Easter Island. Rapa Nui National Park

It is the most remote inhabited island in the world. Chile's continental coast is 3703 km to Pitcairn Island, the nearest settlement, - 1819 km. The island was opened by the Dutch traveler Jacob Rogheven in Easter Sunday of 1722.

The capital of the island and its only city - Hanga-Roa. In total, 5034 people live on the island ().

Rapa Nui is largely known thanks to the MOAI, or stone statues from a compressed volcanic ash, in which, according to local residents, the supernatural power of the ancestors of the first king of Easter Island - Hot-Mata is concluded. In 1888, Annexed Chile. In 1995, the Rap-Nui National Park became the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Names of the island

The island of Easter has many titles:

  • Hatteairagi (RAP. Hititeairagi), or Chiet-ai ranks (RAP. Hiti-Ai-Rangi);
  • Tekauhhangoaru (RAP. TEKAOUHANGOARU);
  • Mata-Ki-Te-Ragi (RAP. MATA-KI-TE-Ragi - Translated from Rapanuy "Eyes looking into the sky");
  • Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua (RAP. TE-PITO-O-TE-HENUA - "Earth PUP");
  • Rapa Nui (RAP. RAPA NUI - "Great Rap"), the name, mainly used by the vigorous
  • san Carlos Island (eng. San Carlos Island.), named so Gonzalez Don Felipe in honor of the King of Spain;
  • Therapy (RAP. TEAPI) - So called James Cook Island;
  • Vaichu (RAP. Vaihu), or Vaikhou. (RAP. VAIHOU), is found option Waygu - James Cook also used this title, and later Forster and Laperuz (in his honor the bay in the north-east of the island);
  • easter Island (eng. Easter Island.), called so Dutch navigator Jacob Rogheven, because he opened it on Easter day of 1722.

Very often the Easter Island is called Rap-Nui (in the translation of the "big rape"), although it is not Rapanuan, and Polynesian origin. This name is the island thanks to Tahitian navigators who used it to distinguish between Easter Island and Rapa Island (translated "Small Rap"), lying 650 km south of Tahiti, and having topological resemblance to him. The name of the "Rapa Nui" caused many disputes among linguists about the correct writing of this word. Among English-speaking specialists, the word "RAPA NUI" (2 words) is used for the name of the island, the word "Rapanui" (1 word) - when it comes to the people or local culture.


Easter Island is a unique territory in the southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean, which is one of the most remote from the sushi populated islands in the world. It is located 3,703 km from the coast of the nearest mainland in the East (South America) and removed from the nearest populated islands in the West (Pitcairn Island) by 1819 km. The coordinates of the island: -27.116667 , -109.35 27 ° 07 'Yu. sh. 109 ° 21 's. d. /  27.116667 ° YU. sh. 109.35 ° C. d. (G) (O). Island Area - 163.6 km². The nearest unanished land is the Sala-I-Gomez Archipelago, not counting several rocks near the island.

Toromiro barrel, a diameter in the human thigh and thinner, was often used in the construction of houses; Also made spears from it. In the XIX -XX centuries, this tree was exterminated (one of the reasons was the fact that the young pigly destroyed the sheep was destroyed).


Before arriving at the Isle of Europeans, the Fauna Islands of Easter was mainly represented by marine animals: seals, turtles, crabs. Until the XIX century on the island bred chickens. Types of local fauna, previously inhabited rape, extinct. For example, the view of the rat Rattus ExulansWhich in the past, local residents were used. Instead of her the island were delivered by European courts of the rat Rattus Norvegicus. and Rattus Rattus.who became the carriers of various diseases previously not known to Rapanuits.

Now 25 types of sea birds nest on the island and 6 species of terrestrial birds live.


It is assumed that during the cultural heyday on Easter Island in the XVI -XVII centuries, the population of Rap-Nui was from 10 to 15 thousand people. Due to the environmental catastrophe, which resulted in an anthropogenic factor, as well as collisions between residents, the population of the arrival of the first Europeans decreased to 2-3 thousand people. The number of 3000 inhabitants also pointed out James Cook when visiting the island. By 1877, as a result of the export of local residents in Peru for platforms, epidemics, extensive sheep, the population was even more declining and amounted to 111 people. By 1888, the year of Annexia of Chile Island, 178 people lived on the island.

Administrative Governance

About two dozen police officers operate in the island, mainly responsible for security at the local airport.

There are also present military establishment Chile (mostly Navy). The current currency on the island is the Chilean Peso (on the island also in the turn of US dollars). Easter Island is a duty-free zone, so revenues to the budget of the islands from taxes are relatively small. To a large extent, it consists of government subsidies.


Other infrastructure facilities (church, post office, bank, pharmacy, small shops, one supermarket, cafes and restaurants) preferably appeared in the 1960s. On the island there is a satellite telephone, the Internet and even a small disco for the locals. To call the Easter Island, you need to dial the Calile code +56, Easter Island code +32 and from August 5, 2006. The number 2. After that, a set of local numbers consisting of 6 digits (and the first three will be 100 or 551 are the only valid Prefixes on the island).


Anachen - the most famous beach of the island


Profile of the defeated idol on the background of the crater volcano early fervor

How they were delivered to the coast, unknown. According to the legend, they "walked" themselves. Recently, volunteers-enthusiasts found several ways to transport stone blocks. But what exactly used the ancient residents (or some kind of their own), until it was determined. Norwegian traveler Tour Heyerdal in the book "Aku-Aku" gives a description of one of these ways, which was tested in action by local residents. According to the book, information about this method was obtained from one of the few remaining direct descendants of the builders of the MOAI. So, one of the MOAI, tipped up from the pedestal, was otdly back through the use of logs, embarrassed under the statue, as levers, the swinging of which could be achieved by small movements of the statue along the vertical axis. The movement was recorded by lining under the top of the statue of the stones of various sizes and their alternations. The actual transportation statues could be carried out through wooden sled. This method of a local resident presents as the most likely, but he himself believes that the statues still reached their places alone.

Many unfinished Istukanov are in the quarries. With a detailed study of the island, the impression of suddenness of stopping work on statues is created.

  • Ranoraca - One of the most interesting places for tourists. At the foot of this volcano there is about 300 MOAI, different heights and at different stages of readiness. Not far from the bay is Ahu Tongarians, the largest ritual area with 15 statues installed on it of various values.
  • On the shore of the bay Anachen Located one of beautiful beaches Islands with crystal white coral sand. The bay is allowed to swim. Picnics are satisfied with palm groves for tourists. Also close to the Bay of Anachen are located ahu Atura-hooks And Ahu NUNAU. According to ancient legend, it was in this bay that Huhu-Mata, the first King of Rapa, Nui, with the first settlers of the island.
  • Te-Pito-Te-Henua (RAP. PAP Earth) - ceremonial platform on the island of round stones. A rather controversial place on Rapa Nui. Anthropologist Christian Walter argues that Te Pito-Te-Henua was installed in the 1960s to attract the island of gullible tourists.
  • On a volcano RANO-KAO There is an observation deck. Near the ceremonial platform near ORONO.
  • Pune Pau - A small volcano next to early kao. In the distant past, the red stone was obtained here, from which "hats" were made for local MOAI.


Settlement and early story of the island

Before the appearance of Europeans, two different people lived on the island, which dominated and possessed a peculiar culture, writing, built by MEAI, and the "shorthow", which occupied subordinate position. During the uprising of the shorthow, which took place allegedly in the XVI century, all the long legs were exterminated, and their culture was lost. In the future, it was extremely difficult to restore information about the former culture of Easter Island, only fragmentary information remained.

Classes of ancient Rapanians

Easter Island is currently an unplaced island with non-fermented volcanic soil. However, by the time of settling by the Polynesians in the IX-X centuries, according to Palinologic studies of cores from the soil, the island was covered with dense forest cover.

In the past, as well as now, the slopes of volcanoes were used to breed gardens and growing bananas.

According to the legends of Rapa Nui, the Plants of Howe ( Triumfeta Semitriloba.), Marikuru ( Sapindus Saponaria.), makoy ( TheSpesia Populnea.) And the sandalwood tree was delivered by the King of Hot-Mata, sailing to the island from the mysterious homeland Mara'e Rang (English. Mara "E Renga). It could really happen, since Polynesians, in the population of new lands, brought with them plant seeds that had important practical importance. Ancient Rapanuses were very well versed in agriculture, plants, the peculiarities of their cultivation. Therefore, the island could well feed several thousand people.

The settlers cut down the forest for both economic needs (shipbuilding, construction of housing, transportation of the MOAI, etc.), and for the liberation of places for crops of agricultural crops. As a result of intense cutting, which lasted during the centuries, the forest was fully limited by about 1600. The consequence of this was the wind erosion of the soil, which destroyed the fertile layer, a sharp cut in the catch of fish due to the lack of forest for the construction of boats, the fall in food production, mass hunger, cannibalism and Reduction of the population several times in a few decades.

One of the problems of the island has always been a shortage of fresh water. There are no full-water rivers on Rap-Nui, and the water after rain is easily seeping through the soil and flows towards the ocean. Rapanuses built small wells, mixed fresh water with salty, and sometimes drank just salty water.

In addition to the tribes and generic communities, which constituted the basis of the Public Organization of Rapanuan Society, there were larger associations, political in their essence. Ten tribes, or mata. (RAP. MATA), were divided into two warrant union. The tribes of the West and the North-West of the island were usually called people Tue'u - This is the name of the volcanic peak not far from Hanga Roa. They were also called mata Nui. The tribes of the eastern part of the island in historical legends are called "people of Hot-Iti."

Ahu those Pito Kura - the center of the world in folklore residents of Easter Island

Ancient Rapanuses were extremely militant. As soon as the feud between the tribes began, their warriors painted their body into black and at night prepared their weapons to battle. After the victory, a feast was arranged on which the winners of the warriors were defeated. The cannibals themselves were called kai-Tangati (Rap. Kai Tangata). Cannibalism existed on the island up to the Christianization of all its inhabitants.

Europeans on the island

"Rurik" on an anchor parking from Easter Island

The active appeal of Rapanuytsev in Christianity began, although the leaders of local tribes resisted for a long time. On August 14, 1868, Eugene Eiro died of tuberculosis. The missionary mission existed for about 5 years and had a positive effect on the inhabitants of the island: missionaries were taught writing (although they had their own hieroglyphic writing), lettee, fought with theft, murder, polygamy, contributed to the development of agriculture, separating unknown earlier on the island of culture.

In 1868, on the island settled with the permission of missionaries Agent of Trading House Brander Dutru-Borns ( Dutroux-bornier), who was engaged in Rapa, the breeding of sheep. The flourishing of its economic activity refers to the period after the death of the last legitimate ruler, the son of the Supreme Chief of the Maurant, twelve-year-old Grigorio, who died in 1866.

In the meantime, the population of Rap-Nui significantly decreased and in 1877 amounted to 111 people.

The cult of "poultryshchekov" (XVI / XVII -XIX century)

Mother Island, View from ORONO

One of the attractions of the ORONO village are numerous petroglyphs with images of "poultry," and god Mac Mac (about 480).


Fragment of plates with the text Rongo Rongo

Easter Island is the only island in the Pacific Ocean, which developed its own writing system - Rongo-Rongo. The entry of texts was carried out by pictograms, the letter of the letter is a bustland. Pictograms are among one centimeter and are represented by various graphic symbols, images of people, parts of the body, animal, astronomical symbols, houses, boats, and so on.

The writing of the Rong-Rongo has not yet been decrypted, despite the fact that many linguists engaged in this problem. In 1995, Linguist Stephen Fisher announced deciphering Rongo-Rongo texts, but his interpretation is disputed by other scientists.

The first of the existence on the island of Easter skulls with ancient letters was informed by the French missionary Eugene Eiro in 1864.

Currently, there are many scientific hypotheses relating to the origin and meaning of the Rapanuy Letter. M. Hornbostel., V. Heveshi, R. Heine Heldern It was believed that the letter of Easter Islands came from India through China, and then a letter from the Easter islands fell into Mexico and Panama. R. Kepbell argued that this writing came from the Far East through New Zealand. Imbeloni And later T. Heyerdal They tried to prove the South American Indian origin of both the writing of Rapa Nui and the whole culture. Many Easter Island specialists, including Fisher himself, believe that all 25 tablets with the writers of Rongo-Rongo appeared on the light after dating the natives with European writing during the landing on the island of Spaniards in 1770.

Easter Island and Lost Continent

Easter Island on World Map

This "Land of Davis", which was much later to identify with Easter Island, reinforced the conviction of cosmographs of the time in the fact that in this region there was a continent, as if asia as a balance of Asia and Europe. This led to the fact that brave navigators began to search for the lost continent. However, it was not possible to find it: instead, hundreds of the Pacific Islands were opened.

With the opening of Easter Island, the opinion was widespread that this is the Embacious Continent, at which there existed highly developed civilization for millennia, in the future disappeared in the sacrons of the ocean, and only high mountain peaks were preserved from the continent (in fact, these are extinct volcanoes ). The existence on the island of huge statues, MOAI, unusual Rapanuan signs just supported this opinion.

However, modern study of adjacent waters showed that it is unlikely.

