Tsunami in Paramushira in 1952. Monstrous echo ocean depths

Every year on November 5 in North-Kurilsk, the memory of those killed in a terrible catastrophe of 1952. Then the tsunami waves were washed away the entire district center. As calculated later, the unbridled element claimed life 2336 local residents. Someone simply washed into the sea, and the fact of death was installed only when recalculating lists of the population. For all the measurements, it was Nevitian Tsunami, tells the leading researcher of the laboratory of the Tsunami Institute of Maritime Geology and Geophysics (IMGIG), Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Kaistrenko. Element like a giant rope went through the northern smokers and South Kamchatka, almost destroyed North-Kurilsk and other coastal settlements On this territory. The Tsunami of 1952 was a transkean, and the waves of an unprecedented magnitude reached all shores of the Pacific Ocean.

A giant wave, flushed from the face of the earth North-Kurilsk, originated from a strong earthquake. It in turn occurred in the ocean, and the magnitude exceeded 9 points. Over the past 200 years, according to data from scientists, there were only 10 such earthquakes with a hearth in the ocean. Nine of them are recorded on the periphery of the Pacific Ocean, which is not surprising: there is the most tectonically active zone of the planet, the so-called Pacific Ring ... The same powerful was the recent terrible tsunami in the Indian Ocean, which was embraced at the end of 2004 on the coast of Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and other countries.

However, for a long time, the information about the tragedy on November 5, 1952 was hidden under the "Secret" or "for official use" griffs. This was then time. It was the last year of the life of Stalin.

These these began to declassify only in the 90s. At the same time, for the first time, we were talking about the construction of a memorial who died in the district center. The most detailed description, hot-spot, is contained in the report of the hydrographic expedition of the Pacific Fleet, based on Kamchatka. Three her vessels were on the northern smoke the next day. With them, the Volcanologist A. Svallovsky landed on the island. After a week, scientists from Sakhalin arrived there, from the complex research institute (so then I was named IMGIG). In the 90s, the famous Professor A. Svyatlovsky conveyed to V. Kajstrenko his archives. This data, emphasizes V. Kajstrenko, are very valuable to study that tsunami.

Information about the North Curil Tsunami of 1952 was partially published in open scientific publications only in 1957-1959. Vultures on most documents did not allow to write about the tsunami more and conduct large-scale research. It is these documents that are now the basis of future scientific research, and are also a good reminder than the inattention may turn into the seismic features of Sakhalin and Kuril.

From push to the first wave

So, that's what a picture is evaporated from archival documents.

The night was lunar. The destructive wave was preceded by an earthquake. It happened at night about 5 am by Kamchatsky time. People are accustomed to a constant underground jolly, but these were stronger than usual and accompanied by the underground hum. Residents raised out of the houses, but the earthquake like sterling. Especially severe destruction was not. Anxiety was easy, but, as it turned out, not for long ...

The first wave approached after 20 minutes ... its height was 5-8 meters. As it turned out, not everyone knew what the tsunami was and how it was associated with the earthquake.

The first shot fell on the courts standing in the port. The moon illuminated the place of the playing tragedy. The tsunami is simply overwhelmed. Some, being rejected into the sea, were able to stay afloat and did not drowl. According to the testimony of Lion Dombrovsky, the captain of one of them said that he had never believed in such: their tank-landing ship disrupted with anchors and mooring as a gunkaya, literally twisted and threw into the bay, but at the same time the vessel did not receive any damage and then participated in Salvation people.

From eyewitness memories, Captain Nikolai Mikhalchenko:

- When the first shocks stopped, my wife and I returned to the house. We lived in 30-40 meters from the shore in the village of Ocean in Paramushire. After some time, it began to shake again, we began to dress and then I heard screams: "Water!". He opened the door and literally brought me a powerful stream. The house was folded as a cardboard, but I managed to catch him for his roof, before it was reduced ... Dark, nothing can be seen. I flew off with the roof, I felt a hard surface under my feet, I came to my senses and ran to the feet towards the fishing fabric. Later he already noticed that the roof of my house was thrown back from the shore somewhere on Polkilometer. On the hill we remained two or three days, until the court came from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and began to take those who survived North-Kurilsk. In our ocean killed, all who lived near the coast.

Quiet morning

The second wave was much higher and destructive. Electricity was gone in the houses - the previous Natisk was not taking a power station ... After the second strike, the entire lower part of the district center was washed. Actually, there was almost the entire settlement.

From the memories of Leo Dombrovsky:

- The second wave came 40 minutes after the first. Looking into binoculars, I did not believe my eyes: the cities simply did not become ... And the morning was quiet and sunny. The ocean was calm. And at sea, the shore could be seen an empty packaging, barrels for fuel, we saw even a wooden house. It is simply washed ...

We were all on a platoon ... Dead bodies were scattered everywhere on Earth ... One man hung on the crane mast. Non-destructive was one house made from plates. But only his base survived, and the roof, doors and windows rushed.

A few days after the tragedy fell snow. As it turned out, only two objects made from concrete remained completely unhappy from the buildings: the gate of the stadium and the monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union Stepan Savushkin.

Cases of looting were recorded, they were pretext only with the help of the military. The victims began to export in Vladivostok, to Kamchatka and Sakhalin. The shock was the strongest, but after a while Seversocurilians began to return to their islands.

Salvation drowning

The archives retained truly amazing stories of rescue people thrown into the open sea. With an eyewitness of one of them, the captain of the fishing vessel by Alexei Mezis V. Kajstrenko met personally.

According to the memoirs of the captain, his crew raised a woman on board, which had a whole three day drifted into the sea on the roof of the demolished house. She clung to her literally dead grip. The tidal flow of it several times over the spiring from the Ocean of the Sea to the ocean and back. Even after several days, the North-Kurilchanka did not immediately realize that it happened to her - this was a blow on the psyche ... But it was November ...

Fate favored and to the Mesis himself - that day his vessel stood in North-Kurilsk, and he went to see the family in Kozyrevsk, to the neighboring Schisha, which from North-Kurilsk was separated by 3 miles through the strait. The whole picture of the arrival of Tsunami Mezis saw from another shore and managed to climb the hits. And in Kozyrevsk, the wave like a bulldozer crumpled the local fish factor.

No less awesome history of the boy - from North-Kurilsk, he suffered a wave on the gate. They brought him to the village of Babushkino on the island of Schusha. The shock was Silen, the child did not understand what happened and where it was. Ottell it not immediately. And there was no orphan - he found parents.

While the wave is not born ...

Tsunami in 1952 showed how unwooling the local authorities and the local population live near such a formidable phenomenon as tsunami. No one thought that the construction in the coastal strip was susceptible to the blow of a giant wave. Built on the principle of economic feasibility, not subject to security. Private residents did not pay special attention that the ladders were built near the Japanese houses to the hills - so that at the first danger to climb up and protect against the crushing the killer wave. Yes, no one clarified them how to behave during such elements. Salvation of the buried turned out to be, in fact, the affair of themselves.

However, after the Tsunami of 1952, a tsunami warning system began to be created in the USSR, and 1955 is considered to be a year of birth.

In 1964, the decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on the prohibition of construction in tsunamic zones was adopted. But in addition to this solution, the regulatory framework was not created. Therefore, new objects continued to occur in the zones reaching for the tsunami. This once again played a cruel joke with northern smokers in 1960.

A system of observations began to collapse with the collapse of the Union, and the tsunami warning system remained technically obsolete. It has become reborn with the beginning of this century, and this can not but rejoice, V. Kajstrenko emphasizes. Three Research Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sakhalin Hydrometeorological Service, Institute of Oceanology, RAS, Nizhny Novgorod Technical University are connected to research. In the regional department of construction, two years ago, work on the regulatory framework for designing and construction in tsunamasted zones began. And the tragedy of 1952 should be a reminder for all of us - we are powerless to the violence of nature, but in our power to protect against it to prevent the death of people and reduce the destruction to a minimum.

Tsunami, comparable to the Tsunami of 1952, occurred in December 2004 off the coast of Indonesia, when more than two hundred thousands of its inhabitants died, a lot of holidaymakers at the resorts of Thailand, dozens and hundreds of residents of settlements on the coast of other countries of the zone Indian Ocean. Unusual experience about. A sylule located closest to the hearth of this tsunami, with more than 76 thousand people. There were 7 people died, because people knew how to live near the tsunami and escape from the wave. And on other coasts - terrible losses.

November 5, 1952 An earthquake occurred at 130 km from the M. The Shipunsky Peninsula of Kamchatka. The earthquake focus was at a depth of 20-30 km. The destruction from the earthquake was covered by the coast for 700 km: from the Kronotsky Peninsula to the Northern Kuril Islands. The destruction was small - the pipes collapsed, lightweight buildings were damaged, the walls of buildings and capital structures were cracked.

Much of great destruction and disaster brought Tsunami, which arose as a result of this earthquake. Water lifting height on average reached 6-7 m.

The destructive tsunami to the eastern shores of Kamchatka and the Northern Kuril Islands came out 15-45 minutes after the earthquake and began with a decrease in the sea level.

