Wild tourism of civilized people. Savage holidays - recommendations for beginners

You are an experienced traveler and you say that you have gone through many stages of tourism... As happens with many people, since the age of 15 I have been fond of traveling in the Urals, studying the sights. Later I got a motorcycle and even later - a car. I traveled around the Crimea, Kazakhstan, visited the Caspian world. When opportunities to travel abroad arose, I became one of the first independent tourists. What do you mean by this term? self tour ism? Tourism is always travel with educational, sporting or other purposes. With individual tourism, it is even more correct to call it “independent tourism”, a person travels using active means of transportation, by plane, bus, bicycle, etc., and tries to learn the charms and features of those places - on his own. Thus, tourism differs in its goals and methods of implementation into organized and independent, as well as within Russian and outbound. After independent experiments, having matured, many begin to travel seriously, that is, in an organized manner. Therefore, it is necessary to separate tourism: there is mass tourism (90% of people) and "wild - independent" tourism. This, by the way, is a separate hobby. A person who travels alone, how does he get a visa? in some way". So, each country has its own rules for crossing the border. Usually there are four types of visas: tourist, business, guest and permanent place residence. If a person, being a "wild" tourist, crosses the border, then he usually does this on a visitor visa. That is, an invitation to enter is given to him by a private person, and at the same time, according to the law, he is responsible for the guest, to the extent that he must provide him not only with a roof over his head, but also with food and money. A person who went abroad as a "savage" will have to solve many problems. For example, where will he sleep? We got used to it at home: we made a halt, pitched a tent, lit a fire ... I did the same abroad - and ended up in the police. Therefore, going to Europe, a person must know where he will stop. If in campsites, then it makes sense to still contact tourist agency: we organize individual tours on request on the desired route with hotel reservations. Many do not know about this, and believe that a visa must be obtained "some" way, although there are a lot of legal and low-problem ways.

By the way, I personally began to explore Europe on my own, at a time when the tourism business in the Urals was not yet developed. And so he discovered it for himself in three stages. At first, I did not have enough time to see a lot of interesting things: my thoughts were busy with how to get there, cross the border, etc. My head is filled not at all with seeing historical sights, but with everyday problems. And only for the third time, when I went in an organized way with organized excursions, it was a real discovery of countries ... As for safety: a person, having gone "savage", what should he be afraid of? He must be protected from everything. The first is passport control at the border. "Savage" may not be allowed into the country, because the implementation of immigration rules has not been confirmed (if there is a ticket, there are no questions). Of course, a private invitation can help. But I personally, for example, in London, observed how at the border, having seen a private call, they immediately called the inviter and questioned him without leaving the place. And if he does not know or denies the fact of arrival, or he was not caught, then the person is simply turned around and escorted out of the country by the same plane. There is no need to hope that you are lucky and you will meet someone who will shelter you, this is not accepted there.

The second is the route itself. For example, a person is riding a bicycle. He can get lost even if he has a map. And one more thing: in Europe, not all roads can be traveled by bicycle, violators will face a large fine. As far as hitchhiking is concerned, it is a dangerous activity in Europe, believe me. Possible the same as ours, criminal situations. Although, of course, it is difficult to convince people, it is in this that they see the romance of travel. The third danger is lodging for the night. Where to sleep? This should also be taken care of, because, as I already said about the tent, there may be problems here. And if a person plans to find a hotel, then we come to the question of prices.

How much can everyone afford? On the one hand, it seems that he found himself a hotel, booked a place, bought tickets, and went. But here there are some nuances. The entire tourist industry in the world rests on the fact that there are several price markets: within the country, European for tour operators, Russian for tour operators. When you arrive at a European hotel, the cost of accommodation is 92 euros for a "double". Buying the same room in a hotel, but while still in Russia, will cost half as much. Because the country is interested in the development of tourism business. Various organizations, travel alliances form various offers that are put on the market. And because the prices in organized tours are lower, they are economically feasible. And if a person checks into a hotel himself, then he overpays twice. In addition, you still need to eat somewhere ... So I see that for those who are not prone to extreme conditions, you do not advise practicing the "wild" type of travel? Of course, but if you still want to test yourself, then you can rent a bike and move around Turkey yourself (it costs about 150 rubles a day). But he has somewhere to return - to his room with all the amenities. After all extreme vacation, one must have an inclination for it and one must prepare for it, and as I said, most people are not inclined to it. But no one bothers to try, of course, but first you need to calculate what it will result in. As for the various situations in which legal assistance is required, what should be done first of all? Contact the consulate of our country. Tourists are in more advantageous position, because the travel agency - a serious one - deals with legal issues itself, if there is some kind of unpleasant situation. She will contact the consulate and advise the tourist on where and whom to contact. In addition, we have. For example, there is a practice: in addition to medical, we issue to all our tourists a legal insurance policy and a traveler's memo.

