Mysterious and mysterious land lakes. Mysterious Great Lake Lake was mysterious than richly

It is known that on May 18, 1960, three priest saw a horsepogol monster in Loch Ri Lake, Ireland. This is one of the three lakes in Ireland, in which the monster was seen. In 2011, scientists conducted a search expedition that received lighting in the media. All these facts only got the interest of the public to mysterious lakes. Therefore, we suggest you take a trip to ten the most mysterious lakes of the world, where the monsters were noticed, the existence of which is currently not proven.

Bear lakes, Russia

Eyewitnesses say that in this mysterious lake there is a dwelling of livestock. According to the local shepherd, the monster with a small head and the giant mouth got out of the water and swallowed the cow entirely. However, ichthyologists explored the lake and denied all the rumors about the existence of a monster.

Lake Loch Morar, Scotland

Local residents They argue that they saw a huge creature in the lake. It is curious that it even got the nickname "Morag". However, the analysis of Lake Loch Morar showed nothing, so it can only be assumed that Morag is the most real fiction created against the background of the dinosaurs and the "success" of the famous monster - Nessie.

Lake Chair, Russia

Eyewitnesses argue that the local monster is very much similar to a lizard resembling a Plesiosaurus. As a rule, most of them are told on the words about the monster, but several even managed to take a picture of the Lizard. Nevertheless, the official facts of the existence of the monsters are currently missing.

Lake Shamplane, USA - Canada

For the first time, the local monster described an eyewitness, sheriff named Nathan Muni in 1883. He argued that he saw a huge black snake on a lake about 50 meters long. In 1977, the tourist Sandra Mansi smiled at luck, and she managed to capture his head, neck and part of the back of the monster. Local residents gave the nickname to monster "Shamp". And the last eyewitness testimony suggests that the monster "Champs" on the back is about five humps.

Lake Sturshen, Emitland Province, Sweden

The most mysterious local inhabitant of this lake is a huge lizard, the first information about which appeared in 1635. The evidence of its existence was absent for a long time, and he himself was considered the usual medieval legend, but at the very beginning of the year 2000, local media presented the information that the monster saw two girls. Initially, they simply did not believe, but after a while on the shore of the lake found traces of huge sizes, and still failed to determine their owner. There is also evidence that scientists put a gigantic trap for a lizard on the lake.

Lake Kok-Kohl, Dzhambul region, Kazakhstan

Eyewitnesses argue that a giant (at least fifteen meters long) is inhabited in this mysterious lake Kok-Kol, which drags animals and birds under the water. Local residents even gave the nickname to Montrol - the "Water Spirit of Aydahara".

Lake Kanas, Xinjiang Province, China

In 1985, students of the local university first noticed a huge living creature. A little later, rumors appeared that the monster constantly takes the birds and animals under the water. In the 90s, the monster did not give any signs of life. However, in 2011, several eyewitnesses argued that they saw how creature rose to the surface. One of them even managed to capture the monster on the camera.

Lake Labinkin, Yakutia, Russia

For the first time Labinkyr Dam, Yakuta saw in the XIX century. Unfortunately, the photo - or evidence of the existence of a monster is absent, but the monster managed to fix several scientific expeditions. In addition, the noise that Labinyrsky Dami is published, managed to record on film. Also with the help of echo sounder, a huge shadow was found in the lake, which is not suitable for any of the famous fish. Locals argue that messengers are very angry - chasing fishermen, eats deer and dogs.

Besides the monster, there is where it turns out and hide. Lake Labinkir is located at an altitude of more than a thousand meters. In length about fourteen kilometers, with a maximum depth - 60 meters. At the bottom of the famous lake there are anomalous faults, which in some places increase the depth of almost a hundred meters. And under the steep shores there are several underwater caves.

Okanagan Lake, Canada

The flame is considered the second after Nesssey the legendary monster, which glorified British Columbia. For the first time, the monster was noticed in 1958. Eyewitnesses described it with a long snake, with a body that resembles a barrel, long neck and fins.

Lake Loch Ness, Scotland

This is the most famous lake in the world with a monster. The mysterious creature on nicknamed Nesssey, which was popular in the VI century n. e., according to many scientists, is the last dinosaur living on Earth.

There are hundreds of mysterious lakes that are associated with mysterious stories, abnormal phenomena, they are like Savan shrouded myths and legends.

The fear of locals in front of such lakes using bad glory, even in their names: Damn Lake, Dead Lake, Shaitan and others.

Make a small excursion for some of them.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:19

Lake Smerdiauche Located in the Shatursky district of the Moscow region. The former once crystal clear, water in it has a pronounced red-brown color. The lake is an almost perfect circle with a diameter of about 250 meters. It was named for the characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide, which suddenly disappeared about 25 years ago. But once this smell led to the fact that a person located next to the reservoir could faint.

However, local old-timers explain the origin of the name differently: Mechnyachye is not from the word "to Murdle", but from the phrase "Death of Dyachya". By local legends, once the chapel was standing on the tree near the lake. One day, the Earth suddenly shook, and the chapel, in which Dyack was just being, fell into the lake and immediately went under the water.

Another riddle is a sudden change in the depth of the reservoir. In 1985, its greatest mark was 20 meters, and after 15 years of measurement showed the maximum distance from the surface to the bottom 31 meters.

In 2002, a major scientific expedition was organized at Mechichye. Specialists of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. IN AND. Vernadsky collected enough evidence to argue: the lake has a meteorite origin. In the collected samples of the coastal soil, the materials of local sedimentary rocks were present during the strike. At the same time, the time of falling Shatura meteorite was determined - about 10,000 years ago.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:21

Another mysterious reservoir called Thoss (Damno Lake) is located in the school parish of Aglon's edge of Latvia. The lake is small and very deep. Near him never lived people, the closest villages are in two or three kilometers. In the press, the blacks are called the "bottomless horror lake", because, according to the stories of local residents, it cannot be twisted without risk for life, although from the shore to the shore - only a few tens of meters. Moreover, according to believe, the trait of the lake at all there is no bottom, so the body of drunks in it never find.

