Earthquake on Kurilla in 1952. Monstrous echo ocean depths

In North-Kurilsk, the expression "live, as on a volcano" can be used without quotes. On the island of Paramushir - 23 volcanoes, five of them valid. Ebeko, located in seven kilometers from the city, from time to time comes to life and produces volcanic gases.

In the calm and under the western wind, they reach North-Kurilsk - the smell of hydrogen sulfide and chlorine is not impossible. Usually in such cases, the Sakhalin Hydrometeo Center transmits a storm warning about air pollution: toxic gases it is easy to poison. The eruptions in Paramushire in 1859 and 1934 caused mass poisoning of people and pets of domestic animals. Therefore, volcanologists in such cases call on the city's inhabitants to use masks to protect the respiratory and filters for water purification.

The place for the construction of North-Kurilsk was chosen without a volcanic examination. Then, in the 1950s, the main thing was to build a city not lower than 30 meters above sea level. After the tragedy of 1952, the water seemed terrible to fire.

In the fall of 1952, the country lived in an ordinary life. In the Soviet press, the "truth" and "Izvestia" did not fall like a line: neither about the tsunami on Kurils, nor about the thousands of dead people. The picture of what happened can be restored only by memoirs of eyewitnesses, and rare photos.

A wave of Tsunami after an earthquake in Japan to the Kuril Islands. Low, one and a half meter. And in the fall of 1952, the eastern coast of Kamchatka, the islands of Paramushir and Schumay were on the first line of the impact of the elements. The North Curil Tsunami of 1952 was one of the five largest in the entire history of the twentieth century.

The city of North-Kurilsk was destroyed. Smithy Curil and Kamchatka Village, Levashovo, Reef, Stony, Coastal, Galkino, Ocean, Podoror, Major Van, Shelekhovo, Savushkino, Kozyrevsky, Babushkino, Baikovo ...

The writer Arkady Strugatsky, who served in those years on the smokers by a military translator, participated in the elimination of the consequences of the tsunami. From a letter to brother to Leningrad:

"... I was on the island of Sumui (or Schisha - look for the southern tip of Kamchatka). What I saw there, I did and survived - I can not write yet. I just say that I visited the area where the disaster I wrote about, gave himself to know especially strongly.

Black Island Sumuisu, the island of wind Sumuyu, in the cliff-wall Sumurus beats the ocean wave.

The one who was at the survey was at that night for surperson, remembers how the ocean went to the surprise;

Like on Persia Sumui, and at Doti Surusa, and the ocean collapsed on the roofs with a roof;

As in the hollows, surmissau, and in the trenches, surmissau - in the naked huts, the ocean is launched.

And the next morning, surhuma, to the walls-rocks, a lot of corpses, surprise, made a quiet ocean.

Black Island Sumuyu, Fear Island Surusa. Who lives at Sumu, he looks at the ocean.

These verses splash, impressed by the seid and heard. I do not know how from a literary point of view, but from the point of view of facts - everything is correct ... "

In those years, the work on the accounting of residents in North-Kurilsk was not really established. Seasonal workers, classified military units, whose composition did not disclose. According to the official report, about six thousand people lived in North Kurilsk in 1952.

The 82-year-old Yuzhnosahalinets Konstantin Mondays in 1951 went with his comrades to Kuriles, to work out. They built at home, plastering the walls, helped to install reinforced concrete communals at the fish fabric. In those years, there were many visitors in the Far East: they arrived at the recruitment, worked out the term established by the contract.

Everything happened on the night from 4 to 5 November. Host, I was still, well, the thing is young, came from the street late, the hour is already two or three. I lived then on the apartment, I took a room from the family countryman, too, from Kuibyshev. Only it was - what is? House shook. The owner screams: get up quickly, dress - and on the street. He had already lived there for no first year, he knew what he was, - tells Constantine Mondays.

Konstantin ran out of the house, lit. The land was noticeably shaking under his feet. And suddenly the shooting, screams, noise heard from the shore. In the light of the ship spotlights from the bay, people fled. "War!" - They shouted. So, at least, the guy appeared at the beginning. Later I understood: Wave! Water!!! From the sea towards sobes, where she stood the brother, they were self-propelled. And with all Konstantin ran afterwards, upstairs.

From the report of Senior Lieutenant State Security P. Shreyabina:

"... We did not have time to walk to Rotadel, as heard a lot of power noise, then crash from the sea. Looking around, we saw a high height of the water shaft, which occurred from the sea to the island ... I gave an order to open the shooting of personal weapons and shout: "There is water!", At the same time, retreating to the hills. Hearing noise and screams, people began to run out of the apartments in what were dressed (most in the underwear, barefoot) and run to the hill. "

- Our path to the hits lay through a ditch of a meter wide three, where wooden carriages were laid for the transition. Next to me, choking, fled a woman with a five-year-old kid. I grabbed the child in an oakha - and with him he jumped a ditch, where only the strength took. And the mother has moved along the aircraft, "Constantine Mondays told.

On the elevation, army blockages were located, where the exercises were held. There are people there and settle down to warm up - stood November. These blockages and become their refuge for the next few days.

Three waves

After the first wave was gone, many went down to find the missing relatives, release the cattle from Sarayev. People did not know: tsunami has a greater wavelength, and sometimes there are tens of minutes between the first and second.

From the report of P. Shreyabina:

"... After about 15-20 minutes after the departure of the first wave, the water shaft was rushed by even greater strength and magnitude than the first. People thinking that everything has already ended (many killed by the loss of their loved ones, children and property), descended from sobes and began to settle in the surviving houses to warm up and dress themselves. Water, without meeting on its way of resistance ... I knocked on a land, completely destroying the remaining houses and buildings. This wave was destroyed by the whole city and most of the population died. "

And almost immediately the third wave took almost everything in the sea that was able to capture with them. Strait, separating Paramushir Islands and Schisha, was filled with floating houses, roofs and debris.

Tsunami, which was later named by the name of the destroyed city - "Tsunami in North-Kurilsk" - was caused by an earthquake in the Pacific Ocean, 130 km from the coast of Kamchatka. An hour after a powerful (magnitude of about 9 points) an earthquake, the first wave of Tsunami reached North-Kurilsk. The height of the second, the most terrible, the waves reached 18 meters. According to official data, 2336 people died in North-Kurilsk.

Waves themselves Konstantin Mondays did not see. At first, he delivered refugees to the snow, then with several volunteers they went down and the long hours saved people, pulling them out of the water, removing from the roofs. The real extent of the tragedy has become clear later.

- went down to the city ... There we had a watchmaker, a good guy, legless. I look: the stroller is. And he himself lies near, dead. The soldiers fold the corpses on the Bricchka and take into the hill, there or in a fraternal grave, or as they also buried - God knows. And along the coast there were barracks, the spernial military unit. Saved one foreman, he was at home, and the whole company died. Covered their wave. KPZ stood, there were people, probably. Maternity hospital ... All died, - recalls Constantine.

From the letter Arcadia Strugatsky brother:

"The buildings were destroyed, the whole shore was afraid of the logs, plywood fragments, sickles, gates and doors. On the pier there were two old ship artillery towers, they put them just at the end of the Russian-Japanese war. Tsunami swept their meters to a hundred. When dawn, with the mountains descended by those who managed to escape - men and women in underwear, trembling from cold and horror. Most of the inhabitants either sank, or lay on the shore ahead with logs and wreckage. "

Evacuation of the population spent promptly. After a short ringing of Stalin in the Sakhalin Obcol, all the available planes and plaques were sent to the disaster area. Konstantin, among about three hundred victims, turned out to be on a steamer "Amderma", completely scored fish. For people unloaded half of the coal trim, they threw tarpaulin.

Through the Korsakov brought to Primorye, where they lived for a while in very difficult conditions. But then "Upstairs" decided that the recruitment contracts need to work out, and sent everyone back to Sakhalin. There were no speech about any material compensation, well if you managed to at least confirm the experience. Konstantin was lucky: his head of work was alive and restored labor books and passports ...

Many destroyed villages have not been restored. The population of the islands declined greatly. The city of Port North-Kurilsk rebuilt in a new place, higher. Without carrying out the most volcanology examination, so as a result, the city was in an even more dangerous place - on the path of mud fluxes of the Ebeko volcano, one of the most active in smoke.

Tsunami 1952 - more than 2,300 lives: a terrible tragedy that the USSR leadership was silent

Then how was it covered in print? For example, Moscow newspapers come, and that we have read about the misfortune of thousands of people? Yes, almost nothing was said, so, in the streamlined colors. Everything, even the grief of people, was under a big ban, everything was hidden, turned into a larger secret. And these documents lay under the vulture of "Secret".

Everyone heard about deadly tsunami in Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines, but few people know that our country also became a victim of this natural disaster. On November 5, 1952, a strongest earthquake occurred not far from the Kuril Islands, the consequence of tsunami with 18-meter waves.

The wholeness of the elements took over the city of North-Kurilsk, located on the island of Paramushir. Until 1952, most of the city was located right on the coast, in the natural valley. Tsunami in these parts, unfortunately, is not uncommon, but the city was absolutely not ready for the elements of this scale. Moreover, at that time there were no reliable information about what tsunami is and how to behave correctly in such cases.

First, the first wave was collapsed to North-Kurilsk, the height of which, according to experts, reached 15-18 meters. It happened at 5 am local time. People in a panic ran out of their homes, and many managed to get out of the elevation. But they did not know that in no case could not be returned back after the wave retreated into the sea. After the first wave always comes the second, more destructive, and for her and the third.

The inhabitants went down the second wave, which came after 20-30 minutes. This is exactly the opinion of specialists, and such a large number of victims were due. Only according to official data in that terrible November day, the city of North-Kurilsk lost 2,300 people. In total, about 6,000 people lived in the city at that time. In the elimination of the consequences of Tsunami, the military took part. On the same day, warm things were delivered from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, people provided medical care and food was organized.

The infrastructure of the city was completely destroyed. Fish processing enterprises, pier, residential buildings, social facilities and military towns were decided not to restore. There were too big damage. The city was rebuilt anew, and in the place where North-Kurilsk was located today is the port. This terrible event was classified, they did not write about him in the newspapers and were not transferred on the radio. Opened about the tragedy of North-Kurilsk spoke only in the 90s.

After transferring the horror, the leadership of the country thought about creating a reliable system of alerts about earthquakes and tsunami. First of all, it concerned the Pacific region. Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Sakhalin Island - they all belong to the territory of the Pacific Fiery Ring. This is the name of the region located along the periphery of the Pacific Ocean and characterized by increased seismic activity. It's all about lithospheric plates, on the borders of which earthquakes regularly occur. The Pacific stove in this regard is one of the most active on the planet, and its boundaries are even allocated to a special zone, called Geophysics by the Pacific Fire Ring.

Since the catastrophe in North-Kurilsk has passed over 60 years. Today, about 2500 people occupied mainly in the fish industry live here. The city rebuilt anew, and only the memory monument does not allow to forget about that terrible day.

* * * * *

According to a number of archival sources in Tu tragic night on the northern smokers 2336 people died.

The following are evidence of eyewitnesses and excerpts from documents that fully describe the dramatic events of 1952.

"A. Ya. Mezis: ..What did I see and what I remember? For example, it begins to rise to volcanoes, they cost cool, and in this direction - a flat place. On it, the Japanese had a airfield - a wooden flooring from BRUSEV for aircraft. Our bars cleared. There was something at the military, lived in houses and a little civilian. The wave came here already weakened, bought people a pretty, but dead ... it seemed not to.

But here, behind this thieshochka, - high cliffs, went along the bank in the catoko (Baikovo), during the tide - only on the top trail. But then there was a lot of builds right on the shore. There were pyrses here, military and fishing small vessels moored to them. And we were more suitable here to refuel with fresh water, "so many people died here.

But another place. Also shore, low. Here, from the ocean side, there were about two soldier battalions, as they say, on the border ... And now imagine - night, the time of the strongest sleep. And - a sudden kick of a giant wave. All the barracks and buildings in moments are broken, the guys are picked up with water ... and who could be saved, and how much time he survived, it will be able to hold out in cold water - because November. On the shore, it was difficult to regret the fire, heated - not everyone succeeded.

I remember in Korsakov, in the commission, which was engaged in the device of victims in a natural disaster, called a preliminary figure - 10 thousand people. Considered so much died. Well, and then began to speak differently: and less than a thousand, and Poltara thousands. When only in one North-Kurilsk could die much more ... Actually, it is still unknown, but in reality there were victims in that terrible element ....

Now it's in front of me Military Card (two-timer), now it is declassified. Here is the island of Schoshu, the strait, there is a low coast, people lived on it, here the height of approximately 30 meters above sea level, then again - on the descent, hilly. There was one cannent plant here, there is another, in the same area there was a shop, a radio station, a ship-housing shop, Rybcop's warehouses. And there was a goatrevsky fishing fabor. And on the mountain - her then people called Dunkin Pup - they were the observation and communication service.

And in this direction there was a blow to the wave. She, when she walked into the sea, perhaps he was height 20 meters, and when it wedged into a narrow place, and even with such a monstrous speed, naturally, it took up and somewhere, perhaps, reached a 35-meter height. I have already said, as in my eyes, demolished the plant. The same was with others. And with all the buildings that came under her wild power ...

People when we said to them: Breast to the Seina, first of all, children, women and old people, will leave, "the people were held by the chain by the corpses, they recognized their relatives and silent oschelo, as if nothing wonder - the horror before he paralyzed their consciousness, What could not even cry. On the deck were placed - mostly sat - a man 50-65. And we went to the ship.

In the morning there were already several steamers on the raid and were ships on the approach to us - from the ocean, a total of 10 or more units. This is ours. But the Americans approached the Military Ship and Trade Courts. They offered their services, but they were refused. First, they do nothing for free, and secondly, they considered that they are enough for their vessels to evacuate people.

And so four days went searching for people in the sea and shipping them to ships. And on the shore, when we in the third or fourth of times entered the bucket for the passage of the new party of victims, the corpses were already removed, and not such a terrible picture appeared before the eyes of people. People were already organized, somewhat calm, some are dressed that they dropped off the aircraft, other collected nodules with some products ...

In North-Kurilsk, the first wave destroyed a significant part of the buildings and, rolling back, carried out a lot of human victims. And the second shaft, which collapsed in about 20-25 minutes, was such a huge devastating force that he drove the multi-torrent items.

The whole city with the mass of the wreckage carried together with people in the strait, then wore them back and forth, it was that at the third day they shot people from the roofs of the destroyed houses; These were Japanese wooden houses, firmly made, they could swear under the influence of forces, to move, but they were completely slow, difficult ...
And in the wind, in the snowfall, which began shortly after the tsunami, a woman was on the roof, on the third day we shot her. Naturally, all this time she tried in every possible way to stay, her nails were torn in their arms, elbows and knees beaten to the bones. And when we shot her, she was all clinging for this roof. And where and how else to help?

Not far there was a destroyer. Military sailors for some reason did not let the civilian courts for their board, we still approached him, the Watch officer waved: "Get out!". I shouted him that we had a very hard wounded woman, it is necessary to be in Lazaret. The senior officer came out, ordered: "Take the mooring!" We came up, threw the mooring, here and the sailors with stretchers came running ...

And at the very day, the first morning after this flooding, as soon as the aircraft flew out of Petropavlovsk, and the people were those who managed to climb on the hills, those people were semi-indiffered - who are in what are some wet. Well, began to dump warm clothes, blankets, dumped and food. This, of course, greatly helped people.

All night long on the hill burned fires, people warmed near them, in down, where yesterday they still lived, they were afraid. What if again? .. Moreover, they declared: they say, there may be even waves and even more. But fortunately, there was no new waves.

One-single plant that completely survived from the element is the one that stood in the bay of Shelikhov, from the side of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, he remained absolutely unharmed, except that it was not necessary that the water watched him, that's all.

In general, the tragedy was very big, the monstrous, about such a casual one can not speak or write. It is only worth remembering about her again, as all new and new people and terrible paintings come up before your eyes.

After all, it was before the holiday - before November 7th. But there, on smoke, not as in big cities, preparation for the holiday was almost invisible, - there people usually prepared for a long winter. Painted food. For example, at home there were plywood jarrels with egg powder, dry milk. Of course, and the fish was. I need meat, well, so I went, the carcass of the ram took the whole. Fruits either never bought kilograms, usually - a box, two, or even more. Vegetables were difficult to stock, but they were reserved, who as he knew how, from the courts that came to us. But for the holidays, of course, it would be more free time. And there would be a crawling drunk ... If such a disaster happened for the holidays, the victims would be much more.

Late already, as they say, there is a long time settled, but about that tragedy, it is necessary to tell, and write - another eyewitnesses of the element remained. And I almost never see your acquaintances. In Nevelsk, it lives, if he did not leave, Corbut is a foreman of divers to repair the underwater part of the courts. Then in Chekhov - Coast, Greek, also an eyewitness of this. Polishchuk - senior assistant, died.

Then how was it covered in print? For example, Moscow newspapers come, and that we have read about the misfortune of thousands of people? Yes, almost nothing was said, so, in the streamlined colors. Everything, even the grief of people, was under a big ban, everything was hidden, turned into a larger secret. And these documents lay under the vulture of "Secret".

We affected by officially issued assistance to be able to go to the mainland. And many have left here, the other part left and returned, and most skewed in different cities and villages of Sakhalin. Those who quickly left for the mainland have not received wages for the last period. I was given a salary only in mid-December. This is me, and many, probably somehow kept. The clothes were also given a lot, and new, and worn.

In Voroshilov (now Ussuriysk), even with envy treated us, for a while was transferred there: we had a food for free, we were brought to us, we bought the others, our other was given to us free as material assistance. The local population began to mow: they say, they can not buy anything, but to us all new products, Prut; We even got along the trains there and here for free. Those who returned to Sakhalin was provided and housing. Yes, here's another interesting item. Our parents on the mainland received letters from Voroshilov from us and immediately wrote themselves: what happened, why did you find them there? That is, in the continent, there were no idea what happened on the edge of the earth, in the east.

And the help of victims for those times was essential - within 3-3.5 thousand rubles. There, on smoke, some lived in hostels, nothing had nothing but that clothes that they. And here gathered in the role of witnesses and let's talk to the Commission: they say, he also had it. One, for example, told everyone that he had a leather coat on the island, leather gloves, everything, they say, brightened into the sea. Well, he received three thousand and in fact began to pace in the leather coat, and the gloves put on the leather with long fingers, and the shoes are unthinkable. The parrot was called, but he achieved his own.

But it is so, a little thing. But there, on earth grief, there was a looting ... For example, when there were already in Voroshilov, we have one from the ocean fishing factory, too, as it should be, got help and began to buy things in stores, and everything is more cost-raised, and gold with silver . Attention was noted, traced that she would buy. Well, of course, the references were assumed: got three thousand, and bought it all thirty ...
* * * * *

At 4 o'clock in the morning, on November 5, 1952, a strong earthquake lasted for about 30 minutes began in North Kurilsk and the region, which were damaged by the buildings and destroyed the furnaces in the houses ...