Easter Island is 500 km from the ridge of underwater mountains, known as the East Pacific Rise, on the Lithospheric Plate of Nask. The island is on top of a huge mountain that has formed from volcanic lava. The last eruption of volcanoes on the island occurred 3 million years ago. Although some scientists suggest that it occurred 4.5-5 million years ago.

According to local legends, in the distant past the island was large. It is possible that it was so in the glacial period of Pleistocene, when the World Ocean level was below 100 meters. According to geological research, Easter Island has never been part of the sunken continent.


  1. UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE CENTR. RAPA NUI National Park. . Archived from the original source August 18, 2011. Checked April 13, 2007.
  2. Easter Island Foundation. Frequently Asked Questions. What "s The Difference Between" Rapa Nui "and" Rapanui "?. (Inaccessible link - story) Checked April 13, 2007.
  3. About Easter Island. Location. . (Inaccessible link - story) Checked April 13, 2007.
  4. Easter Island Statue Project. About Easter Island. (Inaccessible link - story) Checked April 13, 2007.
  5. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 3rd edition. Article "Easter Island".
  6. When drawing up this table, data from the site http://islandheritage.org/vg/vg06.html
  7. Easter Island Statue Project. About Easter Island. Flora. . (Inaccessible link - story) Checked April 13, 2007.
  8. Easter Island Statue Project. About Easter Island. Fauna. . (Inaccessible link - story) Checked April 13, 2007.
  9. Ethnologue.com.
Easter Island
Span. Isla de Pascua, Rap. RAPA NUI.
Square 163.6 km²
The highest point 539 M.
Population 5806 people (2012)
Population density 35.49 people / km²
27 ° 07'00 "Yu. sh. 109 ° 21'00 "s. d.
The country
Region Valparaiso
Provinces Isla de Pascus

Easter Island

Media Files on Wikisklad

Easter Island, or Rapanui (Span. Isla de Pascua. , RAP. RAPA NUI, NOTET. PAAS EILAND) - Island in the southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean, the territory (together with the uninhabited island of Sala-I-Gomez forms the province and commune of Isla de Paskua as part of the Valparaiso region). Local Island name - Rapanui, or Rapa Nui (RAP. RAPA NUI). Area - 163.6 km².

Along with the Archipelago of Tristan da Cunya, is the most remote populated in the world. Chile's continental coast is 3514 km, to the island, the nearest settlement, is 2075 km. The island was opened by the Dutch traveler Jacob Rogheven in Easter Sunday of 1722.

The capital of the island and its only city - Anga Roa. In total, 5806 people live on the island (2012).

Rapanui is largely known due to the MOAI, or the stone statues from the compressed volcanic ash, in which the supernatural power of the ancestors of the first king of Easter is a supernatural strength of the first king of Easter Island - Hot-Mata. In 1888, annexed. In 1995, Rapanui National Park (Easter Island) became the UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Flag of Easter Island

Coat of arms of Easter Island

The Easter island has several names:

  • Hatteairagi (RAP. Hititeairagi), or Chiet-ai ranks (RAP. Hiti-Ai-Rangi);
  • Tekauhhangoaru (RAP. TEKAOUHANGOARU);
  • Mata-Ki-Te-Ragi (RAP. MATA-KI-TE-RAGI, translated from Rapanuy - "Eyes looking into the sky");
  • Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua (RAP. TE-PITO-O-TE-HENUA - "Earth PUP");
  • Rapanui or Rapa Nui (RAP. RAPA NUI - "Great Rap"), the name, mainly used by the vigorous
  • san Carlos Island (Span. Isla de San Carlos ), named so Gonzalez Don Felipe in honor of the king;
  • Therapy (RAP. TEAPI) - So called James Cook Island;
  • Vaichu (RAP. Vaihu), or Vaikhou. (RAP. VAIHOU), is found option Waygu- James Cook also used this title, and later Forster and Laperuz (in his honor the bay in the north-east of the island);
  • easter Island (Notherl. Paasch-eyland; Isla de Pascua. ), called so Dutch navigator Jacob Rogheven, because he opened it on Easter day of 1722.

Very often, the island of Easter is called Rapanui (translated - "big rape"). This name is the island thanks to the Tahitian navigators who used it to distinguish between Easter Island and Rapa Island (translated - "Small Rap"), lying 650 km south of Tahiti, and having topological resemblance to him. The name of the "Rapanui" caused many disputes among linguists about the correct writing of this word. Among English-speaking specialists the word " RAPA NUI"(Separately) is used for the name of the island, and the word" Rapanui."(Dlya) - when we are talking about the people or local culture.


Easter Island is a unique territory in the southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean, which is one of the most remote from the sushi populated islands in the world. Located 3514 km from the coast of the nearest mainland in the East () and removed from the nearest populated in the west (island) at 2075 km. The coordinates of the island: 27 ° 07 'Yu. sh. 109 ° 21 's. d.. Island Area - 163.6 km². The nearest land is an unanished Sala-I-Gomez archipelago, not counting several rocks near the island.

The island has the shape of a rectangular triangle whose hypotenus is southeast coast. The sides of this "triangle" have lengths at 16, 18 and 24 km. At the corners of the island, extinct volcanoes rise: early Kau (Rap. Rano Kau) (324 m) near the settlement of Mataveri; Poua Catika (Rap. Puakatike) (377 m) and Terevaka (Rap. Terevaka, 539 m - the highest point of the island).

The highest crater volcano Terevaka is called early Ari (RAP. RANO AROI, about 200 m). Actually "Early-Aroi" - the name of the lake filling the extinct crater.

Another crater Terevaka is an early rarap (Rap. Rano Raraku) (160 m) is also a lake with a large freshwater margin, surrounded by zone cane. The diameter of this crater is about 650 m.

The diameter of the crater early-kau is about 1500 m. The volcano has a symmetrical shape and surrounded by a hilly terrain. The southern slope breaks into the ocean.

On the inner slopes of volcanoes, vegetation is more abundant. This is explained by more fertile soil, the lack of strong wind and the "greenhouse effect."

Easter Island - Volcanic Origin. The soil was formed as a result of erosion of the slopes of volcanoes. The most fertile soil is located in the north of the island, where the locals grown by the Bathat and Yams. The most common rocks on the island are basalt, obsidian, rhyolite, fuchitis. The cliffs in the Laperose Bay (local name - Hang-Hoon) consist of lava red.

The island is surrounded by small islands: the southeastern tip - Motu-Nui (Rap. Motu Nui, the largest island, on which the military leaders of the residents of Rapanui) were elected in a distant past), Motu-ITI (Rap. Motu ITI), Moto-Kao-Kao (Rap. Motu Kao Kao, this island has a magnetic anomaly), at the Western tip - the Moto Tautir (Rap. Motu Tautira), and the Eastern tip - Motu Marotiri (Rap. Motu Marotiri).

Panorama of Easter Island from the Border of Crater Rano-Kau

Climate Islands

Climatogram of Easter Island

Easter islands climate, tropical. The average annual temperature is 21.8 ° C, the coldest month is August (19.2 ° C), the most warm - January (24.6 ° C). The island lies near the southern border of the zone of southeastern winds, which in the summer. In winter, the northwestern, but there are also southwestern and southeastern winds. Despite the proximity to the tropics, the climate on the island is relatively moderate. Heat happens rarely. This is due to the proximity of the cold flow of Humboldt and the absence of any land between the island and. Wind from Antarctica in July-August often reduce the daily air temperature to 20 ° Celsius.

The main source of fresh water on the island - lakes formed in the craters of local volcanoes. There are no rivers on Rapanui, and rain water is easily seeping through the soil, forming groundwater flowing towards the ocean. Since the water on the island is not so much, the locals in the past everywhere built wells and small reservoirs.

Table of average monthly temperatures, precipitation and humidity


Easter Island Spring

Flora Islands is very poor: experts are no more than 30 species of plants growing on Rapanui. Most of them were brought from other islands, America. Many endemic plants, previously widespread on Rapanui, are exterminated. Between the IX and the XVII centuries, there was an active cutting down of trees (according to another version - the trees died due to long-term drought, or these factors acted at the same time), which led to the disappearance of forests on the island (probably, before it was produced by forests from endemic palm Paschalococos Disperta.). Another reason could be eating seeds of trees rats. In connection with the irrational economic activity of man and other factors, the accelerated soil erosion caused vast damage to agriculture, as a result of which the population of Rapanui was significantly reduced.

One of the extinct plants - Sophora Toromiro., whose local name toromiro (RAP. Toromiro). This is a small tree (not more than 2 m high) family of legumes on the island in the past played an important role in the culture of Rapanuits: "Speaking signs" with local pictograms were made from it.

Toromiro barrel, a diameter in the human thigh and thinner, was often used in the construction of houses; Darts were also made from it. In the XIX-XX centuries, this tree was exterminated (one of the reasons was the fact that the young pigle was destroyed by the sheep's island). The plant managed to preserve, growing from the collected seeds, only in several botanical gardens of Europe and Chile, attempts to reactions on the island were not crowned with success.

Another plant island - a variety of tute wood, whose local name is makhuta. (RAP. Mahute). In the past, this plant also played a significant role in the life of the islanders: white clothing was made from the Luba of Luba Tapa, called Tapa. After the first Europeans appeared on the island - Kitoboe and Missionaries - the value of the mahute in everyday life of Rapanuitsy decreased.

Roots Plants t. (RAP. Ti), or Dracaena Terminalis.used for the manufacture of sugar. Also, this plant was used for the manufacture of powdered dark blue and green, which was then applied to the body as tattoos.

Macoi (Rap. Makoi) ( TheSpesia Populnea.) Used for thread.

One of the surviving plants of the island, which grows on the slopes of Crater Rano Kao and early raraku, - Scirpus Californicus.used in the construction of houses.

In recent decades, a small eucalyptus piglery began to appear on the island. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, grapes, banana, melon, sugar cane were brought to the island.


Before arriving at the island of Europeans, the fauna of Easter Islands was mainly represented by sea animals: seals, turtles, crabs. On the island bred chickens. Types of local fauna, who inhabited Rappanui earlier, extinct - for example, the subspecies of the rat Rattus ExulansWhich in the past, local residents were used. Instead of her the island were delivered by European courts of the rat Rattus Norvegicus. and Rattus Rattus.who became the carriers of various diseases, previously unknown Rapanians.

Now 25 types of sea birds nest on the island and 6 species of terrestrial birds live.


Main article: Population of Easter Island

It is assumed that during a cultural heyday on the island of Easter in the XVI-XVII centuries, the population of Rappanui was from 10 to 15 thousand people. Due to the environmental catastrophe, which broke out as a result of an anthropogenic factor, as well as clashes between residents, the population of the arrival of the first Europeans decreased to 2-3 thousand people, which was so much to feed the island. By 1877, as a result of the export of local residents in for relieving works, epidemics and extensive sheep, the population was even more declined and amounted to 111 people. By 1888, the time of annexation of the island, 178 people lived on Rapanui. According to the last census of 2012, 5806 people have lived on the island. The population density on the island reached 36 people / km² (to comparison, B - 230, B - 8.4). Official languages \u200b\u200bon the island - Spanish and Rapanoisha. Most of the modern inhabitants of the island (52%) are Spanish-speaking immigrants from continental chile, as well as their descendants of the 2nd and 3rd generations; 48% of the inhabitants have full or partial Rapanuan origin. The proportion of pure autochthons tends to decrease as a result of their gradual mohethisation and spanis.

Administrative Governance

Main article: Isla de Paskua (province)

Easter Island, along with the surrounding islands and uninhabited island of Sala-I-Gomez, forms the province of Isla de Paskua and the communion of the Commune as part of the Chilean region Valparaiso. The province is headed by the governor accredited under the Chilean government and appointed by the president. Since 1984, only a local resident can become the island's governor (Sergio Rapy Haoa, a former archaeologist and museum keeper). Since 1966, in the village of Anga-Roa, every four years is elected the local council from 6 members, headed by the mayor.

About two dozen police officers responsible, mainly for security at the local airport operate in the island.

There are also armed forces of Chile (mainly Navy). The current currency on the island is the Chilean Peso (on the island in the turnover also US dollars). Easter Island is a duty-free zone, so revenues to the budget of the islands from taxes are relatively small. To a large extent, it consists of government subsidies.


Plane Lan Airlines at the Islands Airport

In 1966, the only airport of Mataveri is the base of the American Air Force, and in 1986 it was reconstructed NASA for possible emergency landings of American "Shuttles", therefore it is one of the most remote airports of the world, capable of taking large capacity aircraft. Due to the sharp influx of tourists on the island, active construction is maintained, and tourism itself has become the main source of income for local residents (however, the total number of tourists is not so great).

On the island there is a centralized water supply system, although even recently, local residents used fresh water from lakes of extinct volcanoes. Electricity on the island is produced by diesel generators available in every home. The roads with solid coverage are near the administrative center of the island - the settlements of Anga Roa, as well as Mataveri, where the airport is located. At the same time, the road from the Anga-Roa to the Bay of Anachen in the north and to the Peninsula, drinking in the south is good. In the school of Anga-Roa, after the release, you can get a certificate about the end of the secondary school, which gives the right to enter a higher education institution, but there are no higher educational institutions on the island, therefore, to continue learning, local residents have to go to the mainland of Chile. In the elementary school of Easter Island under the auspices of UNESCO, classes in two languages \u200b\u200b- Rapanuan and Spanish are held. The Anthropological Museum named after Father Sebastian Englert, as well as a large library with a collection of books devoted to history, culture and study of Easter Island, also operates at Rapanouje.

