Photo gallery: the yacht of the Russian billionaire and its competitors. The biggest yacht descent is the largest yacht on the water

Economist. Experience in finance for more than 15 years. Date: October 12, 2018. Reading time 9 min.

The yacht of an unknown Malaysian billionaire, covered by 100,000 kg of gold and platinum, for $ 4.8 billion. The part of the city of Monaco was copied and built on a ship for $ 1 billion. Unusual sailboat for $ 400 million. And this is only part of the list of the most expensive yachts of the world.

How much is in the world of unusual and beautiful? True, there are things about which an ordinary person cannot even dream. For example, a yacht, even the cheapest, will cost several hundred thousand dollars. But those who are used to silent money, stand out and amaze, spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy the most expensive yacht in the world.

Lady Moura vessel belongs to Saudi Multimilliona Nasser Al-Rashid.

A six-plane yacht with a length of 105 m and a width of 19 m was built in 1990 at the shipyard of Blohm & Voss, Germany. The whole interior is thought out and made by Italian designer Luigi Sturkio. But the owner made some adjustments to the design - he asked for most of the space to be assigned to the dining room, and in the center there was a huge table with a length of 23 meters.

reference ! All these changes were specially made to make the millionaire to collect all his family and friends at one dinner table.

Also on the deck there is a pool with a sandy beach and palm trees. The vessel is equipped with a platform for planting a helicopter type Sikorsky S76B and a garage for a boat with a length of no more than 12 m. All decorations and the name of the floating island are made of 24-carat gold. Only thanks to such , Ship in a few years will rise in price.

The movement of the yacht is given by two diesel engine Deutz with a capacity of 6880 liters. with. who are able to develop the speed of 22 nodes.

To date, the ship is estimated at $ 210 million.

9th place. Rising Sun - $ 250 million

Music Magnate David Hepfen acquired Rising Sun in 2004 for $ 250 million.

Yacht was built on the German shipyard Lurssen. The length is "small" boat 138 m, and in width - 18.5 m. A total of 5 decks and 82 premises. All surfaces of bathrooms and jacuzzi are made of onyx. Also on the ship there is a wine cellar, a cinema, a gym, spa and a basketball court, which, if necessary, can serve as a platform for planting a helicopter.

The engine compartment contains 4 MTU diesel engines with a total capacity of 48,000 horsepower. The maximum speed reaches 28 nodes.

8th place. Pelorus yacht - $ 300 million

A real masterpiece of design art was designed by Tim Haywood and built by the German company Lurssen in 2003. The Terens Disdale worked on the design of Pelorus.

The first bought a yacht Saudi businessman, but soon he sold her to Roman Abramovich. First of all, the Russian billionaire took advantage of the services of Blohm & Voss and converted everything the ship. Later, the already converted Pelorus was oversold David Hepfenu for $ 300 million.

115 m long yacht accommodates a spa complex, swimming pool, gym and room with mud baths. In terms of the technology of audio and video situations, the vessel is ahead of the current standards for several points. There is also a small submarine on radio control.

7th place. Yacht a - $ 300 million

Megayacht was made by order of the Russian businessman Andrei Melnikov. The building was engaged in the company Blohm & Voss, and the design is French designer Philip Stark.

Philip decided to radically change the design of the ship. All the usual chubby case was replaced with a new streamlined silhouette. Also changed inside the vessel - all cabins of the skin of cream color. Walls between the rooms are mobile, which allows you to combine a few small to one huge.

The overtime of the owner of an unusual boat is located at the very top. Instead of the usual floor, a platform rotating on 360 o, and thanks to the panoramic windows, you can admire the beautiful scenery.

The yacht moves two engine MANs 6500 liters. from. everyone. Without refueling at the speed of 23 nodes, 6500 miles can be saved.

Such a luxury of a Russian businessman cost $ 300 million.

6th place. Dubai - $ 350 million

Sultan Jeffrey Bolkiyia in 1996 ordered the place of the vessel from Blohm & Voss. The company accepted the application and, assessing the scale of the ship, invited Lürssen to their aid to the rescue.

In 2000, Brother Sultan ordered him to sell another unfinished vessel for $ 350 million. Sheikh Dubai and Prime Minister of the UAE Mohammed Ben Rashid Mahtun, he is the owner of the floating agent to this day.

At the time of sale, only the hull and a small part of the add-ons were made. Sheikh took a yacht from the Germans and crossed her in Dubai at the shipyard Platinum Yachts, where she was completed to the end. The vessel was equipped with four MTU motors with a total capacity of 32000 liters. with. who are able to develop speed in 26 nodes.

