Fernan Magellan's expedition renounces the globe moving. Story of around the world: from Magellan to Picar

The first world swimming under the leadership of Fernan Magellan began on September 20, 1519 and ended on September 6, 1522. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe expedition was largely repetition of the idea of \u200b\u200bColumbus: to achieve Asia, following the west. The colonization of America has not yet managed to bring significant profits unlike the colonies of Portuguese in India, and the Spaniards wanted to swim to the islands of spices and benefit. By that time it became clear that America was not Asia, but it was assumed that Asia lies relatively not far from the new world.

In March 1518, Fernan Magellan and Rui Faleir, Portuguese Astronomer, were in Seville to the Council of India, and said Molokki - the most important source of Portuguese wealth - should belong to Spain, since they are in Western, Spanish hemisphere (under the contract 1494), But it is necessary to penetrate these "islands of spices" in Western way, so as not to initiate suspicions of Portuguese, through the South Sea, open and attached Balboa to Spanish possessions. And Magellan convincingly argued that between the Atlantic Ocean and the South Sea should be shed south of Brazil.

After a long bargaining with the Royal Advisors who spoken by the solid share of the expected income and concessions from the Portuguese, a contract was concluded: Karl 1 pledged to equip five ships and supplied the expedition to the supplies for two years. Before sailing, Faleir abandoned the company, and Magellan became the sole head of the expedition.

Magellan personally followed the loading and packaging of products, goods and equipment. Sukhari, wine, olive oil, vinegar, salt fish, dried pork, beans and beans, flour, cheese, honey, almonds, anchovies, raisins, prunes, sugar, quince, capers, mustard, beef and fig. In case of clashes, there were about 70 guns, 50 Arkebuses, 60 crossbows, 100 lat sets and other weapons. For trade, they took the matter, metal products, women's decorations, mirrors, bells and mercury (it was used as a medicine).

Magellan raised the Admiral flag on Trinidad. The captains of the rest of the courts were appointed Spaniards: Juan Cartagena - San Antonio; Gaspar Kesada - "Concepcion"; Louis Mendoza - Victoria and Juan Serrano - Santiago. The full-time composition of this flotilla was calculated in 293 people, there were still 26 freelance crew members on board, among them the young Italian Antonio Pigafetga, the historian of the expedition. In the first world swimming, an initinal team was departed: except for the Portuguese and Spaniards included representatives of more than 10 nationalities from different countries of Western Europe.

On September 20, 1519, Flotilla headed by Magellan left the port of Sanlukar de Barramed (the mouth of the Guadalquivir River).

Magellan's ships go to the Pacific Ocean

On September 6, 1522 in the Spanish port of Sanlucar de Barramed, a ship entered the mouth of the Guadalquivir River, whose species pointed to a long and hard way. It was called this ship "Victoria". Those of the locals who possessed good memory, did not recognize one of the five ships of the expedition in the coming sovereign, which saved from this harbor without a small three years ago. I remembered that he commanded the stubborn portuguese, whose appointment to this position caused a lot of curvators. It seems that his Fernan Magellan was called. However, neither the leader of the expedition, nor its numerous satellites residents of Sanlucar de Barramed saw. Instead, they saw the battered "Victoria" and on its board a handful of exhausted people who looked at the living dead.

The captain "Victoria" Juan Sebastian Elkano sent the best business to the royal residence Valladolid message about returning to Spain of one of the five ships "Light Memory of Fernana Magellan". Two days later, "Victoria" was departed in Seville, where the surviving 18 members of the crew barefoot with candles went to the church to thank the Most High for their, albeit not quite prosperous, return. Huana Elkano was summoned to Valladolid, where he was adopted by the King of Spain and part-time Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Carl. Monarch awarded Captain the coat of arms with the image of the Earth and the inscription "You're traveled me." Also Elkano, the annual pension in the amount of 500 ducats was granted, with the payment of which some difficulties arose - the state treasury was empty. However, the organizers of the expedition did not remain in Vclad, despite the fact that only one ship from five returned home. The Victoria holds were clogged with rare and expensive overseas goods, revenues from whose sale with interest covered all expedition costs. So the first round trip was completed.

Gold, spices and distant islands

The European colonial expansion began in the XV century continued to gain momentum in the XVI-M. In the avant-garde race for fabulously expensive in the then old world with colonial goods were the powers of the Pyrenean Peninsula - Spain and Portugal. It was Lisbon that was the first to achieve the legendary India and start receiving from this such desired launches. Later, the Portuguese laid the way to Molukki Islands, known in Europe as the island of spices.

The successes of their neighbors along the peninsula at first glance looked also impressively. By destroying the last Muslim state on the Pyrenees, the Granada Emirate, the Spaniards were with unleashed hands and empty treasury. The easiest way to solve the budget problem was to penetrate the way to penetrate the rich eastern countries that were spoken at that time with every self-respecting yard. Around the then monarch of the couple, their majesty Ferdinand and Isabella, have long spinning temperamental and very persistent Genoese. In some stubbornness, it caused irritation, others - an indulgent smile. However, Kristobal Colon (so called this energetic person) there were serious patrons, and the queen began to speeches. As a result, three caravels went through the ocean, the swimming of which opened the new European page.

Returning with the triumph of the column, or, as he was called in Spain, Christopher Columbus told a lot about the lands open to them. However, the amount of gold he was accompanied by his narrative was very limited. However, the credible loan received by the discoverer, as was then believed, Indies were very high, and over the ocean went over the other three more expeditions. The number of islands and lands opened by Columbus over the ocean, everything increased, and the joy in Spain decreased from these discoveries. The number of jewels and other expensive goods brought to Europe was small, the local population was not at all the desire to work to work badly on white aliens, nor go to the Lono of the True Church. The colorful tropical islands did not cause lyrical moods from the harmonious Mauritan wars of proud and poor Hidalgo, which only gold was interested.

Soon it became clear that the land, open by Columbus, are neither China nor India, but represent a completely new continent. In addition, the successfully completed swimming of Vasco da Gama showed the last stubborn skeptics, which is real India, and how can it be achieved. The neighbors of the Spaniards across the peninsula countered the growing baryrs and with a fairing fraction of irony, looked like the Spaniards are looking for riches on the picturesque, but from the then point of view of the intolerase islands. Spanish treasure, like any other, needed replenishment. The winners of the Moors had far-reaching plans. Turkish expansion in Eastern Mediterranean gained strength, it was granted conflict with France because of the Apennine Peninsula, there were ever raging Europe and other affairs. All this required money - and considerable.

And in high circles again, as almost 30 years before that, an energetic person appeared, who argued that he had a plan, how to get to the islands of spices. And, like Christopher Columbus, he was also a foreigner. Moreover, the spikes of the situation added that this strategic ideas generator until recently consisted of serving competitors, that is, was the Portuguese. His name was Fernan Magellan.


Magellan was neither a search for an adventurer. By the time of the beginning of the promotion of his project in 1518, he was already an experienced navigator and a man in military business. He possessed the same extensive knowledge and skills attached by his words. Magellan was born in 1480 in Portugal, where his surname sounded like Magalyansh, in the old aristocratic family that had Norman roots. Early deprived parents of the boy relatives determined as a group to the Queen of Leonor, the wife of King Juan II perfect. His court service continued at the new monarch Manuel I. Magellan was noticed due to its extraordinary personal qualities, character hardness and good education.

The king allowed the young man to go east with Francisco de Almeida, the first vice-king of Portuguese possessions in India. Arriving into the legendary India, Magellan was in the thick of the events of a political, military and economic nature. For a long time, the actual owners of the local waters, the Arab seafarers were not at all delighted with the dangerous and decisive competitors. The future great navigator takes part in numerous combat fights with Arabs. In one of these battles, he was wounded in his leg, which subsequently gaited his gait with light chromotomot. In 1511, under the leadership of the already new Governor Afonus de Albuquerque, Magellan takes direct participation in the siege and taking Malacca, which became one of the support points of Portuguese expansion in the East.

Seeing that the local islands are rich in the rich in Europe with spices, the navigator gradually comes to the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding a different path to revenn on various wealth regions of the Indian Ocean. It was then that Magellan begins to develop the concept of the path east directly, through the Atlantic, because the path around Africa seemed longer and dangerous. For this purpose, it was necessary only to find the strait, located somewhere, according to the Portuguese, among the land, open Columbus and his followers. So far, I could not find it anyone, but Magellan was sure that he was lucky.

The case remained for small - to persuade the king. But with this just the difficulties arose. Returning from Portuguese possessions in the East, Magellan in 1514 goes to fight in Morocco. Due to the service incident, the Portuguese appeared a chance to present his project to the king. However, neither Manuel I nor his surroundings were interested in the ideas of Magellan - the path to the islands of the spice around the Cape of Good Hope was considered to be dangerous, but proven, and the issue of the existence of a mysterious strait between the Atlantic and the South Sea, recently open de Balboa, was considered not so much Important. Relations between the Portuguese king and Magellan have long left much to be desired: he was given to the highest name twice - the last time the case concerned the "forage" money, who had relying to Magellan as a court.

Considered herself offended, the Portuguese decided to try his happiness in neighboring Spain. Asking King Manuel to release him from official duties, Magellan in the fall of 1517 moved to Seville. Together with him, the famous Portuguese Astronomer Rui Faleir arrived in Spain. In the meantime, the Spanish throne, a young Karl I came across the female line gradually the famous Ferdinand. On the male line, the young monarch was grandson Maximilian I Habsburg. Soon Karl becomes the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire under the name of Karl V. He was ambitious and full of different political projects, so the Magellan initiative could come by the way.

Magellan arrived in Seville immediately began to act. Together with Faleir, they were located at the indium board located immediately - the institution engaged in newly open territories and colonies, and said that, according to the exact estimates conducted by them, Molokki, the main source of spices for Portugal, are, contrary to the signed between the two monarchies through the mediation of Pope Agreement in Tordesillas, in the territory allotted by Spain. So the resulting "lack" should be corrected.

Subsequently, fortunately for the Portuguese, it turned out that Faleir was wrong. In the meantime, local authorities of colonial and trading affairs listened to the fiery speeches of Portuguese-emigrant with skepticism, advising the search for listeners in other places. And yet, one of the leaders of this serious organization named Juan de Aranda decided to personally talk to the Portuguese and after some thought found him the arguments did not expect much, especially if you consider future modest 20% of the profits.

Subsequent months resembled a slow and purposeful clambering along the long staircase of the state apparatus, with consistent penetration into increasingly high apartments. At the beginning of 1518, Aranda arranged an audience for Magellan from Emperor Charles in Valladolid. The arguments of the Portuguese and his actual companion Faleir were convincing, especially since he argued that Molokki, according to its calculations, are just a few hundred miles from the Spanish Panama. Carl was inspired and on March 8, 1518 signed a decree on the preparation for the expedition.

Magellan and Faleir were appointed by her leaders with the titles of the captains. At their disposal should have been provided by 5 ships with crews - about 250 people. In addition, the Portuguese promised profit from the enterprise in the amount of one fifth part. Cooking began shortly after the signing of the decree, but continued for a very long time. There were several reasons. First of all, it was unstable financing. Secondly, many did not cause delight that the leaders of such a large-scale project were prescribed by Portuguese, with whose homeland in Spain were very difficult relationships. Thirdly, feeling in the role of specialists whose opinion went around attention, Senoras from the Council of Indians began to sabotage preparations for the expedition.

