Djibouti where. Little country

Republic state-V. on S.-V. Africa. Independence proclaimed in 1977 g. In the colonial period - franz. Ownership, until 1967 g. Somalia (French) Or officially. French coast of Somalia., Then the French territory of Afarov and. Issa, according to the name of the two major ethnicities of this territory. With the proclamation of independence, a name was made on the main city of the country. The city is based in 1883 g. At Cape Rae Djibouti (Arab. Ras "Cape") folded with small coral reefs. With the uneven surface of the cape and the coast adjacent to it, the name explanation is associated.

Geographical names of the world: toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001.


(Djibouti.), 1) State-in on St. Africa, to the southern coast of the Aden Hall. and Bab el-Mandeban Prol. PL 23.4 thousand km², the capital of Djibouti. In antiquity, the territory was settled with nomadic tribes of Afar and Issa; In the V-VI centuries. - in the composition of the State Aksum; In the VII-XIX centuries. - under the authority of the Arab Sultanates; From 1896 - Colony French coast of Somalia ; From 1946 - the overseas territory of France, since 1967 - French territory of Afarov and Issa . Since 1977 - Independent Republic of Djibouti ; The head of the president, the legislative power belongs to Nats. Collection.
The landscape is dominated by mountain ranges and lava plateau with cones of extinct volcanoes, which are located within the depression AFAR . On sv. Siens xp. Danakil (Musa-Ali, 2022 m). In the deep wpadine salty oz. ASALAL (156 m below U.M.). High seismicity. Tropical climate, deserted (one of the hottest places in the world). In the summer, sandstorms from Arabia - Hamsina, but in May and September on the coast 100% humidity. There are no permanent rivers. B.C. deserts and semi-deserts; In oases - palm trees (dum and chicken). Nat. Parks, reserves. Population of 461 thousand people. (2001); Of these, Afarov 35%, Issa 60%, Europeans and Arabs 5%. Officer Language - Arabic and French. Among believers - 94% Muslims and 6% Christians. Citizens 83% (1996). Nomadic and semi-surround cattle prevails (cattle - the symbol of wealth for Afarov and ISSA). Fish-in, marine crafts (crabs, pearl, pearls, sponges, corals). Coffee, palm trees, early vegetables are grown. Up to 90% of food is imported. Small pre-landscape, text. and sewing, leather-shoes. prom. Mining of cook salt on OZ. Assassal and evaporation of her from sea water. Crafts: Treatment of skins and leather, manufacture of silver jewelry with pearls, pearl, amber and coral, skin stamping. Highways - more than 3 thousand km (of which are 281 km with a solid coating). French naval base. Cash. - Djibui Franc;
2) capital (Since 1977), south. shore hall Tajura (Indian Ocean). 387 thousand inhabitants (1995). Founded in 1888 by the French as a seaport with an artificial harbor. Large base of the Navy of France. Pr-in Maine. Water, dairy, repair shops. All states, educational and medical institutions of the country are concentrated here. Sea port for servicing transit cargo from Ethiopia - "Gate to Ethiopia". The city is divided into two hours: the port on the Machaw and Heron and bargaining in the sea of \u200b\u200bP-ov., Business and residential neighborhoods. On the sublime cape - the residence of the president (in Nesomavritarian style). Mosque, a lot of greenery, streets under the canopies of houses (from the Sun). Since the 1940s is built on European style.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Ekaterinburg: y-factor. Under the general edited by Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .

