Retba is the pink africa lake. Mysterious places of the planet - Pink Lake Hiller Pink Retba Lake in Senegal West Africa

If you look at Retba Lake (Retba) or Lac Rose in translation - " Pink lake", In the African city of Senegal from above, you might think that this is some kind of milky-strawberry cocktail, which I want to taste, but in fact it is a salt lake, which is not a sweet cocktail.

A question may arise - how can the lake have such a color?. And all because in water in large quantities There is a single-cell microscopic algae - Danaleyella (Dunaliella Salina), which gives the lake a pink color. In addition to this bacterium, there is no live life in the reservoir, everything is because very saturated with salt, and no microorganisms survive in it. Even a person for a long time is dangerous for a long time, since the concentrated salt solution can erod the skin. The salt content is about 380 grams per liter, which is one and a half times higher than in the Dead Sea! The man in such a lake does not understand exactly.

Once the lake had an exit to the ocean, but over time the passage was covered with sand, so, without having access to the ocean, it began to dry out since the 70s, and it became so salty that it became impossible to drink it and therefore residents who lived near him, moved to other places. But at the moment, people still live near him, these people from the tribe - Volof, who here there are about 3,000 people and who are working in this place, they get salt from Lake Salt and sell it. From those affordable, girlfriend, they created their homes - huts in which they spend the night. Although their earnings are not very big - about $ 9 per day, but for the African Republic is quite good income. Salt mining from this lake is not easy, it is necessary to have a whole day in salt water, which can surround the skin, but to protect themselves, they are rubbed with oil obtained from the fruit of a coarse tree, which for a while protects their skin for a while.

Salt mining from the bottom of Lake Retba (Lac-dew) has been taking place for several years since 1970, and every year it becomes deeper that it complicates it to prey with employees. Every year more than 25,000 tons of salt are produced here. The production process itself is, at first, salt at the bottom is baptized and then blindly assembled in the basket, then the collected salt is loaded into boats, which, due to the large concentration of salt in water, can withstand a lot of weight, and it is up to up to 500 kilograms, and the employee does not need to swim To the shore to unload. Then, this salt of women, often young, is collected again in the basins, washed and clean it, and then carry them to their heaps of the assembled salt. Each family has its own, where she is already driving, until they buy the dealers.

Pink Lake is a lake that has a reddish or pink color due to the presence of algae, which produce carotenoids (organic pigments)

Pink lake is a lake that has a reddish or pink color due to the presence of algae, which produce carotenoids (organic pigments). These include such algae as Dunaliella Salina (Dunaliella Salina), which is one of the types of halophile (halophile) of green microalgae, living in particular salt water. Thanks to its pink color, these lakes are becoming increasingly popular among tourists and photographers from around the world.

1. Lake Hiller (Hillier), Australia

This reservoir is located on the edge of the middle island (Middle Island), which is part of the study archipelago stretching for tens of kilometers along the southern coast of Western Australia. A feature of the lake is his bright pink color. The color of water is constant and does not change if the water is pouring into the container. The lake length is about 600 meters. From the ocean it separates the narrow band of the Earth, consisting of sand dunes vegetation covered.

For the first time, people discovered an unusual lake in 1802. Then the British navigator Matthew Flinders decided to stay on the island on the way to Sydney. What was the surprise of the traveler, when he stumbled upon a pink water among the thick forests of the island. The lake is surrounded by white salts and dense forests consisting of tea and eucalyptus trees. In the north, sand dunes are separated by the lake from the Southern Ocean.

The lake is very popular and tourists are striving there, even passengers flying over the lake, photograph this miracle of nature.

2. Retba (Retba), Senegal

Retba Lake or Pink Lake is east of the peninsula Green Cape (Cap Vert) in Senegal, northeast of Dakar, the capital of Senegal. It received its name due to the color of water, in which the algae of Danaliellah type solonovodna grow.

The color is especially noticeable during the drought season. The lake is also known for its high salt content, which, like the Dead Sea, allows people to be easily held on the water.

On the lake there is a small business of salt extraction. Many workers collecting salt, work 6-7 hours a day in the lake, the salt content in which is about 40%. To protect your skin, they rub in it "Beurre de Karité" (Shi Wood oil), which softens the skin and prevents tissue damage. The fact that in our days is called Retba Lake, once there was a lagoon. But the Atlantic surf gradually washed the sand and in the end of the duct, which joined the lagoon with the ocean, turned out to be covered. Long time Retba remained unremarkable salty lake.

But in the 70s of the last century, a series of droughts hit Senegal, Retba was severely crushed and the extraction of salt, the thick layer climbed on the bottom, became quite profitable. Then the water in the lake acquired a pink shade due to microorganisms capable of exist in a saturated saline solution.