We should not forget about the army of the army of suppliers and contractors who have improved their own well-being due to the supply of not quite high-quality provincial, equipment and materials. All ships preparing for the sail, found themselves on the "annoying chance" by no means new. Portuguese authorities, too, as they could have sabotaged the event. At the courtyard of King Manuel I, I even seriously discussed the question of the murder of Magellan, but this venture was prudently refused. The companion of the navigator Astronomer Faliru, having rewicked what winds begin to blow the caravel's sails yet, found the bang of madness and stay on the shore. Huang de Cartagena was appointed to the deputy Magellan, with which there will be many more troubles, including the rebellion.

Despite all the obstacles, training continued. The soul of the entire enterprise was Fernan Magellan. With its flagship ship, he chose a 100-ton trinidad. In addition to him, the squadron included 120-tonan San Antonio (Captain Juan de Cartagena, part-time Royal Expedition Controller), 90-ton Concepcion (Captain Gaspar Kesada), 85-ton "Victoria" (Louis Mendoza) and The smallest, 75-ton "Santiago" (under the command of Juan Serano). The staff of the crews was 293 people, including 26 people who were accepted on board over the state. One of them, the Italian nobleman Antonio Pigafette, will later be subsequently a detailed description of Odyssey.

The exact number of swimming participants still causes disputes. Part of the sailors were Portuguese - a forced measure, since their Spanish colleagues were in no hurry to record in the crews. There were representatives and other nationalities. The ships plunged the provisant at the rate of two years of swimming and some goods for trade with natives. In addition, in case of poor relationships with the local population, there were 70 ship guns, 50 arkebuses, crossbows and about a hundred armor sets.

On August 10, 1519, the squadron diluted from the berths of Seville and on the Guadalquivir River went down to the port of Sanlucar de Barramed. Here, waiting for favorable winds, five Caravel stood for almost a month. Magellan was something to do - already at the first stage of the campaign, the part of the food was spoiled, and he had to replace it. Finally, on Tuesday, September 20, 1519, the squadron left the shores of Spain and took the course to the southwest. None of the pioneers who were on board did not suspect how long there would be their way.

Atlantic and Conspiracy

Six days after the departure of the flotilla arrived in Tenerife on the Canary Islands and stood here for almost a week, the reserves of water and provisions. Here Magellan received two unpleasant. The first of them, brought by Caravella who came from Spain, sent Captain-General of his friends who reported that Captains Cartagena, Mendoza and Kesada were a conspiracy, the purpose of which was to remove Magellan from the command of the expedition due to the fact that he was a portuguese, and with resistance kill him. The second news came from a salt cod supplier: the king of Portugal sent two squadrons to the Atlantic to intercept Magellan's ships.

The first news caused the need to strengthen the observation of unreliable Spaniards, the second forced to change the path of following and go through the ocean several southerly scheduled route, which extended the already not small path. The new course Magellan paved along the shores of Africa. Subsequently, it turned out that the news about the Portuguese squadron turned out to be false. Flotilla moved to the south, and not to the West, as planned, causing bewilderment from the Spanish captains, and without the fact of his command. Closer to the end of October - the beginning of November, discontent reached apogee.

The first one who passed the nerves, was Juan de Cartagena, the captain of San Antonio. By order of Magellan, his flotilla ships were to approach the flagship "Trinidad" daily and to report on the situation. During this procedure, Cartagena called his head not "Captain-General", as it should be, but simply "captain". To comment on the need to follow the charter, the captain "San Antonio" did not respond. The situation was glowing. A few days later, Magellan gathered his captains on board the flagship ship. Cartagena began shouting and demanding an explanation from the head of the expedition, why the flotilla goes not to the course. In response, a well-aware of the sentiments among some of his subordinates, Magellan grabbed Captain "San Antonio" for a column and announced him with a rebel, ordered to put it under arrest. Instead, the captain was appointed a relative of Magellan Portuguese Alvara Misht. However, Cartagena was sent to the arrest not on the flagship ship, but to Concepcion, where the conditions of detention were soft enough.

Soon, the flotilla came out of the strip of calm and moved to the shores of South America. On November 29, 1519, from Spanish ships, finally, noticed such a desirable land. In an effort to avoid a meeting with the Portuguese, Magellan led his ships along the coast to the south and 13 December threw anchor in Rio de Janeiro Bay. Give the rest of the shopping crews and celebrating Christmas, the expedition moved further to the south, seeking to find a cherished strait to the South Sea.


In January, the new 1520, Magellan's ships reached the mouth of a huge River La Plata, open in 1516 by Juan De Solis. The Portuguese assumed that the desired strait could be somewhere in local waters. The smallest and most high-speed ship of the expedition was sent to the exploration - "Santiago". Returning, Captain Juan Serana said that I could not find any strait.

Without lost confidence, Magellan moved further south. The climate gradually became more moderate - instead of the originally encountered on the South American tropics coast now, an increasingly deserted terrain was observed. Occasionally, the indians with a pretty primitive way of life did not know the iron and, apparently, seen white people for the first time. Fearing to skip the strait, the flotilla moved along the coast, and the night was anchored. On February 13, 1520, in the bay of Bahia Blanca, the ships fell into an unprecedented thunderstorm, and lights of St. Elma were noticed on masts. Going further to the south, the Europeans met the big herds of penguins who were accepted by them for admitted ducks.

The weather spoiled, increasingly becoming a storm, the temperature dropped, and on March 31, reaching a quiet bay, called San Julian (49 ° of South latitude), Magellan decided to stay in it and zazim. Without forgetting that the moods on his fleets are far from calm, Captain-General posted his ships as follows: four of them were in the bay, and the flagship "Trinidad" arose by her entrance - just in case. For this, there were good reasons - the search for a passage did not give results, there was an uncertainty ahead, and Magellan's unintentionals began to distribute the opinion of the need to return to Spain.

April 1, at Verbal Sunday, on board the flagship "Trinidad" there was a festive dinner, which captains of vessels were invited. Captains "Victoria" and "Concepcion" did not appear on him. On the night of April 2, a rebellion began on flotilla. Sitted under the custody of Juan de Cartagena released to freedom. Without much difficulty, Victoria and Concepcion were captured. On San Antonio, the captain Alvara Misht was arrested on "San Antonio". Only a small "Santiago" retained loyalty to the commander of the expedition.

The ratio of forces, at first glance, was very unfavorable for the captain-general and his supporters. The two ships of the rebels opposed his ships. However, Magellan not only was not confused, but also showed determination. Soon the boat with a letter for the head of the expedition arrived at Trinidad. The rebellious captains put in it a whole mountain of charges against Magellan, who, in their opinion, put an expedition to the edge of death. They were ready to submit to him only as the first captain from equal, and not as "captain-general", and even if the flotilla immediately returns to Spain.

Magellan began to act immediately. For the "Victoria" with a letter to her captain Mendos, a devotee Magellan Algwasil Gonzalo Gomez de Espinos was sent. Reaching to "Victoria", he handed Mendos a letter and request of Magellan to arrive at Trinidad for negotiations. When the rebel refused and crumpled the message, Espinos caused him a deadly blow to the dagger. The accompanying officer people mastered the "Victoria", which soon arose anchor near the flagship and Santiago. The situation for those who want to return to Spain by anything has become sharply deteriorated.

At night, San Antonio tried to break through into the sea, but they were waiting for him. By the ship gave a volley from the guns, and his deck was shrouded with arbalt arrows. The frightened sailors hurried to disarm the angry Gasseta Cesada and surrendered. Huang de Cartagena, who is located on Concepcion, decided not to play with fire and stopped resistance. Soon the court was held, which announced the leaders of the insurrection and their active accomplices (about 40 people) by traitors and sentenced them to death. However, Magellan immediately pardoned them and replaced the execution of religious work throughout the wintering. Gaspara Cesada, who was fatally injured by one of the devotees Magellan officers, beheaded, and the corpse quartered. Former rebels were engaged in socially useful work in the form of cutting firewood and pumping water from the trim. Cheerful Cartagena did not calm down and began to again lead counter-propward agitation. The patience of Magellan this time turned out to be exhausted, and the royal controller was left on the shore of the bay along with the priest who actively helped him in propaganda. Nothing is known about their fate.

Strait and Pacific Ocean

The rebellion was left behind, and the parking in San Julian bay continued. In early May, Magellan sent Santiago to the south for intelligence, but he crashed into a stormy weather on the cliff at the Santa Cruz River, while one sailor died. With great difficulty, the crew returned to the parking lot. Huana's lost his ship Serano put the captain on Concepcion. August 24, 1520 Magellan left San Julian bay and arrived at the mouth of the Santa Cruz River. There, waiting for good weather, ships stood until mid-October. On October 18, the flotilla left the parking lot and moved south. Before going out, Magellan told his captains, which will look for a passage to the South Sea to 75 ° of southern latitude, and in the event of failure, it will turn to the east and moves to Molukskoe Islands around the Cape of Good Hope.

On October 21, finally, a narrow passage was discovered, leading in mainland. San Antonio and Concepcion fell to the storm, but were able to hide in the bay, from which, in turn, led a new strait - on, west. Scouts returned with the news of a possible pass. Soon the flotilla, entering the open strait, was in the trickling of rocks and narrow passes. A few days later, Dawson Magellan was noticed by two channels: one walked in the south-east direction, the other in southwestern. "Concepcion" and "San Antonio" were sent to the first, in the second boat.

The boat returned three days with joyful news: a large outdoor water was noticed. Trinidad and Victoria entered the southwest canal and stood for four days anchors. Going to the previous place of the parking lot, they found only "Concepcion". San Antonio disappeared. Little days the search for results did not give. Only subsequently returned to their homeland on Victoria, the surviving members of the expedition learned about the fate of this ship. On his board broke out the rebellion headed by officers. The devotees of Magellan Captain Misht stood into the shackles, and San Antonio turned back to the way back. In March 1521, he returned to Spain, where the rebels declared Magellan by a traitor. At first they were believed to: the spouse of Captain-General was deprived of the monetary content, and supervision was established behind it. In total, Magellan did not know - on November 28, 1520, his ships were finally reached in the Pacific Ocean.

Islands, natives and death of Magellan

Juan Sebastian Elkano

Long swimming started by the Pacific Ocean. In an effort to bring the ships from cold latitudes, Magellan led them first strictly north, and after 15 days he turned to the north-west. Overcoming such an extensive water area lasted almost four months. The weather was good that he gave rise to this ocean quiet. During the swimming, the crews experienced incredible difficulties associated with the acute shortage of provisions. Part of it spoiled and became unsuitable. They raged the qing, from which 19 people died. Ironically, the flotilla passed past the islands and archipelagments, including inhabited, only twice the baits to the small uninhabited shreds of sushi.

On March 6, 1521, two large islands were noticed - GUAM and Rota. The local population seemed friendly and stoley Europeans. A punitive expedition was planted ashore, which destroyed several natives and betrayed their settlement. A few days later, the flotilla reached the Filipino Archipelago, well, however, known to Chinese Morelodam. On March 17, the ships threw anchor in the uninhabited island of Homon, where something like a field hospital for sick members of the crew was equipped. Fresh provisions, vegetables and fruits allowed people to quickly restore their strength, and the expedition continued the path among numerous islands.

