In the pyramid of Heops. Hope's Pyramid Interesting Facts

This time I would like to tell about the most majestic about the pyramid of Heops. The Pyramid of Cheops(also known as the pyramid of Hufu) - is . And one of the largest Egyptian pyramids. The architect of the Great Pyramid is Chemiow, Vizier and the nephew of Heops. He also wore the title "Managing all the construction plants of Pharaoh." For more than three thousand years, the pyramid was the highest building on Earth.

Interesting fact number 2.

It is assumed that the construction lasting twenty years ended at about 2540 to N. E in Egypt is officially installed and the date began to start the construction of the Pyramid of Heops - August 23, 2470 BC. e.

Interesting fact number 3.

However, there are other assumptions. Thus, the Arabic historian Ibrahim-Ben Ibn Vassuff Shah believed that the Pyramids of Giza were erected by the ancillary king named Saurid. Abu Zadeh El Bahi writes about some inscription, which says that the Great Pyramid of Heops was built about 73,000 years ago. Ibn Batuta argued (and not only) that the pyramids built Hermes Tristmegist, etc. It is very interesting to the hypothesis of the Russian scientist Sergey Proskuryakova, who believes that the pyramids were built by aliens from Sirius and that the architect Hemoon himself was from Sirius. Vladimir Babanin also believes that the pyramids were built by aliens from Sirius, and possibly with the DIA Constellation of the Swan in the time immemorial times, but during Heops, the pyramids were renovated. Some believe that the pyramids raised the Atlanta

Interesting fact number 4.

It logically looks like that in any case the pyramids were erected after a pole displacement occurred on Earth, otherwise it would be impossible to orient pyramids with such incredible accuracy, which they are located today.

Interesting fact number 5.

Initially, the height pyramid height was 146.6 meters. But time ruthlessly dissolved 7 meters and 85 centimeters is a majestic design. Uncomplicated calculations will be shown that now the pyramid has a height of 138 meters and 75 centimeters.

Interesting fact number 6.

The perimeter of the pyramid is 922 meters, the base area is 53,000 square meters (comparable to an area of \u200b\u200b10 soccer fields). Scientists considered the total weight of the pyramid, which amounted to more than 5 million tons.

Interesting fact number 7.

The pyramid consists of more than 2.2 million large stone blocks of limestone, granite and basalt, the average weight of each of which is about 2.5 tons. In total, in the pyramid 210 rows of blocks. The hardest unit weighs about 15 tons. The base is a rock exaltation, the height of which is 9 meters. Initially, the surface of the pyramid was a smooth surface, because It was covered with a special material.

Interesting fact number 8.

The entrance to the pyramid is at an altitude of 15.63 meters on the north side. The input form stone plates laid in the form of the arch. This entrance to the pyramid was embossed a granite tube.

Interesting fact number 9.

Today, tourists get inside the pyramid through a 17m break, which did Califa Abu Jafar Al-Ma'moun in 820. He hoped to find the impenetrable Treasures of Pharaoh, but found a layer of dust thick in half an elbow there.

Interesting fact number 10.

Inside the pyramid of Heops there are three burial chambers, located one above the other.

Interesting fact No. 11.

When the sun moves around the pyramid, you can notice the irregularities of the walls - the concaveness of the central part of the walls. Perhaps the cause of this is erosion or damage as a result of the fall of the stone cladding. It is also possible that it was specially done during construction.

Interesting fact number 12.

One of the earliest hypotheses viewed the Egyptian (and others) pyramids as the tombs, from where and the names went: the Camera King (Pharaoh) and the Tsaritsa chamber. However, according to many modern scholars, the Egyptologists, the pyramid of Heops as the tomb has never been used, and had a completely different purpose.

Interesting fact No. 13.