Water here without any visible reasons changes painting from transparent blue to almost black - despite the fact that in the sky at this time there are practically no clouds, and the presence of algae in the reservoir is minimal. For such a feature, the lake received the second name - the features of the eyes.

The President of the Latvian Academy of Parapsychology Valery Paramonov is convinced that the reservoir is an abnormal zone affecting the human psyche. According to him, from the bottom of the lake beats a powerful energy beam, which is able to plunge a person who has turned out to be horror.

Scientific studies have established that inert radioactive gas Radon is accumulated at the bottom of the lake, which is seven times heavier than air and is easily soluble in water. According to scientists, the lake was formed from the fall of some cosmic body.

This is confirmed by the studies of several divermen, which have seen in the depths of the melted breed. There is also a version that the shortcut is connected underground with a rather distant agona lake, so drunks disappear in deep underground ducts.

The damn lake is located near the road Aglona - Kraslav, and tourists are often located on holidays at his shores. However, after some time you leave, trying to get rid of the fallen fear that suddenly. Many of them, after visiting the area, the traid of the lake appealed to the doctor. Because of this, in 2005, local authorities ordered to remove the road pointer from the track with information about the presence of a reservoir - so as not to attract excessive attention to this natural object.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:23

In the village of Sla Gerasimovka in the Taldykurgan region of Kazakhstan, there is a small (100 meters in length and 60 in width) lake dead.

For unknown reasons, even on a hot summer day, the lake does not dry, and the water in it remains ice. Algae does not grow in the reservoir, there are no fish, there are no water insects, there are no mosquitoes on the shore.

In the water of dead lake can not be long. Diver, even with a full cylinder of air, withstands the immersion of no more than three minutes, after which the unknown reason begins to fall and is forced to urgently rise to the surface.

Every year, people are drown in the dead - mostly visitors who do not listen to the councils of local residents or simply do not know anything about the mysterious properties of the lake. What is surprising: drillings do not float to the surface in a few days, as it usually happens, and stand at the bottom vertically, like a candle.

In addition, incredible events occur near the dead lake: people disappear, and later are located. At the same time, they turn out to be in unexpected places, sometimes far enough from the lake or their home. Some can not remember even their name.

There is an assumption that there is a cleft at the bottom of the lake, from which toxic gas is distinguished, which is poison for all alive. But no reservoir research has yet been conducted.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:25

In the Kirov region of Russia, next to the city of Urzhum, there is lake Shaitanhaving the form of the right oval, about two hectares area. From time to time, water in this lake is boilitis, and fountains from four to ten meters are thrown onto the surface. By local beliefs, it is the trick living in the lake of an evil spirit.

Scientific research explains the emergence of such fountains by the fact that the lake has a karst origin and is characterized by the siphon circulation of water. Under its bottom there is a second aquifer containing pressure artesian water. There is a connection between the two horizons through vertical karst wells (pontoons). The settlement of the IL and peat is created in the plugs in the donors, and the pressure of the artesian water pushes them, as a result of which the fountain of the water release is formed.

The second unique feature of the lake is small floating islands, overgrown with shrubs and small trees. Such islands are formed during water emissions and represent the sections of the wetlands. The largest of them withstand the severity of three or four people. In the usual time on the surface of the lake, they can be counted to twenty.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:27

Other Lake with the same name - Shaitan - Located in the Muromets district of the Omsk region not far from the village of Okunevo. Its water is famous for healing properties, curable even from some forms of cancer and liver cirrhosis. Posted in conventional container, it can stand for years, while maintaining fresh taste and smell.

Experts do not exclude that Lake Shaitan, as well as five other lakes near him appeared as a result of the fall of a huge meteorite. Hidden deeply in the depths of the Earth, it still radiates colossal energy. In favor of the cosmic origin of the Lake Shaitan speak numerous abnormal phenomena occurring in these places - in particular, regular appearance above the surface of the water of luminous balls and rectangles.

Among the locals are popular for the legend that at the bottom of the lake hidden the Temple of the Indian Deity Hanuman - Satra. According to the legend described in Epos Ramayana, Giant Hanuman, the king of the monkeys, helped the frame struggling with the forces of evil and for it received the Siberian expanses as a gift, where his city erected - Aku. It is he now and is deep under water, hidden from the eyes of people with a layer of snacks and sand.

The legend of the Hindu temple at the bottom of the lake is closely connected with another legend - about the cosmic crystal. It is believed that this relic, transmitted by people of alien creatures, was the main shrine of the Satra temple and is still in it. According to the legend, the crystal stores complete information about the entire history of the earthly civilization and contains a solve to the salvation of mankind.

Another feature anomalous zone - Near the lake more than once found huge, almost meter traces unknown creatures. There are even written eyewitness testimony that have seen the huge inhabitants of the lake with their own eyes.

The lake is famous for the fact that people trying to get to it often plot, they refuse compasses and navigation instruments. A known case is known when a group of pilgrims went to Lake Shaitan, strictly crying with a compass. The upcoming path was supposed to take no more than an hour. After three hours of the path, pilgrims were worried. In the end, after seven hours, without seeing no signs of the lake, they decided to return, went back the same way - and after 20 minutes they were in place, from where they started the way.

Sasha Mitrahovich 28.02.2016 10:34

On Earth there is not one hundred lakes with which all sorts of legends, mystical, terrible stories, abnormal incidents are connected. Therefore, they have the appropriate: dead, dead man, the lake of death. Some of them are anomalous time immemorial, others have become such thanks to human activity ...

The dead stand like candles.

There are mysterious lakes carrying the death of everything alive and on the territory of the former Soviet Union. One of them is in Latvia. His name is the corresponding - damn!

Local residents of the damn lake do not complain, telling visitors that if a person is on the shore for a long time, it covers an inexplicable horror. Tourists do not always believe the warnings and are located on vacation at the water, but after half an hour, they jump up and try to get out of the lake as far as possible. The most impressionable then fall into the mental hospital.

One of the local legends says that the bottom of the traid of the lake is not, so drowns never find.

