury hotels, Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada, and in other and in another other, there are hotels of famous representatives of Hilton chains, Sunrise, etc. Each tourist will be able to find accommodation in its preferences. However, the cost of rest in Sharm el-Sheikh, as the amount left for the purchase, is higher than in Hurghada. Perhaps for quite objective reasons, rest in Sharma is considered more expensive and comfortable.

However, both in Hurghada and Charm El Sheikha can be found not too polite and pleasant service personnel in hotels. But just in both cities there are a lot of smiling, open and friendly people.

Infrastructure and nightlife

In Sharm el-Sheikh stormy night lifeMany clubs, disco bars, there are casinos, cafes, restaurants, shopping centers. One of the attractions of Sharm El Sheikh is the Old Market, which preserved the basic traditions of Egyptian trade, and most importantly, this is a place where everyone can practice in the art of bargaining and getting tremendous pleasure from the process. there is entertainment Center In the eastern flavor "1000 and one night", the Park Soho and many other interesting places.

It cannot be said that in Hurghada there is no nightlife. The city also has restaurants, cafes, clubs. However, after all, the center of night active life is considered to be Sharm el-Sheikh. But for trips to clubs and restaurants of Sharma, tourists need to cook a round sum, since the entrance is not even in the most center club, costs at least $ 30.

What resort is better?

Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh? To understand how from the resorts of Egypt, you have a soul, you need to visit both in the other. One trip to Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh will be enough to determine if such a rest is suitable or not.

It is definitely to say what kind of cities is better - difficult, but I still adhere to the thought that youth, active and rapid rest outside the hotel is possible in Sharm el-Sheikh, and Hurghada is still a calmer resort. But both of these resort are saturated with oriental flavor, traditions and their peculiarities.

It says goodbye to this, good stay!
Tatyana Solomatina