Atlantis Updated World. Atlantis: Legend, History and Interesting Facts

South America is the birthplace of many cultures and even civilizations that are rooted in the depths of centuries.
Late findings with full obvious proved that the builders of La Venta, the inhabitants of Tres-Sapotes, the Creators of the statuette "bird man" were carriers of the very first, the most ancient high culture of America. Thus, "Jagaireia Indians", as I would have called them eagle (since we do not know and, probably, never know how they called themselves), were predecessors and even teachers of those who proudly considered themselves the first and only in the world , that is, ingenious Maya.
After all, it is they, "Jagaireia Indians", the first in America watched the stars, created a calendar, in different combinations there were points and dashes, until the Mayan digit system arose. "Jagaireia Indians", in all likelihood, invented the first, ancient Indian writing. Similarly, the initial date of Maya's history is (or 4 Ahab 8 Kumhu), corresponding to 3113 BC, applies, obviously, to the Lovent or even the Dolo-Wental period of America's history. Actually, Maya first perform on the stage of Indian history only in the III century AD. And "Jagaireia Indians" - at least one thousand years earlier. They were opened and presented to the world M. Stirling. "
Metelli and others
The follower of an ancient Greek philosopher Ignatius Donelley wrote two books: "Atlantis - antediluvian world" and "Ragnarka - the era of fire and death." Both of these books saw the light in 1882-1883 and first awakened serious interest in the Atlantis Plato.
In his youth, Donelly studied the right, was fond of poetry. Being a congressman from the Republican Party, in contrast to many members of the American Congress often visited the Congress library, engaged in science seriously. For Donelly, the fame of the father of modern Atlantology was strengthened.
With a light hand, Metelli in Atlantological literature became a tradition to consider the dead mainland common cultural Center For old and new light, "boiler" of all high civilizations of antiquity. One of the first author of the book "Atlantis - Doughup World" drew attention to the similarity of the architecture of the Indians and the Egyptians (mainly on the pyramids, built in the Nile Valley, and in Peru, and in Mexico), for the community of some customs, scientific knowledge, calendars and etc. These arguments still lead rye atlantologists. Metelli also first (but not the last!) Expressed a hypothesis that it was from Atlantis that the cult of the God of the Sun was released and swept.
In the book of Donelley, the reader can find the following:
1. Once existed in the Atlantic Ocean, opposite the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea, big Islandwhich was the residue of the Atlantic continent, known to the ancient world as Atlantis.
2. Description of this island by Plato is truthful and is not, as a long time was assumed, invention.
3. Atlantis was a district where civilization appeared for the first time.
4. Over time, it has become a crowded; Sitters from the Atlantis also settled the shores of the Mexican Gulf, Mississippi Rivers, Amazon, the Pacific Coast of South America, the Mediterranean, the Western banks of Europe and Africa, the Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas coast.
5. It was an uddled world - Eden in mythology. Garden Heperde, Champs Elysees, Gardens Alkinoa, Mount Olympus, Asgard at Vikings - nothing but a memoir about a big country, about Atlantis, where one ever lived in the world and happiness.
6. Gods and goddess Ancient Greece, Phenicia, India and Scandinavia were simply kings, queens and heroes of Atlantis, and attributed to them actions are a distorted memoir about historical events. For example, God Zeus was one of the kings of Atlantis.
7. The mythology of Egypt and Peru is the initial religion of Atlantis, consisting in worshiping the Sun.
8. The most ancient colony of Atlantis was probably Egypt, the civilization of which was a reflection of the civilization of the island of Atlantis.
9. The bronze age in Europe came from Atlantis. Atlanta first began to apply iron.
10. Phoenician alphabet, ancestor of all European alphabets, obtained from the Atlantic alphabet, which was perhaps the basis of Maya alphabet in Central America.
11. Atlantis was the initial place of settlement of the Aryan Indo-European family, as well as the Semitic and some other peoples.
12. Atlantis died as a result of a terrible catastrophe. The island and almost all of its population were flooded by the waters of the ocean.
13. Those few who miraculously survived, told the peoples living in the West and East, about a terrible catastrophe - remember the legends of the Flood among the peoples of old and new light.
14. The proof of the proposed hypothesis will solve many problems occupying humanity, confirm the rightness of ancient books, expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe history of mankind, explain the noticeable similarity between the ancient civilizations on the opposite banks of the Atlantic Ocean. It will be possible to find "the progenitors" of our civilization, our fundamental knowledge; Those who lived, loved and worked long before the Aryans appeared in India or the Phoenicians settled in Syria.
15. The fact that the history of Atlantis for thousands of years was taken for a fairy tale, nothing proves anything. Here is unbelief, born by ignorance, as well as skepticism inherent in intelligence. Our distortions are not always better informed about the past.
For a thousand years, it was believed that the destroyed cities of Herculane and Pompei were a fairy tale - they were called "fabulous cities". A thousand years, the educated world did not believe Herodoto, who had about the miracles of civilization on Nile and in Haldea.
16. There was a time when I was doubt that Pharaoh Nehho sent an expedition around Africa. After all, travelers reported that after part of the way the sun turned out to be in the north. Now it is quite clear that the Egyptian navigators really crossed the equator and 1.200 years old to Vasco discovered Cape Good Hope.
The literal translation of one of the strings of the first song "Odyssey" informs us that "Atlas ... Holds big pillars separating the earth and the sky." This line reflects the reality, Atlantologists consider. Herodot described the North-Western tip of Africa, and the mining chain is called there with high satin. But the name of the Atlas fastened behind this array since the Polybius times (204-122 BC), somewhere there found Hercules Gardens Heperd.
If you agree with the opinion of Strabo, the locals used to call the highest mountain of Atlas by Diris (or Daran). Most likely, the name of the ocean passed on the mountain range in Africa. The name of the ocean and the island took place from the mountain, which rumped over the island and produced obviously quantitative spectacle. One of the mountains on the island of peak in the Azores archipelago has a height of 2351 meters. Before lowering the entire Atlantic massif on the bottom of the ocean, the peak of this mountain peak reached a height of 5300 meters, which exceeds all European peaks.
... Such a mountain giant, visible over a green island and water scoring, went to the clouds and, as it were, was constantly in the heavenly monastery and was identified with God. And so far on the aizorah many active volcanoes. And in those times, the clouds covering the top of the atlas - the island of Atlantis, resembled fabulous castles. Three elements were mixed - water, sky and earth. They combined together, and therefore the image of the Homer's image in the words about the Great Atlas, which the depths of the Dark Sea, seeks and holds large pillars, separating the land and the sky. The fire-haired mountain, towering from the coastal surf to the very sky, gave the name of the island and the ocean, considers the Atlantologist O. Muk.
At the Aztec languages \u200b\u200b"ATL" means "water", "anti" - "High Mountain". If you compare these names, it is hypothetically conclude that the Atlantis "Mountain from Water" or "Mountain among the water". If we remember that one of the last dying islands, which was located the famous city, described by Plato, - Poseidonis, it becomes clear that the mountain and the entire island country is worn by mythological name in honor of the firstborn of the god of the Seas of Poseidon.
Pczard Atlas, Titan-non-vocabulary, became the hero of myth, and, apparently, Mount of Atlas was a prototype of pyramids and all the cult facilities and to the east and west of Atlantis. Even the "belt pyramid" is traced - from China with its high-rise pagodas to the Pyramids of Egypt, the Babylonian tower and the temples of the East of India. Their less well-known "copies" are located in Libya, megalithic buildings are found in Europe. The Mayan Pyramids, Toltecs, Aztecs, Incas and other Ancient American peoples are completing this ring of monuments. All of them are a symbol of a large, multi-stage mountain with a translated vertex, temple, the dwelling of the gods and the place of sacrifices and subsequent burials and worship.
And on the other side of the ocean that shares the old and New World, all kings, pharaohs, kings were buried under the mounds and pyramids. Symbols in the form of obelisk and mengirov are an expression now forgotten religion.
The top of the great Azores volcano was constantly smoking and illuminated by internal fire, the voice of God smoked from the bowrs. The cult facilities were following these natural manifestations of the Golden Dome, roofs, islandic crowns and helmets. Atlas - the top of the island of Atlantis - was like a lighthouse, visible to sailors from afar, when they sailed to the Divine Island thousands of years ago. Smoke, smoking above the top, has become a prototype of cult rites.
This is brighter than the cult of this reflected in the religious rites of the Aztecs, who were the altar on the top of the pyramid, where the victims were brought. In the chickenpie and Carthage "Fire Mountain" turned into a "fiery" god of the Moloch, who was sacrificed to the firstborn. In the Old Testament it is reported that fat and meat burned on the altar. Christian altars also took symbolic sacrifices, and Kadylov symbolized the godly cloud. Ancient Ellade, Egypt and Rome brought the gods bloody and symbolic victims on Altari.
The tree of life is an unusual symbol: it arose at a very long time when Cryanonians settled the virgin forests of Europe. The tree of life, the tree of the world at the Dogerman Europeans - a tree to the sky, which keeps in the branches of the star. Maybe the "Heavenly Mountain" of Atlantis is a prototype of this tree?