Djibouti Republic. State in the northeastern part of Africa. Capital - G. G. G. G. G. (547.1 thousand people - 2003). Territory - 23.2 thousand square meters. km. Administrative-territorial division - 5 districts. Population- 712 thousand people. (2004). Official language- French and Arabic. Religion- Islam, Christianity. Currency unit - Djibui Franc. National holiday - June 27 - Independence Day (1977). Djibouti - UN member since 1977, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) since 1977, and from 2002 its successor - the African Union (AS), the Non-Aligned League, the League of Arab States (Lag) since 1977, the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the total market in Eastern and South Africa (Komes) from 1994, as well as an associate member of the European Union.
Geographical position and border.The continental state is located in the district of African horns and on O-Wah masked, Mush and seven brothers. It borders in the north with Eritrea, in the north-west, south-west and south - with Ethiopia, in the south-east - with Somalia, the east coast is washed by the water of the Aden Bay of the Indian Ocean. The length of the coastline is 350 km.
Nature.Djibouti is in the zone of the incessant volcanic activity. Mountains alternate with lavva plateau, many extinct volcanoes. The Tajursky Bay is located 60 km away. The highest point is Musa-Ali Mountain (2021 m). Minerals - Gypsum, clay, limestone, stone and table salt, pempes, perlit and Pozzzolan. There are geothermal sources.
Climate- Tropical, hot and dry. Average monthly air temperature + 27-35 ° C. Maximum - + 42-43 ° - They are achieved in July. The average annual precipitation is 45-130 mm per year. The greatest amount of moisture (500 mm) falls in the mountains of the year and Mabla. There are no permanent rivers. Large lakes - Assassal (salty) and Abbe (freshwater). Lack of drinking water is one of the main problems.
Floramostly desert and semi-desert (cereal, various acacias). In the relict forest, give (mountain range of the year) Juniper, olive tree, male, thuja, ficus drazen, etc., in the valleys - the palm tree and palm trees. Mangrove forests are preserved on the coast and islands. Antelope Kudo and Sassa, Warts, Hyien, Wild Cats, Mongos, Medicles, Sea Turtles, Monkeys, Sugar Fox, Shakals, Many birds (approx. 240 species, among rare types of ostriches), reptiles (including Varana , cobra and pythons), butterflies and insects. In the coastal waters of the abundance of fish, crabs and lobsters.
Population.The average population density is 29.9 people. per quarter. KM (2002). The average annual population increase is 2.1%. Birth rate - 40.39 per 1000 people, mortality - 19.42 per 1000 people. Children's mortality - 105.54 per 1000 newborns. 43.2% of the population are children under 14 years old. Residents who have reached the 65-year age - 3.1%. The life expectancy is 43.12 years old (men - 41.83, women - 44.44). (All data for 2004). More than 45% of the population is below poverty line (2003).
Djibouti is a polyethnic state. OK. 60% of the population make up Somali peoples (including 48% - Issa (Nationalities Abgal, Dalol, etc.)), 35% - Afara (or Danakil), 5% - Europeans (most French and Italians), Arabs (in The main people from Yemen), Ethiopia, etc. More than 100 thousand djibalians lead a nomadic or half-blood lifestyle. The languages \u200b\u200bof communication of the overwhelming part of the population are AFAR and Somalia.
In Djibouti high rates of urbanization. Large cities (in thousands of people): Ali Sabie (8), Tajur (7.5), Dikkil (6.5), skies (5) - 2003. Urban population - approx. 70% (2/3 he lives in the capital) - 2003.
The issue of repatriation of refugees and illegal immigrants (100 thousand people - 2003) from Iraq, Yemen, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia is acute. Djibui refugees live in Ethiopia, Kenya (approx. 20 thousand people. - 2001). From 2000, Djibouti became one of the new ways of African refugees (through Moscow and Tallinn) to Sweden.
Religion.Djibouti is a secular state. 94% of the population - Muslims of the Sunni direction (there is also a small number of shiites). Islam began to spread in 9th century. AD Christians make up 5%, OK. 1% of Djibutians confess Buddhism and Hinduism (2003). Representatives of some nations parallel to preserve the commitment of traditional beliefs.
State Device and Politics
State device.Presidential republic. The 1992 Constitution approved by a referendum of September 4 of the same year. The head of state and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the president, who is elected by universal direct and secret ballot for 6 years. The president may take this post no more than two deadlines. Legislative power is carried out by a unicameral parliament (National Assembly), consisting of 65 deputies who are elected by universal and secret ballot for a 5-year term.
President - Ismail Omar Gelleh (ISMael Omar Gelleh). Eliminated April 9, 1999.
The state flag is a rectangular cloth, divided into two horizontal stripes of light blue (above) and light green. On the left (the strip is imposed on the strip, the white isceitable triangle is imposed, in the center of which there is a five-pointed star of red.
Administrative device.The country is divided into 5 districts, which consist of municipalities. The head of the districts are the Commissioners of the Republic (prefects, at the same time being mayors of district centers).
Judicial system.Based on the modern right, Muslim and traditional (ordinary) right. Supreme, highest appellate, so-called Safety Tribunal, Sharia courts, criminal courts of districts, as well as courts on labor issues. Since 2000, the Ministry of Justice is making measures to form a single legal system in the country.
Armed Forces and Defense.Armed Forces were created in 1977. In 2002, they had 9.6 thousand people: army - 9.2 thousand people, naval forces - 200 people, Air Force - 200 people .. There are also semi-long divisions. Gendarmerie (1.2 thousand people) and national security forces (3 thousand people) - 2002. Since 1992, a universal military service has been operating for men aged 18-25 years. Defense spending in 2003 amounted to $ 26.5 million (4.4% of GDP).
On the territory of the country from colonial times, the largest military base of France in Africa (2850 people - 2004) remains. Franco-Dzhibutian military maneuvers are regularly held. Djibouti during the first war in the Persian Gulf (1990-1991) was used as an operating base of the US troops. In the beginning. The 2000s are placed here a regional anti-terrorist center (1500 US soldiers).
Foreign policy.It is based on non-aligned and neutrality policy. The main foreign policy partner is France. Djibouti promotes the development of cooperation between the countries of the African Horn: in 1985-1986 the country made an initiative to create an IGAD (intergovernmental organization of development), participated in the settlement of the instracted and Somali conflicts.
Diplomatic relations between the USSR and Djibouti are installed on April 3, 1978. On January 6, 1992, the Government of Djibouti recognized the Russian Federation by the USSR successor. Signed agreements on trade (1990) and cultural cooperation (1995). National frames for Djibouti were preparing in universities of the USSR and the Russian Federation.
Political organizations.There was a multi-party system (there are more than 20 political parties). The most influential ones: " People's Association for Progress, Nop"(Rassemblement Populaire Pour Le Progrès, RPP), Leader - Ismail Omar Gelleh (Ismael Omar Gelleh), gene. sec. - Mohamed Ali Mohamed (Mohamed Ali Mohamed). The ruling party, the only legal party in 1981-1992, created. in 1979; " Party Democratic Update, PDO"(Parti du Renouveau Démocratique, PRD) Chairman - Abdillahi Hamareiteh (Abdillahi Hamareiteh), gene. sec. - Maki Humed Gaba (Maki Houmed Gaba). Fundamentals. In 1992. He advocated the creation of a democratic government formed on the basis of a parliamentary majority; " Union of the Democratic Alliance,"(Alliance Républicaine Pour La Démocratie, Ard), Preyed. - Ahmed Dini Ahmed (AHMED DINI AHMED), (ADAN MOHAMED ABDOU). Main opposition party, Created. in 2002; " Front for restoring unity and democracy, fried"(Front Pour La Restauration De L" Unité et de la démocratie, frud), Chairman - Ali Mohamed Daud (Ali Mohamed Daoud), a gene. - Ugurok Kifleh Ahmed (OUGOUH KIFLEH AHMED). Founded in 1991 as a military group of Afarov After split (1994), one of its factions in March 1996 was legalized as a party.
Trade union associations.Universal labor union, here (Union Générale du Travail). Created in 1977, until 1992 was called "Universal Association of Djibouti Workers". Combines 22 professional unions in their ranks of 17 thousand members. Chairman - Yusuf Mohamed (Yussuf Mohamed), Secretary General - Aden Mohamed Ardou.
Djibouti is one of the least economically developed states of the world. The basis of the farm is the agricultural sector. Frequent droughts are applied serious damage to the farm (last time in 2000). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe port of Djibouti, a free economic zone has been created.
Labor resources.Economically active population - 315 thousand people, including in the agrarian sector - 248 thousand people. (2000).
Agriculture.Share in GDP - 3.5% (2003). In its structure, animal husbandry prevails - breeding camels, goats, cattle, sheep and donkeys. Agriculture developed weakly, the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed lands is approx. one%. Grow vegetables (mostly tomatoes), watermelons and melons. Fisheries develops (Barracuda, Vull, Karangi, Merena, Moray, Tuna, Skata Manta, etc.). The population is also engaged in hunting, pearl, coral and sea sponges.
Industry.Developed weakly. In 2003, its share in GDP was 15.8%. The manufacturing industry is represented by enterprises for processing agricultural products (confectionery factories, flour and dairy plants, plants for primary seafood processing, as well as to evaporate seawater salt, mineral water production plant), paper, leather, construction and pharmaceutical industries are developing.
International trade.The volume of imports significantly exceeds the volume of exports: in 2002 imports (US dollars) amounted to 665 million, and exports - 155 million. The import of imports make up soft drinks, oil and petroleum products, food, transport equipment and chemicals. Main import partners: Saudi Arabia (19.7%), Ethiopia (10.9%), China (9.2%), France (6.5%) and United Kingdom (5.1%) - 2003. Major products Exports - coffee (transit), re-export, animal skins and selected skin. The main partners in exports - Somalia (63.9%), Yemen (22.5%) and Ethiopia (4.7%) - 2003.
Energy.The basis of the fuel and energy balance is imported oil and petroleum products, as well as charcoal. Work 6 TPPs. Studies are underway on the use of alternative energy sources (including geothermal waters).
Transport.The transport network is more developed in southern districts. An important place in its structure belongs to the seaport in G. Tozhibuti (opened in 1888, in 2000 its expansion began) - a transit point for international paths from Europe and the Mediterranean to Eastern Africa and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Other seaports are Aden and Jedda. Sea merchant fleet in 2004 numbered 1 ship. The length of railways (are part of the total with Ethiopia railway) - 121 km. The first branch (G. Khibuti-Dauva (Ethiopia)) was built in 1902. The total length of roads is more than 3.5 thousand km (with a solid coating - 500 km). There are 13 airports and runways (3 of them have a solid coating). Ambuli International Airport (6 km from the capital) is one of the largest in Africa. (All data for 2003).
Finance and credit.Monetary unit - Djibui Franc (DJF), consisting of 100 centimes. Current of the national currency: 1 USD \u003d 177.72 DJF (NC. 2004).
Tourism.The country has the potential for the development of a tourist business - the presence of a rather branched infrastructure, sandy beaches and picturesque landscapes of the Tajur Gulf, conditions for yacht sports and underwater hunting. In 1998, 20 thousand foreign tourists (mostly French) visited the country. Attractions: Tropical Aquarium, Central Market, Dorale Beach (G. Legibuti), Reserved Islands Maskali and Musha in the Gulf of Tajur, National Lesopark Dai, as well as an exotic desert terrain, reminding the lunar landscape, near G.Ali-Sabie.
Underwater hunting (including on marine turtles) is prohibited by law. (Nevertheless, its meat enters many local dishes). Fishing fishing is allowed only under license. Prohibited production and removal from the country of corals and shells.
Society and culture
Education.The foundations of the education system are laid in the 1910s. Mandatory 6-year primary education (officially free), which children receive from 6 years. The secondary education (7 years) begins with 12 years of age and takes place in two stages - 4 and 3 years. In 2001, elementary schools attended 37.9 thousand children of relevant age. There are several dozen kokranic schools. Average technical and higher education Dzhibutian youth receives abroad (mainly in France, in Con. 1990s, Jibouti students also studied in Russian universities). OK. 55% of graduates after graduation at home are not returned. With con. 2000 began the implementation of the education system reform program. Promptically 67.9% of the population (78% of men and 58.4% of women) - 2003.
Health.Infectious disease predominate (including tuberculosis) disease. Lack of pure drinking water (permanent access to it in 2000 had approx. 90% of the population) leads to outbreaks of intestinal infectious diseases. In 2003, there were 9.1 thousand patients with AIDS and HIV-infected, 690 people died. The growth rate of the incidence of AIDS is 2.9% per year (2003).
In 2000, 91% of the population had access to health care, and health expenditures were 5% of GDP. In terms of child mortality, Djibouti among African countries is among the top ten. According to the UN Humanitarian Development Report (2001), the Republic of Djibouti in the ranking of countries was in 153th place. Frames of doctors are preparing abroad (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, France and Russia). In addition to France, Germany, Iraq and Libya provided financial assistance to the health care system.
Architecture.She is inherent mixing Arab, African and Western European styles. The traditional view of the dwelling is a small single or two-storey house under a flat roof, surrounded by a terrace and gallery. Pretty thick walls protecting from heat are erected from Mad Parabor blocks (local construction material of coral origin). Windows and doors are wooden, decorated with carvings. Nomadic peoples of the housing serve as leather tents or huts from mats. In G. Legibuti, quarters built in a colonial style were preserved. Modern construction uses aluminum, reinforced concrete structures and glass.
Fine arts and art crafts.Professional painting and sculpture are in the formation stage. The name of the young artist Robert (pseudonym Mohammed Hussein) is widely known. Art crafts are common - weaving products from the cane, the manufacture of souvenirs (stuffed representatives of the water world, a variety of shells, crafts from stone and corals).
Literature.It is based on the traditions of the oral folk creativity of Afarov and Issa, experiencing a significant influence of France's literature. Popular folklore (legends, myths, legends and fairy tales). In the 1990s, in French, Afar and Somali, several collections of legends and fairy tales of local peoples were published. The circle of writers is not a few. Modern writers - Abdurahman Vabery (live in France, two collections of the story of a young author are included in the mandatory school program of Djibouti), Dager Ahmed. Popular poet A. Vais.
Music and theater.The game on musical instruments, songs and dances are an integral part of the original culture. Traditional music is performed on Tamamam. In the 20th century It was influenced by modern European and Arab musical cultures. The birth of the National Theater began in con. 1980s. At the Palace of the People (built in G. Lezhibuti in 1985) there are several musical and dance and theatrical teams. In the capital there is an amateur Salin Theater, on the stage of which touring foreign artists speak (in 1989, the ensemble "Russian Song" was performed with concerts).
The development of national literature, musical and visual art contributes to the active interaction of the creative intelligentsia of the country with numerous francophon organizations working in Djibouti (including the French cultural center. A. Grazo) and the Götte Institute (Germany), which regularly conduct cultural events.
Press, broadcasting, television and internet.Published: in French and Arabic - the weekly newspaper "La Nasion de Djibouti" (La Nation de Djibouti - "People of Djibouti", irregularly leave the application to him in Somalia), in French - the official Governmentang Bulletin "Journal OFUPI de la Rablik de Djibouti "(Journal Officiel de la République de Djibouti -" Official newspaper of the Republic of Djibouti "), the newspaper" Le Progrès "- the printed organ of the ruling NOP, the weekly LE Renouvo (Le Renouveau -" Updated ") - PDO printed organ, etc.
"The Djibouti Information Agency, Agezh" (Agence Djiboutienne D "Information, Adji) was created in 1978, operates since 1982. The government service and television service operates from 1956 (in 1991 a modern multi-storey studio), daily transmissions are conducted in French, Arabic and AFAR Languages, as well as the Somalia language. TV shows are broadcast only for G. G. Legibuti and its suburbs. There are 6.5 thousand Internet users (2003).
Preolonional period.The territory of modern Djibouti was populated long before the start of the new era. In 3 c. BC e. Merchants from Greece, India, Persia and South Arabia penetrated here. In the beginning. 9- con. 14 centuries. The territory of Djibouti was part of the Muslim state formation of Iyphat. The Turkish-Portuguese rivalry for the control over Djibouti ended with the victory of Portugal (14 century), but in the 17th century. Power again captured the Sultanates.
Colonial period.France made attempts to entrenched on the coast of the Gulf of the Gulf from the 1850s. In 1888, on the coast, the French was founded by the Sea Port of Djibouti. From the 1896, the new colony with the administrative center in the city of G. Pyzhibuti began to be called the French Coast of Somalia. Trade was actively developed, the French colonists created agricultural and pastoral farms. The introduction of the joint Dzhibui-Ethiopian Railway (1917) turned into an important military-strategic point in the Indian Ocean. In 1946, the colony received the status of the overseas territory of France.
The first political party - the Democratic Union of Somalia (DSS) - was created in 1958. In the 1960s, parties on an ethnic basis are created: "Party of People's Movement" (PND), "Democratic Union of Afarov" (DSA) and others. Growth of political activity In the colony forced France in 1967 to provide her expanded autonomy, she also received a new name - "French territory of Afarov and Issa" (Ftai). In 1975, the first inter-ethnic party was founded - the African People's League for Independence (ANLN), which initiated the initiator of the country's independence. On the referendum held on May 8, 1977, 98.7% of the Djibouti population spoke for independence.
The period of independent development.On June 27, 1977, the independent state of the Djibouti Republic was proclaimed. The President of Anlan Hassan Gulid Aptidon was elected president of the country. Attempts to maintain ethnic balance between Issa and Afairi were taken (in the first two years of independence, the composition of the government changed three times). In March 1979, on the basis of Anlan, the Public Association for Progress (NOP) headed by H.Gulida was created. After re-election, a single-party regime mode was introduced into the new presidential period in 1981. Tensions in relations between Afrai and Issa in Nach. 1900s led to armed clashes. In 1991-1994, opposition military group of Afarov Fued ("Front for the restoration of unity and democracy" was performed against the government.
In 1992, a multiparty was introduced under pressure from the opposition and international financial institutions. In the presidential election, 1993 won H.G.Gulid again. Fued renewed an armed confrontation by the authorities. After long negotiations, the government recognized the Fued Leading Party. Moderate wing of the party leadership in the parliamentary elections 1997 was in a single coalition with the ruling NGO. The radical part of the FFF continued anti-government performances before signing a peace treaty between them in May 2001.
In 1999, H.G.Gulid, having received 74.1% of the vote, re-elected president for a new six-year term. With financial assistance, the IMF began the implementation of economic reforms, calculated until 2002. The volume of GDP in 2002 amounted to $ 619 million, its growth is 3.5%. The inflation rate in 2002 was 2%.
The next parliamentary elections took place on January 10, 2003. Under the conditions of the boycott of elections, by some opposition parties (rent, Fued, etc.), the ruling NOP party won their victory.
The country is implemented by the macroeconomic development program, calculated for 2001-2010. One of the priorities of the modern domestic policy of the government is to fight hunger and reduced poverty. A serious problem is unemployment (among young people reaches 60%). The main financial donors are France, the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Since 2002, close relations with France began to be folded. In the beginning. 2005 The authorities raised France rent for the use of military infrastructure to 30 million euros per year.
The presidential election was scheduled for April 8, 2005. The current president is the only official candidate. Fued extended an appeal to the people of Djibouti with a call to "rally against the presidential elections", and France and the United States, carrying out the military presence in Djibouti, is to "support the transition to democracy in the country."
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Encyclopedia Krugosvet. 2008 .


