French overseas possessions. Air-tours - multidisciplinary travel agency - Geography of France

France is a state in Western Europe, but its borders are not defined only by the Eurasian continent. The property of this country is located in various parts of the globe. Where are the overseas departments and territories of France located and what are they? Learn about it from the article.

Overseas possessions of France

The Republic is located in the west of the Eurasian continent surrounded by Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Andorra and Monaco. In the south it is washed mediterranean sea, in the north and west - by the Atlantic Ocean.

France is a presidential-parliamentary republic. Administrative division The state is quite complex and includes regions divided into departments with cantons and districts, as well as communes. In addition, there are territories and overseas departments of France.

The non-continental lands of the state are former colonies. They are located on islands in the Pacific, Atlantic, and administratively, areas, overseas, and special communities are sometimes distinguished among the territories.

Territories and overseas departments of France (list)

The number of French lands outside the continent was not always the same. Many territories, for example, as part of Algeria, lost French control in 1959 and 1962. Some lands remain disputed.

Madagascar claims to French Isles Esparce, Suriname disputes French Guiana, claims the island of Maiore (Mayotte), Vanuatu - two islands in New Caledonia. France, in turn, announced a claim to Adélie Land, which is located in Antarctica. The world community has so far rejected all statements.

The current overseas departments of France are shown in the table below.

As such, there are only two overseas territories of the state.

Other lands are often referred to as overseas territories of France, although they have different statuses and rights.




Saint Barthelemy

caribbean sea

overseas community

Saint Martin

caribbean sea

overseas community

Wallis and Futuna

Pacific Ocean

overseas community

French polynesia

Pacific Ocean

overseas community

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

North America

overseas community

New Caledonia

Pacific Ocean

Special administrative-territorial entity

Differences in status and rights

French overseas possessions are territories that belong to the state, but are removed from it at considerable distances. Currently, they are not colonies, and their inhabitants have all the rights of French citizens. The population of overseas territories can move freely within the European Union area.

The overseas departments of France are equal in political status to departments in the continental part of the country. In the country's constitution, they also appear as regions. In each of them, a regional council is formed, whose members can be members of various national structures (the Senate, the National Assembly) with the rights of ordinary French citizens.

Overseas communities differ from departments in their broader rights. They have their own social security system, customs and fiscal independence. Communities are not subject to the laws of mainland France. They have an autonomous government and are not affiliated with the European Union.


From the beginning of the 16th century, France became a strong colonial state. Controlled territories were in all Colonies were like individual islands in the middle of the oceans, and the continental lands of Canada, Africa, etc. Until now, in many African countries French is state.

The modern overseas departments of France were only colonized in the 17th century. Their lands were used as plantations for growing sugar cane, tea and other products. Slaves brought from Africa served as labor force.

After the Second World War, some territories repeatedly changed their status. Some of the lands were declared departments, including Algiers. After a long struggle, the country managed to win back its independence.

The territory of Saint Pierre and Miquelon initially became a department, but later the status changed to a community.

It took a relatively long time to resolve the issue with the Comoros. France captured them at the beginning of the 19th century. The government of the islands organized a referendum where everyone except Mayotte voted for independence. With the support of the UN, the Comoros gained independence, and Mayotte remains part of France to this day.

All overseas possessions are hard to give general description. They are located in different parts of the planet, have different climates, nature and population. Approximately 3 million people live outside the continent. The main occupation for many is the service sector, because these regions are popular among tourists.

French Guiana is an overseas department of France in South America. It is the largest department in the state. Unlike other territories, it is located on the continent. Reeds and fruits are grown here, minerals are mined. Tourists are attracted here by national parks and reserves located in tropical forests.

Other overseas territories are not far behind in terms of attractiveness. often called one of the most beautiful corners of the planet. People come to Guadeloupe for diving, walks in national park, and to see the La Soufrière volcano. The most densely populated area, Reunion, also has a unique nature. There are several nature reserves, a meteorological station and a volcanic laboratory.


Among the overseas territories of France are departments, communities, territories with a special status. All of them have different rights and powers. Most of the territories are located in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, the largest department, French Guinea, is located on the continent

Overseas territories are significantly removed from France, but controlled by it. They are former colonies that the state took over between the 16th and 19th centuries. Territories differ in population composition, local customs, culture and economic level. Recently, tourism has been actively developing in most lands.

France has a long colonial past. During the 18th and 19th centuries, her possessions multiplied, and they were mainly islands. They are located in almost all the oceans of the world and currently have a different status in relation to their mother country.

The islands of France are located in almost all the oceans of the world.

  1. overseas department. It is part of France along with those departments that exist on its own territory. They have the same rights as the rest, these land in the ocean are members of the European Union. Actually, this is France itself, only located far beyond its territory in Europe.
  2. The colonial possessions of France now include overseas communities. These are actually autonomous territories that have their own government and are not part of the European Union. They are also not obliged to follow the treaties and agreements that the EU has concluded.
  3. Overseas territories of France, which have a special status disputed by other countries, or in the country itself, the uncertain format of these spaces raises many questions.

