Kiseleva rock - description, photo, map, location. Kiseleva rock - wild rest at the cliff

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Near Tuapse there are incredibly beautiful places created by nature itself and very popular with tourists. One of these sights is the Kiselev rock.

We went to her at the beginning of September last year.

It is located four kilometers northwest of the city of Tuapse, in a picturesque gorge between the mouth of the Agoy River and Cape Kadosh.

The height of the rock is 46 meters. A high rock with three facets of a light stone side juts out into the Black Sea. Its sleek façade is absolutely sheer and looks as if the sculptor had cast it in a huge form of concrete.

The top of the rock is covered with forest, and at the base of it there are rocky wild beaches.

The road to the rock is very picturesque. Magnificent mountains, winding serpentines ...

Sometimes the sea could be seen in the distance.

The only thing that always darkened our trips in Tuapse is wild traffic jams - both in the city itself and at the entrance to it ... If you go there by car during the holiday season, you can immediately throw in a few hours for the time spent in traffic jams.

Traffic jams at the entrance to Tuapse

There are several different routes to the Kiselev rock. I will tell you more about them in the next article. For now, I'll just say that we have tried three of them.

Kiselev's rock in art history

Kiseleva Rock is a natural monument of the Tuapse region and belongs to the territory of the Kadosh forest park, which is under state protection. The area of \u200b\u200bthe park is 300 hectares. And the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kiselev rock itself is 1 hectare.

Crimean and Pitsunda pine trees grow in Kadosh Park. There are also vines and even orchids here.

But this rock became famous not only for its unusual beauty. Her name went down in the history of Russian art.

It was named after the Itinerant artist Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev, who lived in these parts and was very fond of painting this rock.

Rock. Painting by artist A. A. Kiselev

And now in Tuapse, local artists sell reproductions of the painting "Kiselev's Rock". However, in Tuapse, on Plane Alley, they sell paintings by contemporary artists depicting a rock. They are in great demand among visiting tourists. As well as magnets depicting the famous rock, which will be cheaper than paintings ...

In the history of Russian painting, Kiselev's paintings "Outskirts of Tuapse", "Descent to the Sea", "Kadosh Rocks" are known. And the artist wrote all this here. He first arrived in Tuapse in 1886, and the last time he worked here in 1910. He died a year later.

The Kiselev Museum operates in Tuapse.

The Kiselev rock is also known for the fact that fishing scenes of the famous Soviet comedy "The Diamond Arm" were filmed near it - remember those delightful scenes?

At the beginning of the 20th century, writer Maxim Gorky, marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky, writer Alexander Serafimovich and other well-known representatives of Russian culture lived in the vicinity of the rock, at the dacha of the painter Kiselyov.

Kiselev Rock. Vintage postcard

Contemporary artists continue to paint this amazingly beautiful place. Here is a stunning picture of our contemporary.

Stones at the Kiselyova rock. Painting by contemporary artist Vasily Zolotsev. 2008 year. Canvas, oil.

Beautiful, is not it?

Camping "Skala Kiselyova": nif you go ale, you will get to the rock ...

At the top of the cliff there is a camping "Skala Kiseleva", on its ridge covered with forest. The road to the campsite is unpaved with a rather deep track. It's problematic to drive here on a puzoterka after the rain.

On the road to the campsite - a tree and puddles

Resting in such a beautiful place, among the pine trees, is probably wonderful. But we came here just to look at the rock and its surroundings, since we did not plan to live in a camping.

The entrance to the camping area is paid - 50 rubles (perhaps the price has changed since last year). This is if you don't live there, but just leave the car and wander around the neighborhood for several hours. If you live in a camping, then 150 rubles per day. There is a shower and a toilet.

The forest itself is very quiet.

From time to time, there are huge fallen trees, like a hurricane swept through here.

Their huge spines-trunks with large ribs-branches are similar to the skeletons of dinosaurs ...

Many trees are overgrown with lichen.

And some have grown vines.

And also there are not only pines, as along the entire Black Sea coast, but also huge oaks.

If you go to the left, you will get to the rock ... However, if you go straight and to the right, you will also get to the rock ...

There are three paths from the campsite to the cliff. One of them leads to the very top, to the edge of the cliff (remember the photo - where the couple stood?).