Amazing color water and charming boats completely cover the two-kilometer coastline of the pink lake, or the lake Retba, - so it is called the language of the people of Voltop, the most numerous ethnic group of Senegal.

In addition to them, there is no other organic life in Retbe - for algae, not to mention fish, such a concentration of salt is destructive. It is almost one and a half times higher than in the Dead Sea, - three hundred eighty grams per liter!

3. Salt Lake Torrevieja (Alina de Torrevieja), Spain

Salt Lake Torrevieja and Salonic Lake La Mata (Mata) is salted lakes surrounding Torrevieja, a seaside city in southeast of Spain. The microclimate, created by the largest salt lakes of Europe - Torrevieja and La Mata, is announced one of the world's healthiest in Europe, according to the World Health Organization.

Alina de Torrevieja and La Salina de La Mata are the largest salty Lakes in Europe. In water, grow a special type of algae which gives the water pink shade. The pink color of the lake Torrevieja, caused by the presence of algae and salt, gives it a kind of "science fiction". As well as in the dead sea in Israel, here you can also just lie on the surface of the water. In addition, it will bring tremendous benefit for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases and lungs. At the other end of the lake, salt is mining exported to different countries. The lake can see a huge number of bird species.

4. Laguna Hatt (Hutt Lagoon), Australia

Laguna Hatt is depicted on the left side, and Indian Ocean - right.

Lagoon Hatt is a saline lake, an elongated shape, located near the coast to the north of the mouth of the Hutt River, in the Midwest Western Australia. It is located in the dunes adjacent to the coast.

Lagoon Hatt was once the estate of 60km (37 miles) of the Hutt River, but at some specific moment of the prehistoric past, the river changed its direction, and mouth remained isolated both from the river and from the sea.

The city of Grigory (Gregory) is located between the ocean and the southern shores of the lake. The road between Northampton (Northampton) and Kalbari (Kalbarri), called George Gray Drive, runs along the western edge of the lake.

The lake has acquired such a color thanks to the abundance of all the same algae producing beta-carotene.

In this lagoon there is the world's largest farm in the world for the dilution of microalgae. The total area of \u200b\u200bsmall artificial ponds, in which Danaleyella Solonovodnaya is bred, is 250 hectares. The length of the lake is 14 kilometers, and the width is 2 kilometers.

Laguna Hatt is a salty pink lake with a red or pink tint due to the presence of Danaleeella in the water in water. Algae of this species produce carotenoids, which are the source of beta carotene, food dye and source of vitamin A.

5. Lake Masazirgol, Azerbaijan

Lake Masazir is salt Lake in the Karadag area, near Baku, Azerbaijan. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 10 square kilometers. The ionic composition of water contains large volumes of chloride and sulfate.

In 2010, a plant for the production of 2 types of salt "Azeri" was opened. An exemplary supply of salt, which can be extracted, is 1735 million tons. It can be produced, both in liquid state (from water) and in solid.

Due to the elevated sulfate content of water in the lake of pink color.

6. Dusty Rose Lake (Dusty Rose Lake), Canada

This Pink Lake, located in British Columbia, Canada, is rather unusual, little known and may be unique. The water in this lake is not at all salty, and does not contain algae, but it still possesses pink color. The photo shows pink water flowing into the lake. The color of water is due to a unique combination of rocks in this area (stone dust from the glacier).

7. Pink Lake Quiarading (Quairading), Australia

Pink Lake Cherairading is located 11 kilometers east of the city of Quirading (Western Australia). The Bruce Rock Highway passes through it. The local population considers the Pink Lake Natural Miracle. In some periods of time, one side of the lake becomes dark pink, while the second remains pale pink.

8. Pink Lake, Australia

Pink Lake is a salty lake in the Goldfields-Esperance region (Goldfields-Esperance), West Australia. It is approximately 3 kilometers west of Esperance and is associated with the East with the help of the motorway. southern Shore South Coast Highway). The lake does not always have a pink color, but the distinguishing color of the water, when the lake takes the pink shade, is the result of the livelihood of green algae Danaleylallah solonic, as well as the high concentration of solonic shrimp. The lake was noted an important habitat of birds by the International Organization for the Protection of Birds and maintaining their habitat.

9. And one more miracle of nature: a field of pink lakes, Australia

This unusual landscape was captured from the aircraft in the west of Australia. This field of pink lakes is somewhere between the city of Esperance and Kaiguna (Caiguna). There are hundreds of small pink lakes on the field, and each of them has its own unique shade of pink color. This is due to the fact that the concentration of algae and salt in each lake its own, differing from all others.

Our planet ends with many mystical, unknown, terrible and unusually beautiful places. Red and pink lakes are named in honor of the color of their waters. Most often they have shades of red: pink, crimson, scarf and closer to orange. Many of them are dangerous and inspires feelings of fear and horror.