Therefore, many islands are called the heritage of the French colonial presence. And almost all of them are great places for relax. total area of these territories is more than 560 thousand square meters. km, and a population of almost three million people.


Several islands in the Caribbean, a former French colony, and now one of the departments, governed by a prefect appointed by the mother country. conquered the islands in the 17th century. destroying the local population, the Caribs, and settling Negro slaves who worked numerous sugar cane plantations.

Now more than 400 thousand people live in Guadeloupe, mostly blacks and mulattos (90%). These islands belong to the tropical zone, during the year average temperature the air here is + 25–27 °, significant humidity, tropical rains pour from July to November.

But during the rest of the year, this overseas territory of France is extremely attractive for tourists, primarily for the following reasons:

  • Excellent white sand beaches.
  • Well developed tourism infrastructure.
  • There is an opportunity to go diving.
  • Natural attractions, such as La Soufrière volcano.

It was these islands that became the first on the way of Christopher Columbus to America.


The island is part of the Lesser Antilles archipelago located in the Caribbean Sea, which is also French. The population is almost 400 thousand people. Department of France and has its representation in both the Senate and Parliament.

The island began to belong to France in the 17th century, the local Indian population was destroyed. The territory was settled by black slaves who cultivated sugarcane and tobacco plantations.

Now 90% of the territory is covered with forest. There are many minerals here, and such rare ones as tantalum, as well as gold. In 1964–1965, the Kourou cosmodrome was built here, the only one in the world located very close to the equator.

Guiana is located in the equatorial zone, so the rest here is convenient almost all year round. It is pleasant to swim in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean under the scorching rays of the sun. In addition, you can see interesting places:

  • Kourou spaceport.
  • The capital of Cayenne, where there are many attractions.
  • The city of Cacao, where immigrants from Laos, the Hmong people, work. As souvenirs, they managed to fill the markets of Vietnam and other countries with their own embroidery and traditional dishes.


big island in Indian Ocean, another overseas territory of France with the status of a department and a population of over 800 thousand people. It is famous for the fact that it initially began to be mastered by Europeans, that is, there was no local population. The first to land on it in the 16th century were the Portuguese, but since the 17th century. the island became the property of the French.

Territory of volcanic origin, there are three extinct volcano. The weather is clearly visible: from December to April it is hot but rainy, from May to October it is dry and cool. There are hurricanes in February and March.

Therefore, the most favorable season for beach holiday is from June to September. It is good for those who love the following pastime:

  • Sunbathe on the beach and swim in the emerald clear waters.
  • Go diving or surfing.
  • Get to know the world of old European colonies.

But getting to the island is not easy, and local hotels leave much to be desired in terms of their comfort.


Island in the Indian Ocean, not far from. It is also a department of France, but is still contested by the Comoros, with which the UN stands in solidarity.

However, in a referendum held on the island, the inhabitants voted to remain part of France. This gave the latter reason to consider it and several other small ones located near Mayotte as their territory.

In terms of recreation, Mayotte is almost ideal in its natural conditions. Here, from November to April, the air temperature is from +24 to +27.

Great beaches and great wildlife. You can watch the giant tortoises on the coast.

But getting to the island is difficult, in addition, the infrastructure is very undeveloped. And it is much cheaper to arrange your vacation in the neighboring Comoros.

The island is located in the Atlantic Ocean and has the status of an overseas community of France. was discovered by Christopher Columbus, but began to be mastered by France and the Netherlands, who divided it among themselves. The main production here was sugarcane plantations, which were worked by black slaves from Africa.

The basis of the economy of modern Saint-Martin is the service of tourists, since it is impossible to develop agriculture here due to the lack of fresh water. All products on the island are of imported origin.

There is a fairly developed tourist infrastructure here, you can rent a hotel room or a separate house on the coast. For many French people, this is the perfect warm winter holidays.

Saint Barthélemy

Another island located in the Atlantic Ocean near Saint Martin and Guadeloupe. It has the status of a self-governing territory.

The weather here is ideal almost all year round, the average temperature is from +25 to 27. Therefore, Saint-Barthélemy is very good for relaxing.

Location of the island in the Atlantic Ocean

For almost a century, the island belonged to Sweden, which bought it from France at the end of the 18th century, and then sold it to the French. There are no natural sources of fresh water on the island (streams, rivers, lakes), nevertheless it is attractive for wealthy tourists. At one time, plots of land here were bought by David Rockefeller and Roman Abramovich.

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

These overseas communities are all that remain of France's once vast colonial North America. These two islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean, not far from the Canadian Newfoundland, the population is just over 6,000 people.

The islands are not well suited for recreation: there are cool summers, on average +20, although winters are quite mild (from -2 to -7) and there is a lot of snow that falls during the cold season. Quite dense fogs are not uncommon in autumn and spring.

