Egyptian pyramids presentation. Famous places of the world

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Project Ancient Egypt - the country of the sphinxes and pyramids. HYPOTHESIS The ancient pyramids of Egypt contain a great many secrets and mysteries. Until today, scientists assigned the pyramids only the role of sarcophagi of the pharaohs - the rulers of the country and the Egyptian priests. People, neither in former times, nor now, could understand for what purposes and for whom these gigantic temples were erected. Question: Is it possible to unravel the mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids? Objective of the project:

  • Explore the mysteries and mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids.
Project objectives:
  • Why were the pyramids built?
  • Find out how and from what the pyramids were built?
  • What methods of building pyramids were used to create the pyramids?
  • What does the Sphinx symbolize?
  • Find out what riddles they keep in themselves Egyptian pyramids?
First group: Why were the pyramids built? PYRAMIDS - "HOUSES OF ETERNITY"
  • Ancient Egypt explains this by special meaning, which had funeral cults in Ancient Egypt, closely associated with the widely developed cults of dying and resurrecting deities of the nature of the world and Ancient Egypt. Naturally, the king and the slave-owning nobility of Ancient Egypt, who played the main role in these cults, paid special attention to ensuring their posthumous "eternal life", and therefore to the construction of solid tombs. earthly, and a deceased person was just as in need of shelter and food as a living one; the tomb was thought to be the home of the deceased. From this was born the desire in Ancient Egypt to preserve the body of the deceased, or at least the head.
  • So, the tomb in Ancient Egypt - the house of the deceased - was supposed to serve as such a room where the mummy would be completely intact, where the statue of the deceased would be placed and where his relatives could bring everything necessary for his food.
FIRST PYRAMIDS Egyptian pyramids are objects of the world historical and cultural heritage ... Now Egyptologists count 108 pyramids. But surprisingly, the Egyptians were not the first to build the pyramids. The first stepped pyramids, called ziggurats, appeared in ancient Ur and Babylon, around the time (c. 2750 BC), when the Second Dynasty ruled in Egypt. But the "regular" pyramids are a purely Egyptian invention dating back to about 2550 BC, during the reign of the Fourth Dynasty. Second group: How were the pyramids built? HOW WERE THE PYRAMIDS BUILT? The pyramid consists of two million three hundred thousand cubic blocks of limestone with smoothly polished sides. It was calculated that each block weighs an average of 2.5 tons, and the heaviest weighs 15 tons. The total weight of the pyramid is about 5.7 million tons. Its stones are held by their own weight - there is no binding material. Despite this, the blocks are so carefully fitted to one another that the gap between them is no more than five millimeters. Such skillful work of stonecutters is surprising. After all, it was made mainly with stone tools. The architect of this pyramid is also known - Hemuin. Researchers were perplexed by how the ancient builders were able to erect such a grandiose structure, and even not just erect, but give it a geometrically correct pyramid shape. How were the pyramids built? It is now believed that the overwhelming majority of the blocks of the great Egyptian pyramids are made of concrete. Over the centuries, it becomes difficult to distinguish concrete blocks from those cut out of the same rock, as they collapse, erode and take on the appearance of "natural stones". In the 80s. XX century French chemist, professor at the University of Bern, Joseph Davidovich, analyzing the chemical composition of the "monoliths" that make up the pyramids, suggested that "they are made of concrete." Davidovich identified 13 components from which concrete could be prepared. The theory of making blocks for building pyramids as presented by Davidovich looks like this. Workers grinded soft rock with primitive millstones or graters. Then it was dried, poured into baskets and transported to the construction site. Several porters were lifting baskets of powder upstairs. At the top, a wooden formwork was prepared, filled with a powder-mixture. Poured water, stirred the solution. After the block had solidified, the formwork was removed. We went on to the next one. This is how the pyramid grew. Moreover, in the manufacture of giant blocks it was not at all necessary to make them entirely from a solidified liquid solution. Why was the pyramidal shape chosen?
  • The shape of the pyramid has miraculous properties.
  • In particular, it was revealed that not only the shape of the pyramid is important, but also its proportions, as well as the orientation of the pyramid to the cardinal points.
  • As shown by numerous studies, the maximum effects appear in the geometric center of the pyramid and above its apex.
  • Note that in the geometric center of the Great Pyramid ends the Great Gallery - one of the most impressive and carefully executed "details" of the pyramid. Here begins the horizontal passage to the so-called "king's chamber", which is replete with many incomprehensible details: height differences, grooves in the walls, a granite lintel, etc.
  • On the other hand, it was at the top of the Great Pyramid, according to Egyptian mythology, that its most important element, the Ben-Ben stone, was located.
SECRETS OF THE GREAT PYRAMID OF CHEOPS (NUMBER PI) Why did the ancient architects achieve such high accuracy, if this accuracy could not even be noticed with the naked eye? One of the answers to these questions, perhaps, lies in the desire of ancient architects to encode certain fundamental numerical values ​​in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid. And this requires high dimensional accuracy. As a result, for example, the ratio of the length of the base of the pyramid to its height, divided in half, gives the famous number "pi" (the ratio of the circumference to its diameter) with an accuracy of six decimal places! This number is mentioned in the ancient Egyptian Rinda papyrus (kept in the British Museum in London). Perhaps it is deliberately encrypted in the size of the Pyramid of Cheops, and with a more accurate meaning than the great Archimedes, who lived 2000 years later, knew it! This idea inspired enthusiasts to look for other fundamental relationships in the Cheops Pyramid. LENS PYRAMID The American engineer Raymond D. Manners, in an article published in the magazine "Faith" in November 1996, reports that in its original form the Pyramid was distinguished by two features: sparkling surfaces and ... concave in the middle part of the face! The ancient builders covered the Pyramid with a layer of polished limestone 2.5 meters thick! There were 144,000 20 ton sheathing stones. They were so shiny that they could be seen hundreds of kilometers away. In the morning and at noon, the sunlight reflected from this vast, mirrored surface was visible from the moon. SO WHAT IS INSIDE THE GREAT PYRAMID OF CHEOPS? Currently, the main entrance to the Pyramid is the entrance pierced by the Arabs. The real entrance is higher, seventeen meters above the ground and seven meters east of the main north-south axis. The entrance tunnel has a cross-section of 1.04m X 1.19m and is clamped by floor blocks 2.6m thick, 3.6m wide and a floor slab 0.76m thick and 10m long. From the entrance, the tunnel leads to the center of the pyramid, to the rocky base on which it rests, and further into the depths of 105.15 meters. In addition, there is a 45 meter section of the corridor. Then he changes direction to horizontal and walks like this for 8.83 meters. THE PYRAMIDS ARE EQUAL TO THE STARS To be more precise, these stars are Mizar and Kokhab, in the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Today's "northern" star - Polarnaya - in those years did not point at all to the north, and could not serve as a reference point for the Egyptians. It is not known whether the ancient architects really determined the direction to the north by two stars, but there is no argument against the fact that they could do this. We know only one thing for sure: the pyramids were aligned to the north because the Egyptians believed that the dead pharaoh becomes a star in the northern sky. Therefore, it is quite logical to assume that when building pyramids for the dead pharaohs, they looked towards their new abode. years - 75 years more than previously thought. Third group: What does the Sphinx symbolize? GREAT SPHINX The Great Sphinx is a mysterious creature with the body of a lion and a human head, carved out of a solid stone. The length of the Sphinx from the tip of the paws to the tail is 57.3 meters, the height is 20 m. It is believed that the sphinx was cut down during the construction of the pyramid of Khafre, and its face bears the features of this pharaoh. According to one version, the Sphinx in the last century was fired upon from guns by Napoleon's artillerymen. According to another, the Mamelukes, who ruled at one time in Egypt, were fired at the Sphinx. In Egypt, during the period of the Middle and New Kingdoms, the sphinxes were often depicted with the head of a ram or a falcon. However, the Great Sphinx at Giza is the oldest of the Egyptian sphinxes. Apparently, the sphinxes played the role of guardians of sacred places. Myths and legends of the Sphinx
  • This majestic monument is fraught with many secrets and mysteries, for millennia it was enveloped in myths and legends, it was worshiped and feared, it saw the change of eras and civilizations, and only he, the Sphinx of Giza, remained an incorrupt and silent keeper of the secrets of the distant past.
  • 1. He was once considered an eternal god. Then he fell into the trap of oblivion and fell into an enchanted sleep. What secret does this magnificent guard keep? In the myths of the ancient Greeks, the Sphinx is a monster born of Typhon and Echidna, with the face and chest of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird. The Sphinx settled down on a mountain near the city of Thebes and asked everyone who passed a riddle - "Which living creature walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?" childhood, maturity and old age ”. After that, the Sphinx threw herself off the cliff.
  • 2. Another legend tells that this huge predator guards the peace of the pyramids day and night, and with the help of the "third eye" monitors the rotation of the planets, Sirius and the rising of the Sun, feeding on cosmic power. In exchange for this, he should have made sacrifices. 3. Another legend says that a giant statue of a mysterious beast guards the "elixir of immortality." According to legends, the founder of esoteric knowledge, Hermes Trismegistus, possessed the secrets of making a "philosopher's stone" with which metal could be turned into gold. Also, the "philosopher's stone" was the basis for the creation of the "elixir of immortality." According to legends, Trismegistus was the son of an Egyptian god named Thoth, who built the first pyramid on the banks of the Nile and erected the Sphinx next to the pyramid complex in Giza, designed to guard the recipe for the "elixir of immortality" that was hidden in its bowels.