The winged snake is the deity of Ketzalcoatl from Maya and Aztecs, Cukumak in Guatemala, Kukulkom in Yucatan - embodies the idea of \u200b\u200ban all-powerful and reviving deity, and, according to legend, he appeared from the island to the east of America.
This God was the God of Fire First of all. Thunder was his terrible weapon, and at first he was identified not with lightning, but rather with a stone falling from the sky, causing fires and destruction. Such stones could also be meteorites and stones emitted by the current volcanoes. From time to time, the volcanic eruption is obviously a lot of people. Therefore, on the legendary island, the terrible form of the cult of mass murders arose, which at the Aztecs in the West carried thousands of lives in annual sacrifices. In Carthage, Rome, Eldead, Israel, Ninevei and Babylon and Buddhism also in India, human lives were sacrificed.
Atlantis had a meridional length of 1,100 kilometers, she blocked the path of Gulf Stream to the north. North coast It is mountainous, with ten vertices. The largest mountain atlas was a height of more than 5000 meters. In the south, an extensive fertile plain with an area of \u200b\u200babout 20,000 square kilometers was washed with warm flow and therefore was an ideal place to grow subtropical and tropical plants. The climate was subtropical in the north average annual temperature + 10 ° - and tropical in the south - the average annual temperature + 25 °. High mountains In the north of the islands defended him from the penetration of cold winds.
All Atlantis Mountains was a zone existing volcanoes. And, like other zones, the tight cover of the plain had a magnificent soil rich in mineral salts, similar to the basic soils, famous for its high harvests and not needing in any fertilizers. In Atlantis, such plants cultivated by man like coconut palms and banana shrubs have grown. Bananas grew well in Atlantis, and a tree, suitable "for drinking, food and refinement," that is, the coconut palm tree, also felt perfect in the wet and hot climate of the southern part of the island. Apparently, the beauty and wealth of the vegetable and animal world of this island paradise They gave the opportunity to many people on both sides of the Atlantic to remember the Paradise Islands of Bliss.
Muk believes that long-legged and muscular hunters depicted in the Caves of Spain and Western France correspond to the atlantam hunters rather, and not the generals of the Cromanons. He admits that the man of therinka type also appeared from the West, from the ocean side. Cryanonians and Atlanta differed sharply from the ancient European people - Neanderthal.
O. Muk, referring to the studies of anthropologists, notes that a certain type of Parametan was found on the American continent - with signs of Crogenon and Indian at the same time. The age of a human skeleton of this type with radiocarbon and fluorescent analysis is determined by about 12 thousand years. These Parametan found in America closure the hypothetical circle of the races that inhabited the continents of the old and new light, which were within the reach of the Atlanta. For Indians - cheerful, movable, strong people - the red skin was and remains a characteristic racial sign. Note that the red color still remains a symbolic sign of power and religious worship, especially with sacrificial rites. Maybe this preserved the memoirs about the ancient red lords of Atlantis? Were the "first people" with red-friendly, according to O. Muk? There is no answer to this question yet.
Old legends about giants and dwarfs receive an rationale in hypothesis about Atlanta and Atlantis. Not only Neanderthal (who lived 50-100 thousand years ago and earlier), but also all the ancient races were different. The exception was only Cryanonians and related Orignance people. An unusually high growth was the indicator of degeneration of civilization, said O. Muk, and a dwarf growth - a sign of its initial phase. This seemingly paradox reflected in mythical legends.
At the end of its existence, Atlanta, considering themselves the sons of God of Poseidon, began to threaten the authorities of the Gods of Olympus. But the volcanoes and the cyclops, with whom they are identified, lost their greatness, became cannibals and wondered their divine power as a result of a heaving with the "daughters of the earth". That is why the gods decided to punish them and sent fire and water element on them.
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Of particular interest are the problems of the Language Relicates of Atlantis. Is it possible that in modern idiomas preserved various remaining languages \u200b\u200bof the late Paleolithic, who was once worldwide? Of course, these ethology will answer negatively. But maybe they can be found among those languages \u200b\u200bthat are not included in the framework of ordinary linguistic schemes?
Among European languages \u200b\u200bis Basque. One of the largest prestiges in the field of comparative linguistics, F. Fink, believes that Basque can be attributed to ancient viper, it belongs to one group with the disappeared languages \u200b\u200bof Nerselov, Haldeyev, Hittites, Isorgists, Lycztsev, Cappadocians and Etruscans.
Nobody changes to Baskov, everyone speaks in their own language, the most ancient language in the world, according to the basks themselves. In the book "Bashi in France", E. Salomon reported that in 1930, in the town of Saint-Jean-de Luz, the author met the Bass - the king of smugglers. "Basic," said this man, "the last remnants of the best, free and most proud of the worlds, who once disappeared in the punching along with the island of Atlantis. He stretched from Pyrenees to the Moroccan mountains."
It is curious that you can trace the "Language Ring" by analogy with the "Ring of Pyramids" - similar linguistic signs of various modern peoples of America, Europe and Asia. So thinks O. Muk. However, with many of his hypothesis it is difficult to agree, and some of them cannot be checked even with the help of methods of modern Atlantology.
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A. Vegener, the author of the theory of drift of the continents, did not allow unreasonable, it would seem that the disappearance of a huge piece of sushi in the ocean, especially since, according to his data, the continent of America, Africa and Europe are easily reconstructed into a single mainland Pangey, which was divided only in early tertiary period.
The assumption that the old and new light once dreamed and the ocean was formed between them, now confirmed. It happened a lot before the catastrophe. The seam between the continents passed just through the DNU of the Atlantic Ocean, where the mid-Atlantic ridge is currently located. Similarity of coastal lines western coast Africa and Eastern South America confirms the theory of Vegener, but between Africa (North and North-Western part) and Europe, on the one hand, and Canada - on the other, is as if "unfilled" space - northeast of the Gulf of Mexico . This circumstance does not refute the theory of Vegener, but it can serve, according to O. Flour, confirming the existence of the island in this place and its subsequent lowering into the ocean.
What is actually an Atlantic underwater ridge by sunken mountain varnish or a place to break the continental plates?
Now this question can be answered with complete certainty. Yes, the continents diverge, remove each other, the ocean bottom, as it were, is moving away. The mid-Atlantic ridge is an uneven, protruding seam at the bottom of the Atlantic. It is here that the eruption of the magma comes from which the material of the oceanic crust is ultimately formed. By doing from the depths, the painted substance freezes at the bottom, forming the similarity of the giant icicles sticking upwards - their ridge and there is a mid-Atlantic ridge. This is a threatening and simpler view, consistent with the theory of mobilism, allows you to bring into compliance with the data of science with the assumption of the existence of Atlantis. In fact, if in the area of \u200b\u200bactively active volcanoes of the underwater ridge and in our time the islands are formed, this process took place in the past. Peculiar geological monument He serves the Azore archipelago.
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Many of the encyclopedic minds of Europe turned to the riddle proposed by Plato. L. Zaydler writes: "It can be assumed that Columbus believed in the existence of the remains of sunken Atlantis ... for many years, before you managed to obtain the consent of the Spanish king to the equipment of the campaign" in India ", Columbus studied the ancient literature, where he could not but come across On the mention of the Atlantis and the mythical islands. " Later, in the first half of the XVII century, the famous English philosopher and politician Francis Bacon wrote the book "New Atlantis" - a talented scientific and technical utopia, where in a somewhat allegorical form indicated the coordinates mysterious land... in the Brazil area. After half a century, Atlantis Brazil appeared on the map, compiled by French geographer SanSon. Sanzon even pointed out in the South American territory ... the borders of the kingdoms belonging to the sons of Poseidon!
In his work "Teachers Teachers", the well-known poet Valery Bryusov defends the idea of \u200b\u200bthe complete accuracy of the "dialogues" of Plato, that is, hypothesis about Atlantis. According to Bruce, such a country really existed. "If you allow, he wrote that Plato's description - fiction, it will be necessary to admit a superhuman genius for Plato, which managed to predict the development of science for the Millennium ahead, providing that once historians will discover the world of Aegei and establish his intercourse with Egypt, that Columbus will open America, and the archaeologists will restore the civilization of the ancient Maya, etc. It is necessary to say that with all our respect for the genius of the great Greek philosopher, such a turn in it seems to us the impossible and that we consider the simpler and more believable other explanation: in Plato's disposal were materials (Egyptian), seded from deep antiquity. "
Bryusov came to the conclusion that most of the information contained in the "dialogues" could only receive the people who were known about the existence of Atlantis: "Plato, like all the Greeks, did not know anything about the Aegean kingdoms, which were preceded by Greece Allensky. "