Health care on the island is significantly better than in other remote corners of Chile. There is one small hospital, as well as an ambulatory.

Other infrastructure facilities (church, post office, bank, pharmacy, small shops, one supermarket, cafes and restaurants) appeared mainly in the 1960s. On the island there is a satellite telephone, the Internet and even a small disco for the locals. To call the Easter Island, you need to dial the Chile code - +56, Easter Island code - +32 and from August 5, 2006, the number 2. After that, a set of local number consisting of 6 digits is carried out (and the first three will be 100 or 551 Single acting prefixes on the island).


Anachen - the most famous beach of the island

Ahu Tongariki

Tourism is the main source of income of the population. The only regular flight with Easter Island is carried out by the Chilean airline " Lan Airlines."Whose airplanes are departed from on Tahiti, making an intermediate landing on Easter Island. Domestic flights are carried out according to the Santiago - Island of Easter - Santiago. Depending on which a ticket is ordered, international or internal, departure comes from two different terminals of Santiago Airport. Flight schedule depends on the time of year. In December, flights are carried out several times a week. The rest of the year - from one to two times a week. The flight lasts about 5 hours. Since November 2010, getting to Easter Island can also be direct flight from the capital. All aircraft are landing at the Single Airport of Easter Island - Mataveri. On Rapanui there is only one marina for small ships. There is no regular shipping message with other planet corners.

There are several hotels on the island, including four and three-star levels. Prices for Rapanui are very high; This is due to the fact that most products are imported. To the sights of the island can be reached by taxi, rented cars, bicycles, horses or on foot.

Since 1975, on the island annually at the end of January - the beginning of February, Tapati festival (RAP. Tapati Rapa NUI) is held, accompanied by dancing, chants and various traditional Rapanuvent competitions.


Profile of statues on the background of the crater volcano early fervor

  • MOAI - stone statues on the coast of Easter Island in the form of a human head with a torso, truncated by about the level of the belt. Their height reaches 20 meters. Contrary to popular belief, they are not looking towards the ocean, but deep into the island. Some MOAI have hats from red stone. MOAI was manufactured in the Camera in the center of the island.

How they were delivered to the coast, unknown. According to the legend, they "walked" themselves. Recently, volunteers-enthusiasts found several ways to transport stone blocks, but exactly the ancient residents (or some of their own) were used yet. Norwegian traveler Tour Heyerdal in the book "Aku-Aku" gives a description of one of these ways, which was tested in action by local residents. According to the book, information about this method was obtained from one of the few remaining direct descendants of the builders of the MOAI. So, one of the MOAI, tipped up from the pedestal, was otdly back through the use of logs, embarrassed under the statue, as levers, the swinging of which could be achieved by small movements of the statue along the vertical axis. The movement was recorded by lining under the top of the statue of the stones of various sizes and their alternations. The actual transportation statues could be carried out through wooden sled. This method of a local resident presents as the most likely, but he himself believes that the statues still reached their places independently.

Many unfinished Istukanov are in the quarries. With a detailed study of the island, the impression of suddenness of stopping work on statues is created.

  • Ranoraca - One of the most interesting places for tourists. At the foot of this volcano there is about 300 MOAI, different heights and at different stages of readiness. Not far from the bay is Ahu Tongarians - The largest ritual platform with 15 statues installed on it of various values.
  • On the shore of the bay Anachen There is one of the most beautiful beaches of the island with crystal white coral sand. The bay is allowed to swim. Picnics are satisfied with palm groves for tourists. Also close to the Bay of Anachen are located ahu Atura-hooks And Ahu NUNAU. According to the ancient legend, it was in this bay that Huhu-Matu landed, the first king of Rapanui, with the first settlers of the island.
  • Te-Pito-Te-Henua (RAP. "PUP of the Earth") - ceremonial platform on the island of round stones. The origin of this place is quite controversial. Anthropologist Christian Walter argues that Te Pito-Te-Henua was installed in the 1960s to attract the island of gullible tourists.
  • On a volcano RANO-KAO There is an observation deck. Near the ORONO ceremonial platform near.
  • Pune Pau - A small volcano next to early kao. In the distant past, the red stone was obtained here, from which "hats" were made for local MOAI.


Main article: History of Easter Island

Settlement and early story of the island

According to the comparison of glot-chronological and radio-carbon assessments, the island was settled in 300-400 years (according to other data - about 900 g.) N. e. Migrants from Eastern - presumably from Mangarev island. An extreme estimate of the time setting is 1200 year - the moment of the disappearance of forests, determined by the radio carbon method. According to the legends, the first settlers arrived on the island on two huge cakes in large families.

There is a hypothesis about staying in the 1480s in the Pacific Islands (perhaps it is an Easter island) of the fleet under the command of the tenth Sap Inki Tupac an Inca Supanza. According to the Spaniards Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, in the era of the rule of Tupaka Inca, JUPANS The Inca existed a fleet from balsal rafts, on which they (perhaps even Tupak Inca Jupans personally reached some islands in the Pacific Ocean. There are indirect confirmations of the Inca's stay on the island: the legends of the locals about the powerful leader who arrived from the east by the name of Tup; The ruins of Ahu Winap, built in the classic style of the Inca architecture from carefully fitted to each other of basalt blocks of irregular shape; And also the fact that Totor, growing in volcanic lakes early raraku and early Kau, appeared there not earlier than the XIV century, and outside the island of Easter it grows only in Lake Titicaca. This hypothesis has its own confirmation in the blood discovered in the blood of the DNA of residents South America.

Before the appearance of Europeans, two different people lived on the island - "Longhudi", which dominated and possessed a kind of culture and writing, built MOAI, and the "shorthow", which occupied a subordinate position. According to recent linguistic studies, the correct translation of the names of the tribes "Khanau Momoko" - "Casta Thin" and "Khanau Eep" - "Casta Dorodny". In the future, it was extremely difficult to restore information about the former culture of Easter Island, only fragmentary information remained.

Genetics in five fossil samples with Rapanui was discovered by a mitochondrial haplogroup B (three sub-shots B4A1A1M1 and two sub-shots B4A1A1). The most ancient samples are dated from 1445 to 1624.

Classes of ancient Rapanians

Main article: Rapanuitsa

Currently, Easter is an unplaced island with a non-fermentation volcanic soil. However, by the time of settling by the Polynesians in the IX-X centuries, according to Palinologic studies of cores from the soil, the island was covered with dense forest cover.

In the past, like now, the slopes of volcanoes were used to grow a bathat and yams.

According to the legends of Rapanui, the plants of how ( Triumfeta Semitriloba.), Marikuru ( Sapindus Saponaria.), makoy ( TheSpesia Populnea.) And the sandalwood tree was delivered by the King of Hot-Mata, sailing on the island from the mysterious Mare'e Rang (Rap. Mara "E Renga). It could have happened, as Polynesians, population of new lands, brought with them plant seeds who had important practical significance. After the Rapanuses, they understood very well in agriculture, plants, the peculiarities of their cultivation. Therefore, the island could well feed several thousand people.

The settlers cut down the forest for both economic needs (shipbuilding, construction of housing, transportation of the MOAI, etc.), and for the liberation of places for crops of agricultural crops. As a result of intense cutting, which lasted during the centuries, the forest was fully limited by about 1600. The consequence of this was the wind erosion of the soil, which destroyed the fertile layer, a sharp cut in the catch of fish due to the lack of forest for the construction of boats, the fall in food production, mass hunger, cannibalism and Reduction of the population several times in a few decades.

One of the problems of the island has always been a shortage of fresh water. There are no full-water rivers on Rapanui, and the water after the rains easily seeps through the soil and flows towards the ocean. Rapanuses built small wells, mixed fresh water with salty, and sometimes drank just salty water.

In the past, Polynesians, going to search for new islands, always took with her three animals: pig, dog and chicken. Only chicken was delivered to Easter Island - afterwards the symbol of well-being in the ancient Rapanians.

The rat is not a pet, however, it was delivered by the first settlers of the Island of Easter, who considered her delicacy. After the black rats, brought by Hot-Mata and his followers, the gray rats were already on the island, brought by Europeans.

Mother Island, View from ORONO

Waters surrounding Easter Islands are abounding with fish, especially at the rocks of the island of the Mother, where sea birds nest in large numbers. The fish was a favorite meal of the ancient Rapanians, and in the winter months it was even installed on her catch. On the island of Easter, a huge number of fishing hooks used in the past. Some of them were made from human bones, they were called mangai Ivi. (RAP. Mangai IVI), others - from the stone, called them mangai Cahi (Rap. Mangai Kahi) and mostly used to catch tuna. Hooks from polished stone were only in privileged residents whose name was tangat Manu (RAP. TANGATA MANU). After the death of the owner, they lay in his grave. The very existence of fishing hooks speaks of the development of ancient civilization, as the technique of polishing the stone is quite complex, as well as the achievement of such smooth forms. Often fishing hooks were made from the bone of the enemy. According to the beliefs of Rapanuits, the mana (RAP. Mana) of the deceased person passed the fisherman, that is, his power.

An ancient fishing hook of human femoral bone, or manga-IVI (Rap. Mangai IVI) from Easter Island. Consists of two parts connected by rope

Rapanuses hunted on turtles, which are often mentioned in local legends. They were so much appreciated by Rapanuses, which even on the shore was built stupid (Rap. TUPA), which served as sentiers.

Ancient Rapanuans had not so many pie (Rapanuan name - vaca, RAP. Vaka), as in other Polynesians, Fucked Water of the Pacific Ocean. In addition, the explicit deficit of high and large trees affected the technique of their production. Rapanuits had two types of pie: without a balancer, which was used when swimming near the shore, and pies with a balancer, which were used with navigation at long distances. By the time of the opening of the island by Europeans, due to the lack of large trees, Rapanuins had no swimming facilities that could overcome considerable distances, fish and marine animals they could only catch near the coast.

Public relations of the ancient Rapanians

AHU those Pito Kura - Earth PUP in folklore inhabitants of Easter Island

Main article: Rapanuitsa

On the structure of ancient speech, which existed until the XIX century, is known very little. In connection with the export of the local population, where it was used as slaves, epidemics due to diseases delivered to the island of Europeans, and the adoption of Christianity Rapanuan society forgot about the hierarchical relations that had existed, family and tribal connections.

At the beginning of the XIX century, ten tribes existed on Rapanui, or mata. (RAP. MATA), members of which considered themselves the descendants of eponymic ancestors, which, in turn, were the descendants of the first king of the island of Hot-Mata. According to Rapanuan legend, after the death of Hot Mata, the island was divided between his sons, which gave the name to all Rapanuan tribes. Gradually, new ones were allocated from the existing tribes. So, Rapanuy legend talks about the appearance of tribes rAA and hamaawho lived in the tribe peace.

The complexity of the political geography of the island also lies in the fact that the opening time Rapanui tribes did not live solely on their territory. It was also explained, first of all, interrecoperable marriages, as a result of which children could claim their father from another tribe or inherit the ownership of the mother.

The territory of the tribe often shared between the descendants of the members mata-Iti. (RAP. MATA ITI), or small clans that have formed inside the tribe. The land belonging to them were strips of land, stretching from the coast to the center of the island. Ahu on the shore, which was a cemetery and sanctuary, pointed to the belonging to the territory of any tribe.

In antiquity, the tribesmen lived in huge huts. It was a similarity of the generic community, which was called iVI (RAP. IVI). The role of such an extended family is unknown. But if we talk about the Polynesian community as a whole, it can be assumed that in it all members jointly owned land (that is, it was a communal, common land) and were engaged in agriculture.

In addition to the tribes and generic communities, which constituted the basis of the Public Organization of Rapanuan Society, there were larger associations, political in their essence. Ten tribes, or mata. (RAP. MATA), were divided into two warrant union. The tribes of the West and the North-West of the island were usually called people Tue'u - This is the name of a volcanic peak near the Anga Roa. They were also called mata Nui. The tribes of the eastern part of the island in historical legends are called "people of Hot-Iti."

The hierarchy system that existed in the past on the island has now disappeared. At the head of the hierarchical staircase was ariki-Mau. (RAP. ARIKI MAU), or the Supreme Leader, revered by local tribes as a deity. Below were priests, or iVI-ATUTU (RAP. IVI ATUA), and local know, or aRIKI PACKA (Rap. Ariki Paka). And to the nobility belonged to the whole tribe of the world, this is an exceptional case among the Polynesian peoples. It should be noted that in other tribes of Ariki Poka and were not at all.

At the next stage of the hierarchical staircase were warriors, or matato'a (RAP. Matato "a), often claimed political power. The lower position was occupied kIO (RAP. KIO), or dependent population (most likely, it was formed from the members of the defeated tribe). The exact position of artisans in this staircase is unknown, but it is likely that they occupied a fairly high place in Rapanuan society.

As in other Islands of Polynesia, Rapanoian King lost his title after the birth of the eldest son. In fact, the king was in power as a regent until his son became able to carry out his functions on his own. The majority occurred after marriage, after which the previous king lost its functions. The exact responsibilities of the Rapanuy King are unknown. One of its basic functions was the imposition and removal.

