Egyptian pyramids dimensions and secrets. The Mystery of the Egyptian Pyramids

The pyramids of Egypt are simply stunning; the legends and myths force you to hold your breath and listen in admiration. Scientists and researchers for most centuries have been trying to get, in the literal sense of the word, to the truth that the most unique people keep within themselves. man-made miracles peace!

According to Egyptian religion, the pyramids were needed for people who went into afterworld, because together with the embalmed bodies, all the things a person needed, everything he needed during his life were buried there: precious jewelry, clothes, household utensils and other items that he might need in another life.

It is believed that the larger and higher the pyramid, the more powerful and richer the person was during his lifetime. Now, looking at such large structures, it is difficult to imagine what kind of wealth the pharaohs must have owned, and that all this was built by human hands; however, it should be taken into account that all buildings were carried out manually, without the use of special construction equipment.

And when you also look at the numbers, it will seem completely unrealistic - the area of ​​the largest and well-known Cheops pyramid is 85,000 m3, the length of each side of the pyramid is 230 m and the height is almost 150 m. To really imagine how much this is, then just remember a 9-story building, its area is approximately 10,000 m3. These numbers are, in fact, shocking! The most fascinating thing is that it took only 20 years to create such a brute!

Shrouded in mystery from creation itself. To this day, scientists do not agree on when and by whom the pyramids were built. The ideas are generally divided into two theories:

1st - that the pyramids were built long before the first Egyptians by aliens;

The second one says that it was the Egyptians who were the creators of these unique objects.

At the same time, they continue to argue about the actual purpose of the pyramids. Some believe that the famous pyramids at Giza were intended as beacons for alien ships, indicating a course towards Sinai desert, which served as a typical port. This version is confirmed by a photograph taken by NASA's galactic spacecraft from space.

If you superimpose a map of Egypt onto a map of the starry sky, you will notice that the placement of the pyramids coincides with the stars, the placement of the Nile can be compared to the Milky Way, and the three pyramids at Giza are recognized as Orion’s belt. But not everything coincides - 2 monuments of the 5th dynasty do not fall into such a code, but they are not stars, but they are 2 parallel medians.

Archaeologists have found unique ancient Egyptian manuscripts and texts that, according to legend, were acquired in ancient times from the Nefers - people with divine capabilities who lived in Atlantis.

And these are no longer some hypotheses, there is real documentary evidence of this. Whoever those Gods who were worshiped in Egypt were, ordinary mortal people who knew the laws of the Universe or aliens, they gave the Egyptians knowledge that we have not known until now. In particular, the Egyptians glorified their knowledge of the synchronization of the heavenly and earthly in history by constructing the entire complex of pyramids in strict accordance with the star map.

Like the stars, the pyramids of Egypt are very diverse; we can only solve the mysteries hidden in the majestic structures that have carried ancient knowledge through the centuries. There is a legend that when all the doors are open and the last riddle is solved, the end of the world will come. But at the same time there is another legend, which says that in the pyramids, like in the others, there is hidden knowledge that will help reveal secrets Egyptian pyramids, and together with them the secrets of the philosophy of the world.

While the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids remain secrets and excite our fantasies, no one has yet been able to guess them, perhaps because they are looking in the wrong place; after all, one of the legends says that the secret is hidden not on the walls and in writing, but in the buildings themselves; this knowledge is the source of a separate energy, which is destined to be read only by a chosen one!

3-04-2017, 11:17 |

The Egyptian pyramids are those wonders of the world that have captivated human attention for many centuries. Mysterious structures, the construction of which no one can accurately explain. One thing makes the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids even more interesting.

It is known that Napoleon in the 18th century. not yet being Emperor of France, I wanted to visit inside. During the Egyptian campaign, he was attracted by mystical tales. He stayed inside for about 20 minutes. And then he came out very puzzled and even a little frightened, silently, with difficulty getting on his horse, he returned to his headquarters. However, to this day no one knows what struck Napoleon then; he took this secret with him.

And for a long time now, scientists, Egyptologists and simple daredevils have been trying to understand the main function. But even now the pyramids are a big mystery that our ancestors left us. No one can say how they were built or what they were intended for.

The Mystery of the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt

Over the past 20-30 years, interest in the pyramids of Egypt has increased greatly. But it is still not known exactly what their purpose was. There were a lot of Egyptologists who did not see only the tombs of pharaohs in the pyramids. On the contrary, many scientists put forward other versions, and some of them are capable of changing modern people’s understanding of ancient civilizations. remain a big mystery to people; it is very difficult to imagine that such structures were built just to bury the pharaoh. Their construction was very grandiose, and a lot of effort was spent.

One of the Arab historians who lived in the 14th century. wrote about the Cheops pyramid. In his opinion, it was built by order of the mythical sage Hermes Trismegistus. He ordered the construction of 30 treasure vaults, they were filled with jewelry and various weapons. Another Arab traveler who lived in the same century argued that the pyramids were erected before the flood. They were built to preserve books and other valuable items.

In Ancient Egypt, powerful pharaohs ruled, and they had crowds of slaves under their command. Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure are known as the most important. But the problem is that in these three pyramids there is no evidence in the form of hieroglyphic inscriptions or mummies indicating that these are their pyramids.

On September 17, 2002, a report appeared in the media that several researchers intend to visit the cache, which was discovered in. They were going to do this with the help of a special robot. It was equipped with a camera. Everyone was waiting for the secret of the pyramid to be revealed. But everyone was disappointed; they were unable to penetrate far. This is due to the design of the pyramids. After a certain stage of construction, it is no longer possible to enter some rooms.

The secret of the inner contents of the pyramids

In 1872, the British scientist Dixon tapped one of the chambers, the so-called queen's chamber. While tapping, he discovered voids, then used a pick to destroy the thin wall of the cladding. He managed to find two holes of equal size, 20 cm each. Dixon and his like-minded people decided that these were adits for ventilation.

Already in 1986, French specialists used a special apparatus and, with the help of technology, also discovered cavities that were thicker than other stone masonry. Then specialists from Japan used special modern electronic devices. They illuminated the entire area and the rest of the area to the Sphinx. Research showed many voids in the form of labyrinths, but it was not possible to get there. And those premises that scientists could explore did not yield results. No mummies or any remains of material culture were discovered there.