The other - very sharp and steep - leads to a wild beach with huge boulders, which is located on the northwest side, to the left of the cliff, when viewed from the sea.

Going down this path with young children is unrealistic. Although for those who dare, a rope is pulled here.

And the beach there is good only in one respect - there are no people on it at all. But swimming is problematic - the bottom is cut by sharp ridges coming from the rock and strewn with large boulders.

Although the views are very beautiful. And just for the sake of the photo, you can go downstairs ...

The third path is also quite steep. It starts off pretty well, though, and is pretty flat.

On one side there is a rock, on the other - a precipice, and further - a slippery stone path is buried in water.

This path leads to a high wooden staircase that descends directly to the southeastern beach.

View from the stairs to the beach

It can be quite noisy here, because pleasure boats and boats with tourists dock here. And on ships, music plays ...

And this is the next day, the ship sailed ...

And tourists do not just stand on the shore, but walk back and forth along the beach, take pictures, shout at each other, wave their hands and climb the Kiselev rock. Some manage to climb quite high.

People on the Kiselev rock

Now find them again ...

And romantic couples don't look for easy ways. They climb the path leading from the campsite to the very top of the cliff and admire the sea from there.

People on the top of the Kiselev rock

By the way, the place for lovers is quite suitable. There is one legend about the Kiselev rock. Very sad. And, of course, about love ... And also about the fact that you need to be more careful with your loved ones and not make them exorbitant tests ...

But about this - in continuation of our story about this amazingly beautiful place.

Have you been there? Do you like Kiselev rock?


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Our planet is beautiful and charming. There are so many wonderful places on it that fascinate from the first minutes. And to see them, there is no need to go to distant overseas countries, to exotic countries or impenetrable jungles. On the territory of the Russian Federation, you can find objects that can easily compete with the French Riviera or the Swiss Alps. This is Tuapse, which is sometimes called the gates of Greater Sochi.

Attractions Tuapse

Tuapse is an industrial and port city. It is located near the shores of the Black Sea. It is always warm here, even in winter the thermometer does not drop below five degrees Celsius. Therefore, if you do not like snow and frost, you can spend this time in Tuapse, especially since the developed infrastructure provides an excellent opportunity for this. whose photos are literally mesmerizing, delight their residents and visitors with such masterpieces as the Kiselev rock, Honey Caves, Lake Tsypka, Colonel Falls and others. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is three thousand square meters, and in the crevices of each of the three Honey Caves there is a real honey produced by the local bees.

The Colonel Falls cascade includes nine waterfalls of different heights, to which jeep tours are conducted. Every corner of the city is worthy of a traveler's attention! But the most famous of all the sights of Tuapse is the Kiselev rock. Each of us knows what this place looks like. Even if you have never been there, you still know what it is about. First, we will talk a little about the rock, but if the reader still does not guess that he has already been here in absentia, then we will help him remember exactly where he met the Tuapse rock.

Who is Kiselev?

The Kiselev Rock is named after the great Russian landscape painter, Professor Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev. This man was born in Sveaborg, which today is one of the administrative districts of Helsinki, in 1838. Alexander was a graduate of the Arakcheevsky administrative building, and from 1858 he became a student at St. Petersburg University. In the fall of 1861, student unrest began to occur, so the university was closed. So the future artist became a free student of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Mr. Kiselev worked in the Russian capital, but very often traveled throughout the country. He did this in order to find new landscapes for his paintings, which in the best way reflected the nature of different seasons.

A little later, Alexander began to paint the Caucasian species, which have found incredible success. Among the author's masterpieces are the paintings "Summer Landscape", "Ukrainian Landscape", "View of the outskirts of Kharkov" and other works. At the beginning of the last century, Alexander Kiselev erected a house in Tuapse, which is now the artist's house-museum.

Where is it located and how to get there?

Kiseleva Rock is located four kilometers to the north-west of Tuapse itself, between the mouth of the Agoy River and This is one of the most beautiful places on the Black Sea coast. The height of the object reaches 46 meters.