At this time, that is, in about 15-20 minutes after the departure of the first wave, the water tree rushed again and the quantity than the first one. People thinking that everything has already ended (many killed by the loss of their loved ones, children and property), descended from sobes and began to settle in the surviving houses to warm up and dress themselves. Water, without meeting on its resistance path (the first shaft was bold a significant part of the buildings), with exceptional speed and fastened to land, completely destroying the remaining homes and buildings. This wave was destroyed by the whole city and most of the population died.

I did not have time to go away the water of the second wave, as the third time the water rushed and carried almost everything in the sea that was from the buildings in the city.

For 20 - 30 minutes (the time of two almost simultaneous waves of huge strength) in the city there was a terrible noise of raging water and breaking buildings. Houses and roofs of houses threw, like matchboxes, and worn to sea. Strait, separating Paramushir Islands and Schisha, completely filled with floating houses, roofs and other debris.
Saved people frightened by what is happening, in a panic throwing taken things and losing children, rushed to run above in the mountains.
It was around 6 am on November 5, 1952.

After that, the water began to go and cleaned the island. But the minor underground boils began again and most of the surviving people stayed in the hits, fearing to descend. Taking advantage of this, individual groups from civilians and military personnel began to rob the remaining fellows on the slopes of the feet of the house, smash the safes scattered on the territory of the city and other personal and state property ...

The guard of the State Bank, by order of the Commander of the garrison, Major's Muka General took the captain of Kalinenkov with a group of soldiers ...

By 10 in the morning, on November 5, 1952, approximately the entire personnel was collected. It has been established that the police officers have no passportist Korlanova V.I. With the child and secretary-Tamatoviki Kovtun L.I. With a child and mother. According to inaccurate information, Korobanov and Kovtun were chosen by a boat on the open sea, planted for a steamer and sent to Petropavlovsk. The wives of the police officers Osintsev and Galmutdinov died. Of the 22 people contained in the CPZ, 7 people were saved ...

On November 6, the Commission on the Evacuation of the Population, the supply of its food and clothing was organized at the party and economic assets ... It was given orders to the commander of the Matveenko branch about the immediate assembly of the ordinary composition ... However, most of the personnel left the place of collection and in the evening on November 6 I got on the steamer "Welen" ...

The natural disaster was completely destroyed by the regional department of the police, the CPR, a stable ... Common loss is 222.4 thousand rubles.

All documentation of the district department, press, stamps ... washed away in the sea ... Taking advantage of a natural disaster, the soldiers of the garrison, drunk scattered around the city of alcohol, brandy and champagne, began to engage in ladder ...

In the ocean fishing factor on November 5, 1952, after the destruction, a safe was found in which there were 280 thousand rubles belonging to the plant ... Employees of the Ocean Combine ... Employees ... hacked the safe and kidnapped 274 thousand rubles ...

In the fish farmers, Babushkino and Kozyrevskoye at the moment of natural disaster, a large number of inventories belonging to the Rybkhkops were removed by military personnel.

According to the facts of the military personnel, the command was informed to take measures.

Senior Gosbean Lieutenant P.M. Derebin
* * * * *

1. From a special report of the chief of the North-Kuril police station about a natural disaster - the tsunami, which occurred in the North-Kuril district on November 5, 1952 (Local Lore Bulletin No. 4, 1991 of the Sakhalin Regional Local Lore Museum and the Sakhalin Department of the All-Russian Culture Foundation.)

At 4 o'clock in the morning, on November 5, 1952, a strong earthquake lasted for about 30 minutes began in North Kurilsk and the area, which were damaged by the buildings and destroyed the furnaces in the houses.

Minor fluctuations were still continued when I headed to the district police department to verify the damage to the district department and especially the chamber of the preliminary conclusion, in which 22 people were held on November 5 ...

On the way to the district station, I observed cracks in the ground from 5 to 20 cm wide formed by an earthquake. Arriving in the district department, I saw that the building from the earthquake broke into two halves, the furnaces crumbled, duty outfit ... were located on the ground ...

At this time there were no jolts no longer, there was a very quiet weather ... We did not have time to walk to Rotadel, as the noise heard a lot, then crash from the sea. Looking around, we saw a high height of the water shaft, coming from the sea to the island. Since Rosotde was at a distance of 150 m from the sea, and the KPZ is about 50 meters from the sea, then immediately the first victim of the water became the CPP ... I gave an order to open the shooting of personal weapons and shout: "Water goes!", At the same time retreating to hots. Having heard the noise and screams, people began to run out of the apartments in what were dressed (most in the underwear, barefoot) and run to the hill.

After about 10-15 minutes, the first tree of water began to go, and some people went to their homes to collect their surviving things.

With a group of my workers, I went to the district department to find out the situation and salvation of the surviving. Going to the place, we did not find anything, it remains clean ...

At this time, that is, in about 15-20 minutes after the departure of the first wave, the water tree rushed again and the quantity than the first one. People thinking that everything has already ended (many killed by the loss of their loved ones, children and property), descended from sobes and began to settle in the surviving houses to warm up and dress themselves. Water, without meeting on its resistance path (the first shaft was bold a significant part of the buildings), with exceptional speed and fastened to land, completely destroying the remaining homes and buildings. This wave was destroyed by the whole city and most of the population died ...
* * * * *
2. Help of the Deputy Head of the Sakhalin Regional Department of the Police on the results of a trip to the Egigal Disaster District
On November 6, 1952, by order of the head of the Sakhalin Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the State Security Ministry of State Security T. Smirnov, together with the members of the Commission, Commission, KPSS flew to the North-Kuril district. (1)

During the period of stay in the North-Kuril district from November 8 to December 6, 1952, from conversations with the affected population, party and Soviet and scientists, as well as as a result of personal observations and the study of places that were flooded and destruction, found that November 5, 1952 For 3 hours of 55 minutes on the islands of the Kuril ridge, including Paramushir, Schisha, Alaid and Onekotan, an earthquake of a great destructive power occurred. The cause of the earthquake, as scientists explain, was the constant pressure of the mortar crust to the East. Due to the fact that the bottom of the Japanese and Okhotsk seas consists of a solid breed of basalt, withstanding this titanic stress, the breakdown occurred in the weakest place (according to the structure of the seabed) in the Pacific Ocean, in the so-called vpadine of the tag. At a depth of 7-8 thousand meters, about 200 km to the east of Paramushir island, at the time of the giant depression of the depression there was a sharp rise of the bottom of the ocean (reset), possibly with the subsequent volcanic eruption that pushed the huge mass of water, which in the form of a shaft was sought and To the islands of the Kuril Ridge.

As a result of the earthquake, the city of North-Kurilsk, the villages of Ocean, Rocky, Levashovo, Kamenny, Galkino, Podgorny, and others, were destroyed and demolished and demolished. The earthquake continued with various strengths several times a day for November, December months and after. At one o'clock in the night, November 16 began to erupt the South Volcano. Initially, strong explosions occurred with outbreaks, and then the lava and ashes, a distinguished by the wind of 30 - 50 km and 7 - 8 cm poured out of the edge of the volcano.

Judging by the explanations of eyewitnesses, the earthquake began this way: on November 5, 1952, at 3 o'clock 55 minutes, the inhabitants of North-Kurilsk were awakened by strong jolts, accompanied by numerous underground explosions resembling a remote artillery canonade. Due to the oscillation of the earth's crust, the plaster flew from the ceiling and walls, the stoves were destroyed, swinging the cabinets fell, the shells were fading, and more stable items - tables, beds, moved on the floor from the wall to the wall, just like loose items on the ship During the storm.

Underground shocks then with increasing, then with a weakening force continued for 30 - 35 minutes. Then silence came. The inhabitants of North-Kurilsk, accustomed to the soil periodic fluctuations that took place and earlier, in the first minutes of the earthquake on November 5, it was believed that it would quickly stop, so escaped from the fallen objects and destruction, they ran out on the street. Weather on this night stood warm, only in someone the first snow preserved the day before. Was an rare moonlight night.

As soon as the earthquake ceased, the population returned to their apartments to continue sleep, and individual citizens began to prepare for the holiday immediately to repair the apartments destroyed by an earthquake, without suspecting impending danger.

At about 5 am people who were on the street, from the sea, heard an unusually terrible and all increasing noise and at the same time - rifle shots in the city. As it turned out, workers and military were shot, who alone out of the first noticing the movement of the wave. They drew attention to the strait. At that time, in the strait between the islands, Schusha and Paramushir, a huge water shaft was seen against the ocean light on the ocean light. He suddenly performed quite clearly, bonded by a wide strip of foam, rapidly approaching North-Kurilsk. It seemed to people that the island was descended. This impression, by the way, was from the population and other villages that were flooded. Hope for salvation was determined only by several tens of seconds. Residents of the city, located on the street, raised the cry: "Sawn! Water goes!". Most of the people in the underwear, barefoot, grabbing children, rushed to the hill. Meanwhile, the water shaft has already collapsed on coastal buildings. The city was filled with a crackle of destroyable buildings, heartbreaking cries and screams of immersing and pursued by the water shaft running to the population of people.

The first shaft rolled into the strait, having taken with him many human victims and a significant part of coastal buildings. People began to descend from sobs, began to inspect the apartments, the search for the missing relatives. But no more than 20 - 25 minutes passed, as in the ocean's side again heard the noise, which turned into a terrible roar, and even more terrible water shaft was height at 10-15 meters again rapidly rolled through the strait. The shaft with noise and roar fell into the northeast protrusion of Paramushir Island in the area of \u200b\u200bNorth-Kurilsk and crashing about him, one wave rolled on the strait in the north-west direction, destroying coastal buildings on the islands and Paramushir, and Another - describing an arc along the north-coil lowland in the south-east direction, hit on the city of North-Kurilsk, Ramanely rotating in a circle of the depression and rapid convulsive jerks, flushing to the ground all the buildings and structures located on the ground 10-15 meters above the level seas.

The strength of the water shaft in his rapid movement was so huge that small ones, but heavy items, somehow: Machines installed on butt bases, semi-chassis safes, tractors, cars - broke from their places, circled in the whirlpool together with Wooden objects, and then scattered on a huge area or carried into the strait.

As an indicator of the enormous destructive strength of the second wave, an example from a storage room of Gosbank, which represents a reinforced concrete block of 15 tons weighing. It was reduced from the butt, in 4 sq.m, the foundations and rejected 8 meters.

Despite the tragity of this disaster, the absolute majority of the population was not confused, moreover, in the most critical minutes, many nameless heroes showed sublime heroic feats: risking their lives, saved children, women, old people ... Many responsible workers, until the last minute alert population of threatening Hazards themselves became victims of the elements. So, the manager of the North-Kuril fishing river, a member of the CPSS TSU. Alperin M.S. (2)

In the salvation of people and state property a lot of courage, initiative and resourcefulness were manifested. For example, when approaching the second, more terrible, waves to the fishing village Levashovo fishermen Puzacchkov and Zimovin, believing that the island will fool, raised the cry: "Brothers! Sawn on Kungas!" 18 people of men, women and children plunged into Kungas, but did not have time to take the oars, they were picked up with a wave and were carried out in the ocean. Thanks to the resourcefulness, replacing the oars on the boards, they sailed to the shore on the second day. Tov. Zimovin and Puzachkov, together with his wives, actively participated in the collection of state property ...

Many captains and teams of boats actively participated in the salvation of the population and property, and then on the transportation of the population from the island to ships with significant storms without victims. At the same time, a number of team members showed cowardice by throwing trial to the mercy of fate, with the first ships fled to the mainland.

And, if the majority of the population, dilapidated, with children in the open sky, pierced by strong wind, rain and snow, courageously and persistently tolerated all deprivation, individuals, using a natural disaster, were assigned state values, property and with the first steamers were hidden. Individuals, including some servicemen, were engaged in looting ... by the military command, the population itself and the police authorities, many cases of looting prevented ...

As a result of a natural disaster on the site of the city of North-Kurilsk, an almost empty area was formed in several square kilometers and the existence of the city here reminds only the individual foundations of the demolished waves, thrown out of the roof of the houses, is a lonely monument to the warriors of the Soviet Army, the butt of the radio station building, the central The gate of the former stadium, a different state, cooperative and personal property of citizens scattered on a huge area. Especially enormous destruction of the city caused the second shaft. The third water shaft that followed in 20 - 25 minutes was less significant in height and strength, no destruction caused no cause, and there was nothing to destroy. The third shaft was thrown out of the fragile wreckage of buildings and a different property that partially remained on the bay coast.

According to preliminary data during the catastrophe, the civilian population died, 1790 people, military personnel: officers - 15 people, soldiers - 169 people, family members - 14 people. There is tremendous damage to the state calculated on the line of fishing drugs of more than 85 million rubles. Greater damage caused Mortargua, military department, urban and utilities and private individuals. (3)

North-Kurilsk together with industry, institutions, the residential foundation is almost completely destroyed and washed into the sea. There were about 6,000 people from the population, about 1,200 people died. All corpses, with the exception of several, washed into the sea. There are several houses located on the hill, power station, a part of the fleet and a lot of scattered property, canned food, cattle products and non-fermented property. The main warehouse of the North-Kuril fishing consumerism and the Mortargo, several dozen horses, cows and pigs belonging to someone ...
In the village of Utsya (4), all production facilities and buildings are completely destroyed and washed into the ocean. One residential house and stable remained ... scattered with water cigarettes, shoes, butter creamy, cereals and other products; 19 heads of cattle, 5 horses, 5 pigs and about 10 tons of hay. There are no human victims - about 100 people lived, which are completely evacuated.

The village of Levashovo (5) - all enterprises, shop and warehouse fish are washed into the ocean. 7 residential buildings and tent have been preserved. The population lived 57 people, no victims, everyone was evacuated. 28 heads of horned livestock remained, 3 horses and two kungas.

The village of Reef (6) - no human victims. All production facilities and premises are destroyed and washed into the ocean. Stayed surviving - equipment of the refrigerator, central material warehouse and 41 residential buildings. The fleet is also destroyed, with the exception of 8 kungas and several broken boats. From the utility farm left 37 heads of cattle, 28 pigs, 46 tons of flour, 10 tons of sugar, 5 tons of butter, 2 tons of alcohol and other inventory values \u200b\u200bin the amount of 7-8 million rubles. All population, more than 400 people evacuated ...

The village of Ocean (7) - in it there was a fish farter, a cannery, ancient plant with workshops and two refrigerators, mechanical workshops, power plants, sawmill, school, hospital and other government agencies. According to preliminary data from the catastrophe, 460 people died, 542 people remained alive, which were evacuated. There are 32 residential buildings, more than a hundred heads of cattle, 200 tons of flour in stacks, 8 thousand canned canned cans, 3 thousand cans of milk, 3 tons of oils, 60 tons, 25 tons of oats, 30 alcohol barrels and other values. All industrial enterprises and residential fund are destroyed and washed away with water into the ocean.

Podgorny village (8) - in it there was a kitokombinat. All production facilities, warehouses, as well as almost the entire residential fund destroyed and washed away with water into the ocean. The population lived more than 500 people, 97 people remained alive who were evacuated. There are 55 residential buildings in the village, more than 500 poultry pieces, 6 decade tanks and on the site of a former warehouse - several dozen flour bags and other products.
* * * * *
1. A group of responsible workers led by the First Deputy Chairman of the Sakhalin Regional Executive Committee G.F. Skopinov.
2. Alperin Mikhail Semenovich (1900-1952) - Born in Odessa in the family family. He worked in senior positions in the Far East and Sakhalin fishing industry. A talented organizer, he gave a lot of strength to becoming the formation of fisheries and combines in the southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. On May 7, 1952, he was appointed Governor of the North-Kuril State Bank. He died on November 5, 1952 in the salvation of people and state property during the Tsunami in North-Kurilsk. Buried on November 7th. Mogila M.S. Alperin is a monument of the history and culture of the Sakhalin region.
3. The question of the victims and other consequences of the catastrophe requires further study. As a result of the elements on the islands of the North-Kuril district, all the enterprises of the fishing industry, the warehouses of food and material values, almost all institutions, cultural and household enterprises and almost 70% of the residential foundation were destroyed. Only Shelene fish farmeter with its bases on the shore of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, where the wave height was no more than 5 meters.
4. Utina village was located 7 km from Svero-Kurilsk. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee N 228 of July 14, 1964
5. Levashovo fishing was located at leaving the second Kuril Strait. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee N 502 dated December 29, 1962
6. Village Reef, center of the village council of the same name. Was in the reef bay. Excluded from credentials as a settlement in 1962. The reef fish-critical plant had a branch in the villages coastal and rocky.
7. The Ocean Republic was the center of the village council of the same name. Here there was a central base of the fishing factor with branches in the towns of Galkino and combat. Settlements are excluded from credentials in 1962.
8. The settlement of the Podgorny is excluded from credentials by solving the regional executive committee N 161 of April 10, 1973.
9. Village Shelekhovo was the center of the village council of the same name. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee N 228 of July 14, 1964
10. Savushkino village was within the city of North-Kurilsk. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee N 161 of April 10, 1973
11. The Kozyrevsky village was the center of the village council of the same name. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee N 223 of July 24, 1985
12. Village Babushkino was the center of the village council of the same name. Excluded from credentials as a settlement by the decision of the regional executive committee No. 161 of April 10, 1973 ...

According to memories, letters and photos of eyewitnesses
In North-Kurilsk, the expression "live, as on the volcano" you can use without quotes. On the island of Paramushir - 23 volcanoes, five of them valid. Ebeko, located in seven kilometers from the city, from time to time comes to life and produces volcanic gases.
In the calm and under the western wind, they reach North-Kurilsk - the smell of hydrogen sulfide and chlorine is not impossible. Usually in such cases, the Sakhalin Hydrometeo Center transmits a storm warning about air pollution: toxic gases it is easy to poison. The eruptions in Paramushire in 1859 and 1934 caused mass poisoning of people and pets of domestic animals. Therefore, volcanologists in such cases call on the city's inhabitants to use masks to protect the respiratory and filters for water purification.
The place for the construction of North-Kurilsk was chosen without a volcanic examination. Then, in the 1950s, the main thing was to build a city not lower than 30 meters above sea level. After the tragedy of 1952, the water seemed terrible to fire.
However, information did not get into the media. You can only restore the course of events in photos of rare eyewitnesses. One of the residents of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Alexander Gubuker decided to take up this issue and collect the events of those terrible days. Ja SakhalinMedia is divided with the Chitetel unique material.

Classified tsunami
A wave of Tsunami after an earthquake in Japan to the Kuril Islands. Low, one and a half meter. In the fall of 1952, the eastern coast of Kamchatka, Paramushir Islands and Schumay were on the first line of the impact of the elements. The North Curil Tsunami of 1952 was one of the five largest in the entire history of the twentieth century.
The city of North-Kurilsk was destroyed. Smithy Curil and Kamchatka Village, Levashovo, Reef, Stony, Coastal, Galkino, Ocean, Podoror, Major Van, Shelekhovo, Savushkino, Kozyrevsky, Babushkino, Baikovo ...

