Wrapping pillars how to get there. Weathered pillars (manpupunur) - famous geological monument

The desire to wish is not a profession, but the tendency of the soul. She is or there or not. Who has, he can not change anything. Who has no, there is no need.
Any journey begins with a dream ....
Man-Pup-Ner (Mountain of Stone idols) is a unique miracle of nature, giant stonestorms, located in the hard-to-reach area of \u200b\u200bthe Northern Urals, in the territory of the Komi Republic. They rise above the plateau at a height from 30 to 42 meters, mostly expanding upwards. Their 7 pieces.

About 200 million years ago, there were high mountains on the place of stone pillars. Millennium and ...
Last time, Mansi rose to Mago Pup-Ner was the greatest sin, only shamans had access there. In 2008, the weathered posts on the Plateau of Mago Pup-Nyru ranked 5th in the final of the competition "7 wonders of Russia".

So, the backpacks are collected. From Solikamsk left in a great mood. The campaign was prepared thoroughly, the weight of the backpacks about 50kg, each.

8 a.m. Profit in Ivdel. Before the start of the route (River Auspia) can only be reached by the Urals, because All bridges through large rivers Vizha, Tosham, ushum burned. We drove 8 hours, and this is 160 km off-road. The road is broken, especially after the ush. On the way, I drove in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, registered. They recorded the route and the date of exit. They said that last year, three loners were lost. Two found, and one disappeared. There was one lethal case. The weather is sunny, arrived at the place at 18.00. Water in Auspoly fell, switched. Passed 5 km to the first parking lot.

The weather is hot, we go to the trail along Auspia. The trail does not coincide with the one that on the map. It leaves it up to 300m and loops strongly (on the map is straight). Many wetlands. They reached the parking lot with a spoon. Fresh firewood, tired a lot. The first day go on foot is very hard.

I got barely barely, the whole body hurts. Weather warm, we go a very wetrated path. By 10.00 the path went up. The slope to Dyatlov's passage the entire overgrown with a aconite with human growth is very beautiful. And so, by 12.00 we are in the infamous pass of Dyatlov, where on the night of February 1, 1959 a group of 9 student UPI died.

There are many versions of their death - from the fall of the rocket, the arrival of UFOs, the gathering of avalanche and the arrival of a snow man. Facts of death contradictory. Some reason forced tourists among the night to cut from the inside the tent and run down the slope (almost undressed, barefoot), at the end of which their bodies were discovered. All the dead is a reddish-crusher skin color, some multiple fractures, one has no language. The investigation, the discovered in the fact of their death was discontinued, and all the materials were rushed in secret archives. Bright memory…..

Snowplow tour of Dyatlov Pass (next to Manpupuner). 8 days, 460 km, from 15,000 rubles per person !!!

Places around the ripened pass. The wind remains in the stone remains, the rocks on the pass as if the details of an ominous musical instrument create strange sound effects. And the gloomy dome of the Mount Holychachl (Mansi Mountain of the Dead ") towers nearby. The mountain near the Mountain reputation - people often died here. According to the legend, 9 Mansi died at the top. In 1961, in the mountain, geologists were killed in a plane crash, with members of the crew -9, a person! And after almost 10 years, another group of Peter from 9 people died in the area of \u200b\u200bthe same Kolatechal! Many call it the most gloomy place of the Urals.

From the pass, the mountain is visible to the mountain (Mansi "do not go there") with the remains and Mount Mottevchachl.

It seems to be sued, but we dress a backpack and the distance increases twice.

She covered heavy rain, cold northwest wind demolides with a backpack.

Go down for the night in the package tract. This is a very picturesque gorge with Snezhnik, with waterfalls of different heights up to 7 m. The root of the source Lozva passing under the snowfront forms arches and grottoes. Feel all the muscles.

07/19/09 in the morning they got easier, apparently begin to work. Everything is tightened with fog. A little argued where to go, opinions were divided. So some tourists are lost. Breakfast and waiting for the weather. The wind is strong, frowning to +5, but there are no mosquitoes. From the border to G. Torten Traverse on tops. A dinner came to G. Mountain, the mountain was crowned with a stone ridge, from stones up to 5 m high. Sverded decided to bypass the right, went down to the source Lozva. She covered rain, there were cooking on Kurum, fiercely. Slip stones, it's hard to go. The mountain ranges in the area do not exceed 1200 m, but due to the constant winds and the harsh climate of the taiga, it does not rise above 700 m, so they took a gas burner with them. On the pass to the city of Mothevchachl rose in 2 hours, by 23.00. Cold, the wind did not subscribe all day. Dinner on gas.