Djibouti is the capital of the East African State of Djibouti. The city was founded in 1888, and from 1892 he was the administrative center of the colony of the French coast of Somalia. Since 1977, Djibouti - the capital of an independent state. The population of the city is about 417,000 residents (most of the country's population).
Djibouti is divided into two parts - the port on the Peninsulas Marabuth and Heron and shopping, business and residential neighborhoods. At the Ocean's shores, the presidential palace built in Neomavritarian style, but most of the city buildings have typical features of the colonial style.
The capital of Djibouti is also a large port in the Gulf of Aden. Basically, the city's economy is based on the export of Ethiopian goods (the port serves over half of the foreign trade operations of Ethiopia), as well as on service and refueling vessels passing through the Red Sea. In addition, there are many firms for the export of coffee, skin and salt. There is an international airport.
Republic of Djibouti
State in northeastern Africa. In the East is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Aden, in the south-east, it borders with Somalia, in the south and west - with Ethiopia, in the north - with Eritrea. The country area is about 23,200 km2.
The population (estimated for 1998) about 440,700 people, the average population density of 19 people per km2. In recent years, the population of Djibouti has grown sharply due to the inflow of refugees from Somalia and Ethiopia. Ethnic groups: Somalis - 60%, Afara - 35%, French, Arabs and Italians - 5%. Language: French, Arabic (both state), Afar, Somalia. Religion: Muslim Sunnites - 94%, Christians - 6%. Capital - Djibouti (417,000 people). State structure - Republic. The head of state - President Hassan Gulyred Apotidon (in office from June 24, 1977, was again elected in May 1993). The head of government - Prime Minister Barcat Grad Hamad (in office since September 30, 1978). Monetary unit - Djibui Frank. The average life expectancy (for 1998): 47 years old - men, 50 years old are women. Birth rate (per 1000 people) - 41.8. The mortality rate (per 1000 people) is 14.7.
From the end of the XIX century - French colony called the French coast of Somalia, since 1946, the overseas territory of France. In 1967, he was renamed the French territory of Afarov and Issa. Djibouti received independence on June 27, 1977. The country is a member of the UN, the Organization of African Unity and the League of Arab countries.
There is a very hot and wet climate in the country: the middle January temperature is 26 ° C, the middle July temperature is 36 ° C.