In the fall of 1952, the country lived in an ordinary life. In the Soviet press, the "truth" and "Izvestia" did not fall like a line: neither about the tsunami on Kurils, or about the thousands of dead people. The picture of what happened can be restored by memories of eyewitnesses, rare photos.
The writer Arkady Strugatsky, who served in those years on the smokers by a military translator, participated in the elimination of the consequences of the tsunami.
"... I was on the island of Sumuyu (or Schisha - look for the southern tip of Kamchatka). What I saw there, I did and survived - I can not write yet. I can not only write what I visited where the disaster I wrote about you , gave himself to know especially strongly.
Black Island Sumuisu, the island of wind Sumuyu, in the cliff-wall Sumurus beats the ocean wave. The one who was at the survey was at that night for surperson, remembers how the ocean went to the surprise; Like on Persia Sumui, and at Doti Surusa, and the ocean collapsed on the roofs with a roof; As in the hollows, surmissau, and in the trenches, surmissau - in the naked huts, the ocean is launched. And the next morning, surhuma, to the walls-rocks, a lot of corpses, surprise, made a quiet ocean. Black Island Sumuyu, Fear Island Surusa. Who lives at Sumu, he looks at the ocean.
These verses splash, impressed by the seid and heard. I do not know how from a literary point of view, but from the point of view of the facts - everything is correct ... "

In those years, the work on the accounting of residents in North-Kurilsk was not really established. Seasonal workers, classified military units, whose composition did not disclose. According to the official report, about six thousand people lived in North Kurilsk in 1952.
The 82-year-old Yuzhnosahalinets Konstantin Mondays in 1951 went with his comrades to Kuriles, to work out. They built at home, plastering the walls, helped to install reinforced concrete communals at the fish fabric. In those years, there were many visitors in the Far East: they arrived at the recruitment, worked out the term established by the contract.
Everything happened on the night from 4 to 5 November. Host, I was still, well, the thing is young, came from the street late, the hour is already two or three. I lived then on the apartment, I took a room from the family countryman, too, from Kuibyshev. Only it was - what is? House shook. The owner screams: get up quickly, dress - and on the street. He had already lived there for no first year, he knew what he was, - tells Constantine Mondays.
Konstantin ran out of the house, lit. The land was noticeably shaking under his feet. And suddenly the shooting, screams, noise heard from the shore. In the light of the ship spotlights from the bay, people fled. "War!" - They shouted. So, at least, the guy appeared at the beginning. Later I understood: Wave! Water!!! From the sea towards sobes, where she stood the brother, they were self-propelled. And with all Konstantin ran afterwards, upstairs.

From the report of Senior Lieutenant State Security P. Shreyabina:
"... We did not have time to walk to Rotadel, as you heard a lot of power noise, then cracking from the sea. Looking around, we saw a great height of the water shaft, which occurred from the sea to the island ... I gave an orders to open a shooting of personal weapons and scream : "There is water!", At the same time, retreating to the hills. Hearing noise and screams, people began to run out of the apartments in what were dressed (most in underwear, barefoot) and run to the hill. "
- Our path to the hits lay through a ditch of a meter wide three, where wooden carriages were laid for the transition. Next to me, choking, fled a woman with a five-year-old kid. I grabbed the child in an oakha - and with him he jumped a ditch, where only the strength took. And the mother has moved along the aircraft, "Constantine Mondays told.
On the elevation, army blockages were located, where the exercises were held. There are people there and settle down to warm up - stood November. These blockages and become their refuge for the next few days.
Three waves
After the first wave was gone, many went down to find the missing relatives, release the cattle from Sarayev. People did not know: tsunami has a greater wavelength, and sometimes there are tens of minutes between the first and second.
"... After about 15-20 minutes after the departure of the first wave, the Water shaft was again rushed again and the quantity than the first. People thinking that everything was already over (many killed by the loss of their loved ones, children and property), descended From horses and began to settle in the surviving houses to warm up and dress themselves. Water, without meeting on its way of resistance ... I knocked on a land, completely destroying the remaining houses and buildings. This wave was destroyed by the whole city and most of the population died. "
And almost immediately the third wave took almost everything in the sea that was able to capture with them. Strait, separating Paramushir Islands and Schisha, was filled with floating houses, roofs and debris.
Tsunami, which was later called by the name of the destroyed city - "Tsunami in North-Kurilsk" - was caused by an earthquake in the Pacific Ocean, 130 km from the coast of Kamchatka. An hour after a powerful (magnitude of about 9 points) an earthquake, the first wave of Tsunami reached North-Kurilsk. The height of the second, the most terrible, the waves reached 18 meters. According to official data, 2336 people died in North-Kurilsk.
Waves themselves Konstantin Mondays did not see. At first, he delivered refugees to the snow, then with several volunteers they went down and the long hours saved people, pulling them out of the water, removing from the roofs. The real extent of the tragedy has become clear later.
- went down to the city ... There we had a watchmaker, a good guy, legless. I look: the stroller is. And he himself lies near, dead. The soldiers fold the corpses on the Bricchka and take into the hill, there or in a fraternal grave, or as they also buried - God knows. And along the coast there were barracks, the spernial military unit. Saved one foreman, he was at home, and the whole company died. Covered their wave. KPZ stood, there were people, probably. Maternity hospital ... All died, - recalls Constantine.
"The buildings were destroyed, the whole shore was afraid of the logs, plywood fragments, slices, gates and doors. There were two old ship artillery towers on the pier, they put the Japanese almost at the end of the Russian-Japanese war. Tsunami swept their meters for a hundred. When Dawn, with the mountains descended by those who managed to escape - men and women in underwear, trembling from cold and horror. Most of the inhabitants either sank, or lay on the shore ahead with logs and wreckage. "
Evacuation of the population spent promptly. After a short ringing of Stalin in the Sakhalin Obcol, all the available planes and plaques were sent to the disaster area. Konstantin, among about three hundred victims, turned out to be on a steamer "Amderma", completely scored fish. For people unloaded half of the coal trim, they threw tarpaulin.
Through the Korsakov brought to Primorye, where they lived for a while in very difficult conditions. But then "Upstairs" decided that the recruitment contracts need to work out, and sent everyone back to Sakhalin. There were no speech about any material compensation, well if you managed to at least confirm the experience. Konstantin was lucky: his head of work was alive and restored labor books and passports ...

Many destroyed villages have not been restored. The population of the islands declined greatly. The city of Port North-Kurilsk rebuilt in a new place, higher. Without carrying out the most volcanology examination, so as a result, the city was in an even more dangerous place - on the path of mud fluxes of the Ebeko volcano, one of the most active in smoke.
The life of the port North-Kurilsk has always been associated with fish. The work is profitable, people came, lived, left - some kind of movement was. In 1970-80, in the sea, only loafers did not earn a month and a half thousand rubles per month (an order of magnitude more than on such work on the mainland). In the 1990s, caught crab and drove into Japan. But in the late 2000s, Rosrybolov had to almost completely ban the fishery of the Kamchatka crab. In order not to disappear at all.
Nowadays, compared to the end of the 1950s, the population has decreased. Today in North-Kurilsk - or, as local people say, about 2500 people live in Sevkure. Of these, 500 are under 18 years old. In the male branch of the hospital, 30-40 citizens of the country appear annually, in whose place "place of birth" is "North-Kurilsk".
The fish processing factory provides the country with reserves of Navaga, Cambals and Mixed. Approximately half of the workers are local. The rest of the visiting ("Verbota", recruited). Earn about 25 thousand per month.
Selling fish countrymen is not accepted here. Her whole sea, and, if you want a cod or, say, halves, you need to come to the port in the evening, where fishing steamboats are unloaded, and just ask: "I hear, brother, finishing the fish."
On tourists on Paramushire, only dream. The visitors will be seeded in the "Fisherman House" - a place, only partly heated. True, recently in Sevkure modernized the thermal power station, a new berth was built in the port.
One problem is the inaccessibility of Paramushir. To South Sakhalinsk, more than a thousand kilometers, to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - three hundred. The helicopter flies once a week, and then, provided that the weather is both in Petrik, and in North-Kurilsk, and at Cape the blade, which ends Kamchatka. Well, if you truly lie for a couple of days. And you can three weeks ...

In North Curilsk, the expression "live, as on a volcano" can be used
without quotes. On Paramushir Island - 23 volcanoes, five of them
existing ones. Ebeko, located in seven kilometers from the city, time from
time comes to life and produces volcanic gases.

In the calm and in the western wind, they reach North-Kurilsk - the smell
Herry plant and chlorine is not impossible. Usually in such
cases Sakhalin Hydrometeo Center transmits a storm warning about
air pollution: toxic gases easy to choose. Eruption by
Paramushire in 1859 and 1934 caused mass poisoning of people and
the death of domestic animals .. ...

Therefore, volcanologists urge such cases
residents of the city use masks to protect the breath and filters for
water purification.

The place for the construction of North-Kurilsk was chosen
without carrying volcanic examination. Then, in the 1950s, the main thing
it was - to build a city at least 30 meters above sea level. After
1952 tragedies The water seemed terrible to fire.

In a few hours, the tsunami wave reached the Hawaiian Islands at 3000 km from Kuril.
Flood on the island of Midway (Hawaii, USA), caused by the North Curil Tsunami.

Classified tsunami

Tsunami after the earthquake in Japan today in the spring and to
Kuril Islands. Low, one and a half meter. But in the fall of 1952
east coast of Kamchatka, Paramushir Islands and Schisha were on
the first line of the impact of the element. North-Kuril Tsunami 1952 has become
one of the five largest in the history of the twentieth century.

North-Kurilsk was destroyed. Smithy Kuril and Kamchatka settlements
Drowned, levashovo, reef, rocky, coastal, galkino, ocean,
Podgorny, Major Van, Shelekhovo, Savushkino, Kozyrevsky, Babushkino,
Baikovo ...

In the fall of 1952, the country lived in an ordinary life. IN
the Soviet press, the "truth" and "Izvestia", did not fall like a line:
tsunami on Kurils, nor about thousands of dead people.

The picture of what happened can be restored by memories of eyewitnesses, rare photos.

Writer Arkady Strugatsky,
who served in those years on the smoked military translator, took part in
Liquidation of the consequences of the tsunami. He wrote to his brother in Leningrad:

was on the island of Sumui (or Schisha - look for the southern tip of Kamchatka).
What I saw there, I did and survived - I can not write yet. I just say
what visited the area where the disaster that I wrote to you gave myself
know especially strongly.

Black Island Sumurusa, Wind Island Sumuses, in
Rock-walls surprise hits the ocean wave. The one who was on the survey was in that
night for surge, remembers how the ocean went to the surprise; Like on pisces
Sumuyu, and at Doti Surusa, and the ocean collapsed on the roofs with a roof; How in
lovely surprises, and in trenches, surhisu - in naked huts
ocean. And the next morning, surmise, to the walls-rocks, a lot of corpses, surprise, suamus,
put a quiet ocean. Black Island Sumuyu, Fear Island Surusa. Who lives
On Sumu, he looks at the ocean.

These verses spllar i
the impression is seen and heard. I do not know how from a literary point
vision, but from the point of view of facts - everything is correct ... "


those years work on the accounting of residents in North-Kurilsk is really not established
was. Seasonal workers, classified military units, which are not
disclosed. According to the official report, in 1952 in North-Kurilsk
about 6,000 people lived.

82-year-old Yuzhnosahalin Konstantin Mondays
In 1951 he went with his companions on the smoke, to work out. Build
at home, plastering the walls, helped to install reinforced concrete ambassadors
Chans at the fishing factory. In those years, there was a lot in the Far East
visitors: arrived at the recruitment, worked out established by the contract

Tells Konstantin Mondays:

Everything happened on the night from 4 to 5 November. Host I was still, well, it's
the young one came from the street late, the hour is already two or three. I lived then on
the apartment, filmed a room from a family countryman, too, from Kuibyshev.
Only it was - what is? House shook. Host screams: Get up
quick, dress - and on the street. He has already lived there for no first year, knew that

Konstantin ran out of the house, lit. The earth is noticeably shaking
under legs. And suddenly the shooting, screams, noise heard from the shore.
In the light of the ship spotlights from the bay, people fled.
"War!" - They shouted. So, at least, the guy appeared at the beginning.
Later I understood: Wave! Water!!! From the sea towards sobes where stood
rogue, went self-propelled. And with all Konstantin ran followed

From the report of Senior Lieutenant State Security P. Shreyabina:
We managed to walk to Rotadel, as heard a lot of power noise, then
crash from the sea. Looking around, we saw a high height of water
the shaft coming from the sea to the island ... I gave an order to open
shooting from personal weapons and shout: "There is water!", At the same time
retreating to the hills. Hearing noise and screams, people began to run out of the apartments in
What were dressed (most in underwear, barefoot) and run to the hill. "

Konstantin Mondays:

Our path to the hills lay through a ditch of a meter wide three, where for
wooden walkways were laid. Next to me, choking,
fucked woman with a five-year-old kid. I grabbed the child in an oakha - and
together with him he jumped out the ditch, from where only the strength took. And the mother is already
on the aircraft moved.

On the elevation there were army
droppers, where the exercises took place. There are people there and set up to
to warm up - November stood. These blockages and became their refuge on
several followers.

On the site of the former North-Kurilsk. June 1953. of the year

Three waves

After that
as the first wave gone, many went down to find missing
relatives, release from Sarayev Cattle. People did not know: tsunami has
large wavelength, and sometimes dozens pass between the first and second

From the report of P. Shreyabina:
15-20 minutes after the departure of the first wave, the tree was rushed again
greater strength and magnitude than the first. People thinking that everything has already ended
(Many killed by the loss of their loved ones, children and property),
descended from sobes and began to settle in the surviving houses to
get warm and dress yourself. Water without meeting on its way of resistance
... I knocked on a land, completely destroying the remaining houses and buildings.
This wave was destroyed by the whole city and most of the population died. "

Almost immediately the third wave took almost everything that was able to capture
with myself. Strait, separating Paramushir Islands and Schisha, was filled
floating houses, roofs and debris.

Tsunami, which later
called the name of the destroyed city - "Tsunami in
North-Kurilsk "- was caused by an earthquake in the Pacific Ocean, 130 km
from the coast of Kamchatka. An hour after the powerful (about 9 magnitude
points) Earthquake The first wave of Tsunami reached North-Kurilsk.
The height of the second, the most terrible, the waves reached 18 meters. According to official
Data, 2336 people died in North-Kurilsk.

Waves Konstantin Mondays did not see. First delivered to the hill
refugees, then with several volunteers they went down and long
The clock was saved by people, pulling them out of the water, removing from the roofs. Real
the scale of the tragedy has become clear later.

- went down to the city ... there
we were the watchmaker, a good guy, legless. I look: the stroller is. AND
he himself lies near, dead. The soldiers fold the corpses on the BRICHE and disappear
to the hill, there or in a fraternal grave, or as she was also buried - God
knows And along the coast there were barracks, the spernial military unit. Saved
one foreman, he was at home, and the whole company died. Covered their wave. bullpen
standing, there were people, probably. Hospital, hospital ... All died.

From the letter Arcadia Strugatsky brother:

"The buildings
were destroyed, the whole shore was afraid of a log, plywood wreckage, pieces
hedges, gates and doors. On the pier stood two old ship
artillery towers, they set them the Japanese almost at the end
russian-Japanese war. Tsunami swept their meters to a hundred. When
raw, with the mountains descended by those who managed to escape - Men and Women
In linen, trembling from cold and horror. Most residents either
sound, or lay on the shore ahead with logs and wreckage. "

Population spent promptly. After the short ring of Stalin in
Sakhalin Obllen All available planes and plaques
directed in the disaster area.

Konstantin is among about three hundred
the victims turned out to be on the ship "Amderma", completely clogged by fish.
For people unloaded half of the coal trim, they threw tarpaulin.

Korsakov brought in Primorye, where they lived for a while in very
heavy conditions. But then "Upstairs" decided that recruitment contracts
it is necessary to work out, and sent everyone back to Sakhalin. About some
material compensation was not and speech, good if you managed at least
confirm the experience. Konstantin was lucky: his head of work remained
alive and restored labor books and passports ...


Many destroyed villages are not
were restored. The population of the islands declined greatly. City-Port.
North-Kurilsk rebuilt in a new place, higher. Without Toy
the most volcanological examination, so as a result, the city was in
An even more dangerous place is on the path of mud streams of Ebeko Volcano,
one of the most active in smokers.

Life port
North-Kurilsk has always been associated with fish. Profit work, people
they came, lived, leaving - some kind of movement was. In the 1970-80s in
sea only loafers did not earn one and a half thousand rubles per month
(an order of magnitude more than on such work on the mainland). In the 1990s
catching the crab and drove into Japan. But in the late 2000s Rosrybolov
i had to almost completely ban fishing of the Kamchatka crab.
In order not to disappear at all.

Nowadays compared to the end of the 1950s
the population declined tripled. Today in North Kurilsk - or like
they say local, in Sevkure - about 2500 people live. Of them
500 - under 18 years old. In the maternity hospital, the hospital annually appear
30-40 citizens of the country, who in the column "place of birth" costs
North Curilsk.

The fish processing factory provides
the country with reserves of Navaga, Cambals and Mixed. Approximately half
workers are local. The rest of the visiting ("Verbota", recruited).
Earn about 25 thousand per month.

Sell \u200b\u200bfish
countrymen are not accepted here. Her whole sea, and if you want cod or,
say, halibut, you need to come to the port in the evening, where they are unloaded
fishing steamboats, and just ask: "I hear, brother, wiring fish."

Tourists on Paramushire are still dreaming. Visitors sewn in "House
fisherman "- a place, only partly heated. True, recently in Sevkure
modernized the thermal power station, a new berth was built in the port.

The problem is the inaccessibility of Paramushir. South Sakhalinsk more
thousands of kilometers, to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - three hundred. Helicopter
flies once a week, and then, provided that the weather is in Petrik, and
In North-Kurilsk, and at the Cape the blade, which ends Kamchatka.
Well, if you truly lie for a couple of days. And you can three weeks ...

To the 65th anniversary of the tragedy

What a scary, terrible noise from the sea,

What hazardous it became suddenly the Earth

When two huge crests rolled,

And there was a cry of people, salvation praying.

Inscription on memorial

in memory of the victims of the tsunami1952. in North Curilsk

... incomprehensible element force

Schunov put on the pop.

Moved crowd.

And then, going away, from the run

The waves rushed to the shore.

Occupying the Ebeko slope,

People in fear looked down ...

Yuri Druzhinin. "Tsunami. North Curilsk

On November 5, 1952, the inhabitants of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky woke strong underground shocks. It was at two minutes 4 o'clock in the morning of local time.

The walls of the houses swatched and crackled, the plaster was poured, the doors of the cabinets were opened and things and books were poured on the floor. Light bulbs flashed and immediately went out. Frightened, frowning people in the dark have grabbed children and leaving at home in a panic. And from under the feet continued to leave the Earth.

More than five minutes lasted an earthquake. Then the shocks began to weaken and gradually stopped. Houses resist. Shed light ...