In the morning, fog, strong wind, temp. + 3, we are waiting for the weather. For breakfast cocoa with a condensed milk. There are no wood, wet clothes are enjoying it. The grand panorama of the blue mountains stretches to the horizon. Released at 10.00. The wind replaced the North, blows the whole day. At the pass for G.Mottevchahl covered Grad, it was 30 minutes. Mottevchachl went to the left, raising 60 degrees. They reached the city of Zhanghachchal. Overnight on the source of sulpi, dinner on firewood.
At night, it was very colded, the pace. 0 + 1, very frozen. Morning cloudless. Rose to the slope of the height 917.2, fall on the knee in moss, it is difficult to go. They went to the old Mansi trail, the speed doubled. No wonder they say that the trails are the roads of the mountains. Parking in the forest. From the parking lot, Mount Koyype (drum) is clearly visible.
Cyclone raged 3 days. Overcast, go comfortable. The trail coincides with the stream, in places falling on the knee. At the top of the mountain Pechecury-Talyakhchachl, the trail is splitting, we need to go on the left, but it is not natoptan, bored - it was knocked down. They went on the right, plotted and went to the source Pechors. They realized that it was necessary ago, but lost the strength and time of the hour 4. We already go for 13 hours. Made a night in the Sovers Valley, Stela Eup Asia. Swamp tea and sleeping.

Climb at 6.00, yield at 7.00. Returned to the city of Pechery-Talyakhchachl, turned to the left lapse. After the top of 758.4, the trail disappeared, dumped very left. Dream through thick thickets. Wilderness Sleepy stumps, a dense forest, a circle of fallen, giant trees. Bulch. Baba-Yaga's abode. Everywhere bear traces, merchants. 2 hours came to the left tributary Pechora. Creepy transition. Lunch on gas. Cloudless, hot, sunbathing on a beautiful, rocky shore. The origin of the Great Pechora is soft and picturesque. And here we have a ridge of Magno Pup-Ner, ascended in 1.5 hours. All Eastern slope overgrown with red-star flowers. Whole glads of a purple yatshnik and a snow-white liqueness.

And at 16.00 we are on the plateau. Idolas are striking imagination. Fantastic place. Once upon a plateau, feel extraordinary energy. I remembered the ancient mansionic legend that the pillars were once giants-self-seeds, who were going through the mountains to Siberia, destroy the Vogulian people. But at the top of the Mago Pup-Neur, their shaman saw the sacred Vogul Mount Yalping Nour. In horror, he threw his tambourine and all his companions petrified from fear. And the tambourine turned into Mount Koyype.

To idols reached the grain of forces. But, having rested, they decided to return to the Pechora and make a good parking lot. It is very difficult to leave, the poles are almost physically pulling to themselves, not wanting to let us go. Constantly turning around.

Home came out with a wonderful mood. Tours to the Vologda line did not take, I had to descend on the Burning almost 2 hours. Hummer. They walked along the trail, turned out to be a bearish. Feeling the feeling of the cold in the head of the side of the bear rushed somewhere.

By 23.00 came to the Pechora. Today is the most difficult day.


Dnveliva is a little happiness. No need to go anywhere, you do not need to wear a backpack. We wash, we erase, we obtain equipment. Tanning, imperceptibly burned.

Woke up at 8.00 from the stuff. Heat. Put at a height of 758.4 without a trail. Dream through thickets, no end. Raise heavy, for 3 hours. Clothes wicked through. A day passed 10 hours.

Knowing, +34. Barely got up, legs sore. We save water. Went 14 hours. They reached the city of Zhanghachchachl and suddenly stumbled upon a herd of deer. You experience delight, looking at animals, on the wake of wildlife. They are at home. It was dark quickly, in dusk was looking for water and firewood. The tent was put under the light of the fire at 24.00.

Knowing, +35. Mountains on the horizon fascinate with their beauty. For breakfast chocolate. Today it is necessary to get to G.Torten. Yesterday, Kurum beat the legs, barely got out of the tent.