At the end of the work, the ship looked like a real work of art. Rising on board Dubai, you might think that you were in one of the palaces of "1001 Nights".

5th place. SAILING YACHT A - $ 400 million

The most expensive sailing yacht in the world belongs to the Russian businessman Andrei Melnichenko.

The billionaire decided to surprise everyone and ordered the construction of a huge sailing ship at the Kiel shipyard of the company Nobiskrug. Sailing Yacht A in length reaches 143 m, in width - 25 m. But the most striking thing is that its height over the sea level reaches 100 m. Because of such huge dimensions, it will be problematic - not under each bridge it can be saved. But, perhaps, once in Russia, the yacht will still appear.

The sailboat is equipped with two electrical and two diesel engines, thanks to which you can reach the speed of 21 node.

For such an individuality, Melnichenko had to pay about $ 400 million.

4th place. Azzam - $ 609 million

Azzam is the longest yacht in the world. Its length is 180 m, which is equal to the dimensions of two football fields.

The mega-ship was built in 2013 by Burgess Yachts, the main engineer of which is Mubarak Sad Al Akhbabi. Before construction began, a competition was held for the best exterior and an interior of the yacht. The winners of the Milan Studio Nauta Yacht Design and French designer Christophe Leoni. The internal design of Azzam is made in the style of neoclassicism of the XIX century.

In order to move such a huge ship, specially installed four water comers and diesel engine Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C with a capacity of 108920 liters. from. In addition, it was additionally put two gas turbines with a capacity of 94000 liters. from. Thanks to this force, the vessel develops the maximum speed of 30 nodes.

For such a huge yacht, its owner had to pay $ 609 million.

3rd place. Eclipse - $ 997 million

The vessel belongs to the Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich.

The yacht was designed in the style of the warship of Blohm & Voss. Since laser protection from paparazzi is installed on the ship, there are few things known about it. Everything that can be said from the photos made with the permission of the owner is that all the glasses are bulletproof, and the bedroom of the oligarch is covered with armor.

There are two helicopter venues, an apparatus for scuba diving, 3 engine boats and 20 water motorcycles. Also installed satellite surveillance system and motion sensors.

Such a hidden "boat" Abramovich cost $ 997 million.

2nd place. Streets of Monaco - $ 1 billion.

The English firm Yacht Island Design began to build a mega-yacht for an unknown buyer. The ship name was Streets of Monaco (Monaco Streets).

The idea was to put almost all the sights of Monaco aboard the ship. The designers managed to build a part of the streets of the city, part of the Grand Prix highway, famous casino, tennis court and hotel. But before the end of the work, the buyer refuses to buy and disappears.

A few years later, the ship was still lowered and participated in exhibitions. Now the ship is trying to sell for $ 1,000,000,000.

1st place. History Supreme - $ 4.8 billion

As it has, most expensive is not always the biggest. History Supreme is a direct evidence.

There are no tennis courts or huge pools, wine cellars or a small garage for the car. It is only 31 m long, but costs $ 4.8 billion. Where does this cost come from? It's all about covering a large boat. 100,000 kg of gold and platinum were spent on the construction of the entire ship.

From unusual, it is also worth noting that the statue made from the bones of Ti-Rex, and a liquor bottle covered with the rarest 18.5-carat diamonds. On board only two VIP cabins.

The owner of such an expensive vessel decided to remain unknown. But there is an assumption that this is the richest person in Southeast Asia.

More information about expensive yachts Look in the video:

Higher education. Orenburg State University (Specialization: Economics and Management at heavy engineering enterprises).
October 12, 2018.