So the question arises - where did all the contents go - the sarcophagus or the jewelry. Maybe Egyptologists correctly put forward the version that after several centuries robbers visited the pyramid and took everything with them. But now many people think that the tombs were empty from the beginning, even before the entrance was walled up.

The mystery of the Caliph's entry into the Egyptian pyramid

To prove the theory that it was originally empty there can be cited one historical fact. In IX, Caliph Abdullah al-Mamun and his detachment penetrated into. When they found themselves inside in the king's chamber, they were supposed to find treasures there, which, according to legend, were buried with the pharaoh. But nothing was found there. Everything seemed to be cleaned; clean walls and floors and empty sarcophagi appeared before the caliph.

This applies not only to these pyramids at Giza, but to all those built by the III and IV dynasties. Neither the pharaoh's body nor any signs of burial were ever found in these pyramids. And some didn’t even have sarcophagi. This is also another secret...

A stepped one was opened in Saqqara in 1954. There was a sarcophagus in it. When scientists found it, it was still sealed, which means that the robbers were not there. So in the end it turned out to be empty. There is a hypothesis that the pyramids are a special place that was sacralized. There is an opinion that a person entered one of the chambers of the pyramid, and then came out already deified. However, this does not seem to be a rational assumption. What arouses the most belief is the assumption that Mamun found maps in the pyramid that were compiled by representatives of a highly developed civilization.

This can be confirmed by the following event. After returning from Egypt, the Caliph created maps of the earth's surface and the most accurate catalog of stars for that period of time - the Damascus Tables. Based on this, it can be assumed that some secret knowledge was stored in the depths of the pyramid, which later ended up in the hands of Mamun. He takes them with him to Bogdad.

An Alternative Approach to Studying the Egyptian Pyramids

There is another approach to studying the mystery of the pyramids. According to research by geologists, a pyramid is a clot of specific pyramidal energy. Thanks to its shape, the pyramid can accumulate this energy. This kind of research is still quite young, but many people are doing it. Such studies have only been carried out since the 1960s. There are even facts allegedly that the razor blades that were located inside the pyramid became sharp again for some time.

It is believed that the pyramid became a place for processing energy into other, more convenient energy. Then it was used for some other things.

This theory goes far beyond the boundaries of official science. However, it still exists and it has its followers. Different scientists are trying to discover the secrets of these structures in different ways. Many unknowns remain. Even elementary - how did such massive structures survive for thousands of years? Their construction looks so reliable that it forces many to think about the secret meaning of the pyramids.

It is already a proven fact that most of the buildings of other ancient civilizations have long since collapsed. Archaeologists are making great efforts to find them and somehow restore them. But only the top lining fell off the pyramids. The rest of their design symbolizes reliability.

The secret of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.

Already from the 19th century. many Egyptologists study the structure of the pyramids. And they made astonishing conclusions. No one can reveal the secret of the construction of Egyptian tombs. However, it has been proven that the size of the slabs is selected with an accuracy of up to a millimeter. Each slab is identical in size to the previous one. And the joints between them are so correctly made that it doesn’t even allow a blade to be inserted there. This is simply incredible. How could the inhabitants of that distant time build so correctly without any technical innovations?

The calculated width between granite blocks is 0.5 mm. This is ingenious and defies explanation. This is the accuracy that modern devices have. But this is by no means the only secret in construction. Also striking are the right angles and the precise symmetry between the four sides. But an even more important mystery is who brought several stone blocks to such a place? greater height. The main version is that they built pyramids. But there is a problem with the evidence base. Some nuances do not fit into this version. It is unclear how, given those technical and mechanical solutions, it was possible to build such massive structures.

The secret of the construction technology of the Egyptian pyramids

It has been suggested that modern people simply have no idea what construction technologies were used. But it is impossible to build what was built without modern jacks and other tools.

Sometimes versions are put forward that are simply absurd at first glance - what kind of technologies were they, maybe they were brought here by some alien civilizations. Even with all the achievements of modern man, it would be difficult to repeat such construction. This could have been done, but the construction itself was difficult. And here is another secret that the pyramids carry with them.

Those pyramids that are located in Giza also contain the Sphinx and the Valleys, and here’s another secret for you. During their construction, slabs weighing almost 200 tons were used. And here it becomes unclear how the blocks were moved to the right place. And 200 tons is not the limit of the Egyptians' capabilities. In Egypt there are architectural structures weighing 800 tons.

It is also interesting that around the complex there were not even any hints found that such blocks were dragged from somewhere or moved to the construction site. Nothing found. Hence the assumption about levitation technology is put forward. Based on the myths and traditions of ancient peoples, a lot can be learned in this regard. useful information. Some of them directly or indirectly indicate the existence of such technology. You may even find images that look like a tank or a helicopter. In principle, for those who adhere to an alternative version of the construction of the pyramids, this theory explains a lot.

Egyptian pyramids and mysteries around them

Of course, even alternative versions, if we are to be objective, cannot be discounted. Every scientist or ordinary person can go and see for himself what kind of structures these are. It immediately becomes clear that this is not a primitive construction by some slaves. This is not even construction using exclusively manual labor. If you follow the logic, then there must be some unknown construction system, and again not a simple one. An example is the construction of massive and reliable structures using special technologies that have not yet been discovered by modern researchers.

Now there are about three dozen different hypotheses that are trying to uncover the secrets of the pyramids. Most Egyptologists are of the opinion about the use of inclined planes, but historians are not architects. But they put forward other versions. They precisely determined that in order to lay an inclined plane to , an inscription more than 1.5 km long would be needed. Moreover, the volume of the inscription itself would be three times the volume of the pyramid itself. Another question that arises is what to build from. It would be impossible to build with simple soil, since they would begin to settle over time and under the weight of the blocks.

Another mystery is what tools were used to build the blocks. And in general they were built as a whole. One way or another, now it is impossible to adhere to an unambiguous version in this matter. There are many secrets left that are still inaccessible to humans. Both rational and, for some, absurd versions were given here. However, there are such versions, and history is an objective thing. And therefore, such alternative versions also have a right to exist.