We met a strange girl Dasha from St. Petersburg, traveling alone, a student. It does not know how to use the compass. On the neck of the card and whistle. Going to Mago Pup-Ner, burned, it goes barely, and there are almost 100 km there. God to meet her.

They reached Lunthusaptur Lake (Mansi "Lake of the goose nest") by 23.00. In mansiysk legend during the World Flood on this lake, the single goose was escaped.
The tent was put on the shore of the lake. There is no firewood. Usually, the water boils in the gas in 10-15 minutes, and here westness, and only small bubbles appeared in the boiler in the boiler, and the water barely warm. We laughed that she was enchanted, drunk water and went to bed.

Pacific, fabulous morning on Lunthusaptur lake. Yesterday fatigue seemed to be taken by the wind. Cloudless. Heat. The mountain lake is small, but very harmoniously combined with the surrounding landscape, with a car, snowman, overlooking the city of Kolatechl. Water Ice, on the shore a lot of cloudberries.

We went around the lake, lifting to height 1073.7, very cool and long. Traverse on the heights to the city of Holychachl in MSh. The legs are knocked on the knee, it's hard to go. Overnight on the northern slope of Cholatechl. From the stream on the slope was drunk "dead" water. Dinner on gas.

In the morning it rains, everything is tightened with fog. Visibility 50 m, we are waiting for the weather. The dinner came to Dyatlov's pass. At the pass met extremals on quadracycles. They say they were on xp. Pure. Descent from Pass to the source Auspia in 1.5 hours.

On the source excellent parking. For dinner rice with stew from bookmark.

The tripod went all day, the places coincides with the streams, in places of wetlands.

Reached to Ford through Auspia, waiting for the car. Weather sunny, parking on excellent glade. Water in Auspia significantly rose. We wash, we erase.

I sit after the satisfying dinner, which rested, and, it seems that everything was very simple, and time flew up like a moment. Pain and rain, and cold, and kilometers traveled, and for our trip, and for our journey we passed about 240 km.

We have seen not only the magnificence of the Ural Nature, but may not less important - it checked the power of character and felt a friend's shoulder.

When a dream is reached, life loses some sense until the path to the new dream begins. These thoughts are knitted in the head and are associated with the end of our trip.

Fans of exotic countries and travels I want to say that seeking to long-haired beauties, we sometimes do not notice violets under your feet.

And if the idols of Man-Pup-Neur are not a miracle of the world, then one of the wonders of Russia is for sure!

"The weathered posts on the Mago Pup-Ner Plateau, the geological monument, located in the interfluve, and Pechora, the Trinity-Pechora district, the Northern Urals. The weathered posts are one of the winners of the contest "Seven Wonders of Russia".

Weathered pillars are one of the brightest sights of the Republic of Komi and Russia, one of the wonders of Russia.

There are many legends around the origin of these monumental stone giants, and indeed the Komi Republic itself - the edge of the riddles, legends, mystical coincidences.

We have in Russia that neither the place is one solid mystery, the world, covered by a veil of inexpensive. True or fiction at least one legend about the origin of the Mountain Eastukans - we never know, but, agree, it becomes uninteresting if we accept the fact that it is just naturally educated breeds? Need a mystery!

According to one of the legends - long ago, the old shaman wanted to take a young girl in his wife, she refused him, rebidding, he went on her family to fight her, but her brothers were defended to the girl, their sister prayed that all They miraculously saved in this battle, and here they are all - the girl and her brothers - turned into stone monuments, according to the legend, their souls were saved, etc.

Beautiful fairy tale, right? So, you walk among these blocks, you will come to one, you imagine that this is a person, to another - that a lovely girl ...

Before moving to a detailed story about our geological monument, it is worth first to remember what kind of Komi Republic.

"The Komi Republic (Komi Komi Republic) is a republic as part of the Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation is part of the North-West Federal District.

The capital is the city of Syktyvkar.

Region Area 416 774 km²

Population - 856 631 people,

Population Density: 2.06 people / km²

The climate is moderate and continental. Winter is long, cold, summer is short, in the south warm, in the northern regions of the cool.

The average temperature of January: -20 ° C (in the northern part) and -17 ° C (in the southern part)

The average temperature of July: +11 ° C (in the northern part) and + 15 ... + 17 ° C (in the southern part)

Sidelines: from 700 mm per year.

Here, depending on the region, it is very frosty (below 50 degrees Celsius), but it is rarely hot, even in the most active summer days.