"The ancient philosopher writes that Atlantis was located behind the Gibraltar Strait and it was possible, sailing further to the west, get to another mainland. But after all, the ancient Greeks knew nothing about America!" Having established that at the very first pages of their dialogs, Plato makes two discoveries - in history and in geography, Bryusov is convinced that in smaller details an ancient author is surprisingly close to the truth.
The opinions of modern scientists on the issue of the reality of Atlantis often dramatically diverge. The numerous camp of the defenders of Platonovsky hypothesis is contrasted no less numerous and armed with serious arguments of the Stan of Anti-Atlantologists.
Among the Soviet scientists, supporters of the existence of Atlantis were such wonderful thinkers like N. Roerich and Academician V. Obruchev. On the sunken earth - the Pranodine of the oldest crops are stated in the works of N. Zhirov.
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They are surprising for some knowledge of the ancient peoples, too unexpected for their time, and most importantly - not having roots, as if listed from the outside. This applies to astronomy and mechanics, metallurgy and medicine, agricultural engineering and stone architecture. Already long ago attracts the attention of scientists the mathematical "code", laid as if in the proportions of the Great Egyptian pyramid. (By the way, the hypotheses of recent years questioned the considered an irrefutable fact that the pyramid of 147 meters high was built with Pharaoh Huf, or Heops. There is reason to believe that the grandiose construction is older!) In the time of Napoleonic wars in Egypt, it was found that the pyramid was focused exactly in the polar axis of the earth. The pyramid could be used as a observatory, calendar or giant sundial. The Egyptologist P. Tomkins wrote: "The one who built the pyramid of the hufow knew how to make excellent cards of the starry sky and with the help of the stars correctly calculate the longitude, build cards of the planet and, therefore, move freely on the ground - in its continents and oceans. There is a certain connection between the original knowledge of those who have commanded to build a great pyramid, and those who have created ancient maps of the seas, more accurate and detailed than that have come to this day. "
Maps that Tomkins writes, many researchers are associated with Atlantis. One of them was found in 1929 in Turkey, talking about her ahead.
Part of the atlantologists, relying on myths and folk epic, frescoes and rock paintings, argues that the inhabitants of the disappeared continent knew television and aircraft, electric light, x-rays, antibiotics and even nuclear energy, which, alas, was manifested in the form of destructive explosions. Nikolai Roerich wrote about Atlantis:
Flew air ships.
Liquid fire flowed. Sparkula
Spark of life and death.
The power of the Spirit was raised
Stone boulders. Cognose
wonderful blade. Shrew
letters wise secrets
And again obviously everything. All new.
The fairy tale of the tradition was life ...
Of course, not all atlantologists are set up so romantic. Most believes that culture flourished in the disappeared country bronze Age. The development of metallurgy seems to indicate individual phrases of Plato. More Bryusus became interested in the description of the favorite metal of the Atlanta - Origher. He suggested that Plato meant aluminum. Modern scientists believe that Orihalk was most likely a certain view of bronze or brass. Many researchers are associated with the influence of the Atlantis, the offensive of the bronze era throughout the land. Indeed, a wonderful alloy almost simultaneously appears in the Mediterranean and two-range, in Asia and South America.
Other models of civilization of the Atlanta are still modest. In the end, because Plato does not speak directly about bronze. It mentions Orihlik, gold, silver, lead and iron. But all these are native metals (except for mysterious origher). Their abundance in the capital of Atlantis does not talk about developed metallurgy. The tools of labor could be stone, and the metals may have been used for jewelry, for wall cladding or decorating temples. The ancient world knows such paradoxes.
Nowhere mentions Plato and brick, lime, cement. Metal rods could be used to fasten the walls of the walls (as in some of the ancient Peru). It also corresponds to the time of transition from the stone age to the bronze. The gigantic sizes of the channels, palaces and temples that the philosopher says, also do not testify (in itself) about the highly developed civilization. Rabbar labor made possible any ridiculous grand projects with the most primitive technology. It was in the early stages of culture many peoples to giantism in architecture. This is caused by the desire to exalt the leaders and gods.
A number of authors of the Atlantological Works are associated with "primitive" really mysterious pan-European culture of megalithic buildings. Huge facilities from rudely dying boulders are found on the coasts from Scandinavia to Africa. They are in the USSR, for example, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Megaliths are very similar to each other. These are rows or concentric circles of stones. Sometimes the boulders are put one on the other in the form of the letter "P".
The defenders of the hypothesis of Atlantis suggest that colossal and, apparently, practically meaningless structures were left as monuments about the people who came from the sea may be on the root. Of course, such Atlantis could only be the birthday tribes of the stone century. However, there are Optimists among Atlantologists who believe that even in the conditions of Paleolithic or Mesolitis, astronomical knowledge could develop as well art. In favor of the first assumption, the famous megalithic structure in England is Stonehenge. Some see in the proportions of British Megalith even ... Distances between the planets of the solar system. On the aesthetic diving of the "Marine Aliens" they say cave frescoes made many thousand years ago, for example, scenes of hunting in the caves of the Lasco or Altamira. Painting is unusually perfect. It is believed that Kromanonians - Predarovsels of primitive Europe - achieved such realism in their works, which the world did not know further before the Renaissance. But after all, Kromanonians are sometimes called the "naval people", landed on the Atlantic shores ...
However, whatever hypothesis nominated modern atlantologists, no matter how the level of civilization is attributed to the country of their dreams - atomic, bronze or stone, all the same atlantology as a whole remains correct to some provisions formulated by 100 years ago by Ignatius Metelli. That is, it was from the Atlantis that the bronze and iron technology came; From there, various knowledge came, including the Phrodurature of all European alphabets, the initiative of all European alphabets; From the Atlantis, many nations came out, then settled on the world.
You can talk a lot about strange coincidences between the customs of tribes separated by the oceans, let's say about the mummification of the dead, adopted in Egypt and in the early civilizations of South America. On the coincidence of words in the languages \u200b\u200bof old and new light. About the same pyramids that were built on the banks of the Nile, in the cities of Decolumbovaya Mexico and in ancient Cambodia ... Atlantological literature is extensive. However, we will limit ourselves to only a brief analysis of hypotheses responsible for the question: did the Atlantis existed, and if so, where exactly it was located?
The most reasonable theory on this expense was built by the doctor of Chemical Sciences N.F. Fats. He placed the "island of blissful" in the same place, where Plato and for him, Donelly, that is, opposite the "Heraklovy Pipples" of the Gibraltar Strait, in the midst of the Atlantic, but reinforced his opinion by testimonies of geology, oceanology, geotectonics and other XX century sciences. Here is his words: "The data of modern science says that among the Atlantic Ocean is the underwater north-Atlantic ridge, which could exist Subaeral (above the water surface) in times close to the fact that Plato points in his legend. It is possible that some of These areas of sushi were existed until historical time. " Fats suggested looking for tracks of Atlantis on the islands located near Europe or Africa, Azores, Canary, etc. Plato writes that the walls of the capital of the Atlantis Poseidonis were folded from the stones of red, black and white. But these colors are basic for solid rocks of the Azores, it is from such stones an ancient buildings of the islanders are folded! Canary Islands Give evidence of a different kind. The fundamental, now the disappeared population of Guangchi islands - many experts consider direct descendants of Atlanta. Already by 1500, the Guangchi was completely exterminated by Spanish conquerors, but drawings and descriptions retain their appearance. Guangchi were high, blondes and blue-eyed. Their customs found a strange similarity with the customs of the high-cultural ancient peoples. Guangchi had a caste of priests, wearing clothes and hats, similar to Babylonian. They embalmed the dead as the Egyptians, and buried them in the domed tombs as the Greeks in the mixes. Guangchi left grassy inscriptions; They look like hieroglyphs of Crete, but still not deciphered. L. Zaydler cites the words of one of the last Guangchi, fixed by the Spanish chronicle: "Our fathers said that God, setting us on this island, then forgot about us. But one day he will return with the sun he ordered to be born every morning and which he also We gave rise to us. " These words indicate at least two circumstances. Firstly, that Guangchi considered themselves aliens on Canarians, and the aliens forced - "God forgot about us." Secondly, white-and-eyed islanders were the sun-plates, like Egyptians or Peruvians ...
N.F. Fats not without reason believed that the most awesome of what we know about Atlantis and the Atlantic, is the existence in the place specified by the Plato (west of the Gibraltar) of the huge underwater mountainous country of the Mid-Atlantic Range with the Azores Saving Surfaces ( Also under the ocean level). Back in 1945, Danchanin Francesen pointed out that the bottom relief in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Azore Plateau corresponds to the description of Atlantis Platon. The recent works of the Swedish scholar of Malez confirmed the compliance of the calculations of Francesen by the batimmetric cards of this area.