The Mystery of the Egyptian Pyramids Video

Ancient Egypt has captivated our imaginations ever since we shook the sand from the paws of the Great Sphinx. It has been an obsession of many archaeologists and historians for the past two centuries. This is a land whose mysteries have been spent many years unraveling.

However, even after this there is still much that we do not know. Some of the greatest relics ancient world still lie beneath the sands of Egypt, waiting to be found. But more often than not, such finds only create even more mysteries and give rise to even more questions.

Lost Labyrinth of Egypt

2,500 years ago in Egypt there was a huge labyrinth, which, according to one of those who saw it, “even surpassed the pyramids.”
It was a massive building, two stories high. There were 3,000 different rooms inside, all connected by a winding labyrinth of passages so complex that no one could find the exit without a guide. Below there was an underground level that served as a tomb for the kings, and the structure was crowned by a massive roof made of one giant stone.
Many ancient writers reported seeing the labyrinth in person, but now, 2,500 years later, we don’t even know where it was located. There is a massive stone plateau 300 meters wide, and there is an assumption that it was the foundation of the labyrinth. If this is so, then the upper floors were completely destroyed by time.
In 2008, a group of geolocation specialists examined the plateau and discovered that underneath it there was an underground labyrinth, as described by one of the ancient writers. However, on this moment No one has tried to dig it up yet. Until someone enters the labyrinth, we cannot say for sure whether Egypt's greatest archaeological wonder has actually been found.

Unknown Queen of Egypt

In 2015, archaeologists stumbled upon the tomb of a woman located among the great pyramids of the Old Kingdom. Inscriptions on the tomb indicate that the woman was "the king's wife" and "the king's mother." During her lifetime (4,500 years ago), this woman was one of the most important people on the planet. She had more power than any other woman in the country. However, no one knows who it is.
Historians have dubbed her "Khentakavess III", based on the assumption that she was the daughter of Queen Khentakavess II. It is possible that she was the wife of Pharaoh Neferefre and the mother of Pharaoh Menkauhor, but this is only speculation.
If her name was indeed Khentakavess III, then there is no other mention of her. Whoever she is and whatever power she has, she remains a big mystery to us.

Sphinx in Israel

In 2013, on the biblical hill of Tel Hazor, which is located in Israel, archaeologists discovered a find that no one expected to see so far from Egypt: a 4,000-year-old Egyptian sphinx. More precisely, these were fragments of the sphinx, in particular, the paws resting on the pedestal. It is believed that all other parts were deliberately destroyed thousands of years ago. However, before someone broke the Sphinx, it was 1 meter high and weighed about half a ton.
No one knows how the Egyptian statue ended up in Israel. The only clue is the inscription on the pedestal, on which you can make out the name of Pharaoh Mikerin, who ruled Egypt around 2500 BC.
The likelihood that Tel Hazor was conquered by the Egyptians is extremely low. During the reign of Mikerin, Tel Hazor was shopping center in Canaan, halfway between Egypt and Babylon. It was vital to the economies of the two major powers of the time.
Most likely, the statue was a gift. But in this case, it is unclear to whom and why King Mikerin sent it and who was so angry that he broke this statue. The only thing we know absolutely for sure is that for some unknown reason the sphinx statue ended up 1000 kilometers away from the Great Sphinx of Giza.

The mysterious death of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

At the time of his death, Tutankhamun was only 19 years old, and no one knows exactly what happened to him. His death is an absolute mystery, and not only because it occurred in the prime of his life. Main mystery is that the pharaoh had so many diseases that it is impossible to understand which of them was fatal.
Pharaoh Tutankhamun was in terrible health. He had malaria, a broken leg, and was born with so many genetic abnormalities that historians are convinced his parents must have been brother and sister. The genetic abnormalities were so critical that, according to many, his early death was predetermined.
In addition, his skull was fractured, and archaeologists have long believed that this was the cause of death. Today it is believed that the skull was damaged during the embalming process, but the possibility of murder cannot be ruled out.
Shortly before his death, the pharaoh broke his leg, so the theory arose that he died as a result of a fall from his chariot. But if this is so, then it is not clear how he even climbed onto the chariot. His body was so deformed that he could not even stand without assistance.
The cause of death could have been a combination of all these factors. The only thing we know for sure is last month Tutankhamun's life was not very successful for him.

Secret chamber of the Great Pyramid

The largest pyramid was built 4,500 years ago for Pharaoh Cheops. This massive structure, almost 150 meters high, is made of more than 2.3 million stone blocks. Until recently, it was believed that there were three chambers inside the pyramid.
If you think that this is too small for such a huge structure, then you are not alone. There was a team of scientists who, in November 2017, decided to check the pyramid again and make sure that no one had missed anything. Above the Great Gallery of the Pyramid they found signs that there may be another hidden chamber, about the size of the largest chamber yet found.
It seems strange that the Egyptians could deliberately build a hidden chamber and make it completely inaccessible. There are no corridors or galleries leading to it. To place anything inside such a chamber, it had to be done during the construction stage.
We haven't gotten to the camera itself yet. But whatever it was, apparently Pharaoh Cheopsne would have wanted it to see the light of day.

Mummy wrapped in foreign manuscripts

In 1848, a man bought an ancient Egyptian mummy from a shopkeeper in Alexandria. For years he displayed it, not realizing how strange this artifact was. After several layers of bandages were removed from the mummy several decades later, scientists discovered something very unusual. The mummy was wrapped in manuscript pages, and it was not written in the language of the Egyptians.
It took years of research to find out what this language was, but today we know that it was the language of the Etruscans, ancient civilization, which once existed in the territory of modern Italy. This language is poorly studied. The manuscript in which the mummy was wrapped represents the longest Etruscan text ever found.
However, many unanswered questions remain. First of all, we still don’t know what the text says. We can only understand a few words that appear to be dates and names of gods, and beyond that we can only guess at how this manuscript came to be wrapped around a dead body.
We don’t even know how an Etruscan book could have ended up in Egypt. Was the person buried an Etruscan? If so, what was he doing in Egypt? And what did he want to convey in his last address to the world?