And at this time in the Pacific Ocean, 200 kilometers to the southeast of Petropavlovsk, over the epicenter of the earthquake, seeded from the jokes of a sea wave. Accelerating run and strength, climbing above, she rushed to the shores of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. After 40 minutes, she grew up to eight meters and soaked the land. Nizans and the assisting parts of the river valleys were flooded. Cutting from the cliffs of the earth with the trees and shrubs, the wave rolled back, carrying into the ocean rich prey. She slipped outfits of the border guards, reaching the edge of the coast, guarding, boats, boats and kungas, wooden buildings, several small villages on Kamchatka and Kurilla and the whole city of North-Kurilsk on the island of Paramushir.

For the first wave came the second. Then the third ...

The horror of the people who were in the face of the fierce element. Nowhere was sushi, there was no sky ... only water. And no strength remained ...

It was a terrible night of the begging ocean, raising thousands of human lives ...

Shear sheets of newspapers for 1952. November. The country of Soviets is preparing to meet the 35th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. There are vigorous reports of cities, enterprises, regions. Calls are printed with which workers should go to festive events. The Ministers of Defense and Navy prepared congratulations and orders for personnel. Finally, on November 6, a solemn meeting was held in Moscow, which was attended by comrade Stalin. November 7 is a traditional parade, demonstration of workers.

The newspaper "True" is not a single hint of tragedy in the Far East. Nor 6, nor on November 7, nor in the following days and even months ...

Newspaper "Izvestia" - the same ...

"Kamchatka Pravda" is also silent. And in front of their readers, most of which know about everything, do not seem like Lukava, does not reach 8, 9 at all, and November 10 - the day off. Finally, November 11 reports: "Soviet people with a huge rise and enthusiasm celebrated the 35th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution."

It becomes clear that about the earthquake and the tsunami ordered to forget. Although at this time in Tarja Bay, that on the other side of the Avachin's lip, directly opposite Petropavlovsk, dozens and dozens of victims, selected throughout Kamchatka, are also burying. In hospitals lie hundreds of wounded, brought by steamers from the coast. Petropavlovtsy still with fear await a possible repetition of the elements and are afraid to sleep in the houses. They are still crying and remember. But already ordered to forget.

The country did not recognize anything. Moreover, I did not recognize the world. For many years, there were all sorts of talk, rumors, conjectures. But what was in reality?

And the documents that captured those events were reliably lying in dark storage faces closed on a double lock: "completely secret."

Nowadays, when any natural or technogenic catastrophe instantly, with some osterveneous hasty, it is flown on the TV screens, on the first pages of newspapers, then the silence of 1952 can show almost maliciously. But you do not need to forget: this was the style of a whole era, without the difference in borders and ideologies. Hard style of the Cold War. The trouble, the more such sizes, was immediately put in the rank of military mystery.

Night-duty officer in the Kamchatka Committee of the CPSU Comrade Kosov during the earthquake survived a strong fright. In the second minute, the shots went out the light. The phone was silent. The wooden building of the regional committee swore.

When the shocks stopped, Kosov, observing the instructions, tried to call the party secretaries, but the phone continued to be silent. Light, however, was given soon. Then Kosos quickly hurt the cabinets to see their condition.

In many cabinets from the ceilings, the plaster was tremended, the folders dropped out of the cabinets. Footages were open. Wall clock hung around and so, and many stopped. As it turned out later, the cracks of the cracks of up to two centimeters were tattered in the walls.

As it turned out, there was no connection only because telephonists, like other petropavlovtsy, during the earthquake in a panic left their jobs. When shaking terrestrial subsoil, and with her and shaking legs caused by strong fright, they stopped, people returned. Communication earned. In the receiving committee began to raise calls.

Called with shipyard. They reported that the water supply was damaged and the water supply had to be turned off. In the shops there was a displacement of equipment. The verification administration decided to terminate the night shift, and the workers organized in brigades to eliminate accidents.

In the seaport, the berths were slightly shifted and fused. In the fish port, there were also partial destruction and shifts of berths. Some of them formed convexities and cracks with a width of up to 8 centimeters. In the first minutes of the earthquake, the water spread over the pier. The moored boats and Kungas disrupted strong excitement. Multiple cargo stacks crumbled. In four places the water supply was broken.

There were reports and that stoves and pipes were collected in individual residential buildings of the city, glasses flew out of the windows. By the way, the scholar-ichthyologist Innokentiy Aleksandrovich Politov describes this earthquake: "Our service shepherd Hindu, usually soldered under the table in the city house, all night under the tsunami me, and I, not knowing the reasons, took her out on the street, and so before dawn . The earthquake began at around four o'clock in the morning. "

While the duty officer took the phone and recorded the incoming information, the secretaries and employees were collected. The same thing happened in the regional executive committee, in institutions and in enterprises. Petropavlovsk could no longer fall asleep. Yes, and the low-power shocks are still renewed, scaring people.

The head of the regional management of the Communication of the Poshechonov sent an urgent telegram in the village of Klyuchi, to the central part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, where the volcanic station was located. At the request of the heads of the Kamchatka region - the first secretary of the regional committee P. N. Solovyov and the chairman of the regional executive committee of A. F. Saved, he requested volcanologists about the forecast of the further development of the earthquake. There could not say anything on the Petropavlovsk seismic station, since their seismographs designed for fixing the maximum of an eight-ball earthquake, from the first night jolts, and scientists not only could not give at least some short-term forecast, but did not know the characteristics of the element . "More than eight points" - so approximately they estimated the power of the earthquake. No one knew that he was not recorded in the keys at all, since the seismographs were removed for preventive repair. Thus, the earthquake on November 5, 1952 remained with an approximate characteristic - "more than 8 points". Later, a group of scientists under the leadership of Professor E. F. Savarensky tried to summarize all available information. They came to the conclusion that the Ashgabat earthquake of 1948 surpassed in the number of separated energy of energy. The character of soil oscillations in various parts of Kamchatka and Northern Kuril made it possible to assert that the earthquake focus was at a depth not exceeding 20-30 km. (?) Exceptionally large intensity of the earthquake and the tsunami formed by him testified of significant disorders of the bottom of the ocean bottom in the epicenal zone. The closest to the epicenter of the coast of Kamchatka - Cape Shipunsky, the distance to it is 140 km. Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka is 200 km away, and North Curilsk is about 350 km away. Only due to the remoteness of the epicenter from the coast and the shallow depth of the focus, the earthquake was not accompanied by more significant destructions.

At 5 o'clock 20 minutes, the duty officer of the Kamchatka Committee of the CPSU received a message that a big trouble happened in the village of Khalaktykka, which was located on the ocean of twenty kilometers from Petropavlovsk. It was reported that the village was flooded, there are destruction and sacrifices.

On the task of the first secretary, the duty officer called in the Obbi of the head of the MGB management in the Kamchatka region A. E. Chernistan, so that he checked this information.

By this time, all the first leaders of the region and large enterprises have already been gathered. It was decided to create a headquarters from members of the Committee of Command Party to coordinate emergency work. Subsequently, the headquarters renamed the regional commission. The first secretary of the regional register P. N. Solovyev was chaired. The Commission included the chairman of the regional executive committee A. F. Saved, the 2nd Secretary of the Commander of the Party V. I. Alekseev, Head of the MGB Department of the Kamchatka Region A. E. Chernobhtan, Head of Championship of Championship A. T. Sidorenko.

The first thing that the Commission did - gave an indication of the permanent readiness of all means of salvation in enterprises and in military units of the region. Then she turned to the population of Petropavlovsk with a call to calm. In addition, it was recommended to inspect the furnaces before drowning.

After that, the saved and Alekseev immediately went on a passenger car in Khalaktyark.

In this small, ancient Kamchadale village, located on the Ocean, lived about three dozen families. Almost all adults worked in fishing artel. He supervised by Mikhail Trofimovich Skomorokhov.

At night, the inhabitants of the village also woke an earthquake. Switching out of the houses, they soon made sure that nothing terrible happened - no destruction, people are alive. But it was not hurry to return to warm houses. And correctly made - a strong noise from the ocean was heard soon. Indigenous inhabitants of Kamchatka, they immediately understood that there was a big wave.

Skomorokhov gave the team to run on the hill, towering behind the village. After having released a cattle from Sarayev, praising the children and the most valuable Skarb, the villagers ran to the hill. After them, the wave rolled ashore with the roar.

She did not have time to catch up with people, but the village brought great destruction. Fully washed away the smoking, caviar and diligence sheds, destroyed four houses, even six were injured. In addition, the water rose in the Khalaktyarka River, demolished the wooden bridge, and the residents of the village were squeezed between the river and the ocean. The panic began. Fortunately, the height of the subsequent tsunami waves decreased, but fear in people remained.

Two or three hours later, cars appeared on the other side of the river. This was driven by the secretary of the regional committee of Alekseev, chairman of the regional executive committee, and followed by the border guards. They shouted to the inhabitants of Halaktyarks, which will now begin to bring a pontoon bridge and save everyone. It is somewhat reassured people.

Soon, the sappers arrived, the construction of a pontoon bridge began. When the work was almost ended, the water in the river began to dramatically decrease. Successful and ocean excitement.

Opera Compact State Security Junior Lieutenant Ivan Efremov and Militiaman Ivan Gromov rewrote people and checked with a list of village council. Not enough single family consisting of a husband, wives and a four-year-old child. Soon they were found dead, choking in the water. They turned out to be the first victims of which they learned in Petropavlovsk. But almost immediately came the news that on the most southern tip of Kamchatka - the Cape of the blade washed away in the sea two border outfits of four. It was not possible to find anyone.

And at the entrance to the bay of avaci was washed away several sailors and officers. True, they survived, clutching the floating fragments of coastal buildings. Military boats quickly managed to choose everyone.

In Petropavlovsk, in this early hours, on November 5, they still did not know about terrible tragedies who were playing in the villages of the Eastern Coast of Kamchatka, as well as on the islands of Paramushir and the Schisha of the North-Kuril archipelago.

One of the northernmost points of the Eastern Coast of Kamchatka, where the waves of the tsunami were given, Olga bay in Kronotsky Gulf. Here, between the mouths of Olga and Tatiana, the village of Kronoki was located on the outskirts of which, at the ocean, was the coastal economy of the Bogachevsky exploration expedition.

Shortly before the earthquake, a steamer "Saltykov-Shchedrin" came to geologists. From him, the food, drilling equipment, three new Tractors of the SBTI, and various technical and building materials, workwear, a timber for the construction of standard houses, more than two thousand barrels for fuel were managed to shore. Ten kungas worked on the unloading, three tractors C-80 and two SIS-151 trucks. He led the unloading personally by the head of the expedition Vladimir Aleksandrovich Pervago.

Sleep lay very late. And at 4 o'clock in the morning, a construction bar and barrels scattered from stacks. Frightened people rose from houses and tents, ran out of lamps along the shore, checking the cargo. When more or less calmed down, the first wave of the tsunami flew ...

The head of the Pervago expedition at this time was inside the food warehouse. The blow of the wave on the boardwall forced him and the worker who ran to him with him, jump out out. They immediately picked up the rapid flow of water flowing into the sea and suffered into the darkness. Worker, choking, all the time grabbed Pervago by arms, but soon he was clinging to the tractor standing on the shore, or for a bunch of drilling pipes, after which he managed to catch the boss, so their rapid movement in the roasting ocean stopped. Salted water overwhelmed both, rolled through the heads, rushed hands and legs, but they managed to hold. Consciousness has already been muttered, weakened the muscles of the hands when the water suddenly left, leaving behind the dirty foam. Having abandoned and having come to themselves, people began to slowly leave the shore, leaving the high river terraces. Everyone understood that others would inevitably come for the first wave.

When dawn, tired and frozen people realized that the ocean calmed down and can be descended to the village. They walked alert, meeting on the path of a piece of garbage, stewed with the roots of shrubs, the mountains of the lace ground. At the place of the village lay miserable ruins. Three warehouses scored by food and equipment were not at all, as there were no three residential buildings and tents. Called in the ocean bar, barrels. Higher damaged tractors, cars, kungas and ten metal tanks with fuel and lubricants. True, the steamer "Saltykov-Shchedrin" was in place and gave loud, broaching beeps.

The shore swims a lot of different garbage. In addition, it was assumed that someone from people could carry into the ocean, so the head of the expedition decided to examine garbage and coastal waters. Fortunately, the Motor Boat "Iceberg" remained the intake, on which the foreman of the Tarasov boat and Pervago himself immediately went to the sea. They managed to find several dead tel.

Soon they found that nine people died: Mistrenko's driller, Kunnik subdominous and his four children, wife and child Tokary Parshar, as well as the remaining forever an unknown woman arriving at the expedition for employment.

In the village itself, the kronoks were missing two people. The wave was demolished two residential buildings and the store, the medical center was injured.

On the shore of the bay of the Morzha, located in the northern part of the Sipunsky Peninsula, was the village of Kitobyman Aleut, in which several families remained for the winter. Here the tsunami broke absolutely all at home and production buildings. People who fell into the waves carried into the ocean. Adults managed to stay and then get out of the shallow water, but the children had no strength for it. After the survivors gathered together, sorrowful screams rang out above the bay. These are the distraught parents, parents mourn missing children. The head of the database, all children died, except the eldest daughter who lived at the boarding school of Zupanovo.

There was no connection, and the database workers did not know that they were not the only differences in a catastrophe. It seemed to them that God was angry only on them. Having consisted, we decided that the strongest of men Beloshitsky will go over 18 kilometers on the meteopost on Cape Shipunsky, in order to report to Petropavlovsk on the radio from the radio. The dirty, frozen, hungry, he, not bag, went out. There was no road to meteopost, so she went directly, through the mountains and on river valleys.

The beginning of November in this part of Kamchatka is almost winter. It was possible not to fear bears who go to herd here in the summer. However, predators kicked out the night earthquake from Berherry. One such a favor rose on the path of Beloshitsky. He was frightened, climbed on the rock. Stones were just rushing with snow and covered with ice layer. The leg slosled, it was not for the hands of the hands, and Beloshitsky flew down. Fell so that he lost consciousness. When I woke up, I found that my head, arms and legs were broken. Hooked bruised chest. I tried to rise, but the pain in my legs and the hypochondrium did not give it. In addition, the head was very spinning. And then he crawled. Later broke the stick and walked, leaning on her.

In the middle of the day, he, bloody, tired, in a semis-resistant state fell into the room of meteopost. Frightened meteorologists listened to him, then drove hard tea, helped wash, tied wounds. Radiogram in Petropavlovsk flew on the air: "The walrus people suffer disaster. One person arrived a post of serious condition. There are victims, wounded. In addition to the lingerie there is nothing, you need help. Sipinsky post.

The south of Cape Shipunsky, at the mouth of the River Nalycheva, the village of the same name was located, in which there was a separation of the fishing artel named after Lenin. 39 people lived here.

The first rolling of the wave of the tsunami was broken and washed off all residential buildings in the sea with the exception of two. People ran to more elevated places, for Liman. But five water nuts and challenged with them. All of them died.

The survivors are sinking and dirty - they came to the border shop, located in six kilometers from the village. The storing from the tsunami was not injured. Her head of Eliseev accepted and posted people.

North Kurilsk is located on the shore of a narrow and not very deep second Kuril Strait, disconnecting the island of Paramushir, where the city is located, and the island of Schoshu. In the direction of the Pacific Ocean, the shed is somewhat expanding, forming a kind of funnel, squeezed by rocky shores. Tsunami rushed into this funnel, and the more she narrowed, the higher the waves rose, their destructive power increased. Because North-Kurilsk and received the most powerful blow compared to other settlements, which fell into the zunami zone. As a result, the city was completely destroyed.

North-Kurilsk built the Japanese in 1940-43. It was a small fishing town that was called Casivabar. In it, the Japanese had the main fisheries management in the North Curil Islands. In August 1945, the islands again moved to us. There were many Japanese villages on the coast, and they all began to settle down by Soviet fishermen and military personnel. For some time, the Japanese lived here, but soon all they were evicted. The center of the New North-Kuril district of the South Sakhalin region of the USSR was the former Casivabar called North-Kurilsky.

In the North-Kurilsk Museum of the North-Kurilsk, a photo album made by the filmmaker Boris Vasilyevich Vasilievy in 1946. All photos of the album are dedicated to the city of that time. Perhaps this is the only thing that remains from the city, which is no longer. But then, in 1946, he just began to rebuild into Russian Federation, and people in photographs are still alive and happy with the happiness of Novoselov. They build a city, a stadium, barracks, fishing, explore their island, are engaged in sports, soldiers - construction preparation. On the faces - smiles.

In that fall of 1946, Boris Zamokhin removed the film "Kuril Islands" and at the same time did a lot of photos. The album is composed of them.

The current North-Kurilsk, rebuilt after the tragedy of 1952, is located elsewhere - on the hill and in a greater distance from the sea. And from the old city of traces almost left. "There, where now srates, there was a stadium," said Seversali, showing a wasteland located between the modern city and the sea. The stadium was large, with high stands, concrete gates in the style of Soviet retro.

Perhaps, only the monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union of the Soviet Union, the Hero of the Soviet Union, remained from the Hero of the Soviet Union, who was kicked by the Soviet landing. The monument under the blows of the waves was tamed, but he stood. He is alone and reminds time "to the tsunami". Yes, of course, it remains in the memory of people. Every year on November 5, the inhabitants of North-Kurilsk are spent on a mourning rally in the cemetery, on which there are a few witnesses of those terrible events.

In the fatal night from 4 to 5 November 1952, at about 4 am local time, residents of the city were awakened by a strong earthquake. The dishes poured on the floor, the light bulbs, lampsaws, lacked stoves, the doors were crushed, the doors were opened, burst into the windows of the glass. People rose to the streets. Fortunately, the weather was rarely warm, only some of the stains dropped on the eve of the snow. In the sky shone the moon. Have time to get used to the time of life on the island to quite frequent shocking, people quickly calmed down, especially since there were no big destruction. Flowing out in the fresh air, many, yawning, returned to warm beds.

The land continued to fluctuately fluctuate when the head of the North-Kuril police department of the Senior Lieutenant of the State Security P. M. Dryabin went to the district department to check the prisoners, languishing in the CPR. There were 22 people. "On the way to Rottite, I observed cracks in the ground from 5 to 20 centimeters, formed as a result of an earthquake, he will write later in the report. - Arriving in the district department, I saw that the building from the earthquake broke into two halves, the furnaces crumbled, duty outline. It is located on the ground. At that time, no jolts were no longer, there was a very quiet weather. "

Tamara Nikolaevna Avaryaurova was then 14 years old, she lived at the boarding school of North-Kurilsk. "Earthquake woke us," she writes. "Our teacher first decided that we would not go anywhere, we will wait for everything that everything was over. Who was what we ran into the street. The earthquake, of course, was terrible ..."

After about 45 minutes after the earthquake, a strong buzz was heard from the ocean. "Looking around, we saw a high height of the water shaft, which occurred from the sea to the island, - continues his report by the police of P. M. Dryyabin. - Since Rottite was at a distance of 150 m from the sea, and the KPZ is about 50 meters from the sea, then Immediately the first victim of the water was the CPP ... I gave an order to open a shooting of personal weapons and scream "goes water!", At the same time, retreating to the hills. Hearing noise and screams, people began to run out of the apartments in what were dressed (most in underwear, barefoot ) And run to the hill. "

... "And here we have a rumor before us: Water! - tells Avalov. - I must say that the boarding school was located pretty close to the port, now there is a garage" Geothermika ". Here we rushed to run. I remember running along with All in the direction of the fifth hill. Ahead of me the soldiers were fled in the confers, and I didn't really get dressed. But it was already very cold, somewhere lay snow. Most people who left the dying city, gathered on the fifth hill. "

It seemed to people that their island was descended into the marine bunch - so highly fluttering water to dry. Grabbing children, people ran to the hills. But the wave already ruined the first buildings, drowning the cracks of screaming sinking.