  • 4. Originally in the myths, the Egyptian Sphinx retained the features of a lion with the head of a man. He roamed the roads near Parnassus, devouring passers-by. In the myths of the ancient Greeks, the Sphinx is a monster born of Typhon and Echidna, with the body of a lion, the face and chest of a woman, and the wings of a bird. Having settled down on a mountain near the city of Thebes, the Sphinx asked everyone who passed a riddle - "Which living creature walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?" Those who could not solve the riddle were killed by the Sphinx. Oedipus, "Man in childhood, maturity and old age", was able to give a solution. Then the Sphinx threw herself off the cliff. 5. The Arabs living in this area called the statue Abul Khol, which means “the father of horror”. As established by philologists, the full name of the statue meant "the living image of Khafra." Thus, the Sphinx was the embodiment of King Khafra with symbols of royal power and the body of the king of the desert. Therefore, in the understanding of the ancient Egyptians, the Sphinx in one person represented a god and a lion guarding its pyramid.
  • Many mystical teachings and magicians of all times have tried to find a magical explanation for the purpose of the Sphinx. Here is what the classic of occultism Eliphas Levi wrote in his "History of Magic": "Hermes Trismegistus formulated his symbol, called the Emerald Tablet:" That which is below is similar to that above, and that which is above, is similar to that below, for actions of miracles of one essence ". Light is Isis or the moon, fire is Osiris or the sun; they are the mother and father of the great Tellus, and she is universal substance. Hermes Trismegistus claims that these forces reached their absolute manifestation at the moment when the earth was created. The four manifestations of a single substance were represented by the Sphinx. Its wings corresponded to air, a bull's body to earth, a woman's chest to water, and a lion's paws to fire. This is the secret of the three pyramids guarded by the Sphinx with square bases and triangular faces. By erecting these monuments, Egypt tried to erect the Pillars of Hercules for universal science.
Sensations of the secrets of the Sphinx, discovered during its renovation
  • Time has spared this great monument ancient history, but people treated him much less respectfully. One Egyptian ruler ordered the nose off the Sphinx. At the beginning of the 18th century, the giant's face was fired at from a cannon, and Napoleon's soldiers fired guns in his eyes. The British recaptured the stone beard and took it to the British Museum.
  • Today, the pungent smoke from Cairo factories and car exhaust eats away at stones. In 1988, a huge block weighing 350 kilograms broke off from the Sphinx's neck and fell. The state of disrepair of the sculpture has caused concern for UNESCO. The renovation began, which sparked renewed interest in the mysteries of the Sphinx and the opportunity to re-examine the grandiose sculpture. The discoveries were not long in coming.
  • The first sensation: Japanese archaeologists led by Professor Yoshimura, using special devices, first enlightened the mass of the Cheops pyramid, and then examined the stones of the Sphinx. The conclusion was striking: the stones of the sculpture are older than the blocks of the pyramid.
  • The second sensation: there was a discovery under the left paw of a stone lion of a narrow tunnel leading towards the pyramid of Cheops.
  • The third sensation: traces of erosion were found on the Sphinx, then a large stream of water that moved from north to south. It was not the flood of the Nile, but a biblical catastrophe that occurred about eight to twelve thousand years BC.
  • The fourth sensation: French archaeologists made an interesting remark: the dating of the Egyptian stream coincides with the date of the death of the legendary Atlantis!
  • Fifth sensation: The face of the Sphinx is not the face of Khafra.
  • It is believed that the Sphinx was built by Pharaoh Khafren 4.5 thousand years ago. For more than half of its life, the sphinx was buried under the sand up to its neck. Since it was badly damaged by erosion, the idea arose of the greater antiquity of the sphinx: erosion from water, not from sand and wind. Geological research showed the same. 10 thousand years ago there were lakes in the Sahara. Shock and West presented their findings at the annual conference of the Geological Society of America. A violent debate began between geologists and Egyptologists. The front and sides are more prone to erosion. Whereas the back part is smaller, which means that it was made most likely later. The front is twice as old as the back. How old is the sphinx? At first glance, the face of the Sphinx is absolutely similar to the face of Pharaoh Khafre, which seems to prove the time of its creation. But a detailed analysis of all parameters showed that the face of the sphinx and the face of the pharaoh are not identical. Proportions and shapes do not match. And special studies were done, which proved that the faces on the sculpture of Pharaoh Khafre in the Cairo Museum and the face of the Sphinx are different.
  • The Sphinx has always been considered the keeper of knowledge, the guardian of the portal leading to the world of a higher mind, a symbol of the strength of human nature ... The personification of the unity and balance of the forces of the nature of the earth with the higher forces inhabiting the Universe. Everything came together in the Great Sphinx. An ideal symbol of initiation into eternal life. And the mystery of the origin of the Sphinx goes back to time immemorial. What do we know about those times? Practically nothing, but the legends and myths that have survived to this day pose many questions and, practically, do not give answers to them. However, it can be assumed that in the depths of centuries a highly developed civilization existed on our Earth, and its representatives, possessing a developed science, could foresee the coming catastrophe and try to preserve their knowledge for future generations. One of the ancient legends says: "When the Sphinx speaks, life on Earth will leave its usual circle." But while the sphinx remains silent ...
  • When was it built? When was it renovated? In honor of whom and by whom it was created ... Most likely, there will never be exact answers to these questions ... After all, the deeper the science advances, the more questions arise ...
The fourth group: What mysteries do the Egyptian pyramids keep? ? MYSTERIOUS MINES
  • The famous archaeologist John Kinnaman, before his death in 1961, spoke of an amazing adventure that happened to him in his youth. According to him, in 1924 he visited a previously unknown tunnel under the Cheops pyramid. He stumbled upon the entrance to it quite by accident. The scientist claims that after the tunnel he found himself in a room filled with numerous mechanisms of unknown purpose.
  • In 1945, 20 years after Kinnaman's adventure, the son of the King of Egypt, Prince Farouk, was wandering around the pyramids. By chance he pressed on some kind of slab at the base of the Sphinx. Suddenly, a hidden mechanism worked, and the entrance to the tunnel was opened, which led down to the large rooms. There, according to the prince, were ... robots.
  • And in 1998, between the Sphinx and the Khafre pyramid, 250 meters from the base of the Khufu pyramid, a mysterious mine filled with water was discovered.
  • Archaeologist and surveyor Flinders Petrie, having examined the pyramids, made his own conclusions about the technology of their construction. According to Petri, the ancient craftsmen had tools of a class "which we have only recently re-invented", for example, saws at least 2.5 meters in length, made of bronze, and their cutting edges are equipped with diamonds.
  • Even greater mystery surrounds the treatment of the inner cavity of the sarcophagus. For this, the Egyptians had to "switch from reciprocating cutting to rotary cutting, as if rolling a saw into a pipe." Naturally, none of the Egyptologists managed to find the diamond drills and saws themselves. However, the nature of the surfaces processed by drilling and sawing convinced him of the existence of such tools among the ancient Egyptians.
  • What kind of instrument it was, how they worked with it, how they maintained such a high accuracy - remains a mystery.
  • One strange feature is noticed behind the Egyptian pyramids: they are capable of destructively affecting the most modern and accurate equipment. According to some reports, up to 80% of electronic devices that have visited the pyramids are out of order. Old Cairo people say that during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, three Israeli aircraft, who tried to fly at low level to pass over the pyramids of Giza, one after another, for a completely incomprehensible reason, crashed into the sand. Ordinary Arabs attribute this to the "curse of the pharaohs."
  • French scientist Jacques Bergier built a cardboard model of the Pyramid.
  • Scientists have made sure that perishable foods are preserved for a long time in the Pyramid model.
  • A pendulum suspended over the top of the model tilts to the side or slowly revolves around the top.
  • Plants first gravitate towards the east, then describe a semicircle, moving from south to west.
  • Czech inventor Karel Drabal adapted a similar model for self-sharpening razor blades in 1959, and received a patent for this unusual invention. According to Drabal, he shaved with the same blade, placing it in the model overnight, over two thousand times! It is believed that the pyramidal shape captures cosmic energy.
  • With the help of a computer, it was possible to reconstruct the starry sky above the Great Pyramid in 2500 BC. It turned out that in those days one of the southern corridors of the Pyramid of Cheops was precisely directed to the star Sirius, which the Egyptians identified with the Goddess Isis. Another southern corridor pointed to the lower of the three stars that make up Orion's Belt, a constellation believed to be the home of the god Osiris who brought civilization to the Nile Valley.
  • The use of a computer made it possible to calculate the exact coincidence of the Belt of Orion and the three largest Egyptian pyramids - this moment referred to 10642 - 10546 BC. BC, although all three pyramids were completed around 2500 BC, the plan for the Giza complex was 8000 years earlier! It was passed down from generation to generation until the time when it was possible to combine the inner corridors with the direction to the desired stars !.
  • The complex of pyramids in the language of geometry tells about the mathematical, astronomical and geographical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians - from the number "pi" to the diameter of the globe.
  • Based on the information studied, the students came to the conclusion that the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids have been of interest to scientists since time immemorial. There are many different theories about the origin, construction of the pyramids, their riddles.
  • And at the present stage, many secrets remain unsolved.
Informational resources
  • Art of the countries of the East. - M., 1986
  • Encyclopedia for Children. - M., 2000. Vol. 1
  • Chemist I.A. How to teach global artistic culture... - M., 1994
  • Large Department of World History. General History of Art. http: \\
  • Fine arts: history, styles. ia, styles. http: \\ www /
  • History Of the ancient world... Electronic supplement to the textbook for grade 5 http: \\ www /