There are many natural and geological monuments in the republic (for 2009 there were 95 monuments of nature), for example: "ruins of an ancient city" on the mountain plateau Torre-Perera-from, several caves, "Ring" on the River Sharpe, etc. Also in the republic many beautiful places, virgin forests, protected rivers, national parks, reserves, "habitats of spirits", etc.

"In the Northern Urals 32,800 km² is covered with virgin forests. The unique territory is the Pechoro Ilych Reserve.

Such virgin forests that have not been influenced by human activity and technogenic impact, in Europe has not been preserved.

In 1985, the reserve was included in the list of biosphere.

Ten years later, by the decision of UNESCO, the Pechoro-Ilych Reserve with security and buffer zones and the Yighd VA National Park, combined under the general name "Komi's virgin forests", were included in the list of world cultural and natural heritage facilities.

National Park Yugyd VA is located on the North and Supolar Urals in the south-east of the Komi Republic. In the south borders with the Pechoro Ilych Reserve. "

Komi is a place where there are no rats, as the residents of the countryside are assured. And here there are shamans, crocodiles are found and there are many manifestations of the other world (UFOs, abnormal phenomena, fiery balls, etc.), there is a mountain of the Dead, or the famous Pass Dyatlov.

Film NTV. Mystery Russia "Republic of Komi. Base extraterrestrial Civilizations?»:

The people, in whose language, many objects on the territory of the Republic - Manci are pagans, among the Nities there are many shamans, mountains and places for them is not just nature, but the house of spirits, idols.

"The weathered pillars are located on the territory of the Pechoro-Ilych Reserve on Mount Many Pup-Ner (in the Lanti Language -" Malaya Mountain IDolov "), in the intercourse of the River River and Pechora. Rests - 7, height from 30 to 42 m. "

The official version of the emergence of stone Istukanov states that they were formed by natural changes from the mountains that were in this place as much as 200 million (!) Years ago.

"Rain, snow, wind, frost and heat gradually destroyed the mountains and primarily weak rocks. Solid serucito-quartzite slates, of which the remains are folded, were destroyed less and preserved to the present day, and soft rocks were destroyed by weathelation and demolished with water and wind in lowering relief.

One pillar, 34 meters high, is somewhat away from others; He resembles a huge bottle, turned upside down. Six others lined up in a row at the edge of the cliff.

Pillars have bizarre outlines and, depending on the inspection site, resemble the figure of a huge person, then the head of a horse or a ram. In past times, Mansi deified the grandiose stone sculptures, worshiped them, but climbing the manpoupler was the greatest sin. "

The documentary "Eternal Beauty of the Upper Pechora" (in the second part, a little about the weathelation pillars):

To get to the geological monument is not easy, it is far from inhabited seats and need permission to administration. For illegal entry into the territory of the reserve, a penalty is provided, for example, in 2014 95 violators were caught.

"Only trained tourists can get to the poles. To do this, you need to get a pass from the reserve administration. From the side of the Sverdlovsk region and the Perm region, there is a hiking route, from the Republic of Komi - a mixed route - a car, water, hiking ".

However, as information is read on the site of the reserve, - in 2016 the reserve is closed for hiking visits, it is impossible to get into it on "his two", and movement on the technique is also prohibited. An alternative was the helicopter excursions, the helicopter training is prepared.

When hiking routes were open - tourists first traveled to Syktyvkar, then by train or cars to Troitsko-Pechorsk, after the village of Yaksha, from Yaksha 200 km on the motor boat, then walking km 40 ...

Video guide for the helicopter expedition to the Plateau of Mansiysk Stone IDs Man-Pouap-Ner. "Northern Urals. Manpupener. Small mountain idol. Mago Pupa-Nod ":

Manpoupooner is a hard-to-reach, uninhabited object of nature, but in aggregate with unforgettable beauty - his remoteness from infrastructure creates an extraordinary egregor around the stone boulders.

The surrounding reserve of virgin forests, in the air of the legends that pillars are idols and the habitat of different spirits - leave the fabulous, inexplicable words of this place in the truth. This time stops, there is no fuss that these 200 million years have froze in the eternal pause.

"The Plateau Man-Pup-Ol is called the Ural Stonegem. And indeed, seeing the weathered posts, this particular word comes to mind. There are beliefs that the plateau is a refuge of spirits.