Latvian scientists believe that the anomalies of the reservoir are due to relief peculiarities and put forward several versions of the origin of the lake.

According to one of them, it is a meteorite crater with a depth of about 70 meters, at the bottom of which radioactive gas Radon accumulates, destroying all living things in the lake.

Recent studies of the lake show that a powerful stream of energy is constantly being held from the depth. That is why it is dangerous on the shore for more than an hour - a person can simply "go the roof", and he will fuck. The strongest flow of energy beats in the middle of the lake. Perhaps, therefore, no one person has failed to successfully swam the damn reservoirs.

In the village of Sla Gerasimovka, in Kazakhstan, there is a small one hundred meters long and sixty-width - the lake is dead.

Surprisingly, the fact that almost every year people are drown in the dead. Locals are trying to bypass him and the same advise to do travel to tourists. However, they are tourists to walk with uncomfortable trails!

For incomprehensible reasons, even in the midst of the hot summer, the lake does not dry, and the water remains ice in it. Fish is not found in the reservoir, algae does not grow, there are absolutely no all types of water insects. And, by the way, mosquitoes and flies on the shore will not meet.

Long in the waters of the dead lake it is impossible. Diver, even with a full cylinder, does not withstand more than three minutes, it starts to crumble on mysterious reasons and is forced to urgently rise to the surface.

They drown in the dead mostly visitors who do not listen to the advice of local residents or simply do not know anything about the mysterious properties of the mysterious lake. What is noteworthy, droplets do not float to the surface, as it usually happens in a few days, and stand on the bottom, straight as candles.

Local scientists explain the lifeless of the water of the lake with some gas that escaped from the cleft bottom, but there was no special research there, and it is unknown when it will be possible to spend.

Where are the drunkenness disappear?

In the lake, located near Pereslavl-Zalessky (Russia), the locals do not bathe - it is forbidden, but fishermen catch fish. Quite often, they come across or not even known to scientists of fish breeds, or real mutants: one-eyed, three-chapted, with paws instead of fins and even hairy!

Representatives from the regional SanEpidstation repeatedly took the water of the lake on the analysis: water as water, closer in composition to mineral. In the lake beaten seven keys. The water level never falls, despite the fact that the river comes out of it and flows into the lake located next door to the city, which feeds the city.

Every summer, tourists who do not pay attention to numerous prohibiting shields installed on the shore are drowning every summer in the lake. However, no one has yet been able to answer - where are the drowns disappear? Fishermen once saw, as one bathing tourists swimmed at the middle of the lake, and then, scorching, disappeared under water. After a moment, an oil spot appeared on this place, sprawling throughout the lake. In the evening, in the place of the death of a person, it was becoming phosphoresia, a light circle - a spot with a diameter of about five meters.

Two fishermen-brands swam on a boat to this place, and observed from the shore suddenly saw how the whole boat was immediately lit by some greenish light. It lasted a few seconds, and then the fountain of the meter height of four struck the water from the water. The fishermen immediately hurried to get out of the fair place so that, God forbid, do not drown yourself.

Several cases were recorded when the sinking in the lake was distinguished by an unknown skin disease. Their bodies were covered with horny scales, the face completely changed, hair fell out. All other things in the forehead raised long processes, similar to the horns, which later disappeared themselves. All this lasted half a year, then the disease slowly retreated.

Divers, conducted studies of the lake bottom, discovered several strange cracks in the soil, where water outlines with a huge speed. In the middle of the lake there is a sweep-well. But where it leads, no one has determined. Too deep.

Another deadly lake - Smerdhachye - is located in the Shatursky district of the Moscow region. It is peat, water has a reddish brown, and in some places it seems black at all. It does not have a fish, and the local residents of Toldanachye enjoys bad glory. It is necessary to come close to it, as well-being immediately worsens, there is a feeling of discomfort and anxiety. People are regularly drowning people, and it is not surprising that many try to bypass him. From the height of a bird's eye view, the lake looks like an ideal circle with an earthworn-shore.

The assumptions about the cosmic origin of the lake were expressed in the late 1980s of the last century, but it was possible to prove this version now. Specialists from the Laboratory of Cosmo-Chemistry, examining the mysterious lake, concluded that it really is a crater formed after falling in the distant past of a giant meteorite.

The horror of an ancient head.

80 kilometers from St. Petersburg, in the vicinity of Sosnovy Bor, locals can see another dead lake - Clanchersky. The name of the lake probably happened from the old Russian word "Kapishche", which meant the place where the ancient rules brought their victim's gods. In the forest surrounding the lake full of small animals, birds and insects, however, they prefer to the water. There are no fish in the lake, and this mysterious fact scientists cannot explain.

Local residents say that near the lake of a person covers an inexplicable fear, and sometimes it happens with whole groups of people at the same time.

Occasionally on the shores are detected square pits with a cross section of one square meter. And clear nights over the lake can observe a slight glow. Experts explain this phenomenon to the gases released from the bottom, although the glow is located in the meter above the water.

It has bad fame and the Yaccan reservoir located in the Kaluga region. One of his sites, the locals nose the Thunder of the Lord and superstitly bypass. Early spring is perfectly seen this damned place, as if outlined by an invisible circle. The fact is that for several years in a row, accidents and half of them are regularly occurring here - with fatal outcome. The reason is the sudden damage to the electric current of great strength.

One of the last victims of the thunder of the Lord became Kaluzhanin, who, together with his family, at the beginning of the last summer came to relax on the Yaccan reservoir. Only the family passed on the shore, as some crash rang out, accompanied by an outbreak, and the clothes on a man immediately slept and broke out. Save the victim from an imminent death helped coaches with a nearby sports baby. With severe burns, struck 50 percent of the body, the man was taken to the hospital.

What is the myst thunder of the Lord? Local residents say that the whole wine ball lightning, which, as if mosquitoes, circle over the same place of the reservoir. Ufologists add that the thunder of the Lord is associated with UFOs, regularly landing in the nearby Kaluga Bor. And experts argue that anomalous fatal in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Yacansky reservoir takes place primarily due to man-made causes. The fact is that along the shore of the reservoir passes the high-voltage line, the wires of which places sail so that it is hardly concerned. And from time to time a favorable discharge environment is created, and the discharge with the LAP is striking the hazardous rest.