From the waves the strongest suffered by the city of North-Kurilsk, located on about. Paramushir. The city's territory occupied a coastal beach with a height of 1-5 m, further stretched the slope of the coastal terrace with a height of 10 m. A lot of buildings were placed on it. Part of the buildings was located southwest of the port along the river valley.

In estimates of a number of archival sources in that tragic night, 2336 people died in northern smoke.

The following are evidence of eyewitnesses and excerpts from documents that fully describe the dramatic events of 1952.

A. Ya. Mezis
Fifty second tragedy

It was from 4 to 5 November ...

None in North Kurilsk, nor with us, in Kozyrevsk, did not give a salary in any other combines. Why did I get in Kozyrevsk? Starpom on the vessel remained, and we and I came ashore. I usually received a statement and money there, and then I betrayed the guys on the ship, they painted, and I passed a statement in the accounting department. In general, I came to get a salary, and at the same time at home - the family lived in Kozyrevsk, and now it started at night.

The earthquake was very strong. There were often an earthquake, in general the island was shaking without end, they used to be accustomed to it, especially if the entire score is 2-3. Those who on the shore, of course, always felt them, and we did not feel at all in the sea of \u200b\u200bearthquake.

So, when the beginning began to shake a lot, many, yes, in fact, almost all people did not know at all that such waves are at sea - tsunami. I read something about them in marine textbooks. But it is so ... do you never read about? The true idea of \u200b\u200bthem and about what trouble they bring, there was no ...

I remember, I jumped off the bed, and the floor out of the feet is pulling out, and the alarm clock fell, and darkness - the light was given from the power station to 11-12 hours. But I have a battery and a bulb have been. The children are still, one is very small - you never know what night? Well, turned on the light, under the legs - alarm clock, and the arrows on the dial showed ten minutes fourth. It crashed me into memory .. And in the house - he was a Japanese long, barny type, of eight apartments - noise, screams.

People pop out on the street. I looked into the window. What is there? .. I do not understand. And so, in this turmoil, noise, 10-15 minutes passed. The wife still slept with the children, then the eldest woke up, mumbles: "What is it?", And she is: "Sleep", but a little, as I slept, never woke up.

Then I hear people shout: "Wave! Wave!".

It was the first, low wave, which on the shore rolled. She, as I, after I saw, broke the piers, demolished the conveyors from them, for which the fish was walking, and wrapped the lower houses - along the window. Of course, this is terribly stolen. They all died immediately - so there were no victims here.

But further - there the shore immediately climbed up the meters at 30 with superfluous over the sea level, - there seemed to hardly boil and again screams: "Wave, wave!". There is a knock on my head: "Stop! After a strong earthquake, there may be big waves." I told my wife: "You, let's get up and dress up, you see, there is a" wave "shout." Wife: "What, the first time you shakes? Share will stop it." I have no habit of swearing, and here swallowed, as they say, from the top floor: "Get up! Dress up the guys!" And I myself think: they say, as friends there, Kostya Todorov, Sasha Erushevich - Odessans. Need to run, see. They are there closer to the sea, remained.

Well, left home. And the night is light, quiet. The moon is right above the strait. Retold to their home - a whole, only noticeable that the water was raised to the windows. And the sand around it so crushed, well, just like on good beach. And pings are decorated ...

Here, two guys joined me, one is the foreman of the military boat and the second is a fisker of the cans. Here we threaten down along the shore, and the water in the sea retreats, the bottom is taken off. This guy, the fiskerchik said: "See, the bottom appears, and the sand is even where they were anchors - there was no places in the pier." We saw someone's eliminated anchor. And the guy grinned: "If so water will leave, then we will come in the hour in North-Kurilsk." And I said: "Guys, it is bad sign. It seems that the bottom is taken out before the new wave."

Soon, Nashe attracted some buzz from the ocean side. The buzz this all the time intensified, increased. We looked towards the ocean, and under the moon - such a light strip on the water. Not just a walkway, but a strip. We were when we saw her, she was thin. And so it became fat. "Guys," I said, "this hum ... the strip is a wave rolling, let's get sown from here." I remembered that minute, as in the maritime textbook about these waves are written. And we first from her - a step, step, and she grew up with tremendous speed. And the buzz increased. Bolt.

We run, and then we see that she is close, it became scary and everything is clear - we are in bulk. Someone's cow run past us, and then we have noticed a path, and on it - up and up. On the waters were running out, then it would be necessary, and there is no longer forces, the heart is terribly thorn. Suspended. We see - the gray mass of the shaft rolls like it would not be very fast, but what a romance! .. And then I hit the factory, covered it partially and as if I pushed it - all these buildings began to emerge to emerge, sparkling on logs and boards, and water drove them ahead Himself. She carried everything, Rusha, twisting in his way Other buildings, and literally for any two or three minutes swept over the entire coast. Then the water began to decline, sliding.

Coast has opened. And we stand with scolding eyes and do not believe what we see. There were buildings - there is nothing. As a janitor with a broom, everything went through - the shore is clean.

Then we see when in the direction of North-Kurilsk looked, "although this is not a day, we won't consider well, but they saw that the water quilted from there - this is the fragments of the city filled the bay, and from them shouts. Heartbreaking cries. We are wearing. What to do?!

Here here, in front of us - Overactions are small, the streams ran around it, "so all this oxide scored fragments of the plant: sticking the boards, logs, bars, iron rods. And how are our barracks? How there? .. To see them, you have to go around, it's far and scary, and it is necessary to know whether children are alive, the wife is alive. I climbed through these debris to go to the border shop. There, on its territory, I have already noticed people - the whole yard filled out; Crying, screams. I came there, my looking for.

I look - the wife is worth. It came to her, and she stands and it can not say anything from fear - she and children also saw how this water shaft rolled. Suddenly I see: the youngest she keeps his legs - instead of the head of his heel from the blanket sticks out, and he is silent there. "Invert him," I said. She turned over and rehearsed him.

Above the border shops, the house stood, the old people lived in it - we were friends with them. They treated us well. Old man Lukashenko himself - from Ukraine. I told my wife: "Let's go to Lukashenko." Let's go there and others, stuffed in the house. All women, I look, scared frighteners, pale, one shakes, the other cheek twitches.

I pushed Fedya - he was the captain on the Japanese schooner: "Let's go, a barrel there, you know? .." Let's go, the barrel opened and came the kettle of alcohol. Brought them, treated them, and went to watch themselves, what did the sea do? .. And already time - by morning, to the dawn. And in the Strait, there are still full of wreckage and cries of people do not stop - they ask for help ...

Amender came "Amderma", then "Krasnogorsk". Across stood up. Boats launched. Between the wreckage - on boats, the oars were sweeping. How many people they pulled out.

When my seiner approached, with difficulty he moved to him; The assistant immediately ran his family to search. To us, the passage and captain from the twenty-first captain - the husband of the sister of my wife. It turned out that his wooden ship was damaged, it sank along the deck, and then he was thrown ashore. We started to run there and here. I do not know how old stamp pulled out of the water of people - he managed to say only that he saved, - and we raised on board seventeen people. Of the fragments of former buildings.

In addition, realizing that people need to be changed, and eat, they caught different bales, drawers - mostly hunting for products and clothing. Near the Camelka, which was treated in all the power, rescued dried shirts, blankets ... Our cooking from flour and egg powder - we also caught in the water - omelet and cakes were continuously prepared.

Soon began snowfall, blizzard, storm wind. Visibility has decreased. We continue to seek people. They noticed a quilted blanket among the wreckage, such a pink satin. They came to him, hooked the bug - maybe he will give the supreme and give to someone. They pulled, and under it - the window frame, and the corpse of the child was stuck in it. We did not take a blanket ...

When they were made their way to North-Kurilsk, they were afraid, no matter how to evoke to anything that could damage or board, or the screw. Saw the shore coast. The crane fell into the sea, and here is a picture: from the water sticks out his arrow with a nut, which is for lifting cargo, and a pendant - a cable, and this cable will be bent so much that a young guy's hand is shuffled; He hung face to Arrow and, apparently, beat about her - the face was broken, and hung in shorts and T-shirt, Bosoya. We wanted to pull it out. Did not work out.

They went ashore, here on the bracket, too ... why it was not clenched ... On the very edge lay a dead Korean, apparently, a pregnant woman is a big belly ... moved away, and then, from the half-littered crushed stone and sand, a hand and legs were sticking out. Horror ...

People when we said to them: Breast to the Seina, first of all, children, women and old people, will leave, "the people were held by the chain by the corpses, they recognized their relatives and silent oschelo, as if nothing wonder - the horror before he paralyzed their consciousness, What could not even cry. On the deck were placed - mostly sat - a man 50-65. And we went to the ship.

In the morning there were already several steamers on the raid and were ships on the approach to us - from the ocean, a total of 10 or more units. This is ours. But the Americans approached the Military Ship and Trade Courts. They offered their services, but they were refused. First, they do nothing for free, and secondly, they considered that they are enough for their vessels to evacuate people.

