What is an attic on history. Ancient

All about Attics: hotels, entertainment on the sea, rest on beaches and excursions. Copyright photos and videos, tourist reviews. Attic location on the map.

The attic region is geographically divided into two main parts: the capital of Greece with its suburbs and the rest of the attic. Athens is a cultural and intellectual center of antiquity, stands out for its six-year-old history. This is a city in which such concepts like democracy and freedom, a city, where thousands of scientists and philosophers "discovered their eyes" with their works and research "opened their eyes" to other peoples and is one of the cities that created Greek civilization. The name of the city occurred on behalf of the Goddess Athena (beloved daughter Zeus) - the goddess of wisdom and the defenders of the city.

Attica is washed by the waters of the Evieu Bay from the northeast, Petali from the East and Sardonic from the south. In fact, it is an area of \u200b\u200bover 3,800 square kilometers connecting the archipelago and the Balkan Peninsula. Its neighbors - Peloponnese and Megarid in the West, Boeyti in the north. In antiquity Attica is not called anything other than the "coastal country", which completely displays its location on the shore of the entire three bays of the Aegean Sea.

Beaches Attiki

Local resorts please their guests with well-kept beaches and a huge number of all sorts of entertainment. Most tourists who want to fully enjoy their Greek summer, choose hotels in the Athenian Riviere as the place of their beach "Nontelnia". The following resort villages and city attics are highly popular with Russian tourists:

  • LAGONISSI: Lemon shady groves, golden sand, solar aura, lifting, and pure sea water - what else needs people, thirsty for high-quality sunburn and pleasant memories. This resort is considered ideal for vacationers who come to Greece with the whole family. For them, Lagonistic has prepared cozy and inexpensive hotels, different options for fun, all sorts of entertainment on the water.
  • Glyfada: But this resort of attices is already focused on tourists who prefer high-class European holidays in luxury hotels. In Glyfade there are also extended golf courses, and many institutions opening their doors with night onset, and luxurious boutiques, and luxury-level chic restaurants. The infrastructure of the city is truly high-quality and very developed, so here, as a rule, "cream" of the European Society and sufficiently secured tourists who do not consider expenses on their holidays in Attica.
  • SUNION: Greek resort, which is known, first of all, fans of effective rejuvenating and intake procedures. Local hospitals and hotel centers use the latest preparations from the sphere of cosmetology. They are created on the basis of colors and herbs collected in attic, algae and salts from the sea, unique minerals that can be found only in this part of Greece. Perhaps it is in Sunion that there are most opportunities to have a great deal to those who want to soak in the relaxing body of the jacuzzi and special pools with the programs of "aqueous elixirs".
  • Loutraki: Also popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle Resort Attica, in whose territory there is a mass of waterproofs. They use a wide variety of thermal water - alkaline, containing chlorine in the required quantity, radon. The effect of warm baths and therapeutic procedures is complemented by magnificent landscapes of nature and soft throughout the year of the climate. Sincere equilibrium and shameless physical forces in Loutraki will be returned quickly!


The local land is full of legends and ancient myths, they literally come to life before the delighted eyes of travelers. And it is completely simple during his travels around the local attractions to move mentally in those days when Greece ruled not mortal people, but almighty antique deities. We will tell you what to see in the Attics to see all the "most":