Who knows, the truth is or not, but the special energy on top is felt. Many, from those who visited Man-Pup-Norm, say that at the top consciousness clarifies, I don't want to drink. Perhaps this is all clean mountain air and impressions from what he saw, and perhaps this place really has any force ...

So a unique place has acquired its myths and legends. One of the similar stories tells about seven giants, which walked through the plateau to destroy the Vogulian people. But when they reached the vertex of Man-Pupa-Nehra, they saw the sacred Vogul Mount Yalping-Norm.

The view of it is the giants in horror, and they petrified. About a dozen will be thrown around such stories. The main motive in them is the mandatory presence of bloodthirsty giants. "

Impressions of tourists:

«.. i was at the plateau saw the pillars. Impressions eclipsed bad roadEven when it was not immediately started to worry, not a little, rushed to the panic. Poles nuno to see and become an election person. How much visited the plateau. It is not available to everyone.

About the stones do not tell them to see Touch and if good weather will be your fellow traveled will return you again to this place and you are brought off the finance on the road to draw patience to touch these stones. "

« Since we stepped on a plateau, we still did not leave the feeling of something powerful for a long time.But not for nothing in vain the stone poles in Komi are called "places of power." There is definite energy here.

The closer you turn out to be a stone pillars, the unusual they seem to be. One of them is similar to the overtook bottle, and the six remaining settled on the edge of the cliff. It is not surprising that Manci's people deified gigantic sculptures, worshiping them. However, it was considered the greatest sin to climb the Mago Pup-Ner plateau. "

Weathered pillars have a special energy. Alexander Borovinsky, Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Komi Republic:

"Energy there is some kind of not simple, from there you go and understand how much you, a man, in this world is small ..."

Mikhail Popov, Surgeon, tourist:

"The closer we approached these boobs, the greater the horror covered us, the fear, especially since we were read the legends of the peoples of Komi, Mansi ..."

Of course, Manpouver is not a place for those who are wounded with a glamorous life and is waiting for bright entertainment, hiking in restaurants. Even during, when hiking routes were allowed, tourists lived in tents, it was necessary to take the impressive reserves of something edible.

Today, excursions are prohibited, according to the administration, people and so violated the integrity of the territory, a lot of garbage disassembled. Even those who love such places admire stone idols, as you can see, behave very high, in connection with this temporarily communication with this place is deprived of both those who can keep nature.

This is a very beautiful monument of nature, it is necessary to visit.

Few people know that all famous Baikal and Elbrus are far from all miracles located in the territory of many-sided Russia. Today, tourists to the obligatory visits are offered a special list of seven wonders of Russia, in which a decent fourth place is occupied by mysterious poles of weathered, or as they are also called - plateau Manpupouner. This is the most attraction that has not yet had time to make a loud name, but really deserves your visit.

Plateau Manpoupler: description, photo, video

The weathered pillars or "mountain of stone idols" are the seven majestic rocks treated with a strong wind and a lightening frost. Before the high Ural Mountains gave way and natural conditions, thereby turning into what we can see now. Agree, to preserve your initial look after 200 million years, the task is not easy.

Rocks rise above the surface of the Earth for 30-42 meters, which makes it inevitably breathtaking. The structure of the cliffs, as well as any stony surfaces, is cut and relief. Due to this, in the winter season, the snow covers only individual parts and the top of the pillars, leaving the rest of the space.

All seven "giants" are unique. The relief and the form are individual and are not repeated, and at different angles resemble the figures of people, animal heads and other possible idols. After all, history and legends constitute an important role in the perception of this natural miracle.

Panorama Plateau Manpoupler

For one of these legends, the name of the plateau is translated from Mansius as "Mount of Small Idols". It must be confessed that this place is really imbued with the spirit of paganism and nationality. Despite the past, the rocks are majestically carrying this atmosphere through the time, having opposition to winds, rain and snow.

Where is the plateau manpupunor

Geographically Plateau Manpupunur is located in the Trinity-Pechora district of the immense Republic Komi, on the territory of an amazing Pechora-Ilych Reserve - in the interfluve of unusually beautiful rivers - Ichotlagi and Pechora. Address: Berezovsky district, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District.