Scientists say that in this color of the lake must be microorganisms that live in their waters.

The creepy red lake "Natron" (Lake Natron) in Tanzania turns all living in stone

In Africa, on the border with Kenia, in Tanzania there is an ominous lake "Naton". All who touches him turns into a stone. While it is only unwargoing birds.

Why do they become petrified? Everything is simple: the ideal alkalinity of the pH from 9 to 10.5 and salt saves the corpses in the state that you see in the photo.

But the lake can not be called the dead - this is the refinement of millions of pink flamingos. Birds here arrive to breed. This is the perfect habitat for them: predators bypass it with a lake side, and blue-green algae with red pigments are good for food.

How to get to Lake "Natron"? From Kilimanjaro Airport to Arushi 50 km. And from Arushy 240 km. There are no special tours to this lake, but on the round of the round to the volcano of Oldigno-Lengai there is a item: visiting the Natron Lake. Its move, of course, will be much more expensive. And you can also see the Red Lake during Safari in National Park Serengeti (Serengeti National Park) or Great Rift Valley (Great Rift Valley).

Bloody Red Lagoon Colorado in Bolivia

Another reddish lake Lagoon Colorado is in Bolivia, in the town of Eduardo Avaro on Altiplano. This is a state park with a salt lake. The color of water is attached to the bora deposits and some algae.

The lake is inhabited by all the same pink flamingos. On these beautiful birds and on no less beautiful shallow water lake come to watch crowds of tourists from around the world.

How to get to the Red Lagoon? You can get from the city of Upupitsa or Uin on the jeep (300 km.). The place can be visited as part of the Andes Tour.

Koyash Mineral Lake in Crimea

Koyash Lake is located near the resort of Borisovka, in Opukskogo Gulf, in the Kimmerian steppes.

To contemplate the beauty of the lake. Its pink saturated color and fancy stone structures in salt crystals are worth crowded in July-August. Water retreats and salt is shown outside, settling on everything that will meet on his path.

How to get there? From the side of Feodosia to get to Borisovka and in the primer - in its transport. On a public from Kerch to Mar'evka and then on foot 7km.

Red Salt Lake Sasiek-Sivash in Crimea

And this is another lake in the Crimean Peninsula, not far from the resort of Evpatoria. Lake Sasiek-Sivash has a pink color due to the evaporation of mineral salt. During evaporation, many carotenoid microalgae appears.

The healing property of salt attracts tourists for a long time. It has increased magnesium and potassium content, bromine and calcium.

Another bizarre moments with Lake Sasyk-Sivash is the "boiling of lake." This is a miracle explain - the underwater fountains (griffins).

How to get to Lake Sasiek-Sivash? It is possible on an electric train from Evpatoria to Saki. Then by bus to coastal and walk 2 km. or by car.

Salted Chokra region Lake is not far from the village of Resort on the Kerch Peninsula. It, as well as all of the above, has the property of water to be painted into a pinkish-red color. Everything causes single-celled algae.

Here, the tourists seek not only to lay on the lake, but also for therapeutic mud - to become it.

How to get? By bus from Kerch to the village of Resort and 2 km. on foot.

Pink lakes are usually dominated in Australia. Here is a large accumulation of these unusual water waters. Lake Hiller is on the very large island Midla Island in Western Authhlias.

How to get here? The problem is that the island is not inhabit, and you can see it from the window of the aircraft. Although Australian travel companies Offer trips on marine ships.

Retba Lake (Retba) in Senegal

Rose Retba Lake is located near the capital of Dakar in Senegal.

Pink Lake in Altai

Rather, not one pink lake, but two more. The first lake Bursol or Bourning is located in the Slavogorod district Altai Region (Village Bursol), 500-km. From Barnaul in the steppe. And the second is called - the raspberry lake, is located in the 400th km. From the capital of Altai, next to the village with the same name Raspberry lake.

These salty pink lakes are an excellent place to relax and prevent the treatment of many diseases. It is clear that here is the only fishing - salt mining. The pink color of the lakes becomes thanks to the lags of Artemy and the pupils.

Getting better in your transport or from Barnaul by bus: to the raspberry lake - to the village of Mikhailovskoe, to Busurinsky - to Slavgorod.

The ancient lands of the Black Continent keep a lot of natural wonders, one of which is a fantastic lake, spreading near the green cape. This Retba is the most interesting attraction of Senegal and one of the most colorful places on the planet.

Colorful in the literal sense of the word! The water of the pink lake, so translated from the adverium of the ethnic group of Volof sounds Retb, flicker under the sultry African sun of a whole palette of pink paints - from gently raspberry to carminno-scarlet. Especially the bizarre view of a bird's eye view - a strawberry stain in the frame of the emerald greenery of the jungle - a truly fascinating landscape!