Poison from the Mendeleev table.

Many reservoirs are connected with the barbaric or ill-conceived human activity, even approaching the closer than a kilometer is categorically not recommended. For example, a deadly lake located in the town of Cherdyn, which in the Perm region does not have the name at all. Local bypass His "Tenth Dear", and all because it is actually a trench-filled trench formed as a result of ... three nuclear crops!

In winter, it is almost impossible to get to it - only in the winter. Places around the deaf. The tests were carried out on a record minimum depth - only 270 meters, and the power of explosions exceeded the halve charge, discharcted on Hiroshima. The project was carried out under the codename name of Taiga "and meant the beginning of the" Epochal "transfer of the North Rivers south. Fortunately for nature and people, it all ended, only the sword-peeled metal structures sticking out of the Earth, heaps turned into a stone cement and graphite around the radioactive lake.

"It became famous" recently also Karelian Lake Surzi. At first here in huge quantities began to pop up the fish upstairs. Then died in mysterious circumstances two fishermen, and another 15 fell with severe poisoning to the district hospital.

A few months later - the next tragedy. Fishermen are just sitting on a small island in the middle of the lake, as unexpectedly two of them lost consciousness.

It was something inexplicable, "said one of the victims, a resident of the Leshukon district Alexey Schtikov, later. - It seemed to me that some terrible force crashes from the sky, the hands-legs immediately sled, the earth left under his feet. My friend Venya fell at all. I rushed into the water and swam to the shore, I began to call my father so that he helped. But the father was also bad. At night, Venya died.

Schitikov sent to the regional hospital, and the corpse of Veniamine Rodionov was taken to the regional expedimentary bureau. The unknown poison was found to be native and close to the deceased that a unknown poison was discovered at a forensic chemical study.

No natural anomalies on surzi have been identified, - stated after a medical and environmental study of the composition of lake water in the Department natural resources Administration of the Arkhangelsk region. -Ind, which managed to detect, is a significant excess of the content of fluoride in water.

However, the fluorine is not a neutral element from the Mendeleev table, and it is impossible to increase his danger. In contact with the skin, scientists consider, it causes strong burns, and inhalation it leads to severe inflammation of the respiratory tract and the lungs, which can end with edema and death. Penetrating into the water and soil, fluorine can be maintained in them for many years and lead to the most unpleasant for animals, plants and, of course, people consequences.

But as Fluoro was in the lake? At this expense, experts involved in accident investigations, there is only an assumption. Surzi is replete with keys and underwater rivers. So poison could get into the lake from Arkhangelsk or from the Komi Republic, where there are quite a few chemical production. However, this is only an assumption.

Oddly enough, but in the folklore of the peoples of the world there are almost no mention of enchanted, enchanted or sacred streams and rivers, with the exception of Jordan and Ganges. But the legends of mysterious and terrible, dangerous and frankly evil lakes and ponds in an absolute folk work so much as not to count.

Magic World of Blue Mountains

Belief in the existence of enchanted lakes and ponds has long been translated into the subject of folkloride research. However, there is no doubt that wide famous factThat in the world and indeed enough water bodies with some incomprehensible natural properties and thanks to them becoming a focus or source of paranormal activity. In some lakes and near them, there are alleged UFOs from them, in others there are marvelous creatures, and the third will be wondering strange without any particular actual or fictional reason.

Several such strange lakes are lighted in mysterious and almost impassable Andes. Not everyone knows that this majestic mountain chain has a younger brother, a much more modest and inexpar ridge, which is called Cordillera Azur (blue mountains). It stretches in parallel with Andas and replete with cold reservoirs - lags and lagoons, around which the South American Indians speak in the language of Kechua live. These places are so beautiful that the time of the century came to the inspiration of the painters, and now photographers joined them, although Cordillera Azur still remains one of the most hard-to-reach mountain countries of the planet.

There, on the almost transcendent altitude, in the wilderness and deserted, lies the "strange" lake of Gaipo. According to rumors, several years ago he was firmly chosen by the most diverse UFOs. Several researchers who risen to go to this by God and people forgotten, found that rumors are confirmed. Local Indians said that paranormal phenomena are observed here regularly, but brighter they are at six o'clock in the morning and from three to four hours of afternoon. At this time, the day the Indians have repeatedly seen some glowing objects that have fallen into the lake or, on the contrary, whipped out of the water. The form of these unknown glowing items amazes variety: balls, ovals, rectangles, rings. They freely penetrate through the surface of the water, they hang and slowly move in several centimeters from her, and then either lightly rush into the sky, or it is chinno and slowly crawling up along the slopes of the mountains framing. And since there is no place in the horizons of local residents, there is no place for such a concept as interplanetary or the more interstellar contacts, the Indians consider the witches and sorcerers observed phenomena.

However, this kind of strange phenomena is observed not only in deaf and hard-to-reach places. The attention of researchers attracts, for example, Laguna al-Chichika, located near the town of Veracruz (Mexico). It is small - just over three kilometers in the diameter, but amazingly deep - six hundred and more than a meter. This reservoir was deployed long before the appearance on its shores of European conquerors and gave the shelter of the Mexican variety of water elves, known as "Changwe", and other uncleans.

The researchers who visited those places noted a variety of anomalies already at approaches to the lagoon. In the electrical appliances, the batteries sat down, the video film came into disrepair, stopped by the reception of radio signals in the ranges of DV, CV, KV and VHF. All this made it possible to push the hypothesis about some electromagnetic perturbations created by unknown sourcesLocated in the lagoon or near it.

In 1998, the biologist Arturo del Moraral decided to carefully explore the water and faced the same obstacles as his predecessors. Moreover, the participants of the expedition of the moral heard the strange sounds, published at night the thickness of water, and they had an impression that something floats there.