Ancient Rapanuses were extremely militant. As soon as the feud between the tribes began, their warriors painted their body into black and at night prepared their weapons to battle. After the victory, a feast was arranged on which the winners of the warriors were defeated. The cannibals themselves were called kai-Tangati (Rap. Kai Tangata). Cannibalism existed on the island up to the Christianization of all its inhabitants.

Europeans on the island

In 1687, Lebid Lionel Wafer was on board the vessel " Batchelor's Delight"He commanded Pirate Edward Davis. They were noticed an extensive strip of land, approximately 20 ° 27 'southern latitude. Judging by the descriptions left, it is very reminiscent of Easter Island. However, the coordinates are given very inaccurately. Therefore, it is wrong to attach the discovery of the island to the Viker or Davis.

April 5, 1722 the crew of the main ship " Afrikaanse Galley"The Dutch traveler Jacob Roggevena noticed a sushi on the horizon - it was Rapanui. On the same day, Admiral called the island in honor of the Christian holiday Easter. At the time of opening the island Rogheven, about two or three thousand local residents lived on it.

For half of the years, Europeans forgot about the existence of the island. The navigators continued to look for the mysterious land of Davis, the southern continent, which could not be found. Meanwhile, fearing for his American colonies, decided to annone the territories lying close to them. In 1770, Manuel de Amat-I-Hunvent ( Manuel De Amat Y Junyent), the colonial administrator, sent the ship " San Lorenzo."Under the command of Felipe Gonzalez de Aero ( Felipe Gonzáles de Haedo) To the shores of the island of Easter to annex him.

After annexation of Rapanui, the island was named after the Spanish king of Charles III and was named San Carlos (named after St. Charles, the Heavenly Patron of the King). In the presence of the islanders, the Declaration of Protector was read. In fact, an attempt to annex the island failed, and in the future I forgot about his existence and never again presented my rights on him.

English navigator James Cook landed on the island on March 12, 1774; He found the island empty and noticed that the statues of the Easter Island are identical to those found in the province of Manta (), and also compared them with monuments in. French navigator Jean Francois Laperuz visited the island at the end of 1787. Russian Captain Yuri Lisyansky at the "Neva" gate visited the island on April 16 - 21, 1804.

"Rurik" on an anchor parking from Easter Island

In 1816, a Russian ship sailed to the island "Rurik" Under the command of Otto Evstafyevich Kotsebu, who led around the world's journey. On board the ship was the German poet Romantic Adelbert Shamisso. However, the Russians failed to land on Rapanui because of the hostility of Rapanuits.

1862 became a turning point in the history of Rappanui. At this time, the economy was experiencing a heyday and increasingly needed labor. One of its sources was the Easter Island, the inhabitants of which in the second half of the XIX century became the object of the slave trade.

On December 12, 1862, 8 Peruvian slave ships were approached in the Anga Roa bay. It was captured from 1000 to 2000 Rapanuits, among the prisoners was the king of Rapa-Nui Kamakoi ( Kamakoi.) And his son of Maurant ( Maurata.). In and on Chincha Islands, Peruvians sold prisoners to owners of mining companies. Because of the humiliating conditions, hunger and diseases from more than 1000 islanders survived about a hundred people. Only thanks to the government's intervention, as well as the Governor of Tahiti managed to stop the workshop by Rapanians. After negotiations with the Peruvian government, an agreement was reached, according to which the remaining Rapanians should have been returned back to their homeland. But because of the disease, mostly tuberculosis and smallpox, only 15 islanders returned home. Brought together with them, the Osec virus, in the end, led to a sharp drop in the population of the population on the island of Easter, civil wars began, the previous principles of social relations were forgotten, hunger began. As a result, the population has declined to approximately 600 people.

Missionaries on the island and the story of Rapanui until the beginning of the XX century

Christianity and, above all, the missionary Congregation of St. Hearts of Jesus and Mary Ezhen Eiro played a significant role in the life of Rapanuits. Immediately after disembarking on the island in 1862, the missionary began learning Rapanuits, and after a few months six islanders read Catechism in French. However, to remain aside where the conflict between the ruling clans occurs, it was impossible. On November 11, 1864, Eiro picked up for him to Island Schoon.

After 17 months, Eiro returned to Rapanui with a missionary Ippolite Roussev and the Seven Mangarevians. With its main center, the missionaries made Santa Maria de Rap-Nui, who united two towns - Anga Roa and Matawery. Earths near them were redeemed from the locals in 1868.

The active appeal of Rapanuytsev in Christianity began, although the leaders of local tribes resisted for a long time. On August 14, 1868, Eugene Eiro died of tuberculosis. The missionary mission existed for about 5 years and had a positive effect on the inhabitants of the island: missionaries were taught writing (although they had their own hieroglyphic writing), lettee, fought with theft, murder, polygamy, contributed to the development of agriculture, separating unknown earlier on the island of culture.

In 1868, on the island settled with the permission of the missionaries, the agent of the brandera trading house Dutru-Borne, who was engaged in Rapanoi breeding sheep. The flourishing of its economic activity refers to the period after the death of the last legitimate ruler, the son of the Supreme Chief of the Maurant, twelve-year-old Grigorio, who died in 1866.

In the meantime, the population of Rapanui significantly decreased and in 1877 amounted to 111 people.

At the end of the XIX century, the Islands of Easter seized a lot of ships, the crews of which were mainly interested in the objects of the art of Rapanuan culture. In 1871, the Russian Corvette "Vityaz" flew past the island, on board which was the Russian traveler N. N. Miklukho-Maclay. However, due to illness, he could not land ashore.

The first Chilean ships were noticed in Rapanui back in the 1830s, but close trade relations were established only in the 1870s. By defeating in the Pacific War of 1879-1883, Chile began to actively colonize land. September 9, 1888 Captain Polykarpo Toro Urtado ( Policarpo Toro Hurtado.) I landed on the island and announced the annexation of Rapanui Chile. The local church passed under the jurisdiction of the archbishop of the city. In 1898, Rirooco's leader went to Chile with a complaint about the abuse of the Chilean authorities, but after a few days he died in. Since then, there was no longer an island of Easter of the Supreme Chiefs.

XX century

From the first quarter of the XX century, numerous research expeditions began on Easter Island. From March 1914 to August 1915, the Expedition of the English Researcher K. S. Routage was worked on the island, which paid special attention to the study of stone burial platforms ahu and stone statues mOAI. In 1934-1935 The island visited the Franco-Belgian Expedition, which included such prominent scientists as A. Metro ( Alfred Métraux) and H. Lavacherry ( Henri Lavacherry.).

In the 1950s, the Norwegian traveler Tour Heyerdal re-opened Easter Island, including experimentally reproduced by local residents and without the use of modern technology cutting statue from the mountain, its transportation on the island and installation on the pedestal. In the book "Aku-Aku" Heyerdal put forward the theory that Easter Island was populated by immigrants of the ancient. In order to verify this theory in 2015, Norwegian Torgiere Higraff organized the "Con-Tika 2" expedition. On two wooden sailing rafts, designs similar to the ancient rafts of the Incas, the participants of this international expedition, among which were four Russians, the seventh of November started from Peru to Easter Island. On December 19, both rafts, successfully overcome about two thousand nautical miles, reached Easter Island, practically confirming Heyerdal theory.

Since 1914, the Chilean government has become appointed on the island of governors. At first, these were predominantly officers, both existing and retired. Since 1953, Easter Island submitted to the command of the Chilean Navy. The inhabitants of the island at this time were forbidden to leave the borders of the Anga Roa or only with a written permission, which significantly suffered the rights of Rapanuites. Only in 1956 the living conditions on the island became more favorable, and local schoolchildren were allowed to learn from the mainland Chile. Since 1966, free elections have been conducted on the island.

Easter Island three times visited the Military Dictator Augusto Pinochet.

The cult of "poultrychelovkov" (XVI / XVII-XIX century)

See also: Rapanuan mythology

Petroglyph with the image of the Divine Mac Mac with the disappeared settlement of ORONO

Approximately in 1680 matato'a, Warriors of the Easter Island, established a new cult of God Make Make, who, according to Rapanuan mythology, created a man, and was also a fertility god. So the cult of poultry chops appeared, or tangat Manu (RAP. TANGATA MANU). One of the reasons for his occurrence was the decline of Rapanuan civilization associated in many ways with deforestation of the island.

Not far from the volcano of early Cau existed a ceremonial village ORONObuilt to worship God Mac Mac. This settlement has become a place of cult. Every year, competitions were held between representatives of all clans of Rapanui, in which the participants had to swim to the island of the Mother of the Mother and find the first egg, pending with black stall, or manutar (RAP. Manutara). And the participants were at large danger, since these waters were hijling sharks. The victorious swimmer became the "poultry church of the year" and endowed with a period of a year of control over the distribution of resources intended for his clan. This tradition continued to exist until 1867.

One of the attractions of the ORONO village are numerous petroglyphs with images of "poultry," and god Mac Mac (about 480).


Fragment of plates with the text Rongo Rongo

Easter Island is the only island in the Pacific Ocean, which developed its own writing system - Rongo-Rongo. The entry of texts was carried out by pictograms, the letter of the letter is a bustland. Pictograms are among one centimeter and are represented by various graphic symbols, images of people, parts of the body, animal, astronomical symbols, houses, boats, and so on.

The writing of the Rong-Rongo has not yet been decrypted, despite the fact that many linguists engaged in this problem. In 1995, Linguist Stephen Fisher announced deciphering Rongo-Rongo texts, but his interpretation is disputed by other scientists.

The first of the existence on the island of Easter skulls with ancient letters was informed by the French missionary Eugene Eiro in 1864. By that time, Rapanuitsa no longer cleaned (or almost no less than) to read them.

Currently, there are many scientific hypotheses relating to the origin and meaning of the Rapanuy Letter. M. Hornbostel, V. Kheveshi, R. Heine-Heldern believed that the letter of Easter Islands came from via China, and then from the Easter Island a letter fell into and Panama. R. Campbell argued that this writing came from the Far East through. Impeloni and, later, T. Heyerdal tried to prove the South American Indian origin of both the writings of Rapanui and the whole culture.

Many Easter Island experts, including Fisher himself, believe that all 25 tablets with letters of Rongo-Rongo appeared on the light after the dating of the natives with European writing during the landing on the island of Spaniards in 1770, and are only imitation of writing, Since the signs used are monotonous.

Easter Island and Lost Continent

Easter Island on World Map

See also: Parefid

In 1687, Pirate Edward Davis, whose ship was carried out far to the west of from, the administrative center of the Atakama district (), staruminous winds and the Pacific, noticed a land on the horizon, where the silhouettes of high mountains were evaporated. However, without even trying to find out, whether it was a mirage or not yet an outdoor island, Davis deployed the ship and took the course towards the Peruvian current.

This "Land of Davis", which was much later to identify with the island of Easter, reinforced the conviction of cosmographs of the time in the fact that in this region there was a continent, as if counterweight and. This led to the fact that brave navigators began to search for the lost continent. However, it was not possible to find it: instead, hundreds of the Pacific Islands were opened.

With the opening of the Easter Island, it was the believer that this is the elusive civilization that existed on the Millennium existed during the millennia ). The existence on the island of huge statues, MOAI, unusual Rapanuan signs only reinforced this opinion, but modern study of adjacent waters showed that it was unlikely.

Easter Island is 500 km from the ridge of underwater mountains, known as the East Pacific Rise, on the Lithospheric Plate of Nask. The island is on top of a huge mountain that has formed from volcanic lava. The last eruption of volcanoes on the island occurred 3 million years ago. Although some scientists suggest that it occurred 4.5-5 million years ago.

According to local legends, in the distant past the island was large. It is possible that it was so in the glacial period of Pleistocene, when the World Ocean level was below 100 meters. According to geological research, Easter Island has never been part of the sunken continent.


  • "Under Easter Island" (eng. Beneath Easter Island), National Geographic, 2009
  • "Mysteries history. Giant Islands Easter "(eng. Mysteries of History. Giants of Easter Island), Prometheus Entertainment, 2010
  • Rapa Nui ( Lost heaven) - feature film, 1994.

see also


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  • Butinov N. A. To the history of the settlement of the Easter (based on the materials of the legends and associates with letters) // Culture of the peoples of Indonesia and Oceania. Collection of XXXIX Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography / Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklukho-Maclay Academy of Sciences of the USSR. - L.: Science. Leningr. Deposit, 1984.
  • Tour Heyerdal "Journey to" Con-Tika "»
  • Chesnokov A. About people, winds and roofs in the ocean: travel history from South America to Easter Island and back - [B.M.]: Publishing decisions, 2017. - 288 p. - ISBN 978-5-4485-7529-7.
  • Diamond Jared Collapse: How and why some societies come to prosperity, and others - to death. - M.: Astrel: Corpus, 2012. - 800 p.
In foreign languages
  • Dr. Stéphen-chauvet "Easter Island and Its Mysteries". Translated by Ann M. Altman. First Published in 1935. Translation Prepared 2004.
  • Metraux Alfred "Easter Island: a Stone-Age Civilization of the Pacific"; Oxford University Press, 1957 (the book is available to subscribers www.questia.com).
  • Fischer Steven Roger "Rongorongo: The Easter Island Script History, Traditions, Texts". Clarendon Press: Oxford, England, 1997 (the book is available to subscribers www.questia.com).
  • ROUTLEDGE SCORESBY "THE MYSTERY OF EASTER ISLAND. The Story of An Expedition. London, 1919.
  • Thomson, William J. 1891. TE PITO TE HENUA, OR EASTER ISLAND. Report of the the year ending June 30, 1889. Annual Reports of The Smithsonian Institution for 1889. 447-552. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.
  • DRANSFIELD J. 1991 123. Paschalococos Disperta. J. Dransfield Gen. ET Sp. nov. In G. Zizka Flowering Plant of Eastern Island Phf3, Wissenschaftliche Berichte, Palmengarten, Frankfurt.