And so four days went searching for people in the sea and shipping them to ships. And on the shore, when we in the third or fourth of times entered the bucket for the passage of the new party of victims, the corpses were already removed, and not such a terrible picture appeared before the eyes of people. People were already organized, somewhat calm, some are dressed in the fact that they dropped off the aircraft, other gathered nodules with some products. But these were probably the inhabitants of North-Kurilsk, the most densely populated area, which embraced the wave of about two thirds, and its outflows - the flood was not touched, but only scared.

What did I see and what I remember? For example, it begins to rise to volcanoes, they cost cool, and in this direction - a flat place. On it, the Japanese had a airfield - a wooden flooring from BRUSEV for aircraft. Our bars cleared. There was something at the military, lived in houses and a little civilian. The wave came here already weakened, bought people a pretty, but dead ... it seemed not to.

But here, behind this thieshochka, - high cliffs, went along the bank in the catoko (Baikovo), during the tide - only on the top trail. But then there was a lot of builds right on the shore. There were pyrses here, military and fishing small vessels moored to them. And we were more suitable here to refuel with fresh water, "so many people died here.

But another place. Also shore, low. Here, from the ocean side, there were about two soldier battalions, as they say, on the border ... And now imagine - night, the time of the strongest sleep. And - a sudden kick of a giant wave. All the barracks and buildings in moments are broken, the guys are picked up with water ... and who could be saved, and how much time he survived, it will be able to hold out in cold water - because November. On the shore, it was difficult to regret the fire, heated - not everyone succeeded.

I remember in Korsakov, in the commission, which was engaged in the device of victims in a natural disaster, called a preliminary figure - 10 thousand people. Considered so much died. Well, and then began to speak differently: and less than a thousand, and Poltara thousands. When only in one North-Kurilsk could die much more ... Actually, it is still unknown, but in reality there were victims in that terrible element.

Now it's in front of me Military Card (two-timer), now it is declassified. Here is the island of Schoshu, the strait, there is a low coast, people lived on it, here the height of approximately 30 meters above sea level, then again - on the descent, hilly. There was one cannent plant here, there is another, in the same area there was a shop, a radio station, a ship-housing shop, Rybcop's warehouses. And there was a goatrevsky fishing fabor. And on the mountain - her then people called Dunkin Pup - they were the observation and communication service.

And in this direction there was a blow to the wave. She, when she walked into the sea, perhaps he was height 20 meters, and when it wedged into a narrow place, and even with such a monstrous speed, naturally, it took up and somewhere, perhaps, reached a 35-meter height. I have already said, as in my eyes, demolished the plant. The same was with others. And with all the buildings that fell under her wild power.

Below were the warehouses of the fish. They naturally destroyed them, the goods there are different, the manufactory has praised. Rolls are different, imagine?

It was not without funny. We had one half-studio - Masha, it means, then it comes to the unlocked fabric and is going to cut off a piece. The soldier says to her: "Why do you touch!", And she: "This is mine, it took from the house." Well, he drove her, and she was from another, as they say, the end came, grabbed a hefty wet piece and dragged to him ...

In North-Kurilsk, the first wave destroyed a significant part of the buildings and, rolling back, carried out a lot of human victims. And the second shaft, which collapsed in about 20-25 minutes, was such a huge devastating force that he drove the multi-torrent items.

The whole city with the mass of the wreckage carried together with people in the strait, then wore them back and forth, it was that at the third day they shot people from the roofs of the destroyed houses; These were Japanese wooden houses, firmly made, they could have nerded, move, but they were completely slow, difficult.

And in the wind, in the snowfall, which began shortly after the tsunami, a woman was on the roof, on the third day we shot her. Naturally, all this time she tried in every possible way to stay, her nails were torn in their arms, elbows and knees beaten to the bones. And when we shot her, she was all clinging for this roof. And where and how else to help?

Not far there was a destroyer. Military sailors for some reason did not let the civilian courts for their board, we still approached him, the Watch officer waved: "Get out!". I shouted him that we had a very hard wounded woman, it is necessary to be in Lazaret. The senior officer came out, ordered: "Take the mooring!" We came up, threw the mooring, here and the sailors with stretchers came running ...

And at the very day, the first morning after this flooding, as soon as the aircraft flew out of Petropavlovsk, and the people were those who managed to climb on the hills, those people were semi-indiffered - who are in what are some wet. Well, began to dump warm clothes, blankets, dumped and food. This, of course, greatly helped people.

All night long on the hill burned fires, people warmed near them, in down, where yesterday they still lived, they were afraid. What if again? .. Moreover, they declared: they say, there may be even waves and even more. But fortunately, there was no new waves.

One-single plant that completely survived from the element is the one that stood in the bay of Shelikhov, from the side of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, he remained absolutely unharmed, except that it was not necessary that the water watched him, that's all.

In general, the tragedy was very big, the monstrous, about such a casual one can not speak or write. It is only worth remembering about her again, as all new and new people and terrible paintings come up before your eyes.

After all, it was before the holiday - before November 7th. But there, on smoke, not like in big citiesPreparation for the holiday was almost invisible, - there people usually prepared for a long winter. Painted food. For example, at home there were plywood jarrels with egg powder, dry milk. Of course, and the fish was. I need meat, well, so I went, the carcass of the ram took the whole. Fruits either never bought kilograms, usually - a box, two, or even more. Vegetables were difficult to stock, but they were reserved, who as he knew how, from the courts that came to us. But for the holidays, of course, it would be more free time. And there would be a crawling drunk ... If such a disaster happened for the holidays, the victims would be much more.

Late already, as they say, there is a long time settled, but about that tragedy, it is necessary to tell, and write - another eyewitnesses of the element remained. And I almost never see your acquaintances. In Nevelsk, it lives, if he did not leave, Corbut is a foreman of divers to repair the underwater part of the courts. Then in Chekhov - Coast, Greek, also an eyewitness of this. Polishchuk - senior assistant, died.

Then how was it covered in print? For example, Moscow newspapers come, and that we have read about the misfortune of thousands of people? Yes, almost nothing was said, so, in the streamlined colors. Everything, even the grief of people, was under a big ban, everything was hidden, turned into a larger secret. And these documents lay under the vulture of "Secret".

We affected by officially issued assistance to be able to go to the mainland. And many have left here, the other part left and returned, and most skewed in different cities and Sakhalin villages. Those who quickly left for the mainland have not received wages for the last period. I was given a salary only in mid-December. This is me, and many, probably somehow kept. The clothes were also given a lot, and new, and worn.

In Voroshilov (now Ussuriysk), even with envy treated us, for a while was transferred there: we had a food for free, we were brought to us, we bought the others, our other was given to us free as material assistance. Local population It became for us to mow: they say, they can not buy anything, but we have all new products for rods; We even got along the trains there and here for free. Those who returned to Sakhalin was provided and housing. Yes, here's another interesting item. Our parents on the mainland received letters from Voroshilov from us and immediately wrote themselves: what happened, why did you find them there? That is, in the continent, there were no idea what happened on the edge of the earth, in the east.

And the help of victims for those times was essential - within 3-3.5 thousand rubles. There, on smoke, some lived in hostels, nothing had nothing but that clothes that they. And here gathered in the role of witnesses and let's talk to the Commission: they say, he also had it. One, for example, told everyone that he had a leather coat on the island, leather gloves, everything, they say, brightened into the sea. Well, he received three thousand and in fact began to pace in the leather coat, and the gloves put on the leather with long fingers, and the shoes are unthinkable. The parrot was called, but he achieved his own.

But it is so, a little thing. But there, on earth grief, there was a looting ... For example, when there were already in Voroshilov, we have one from the ocean fishing factory, too, as it should be, got help and began to buy things in stores, and everything is more cost-raised, and gold with silver . Attention was noted, traced that she would buy. Well, of course, the references were called: received three thousand, but scared for all thirty.

And now at night in the Club of the Sugar Plant, where we temporarily posted and we put on duty at night, because there were Khmyri, who were not offended by a stranger, and the fact that the people tragedy were survived, this was not interested - so suddenly appeared Uncle in prison. Who are they? What for? Well, they showed the certificate - the police, then they asked us to understand from those who still do not sleep, and the head of the club would not hurt here. Then this woman was awakened, presented to her a search warrant. And they began to telete her things. She, of course, "how you are not ashamed where we climb!". And how the underwear unfolded, as a pack of money appeared, not quite trying, so she fell. Then in the suitcase, in his double day, they found money. Of course, began to find out where such capital acquired.

And it turned out, she and her husband, when the Ocean Combine washed away, saw a safe on the shore. Hacked him, and there - the salary of the whole team, which was delivered and did not have time to give. They shared their money with her husband, and she is in Voroshilov, and he - in Vladivostok remained. Well, they took it there.

And in Vladivostok at the maritime station, I watched another picture. This is when we came there after a disaster. My wife - with children, her sister - with a child, four days was, how gave birth, she would have died at all if we were on the eve of the tsunami, the hospital staff did not pay it - it was cold there. And here we go with the children yes with the little things that we managed to capture. And other - with suitcases, one of the other thicker. Well, rightly like Torgash which of the rich edge. He is said to him: "And you go to that door." Then, you look, it turns out from there - they crushed, and under the cone.

So everything was in this tragedy: both death, and injury, and madness, and grouard, and the ladder, and on, and the feat, and sympathy, and compassion ...