Encyclopedia: Cities and Countries. 2008 .

Djibouti - the state (area - 22 thousand in the northeast of Africa, between Ethiopia (cm. Ethiopia) And Somalia. Washed by the waters of the Gulf and Bab El Mandantry, connecting the Indian Ocean with the Red Sea. Until 1977 was the ownership of France (cm. France). Official language - Arabic. For Relph Djibouti, the alternation of mountain ranges, lava plateau with cones of extinct volcanoes. The territory is highly seismic, everywhere there are hot springs. The Northeast is occupied by the sangs of the Danakil Ridge (the highest point is Musa-Ali Mountain, 2022 m). The rest of the country to the west of the Gulf of Tajura, deeply cut into the mainland, is within the depression of Danakil, covered with almost lifeless lavs. The central part of Djibouti makes up stony, sandy and clay plains, low sections of which are engaged in salted lakes. The largest of them - Assal - lies 153 m below sea level. Small rivers dry annually.
The climate is tropical, very hot: the average monthly temperatures range from 27 ° C to 32 ° C, precipitation in most areas falls from 50 to 100-150 mm per year. The hottest period is from May to September. The country is dominated by deserts and semi-deserts with a rarefied cover from cereals and shrubs. Only on the more wet slopes of the mountains are growing with trellies from tree juniper, acacia, mimosis, and in a few oases you can find palm trees. As much as poor and animal world (a few antelope-origins, hyenas and jackals, in the forests - monkeys), but coastal waters are famous for the wealth of coral reefs, abundance of fish.
The population of the country (about 496 thousand people) constitutes mainly two people - Afara and Issa, which are largely preserving the traditional structure and social organization, but quite a lot and non-crossed inhabitants - Arabs, Somalis, French and other people from Europe. Although the state language is Arabic, most commonly used in the cities of French. The city of Djibouti, in which half of the population lives, is divided into two parts: the port on the Peninsula Marabuth and Heron and trade, business and residential neighborhoods. At the Ocean's shores, the presidential palace built in Neomavritarian style, but most of the city buildings have typical features of the colonial style.

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .

  • Jet-oguz modern encyclopedia
  • I Djibouti Republic (République de Djibouti), the state in northeast Africa. 22 thousand km2. Population 603.6 thousand people (1996); Issa, Afara, Arabs, Europeans, etc. The urban population is 83%. Official languages \u200b\u200bArabic and French. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Djibouti - (Djibouti), the Republic of Djibouti (Republique de Djibouti), state at S. V. Africa. Pl. 22 t. Km2. Us. 340. (1982). The capital of Djibouti (210 t., 1983). Prior to the declaration of independence in 1977 D. Ownership (from 1896) France (Franz. Somali Coast, ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Djibouti Republic (Republique de Djibouti), the state in northeast Africa. 22 thousand km & sup2. Population of 565 thousand people (1993), Issa, Afara, Arabs, Europeans, etc. Urban population 81% (1988). Official language Arabic and French. ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Djibouti, the capital (since 1977) of Djibouti states. 450 thousand inhabitants. The port in the Gulf of Aden (serves also more than 1/2 foreign trade operations of Ethiopia); international Airport. Shipyard. Founded in 1888, from 1892 Administrative center of the colony ... ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (DJIBOUTI), state in Vost. Africa, which was previously part of Franz. Somalia. OK. 1888 The French founded a small enclave here, using him in the frame of the port, in 1892 they made this port city by the capital of Franz. Somalia. The importance of D, ... ... The World History

    Djibouti - territory of 23.4 thousand, population of 460 thousand people (1986). This is an agricultural country. The main source of existence of the rural population is nomadic and semi-in-house cattle breeding. Seasonal pastures are also used in Ethiopia. Chief export ... World sheep-flower Read more

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DjiboutiDjibouti Republic. State in the northeastern part of Africa. Capital - G. G. G. G. G. (547.1 thousand people - 2003). Territory - 23.2 thousand square meters. km. Administrative-territorial division - 5 districts. Population- 712 thousand people. (2004). Official language- French and Arabic. Religion- Islam, Christianity. Currency unit - Djibui Franc. National holiday - June 27 - Independence Day (1977). Djibouti - UN member since 1977, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) since 1977, and from 2002 its successor - the African Union (AS), the Non-Aligned League, the League of Arab States (Lag) since 1977, the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the total market in Eastern and South Africa (Komes) from 1994, as well as an associate member of the European Union.

Geographical position and border.

The continental state is located in the district of African horns and on O-Wah masked, Mush and seven brothers. It borders in the north with Eritrea, in the north-west, south-west and south - with Ethiopia, in the south-east - with Somalia, the east coast is washed by the water of the Aden Bay of the Indian Ocean. The length of the coastline is 350 km.


Djibouti is in the zone of the incessant volcanic activity. Mountains alternate with lavva plateau, many extinct volcanoes. The Tajursky Bay is located 60 km away. The highest point is Musa-Ali Mountain (2021 m). Minerals - Gypsum, clay, limestone, stone and table salt, pempes, perlit and Pozzzolan. There are geothermal sources.