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Lyceum No. 21", Pervouralsk

Project on

"Geometric Mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids"


Panov Dmitry

8th grade student


Krotova Irina Leonidovna



Introduction ………………………………………………………………… ... …… 3

Theoretical part

What are the Egyptian pyramids ………………………………………………… 6

Practical part

The presence of mathematics in the Egyptian pyramids …………………………… 9

Geometry in pyramids ……………………………………………… .. …… 12

Conclusion …………………………………………………………… .. …… 15

Materials used …………………………………………………… ..17


Ancient Egypt is known primarily for its stone giants - pyramids that served as the burial place for Egyptian kings and pharaohs. However, not all Egyptian rulers found rest inside the pyramids, and this is not the only mystery of the Egyptian pyramids. And although scientists have been studying the pyramids for more than a century, only recently they managed to lift the veil of secrecy over how the Egyptians built them and why they refused to build them.

Modern history is replete with white spots and this is not surprising, because if modern people knew about the technologies and capabilities of people who lived in the distant past, they would look differently at the "development" of modern society. There is an understanding that in ancient times people knew much more than modern science is trying to show us, and this knowledge was not limited only to the external material world, but led to an understanding of internal, spiritual processes in man. Ancient people possessed a perfect science of man. If we talk about the monumental structures of the past, then many amazing architectural monuments have survived to our time. Among them are stone structures unimaginable in scale.

The oldest Egyptian mathematical texts that have come down to us date back to the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. Mathematics was then used in astronomy, navigation, land surveying, in the construction of houses, dams, canals and military fortifications. The Egyptians wrote on papyrus, which is poorly preserved, and therefore, at present, knowledge about the mathematics of Egypt is significantly less than about the mathematics of Babylon or Greece. It was probably better developed than can be imagined based on the documents that have come down to us. This is indirectly confirmed by the fact that Greek mathematicians learned from the Egyptians.

The Egyptian pyramids evoke curiosity and admiration, and at the same time, they are an intellectual challenge to humanity, demonstrating its powerlessness in solving the mysteries of these ancient structures. The very existence of the Egyptian pyramids, the mystery of their origin and purpose have worried the best minds of mankind for many millennia. Many scientists have devoted their lives to uncovering these secrets, but despite the long history of excavations and research, despite the development of science and technology modern world, humanity is not yet able to answer the huge number of mysteries that are hidden in the Egyptian pyramids. The main questions that have always worried researchers of the pyramids can be reduced to four main points: who, when, how and, most importantly, why built these majestic structures. Starting from the time of Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the 5th century BC, and up to this time, scientists, practically, have not found answers to these questions.

There is no doubt that the main problem on the way to solving the riddle of the Great Pyramids is the complete inconsistency of the actions of various researchers and, as a result, the lack of systematic studies of the issue. Specialists in the history and culture of ancient Egypt confine themselves to the official version, which is not free from obvious contradictions, and refuse to acknowledge the existence of the problem, let alone discuss it with “non-specialists”. Non-specialists in the history and culture of Egypt, but specialists in any other field of knowledge, sin one-sided approaches that do not take into account the complex nature of the problem. The challenging nature of the problem itself attracts people with an artistic mindset, who are ready to put forward fantastic hypotheses and too often and uncritically wishful thinking.

Therefore, the first step is to formulate a set of key circumstances that require satisfactory clarification when developing and considering any hypothesis - this will create certain restrictions on the proposed hypotheses, which will allow us to be more tolerant of them. It is advisable to adhere to Occam's principle and not so much to look for the initial premise from which the existence and purpose of the pyramids can follow, but to make sure that what is observed cannot be explained otherwise than with the help of the proposed idea. Secondly, any hypothesis that can be not only taken into account, but discussed, must contain specific proposals for its verification with the prediction of possible results.

It is both of these circumstances that should constitute the methodological essence of the approach to the study of the problem of the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

The relevance of this topic is that, on the other hand, people remain people: they, as always, try to find answers, each at their own down-to-earth level, based only on the knowledge and experience they are used to relying on. And if there is something more hidden in the secret of the Egyptian pyramids, which scientists, due to the limited knowledge and experience and the dogmatic nature of their thinking, are simply not able to cognize? For example, in the drawings of the Nazca desert, UFOs and crop circles: the elementary narrowness of thinking and conservatism of pundits do not allow them to penetrate the secrets of Being, and therefore they continue to insist on their theories, in which there is no and cannot be a place for another Existence, different from physical. It is reminiscent of walking in a circle, when it seems that the next circle will be the final one. Unfortunately, marking time does not move progress.