Some Egyptologists believe that the pyramid is a repository of the standards of ancient measures and weights, as well as a model of well-known linear and temporal measurements, which are characteristic of the Earth and are based on the principle of rotation of the polar axis. It is considered confirmed that that (or those), who led the construction of the pyramid, possessed absolutely accurate knowledge about such things that were opened by humanity significantly later. These include: the length of the circumference of the globe, the longitude of the year, the average value of the Earth's orbit during its rotation around the Sun, the specific density of the globe, acceleration of gravity, the speed of light and much more. And all these knowledge, one way or another, are laid, allegedly, in the pyramid.

Interesting fact No. 14.

It is believed that the pyramid is a kind of calendar. It is almost proven that it serves both theodolitis, and a compass, and such accuracy that the most modern compasses can be treated with it.

Interesting fact No. 15.

Another hypothesis believes that not only in the parameters of the pyramid itself, but also in its individual structures there are many important mathematical quantities and relations, for example, the number "PI", and the parameters of the king chamber are combined with "sacred" triangles with parties 3-4-5 . It is believed that the corners and angular coefficients of the pyramid reflect the most advanced ideas about trigonometric values, and the contours of the pyramid with practical accuracy include the proportions of the "golden section".

Interesting fact number 16.

There is a hypothesis that considers the peyramid of Heops as an astronomical observatory, and on another hypothesis, the Great Pyramid was used to initiate the highest steps of secret knowledge, as well as for the storage of these knowledge. At the same time, a person dedicated to secret knowledge was located in the sarcophagus.

Interesting fact number 17

A lot of hypotheses and the technology of building a pyramid, as even when using modern construction equipment, to build such a grand construction with the accuracy with which it was built is not possible.

The Pyramid of Cheops (Hofu), Great Pyramid Giza - The largest of Egyptian pyramids, a monument of architectural art of ancient Egypt. This pyramid is the only one of the "seven wonders of the world", preserved to the present day, and the oldest of them: its age is estimated at about 4500 years.

Hope's Pyramid Interesting Facts

Archaeologists argue that it was the highest building in the world about 3, 800 years.

It is believed that the Great Pyramid served as an astronomical observatory for the ancient Egyptians. Its ventilation canals and corridors accurately indicate stars like Tuban, Sirius and Alnito.

Egypt is officially celebrated on the start of construction of the Kheops pyramid on August 2 August 2480 BC. e.

The top of the pyramid was previously crowned gilded stone pyramidal form.

The height of the Great Pyramid is 139 meters. The Great Pyramid has a width of 230 m.

Near the pyramids, archaeologists have found pits with ancient Egyptian cedar boats made without the use of fasteners and nails. She was disassembled on 1224 parts for better transportation. Restorer Ahmed Yussuf Mustafa for the past 14 years old collected her back.

Herodotus in his works reported (at a minimum, after 2 millennia after the advent of the Great Pyramid), that she was erected with the pharaoh-despot named Heops, which was 50 thousand, which was employed on construction 100 thousand people. For twenty years, and that the pyramid is in honor of Heops, but not his grave.

Despite the scorching sun, which is often felt in Egypt, the temperature inside the pyramid remains a constant 20 C - the average temperature on Earth.

The Great Pyramid is believed to be built from more than two million stone blocks that range from two to more than fifty tons, although it remains a mystery regarding how they were transported.

The resulting solution during construction has an unknown origin. It was analyzed, and its chemical composition is known, but it cannot be reproduced. He is stronger than stone and still keeps today.

According to assessments of scientists, the construction of this pyramid was carried out for almost 20 years. The official year of completion of work is recognized 2450 BC. e.

Nevertheless, some Arab scientists are subject to question. They indicate the discovered inscriptions indicating that the pyramid was built, at least 73,000 years ago.

Speaking about the pyramid of Heops - interesting facts about her, we note its amazing location - it is built exactly in the poles. According to the calculations of experts, its construction took a huge number of limestone bricks - 2.2 million.