Kiseleva Rock (how to get to it, local residents, as well as employees of travel agencies know) is a gorgeous place. So, the first way to travel: by minibus or regular bus from Tuapse to the sign of the same name. Further the path will have to be done on foot. The second method is a little more difficult than the first, but also more interesting. It consists of a walk from Agoy along the coastline. The whole journey will take no more than an hour. True, sometimes you have to jump over rocks and wade through bends if the water is high. And the third way: by motor boat, steamer or pleasure boat from Agoy, Nebug or Tuapse. The cost of such a trip includes diving, swimming and a boat trip.

Rock of tears

Long ago, the rock of Kiselev (Tuapse) was called the rock of tears. And all because of one ancient Adyghe legend. Once upon a time, a young and beautiful girl, Guache, lived in the surrounding areas. She fell in love with a dzhigit, a native of the aul, which was located near her house. He was named Dyshek. The couple decided to seal their love by marriage. But according to tradition, the groom had to kidnap his bride. At the peak of the cliff near the sea, that very secret place was assigned. The signal for the beginning of the ceremony was supposed to be a fire lit Gouache. On the night of the abduction, the girl decided to test her beloved one last time. She put a flaming lamp on a log and lowered it into the water. When the guy arrived and saw a floating light, he immediately understood the intentions of his future wife. On horseback, he went down to the sea and swam for a log. The horseman plunged deeper into the sea. The horse was no longer visible, but Dyshek was a strong young man. And if not for the heavy chain mail ... The guy swam to the fire, but he could not find the strength to return back.

The girl did not wait for her beloved. Since that time, Guache, who did not become a wife, often and for a long time stood on the edge of the cliff, looking out at her fiance. She wept bitterly and sang songs. The woman realized that she could not live without her Dysheek and jumped off the cliff into the sea abyss. Water has become a common grave for lovers. And the rock has acquired the name "rock of tears". Rumor has it that from time to time at night from the top of the cliff one can hear crying and sad songs that the girl hums.


Kiseleva Rock (the map of Tuapse indicates its exact location) became known more than a hundred years ago. The painting by A.A.Kiselev with the image of a natural diva brought her popularity. The rock itself is a cliff with three faces, which protrudes far into the sea. This is a unique natural creation, on the Black Sea coast it is so one of a kind. The rock is considered the hallmark of Tuapse. The cliff is visible for hundreds of meters with a light, smooth, as if polished by the winds. Small groves have grown on the top of the Kiselev cliff. Some types of lianas grow in them, and in addition to them, you can find another 26 different types of shrubs and trees.

Kiseleva Rock, the photo of which is in our article, attracts travelers from all over Russia. And if you are already going to go here, be sure to take your pipe and mask with you. It is simply impossible not to dive here. This must be done. But be careful as the local beach is dotted with rocks, large boulders and high ridges running parallel to the shore. If you intend to stay here a little longer, then take food with you, as the closest store is in the city.

Kiseleva Rock contains many mysteries. One of them is the remains of marine sediments, which are located in the forest at the very top of the cliff. These remains are fossilized fauna and pebbles. The waters here have a huge variety of fish, plants and crabs. Diving enthusiasts can spend several hours underwater observing the underwater marine life. At the same time, they will not freeze - the water is almost hot, but crystal clear and transparent.


Well, do you remember how you know the Kiselev rock? No? As we promised, we answer: in 1968 it became the filming location for the famous film "The Diamond Arm". It is here that the scene takes place in which Andrei Mironov and Yuri Nikulin ("Lelik" and Gorbunkov, respectively) were fishing

The camping is located in a picturesque place not far from Tuapse, right at the foot of the Kiselev Rock, or rather, make sure that they are scattered in different corners, for example, in a certain place they put up tents, cars are here, and there is a descent to the sea.

If you follow the well-trodden path below, you will find yourself at a kind of "fork", leading directly to the rock, and two sea slopes. The right one is the steepest, there is a rope to facilitate the descent and ascent, and therefore there are much fewer tents there.

Camping Skala Kiseleva: on the map

Better to head left and pitch a tent near the shore:

It is worth taking into account that the sea descent is steep and if you wanted to go down to the sea at dusk, then this is real only with a lantern and in any case you need to be vigilant. And the beach area has a warning sign about the prohibition of swimming, as there were accidents - people drowned.

