Why the Boeing that disappeared over the Indian Ocean will never be found. The missing Malaysian Boeing was turned sharply by someone. The plane was manually controlled at that moment.


Why is Boeing missing over Indian Ocean first they searched in the wrong place, and when the wreckage was found, they were searched for only a few days, and then they abandoned the search altogether? And no one is embarrassed that they continue to find new wreckage of the aircraft, but let's talk about everything in order.

New information has emerged about a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 flying MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board.

The plane disappeared on the night of March 8, 2014, but despite the development of modern search engines Until today, it has not been possible to find a 63-meter aircraft.
Even after a year and a half, the search did not give any special results, only mysterious white objects were periodically found, which, as expected, could be fragments of the missing aircraft.

The last hope for the continuation of the search was fueled by the found black box radio signal, but he soon disappeared too. Whether it was the signal of the missing aircraft is still unknown.

On July 29, 2015, a wing fragment and an aircraft door were found on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.

After the Malaysian authorities confirmed that the found fragments belonged to the missing airliner, the relatives of the passengers of the missing Boeing staged a real protest in Beijing. After all, initially searches were conducted in the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca. The huge resources of the 26 states that took part in the search, in fact, were wasted, because, according to relatives dead passengers, in Kuala Lumpur, they have long known about the deviation of the aircraft's course, but continued to search in the areas indicated above.

Why was the society misinformed?

An interesting version was put forward by the former head of French airlines Proteus Airlines Marc Dugen. In his opinion, the plane was deliberately shot down by the US military. This was done due to the suspicions of the US Security Service in the hijacking of the airliner by terrorists and, in order to prevent terrorist attacks like the September 11 attacks, the Americans were forced to shoot down the plane.

Ground controllers lost contact with the aircraft while it was flying over the South China Sea and entering air space China.
Malaysian officials say the airliner turned west and was last seen over the Strait of Malacca, heading in the opposite direction from its original route, according to military radar. Based on these arguments, it can be concluded that the aircraft changed course after the connection was lost.

According to Dugen, the United States even knows where to look for the wreckage of the Boeing 777-200, so they officially conduct searches in a different place, far from where the plane actually crashed. He suggests that the airliner crashed near the US military base located in the Indian Ocean on the island of Diego Garcia.

In order not to be responsible for the murder of 227 passengers and 12 crew members, the Americans are trying to lead the search for the missing Boeing to a dead end. And perhaps we would never have known the truth about this disaster if the wreckage of the plane had not been carried by the current to the shore of Reunion Island.
By the way, searches in this area are suspended, and they were conducted for only 10 days.
From here, a completely logical question arises: If the plane was searched for months in the South China Sea, then why in this case the search was completed so quickly?
Don't you think this is strange? And maybe there really is something upstream?

Found fragments were sent for examination to Australia. The number on one of the recovered aircraft wreckage indicates that it belongs to the missing Boeing 777 flight MH370.

Now everything fits.
The wreckage of the plane was swept away by the current. Some of them were carried by the Mozambique current.

It doesn't take several years to come to this conclusion. It's just that over time, the secret still becomes clear and the intention to hide the facts becomes obvious.

The FBI has uncovered the secret of the commander of the missing Malaysian Boeing.

The US FBI published one of the versions of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing, en route Kuala Lumpur - Beijing, in March 2014, reports TASS with reference to the American magazine New York.

From all this, we can conclude that someone decided to prevent the development of cloaking technologies in order to maintain a monopoly on their possession, or vice versa, to steal scientists along with technologies. In any case, it is clear that someone slows down the investigation and leads on the wrong track.

06 01 18 the Malaysian government approved a new attempt to find the wreckage of flight MH 370 . This will be done by the Ocean Infinity campaign. The cost of searching for the missing aircraft will be paid only if it is found. Ocean Infinity will search near Australian waters in an area of ​​25,000 km².

For comparison, the search area for this aircraft in the Indian Ocean was 710,000 km². According to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), this was the largest airborne search in history. In parallel, the study of satellite images and the study of ocean drifts was carried out. The ATSB report says the chances of finding the aircraft are now much higher. Let's see what happens.

Two years ago, on March 8, 2014, a Boeing 777 passenger airliner belonging to Malaysia Airlines, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, mysteriously disappeared. Together with the aircraft, 239 people (12 crew members and 227 passengers) disappeared. Periodically, rescuers claim to find the wreckage of a missing plane. But are they? And what is known about the Malaysian ship today?

Didn't you search there?

The Boeing 777-200ER stopped communicating in the skies over the South China Sea 40 minutes after takeoff. Moreover, the liner passed a full check just ten days before this flight. Initially, the operation to search for the crash site took place over this sea, but later moved to the Strait of Malacca, and then to the Indian Ocean, closer to the western coast of Australia. The rescuers explained such an extensive search line by the fact that, apparently, the Boeing 777, after disappearing from the radar, was in the sky for more than 7 hours, greatly changing the route.

