The village of Medvedevo, Black Sea region, Crimea, an autonomous republic, Ukraine, I will sell a house. Panorama of Medvedevo (Crimea)

Medvedevo (until 1948 Tabuldy-Ass; Ukrainian Medvedev, Crimean Tatar Tabuldı As, Tabuldy As) is a village in the Chernomorsky district of the Republic of Crimea, the center of the Medvedev rural settlement (according to the administrative-territorial division of Ukraine - the Medvedev Village Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea).


The All-Ukrainian census of 2001 showed the following distribution by native speakers. There is a mosque "Tabyldy-As Jamisi" in the village.


Medvedevo is a village in the southeast of the district, in steppe Crimea, height above sea level - 33 m. The nearest village is Znamenskoye, 7.5 km to the west. Chernomorskoye district center - about 28 km, the nearest railway station - Evpatoria - about 54 km.

The first documentary mention of the village is found in the Cameral Description of the Crimea ... in 1784, judging by which, in the last period of the Crimean Khanate, Tapykhdi was part of the Tarkhan Kadylyk of the Kozlovsky Kaymakanism. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia (8) on April 19, 1783, (8) on February 19, 1784, by the personal decree of Catherine II to the Senate, the Tauride region was formed on the territory of the former Crimean Khanate and the village was assigned to Evpatoria district. After the Pavlovian reforms, from 1796 to 1802 it was part of the Akmechetsky district of the Novorossiysk province. In a new way administrative division, after the creation of the Tauride province on October 8 (20), 1802, Tabuldy-Ass was included in the Yashpet volost of the Evpatoria district. According to the Bulletin of volosts and villages, in the Evpatoria district ... dated April 19, 1806, in the village of Tabuldas there were 13 households, 86 Crimean Tatars, 5 gypsies and 2 yasyrs. On the military topographic map of 1817, the village of Taboldu is marked with 18 courtyards. After the reform of the volost division of 1829, Tabuldas, according to the Statement of the State Volosts of the Tauride Province of 1829, remained part of the Yashpet volost. On the map of 1842, the village of Tabuldy-As is marked with 23 households. In the 1860s, after the Zemstvo reform of Alexander II, the village was assigned to the Kurman-Adzhinsky volost. In the "List of populated places of the Tauride province according to the data of 1864", compiled according to the results of the VIII revision of 1864, Tabuldy-Ass is an owner Tatar village, with 10 households, 51 inhabitants and a mosque near wells. According to the "Memorial book of the Tauride province for 1867", the village of Tabuldy Ass was abandoned as a result of the emigration of the Crimean Tatars, especially massive after the Crimean War of 1853-1856, to Turkey and stood without new settlers. There are 10 households on a three-verst map of 1865-1876 in the village of Tabuldy-Ass. According to Bishop Germogen's "Reference book on the parishes and churches of the Tauride diocese ..." published in 1886, a mixed Russian-Tatar population lived in the village of Tabuldy-Ass. In the "Memorial book of the Tauride province of 1889", according to the results of the X revision of 1887, there were 18 households and 95 inhabitants in the village of Tabuldy-Ass. According to the "... Memorable book of the Tauride province for 1892", in the village of Tabuldy-Ass, which was part of the Kirkulach site, there were 39 inhabitants in 7 households. ...

Between Cote d'Azur the cleanest part of the Black Sea and the northwestern part of the Donuzlav Bay on the Tarkhankut Peninsula in the Black Sea region, far from the noise of megacities and busy routes of Crimea, there is a cozy and calm village of Medvedevo. In this village there is a house of 100 m2, with all amenities, in close proximity to the sea. It is sold for little money, only 35 000 $ or RUB 1,100,000.But a great summer vacation is guaranteed to you for many years to come and you no longer need to be puzzled by the search for housing on the seashore. Bargaining is possible, call.

The beaches near Medvedevo are sandy and muddy, mostly shallow - sometimes, in order to reach a two-meter depth, you need to move a hundred meters from the coast, which is very convenient for families with children. And because of this, the water here is warmer than sea water.

10-15 minutes of travel by car - and you are on the shores of the cleanest part of the Black Sea. You will be met by almost deserted sand or pebble beaches, washed by the gentle waves of the Kalamitsky Bay - vast and not as shallow as the Karkinitsky Bay. Thanks to constant sea breezes, refreshing the coast throughout the day and low air humidity, the heat in Medvedevo is easily tolerated and almost not felt. By the way, this is one of the main factors that attract amateurs and professionals of kiteboarding and windsurfing to Medvedevo.

Incidentally, in terms of quantity sunny days the weather in Medvedevo can compete with Yalta, Sochi and Sukhumi: from 243 to 287 days a year. That's why bathing season here is one of the longest: from the second half of May to mid-October. All this time, the water temperature does not drop below +17 degrees, and there are almost no storms. Autumn is - traditionally for the whole Crimea - the most favorable time for rest, especially for people who can hardly tolerate hot weather.