Plateau Manpoupong on the map

Coordinates of Plateau Manpuponger on the map:

  • Latitude - 62.320636
  • Longitude - 59.627279

How to get to Plateau Manpupunor

Before going to the road to towards the adventures on the expanses of the Republic of Komi, it is worth thoroughly consider your route. And he is far from simple. However, you do not need to be afraid. After all, thanks to the increased popularity of this place, you will not have to be pioneers, and so such difficulties will not arise. The main thing is desire and faith in your strength.

One way to get to the appointed place is a helicopter. This transport is not cheap (according to the latest data, a person's trip will cost about 30,000 rubles), but the fastest and most practical. The fact is that the flight will take less time from you than a hiking path, and opportunities for a comfortable stay near the attractions will be much more. But it is not necessary to despair, because no one will feel the atmosphere of this wonderful place more than travelers who choose to get their move, the route for which will be as follows:

  • The starting major point is the city of Syktyvkar.
  • Next or by train, or by car, we get to Tritzko Pechorsk.
  • Already from there we go to the village of Yaksha.
  • Arriving in place, change the vehicles to the water and now on the boat we overcome about 200 km.
  • Once again on land, finish the journey of a walk with a length of about 40 km to the end point - the manpouneur fee.

When it is better to visit the plateau manpupunor

There are several points of view about the optimal time to visit Manpupunyre. Some believe that winter perfectly has conditions for a comfortable journey: neither mosquitoes, nor midges, no other annoying insects; The ability to take advantage of skis and exciting star nights. However, you should not forget about the climate, which at this time ranges from -40 ° C to 30ºС.

While others are actively convinced that it is in the summer that your journey will be as remembered as much as possible. The adherents of the summer option prefer to travel August: insects are becoming less, water in rivers decreases, and nature dresses in the palette of autumn paints. Augusta landscapes Manpupauner are really unforgettable.


Nevertheless, visit the plateau Manpupunor is not so simple. Documents from a tourist company and verbal confirmation that you came with good intentions will be not enough. That is why it is worth contacting the official site of the Manpoupongore Plateau, where you can:

  • familiarize yourself with all types of trips;
  • carefully deal with the necessary documentation and confirmation from customs.

Speaking about the types of trip, it is worth noting that there is an option for everyone. The diversity of the proposed travel varies from one-day helicopurships to weekly hiking (such as "sander", "detonated", "house in the mountains", "Dyatlov Pass" and others). There is also an option for especially interested tourists - "Extreme Tour", which continues from 4 to 18 August and implies a journey for those who are not afraid of difficulties and is ready to prove it.

Do not forget about the simple, but very important truths of visiting such places where fishing and hunting is prohibited; the presence of dogs; Firing fires in order to preserve the natural heritage in the form in which we managed to capture it. Working on the territory of the board staff is trying to carefully guard what we got from nature, so please show an understanding of ecology and people.

What to see in the vicinity

Unfortunately, and maybe fortunately, within a radius of 100-150 km from the board, Manpupongor does not have a single settlement or settlement. The only thing that surrounds the surrounding area is amazing "Komi's virgin forests, which in turn are the UNESCO World Heritage.

Despite the fact that the path to plateau Manpupouner It is not easy, it is worth seeing at the end point of the journey. Large-scale blocks resting in the sky forever will be remembered by the corner of nature, untouched by a person, but they have seen personally. The beauty and mysteriousness of the weathered posts will remain with you for a long time, because you will most likely not see anything like that if you just do not go to this journey again.

Coordinates: 62 ° 15'00 "p. sh. 59 ° 20'00 "in. d. /  62.25 ° C. sh. 59.333333 ° C. d. (G)62.25 , 59.333333

Wildling pillars (Mansiysky Doodles) - a unique geological monument in the Trinity-Pechora district of the Republic of Komi Russia on Mount Many Pup-Ner (which in the Lanti language means "small mountain idol"), in Mezhdury RR. Hitch and Pechora. Rests 7, height from 30 to 42 m. Numerous legends are connected with it, before the weathelation pillas were the objects of the Cults Mansi.

It is quite far from inhabited places. Only trained tourists can get to the poles. From the Sverdlovsk region and Perm Territory there are a hiking route. Poles are considered one of the seven wonders of Russia.

About 200 million years ago there were high mountains on the site of stone pillars. Millennia passed. Rain, snow, wind, frost and heat gradually destroyed the mountains, and primarily weak rocks. Solid seruckewaccitel slates, of which the remains are folded, were destroyed less and preserved to the present day, and soft rocks were destroyed by weathelation and demolished with water and wind in lowering relief.