  • The temple of Poseidon: a unique structure at Cape Sunion, in which the Greeks brought victims to the Grozny and non-permanent in their mood to the sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea, trying to drop it. The sanctuary is striking with its slender columns framing a massive temple building. Such a combination of subtlety and power personifies the Union of the Sea and the Earth.
  • Daphny Monastery: For many tourists, this is the main attraction of attic, located about 11 kilometers from the city of Athens. The monastery is built on the site of the pagan sanctuary of Apollo Daphnia in the VI century. Currently, the Daphny Monastery has the status of a history monument and is visited daily by thousands of guests of Greece.
  • Aegina Island: a small piece of sushi in the middle of a sardonic bay with transparent crystal sea water and luxurious beaches. This island is known in the attic that more than 360 temples have been erected on it. Now, of course, there are no trace from many of them, but the existing historical buildings will satisfy the aesthetic and cultural demands of tourists who love old people. Also, there is a slightly mystical Paleochora, called "City-Ghost", in which no one lives in many decades.
  • Temple Demetra (Museum): Located in Eleusin, admires tourists with its special aura. Tours will tell you all about the ancient rites and goals, with which they were held.
  • Mount Immatos: Your traveler interest is not the mountain itself, but a monastery that attached it. It is hidden from curious eyes with forests with cypress trees, and a magical source is considered to be therapeutic. To relax in the attic and not to visit this mountain simple it is unrealistic.
  • Island of Hydra: Hundreds of thousands of travelers literally fall in love with this island of attic, seeing his images on the pages of glossy publications, printed precisely for potential guests of local resorts. Resting and relaxing here is not suiced, Idra has long been considered an elite place that Greek nouveauch has been chosen.

And, of course, it is necessary to pay enough time to inspect the main city of Attica - Athens with its super-modern trade centers, ancient structures, antique sculptures and other unusual unusualities.

In contact with

Attica Translated from the ancient Greek "Coastal Country" - the southeastern region of Central Greece, the connecting link between the Balkan Peninsula and the Archipelago, which is approximately 3808 km², borders in the north with Boeotia, in the West through Corinthian End - with Megar and All Peloponnese. From the south is washed by Saromic, from the east - Petali and Northeast - the Evieu Bay of the Aegean Sea.



Most of the attics is covered with elevations consisting of limestone and marble, and is currently alone naked, deprived of vegetation spaces.

CRNIBOMBARDER !!! , Public Domain

Only higher parts of the Kiferon and Parnassa, as well as the North-West Pentelikon slopes are covered with pine and fir forests. The base of the entire mountain system serves Kieferon (now the estate, the so-called spruce hill, the highest point of which rises at 1411 m above sea level).

Kieferon, the main ridge, separates the attics from Boeotia; From Megara Attica is separated by its branch coming to the south and the name of Kerat (Horn); With the southeastern spurs of the Kiferon, the 1413 m Parnas (now Oceya), which northeastern branches, now wearing individual names (Beletti, Armenia, Maurovo, Tsanaany, Straighkorak, Kotronic), stretch to the eastern edge of the region, are formed in this part. Attiki is a real mountain country (diacrium or ancient eappry).

The southern continuation of Parnass is to rise significantly below the sea of \u200b\u200bEgaleos, which in the southern part, where he goes into the sea against the island of Salamin, is called the corridalos (now Skaramant), and in the middle, where he disperses the gorge connecting the plains of Athens and Elevais is called Pekilion.

Bishkekrocks, Public Domain

In the northeast, the Athenian plain is bored by Brilltos, or, as it was commonly called around the terrain lying on his southern slope, Penterikon (now more than more than now). This is 1110 m of the height of the pyramidal elevation with extensive, now with success exploited by marbles, which deliver an excellent white marble of the finest grain, going on buildings and statues. The valley of 4 km width separates in the south of the Pentelikon sole from the southern belt, almost extremely consisted of a bluish-gray marble, which in antiquity used for architectural purposes. This ridge - thoughts (now drove) - rises by 1027 m, almost deprived of forest vegetation, but covered with fragile herbs and therefore inhabited wild bees that give excellent honey.


The eastern edge of the area (in the ancient parallia) is breaking with less high chains of the hills, which south of the Himmete, where the peninsula is narrowed, are connected to one ridge - the Lavrionic Highlands, which is Cool descending to the sea, Sunium, on which the ruins of the temple of Athens will now come out , on the columns of which, now, the cape is called the sailors of the cap-colonum.


Lavrionian mountains in their richness silver had a high meaning in antiquity; But these mines, at first very profitable, before it was exploited, which is immediately after the beginning of N. e. I had to stop prey. Only in the later time they tried, and not unsuccessfully, from slags that remain from previous work, to extract benefits.