What is a savage holiday? This is a minimum of amenities and a maximum of opportunities for unity with nature. Rest in tents is ideal for true connoisseurs of tourism. It is usually chosen for four reasons:
- saving;
- love for extreme, unusual conditions;
— solitude and distance from the bustle of the city;
- the opportunity to sunbathe on deserted beaches.

Of course, if possible, you can buy a trailer with amenities inside, but not everyone can afford this option, and rest with such a trailer is no longer completely wild.

How to properly organize a holiday in tents, a savage holiday?

You need to start with what you are going to get to your destination. If you use your own transport, it’s easier here, but if you plan to hiking, there are many limitations. It is important to choose the right weight that you can carry from halt to halt.

If you are going to rest as a savage, you need to take into account the fact that for good preparation you will need special equipment, and today it is not cheap. it camping backpack, tent, sleeping bag, tableware, etc.

When preparing for a vacation, write a list of everything you need. If you are going to take children with you, be sure to read the recommendations outlined in this. Write what kind of warm clothes you should take, medicines, utensils, long-lasting products, hygiene products. Be sure to check out the first aid kit. In any case, she should be with you.

You will find a detailed description of the first-aid kit, and in today's article I will briefly list the essentials:
- painkillers in case of dislocations, bruises, colds;
- sunscreen, read how to choose it correctly;
- cotton wool, bandage;
- hydrogen peroxide and iodine;
- means of insect bites;
- patch;
- means for the stomach;
- medicines to help bring down the temperature.

Be sure to think about how you plan to eat.

Here's what you can take with you from the products:
- cereals;
- canned food;
- sunflower oil;
- salt;
- bread;
- sugar;
- coffee Tea;
- onions, potatoes, carrots;
- drinking water.

As for dishes, you will need:
- 1-2 pots;
- cups, plates, spoons;
- knife;
- Cutting board.

All utensils should be light and unbreakable.

Do not forget to prepare everything you need for the fire. Of course, the forests are full of dry branches and firewood, but it can rain, and then what? Think about this question. You may need dry fuel, matches, a lighter.

What else to take with you:
- wet wipes;
- garbage bags;
- towel-tack;
- axe;
- charging device;
- torch;
- bedding for lunches and relaxing on the beach.

For a while wild recreation Your home will be a tent and a sleeping bag.

Sleeping bags and tents come in different shapes and materials. Your choice should depend on the conditions in which and how long you are going to rest.

As for clothing: do not forget to take a hat, warm and vice versa, light summer clothes. Be sure to prepare an extra set of underwear, comfortable shoes, and a waterproof raincoat.

If you are going on vacation with children, you, of course, will need other things, items. It all depends on the age of the baby. It can be, change of clothes, shoes, toys, books, games,. And don't forget to take your camera with you to capture unforgettable moments.

Summing up, I want to dwell on the pros and cons of camping. Since the rest itself implies the absence of certain amenities, it has its drawbacks:
- there is no civilization and comfort (shower, toilet, soft bed, etc.);
- you need to cook yourself to eat and stock up on the necessary products;
- the ability to “run into” a contaminated area (unfortunately, not all tourists properly clean up after themselves, and this has certain consequences).

But, this vacation is able to give an unforgettable experience, because it also has its advantages:
- saving money;
– freedom to travel (you can stay where you want and move as many times as you need);
- solitude with nature;
- the opportunity to enjoy peace and quiet away from everyone, in the circle of relatives and friends;
- feeling of lightness and ease;
— the opportunity to relax from the noisy city.

Do you know what a savage vacation is? What are its advantages and disadvantages? What else did I miss in the article? Share your experience and write in the comments.

The success of the trip depends on the weather.

A sudden storm or downpour can seriously spoil the rest. If all things are not packed in plastic bags, they will get completely wet. In case of bad weather, leisure of vacationers is reduced to playing cards, there are no other entertainments in the forest area. Another unpleasant consequence of the rains is damp firewood.

The journey is preceded by lengthy fees.