Boat International, Online Magazine about Yakhting, published a list of the world's largest private luxury yachts. Especially in the list are allocated the first 17 - their length varies from 123 to an impressive 180 meters. Most of them were built in this century, but the oldest yacht on the list first walked 150 years ago. Many yachts in this list are shrouded in the halo of mystery - despite the outstanding dimensions, it is unknown who owns them. 17. Savarona - 124 meters. We begin with a beautiful yacht built in 1937 for Emily Robling Kadwalader, the heiress of a rich kind of US. Later, Turkey acquired it to use as a presidential yacht, and in 1989, the yacht was repaired and converted to $ 35 million.
16. Katara - 124 meters. The origin of this yacht is foggy, but in the ports it raises the flag of Qatar. Boat International believes that the yacht belongs to the young Emir of Sheih Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Tanya
15. Maryah - 125 meters. This is the former Russian research vessel, built in Poland in 1991. Later in the UK, it was turned into a luxurious yacht, capable of accommodating 54 passengers.
14. Octopus - 126 meters. The giant yacht belongs to the Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Most of the time it is moored in Antibes, France. It even has a helicopter landing platform!
13. Al Mirqab - 133 meters. In 2009, Al Mirqab won the Title "Motor Yacht of the Year" at the World Superyacht Awards competition. It is reported that it is able to develop the maximum speed of 20 nodes.
12. Serene - 134 meters. About the yacht, built in 2011 for the mysterious Russian customer, it is known only that this is the largest yacht ever lowered to water in Italy, where it was made.
11. Rising Sun - 138 meters. Initially built for the head of Oracle Larry Ellison, in 2010 the yacht moved into the hands of the musical magnate David Hepfen.
10. Al Salmah - 139 meters. At the time of construction, the yacht was assigned the code name "MIPOS" - a reduction from the "Mission Possible" (the mission is executed). This is one of many superyahs in the list belonging to the Saudi royal family, in this case - Prince Sultan Ibn Abdul-Aziz.
9. Ocean Victory - 140 meters. Another yacht, all the details of which are held secret. According to rumors, on Ocean Victory, seven decks, six swimming pools and "flooded garage".
8. YAS - 141 meters. The yacht looks so futuristic that it would be appropriately looked even in the Star Path. Yas was built in 2011 by ABU Dhabi Mar holding using the materials of the Dutch Naval Ship. The owner is unknown.
7. EL HORRIYA - 146 meters. The yacht was built in 1865 for the Ottoman governor. 119 years old she remained the biggest yacht in the world.
6. Prince Abdulaziz - 147 meters. Personal yacht King Saudi Arabia Abdullah. It is reported that in 1984, she cost 184 million dollars. The interior of the cabin company is inspired by the images of the Titanic.
5. Topaz - 147 meters. The yacht was built in Berlin in 2012 and cost the customer at $ 527 million. On board there are gym, cinema, jacuzzi and negotiation.
4. Al Said - 155 meters. The yacht, built in 2006 for the Omansky Sultan Kabusa Al Said, can boast the highest displacement in the list - 15.85 tons. In addition, the yacht has its own concert hall, where the orchestra of 50 people can accommodate.
3. Dubai - 162 meters. This giant yacht, ordered by Prince Bruna Jeffrey in 1996, now belongs to Shahih Mohammed Ibn Rashid Al Maktuum. In addition to the usual luxury attributes, there is an atrium 21 meter wide, designed to impress 24 guests (so much people can spend the night on the yacht).
2. Eclipse - 162.5 meters. The second largest superimat in the world was built in 2009 for the Russian billionaire and the owner of the Chelsea Football Club, Roman Abramovich, and he had rumored $ 500 million. Every year she crosses the Caribbean Sea to deliver passengers to the house of Abramovich on the island of Saint-Bartelemi.
1. Azzam - 180 meters. The yacht was built by the German company Lurssen Yachts, with a shipyard of which six of the top ten yachts in this list. The owner of the world's largest private super yacht is unknown, although many suggest that he belongs to the royal family Abu Dhabi. The cost of Azzam is estimated at $ 600 million. According to rumors, a submarine is placed on the yacht with its own system.

On Sunday, February 5, the new yacht of the Russian billionaire Andrei Melnichenko, built on shipyard in Kiel, was released in the sea, is the largest sailing yacht in the world.

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    Sails to Heaven

  • The largest yachts in the world

    Finish with violation?

    The largest yachts in the world

    "A" for Andrei and Alexandra

    The largest yachts in the world

    The largest yachts in the world

    Eight decks, three hundred people

    The largest yachts in the world

    The largest yachts in the world

    Two levels for the president

    The largest yachts in the world

    Football brother

  • The largest yachts in the world

    Sails to Heaven

    "SAILING YACHT A" - the largest sailing yacht in the world. Its length is 143 meters, width - 25 meters. The height of the mast over the water level reaches about a hundred meters. The yacht was built in the German city of Kiel at the shipyard of Nobiskrug for the Russian billionaire Andrei Melnichenko. She has, among other things, its own submarine. There is such a yacht about 400 million euros.

  • The largest yachts in the world

    Finish with violation?

    Even when it was built, the yacht of the Russian billionaire fell into the field of view of ecologists. The London Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) argues that a teak tree from Myanmar is used in its finishing, which is mined illegally. Representatives of Melnichenko called the accusations of EIA "false" and "unreasonable", and Nobiskrug assures that all materials were certified.

    The largest yachts in the world

    "A" for Andrei and Alexandra

    This yacht (it is called "a") was also built on shipyard in Kiel for the Russian billionaire Andrei Melnichenko. The price of the vessel was alleged 300 million dollars. The name of the yacht is the first letter in the names of the owners: Andrei himself and his spouse Alexandra. On the yacht - 14 beds for owners and guests. Serve their 34 people.