Moralo managed to talk to one of the residents of Pueblo del Seko nearby nearby, and he said that in March 1996, for about ten o'clock in the evening, the dazzling yellow shine coming out of the water. Nimalo without taking care of his own security, the fearless citizen ran to the very edge of the water and, to his surprise, saw something huge and luminous. This thing snapped out of the water, hung in a meter or two above the lagoon, and then he carred at the night sky. "

Other locals told the morality that light phenomena in the lagoon have frequency: in the spring they are observed more often, especially at night. Morality managed to even remove these phenomena on the film. They are very beautiful: the glowing clots hang over the surface of the lagoon near the shores and emit white or red flashes. From this spectacle captures the spirit. No wonder the pioneer of Ufology Maurice Jessup loved to be on the shores of Al-Chichik's lagoon. He even nicknamed her cartridge, amazed by the similarity of the lagoon with craters on the moon and a strange area of \u200b\u200bterrain relief on the lunar surface.

In one of his books, Jessup described in detail "vehicle lighting phenomena", observed in some lunar craters (for example, in the plato crater; in the full moon they can be seen through ordinary binoculars). It was probably a scientist believed that the lights in the lunar craters would be able to explain, having studied the light phenomena in the edges of the earth.

Loomers killers

In October 1994, the Americans were shocked by the news about a terrible crime. Susan Smith, a young mother from Union (North Carolina) intentionally allowed her car to ride a boat pier to Lake John D. Long. Son Susan sown fastened with belts to the rear seat. Their mother received a lifelong prison sentence for intentional murder. Without a small two years later, with the same pier at the same lake, another car collapsed in which three adults and four children were sitting. At the same time, the car spontaneously rolled between Michael monuments and Alex Smiths, the juvenile sons of Susan. This spectacle resembled an episode from the horror movie. All seven passengers jeep drowned, one eyewitness tried to save them, but he died and died too. The investigation found that the car was standing on a manual brake.

According to the surrounding inhabitants, misfortunes occurred in a single reason: Lake John D. Long is enchanted. Of course, the judiciary does not take such explanations seriously and are not going to revise the case of Susan Smith. But the lakes, in which, in mysterious circumstances, people die, really exist, and they are dedicated to the very extensive section of the "magical" folklore and the literature on the supernatural.

One of the most infamous murder lakes is called Whitney. It is located north of Town Waco in the US state of Texas and, it seems, surpasses the maliciousness of Lake John D. Long. For many years now, the ridge in Whitney has now and then rolled out of the gentle beds a variety of cars, and the number of drunks here is growing steadily. Police divers discovered several dozen cars on the orstive bottom of the lake, but never found human remains. Many of the cars lying in the lake simply should not have risen there: their parking brakes were included, as in the case of Susan Smith car in North Carolina. The presence of mention and the fact that during the Parade of the Aliens "(the next mass" invasion "of the UFO, observed around the world), 1974-1975 in the city of Kalvert on the shore of Lake Whitney made two UFOs landing, leaving burned propellant on Earth.

The second on the square of the country of the world - Canada is also rich in other places and, in particular, lakes who enjoy very bad glory. In June 1966, mature spouses and their teenage son went fishing to the Lake Anion, located in an abandoned career of thirty-three kilometers north of the city of Tander Bay, Ontario province.

Having arrived at the place and not getting there any living soul, the fishermen at first were delighted, but soon they became terribly. Suddenly come pitch darkness. A frightening silence only occasionally was disturbed by a strange embossed, which, according to one of the few witnesses, was accompanied by a sharp reinforcing smell of steel processed by the emery circle. " And then, to the horror of the parents, their fifteen-year-old son suddenly disappeared.

My father was called a boy for a long time, but did not wait for the answer. When the mysterious blades, which wrapped around the lake in broad daylight, dispelled, the parents saw her son, who appeared unknown from where, and terribly worried about, he said that he saw the "some round aircraft." The boy ran to him, but did not remember what happened later. Soon the loss of memory passed into a mental disorder, and the boy was placed in the hospital for mentally ill, but he could not heal.

Great-grade triangle

In addition to relatively small lakes, in the waters and surroundings of which every damniness is happening, there are huge lakes, more similar to the sea. In them, sometimes all sorts of little happen. The most important example is American great lakes, gigantic freshwater reservoirs separating the Canadian province of Ontario from the United States. A lot of mysterious phenomena is written about the associated phenomena, and Jay Gurley dedicated this topic a separate book "Great-aging triangle".

Many of the striking and mysterious events occurring here, according to Gurley, are explained by "the action of a certain destructive force, so powerful and rapid that anyone who will venture to penetrate here, she destroys mercilessly (although it does not prevent great lakes to be shipping, and navigating there Very lively. - approx. auth.). And no one has yet suggested explanations to this power and rapidness. " Or maybe the power and rapidness of this mysterious force are somehow connected with UFOs?

In March 1998, the Center for Studying UFOs attentively researched reports on the appearance of unidentified flying objects near the nuclear power plant Perry on the shore of one of the Great Lakes Erie. On March 4, a woman who did not want to call his name, drove along the coast in Istleyk, Ohio. Suddenly she saw the "the subject, similar to a airship, at both ends of which were burning bright lights." This item was written out in the air of the prethend, rushing there and here, as he likes the classical UFO, and did not show out the slightest desire to fly away.

Reaching the house, the woman told about the spouse who saw and persuaded him to go to the nearest beach to look at Divo. When they arrived ashore, the UFO was still maneuvered over the lake. It was winter. Erie frozen, but the ice treated under UFO and broke. This time, eyewitnesses managed to determine the approximate dimensions of the object. He was "more football field." Observers had an impression that the "Airship" was waiting for some small flying flying objects expelled.

Soon the guessed confirmed: "Airship" fell on the surface of the lake on the ice-cut ice and began to take these scouts on board, and then the object disappeared from sight. Perhaps he passed through the crowd of ice and plunged on the bottom where the base UFO was located. Or maybe the crew is simply tired of the idle curiosity of the earthly zooak?

Asphalt lake

The gods punish those who are trying to violate unwritten laws, data over. So, for example, it happened to the Indians of tea, living on Trinidad Island, which was attached in the Atlantic Ocean from the northeast coast South America. Once the Indian settlement was on the shore of the crystal transparent lake Pic Lake. Now ...