You should foresee possible force majeure situations in advance, take tickets, carefully consider luggage. Must-have items include medical supplies, insect repellent, raincoats, shovels, axes and ropes (for setting up the camp), a burner with a gas bottle (for convenient cooking), kettles, kettles, canned food and cereals. Experienced tourists take with them a container with a watering can for a summer shower.

The complexity of the organization when traveling abroad.

Traveling abroad as a savage is overshadowed by the independent collection and submission of documents to Visa Center, search for air tickets and registration of insurance. The tour operator delivers tourists to the place of rest and is responsible (in part) for their safety. In the case of an independent trip, all the problems fall on the tourists themselves. An important point is knowledge of the language: without it, orientation in the area becomes more difficult. The slightest organizational miscalculation will turn into a problem.

Living in a tent is exhausting work.

The need to cook and clean on your own turns rest into work. Tourists need to regularly replenish provisions, bring to the camp fresh water, look for firewood for a fire and monitor the maintenance of fire, wash food and cook soups in field conditions, wash clothes.

Lack of comfort. Life in extreme conditions.

The absence of a central sewerage system gives rise to two main problems - there is no toilet and shower. A stop at special campsites partially solves this issue (biotoilets and primitive showers are installed here), but there are a lot of people who want to wash themselves in the evening, which creates queues.

Lack of electricity, air conditioning and refrigerator, midges and mosquitoes, closeness in the tent - the harsh realities of recreation.

Risk of ending up in contaminated areas.

The state of domestic forest lands and coastal areas can hardly be called satisfactory. Places hidden from the eyes of people are sometimes not removed. Approach to wild beach often not equipped, like the beach itself: instead of pebbles, it is small fragments of rocks.

An unexpected illness becomes a serious problem.

The lack of civilization turns a simple cold into a serious illness. Travelers are helpless before the bites of dangerous insects, colds, toothache, poisoning and wounds. A carefully planned first aid kit is not a panacea. In uninhabited areas, dangerous snakes and arthropods can be found. If the patient urgently needs to consult a doctor, the absence of a car and remoteness from settlements turn the disease into a threat to life.

Need personal car for recreation.

Organizing a vacation in tents without a car is almost impossible. The carrying capacity of a person is not enough to transport a tent, things, provisions and household goods. Complicated and the supply of fresh and perishable provisions - water, bread, dairy and meat products.

Risk of theft of valuable items from the tent.

Travelers are often the victims of thieves sneaking into their tents and cars. In June 2015, a 25-year-old girl who went on vacation with friends in Serebryany Bor. A native of Uzbekistan in the morning snuck into the tent and stole an iPhone. Timely informing law enforcement agencies made it possible to quickly find the kidnapper.

Not organized vacation causes great harm to the environment

Often vacationers "savage", spoil the forests, leaving heaps of garbage, harm the fauna and flora, setting up camps in conservation areas. They pollute water sources, arranging "car washes" in rivers and lakes, from where water is taken for settlements. "Wild" tourists kindle bonfires in the wrong places, set fires that destroy entire hectares of forests.

Predatory animals can attack tourists resting "savage" in the forest.

A tent pitched in the middle of the forest can attract the attention of predators - and a romantic overnight stay will turn into a terrible disaster. In 2004, a terrible state of emergency occurred in the south of Sakhalin. An angry bear attacked a company of young men who were resting by the lake as "savages" at night. The animal tore apart the tent and injured two tourists. The third victim of the bear to be saved in unequal fight failed. According to experts, the affected men could unknowingly attract the attention of a dangerous forest dweller, for example, by the smell of food or provocative behavior. Perhaps the tourists pitched a tent just at the favorite place of the predator. All desperate nature lovers who go hiking "without comfort" need to remember the danger posed by sharp fangs, claws and poisonous bites of the real owners of the forest.

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Proponents' Arguments

Living in a tent is freedom of action.

Tourists are not tied to the time of lunch in the dining room of the boarding house, their movement is not limited to the hotel, and evening festivities are not limited to neighbors who have already gone to bed. A map of the area and the Internet allow you to explore every interesting corner of the region.

Eating healthy food.

Dishes prepared by tourists on the grill are very useful. "Savages" take food with them on the road in advance and cook only what they like. The main diet is fruits, vegetables, barbecue, fish, milk, cottage cheese.

If we say that wild tourism is just an organized vacation on its own, without the help of travel agencies, then an uninitiated person will not understand the meaning and benefits of this type of pastime at all. Wild tourism is much more than just an inexpensive self-guided tour. The strength and beauty that wild places provide cannot be felt while spending leisure time organized by a travel company for hundreds of such travelers.