However, by itself, everyone accepts water procedures, while it should be noted that the bottom has its own specifics here, at a distance of 30 meters from the coast, you can stumble upon stones, which you can climb at full height and the water will be below the knees.

Autocamping Skala Kiseleva: the advantages of autocamping?

1. Usually, for a company of several people, they charge three hundred rubles per night (the cost may vary significantly). At the same time, the warrior asked - isn't it expensive? The impression was that trade was quite appropriate in a conversation with the owner of the camp. But nevertheless, they agreed to the conditions set, because the beauty nearby was worth it.

2. Positive points:

3. It is possible to set up a tent right next to the sea;

4. There is the most beautiful Kiselev rock, which will not leave anyone indifferent;

5. By and large, a simple entrance;

6. Cheap camping;

7. Not far from the city of Tuapse


* It is difficult to go down to the sea coast (there is no need to put up a tent, you can swim and dive if you want)

* If you have a sports past or you are naturally a strong, agile person, then this is easy for you to do. Otherwise, the conclusion is obvious. It will also be difficult for children and the elderly to descend

* Rest for non-pampered people

Vidio rocks Kiselev

Updated 03.17.2015 Views 311 Comments 23

I have already been to the Kiselev Rock several times. And long ago, when the place did not gain its popularity and last fall, when we. The place is beautiful and convenient for spending the night in a tent near Tuapse. Now, if it were still cleaner here, but more deserted ...

The Kiseleva Rock is located near Tuapse, or rather between Tuapse and Agoy. It reaches a height of 46 meters, and if God forbid to fall, then the resulting "constructor" is unlikely to be assembled. You can drive up to the rock by car, but more on that below. Now it is a popular place with people, but it remains beautiful to this day, at least for now. I cannot say that I would advise going there in the summer during the season, but I generally do not quite understand everyone who travels to the Black Sea as savages during this period.

The Kiselev Rock is named after the artist Kiselev, who was the first to capture it in his paintings. His dacha was located nearby at Cape Kadosh. True, it was back in the late 19th - early 20th century. I wonder if it weren't for this rock, would anyone know this artist? Or in another way to ask, if not for this artist, who would have known this rock? :)

Other places for wild rest can be seen in the article -.

Kiseleva Rock (Tuapse, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Kiseleva Rock is rightfully the hallmark of the city of Tuapse. It rises 46 meters above it, representing an almost sheer stone block - an amazing creation of nature. There is also an ancient Adyghe legend about the rock: a beautiful girl named Guash lived here before. Her father was rich, owned almost the entire coast, and all the factories belonged to him. But the girl did not like any of the rich suitors: the proud and unapproachable beauty rejected everyone. All except one handsome guy. The problem was that he was a groom.

Kiselev rock

The girl told her father about her intention. He was so disappointed in her that in the end the girl was locked up, and in return he married her a new groom, naturally very rich. The girl refused to marry a 70-year-old Circassian. And in the end, the groom-groom appointed a meeting on the Kiselev rock: at midnight the horseman rode here, Guash came too, only now she was chasing her beloved. Therefore, right from the cliff, he jumped into an abyss of 46 meters. Gouache could not stand it, shed a lot of bitter tears - and eventually followed him ...

This is the legend that explains the name of the rock: the Rock of Tears.

Kiseleva Rock is rightfully the hallmark of the city of Tuapse. It rises 46 meters above it, representing an almost sheer stone block - an amazing creation of nature.

The second name - Kiseleva - arose in honor of the artist of the same name, who immortalized this sheer rock in his paintings. On Cape Kadosh you can also find the artist's dwelling.

And this 46-meter rock, seemingly cut off from one edge, Kiselev's rock was lit up in the famous Soviet film "The Diamond Arm". It is here that Andrei Mironov is surrounded by a halo of holiness, a young boy who literally walks on water. In the role of the boy was the son of Nikulin - and, unusually, this is his only role in the movie.

You can get to the Kiselev rock from the beach with the mysterious name Spider. You will have to walk on large boulders, and the walk itself will take about 40 minutes. Usually, there are fewer tourists here during the low season, and an excellent view of the entire coast opens from the steep cliff. Those wishing to swim are in luck - near this natural monument there is a tiny beach where tourists like to put up tents. From a distance, the Kiselev rock does not seem so big.