These are people. That is life.


1. From a special report of the head of the North-Kuril police station on a natural disaster - Tsunami, which occurred in the North-Kuril district on November 5, 1952 (Local Lore Bulletin No. 4, 1991 of the Sakhalin Regional local Lore Museum and the Sakhalin branch of the All-Russian Culture Foundation.)

At 4 o'clock in the morning, on November 5, 1952, a strong earthquake lasted for about 30 minutes began in North Kurilsk and the area, which were damaged by the buildings and destroyed the furnaces in the houses.

Minor fluctuations were still continued when I headed to the district police department to verify the damage to the district department and especially the chamber of the preliminary conclusion, in which 22 people were held on November 5 ...

On the way to the district station, I observed cracks in the ground from 5 to 20 cm wide formed by an earthquake. Arriving in the district department, I saw that the building from the earthquake broke into two halves, the furnaces crumbled, duty outfit ... were located on the ground ...

At this time there were no jolts no longer, there was a very quiet weather ... We did not have time to walk to Rotadel, as the noise heard a lot, then crash from the sea. Looking around, we saw a high height of the water shaft, coming from the sea to the island. Since Rosotde was at a distance of 150 m from the sea, and the KPZ is about 50 meters from the sea, then immediately the first victim of the water became the CPP ... I gave an order to open the shooting of personal weapons and shout: "Water goes!", At the same time retreating to hots. Having heard the noise and screams, people began to run out of the apartments in what were dressed (most in the underwear, barefoot) and run to the hill.

After about 10-15 minutes, the first tree of water began to go, and some people went to their homes to collect their surviving things.

With a group of my workers, I went to the district department to find out the situation and salvation of the surviving. Going to the place, we did not find anything, it remains clean ...

At this time, that is, in about 15-20 minutes after the departure of the first wave, the water tree rushed again and the quantity than the first one. People thinking that everything has already ended (many killed by the loss of their loved ones, children and property), descended from sobes and began to settle in the surviving houses to warm up and dress themselves. Water, without meeting on its resistance path (the first shaft was bold a significant part of the buildings), with exceptional speed and fastened to land, completely destroying the remaining homes and buildings. This wave was destroyed by the whole city and most of the population died.

I did not have time to go away the water of the second wave, as the third time the water rushed and carried almost everything in the sea that was from the buildings in the city.

For 20 - 30 minutes (the time of two almost simultaneous waves of huge strength) in the city there was a terrible noise of raging water and breaking buildings. Houses and roofs of houses threw, like matchboxes, and worn to sea. Strait, separating Paramushir Islands and Schisha, completely filled with floating houses, roofs and other debris.

Saved people frightened by what is happening, in a panic throwing taken things and losing children, rushed to run above in the mountains.

After that, the water began to go and cleaned the island. But the minor underground boils began again and most of the surviving people stayed in the hits, fearing to descend. Taking advantage of this, individual groups from civilians and military personnel began to rob the remaining fellows on the slopes of the feet of the house, smash the safes scattered on the territory of the city and other personal and state property ...

The guard of the State Bank, by order of the Commander of the garrison, Major's Muka General took the captain of Kalinenkov with a group of soldiers ...

By 10 in the morning, on November 5, 1952, approximately the entire personnel was collected. It has been established that the police officers have no passportist Korlanova V.I. With the child and secretary-Tamatoviki Kovtun L.I. With a child and mother. According to inaccurate information, Korobanov and Kovtun were chosen by a boat on the open sea, planted for a steamer and sent to Petropavlovsk. The wives of the police officers Osintsev and Galmutdinov died. Of the 22 people contained in the CPZ, 7 people were saved ...

On November 6, the Commission on the Evacuation of the Population, the supply of its food and clothing was organized at the party and economic assets ... It was given orders to the commander of the Matveenko branch about the immediate assembly of the ordinary composition ... However, most of the personnel left the place of collection and in the evening on November 6 I got on the steamer "Welen" ...

The natural disaster was completely destroyed by the regional department of the police, the CPR, a stable ... Common loss is 222.4 thousand rubles.

All documentation of the district department, press, stamps ... washed away in the sea ... Taking advantage of a natural disaster, the soldiers of the garrison, drunk scattered around the city of alcohol, brandy and champagne, began to engage in ladder ...

In the ocean fishing factor on November 5, 1952, after the destruction, a safe was found in which there were 280 thousand rubles belonging to the plant ... Employees of the Ocean Combine ... Employees ... hacked the safe and kidnapped 274 thousand rubles ...

In the fish farmers, Babushkino and Kozyrevskoye at the moment of natural disaster, a large number of inventories belonging to the Rybkhkops were removed by military personnel.

According to the facts of the military personnel, the command was informed to take measures.

Senior Gosbean Lieutenant P.M. Derebin

2. Help of the Deputy Head of the Sakhalin Regional Department of the Police on the results of a trip to the Egigal Disaster District

On November 6, 1952, by order of the head of the Sakhalin Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the State Security Ministry of State Security T. Smirnov, together with the members of the Commission, Commission, KPSS flew to the North-Kuril district. (1)

During the period of stay in the North-Kuril district from November 8 to December 6, 1952, from conversations with the affected population, party and Soviet and scientists, as well as as a result of personal observations and the study of places that were flooded and destruction, found that November 5, 1952 For 3 hours of 55 minutes on the islands of the Kuril ridge, including Paramushir, Schisha, Alaid and Onekotan, an earthquake of a great destructive power occurred. The cause of the earthquake, as scientists explain, was the constant pressure of the mortar crust to the East. Due to the fact that the bottom of the Japanese and Okhotsk seas consists of a solid breed of basalt, withstanding this titanic stress, the breakdown occurred in the weakest place (according to the structure of the seabed) in the Pacific Ocean, in the so-called vpadine of the tag. At a depth of 7-8 thousand ms, about 200 km east of Paramushir island, at the time of the gigantic compression of the depression there was a sharp rise in the bottom of the ocean (reset), possibly followed volcanic eruption, crowded a huge mass of water, which in the form of a shaft rushed to the islands of the Kuril ridge.

As a result of the earthquake, the city of North-Kurilsk, the villages of Ocean, Rocky, Levashovo, Kamenny, Galkino, Podgorny, and others, were destroyed and demolished and demolished. The earthquake continued with various strengths several times a day for November, December months and after. At one o'clock in the night, November 16 began to erupt the South Volcano. Initially, strong explosions occurred with outbreaks, and then the lava and ashes, a distinguished by the wind of 30 - 50 km and 7 - 8 cm poured out of the edge of the volcano.

Judging by the explanations of eyewitnesses, the earthquake began this way: on November 5, 1952, at 3 o'clock 55 minutes, the inhabitants of North-Kurilsk were awakened by strong jolts, accompanied by numerous underground explosions resembling a remote artillery canonade. Due to the oscillation of the earth's crust, the plaster flew from the ceiling and walls, the stoves were destroyed, swinging the cabinets fell, the shells were fading, and more stable items - tables, beds, moved on the floor from the wall to the wall, just like loose items on the ship During the storm.

Underground shocks then with increasing, then with a weakening force continued for 30 - 35 minutes. Then silence came. The inhabitants of North-Kurilsk, accustomed to the soil periodic fluctuations that took place and earlier, in the first minutes of the earthquake on November 5, it was believed that it would quickly stop, so escaped from the fallen objects and destruction, they ran out on the street. Weather on this night stood warm, only in someone the first snow preserved the day before. Was an rare moonlight night.

As soon as the earthquake ceased, the population returned to their apartments to continue sleep, and individual citizens began to prepare for the holiday immediately to repair the apartments destroyed by an earthquake, without suspecting impending danger.

At about 5 am people who were on the street, from the sea, heard an unusually terrible and all increasing noise and at the same time - rifle shots in the city. As it turned out, workers and military were shot, who alone out of the first noticing the movement of the wave. They drew attention to the strait. At that time, in the strait between the islands, Schusha and Paramushir, a huge water shaft was seen against the ocean light on the ocean light. He suddenly performed quite clearly, bonded by a wide strip of foam, rapidly approaching North-Kurilsk. It seemed to people that the island was descended. This impression, by the way, was from the population and other villages that were flooded. Hope for salvation was determined only by several tens of seconds. Residents of the city, located on the street, raised the cry: "Sawn! Water goes!". Most of the people in the underwear, barefoot, grabbing children, rushed to the hill. Meanwhile, the water shaft has already collapsed on coastal buildings. The city was filled with a crackle of destroyable buildings, heartbreaking cries and screams of immersing and pursued by the water shaft running to the population of people.

The first shaft rolled into the strait, having taken with him many human victims and a significant part of coastal buildings. People began to descend from sobs, began to inspect the apartments, the search for the missing relatives. But no more than 20 - 25 minutes passed, as in the ocean's side again heard the noise, which turned into a terrible roar, and even more terrible water shaft was height at 10-15 meters again rapidly rolled through the strait. The shaft with noise and roar fell into the northeast protrusion of Paramushir Island in the area of \u200b\u200bNorth-Kurilsk and crashing about him, one wave rolled on the strait in the north-west direction, destroying coastal buildings on the islands and Paramushir, and Another - describing an arc along the north-coil lowland in the south-east direction, hit on the city of North-Kurilsk, Ramanely rotating in a circle of the depression and rapid convulsive jerks, flushing to the ground all the buildings and structures located on the ground 10-15 meters above the level seas.