A few minutes later, the wave shouted back to the sea, having accustomed to everything destroyed, as well as hundreds of victims. She left the shore so rapidly that the bottom of the strait was exposed, brilliant in the moonlight from numerous puddles and wet stones. And immediately came sinister silence. The frightened residents of North-Kurilsk have not yet known that there will be a second wave, more powerful, higher and destructive. Waving some time, they began to be afraid to descend from sobes to see what was with their dwellings. And, of course, to find out that with their relatives and friends, remaining in the city or retired during the run.

The second wave flew in 20 minutes after the first. "The formidable water shaft of 10-15 meters high rapidly on the strait," says in the certificate of the Deputy Head of the Sakhalin Regional Department of the Police of Lieutenant Colonel Smirnova, who arrived on the island as part of the commission immediately after the catastrophe and conducted a detailed survey of witnesses. - Shaft with noise and roar. Paramushir's northeastern protrusion of Paramushir island in the area of \u200b\u200bNorth-Kurilsk. Crashing about him, one wave rolled on the strait in the north-western direction, destroying coastal buildings on the Islands and Paramushir on its way, and the other, describing the arc on North-Kuril's lowland in the south-east direction, collapsed on the city of North-Kurilsk. She fleeously rotated in a circle of depression, rapidly, convulsive jerks to the foundation all buildings and structures located on the ground at 10-15 meters above sea level. Water shaft in his rapid motion was so huge that small in size, but heavy by weight item You are the machines installed on the butt bases, semi-trial safes, tractors, cars - broke from their places, circled in the whirlpool together with wooden objects, and then spread it on a huge area or carried it into the strait. "

This second wave was not only powerful, but also cunning. She, retreating with the same force, with which he flooded ashore, hit the city in the rear. She began to roll into the valley of the stream, which divided North-Kurilsk into two parts, and - approximately in the middle. Rapidly going down, the water formed a huge whirlpool, in which sucking weakened in an unequal struggle of people. Sucking hundreds. In addition, water hit the coastal before the seaport, destroying it and throwing out fishing vessels, boats and barges in the strait.

"This wave was destroyed by the whole city and most of the population died," writes M. P. Dryabin. "I didn't have time to go away the water of the second wave, as the water I poured into the third time and I carried almost everything in the sea that was from the buildings in the city ... Strait. , separating the islands of Paramushir and Schisha, it was completely filled with swimming houses, roofs and other wreckage. The people who were frightened by what was happening, in a panic threw the things taken and, losing children, rushed to run above in the mountains. "

Filled from the first wave on the fifth end and the remaining there, peered in the fear of the predawny torment, it was aimed at understanding what was happening at the bottom in the city. And there - "black and black, it was impossible to see anything that could not be clear, only the darkness, which has enveloped the city, and noise of water" (T. N. Avalirova).

Smirnov's lieutenant colonel: "Despite the tragity of this disaster, the absolute majority of the population was not confused, moreover, in the most critical minutes, many nameless heroes committed sublime heroic feats: risking life, saved children, women, old people. Here are two girls lead the old woman. Pursued by the approaching wave, they try to run faster to the hill. The old woman, groaning out of his strength, goes out to the ground in exhaustion. But girls through the noise and roar of the impending element shout to her: "We will not leave you anyway, let them all be drowning." They pick up The old woman is in hand and try to run, but at that moment the reclining wave picks them up and so everyone throws out to the hill. They are saved.

Mother and young Malosov daughter, fleeing on the roof of her house, the wave was thrown into the strait. Calling about help, they were spotted by people on the hill. Soon there, not far from the floating loses, a little girl was seen on the board, as it turned out, a miraculously saved by a three-year embankment Svetlana, which disappeared, then again appeared on the crest of the wave. His blonde hair, fluttered by the wind, from time to time she fled the handbook back, which indicated that the girl was alive. Strait at this time was completely filled with floating boards, roofs, various demolished property and especially fishing gear, interfering with swimming boats. The first attempts to break through the boats turned out to be unsuccessful - solid dawns impede advanced, and fishing tackles are wound on the screws. But from the shore of the island, Schisha separated the boat, who through the ruins slowly makes his way forward. Here it is suitable for a floating roof, the boat team quickly removes the elk, and then carefully removes Svetlana from the board. People who watched them with a hidden breathing, sighed light easier. Only in the period of commission on the city of North-Kurilsk, more than 15 children lost their parents were selected and rescued by the population and the command of various floors, 192 people from the roofs and other floating items in the Strait, the Sea and Ocean. "

The trouble stunned most of the population of the destroyed city. Of the surviving residents there were few people who would not lose their loved ones. People fell into depression. And on the site of the city there was a real wasteland.

Soon over the island, reconnaissance aircraft from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky appeared. They examined the terrain, photographed, discharged instructions on the methods of feeding from the ground of various signals. This somewhat returned people to reality, hesitated the hope of perhaps the quick end of the sorrows who fell on them and trouble.

On the ocean side of Paramushir islands there were several residential villages - a shyleos, the base of combat, porphan, ocean, galkino, coastal, stone, reef, levashovo, lazy, duck, Savushkino (in a strait, at the exit to the Okhotsk region), Putyathino (a little further Savushkino ).

All these villages also hit the zunami zone. Shkilevo, located in the south of the island, for the cape of Count Vasilyeva, did not suffer, no one died out of 12 inhabitants. The battle base was mothballed before the catastrophe, there were no people. The village is completely destroyed. In Podgorn, the kitokombinat was located, more than 500 people lived. The village was destroyed, 97 inhabitants remained alive. Galkino is completely destroyed, but the population has managed to escape. The same thing happened in the coastal and stone. In the reef, too, without the victims, but residential buildings and production facilities were washed into the ocean. Levashovo washed, but people remained alive. About one hundred people lived in a cast, the village was destroyed, but it cost without human victims.

Big sacrifices were in Shelekhovo. A large fish fabor was located here, more than 800 people lived. Living remained 102. The village himself almost did not suffer.

Savushkino, or avant-garde - the village of military and fishers. He was located at the Cape oval. No destruction, nor victims here, fortunately. There was no place.

About the village of Oceansky - a separate story. He was located in the Bay of the same name at a low, sandy shore at the foot of a small, lonely hill, called dunkina residents. The population of the ocean was more than a thousand people, people were engaged in the fishing factory, the icon and tin factories. A sufficiently landscaped village - with a power station, mehmasters, industrial refrigerators, school, hospital, etc. Besides, there was a large herd of cattle. Warehouses before winter were slaughtered food. Listed, for example, several hundred tons of flour, tens of tons of croup, oats, dozens of alcohol barrels.

The village was founded by the Japanese. It was the center of fishing and processing of catches on the ocean coast of Paramushir. It was fine here, the fish farmeter, which became Russians, flourished. From the Japanese Russians got a capital stone pier. He served as a vololate, covered by the bay from the ocean waves. Next to him was built two more pie, but they were light, temporary. It was the watchman first and noticed the Tsunami's approaching wave. A huge, rumble shaft, viciously flashing in the light of the moon with millions of water splashes.

The shaft rolled the painter to the shore, so the good, the Japanese pier could not stand the lateral blow of water and literally crumbled on separate concrete blocks. These huge, heavy blocks scattered along the coast as a pebble.

Almost immediately, the wave fell into the factory workshops of a large tin can and completely destroyed it in a matter of seconds. When the wave is gone, only the boilers of Zhirotopki and dressing machines remained from the factory.

Later, the tragic fate of the ocean was described in detail the Kuril Lampor, a former deviator from North-Kurilsk, S. Antonenko. His essay "Ocean" was published in the "Kuril Rybak" newspaper in 1990. The former chairman of the Ocean Sensor Elena Mikhailovna Melnikova and the former director of the local fish farmers Mikhail Alexandrovich Berkhnikov were most important assistance in collecting materials.

"The house of Melnikovs stood at the very foot of Dunkyna Sopov," he writes in the sketch of S. Antonenko. "All its inhabitants, who had breathed in the courtyard after they were awakened by powerful underground jokes, saw the entire village and the buildings of the fish farmers are somewhat from above. Well it was visible and visible. The surface of the ocean, Storing, as far as the eyes grabbed, until the horizon. Earthquake, superior to all, accustomed to those who worry the island land, woke up all the inhabitants of the village. People approached each other, shared their impressions, guessing what could follow this, told Who has that the house fell or fall apart ...

The director of the fishing factor is as well as the rest, after the very first jokes of the earthquake left the house ... Burners understood all the danger of what was happening and became loud crying to wake sleeping people, calling them quickly and not bag to leave their dwellings under the open sky. But far from all the appeal to him ... "

The blow of the first wave tsunami was terrible. S. Antonenko describes it like this:

"- Water! Ocean! Wave! Look! - Anxious and loud exclamations scattered over the air. But filling all around the noise jammed these belated cries. Someone from the people rushed from the barrack rushed away from the shore, someone jumped inside already The enthusiassed structure, tried to grab the children from the bed of his stays in the sweet dream, someone reservedly shouted, trying to wake up those who still slept in their rooms ...

These were the last moments of nightmare, which many human life ended now. And now there is already a multi-kilometer water shaft, boiling and fried by terrible cosmas foam, hit the shore and absorbed everything in himself that even more than a second stayed, breathing, shouted and stuck in the last hope ...

Thought and frightened people fled who where. Some fled to the top, others were confused with their homes, trying to do something, someone to save something. Third, confused, ran down, in the valley. Many who have not yet come mistaken from the recently saturated underground jolts, were afraid to flee there, where they called the Burnists - on Dunkin Schoz, who is now the only saving place. And they were afraid because they knew about the former Japanese artillery warehouse in her thicker with a huge margin of airbabes and arctants. "

Dunkina Sopka was the only elevation in this area. But her foothold was excited by a wide, with a depth of 3 to 5 meters deep to 5 meters - the so-called countercirp, duck up by the Japanese as part of the security warehouse system located in the underground warehouse. Some of this ammunition, according to the evidence of Paramushir residents, lies there and still, local hunters get gunpowder from shells. And then the warehouse was full, so the security system was contained in relative health. People who ran to Dunkina's snow, rest in the ditch, unable to overcome it. And the wave overtigal. Many people died before the moat or inside it, climbing on the sheer wall upstairs.

But most people remained in the village, many never left their homes. All of them, in a very rare exception, died. When, after leaving the first wave, the director of the fishing plant went down to reach the radio station and report to North-Kurilsk about what happened, he did not find not only his office, but also a hospital attached to her. And in the hospital there were people, including several fencers. All absorbed the ocean.

And yet someone managed to detect among the wreckage. Many were already dead, who choke in the water, who was crushed by the fragments, including the bodies of the Chief Engineer of the Kalmykov Rybobybnate, Deputy Director Mikhailov. But there were wounded. They began to transfer to the top, to the house of the chairman of the village council Melnikova. This occupation found people second, more powerful wave. She finally broke the village and plants, took a few more victims. Grandmother and girls Katya, Tanya and Zhenya from the captain Novak family were killed. The whole family of Brigadier Lov Popov's Brigadier, Taisiya Alekseevna Rezanov died with three children, died, the whole family of worker Scharygin died, only the mother was left for NINA Vasilyevna, Nina Vasilyevna ... and then counted in the ocean 460 dead. This is according to official data, but people believe that much more died, because many detention seasonals were not registered in the village council, and the paper of the factories and the fishing factor was carried out into the ocean.

"Many people proved to the spit, which was issued for several hundred meters into the ocean in the southwestern part of the bay," writes S. Antonenko. "Are on-handed and semi-frozen, distraught from the cold and all that happened, they clinging for slippery, cold stones shouting. And I prayed for help. But it is unlikely that some of them managed to wait for her. They were frozen on icon cliffs. Others, trying to get to the shore, also died, and only a few of them, perhaps, were among those Who saved then came from Galkino boat w-220.

The island of Schoshu, the closest to the Kamchatka Peninsula, unlike the neighboring Paramushir, is almost flat and lowlands, not having large vegetation. But the shores are high. On the island there was a large number of military units, and on the ocean side there were fishing villages Babushkino, Dyakovo, Kozyrevsky. The Kozyrevsky village was the largest, in which there were two fisheries and lived more than a thousand people. Both factories were destroyed, but people, with the exception of 10 people, managed to escape in the tundra.

In Babushkino, in the very south of the island, there was also a fishery. Lived in the village more than 500 people. The two old-timers of the village, Maria Dmitrievna Annenkov and Ulyana Markovna Velikko, were told in 2001, and Ulyana Markovna Velichko, both women born in 1928. Ulyana Markovna Velikko arrived in Babushkino along with his parents on June 18, 1950. In the same year, in the fall, she married. The husband served on the island, and when he was demobilized, decided to stay, settled in the fish fabric. In 1951, they had a daughter.

Village Babushkino - on a high shore, above the ocean. Below, under the coastal breakup - all the production remaining from the Japanese is the fish farmers, a canning plant, a caviar shop, two large refrigerators.

"We lived in Barak, behind the wall - my parents," says Ulyana Markovna. - About a month before the tsunami was an earthquake. Japanese bara, old, we have all the stoves flew. Only repaired them, they burned ... "

"That year there was a lot of fish," recalls Maria Dmitrievna Annenkov, who arrived in Babushkino in 1952 to recruit from the city of Arsenyev Primorsky Krai. - First, we, seasonals, were kept on the cod, then the red fish went. I began to work in the caviar shop, did not sit without a case, the fish went and walked. In October, our caviar was crossed in North-Kurilsk and our brigade was removed and sent it there. At the end of October coped, it was time to return to Babushkino. And here Purga pointed, two weeks could not move to their island. Finally, on November 4 we took us home. Sucked in the evening, and at night this terrible tragedy happened. "

When at night, on November 5, was shaken, the inhabitants of the barrack, in which the family of Ulyana Markovna lived, jumped. The oven again crumbled. The husband managed to put on only one boot, picked up his daughter and jumped out of the house. "Families in the barbell lived a lot, and the doors are only two," says Ulyana Markovna. - barely got out. We kept a cow, so in the courtyard there was a Skird of Sen. It was dark, only Belals slightly sipped land. We hung up with all the barracks near this skid and so stood, peering into the noisy below, the dark sea. "

"I lived in a Japanese twilight with a young teacher of literature," continues the story of M. D. Annenkov. - We woke up from the earthquake. It was dark and scary. We put the pillows on the heads, so that the ceiling, if anything, did not crush, and began to sing "the enemy does not surrender our Grozny" Varyag "... the young were. In addition, it was already shaking more than once, we knew what it was. Hear: noise on Street, people shout. We then ran to the street too. "

Babushkintsev saved high shore. All production buildings below, under the beach, destroyed and washed. And the residential village was practically not affected. People sat outside their homes before dawn, burned fires, warm. Airplanes appeared in the morning, began to drop food bags, medicines.

The steamer "Performance" left the port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for November 1. He had to go bend from the south to Kamchatka and arrive in the village of Ozernovsky, where the veins of 600 tons of food.

On the evening of November 2, the steamer entered the first Kuril Strait. Hummer. The weather worsened sharply, blew the northeast wind. The radioist brought Captain to Smirnov Radiogram, which said that in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, the storm was expected to be 11-12 points. In order not to risk, the captain decided to return from the Strait to the Ocean and go to the drift in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cape of the Shovel - the southern tip of Kamchatka.

Only in two days, in the evening on November 4, the weather improved, and "permanently" went to his course. At about an hour of the night of the fateful on November 5, the first Kuril Strait was held and entered the Okhotsk Sea. By 4 o'clock in the morning came to the village of Ozernovsky. Exactly four crew felt a strong vibration of the vessel case. It lasted 8-10 minutes. No one doubted that it was an earthquake.

At 5 o'clock 34 minutes, Captain Smirnov received the radio: "As a result of the earthquake in North-Kurilsk, the city went under water. I ask the courts located in the area of \u200b\u200bNorthern smoked, immediately follow in North-Kurilsk to save people. The captain of the ship" Krasnogorsk "Belov".

It was known that Krasnogorsk is unloaded on the Ride of North-Kurilsk, so the situation of his captain, of course, owned. Not doubting and not bag, Smirnov gave the team to take the course to North-Kurilsk. All night, while "permanent" rushed to help people, her crew was prepared for lifting devices, grids, cable and stormatras.

At about 10 am, approached the second Kuril Strait from the north. Here they began to meet floating in the sea brica, furniture, rags, barrels, drawers, bags. The closer the steamer approached the strait, the more different debris and garbage sulled on the water. People-free from watch were on the deck and looked at the sea with alarming.

Soon the flow of empty, unmanaged boats, barges and even seinols suffered from the Strait. There was no doubt - the catastrophe happened ambitious. In addition, the radist brought more and more alarming radiograms, coming from Vladivostok and Petropavlovsk the captains of the courts in the area. Judging by them, several steamers and warships have already hurried to North Kurilsk.

At 10 o'clock 20 minutes on one of the barges, which carried the flow, noticed a person called by hand. After half an hour, the crew "Vychuga" managed to take a barge on a tug, and the frozen, frightened sailor raised on board.

There are two empty captors around the water. They seemed completely integer, so throwing them into the sea to the arbitrary of fate Smirnov seemed an unforgivable luxury. He decided to take them on a tug too.

At this time, the sailors were distinguished in water a huge number of wreckage of houses and various scarbs. All this was carried out in the open sea. Then barge and seiners were anchored, and they themselves quickly went to detected debris. But people among them were not found.

After that, they began to enter the second Kuril Strait to go to North Kurilsk. Opposite the Cape Chibuyny met half-filled, broken about the rocks of the Saeer and two boats. Nor living nor dead people on them and next to them were not.

Soon the strait narrowed, the coast of two islands immediately opened - Schisha and Paramushira. Well differed places flooded with tsunami. They were dark from moisture accumulated garbage and destroyed vegetation. Vertically, the strip came out to 12 meters at a medium height of 7-8 meters.

At the place of the village of Baikovo, located on the island of Schosha, the houses are preserved at the dark stripes. But most of the village still collapsed and was a pile of garbage. People visible on the elevated parts of the coast. They were still afraid to descend to the ruins of their homes, remaining in the safe distance from the sea. Someone served asked signs with their hands, but the islanders did not hurry to descend the islanders. It seems that no one has led their salvation on the shore, and people were granted to themselves. Surely, many of them have not yet moved away from shock, they needed medical assistance. In addition, it remained unknown, whether they are equipped with food and clothing.

Passing Baikovo, "Executive" approached North-Kurilsk. The picture opened by sailors shook them. The city was in the nizin, and now he was all a stuff from the face of the earth. Total buildings survived the tsunami level above. People, as in Baikovo, saved on elevated places. Only a few wandered among the ruins. Behind the cape is supported, opposite the mouth of the Sailor's river, the ship "Krasnogorsk" was anchored.