One day the gods of the forest gave people a tribe of tea an extraordinary bird - Hummingbird. This is a tiny creation, the Pentellic Operation of which changes its shade, depending on the angle of falling on it, the sun rays should have, according to the plan of the gods, decorate the life of people, soften their hearts and cheer the souls. After all, no wonder the gods created Pichug beautiful, as if revived flowers. In addition, the Ptashka this, the magnitude with the fly, was distinguished by amazing courage: she could knock the snake from the tree that crawls to her jack. Remembering the courage of this tiny creature that protects his home from enemies, and the Indians were supposed to be fearlessly to fight the enemy.

However, it happened that, by the will of evil spirits, black thoughts were born in the heads of tea. Looking at how the tiny bird hanging over the colors, climbs the nectar, they wondered: if this creature drinks the sweet essence of the flower, then how should it be taste? Isn't it interesting to taste a sacred bird baked in banana leaves? No sooner said than done. Casting a lot of birds woven from grass, the Indians tried to arrange a feast. However, nothing came out of this - their prey was too small and fragile, the delicacy turned out to be a nickidal. And the gods offended by such an attitude to their gift decided to punish tea. In the next morning, after a shameful meal, people saw that the blue waters of their lake turned into a sticky brown dirt.

Such is the legend of the Indian tea, which to this day live in the vicinity of Lake Pic Lake. This is a lake located on Trinidad island nearby from La Bray's village, filled with ... asphalt! The area of \u200b\u200brecreation with a semi-liquid black mass, which is 40 percent consists of bitumen, 30 of clay and 30 from the salt water is 45 hectares. On the lake there are even small islands covered with vegetation. In the recesses between the pulp asphalt waves, rainwater accumulates, and bituminous oils are punished with all the colors of the rainbow, removed reminding the leaps of the hummingbird, with which it all started.

For a hundred years, how many tons of natural asphalt are produced annually here, but it does not become less.

The surface of the amazing lake in places is so solid that it can be walking, but it is better not to do this, after all, the depth of the bubble brown-black boiler is 82 meters, and in the case of which the person get out of it is as difficult as a fly in jam. True, after some time, the drowned, tightened on the bottom, will again turn out to be on the surface, as the asphalt is in constant slow motion. But, it is clear, it already makes little happy.

The legend of the origin of the pic Lake does not satisfy scientists, they still argue about where it came from. Many believe that the cluster of natural asphalt has been formed in the crater of an asleep volcano. Oil, gradually received from the depths of the earth, was mixed with volcanic ashol and formed an asphalt boiler with time.

According to another version, the asphalt lake was once at the bottom of the sea, and about 50 million years ago, the bodies of small marine animals were lowered to the bottom, turning there into oil, and then under the action of processes in the earth's crust, this oil was pushed out to the surface and thickened under the action Sun.

Pic Lake is the biggest, but not the only asphalt lake in the world. They are in California, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and other places.

Ominous lakes

Probably many of you met on geographic map. The names in which colors are mentioned: black, white, yellow, red sea, Beluha Mountain and others. But especially much on our land so-called colored lakes. And these lakes really have a variety of unusual shades of water: red, raspberry, blue-green, blue, yellow, white and even black. And scattered multicolored lakes around the globe!

There are, for example, in the Carpathian Mountains near the city of Svalyava, at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level, Lake Sinyak. Sulfur-dissolved sulfur compounds give water intense blue color. Many such lakes are also in the mountains of the Caucasus, but the Queen of the Blue Lakes is the lake of Gek Gel ("Blue Lake"), located in Azerbaijan in the Asgun Gorge, at an altitude of 1576 meters.

Most of all in the world of white lakes. Only in Russia they are about twenty. At first glance, there is nothing unusual in such lakes. But there is only the wind to start to catch the waves, like a mirror water surface covered with white lamb. Perhaps hence the name.

But on the island of Kunashir - one of Kuril Islands - There is a dairy-white lake, and ... boiling. It is filled with a solution of sulfur and hydrochloric acids, from the bottom of it all the time the hot volcanic gases rise, which heated "water" to a boil.

In Western Siberia and Central Asia there are many lakes with purple-red color. During the sunset, they change their color slightly and become similar to the bowls filled with molten gold.

Truly unique raspberry lakes are near Astrakhan, which are named as not only for their color, but also ... the smell that is very similar to the smell of ripe raspberry. By the way, the salt produced from these lakes retains the resistant aroma of raspberries or violets and is very valued once at the royal court.

Other raspberry lake, located in the south of Siberia in the Kulundy steppe, attracts not only with its beauties. In the water of this lake, saturated with salts of magnesium and soda, constantly formed and growing stones (to joy local populationwhich extensively uses this extraordinary building material).

Loomers with red water are also found in the Italian Alps, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in Western Europe, in Bolivia, Japan.

By the way, on the Japanese island Kyushu has a unique two-color lake. One half of it from sulfur impurities has become a yellow color, and the other because of iron oxides - pink.

Three colored lakes lie in a volcanic crater Kelie Mutu on the island of Flores in Indonesia. Two of them are painted in different shades of green, and the third is black and red. In this, the internal forces of the Earth and ... Chemistry. Lakes were formed in different coluters of a volcano rich in various minerals. All three lakes carry romantic named Ata Polo means "Lake enchanted people." Tive Noaa Moery Kel Fi translates as "Lake of Junior and Girls", the third ative Ata Mboepe - "Lake of drowned hopes."

The name Sarykul, which means "Yellow Lake", wearing many lakes. The largest of them is located in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia. The water in this lake is reminded by a strongly diluted coffee due to the fact that there are many clay particles in it as a result of constant workers' blur.

Many on earth and black lakes. The color of the water in them is explained not only by the presence of peat. For example, in the "most-most" black lake in the world - Lake Kakhinideah, located in Yakutia, water is a kind of soot, ashes and soot. The phenomenon is explained by the fact that this lake is located in the depression, where a few millennia ago a fire raged (there for several years old coal burned). Later the fire flooded the water.