Light of Dandara

On the wall of the temple in Egyptian city Dandara has a massive bas-relief with a strange design. It depicts, according to the generally accepted interpretation, a snake in a large fiery cloud flying out of a lotus flower, on which stands the foot of a man with a weapon.
This picture looks unusual. It is very similar to a model of a Crookes tube, one of the lighting devices invented in the 19th century. It looks so much like a lantern that some people think this diagram could be instructions for making one.
This theory is rejected by most scientists, but its supporters have compelling arguments.
The room in which the bas-relief is located is the only room in the entire temple in which there are no places for lamps. Many traces indicate that the Egyptians lit lamps in all rooms of the building except this one. And if they didn't have something like a modern flashlight, how could they see anything in this room? And if the room was originally conceived as a dark place, then why was such a complex bas-relief applied to the wall?

Destroyed pyramid

The top of the Djedefre pyramid was supposed to tower above the tops of all other Egyptian pyramids. This is what Pharaoh Djedefre thought. He didn't have enough resources to build the tallest pyramid of all, but he found a small workaround: he built his pyramid on a hill.
However, despite the fact that all the other pyramids in Egypt have stood for thousands of years, it was the Djedefre pyramid that was the only one that was destroyed for unknown reasons. All that was left of it was the foundation.
No one knows what exactly happened, but there are theories. Some scientists believe that Djedefre died before most of the work was completed, which is why the pyramid remained unfinished. Others suggest that 2000 years ago the Romans took stone blocks from the pyramid for their own needs, thus razing them to the ground historical monument. But there is another opinion: the people of Egypt hated Djedefre so much that people could destroy the pyramid simply out of anger.

The Disappearance of Queen Nefertiti

Queen Nefertiti became a legend due to the fact that she was one of the few women who ruled Egypt. She was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten and the stepmother of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, but at the same time, it is believed that all government of the country was concentrated in her hands. However, although the tombs of other pharaohs still rise above the sands of Egypt, Nefertiti's tomb has remained undiscovered.
The search for her grave continued for years. Until 2018, archaeologists were almost certain that they had found her tomb in a secret chamber hidden in Tutankhamun's tomb. However, in May they carefully examined the wall and found that there was nothing there.
It is curious that there is no mention of her death in the Egyptian chronicles. After twelve years of the reign of her husband Akhenaten, all mention of the queen was stopped altogether. Some believe that this happened because she herself became a pharaoh and took a different name for herself, but there is no evidence for this.
There is a version that the answer to this riddle is more prosaic than it seems. According to Dr. Joyce Tidzely, the simplest explanation is that Nefertiti was never the pharaoh's wife. Dr. Tidzeli believes that in the 1920s, people began to exaggerate the importance of Nefertiti because the sculpture of her face became popular, and people wanted to believe in any myths.
Dr. Tidzeli believes that we know nothing about future fate Nefertiti because she was not an important person at all.

Lost Land of Punt

There are many references in ancient Egyptian writings to a country called Punt. It was an ancient African country that was rich in gold, ivory, and exotic animals. All this excited the imagination of the Egyptians, so much so that they nicknamed Punt “Land of the Gods.”
There is no doubt that Punt really existed; there are many references to this in ancient scriptures. In one of the old Egyptian temples there is even a portrait of the Queen of Punta. But, despite all the power and influence of this kingdom, its location could not be determined.
The only traces that remain of Punt are the artifacts that have been preserved in Egypt. Desperate to find out the location of the kingdom, scientists examined the mummified remains of two baboons that the Egyptians brought from Punt and determined that the baboons were from the area of ​​modern Eritrea or Eastern Ethiopia.
This information provides at least some starting point in the search for Punt, but for archaeological excavations this area is too huge. And if we ever find the ruins of the kingdom of Punt, they will give rise to a new full-fledged series of mysteries.

The pyramids still keep many secrets and mysteries. Some of them, of course, have already been revealed, but questions remain that still trouble the minds of scientists and historians. How and by whom were these monuments created? What technologies were used during construction? How did builders manage to move huge stone blocks? Why did the pharaohs need this kind of tomb? You will learn all this and many other interesting facts from the article and become a little closer to understanding the secrets of the pyramids and knowing their power and greatness.

Interesting facts about Egyptian pyramids

These ancient building structures have been occupying their places of honor for centuries and glorifying the talent of their creators, thanks to whom it was possible to make eternal monuments. Until now, scientists have not been able to reliably determine how the pyramids were made and what technologies were used. Only some data is known, but most of the technologies used remain secret.

Just tombs?

There are about 118 pyramids in Egypt, created in different periods, of various sizes and types. There are two types of pyramids, the older step pyramids, one of the first surviving examples is the pyramid of Djoser, around 2650 BC. e.

In reality, these pyramids are graves, and their clusters are a cemetery. In ancient times, it was believed that wealthy people should be buried with everything they might need in life. afterlife, so the pharaohs found their final refuge in the luxurious pyramids, which they began to build long before their death.

Robbers of the tombs of the pharaohs

The horrors that take place about the Egyptian pyramids are directly related to the robbers who love to visit them under the cover of darkness and take away their last property from the deceased. However, looters visit monuments not only for the sake of jewelry hidden in tombs.

Local residents have spoiled the appearance of some of the pyramids. For example, the two pyramids at Dahshur look completely different from what they used to be; all the limestone with which they were covered was stolen to build houses in the nearby city. Stone blocks and other building materials are also often stolen, causing incredible destruction.

Secrets and myths

The horrors of the Egyptian pyramids also lie in the fact that many legends reign around them. The reason for the emergence of such a myth was the fictitious curse of the most famous tomb in the world - the tomb of Tutankhamun. It was discovered in 1922 by a group of researchers, most of whom died within the next seven years. At the time, many believed it was due to the curse of the tomb or some mysterious poison, although most still believe this.

But it all became one huge misconception. Immediately after the tomb was opened, it created a real sensation. In one of the newspapers, in the name of raising ratings, it was stated that in front of the entrance to the tomb there was a sign warning that anyone who entered here would die. However, this turned out to be just a newspaper duck, but after the researchers began to die one after another, the article gained popularity, and since then a similar myth has existed. It is worth noting that most of these scientists were elderly. This is how some of the riddles of the Egyptian pyramids are easily solved.