- Tropical, hot and dry. Average monthly air temperature + 27-35 ° C. Maximum - + 42-43 ° - They are achieved in July. The average annual precipitation is 45-130 mm per year. The greatest amount of moisture (500 mm) falls in the mountains of the year and Mabla. There are no permanent rivers. Large lakes - Assassal (salty) and Abbe (freshwater). Lack of drinking water is one of the main problems.


mostly desert and semi-desert (cereal, various acacias). In the relict forest, give (mountain range of the year) Juniper, olive tree, male, thuja, ficus drazen, etc., in the valleys - the palm tree and palm trees. Mangrove forests are preserved on the coast and islands. Antelope Kudo and Sassa, Warts, Hyien, Wild Cats, Mongos, Medicles, Sea Turtles, Monkeys, Sugar Fox, Shakals, Many birds (approx. 240 species, among rare types of ostriches), reptiles (including Varana , cobra and pythons), butterflies and insects. In the coastal waters of the abundance of fish, crabs and lobsters.


The average population density is 29.9 people. per quarter. KM (2002). The average annual population increase is 2.1%. Birth rate - 40.39 per 1000 people, mortality - 19.42 per 1000 people. Children's mortality - 105.54 per 1000 newborns. 43.2% of the population are children under 14 years old. Residents who have reached the 65-year age - 3.1%. The life expectancy is 43.12 years old (men - 41.83, women - 44.44). (All data for 2004). More than 45% of the population is below poverty line (2003).

Djibouti is a polyethnic state. OK. 60% of the population make up Somali peoples (including 48% - Issa (Nationalities Abgal, Dalol, etc.)), 35% - Afara (or Danakil), 5% - Europeans (most French and Italians), Arabs (in The main people from Yemen), Ethiopia, etc. More than 100 thousand djibalians lead a nomadic or half-blood lifestyle. The languages \u200b\u200bof communication of the overwhelming part of the population are AFAR and Somalia.

In Djibouti high rates of urbanization. Large cities (in thousands of people): Ali Sabie (8), Tajur (7.5), Dikkil (6.5), skies (5) - 2003. Urban population - approx. 70% (2/3 he lives in the capital) - 2003.

The issue of repatriation of refugees and illegal immigrants (100 thousand people - 2003) from Iraq, Yemen, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia is acute. Djibui refugees live in Ethiopia, Kenya (approx. 20 thousand people. - 2001). From 2000, Djibouti became one of the new ways of African refugees (through Moscow and Tallinn) to Sweden.


Djibouti is a secular state. 94% of the population - Muslims of the Sunni direction (there is also a small number of shiites). Islam began to spread in 9th century. AD Christians make up 5%, OK. 1% of Djibutians confess Buddhism and Hinduism (2003). Representatives of some nations parallel to preserve the commitment of traditional beliefs.

State Device and Politics

State device.

Presidential republic. The 1992 Constitution approved by a referendum of September 4 of the same year. The head of state and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the president, who is elected by universal direct and secret ballot for 6 years. The president may take this post no more than two deadlines. Legislative power is carried out by a unicameral parliament (National Assembly), consisting of 65 deputies who are elected by universal and secret ballot for a 5-year term.

The state flag is a rectangular cloth, divided into two horizontal stripes of light blue (above) and light green. On the left (the strip is imposed on the strip, the white isceitable triangle is imposed, in the center of which there is a five-pointed star of red.

Administrative device.

The country is divided into 5 districts, which consist of municipalities. The head of the districts are the Commissioners of the Republic (prefects, at the same time being mayors of district centers).

Judicial system.

Based on the modern right, Muslim and traditional (ordinary) right. Supreme, highest appellate, so-called Safety Tribunal, Sharia courts, criminal courts of districts, as well as courts on labor issues. Since 2000, the Ministry of Justice is making measures to form a single legal system in the country.

Armed Forces and Defense.

Armed Forces were created in 1977. In 2002, they had 9.6 thousand people: army - 9.2 thousand people, naval forces - 200 people, Air Force - 200 people .. There are also semi-long divisions. Gendarmerie (1.2 thousand people) and national security forces (3 thousand people) - 2002. Since 1992, a universal military service has been operating for men aged 18-25 years. Defense spending in 2003 amounted to $ 26.5 million (4.4% of GDP).

On the territory of the country from colonial times, the largest military base of France in Africa (2850 people - 2004) remains. Franco-Dzhibutian military maneuvers are regularly held. Djibouti during the first war in the Persian Gulf (1990-1991) was used as an operating base of the US troops. In the beginning. The 2000s are placed here a regional anti-terrorist center (1500 US soldiers).

Foreign policy.

It is based on non-aligned and neutrality policy. The main foreign policy partner is France. Djibouti promotes the development of cooperation between the countries of the African Horn: in 1985-1986 the country made an initiative to create an IGAD (intergovernmental organization of development), participated in the settlement of the instracted and Somali conflicts.

Diplomatic relations between the USSR and Djibouti are installed on April 3, 1978. On January 6, 1992, the Government of Djibouti recognized the Russian Federation by the USSR successor. Signed agreements on trade (1990) and cultural cooperation (1995). National frames for Djibouti were preparing in universities of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Political organizations.

There was a multi-party system (there are more than 20 political parties). The most influential ones: " People's Association for Progress, Nop"(Rassemblement Populaire Pour Le Progrès, RPP), Leader - Ismail Omar Gelleh (Ismael Omar Gelleh), gene. sec. - Mohamed Ali Mohamed (Mohamed Ali Mohamed). The ruling party, the only legal party in 1981-1992, created. in 1979; " Party Democratic Update, PDO"(Parti du Renouveau Démocratique, PRD) Chairman - Abdillahi Hamareiteh (Abdillahi Hamareiteh), gene. sec. - Maki Humed Gaba (Maki Houmed Gaba). Fundamentals. In 1992. He advocated the creation of a democratic government formed on the basis of a parliamentary majority; " Union of the Democratic Alliance,» (Alliance Républicaine Pour La Démocratie, Ard), Preyed. - Ahmed Dini Ahmed (AHMED DINI AHMED), (ADAN MOHAMED ABDOU). Main opposition party, Created. in 2002; " Front for restoring unity and democracy, fried"(Front Pour La Restauration De L" Unité et de la démocratie, frud), Chairman - Ali Mohamed Daud (Ali Mohamed Daoud), a gene. - Ugurok Kifleh Ahmed (OUGOUH KIFLEH AHMED). Founded in 1991 as a military group of Afarov After split (1994), one of its factions in March 1996 was legalized as a party.

Trade union associations.

Universal labor union, here (Union Générale du Travail). Created in 1977, until 1992 was called "Universal Association of Djibouti Workers". Combines 22 professional unions in their ranks of 17 thousand members. Chairman - Yusuf Mohamed (Yussuf Mohamed), Secretary General - Aden Mohamed Ardou.


Djibouti is one of the least economically developed states of the world. The basis of the farm is the agricultural sector. Frequent droughts are applied serious damage to the farm (last time in 2000). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe port of Djibouti, a free economic zone has been created.

Labor resources.

Economically active population - 315 thousand people, including in the agrarian sector - 248 thousand people. (2000).


Share in GDP - 3.5% (2003). In its structure, animal husbandry prevails - breeding camels, goats, cattle, sheep and donkeys. Agriculture developed weakly, the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed lands is approx. one%. Grow vegetables (mostly tomatoes), watermelons and melons. Fisheries develops (Barracuda, Vull, Karangi, Merena, Moray, Tuna, Skata Manta, etc.). The population is also engaged in hunting, pearl, coral and sea sponges.


Developed weakly. In 2003, its share in GDP was 15.8%. The manufacturing industry is represented by enterprises for processing agricultural products (confectionery factories, flour and dairy plants, plants for primary seafood processing, as well as to evaporate seawater salt, mineral water production plant), paper, leather, construction and pharmaceutical industries are developing.