Atlantis write from the times of antiquity to the present day, that is, over 2000. But a little was written in the antique era on this topic, and at all just two dozen pages of Platonic dialogues "Timey" and "Crete". The dialogues of Plato "Time" and "Crete" were written by Plato (427 - 347. BC) about 360 BC. e.

The supporters of the existence of Atlantis found a lot of lines in the texts of Plato, corresponding to the latest achievements of modern science. And the opponents of its existence in response indicate many contradictions in the texts of the dialogues. However, before proceeding to the facts described in the dialogues, it is necessary to consider how responsible for mistakes and contradictions. Plato writes that he learned this story from his great-grandfather of Critia, who in the ten years heard this story from his grandfather, too, the criste that at that time was ninety years. He, in turn, found out about it from a large friend and relative of his father dropid, Solon, "the first of seven wise men." Solon himself, heard this story from the Egyptian priests from the Temple of Goddess Nate in Sais, who, from the time immemorial, the records of all the events and knew about Atlantis. Krisma Jr. says that he read the posts of his grandfather that this story was deeply excited, and therefore he revenge her revenge. However, since he did not lead his records, he could well forget some details or numbers. If Solon recorded this story directly from the columns of the Egyptian temple, he could well make some mistakes, not knowing the perfection of the Egyptian language. And finally, Plato could well contribute to the description of Atlantis and war with her praafinyan some changes for its purposes, for example, to promote their political views. And, finally, it is possible that Plato compiled these dialogues from some other sources, including the historical and geographical proceedings of different authors, their own knowledge and guesses, as well as the myths and fairy tales of the Greeks or other peoples. Then the task of researchers is more complicated, because it is necessary to solve the issue of these sources, and then relative to the truth of each of them. Plato realized that it was impossible to rely in the story with a mass of numbers and names for the memory of the 90-year old old man and a 10-year-old boy.