Pyramid structure

The funerary complex of the pharaohs consists not only of the pyramid itself, but also of two temples: one next to the pyramid, one should be washed by the waters of the Nile. The pyramids and temples, which were located not far from each other, were connected by alleys. Some have partially survived to this day, for example, the alleys between Luxor and Between the Pyramids of Giza, such alleys, unfortunately, have not survived.

Inside the pyramid

Egyptian pyramids, Interesting Facts, relating to them, and ancient myths - all this consists of a direct connection with the internal structure. Inside the pyramid there is a burial chamber, to which passages lead from different sides. The walls of the passages were usually painted with religious texts. The walls of the pyramid at Saqqara, a village near Cairo, were painted with the oldest mortuary texts that have survived to this day. Near the pyramids of Giza there is also the famous figure of the sphinx, which, according to legend, should guard the peace of the deceased. Unfortunately, it has not reached our time original name of this building, it is only known that during the Middle Ages the Arabs called the monument “the father of horror”

Types of pyramids

Many mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids are directly related to their creation. Until now, no one has been able to reliably determine how the ancient Egyptians were able to create such monumental structures that are still intact to this day.

Scientists believe that construction was carried out in several stages, during which the dimensions of the pyramid could have increased significantly compared to the original ones. Construction began long before the death of the pharaoh and could take several decades. It took about a dozen years just to create a suitable site for construction and level the soil. It took two decades to create the largest pyramid to date.

Who built the pyramids

There is an opinion that the pyramids were built by slaves who were starved and whipped for poorly done work, but this is not so. showed that the people who built the pyramids were kept in good conditions and were well fed. However, no one has yet been able to unravel for certain how the heaviest stone blocks rose to the top, because human strength is incapable of this.

However, archaeologists believe that over time, construction techniques changed, and the Egyptian pyramids themselves changed. Interesting facts in mathematics also concern the construction of pyramids. Thus, scientists were able to determine that the pyramids have mathematically correct proportions. How the ancient Egyptians managed to do this remains a mystery.

Egyptian pyramids - a wonder of the world

  • The Pyramid of Cheops is the only surviving wonder of the world.
  • There are several theories about the construction of the pyramids. According to one of them, construction took place according to the principle of leverage, but if this were taken into account, it would have taken no less than a century and a half, and the pyramid was erected in two decades. That's what remains a mystery.

  • Some lovers of the mystical consider these buildings to be powerful energy sources and believe that the pharaohs spent time in them during their lifetimes in order to receive new vitality.
  • There are some completely incredible theories. For example, some believe that the pyramids were built by aliens, while others believe that the blocks were moved by people who owned a magic crystal.
  • There are still some questions regarding the construction. For example, it has not yet been clarified why the pyramids were built in two stages and why breaks were needed.
  • The pyramids took two centuries to build and were erected several at a time.
  • Now, according to research by various scientists, their age ranges from 4 to 10 thousand years.
  • In addition to precise mathematical proportions, pyramids have another feature in this area. The stone blocks are arranged in such a way that there are no gaps between them; even the thinnest blade will not fit through there.
  • Each side of the pyramid is located in the direction of one side of the world.
  • The Cheops Pyramid, the largest in the world, reaches a height of 146 meters and weighs more than six million tons.
  • If you want to know how the Egyptian pyramids were created, you can learn interesting facts about construction from the pyramids themselves. Construction scenes are depicted on the walls of the passages.
  • The edges of the pyramids are curved by one meter so that they can accumulate solar energy. Thanks to this, the pyramids could reach thousands of degrees and emit an incomprehensible roar from such heat.
  • A perfectly straight foundation was made, so the edges differ from each other by only five centimeters.
  • The first pyramid built dates back to 2670 BC. e. In appearance, it resembles several pyramids located next to each other. The architect created the type of masonry that helped achieve this effect.
  • The Cheops Pyramid is made of 2.3 million blocks, perfectly aligned and matching each other.
  • Structures similar to the Egyptian pyramids are also found in Sudan, where the tradition was later picked up.
  • Archaeologists managed to find the village where the pyramid builders lived. A brewery and bakery were discovered there.

  • The Egyptian pyramids hide many secrets. Interesting facts concern, for example, the principle by which the pyramid is made. The walls are at an angle of 52 degrees, which makes the ratio of height and perimeter equal to the ratio of length.

Power and greatness

Why were the Egyptian pyramids created? Interesting facts about construction do not give an idea of ​​what they served. And the pyramids were created to praise the power and greatness of their owners. Magnificent tombs were a significant part of the entire funerary complex. They were filled with things that the pharaohs might need after death. There you could find literally everything a person might need. Any clothes, jewelry, dishes - all this and many other things were sent along with the pharaohs to their tombs. These riches, buried with their owners, are often the reason for the appearance of robbers who want to get the jewelry. All these mysteries and myths that shroud the pyramids, starting from their very creation, have remained unsolved for many centuries, and no one knows whether they will ever be revealed.

Everyone knows about the Egyptian pyramids. And everyone is familiar with official version their origin: the pyramids were built at the cost of the exploitation of thousands of slaves. But there have always been skeptics who questioned this version. I mean, illiterate slaves could not have built such a grand objects. Then who? When there are no convincing hypotheses, fantasy comes into play. The authors of the pyramids were considered either the inhabitants of Atlantis or aliens. But many, having heard about these versions, chose to continue to believe in slaves and pharaohs. But...

First, about the primamids themselves. The following features of the pyramids are known:

Mathematical– the ratios of their geometric elements include the “golden ratio” (the relationship between the apothem of the side face and half the length of the base of the Cheops pyramid), the number “pi” (the perimeter of the base is equal to the length of the circle, the radius of which is equal to the height of the Cheops pyramid) and trigonometric features, possibly the following from the constructions used (the tangent of the angle of inclination of the side face of the Cheops pyramid is equal to the inverse sine of this angle (51 degrees 30 minutes)).

Astronomical– the orientation of the pyramids along the north-south line is carried out with an accuracy of 3 minutes of arc; there are moves oriented towards some stars.

Geological– in addition to local material (limestone of rocks located several hundred meters away), granite (presumably brought from Aswan, located 900 km upstream of the Nile) and basalt (origin unknown) were used.