Serving tourists is one of the main sources of income for Polynesians. There are really beautiful white sand beaches here, it is always warm, the infrastructure is well developed, but there are significant disadvantages:

  • High tour prices.
  • It takes almost two days to get there with a transfer.

During the colonial era, France, like other leading European countries that time, captured a large number of territories around the world. The European empire, with its metropolis in Paris, ruled over a huge number of colonies. Time has put everything in its place, but even now the legacy of past years is clearly visible.

Map of French overseas possessions (Wikimedia;

For example, half of Africa not only speaks French, but also has this language as a state language. The prevalence and art, and even the globe- also the result of a long-standing policy. Today, most of the colonies have become formally independent states from France, but some significantly remote territories still remain part of France.

Territories outside mainland France and nearby islands are commonly referred to as "French overseas possessions". Overseas possessions are subdivided into overseas departments of France, overseas territories, overseas districts, overseas communities, and so on. In order not to get bogged down in legal subtleties and management features, the abbreviation "DOM-TOM" is often used. From the French "départements d'outre-mer / territoires d'outre-mer", which literally means "overseas departments / overseas territories".

French overseas possessions are small islands scattered across three oceans and continental French Guiana. In the Atlantic Ocean, there are several Caribbean, a group of islands near Canada and the already mentioned French Guiana. In the Indian Ocean, French territory includes many of the islands around Madagascar, as well as the islets to the south, united in the French Southern and Antarctic Territories. And in pacific ocean France is represented by New Caledonia, French Polynesia and several other small islands.

All these possessions are controlled by France in one way or another. But this does not mean that the territories are French colonies. Citizens of overseas possessions have all the rights of ordinary citizens of France. Including the right of free movement within the European Union. Interestingly, residents of other countries to visit the overseas possessions of France must obtain a special visa. There are other curiosities. Some overseas territories of France are not recognized by the world community or are the subject of a dispute between France and some other country. And Saint Helena, famous for it, belongs to Great Britain. However, the two houses where Napoleon lived and the burial place of the emperor are French territory.

The life of people in the overseas territories of France is different - it makes no sense to invent and describe some kind of average value. But this is not always an undeveloped primitive society. For example, in French Guiana, the famous Kourou cosmodrome is located - a worthy example of high technology outside of continental France.

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The remnants of the former French colonial empire now exist in the form of overseas departments and overseas territories.
Overseas departments - one of the types of territorial collectives of France; they are based on Art. 72 and 73 of the Constitution with the adaptation of their structure to local conditions. All four overseas departments - the former colonies of Guadeloupe, Guiana, Martinique and Reunion - began to have such a status since 1946. Under the mentioned Law of 1982, they simultaneously received the status of an overseas region with the corresponding powers and bodies - they established committees for culture, education and environment and regional councils have been established. The latter can apply to the Government of France with proposals for changing and adapting the existing legislative norms to local conditions. In 1984, a part of the competence of the general councils of these departments was also transferred to these councils.
An overseas territory is also a special kind of French territorial collectives. According to Art. 74 of the Constitution, the overseas territories "have their own special organization, taking into account their own interests in common with the interests of the Republic."
All overseas territories are also former colonies; they are very distant from the metropolis, located in the Pacific Ocean: New Caledonia, French Polynesia, the Wallis and Futuna Islands and the Arctic lands.
Overseas territories have a different status, but what is common to all is that they are governed by elected bodies on the basis of their statutes (charters). Executive power belongs to various bodies: on the islands of Wallis and Futuna, it is entrusted to a representative appointed by the mother country; in New Caledonia, it rests with the President of the Council of Ministers. In all overseas territories, a representative of the state is appointed by the mother country, who monitors the observance of state interests, the implementation of laws and exercises administrative control. In some overseas territories, the institution of local leaders is retained: for example, on Wallis Island, they are members of the territorial council. Chiefs perform some judicial functions.
France retains powers in the field of defense, foreign relations, judicial organization. Otherwise, the overseas territories have a fairly large range of powers. With the exception of a number of certain important areas, such as the regulation and protection of rights and freedoms, the competence of public authorities, French law does not automatically apply in overseas territories. In particular, overseas territories enjoy significant tax benefits. French Polynesia has more autonomy than Corsica: the remaining powers belong to Polynesia, while under the Corsica law they belong to the Republic*.
* See: Kazanskaya G.V. Decree. op., p. 140.
Two territorial units do not have the status of either of the two named categories - neither an overseas department, nor an overseas territory. The island of Mayotte has a legal status somewhat similar to that of an overseas department, but the legislation establishes the possibility of its political evolution (since 1976, the island has the right to elect one senator). The islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon in 1985 lost the status of an overseas department in order to avoid the consequences of being together with France in the Common Market.
For France, overseas territories are of great strategic importance: having these territories at the opposite end of the planet, it ensures its presence there.

More on topic 4. Overseas departments and overseas territories:

  1. Article 188/25. Non-violation of legal powers (attributions) of land rights of the Sovereign Technical Inspectorate of the Sovereign Department of the Insurance Fund Documentation