All the Water Strait near the city was littered with fragments of buildings, furniture, various utensils, half-filled boats, boats and kungas. Among this garbage was floated with a dozen boats, fish fisherwell and two captors. They were looking for people. Raised from the water and the most valuable property.

"Before" tried to hide everywhere, but Smirnov remained incomprehensible, who coordinates the work on the salvation of people and help. On this occasion, he requested the Radiogram of the head of the Kamchatka-Chukchi shipping company P. S. Chernyaev. Soon the answer came: "Smirnov. Organize the reception of people from the shore, using our boats, putting in them experienced rings led by your assistants. Tell me there are no products in the hold, bake, no bread? Have you have a connection with General Okoy? Your Information is satisfied, continue to inform the position of salvation in detail. It is desirable for a distress. Consider, the doctors will be transferred to the air. Chernyaev, Compare parliament Melnikov.

It was already something. Now it was necessary to find on the shore of General Duku - the commander of the garrison on the island of Paramushir.

At 13:55 minutes of the local time, Smirnov radically radically in Petropavlovsk: "I do not have connections with the shore. On the hits above the village there are a lot of people. Apparently fear down down. Landing can be produced by boats, but the current is strong, does not give results. Tell the Baikovo to organize Collecting people, landing with boats and barges. Notify the callsigns and the wave of the general. On the shore has not yet been organized. "

Wait when General of the Duca will be delayed on the air, did not allow the situation. Then Smirnov sent his assistant to the coast, so that or found the general, or he himself organized the delivery of people to the side of the "Viedelda". When the assistant was departing on the boat, Smirnov sent another radiogram to Petropavlovsk:

"Chernyaev. Assistant is sent to the shore and the organization of the loading of passengers. The coming courts can be reported that changes in the depths in the Strait were not found - the strait was passed twice. If there are many people, I suppose it in the feeder on the sketchpage.

About three hours of the day, the assistant captain arrived ashore. On the "Viedel" there were three assistant captain - Senior Assistant A. G. Shiryaev, Second Assistant S. M. Lebedev and Third Assistant N. A. Alexandrov. Which of them left ashore, could not be installed.

On the shore came full organizational mess. People experienced a strong stress, so many tried to find oblivion in alcohol. Fortunately, shops and stalls broke into water, in deep pits, which turned into a puddles, it was possible to easily find a bottle-other, or even a whole barrel with alcohol. A snack in the form of canned, as well as the sausage soldered in the barrels also meticulous.

Soon there was a rumor that an even higher and strong wave is expected, up to 50 meters, so people were nervous, panicked. Walking out the ruins who remained from their dwellings, pose something from things, they again hurried to rise higher to the hills. Those who managed to bother the alcohol tightly, were not afraid of anything.

People said that they saw among the living chief of the fleet and the chief engineer of the local fish trust, but neither the one nor another on the shore was announced. The head of the Trest Mikhail Semenovich Alperin died, his body was found and identified. Nobody saw the general of Duku. Showed the other end of the city, where he could be located, but how to get there through the wins and chaos of destruction, the assistant captain "Vychugda" did not imagine.

With difficulty, crouching in the city on the boat, the assistant clearly understood that this transport for the mass transport of people to the steamer was not suitable. First, the distance to the "Vychuga" was large, and secondly, the course in the strait was constantly changing. Yes, and people often did not agree to leave the shore, fearing for the rest of their property or simply not trusted the boat. Outly climbed into the boat. Only young soldiers who have anyway have anyway, no one has given any teams, because officers or died, or they were engaged in the salvation of their homework.

Without having achieved any result in search of General Duki or any of the other local leaders, the assistant captain put 30 people in a boat, mostly soldiers, and went back, on "Vychuga". Separate boats also continued to deliver people to a steamer, but there were extremely few wishing. During the day, about 150 people delivered on board.

The entire crew of "Vychugyda" participated in assisting saved people. As soon as the loaded boat approached the board, sailors led to the deck led by A. Ya. Ivanov, to quickly raise the brought islanders to the top. They were placed where they could, even gave their sleeping places and cabins. On a galley, not to twist the hands, the cook of A. N. Krivogornitsyn and Baker D. A. Yuryeva worked, trying to feed without delay, to drink tea, warm up and hungry people. Machiners and marchs of the night watch did not leave rest, knowing that their shifters work on the deck. In the absence of a doctor on a steamer, the first help was wounded as a buffetcher A. P. Tolsov, a day-old S. S. Makarenko, a cleaner L. R. Trotskaya and the sailor A. I. Kuznetsov. The head of the steamer radio station A. I. Mironov and the radio station V. P. Plahetko were constantly in touch. "We need a doctor, urgently need a doctor," they also transmitted to the ether of the captain's radiogram.

And to North Kurilsk on all pairs, other vessels were already in a hurry, which were in this disturbing morning nearby.

The scale of the tragedy flewing on the southeastern coast of Kamchatka and the Northern Kuril Islands was finally clarified by afternoon on November 5th. Practically did not remain the settlement in the specified territory, which would not be destroyed. In addition to the telied above, the tsunami waves hit the Kamchatka villages in the bays Small Sarahnaya, Vilyui, a small fatty and large fat, fishbound of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the hut bay, a meteorological station on the cape pirates. Even in the south of the Western, Okomorsk coast of Kamchatka, a big wave was celebrated in the village of Ozernovsky. And almost everywhere, except for Ozernovsky and the feut, were destruction and sacrifices. The large number of dead was reported from the Bay of Big Girome, where 81 people were missing. In small fat killed 33 people, in the bays Sarana and Vilyui in total - 29 people. In North-Kurilsk, the victims were generally calculated by thousands.

The operational headquarters created in Petropavlovsk worked in reinforced mode. Every two hours, all commanders of large military units were gathered in the commander of the CPSU and reported commissions on the work done and the plans for the near future. Actions were agreed here and decisions were made obligatory for all.

Head of the Transport Department of the Kamchatka Committee of the CPSU V. Z. Melnikov coordinated a permanent radio communications with all the courts located in the disaster zone. Each vessel was given an individual task to save people. The actions of the courts attributed to Vladivostok also coordinated with the headquarters created there. And yet the courts lacked, many seats of Kamchatka coast remained non-led. Then it was decided to send military aircraft aircraft of General Grybakin to exploration.

The aircraft examined the eastern coast of Kamchatka from Cape Kronotsky in the north to the cape of a blade in the south. By comparing the reporting of pilots, it was possible to confidently talk about the height of the tsunami. The maximum wave height was 12 meters and was observed at the Shipunsky Peninsula, 7-18 meters - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cape of the Rotary, 5 meters - in the other places of the coast.

In addition to exploration flights, airplanes were delivered to individual disaster zones doctors, clothing, food.

In the afternoon from Moscow, the Radiogram came from the Minister of Armed Forces of the USSR Marshal A. M. Vasilevsky. He reported that the general leadership of rescue work instructs Admiral Bachelor, but before arriving him in place from Vladivostok, the command should take over the Commander of the Kamchatic Military Flotilla Council Admiral L. N. Panteleev. An hour after receiving the Radiogram from Petropavlovsk to North-Kurilsk, the destroyer was gone "Fast", on board which was a counter-admiral. Radiogram flew to the air: "All vessels located in the area of \u200b\u200bNorth-Kurilsk are also the Kuril Islands. Vladivostok Savinov, gray. The Government is appointed to lead Panteleev. His orders to perform unquestionable".

And in Petropavlovsk, work continued to collect information from the disaster sites and the preparation of ships to enter them into certain areas. All this work was engaged in the head of the Kamchatsky-Chukchi shipping company P. S. Chernyaev, the head of the Petropavlovsky seaport of A. G. Mirzabeili and Head of the Fleet Department of the Chalkmuchatrybprom V. Ya. Dodon. Hard, strongly orders they managed to prepare more than a dozen different ships to exit.

It was not without street salmon, collecting information about the city of other kind - about people's moods, about possible panicoers and sabota. Here is a document reflecting this secret work:

"Secretary of the Kamchatka Regional Committee of the CPSU Comrade Solovyov.



In connection with the earthquake and the continuation of minor jolts to date, among the population of the mountains occurred on November 5, 1952. Petropavlovsk wide-scale panic, and sometimes provocative rumors.

Separate, the most backward part of the population, frightened, intends to leave the Kamchatka in the near future, some already sell at home. This especially takes place on shipyard.

The degree of panic sentiments say such facts when the residents of the village of industrial, living in the houses close to the sea, go to their relatives or acquaintances living in homes built on the slopes of the mountains.

A wide size of the city has also made a phenomenon when residents, waiting for the possible repetition of strong jesters, dressed children overnight, they themselves sleep dressed and ready to run to the mountains at the slightest anxiety.

Such a situation naturally negatively affects the production activities of a significant part of workers.

I bring some panic statements of citizens. Senior Mechanic Kamchatrybflot Vigur V. P. In the presence of a number of persons on November 5, 1952, he said: "At least Kamchatka failed - no matter how much it is a sense, one loss and torment for people. We are not visible on it. Nothing, the climate is bad. People do not live, but suffer. "

Gr - polypchuk living on ul. Ryabikovskaya, 41, square. 8, declared the earthquake as follows: "I thought the house would fall apart. It turns out that this volcano exploded. The Kuril Islands sank, a lot of soldiers died, they were brought to Kamchatka not alive. From us walked ships and planes with doctors to save people."

GR-ka Sumin A. Ya., Residing on the street. Soviet, 63 told: "One island was flooded in the North Kuril Islands. From there they brought people to the ruined, and some were killed and wounded. Mom did not want to leave the Kamchatka, and now he says: Let's go away. We are waiting for death every minute. But not only We will perish, the whole Kamchatka will die. "

Morport Swallin N. S. for the disaster stated: "Underwater volcano exploded, half of one island turned off and drowned into the sea. Many died the people. They say that only the corpses, trees and houses float on the sea."

Tabeller Stroytress No. 6 Blinova T. I. told: "An eruption of Avachinsky volcano is expected, not sleep for almost two weeks. Oh, how many people died, terribly! We live in one minute, that's how I do not want to die, go, as I can, but already nerves Hold out. And where is me damn! "

Kamchatrybflot Khludnove V. G. told: "The bay fat was demolished all, and very few people saved, and the children died. The city of North-Kurilsk went under the water, and then when the water went away, the plain remained. Horrible victims and poor children - All died. "

Along with these purely panic sentiment of the population, there are data on the use of a hostile element of the earthquake as an excuse for the propagation of provocative anti-Soviet and religious rumors. So, Kamchattorga Lukyanov's instrumental 5 November stated: "It was not a volcano exploded, but a atomic bomb was dropped into the Kuril Islands. When I served in the army in the mountains. Nagasaki, it was an eyewitness, as the Americans first checked atomic bomb for the first time ... America smart She has all the smart people, and we had fools. Germany defeated America, and not we. And remember, the seal and the government gave the slogan "catch up and overtake America"? And caught up? Today you have a result. This is a preparation for the holiday. Today we live, and tomorrow we will not be. It may be so. Death to us only from the water. Who will come out of the houses, he will also die. "

Housewife Ododnikova E. I., residing on the street. Construction, house number 65, stated: "Shaking great, and I thought everything would fail and fall, but somehow preserved. This earthquake happened because the people of God were nourished - it is written in the gospel, and this is not the last earthquake, and this is not the last earthquake, and this is not the last earthquake, there will be more. And by the end of the century, the Earth will fall out, because they are too much soaked. In this earthquake, alive remains because the part of people still believes in God, and God agreed to leave them alive, but made a warning ... The earthquake happened before the holiday because the earthquake happened because People have forgotten the old holidays, warm the god, celebrate new holidays. Therefore, God has been warned by his earthquake so as not to forget him. "

The above informs.

Head of the MGB Department for the Kamchatka region Chernobhtan.

No words, a curious document. But how could he be aware of people whose names are mentioned in it? Especially for the last specified in it, the toolman V. I. Lukyanov and the housewife E. I. Ozodnikova. After all, they got into the category of the so-called "hostile element", and these were in those years it just did not go with the hands and often ended the arrest of people and the further disappearance of them from the face of the Earth.

Reading the "Special", feel meathed, sticky from sweat, not very competent hands of external agents. A lot of nonsense, of course, they were attributed from ourselves, but the essence was passed exactly: people did not know the truth, enjoyed rumors, speculations, their ideas about the nature of what happened. Nobody explained to them, talking about the elements forbidden. Collecting information about all this almost 50 years after what happened, I come across sad facts when the eyewitness tragedy does not have her photos. But many were filmed then. The late geologist Viktor Pavlovich Zotov did the pictures of the destroyed North-Kurilsk in the spring of 1953, but soon destroyed them. "I was afraid that they would come check, they would find," he recognized. "After all, we knew who was on the islands after the tragedy. What are you! Was it possible to store this without fear! But I then removed the entire panorama of North-Kurilsk then. EVERYTHING It was seen - I showed it, printed. But soon I burned ... "

Anastasia Anisimovna Dandabarova since 1945 worked in Petropavlovsk with a photomaster. The earthquake of 1952 occurred in her eyes, but it did not remove him the consequences - denounced the den.

A few days after the disaster, about 8-9 November, the volcanologist, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Alexander Evgenievich Svyatlovsky answered the questions of the correspondent of the Kamchatskaya Pravda newspaper, talking about the nature of the tsunami in general and specifically about the Tsunami of 1952. But, alas, the conversation took place under the supervision of MGB staff, the correspondent was allowed to make an interview in three copies, after which it was ordered to check them. Two copies immediately destroyed (burned), and the third lie in the secret folder. So readers did not see this information. Now that it is declassified and can be read, you will be surprised that in it, in principle, there is nothing secret, terrible in order to hide from readers. On the contrary, the information could reassure frightened, no knowledge of people. Here are separate fragments of that interview (by the way, the word "tsunami" was written by Tzunov):

"Question: What caused a tidal wave, which made destruction on the Kuril Islands and on the Kamchatka coast?

Answer: Tidal wave (TCCU) was caused by an earthquake that occurred in the Pacific Ocean to the southeast of Petropavlovsk city. The earthquake occurred as a result of a sudden impairment - the rupture of the earth's crust, under the influence of the displacement of which the ocean water formed a wave, which arose on the shores of the Pacific Ocean and Peninsulas.

Question: Why was the tidal wave had a destructive strength in North-Kurilsk and in the open bays of the East Coast of Kamchatka and was small in the Petropavlovsk Bay?

Answer: Petropavlovsk is in the depths of the bay, the entrance to which is protected by a narrow strait. The tidal wave of Tutsuny crashed at the entrance to the bay, and that part of it, which entered the bay, broke through all its latitude, having lost height. Therefore, the wave bay was low, and not all was seen ... Thus, tidal waves caused by earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean, for the city of Petropavlovsk do not pose a danger.

Question: Does the lowering of the Kuril Islands occurred as a result of the occurrence of the earthquake?

Answer: the lowering of the Kuril Islands did not happen. Thanks to the high strength of the tidal wave, the loose shores in the coast area were blurred, the soil and sands are washed and carried away. Formed wins and pitched in the shores. It created the impression of lowering in the North Curilsk area. In the reality of noticeable lowering and raising in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Islands and in Kamchatka did not happen.

Question: Will the wave retreated, overlooking North-Kurilsk, or the sea remained on the site of the city?

Answer: Tidal waves within a few minutes after the occurrence went back to the sea, and it remained the same as the earthquake was. As a result, the houses and roofs from North-Kurilsk were carried away by the waves in the strait, where they floated for the flow, it was impressed by the aircraft that the sea was held in the city area for a long time. It also created false rumors about lowering North-Kurilsk. In fact, the city remained at the same level. "

As mentioned above, in the afternoon on November 5, the destroyer "Fast" came out from Petropavlovsk to North-Kurilsk, on board who was temporarily acting by the head of the rescue panels. He was still walking along the coast of Kamchatka when all ships working in North-Kurilsk and heading towards him were ordered to obey counter-admiral. In the way, Panteleev came from Petropavlovsk the radiogram of the following content: "The steamboats of" Korsakov "," Kashirstroy "," Welen "at 12 o'clock in local time," Sezzzzzoz "and" Chapaev "at 18 o'clock," Pacific Star "at 20 o'clock , "Kamchatsky Komsomolets" at 18 o'clock, CPT-649 - at 11.30, CPT-645 - at 14 o'clock, CPT-669 - at 15 o'clock , the ship "Nevelsk". Notify the feasibility of the further direction of the courts. Also out from Vladivostok "Lunacharsky", Novgorod, "Nakhodka", "Sovneft" and two ship Sakhalin shipping company. Solovyov. "

At 23 o'clock, 30 minutes, the captains passed the call signs of the counter-admiral of Penthelov to establish an independent connection with it.

By night, from 5 to 6 November, 27 different vessels were suitable for North Kurilsk, including 8 warships and a rescue ship "Rider". In addition, the steamer "Korsakov" went to the island of onjector, and "zakov" - to the island of Matu. In addition, in Petropavlovsk, he ended the unloading and was ready to immediately reach the sea with warm clothes for the victims of the "Anatoly Serov" steamer. It was a whole flotilla, ready to take from the shore to 20 thousand victims. There would be other vessels if their release did not stop Panteleyev, when I realized that they were not required so much. Alas, on the first day of the tragedy, no one could know that several tens of thousands of people died on the Northern Kuril Islands. It remained to take out only about a dozen thousands of survivors.

On the evening of November 5, the weather was sharply deteriorated in the Northern Kuril Islands and the south of Kamchatka. The wind rose, expected a storm. To the board of the steamer "Executive" began to approach the travelers and barges with a request to moor to him for the night. The captain of "Vychugyda" Smirnov gave on this consent.

To the hour of night, the wind intensified up to 6 points. To resist anchor with a strong course in the Strait and the rising wind, "Overhead" was forced to continue to work with small and medium-sized machines. Such a grueling struggle soon did not hold the captains of the steamer "Krasnogorsk" and just approached the steamer "Amderma". They starred from the strait to the sea. "Executions" continued to heroically fight, because the emergency fish trailer was harvested to her, it was impossible to be hung.

At about 4 o'clock in the morning, the wind rose to 8 points, and with a strong course to the north, the ship began to gradually move towards the Okhotsk Sea. Captain Smirnov was forced to give instructions to all vessels moored for "Vychughed", except for an emergency traveler, move away from the sides. But the steamer drift continued, did not hold anchor. During the night, "permanent" retired from the previous place of the parking lot on a half miles.