  • Easter Islands Easter, Chile 360 \u200b\u200b° Aerofotopanoram on Airpano
  • Official site of Easter Islands (AP.)
  • Site of the Anthropological Museum named after Father Sebastian Englert (P.)
  • Easter Islands News (Spanish)
  • Easter Island Foundation (eng.)
  • International Server on the writing of the Rong-Rongo with the texts of Easter Island (English)
  • Photos of the Islands on Flickr (English)
  • Plot about Easter Island on the site "Details" (Rus.)

Uniqueness easter Islands manifests itself in an ambiguous opinion about him. That is, on the one hand, people know about this place all, on the other, at the same time nothing. His mysterious statues formed from stone are still silent witnesses of ancient and unknown culture. But who and how could these monumental sculptures from the rocks could create?

A little geography. In the southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean, between Chile and Taiti, Easter Island is located (Fig. 1). Local natives of it dubbed - Rapanui or Rapa Nui (RAPA NUI). Easter is the most remote island on the globe. The distance to the nearby sushi segment in the West is two thousand ninety-two kilometers, and in the east - two thousand nine hundred seventy-one kilometer. It is formed in the form of a triangle, on every edge of which are extinct volcanoes.

The island area is about a hundred sixty kilometers square. Easter Island is recognized as the highest point above the ocean. It is located on a huge hill, which was named the East Pacific Highland In view of this, Tour Heyerdal wrote that the nearest land, which the locals see, this is the moon.

The capital of the island, as well as his only city, is the city of Anga Roa. The island has its own flag (Fig. 3) and its coat of arms (Fig. 4).

What is interesting, Easter Island has / had several names: Vaichu, Mata-Ki-te-Ragi, San Carlos Island, Rappanui, They, Tekaohuhangoaru, Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua, Hytteairagha, Easter Island.

Some legends argue that Easter Island was once a component of one big country (many consider his surviving part of Atlantis). It looks pretty believable, as today at Easter a lot of evidence is found confirming these legends: there are roads on the island leading directly to the ocean, a large number of underground tunnels originate in local caves and launching the path in an unknown direction, as well as others Less significant information and amazing finds.

Interesting data on underwater studies of the bottom of the ocean near the Island of Easter leads Australian Howard Tirlorn, who arrived here along with Koto. He said that he arrived here in 1978, they studied quite in detail the bottom around the island. Anyone who fell down in Batiskfe will confirm that the mountains under water, even in a small depth, differ in a rather unusual view: in some of them, the holes that resembled the connectors for windows were made. And once Jacques-Yves Kusto found one unfamiliar deep-water depression in the proximity, where after he dived another three day. When he returned, he wanted to explore this depression even more scrupulously. Coustely could not consider anything fully, but according to his words, the silhouettes of the walls are visible at the bottom, forming something like a plot of a large city. However, due to people who serve in the political police, Dina, which he oversaw myself, did not come out. According to Tirlorn, they were forced to depend on the non-disclosure of information, and also demanded to stop the research, so all the works were discontinued. But what can be unusual in this depression? Why Chilean State Security is so afraid of scientists - it remains a mystery. After the Pinochet regime, this question was raised again, but to no avail. Thus, this fact does not exclude the assumption that a significant part of the Island of Easter sank during some catastrophe.

In 1973-1977, several American oceanologists conducted the study of oceanic depressions near O. Pasha, namely near the Sala and Gomez Ridge. As a result, they discovered sixty-five underwater vertices and agreed with the hypothesis about the existence of an unknown archipelago, which was in the area of \u200b\u200btens of thousands of years ago, and then dropped into the water. But all subsequent studies without a significant cause were frozen at the request of the Chile government. "The island of riddles" still does not make it possible to solve him.

The obtained geophysical information claims that the coast of the south East Asia Slow pace falls into the ocean. Maybe this settlement once happened faster and at one moment, like Atlantis, he deepened in the ocean puchins, including the panel with her huge population and distinctive culture, traces of which still detect on Easter Island? And various signs with inscriptions and monuments of art - nothing more than the preserved proof of the ancient disappeared civilization? After all, according to the testimony of the first founding resident on Easter Island - Eyro, wooden planks or sticks containing some hieroglyphs and symbols are placed in all buildings. Basically, these are images of unknown animals that natives to this day continue to draw with stones. Each image has its own designation; But in view of the fact that they manufacture such products in very rare cases, it suggests that these hieroglyphs represent only the remains of an ancient writing. That is, the natives are only trying to follow long-standing custom, not trying to find some sense in this.

Macmilla Brown in his studies even tried to find out the approximate date of the patient's death. In his opinion, this phenomenon could occur in the interval between 1687, when the English Mair Davis examined in the Easter's Island area, and 1722, when Admiral Rogheven did not find anything with the exception of a small island in this place. Not only unexpectedly stopped work in the quarries on early rarapa testified about the occurred cataclyism. In many areas of Easter island, spacious roads are paved, which end in the ocean. Does this mean that these paths end deep under water? Maybe on the seabed, it is quite realistic to detect new evidence of a lost culture?

There is one but that completely destroys this hypothesis, and this is a matter of chronology. At what point of land in the Pacific Ocean began to go down? Three hundred years ago or three thousand, or maybe even three hundred thousand? Or is this figure calculated by millions? Geological and geophysical evidence suggests that the deepening of the sushi and the pains of the panels happened just in the ancient period. Fauna and flora of such islands such as Galapagos, New Zealand, Fiji, were formed from the mainland, but many centuries ago they were a component of one huge continent. This has led to the fossils here, which have long disappeared and have no longer found anywhere on the globe. Similarly, at one point, the Australian continent broke off asia. Drying sushi at the location of the island of Easter did not occur since the ancient period.

Geological and oceanographic studies near Easter conducted by Chabb confirmed the fact that he did not downgrade either a millimeter, and at the time when the monuments were erected, the coastline was as stable as today. This argument repeated the Swedish expedition, which established the geological stability of the island, which continues at least a million years.

Studying the question of the very island, the author had the impression that many scientific figures set a goal not to figure out or identify the truth, and the goal is to defend their point of view, to prove that it is beneficial to them. Either, moving in an absolutely impartial search, collide with the postulates, which are currently imposed by society, as official, but with the slightest checking on the seams. It makes it takes to deploy my research from a direct path to thorny direct official debrenor. It is not difficult to pay attention to the fact that most researchers evaluate the available artifacts only in terms of dominating matter over spirituality, and in no way differently.

In the process of studying the topic, a number of questions arose. Why scientists, facing inexplicable archaeological artifacts and at the same time as the incomprehensible behavior of the authorities, which in open prohibit research, do not beat the alarm in all possible ways and are not trying to convey obvious things to the public? Why do not build hypotheses in which there would be a place to all finds and facts, and not just comfortable or understandable? How can I think about the theory so that they do not seem community with raw? Are they not interested to know about the past of their planet, or simply do not have free time due to household problems? Who really needed on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean to build multi-torque statues, arrange them around the perimeter of the island face in the ocean, to paint ornaments and patterns? What was this in their writing that when the first Europeans saw her, who were on the island, began to hurry to eradicate it from the local population, and so that after forty years almost none of the Rapanuans could not only write, but also to read their home Plates? It can be argued that it was by chance and in general a long time ago was this XVIII century, well, but why is not excavating and research on the state level now? Why if you now approach the statue for the fence, a person will threaten the prison? And why UNESCO banned excavations and study of the underground part of the statues? Another curious fact is that almost all modern researchers of the original culture of Easter Island approve of the impossibility of knowing its true meaning or deciphering writing, and all that is read is ordinary household texts.

The people exterminated in half a century.

Fifty years later, in 1722, the Englishman James Cook and the Frenchman Laperuz visited the Easter Island. Since then, the situation has changed greatly. Many plains were abandoned. Sometime, the fullness of the inhabitants were styled in poverty, and almost all were filled with the magnitude of the statues and lying on Earth. Ancient cult was drawn out of memory. There are only a few representatives from the famous race "Longhudi", most likely, their death is connected with the rivals - "shorthow", which not only destroyed the tribe, but also inherent culture. As a result of the events that occurred on Easter island, a whole epoch ended, which launched not one century, and possibly the Millennium. That it was for the period and remained unsolved secret for many. Roggeven and his assistants could not find out almost nothing about it. Captain Cook, Laperuz and Spaniards, who found this island in the second half of the 18th century, did not show curiosity about the ancient artifacts, they wanted only new territories that can be mastered and used as colonies. By the time European researchers finally woke up interest in cultural heritage Other peoples, on the island of Easter, only silent witnesses of His Majestic Past remained - this is a huge and exciting spirit of the statue. Now they are thrown off from their reasons, only abandoned capital and several strange wooden plates with unknown hieroglyphs were on the edge of the crater. The number of local residents decreased not only because of the incessant internecine wars. In 1862, the slave traders from Peru broke here, they captured and taken out about nine hundred people, including the last king. Prisoners sent to extract fertilizers in the Atakam desert. Later another three hundred inhabitants of the island were captured and sent to Tahiti for hard work on plantations. When an Easter began a squeezed war, arranged to Dutru-Borne at the request of one French company, the remaining residents and inhabited missionaries fled. Subsequently, they switched to the Gambier archipelago, located in a more western direction. Thus, the population of the island for fifteen years decreased from two and a half thousand to one hundred eleven people! Therefore, those few people who decided to stay, did not remember anything about the age-old customs of their foreheads.

Interesting about the inhabitants of the island (Fig. 6). According to E.P. Blavatskaya, multicolored leather of local Aboriginal shows that various peoples were mixed on Easter's island, to which Lemurians can be attributed (the third hereditary race) and antlants (fourth hereditary race). This information is contained in the secret doctrine of Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya, where Easter Island is mentioned as a habitat of some of the earliest generations of the third race. The unexpected eruption of the volcano and the rise of the ocean bottom was sinking it together with all monuments and culture. At the same time, the island remained untouched as proof of the existence of Lemuria. There is also a different interpretation - the Easter territory was occupied by several Atlants, which flew from the cataclysm that occurred in their location, settled on the remaining part of Lemuria, but for a while, since it was subsequently destroyed by the eruption of the volcano and the resulting lava. Thus, it becomes clear that the ancestors of black lemurians, as well as the red-fledged and late-skinned Atlants, were mixed in this territory.

A blow that destroyed the culture of the ancient people.

A large number of scientists have made a lot of effort so that the culture of the Easter population will reconstruct the culture of the population. But the resulting picture turned out to be unfinished. Researchers were fortunate enough to know that on this small piece of sushi, the size of only one hundred eighteen square kilometers, there are two centers:

Quarry early raracca;
The sanctuary of Orongo on the border of the volcanic mountain is early Kao.

At the same time, the rarachka is also a crater of the volcano, on the southern side of which the vintage quarry remained. In them, huge sacred statues were cut out of the porous rock rock. This mountain still keeps the consequences of a terrible civil war. A large number of statues remained unfinished, at different stages of completeness. Alone has only the first outlines, others are for readiness to work several times to work several times to celebrate them freely from the rock and move. The rest stand or lying and have already been prepared for dispatch. One of the most massive ready-made monuments is early raraku, the vertex of which is twenty-two meters from the ground. The base of the volcano extends a huge platform formed from basalt blocks, another similar platform is placed below, directly on the coast. Its length is fifty meters. On the lower platform, the whole fifteen stonestores were once located. However, now they are all, with the exception of one, lying on Earth. Rasa "Shortochi", completely defeating the carriers of mysterious culture "Longs", dumped their huge monuments, breaking the stones from the foundation.

The mass of the largest Eastukans comes to fifty tons. For their passing, stone hammers, axes and chisels were used, in view of the fact that the locals did not know how to produce equipment from metal. The most incomprehensible is the way these statues transported from the volcano to the venues located at its base, as well as at a considerable distance from it. Indeed, on the island of Easter there was no large number of people to perform forced work. Therefore, it is possible to think that the stone idols were transported with the help of small groups of their locals, using hard cables from cane or vegetable threads, wooden rollers and levers. Then they were installed vertically with a neat fit under their base mound. But this case was not ended. Now on the island, on which there is practically no vegetable cover, such monuments come across everywhere. They stand, lie, unfinished or just started. Bloody Civil War at the end of the XVIII century. led to collapse for these cult sculptures. It should be noted that the statues of statues were used not only as gravestone monuments, they had peculiar spiritual destination, the evidence of which was found on the Orongo Rocky Plateau, extending from the foundation early Kao in the south-west side from Easter Island. In the place, not far from the crater of the volcano, there are mysterious buildings without a hole for windows, erected from bulky stone blocks. And on the rocks about them many incomprehensible images are minted.