Purpose of this work: to study the mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids from the point of view of mathematics.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) Find general information about the Egyptian pyramids

2) Analyze the information found and choose the one that can be consistent with the geometry

3) study this information and draw appropriate conclusions


The Egyptian pyramids are the greatest architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt, including one of the "seven wonders of the world" - the pyramid of Cheops and an honorary candidate for the "new seven wonders of the world" - the Pyramids of Giza. Pyramids are huge pyramidal stone structures that were used as tombs for the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. The word "pyramid" - Greek, means polyhedron. According to some researchers, a large pile of wheat became the prototype of the pyramid. According to other scholars, this word comes from the name of the pyramidal-shaped funeral cake. A total of 118 pyramids were discovered in Egypt.

When mentioning the Egyptian pyramids, as a rule, they mean the Great Pyramids, located at Giza, not far from Cairo. But they are not the only pyramids in Egypt. During the period of the first dynasties, special "houses after life" appear - mastabs - burial buildings consisting of an underground burial chamber and a stone structure above the surface of the earth. The term itself refers already to the Arabian time and is connected with the fact that the shape of these tombs, similar in section to a trapezoid, reminded the Arabs of large benches called "mastaba".

The first pharaohs also built mastabs for themselves. The oldest royal mastabas, dating back to the time of the 1st dynasty, were built from adoba - unbaked bricks from clay or river silt. They were built in Nagadeya Abydos in Upper Egypt, as well as in Sakkara, where the main necropolis of Memphis, the capital of the rulers of the first dynasties, was located. In the above-ground part of these buildings there were chapels and rooms with burial implements, and in the underground - the actual burial chambers.

The purpose of the pyramids was multifunctional. They served not only as tombs of the pharaohs, but were also attributes of the greatness, power and wealth of the country, cultural monuments, repositories of the country's history and information about the life of the pharaoh and the people, a collection of household items.

It is clear that the pyramids had a deep "scientific content" embodied in their shape, size and orientation on the ground. Every detail of the pyramid, every element of the shape was chosen carefully and had to demonstrate the high level of knowledge of the creators of the pyramids. After all, they were built for millennia, "forever". And it is not for nothing that the Arab proverb says: "Everything in the world is afraid of time. Time is afraid of the pyramids."

Among the grandiose pyramids of Egypt, a special place is occupied by the Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops (Khufu). Before proceeding to the analysis of the shape and size of the Cheops pyramid, one should recall what system of measures the Egyptians used. The Egyptians had three units of length: "cubit" (466 mm), equal to seven "palms" (66.5 mm), which, in turn, equal to four "fingers" (16.6 mm).

The pyramids were built about 4.5 thousand years ago. Before the construction of the pyramid, the builders leveled the area where the pyramid was to be erected. The central axis of the pyramid was determined, around which the rock was removed under the blocks, which were the basis for its installation.

Over 800 kilometers from the site of installation, 130 granite blocks were mined, each of which weighs from 12 to 70 tons. These blocks have been delivered. Subsequently, for the construction of the inner chambers, they had to be raised 65 meters and installed.

The lower, middle and upper chambers were built, which are negligible in comparison with the entire huge mass of the monument. A passage 90 meters long and less than a meter wide was built; this passage leading to the lower chamber was punched right into the rock. Precision tools were required to keep the tilt angle of the passage accurate and constant along its entire length. Also, in order to make a tunnel of this length, lighting was required, but no traces of soot were found. So what did the ancient Egyptians use to illuminate and control the angle of immersion?

The pyramid consists of more than 2 million blocks of different shapes and sizes, although, as we know from the experience of modern builders, it is easier to work with blocks of the same size. The average weight of the blocks is 2.5 tons. The accuracy of the overall construction of the pyramid is striking; it meets modern standards. For example, the top chamber is perfectly aligned horizontally and vertically. The block placement accuracy exceeds the standards of modern construction. The error is only half a millimeter. This is amazing accuracy for such an ancient object. This cannot be achieved by modern builders using the most modern equipment. During its history, the pyramid has survived at least three large-scale earthquakes, one of which razed the city of Cairo to the ground in the 13th century. What was the level of knowledge of the builders if everything remained in place inside the pyramid?

The geographic orientation of the pyramid along the planet's magnetic poles was also made with jewelry. It has a deviation of the western edge of 2'30 "and the eastern edge of 5'30" from the true direction to the north, and the northern and southern edges of 2'28 "and 1'57", respectively, from the Equator line.


One of interesting features of this pyramid is that it has not four, but eight faces, because each of the four sides is slightly concave in the middle, which further complicates the construction process.

Let's analyze the dimensions of the Cheops pyramid.

Most researchers agree that the length of the side of the base of the pyramid, for example, GF = 233.16 m. This value corresponds to almost exactly 500 "cubits". Full compliance with 500 "cubits" will be if the length of the "elbow" is considered equal to 0.4663 m. The height of the pyramid (AS) is estimated by researchers differently from 146.6 to 148.2 m. elements. What is the reason for the differences in the estimate of the height of the pyramid? The fact is that, strictly speaking, the Cheops pyramid is truncated. Its upper platform nowadays has a size of about 10 * 10 m, and a century ago it was 6 * 6 m. Obviously, the top of the pyramid was taken apart, and it does not correspond to the original one. When evaluating the height of the pyramid, it is necessary to take into account such a physical factor as the "draft" of the structure. For a long time, under the influence of colossal pressure (reaching 500 tons per 1 m 2 lower surface), the height of the pyramid has decreased compared to the original height. What was the initial height of the pyramid? This height can be recreated by finding the basic "geometric idea" of the pyramid.

In 1837, English Colonel G. Weisz measured the angle of inclination of the pyramid's faces: it turned out to be equal to a = 51 ° 51 ". This value is still recognized by most researchers today. The indicated value of the angle corresponds to the tangent (tg a) equal to 1.27306. This value corresponds to the ratio of the height of the AC pyramid to half of the side of its base CB, that isAC / CB = H / (L / 2) = 2H / L... And here the researchers were in for a big surprise! The point is that iftake the square root of the golden ratiothen we get the following result = 1.272. Comparing this value with the value tan a = 1.27306, we see that these values ​​are very close to each other. If we take the angle a = 51 ° 50 ", that is, reduce it by only one arc minute, then the value of a will become equal to 1.272, that is, it will coincide with the valueWHAT???.It should be noted that in 1840 G. Weis repeated his measurements and specified that the value of the angle a = 51 ° 50 ". These measurements led the researchers to the following very interesting hypothesis: the basis of the triangle ACB of the Cheops pyramid was the ratio AC / CB = 1.272!

Consider now a right-angled triangle ABC, in which the ratio of the legsAC / CB = rootZ... If now the lengths of the sidesrectangleABC denote by x, y, z, and also take into account that the ratio y / x = rootz, then in accordance with the Pythagorean theorem, the length z can be calculated by the formula:z= root of the sumxsquared andysquared. Let us now deduce some other relations for the Cheops pyramid arising from the "golden" hypothesis. In particular, we find the relationouter areapyramids to the area of ​​its base. To do this, we take the length of the leg CB as one, that is: CB = 1. But then the length of the side of the base of the pyramid is GF = 2,and the base area of ​​EFGH will be equal to SEFGH = 4.

Let us now calculate the area of ​​the lateral face of the Cheops pyramid SD.Insofar asthe height AB of the triangle AEF is equal to t, then the area of ​​the side face will be SD = t. Then the total area of ​​all four side faces of the pyramid will be equal to 4t, and the ratio of the total external area of ​​the pyramid to the area of ​​the base will beequal to the golden ratio! This is the main geometrical secret of the Cheops pyramid!

Analysis of other Egyptian pyramids shows that the Egyptians always sought to embody some important mathematical knowledge in their pyramids. In this respect, the Khafre pyramid is very interesting. Measurements of the pyramid showed that the angle of inclination of the side faces in it is 53 ° 12 ", which corresponds to the ratio of the legs of a right-angled triangle 4: 3. This ratio of legs corresponds to the well-known right-angled triangle with sides 3: 4: 5, which is called" perfect "," the sacred "or" Egyptian "triangle. According to historians, the" Egyptian "triangle was given a magical meaning. Plutarch wrote that the Egyptians compared the nature of the Universe with the" sacred "triangle; they symbolically likened the vertical leg to the husband, the base to the wife, and the hypotenuse to the one what is born of both.