Technological– during the construction, millions of limestone blocks with an average weight of 2.5 tons were used, slabs weighing more than 200 tons were repeatedly used, careful finishing of not only limestone, but also granite and basalt slabs; there are conical holes drilled in granite and basalt and corresponding cores (discovered at the end of the 19th century) with a groove with a pitch of 2 mm; the passages laid in the thickness of the pyramids are made along lines deviating from a straight line by no more than 5 mm at a distance of about 80 m; the planes of the faces of the pyramids are made with great accuracy.

The questions are:

Being very impressive structures, they have all of the above features, which do not correspond to the ideas about the level of development of civilization of those times.

Neither the purpose of the pyramids themselves, nor the purpose of the rooms and passages (taking into account their location and size) located inside the pyramids is unclear.

Despite the large volume cultural heritage ancient Egypt, no descriptions or drawings related to the construction of the pyramids, as well as their images themselves, have been found.. all that is known is the hieroglyph “mer” denoting a pyramid.. Russian researchers believe that the ancient Egyptians did not build pyramids, but they only used structures that existed before them.


What kind of pre-civilization is this?

Slabs of black basalt, used in the construction of some Egyptian pyramids and temples, retained traces of a circular saw, which the ancient Egyptians, with their level of technological development (as is generally believed), could not have had. What about holes in granite? What kind of drills and drills were used during the time of the pharaohs? The pyramids themselves apparently stand on the site of some even more ancient semi-underground structures with unclear functions: either shelters from natural disasters, or shelters in case of war.

Is it possible that the Egyptian state arose on the basis of some kind of pre-civilization? At the beginning of the 3rd century BC. The historian Manetho lived in Egypt. In modern times, he is known as the only ancient Egyptian author known to us who compiled a full-fledged historical work on history Ancient Egypt- author of the book "History of Egypt"

Manetho left us a chronological list of the rulers of Egypt, including the first kingdom, when the gods ruled the country 10-12 thousand years ago. Perhaps we are talking about representatives of the unknown history of an ancient civilization (some researchers believe that we are talking about Atlantis)

Sphinx Egypt 1860

Inventory stele

It is noteworthy that a century and a half ago in Egyptian Giza a so-called inventory stele was found, on which it is indicated that Pharaoh Cheops ordered the repair of the damaged statue of the Sphinx (according to the generally accepted version, it was built about 2.5 thousand years BC). It still bears traces of rain erosion. But it is known that Egypt has existed without heavy rains for at least eight thousand years. When the Egyptian authorities noticed this, they, fearing something, ordered the inventory stele to be removed to the storeroom of the Cairo Museum, and the surface of the Sphinx was decided to be urgently restored. Or clean up from traces of erosion? What are they hiding?

If you are lucky enough to get into the Aswan quarries, then pay attention to the pits that go several meters deep. They are about half a meter in diameter, and there are many of them.

Interesting. A man, standing on his head, chisels granite several meters down, polishing the walls of the channel. And what is all this for? According to Egyptologists - in order to look at the direction of the crack, which, by the way, is perfectly determined from the outside.

One conclusion can be drawn - the ancients had a tool that allowed them to work with granite as with foam plastic.

Two more interesting facts. The Pyramid of Cheops. It is based on a rock about 10 meters high, but the base of this granite surface is 2 cm from the horizontal, with a side of an almost perfect square of 230 meters. The spread of the sides is no more than 10 cm. Also, the pyramid is almost perfectly oriented to the cardinal points. Positioning error 0.015%.

I work in construction. Even in our time, with all these laser devices, it is almost impossible to achieve such accuracy. What equipment did the pyramid builders use?

Another important detail was that the surface of the pyramids was covered with polished limestone, concave in the center. This coating was so brilliant that its reflected light could be seen from the Moon. By the way, the radius of curvature of the surfaces repeated the radius of curvature of the Earth’s surface, and therefore was not visible up close. Later, an earthquake loosened the cladding, and the Arabs stole these stones to rebuild the Sultan Hassan Mosque, Cairo palaces and other things. The stones with which the pyramid was faced are joined at intervals of 0.5 mm with ideal right angles. Moreover, this microgap was intended to be filled with glue, making them waterproof.

Again, in my opinion personal experience in construction, even today, when facing tiles are made in workshops using machines, it is impossible to obtain perfectly even slabs with angles of exactly 90 degrees. We buy slabs from Spain and Italy, as these slabs have the lowest error. And the Egyptians have them perfect. How?

There is one more, in my opinion, important point. The dating of the pyramids is determined by radiocarbon dating. And he is able to determine the age only of organic substances. That is, the age of the pyramids was determined by the remains of wood left by the ancients.

For example, the Sphinx was built during the time of Pharaoh Cheops, 2500 BC. But it is not a fact that they were the builders. 150 years ago, the so-called “Inventory Stele” was found in Giza, which I wrote about above, on which it was written that Cheops only ordered to “restorate” the Sphinx, and not to build it. Moreover, there is a theory that the Sphinx was so scary that people could die of fear just by looking into its eyes. And so his face was remade to look more human.

Also, in the 90s it was proven that the grooves on the body of the Sphinx are traces of rain erosion. But, as I already noted, there has been no rain in Egypt for more than 8 thousand years. And the Sphinx is a much later building than the pyramids.

On the pyramids of the 6th dynasty, the blocks were 500 kg. On the pyramids of the 4th dynasty, the blocks ranged from 2 to 50 tons.

The density of limestone is 2.63 - 2.73 g/cm3, I was on the pyramids and saw blocks measuring 1.5x1.5x2m. If you count, their weight is more than 12 tons.

I will allocate funds for you to hire as many people as you like, so that without a single support from machines, they would lift this block to a height of at least twenty-five meters and install it there “joint to joint” with another similar one.

The pyramid, according to Herodotus, took 20 years to build. If we count all the blocks used in the construction, and there are 2.3 million of them, then by calculation we find that these workers stacked 315 blocks on top of each other per day, with an average weight of 5 tons each. This is approximately 13 blocks per hour. And this is approximately 4.5 blocks per minute. This is mathematics. What kind of workers are these?

Here's another mystery. How could workers move and process such massive stones?