The strength of the water shaft in his rapid movement was so huge that small ones, but heavy items, somehow: Machines installed on butt bases, semi-chassis safes, tractors, cars - broke from their places, circled in the whirlpool together with Wooden objects, and then scattered on a huge area or carried into the strait.

As an indicator of the enormous destructive strength of the second wave, an example from a storage room of Gosbank, which represents a reinforced concrete block of 15 tons weighing. It was reduced from the butt, in 4 sq.m, the foundations and rejected 8 meters.

Despite the tragity of this disaster, the absolute majority of the population was not confused, moreover, in the most critical moments, many nameless heroes showed sublime heroic feats: risking life, saved children, women, old people.

Here two girls lead the old woman. Pursued by the approaching wave, they try to run faster to the hill. The old woman, having gone out of his strength, goes out to the ground in exhaustion. She begging girls to leave her and save himself. But the girls through the noise and the roar of the impending element shout to her: "We will not leave you anyway, let them all be drowning." They pick up the old woman in their arms and try to run, but at that moment the reclining wave picks them up and so everyone throws away to the elevation. They are saved.

Mother and young Malosov daughter, fleeing on the roof of her house, the wave was thrown into the strait. Calling about help, they were spotted by people on the hill. Soon there, not far from the floating loses, a little girl was seen on the board, as it turned out, a miraculously saved by a three-year embankment Svetlana, which disappeared, then again appeared on the crest of the wave. His blonde hair waved by the wind, from time to time she fled the handbook back, which indicated that the girl was alive.

The shed at this time was completely filled with floating houses, roofs, different demolished property and especially fishing gear, interfering with swimming boats. The first attempts to break through the boats turned out to be unsuccessful - solid dawns prevent move forward, and fishing tackles are wound on the screws. But from the shore of the island, Schisha separated the boat, who through the ruins slowly makes his way forward. Here it is suitable for a floating roof, the boat team quickly removes the elk, and then carefully removes Svetlana from the board. People sitting with a hidden breathing, sighed lightweight.

Only during the period of commission on the city of North-Kurilsk, more than 15 children lost their parents were selected and saved by the population and the command of various floors, 192 people with roofs and other floating items in the Strait, Sea and Ocean.

Many responsible workers, until the last minute notifying the population of threatening danger, became victims of the elements. So, the manager of the North-Kuril fishing river, a member of the CPSS TSU. Alperin M.S. (2)

In the salvation of people and state property a lot of courage, initiative and resourcefulness were manifested. For example, when approaching the second, more terrible, waves to the fishing village Levashovo fishermen Puzacchkov and Zimovin, believing that the island will fool, raised the cry: "Brothers! Sawn on Kungas!" 18 people of men, women and children plunged into Kungas, but did not have time to take the oars, they were picked up with a wave and were carried out in the ocean. Thanks to the resourcefulness, replacing the oars on the boards, they sailed to the shore on the second day. Tov. Zimovin and Puzachkov, together with his wives, actively participated in the collection of state property ...

Many captains and teams of boats actively participated in the salvation of the population and property, and then on the transportation of the population from the island to ships with significant storms without victims. At the same time, a number of team members showed cowardice by throwing trial to the mercy of fate, with the first ships fled to the mainland.

And, if the majority of the population, dilapidated, with children in the open sky, pierced by strong wind, rain and snow, courageously and persistently tolerated all deprivation, individuals, using a natural disaster, were assigned state values, property and with the first steamers were hidden. Individuals, including some servicemen, were engaged in looting ... by the military command, the population itself and the police authorities, many cases of looting prevented ...

As a result of a natural disaster on the site of the city of North-Kurilsk, an almost empty area was formed in several square kilometers and the existence of the city here reminds only the individual foundations of the demolished waves, thrown out of the roof of the houses, is a lonely monument to the warriors of the Soviet Army, the butt of the radio station building, the central The gate of the former stadium, a different state, cooperative and personal property of citizens scattered on a huge area. Especially enormous destruction of the city caused the second shaft. The third water shaft that followed in 20 - 25 minutes was less significant in height and strength, no destruction caused no cause, and there was nothing to destroy. The third shaft was thrown out of the fragile wreckage of buildings and a different property that partially remained on the bay coast.

According to preliminary data during the catastrophe, the civilian population died, 1790 people, military personnel: officers - 15 people, soldiers - 169 people, family members - 14 people. There is tremendous damage to the state calculated on the line of fishing drugs of more than 85 million rubles. Greater damage caused Mortargua, military department, urban and utilities and private individuals. (3)

North-Kurilsk together with industry, institutions, the residential foundation is almost completely destroyed and washed into the sea. There were about 6,000 people from the population, about 1,200 people died. All corpses, with the exception of several, washed into the sea. There are several houses located on the hill, power station, a part of the fleet and a lot of scattered property, canned food, cattle products and non-fermented property. The main warehouse of the North-Kuril fishing consumer and the priority, several dozen horses, cows and pigs belonging to someone is also preserved.

In the village of Utsya (4), all production facilities and buildings are completely destroyed and washed into the ocean. One residential house and stable remained ... scattered with water cigarettes, shoes, butter creamy, cereals and other products; 19 heads of cattle, 5 horses, 5 pigs and about 10 tons of hay. There are no human victims - about 100 people lived, which are completely evacuated.

The village of Levashovo (5) - all enterprises, shop and warehouse fish are washed into the ocean. 7 residential buildings and tent have been preserved. The population lived 57 people, no victims, everyone was evacuated. 28 heads of horned livestock remained, 3 horses and two kungas.

The village of Reef (6) - no human victims. All production facilities and premises are destroyed and washed into the ocean. Stayed surviving - equipment of the refrigerator, central material warehouse and 41 residential buildings. The fleet is also destroyed, with the exception of 8 kungas and several broken boats. From the utility farm left 37 heads of cattle, 28 pigs, 46 tons of flour, 10 tons of sugar, 5 tons of butter, 2 tons of alcohol and other inventory values \u200b\u200bin the amount of 7-8 million rubles. All population, more than 400 people evacuated ...

The village is rocky - on the day of the catastrophe of the population was not ... In the village, all production facilities were completely demolished. One house remained from the residential foundation.

The coastal settlement - all production facilities and premises are destroyed and demolished in the ocean. There are 9 residential buildings located on the hill and one warehouse of technical and material property. There are no human victims. The residence of the population, less than 100 people, fully evacuated.

The village of Galkino - no human victims. Less than 100 people who are fully evacuated. Production enterprises and residential premises are destroyed and washed into the ocean.

The village of Ocean (7) - in it there was a fish farter, a cannery, ancient plant with workshops and two refrigerators, mechanical workshops, power plants, sawmill, school, hospital and other government agencies. According to preliminary data from the catastrophe, 460 people died, 542 people remained alive, which were evacuated. There are 32 residential buildings, more than a hundred heads of cattle, 200 tons of flour in stacks, 8 thousand canned canned cans, 3 thousand cans of milk, 3 tons of oils, 60 tons, 25 tons of oats, 30 alcohol barrels and other values. All industrial enterprises and residential fund are destroyed and washed away with water in the ocean.

Podgorny village (8) - in it there was a kitokombinat. All production facilities, warehouses, as well as almost the entire residential fund destroyed and washed away with water into the ocean. The population lived more than 500 people, 97 people remained alive who were evacuated. There are 55 residential buildings in the village, more than 500 poultry pieces, 6 decade tanks and on the site of a former warehouse - several dozen flour bags and other products.

The settlement base combat - was canned before the catastrophe. The population at the time of the catastrophe did not live. All enterprises are destroyed by water. There are two residential buildings and one tank with a capacity of up to 800 tons.

Cape Vasilyeva - everything is completely preserved. Civilian population lived 12 people.

The village of Major Wang - there was a base of Shelekhovsky fishing factor. The village did not suffer. The population is evacuated.

Village Shelekhovo (9) - there was a fish farmers in it. 805 people lived in the population, there is no destruction in the village. The population is evacuated. 102 people left.

Savushkino village (10) - It housed a military base with utility farm. There are no human victims, destruction too.

The village of Kozyrevsky (11) - it was located two fisheries. More than 1,000 people lived the population, 10 people died from disaster. The rest of the population is evacuated. Both plants are completely destroyed and washed into the sea. On the shore scattered with water, many cans with Cambalo and Kuril salmon.

The village of Babushkino (12) - fishery placed in it. There are no more than 500 people, human victims. The population is evacuated. There are also two radar. Industrial enterprises are completely destroyed and washed into the sea. The residential fund suffered 30-40%.

The administrative building of the North-Kuril district department of the State Bank is also fully demolished, the documentation was washed into the sea, but safes and storage houses banks, with the exception of one safe, found not far from the location of the administrative building, in which all values \u200b\u200bworth about 9 million rubles are fully preserved. The values \u200b\u200bof the savings kiss in the villages of Shelekhovo, Baikovo and others, only 11 out of 14 savings banks are preserved, in other values \u200b\u200bare partially lost.