For a triangle 3: 4: 5, the equality is true: 3 squared + 4 squared = 5 squared, which expresses the Pythagorean theorem. Was it not this theorem that the Egyptian priests wanted to perpetuate by erecting a pyramid on the basis of the triangle 3: 4: 5? It is difficult to find a better example to illustrate the Pythagorean theorem, which was known to the Egyptians long before its discovery by Pythagoras.

Thus, the ingenious creators of the Egyptian pyramids sought to amaze distant descendants with the depth of their knowledge, and they achieved this by choosing the “golden” right triangle for the Cheops pyramid, and “sacred” or “Egyptian” for the Khephren pyramid triangle.


Let's look at the Cheops pyramid again. But we will only act not according to algebraic formulas, but from the point of view of geometry.

Many Egyptologists and researchers of the Cheops pyramid suggest that the builders of ancient Egypt knew the numerical value of the golden ratio and the number "pi". And also Egyptologists suggest that these golden numbers were key in the architectural design of the Egyptian pyramids, but in reality, knowledge of these numbers is not necessary, since for the construction of the pyramids it is enough to know the proportions of the heptagon and use the ratios of the lines that exist in the geometric figure of the heptagon.

The AEK triangle in the figure is an approximate silhouette of the side faces of the Cheops pyramid.

The shown silhouette of the side faces is approximate, since the angle of the heptagon ESA with the apex at point K has a value of 360/7 = 51.429 degrees (51 degrees 25.71 minutes), and the real angle of inclination of the faces of the Cheops pyramid is 51 degrees 50 minutes.

The builders of the Cheops pyramid compensated for the existing difference by adding the human height AX to the height of the AEK triangle. That is, the builders conditionally placed a human figure on the top of the pyramid, and as a result, they received 51 degrees 50 minutes as the value of the angle EKX with the apex at point K. Namely, if the height of the EKX triangle has a value of 318 cubits, then the height of the EKA triangle is approximately 314 cubits, and the value human height approximately 4 cubits. Egyptian builders increased the correct angle of the heptagon, as if there was a man at the top of the Cheops pyramid, and as a result, the number of the golden ratio was encrypted in the ratios of the EK / KX lines and the proportions of the human body were laid in the general geometry of the future pyramidal structure, which was the idea of ​​the architectural project of the future pyramid ... In essence, the builders and creators of the architectural plan of the great pyramid of Cheops inscribed a double heptagonal or, in other words, diheptagonal network of lines in a living circle, in which the magnitude of the vertical diameter differed from the horizontal diameter by the relative magnitude of human growth.

The diheptagonal network of lines is inscribed in the space of a living circle, which has a ratio of vertical and horizontal diameters of approximately 15/14, which corresponds to the ratio of the proportions of the male and female bodies. The blue outline indicates the approximate silhouette of the side faces of the pyramid, and the white outline indicates the approximate silhouette of the diagonal edges.

Angle DLA with apex at point L has a value of 40 degrees 59 minutes and corresponds to the slope of the diagonal edges of the Cheops pyramid.

The angles DLA (inclination of the diagonal edges) and EKA (inclination of the side faces) with the vertices at the points L and K differ from the angular values ​​of the correct diheptagon by the relative magnitude of human height, since the diheptagon in the design of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops is inscribed in the space of a living circle, which is transformed in accordance with with the growth of a person. Namely, it is transformed in accordance with the height of the human body, which has the size of 4 Egyptian cubits and is conventionally located at the top of the pyramid.


The Pyramid of Cheops

One of the largest pyramids in the world. Built by Pharaoh Khufu, the second pharaoh of the fourth dynasty, whose Greek name was Cheops. Its height reached 146.6 m, and the size of the base - 230 m. The pyramid consists of blocks of limestone, granite and basalt. Inside it there are 3 burial chambers, which are designed one above the other. The entrance to the pyramid is located at a height of 15 meters on the north side, but tourists enter it through a gap made by the Caliph Abu Jafar al-Ma'mun in order to search for untold treasures.

Pyramid of Khafre (or Khafre)

The second largest pyramid of Ancient Egypt, next to which there is a sculpture of the world famous Great Sphinx - a formidable lion with a human head. Its height reached 143.5 m, however, in contrast to the Khufu pyramid, its interior space is more modest. There are two chambers and two crossing passages here. There is also a burial chamber located under its base.

Pink pyramid

One of the largest pyramids in Dahshur and the third largest in Egypt after the two pyramids of Giza. It got its name from the color of the stone blocks, which acquire a pink hue in the rays of the setting sun. In addition, this structure is considered the first successful attempt to build an isosceles regular pyramid.

The final pyramid in the ensemble of the grandiose structures of Giza. It is located 200 m from the Khafre pyramid, but it is much smaller in size than its predecessors - only 66.5 m in height. Inside it, two small chambers were also found, but there are no traces of burial. The pyramid has 3 companions surrounded by a common fence.


In the work done, I learned and got acquainted with some of the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids. I coordinated them with mathematics and carried out several problems. I also found and got acquainted with information about the greatness and characteristics of each Egyptian pyramids.

The art of Ancient Egypt is a reflection of concrete, real reality at different stages of its historical development. The ancient Egyptians considered earthly life to be just a brief episode of eternal existence. That is why they used not very strong materials for the construction of houses, residences of nobles and royal palaces. It looked differently with the construction of dwellings for the immortal soul of the pharaoh and the nobility, which, like the temples of the gods, were built of stone. The monuments that have survived to this day testify to the strength of these buildings. Egyptian pyramids at Giza, the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. The largest of them - the pyramids of Cheops, Khephren and Mikerin in ancient times were considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The erection of the pyramid, in which the Greeks and Romans already saw a monument to the unprecedented pride of kings and cruelty that doomed the entire people of Egypt to senseless construction, according to scientists, was the most important cult act and was supposed to express, apparently, the mystical identity of the country and its ruler. The population of the country worked on the construction of the tomb in the part of the year free from agricultural work. A number of texts testify to the attention and care that the kings themselves (albeit of a later time) devoted to the construction of their tomb and its builders. From ancient times to the present day, many have studied the pyramids, since the builders of the pyramids left us no explanation on this matter. The first among such seekers was the indefatigable Greek traveler and historian Herodotus, who in the middle of the 5th century. BC NS. visited Egypt and suggested that the pyramids were built using wooden machines that lifted blocks from ledge to ledge. What these cars looked like was unknown, apparently, to himself. The very process of their construction remains a mystery to this day - even with modern technology, creating something similar is a difficult task. But the Egyptians did not have any cranes or powerful dump trucks. They did not have not only steel cables, but also the simplest iron tools. But they literally raised mountains of stone and laid these monoliths with amazing precision. And yet the greatest interest is caused by the reason for the appearance of such structures, which no one had created before the Egyptians. Why was it necessary to build them so large and at the same time calculate all the proportions with such amazing accuracy? This remains unclear.

Encyclopedia "Wonders of the World" VV Kiselev, SV Andreeva. UDC 087.5 BBK 9 Ch-81

Encyclopedia "I know everything" ZV Nikolaevich MFR 98-B

Martin Gardner. Mathematical miracles and secrets - Moscow: Nauka, 1978.128 p.

Explanatory dictionary

Letnevskaya secondary school

Research project

"Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids"

Completed by students of the 5th grade:

Votchinov Vladimir

Chagovskaya Maria

Khapugin Danila

Checked: Vasyutina. E.A

1.Introduction 3-4

2. Main part

2.1. Egyptian pyramids 5-7

2.2. The mysterious properties of the pyramid 8

2.3. Pyramid value 9-10

3. Conclusion 11

References 12

1. Introduction

Ancient Egypt ... The land of sands and priceless treasures. This civilization attracts many generations of people, attracts with its power, the wealth of the pharaohs, the secrets of the pyramids.