On one of them, Malamen, Malats Enrique met people, whose language he understood from Portuguese. Captain General realized that the islands of the spices somewhere nearby. On April 7, 1521, the ships reached the harbor of Cebu city on the island of the same name. Here the Europeans have already found culture, although heavily lagging behind them in technical terms. Local residents have found products from China, and the coming Arab merchants told a lot of interesting things about local lands, which were well known and the Arabs and the Chinese.

The Islanders of the Spanish ships made a huge impression, and the ruler Cebu Raja Hubomon, Thing, decided to surrender to the patronage of distant Spain. To facilitate the process, he, his family and the nearest approximately accepted baptism. Fastening success and wanting to show the new allies of the power of the European, Magellan intervened in the civil conflict with the ruler of the island of Maltan.

On the night of April 27, 1521, Magellan and 60 Europeans, together with the Allied Natives, went on boats to a dismissed island. Because of the reef, the ships could not come close to the shore and support the landing detachment with fire. Magellan's companions met superior forces - the natives trembled the Europeans arrows and turned them into flight. Magellan himself, covered with a waste, was killed. In addition to him, 8 more Spaniards died. Prestige "patrons" fell to a dangerous low mark. Their authority just collapsed after an unsuccessful attempt to redeem the body of Magellan from those who were not so convicted natives. Depressed Captain's loss, Spaniards decided to leave Cebu.

By this time, in exchange for fabrics and iron products, they managed to progress a large amount of spices. Local Raja, having learned about the intention of "patrons" to leave, hospitably invited their commander (he commanded the expedition now Juan Seano and Shurin Magellan Duarta Barboza) for a farewell feast. The feast smoothly turned into a slaughter planned in advance - all guests were killed. Such a turn of events accelerated the departure of the expedition ships, in the ranks of which there are 115 people left, most of them were sick. The dilapidated "Concepcion" was soon burned, and only the "Trinidad" and "Victoria" remained on the course of exhausted travelers.

For several months, wandering in the waters unknown to them for them, in November 1521 the Spaniards reached, finally, the Molukky Islands, where spices were able to buy, the benefit of the goods for exchanging. Having achieved a goal after the long weary and difficulties, the surviving participants of the expedition decided to be divided into loyalty so that at least one of the ships reached the Spanish territory. Trinidad renovated to the ambulance arm was to go to Panama under the command of Gonzalo Espinos. The second, Victoria under the command of the Basque Juan Sebastian Elkano, had to return to Europe, going route around Cape of Good Hope. The fate of Trinidad turned out to be tragic. Stumbled upon the path on the lane of the oncoming winds, he was forced to return to Molukskie Islands and was captured by the Portuguese. Only a few of his crew, having survived the prison and the cowboy, returned to their homeland.

Replica Karakki "Victoria", built by the Czech navigator Rudolph Kratshnider

The path of "Victoria", which began on December 21, 1521, was long and dramatic. Initially, there were 60 crews on its board, including 13 Malayans. On May 20, 1522, Victoria has rented a kind of good hope. By the time of finding in the already familiar Atlantic, the staff of Victoria decreased to 35 people. The situation with the provincial was critical, and Elkano was forced to go to the island of the Green Cape belonging to Lisbon, giving out himself for the Portuguese. It turned out that, traveling from the West to the East, the sailors "lost" one day. The deception was revealed, and 13 sailors were arrested on the shore.

On September 6, 1522, Victoria reached the mouth of Guadalquivir, making a round-the-world journey. For some time, Magellan's record remained unobiled until he did one gentleman, the Queen of Elizabeth, whose expedition did not resemble the trade or scientific.


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Fernan Magellan (1470-1521) - Portuguese navigator. The first made around the world and crossed the ocean called to them quiet. Proved the presence of a single ocean and provided a practical evidence that the earth has a shape of a ball. Born in Portugal in the noble family.

An expedition was organized from five vessels (Trinidad, San Antonio, Santiago, "Consepesion" and "Victoria") under the leadership of Magellan, who came out into the sea towards Rio de Janeiro. Moved to the south of the mainland, he opened all the Atlantic coast of South America. Motion only during the day so as not to miss the strait. In March, the expedition had to stand up for wintering in a comfortable bay. On the same night, a riot headed by the commanders of ships began on the ships: difficulties and deprivation, which fell into their share, very much of people. The rebellion was brutally depressed by Magellan himself, and in early October the fleet went to the south. In October of the same year, south of the La fee, they were reinforced with mainland and entered the bay, named after St. Julian. For about a month, he examined him, but he did not find a passage to the South Sea. On the shore of the Strait, the expedition once saw the fires of fire and Magellan called the place of fiery ground. Soon the expedition approached the eastern mouth of the Strait, which now wears his name.

The first transition through the Pacific began on November 28. On the remaining three ships, Magellan entered the Unknown Ocean, heated America from the south of the shed. Since the weather at this time was very good, he called the ocean tiche. Almost 4 months went on swimming, during which people had to eat cracked dust, mixed with worms, drink rotting water, there are oxides, wood sawdust and ship rats. Soon hunger and qing began, many died. Crossing the ocean, he passed at least 17 thousand km, but opened only two island - one in the Tuamot Archipelago, the other - in the Line group. March 6, 1521 Magellan opened the island of Guam.

On three ships, only 115 people were left - people were missing, and the ship "CONSEPATION" had to burn. For several months, ships wandered in search of the islands of spices. The Island of Tidor, the Spaniards bought a lot of cloves, a nutmeg, etc. and were divided: "Victoria" with captain Juan Elkano moved to the west around Africa, and Trinidad, who needed repair, remained. Captain Elkano, fearing the meeting with the Portuguese, held significantly south of ordinary ways. He was the first to go through the central part of the Indian Ocean and, opening only the island of Amsterdam, proved that the "southern" mainland did not reach this latitude. On September 6, 1522, Victoria completed the world journey and returned home, a little later "Trinidad" returned. But it was brought so much spices that their sales compensated for the loss of other ships.

Magellan's journey is considered one of the greatest events of the XVI century: the expedition went to the West, returned back from the east and proved in such a way that the earth has the shape of the ball; For the first time, Europeans crossed the largest of the oceans - quiet, opening the passage from the Atlantic. In addition, the expedition found out that much most of the surface of the earth is not dry, as Columbus and his contemporaries thought, and oceans. The name of Magellan has two star clusters (large and small magtels clouds) and the shed. All the travels of Magellan described the historiographer and the participant of the Expedition of Antonio Pyfucht.

21. Results of the VGO.

As a result, the RGO was confirmed by the shag of the Earth and the unity of the World Ocean. Continents and countries were opened, landscape parameters and ehnamic capabilities of previously famous Eastern countries were specified, primarily China and India. There was a new information about the resources, the possibilities of two Americas and island territories.

Publication date: 2015-02-03; Read: 596 | Violation of copyright page

04.12.2017 23:32

Science and opening

Overcoming dangerous straits under South America, Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan entered the Pacific Ocean with three ships, becoming the first European researcher who reached the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic.

On September 20, 1519, Magellan went from Spain, trying to find the western sea route to Indonesia's spice islands.

Under his command was five ships with a total number of teams in 270 men. The first point of the route was the port in West Africa, then the navigator visited Brazil, where the student-American coast for the purpose of finding a strait in the Pacific Ocean.

On October 21, Magellan finally discovered the strait that was so stubborn. Magellanov (then he, of course, was not so called) Strait, was located near the southern continental border of South America, separating the fiery ground and the continental part of the mainland.

The strait overcame only three vessels out of five. The team took 38 days to swim the entire cunning strait.

Magellan's fleet crossed the ocean in the western direction for 99 days. For the entire period of the expedition, the ocean was quite calm enough to be called "quiet", from the Latin word "Pacificus", which means "calm".
By the completion of the expedition, the team experienced a catastrophic food shortage.

On March 6, 1521, the expedition landed on the island of Guam. Ten days later, they threw anchor on the Philippine Cebu Island - the ships were only 400 miles from the islands of spices.

After the death of Magellan, the remainder of the team went on two ships to Molukki Islands.

On September 6, 1522, only one expedition ship arrived back to the Spanish port of Sanlucar de Barramed. On the way back, the team crossed the Indian Ocean on the ship and reinforced the cape of good hope, thereby becoming the first, which made around the world. 1739: Russian ships reach Japan

22.06.2018 20:09

Science and opening

Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna issued a decree according to which the imperial expedition had to explore the coast and islands

Far East, as well as if possible, to come into contact with residents of the Japanese archipelago.

Eated such a decree was following the first Kamchatka expedition, held under the start of Martyn Shppberg, the Russian navigator. The first expedition was aimed at studying the possibilities of building vessels in Kamchatka, as well as a study of waterways to deliver goods. Shppberg as a report provided by the Empress a note, which indicated the possibility of studying the potential sea routes to the shores of North America and Japan.

It was decided to send the second expedition, the preparation for which began in 1737.

The construction of new vessels took place under the careful observation of the Admiralty College and Personally Shpampburg. Later, he was determined on an independent ship with an individual task, the essence of which was to study the western coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

The expedition advanced in the summer of 1738 and over the time of swimming was discovered over thirty new islands, including ITUURUP, Shikotan and Green.

Fernan Magellan

The expedition interrupted winter.
Washing it out, Shppberg went to study the sea routes again and on May 22 reached the shores of Japan.

Upon arrival, the Chappberg team entered into contact with the local population, specifying information about the economy, politics and customs of the country, passing through the goods. Nevertheless, due to diseases spreading among the team, the expedition was decided to stop, and to deliver patients to the native port.

Portuguese traveler Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) was the first European who committed an expedition around the world. He traveled through the Atlantic Ocean, through the southern tip of South America, through the channels and surrounded by the mountains of the Bay, and then through the Pacific Ocean.

And in the end, returned to Spain, making the first world journey in the world.

Magellan was born in a notable portuguese family, and at a young age, was the royal court.

When he was 25 years old, he entered the service in the Portuguese fleet and spent the next six years, participating in military battles. In 1513, during the battle with Moors in Morocco, Magellan received a serious wound to a spear in the left knee, which led him to lifelong chromotype.

And returning to Portugal in 1514, he learned that he was accused of illicit tramp in cattle with Moors. The King of Portugal fired Magellan from the Navy, and Magellan in the hearts announced the completion of his loyalty to Portugal.

In 1517, he offered his services to the main competitor of Portugal, the Spanish King of Karl I, and began a new stage of his career as a Spanish researcher.

September 20, 1519 39-year-old Magellan and about 270 people sailed from Spain, on five ships: Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepcion, Victoria, and Santiago. Their goal was to get to the Molus Islands, along the Western route - who avoided the Cape Controlled by the Portuguese.

Courts went south-western course, crossing the Atlantic and found themselves in South America, in Rio de Janeiro, three months later. They still went south along the coast, exploring all the bays and mouths of rivers on the territory of the current Uruguay and Argentina, trying to find the shed in the Pacific Ocean. On March 31, the tired and dissatisfied crew on board three vessels raised the rebellion against his commanders.

Magellan quickly restored control over his team, as a result of which one of the captains was killed in the near battle, and the rowers were planted alone ashore.

World Travel Fernan Magellan

Finally, in October 1520, the passage was found - now known as Magellan Strait - it really led to the Pacific Ocean.

The second half of the journey passed as hard as the first.