But in Algeria, in the city of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, in the picturesque mountains of Atlas, the lake was not filled with water, but most of them are real ... ink. Two rivers flowing into the ink lake carry the salts of iron and the remains of various vegetation, which, mixing with each other, turn the lake into a huge inkliner.

Bronchids, or sounding lakes

In the spring of 2002, a group of French researchers on inflatable boats examined one of the southern bays of the African Lake Victoria, where, according to local residents, a large, unknown animal science appeared.

The hydrophones lowered into the water recorded strange loud sounds, as if a certain giant beat the hammer along the same giant anvil. These sounds arose after an hour or two after sunrise and stopped shortly before sunset, sometimes they stopped for a long time and appeared again after five to seven days.

However, the history of this phenomenon has several centuries for several centuries, and the sounding lakes themselves are available on all continents. On the territory of Eurasia, the most famous "speaking" lake - Ladoga. Often, fishermen who left the coast for 2-3 kilometers, hear the mysterious hum, rolling, as if a distant szvuk thunderstorm. When the sky is closed by clouds, these mysterious sounds (armored lists) often come across the lakes on the lake - both "water trucks" and yachtsmen, immediately sending their shores to the shore.

By the way, in different literary sources you can find distorted options for this term, but it directly dates back to the Italian Word "Brontedididi", meaning sounds that are observed in a number of coastal areas of the Mediterranean.

Much less often in Ladoga there is another type of armored person - a long sound, similar to the sound of a bunting bass string. It is even less likely to hear two or three such sounds in a row. And some vodor's tourists, located for the night of the numerous schoras of the northwestern part of the Ladoga, suddenly wake up from the knocking of the wheels of a fast approaching train, although there is no train nearby, of course not.

In early 1890, American Professor S.A. Forbes visited the lake Shoshon in the Yellowstone National Park in order to study invertebrates. In his report, he made such an entry: "In this place, early in the morning we heard the mysterious sounds that the lake is famous for. They resembled the jitter of the harp string, which someone touched on the top of the trees. It was also similar to the ringing of the telegraph wires, and sometimes on quiet melodic voices that are talked high above us. The sound arose somewhere far away, approaching and becoming louder, and then removed and disappeared in another direction. Sometimes it seemed that he wanders aimlessly around us. In each case, the phenomenon lasted from a few seconds to half a minute. Usually these sounds can be heard in a calm clear morning shortly before sunrise, at this time the days of the sounds are louder and clear. But one day I heard them at noon when the breeze was blowing. "

Forbes Colleague, Professor Edwin Linton, working on Yellowstone nearby Lake, heard similar sounds. They resembled some metal vibrations that arose right above their heads, and then moved to the southwest. On average, this phenomenon was observed for about 30 seconds. Sometimes the sounds reminded the wind of the wind, although a full calm reigned around.

In the same place, explorer Hugh M. Smith in 1919 heard something similar to the remote hum of a huge bell, repeated with an interval of about ten minutes. It is curious that the strange sounds, resembling the sound of the organ, were observed by Smith and during the movement of the canoe, in which the members of the expedition were.

In Australia, since 1870, the fame of the "sobbing water hole" Wilga was not far from Ratwen-Staishn. Once, the two risers of sheep was nothing near it. However, they failed to sleep: in the middle of the night, a quiet crying was heard, which became louder and louder. Then he replaced, according to witnesses, devilish otherworldly sounds, "what a human voice is not under the power." Sounds raised. Strengthemas began to seem that they now burst drumpipes, wild fear literally sought them without giving off the damned place. Then he became quieter and gradually moved to a devil-skill. When everything was aged, the harsher jumped on the horses and cried off.

Sounds similar to Ladoga Bronchids and reminding remote thunder-rolls are observed on the coast of the North Sea, mainly in quiet misty days. They are known to local residents under the difficult-acting name "MistPeoferry". The same risks in Delta Ganga are called "baryzal guns". A similar phenomenon in the state of New York wears the consonant name "Punches of Lake Seneca".

Researcher Albert J. Ingalls writes about mysterious sounds: "Their direction is indefinable, and, as the beginning of the rainbow, they are always" somewhere else. "

In the valley of the Connecticut River, this phenomenon is called "Mother's Rocky" (by the title of the city), and in Haiti - "Gouf-Fre". In the Philippines, local residents consider unusual sounds a peculiar voice of the distant sea and are confident that they produce waves that hit the shore or the walls of the grotto. They also believed that these mysterious sounds are closely related to the change in weather and usually foreshadow the arrival of Typhoon.

In 1870, the correspondents of Nature journal were investigated by the so-called "Greitown Sounds", which are distributed in coastal lakes and on the coast of Costa Rica, Guatemala and Trinidad. These were strange metal vibrating musical sounds, and with a characteristic rhythm. Two additional, but not consistent factor were noted: the sounds are more often audible on metal ships, but only at night. And the researcher S. Kingsley heard the sounds, "who publishes the roaring locomotive when he produces steam" (that is, very similar to some Ladoga armored lines).

With all the extensive statistics of observations of such a phenomenon, for the outstanding two centuries, he was not found acceptable explanation, and those that are expressed sometimes are simply naive. In Geophysics, there is a whole area of \u200b\u200bscience, which is called atmospheric acoustics. There are acoustics of the ocean, but, alas, there is no acoustics of lakes. In one story of the Armenian writer, it was told how schoolchildren together with the teacher investigated the mysterious sounds published by the high-mountain lake and which the locals were attributed to the Rila of the underwater deity. So, the guys discovered a hole in which the water of the lake periodically rushed, while making frightening sounds. It is almost everything that managed to read about the research "Votes of Lakes." By the way, about the same explanation of the "devilish sounds" of the "water hole" Will is expressed for the Australian phenomenon.

A more or less acceptable explanation is given to the sounding lakes of the Yellowstone National Park. Seismic activity is very large there, the geasers associated with lakes occasionally occupied nearby, apparently with common water plast. When they work and arise, apparently, these musical sounds.