When we began to study the topic "Ancient Egypt" in the lessons of the history of the ancient world, we realized that the Egyptian pyramids are a real wonder of the world, huge messengers from the past, over which time has no power. Their history is full of mysteries, so we decided to try to figure it out on our own.

We started working on the project by dividing into study groups and choosing project topics. The group working on the project "Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids" includes: Khapugin Danil, Chagovskaya Masha, Votchinov Vladimir. The guys and I distributed the problematic issues among ourselves, determined the work plan and deadlines. Each of us has done a great job of searching, collecting and analyzing information and creating the final product of the project - a layout and drawings on the topic.

The layout of the project was made by Masha Chagovskaya, Danila Khapugin and Vladimir Votchinov prepared the drawings.

The theme of the project we have chosen is relevant, since millions of people around the world are interested and ask questions regarding the Egyptian pyramids. In addition, by realizing the true meaning of the pyramids, we will be able to understand one of the first civilizations on Earth.

Project goal: to study the history of the pyramids and provide information to the children in order to interest them in such a subject as history.

1. Learn what pyramids are

2. Study the properties of the pyramid

3. Reveal the significance of the pyramid for history

Hypothesis: if you study the history of the Egyptian pyramids, then you can understand Ancient Egypt - as a world civilization within the framework of world history.

The ancient pyramids of Egypt contain a great many secrets and mysteries. Until today, scientists assigned the pyramids only the role of sarcophagi of the pharaohs - the rulers of the country and the Egyptian priests. People, neither in former times, nor now, could understand for what purposes and for whom these gigantic temples were erected.

The subject of our research is the history of the ancient world.

Research methods:

1. Analysis of literature and sources

2. Comparison scientific facts

3. Processing of results

The product of the project is the layout of the pyramids and the children’s drawings.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Definition of the topic, clarification of the goal and objectives

2. Development of an activity plan

3. Search and collection of information

4. Execution of the project

5. Presentation of projects at the conference

6. Summing up, analysis, evaluation

2.1. Egyptian pyramids

The Egyptian pyramids are objects of the world historical and cultural heritage.

The pyramids are rightfully considered the hallmark of Egypt. The pyramids and the Sphinx are among the most characteristic monumental monuments of Ancient Egypt.

The pyramids were a classic type of royal tomb in the era of the Old Kingdom, and were also erected for the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom. Archaeologists have counted 80 pyramids. Not all of them have survived to this day.

At Giza, three Great Pyramids were built, positioned exactly in line with the three stars in Orion's Belt. The Egyptians believed that this constellation is the harbinger of a great event - the summer solstice. In other words, the appearance of Orion in the sky was a sign of the beginning of the rebirth of nature, the rebirth of Egypt.

The most famous are the three large pyramids: the pyramids of Pharaoh Cheops, his son Khafre and his grandson Mekerin. The first was built the largest of them - this is the pyramid of Cheops. Initially, it rose by 147 m, but due to the onset of sands, its height decreased to 137 m. The Pyramid of Cheops is almost solid masonry.

The pyramid consists of two million three hundred thousand cubic blocks of limestone with smoothly polished sides. It was calculated that each block weighs mainly 2.5 tons, and the heaviest one weighs 15 tons. The total weight of the pyramid is about 5.7 million tons. Its stones are held by their own weight - there is no binding material. Despite this, the blocks are so carefully fitted to one another that the gap between them is no more than five millimeters.

How were the pyramids built?

It is now believed that the overwhelming majority of the blocks of the great Egyptian pyramids are made of concrete. Over the centuries, it becomes difficult to distinguish concrete blocks from those cut out of the same rock, as they collapse, erode and take on the appearance of "natural stones".

In the 80s. XX century French chemist, professor at the University of Bern, Joseph Davidovich, analyzing the chemical composition of the "monoliths" that make up the pyramids, suggested that "they are made of concrete." Davidovich identified 13 components from which concrete could be prepared. The theory of making blocks for building pyramids as presented by Davidovich looks like this. Workers grinded soft rock with primitive millstones or graters. Then it was dried, poured into baskets and transported to the construction site. Several porters were lifting baskets of powder upstairs. At the top, a wooden formwork was prepared, filled with a powder-mixture. Poured water, stirred the solution. After the block had solidified, the formwork was removed. We went on to the next one. This is how the pyramid grew. Moreover, in the manufacture of giant blocks it was not at all necessary to make them entirely from a solidified liquid solution.

2.2. The mysterious properties of the pyramid

The shape of the pyramid has miraculous properties. In particular, it was revealed that not only the shape of the pyramid is important, but also its proportions, as well as the orientation of the pyramid to the cardinal points. As shown by numerous studies, the maximum effects appear in the geometric center of the pyramid and above its apex.

Note that in the geometric center of the Great Pyramid ends the Great Gallery - one of the most impressive and carefully executed "details" of the pyramid. Here also begins a horizontal passage to the so-called "king's chamber", replete with many incomprehensible details: height differences, grooves in the walls, a granite lintel. On the other hand, it was at the top of the Great Pyramid, according to Egyptian mythology, that its most important element, the Ben-Ben stone, was located.

There are scientific hypotheses that if you build a pyramid in a certain ratio of its elements, it will have unique properties.

2.3. The meaning of the pyramid

Pyramids - "Houses of Eternity". In 1922-1923. the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was opened, it was not plundered. The king died when he was 18 years old. The storerooms were filled with various things of the pharaoh. The entrance was guarded by statues of the pharaoh, the wall was lined with gold, the sarcophagus occupied almost the entire room.

According to legend, the tombs of these pharaohs were ravaged by their people. The inhabitants were tired of exhausting labor and plundered the burials themselves. Many papyri tell us about various uprisings of artisans, peasants, stonecutters. They destroyed rich estates and temples.

The pyramids are a tomb for the pharaoh only. Even the richest nobleman could not build such a tomb for himself. Their tombs were usually erected near the pyramids. The nobles wanted to be closer to the king after death.

Inside the pyramid there is a burial chamber, to which passages lead from different sides. The walls of the aisles were usually painted with religious texts.

3. Conclusion

Egyptian pyramids - the most ancient building structures have occupied their places of honor for more than one century and glorify the talent of their creators, thanks to whom they managed to make eternal monuments.

Through our research, we have studied historical monuments Ancient Egypt - pyramids.

Amazing things were created in Egypt, and the greatness of the pyramids and their mysteries and mysteries arouse genuine interest and desire to continue the study of ancient history.

In our opinion, we managed to achieve the goal of the project - we got the guys interested in our project. We studied the literature and sources, realized how majestic these structures are - this is a memory of the great work of the people of Ancient Egypt, the first of the civilizations on Earth.

This is an architectural monument, a great engineering art.

The pyramids are oriented to the cardinal points, which testifies to the deep knowledge of the Egyptians and their belief in the afterlife. The priests guarded knowledge from mere mortals so that the secrets of the gods would not be known.

A certain Arab writer said that everyone on earth is afraid of time, but time is afraid of pyramids.


2. History of the Ancient World: a textbook for grade 5. A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitskaya. - M., Education. - 2000

3. Encyclopedia for children. T.7. Art. Part 1 / Aksenova., M. - 1998

Danilichev Yakov

Try to fully consider the results of the modern research of the pyramids available today, tell about the different points of view of scientists on the purpose of the pyramids and the peculiarities of their construction




(143000, Moscow region, Odintsovo, Vokzalnaya st., 35a)

tel. 8494591079


World around us

"Secrets of the Pyramids"



Danilichev Yakov Kirillovich, grade 3

Moscow region,

G. Odintsovo, Vokzalnaya st.,

D. 37, apt 3


Illarionova Olga Alexandrovna,

Primary school teacher

Odintsovo Secondary School No. 8



  1. Introduction ____________________________________________3
  2. Great monuments of history .____________________________ 5
  3. Riddles of the pyramids .______________________________________ 6
  4. Theories and hypotheses of the origin and purpose of the pyramids .___ 8
  5. Conclusion .__________________________________________ 10
  6. List of used literature ._______________________ 11



This work is a theoretical study. Its significance lies in the dissemination of more extensive information on the Egyptian pyramids. It is known that this topic is of great interest, especially among the younger generation, in connection with the riddles, secrets and all kinds of inexplicable facts that surround it. Perhaps the indications of the research results and conclusions proposed in the work will be useful in this direction.