The pyramid has an impressive height, the entrance to it is located at 15 meters. Tourists begin to inspect the pyramids from the passage made by order of the Baghdad Caliph in 821. He was placed in search of indiscrect treasures of the pyramid, but only the dust of the centuries was found.

A huge amount of dust during the existence of the pyramid was formed by the winds that drove sand and heat.

Experts explain the good preservation of the pyramid by the fact that neither dry air nor high desert temperatures destroyed bricks and thin seams between them.

For the burial of the departed pharaoh inside the pyramid, functional premises were built. Hope's pyramid has three similar rooms located one over the other.

The number of the most ancient Egyptian buildings, the Hueops pyramid is rightfully considered one of the legendary known seven wonders of the world. Her architect was recognized by Hamuin, who was a Vizier and the legitimate nephew of Heops. This pyramid for three millennia was considered the highest artificial structure on the entire planet.

Historical sources indicate that construction lasted for 20 years and ended in approximately 2470 BC, which, in turn, is not the only assumption. The famous researcher of the history of Arabic origin Ibrahim-Ben Ibn Vassoff Shah believed that the Pyramids of Giza were built by the oldest kings, whose name was Saurid. This researcher refers to a rare chronicle, in which there is data on the construction of the Heops pyramid at that time that is removed from our for more than 73 thousand years.

Quite unusual, but nevertheless having the right to exist is the hypothesis of the Russian scientist Sergey Proskuryakova, in the framework of which he claims that the pyramids were erected with the participation of representatives of extraterrestrial forms of life, or rather aliens from Sirius. In addition, the scientist claims that the Hamuin architect himself comes from Sirius.

Another researcher Vladimir Maranin partially separates the hypothesis of his colleague and also believes that the construction of the pyramids did not cost any amendment of extraterrestrial civilization from Sirius, although they are not excluded the share of the likelihood at which it could be aliens from the constellation Desa or Swan. Perhaps the pyramids arose even earlier, and during the life of Heops, a skillful restoration was subjected.

One of the most common and currently popular points of view on the question of the occurrence of Egyptian pyramids is to create their ancient mythical racial random Atlanta. One of the most logical versions of the versions is that the construction of the pyramids happened after the global displacement of the magnetic poles of our planet happened. Because in the opposite case, it was not possible to arrange and orient on the area of \u200b\u200bthe pyramid with the incredible accuracy with which it was done.

The initial height of the Heops pyramid was 146.6 meters, but over long millennia, it decreased to 138 meters of 75 centimeters. The area of \u200b\u200bits foundation is 53 thousand square meters, and the total weight is more than 5 million tons.

In those ancient times, the entire surface of this grand constructure was almost perfectly smooth, due to the fact that it was covered with a certain special material, which collapsed over time. The entrance leading inside the pyramid in the old days was clogged with the help of a giant tube made of granite, and now tourists can get there through the passage, which in 820 did Khalif Abu Jafar Al-Moon, who did not lose hope to discover inside Indecent wealth, instead, found only a thick layer of ancient dust.

Inside the pyramid of Heops, three cameras designed for the burial of the tsarist specimen are built, they are built one above the other. It is worth noting that some Egyptologists exclude the use of the pyramids as a tomb, they believe that the pyramids served as a kind of analogue of the modern chamber of measures and scales, and the model, with which all measurements were made, based on the principle of rotation of the polar axis.

Absolutely indisputable and still not refuted by the fact that the presence of the knowledge of the builders of the pyramids in those areas that the rest of humanity has comprehended much later. This includes information about the length of the circumference of the globe, the longitude of the year, averaged value of the orbit of our planet when it rotates around the Sun and even the speed of light. One of the hypotheses even considers Heops's pyramid as a functioning astronomical observatory.

1. Three most famous Egyptian pyramids are those that are in the necropolis of Giza, but in fact in the field of ancient Egypt, approximately 140 pyramids were discovered.