Safes belonging to the North Curil Central Casse are also found, the personal accounts of depositors were not found.

It should be noted that in connection with the sudden evacuation of border guards, in the first days in a number of towns - Shelekhovo, the ocean, rhyphic, Galkino and the island of Alaid, there was a panic among the population, as a result of which all state and public property were thrown into the arbitrariness Fate ...

In the period from 14 to 26 November, the border guards returned back. By this time, in all settlements, the Commissioner Commissioner of the CPSUs, with the help of military units and the remaining civilian population, the collection of state, public and personal property was organized, which was transferred to the protection of military units or civilians ...

Upon arrival in North-Kurilsk on November 8, 1952 by me, in accordance with the decision of the Commission of the Communist Party of the CPSU, the collection of public and public property was organized both in North-Kurilsk and in a number of others who were flooded, towns. For the guidance of the collection and protection of property in the village, employees of the Commission and Police were sent ...

As a result, for the period from 10 to 20 November 1952, that is, to snow drifts, ... in North-Kurilsk, alcohol-vodka products fisherman was collected and laid in warehouses in the amount of 8.75 million rubles, flour 126 tons, which is handed over to warehouses Military units ..., 16 horses, 112 heads of cattle, 33 heads of small, 9 nonsense, 90 pigs, 32 pigs, 6 sheep. A large number of material values \u200b\u200bin the villages of the ocean, reef, etc. were collected and saved.

On November 23, I, together with the members of the Commission of the Communist Party of the CPSU T.kushov and Secretary of the CPSU CPSU T. Aorlov, traveled the villages of the reef, ocean, Shelekhovo, where accepted necessary measures To strengthen the safety of the remaining property and the provision of public order. In other villages, they did not have to land as a strong storm. By the time of departure, November 6, ..., T. Lesodnoe (police officer) proposed ...

Upon arrival of police officers, send to the protection of public order in the villages: Shelekhovo - 2 people, reefs - 1 person, ocean - 1 person, Kozyrevskoye - 1 person;
- carefully consider the entire population of the district settlements, including the plastic supply;
- take an active part in the organization of work on the collection and protection of state values \u200b\u200bremaining on the shores, as well as personal property of citizens ...;
- lead a decisive fight against looting;
- Take measures to clarify the died during a natural disaster, to ensure the collection of documents of the victims ...

Lieutenant Colonel Militia Smirnov

3. From the interrogation protocol compiled in the police station of North Kurilsk

November 20, 1952

I, Deputy Head of the Militia Department of the UMGB Sakhalin Region, Colonel of the Police of Smirnov, interrogated as a witness Smolina Pavel Ivanovich, born in 1925, a native Krasnodar Region, Kurganinsky district, village of Rodnikovskaya, non-partisan, Russian, education 6 classes, married, son of 4 years. Operates on Logra N 636 as a radio operator (13); He lived in Asevero-Kurilsk, ul. Soviet, Barack N 49, kV.13; Do not judge; Documents do not have ...

Indications on the merits:

I work on Logra N 636, owned by the North-Kuril fishing fabric, as a radar from May or June 1952, and in total on the North Kuril Islands in the fish industry since 1950. On the night of November 5, 1952, I, together with other fishermen, was in the sea on Logra (caught fish), more precisely - were in the bucket. About 4 o'clock in the morning, a large ship shutter was felt on Logère. I and other fishermen understood it as an earthquake ... On the night of November 5th ... there was a storm warning in 6-7 points. After the earthquake, our logger under the command of Captain Lymair came out the first. It was about 4 o'clock in the morning.

Walking on the second strait in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Banzovsky Cape, our logger covered the first wave with a height of several meters. Being in Kubrick, I felt that our ship as it would be lowered into the pit, and then threw it high up. A few minutes later the second wave followed and the same thing was repeated. Then the ship went calmly, and the shots did not feel. All day the ship was in the sea. Only at about 18 o'clock some kind of military radio station handed us: "Return to North-Kurilsk immediately. We are waiting for the device. Alperin." I immediately reported to the captain, who immediately gave the answer: "I immediately return to North-Kurilsk." By that time, on board, we had up to 70 c fish, caught per day. LOGER took the course to North Curilsk.

On the way back, I contacted the radio with LOGER N 399, asking a radio station: "What happened to North-Kuril?" Radist Pokhodnko answered me: "Go to the salvation of people ... After the earthquake, the wave washed off North-Kurilsk. We are standing under the board from the steamer, the steering failed, the screw bends." My attempts to contact North-Kurilsky turned out to be unsuccessful - he was silent. I contacted Shelekhov by radio. The radioist answered me: "There was a drain earthquake in North Curilsk, as it happened." I answered him that we went at the time of the earthquake, and everything was in order there. On this conversation was completed.

Even in the Sea Okhotsk, not reaching the islands of Paramushir and Schisha, the team of Logh, including me, we saw the roofs of houses, logs, boxes, barrels, beds, doors. By order of the captain, the team was put on the deck on both sides of the sides and on the nasal part in order to rescue people who were in the sea. But from people no one was found. Throughout the path of 5-6 miles, we watched the same picture: floating barrels, boxes, etc. dense mass.

Entering the second strait, four boats came to meet us. Followed by them went two military boats. With the latter, some signals were served: apparently, in order to stop the running boats ahead. But they continued to follow forward.

Having come to the raid, our logger approached Logle N 399 ... whose captain asked our captain not to leave them ... We answered that we would not leave and took anchor. There was no connection with the shore. Time was about 2-3 hours at night on November 6, 1952. Waited for dawn. On hills against North-Kurilsk burned lights. We believed that people saved on the hits, the fires burned a lot. How to dawn, I and others found that the city of North-Kurilsk washed away.

At about 8 o'clock in the morning, I and other sailors under the team of the third assistant Captain t. The wonder on the boat sailed to the canning plant and then landed. People went on site, including the military - collected corpses ... After examining the place where the Barak was in which I lived, I did not find any signs (His) ... No things belonging to me, I did not find - all It was demolished. In the apartment I had clothes, a sewing machine, a savings record with a contribution to 15 thousand rubles, a military ID, seven medals ...

My family is a wife, Smolina Anna Nikiforova, Son, Alexander, four years, November 6, 1953 arrived at the refrigerator from Vladivostok. She was on vacation and went for his son in Krasnodar region, homeland ... I found it on the refrigerator on November 8. Now the wife with the Son is on board the Logger N 636, it works as a cook.

After I did not find a barrack, in which I lived, I went on the boat to my Logle, taking on board people from the shore, including women and children. The Logger team continued to transport people on board.

The numbers of the 7th or on November 8th, we received a radiogram: "All people accepted on board, from among the victims of disaster, transfer to the steamer," therefore we all passed on the steamers, whose names do not remember. The evacuation of the civilian population was completed on November 9 and there were no more people to do.

From among the members of the LOGER team N 636, they found their families who were saved on North Kurilsk, Captain Lymar - Wife, Senior Mechanic Philippov - Wife and Daughter, the second assistant captain of Nevzorov - Wife; The third assistant of Ivanov's mechanic found his wife and four children; I sat down on the steamer and left. The first assistant of the mechanic Petrov found his wife and son and also left for a steamboat. The remaining family members live on the ship. In addition to the specified persons who left the ship, a boatswain, Tralmaster and Assistant Tralymaster ... So far, the third assistant captain has not returned to the board. As a result, only 15 people left from the LOGER team ...

Smolin (signature)

Tsunami thrown to the coast in 1952, the whaling vessel.

North Kurilsk today

Monument to the victims of the Tsunami of 1952. (North-Kurilsk)