What are Egyptian pyramids? What are these unique structures ancient civilization, one of the seven wonders of the world, remaining the last and as if not subject to time? “Everything is afraid of time, but time is afraid of pyramids,” - this is how an Arab proverb says about this greatest architectural monument.

Most people will easily answer this question. Moreover, even a child knows the answer. The image of powerful triangular structures against the background of the hot blue Egyptian sky has become too famous - a picture familiar to everyone. Many have seen them with their own eyes, and more than once, while vacationing in Egypt, and even took pictures against their spectacular background. So, the pyramids are the grandiose tombs of the Egyptian kings, who amazed the people of antiquity with their power and were called to immortalize the name of the pharaoh. (1)

This definition has existed since they began to study the pyramids, but it must be said that now, in the 21st century, more versions of the origin and purpose of the pyramids have appeared. The fact is that the topic of the Egyptian pyramids, all surrounded by secrets and riddles, has not been closed in the scientific community until now. Despite the fact that, since the end of the 19th century, an uncountable amount of research has been carried out, it must be said that each in-depth study, instead of solving an incomprehensible question, only left an even greater number of mysteries. The more perfect the research methods became, the more modern devices were used in their course, the more new questions arose before the scientific world. Gradually, new and new versions of what the pyramids are, how and by whom they were built, and most importantly, for what purpose, were born. Therefore, it seems to me that in order to create the most complete picture, it is necessary to consider all these new theories and try to draw a conclusion from all this.

Target of this work - to show that the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids could be much more versatile than it is generally believed that their construction, which was associated with incredible human efforts and a construction scale, still amazing the imagination, had to pursue more specific and important goals, rather than just creating unique royal tombs.

I will try to show that the pyramids served not only as grandiose burial grounds for the pharaohs, but could have been created for other mysterious and no less grandiose purposes.

Tasks work - to try to fully consider the results of the current research of the pyramids available today, to tell about the different points of view of scientists on the purpose of the pyramids and the peculiarities of their construction. As a result, I hope, it will be possible to draw a conclusion, to some extent, revealing the riddle of these mysterious structures.


Everything secret sooner or later becomes apparent.

Chapter 1. Great monuments of history.

Long gone are the days of ancient civilizations, since then there have been many questions and secrets that interest both the most diverse scientists and the most ordinary people. One of these secrets, which still remains a mystery, is the one held by the Egyptian pyramids.

Pyramids are huge structures made of giant stone blocks that are pyramidal in shape. The word “pyramid” is translated from Greek as “polyhedron.” (8) The very first pyramid - the pyramid of Djoser - is stepped, reminiscent of several mastabas of decreasing size, stacked on top of each other. "Mastabs" are burial buildings that consisted of an underground burial chamber and a stone structure above the surface of the earth. The mastabs were the forerunners of the pyramids. According to legend, this pyramid was designed by the great legendary scientist and architect - Imhotep. And the most famous were three pyramids in Giza: the pharaohs Cheops, Khafren and Mikerin. In contrast to the stepped pyramids, Djoser have a strict geometric pyramid shape, their faces are precisely oriented to the cardinal points. The largest of them is the Cheops pyramid. It was built from polished slabs of white limestone that gleamed in the sun, and this glitter could be seen from tens of kilometers away.

The first attempts at a serious study of the pyramids were made by scientists at the beginning of the 19th century. Since then, dozens of expeditions have been equipped, a huge amount of research has been carried out, new research methods have been invented, as well as technical and electronic devices for their implementation, scientific works have been written, books have been published, programs have been released, but instead of solving mysteries, Egyptologists and researchers have only increased the number of riddles ...

Chapter 2. Mysteries of the pyramids.

Firstly, these are the riddles associated with the process and technology of building the pyramids. During the expeditions and archaeological research, no descriptions or drawings related to the construction of the pyramids were found. Assumptions about the course and technologies of building the pyramids were made on the basis of existing knowledge about the building technologies of ancient civilizations. It was assumed: the approximate number of workers - hundreds of thousands of people; ways of transporting stone blocks - along the Nile during the flood period, when the water surface area significantly increased and lengthened, allowing transportation to the maximum distance; as well as possible types of tools, devices and mechanisms. However, in all these issues there are a lot of stretching and unsupported assumptions: for example, it is known that the Egyptians did not know iron, bronze, alloys, used only stone and copper tools, primitive plumb lines, levels, triangles and other measuring instruments. But at the same time, the two most difficult problems are the ideal leveling of the base under the building and the observance of the angle of inclination of the cornerstones so that the edges merge into high altitude, - performed at the highest and most accurate mathematical level. It is simply impossible to carry out this task with such an imperfect assortment of instruments at hand. The transportation and, to an even greater extent, the lifting and installation of stone blocks with jewelry precision looks just as impossible, despite the fact that the builders did not have any cranes or other modern construction mechanisms. (7)

Secondly, the generally accepted point of view on the purpose of the pyramids - the fact that they are just grandiose tombs for the pharaohs, does not explain the fact that the body of the pharaoh was not found in any pyramid, as well as the fact that in addition to the so-called burial chamber in the pyramids , as a result of modern research, a large number of different empty, incomprehensible premises, corridors ending in dead ends, underground chambers, etc. have been found.

And, thirdly, there are features of the pyramids that go far beyond the level of development of civilization at that time and the theory of the funeral purpose of these structures.

Mathematical: in the geometric structure of the pyramids, the principle of the "golden ratio", the number "pi" and various other features from the field of trigonometry and higher mathematics are laid.

Astronomical: high-precision astronomical orientation of the pyramids to the cardinal points; they have moves oriented strictly to certain stars.

Geological: in addition to local material, granite (presumably brought from an area located 900 km upstream of the Nile) and basalt of unknown origin were used in the construction.

Technological: during construction, slabs weighing more than 200 tons were repeatedly used, as well as millions of limestone blocks weighing 2.5 tons; methods of grinding with unknown tools were used, the accuracy and cleanliness of the drilled holes does not correspond even to modern construction drills and drills, etc. (4)

Chapter 3. Theories and hypotheses of the origin and purpose of the pyramids.

If we try to generalize all existing ones to this moment assumptions, then we can talk about the existence of such theories:

  1. The pyramids are the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, which were built during their lifetime for the future solemn burial. In a number of rooms of the investigated pyramids, they found valuable things, gold jewelry, vessels associated by scientists with the funeral process. Well, and most importantly, sarcophagi were found there - majestic tombs. Funeral buildings were located near some of the pyramids - funeral temples and others.

2. Pyramids - structures of unknown purpose, built long before the existence of Egyptian civilization by an unknown and powerful pracivilization. The Egyptians only restored and completed them. This is evidenced by the striking difference in the quality of the lower tiers of the pyramids, dug out of the ground, from the upper ones, which, upon professional analysis, look like a later superstructure. And also the lack of archaeological finds of any tools that could produce such high-quality construction operations, and construction drawings. All information about the construction of the pyramids, including the testimony of ancient historians (Herodotus), are only assumptions or stories written down from someone's words. Some scientists call the ancient Atlantis as a pracivilization - the disappeared great civilization, which took with it a lot of hitherto unknown secret knowledge. The famous soothsayer Nostradamus wrote that the Egyptian pyramids were built by the inhabitants of Atlantis - the Atlanteans. (5)

  1. Pyramids are technical structures that served as a kind of power plants for the ancients. Modern alternative historians hypothesize the purpose of the pyramids for the accumulation and transformation of energy. They argue that electricity was known to the ancient Egyptians, they used it to cut stone slabs with circular saws in the construction of temples and pyramids. This is confirmed by strange drawings found in some temples and pyramids, interpreted as an image of electricity. Sources of energy were allegedly found by ancient scientists in the bowels of the planet. Scientific confirmation of this is that pyramids, due to their shape, are amplifiers of seismic noise. (6)
  1. Pyramids are structures built to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations. Another hypothesis of modern alternative science is based on the revealed patterns of the structure of various pyramids: a lot of different astronomical features are embedded in their structure. Some find the reasons for this to be to establish a connection with space for unknown needs.