As the ancient legends say, once a year, the priests appealed to God with a request to choose a new bird-man. The man chosen on this role was to organize a group of several guys and headed with them to stone dwellings and caves early Kao. Once there, they waited (sometimes not one month), while the seagulls live on the island will not postpone the eggs on the rock, which is at a distance of several hundred feet from the coast. Then the group, floating on the water, headed to the rock, called the Motumoi. The first arrived person immediately had to start searching for the egg, then wash it and go to the island. Having done this, he filled with pride, gave an egg leader's tribe, which, starting from this point, acquired the status of a bird-man. By squeezing it in the palm of the palm of the tribe, the entire South Islant was held, until he fell into early raracca. In this place, the leader was supposed to live as many as twelve months near the stone inhabitants on Rapanui. He dwells there completely alone, spending time in prayers and meditations. For the rest of Rapanuits, this place was forbidden, for the rest of the respected Mr. were settled there. The main deity of this wonderful religion was Make Mac. At the same time, he does not have similarities with the Creator, nor the creator of the whole universe. He, his associate - the lord of the chaps and the three deities - the trustees of eggs and future descendants, demanded the offering of human victims. It is possible that once a year on the island could easily exist and cannibalism.

If you carefully examine the legend of the bird and compared with the original knowledge, then a completely clear logical picture is evaporated. Suppose that in contrast to our civilization, the ancient residents of Easter Island had not materialistic perception, but lived with the predominance of spiritual values. Maybe because of this, someone from Europeans and need so hastily destroy their culture?

Then it turns out that the election of another bird-man (a bird - a symbol of anterior essence) is nothing but the choice of the very spiritual personality to perform important tasks (climate management, weather, seismic activity, perhaps even the solution of planetary tasks). For this, he gained a group of young men to form a circle of force. In this case, it is logical to suggest what they did, being together in the cave - they studied, they were engaged in effortless to spiritual practices, spiritual self-development, self-discovery. When the group was ready, something like an exam or checking on the ownership of certain properties related to the understanding of the device of the world was appointed (symbol - a global egg). After that, this bird-man searched to work with the largest Ahu early raraku. This is confirmed by the symbols made in many statuses, perhaps more carefully look at them to study the signs that the bird worked.

The relationship between the worship of the bird-man and massive stone idols prove the images drawn on the backs of most statues. These drawings captured skeletons, ghosts, deities, but most often - a bird-man. In 1722, the cult of worship of the semi-life and huge sculptures were promoted in full, but after disembarking on Rapanui "Shortochi" tribe, everything changed dramatically. In the beliefs, there are several large boats on which there were about three hundred men and, most likely, the same women. Scientists believe that they escaped from Rapaiti Islands after the start of a terrible civil war or a crewing drought.

From the book of Allatra:

Anastasia: a few more words about the island of Easter. The local population was preserved beliefs that the ceremonial platforms (Ahu) were preserved, which are some stone statues, are a link between visible and invisible (other) worlds that in the stone statues themselves ("MOAI") contain a supernatural power of ancestors. The latter belief is allegedly able to regulate natural phenomena and, accordingly, lead to a favorable outcome - the prosperity of the people ...

Rigden: Yes, there is nothing supernatural. Just sometime people lived here who knew how and for what some signs need to be activated. If their descendants did not lose the knowledge that they were given, then now living on that island would have understood themselves and elementary communications with other worlds. Usually for the chronicles, as a transfer of knowledge and legends, descendants, knowledgeable people applied signs on stone sculptures, and often decorated with appropriate tattoos that had a special symbolic meaning. For injecting people, these were drawings that did not mean anything to a smooth account, but they inspired respect and fear of who, in their opinion, "probably knew something special." Later, of course, there was an ordinary imitation.

Anastasia: Yes, but on the stone heads and platforms that are on the island of Easter, there are no signs.

Rigden: And who said these heads do not have continuing? Yes, let them dig deeper in those places, then maybe they will find what is hidden from their eyes. But the question is not in this. Even if people find something interesting on signs and symbols, what will they do with it? With the domination of material thinking and the absence of knowledge, at best, they will arrange a sensation in the media, in order to attract more tourists to the island and make money. That's all. Knowledge is valuable for spiritually looking only when they can be used and improve themselves, to provide spiritual assistance to other people. (page 443)

Letter and symbols.

It must be said that the islanders culture did not die with them. Along with the worship of a bird-man and massive toastkans, the tribe "Longhudi" also possessed letters skills. Therefore, it is natural that the "Shortochi" managed to use them. In the first half of the XIX century, the last of the competent Ariki remained on the island, Ngaara was called, he was white-skinned and small growth. The ruler has accumulated a whole repository of symbolic tablets with hieroglyphs, and also taught at school the features of the Holy Letter of the Rong-Rongo. Only a few of the favorites were provided to herself for training, for the rest of the inhabitants of the island, it was a strictest ban. They had no right to even touch these signs. And those who were still allowed to know the alphabet of the Rongo Rongo, which included several hundred signs, had another check. First of all, they should have listed twisting rope assemblies and silhouettes suitable for these hieroglyphs. About similar tests is also known in many other corners of the planet.

From the book of Allatra:

"Anastasia: The importance of some signs, in my opinion, proves another fact of a kind of" hunt "for them. Take, for example, the story about the ancient writing of Easter Island. In that area, knowledge about signs and symbols, however, how and their consumption in writing disappeared quite recently, in the middle of the XIX century, when "Western civilization" broke into the island in the form of people sailing on Dutch and Spanish ships. On the unusual writing of the island, the Catholic missionary who visited the Catholic missionary there. Residents of Easter Island led their records with special signs on wooden planks, which were almost every home. But, opening the signs of Easter Island to Europeans, this missionary and his followers at the same time did everything to destroy this writing, burn as pagan heresy. And what remains now from this very recently existing culture? Several hundred huge sculptures heads with a multi-storey house and weighing from twenty tone, scattered throughout the Easter Island, and a couple of dozens of doctors - writing monuments that miraculously remained, as well as staff and chest decoration with letters. And the last is scattered through various museums in the world. It seems that world priests, having learned about these signs and symbols, did everything to destroy them, even though it was already in fact that there were already miserable remnants of the former knowledge. "

Rigden: Well, the archons do not sleep, they act. This is who, who, they understand what signs are and all the more so that such an activated sign in work. (page 439)

In primitive settlers, Oceania, where established habits and traditions did not lose their true meaning, the novel magic received a particularly large distribution. This can be read about it in a hundred thirteenth Sura of the Quran. Its modern interpreters explain this fact as witchcraft. In the long clarification, on the contrary, it is believed that the mention of nodes in the Quran means the magicians who knit magic figures, after they blow on them and pronounce the spells, which contributes to the attraction of evil. At the same time, in Arabia, such things were considered quite usual in the pre-Islamic period. But today it is no longer a Christian, nor Araba, who understood something in the "shoe witchcraft." But in those regions where traditional beliefs did not displace the worship of the deities, as well as the vintage and mystical customs, people still knit magic nodules, which often add up in fairly complex configurations. It is instituted in such peoples as:

  • eskimos;
  • indians of Northern, Central and South America;
  • all African peoples;
  • ostrovsky island tribes;
  • ordinary residents of Australia and East Asia, including Japan.

In most cases, various rope figures are made for fun. But at the same time, it is often possible to hear how the aborigines, pulling the tied silhouette of the lace on the fingers, they pronounce the vintage words with a magical meaning. Especially such witchcraft is developed on the isolated territories of the Melanesian archipelago, Micronesia, Polynesia, as well as among the American Indians.

At the moment, scientists are familiar with about three and a half thousand such figures. The material for their manufacture is the usual rope, the ends of which are suspended, or a woven lace from synthetics. In the distant times, the tribes for the production of magic patterns were used veins of animals, intestinal fibers, connected or twisted vegetable threads, and sometimes even long curls of human hair.

Sometimes it happens that the ritual is based on the worship of spirits and mystical beings. So, for example, the Eskimos are convinced of the existence of a soul in related figures and excessively, it is afraid, since, in their opinion, it can be dangerous for their lives. If someone is too long to amuse the ropes or deals with this in a unwarked time, then in front of the housing, the characteristic rustle is heard, and at that moment inside the tent light lamp begins to slowly fade. And only awareness understand that the spirit of the associated figures is coming so. At one time he removed the inside from his dried body and now he himself is engaged in knitting from dehydrated intersices. This process is accompanied by a sound, which looks like a rustic paper.

Curious is the fact that the Indians from the Navajo tribe, settled in the North-West of the United States of America, are convinced that knitting of the nodules arose in deep antiquity with the help of the tribe of spiders, and they later trained this craft of other people. A large number of peoples associate figures from the shoelaces, so that after passing as a gift to their deities. But the inhabitants of Gilbert Islands in Micronesia are confident that similar silhouettes appeared at the time of the creation of the world.

Dar, giving a pass to another world.

As one believer says: "When heaven was cut off from the ground, the demigod rose and, while the sky gradually" rise ", he tied one after the other eleven nodules." They are familiar to the Gilbert Islands today, and Cheats Maud even managed to capture ten pieces.

Leading signs.

It becomes clear why scientists still do not extend vintage records that are more symbolic than alphabetical, especially if you consider that they are only partially preserved. These symbols that succounter explain the real details and riddles of much more ancient culture. Now only twenty surviving messages have been studied. They are in the museums of Germany, Belgium, Chile, USA, Russia, England, as well as Austria.

If you do not take into account the interpretation of Housin, in which there is a decryption of approximately five hundred signs, the value of the hieroglyphs of the Rong-Rongo is not revealed so far. At the same time, they provoke interesting conclusions. Similar letters were distributed in natives of North-West India in the IV millennium BC. Subsequently, their culture also disappeared. Separate historians believe that certain components of this culture, including writing, fell into Polynesia somewhere in the II millennium BC. Then the tribe "Longhudi" spread them to the island of Rappanui, where they were resting over the past centuries, and possibly thousands of years. It lasted until the death of knowledgeing people and priests had led to the emergence of unsolved secrets for the current researchers.

Any shape, woven from the rope, was suitable for a certain melody that it was necessary to drive, as well as a certain sign-picture. These hieroglyphs were not letters or phrases, but at the same time they reflected some concepts and important thoughts. They were obtained using chisel from volcanic glass or pulled out shark tooth. Each line was made from below. At the same time, the lowest drew from left to right, and the next opposite. In addition, the signs were drawn by the top of the legs in each even line. Such a kind of writing scholars gave the name Broadferedon. However, in global literature, this method is extremely rare. Mysterious writing remained unknown for a long time. Therefore, the Europeans were not immediately able to learn about it. The first information about it was overlooked only in 1817, when they were engaged in a detailed study of Teparan Housin. He very faced when I realized that only a small number of competent islanders can read texts written on the signs, but at the same time their essence they are retelling in their own words, using signs exclusively as a hint. Information that pops up from the prompts was learned by heart, but everyone learned her in his own way.

Here is an interesting point from Wikipedia, which clearly shows how the archons through their people, in this case the priests, the culture of the Rongo Rongo. Thomson told about one old man named urea Iko. He assured that he understood most of the signs, as she took reading lessons. He was the main thing at the last king from the monarchs dynasty - NGA'ara, who had the ability to read at least one learned text and reproduce a lot of songs, but at the same time did not know how to write on Rongo-Rongo. Having learned this, Thomson began to ask the old man with various gifts and coins in the hope that he would tell about what was written in the signs. But urea Va "Iko did not agree, as he was not allowed to do this Christian priests, intimidating him with death. After that he escaped. However, later Thomson took photos of mysterious plates and with great efforts persuaded the old man to reproduce the text written on them. Until ure told, Alexander Salmon wrote down all the information under the dictation, and a little time later translated it into English.

Mysterious notebook.

Once Tours Heyerdal decided to visit one shack on Easter Island. The owner of the hut argued that he had a certain notebook written by his grandfather, who was aware of the secrets of Kochau Rongo Rongo. It displays the main hieroglyphs of an ancient writing, as well as the decryption of their value marked with Latin letters. But when the notebook tried to learn the scientist, Esteban was immediately conceived. Soon after this event witnesses argue that they saw how he flooded to the island of Tahiti in a small boat. Most likely, the notebook was also with him. Since then, no one has heard anything about the Esteban. Therefore, what happened to the notebook is also not clear.

Once, the missionaries noticed the amazing similarity of writing that existed on Easter island with the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt. It turned out that one hundred seventy-five characters Kochau Rongo-Rongo is absolutely identical with the draws of Industan. And their similarity with ancient Chinese writing was established by the Austrian archaeologist Robert Telder in 1951. American and German scientists are convinced that once existing writing in Polynesia miraculously was not lost and remained on Easter Island.

The unusual tradition of the natives to seek unscrewing the ears of the ears testifies to the reverence of the possibilities of acute hearing, which at one time was the main advantage of the Lemurians. It was they who could capture such sounds that are completely incomprehensible for a modern person.

About such an amazing hearing was still mentioned in the book "Fragments of Forgotten History". It argued that such physical data arose due to the improvement of the spirit. They were available to sounds that we hear are not capable, and this was their happiness. It was as honoring such a gift of the preceding generations of Lemurians awarded themselves to the displacing urine. So they wanted to be like their distant ancestors.

Creating sculptures into glory of gods.