Only three ships remained after one drowned, and the second deserted; The provisional was very small and people died from zing. Having achieved the GUAM island in 1521, Magellan was engaged in robbery villages in retaliatory natives for theft. In the same year, in the Philippine Islands, Magellan was killed in a skirmish with natives on the island of Maltan. Two of his ships continued the journey, reaching Molukskie Spice Islands in November 1521. September 8, 1522, only one ship, Victoria, whose captain was Spaniard Juan Sebastian de Elkano, got to Spain, with 17 remaining crew members.

Columbus (left) and Magellan (Right) (1480 - 1521)

The current opening of the Pacific Ocean has become around the world swimming Fernan Magellan.

Magallans (Fernando Magalhaens) is a famous Portuguese navigator (1480 - 1521).

Fernan Magellan entered the story as the first man on Earth, which made a world journey, that is, a broken globe. Born on November 20, 1480 in Portugal. Belonged to the nobility, in childhood he served as a PJ in the retinue of the Portuguese Queen, was educated, studied cosmography, navigation and astronomy. Then he entered the naval fleet.

Since 20 years old went to the first swimming in India, where he brought the portugal to the suppression of the uprising of the natives on the Peninsula Malacca.

In 1505 he served in East Africa, participated in the war with India.

Upon returning to Portugal, he lost the confidence of the king, as a result of which he retired to Spain and accepted the Spanish citizenship. F. Magellan, like Columbus, wanted to find a short way to India. He applied to a proposal for the expedition to the Portuguese king Manuel, but the project was not interested.

F. Magellan did not stop it, and the navigator, along with her friend, Astronomer Ryui Falker, convinced Karl V in existence to the south of South America a pass from the Atlantic in the Pacific Ocean, the opening of which was to deliver great benefits of Spain.

Karl V project approved.

But Magellan had to overcome many more difficulties before he had an expedition and went into the sea. The exercise of his plan in every way prevented the Portuguese ambassador under the Spanish yard Alvaru da Kat. He tried to inspire Magellan through his rigs that his project does not make sure that it was waiting for innumerable suffering that the Spanish government does not trust him as a foreigner and the royal officials appointed to the expedition will repair obstacles and follow his every step that King Manuel asks him Return to Portugal and is ready to provide him with a profitable position and t.

d. Perevnos did not affect, the Portuguese ambassador stood to the Magellan of the hired killers. And when the attempt was failed, Alvaru da Kat and his handicrafts did everything possible to disrupt the preparation of the expedition. Magellan received poor equipment, unsuitable products, spoiled products, at every step came across unforeseen difficulties. Karl V appointed Magellan by Admiral and the head of the expedition consisting of 265 people and five ships - Trinidad, San Antonio, "Concepcion", "Victoria" and "Santiago".

Finally the fees were finished.

Speaking into loyalty to the Castilian crown and forcing, in turn, to swear officers and sailors, Magellan was published on September 20, 1519 went to the distant swimming from the Harbor Sanlucar de Barramed and headed to the West.

Flotilla Magellan consisted of five ships: "Trinidad" ("Trinity") with displacement of 110 tons, on which the admiral flag was waving; "San Antonio" with displacement of 120 tons, under the supervision of the Inspector of the Fleet Juan de Cartagena; "Con-sepsion" ("conception") with displacement of 90 tons, under the superiority of Gaspara de Kesada; Victoria ("Victory") with a displacement of 85 tons, under the superior of the Treasurer of the fleet of Luis de Mendoza, and Sant-Yago with displacement of 75 tons, under the head of the "feed of his Highness" Zhura Serran.

A relatively safe swimming of Magellan lasted only a few days to the Canary Islands.

The main captain of the fleet refused to recommend the recommendation of Portuguese Locations and, reaching the latitude of the Gulf of Guinea, his Karavellas turned to the south-west. The flagship solution caused Juan de Cartagena discontent, the relative of the king, the captain "San Antoniao", appointed by Karl V inspector of the expedition. As soon as the flotilla crossed the equator, the inspector said that Fernan Magellan violates the Royal Instructions. The hot spite ended with the order of the inspector's arrest.

Cartagena lean offense.

From Equator Magellan turned to the "Earth of the Holy Cross" (Brazil), and on December 13, 1519, the fleet threw anchor in the magnificent harbor of Santa Lucia, known now as Rio de Janeiro. However, Magellan was not the first European who visited this bay, as historians believed. From 1507 to 1510 in the Book of Santa Lucia, one of Magellan's satellites lived, Zhuan Lopic Carvalha. On the ship "CONSEPION" sailed with him as a unit of his ten-year-old son, born of a woman of the Brazilian tribe Tama.

There were other Portuguese sailors in this bay.

On January 10, Karavellas entered the mouth of the La fee. For the first time, the name "Montevidi" is applied for the first time (now the capital of Uruguay is located here - Montevideo).

The great discoverer Magellan is frantically looking for a shed in the South Sea. But neither a la fee nor the Bay of San Matthias justified the expedition's hopes. When thorough search for the strait in this place was not crowned with success, Magellan led his ships even further to the south. On the path of the sailors came into all the bays, hoping to find this strait, and hunted penguins, despite the fact that the meat of these feathered is rigidly and malfunctively.

The captain decided to hide on the wintering in the harbor of San Julian.

Irony of Fate: The navigators were literally near the strait that was looking for.

Anticipating the duration of wintering and without hoping to replenish edible supplies in this harsh country, Magellan ordered to save provisions and establish a strict diet for people. It was necessary to reach the spring, without exposing the crew to great deprivation to get to more fertile places. But this measure strengthened the dissatisfaction of the sailors, and several officers standing on the side of Juan de Cartagena, decided to cause outrage.

San Julian's bay turned out to be a little fresh water.

Sailors oppressed this sad, lifeless terrain. Therefore, in mid-May, despite the bad weather, Magellan sent to the south of the Sant Yago's exploration headed by Captain Serran. In a few days, the Spaniards opened under 50 ° south latitude of the Santa Cruz River. On May 22, a strong storm rose, and the ship defeated the coastal rocks. The whole crew survived, with the exception of one sailor.

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The victims wrecked with the greatest labor reached the bay of San Julian, after which Serran was appointed captain to Conception.

After this unsuccessful attempt, Magellan decided to wait to improve the weather. Only on August 24, the flotilla left San Julian bay. Having reached the Santa Cruz River, the ships stood here for about two months. The Spaniards rested, stuck with firewood and replenished, as far as possible, edible supplies. With the onset of Spring Magellan led ships even further to the south.

Following along the coastal strip, he thoroughly examined everything emitted in search of the believed strait.

However, the further journey was not so successful. Magellan's ships fell into the strip of Antarctic storms. The team was already ready to overthrow the captain, who started them on the "edge of the world", but thanks to the power and tricks, F. Magellan managed to suppress the rebellion and restore order.

It was necessary to have willed qualities to continue swimming with people ready for their own benefit to any betrayal.

Only three vessels were included in the Strait: one died, the other was changed more than magellan and returned to Spain. The strait was passed within a month and a half and November 16, the Court of Magellan was already floating the Pacific Ocean.

It was the persistence of captain of flotilla that led to the opening of the passage from the Atlantic to the South Sea.

A wide excavation opened on 52 southern parallels, the intelligence consisting of two vessels was opened, confirmed that this was not a river - there was salted water everywhere.

From now on, the new seaway to the east was laid, and the hopes of Magellan came true. However, the epic did not end. The greatest difficulties and tragic events were still ahead.

In the immense ocean, the captain never met with a storm. The ocean was surprisingly quiet and calm.

He was called "Pacific" - "quiet", "peaceful". In the XVII century, this name was finally approved instead of the name "South Sea".

Brutal hunger and illness chased travelers. Provision reserves approached an end, most of the team was sick of quiet. Nineteen people died, about thirty for a long time left out of the order, exhausted by terrible disease.

Everyone considered themselves doomed to death. For three months and twenty days, the ships passed four thousand leagues, but the very boundless water desert was spread around the circle. During this time, only once the navigators came across rocky, fruitless islands, called the name of the Unfortunate Islands, as there was nothing that could support the forces of hungry people.

Many no longer hoped to see the land alive.

For more than three months, the ships spent in the Pacific Ocean before March 4, 1521 the Earth appeared on the horizon. These were the islands of the previously known Filipino archipelago. Here the team managed to replenish its stocks. The Spaniards were well met here in the natives, one of whose leaders, Zebu, adopted Christianity and citizenship of the Spanish king.

Magellan took part in the war of this leader against others and on April 27, 1521 fell in battle, with 56 Spaniards. So the great navigator Magellan died.

After that, Zebu changed the Spaniards and part of them changed. The rest lifted anchor and, burned one of the ships, sailed into the sea. Five ships that went swimming, only two vessels ended the mission of Fernan Magellan - they saw the islands of the spices located at the Molukki archipelago.

Ships loaded with spices went back. Trinidad went to the shores of Panama through the Pacific Ocean, Victoria - through the Indian and Atlantic Ocean in Spain. For six months, the Trinidad ship was wrapped in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and was forced to return to Molukski Islands. Sailors captured, where they died in prisons and plantations.

Karavella "Victoria" same, withsting the cruel storm at Cape of Good Hope, entered the Atlantic Ocean.

And only on September 6, 1522 in the Avantport of Seville, the residents of Sanlucar de Barramed saw a lonely Karavella. Steering, 18 exhausted people went ashore - these were the remnants of Fernan Magellan's expedition.

Fernan Magellan's journey is considered one of the greatest events of the XVI century. This expedition finally proved that the planet really has the shape of the ball, and the sailors became the first people who were able to take a world tour.

For the first time, Europeans crossed the largest of the oceans - quiet, opening the passage from the Atlantic.

All the coast of South Americk south of the La Plata, Magellan Strait, Patagonian Cordillera, the island of Guam and the Philippine Islands. In addition, the expedition found that most of the earth does not dry, as the Columbus thought and others thought, and oceans. The name of Magellan has two star clusters of large and small magtels clouds and a strait (drawing below).

World Travel Magellan (better drawing of a Magellan's route here).

All sea travel Fernan Magellan described the historiographer and the participant of the Expedition of Antonio Pyfucht, who participated as a volunteer in the Magellan expedition; The publication was translated into French (3 publications) and Italian; In English there is a publication "First Voyage Round The World by Magellan" (1874).

also: the first navigators and travelers

Fernan Magellan (1470-1521) - Portuguese navigator. The first made around the world and crossed the ocean called to them quiet. Proved the presence of a single ocean and provided a practical evidence that the earth has a shape of a ball.

Born in Portugal in the noble family.

In 1517, he moved to Spain and accepted the Spanish citizenship. Another Pope Alexander VI, dividing the land by Meridian, commanded all the lands (and well-known, and not open) to the west of the Canary Islands to consider Spain's property. This circumstance and became an important reason to promote west.

An expedition was organized from five vessels (Trinidad, San Antonio, Santiago, "Consepesion" and "Victoria") under the leadership of Magellan, who came out into the sea towards Rio de Janeiro.

Moved to the south of the mainland, he opened all the Atlantic coast of South America. Motion only during the day so as not to miss the strait.

In March, the expedition had to stand up for wintering in a comfortable bay. On the same night, a riot headed by the commanders of ships began on the ships: difficulties and deprivation, which fell into their share, very much of people.

First World Travel Fernan Magellan

The rebellion was brutally depressed by Magellan himself, and in early October the fleet went to the south. In October of the same year, south of the La fee, they were reinforced with mainland and entered the bay, named after St. Julian. For about a month, he examined him, but he did not find a passage to the South Sea. On the shore of the Strait, the expedition once saw the fires of fire and Magellan called the place of fiery ground.