The first search operation took place in March-April 2014. Then 26 countries (Malaysia, USA, Singapore, Vietnam, China, etc.) took part in it. And the search for the aircraft was carried out on an area of ​​​​7.7 million km², which is comparable to the size of Australia. 15 days after the start of the search, the Malaysian authorities said that the missing plane crashed in the southern Indian Ocean. They came to this conclusion based on the calculation of the trajectory according to the signals transmitted via Inmarsat satellites once an hour about the operation of Rolls-Royce engines. No other evidence was found to support this statement.

In mid-April 2014, the search was moved underwater using the Bluefin-21 unmanned autonomous submarine. 340 square miles of seabed have been explored, but no trace of the missing airliner has been found there either.

Only almost a year after the disappearance of the aircraft, in January 2015, the Malaysian authorities officially recognized as dead all who were on board the aircraft. The cause of death for each was listed as "accident".

Report with no response

Years after the incident, on March 8, 2015, an international investigation team issued a preliminary report on the results of a technical investigation. But the report did not contain any information about what happened to the liner. The only thing they could then analyze was the work of air traffic controllers. As it turned out, the senior controller in Kuala Lumpur slept for 4 hours after the Boeing disappeared from radar. The controllers of Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) began to find out the reason why the plane did not enter their airspace not after 2 minutes, as expected, but only after 20.

And Malaysia Airlines itself did not excel at the speed that should be in such cases. An emergency was declared only 5 hours and 13 minutes after the last news of the liner. And the search operation was launched with a significant delay, although in such situations every minute is important. After all, the rescuers themselves and the Malaysian authorities have repeatedly said that in a matter of seconds the current can pick up the debris and carry it away in an unknown direction.

Fake wreckage

A few days after the disappearance of the plane, there were rumors that its wreckage had allegedly been found in the South China Sea. However, management civil aviation Malaysia immediately denied them. What was thought to be part of an airliner turned out to be just an algae-covered sheath of a cable reel.

A little later, information appeared that the Australian Maritime Safety Authority discovered two objects that may belong to the Boeing. Immediately, China stated that it had noticed large debris - about 22 by 30 meters. Following them, the crew of the Royal New Zealand Air Force aircraft allegedly discovered debris in the southern Indian Ocean that may be related to the missing Boeing 777. But none of this has been confirmed.

The first real wreckage of the Boeing 777 was discovered after a year and a half of searches, in July 2015. Moreover, this was done not by rescuers, but by cleaners on Reunion Island, located in the Indian Ocean. And this is more than 4,000 kilometers west of deep-sea searches, which, by the way, spent more than $ 50 million. The fragment turned out to be a part of the wing of the aircraft, about 2.5 meters long and covered with shells on the surface.

Later, after the exploration of the island by the Malaysians, in August 2015, a number of aircraft items were discovered. At the same time, the assumptions were confirmed: the found fragment definitely belonged to the Boeing.

The next news about the plane was from local residents Philippines in October 2015. Allegedly, teenagers on a bird hunt stumbled upon the wreckage of an aircraft with Malaysian flags and human bodies nearby. The Philippine authorities took over the inspection of the territory and immediately denied this information.

Six months later, the world again started talking about the Malaysian airliner. In January of this year, debris that could have belonged to a missing Boeing was found in southern Thailand. Residents of the province of Nakhon Si Thammarat found a large curved metal object on the ocean. But neither the authorities nor experts have confirmed that this fragment is really related to the liner. It turned out that the serial number of the part, the numbers of the bundle of wires and bolts do not match the numbers Boeing aircraft 777.

End of search

And a week ago, on March 2, 2016, new information about the missing Boeing 777 appeared. A metal fragment about a meter long was found off the coast of Mozambique. Presumably this is a horizontal stabilizer - a wing-shaped part attached to the tail of the aircraft. So far, only the territory indicates that this fragment belongs to a Boeing: in the same part of the Indian Ocean, a fragment of a wing was found in July last year. The discovery will be studied by representatives of Australia and Malaysia, as well as "international experts".

It turns out that, in fact, only three relatively small fragments of all the finds could actually belong to the disappeared aircraft. Moreover, neither the bodies of the dead, nor suitcases with things, nor a black box were found in two years of searches. And this despite the fact that more than 80 thousand square kilometers with a total search area of ​​120 thousand kilometers.

According to the International Coordinating Search Center, in June 2016, underwater search operations will be curtailed. But if in two years there is no clarity what happened to the unfortunate Boeing 777-200, then it is unlikely that it will appear in another four months of the time allotted for searching.