If you examine the stones located around the perimeter of the Cheops pyramid, you can find stones with cuts, like from a circular saw. Moreover, when cutting there is also grinding. This effect can only be achieved with a diamond-coated disk rotating at high speed. But the ancient Egyptians worked with copper saws, which simply cannot do anything like that.

Obelisk with holes drilled into it

Also, not far from the place where tourists are taken - Karnak - there is an obelisk with holes drilled on it. Possibly for attaching something. The holes are 1 cm in diameter, drilled about 10 cm deep. Moreover, they are made at an angle of 10-20 degrees to the surface. I assure you, making such a hole, even in very soft material, even today, is quite problematic - the drill will simply lead away. What kind of technology did the ancients use that allowed the cutting tool to bite into granite like it was butter?

Also, traces of cutting with a circular saw can be found in the quarries in South Saqqara, although tourists are not allowed there. Why aren't they allowed?

Traces of cutting on basalt

Note. The saw marks on the basalt are clear and parallel. The quality of this work shows that the cuts were made with a perfectly stable blade, without any signs of initial “yaw” of the blade. It seems that sawing basalt in ancient Egypt was not a very labor-intensive task, because the craftsmen easily allowed themselves to leave extra, “trying-on” marks on the rock, which, if cut by hand, would be an excessive waste of time and effort. Such “try-on” cuts are not the only ones here; several similar marks from a stable and easy-to-cut tool can be found within a radius of 10 meters from this place. Along with horizontal ones, there are also vertical parallel furrows.

Drilled channels

Another interesting detail is the use of technology such as drilling in ancient Egypt. Drilled channels in various products of Ancient Egypt vary from 0.63 cm to 45 cm in diameter. The smallest hole made in granite is about 5 cm in diameter. The granite product shown in the photo, drilled out with a tubular drill, was exhibited in the Cairo Museum without any accompanying information, and the guides themselves did not have any information. The photograph clearly shows circular spiral grooves in the open areas of the product, absolutely identical to each other. The characteristic "rotational" pattern of these channels seems to confirm observations about the method of removing part of the granite by pre-drilling a kind of "chain" of holes.

However, if you take a closer look at the ancient Egyptian artifacts, it becomes clear that drilling holes in stones, even the hardest rocks, did not pose any serious problem for the Egyptians. In the following photographs you can see channels made presumably using the tubular drilling method.

Most of the granite doorways in the Valley Temple, located near the Sphinx, clearly show tubular drill holes. During the construction of the temple, the holes were apparently used to attach door hinges when hanging doors.

In the following photographs you can see something even more impressive - a channel with a diameter of about 18 cm, obtained in granite using a tubular drill. The thickness of the cutting edge of the tool is amazing. It is incredible that it was copper - given the thickness of the end wall of the tubular drill and the expected force on its working edge, it must be an alloy of incredible strength (the picture shows one of the channels that opened when the granite block was split at Karnak)

Probably, purely theoretically, the very presence of holes of this type is not something incredibly incredible that the ancient Egyptians could not have obtained with great desire. However, drilling holes in granite is a very difficult task. Tube drilling is a fairly specialized technique that will not be developed unless there is a real need to have large diameter holes in hard rock. These holes demonstrate a high level of technology developed by the Egyptians, apparently not for “hanging doors,” but a level that was already fully developed and advanced by that time, which would have required at least several centuries for its development and preliminary application experience.

Several arguments from supporters of the “concrete pyramid” version.

The hypothesis about the concrete used in the construction of the pyramids was first put forward in the late 1970s by French (or Swiss, information differs) scientists. Various experts began testing their concept. Using X-rays, electron microscopes and a plasma torch, they found traces of "a rapid chemical reaction that prevented natural crystallization." For natural stones, this phenomenon is inexplicable, but it confirms the artificial origin of limestone blocks. The Frenchman, in turn, successfully tested the production of concrete structures from limestone: at the Institute of Geopolymers in Saint-Quentin, he managed to produce and dry a large block in ten days using a hypothetical Egyptian technology.

But opponents of the Frenchman’s theory, those same experts, claim that the ancient Egyptians required gigantic amounts of chalk and coal to make concrete. Remains of chalk and coal were not found near the pyramids. Additionally, there is no evidence of the use of molds to cast the blocks.

Possibly concrete slabs, but there are still traces anyway. Whatever one may say, be it the technology of “granite” concrete or milling cutters, the Egyptians were not as simple as their official history describes.

And then, the fact that the Egyptians used concrete does not mean that the pyramids were built entirely from it. “It was used (that is, not everywhere) on the upper levels of structures,” and on the lower levels the same limestone blocks were used. Can't geologists tell the difference between limestone and concrete?

Many believe that the Egyptians only restored the pyramids, and they were built before them, and then “limestone concrete” could be used.

Let's summarize the above arguments:

1. There are two types of pyramids on the Giza plateau: some (the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre, Mykerinus, etc.) are made of large blocks of granite and limestone (2.5-70 tons) and reach enormous sizes; others are “small” pyramids, tens of times smaller than the first ones, and the material for them was small blocks of limestone (hardness lower than that of granite), or were generally made of clay bricks. Moreover, the first were built (according to historians) in a very short period, during the Fourth Dynasty (75% of the volume of all pyramids), while the second were built later and had already turned into ruins. Question: Over the course of several centuries, did the Egyptians lose all construction skills?
2. There are several pyramids that have a base and lower rows like the first, but otherwise built like the second.
3. The Cairo Museum stores copper tools, but technologists deny the possibility of building pyramids using only these tools, taking into account the volume, timing, complexity and accuracy of the work.
4. Some blocks show traces of machining, i.e. traces of drill and cutter.
5. Sarcophagi and pyramid blocks are made with pinpoint precision. Maybe the Egyptians, like the Swiss, were obsessed with precision and quality? But why is this for the construction of supposed graves?