Berensh loved to tell about the rich vegetation of the island of Easter, as well as the huge crops of vegetables and fruits, which were collected every year. When he described the local inhabitants, he wrote the following: "Always beyond, good physique, magnificent runners, friendly, but extremely fearful. Almost every one of them, bringing gifts, hastily threw them to Earth and immediately escaped that there are power." As for the color of the skin, it has different shades - among them there are both blacks and completely white inhabitants, in addition, there are even red-friendly, which makes it a feeling that they burned in the sun. Their ears have a big length and often reach the shoulders. In some, as decoration, small white bars are put in the lobe.

According to some statements, the amazing abilities of Rapanuans are the will of the gods. They made them so that they could respond to the part of the world, to which they are fully deployed. The inhabitants of the island confirmed that their ancestors had once been engaged in the construction of famous monuments, as they had a huge force. However, now it is not allowed to exercise. Hearing such a version, James Cook did not want to believe in it and even formulated the key riddles of the island - how could the Istukans arise and why they do not appear now.

However, the islanders are not supported by the islanders and talk about birds, that is, the deities that descended to the ground, installed and carried back. As evidence of this version, people found on the island of people with wings.

Thus, Rapanuan culture has long been exploring the minds of researchers with their unusual and mysteriousness. Her envies created unique stone monuments, which indicates a high level of development of this civilization. All statues appeared between 1250 and 1500. Their well-known number today is eight hundred and eighty-seven Eastukanov. At the same time, almost nothing unknown about the residents of Easter Island. After all, at the time of his opening by Europeans in the 18th century, the backward race was discovered, which could not make similar monuments. When the island was captured by the workers in the 19th century, the last remnants of civilization were buried.

The article that was set out in the ATIQUITY journal, archaeologists outlined a detailed overview of the tips found in large quantities in almost all parts of the island. According to the analysis carried out, they are absolutely unsuitable for hostilities. This conclusion is due to the fact that the main goal of good weapons is the murder of the enemy, and the spears from the island can permanently hurt a person, but not deadly. Therefore, most likely, these tips served as local residents as tools for the processing of land, food and application on the body of various tattoos. There is also no evidence of large-scale and bloody war on the island. So it can be argued that the death of an ancient culture is due, most likely, disadvantage of resources and the transformation of economic text. Theoretically, the revival of civilization was very possible, but those who arrived Europeans were prevented.

Research results.

Having read the materials of different researchers, scientists, just looking for people, the impression was that there is an interest in the island, but the catastrophic lack of true information leads to the studying either in the debris of the slender standard theories, or to the conclusion that the truth we never know.

So, that we managed to figure out:

1. There are several types of Moa (statues) on the island, some recently delivered for the posts, others are scattered around the island, the third burdens partially in the ground, some very deeply.

2. Also these statues differ in size and appearance, apparently manufactured at different times.

3. At the moment, official science says that the MOAI has been created about 1200-1400 years. And those that are in the ground on the shoulders, simply brought with a soil over time. Is it how much time is it necessary to raise the soil level for 2-3 meters and more? Somehow does not converge.

4. On the island there are several traditions that remotely resemble the actions of people who have spiritual knowledge of man and the world (leather lodge, a bird-man cult).

5. Despite many mysteries and open opportunities to explore the island, local authorities do not lead official scientific research. Moreover, such studies are taboo, excavations are prohibited, and things are also underwater research Near the island. Researchers are waiting for a warning from police or special services and prison. There are many examples. Even the fact that he drove the tour Heyerdal is falling asleep. It comes out, someone is afraid that people will find out the truth that the island's artifacts and handwriting are stored in many similar places around the world. The work of the archontov deserves a detailed study in order to, understand the methods of their influence that do not change in centuries, it was possible in the daily life of society to identify and endure on a nationwide review.

6. A very interesting question about writing, which was on the island and so quickly with the arrival of Europeans destroyed, less than in the century, almost no one remembered how to read and write their traditional signs and symbols. And those who have remembered from researchers fled from the fire. Apparently scientific bitter experience.

7. From the said it becomes obvious that an ancient culture existed on the island before the appearance of Europeans, which kept true knowledge and not only kept, but also used them to use them. For example, "Plasticine" stone processing technology (when the processing stone became plastic like plasticine), cutting and transportation of multi-torque stone statues, three-layer ah (platform), the lower layer is posted by polygonal masonry, like many other megalithic buildings on different continents. The very fact of creating statues and installs them around the perimeter of the island suggests that this was the need (at least the local population), and as we have already found out, these were knowledgeable spiritual people, this necessity could be associated with the creation of certain conditions for around the world, or some part of it. Since "Moa possess the power of the northern winds and are responsible for the other side of the world, in which they are watching." It could be like climatic conditionsSo the spiritual, perhaps Rigden Jappo considers it necessary and will reveal to us the true purpose of the statues and their sacred meaning.

Thus, even now, the many secrets of Easter Island remain unsolvable and it is possible that the answers to the questions of the scientists are already lost forever. However, studies are being conducted, people do not lose hope to solve the plans created many centuries ago.

Prepared: Alex Ermak (Kiev, Ukraine)

Easter Island (Span. Isla de Pascua.on Rapanuan language RAPA NUI) - the most remote populated island in the world, the distance to the nearest settlement - islands Pitcairn. - 1819 km, and to the continental coast Chile - 3703 km.

Name of the island of Easter

Easter Island Named so with his own discoverer - Dutch traveler Jacob Roghevenom, since it was opened on Easter Day in 1722. Also this island is known as Rapa Nui, (big Rapa), so called Polynesian (Tahitian) navigaters and kitobi, unlike just Brine - Islands 650 km south of Tahiti.

Location of Easter Island

Easter Island located in Pacific Ocean (27 ° 07 "Yu. Sh. 109 ° 21" z. D.), He is geographically referred to Polynesia, it is the easternmost point of the Polynesian triangle. The nearest continent - South America is located from Easter Island more than 3,700 km to the east.

Form easter Island Requests a rectangular triangle. Island of volcanic origin. At the corners of the island, extinct volcanoes rise: RANO-KAO (324 m), Poua Catika (377 m) and Terevaka (539 m, the highest point of the island). The length from the west to the east is 24 km, from north to south - 12 km. Area island 163.6 km 2.

Administrative easter Island part of the Chilean region Valparaiso, headed by the governor accredited under the Chilean government and the presidency Chile.

Capital easter Islands, the only permanent settlement, Hanga Roa Located in the south-west of the island. Near the city is the airport Matawery.

Airport Matawery Built in 1962 by American experts NASA.: in Pacific Ocean Urgently required the base of tracking space launches and a reliable band for saving astronauts during emergency landings.

Climate Islands Easter

Climate easter Islands subtropical. The average annual temperature is 21.8 ° C, the coldest month is August (19.2 ° C), the warmer - January (24.6 ° C). Despite the proximity to the tropics, temperatures are relatively tempered. Heat happens rarely. This is associated with the proximity of the cold the flows of Humboldt.

History of Easter Island

Easter Island Known, first of all, thanks to numerous stone statues - mOAIcreated by the ancient civilization of the island.

About even the approximate date of settlement easter Islands Until now, hot spores are underway in the scientific environment. It is assumed that the first settlers appeared here from 300-400 to 1200s. n. e. In local legends, settlers arrived on the island on two huge cakes in large families. Founded the settlement of the legendary leader and father of all Rapanians Hot-matua.

Who were and from where the first Rapanuitsi arrived also remains a controversial issue. Linguistically Rapanoian language is confidently refer to the Polynesian group, most researchers consider Rapanians who came from East Polynesia.ethnically close to the people maori (New Zealand). It is also interesting that on easter Island, the only distribution of Polynesian languages \u200b\u200bin the area, was writing before the coming of Europeans. There was at least three written systems, the most famous of which - rong-Rongo - Hieroglyphic carving on wooden planks. None of the written writers to date is decrypted, the last carrier of the Rongo Rongo was forcibly exported in Peru on slave work in 1863

Famous traveler and researcher Tour Heyerdal defended the opposite, South American, Peruvian origin of Rapanuits and led many evidence of the origin of residents easter Islands from South American Indians.

There is also a third, less popular theory of the origin of Rapanuits from Melanesians, finding cultural parallels on Solomon Islands and New Guinea.

Recorded by easter Island Legend of the war of two island tribes - longowhi (hanau-Eepe.) I. shortochi (hanau-Momoko.) Some researchers are considered to confirm the simultaneous presence on the island of different races, most often the Peruvians and Polynesians.

The highest cultural heyday Civilization easter Islands Reached in the XVI-XVII centuries, when the population was presumably about 10 thousand people.

As a result of an anthropogenic ecological catastrophe (all forests on the island were cut down, the population lost sources of food and material for the manufacture of boats) and a number of wars population by the time of appearance on the island of the first Europeans decreased to 2 thousand people. Subsequently, almost all Rapanians were removed in Peru For slave labor. In 1888, when easter Island Annexed Chile Only 178 locals lived on the island. Currently on easter Island 3.7 thousand people live, about 60% of which are indigenous rapanuses.

Ancient Rapanuses were not only extremely militant, they were engaged in cannibalism - ate human meat. Delicates was considered fingers and legs.

Like the only documented Rapanuish ritual was to search for the first egg, reflected in the popular adventure artistic film Kevin Costra "Rapa Nui": Young warriors of different clans on a certain day sent to the cane knitters to the nearby rocky island Moto Nuiwhere the first in the season was a demolished egg tool. Egg is safe to deliver back to easter Island And transfer the leader. Rite was an element of a cult Tangat Manu (bird-bird). Rapanuits are sometimes called "poultry bars". One of the most frequent topics in petroglyphs (rock images) after the male and female genital organs were birds and, especially, the frigate bird both in the immediate image and in the image of a person from the head of the frigate.

Sights of Easter Island

MOAI, Ahu, Pukao

Main Landmark of Island - Stone Eastukans - mOAI (literally from Rapanuan - images). As soon as they are not called: both statues, and gigids, and idols, and colossi. Representatives of our company during the study tour offered a new term, vividly picked up by domestic tourists - " dolubone".

Overwhelming majority " doldovon"Forest from the breed of a volcano Ranoraca. The biggest (unfinished) statue had a size of about 20 m and the weight of 270 tons. Moi - "Dolubone" was completely unknown in the coast, where they were installed with their backs to the ocean, the island deep into the ocean. In total, 997 MOAI registered on the island ( see map about. Easter above).

It is known that the MOAI was considered spacious special magical power - mana Rapanuan ancestors.

Externally, the MOAI differ apart from each other, several types of statues are distinguished. Various hypotheses explain the diversity of styles or gradually changing the "fashion" on the visual means, or the actual image of different island races with their external differences (of course, assuming that there were ethnically different peoples on the island).

Methods for transporting giant statues are discussed by numerous groups of enthusiasts around the world, mathematical calculations and experiments are carried out, however, the local legend says that "MOAI walked".

Almost all "Dolubones" reached the new time in the dyed form. It is believed that the mass overthrow of the MOAI occurred during the interglant wars on the island. Currently, many statues are set back to their legal places.

MOAI was installed on the pedestal ( ahu), and sometimes supplemented with a hat ( bunch) From red tuff. It is considered proven that at least some "Dondon" had eyes from the White Coral. Some of the Istukhans are currently reconstructed eyes.

On the slopes Ranoraca Currently there are many unfinished statues at different stages of manufacture. It creates a complete impression of the sudden termination of the production of MOAI.


Ranoraca - Ancient volcano, on the slopes of which there are about 300 MOAI, of different heights and at different preparedness stages. Not far from the bay is located ahu Tongariki, the largest ritual area with 15 statues installed on it of various values.


Anachen - Bay with a beach from coral sand. According to the legend, it was here that the leader and the forefather Rapanians landed Hot-matua. Nearby are Ahu Atura-hooks and NUNAU.

Pune Pau

Pune Pau - A small volcano, which produced a red tuff for the manufacture of bunch caps, wedding moai heads.


RANO-KAO - Volcano with the best observation platform of the island. Nearby is Ahu ORONO.

Easter Island (Isla De Pascua) is the island of volcanic origin belonging to the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, between Chile and Tahiti Island (FR. Tahiti). Together with the little uninhabited about. Sala-I-Gomez (Isla. Isla Sala y Gómez) forms the commune and province of Isla de Pascua (Provincia de Isla de Pascua) as part of the region (Sp. RegiOn de Valparaíso). Local name, this island of Polynesian Kitobov: Rapa Nui (RAPA NUI).

The only city of Anga Roa (Hanga Roa) is the capital of the island.

About 6 thousand people live on O-ve, about 40% of them are Polynesians or Rapanuses, indigenous people, the rest are predominantly Chileans. Rapanuses speak Rapanoian, believers confess Catholicism. On the territory of the island area of \u200b\u200babout 165 km² there are 70 extinct volcanoes. They were never erupted for 1300 years since his colonization. The island has a figure of a rectangular triangle with the parties of 24.18 and 16 km., In the corners of which cones of extinct volcanoes rise: Rano Kao (RAP. RANO KAO; 324 m), Pua Catika (RAP. Puakatike; 377 m) and Terevaka ( Rap. Terevaka; 539 m - the highest point of the island). Between them runs the hilly plain formed by volcanic tuffs and basalts. Many underwater caves and fancy, a breakfast coastline are formed by lava pipes and inflammation.