    The largest yachts in the world

    620 million plus anticrafts

    The length of the yacht "Azzam" - 180 meters. The yacht was built in 2013 on the German shipyard Lürssen. Its cost amounted to 620 million dollars. The system of missile defense, which is equipped with a yacht, is not included in this price. The owner of "Azzam" is Calipa Ben Zaid Al Najiani, President of the UAE and the ruler of Emirate Abu Dhabi, whose state is estimated at $ 15 billion.

    The largest yachts in the world

    Eight decks, three hundred people

    The second largest in the world is considered the yacht "Fulk Al Salamah", the length of which is 164 meters. The yacht was built on the order of Sultan Oman on the Italian shipyard Marriotti in Genoa. She is an eight-phase, and serving her 300 crews.

    The largest yachts in the world

    Wine cellar and bulletproof windows

    Just one meter is inferior to the yacht Sultan vessel of the Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich "Eclipse". Its length is 163 meters. The yacht was built in 2010 at the shipyard of the German company Blohm + Voss and cost the owner, according to experts, $ 1.2 billion .. in it 11 VIP-cabins, 2 pools, wine cellar, two landing platforms for helicopters and bulletproof window.

    The largest yachts in the world

    Two levels for the president

    On the same Hamburg shipyard that the yacht Roman Abramovich, built and the yacht "Graceful". More precisely, they began to build it in Russia, and in Hamburg rebuilt and improved the project. It is smaller in size than previous mega yachts, but it is not inferior to them in luxury. The master cabin owner of the yacht takes two levels. And the owner of this, as the Western media conceals, is Vladimir Putin.

    The largest yachts in the world

    Football brother

    Yacht "Topaz" with a length of 147 meters belongs to the owner of the Manchester City Football Club Mansurin Ben Zaid Al Najiana, a brother of the President of the United Arab Emirates. The author of the project is the famous British designer Tim Haywood. Yacht was built four years at Lurssen shipyards in Bremen and descended in June 2012. Price - 527 million dollars.


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The yachts that unsuccessfully tried to acquire in Spain Nurally Aliyev, the grandson of the President of Kazakhstan, and did not fall into his hands. Why - DW disassembled. (07/25/2016)

Personal yacht has long been a sign of wealth and wealth. Make a cruise on your own floating mansion, visiting the most beautiful beaches and seaports - the dream of many. It was incomplete, so we present you ten most expensive yachts in the world.

10 photos

1. Al Salama - $ 200 million.

The yacht has a glass roof, swimming pool and elegant library. Previously, the yacht belonged to Prince Abdul Aziz from Saudi Arabia.

2. Rising Sun - $ 200 million.

It can be said that this is a floating hotel on 82 luxury rooms, which also has a basketball and helicopter platform. Happy yacht owner - David Hepfen, musical producer. To buy such a yacht, you need to become the same as Hepfen, submit an online application on credit in cash in all banks or robbery (joke!). Although with a loan idea is very good, but still the yacht will most likely be modest.

3. SEVEN SEAS - $ 200 million.

This yacht is the ownership of Stephen Spielberg. Inside there is a cinema. And what else can you expect from the director's yacht? Also on the yacht there is a gym and pool. But it is calculated only at 12 people.

4. Lady Museum - $ 210 million.

Lady Moura belongs to the billionaire Nassar Al-Rashid from Saudi Arabia. Its equipment is unknown, but the hull of the yacht is decorated with gold. You can only guess what luxury inside.

5. Al Mirqab - $ 250 million.

Sun terrace, swimming pool and room for 24 guests. Owner of the yacht - Qatari Prime Minister Hamad Ben Jasim Ben Jab Al Tanya.

6. Dilbar - $ 256 million.

Yacht Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanova. The yacht was named in honor of the mother of a businessman. Also, this yacht is one of the world's largest. Its length is almost 110 meters.

7. Al Said - $ 300 million.

This beauty owns Sultan Cabus Ben Said Oman. It is rumored that there is a concert hall on the yacht that can accommodate a whole orchestra.

8. SUPERAYATA - $ 323 million.

This yacht belongs to the Russian billionaire Andrei Melnichenko. On the yacht there are three pools. The owner is Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktum. Dubai is the third largest yacht in the world. She also calls a floating city and it is designed for 115 guests.

10. Eclipse - $ 800 million.

Yacht Roman Abramovich and the most expensive yacht in the world. This yacht even has its own submarine, and its on-board systems are simply incredible. To protect against paparazzi on the yacht installed powerful spotlights.