1. A group of responsible workers led by the First Deputy Chairman of the Sakhalin Regional Executive Committee G.F. Skopinov.
2. Alperin Mikhail Semenovich (1900-1952) - Born in Odessa in the family family. He worked in senior positions in the Far East and Sakhalin fishing industry. Talented organizer, he gave a lot of strength to becoming fisheries and combine on Southern Sakhalin. and the Kuril Islands. On May 7, 1952, he was appointed Governor of the North-Kuril State Bank. He died on November 5, 1952 in the salvation of people and state property during the Tsunami in North-Kurilsk. Buried on November 7th. Mogila M.S. Alperin is a monument of the history and culture of the Sakhalin region.
3. The question of the victims and other consequences of the catastrophe requires further study. As a result of the elements on the islands of the North-Kuril district, all the enterprises of the fishing industry, the warehouses of food and material values, almost all institutions, cultural and household enterprises and almost 70% of the residential foundation were destroyed. Only Shelene fish farmeter with its bases on the shore of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, where the wave height was no more than 5 meters.
4. Utina village was located 7 km from Svero-Kurilsk. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee N 228 of July 14, 1964
5. Levashovo fishing was located at leaving the second Kuril Strait. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee N 502 dated December 29, 1962
6. Village Reef, center of the village council of the same name. Was in the reef bay. Excluded from credentials as a settlement in 1962. The reef fish-critical plant had a branch in the villages coastal and rocky.
7. The Ocean Republic was the center of the village council of the same name. Here there was a central base of the fishing factor with branches in the towns of Galkino and combat. Settlements are excluded from credentials in 1962.
8. The settlement of the Podgorny is excluded from credentials by solving the regional executive committee N 161 of April 10, 1973.
9. Village Shelekhovo was the center of the village council of the same name. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee N 228 of July 14, 1964
10. Savushkino village was within the city of North-Kurilsk. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee N 161 of April 10, 1973
11. The Kozyrevsky village was the center of the village council of the same name. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee N 223 of July 24, 1985
12. Village Babushkino was the center of the village council of the same name. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee N 161 of April 10, 1973
14. With the onset of dawn on November 5 over the islands, intelligence aircraft from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, which made inspection of the terrain and photographing. Following the scouts throughout the day, warm clothing, tents and food for the affected population, saved by the fires, were reset off the aircraft. From the very dawn, the aircraft began to land at the airfield of the island of Schisha and export patients to Kamchatka. At the same time, the surviving boats of the North-Kuril StateBesttrast went to the shed to save people gone into the sea. With military warehouses, food and warm clothing were distributed to the population, patients were placed in the hospital.
15. The evacuation of the affected population of the North-Kuril district began on November 6, 1952. The second Kuril Strait began to arrive the steamers from Petropavlovsk and Vladivostok. Under the loading there was 40 ships of different lifting capacity. Until November 11, the entire population was evacuated. Most of them soon returned through Korsakov and Holmsk to work in the Sakhalin region.

© Local Lore Bulletin No. 4, 1991


Many destroyed villages and border outposts have not been restored. The population of the islands declined greatly. North-Kurilsk rebuilt anew, pushed him out of the ocean, as far as the relief allowed. As a result, he was in an even more dangerous place - on the cone of the removal of mud streams of the Ebekan volcano, one of the most active in smoke. The population of the city is currently about 3 thousand people. The catastrophe initiated the creation of a warning service in the USSR, which is now in a sad state due to bench financing. Against this background, it looks funny statements by the Russian authorities, which, having such a service, we are insured against a catastrophe, similar to the 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia. At this stage, our main insurance "is almost a complete lack of settlements on the Pacific coast of the country.

In North-Kurilsk, the expression "live, as on the volcano" you can use without quotes. On the island of Paramushir - 23 volcanoes, five of them valid. Ebeko, located in seven kilometers from the city, from time to time comes to life and produces volcanic gases.

In the calm and under the western wind, they reach North-Kurilsk - the smell of hydrogen sulfide and chlorine is not impossible. Usually in such cases, the Sakhalin Hydrometeo Center transmits a storm warning about air pollution: toxic gases it is easy to poison. The eruptions in Paramushire in 1859 and 1934 caused mass poisoning of people and pets of domestic animals. Therefore, volcanologists in such cases call on the city's inhabitants to use masks to protect the respiratory and filters for water purification.

The place for the construction of North-Kurilsk was chosen without a volcanic examination. Then, in the 1950s, the main thing was to build a city not lower than 30 meters above sea level. After the tragedy of 1952, the water seemed terrible to fire.

In the fall of 1952, the country lived in an ordinary life. In the Soviet press, the "truth" and "Izvestia" did not fall like a line: neither about the tsunami on Kurils, or about the thousands of dead people. The picture of what happened can be restored only by memoirs of eyewitnesses, and rare photos.

Classified tsunami

A wave of Tsunami after an earthquake in Japan to the Kuril Islands. Low, one and a half meter. And in the fall of 1952, the eastern coast of Kamchatka, the islands of Paramushir and Schumay were on the first line of the impact of the elements. North Kuril Tsunami 1952 was one of the five largest in the entire history of the twentieth century.

The city of North-Kurilsk was destroyed. Smithy Curil and Kamchatka Village, Levashovo, Reef, Stony, Coastal, Galkino, Ocean, Podoror, Major Van, Shelekhovo, Savushkino, Kozyrevsky, Babushkino, Baikovo ...

The writer Arkady Strugatsky, who served in those years on the smokers by a military translator, participated in the elimination of the consequences of the tsunami. From a letter to brother in Leningrad:

"... I was on the island of Sumuyu (or Schisha - look for the southern tip of Kamchatka). What I saw there, I did and survived - I can not write yet. I can not only write what I visited where the disaster I wrote about you , gave himself to know especially strongly.

Black Island Sumuisu, the island of wind Sumuyu, in the cliff-wall Sumurus beats the ocean wave.

The one who was at the survey was at that night for surperson, remembers how the ocean went to the surprise;

Like on Persia Sumui, and at Doti Surusa, and the ocean collapsed on the roofs with a roof;

As in the hollows, surmissau, and in the trenches, surmissau - in the naked huts, the ocean is launched.

And the next morning, surhuma, to the walls-rocks, a lot of corpses, surprise, made a quiet ocean.

Black Island Sumuyu, Fear Island Surusa. Who lives at Sumu, he looks at the ocean.

These verses splash, impressed by the seid and heard. I do not know how from a literary point of view, but from the point of view of the facts - everything is correct ... "

In those years, the work on the accounting of residents in North-Kurilsk was not really established. Seasonal workers, classified military units, whose composition did not disclose. According to the official report, about six thousand people lived in North Kurilsk in 1952.

The 82-year-old Yuzhnosahalinets Konstantin Mondays in 1951 went with his comrades to Kuriles, to work out. They built at home, plastering the walls, helped to install reinforced concrete communals at the fish fabric. In those years on Far East There were many visits: they arrived at the recruitment, worked out the deadline established by the contract.

Everything happened on the night from 4 to 5 November. Host, I was still, well, the thing is young, came from the street late, the hour is already two or three. I lived then on the apartment, I took a room from the family countryman, too, from Kuibyshev. Only it was - what is? House shook. The owner screams: get up quickly, dress - and on the street. He had already lived there for no first year, he knew what he was, - tells Constantine Mondays.

Konstantin ran out of the house, lit. The land was noticeably shaking under his feet. And suddenly the shooting, screams, noise heard from the shore. In the light of the ship spotlights from the bay, people fled. "War!" - They shouted. So, at least, the guy appeared at the beginning. Later I understood: Wave! Water!!! From the sea towards sobes, where she stood the brother, they were self-propelled. And with all Konstantin ran afterwards, upstairs.

From the report of Senior Lieutenant State Security P. Shreyabina:

"... We did not have time to walk to Rotadel, as you heard a lot of power noise, then cracking from the sea. Looking around, we saw a great height of the water shaft, which occurred from the sea to the island ... I gave an orders to open a shooting of personal weapons and scream : "There is water!", At the same time, retreating to the hills. Hearing noise and screams, people began to run out of the apartments in what were dressed (most in underwear, barefoot) and run to the hill. "

- Our path to the hits lay through a ditch of a meter wide three, where wooden carriages were laid for the transition. Next to me, choking, fled a woman with a five-year-old kid. I grabbed the child in an oakha - and with him he jumped a ditch, where only the strength took. And the mother has moved along the aircraft, "Constantine Mondays told.

On the elevation, army blockages were located, where the exercises were held. There are people there and settle down to warm up - stood November. These blockages and become their refuge for the next few days.

Three waves

After the first wave was gone, many went down to find the missing relatives, release the cattle from Sarayev. People did not know: tsunami has a greater wavelength, and sometimes there are tens of minutes between the first and second.

From the report of P. Shreyabina:

"... After about 15-20 minutes after the departure of the first wave, the Water shaft was again rushed again and the quantity than the first. People thinking that everything was already over (many killed by the loss of their loved ones, children and property), descended From horses and began to settle in the surviving houses to warm up and dress themselves. Water, without meeting on its way of resistance ... I knocked on a land, completely destroying the remaining houses and buildings. This wave was destroyed by the whole city and most of the population died. "

And almost immediately the third wave took almost everything in the sea that was able to capture with them. Strait, separating Paramushir Islands and Schisha, was filled with floating houses, roofs and debris.

Tsunami, which was later called by the name of the destroyed city - "Tsunami in North-Kurilsk" - was caused by an earthquake in the Pacific Ocean, 130 km from the coast of Kamchatka. An hour after a powerful (magnitude of about 9 points) an earthquake, the first wave of Tsunami reached North-Kurilsk. The height of the second, the most terrible, the waves reached 18 meters. According to official data, 2336 people died in North-Kurilsk.

Waves themselves Konstantin Mondays did not see. At first, he delivered refugees to the snow, then with several volunteers they went down and the long hours saved people, pulling them out of the water, removing from the roofs. The real extent of the tragedy has become clear later.

- went down to the city ... There we had a watchmaker, a good guy, legless. I look: the stroller is. And he himself lies near, dead. The soldiers fold the corpses on the Bricchka and take into the hill, there or in a fraternal grave, or as they also buried - God knows. And along the coast there were barracks, the spernial military unit. Saved one foreman, he was at home, and the whole company died. Covered their wave. KPZ stood, there were people, probably. Maternity hospital ... All died, - recalls Constantine.