International trade.

The volume of imports significantly exceeds the volume of exports: in 2002 imports (US dollars) amounted to 665 million, and exports - 155 million. The import of imports make up soft drinks, oil and petroleum products, food, transport equipment and chemicals. Main import partners: Saudi Arabia (19.7%), Ethiopia (10.9%), China (9.2%), France (6.5%) and United Kingdom (5.1%) - 2003. Major products Exports - coffee (transit), re-export, animal skins and selected skin. The main partners in exports - Somalia (63.9%), Yemen (22.5%) and Ethiopia (4.7%) - 2003.


The basis of the fuel and energy balance is imported oil and petroleum products, as well as charcoal. Work 6 TPPs. Studies are underway on the use of alternative energy sources (including geothermal waters).


The transport network is more developed in southern districts. An important place in its structure belongs to the seaport in G. Tozhibuti (opened in 1888, in 2000 its expansion began) - a transit point for international paths from Europe and the Mediterranean to Eastern Africa and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Other seaports are Aden and Jedda. Sea merchant fleet in 2004 numbered 1 ship. The length of railways (are part of the total with Ethiopia railway) - 121 km. The first branch (G. Khibuti-Dauva (Ethiopia)) was built in 1902. The total length of roads is more than 3.5 thousand km (with a solid coating - 500 km). There are 13 airports and runways (3 of them have a solid coating). Ambuli International Airport (6 km from the capital) is one of the largest in Africa. (All data for 2003).

Finance and credit.

Monetary unit - Djibui Franc (DJF), consisting of 100 centimes. Current of the national currency: 1 USD \u003d 177.72 DJF (NC. 2004).


The country has the potential for the development of a tourist business - the presence of a rather branched infrastructure, sandy beaches and picturesque landscapes of the Tajur Gulf, conditions for yacht sports and underwater hunting. In 1998, 20 thousand foreign tourists (mostly French) visited the country. Attractions: Tropical Aquarium, Central Market, Dorale Beach (G. Legibuti), Reserved Islands Maskali and Musha in the Gulf of Tajur, National Lesopark Dai, as well as an exotic desert terrain, reminding the lunar landscape, near G.Ali-Sabie.

Underwater hunting (including on marine turtles) is prohibited by law. (Nevertheless, its meat enters many local dishes). Fishing fishing is allowed only under license. Prohibited production and removal from the country of corals and shells.

Society and culture


The foundations of the education system are laid in the 1910s. Mandatory 6-year primary education (officially free), which children receive from 6 years. The secondary education (7 years) begins with 12 years of age and takes place in two stages - 4 and 3 years. In 2001, elementary schools attended 37.9 thousand children of relevant age. There are several dozen kokranic schools. Average technical and higher education Dzhibutian youth receives abroad (mainly in France, in Con. 1990s, Jibouti students also studied in Russian universities). OK. 55% of graduates after graduation at home are not returned. With con. 2000 began the implementation of the education system reform program. Promptically 67.9% of the population (78% of men and 58.4% of women) - 2003.


Infectious disease predominate (including tuberculosis) disease. Lack of pure drinking water (permanent access to it in 2000 had approx. 90% of the population) leads to outbreaks of intestinal infectious diseases. In 2003, there were 9.1 thousand patients with AIDS and HIV-infected, 690 people died. The growth rate of the incidence of AIDS is 2.9% per year (2003).

In 2000, 91% of the population had access to health care, and health expenditures were 5% of GDP. In terms of child mortality, Djibouti among African countries is among the top ten. According to the UN Humanitarian Development Report (2001), the Republic of Djibouti in the ranking of countries was in 153th place. Frames of doctors are preparing abroad (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, France and Russia). In addition to France, Germany, Iraq and Libya provided financial assistance to the health care system.


She is inherent mixing Arab, African and Western European styles. The traditional view of the dwelling is a small single or two-storey house under a flat roof, surrounded by a terrace and gallery. Pretty thick walls protecting from heat are erected from Mad Parabor blocks (local construction material of coral origin). Windows and doors are wooden, decorated with carvings. Nomadic peoples of the housing serve as leather tents or huts from mats. In G. Legibuti, quarters built in a colonial style were preserved. Modern construction uses aluminum, reinforced concrete structures and glass.

Fine arts and art crafts.

Professional painting and sculpture are in the formation stage. The name of the young artist Robert (pseudonym Mohammed Hussein) is widely known. Art crafts are common - weaving products from the cane, the manufacture of souvenirs (stuffed representatives of the water world, a variety of shells, crafts from stone and corals).


It is based on the traditions of the oral folk creativity of Afarov and Issa, experiencing a significant influence of France's literature. Popular folklore (legends, myths, legends and fairy tales). In the 1990s, in French, Afar and Somali, several collections of legends and fairy tales of local peoples were published. The circle of writers is not a few. Modern writers - Abdurahman Vabery (live in France, two collections of the story of a young author are included in the mandatory school program of Djibouti), Dager Ahmed. Popular poet A. Vais.

Music and theater.

The game on musical instruments, songs and dances are an integral part of the original culture. Traditional music is performed on Tamamam. In the 20th century It was influenced by modern European and Arab musical cultures. The birth of the National Theater began in con. 1980s. At the Palace of the People (built in G. Lezhibuti in 1985) there are several musical and dance and theatrical teams. In the capital there is an amateur Salin Theater, on the stage of which touring foreign artists speak (in 1989, the ensemble "Russian Song" was performed with concerts).

The development of national literature, musical and visual art contributes to the active interaction of the creative intelligentsia of the country with numerous francophon organizations working in Djibouti (including the French cultural center. A. Grazo) and the Götte Institute (Germany), which regularly conduct cultural events.

Press, broadcasting, television and internet.

Published: in French and Arabic - the weekly newspaper "La Nasion de Djibouti" (La Nation de Djibouti - "People of Djibouti", irregularly leave the application to him in Somalia), in French - the official Government's official Journal "Journal OFIPEEL de la de Djibouti "(Journal Officiel de la République de Djibouti -" Official newspaper of the Republic of Djibouti "), the newspaper" Le Progrès "- the printed organ of the ruling NOP, the weekly LE Renouvo (Le Renouveau -" Updated ") - PDO printed organ, etc.

"The Djibouti Information Agency, Agezh" (Agence Djiboutienne D "Information, Adji) was created in 1978, operates since 1982. The government service and television service operates from 1956 (in 1991 a modern multi-storey studio), daily transmissions are conducted in French, Arabic and AFAR Languages, as well as the Somalia language. TV shows are broadcast only for G. G. Legibuti and its suburbs. There are 6.5 thousand Internet users (2003).


Preolonional period.

The territory of modern Djibouti was populated long before the start of the new era. In 3 c. BC e. Merchants from Greece, India, Persia and South Arabia penetrated here. In the beginning. 9- con. 14 centuries. The territory of Djibouti was part of the Muslim state formation of Iyphat. The Turkish-Portuguese rivalry for the control over Djibouti ended with the victory of Portugal (14 century), but in the 17th century. Power again captured the Sultanates.

Colonial period.

France made attempts to entrenched on the coast of the Gulf of the Gulf from the 1850s. In 1888, on the coast, the French was founded by the Sea Port of Djibouti. From the 1896, the new colony with the administrative center in the city of G. Pyzhibuti began to be called the French Coast of Somalia. Trade was actively developed, the French colonists created agricultural and pastoral farms. The introduction of the joint Dzhibui-Ethiopian Railway (1917) turned into an important military-strategic point in the Indian Ocean. In 1946, the colony received the status of the overseas territory of France.