Conclusion .

Thus, as can be seen from everything considered, it turns out that one really cannot be limited to the officially existing theory of the origin and purpose of the pyramids, since too many facts do not fit into it, and modern research, still continuing with the use of the latest electronic technologies, add to them still new.

So, in this work, an attempt was made to prove the broader purpose of the Egyptian pyramids, to show that they were created not only for the burial of pharaohs.

I think that as a result of the work that introduced us to the most important questions regarding the pyramids, one can put forward the assumption: the pyramids are ancient structures built long before the Egyptian civilization by an unknown civilization, restored, completed and used by the ancient Egyptians for their own purposes. These goals include, among other things, the use of the pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs. But they are not limited to this purpose alone. It is possible that the pyramids were also intended for various other purposes - for example, for storing treasures, astronomical calculations, storing secret information (which explains the fact that the chambers and rooms in them were walled up). However, it is not yet possible to say exactly what for. This conclusion is based on the first two theories given in the work, the third and fourth, belonging to alternative science, fall away as too implausible.


  1. Antonova L.V. Amazing archeology. M., 2008.
  2. Zamarovsky V. Their Majesties Pyramids. M., 1986.
  3. Kink H.A. How the Egyptian pyramids were built. M., 1967.
  4. Lauer J.-F. Mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids. M., 1966.

5. Forward to the past. Objective history of mankind.

6. Ancient pyramids were giant power plants?

7. Egyptian pyramids, secrets.

8. Egyptian pyramids.

Passport of the "Secrets of the Pyramids" project.

Project training topic:"Pyramid".

supervisor: Illarionova Olga Alexandrovna

Place of work: MBOU Secondary School No. 8. Odintsovo, Moscow Region

Contact Information: phone 89652559384;

e-mail: [email protected]


Formation of skills in collecting and processing information, materials, independence in the choice of forms and methods of information retrieval;

Developing a positive attitude towards work;

Fostering a culture of communication;

Formation of the ability to present materials obtained in the course of research.


Formation of cognitive activity of students, broadening of horizons

Formation of competence in the field of independentcognitive activities , skills with a large amount of information, the ability to see the problem and outline ways to solve it.

Form students' ideas about the pyramid as a geometric body that stores secrets and riddles.

Expected results:description of the training project and materials for it; multimedia presentations, publications, materials in support of independent research, prepared in a text editor, in spreadsheets; list of resources.

Fundamental question:Pyramidology - an idle interest or a necessity?

Problematic questions of the educational topic:

2. What connection can exist between the pyramids of the Earth?

3. The influence of the pyramids - myth or reality?

4. What secrets and riddles do the pyramids keep?

Relevance of the topic:

The pyramid as a geometric shape is perhaps one of the most perfect in nature. Matter, trying to preserve itself in the eternal struggle with time, is looking for the safest, most stable, energetically comfortable forms. The pyramid is a genius find of nature, the space in it curled up in a special way, creating a unique energy structure.

Many archaeologists, scientists, mathematicians studied the pyramids, and each of them discovered new properties of these structures. To this day, there are still many mysteries associated with the pyramids. Future generations of scientists and researchers still have to solve them. All this aroused great interest among the students and prompted them to a deeper study of the properties of the pyramids, both from a mathematical point of view and from other points of view (historical, geographical, in everyday life).

Brief annotation of the project:

This project was developed within the framework of the educational theme "Pyramid". Within the framework of the project, students study the pyramid as a geometric body, find a mathematical basis for the geometric secrets of the pyramid; learn about the location of the pyramids and pyramidal structures on Earth and their relationship with each other; find out the reasons why the pyramid is recognized as one of the perfect forms; specify the possibilities of using the pyramidal shape in the modern world.

Age of students for whom the project is designed: Grade 3, 10 years old.

Time to complete the project: 2 months

Software and hardware required for the project:

multimedia programs, multimedia encyclopedias, image processing programs, web browser, packageMicrosoft Office: Word processor, XL Spreadsheet, Publisher Website and Publishing Wizard.

Stages of project implementation:


Student activity

Teacher activity

Organizational and preparatory

Discussion of the topic of the project, its goals and objectives; development of a plan for the implementation of the idea;

Presentation of a problematic situation using multimedia; formation of motivation, consulting on the choice of the topic and genre of the project; assistance in the selection of the necessary materials, determination of only the general direction and main guidelines of the search; determination of criteria for assessing student performance at all stages


Collection, analysis and systematization of the necessary information; discussion of it; putting forward and testing hypotheses; design of the layout or model of the project; self-control.

Regular consultations on the content of the project, assistance in organizing and summarizing materials, individual consultations on the rules for designing a project, stimulating the mental activity of the student, tracking the participant's activities, evaluating intermediate results, monitoring joint activities.

The final

Registration of a package of documents for the project; preparation of oral presentation and defense of the content of the project; reflection: putting forward, predicting new problems arising from the results obtained

Assistance in the development of a report on the work, preparation of the speaker for oral defense, practicing the ability to answer questions from opponents and listeners, acting as an expert in defense of the project, participating in the analysis of the work done, evaluating the contribution of each of the performers

Registration of project results:description of the educational project in the form of a multimedia presentation.


for project work

student of grade 3

Odintsovo secondary school №8

Danilicheva Yakov

On the topic: "Secrets of the Pyramids"

The work is made in the form of an abstract containing encyclopedic knowledge on the topic "Secrets of the Pyramids"


The pyramids contain a huge amount of secrets and mysteries. Neither in former times, nor in our days, people could not understand for whom and for what these huge temples were erected, and what the silent emptiness of the vast halls meant. Even today, from the standpoint of a technically developed society, it is very difficult to give a logical explanation of how it was possible to create them without modern mechanisms. For more than a century, mankind has been trying to solve the riddle of the pyramids. This determines the relevance of the selected topic.

Advantages of the work:

  1. The work contains scientific information, is competently composed, deserves the attention of the jury of the competition ..
  2. Designed for children of primary school age.

The practical significance lies in the fact that this material can be used as additional material in extracurricular activities dedicated to the outside world.

2014-2015 academic year.

We have developed a research plan 1. To get acquainted with the theories about the construction of the pyramid, which are highlighted in ancient sources and literature. 2. Determine the size of the pyramid. 3. Analyze the methods of building the pyramid. 4. Make your own conclusions based on the opinion of experts about how the pyramids were most likely built.

Version 1: Wooden machines According to Herodotus, who was the first to describe in detail the pyramids of Giza, Herodotus was simultaneously engaged in the construction of the pyramid of Cheops. The construction took 20 years.

Having considered all the proposed versions, we made a comparison. Wooden Machines Inside Out Kites Bundle Behind: A huge number of people are simultaneously involved in construction. Pros: "Strange" cavities under the masonry. Pros: Huge heights could be easily overcome without ground lifting devices. PROS: construction of a stone "serpentine" along the outer perimeter of the Great Pyramid. Against: Herodotus lived in the 5th century BC and was not contemporary with the construction of the pyramids. Staggered construction Cons: Would need accurate calculations. Cons: Too gigantic weight of the blocks, against a light snake. Lack of lifting. Cons: such a road will inevitably interfere with calculations and measurements carried out during construction. Conclusions: Great pyramid Cheops was most likely built with an embankment, although this could in many ways interfere with the accuracy of the calculations for the architects. According to our assumptions, the ancient architects and builders could compensate for these difficulties with their remarkable skill.