Well, as for the Ladoga Bronchids, the reader will have to be content with a very meaningful assumption that maybe they are associated with a feature of underwater flows and a difficult terrain of the lake bottom.

Bloody Primanka

The place of pilgrimage tourists will soon be lake Tovel, located near the Italian city of Trento, because, according to ancient legend, water in it can turn into blood.

According to legend, during one of the internecine wars of the gloomy Middle Ages, the big squint of the knights from the fortress came to the environment and was defeated by the military neighboring city Taughty. As the legend says, after the frying contractions in the lake "became more blood than the water." Since then, water began to turn into blood sometimes in it. As a rule, it happened on the eve of the next brutal internecine distribution. The last time, however, this happened in the dry summer of 1964 and with war on the peninsula in no way was connected.

Indescribable horror embraced people then. Some in a panic lay down the head flew away from the lake, others, on the contrary, rushed into the water and drowned, the third lost their minds from fear ... But the local peasants, embittered drought, to dry or go crazy. They almost missed the sinister lake entirely, using water for watering their incomes and "overvaling" all the nearest lands. Scientifically denied this phenomenon of Nature Botany from Trento, Associate Professor of Universities Padua and Kamenino, Vittorio Markezoni. It found that the wines of everything is a single-cell alga, containing a high concentration of carotenoids in its plasma. Under certain conditions, it can reproduce rapidly - up to 4 thousand cells in 1 cubic meters. cm (water becomes red) and also rapidly die, dropping to the bottom and covering it with a thick purple carpet.

For several years, the scientific team under the guidance of the leading employee of the Trent Museum of Natural History Alessandro Dal Piats is trying to determine the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of algae conditions. If scientists still succeed in solving this problem and it will be possible to artificially cause the effect of the "bloody" lake, the local places expect a real invasion of tourists.

What else is our mysterious and beautiful nature? How many interesting reservoirs, birds and animals are on our land. And I would like to tell you about the 4 most unusual lakes on Earth. Who would have thought that the asphalt lake would be on our native land? And it turns out that there is even that.

Asphalt lake

Trinidat Island has become famous only because there is a real asphalt lake in its central part. Magnificent asphalt! In the lake, of course, you will not come and you will not plunge, but it is located in the crater of the former mud volcano, the depth of it ... 90 meters (!), And the area is 46 hectares. Coming from the subsoil of the Earth through a volcano vulcan in a high depth of oil under the influence of evaporation loses all volatile substances and turns into asphalt. All this happens in the center of the lake basin. A place where all new and new layers of liquid asphalt arise are called "Mother Lake". It is thanks to him that the Trinidad Lake retains his reserves, despite the fact that every year it is mined up to 150 thousand tons of asphalt, which goes to construction needs. Its main part is exported to the USA, England and China. During the development of the lake, more than 5 million tons of asphalt produced, while the level of wonder lakes dropped only half a meter! Any item falling on the surface of the lake disappears in black abyss. Scientists who studied the coastal depths of the "reservoir" discovered a whole cemetery of prehistoric animals. Including the skeletons of Mastodontov, extincting in the Ice Age, which lived in this region. The deposits of the valuable resin are also in the dead sea famous for its salt. On the extraordinary salinity of its water, in which it is impossible to drown, knows the whole world. However, only specialists know about the departments of the rane resin. The extraction of this unique substance from the waters of the Dead Sea is carried out with ancient times. A resin is used in a wide variety of areas: medicine, for the construction of roads, coverage of corpses of ships, in the chemical industry.

Ink Lake

Such an unusual lake is located in Algeria, close to Sidi-Bel Abbess. The lake is filled with ink. There are no fish, no plants in the lake, since poisonous dark blue ink is suitable only to write them! Until recently, people could not understand how such an unusual substance was in the reservoir. Scientists, conducting relevant research and tests, came to the conclusion: the whole thing as part of the water of two small rivers flowing into this mysterious lake. One of these contains a huge amount of dissolved iron salts, in the other - all sorts of organic compounds of peat swamps located in the river valley. Merging together into the lake pitual, streams interact with each other, replete the number of wonderful inks. Local residents relate to this miracle in different ways: some consider it to be devilish in charge; Others, on the contrary, be beneficial from it. Ink is sold not only in Algeria stores, but also in Africa, Mediterranean countries, in the Middle and Middle East.

Empty lake

But the secret of the Russian empty lake, located in Altai, is not revealed so far. Around all the reservoirs, sisha fish and lake and lake, and in empty - neither blasting, neither fry, nor birds on the shore, and this is despite the fact that the rivers flowing into empty leaks from the fish lakes. Researchers dozens times tried to populate a mysterious lake with local water fauna and flora, preferring the most unpretentious species. However, all experiments ended in the same way: fish and other livestock, a day later, ducked, the vegetation rotted. Empty and remained empty. But what is the most amazing, chemists, once over time, conducted water analysis for the content of poisonous substances, proved that water is absolutely not poisonous, suitable for use, and even ... reminds champagne due to the smallest bubbles of harmless natural gas. The water of the lake was studied by experts from Germany, USA, Belgium and Britain, and no one could still explain or at least offer a plausible hypothesis about the phenomenon of this amazing reservoir. Will it be possible to unravel this mystery in the foreseeable future? Alas, specialists shake their shoulders indefinitely.

Acid lake

But nevertheless the most "dead" sea on the planet Earth is the ill-fated lake of death - a large pond located in Sicily. His shores and water are deprived of any vegetation and livestock, even the birds do not fly over lead gray water. It is deadly in it. Any living creature that fell into the water of this creepy lake instantly dies. A man, for a second, put his hands into the water into the water, watches with horror, as it blues, covered by blisters, the skin is smelted, exposing the bloody bones, buffet veins and vessels. And the fact is that in water in a huge concentration contains ... sulfuric acid. Very dangerous studies conducted by scientists in 1999 made it possible to make a stunning conclusion: concentrated sulfuric acid is thrown into the lake with two sources at its bottom. It is not surprising that the Sicilian Mafia's victims were hidden in these deadly waters: an hour - and there is no teeth from a person.