Soon the expedition approached the eastern mouth of the Strait, which now wears his name.

But only three vessels were included in the strait: one ship died, the San Antonio Ship team deserted, returning to Spain. The ship commander was slandered by Magellan, told the king about allegedly treason. After a month and a half, the expedition reached the Pacific Ocean.

When crossing the Atlantic, the navigator used his alarm system for the first time, and his flotilla ships never lost sight of each other.

On the remaining three ships, Magellan entered the Unknown Ocean, heated America from the south of the shed. Since the weather at this time was very good, he called the ocean tiche. Almost 4 months went on swimming, during which people had to eat cracked dust, mixed with worms, drink rotting water, there are oxides, wood sawdust and ship rats. Soon hunger and qing began, many died. Crossing the ocean, he passed at least 17 thousand km, but opened only two island - one in the Tuamot Archipelago, the other - in the Line group.

Ten days later, the Expedition of Magellan reached the Philippine Islands (1521). The squad was well met by the population, and one of the local leaders - Zebu - even accepted Christianity and the Spanish citizenship. After that, Magellan intervened in the distinction of local tribes and died in one of the skits with natives. Zebu, changing the Spaniards, killed some of them. The surviving crew members fled to their ships and went out into the sea.

On three ships, only 115 people were left - people were missing, and the ship "CONSEPATION" had to burn.

For several months, ships wandered in search of the islands of spices. The Island of Tidor, the Spaniards bought a lot of cloves, a nutmeg, etc. and were divided: "Victoria" with captain Juan Elkano moved to the west around Africa, and Trinidad, who needed repair, remained.

Captain Elkano, fearing the meeting with the Portuguese, held significantly south of ordinary ways. He was the first to go through the central part of the Indian Ocean and, opening only the island of Amsterdam, proved that the "southern" mainland did not reach this latitude. On September 6, 1522, Victoria completed the world journey and returned home, a little later "Trinidad" returned. But it was brought so much spices that their sales compensated for the loss of other ships.

Magellan's journey is considered one of the greatest events of the XVI century: the expedition went to the West, returned back from the east and proved in such a way that the earth has the shape of the ball; For the first time, Europeans crossed the largest of the oceans - quiet, opening the passage from the Atlantic.

In addition, the expedition found out that much most of the surface of the earth is not dry, as Columbus and his contemporaries thought, and oceans. The name of Magellan has two star clusters (large and small magtels clouds) and the shed.

All the travels of Magellan described the historiographer and the participant of the Expedition of Antonio Pyfucht.

21. Results of the VGO.

As a result, the RGO was confirmed by the shag of the Earth and the unity of the World Ocean.

Continents and countries were opened, landscape parameters and ehnamic capabilities of previously famous Eastern countries were specified, primarily China and India.

There was a new information about the resources, the possibilities of two Americas and island territories.

The VGO accelerated the process of initial capital accumulation, and also marked the beginning of colonial trade and politics. In the colonies, one of the sources of the initial capital accumulation was extraconomic coercion - slavery.

Christopher Columbus at the very beginning of the epoch created the Encomendo system (slave plantations):

- slavery got widespread on gold and silver mines.

- Revolution of prices, which additionally deepened the difference in the pace of capitalism in different countries of Western Europe.

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Martha Gumilevskaya

On this map - the route of the first rounds. Of the five ships, Magellan coiled the globe only one - "Victoria".

September of the sixth day of 1522 in the Spanish harbor of San Lucar-de-Barramed was entered the banging vessel. Eighteen sailors, perepping, went to the shore, sank hard and kissed the earth. Around them gathered people. The Spaniards watched in surprise to the sailors, on a dilapidated vessel, whispering prayer whispering, autumn herself with a cross sign.
"Holy Maria," the quiet voices were heard - who are these unfortunate? I swear to holy Jerome, they forgot the taste of food ... "
And hands stretched to sailors with bread, fruit, with young wine.
Sailors ate with greed, and thanked, I laughed, and tears flowed down their disgraced, overgrown with cheeks. They will not recognize them? Forgot about them? Is it worth surprising this! Holy Maria, how much time has passed since they were last seen the blessed shores of Spain! Oh, how long ago!
Solding the first hunger, deadly tired, they returned to their dilapidated ship, fell on the mats and immediately fell asleep.
And at that time the messenger already sorbed the horse. He rushed into Valladolid, to Don Carlos, King of Spain, with good news: Magellan sailors returned and as a sign of a commission, following the customs of knightly times, they want to return his king's glove!
... Three years ago, September 20, 1519, from the same Harbor San Lucar de Barrameda went out in the distant swimming mysterious flotilla out of five ships. No one, besides very few, did not know where she was heading and what kind of goals she had. The sailors were healthy and cheerful, ships sparkled on white, on masts the royal standards and flags of the expedition, and sails, autonated by the Crosses of St. Jago, the patron saint of Spain, filled the passing wind.
Ahead was the flagship ship "Trinidad" with the head of the expedition, Admiral Fernan de Magellan. He followed the biggest ship of the San Antonio expedition, and his royal controller, a notable Spanish Grand, Huang de Cartagena. Then sailed "conservation" with Gaspar de Kesad, also Spaniard; Spaniard led and the ship "Victoria", only on the smallest "Santiago" captain was the Portuguese Juan Serrano.
The Admiral Fernan Magalyansh himself was the Portuguese, as his name was in his homeland. But the story remembers his other name, and he is known to the whole world as Magellan. He is low in growth, squat and walks the wounded - the trail of the old wound. He has a simple face with a dark beard, smart, insightful eyes. In the glory of the Portuguese Crown, he made feats, and often his life hung on a hair. He was among the sailors of the Portuguese flotilla, which was standing on the Malacca raid (the current Singapore). The Portuguese came here under the guise of peaceful merchants, and in fact - for intelligence, to prepare for the seizure of this most important harbor of the East. Concerned about the appearance of Europeans, Malacca's rulers, externally welcoming and hospitable, was going to unexpectedly attack the flotilla. Almost at the last minute, the courage and the resourcefulness of Magellan saved Portuguese from the full defeat. Magellan fought at the sea and on land, stayed for all his life chrome, but he did not receive anything for all his merit and remained the same unlucky poor man, as when, for the first time, a simple sailor stepped on the ship deck.
After stopping to fight and swim, Magellan was not going to live in obscurity to live his days on the Nishchen retirement, which he honored his king.
On the contrary!

Fernan Magellan.

An excellent, experienced sailor, well-known East, Magellan wanted to become a captain of any ship from among those that often sail from Portugal to the Indian Ocean. If it, of course, will be the consent of His Majesty King Manuel.
But in this, as in many things, the king refuses to his faithful servant. But willingly agree to another request: let go of Magellan from Portugal to any other country, if he wishes.
It is bitter, no words. But, once the will of the king, Magellan does not have anything else. Now he is free and can devote all his time to develop a certain plan, which attacked, apparently, still in those days when the swam and fought in the east.
This plan was to achieve the remote and richest Molukk - the islands of the spices, - heading for them is not the usual way around Africa (as from the time of Vasco, the Gama walked all the Portuguese ships), and from the West. So in due time it was assumed to go and Columbus, but he suddenly stumbled upon a new mainland. Magellan was sure that he would find the strait from the coast of this new mainland - America, and then the closer path to Molokkow would open. It was a circulation plan around the world, for Magellan had assumed to return to the Motherland, having encouraged the Cape of Good Hope.
To imagine all the audacity of this plan, you need to remember that at that time no one has yet managed to find the strait from the shores of America, although many tried. Moreover, it was unknown, where the new mainland ends, whether he is unknown to the unknown southern land, which scientists of antiquity interposed. They also did not know about the existence of the Pacific Ocean, the most huge on the globe; They only knew that the Western shores of America washed some kind of sea, called by Spanish conquisites southern, but no one was swimming in this sea, and approached him to him, through the mountains of the Panama Isthmus.
Magellan, carefully studied all the marine maps and other materials by the time, was sure that the goals would achieve if it would be possible to equip an expensive expedition. He does not achieve this in his homeland - and Magellan leaves Portugal.
And here he is in Spain. Here he acquires friends. It finds strong patrons here. Here he marries the daughter of the Portuguese in the Spanish service, Diego Barbose, which occupies an important post of the head of Arsenal. Spaniards belong to the plan of this harsh, undiscoverable person. The islands of the spices are good to get to the way Portuguese will be approved. Spain needs gold. The discovery of Columbus has not yet enriched her. The young king of Karl I carefully listens to Magellan and appoints an unknown Portuguese nobleman, the head of an important secret expedition, complains to him the title of Admiral and blesses to the feat.
Magellan was preparing for an expedition long and carefully. He tried to foresee everything that the crew may need; He himself was lists of products and equipment, followed the procurement, for the repair of old ships, which Spain supplied. It seemed that he did everything in human forces, he was not supplied to him. And yet, one concern is His entry: Enhanced to him in the head of the Spaniards, who could not reconcile with the thought that at the head of the expedition it is worth a portuguese from the sneaken noble god. Noble Spanish officers hated Magellan.
Magellan saw everything perfectly, but these people were appointed by the king themselves, he could not shift them and replace with others. And he was silent, remaining outwardly calm and, as always, gloomy.
He stayed as calm and then when in the Canary Islands - the last parking lot in the old world was the important letter sent to him, which was notified that the Spanish captains prepare the rebellion and headed by Huang de Cartagena at the head of the conspiracy.
Late ... The expedition went into swim, and Magellan will not retreat. The fate threw the iron glove to his feet, and he raised her. He takes a challenge!
And the ships left the Canary Islands ...

From day to day, the noble knight Antonio Pigafetta led their truthful records.