The closer you approach them, the unusual becomes their appearance. One pillar, 34 m high, is somewhat away from others; He resembles a huge bottle, turned upside down. Six others lined up in a row at the edge of the cliff. Pillars have bizarre outlines and, depending on the inspection site, resemble the figure of a huge person, then the head of a horse or a ram. It is not surprising that in past times, Mansi deified the grand stoneware stones, worshiped them, but climbing the manpoupler was the greatest sin.

The time of year is changing, the type of terrain changes. Very impressive terrain in the winter, when the remains are completely white, as if crystal. In the fall there are fogs, and the pillars are drawn through the haze - there is something divine in this spectacle. They are created by nature, but looking at them, I can not believe that something like that could repeat the person.

Ancient mansionic legend

"In the distant times in dense forests, a powerful tribe Mansi lived in dense forests. Men of the tribes were so strong that one on one won the bear, and so fast that could catch up with a running deer.

In Yurts, Mansi had a lot of fur and skins killed animals. Of these, women did beautiful fur clothing. Good perfumes who lived on the sacred mountain Yalping Nierre, were helped by Mansi, because at the head of the tribe stood the wise leader of the smoke, which was in great friendship with them. There were a mother's daughter - Beauty Aim and the son of Pygrychum. Far behind the ridge spread the news of the beauty of the young AIm. She was slight, like a pine that grew up in a dense forest, and sang so good that deer from the Valley of the Hyd-Lyagi fled down.

He heard about the beauty of the daughter of the leader Mansi and the Giant Town (Bear), whose genus hunted on the mountains of Charaiz. He demanded that the smoke gave him her daughter aim. But refused, laughing aim and from this proposal. The angry Towene called his giant brothers and moved to the top of Torre-Porre-from, to grab aim by force. Suddenly, when the dustry with part of the warriors was on the hunt, the giants appeared before the gates of the stone city. The whole day was a hot battle at the fortress walls.

Under the clouds of arrows, AIM rose on a high tower and shouted: - Oh, good spirits, save us from death! Send home Pyrgymp! In the same moment, the lightning in the mountains were sprinkled, thunder, and black clouds were closed by a thick veil. "Cunning," said Towers, seeing at the Tower of AIM. He rushed forward, crushing everything in his way. And only AIM managed to descend from the tower, as she collapsed under the terrible blow of the taper of the giant. Then Torev again raised his huge closet and hit the crystal castle. The castle crumbled on small pieces, which picked up the wind and spread throughout the Urals. Since then, the transparent fragments of mountain crystal in the Urals are found.

Aim with a handful of warriors disappeared under the cover of darkness in the mountains. Under the morning heard the noise of chase. And suddenly, when the giants were already ready to grab them, in the rays of the rising sun appeared parrychum with a brilliant shield and a sharp sword in the hands, which good spirits gave him. Porrychum turned the shield toward the sun, and the fiery sheaf of the world hit the giant's eye, which threw up toward the tambourine. In the eyes of the giant brothers, the brothers and swept away towards the tambourine began to slowly marine. In horror, the brothers rushed back, but, hitting the ray of the shield of the dust, they themselves turned into stones.

Since then, thousands of years they stand on the mountain, which the people called Man-Pupa-Nier (Mountain of stone idols), and the majestic peak of Koyype is towers not far from it (drum). "

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    Reserve in Russia, near Krasnoyarsk, on the right bank of the Yenisei. Founded in 1925. Area 47154 hectares. Unique granite shenitic remains "Poles", height up to 100 m. Darkness (fir) taiga prevails; Kedrachi. Brown bear, lynx, roe ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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Address: Russia, Komi Republic, Troitsko-Pechora district, Mount Men-Pup-Ner
Height: from 30 to 42 m
Coordinates: 62 ° 15 "32.4" N 59 ° 17 "42.7" E
Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation


The weighing poles that are also called mansian boobs are located in the Komi Republic, in the Trinity-Pechorsky district. Unique in kind of seven stone pillars, the height of which ranges from 30 to 42 metersManyat on the Plateau Man-Pup-Nir with his mysteriousness and many legends associated with them, tourists not only from Russia, but also researchers from all over the world.