From the letter Arcadia Strugatsky brother:

"The buildings were destroyed, the whole shore was afraid of the logs, plywood fragments, slices, gates and doors. There were two old ship artillery towers on the pier, they put the Japanese almost at the end of the Russian-Japanese war. Tsunami swept their meters for a hundred. When Dawn, with the mountains descended by those who managed to escape - men and women in underwear, trembling from cold and horror. Most of the inhabitants either sank, or lay on the shore ahead with logs and wreckage. "

Evacuation of the population spent promptly. After a short ringing of Stalin in the Sakhalin Obcol, all the available planes and plaques were sent to the disaster area. Konstantin, among about three hundred victims, turned out to be on a steamer "Amderma", completely scored fish. For people unloaded half of the coal trim, they threw tarpaulin.

Through the Korsakov brought to Primorye, where they lived for a while in very difficult conditions. But then "Upstairs" decided that the recruitment contracts need to work out, and sent everyone back to Sakhalin. There were no speech about any material compensation, well if you managed to at least confirm the experience. Konstantin was lucky: his head of work was alive and restored labor books and passports ...

This is the last earthquake of the five most powerful on Earth, the articles about which has not yet been. Why wasn't there? Because it is the most earlier? Not at all. Because it is not the most interesting? No, since it would be very funny to a person born in the USSR and lived in a seismically dangerous area, not to know about him and not be interested in what is happening in a practically native country.
But why: about earthquakes that occurred in the territory of the USSR, in general, little is known, except from foreign sources. They knew that the earthquakes were, but the details were usually not covered.
Let's start:
November 4, 1952 At 16:52 local time the eastern coast of Kamchatka had a strong earthquake. The earthquake followed the strongest tsunami, which led to economic losses in the amount of about 1 million dollars at 1952 prices. The earthquake magnitude was originally estimated at 8.2, but in 1977, Hiro Kanamori recalculated it, and as a result, the force of the earthquake was 9.0 magnitude. The depth of the hypocenter was about 30 kilometers.
Tsunami led to the tremendous damage in the Hawaiian Islands. The Midway atoll was flooded, the water level rose to 1 meter. At the Hawaiian Islands, the waves were destroyed by boats, telephone lines, the berths were destroyed, beaches were afraid, lawns were flooded. In Honolulu Barge Harbor was reset to another cargo ship. In Hilo Tsunami destroyed a small bridge. At the Cayenne Mant, on the island of Oahu, the height of the waves to 9.1 meters was noted. On the northern coast of Oahu Island was most of the destruction in Hawaii. Hilo was demolished by the cost of about 13 thousand dollars. One span of a bridge on coconut islands was destroyed. Only in Hilo damage is estimated at 400 thousand dollars. However, in other coastal cities in Hawaii, the water raising was barely noticeable.

In Alaska, strong tsunami was also observed. In Masskra Bay, the wave had a height of 2.7 meters and a period of about 17 minutes. The lowlands were flooded. In Adak, the wave height was less - about 1 meter - and only the shores were flooded in the Harbor area. In the Dutch, Harbor closed schools and people were evacuated on the hill, but the wave did not cause damage, since its height was small, total half. In other places, the tsunami wave height was even less - within 30 centimeters.
In California, the maximum waves of the tsunami were observed in Avila - 1.4 meters high, in the crusher - 1 meter, and in other cities and villages, we took less meters and did not lead to a noticeable damage.
In New Zealand, the waves reached a height of 1m. In Japan, tsunami was also observed, but there are no information about damage from him and the death of people. Small damage from waves is registered even in Peru and Chile, at a distance of more than 9,000 kilometers from the place of earthquake.

The wave height at Kamchatka was from 0 to 5 meters, but in some places the tsunami were higher (from the Kronotsky Peninsula to Cape Shipur - from 4 to 13 meters). The highest wave was observed in Olga Bay and was 13 meters and there it caused significant damage. The time for which the waves reached Olga cape, amounted to 42 minutes after the earthquake. From Cape Schipur to Cape, the turning height of waves Tsunami ranged from 1 to 10 meters and caused significant human sacrifices and economic losses. In the Avachan Bay, Tsunami had the height of only about 1.2 meters and came there in half an hour after the earthquake. From the cape rotary to the cape of the blade, the wave height was from 5 to 15 meters. In the hut boat, the boat was thrown out at a distance of 500 meters from coastline. On the west coast Kamchatka The maximum height of the tsunami was registered in the lake and was 5 meters. On the island of Alaid in the Ridge of the Kuril Islands, the wave height was 1.5 meters, on the island of Schusha - from 7 to 9 meters, on Paramushir - from 4 to 18.4 meters. In North-Kurilsk, the main city of Kuril Islands, located on Paramushir, the wave height was very large - about 15 meters. Tsunami caused great destruction in the city and led to significant human victims. On the island of Onekotan, the wave height was 9 meters, on the island of Shiashkoton - 8 meters, on the island of ITUURUP - 2.5 meters. Waves up to 2 meters high are fixed on the Commander Islands and Okhotsk. On Sakhalin in the city of Korsakov, the wave height was about 1 meter.
According to the latest estimates, the total number of victims amounted to about four thousand people, a larger number of which was on the Kuril Islands.

Many destroyed villages and border outposts have not been restored. The population of the islands declined greatly. North-Kurilsk rebuilt anew, pushed him out of the ocean, as far as the relief allowed. As a result, he was in an even more dangerous place - on the cone of the removal of mud streams of the Ebekan volcano, one of the most active in smoke. The population of the city is currently about 3 thousand people. The catastrophe initiated the creation of a warning service in the USSR, which is now in a sad state due to bench financing.
The history of the earthquakes, which occurred off the coast of Kamchatka in 1737, 1923 and 1952, were caused by the collision of the Pacific and Okhotsk plates. Northern Kamchatka is located in the western part of the Bering Field between the Pacific and North American Plates. In this area there are many earthquakes, the last of which was recorded in 1997.
The earthquake of 1737 had a magniduda a little less than 9.0 according to the last calculation, the hearth was at a depth of 40 kilometers. The earthquake on February 4, 1923 was 8.3-8.5 magnitudes and led to the tsunami, which caused significant damage to Kamchatka and human sacrifices. Tsunami had a height of about 6 meters, when he reached the Hawaiian Islands, causing death at least one person. In addition, the strong earthquakes were in Kamchatka on April 15, 1791 (magnitude about 7), 1807, 1809, 1810, 1821, 1827 (6-7) years, May 8, 1841 (magnitude of about 7), in 1851, 1902, 1904, 1911, April 14, 1923, in the fall of 1931, in September 1936.
From the end of the XIX century to the end of the 70s of the 20th century, 56 earthquakes with magnitude of more than 7, nine - with magnitude more than 8.5, occurred on Kamchatka. Since 1969, five Earthquakes with magnitude of more than 7.5 were recorded on the peninsula (November 22, 1969 - 7.7, December 15, 1971 - 7.5, on February 28, 1973 - 7, 5, 5 December 1997 - 7.9).

List of earthquakes for 1952 (magnitude higher than 7

1. Kepulauan Barat Diaya, Indonesia, February 14, magnitude 7.0
2. Hokkaido Island, Japan, March 4, magnitude 8.13.
4. Philippine district, March 19, magnitude 7.3
5. Central California, USA, July 21, magnitude 7.3
6. Tibet, China, August 17, magnitude 7.4
7. Kamchatka, USSR, November 4, magnitude 8.9
8. Solomon islands, December 6, magnitude 7.0

Scientific report of the seismologists of the Academy of Sciences for a long time was the only available document on the Kuril Tsunami. In the Bulletin of the Council of Seismology, the Institute of Foreign Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958), in particular, it was said that "Tsunami was moving on November 5, 1952 from the East, entering early into the wide part of the second Kuril Strait. Next to the north the Strait is narrowed. The shores here are lowlands and have winding outlines, settlements are at the turn of the shores. All this was supposed to raise the height of the tsunami and strengthen its destructive effect ... "
According to seismologists, the Kuril catastrophe was due to geography and geology of those places: along the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands there is a link of the Pacific belt of high tectonic activity.
According to the head of the laboratory of the Tsunami Institute of Oceanology named after P. P. Shirshova Evgenia Kulikova, there is a so-called subduction area on Kurilah, where the most terrible earthquakes are usually occurring - the ocean cooker, moving towards the mainland Euro-Asian, will crawl under it, as a result of which arises Friction plates. Kuril's ridge, Aleutian and Japanese islands are a zone of the strongest similar natural phenomena, where the highest speed of the ocean plate (about 10 cm per year, according to the calculations of modern technology), provoking powerful earthquakes and the following tsunami.
The tsunami was caused by an earthquake in Kamchatka, the depth of a focus, located under the seabed, 30 km. According to the number of highlighted energy, the Kamchatka earthquake of 1952 was very superior to Ashgabat (1948). In the twentieth century in Northern Eurasia, it was exceptional for its strength. A huge mainland zone in this place came into motion and opened waves in the ocean. The most huge of them reached in a height of more than 20 m.
... In 1956, an order was made to create a tsunami prevention service in the USSR, which in Russia is still working. In North-Kurilsk there is a memory area where the names of 2236 who died from the tsunami are applied on metal boards - those whose bodies managed to identify.