Among the few friends of Magellan, loyal and devoted to him, was Italian Antonio Pigafetta, who and Magellan and satellites called Antonio Lombardo. The noble knight of Pigafette has never been a sailor. But he had long dreamed of long-night swimming, about the wonderful unknown lands and was happy when the case helped him learn about Maelllan's mysterious expedition and get to his flagship ship. From day to day, Antonio Pigafette led notes, and now we know the details of this tragic and famous swimming, the details of the truthful and impartial.
Meanwhile, ships, leaving the Canary Islands, went to the south. Ahead, as always, sailed the flagship "Trinidad", and behind him, the remaining four ships followed. By order of Magellan, at the end of the day watch, all ships approached the flagship and reported Admiral about the events of the day. And each time the captains were obliged to begin their reports among the same words from which the blood boiled in the veins of arrogant Spaniards: "Yes, the Lord stores you, Senor Admiral, and Kormchikh, and the whole Honorable company."
Soon the Spaniards began to openly: not only the report was outraged, but also the fact that Magellan, without saying any word, changed the course. After all, it was assumed that after the Canary Islands, the expedition would float to the west. Why do they go south? And Juan de Cartagena directly asked about this admiral. In response, he heard a short and adamant: "Your duty follow the day after my flag, and at night behind my lantern." In other words: Swim and do not talk!
Then offended Cartagena, neglecting the order of Magellan, ceased to give a report. He instructed it with his subordinate. And when Magellan sternly asked him why he allows himself such a liberty, Cartagena dazzko replied that he did not consider it important.
And Magellan again, as it was already many times, silent. He waited for his hour.
And when this hour, in his opinion, has come, during the Council in his cabin himself caused Cartagena to a quarrel and unexpectedly, in his eyes everyone, declared him arrested. Everyone is dumbfounded from surprise. No one dared to neither object or defend Cartagena.
So the first fight was given.
Meanwhile, the weather did not favor swimming. The ships fell into the strip of the strongest storms, poured the rain, the opposed winds duly. During thunderstorms on masts, the lights of St. Elma often broke out - harmless discharges of atmospheric electricity, well-known superstitious sailors. In one particularly stormy night on the grotto, the big sultan was hung. At the end, he blindly flashed. Sailors decided that they had come for the last hour, but the storm immediately subsided.
Finally, Magellan gave an order to turn to the west. And soon the sailors came to a blessed Brazil. Here they were rewarded for all adversity. They were tasty, unfamiliar to them, admired the woundings of Brazilian nature - the militia, bright parrots, small yellow monkeys with maneers, to a funny similar to lion. Life in Brazil was calm, pleasant, and everyone was upset when Admiral ordered to raise sails.
Magellan hurried. He was full of impatience, although he did not give it a single gesture. He had serious foundations to hurry. He expected to find the shed under the fortieth degree of southern latitude. And that's why. Having considered his plan, he talked for a long time with the sailors who returned from distant swimming pools, was sitting in a secret archive at the Royal Palace, reading the captains, considering old maps. There he came across the map of the German cardographer Martin Behaimim, where the South latitude was specified under the fortieth degree. Sailors wrote that he was wide and multi-way, but they could not pass it to the end and were forced to return. That is why Magellan hurried to leave Brazil. He hoped that he would soon be able to reach the South Sea, washing the western banks of the mainland, and take a course to the islands of spices.
But that day, when the expedition reached a cherished forty degree, was one of the most severe for Magellan. Yes, Magellan saw a multi-water duct, only the duct turned out to be the mouth of a huge river, then not yet applied to the card, and now known as the name of La fee. The blow was heavy. But Magellan did not admit to anyone how his disappointment was scary. And he decided to follow to the south, along the unknown banks of the mainland. And time went by winter. People are tired. Rope rose. Sailors demanded that Magellan turned back. Winter from strangers scared them.
However, Magellan was adamant. What's the matter, noble seniors, he said. What are you afraid of you? In a sea of \u200b\u200bpretty fish, on the shore - forests. We are not threatened with hunger or cold. We are waiting for victory and glory, but it is not easy. Do me remind you of an oath given to the king! The word hold comes. This requires the honor of the officer and nobleman!
And he found a comfortable bay where he was going to wait for the winter. That was the unfaithful memory of the Bay of San Julian, under forty-ninth degrees of southern latitude. Magellan introduced four ship in this bay, the flagship "Trinidad" from the precaution was put at the very exit from the bay into the ocean.
On April 1, 1520, on the day of the Grand Catholic Holiday, Magellan ordered the crew to go ashore to listen to Mass. After Mass, the expedition officers were invited to Admiral for a festive lunch.
The day was especially gloomy, heavy, dark clouds were smoked in the sky, the wind. It was not enough for a festive table with a silent, harsh admiral. Magellan noted to himself: on the shore during the Mass there was no Mendoza and Kesada. They did not come to the cabin admiral for lunch. It was a challenge. Magellan knew that. But he decided not to show his displeasure, remaining still silent and sullen and without taking precautions ...
The next morning he was woken up before the usual strong knock at the door. It turns out that at night an uprising occurred. The rebellious captains captured three large ship in their own hands: "San Antonio", "Consepesion" and "Victoria". Alzar Misht's devoted to Magellan, who became the captain of San Antonio after the Cartagena arrest, the rebels were wounded, tied up, threw in her three and opened food warehouses for sailors to attract them to their side. In the morning, the rebels were going to offer admiral their conditions: he must immediately turn home, to Spain!
Probably, everyone in the place of Magellan would consider that the map of his bit. What could he do with one little "Santiago"? Each, but not Magellan! And he goes to the greatest audacity. In sight of everyone to the board "Victoria", a boat is moored with a faithful goncalo Gomez Espini and five sailors. Espinos extends Louis Mendos a note from Admiral: Admiral invites him to the flagship for negotiations. Mendoza smiles boldly, but ... he does not have time to say "no", as the dagger of Gomez rushes him into his throat, and Gomez's companions snatch because of the belt daggers. At the same time, it is unknown from a detachment from the fifteen armed sailors with Dāti Barbosa, a relative of Magellan, led by him on a fence. Without meeting the slightest resistance, they rush to sails. And here "Victoria" swims against the flagship and becomes side by side with him, blocking out the exit from the bay.
The blow was unexpected, bold, decisive. The rebels were confused, the rebels could not come to his senses. They tried to slip by "Trinidad", but nothing of this, as expected, did not work. The rebels surrendered.
And the trigger was held on the gloomy shore. These were hard days for everyone. Even gross sailors, thugs collected from all over the world, and those were gloomy and confused. The court took place in all form. Magellan insisted on this; He remembered that he would have to give Don Carlos in his time in her time, King of Spain.
The court unanimously makes a decision recorded in all the rules. The head of the conspiracy of Juan de Cartagena and the priest Sanchez De La Raina, inciting the sailors to Bunta, sentenced to expulsion. They will remain here, on this gloomy shore, when the flotilla leaves him, and let the sky decide their fate. Mendoza is already dead, but Cesada is alive. He is awarded to the death penalty through the clipping of the head. But who will decide to become a palach? Each, shuddering, turns away. And ... The faithful servant of Cesada, Luis Molino, sentenced to hanging, takes a shameful ax. This he saves his life. The rest of the forty man Magellan pardoned. He did not want to be too cruel, and, besides, he needs people. Ahead of the long way, and help to wait now ...
And there are long days of winter weather imagination, and do not get away from heavy memories anywhere, and bloody ghosts are treated above the gloomy bay. Junga Juan de Sibletta often mumbles something in a dream, jumps out, wakes up. The noble knight of Pigafette was dark and thoughtful. Still, he keeps his records every day. Like a tragic court and the death penalty, but Magellan was right - this is written by Pigafetta.
For a full five months, winter detained an expedition to San Julian Bay. So without waiting for a toothed weather, Magellan sends a small "Santiago" intelligence. During the storm ship dies. People were saved, but one ship became less.

During the Council, Magellan caused Cartagena to a quarrel and unexpectedly, in front of everyone, declared him arrested.

Finally, in August 1520, early spring southern hemisphere, flotilla leaves the bay. And left on the shore of Cartagena and Pedro Sanchez in an inexpressible longing, look after the swimming ships ... And no one ever learns how fate has suffered them on this wild shore.
Flotilla Meanwhile, reaches the mouth of the Santa Cruz River, where the poor fellow "Santiago" died; Here again, bad weather made ships to stay for two months. And before the expedition went further. Magellan gathered in his cabin captains and the feeding expedition to inform their plans to them. He said that he would go further to the south until he detects the strait. If you need it, it comes to the 75th parallel and only then turns to the east to return to Spain. Officers in hard silence listened to the order. No one dared to object. Terrible events in the Bay of San Julian are too alive.
Two days after this meeting, October 21, 1520, the ships are enveloped by some kind of cape, and a narrow rocky passage immediately opens. He does not like the strait for anything, but Magellan cannot pass it, without examining. And he sends to the exploration "San Antonio" and "Conservation". No later than five days they should return. Magellan himself on Trinidad, together with Victoria, will wait for them from the outside of the bay.
Do not have time, scout ships hide in a narrow passage, as a storm rose. Magellan is covered by the deadly alarm for those who are there now, among the rocky shores. Does them suffer from the fate of "Santiago"? Then the end! It will not be able to continue swimming with one "Victoria".
So in a terrible alarm there are three days, fourth comes. And the storm roars, and the ships of Magellan, starring with anchors, go away from the dangerous shore and mild randomly, just to survive!
The day watch will end, the junctions are bought off the flasks, light the signal lights. But what is it? A black smoke pillar swayed over a narrow pass! Distress signal? Magellan does not have time to move to the rescue, both from the passage both ships are floating - entire and disadvantaged, they are festively lit, poulled from guns! This is a salute nice admiral!
Strait found!

Mendos's passer did not have time to say "no", as the dagger of the faithful Gomez gave him into his throat.

In the ancient logs where the strait is marked, called the Magellan Strait of all saints, but renamed grateful descendants to Magellan, there are warning inscriptions: "There is never a graceful time of the year"; "Northern winds are blowing here from all four ends."
The way it is. Here is gloomy, deserted, cursing. Only day and night on the shore bonfires. Magellan called these places of fiery ground. He did not see a single person on the shore and did not know that these bonfires are a non-greasy fire that the Indians support.
Carefully made through the ships by narrow aisles among the complex labyrinth. And here everything is magically transformed. Verse wind. Littered the sun. Clean sources were blocked among herbs, in one river turned out to be such a lot of sardines that the sailors called her Sardin River. And far, far, the huge sea was spread to the horizon. Magellan called him quiet, that it was calm, so pleased the eye, so fun to the soul.
It would be necessary, without losing time, swim further, but I had to stay to linger, waiting for the exploration "San Antonio" with the captain of Mishkata, the faithful friend of Magellan. Six days passed, and the ship did not return everything. Then Magellan left a closed lantern and a note in an agreed place, which said that the flotilla came out into the sea and would follow such a course, and the three Magellan ships starred from the anchor.
And at that time, San Antonio sailed with all the hasty, which was only capable of, to the other side, to the shores of Spain. The rebellious sailors were shifted to the faithful Alvar Mishkut, tied him, threw it in her three and deserted. Returning to Spain, they slandered Magellan, saying that he was treacherously killed by noble Spaniards to convey the command to his compatriots. The opening of the strait was defined, as well as the fact that the main food reserves were taken with them, folded in the extensive Trem of San Antonio. However, judges reacted without particular confidence in the words of deserters and postponed the consideration of the case until the rest return. Misiech, however, like all the rebels, they were thrown into prison, and Magellan's wife with little sons were not allowed to leave Seville.
Magellan, not knowing anything about black treason and, despite hunger, continues his great deal. It was a terrible swimming. Lonely in the limitless ocean spacious ships flew forward with wonderful weather, with a passing wind, but horror and death reigned on ships. From the superstars, crumbs remained in half with worms and rat lita. The sailors were trampled with the tackle of the skin of the oxide skin, swollen her in the water and chewed. They ate sawdust, spruce rats ... However, rats were considered deals. The qing began.
... More than three months the sailors did not see anything, except for the water and the sky, almost did not eat anything, dull water dull. And rushed forward and forth! And when the first island finally appeared, they came to despair: so he turned out to be fruitless and deserted. But here is a watchful of his barrel on a high mast shouted that he sees the earth again. It was an island ... And then the second ... both green, cheerful, it was the islands, known now called Mariana. What happiness: people lived on both, it will be possible to stock food, fresh water! But the inhabitants of the island, careless cheerful savages who boiled to the ship on their boats with oblique sails of palm leaves, quickly and cleverly climbed to Magellan's ships and began to drag everything that was not screwed, pinned or locked on the key. They managed even in front of everyone to pull the boat! And after an unpleasant skirmish, Magellan had to be removed from here, until everything was stolen. And he called these islands of Ladree, which means in the translation of the thieves!

It was a terrible swimming - hunger and death reigned on the ships.