2. The most ancient Egyptian pyramid is considered to be the Pyramid of Joster, which was built in the Sakcary Necropolis in the 27th century BC.

3. While the Pyramid of Josher is considered the most ancient, the pyramid of Heops is the largest. The initial height of the pyramid was 146.5 meters, and the current height is equal to 138.8 meters.

4. As long as in England, the Lincoln Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in 1311 was built, the Great Pyramid Giza held the title of the highest structure in the world created by the hands of a person. She kept a record at least three thousand years!

5. The Great Pyramid Giza is the most ancient of the seven wonders of the ancient world and the last of the existing current.

6. Cultures of the number of workers involved in the construction of the pyramids are greatly different, nevertheless, it is likely that at least 100,000 people were erected.

7. The pyramids of Giza are protected by a large Sphinx, the largest monolithic sculpture in the world. It is believed that the face of the Sphinx was granted similarity with the face of Pharaoh Hefren.

8. All Egyptian pyramids were built on the West Bank of the Nile River, which is the sunset location and contacted the kingdom of the dead in Egyptian mythology.

9. The ancient Egyptians buried their noble citizens in pyramids with funeral gifts, which ranged from household items to the most expensive things, such as jewelry. They believed that the dead would use them in the afterlife.

10. The very first famous architect Pyramid was imhotep, ancient Egyptian erudite, engineer and doctor. It is considered the author of the first major pyramid - Josra Pyramids.

11. While experts usually converge in the hypothesis that the pyramids were built of huge stones cut from copper beds in the quarries, the methods used to move and fold, still remain the objects of hot disputes and assumptions.

12. Another one, relatively obvious, is the fact that the methods used to build the pyramids developed over time. The pyramids of the later period are not built as the earliest pyramids.

13. After the end of the construction period of the pyramids in ancient Egypt, the outbreak of the construction of the pyramids on the territory of modern Sudan began.

14. In the 12th century, an attempt was made to destroy the pyramids of Giza. Al-Azis, Kurdish ruler and the second Sultan of the Dynasty of Ayubid, tried to demolish them, but he had to surrender, as this task was too large-scale. Nevertheless, he managed to damage the Pyramid of Michery, where, because of his attempts, the vertical gaping pit remained in her northern slope.

15. Three pyramids of Giza are precisely aligned in accordance with the Constellation of Orion, which could well be the idea of \u200b\u200bthe builders, since Orion's stars were associated with Osiris, the God of Renaissance and the afterlife in the ancient Egyptian mythology.

16. According to calculations, the Great Pyramid Giza consists of 2,300,000 stone blocks, which weigh from 2 to 30 tons, and some of them even achieve weights by more than 50 tons.

17. Initially, the pyramids were covered with facing stones from well-polished white limestone. These stones reflected the light of the Sun and forced the pyramids to shine like precious stones.

18. When facing stones covered the pyramids, they could be seen from the mountains in Israel and maybe even from the moon.

19. Despite the wild heat, standing around the pyramids, the temperature in the pyramids themselves actually remains relatively constant and keeps in the area of \u200b\u200b20 degrees Celsius.

21. Hope's pyramid was built by the front side to the north. In fact, it is the most carefully leveling in the world in the world. Despite the fact that it was built by the Millennium Back, the pyramid still stands the front side to the north, just with a minor error. Nevertheless, the error occurred because the North Pole gradually shifts, and this means that once the pyramid was directed exactly to the north.

22. On average, the construction of each pyramid left 200 years. This means that somewhat was often built several, and not one pyramid.

23. One of the reasons why pyramids are preserved as well, which is used in them, a unique cement solution. It is stronger than a real stone, but we still do not know how they were prepared.

24. Contrary to general opinions, the pyramids were most likely not built slaves or prisoners. They were built by conventional workers who received wages.

25. Although many people associate pyramids with hieroglyphs, in the Great Pyramid Giza no entries or hieroglyphs were found.