So the village of Medvedevo, thanks to the surrounding vineyards, orchards, proximity to the bay-lake Donuzlav and the sea, archaeological discoveries throughout the region along the coast and an unusually favorable climate, can be considered without a shadow of modesty one of the most attractive and good places for relaxation, especially for people tired of the bustle big cities and burdens of the blessings of civilization. You can relax in Medvedevo both with your soul and body.

57 km from railway station Evpatoria, in the North-Western part of Crimea on the Tarkhankut peninsula, in the coastal zone of Lake Donuzlav.

The area of ​​the village is 177 hectares, the population is more than 2 thousand people, households - 812.

Formed in 1964

The village council previously subordinated the village of Ozerovka, located 4 km from the central estate. The inhabitants were shepherds from distant pastures, who had gone on a well-deserved rest. There were 14 houses along the sloping seashore. locals This village is called Terekli-Ase (translated as "cluster of trees"). In fact, Tereklass (in the Russian-language version), or rather its remains, is located a kilometer from Ozerovka.

Until 1947, the settlement had no name. Naked steppe, 4-6 twin houses, brynzo point, forge, stable. The inhabitants were engaged in karakul sheep breeding. The children went to a four-year school located in the village of Tabuldy (about 1 km). By the time the state farm was created, the village consisted of 39 houses. "Refugees" from the neighboring villages of Maryino, Olenevka, Znamenka settled here. Among the first settlers were the Nedelke, Koshman, and Konivtsi families.

This place was called Tabuldy and was a branch of the state farm "Karakul". Or rather, Tabuldy-Ness, which in translation into Russian means "a bear was found", therefore, when renaming this village, they gave the name Medvedevo.

Old-timers remember that during the Great Patriotic War, a Soviet pilot by the name of Medvedev crashed near the village, in memory of him the village was named Medvedevo. Old-timers-Tatars claim that Tabuldy-Ase in translation means "a village was found" or "a village found".

The formation of the village is connected with the history of the agricultural company "Pribrezhnaya". In 1963, on the basis of the 2nd department of the state farm "Karakul", a specialized viticultural state farm "Pribrezhny" was founded with a center in the village of Medvedevo.

When organizing a new farm, 11.4 thousand hectares of agricultural land were transferred to him, 506 of them were occupied by poorly groomed vineyards, a state farm with 63 cattle and 5986 sheep, 31 tractors and 8 cars.

The future central estate consisted of 1 street with 39 houses, including 12 old ones, poorly adapted for housing. There was no running water, no paved roads, no baths, no radio and no telephone. The first workers were 102 people, including 3 specialists.

On the basis of PMK-1 of the Krymsovkhozvinstroy trust, several construction teams were created. The following were built: a refrigerator, a winery, mechanical workshops, 3 tractor maintenance points, a car garage, a cowshed, barns, a pesticide warehouse, a grain warehouse, a bathhouse, a school, a pioneer camp, a children's summer cottage, and a boarding house. The organizer and the first director was V.A. Chekharin.

In 1978, more than 700 houses (12 landscaped streets), 8 shops, a pharmacy, a household complex, a kindergarten "Teremok", a House of Culture, an automatic telephone exchange with 150 rooms, a post office, a summer cinema, a music school, a canteen and a cafe were built. Paved roads appeared.

The area of ​​vineyards has reached 1.86 thousand hectares. If in the first year of the existence of the state farm 1.077 tons of grapes were harvested, then in 1973 - 8.055 tons. The number of sheep increased to 14.7 thousand heads. Wool shearing increased from 1.7 kg to 3.6 kg. Increased milk yield to 3632 kg of milk per cow.

A line for the processing of wine materials was put into operation. 15 types of wines were produced (among them - the pride of ordinary wines "The Sun in a Glass", "Ukrainian Night", vintage "Red Crimean Port Wine", "White Crimean Port Wine").

In 1977, a new industry was created - nursery, a grafting workshop was built with a capacity of 500 thousand vaccinations per year.

In 1988-1990. Crimean Tatars returned to Crimea from places of deportation. They were provided with work, housing was built - this is how the "Tatar village" arose. A mosque and a church were built.

In 1992, the state farm-factory "Pribrezhny" was reorganized into the agricultural company "Pribrezhnaya".

The first director of the state farm "Pribrezhny" in 1964-1972. was Vladimir Alekseevich Chekharin. He dreamed of making the village an oasis in the desert, such a small city where it would be pleasant to live and work. It was during the years of his work that the House of Culture, a summer cinema, a kindergarten, a summer, children's cottage, a pioneer camp, a puppet theater, a canteen and a cafe, a music school were built secondary school, many shops, a winery, a refrigerator, a construction shop and much more.