Finally, the sailors approached the beautiful blooming ground, uninhabited, but rich in unprecedented fruits and clean, transparent sources. Magellan ordered to bear the patients ashore, he cared for them, pointed them with the juice of coconuts: healthy sailors hunted wild pigs, and the ghost of hunger retreated ...
When patients recovered, and healthy rested, Magellan ordered the raise sails. And now the ships float among the luxurious, unknown islands, - Magellan called them the Philippine. Local residents, who are still unfamiliar with Europeans, welcomed the Spaniards welcomed and friendly, and Magellan willingly supported friendship with them.
Magellan was happy! In addition to Molokk, he found completely unknown islands, - they will undoubtedly decorate the Spanish crown. Happiness, so little familiar Magellan, overwhelmed him to the edges. And on this happy takeoff, the life of the great navigator broke out. Broke off ridiculous, in an unnecessary skirmish with one prince on a tiny island. This prince did not want to obey the powerful neighbor - the Sultan of the Great Island Cebu. And Sultan asked for help from Magellan. Magellan considered it important to help him, he was confident in the strength of Spanish weapons ...
And died in a skirmish. It was April 27, 1521.

The life of the Great Marithener broke off ridiculous, in a skirmish on a small island.

Admiral fell, to the great grief of his friends, to the great misfortune of the entire expedition, and without bringing it to the end. And Antonio Pigafette, sorrowful of loss, recorded in his diary:
"Among other virtues, he was distinguished in the greatest transformations, which no one had. He endured hunger than anything else, unmistakable than anyone in the world, knew how to understand the navigation maps. And the fact that it is so and There is in fact, obviously for everyone, for no one else has such a gift and such a thoughtfulness in the study of how round-the-world swimming should take, which he almost performed! "
No admiral. And misfortunes pursue an orphaned expedition. Sultan Islands Cebu, because of which Magellan got involved in an unnecessary skirmish, decided to attack the Spaniards, seize their goods, ships and kill people. A victim of insidious design was Darti Barbosa, Magellan's wife, Huang Serrano and many other sailors.
For a long time, wandered among the confusion of the islands on the outskirts of the Pacific Ocean, while they got to the cherished Molukk. By the time of two hundred and sixty five people, the crew remained hundreds of fifteen. It was not enough for three ships. One of them is "conservation" - I had to burn. On the island of Tidor, the sailors purchased spices and wound up the magician "Victoria". The flagship ship "Trinidad" and "Victoria" was going to go to the caulation of good hope together. But unexpectedly, a strong flow was found on Trinidad. I had to serve ships. Trinidad with the captain Gomez Espinos and the crew (fifty seven seafarers) after repair went to the shores of Central America, in Spanish possessions, but did not come there, turned back. The fate of sailors was terrible. They were captured to the Portuguese, and only after a few years, Gomez de Espinos with three sailors, having experienced poor and prison, returned to Spain. And the rest was never destined to see his native land.
But Juan Sebastian Del Kano, who was among the rebels in the San Julian Bay and forbidden by Magellan, will bring the expedition to the end!
Justice demands to admit that Del Kano was a good sailor, decisive and bold. The Portuguese smoke that Magellan's sailors got to Molokk, and the King of Portugal ordered in no case to miss the Spanish ships around the cape. This recognized Del Kano. And he cautiously made his way to the neighbral paths, not going into the harbor, avoiding the fatal meeting with the Portuguese. Meanwhile, he needed food and fresh water. Again began on the ship Hunger. Sailors were sick, dying, from forty-seven people left thirty one. The position of hopeless, and Del Kano had to risk. He entered the harbor of one of the islands of Green Cape and sent a boat with sailors, strictly-setting forbidding them who they were sailing. The boat sinks there, back, the sailors "Victoria" are satisfied, anticipating the satisfying food, and suddenly, during the last flight something happened, and the boat was detained. Del Kano, the fear of exposure hastily raises the sail, throwing on the shore and the people, and the boat, and food. Only after a while at the request of the Spanish king of these sailors were released to their homeland.
Meanwhile, Antonio Pigafetta painfully reflects on one strange case, which occurred on the islands of green cape. The sailors who went ashore reported that there was Thursday, and on the calendar Pigafetta was still an environment. Miracles! What was he, wrong? Pigafette is checked with an assault alogo, which also led notes. No, Alba has a medium too. What is the matter? No one could understand this. However, all of them were not before to solve secrets. The weather is bad, storm storms; There are few people left, and there are two or three watches in a row. And when the familiar shores of San Lucar-de-Barrameda appeared, the sailors can not believe that they were at home, that without fear could be selected ashore, you can fall on the ground, you can fall asleep calm, happy sleep.
Sleep eighteen exhausted sailors. Sleep firmly, without dreams. Sleeping Antonio Pigafetta; He still does not know what the greatest discovery. It turns out that the lost day in his calendar opened scientists the secret of nature, about which no one suspected: our land is not only a ball, which was proved by the Expedition of Magellan and what was in essence, known in antiquity, but this ball is still in constant motion around His axis. That is why, moving all the time to the West, sailors and pilots in their onboard magazines one day repeat two times in a row when they cross the line to change the dates. And, on the contrary, with a continuous movement towards the Sun, east, one day is thrown out of the calendar. Now this is a well-known truth, and in those days it was a great discovery!
Yes, Magellan's swimming opened up new truths to the world. But for Magellan himself, fate has long remained unfavorrone.
Del Kano, the captain of the only surviving ship of the expedition, did not bother to notify Spain that he was primarily owed to Magellan. After all, Magellan did the main thing, Magellan found the strait and did not step back before hunger and death. And the winner's laurels went to one Del Kano. Pigafette is outraged by this, and in his brief story about great swimming, he does not mention the word in the form of a protest of the one who led "Victoria" from Molokk to Spain.
Two days later, the tug will lead a tired ship "Victoria" from San Lucar de Barrameda to the harbor of Seville. Eighteen sailors in long white shirts will come to the shore, with burning candles in their hands. They will go to the Church of Santa Maria De La Victoria, where once under the canopy of the silk royal school gave an oath of loyalty. In the clothes of swinging sinners, they will bring thanks to the Virgin Mary for their wonderful salvation. And the streets of Seville will be protected by the people. But where is the admiral wife? She died. Her sons died, the younger Magellan never saw.
Sailors will come under the arch of the temple. Here three years ago they were all together - two hundred sixty five people. Returned eighteen ...
... In the meantime, the exhausted sailors sleep happy, strong sleep of tired people. And the messenger caches the horse. He rushes to Valladolid to Don Carlos, King of Spain, with good news: returned Sailors of Fernan Magellan and as a sign of the commission, following the customs of knightly times, they want to give the glove to their king ... but there are many comrades with them ... no and nice Admiral, Cavallar Order of Santiago, Noble Señora Fernana de Magellan ...

Fernan Magellan (Fernan Di Magaline) - (born. November 20, 1480 - Death April 27, 1521)

What opened Magellan Fernan

An outstanding Portuguese navigator Magellan Fernan, his expedition made the first round trip in history, which had to search for the Western way to Molukski Islands. This proved the presence of a single world ocean and represented practical proof of the shag-like form of the Earth. Magellan opened all the coast of South America to the south of La fees, he cut down the continent from the south, opened the strait that was named after him, and the Patagonian Cordille; The first crossed the Pacific Ocean.

Biography Fernan Magellan.

Among the people who committed global coups in the consciousness of people and the development of mankind, travelers were also able to play a considerable role. The brightest figure of them is the Portuguese Fernan di Magalyaine, who became known to the world under the Spanted name of Fernan Magellan.

Fernan Magellan was born in 1470 in the terrain of Sabrose, in the deaf northeastern province of Portugal Traz Osh Leontish. His family belonged to a well-known, but impoverished knightly and enjoyed respect for the court. Burning the King of Juan II Father Fernana, Pedro Rui Di Magalyaine, appointed senior Alcald * important in the strategic attitude of Harbor Aveir.

(* Alcald is a judicial or municipal official who possessed the executive authority. The glalling task was to follow the preservation of public order).


Communication at the courtyard was given the opportunity to Alcald in 1492 to attach the Sen Son of the Page Queen Eleonora. So, Fernan got the right to be brought up in the royal residence. There, besides knight arts - riding, fencing, falconry, - he was able to master astronomy, navigation and cartography. Under the Portuguese yard, these items from the time of Prince Heinrich the Maritremen were mandatory for studying young courtiers. It was he who was brought to the distant maritime expeditions to conquer and open new lands. No wonder for their lessons, the King Manuel himself, who replaced Juan on the throne.

The ambitious Fernan seriously became interested in smadic. In the desire to be away from the palace intrigues, in 1504 he asked the king to let him go to India under the leadership of the Vice-king of India Franciska di Almeida and, having converted, in the spring of 1505 left Lisbon.

Career Magalians-Mariable

The expedition of Almeida was purely military character and had the purpose of the doubt of the revolving Muslim rulers from Sofala to Ormuz and from Kochin to Bab El Mandeba. It was necessary to erase the Muslim fortifications from the face of the Earth and put the Portuguese fortresses instead.

Magaliines took part in sea and land battles at Kilwe, Sofal, Mombas, Cannanur, Calicut, and in the plunder of these cities and over time turned into a valiant warrior, experienced and accustomed to any cruelty and misadventures of his harsh era. He quickly acquired a reputation as a brave captain, skillful in battle and navigation. At the same time, then the concern for the brothers in arms has become one of the main features of the future pioneer around the tight swimming.

1509 - During the battles near Malacca, Magalyaine was able to become famous, almost alone coming to help handle his compatriots who were attacked by Malayans. Also, he acted well and during return from Malacca to India. At the chapter of just 5 people, Fernan hurried to the rescue of Portuguese Caravel and helped to win.

At the very beginning of 1510, the career of the Magalyaires-Mariglavel was almost an end: with the unsuccessful storm of the calikute, it was hardly injured, and secondary. The first wound, obtained during the campaign on Morocco, made it for all his life chrome. Depressed Fernan decided to return to his homeland.

Route Magellan.

In the spring, a small flotilla from three vessels went from Cochin to Portugal. On board one of the ships was Magaliine. But this time he never fell. In a hundred miles from the Indian shore, two ships jumped on the underwater stones of the dangerous Paduan mongs and went to the bottom. Officers and noble passengers decided to return to India on the rest of the vessel, leaving without water and food on the narrow sand mongs of their rooted satellites, which were not there vehicles on the ship. Fernan refused to sail with them: The acquaintance and high chin were a kind of guarantee that the remaining all the same can be sent. In the end, it happened. Two weeks of the victims wreck saved and after arriving in India, they were talking everywhere about the extraordinary hardness of their patron, who managed to awaken in humans and strengthened the resistance.

Fernan still remained in India for some time. According to the documents, he boldly expressed his opinion in cases where other captains were silent. It probably could have become the main reason for his disagreements with the new Vice-King Afonus di Albuquerque.


1512, Summer - Magalienes returned to Portugal. This is evidenced by the record in the payment sheet of the royal court, according to which he was appointed a monthly royal pension in 1000 Portuguese Reals. After 4 weeks, it was almost doubled, which may indicate that the merits of the valiant captain were recognized as a courtyard.

During the war with Moors Azamora (modern Azemur in Morocco), Fernana appointed Major, that is, he received a rather prestigious and favorable position. It has been captured and all captured trophies. The post provided unlimited opportunities for personal enrichment, because there was no lack of misfortunes.