Pink Lake - Bright Point on the map of Africa

An amazing reservoir is located in the western part of the African continent, just thirty kilometers from the main city of Senegal - Dakar. The narrow strip of sand dunes separates the pink lake from the mighty water of the Atlantic. Two-kilometer coastline Rights is a truly picturesque canvas: a string of small boats on purple stages of water, the finest golden sand and snow-white horms of salt pyramids. The French-speaking population of the country gave the lake another name - Luck Ros.

History of Magic Lake

It may surprise, but Retba was not always lake. Once a water was part of the Atlantic Ocean, a cozy lagoon separated from Great water narrow canal. The ocean surf and the wind of the eyelids were launched sand until the duct completely disappeared, forming a salty lake with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than three square kilometers.

Why is it like this color? Until the 70s of the last century, Retba did not stand out in a row of ordinary salted lakes. But the strongest drought in the history of Senegal forced the lake to significantly overclose, opening access to the deepest deposits of salt at the bottom of the reservoir. In those years, an extraordinary rainbow phenomenon manifested itself.

Pink water riddle

What explain the extraordinary shade of Luck Rose? Everything is very simple, there is nothing mystical and supernatural.

The amazing purple water color is due to the myriads of microscopic organisms-cyanobacteria of RhodaLialiellasalina, who choose the Retbe of their habitat.

It is the pigmentation of these ancient living beings that tints the lake with the delightful color of flamingo and morning dawn. Also on the coral shade of water affects the abundance of fossil deposits of minerals and chlorine. The color shade of the lake is very non-uniform and can vary depending on different factors: the angle of falling sunlight on the lake, cloudiness and dry weather. The brightest and rich pink color is characteristic of the drought season in Senegal - from May to November.

One of the most saline reservoirs in the world

Dunaliellasalina is the only form of organic life capable of exist in a concentrated solo solution of Retba Lake. The salt content in the lacquer grew is more than 380 grams per liter, which is one and a half times higher than the characteristics. Dead Sea. The increased density of water makes it easier to swim and does not give to drown, nevertheless, staying in pink waters for more than ten minutes is fraught with the strongest burns and non-surging ulcers on the skin surface.

Time-consuming salt

The richest salt deposits - the main source of income local population. On the coast of the Pink Lake, the small village of Natoliof, the inhabitants of which are crowned with salt mining, spread out. This is a very difficult job - man-male manually, standing on the shoulders in the water, draw salt crystals from the lake bottom. In order to protect against the corrosive solution, the skin is treated with oil from fruits. At the bottom of the lake, workers first blindly break salt, and then filled with powder bulk baskets and ship on the boat to the shore.

Small pylon boats due to the high density of water are able to hold up to half a cargo, which significantly saves time for transportation. On the shore, women and girls are connected to the workflow - the collected salt is dragged ashore, washed from dirt and sludge and leave to dry. In the future, salt from the bottom of Luck Ros goes to the dealers and is used mainly for the preservation of seafood, and in some restaurants in Europe is served as an exotic product.

Not only local residents are busy in Solvech, they go here to earn money from neighboring countries of the continent. Modest payment of $ 9 for a caterior labor day is considered quite acceptable for Africa. These "guest workers" are built on their temporary dwellings from the girlfriend. Every year, from the bottom of the Pink Lake, up to 25 thousand tons of salt are taken out, which leads to a rapid deepening of the reservoir - before the water in the lacquer Ros reached only a belt, and on it could be moved on foot.

Interesting information for travelers

Every year thousands of tourists who want to see and capture the unusual miracle of nature coming to pink waters. Those who are just going to discover Senegal and his remarkable places, some nuances of travel in the surroundings of the lake will be useful:

  • Pink lake is located just an hour from Dakar. It is best to go for an acquaintance with the beauty of the rinks as part of an organized excursion route. But you can and independently get to the place on the minibus, or renting a car. For those who want to admire the fabulous scenery in the dawn or a registered hour nearby there is a network of small hotels.
  • From entertainment - romantic boats walks on the pink stroit of the lake, travel by car in the picturesque coastline. For a small fee, tourists can get acquainted with all the subtleties of salt mining and try themselves in this difficult business. Local residents I am pleased to take on the fishery of everyone.
  • During the day, the lake repeatedly changes its shade - from the unpacable-pink and saturated purple to a brownish-cherry with orange notes in color, so admiring the magic scenery is best just a few times during the day.
  • Along the coast, the lacquer was not so long ago the final stage of the famous race "Paris-Dakar" took place.
  • Not far from the Pink Lake there is an interesting skipping reserve.

Retba Lake - a fantastic natural object, to visit which is necessary, making a trip to the expanses of hot Africa. The fascinating beauty of pink stroit in the world's light and in the first rays of the awakening sun will not leave indifferent connoisseurs of the beautiful. Tell us about your impressions about this delicious corner.