The first political party - the Democratic Union of Somalia (DSS) - was created in 1958. In the 1960s, parties on an ethnic basis are created: "Party of People's Movement" (PND), "Democratic Union of Afarov" (DSA) and others. Growth of political activity In the colony forced France in 1967 to provide her expanded autonomy, she also received a new name - "French territory of Afarov and Issa" (Ftai). In 1975, the first inter-ethnic party was founded - the African People's League for Independence (ANLN), which initiated the initiator of the country's independence. On the referendum held on May 8, 1977, 98.7% of the Djibouti population spoke for independence.

The period of independent development.

On June 27, 1977, the independent state of the Djibouti Republic was proclaimed. The President of Anlan Hassan Gulid Aptidon was elected president of the country. Attempts to maintain ethnic balance between Issa and Afairi were taken (in the first two years of independence, the composition of the government changed three times). In March 1979, on the basis of Anlan, the Party "People's Association for progress "(NOP) led by H.G.Gulid. After re-election, a single-party regime mode was introduced into the new presidential period in 1981. Tensions in relations between Afrai and Issa in Nach. 1900s led to armed clashes. In 1991-1994, opposition military group of Afarov Fued ("Front for the restoration of unity and democracy" was performed against the government.

In 1992, a multiparty was introduced under pressure from the opposition and international financial institutions. In the presidential election, 1993 won H.G.Gulid again. Fued renewed an armed confrontation by the authorities. After long negotiations, the government recognized the Fued Leading Party. Moderate wing of the party leadership in the parliamentary elections 1997 was in a single coalition with the ruling NGO. The radical part of the FFF continued anti-government performances before signing a peace treaty between them in May 2001.

In 1999, H.G.Gulid, having received 74.1% of the vote, re-elected president for a new six-year term. With financial assistance, the IMF began the implementation of economic reforms, calculated until 2002. The volume of GDP in 2002 amounted to $ 619 million, its growth is 3.5%. The inflation rate in 2002 was 2%.

Djibouti in the 21st century

The next parliamentary elections took place on January 10, 2003. Under the conditions of the boycott of elections, by some opposition parties (rent, Fued, etc.), the ruling NOP party won their victory.

The country is implemented by the macroeconomic development program, calculated for 2001-2010. One of the priorities of the modern domestic policy of the government is to fight hunger and reduced poverty. A serious problem is unemployment (among young people reaches 60%). The main financial donors are France, the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Since 2002, close relations with France began to be folded. In the beginning. 2005 The authorities raised France rent for the use of military infrastructure to 30 million euros per year.

The presidential election was scheduled for April 8, 2005. The current president is the only official candidate. Fued extended an appeal to the people of Djibouti with a call to "rally against the presidential elections", and France and the United States, carrying out the military presence in Djibouti, is to "support the transition to democracy in the country."

Lyubov Prokopenko

In the solar and desert African country, under the name Djibouti, there will always be a place for travelers who are tired of crowded resorts and eager to wander through endless expanses of untouched nature. However, there are comforters of comfort here, where to relax.

Djibouti on the world map

The Republic of Djibouti is located in East Africa in the area of \u200b\u200bthe famous Peninsula called African Rog.

He is also called Somalia. The Northern neighbor of this state is Eritrea, and from the south and west side it borders with sunny. In addition, Somaliland is another neighbor of Djibouti, the existence of which is still not recognized by many states. The country has access to the sea from the east side, namely is washed, which refers to Indian. The overall length of the coastline has approximately 314 kilometers.

Republic of Djibouti

By Djibouti Square takes about 23 thousand square kilometers, they live a little more than 800 thousand people. The largest city in the country is its capital with the same name Djibouti. At the head of state, the president named Ismail Omar Gelle. Until 1977, the republic was under the control of the French state. That is why today the French language is still on the list of officials, along with Arabic. The local population owns both languages \u200b\u200bperfectly, but it does not prevent everyone to talk among themselves at the local Afar dialect. Almost all residents of the country are confessing Muslim. Only five percent of them belong to the adherents of Christian religion.

Few people know that Djibouti is considered one of the most important international African ports. This country can rightfully be called a small sea power. Another important feature of Djibouti can be considered a successful geographical location. Despite the fact that this state is rather poor, it can boast political stability. That is why the UN organization sent her observers here, and various international organizations followed their example. It is also known that American military garrisons are located in Djibouti, but this does not affect the movement of tourists through the state.

Relief Djibouti mountainous and hilly, occasionally intermittent with high plateau. For the territory of this country, quite active volcanic activities are characterized, which does not stop at present. The cones of extinct volcanoes high peaks are highlighted against the background of smooth transitions of the mountain landscape. In the very center of Djibouti, you can see deserted plains with a stony and sandy surface. Small low-rise plots are filled with salted lakes.

As for sources of fresh water, there are practically no rivers in this African country. There are small rivers, which manifest after the rainy season, but gradually dry out. That is why more important role in Djibouti is assigned to lakes. In the heart of the country there is a major lake called Assass. His coast is considered the lowest geographical point of the country and the entire African continent. In addition, this reservoir is also one of the most saline in the world. As for the highest point of the state, it is represented by a vertex called Moussa Ali, which has about 2028 meters in height.

The vegetation in Djibouti is rather poor, which is characteristic of a deserted and semi-desert terrain. You can meet several types of grassy plants, but they grow very rarely. Small forest plantings are available only on some hills and mountain slopes. Juniper, acacia and olive trees grow in Djibouti. Occasionally, fish palms are found, more often in small oases in the middle of the desert.

You will also not noticize the special variety of the animal world in Djibouti, but sacking, antelopes and hyenals live in oases. Forest areas are inhabited by monkeys, as well as reptiles and most insect species. The water of the Adenian Bay is rich in fish.

State flag of Djibouti

As you know, the Republic of Djibouty more than a century belonged to France. It was the French who took care of the construction of the capital of the state, which is now an important seaside port of Africa. However, in June 1977, this country finally gained independence and its national flag.

The rectangular cloth is separated horizontally into two isometric strips of heavenly blue and green. On top of them in the left side of the flag, a snow-white triangle is depicted, occupying almost half of the canvas. A pentagonal red star is placed in the very center of this triangular element. Each component and color marked on the Djibouti state flag has a special symbolic value.

The blue band tells about the clarity and purity of the sky over the heads and endless marine expanses. Green strip personifies the wealth of local nature and its beauty. The white triangle is responsible for the world, to which the residents of Djibouti sought for so long. In addition, blue and green color can be associated with local tribes. As for the Red Star, it acts as the symbol of the independence and unity of the people in this country.

Climate Features in Djibouti

In this state is always very hot. The tropical climate here is different here not only by high temperatures, but also excessive dry air. In January, the average temperature indicator numbers 26 degrees with a plus sign, in July this indicator rises to 36 degrees. Throughout the year, the temperature ranges from 27-32 degrees with a plus sign.

For a large amount of precipitation, residents of Djibouti should not count. Every year no less than 50 millimeters of precipitation falls here, but not more than 150. The maximum amount of precipitation falls in the Mabla Mountain area and about 500 millimeters. The hot and dry season in Djibouti starts in May and ends in September. That is why the period from October to April is most suitable for tourist travel.