Only 7 o'clock in the morning on November 6, the wind began to serve. A steamer was shot from anchor and returned to the North Curilsk raid. With dawn, I wanted to send a boat ashore, but the wind and the current did not give it to do. Captain Smirnov sent the Radiogram to Petropavlovsk, in which he informed the Commission on the situation. "8 in the morning rose again on the raid of North-Kurilsk. I caught the boat. There is no connection with the shore. I can not send a boat - a strong current. Wind Nord-West 7 points, snowfall. Some boats on the anchor, harness Falseera, they have no solarium or motorists. . On the shore a lot of people can be seen on the hits. "

At 9 o'clock in the morning next to the "Vychuga", the destroyed destroying "Fast" stood. One of the captain's assistants went to the counter-admiral Panteleev to report atmosphere. In addition, in a letter to Admiral, Captain Smirnov requested him to hardly take the work of the work of the plaels of North-Kurilian fishstore. "The death of a large number of boats and seineers directly in the strait occurred due to the negligence relationship of the remaining director of the fish trust, - wrote Captain, - whose self-propelled vessels did not attempt to use good weather afternoon on November 5, when almost all floating units, without The teams were located near North-Kurilsk. In this regard, nothing was taken by the floating grounds of the naval forces, which were picked up just a few barges with a cargo. Courts - boats and seiners of fishstores - continued to die in the strait until the evening. "

When it was completely developed and the sea almost calmed down, with the "Viedelda" managed to send a boat to the shore with another assistant captain. For General Duki, he is a letter of a letter similar to a letter for Panteleev. The following radiogram was left in Petropavlovsk, which said: "Panteleyev arrived at 9 am, he began to familiarize himself with the situation. At 10 o'clock, they sent people to the shore for transportation by a rescue boat. Distance to the coast 1 mile, I can take a person in a day 80.

About noon from the shore, the boat returned and brought people. They said that some young soldiers could not let down to the water to plant the boat - the waterworks were developed so much after they saw the catastrophe with the mass death of colleagues.

By 15 o'clock, Panteleev managed to visit the order on the shore. By this time, five more cameras stood on the raid. To the sides began to approach the boats with people. By 18 o'clock "Standing" posted 700 people - mostly civilians, women and children. More space was not, about whom Smirnov notified Admiral. He ordered to immediately act on Vladivostok. But the captain of "Viedelda" broke the order and went to Petropavlovsk. He explained his decision as follows: "A large number of people taken to the vessel came to Petropavlovsk, without the possibility of creating the appropriate conditions for a long transition. People did not have enough warm clothes; the inability to provide a warm room to a large number of people, the inability to ensure all powered in long-term Transition, also the need to provide medical care hard wounded and patients. "

At 18 o'clock 15 minutes on November 6, "Executive" was given a departure from the Raid North-Kurilsk. In the Strait, it was already closely from the unprecedented number of ships came here. Going out of the strait, Smirnov risked someone to touch on board.

Later, in a report by the Secretary of the Kamchatka Committee of the CPSU V. I. Alekseeva, the secretary of the Khabarovsky Criton KPSS KPSS A. P. Efimov, the actions of the carriage of the steamer "Executive" to save the inhabitants of North-Kurilsk, a lot of space was given. Initially, the entire crew was listed, after which it was said: "These comrades from the crew of the steamer" Executive "- the first vessel, which arrived at rescue work in the North-Kurilsk area, showed themselves as a very food team. They organized rescue work, provided victims The first medical care was taken in Petropavlovsk 818 people. "

When reading this report note, a non-tax of numbers of the number of exported people are striking on the "Valine". The captain of "Vychugyda" reported that he took on board 700 people, 818 in the report note is 818. There are many such inconsistencies in documents. Documents are serious, secret, but, apparently, for the safety net, the numbers are intentionally confused, the true figures showed in encrypses, which were then destroyed. For example, the number of dead in North-Kurilsk is impossible to determine exactly. There are verbal evidence that approximately 50 thousand people died. One of the witnesses is a resident of Petropavlovsk A. I. Nikulina, who worked in the encryption officers in the championships. She saw this figure with his own eyes. Her colleagues were in North-Kurilsk, where they encrypt the reports. According to A. I. Nikulina, one of the encrypters returned to Petropavlovsk "TRONATE" - so much impressed by the terrible paintings seen and the data he encrypts.

"Tanks wave turned over," A. I. Nikulina said. "The policemen died very much from the hands of Marauders. They guarded safes and other surviving values. They were killed. In general, the looting was a lot."

Of course, a terrible figure of 50 thousand dead seems incredible. But how much then? Below, the final chapter will attempt to calculate the number of victims.

So by the end of the day on November 6, people who remained alive in North-Kurilsk and the island of Schuzu, began to actively ship on the ships. Whatever confusion does not happen that inevitably, but the ships to the islands approached relatively quickly. Look at the card - the distances are not small. Even from Petropavlovsk - almost 400 kilometers. Therefore, let the party secretary of V. I. Alekseev wrote about this in his note in his spirit of that time, but, in fact, wrote right: "People saw that with any natural disaster they will not be thrown on the mercy of fate The conquest from our party and the Soviet government is manifested and will be manifested. Most of the victims expresses their gratitude to our Soviet government, the Communist Party and personally, a friend Stalin for their salvation and the help provided and, despite the big personal material losses, as well as the death of their own relatives and acquaintances, strive to get faster in certain places and work together with all our people for the benefit of the Motherland. "

Arriving later in North-Kurilsk, Deputy Head of the Police Department of the UMGB Sakhalin Region, Lieutenant Colonel Smirnov, conducted an inquiry on some facts of theft and looting, which took place during the catastrophe. In particular, she was understood with the statement of the resident of Shelekhovo Malyutin about the disappearance from his home of the property. Among others was interrogated by the radio lane (small fishing merchant) No. 636 Pavel Ivanovich Smolin. The text of the interrogation protocol is interesting in that it describes the picture of the catastrophe, seen from the sea.

So, P. I. Smolin showed:

"On the night of November 5, 1952, I, together with other fishermen, was in the sea on the Logger, caught fish, more precisely - were in the bucket. At about 4 am on the logger, a large ship shutter was felt. I and other fishermen understood it like an earthquake ... on the night On November 5 ... there was a storm warning in 6-7 points. After the earthquake, our logger under the command of Captain Lymair came out the first. It was about 4 am.

Walking on the second strait in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Banzovsky Cape, our Logger covered the first wave with a few meters high. Being in Kubrick, I felt that our ship as it would be lowered into the pit, and then threw it high up. After a few minutes, the second wave followed and the same thing was repeated. Then the ship went calmly, and the shots did not feel. All day the ship was in the sea. Only about 18 hours some kind of military radio station handed us: "Go back to North-Kurilsk immediately. We are waiting for the device, alperin." I immediately reported to the captain, who immediately gave the answer: "I immediately return to North-Kurilsk." By this time, on board, we had up to 70 centners of fish caught in the day. Logger took the course to North-Kurilsk.

On the way back, I contacted Radio with Logger No. 399, asking a radio player: "What happened to North-Kuril?" Radist Pokhodnko answered me: "Go to the salvation of people ... After the earthquake, the wave washed off North-Kurilsk. We are standing under the board from the steamer, the steering failed, the screw bends." My attempts to contact North-Kurilsky turned out to be unsuccessful - he was silent. I contacted Shelekhovo. Rasteist answered me: "There was a strong earthquake in North-Kurilsk, he may have happened" ... still in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, not reaching the islands of Paramushir and Schisha, the team of the Logger, including I, I saw the rooftops of houses, logs, drawers , barrels, beds, doors. By order of the captain, the team was put on the deck on both sides of the sides and on the nasal part in order to rescue people who were in the sea. But people were not found. Throughout the path of 5-6 miles, we observed all the same picture: floating barrels, drawers, etc. thick mass ...

Having come to the raid, our Logger approached Logger No. 399 ... whose captain asked our captain not to leave them ... We answered that we would not leave and took anchor. There was no connection with the shore. Time was about 2-3 hours at night on November 6, 1952. Waited for dawn. On hills against North-Kurilsk burned lights. We believed that people saved on the hits, the fires burned a lot. How to dawn, I and others found that the city of North-Kurilsk washed away.

At about 8 o'clock in the morning, I and other sailors under the team of the third assistant Captain t. The wonder on the boat sailed to the canning plant and then landed. People went on site, including the Military - collected corpses ... After examining the place where the Barak was in which I lived, I did not find any signs (His) ... No things belonging to me, I did not find it - everything was demolished ...

My family is Smolina's wife Anna Nikiforovna, son Alexander Four years old on November 6th arrived at the refrigerator from Vladivostok. She was on vacation and went for her son to the Krasnodar region, to his homeland ... I found it on the refrigerator on November 8. Now the wife and son are on board Logger No. 636, it works as a cook.

After I did not find a barrack in which I lived, I went on a boat to my Logger, taking on board people from the shore, including women and children. The Logger team continued to transport people aboard.

Numbers on 7 or 8 November We received a radio photo: "All people taken on board, from among the victims of disaster, transfer to the steamer," therefore we all passed on the steamers, whose names do not remember. The evacuation of the civilian population was completed on November 9, and there were no more people to do with us. "

These bays are on the east coast of Kamchatka, south of entry to Avachinsky lip. On the banks of the big vilyu, the village of Old Tarja (the collective farm "Vilyui") was located, and in a small sarannaya there was a base of Avachinsky fishing factor.

Eight houses, a shop, food warehouse and a marina were destroyed in the old Tarue. 21 people died.

Eight residential buildings, a shop, a warehouse, blocked the pier and base, also broke in a small sarant bay. 7 people died.

Early in the morning, military sailors, based on the inner bay of berry, hurried to help fishermen. They assisted the remaining alive, and also found and buried the dead. It is from the operational duty of the Kamchatka military flotilla Maslennikov in Petropavlovsk received a radio program about what happened in these bays. After the military there, the boats of the Avachinsky Combine headed by the director N. Greekov were heading.

By the evening, on November 6, a tug of chalkmuchatrybprom "Hercules" came to the bay of a small sarant. Everyone washed here in a large number of barrels, logs, pulled with roots of bushes and trees, various economic utensils. At 18 o'clock 30 minutes Captain Tugun Evgeny Ivanovich Chernyavsky radished in the city: "The boat returned from the shore. According to the director, they do not need help, the products are abandoned by the boats. There are victims of 7 people, the corpses are not found. The base destroyed the village. In Vilya There are wounded, I can not approach, you need to send a boat. Light further actions. "

Subsequently, when all the dead were installed, they were in the old tariff and a small Sarahnaya 28 people.

To save people in the walrus bay, as well as other items adjacent to this part of the coast of the Kamchatka, the average fishing trawler "Haltus", belonging to the championship, was expelled. On board the trawler was the Deputy Chairman of the Kamchatka Regional Executive Committee Shevchuk. Early in the morning of November 6, the "Haltus" approached the Shipunsky Peninsula.

At the entrance to the bay, the walror crew drew attention to the brownish-yellow color of snow along the shores. Apparently, it left their traces of dirty, mixed with earth and garbage splashes of wave tsunami, which flew far away. And the fresh snowball that fell by last night, sat down the dirt that made brown stains through it. The storm, who walked on the day before, began to serve, but the waves were even big. Throughout the bay float the beams of grass, shrub, branches and even trees trunks. And when the trawler began to enter a narrow, stretched into the length of a large walruz bay, the garbage was noticeably added. Began to meet boards, logs, barrels, broken boats. On the shore, on the right side, lying on the side of the thrown Kungas. All this said that a big tragedy really happened here.

At 10 o'clock 15 minutes, "Haltus" threw anchor opposite the destroyed Base of Aleut. A man appeared on the shore soon. This came running the head of the druzhinin base. When fishermen on the boat moved ashore, he told them about everything that happened last night. All structures on the basis were washed into the bay, only wooden columns, lined around the perimeter, remained from the warehouses. Seven children died, including six Children of the Druzhin himself. He and his wife miraculously saved. Now they have only a daughter who lived in the boarding school of Zupanovo.

Druzhinin led fishermen on the hill, where they spent the last night, basking by the fire, the inhabitants of the base in the open sky. There are six people left: Druzhinine with his wife Anna, workers Histarer and Beloshitsky and Usov with a little son. Beloshitsky immediately after the incident went on foot to Shipinsky Meteopost to communicate from there on the radio about the tragedy. The rest all this time was looking for children. One girl was found dead, the rest still hoped to detect.

The Druzhinine and his wife burst between their searches and the need to collect the remaining property, since both were accountable persons: he is the head of the base, she is a crown. Arriving looked around the coast and saw the snow-sprinkled, scattered in disarray various spare parts of ships, equipment that was stored in warehouses. All this it was necessary to collect and carry out a complete inventory.

All the troubles who arrived people took over, realizing which psychological shock was survived by the inhabitants of the base. All five, frozen, almost intimensible, sent on board the vessel. The body of the deceased girl was taken there. The captain gave task with a sailor to make a coffin and dig a grave. The rest were divided into three groups. Two left in different directions on the shore to search for missing children, and the third took to collect remnants of the property.

In the afternoon, they found the bodies of all children, after which Shevchuk and the captain of the "Haltus" decided to take them on board and hastily leave the regional headquarters, to other items, and then in North-Kurilsk, but they wanted to protest bury children on the island.

"Haltus" was allowed to stay in the walrus bay and do everything they ask for people. Also gave the command of the cows not to beat, but try to pick up.

In the afternoon, strong underground shocks felt on the shore. At night, they repeated again. The element was not thrown ...

Festive day November 7 did not please anyone. It was the day of the funeral of children. And so far, according to people who were on the deserted bank of the Bay of Big Morzha, the brotherly grave is visible, in which the innocent victims of the tsunami are resting - 6 small children of the squadrine and the son of V. Herdarev.

About many victims and large destruction in bays, large fat and small fat became known in the afternoon of November 5 from the Radiogram of Major's Borderway Klimovich. In the evening, the tug of Sannikov and Refrigerator No. 173 were equipped there. He headed the expedition to the Deputy Chairman of the Kamchatka Regional Executive Committee of the Yagodinets. Performed Captain on the towing "Sannikov" senior assistant Nikolai Ivanovich Lucay.

In small fat, fishery of No. 3 and the base of the Avachinsky fishing factor were located. The wave here was washed away all production buildings and residential buildings. There were a lot of victims. The plant was led by Ivan Trofimovich Kovtun. A two-year-old daughter died, the body was not found. The famous Kamchatsky ichthyologist Innokentiy Alexandrovich Politov in his book "Long-time" so told this story: "Kovtun and his wife saved somehow; the girl, which they led, from the hands of the wave ..."

By the way, at the Kamchatka branch of Tinro in the Giroby Bay stood a summer house - an observation point. Built it just in 1952. The tsunami wave he was carried out into the sea along with a guard. Unfortunately, the name of the Storam of the Politov does not report, in the official list of dead, it is also not.

Tragically, fate has developed for the majority of small fat people. The whole dyachenko and subbuikyn family died. From the family of Himadeev Father and two sons were in the bay of berry, without them all their family died - a mother and three daughters.

A new Tarja village was located in a large fat, in which the employees of the plant number 3 and the Kirov collective farm lived. It also destroyed and washed off all the buildings. 46 people were saved, 81 were killed, but they found only 29 tel.

The rescue expedition worked in difficult weather conditions - the snow went, the wind was strong. The found bodies shipped to the refrigerator to take away into the central settlement of the Avachinsky fishing factor - Taria, and there to bury. There was no sense to bury on the spot, as it was already practically no one in the bays.

In the bay of a small fatty sailor, a safe of fishing was found with a large amount of money - 69 thousand 269 rubles, plunged him into "Sannikov" and delivered to the city. Found on the shore and wounded border guard, which was brought to the surviving stamping in a small fat.

As mentioned above, in the village of Nalychevo there was a separation of fishery artel. Lenin, the central estate of which was in Khalaktyark. 39 people lived in Nalychevo along with children. The first wave of the Tsunami village was destroyed, at the same time four children were killed and one old pensioner. The rest of the inhabitants ran into the nearest border stamping, where they were sheltered and from where they reported on the radio to Petropavlovsk about the tragedy.

After in Petropavlovsk, they learned about the happening, saphers with pontoons were sent to the place. However, when the soldiers arrived at the village, the water had already searched, leaving behind the real scene, through which the cars could not pass. To the postman, they were also unable to get up, since it was separated from the road three huge wins. Then it was decided to evacuate people from the sea. I was sending a landing barge number 104 under the command of Senior Lieutenant Zueva. Together with the crew in Nalychevo, the commander of the division of landing ships Captain 2 rank Pivin and Secretary of Part Parothegia in the Kamchatsky Commander of the CPSU M. L. Artemenko.

At about 9 o'clock in the evening, November 6, Barge stood in front of the border outpost. The report of M. L. Artenenko is preserved about this operation:

"... The terrain and approaches did not know, but by finding the border post of Cape Nalychev, decided to contact the shore and establish a definition and where people. An attempt to learn from border guards who went ashore to us for communication, was not crowned with success, since the noise is strong The sea surf, the wind and a large distance to the shore did not allow the voice to accurately set the situation.

Then we, that is, I and Comrades Pivin and Zuev decided that it was necessary to go from the ship to the shore for communication. But at night, the boat is risky in such a surf, it is better to throw away in rubber costumes right from the ladder. It was appointed for this assistant commander of the ship Lieutenant N. S. Kuznetsov and to have a complete picture, I also went with him.

Comrade Kuznetsov, risking, first jumped with a rope in the sea, got to the shore and together with the border guards pulled the rope. I, I am free to keep it, passed myself as shore. Having established the entire situation and exactly where people and as approaches, we tried to return to the ship, but the strengthened storm and snowfall did not allow us. It was decided to wait until the morning.

On the morning of November 7, we, sowing on the ship, setting out the situation in the commander of the ship, went to the place where people were. They came to the shore at a distance of 50- 60 meters. You could not approach, for there was a big shallow and a big wave. They made a decision, spent sailors into rubber overalls, drag the rope ashore and throwing the ladder, first move all the children on the hands of the ship, and adults delivered by a boat. So done.

Operation all spent well. People posted in a well-fired kubrick, organizing them first tea drinking, then lunch and dinner.

The captain of his comrade Zuev was not going from the bridge all the time, he commanded the ship there and back. It worked fine for 6 people of sailors: four who transferred the guys from the shore on board the ship for gracewater, and two who were transported by adults.

The whole team lovingly met the affected, especially children. While parents were taken to the ship, the sailors were already warmed up and drove the children of tea. "

Later, in the report of the Secretary of the Kamchatka Committee of the CPSU V. I. Alekseeva, the secretary of the Khabarovsky Criton KPSS A. P. Efimov there is a place for two people who participated in the salvation of the residents of Nalychevo. The note says: "I especially ask to note the work of comrades: Eliseeva - the head of the outpost in the village of Nalychevo, who accepted 32 people who rescued floods, provided them with food, clothing, shoes due to the outpost and for three days kept; Zuev - Captain The ship of the military flotilla of DK-104, which provided 32 people from the village of Nalychevo in difficult conditions.

In turn, the senior lieutenant Zuev filed a report to encourage his subordinates, thanks to which we know who exactly participated in that heroic operation.

"List of personnel in / h 90361-A, distinguished when assisting the population of the village Nalychevo 7. 11.1952.:

1. Lieutenant Kuznetsov N. S.

2. Starmin 1 Articles Bondarev P. N.

3. Starmin 1 Articles Lebedinsky L. K.

4. Senior sailor Franov V. I.

5. Senior sailor Smirnov V. A.

6. Sailor Burdin Sun. I.

7. Matroso Naumenko A. I.

8. Sailor of Korobov N. I.

9. Senior sailor Soloviev N. F. "

After performing rescue work, DK-104 came to Petropavlovsk, where all the sleeves were transferred to the doctors.