One of the seven weathered poles is separate from others, its height is 34 meters. The appearance of this pillar something resembles a bottle put on the ground with a neck down. By the way, in the language of Mansians, which at the moment a little less than 12,500 people remained, the name of the plateau means "small mountain idol". Undoubtedly, this suggests that the weathered posts at one time were the holy destination for the people of Mansi, who worshiped and about whom myths and legends were aligned.

Conclusion of geologists

Scientists quite simply explain the emergence of weathering pillars, which on June 12, 2008 were attributed to the "seven wonders of Russia." In place, where at the moment there are mansionic boobs, a huge mountains rose 200 million years ago. Most of these majestic, at that time of the time of the mountains, consisted of the so-called "weak rocks".<>

The century passed: rains, strongest winds, snow, high and low temperatures ruined the mountains. Alternatively, only the weathelation columns remained to this day, or, as they are also called geologists, remains. They consist of their serricvaria slates, which are not so strongly susceptible to the inexorable go of the time and the influence of atmospheric phenomena. Such, let the conclusion deprived of any mysticism, give conclusion, give modern scientists who still organize expeditions to the Plateau Mago-Pup-Ner.

Legend of the people of Mansi

In ancient times, Mansi people were rich, great and mighty. Any man could easily kill the bear easily. Yurts were full of fur, the hunt was always successful. Such prosperity of the people provided perfume inhabited on the mountain called Yalping Nierre. Rules of the great people of smoking, who had a beautiful daughter Aim and the fearless son of Pygrychum. About the unearthly beauty of Aim recognized the Giant named Torev. He decided, by all means, to take a mansion beauty to his wife, but Aim answered him with refusal. When the Pygrychum hunted in the mountains, Torev appeared in front of the walls of the fortress with his brothers. Giant joined the fight with mansies. A huge club, the Giant destroyed the tower with which Aim wrote to the spirits. After that, the angry Time struck on a crystal castle, scattering hundreds of thousands of fragments throughout the Urals. The girl had under the cover of the night to hide in the mountains with the remaining warriors. Even before the sunrise, Aim heard the trap of the approaching giants, but at that moment her brother of Pygrychum appeared, who kept a sharp sword in his hands and a brilliant shield granted to him in the spirits of the Mount Yalping Nier. The first rays of the rising sun were reflected from the shield and bright light struck the giants. In the blink of an eye, Tovyev turned into a stone.

His brothers rushed to escape, but magic, favorable to Mansi perfume, forced them to petrify them. They remained forever in the place that the people of Manci called the "mountain stone idols." It was Toviev that turned into a stone nerd, resembling an inverted bottle.

At least, this is explained by Mansi remoteness from other stone blocks, the weathered post of 34 meters height.

Travel to Plateau Man-Pupa-Ner

To see with your own eyes one of the seven wonders of Russia and feel the mystical atmosphere, which is characteristic of this area, since 2008 can almost any tourist. True, before you go to the Plateau of Mago Pup-Ol, to capture the majestic weathered posts in the photo, you should soberly assess your strength. Otherwise, the excursion can turn into a true strength test. The thing is that mansionic boobs are in a hard-to-reach area: a pedestrian trail to the plateau, beginning with the village of Ushma, located in the northwestern part of the Sverdlovsk region, is 200 kilometers. For an unprepared tourist overcome in 16 days this way, belonging to the third category of complexity, is extremely difficult. The strongest gusts of the wind, dense fogs, cold rains are only a small part of what the traveler is waiting for the route.

As mentioned above, since 2008, the weathered posts were attributed to the "seven wonders of Russia"What attracted them even more attention from tourists. Demand, as everything is well known, gives rise to a proposal, therefore, for those unprepared for travelers, tourist companies organized helicopter tours on the Mago Pupa-Norm Plateau. True, the sake of justice should be noted, to get to Mansiysk boobs on the helicopter will cost quite expensive. However, to see these unique stone idols, show a desire to 200 people a year. And this is despite the fact that literally 5 years ago, the plateau was visited only by professional athletes and scientific expeditions.

Among the weathered columns

Overcoming all the difficulties and being among the imaginable imagination with their forms of geological monuments, the awareness comes to why the weathelation pillars became one of the seven wonders of the immense Russia. In addition, after a long journey to the Plateau, the MAN-PUP-ORU-ROBE appears, unshakable faith in their own strength. Being close to Mansiysk Dogs, it seems that nothing impossible is no longer existed for you.