Middle Ages

The Catholic Church dominated the Middle Ages in Europe, and the "official" science of the church was the science of Aristotle, so no one believed in Plato. True, in the Middle Ages on some geographic maps Atlantis Island appeared, but most likely no serious knowledge for this was hidden.

New time

The main splash of interest in the problem of Atlantis falls at the end of the XIX - XX century. During this period, more than 5,000 books dedicated to Atlantis were written.

Scientific literature

N.F. Fats. The main problems of the anthology.

Luce. The end of Atlantis.

K. Krestov. Atlantis.

H. Imbellon and A. Vivante. The fate of Atlantis.

A. Immortal. Atlantis.

This includes most books about Atlantis. Among them and the "Bible" of Atlantologists - the book I. Donelly "Atlantis. Updated world. " Also worth

mark books:

J. Bramwell. Missing Atlantis.

P. Lechur. Atlantis. Motherland civilizations

R. Malez. Atlantis and Ice Age.


Atlantis became the theme of a huge variety of films and books in the genre of adventure, fiction and fantasy.

Atlantis is in these books at the bottom of the sea, in the depths of the desert, in the orbit of the Earth. Atlanta in these books could live to this day, own telepathy, are descendants of aliens, aliens, own modern technology, adapted to life under water, etc., etc., etc.

Mystical literature

The most famous book by E. P. Blavatskaya "Secret Doctrine", where, without calling right Atlantis, E. P. Blavatskaya describes it. The book of R. Steiner, who allegedly learned to read records in the layers of items, fixing human history. A book about Atlantis with a mass of accurate details was written by V. Scott-Eliott.

Modern researchers have not yet managed to completely disclose all the intimate secrets of the existence of Atlantis. However, thanks to many studies implemented in the art, there are a number of assumptions and hypotheses regarding the existence of the described ancient civilization.

The official science, of course, does not recognize the existence in the past this mysterious - maybe indeed only mythical - civilization.

Achievements of civilization of the Atlanta are impressive.

There is an opinion among scientists that the Atlanta has reached a very high level of progress in all spheres of vital activity. They could plan their life completely differently. For example, it was not alien to people who had inhabited once this sunken continent, telepathic communication with relatives and friends. They loved to lead and long conversations on the topic, what role they occupy in the universe.

According to the ideas of theosophists, the Atlanta was the fourth race on earth. They appeared after the death of Lemurian civilization, absorbing some of its achievements, and existed before the appearance of the fifth, the races of the Aryans. Atlanta compared to Lemurians were much more and god-like. Beautiful, smart and ambitious.

They worshiped the sun and quickly developed their technology, just as we do it today.

Description of Atlantis Platon

In four hundred and twenty-first year BC, Plato in his writings spoke about the disappeared civilization of the Atlanta.

According to him, it was a big island, which was in the midst of the ocean, for Gibraltar. In the center of the city there was a hill with temples and the Palace of Kings. The upper city was protected by two mounds of the Earth and three aqueous ring channels. The outer ring was connected by a 500-meter channel with the sea. Ships went through the channel.

Copper and silver mined in Atlantis. The sailing ships delivered ceramic dishes, spices, rare ores.

The temple of Poseidon, the Lord of the seas, erected from gold, silver, orchilak (copper and zinc alloy). His second temple defended the Golden Wall. The statues of Poseidon and his daughters were tested there.

After the expiration of forty years, after the death of the philosopher, the Athenian resident of the driver went to Egypt to find Atlantis. In the Temple of Nate, he found hieroglyphs with texts about the events that occurred.

Scientific and technical progress in Atlantis

Due to its high level of mental and mental development, the inhabitants of Atlantis managed to establish contact with alien creatures. Some researchers provide information that Atlanta was able to create super-fast and practical lethal devices. Their very deep knowledge in the field of physics, mathematics and mechanics gave the opportunity to produce the technique of the highest quality, which has unusual properties. And it is these devices that easily have helped to travel through space expanders!

Progress in the technique was so stunning that in our days the analogues of those aircraft could not be developed, even taking into account the fact that science constantly steps with seven-world steps in all spheres of vital activity without exception.

All this suggests that the inhabitants of Atlantis were outstanding people, possessed huge intelligence and knowledge. At the same time, the Atlanta's skills and experience gained willingly shared with the younger generation. Therefore, progress in technical development gradually improved and reached unprecedented vertices.

The first pyramids were built just in the territory of Atlantis. This unusual phenomenon still causes bewilderment from researchers, due to what kind of remedies and technology managed to build such unusual structures!

Also in economically, their country was prosperous. The work of any person in it was paid in dignity. According to the legend, Atlantis was an ideal country, it was absent both beggars and rich people who were dischoing.

In this regard, the social situation in this country was always stable, no one was worried about feeding.

Appearance and morality of the Atlanta

Due to the fact that the body of Atlanta possessed non-Ravy physical strength compared to modern man, they could accomplish much more work than our contemporaries.

The body of the Atlantov was stunning sizes. According to evidence, it reached 6 meters in height. Their shoulders were very wide, the body of an extended form. There were 6 fingers on her hands, and on the legs 7!

The features of the person in people who stay at the Atlantis are also unusual. Their lips were very wide, the nose had a slightly clumsy shape, while they also had huge expressive eyes.

According to its physiological data, the average life expectancy of the average Atlanta was about 1000 years. At the same time, each of them tried to look beautiful in the eyes of others. Often, a variety of jewelry made from silver or gold, as well as precious stones, was used as decorations.

Atlanta were highly moral people. Therefore, they were alien to harmful habits and immoral image of everyday life. They tried in any situation they come with the surrounding honestly, no one tried to deceive anyone and substitute. In family relations, the marriage once for the whole life was the norm. And the relationship itself was built exclusively on mutual trust, support and love for each other.

The political system in Atlantis was built in a democratic field. In many ways it is similar to that reigns in modern successful European countries with freedom of speech and the right of choice. The Atlanta ruler was chosen by voting. At the same time, he has a very long period - from 200 to 400 years! But whoever ruled Atlantis, each of her leader always sought to create such a social universal environment within the state, thanks to which anyone could always feel their security and care for him.

The causes of the death of Atlantis

One of the assumptions why Atlantis disappeared was based on the fact that the kings and the population of this continent began to abuse knowledge, with which they carried out their aggressive intentions.

For example, the pyramids built by them created portals with other worlds. All this contributed to the fact that the energy of the parallel reality could be negative and at a certain point could have adversely affect the entire mainland, in one moment and destroying it at all.

In their daily life, magic was increasingly used only with malicious intent.

Too big knowledge create a temptation to apply them in mercenary interests. And no matter how morally clean, neither the inhabitants of Atlantis were inappropriate, in the end in their society, negative trends began to increase over time. Predatory attitude towards nature, an increase in social inequality, the abuse of power by a small top that managed the Atlanta in the end led to the tragic consequences associated with inciting many years of war. And it was she who became the main reason that on one day the whole continent was absorbed by the waters of the ocean.