Often, hearing the phrase “wild tourism” or “savage recreation”, people imagine relatives semi-wild, unwashed, hungry, hiding from bad weather and heat under the shade of stones and leaves. To some extent, this seems to be true. Places of wild recreation sometimes resemble nudist beaches or sites of primitive people. But this is only an external reflection of the concept of wild tourism. How many of those people who stay all their lives only in comfortable boxes of hotel rooms can understand what a person feels when he is left alone with nature on a deserted beach, mountain saddle or secluded forest clearing? Or maybe you should at least once try to follow their example? After all, in the worst case, in the end, there will be only one vacation unsuccessfully spent in the style of wild tourism, and as a rule - a new fresh perception of life, an understanding of the limit of one's capabilities and the joy of returning to the comfortable embrace of civilization.

A wild vacation in the company of like-minded people also allows you to simply enjoy each other's company, regardless of what positions they hold and how much money they earn. We are all children of nature, and returning to its origins, that is, at least for a while changing the usual apartment existence for places of wild recreation, being under open sky, we become part of the universe, brothers and sisters to each other. A thunderstorm that began in the mountains does not care who waits for its arrival in a small tent - the head of a large corporation or a simple worker.

Public opinion has formed another stereotype that accompanies wild tourism - this is that this type of recreation is available only for physically strong and overly hardy people, athletes. This is not entirely true. A distinction should be made between wild tourism and wild recreation. The first, most likely, will be associated with overcoming any natural obstacles that invariably accompany places of wild recreation. A wild vacation in itself is not associated with extreme situations (except perhaps rain or an invasion of insects) and creates some difficulties only because of the lack of familiar comfort.

Wild rest for some period of time brings to the fore not money and social status, but real human feelings: courage, determination, responsibility for one's life and the life of those who are nearby. Compassion that arises at the sight of littered corners of nature, tenderness at the sight of a rainbow rising over a mountain river, joy from meeting the dawn in the forest and quiet happiness from contemplating a sunset over the sea.

Places of wild recreation are, as a rule, places difficult to access by car, arranging cafes and shops, and a massive influx of people. For example, such as sea bays, forest glades, mountain ranges. Wildlife is not just a cheaper (and not always) alternative to the traditional pastime, it's a different way of thinking.

Life in the city does not require special skills and abilities. Developed infrastructure, water supply, heating and sewerage systems, mobile communications and the Internet - transform the natural human desire for excellence into a stupid race for big money, for which you can buy it, this perfection. However, from time to time, a person still feels a lack of something very important that cannot be compensated by another trip to a cool party, a shopping raid or a promotion. This is important - unity with the environment from which he came. Unity with nature. And then a person, sometimes surprising himself, takes a travel bag and goes on a trip. And let this journey consist of a two-day stay at your own dacha. Even this short and simplified rendezvous with nature, a kind of wild vacation, will replenish the reserves of the body, will not let it suffocate from the exhaust gases and dust of city streets, and will continue to function in the frantic urban rhythm of the constant race for a place under the sun. And if you want to switch to a sports holiday or read sports news, if you are interested in children's football in Spain, then soccerbarcelona.com will offer you a lot of information on this species sports.

Wild rest allows a person to forget at least for a while about the existence of a computer, constant calls and four walls. Falling asleep on a warm August night under the open sky, raising his eyes, a person sees a huge starry sky. His feelings are balanced, an understanding of the bustle of everyday life comes to him. Eternal mountains, stars, plains and passes, caves, gorges, rivers and oceans - all these places of wild recreation arose long before the birth of man. They will continue to exist for a long time after his death. After all, what is human life compared to unshakable eternity mountain peaks? Only in unity with nature, not disturbed by returning to a cramped hotel room and long excursion trips in a stuffy bus, allows a person to understand his true essence and verify the correctness of his landmarks with the natural compass of life cycles.

Places of wild recreation primarily attract people who have not yet lost the thin thread that connects them with nature. Those for whom rest means not only changing pictures outside the window of a concrete four-walled box with air conditioning and a TV. Wild tourism, perhaps, requires a share of adventurism, an open perception of reality and a rejection of the usual comfort from people, but it gives a lot more after the holiday is over. Unforgettable impressions from what you see and live remain in your memory, and not just on hundreds of interesting photographs. In a difficult life situation, they help not to get lost in the eternal race of perfectionism and remain a person not just in words, but in deeds.