Rest and entertainment in Djibouti

Since the only international airport in the country is located in the capital of this East African state, the journey of any tourist will certainly begin with this city. Here, it is definitely something to admire, contrary to the popular belief that the architecture of the countries of the African region cannot boast of interesting offers:

  • Presidential palace "This architectural masterpiece is created in a neomavritarian style, which will definitely attract your gaze. Although in most Muslim countries to attend such important national shrines is prohibited, there is no such restriction in Djibouti, therefore it is impossible to miss such a chance.
  • MosqueHamouli. - Especially important item for visiting in this state, if you confess Muslim.
  • Tropical aquarium- In this place you can get closer to the exotic inhabitants of the tropics.
  • MarketLe. MARCHE Central - If you want to buy a couple of interesting things of local production, without a walk in this bazar can not do.
  • Dzhibuti restaurants - Journey to the exotic country is quite difficult to imagine without gastronomic tourism. If you like to eat delicious, Djibouti will surprise you with their culinary manifold. It is necessary to have lunch or dinner at the Arabic restaurant. No less interesting can the establishments representing the Pan-African cuisine. Special attention deserves raw hammer beef. It is scattered with fragrant seasonings and herbs, and served with a sharp Berber sauce.

If you want comfort to spend time in this desert country, you should stop your choice at the Sheraton Djibouti 4 * or Djibouti Palace Kempinski 5 *. In local rooms you can relax from exotic and truly enjoy the atmosphere. At your service your own beach, luxury pools and spa salons. Women will certainly like relaxing and rejuvenating body treatments, as well as a magical ayurvedic massage. In the hotel, tourists can enjoy a couple of exciting excursions. Among the favorite entertainment, visitors are worth mentioning football, golf, fishing, or even walks through the air.

However, go to Djibouti only for the sake of sunny beaches and luxury hotel rooms would be stupid. Thousands of travelers come here to plunge into all the delights of ecotourism. You can infinitely listen to stories about the picturesque lava plateaus, high volcanoes, which have long been falling asleep, hot springs and salted lakes.

These reservoirs are distinguished not only by the high content of salts, but also a characteristic snow-white raid, which literally takes you to the North Pole. The mandatory point of the plan can be considered the lake Assal, but experienced travelers know that there is another interesting reservoir called Lac Lip. The local population calls him a hole of demons, as it is the lake among the frightening volcanic relief.

The djibouti state has not yet become a popular tourist center, but actually this is its main feature. It is on such desert African lands that can admire the virgin sea coast, according to which pink flamingos worn carelessly. In this country, freedom-loving dolphins are not afraid to splashing at the shore itself. Even in the capital of Djibouti, you can relax from noisy industrial cities. Exceptional this state make multiple volcanoes. Some of them still empty thin jets of ash smoke, others continue to sleep with a non-sidewalk.

If you like long-calm walks under the sail or diving, you will not have to miss Djibouti. Not far from the reserves on the islands of Mush and Maskali, which are located in the zone of the Tajur Gulf, you can even swim with cute whale sharks.

Former French colony - Djibouti - gained independence in 1977. But unlike other African countries, this state has preserved the desire for civilization, without refusing to their traditions and customs. The bizarre interlacing of the main religion - Islam and local pagan beliefs - created a unique distinctive beauty of this country. Which despite his poverty, offers resting good service and excellent conditions for a relaxed holiday on the seafront. However, the neighborhood with Somalia and Ethiopia makes this country not too popular for mass tourism - in the border areas there are often clashes.

Features of culture

There are centuries-old traditions that do not change even under the influence of Islam of the Sunni sense. However, Western civilization had a great influence, on the influence of which this country was long decades. As a result, most buildings are a unique cocktail between Arab, European and African style. Many works of culture are preserved orally and are transmitted from the older generation to the youngest. Here we are glad to play national musical instruments, which color every popular holiday with the sounds of tammes and rhythmic dances.

Attractions Djibouti

Unfortunately, unique historical and cultural monuments here has not been preserved. But here there are many natural beauties, which attract sophisticated tourists. Most likely, your journey through the country will begin with her capital - the city. There are quite a few interesting places where you can spend a good time. For example, a tropical aquarium is one of the best for the entire African continent. We also recommend to inspect the shrinking volcano Ardokoba, the Bab El Mandantry Strait, dividing Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, the Bay of Tajur. The capital has an amazing market of Le Mare Sentral, which is primarily attracting, above all, legal sales of fresh twigs "Cat" - a natural stimulator, light drug, very popular in this country.

Having studied the sights of the capital, go to look at the natural beauty of the state. It:

  1. Lake Assal - Cratering reservoir, located at a mark of 155 meters below sea level. The lowest point of Africa.
  2. Day Forest National Park, where the Goda Mountains mountain range is located. There is still a unique East African juniper growing here.
  3. Mount Hemed - you can climb onto her flat top to enjoy a magnificent view. If you are going to spare here, then take warm things, since at night the temperature here drops to +10 Celsius.
  4. The Fumurol Field Garbes is a unique collection of volcanic basalt breeds.

Many travelers prefer beach holidays in Djibouti. And not in vain, the sea here is warm, clean, and the beaches are well maintained and attracted by their delicacy. Here all the conditions for rich fishing are created, riding on yachts are organized, surfing. You can also make an underwater excursion to sunken ships at the Mand holder. In short, Djibouti is a holiday for every taste and wallet.

When it is better to go to Djibouti

Although the warm weather keeps in the country all year round, the best time for the trip is here - from November to mid-April. These months here are relatively dry and comfortable. In the mountains, the temperature is released much below averages, so, going to travel around the mountains, stock warm things.

Safety regulations

Recommended not to travel independently in the border regions with Somalia and Eritrea. The most safe to rest tourists area of \u200b\u200bLake Assal, Beach "White Sands" and some islands. Most of the problems of theft and robbery are associated with the influx of refugees who flooded the country from Somalia and other African countries. Travelers strongly recommend drinking only bottled water, carefully comply with the rules of hygiene, make vaccinations from meningitis, dengue fever, polio, hepatitis A and V.

The Republic of Djibouti is a state in northeastern Africa in the area of \u200b\u200bAfrican horns. The capital of Djibouti since 1977 is the city of the same name located on the coast of the Aden Bay. The capital of Djibouti is the largest port that makes the Republic of the naval power. More than 500 thousand people live in the city, which is half the population of the whole country. The economy of the republic is built around the activities of the International Port of Djibouti, his shipyards.

History of the capital of Djibouti

The port of Djibouti was founded in 1888 by the French as the outpost of its colonial expansion to East Africa. This formed a peculiar architecture of the city, combining the outlines of the colonial style and modern architecture with a local flavor. Until now, the division of the urban space of the capital of Djibouti to European and African regions inherits the traditions that pretended to the colonial era. European quarters located near the port and central square Menelik are built up with excellent buildings in Ottoman and Neomavritish style and are strongly contrasted with the poor "folk" district of Balbala.

Climate of the capital of Djibouti

The capital of Djibouti is built in an amazing region, the so-called a Afar triangle, the hottest and deserted place in the world. The average annual temperature ranges within + 27- + 33 C. The coolest month is January (+25 s).

Attractions of the capital Djibouti

The symbol of the capital and its main attraction is the presidential palace, built in Neomavritish style. In the majestic building of the presidential palace, a walk around which anyone can (which is impossible in many other Muslim countries), the President of the Republic of Ismail Omar Gelle and the Council of Ministers are sitting.

Another attraction of the capital of Djibouti is the central market of the city of Le Marche. In this market, the weak view of the qat drug ("Cat") is quite legitimately sold, perceived by local residents as an ordinary stimulator.

The popular dishes of national cuisine are tartar, a local version of the steak, as well as raw hammer beef with various spices. Especially famous for sauces and large pellets of wheat and theffov flour.

The tropical aquarium of the capital of Djibouti represents the entire underwater world of this region with its numerous inhabitants.

Gorgeous beaches of Djibouti attract diving lovers. The beaches of Dorale and Choj-Ambado allow you to immerse yourself in the Indian Ocean Charming World.