There are no rivers on Rapa, the main sources of freshwater here are lakes arising in volcanic crater.

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Climate subtropical, with an average monthly temperature from + 18 ° C to + 23 ° C. It grows here predominantly herbs, as well as few eucalyptus and banana plants.

Along with the Tristan Da Cunha archipelago, Rapa Nui is considered the most distant living island in the world: the distance to the continental Chilean coast is almost 3514 km, and the nearest settlement, Pitcairn Islands (English Pitcairn Islands, owned by the United Kingdom) - 2075 km .

Basically, Rapa-Nui became famous for its stone gigars, in which, according to the beliefs of the local population, the mystical strength of Hyu-Mata's ancestors (Hotu Mato-a) was concluded, the first king of O-Wa.

Easter Island is undoubtedly the most mysterious island on the globe. Its woundings and inexplicable mysteries, he attracts the attention of historians, geologists and cultural scientists to himself.


In 1722, a squadron of 3 ships under the command of the Netherlands traveler, Admiral Jacob Roggeveen (Notherl. Jacob Roggeveen; 1659-1729), holding a way from South America in search of wealth of unknown southern land (Lat.terra Australis Incognita), On Sunday, April 7, the Day of the Christian Easter, discovered a small island in the southern region of the Pacific. On the advice collected by the admiral, the captains of the ships signed a resolution, proclaiming the opening of a new O-Wa. Surprised travelers discovered that on the island of Easter (the navigators were immediately dubbed) three different races were singing peacefully: red, black and white people. Local residents Native travelers met the travelers: someone friendly waved his hands, and someone climbed the stones of irrehable guests.

Polynesians, Oceania's inhabitants, are called O-in-in Rap Nui (Rap. RAPA NUI is a big rape), however, the islanders themselves call their homeland "Te Pito-O-Te-Henua" (RAP.TE-PITO-O -te-henua, which means " the center of the world»).

A series of large volcanic eruptions, a secluded island for millions of years served as a habitat of the colonies of seabirds. And his steep, the ripple shores denoted the way to navigate for the Polynesian navigators ships.

Legends say that about 1200 years ago on the sandy beach of Anachen (Rap. Anakena) King Hotu Mato-A and took over the colonization of the island. Then, for centuries, there was a mysterious society on this launch in the ocean. According to unknown reasons, the islanders were engaged in carving giant statues known as "MOAI". These idols today are considered one of the most inexplicable ancient artifacts on Earth. The islanders built villages from the houses of an unusual, ellips-shaped form. Presumably, the newly arrived settlers adapted their boats for temporary housing, turning them upside down. Then the houses began to build in a similar way, most of the hundreds of such buildings were destroyed by missionaries.

By the time the opening of the O-Wa, its population was 3-4 thousand people. The first settlers found lush vegetation on the island. Here, giant palm trees grew in abundance (in height reaching up to 25 m), which were cut down for the construction of housing and boats. People delivered various plants here, which perfectly arrived in the soil enriched with volcanic ashes. By 1500, the population of the island has already been 7 - 9 thousand people.

As the population grows, individual clans were formed, concentrated in different parts of Easter Island, connected by the general construction of sculptures and a cult that arose around them.

In 1862, Peruvian skills were taken out by most of the residents of O -A, destroyed their original culture. In 1888, Rapa Noui was attached to Chile. Today, the islanders are engaged in fishing, agriculture - the cultivation of sugar cane, tarot, battoo, bananas, and also work on pastoral farms and mask the souvenirs for tourists.

Sights and Rada Rap-Nui

Despite its small sizes, Easter Island has many attractions such as natural and created by man. In 1995, Rapa National Park (EL RAPQUE NACIONAL DE RAPA NUI NATIONAL) was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Register.

The entire territory of O-Wa is an archaeological reserve, a single amazing open-air museum.

On Easter Island there are 2 sandy beach: located in the northern part of Anachen Beach Island (PLAYA ANAKENA), one of the few beaches, where it is officially allowed to swim, a great place for surficists. The second beautiful deserted beach, located along the southern shore of O-Wa, is a real pearl by the name ovhah (PLAYA OVAHE). Ovach is surrounded by picturesque rocks, it is much more Anachen.

The main attraction of the island and an unresolved mystery, during the centuries that does not give peace by scientists of the minds, of course, are the sculptures of "MOAI". Almost everywhere along the southern part of the island treated huge ancient statues.

It is not known why the islanders have become massively creating gigantic scams. The incomprehensible their obsession subsequently led to a catastrophic depletion of forest resources. The forest necessary for the transportation of giant MOAIs has mercy mercilessly. The first monolithic sculptures of a height of human growth were made from basalt. Then the islanders began to produce huge statues (with a height of more than 10 m., Weighing up to 20 tons.) From a soft volcanic tuff (compressed volcanic ash), an ideal material for brewing. Located a little in the depths of O-Wa, the crater is early raraku (Sp. Rano Raraku; a small extinct volcano tall up to 150 m.) Is a venue for burning famous gigids. Over their creation from morning to evening, hundreds of islanders worked. Today you can see all the stages of painstaking work, incomplete figures are immediately scattered. Probably, the manufacture of statues with skilled sculptors occurred in compliance with numerous ceremonies and rituals. If a defect happened during the statue of the statue, which was considered a devil sign, the cutters were thrown and accepted for another.

When the statue was carved and the jumper was cut, connecting it from the breed of the crater, the figure rolled down the slope down. The base of the crater statues was installed in a vertical position, and their final refinement was carried out. How then are the massive MOAIs transported to different places of the island? Weighing statues up to 82 tons at an altitude of up to 10 m. Sometimes they moved and installed over 20 km away!

As the Easter legends say, to its places of Moa ... they went. Some researchers believed that they were moved with wolves. Later they came to the conclusion that the figures moved in a vertical position. As in reality, it all looked, remains another, unsolved mystery of the civilization of Easter Island.

In 1868, the British tried to take one of the statues to their homeland. However, they abandoned this venture, limiting himself with a small bust (2.5 m). It was installed in the London British Museum. In the process of transportation and loading "Kid", hundreds of natives and the entire crew of the ship participated.

At the location of the statue were established on Ahu (RAP. AHU) - polished stone platforms of different magnitude, slightly inclined towards the sea. Next, the final stage of creating cult figures took place - setting the eye from volcanic glass or corals. The heads of many stone Istukan were decorated with "hats" (Rap. Pukao) from the rock of the reddish color.

MOAI's fees have a height of more than 3 m., The length is up to 150 m., And the weight of the components of their stone plates is up to 10 tons. A volcanic crater found about 200 unfinished figures, among which more than 20 m are encountered. Length.

Over time, the amount of MOAI reached 1000, which made it possible to build an almost solid line of monuments along the coast of Rap Nui. The reason why residents of the tiny island spent strength and time to create numerous gigids, and today remains a mystery.

It is assumed that the sculpture of Easter Island was images of noble executives of clans. The typical design of the statue - without legs, with an angular gloomy face, protruding chin, tightly compressed lips and with a low forehead - remains one of the greatest mysteries of Easter Island. All statues (except for seven MOAIs located in the middle of the A-Ba) stand on the coast and "watching" into the sky towards O-Wa. Some experts consider their deceased guards that powerful spins defended the deceased from the natural elements. Mysterious giggles, silently lined up in the line on the coast, turning back to Pacific Ocean - As if a powerful army, guarding the peace of his possessions.

Despite some primitiveness of the MOAI, the statues fascinate. Especially impressively giants look in the evening, in the rays of the setting sun, when on the background of the sky, only huge, chilling blood silhouettes are poured ...

So, the civilization of Rap-Nui reached his heyday, then something terrible happened.

An ominous story was revealed about the merciless use of natural resources and the ruin of the O-Wa. Europeans who first hit the Easter Island, were amazed how people could survive in such a deserted place. It ceased to be a mystery when recent studies have shown that in antiquity the island was covered with a dense forest, there was an abundant tropical paradise.

Apparently, the resources of the O-Wa seemed inexhaustible, the trees were cut down to the construction of dwellings and canoes, and gigantic palm trees - for transportation of the MOAI.

The destruction of the forest led to the erosion of the soil and its exhaustion. Scarce crops, a lack of food led to armed conflicts between the island clans, the MOAI - the symbols of power and success were overthrown. The struggle with time tightened, according to legends, the winners eaten their enemies to gain strength. In the southwestern part of Rap-Nui there is a cave "Ana Kai Tangata", whose name is ambiguous: can mean "Cave, where people eat", and maybe "Cave, where people eaten." Rapa's culture collapsed for the last 300 years collapsed.

Because of the lack of forest, the islanders turned out to be cut off from the outside world even more than before. Even fisheries for them turned out to be a difficulty occupation. Easter Island has turned into a ruined deserted land with exhausted soils, with the remaining alive about 750 people. Under these conditions, the cult of a poultry person originated here. Over time, he found the status of the dominant religion practicing until 1866-1867.

Due to the lack of material for the construction of the canoe and the opportunity to float from the island, Rapanuitsa with envy watched birds, soaring in the sky.

At the edge of Crater Rano-Kao was founded by the ritual village of Orongo (Rap. Orongo), where they worshiped God fertility Mchamak (Rap. Makemake) and a peculiar competition was held between men of various clans.

In the spring, each clan selected the most physically trained warriors, who needed with steep slopes to descend to the sided sharks by the sea, to swim to one of the islets and bring a universal egg of the sea bird, dark mushrooms (lat. Onychoprion Fuscatus). Warrior, who managed to be the first to deliver the egg, proclaimed a bird-bird (the earthly embodiment of the Divine Mchamak). He honored awards and special privileges, and his tribe received the right to manage the island during the year to the following competitions.

Hundreds of petroglyphs, surviving centuries, carved by human birds in a solid basalt breed, are also unique attractions. There is an opinion that petroglyphs depict the winners of the annual competitions. About 480 such petroglyphs have been found around ORONO.

The culture of Rapanuits began to revive, perhaps the inhabitants of the O-Wa would have been able to achieve a heyday, but in December 1862, the ships of Peruvian slave trades were moored to the island and took all the workable inhabitants of O-Wa. At that time, the economy was on the rise and needed labor. As a result of poor nutrition, unbearable working conditions and diseases, no more than a hundred islanders survived. And only thanks to the intervention of France, the remaining residents of Rap-Nui were returned to the island. At the time of joining the island to Chile in 1888, about 200 indigenous people lived.

Missionaries who arrived on the island discovered the society in decline here, for the appeal of its inhabitants in Christianity it did not need a lot of time. Immediately there were changes in the clothes of the indigenous population, and more precisely, its complete absence. The inhabitants of the island took the original land, they lived in a small part of the O-Wa, while the arrived farmers used the rest of the land for agriculture.

Tattoos were banned, houses and ritual shrines were destroyed, the works of the art of Rapanians were destroyed. All wooden sculptures of O-Wa, religious artifacts, and, most importantly, "" (RAP. Rongo Rongo) - wooden plank "Talking Tree", made by unique writing. Easter Island is the only island in Polynesia, whose residents have developed their own writing system. Ancient legends, legends, religious chants cut out shark teeth on tables from the dark wood Toromiro, only a few of which reached the present day. A plate-kochau with the pictures of a winged bird-man, frogs, turtles, lizards, stars, crosses and spirals are another riddle of the oy-va, which more than 130 years of scientists cannot decipher. Now there are only 25 rong-Rongoscattered on museums in the world.

In 1988, Rapa-Nui presented the next surprise scientist. When excavations on a small swamp in the depths of the Island, Australian scientists found the remains of a medieval knight in a complete equipment sitting on a combat horse. In the peat, which has preservative properties, the knight and horse are well preserved. Judging by his armor, the knight was a member of the German Catholic Livonian Order (1237-1562). In the belt wallet, golden Hungarian chucks of chasing 1326 were discovered, these coins were walking in Poland and Lithuania. Scientists could not explain how the rider was thousands of kilometers on a distant Pacific O-ve. Before the opening of America (1492) from 1326, more than 150 years remained! The thoughts on the existence of the teleportation phenomenon are involuntarily. There are no more convincing arguments that explain the appearance of a medieval knight-crusader on Easter Island, no day before this day.

Small sad retreat

The Phenomenal Island of Easter, which is a small piece of sushi (only 165 m²), during the construction of mysterious gigids was 3-4 times more than the previous one. Some of his part, like Atlantis, disappeared under water. In the quiet, sunny weather, areas of flooded sushi are viewed through the thickness of the water. There is even such an incredible version: the Mysterious Island of Easter is the tiny surviving part of the ancestral of mankind, the mythical mainland Lemuria (Lemuria), sunken about 4 million years ago.

And the island-pearl, located in Oceania away from civilization, pursues to certain thoughts and conclusions. The history of Easter Island is a miniature copy of the history of our time. She is able to teach a visual lesson to us, the inhabitants of the planet Earth. All of us, in essence, are residents of O-Wa, floating in the endless ocean.

On a tiny piece of sushi, what is the Island of Easter, the consequences of the barbarian attitude towards nature, the ruthless cutting of forests are well traced. Residents, continuing their monstrous actions, probably prayed to their gods so that they fill the damage to their land. To continue to continue the abuse of it.

What could the gods make? Only one thing - to enhance the person who cut the last tree. The man understood that this tree was the last, nevertheless, he quit it. This is the most terrible tragedy of modernity ...