In 1976-1988. director of the state farm - Alexey Panteleevich Pereguda. Under his leadership, the state farm switched to a grafted culture of viticulture, labor-intensive processes were mechanized.

In 1988-2001 CEO state farm - Valentin Vasilyevich Pomazan Residents gave the order to the new director - to bring gas to the village. They joked from their seats: "Just run the gas, we'll erect a monument to you!" He did everything to get gas to the village.

In 2001-2005 director of the agricultural firm "Pribrezhnaya" - Konstantin Leontyevich Simonenko, since 2005 - A.G. Stoyanov.

More than 100 fellow villagers were awarded orders and medals, including: P.V. Sharov, M.T. Nightingale, M.V. Matsul, Shestakova T.Ya., L.A. Filina, E.P. Pistyak, I.V. Tkachenko, A.P. Krivobokov, A.M. Kotaevsky, I.V. Kukoba, N.E. Mikhailenko and many others.

There are 2 monuments in the village: to the heroes of the revolution and fellow villagers who died in the Great Patriotic War. Their names are carved on a granite slab.

On the territory of the village there are: a kindergarten, a hospital, a feldsher-midwife station, a music school, a post office, a club, shops, a hairdresser's, a library.

Between the azure coast of the cleanest part of the Black Sea and the northwestern part of the bay on the Tarkhankut Peninsula in the Black Sea region, far from the noise of megacities and busy routes of Crimea, there is a cozy and calm village of Medvedevo.

History is silent about who and when exactly called this steppe oasis of tranquility. It is only known that until 1948 it bore the Crimean Tatar name Tabuldy-Ass, perhaps as a reference to the representatives of the Asses tribes (Adyghes, residents of Taman, whom the Russians called Yases, or Ases) who lived here since ancient times. In Soviet times, the rich state farm "Pribrezhny" was located here, and now the village of Medvedevo is surrounded by chic vineyards and peach orchards.

Approximately one and a half kilometers east of the village of Medvedevo is the coast of Lake Donuzlav. For lovers civilized recreation recreation centers and health camps have been built in Medvedevo, but for "savages" it is enough to walk a few hundred meters and find themselves alone with pristine nature, lakes of therapeutic mud, which are not inferior to Sakas in their properties, and the purest air, in which the aromas of steppe herbs are mixed with healing smells sea, combining iodine with sea salts.

The beaches near Medvedevo are sandy and muddy, mostly shallow - sometimes, in order to reach a two-meter depth, you need to move a hundred meters from the coast, which is very convenient for families with children. And because of this, the water here is warmer than sea water.

10-15 minutes of travel by car - and you are on the shores of the cleanest part of the Black Sea. You will be met by almost deserted sandy or pebble beaches, washed by the gentle waves of the Kalamitsky Bay - vast and not as shallow as the Karkinitsky Bay. Thanks to constant sea breezes, refreshing the coast throughout the day and low air humidity, the heat in Medvedevo is easily tolerated and almost not felt. By the way, this is one of the main factors that attract amateurs and professionals of kiteboarding and windsurfing to Medvedevo.

The surrounding area is rich in archaeological discoveries. They number more than half a dozen ancient settlements and settlements stretching along the entire coast with an interval of 2-4 km: Greek - by the sea, and Scythian - on the contrary, from the side of the steppe. The nearest, it is also the most famous and interesting, is Belyaus - the oldest fortification-settlement of the ancient Greeks. Here you can see the foundations of ancient buildings that have survived to this day, and, peering into the endless sea distance, imagine how many centuries ago our ancient ancestors lived here.

Climatic conditions for recreation in the Medvedevo region can be called one of the most favorable in Crimea: the climate is maritime, but at the same time very similar to the climate of the central steppe part of Ukraine - quite dry with low rainfall, especially in the spring-summer-autumn period. Spring comes early, and the sun awakening nature quickly warms the air and the sea.

By the way, in terms of the number of sunny days, the weather in Medvedevo can compete with Yalta, Sochi and Sukhumi: from 243 to 287 days a year. Therefore, the swimming season here is one of the longest: from the second half of May to mid-October. All this time, the water temperature does not drop below +17 degrees, and there are almost no storms. Autumn, traditionally for the whole Crimea, is the most favorable time for rest, especially for people who can hardly tolerate hot weather.

So the village of Medvedevo, thanks to the surrounding vineyards, orchards, proximity to the bay-lake Donuzlav and the sea, archaeological discoveries throughout the region along the coast and an unusually favorable climate, can be considered without a shadow of modesty one of the most attractive and successful places for recreation, especially for people who are tired of the hustle and bustle of big cities and the burdens of the benefits of civilization. You can relax in Medvedevo both with your soul and body.