The holiday came in no way. The authorities of the city simply were obliged to hold it on full rank, according to the established Soviet tradition, with a demonstration of workers, parade, rally, speeches, multi-colored balls and posters.

On November 7, the demonstration relay began with Kamchatka. At 11 am - a rally. The gathered people are mashed by inflatable balls and red flags, listen to the beeps of steamboats in the port. There is a unloading of people who arrived from the coast and islands of people. "Kamchatka Pravda" later wrote: "After the rally, a demonstration begins. Banners, slogans and posters pour the street ..." The day was turned out to be cold, dusk, windy, rare snowflakes fell.

People remember how after the demonstration, throwing the flags in the body of the machines, fled to the port, meet the victims. But the Militiamen did not let go to the shore.

And at 00 o'clock 05 minutes, that is, at night after the holiday, the city again shook the underground shocks. The element was not thrown. True, this time it cost without any destruction and tsunami.

Back in 1935, Academician-geologist Alexander Nikolaevich Zavaritsky organized the keys in the village, at the foot of the Klyuchevsky volcano on Kamchatka, a volcanology station. It was a small white house with a modest set of special devices. The prevaritsky relay in the study of volcanoes picked up Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Boris Ivanovich Pipp. All days described here were in the seismostation together with the researcher of Petrovna Enman.

Alas, the first shoes of the earthquake at night on November 5 in the keys, like on the Petropavlovsk station, the devices were not fixed. Literally before this, the pip dismantled them for prophylactic repairs, and there was simply no other. In its feelings, he determined the strength of concussions in the keys in 5 points according to the current 12-point SST-VKS system.

"5 points are a rather strong earthquake (26 - 50 mm / sec.); On the street and in general, the open-air is celebrated very many, even with full full-ranking of day work. Inside the houses, everything is felt due to the general concussion; the impression is like from Falls of a heavy item (bag, furniture); vibration of chairs, beds together with those who are on them as if at sea excitement. " (From the instruction).

Thirds were continued by various strengths for more than a day, and on the evening of November 6, B. I. Pippi through the mail in Ust-Kamchatsk was able to transfer the following telegram to Petropavlovsk:

"The earthquake marked in the keys on November 5 at about 4 o'clock in the morning of 5 points turned out to be the initial concussion of the wing of the earthquakes on the variable force for 30 hours (as of 10 am 6. 11. 52). Earthquakes are born along the coastal bottom cliff. Ocean over the island of Paramushira to Cape Shipunsky. Vulcaniance, Dr. Sciences Pipp. 21.10, 6. 11 "

The pipple has not yet knew about the tsunami and disasters that it caused. But it assumed that the consequences of the earthquake are available. Therefore, sent another telegram in which he asked to "inform the consequences of the earthquake in Petropavlovsk and help get information through Sidorenko (Head of Championshipschatrybprom - Avt..) On the subsequent earthquake on the territory of the peninsula. Information is necessary to clarify the seismic zoning of Kamchatka. "

In the next morning, on November 7, the piip is informed from Petropavlovsk a large radogram through the district party in Ust-Kamchatsk.

After that, B.I. Radiosegovor B. I. Piyp with regional leadership becomes relatively regular. It transmits all the all received and analyzed information. Here, for example, one of its telegrams from the same November 7:

"About the state for 18 hours on November 7. The earthquake continues through the intervals of 15 to 20 minutes, but the soil shifts become more weak. The foci moved noticeably to the northeast, focusing in the area of \u200b\u200bCape Shipunsky. I guess the movements in the earth's crust weaken, further large concussions little likely. Your information received, the picture is now clear. I think you should call me, discuss the event and make an assessment to prevent in the future. Pipp.

By the way, the shock, weakening, continued until November 12. And then the event was still discussed. The pike rigidly put the problem of creating a system of permanent observations for seismic atmosphere in the Far East. Here is an excerpt from his note:

"Currently, in Kamchatka there are two seismic stations: one - the Geophysical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the city of Petropavlovsk and the other - in the form of the seismic department at the Kamchatka Wolkology station of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the village of Klyuchi. Both stations created quite recently and working on a number of reasons is quite unsatisfactory. They are engaged in only the registration of earthquakes. They do not have the results of their work, there is no possibility to generalize. Seismograms of these stations, like other stations of the Far East, are sent for detailed processing to the seismic department of the Far Eastern branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences on Sakhalin.

Due to the fact that Kamchatka represents a kind of seismic area, in which not only destructive tectonic earthquakes are manifested, but strong volcanic earthquakes are often flarelled in the form of roots. Due to the fact that not all Kamchatka earthquakes are captured by a rare network of seismic stations of the Far East (Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Kurilsk and Magadan), as a result of which the position and activity of many seismicectonic zones of the peninsula are not recorded, the existence of only two seismic stations should be considered very insufficient.

At the Kamchatka and the nearest Islands it is necessary to create at least 4 seismic stations: one on the west coast of the peninsula in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of ICH, another in the village of Ossen in the north of Kamchatka, the third in North-Kurilsk in Paramyshire (or in the inhabited point on the cape of a blade) and Fourth on the Commander Islands. The network of 6 stations will sell all the tectonic and volcanic earthquakes of the area, to determine the active seismic zones and develop an earthquake forecast issues. For processing materials, the center of the Kamchatka seismic service should be created in Petropavlovsk ... I believe that it is necessary to ask the government to create a named network of seismic stations and a permanent seismic service, similar to those in the Crimea, in the Caucasus and Central Asia. "

Having considered the note B. I. Piyp, the 1st Secretary of the Kamchatka Regional Committee of the CPSU P. N. Soloviev on November 28 prepares his report on Khabarovsk, which already specifically justifies the construction of four seismic stations in Kamchatka. The region begins to create not only specialized volcanology and seismological services, but also to the organization of the Institute of Wolcanology - the current pride of all Russia. As they say, there is no loud without good ...

When the epic with the removal from the shore and the delivery of people to Petropavlovsk, Sakhalin and Vladivostok, in general, came to conclusion, was decided to send the motor schooner of Kamchatrybflut along the east coast of Kamchatka to once again examine all bays, capes and stones. The fact is that sometimes the pilots received information about the fact that people were noticed, or smoke in a particular place. From the ships, sometimes seen at night unclear lights. In a word, it was necessary to once again examine everything.

Captain Schuuna Evgeny Ivanovich Skavrunsky gave waste on the evening on November 9th. In Schoon, he was responsible for the task of the instructor of the fishing industry department of the regional commissioning of the CPSU V. S. Brovenko.

On November 10, the expedition carefully examined the bays Ahamten, Asacha, muddy, mitten, pirates. At this time, the captain received a radio program, which was necessary to go to the hut bay and pick up the feasible disaster from there. The crew was very surprised by the fact that there were still no people who knew about. Is it really because these are prisoners, including political?

And it was so. In the hut fish bay, there was a fishing base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on which prisoners were caught and treated with fish for their enterprise, located in the Camp Bay in the Avachinsky Gup - in the village of Ocean. Vladimir Weinstein, famous for Kamchatka, who was also serving the term and under the leadership of which, actually, and the production workshops in the ocean were also built under the Kamchatka. At that moment, he led the brigade in the walkman. This is what his son told, the famous photographer Igor Vladimirovich Vinstein, who knew all this story from his father:

"The fish was no longer done, they did nothing, they just waited when they were taken out. Father lived alone in a small house, which stood on a small elevation - 2-3 meters above sea level - right on the spit that separated the bay from Limana. From The braids went to the top went a small rise, where Barack stood. There were all the Zeks. There was no security, because everyone answered the father. He himself selected people in the brigade, so everyone answered. In addition, it was believed - who will run away from Kamchatka? Where ?

So, they had nothing to do, they sat in the top barrack and played the preference. So coincided that in that ill-fated night on November 5 finished playing deep at night, at about 4 am. Father left the barrack and went to his house. There, on the spit, he would have died first, but something as if he was stopped. He heard a hum from the sea. A few dozen steps made a flashlight and heard this hum. How he guessed, what a little? But he immediately ran back to Barack and commanded everyone to run up. Ran down the slope up. And not in vain. The wave reached the barrack and washed him away. And the house of course too. I came later, watched. The boat, which they used in the role of "bug", dropped up the river for two and a half kilometers. And there he stood. And the zeks are poor then all these days were semi-digit and hungry in the open sky. From the plane they took off only a bag of flour. Well, that someone had matches ... "

These people and it was necessary to remove the schooner of the "pool". In the bay of the walkman she came late on the evening on November 10, in full dark. We decided to act in the morning, November 11th.

With the onset of dawn, specifying the location of the vessel and the coast, the boat led by the Senior Assistant Captain Alexander Iosifovich Bashkirtsev. From the shore blew a strong wind to 9 points, the work was not easy. However, went. But only moved away from the schoon, as the boat coming going to meet. It was a prisoner Vinstein. Both boats returned to the ship, where Vinstein outlined the situation on the shore. People urgently needed to shoot, they were starving.

V. S. Brovenko described the operation as follows: "People's withdrawal work began to spend only from 20 hours on November 11 under the light of the searchlight. The team members most expressed the desire to get out voluntarily.

The removal of people took place at a 9-point wind with icing. Velbot was sent three times to the shore, the removal of people was carried out by small parties. In total, 26 people were removed from the shore, of which two women.

Particularly distinguished on rescue work Team members: Captain Skavrunsky, Senior Assistant Captain Bashkirts, Senior Mechanic Lazeba, 2nd Mechanic Fominy, Sailor Babenko, Boatswie Rudaev, Motorist Tymoshenko, Electromechanik Samoilenko.

The adopted people were fed and placed on vacation, organized drying of clothes. "

On the morning of November 12, Schooner continued his slow voyage along the coast of Kamchatka. She managed to save people at least at least two points.

Do all people picked up then? Through the championship switch, the Mironov dispatcher was transferred to information that in the southern part of the bay of muddy at the height, in front of the Silence stone there are four people in a tent. A team of the farmer "North" goes into muddy and check out. A merrywell checked, said: "Passed from the cape of a blade to the swivel, while entering every bay was examined carefully. In the bay of muddy people did not find it. Light further instructions."

But someone has seen someone ...

Live and missing

On November 12, the evacuation of the victim from the tsunami ended. Paramushir Islands and Schisha empty. The survivors gradually turned out to be mainly in South Sakhalinsk and other cities of Sakhalin. But many of them are one after a year who later returned to their islands. Many have drawn places where their relatives remained forever. Another simply has nowhere to go. True, the destroyed villages were not restored on the islands, people now live mainly in North-Kurilsk, which began to rebuild re-in a new place.

Undoubtedly, the biggest catastrophe associated with Tsunami on November 5, 1952, occurred here, on the island of Paramushir, where the victims, as mentioned above, were colossal. And what, after all, were the victims?

It is known that the Japanese, owning smokers, focused on these islands during World War II, more than 60 thousand soldiers. In addition, almost 20 thousand civilians lived on the islands. After the victory over Japan in August-September 1945, the Japanese population was completely removed from Kuril. We got then huge trophies: many excellent defensive structures, airfields, barracks, polygons, 11 ready-made fish farmers, kitokombinats, villages, etc. It was just a sin not to use it all. In addition, the USSR strengthened the island of border troops. In total, more than 100 thousand people were located on the islands to 1952, mostly servicemen. And most of them were just here, on the northern archipelago. According to the certificate of the Office of the Far Eastern Military District No. 32/12/3969 of 30. 11. 1998, issued by the administration of the North-Kuril district, the following military formations were stationed on the Islands of Paramushir and Schoshova as of November 5, 1952:

Paramushir Island:

6th machine gun-artillery owner of Lenin Division;

1160 Separate artillery-anti-aircraft division;

Communication battalion;

43rd separate engineering battalion;

224th repair shop;

9th field bakery;

73rd separate aviation link;

Division car school;

137th separate medical and sanitary company;

Veterinary Lazare;

70th Military Post Station;

MGB counterintelling department.

Island Schuzova:

12th machine gun-artillery Order of Lenin Regiment;

50th machine gun-artillery red-known regiment;

428th artillery abnormal regiment;

84th tank self-propelled regiment.

For some reason, in the certificate, nothing is said about sailors, although in Baikovo, for example, then there was a base of torpedo boats. But already clearly visible, what a huge number of servicemen was then on these two islands. And all these people, who do not know anything about the tsunami, got into that terrible "Ocean Night." How many died of them? How much is survivors?

In total, 10.5 thousand people of the civilian population lived on the two islands - Paramushir. The Museum of North-Kurilsk has the following data on civic victims, counted by various researchers: adults - 6,060, children under 16 - 1 742; Total - 7 802 people.

The military, it seems, was no less if no more. The official secret documentation of 1952 calls them "Urbanovich people", "People of Grybakina", according to the names of the commander. It is these victims that are unknown to us.

"The Fifth Flootilla Commander has a government assignment with Kuril to remove everyone, even border guards, to leave only his farm, the last thing is not exactly, but the population is removed," the head of the championship of Championchatrybprom A. T. Sidorenko from one of his subordinate clicin, which is in North Kurilsk. This gives reason to talk about what everyone was taken out. Border guards, though left. And how much did it take?

In a memorandum of the 1st Secretary of the Kamchatka Regional Committee of the CPSU P. N. Solovyova, the secretary of the Khabarovsky Criton of the CPSU A. P. Efimov dated November 10, 1952, the following data are given:

Steamer "Korsakov" took out 472 people;

Kashirsstroy - 1,200;

"Welen" - 3 152;

"Mayakovsky" - 1,200;

"Khabarovsk" - 569;

All these people are shipped in Primorye or Sakhalin.

"Executive" - \u200b\u200b818;

Court of the Ministry of the Marine Fleet - 493;

Aviation - 1 509

These people are exported to Petropavlovsk.

Total: 9,413 people.

If you take note that about 2,700 people have civilians survived, the military left 6,700 people. Are there so many of them on the islands? Of course, more. It should be thought that they died at least ten thousand. Total total of victims on the northern smoke can be taken in an amount of up to 15-17 thousand people. Although, I repeat, there are oral data about 50 thousand. It is this figure that still goes in the legends in Kamchatka and Kurilla.

On November 17, the doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences B. I. Pippe came out by the sea from Petropavlovsk on the Kuriles. November 20 came to the island of Onekotan. "They discharged quite far from housing," the pippi recorded in the diary, "therefore I had to go long with things along the shore. They walked and looked at various things and foods on the stones. Shells were lying here, salty tomatoes, potatoes, banks with canned food with marine hedgehogs and algae. Walking on the terrace, where there were 3 completely whole houses, but with open doors and full defeat inside, stopped here to look for the owners. They were not. It became obvious that all this was thrown at the time of sudden evacuation. "

Surveying the islands, the pippie returned to Petropavlovsk on December 1. By this deadline here were able to calculate that about 200 people died in Kamchatka, but it is not known the number of missing. "Latest because the system of registration was bad," B. Piip notes.

Without loud words

On December 1, 1952, Stalin signed Decree No. 5029-1960, providing for the restoration of destroyed tsunami objects of the national economy. The next day, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR issued a Resolution No. 1573-88 of the SS "On the Labor and Division of the population affected by the earthquake." At the disposal of the author there is a reference to the Chairman of the Kamchatka Oblplana I. Chernyak on the implementation of this ruling as of the end of 1952. It is important to note that almost immediately in the region received 200 thousand rubles for issuing victims of loans to individual construction and 100 thousand rubles - for economic input. But no one took the money. Whether there was no one, whether they could not do it. And maybe found a state accommodation and did not want to have their own private farms? In any case, in the reference it is written: "Slowly used due to the lack of need."

As for state-owned housing, it is indeed, the Kamchatka region was allocated 2 million rubles for the costs associated with the household structure of the population. Money was obtained and spent.

The VSSPS allocated 100 free vouchers in the sanatorium and the recreation houses of the Far East. At the time of writing a reference, 40 vouchers were used.

For the sale of victim collective farms of Kamchatka, the centrosyuzu was taken to bring 1.4 thousand square meters of single-sided panel standard houses, 2,000 cubic meters of round forest, 60 tons of roofing iron, 10 tons of nails and 50 glass boxes. In December, glass came glass, 650 cubes of forest, 9 shield houses. In addition, 100 tons of grainifurge and 700 tons of feed are enrolled in the collective farms.

And on January 13, 1953, I. Stalin signed a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 825-PC, which was prescribed:

"Provide social security authorities right:

1. To prescribe pensions to workers and employees who have become disabled with an earthquake in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands in November 1952., As well as the families of workers and employees who have lost their breadwinners with this earthquake in the sizes provided for in Articles 5, 7 and 15 of the United States Social Insurance Council for the USSR Narcording on February 29 1952. № 47.

Persons who worked for the beginning of the earthquake (November 51952.) In positions giving the right to receive an increased pension established for employees of the most important sectors of the national economy, and those who have become disabled during the earthquake, as well as members of their families in the event of the loss of the breadwinner with the earthquake, to prescribe increased pensions, respectively, by disability or on the occasion of loss The breadwinner in compliance with the conditions and norms of the appointment of pensions provided for for cases of labor injury.

These pensions are scheduled on the basis of references issued by the executive committees of local councils of workers affected by the Earthquakes.

2. Continue the payment of pensions to persons whose pension affairs are lost due to an earthquake in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands in November 1952, on the decisions of the Pension Commissions for Rain Executives, after preliminary verification of documents confirming the fact of receiving pensions: Pension certificate, personal account, Protocol Commission for the appointment of pensions, marks in a passport or other documents. "

In principle, if you remember the situation with compensation and housing by the victims of the earthquake in Neftegorsk in our time, then the distant, Stalinsky 1952, with its decree and other measures, looks like a little one in relation to people ...

If we talk about Petropavlovsk, then in 1952 there were only 2,820 people off the coast and smoked. They were placed in military units (almost 2 thousand delivered were military), in hospitals, in the surrounding villages. Supply with clothes, shoes, lurps. Old-timers remember that the city lacked bread and some other essential products, there were queues in stores. But no one has ropal, the townspeople understood that all this is required calmly and resist.

True, people greatly disturbed rumors about a possible re-, strong earthquake. At this Volcanologist Svyatlovsky answered: "Such earthquakes occur very rarely. Known from the history of the earthquake of this type in 1737 and in 1868. in the area of \u200b\u200bPetropavlovsk and the Kuril Islands. They caused the tsunami waves similar to what happened in 1952. Thus, the period between the catastrophes of this type is about 100 years and new. An earthquake, which forms a wave on smoking, maybe not soon. "

Gradually fear passed. But the permanent expectation of a large seismic event lives in Kamchattsy and the smokers constantly, it is in the subconscious. And there is nothing to go anywhere. But it is necessary to live. And we must be able to wague, at the call of conscience at the same time to transfer common deprivation and misfortune. As without loud words, thousands of our compatriots, inhabitants of Kamchatka and smoked, managed then - on the night of the ocean.

According to the Volcanologist B. Piypa Maximum wave height in15 M.. Observed at the very north of the coast of Kamchatka, affected by Tsunami, - Olga Bay.

Alexander Schdslyaev