After some time, it was unreasonable accused of organized the attack of Mavrov on herd and allowed to sobally 400 goals of livestock, having received considerable money for it. After some time, the accusation was removed, but the offended Fernan resigned.

Remaining without sufficient livelihoods, famous for his valor of the warrior hoped for the mercy of the king. He asked Manuel to increase his retirement for only 200 Portuguese Reals. But the king did not like people with a solid character and, according to Chronista Barrush, "... always fell to him disgust", and therefore refused. The outraged Magaliine in 1517 secretly left his homeland and moved to Spain.


From that time, the story of the unprecedented for the time of the sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea begins around the Earth, about whom the balloon was then expected only. And the merit of his organization and exercise entirely belongs to Fernun Magaliine, which became from the Fernalian Magellan.

Later, King Manuel was unwritten and with perseverance, worthy of better use, began to impede Magellan in the implementation of his plans. But the mistake could not be fixed, and Portugal is the second time after the story, the chance has fallen a chance to benefit from the discoveries of his great sons, underestimating their potential opportunities.

Molukkskaya Armada - Magella ships

It is known that even in Portugal, he carefully studied maritime cards, tied acquaintances with Morakhodas and had a lot of problems for determining geographic longitude. All this helped him in the realization of his idea.

According to Papal Bulle, Inter Cetera 1493, all new territories opened to the east of the demarcation line installed in 1494 belonged to Portugal, and to the West - Spain. But the method of calculating the geographical longitude, adopted in those times, did not give opportunities for a clear demarcation of the Western Hemisphere. Because Magellan, as well as his friend and assistant, astrologer and cosmograph Ryuy Falair, believed that Molukkie must belong not to Portugal, but Spain.

1518, March - they presented their project to the Indian Council. After prolonged negotiations, he was adopted, and the Spanish King of Carlos I (he also the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Karl V) pledged 5 ships and allocate reserves for 2 years. In the case of opening new land, companions have given the right to become their rulers. They also received 20% of the income. At the same time, rights were to be inherited.

Shortly before that a significant event in the life of Fernan there was serious change. Arriving in Seville, he joined the colony of Portuguese emigrants. One of them, the commandant of the Seville fortress of Alkasar, Ditogu Barboz, introduced a valiant captain to his family. His son Daarti became a close friend of Fernan, and the daughter of Beatrice became his wife.

I really didn't want to leave the Magellan to leave the young, hotly loving his spouse and the newly born son, but the debt, ambition and the desire to ensure the family insistently called him to the sea. Could not stop him and an unfavorable astrological forecast made by Falaira. But precisely because of this, Ryu refused to participate in swimming, and Magellan became the sole boss and organizer.

Armor journey Magellan

In Seville, 5 ships were prepared - the flagship "Trinidad", "San Antonio", "Concepcion", "Victoria" and "Santiago". On September 20, 1519, Fernan Magellan said goodbye to the marina with pregnant Beatrice and the newborn Rodrigo and ordered anchor. They were not destined to see.

265 people were listed in the lists of a small flotilla: commander and nutrition, boots, canonira, ordinary sailors, priests, carpenters, caulpenters, bondari, soldiers and people who did not have certain duties. The whole variety of multinational crew (in its composition, in addition to the Spaniards and Portuguese, the Italians, Germans, French, Flemis, Sicilians, the British, Maur and Malayians were also necessary to keep in obedience. And the discontent began hardly from the first weeks of swimming. The agents of the Portuguese king have penetrated the ships, and the Alvilia portuguese consul in Seville was partially filled with rotten flour, moldy breadcrumbs and rotten saltin.

On September 26, the navigaters reached the Canary Islands, on October 3, took the course to Brazil, and on December 13, they entered the Rio de Janeiro bay. From here the travelers went south along the South American coast in search of a passage to the "South Sea", while moving only during the day so that in the dark not to miss it. 1520, March 31 - ships entered the San Julian bay off the coast of Patagonia for wintering.


Fernan Magellan - rebound

Soon, Magellan had to give an order to reduce the diet. But part of the crew was opposed to such a decision and began to demand a return to Spain, but received a decisive refusal. Then, during the celebration of Easter, the heads of rebels, taking advantage of the fact that the main part of the crews went ashore, was able to capture three vessels.

Magellan decided to apply strength and trick. He sent several faithful people to "Victoria" with a letter to the rebellious treasurer Louis de Mendos. He was a piping while reading the letter, and the crew did not have any resistance. The next day, two rebellious captain, Gaspar de Kesada and Juan de Cartagena, tried to bring their ships from the bay, but the path was blocked by Trinidad, Santiago and the Victoria rebel. "San Antonio" surrendered without resisting. Cesada commanded them immediately arrested, and after some time there was a captive and Cartagena.

According to the order of Fernan Magellan, the dead body of Mendoza quartered, Kesade cut off his head, and Cartagena and Traitor-Priest Pedro Sanchez de la La Reina left on the shore. But rebellious sailors were not injured. They were given life, mainly because they were needed for ship work.

Magellan Strait.

Soon the squadron, lost during the reconnecting "Santiago", moved further to the south. But betrayal did not stop at this. On November 1, when the squadron was already followed by a shed, later called Magellan, the feeding Ishteban Gomisch, taking advantage of the fact that his ship was out of sight from the rest of the ships, seized San Antonio and fled to Spain. Magellan never learned about betrayal, as Gomisch was played in the fate of his family. Arriving in Spain, Deserter accused his captain general in treason to the king. As a result, Beatrice with children was subjected to home arrest and inquiry. It was deprived of the execution manual left in cruel need. Neither she nor her sons survived to the return of the expedition. And Gomisch for "outstanding merits rendered to the flotilla of Magellan," was awarded the King of the Knight's title.

Opening of the Mariana Islands

On November 28, Fernan Magellan's ships went to the ocean, for which no european was swimming. The weather, fortunately, remained good, and the navigator called the ocean quiet. Crossing it, he passed at least 17 thousand km and found a lot of small islands, but inaccurate calculus did not allow them to identify them with some specific points on the map. Only the opening of the two inhabited islands, Guam and Rota is considered indisputable in early March 1521 - the most southern of the group of Mariana Islands. Magellan called them robbing. The islanders stole a boat from navigators, and a captain, landing up with a detachment ashore, burned a few native huts.

Almost 4 months it lasted this swimming. Despite the lack of hurricanes characteristic of this area, people accounted for very hopeless. They were forced to eat cracked dust mixed with worms, drink rotting water, there are oxides, wood sawdust and ship rats. These creatures seemed to them almost delicacy and were sold by the Polforka apiece.

The crew tortured the qing, a lot of people died. But Magellan continued to confidently lead the squadron ahead and somehow the offer said to return: "We will go ahead, at least I had to eat all the oxid skin."

Opening of the Philippine Islands

1521, March 15 - the expedition was near the island of Samar (Philippines), and a week later, going to the West, arrived at the Limasava Island, where Bab Magellan, Malaen Enrique, heard his native speech. This meant that travelers are somewhere near the islands of spices, i.e. almost fulfilled their task.

And yet the navigator sought to reach the cherished islands. But he decided to stay for a while to turn the Philipps into Christianity.

1521, April 7 - Flotily left anchor at Cebu Island, where a large port was located and the Residence of Raji. Sincerely, religious Magellan insisted that the Islanders adopted Christianity without paying for some material benefits, but not wanting himself, convinced the natives that they could count on a benevolent attitude from the powerful Spanish king only if they renewed from the old faith And they will worship the cross.

On April 14, the ruler Cebu Humabon decided to be baptized. The tricky Raja, who was now named Carlos, enlisted by the support of Magellan against his tongue enemies and, thus, one day submitted to all who challenged his power. In addition, Humabon enlisted the promise that when Magellan returns to the Philippines at the head of the Great Fleet, he will make it the sole ruler of all islands as a reward for the fact that Raja accepted Christianity first. Moreover, the rulers of nearby islands began to lead to the obedience. But the leader of one of these islands, Maktan, named Silapulapa, did not want to submit to Carlos Humabon. Then the navigator decided to apply power.

Death Magellan.

Death Magellan.

1521, April 27 - 60 armed men in lats, with several small guns, sat in the boats and headed for Maltan. They were accompanied by several hundred Warriors Humabon. But good luck turned away from the Spaniards. The Captain General underestimated the enemy, not in time recalling the history of the conquest of Mexico, when the handful of Spaniards could master the whole country. In the battle with the warriors of Maktan, his satellites hardened in battles were defeated, and the general captain himself folded his head. During retreat to boats, the natives overtook him in the water. Wounded in hand and leg, and without that chrome Magellan fell. Further eloquently described by the Chronist Expedition Antonio Pigafette:

"The captain fell as a face down, and immediately threw it with iron and bamboo spears and began to strike with Tesacians until they were wanted by our graduate, our light, our reflection and our true leader. He all the time turned back, see if we managed to dive into the boats ... "

Further fate of sailors

Subsequent events testified to the rightness of Pigafette, who called Magellan "True Chip." As can be seen, only he could keep this narrative in the ultrasound, ready at any time for betrayal.

His successors failed to stay at the conquered positions. First of all, they with feverish hasty delivered by ships. Canceled goods. Then one of the new leaders mindlessly insulted Malaya Enrique, and he bowed humabon to betrayal. A part of the Spaniards Raja lured into the trap and ordered to kill, and for the surviving captain "Concepcion" by Juan Serrau demanded a ransom. Seeing the opponent in him, temporarily appointed by the commander of the flotilla Juan Karvalu threw the comrade and ordered raising sails.

Alive remained about 120 people. On three ships, they are on the touch, often changing the course, they still got to the Molukky Islands, destroying the "Concepcion" eaten by the worms. Here, without thinking about the possible danger from the local population, where the Spaniards were not too loved, and the difficulties of the path to their homeland were rushed to buy spices. In the end, "Victoria" under the command of Estebana Elkano left Molokki, and the heavy "Trinidad" remained for repair. Finally, his crew, who made an unsuccessful attempt to get to Panama, was captured. During the long time, his members languished in prisons and on plantations, at the beginning of the Molukskie Islands, and then on the islands of the gang. Later they were sent to India, where they lived by the alignment and were under a non-primary supervision of the authorities. Only five in 1527 was lucky to return to his homeland.

And "Victoria" under the command of Elkano, diligently by the way of following the Portuguese ships, crossed the southern part of the Indian Ocean, reinforced the cape of good hope and through the Green Cape Islands on September 8, 1522 arrived in the Spanish Harbor of San Lucar. From her crew, only 18 people remained (according to other data - 30).

In Motherland, the sailors had to be not easy. Instead of the honors, they got a public repentance for one "lost" day (as a result of movement on time zones around the Earth). From the point of view of the clergy, it could only occur as a result of the posting disorders.

Elkano, however, honored honored. He got a coat of arms depicting the globe with the inscription "You're first traveled around me," and pension in 500 dukatov. And no one remembered about Magellan.

The true role of this wonderful person in history was able to estimate descendants, and, unlike Columbus, she never challenged. His swimming has made a revolution in the submission of land. After that, the trip completely stopped any attempts to negate the balloon of the planet, it was proved that the World Ocean was one, the ideas about the true sizes of the globe were obtained, it was finalized that America is an independent continent, a strait between the two oceans is found. And no wonder Stefan Collega in his book "The feat of Magellan wrote:" Only he enriches humanity, who helps him know himself who deepens his creative self-awareness. And in this sense, the feat, perfect by Magellan, surpasses all the exploits of his time. "