Some scientists are also confidently argued that the death of Atlantis occurred about 10-15 thousand years ago. And this large-scale event provoked a huge meteorite, which fell to our planet. The meteorite drop could change the earth's axis, which caused the tsunami of an unprecedented scale.

What did Elena Blavatskaya spoke about the causes of the death of Atlantis

According to Elena Blavat, the fall of Atlantis occurred because Atlanta began to play God. It turns out that, from high morality, Atlanta rolled to plowing passions.

Atlanta technology, who surpassed their spiritual qualities, allowed them to create a chimera - a mix of man and animals to use them as sexy slaves and physical workers. Atlanta at a high level owned a genetic modification and cloning technology. It looks like people do now, in the 21st century.

Being telepathically warned that the continent will thin, many residents of Atlantis fled, having time to sit on the ships before the final immersion of the mainland at 9 564 BC As a result of a series of earthquakes.

The American Mystic Edgar Casey, in a trance state that looked into the so-called Astral records Akashi, argued that many of the souls who lived once in Atlantis are currently living as representatives of modern Western civilization to fulfill their destination.

Searches for disappeared civilization

Over the past two thousand years, multiple assumptions about the location of Atlantis arose. Plato's work interpreters pointed to the modern Islands of the Atlantic. Some argue that Atlantis was located in the current Brazil and even in Siberia.

Modern archaeologists consider the story of the thinker about the Atlanta invention. Circular networks of channels, hydraulic structures in those days were not yet able to humanity. Researchers in Philosophy and Plato's literature believe that he wanted to call for the creation of a perfect state. As for the period of disappearance, Plato calls information that it happened eleven and a half thousand years ago. But during this period, a person only left Paleolithic, the Stone Age. For those people, the mind was not enough. Perhaps this Plato's data on the time of the death of Atlantis is incorrectly interpreted.

There is one assumption why the digit of the death of the Atlandites has 9 thousand years ago. The fact is that in the Egyptian calculus "nine thousand," depicted nine lotus flowers, and nine hundred and nine knots of rope. Externally by writing, they were similar, therefore, confusion occurred.

Modern research

In a nineteent hundred and seventy-ninth year, all European newspapers, drew the headlines "Russians found". Snapshots on which vertical ridges appeared from the sand, similar to the walls. Search actions unfold precisely where Ploton pointed out, behind the Hercules pillars, over the amp volcanic volcano. It was reliably established that he spoke out of the water was the island.

Thousands of nine hundred and eighty second year, another Russian vessel, dropped under the water, found the ruins of the city: walls, squares, rooms. These finds were refuted by another expedition, which did not find anything. In addition to frozen volcanic rocks.

There are assumptions that the catastrophe occurred due to the sudden shift of the African tectonic plate. Her clash with the European caused the eruption of Santorina - and the Western Islands sunk.

Of course, to say exactly what exactly happened to Atlantis and that it was facilitated by her death, now it is impossible to say. And many hypotheses outlined by researchers can only approach the truth.

Whether Atlantis was simply the fruit of the imagination of Plato and other thinkers, or a reality, reflected in the ancient legends, miraculously preserved to the present day - and remains a mystery ...

Perhaps our civilization goes to the same final when we become for our distant descendants the same mythical event, which Atlantis is for us. And our continents will also unsuccessfully search for deep oceans for days.

As we have seen, the theme of many early books about Maya were their connections with the so-called civilization of Atlantis. This idea, popular among Esoteric, caused laughter or irritation from professional archaeologists of Central America. But should I reject the version of Atlantis just like a myth, or for this legend still stand some facts? I was ready to perceive new views on this problem.

The first about Atlantis mentions Plato, which briefly retell her story in the writings of "Crete" and "Time". He reports that it was told by the Athenian legislator Solon during a visit to Egypt. Crete, one of Platonic characters, retells this story Socrates as if heard her from his grandfather, and this story very much reminds Maya's legends about repeated cataclysms on Earth. Egyptian priest tells Solon that about the stories of the world they know much more than the Greeks:

"You only remember one flood6, and there were several of them. You and your fellow citizens have occurred from a few surviving people, but you know nothing about it, because for many generations no one has recorded the stories about the events. "7

According to Plato, there was no time at the site of the middle part of the Atlantic Ocean, and it was the Athenians who repelled the invasion of the mainland to Europe and Africa:

"In one of the chronicles, it is described how your city reflected the invasion of numerous enemies who came from the ground in the midst of the Atlantic Ocean, which rushed into the cities of Europe and Asia. In those days in the Atlantic, ships swam. Opposite the Strait that you call "Hercules pillars" was a huge island, more than Libya and Asia, * combined, and from there travelers could reach other islands, and from there - the mainland on the opposite side of the Earth, surrounded by the ocean.

What happened to Atlantis and did it exist at all?

Atlantis is an antediluvian world that disappeared as a result of the flood, except the Nov family. The most interesting world, There is practically no information about, with the exception of those that are in the Bible. In particular, it is known that people during this period lived up to 1000 years, were much stronger, incommensurable with us healthy, strong, larger, as the stronger and largest fauna and flora of the earth. Susha occupied 6/7 land. The climate was soft tropical, there was no rain, and the Earth was moistened to the ferry due to the fact that the entire surface of the earth was closed by a layer of gladeless water that defended the Earth from different harmful effects, for example, from radiation. This protective layer disappeared during the flood and people began to see the stars. Updated people did not eat meat, only fruits, vegetables, cereals, who grew in abundance with such a wonderful climate. The land was illuminated by lamps hanging in the sky, because The sun was separated from the ground with a layer of ice and apparently shone not so bright, and maybe it was not visible in general. As a result of a long life, people managed to do a lot, science developed. Now they began to find some items from the antediluvian civilization, and their many, plotting our contemporaries in shock, as far as they are perfect, technicians, far exceed all technology available in the modern world. These people could allegedly fly on some aircraft, learned to easily move large items, such as Easter Island Easter, or Facing Plates egyptian pyramids, very precisely fitted to each other and much more.

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History of Atlantis

Atlantis is a huge island or mainland, once existed in the Atlantic Ocean west of Gibraltar. The very early to the Scripture of the Atlantis is the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato "Timay" and "Crete". 12 thousand years ago, the lowering of the continent, named by the Atlantis, was completed, which was a rather large island rich in minerals and a variety of animals of the world. In the south, there was an equible size of about 370 by 550 km, and the city-state of Atlantis was located between the sea and the plain.

At the head of the country was the Supreme Ruler of Atlas. Atlanta sought to expand their influence on their neighbors, subordinate them using their own, not attainable even in our time knowledge and the possibility of their implementation in deadly weapons. But. Several strong earthquakes split island, and he went to the ocean. Even before the catastrophe predicted by the Atlanta themselves, they moved to neighboring lands. The special caste of Keepers of Knowledge of Knowledge of them through many centuries to great Mysteries, School of Higher Dedication to Egypt, Greece and Tibet.