Based on these data, several assumptions:

1. Egyptian civilization came from outside when many of the pyramids were already built. The Egyptians were just restoring the pyramids. “He will replace you with another people who will not be like you!” (Quran, 47:38)
2. Before the Fourth Dynasty, the Egyptians did not use existing pyramids. Having correctly understood the definition of “Gateway to the Kingdom of the Dead” and the purpose of the sarcophagi, the pharaohs ordered to bury them in pyramids.
3. Perhaps Khufu was the first, or one of the first, to start this tradition, because his relatives “own” a small amount great pyramids.
4. Egyptian texts refer to the “construction” of these pyramids, but the word is also translated as “restoration.”
5. The tradition continued, the pharaohs died, and there was a shortage of “tombs.” First, the dilapidated pyramids were restored (using primitive methods and primitive materials), and when they were finished, the last pharaohs had to be buried in primitive pyramids made of clay bricks; at that moment the Egyptians were not capable of anything more.
6. Since subsequently no mummies were found directly inside the pyramids, the “grave” version is eliminated. Then what are these structures needed for?

Questions may arise, like “Where did these tools go? Is there really nothing left of civilizations except pyramids?” A more appropriate question would be “Where did the devices (machines) that rotated these tools go? There are several assumptions regarding their absence:

Firstly, the size of, say, a drill, even a large one, is not comparable to the size of the pyramid, and you can look for it like a needle in a haystack. Secondly, under the pyramids, and under the entire Giza plateau, there is a network underground passages and caves where no human has ever set foot. Third. Nothing is known for sure about the age of the pyramids and it can be very significant. Since their construction, a number of disasters could have occurred, including the biblical flood or tsunami, which could simply wash away all evidence of anyone's existence and destroy some of the pyramids. Fourthly, it was not necessarily a drill or a milling cutter; it is possible that other technologies unknown to us were used.

But there is a lot of evidence of the use of these technologies; there is enough of them in the Cairo Museum. Here are just a few of them.

The lower part of this granite vase is machined with such precision that the entire vase (approximately 23 cm in diameter, hollow inside and with a narrow neck), when placed on the glass surface, assumes an absolutely vertical position along the center line when rocked. Moreover, the area of ​​contact with the glass of its surface is no larger than that of a chicken egg. A necessary condition for such accurate

balancing - a hollow stone ball must have perfectly even, uniform wall thickness (with such a tiny base area - less than 3.8 mm2 - any asymmetry in such a dense material as granite would lead to the deviation of the vase from the vertical axis).

Also on display in the Cairo Museum is a fairly large (60 cm in diameter or more) original product made of slate. It resembles a large vase with a cylindrical center 5–7 cm in diameter, with an outer thin rim and three plates evenly spaced around the perimeter and curved towards the center. What it is and how it could be used is not indicated. The guides have no information. In the museum itself there is a whole hall with such strange products.

Why did the Egyptians deteriorate?

It is clear to anyone who visits the area of ​​the pyramids that after the Fourth Dynasty there was a sharp decline in the construction of pyramids. The pharaohs of the Fifth Dynasty built five relatively small pyramids at Abusir, about nine kilometers from Giza, and two small pyramids at Saqqara, not far from the step pyramid of Djoser. All of them were built rather simply, and the inside of them collapsed, which is not the case in the pyramids of the Fourth Dynasty that preceded it. All the pyramids of the Fifth Dynasty are now just a pile of stone blocks. During the Sixth Dynasty, four small pyramids were erected at Saqqara, all about 53 meters high, but they are now even more deplorable. This is where the “era” itself ended.

The photographs show that the cladding blocks were leveled after installation. Plus, the surface of unprocessed blocks is not similar to what is mined in a quarry, it is smoothed.
And this is a core from the Cairo Museum. We cut these into concrete for testing at construction sites. Using German and Japanese machines. How did the Egyptians carve it? Here's another strange tool. Core in core. During the construction of the Burj Al Arab, these were used to fasten the iron parts of the frame. Iron expands from heat and gives an error of 5 cm. To prevent damage to the structure, such pins were used in the places of the ligament.

Plate or crucible with curved edges made of gneiss

A plate or crucible with curved edges made of gneiss (almost granite). Wall thickness 2 mm. In my opinion, it is unlikely that it was machined to such a form. It looks more like the edges are bent. About the purpose - most likely this is a crucible for melting reagents.

Quote from Vimanika Shastra:
“Different classes of crucibles are used to melt these types of metals. It is stated that there are 40 varieties of crucibles of the second group alone. Of all these crucibles, crucible number 5, known as antarmukha (the edges of the opening of which are curved inwards) is prescribed for melting base metals.”

One more thing about the Egyptian pyramids.

Some pyramids of different dynasties are built of unbaked bricks and poorly processed stones laid in mortar, and on the lower levels they have high-quality masonry of megalithic blocks. These two completely different technologies, applied in one place, suggest that these pyramids were built on the ruins of more ancient structures.

This feature is found in “religious” buildings of different civilizations around the world. Teotihuacan, Bolivia, Peru, Greece, Ethiopia - this is far from full list such places. The structures themselves were built by the aborigines from small stones or bricks laid in mortar and are a pitiful sight. But if we go inside, we will see quite massive blocks with right angles and high quality processing.

Typically, massive blocks of 20-100 tons can be found in the lower tiers of the structure, in the foundation and underground part. What is also typical for such places is that there are fragments of steles and blocks of the same quality lying around, but the natives could not even clear the space from them.

Here is one such example - the tombs of Aksum (Ethiopia). The above-ground part is made of small stones, and the underground part is made of granite blocks. Moreover, the technology of their installation is more typical for Central America than for this region.


Tomb of Seti II. For some reason, the sarcophagus was turned upside down and placed over a small hole, without even covering it completely. With all its parameters, it literally demonstrates firsthand the real capabilities of the Egyptians of even the New Kingdom period in processing hard rocks of stone. Although they tried for the pharaoh, they could not jump above their heads.

Serapeum (Saqqara). The inscriptions on the outer sides of the “sarcophagus” sharply contrast in quality with the granite box itself. The granite is carefully polished, the planes are perfectly aligned, and the inscriptions are simply carelessly scrawled. And it is easy to notice curved lines instead of straight ones, as well as the lack of elementary parallelism of the scratched elements of the design, both among themselves and relative to the edges of the granite box. It is quite obvious that the level of skill of those who applied the inscriptions does not at all correspond to the level of skill of the manufacturers of the granite “box” itself. But it is precisely from these inscriptions that the Serapeum is dated!