In the time of Plato, the approval of the deceased 11-12 thousand years ago, the civilization of the Atlantov was brutally ridiculous because of the Christian concepts of anyone and nothing in the universe did not exist until the year of the creation of the world - 5508 BC. Criticizing your teacher so the question, Aristotle and said his famous phrase: "Plato I friend, but truth is more expensive." Plato himself argued that he learned the details of the deceased civilization from ancient sources. The revival of interest on this topic has arrived in 1882-1883, when American scientist Ignatius Pondelli wrote the books of Atlantis - antediluvian world and "Ragnarrok - the era of fire and death." According to legends, it was a fertile densely populated land, because of some cataclysm dropped to the bottom. Questions about the existence and causes of the death of Atlantis remain controversial in science.

Dozens of hypotheses are put forward on the location of the sunken mainland, among the most likely areas can be called the regions of the current Azores and the islands of Santorin, Crete, Ascension. Among the heirs of the highly developed culture of the Atlanta are called Egyptians, American Indians and even Slavs. With the name of Atlantis and sunken technique of Atlantov, the observations of underwater UFOs in the Atlantic and mysterious disappearances in the Bermuda triangle area are sometimes associated.

In 1992, the oceanographic research vessel of the United States, which carried out cartographic work, found a pyramid in the center of the Bermuda triangle in its size much greater than the Hoeop Pyramid.

The processing of reflected hydrolycarial signals has suggested that the surface of the structure is completely smooth, which is of course unusual for known materials overlooking algae and shells, and the surface of the pyramid is very similar to the vitreous substance. These materials were demonstrated at a press conference in Florida immediately after the expedition, however, the new data on this object was not received.

About the doptopian Satanian project and its modern "remake"

In this study, we will try to measure our forces and with hope for helping God to reveal a number of important but little-learning issues related to the history and causes of the death of the dough or or rather, can be said - an additional civilization. In our opinion, there is every reason to consider this topic extremely relevant for modern people.

Just a week ago, puzzles folded into a single picture. And today I read this picture of another author. No matter how fantasticly sounded or looked like everything. No other plausible options. Very similar to the truth. It is a pity that most do not recognize not to read completely

This article explains a lot in the history of mankind. Thank you so much to the authors !! Let's not repeat the mistakes of the past. Read completely

History of Atlantis

The history of Atlantis is a big mainland, which once existed in the Atlantic Ocean in the direction of West from Gibraltar. Early mention that came to our time by Scripture Atlantis were the notes of Plato's philosopher. 12 thousand years ago, the immersion of the continent, called by the Atlantis, was stopped, which represented a rather major island, abundant minerals and a variety of extinct animals. In the south, there was a plain of about 370 km by 550 km, and in the middle of the sea and the plains there was a city-capital Atlantis.

The ruler of the country was the ruler of the Atlas fell to the bottom.

Many hypotheses are nominated about finding the sunken mainland, a predominantly probable place can be called the areas of the Azores, Crete, Ascension and Islands of Santorin. The heirs of the highly developed civilization of the Atlanta are allegedly called the Egyptians, the North American Indians and that not surprisingly even Slavs. With Atlantis, the Atlanta technique was sank, sometimes binding underwater UFOs and non-traced disappearances in the Bermuda triangle area.

In 1992, oceanographic research. The US vessel that performed cartographic works was observed in Bermuda triangle The pyramid with dimensions is much larger than the pyramid of Heops.

The manufacture of reflected hydrolycarial signals, allowed you to imagine that the plane of the structure is completely smooth, which was obviously the unusual of materials tested by algae, and even moreover, the plane of the pyramid is very similar to the glass. These finds demonstrated at the conference in Florida after the expedition, unfortunately the new information about the object was not received.

The woman Capricorn is trying to always find everything clear explanation and the reason that it affects her decision to do or not to do, but by accepting it, strictly goes on the planned plan and nothing will come to get away from the chosen road.

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Disputes about whether the existence of the Atlantis was a reality or a beautiful legend, they have not subsided for many centuries. On this occasion a large number of the most controversial theories, but they all were built on the information received from the texts of the ancient Greek authors, none of which did not see this personally mysterious Island, and transferred only information obtained from earlier sources. So how much does the reality of the legend about Atlantis and where she came from modern world?

The island that has risen in the marine abyss

First of all, we clarify that under the word "Atlantis" it is customary to understand a fantastic (since there is no direct evidence of its existence) is an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The exact location is unknown. According to the most popular legend, Atlantis was placed somewhere near the north-west coast of Africa, bordered by the chain of the Atlas Mountains, and near Hercules pillars, framing the entrance to the Gibraltar Strait.

There put her in his dialogues (works written in the form of a conversation of historical or fictional persons) the famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Based on his work, the very popular legend of Atlantis was subsequently born. It says that approximately 9500 BC. e. In the area indicated above, a terrible earthquake occurred, as a result of which the island fell forever into the ocean puchin.

That day an ancient and highly developed civilization was killed, created by the islanders, whom Plato calls "Atlants". It should be immediately noted that in view of the similar names, they are sometimes mistakenly identified with the characters of ancient Greek mythology - mighty titans holding the heavenly arch on their shoulders. This error is so common that at the form of sculptures of the outstanding Russian sculpture of A. I. Terebenev (see the photo below), adorning the portico of the new Hermitage in St. Petersburg, many people have an association with heroes who have ever deep into the seas.

Riddle, exciting people's minds

During the period of the Middle Ages, the Plato works, as well as most of other ancient historians and philosophers, were committed by oblivion, but already in the XIV-XVI centuries, called the Renaissance Age, interest in them, and at the same time at the Atlantis and the legend associated with its existence , rapidly increased. He does not weaken to this day, generating hot scientific discussions. Attempts to discover real evidence of the events described by Plato and next to his followers are being made to discover the real evidence of the events described by Plato and the question about what Atlantis actually was a legend or reality.

The island, inhabited by people who created the highest, in those times, civilization, and then absorbed by the ocean then is a mystery, an exciting mind of people and encouraging them to look for answers outside the real world. It is known that in the ancient Greece, the legend of Atlantis gave a impetus to many mystical teachings, and in modern history she inspired thinkers of the theosophical direction. The most famous of them are E. P. Blavatskaya and A. P. Sinnett. The authors of different types of nearby and simply fantastic works of various genres, also appealing to the image of Atlantis, were not left aside.

Where did the legend come from?

But back to the compositions of Plato, since they are the first source who opened centuries-old disputes and discussions. As mentioned above, the mention of Atlantis is contained in his two dialogues that are called Timey and Crete. Both are devoted to the issue state Device And they are conducted on behalf of his contemporaries: the Athenian political figure of critting, as well as two philosophers - Socrates and Timeus. Immediately, we note that Plato makes a reservation that the original source of all information about Atlantis is the story of the ancient Egyptian priests, which in orally was transmitted from generation to generation and finally reached him.

Misfortunes, comprehended atlas

In the first of the dialogues, a message of critting about the war between Athens and Atlantis is given. According to him, the island, with the army of which had to face his compatriots, was so great that he was superior to the whole of Asia, which gives reason to call him a full right. As for the state formed on it, it struck all by its greatness and, being unusually powerful, conquered Libya, as well as a significant territory of Europe, stretching up to Tyrrodia (Western Italy).

In 9500 BC. e. Atlanta, wanting to conquer Athens, hit them all the power of their previously invincible army, but, despite the explicit advantage, they could not succeed. Athenians reflected the invasion and, defeating the enemy, returned freedom to peoples, who were in slavery at the islanders. However, this misfortune was not retreated from the prosperous and once prosperous Atlantis. Legend, or rather, the story of crisi, laid on her basis, narrates further about a terrible natural disaster that completely destroyed the island and forced him to plunge into ocean depths. Literally during the day, the sacrificed element erased a huge continent from the face of the earth and put an end to the highly developed culture created on it.

Commune of Athenian rulers

A continuation of this story is the second dialog that called "Crete". In it, all the same Athenian politician tells in more detail about the two great states of antiquity, the army of which came together on the battlefield shortly before the fatal flood. Athens, according to him, were a highly developed and so-related gods a state that, if you believe legend, the end of Atlantis was predetermined.

It is very noteworthy a description of the boarding system, which was arranged in it. According to the testimony of critting, on the Acropolis - a hill, and it is planted in the center of the Greek capital - a certain commune was placed, partly resembling those who painted in their imagination by the Rodonarchians of the Communist Movement. Everything was equally in her and just enough with an excess. It was only inhabited by it was not simple people, but rulers and warriors who provided the maintenance of the order in the country. Labor masses were allowed only to reverently look at their shining heights and perform descendants from there.

Shooting descendants of Poseidona

In the same treatise, the author contrasted the high-edded Atlanta with modest and virtuous Athensians. Their ancestor, as applied from the work of Plato, was the God of the Seas Poseidon. Once, becoming a witness to how the earthly girl, by the name of Cleuto Non-resident, in the waves, his young body, he wrapped in passion and, causing a response feeling in it, became the father of ten sons - demigods of herues.

The eldest of them, named Atlant, was set to control the island divided by nine parts, each of which was under one of his brothers. In the future, his name was inherited not only by the island, but even the ocean on which he was. All his brothers became the densities of the dynasties, for many centuries of those who lived and the rules on this fertile land. This is how the birth of the Atlantis as a powerful and sovereign state is described in the legend.

Isobacy and wealth island

In his essay, Plato also leads to the dimensions of this legendary island-continent. According to him, in length it reached 540 km, and in the width was at least 360 km. Highest point This extensive territory was the hill, the height of which the author does not specify, but he writes that he was located about 9-10 km from the seashore.

It was on it that the Palace of the ruler was built, who still the Poseidon himself surrounded the three land and two aqueous defensive rings. Later, his descendants-Atlanta moved through them bridges and dug extra channels, for which the ships could be easily approaching the steels located at the most walls of the palace. They built a lot of temples on the central hill, richly decorated with gold and decorated with the statues of celestial and earthly Vladyk Atlantis.

Myths and legends, born on the basis of Plato's writings, are full of treasure descriptions that descendants of the marine god, as well as the wealth of nature and the fertility of the island. In the dialogues of an ancient Greek philosopher, it is mentioned, in particular, that, despite the denominations of Atlantis, the wild animals lived on its territory, among which there were even not yet tamed and domesticated elephants. At the same time, Plato does not disregard the negative asgens of the life of the islanders who caused the wrath of the gods and the cause of the catastrophe.

The end of the Atlantis and the beginning of the legend

The world and prosperity that reigned on it many centuries collapsed overnight for the fault of the Atlanta themselves. The author writes that until that time, the inhabitants of the island put the virtue above the wealth and honors, the celers were favorable to them, but turned away from them, as soon as the glitter of gold eclipsed in their eyes spiritual values. Looking at how people who have lost the divine essence, overflowing pride, greed and angry, Zeus did not want to restrain his anger and, having collected other gods, provided them with the right to make their sentence. On this, the manuscript of an ancient Greek philosopher is broken, but, judging by the catastrophe, which collapsed soon on the malicious pride, they found them unworthy of mercy, which led to such a sad ending.

The legends of Atlantis (or information about the events that occurred - it remains unknown) attracted the attention of many ancient Greek historians and writers. In particular, Athenian Gellanik, who lived in the V century BC. er, also describes this island in one of his writings, calling, however, it is somewhat different - Atlantia - and not mentioning his death. However, modern researchers for a number of reasons believe that his story is not related to the deceased Atlantis, but to a safely surviving century Crete, in the history of which also appears to the Marine God of Poseidon, who conceived the Son from the Earth Virgin.

It is curious that the name "Atlanta" was used by the ancient Greek and Roman authors not only to the islanders, but also to the residents of continental Africa. In particular, Herodotus, as well as an equally well-known historian so refer to a kind of tribe, who inhabited in the Atlask mountains near the coast of the ocean. These African Atlants were very militant and, while at a low level of development, the permanent war with the innings, among whom were legendary Amazons.

As a result, they were completely exterminated by their neighbors troglodites, which, although they were in a semi-bodily state, but still managed to win. There is an opinion that Aristotle said about this, that the deals of the savages led to the death of the Atlanta tribe, and the Creator of the world Zeus merged them for perfect lawlessness.

Fantasy fruit surviving century

The attitude of modern researchers to the information set out in Plato's dialogues and in the writings of a number of other authors, extremely skeptical. Most of them consider the Atlantis a legend that does not have any real justification. Their position is explained primarily by the fact that for many centuries there were no material evidence of its existence. This is true. There are no archaeological data on the existence at the end of the ice age, as well as the Millenniums nearest to it, such a developed civilization in West Africa Or Greece.

It is perplexed by the fact that the story, allegedly behaved with ancient Greek priests and then reached the Plato in oral retelling, did not find his reflection in any of the written monuments found on the banks of the Nile. This involuntarily suggests that the ancient Greek philosopher himself composed the tragic history of Atlantis.

The beginning of the legend, he could well borrow from the rich domestic mythology, in which the gods often became the founders of entire peoples and continents. As for the tragic junction of the plot, she was needed. The invented island should be destroyed to give the history of external likelihood. Otherwise, no matter how he could explain to contemporaries (and, of course, descendants) the lack of traces of its existence.

Antiquity researchers pay attention to the fact that talking about the mysterious continent located near the Western Coast of Africa, and his inhabitants, the author leads exclusively Greek names and geographical names. It is very strange and suggests that he came up with them.

Tragic error

At the end of the article, we give a few highly advanced statements with which there are rhythm supporters of the historicity of the existence of Atlantis. As mentioned above, today, many supporters of occult flows and various kinds of mystics have been raised to the shield, who do not want to reckon with the absurdity of their own theories. They are not inferior to them and fluid, trying to give their fabrications for the alleged discovery made by them.

For example, for last years On the print pages, as well as on the Internet, more than once appeared articles that Atlants (the existence of which the authors were not questioned) reached such high progress, which was widely research activities in the field of nuclear physics. Even the nonmedy disappearance of the continent itself is explained by the tragedy that occurred as a result of the nuclear test.