The mountains stretch part directly to the sea, the apparent land accumulated part of their soles, forming more or less broad shore plains, of which many were known in antiquity.

Rabe! , GNU 1.2.

The wonderful of the marathon plain on the north shore. It represents lowland 9 km, length and from 2-4 km shir., With an extensive marsh to the northeast. Here in 490 BC. e. The Persian army suffered a defeat from the Athenian troops.

More significant plains, which or, starting at the shore, stretch far away in the country, or are completely separated from the sea, in the country only three: 1) Athenian plain, often called simply "plain" (pedion); 2) The smaller, separated from the Athenian Egaleos Mountains, the Triatic plain (the so-called the ancient terrain of TRIA) and 3) of the plain between the gymnas and lower mountain chains of the Eastern Coast, which is connected to the Athenian Plain by the valley separating the Pentelikon from Himmete.

The irrigation of the country is extremely poor. The most significant streams proceed along the Athenian Plain, namely: Kefis, starting at the south-western foot of the Pentelikon in the rich forest area of \u200b\u200bCeffs, fed by different tributaries from Parnassa. It proceeds to the plain in the south-west direction and to the west of the city is given to numerous channels for irrigation of vegetable gardens and plantations; Ilway begins at the northern foot of the Himmete, proceeds from the eastern and south side of the city and to the southwest of it is lost in the sands. In addition to them, you need to mention another Keffis of Eleusinskaya Plain, about the teething marathon plain the pole Enoe (so named on the above-north of the ancient terrain) and about Erasinos, which flows further to the south of the eastern coastal, in the ancient locality of Arafen (now Rafina).

Grzegorz WYSOCKI, GNU 1.2


The population of the country, not to mentioning some pelasgic elements of the prehistoric era and the enormous number of foreigners, subsequently living in Athens, belonged to ancient times to the Ionian tribe. Residents called themselves authtons, that is, indigenous, since their ancestors were made directly from the soil of the country and from time immemorial, the Earth consisted in their continuous possession.

As all the ionic peoples, the inhabitants of Attica disintegrated into four knees or classes (films): Heleonts (noble), goplites (warriors), Egikoreev (shepherds in general and goats in particular) and Ergadeev (farmers). According to legend, in the country from time immemorials there were 12 independent cities or community unions. It was part of individual, even later existing settlements as keacropi (later Athens), Eleusin, Dealer and Athena (the last two in the north of the country), Buron (among the Eastern Coast), Torikos (in the southernmost part of the Eastern Coast), Kiteros (location Unknown), Sfetos and Kefisia, part of the Union of several settlements, like Epacrius (Northern Mountain Country), Tetrapolis (Union of Four Cities) at the Marathon Plain and Tetrakomiy (Union of Four villages) in the south of Athenian Plain. According to legend, these 12 communities are connected by theses in one political integer, the capital of which are Athens.

Hansueli Krapf, CC BY-SA 3.0

Administrative division

On the map of Prefectures (Nomov), the decentralized attic administration is divided into 4 nomes (nomarchies) shown on the map below:

  1. Athens
  2. East Attica
  3. Piraeus
  4. Western Attica

After the administrative reform of 2011, the decentralized attic administration consists of 65 municipalities.

Agriculture and fossils

The country's soil is almost completely light, rather thin layer of rocky limestone, which is little suitable for the cultivation of wheat, more - for barley and grapes, but especially for olive and figs, and therefore the last as in antiquity, and now are the main products of the country and Items of its export. Cattle breeding is significantly today, and in ancient times, attic wool used great glory. In the mountains, not to mention the Silver Minerals of Lavrion exhausted already, excellent marble is mined; The soil in many places, especially on the coastal strip, coming to the south-west of the harbor of Piraya and the Falern Bay and the footpit from the foothills of Kolias (now Gagios Kosmas), gives excellent clay for dishes, and therefore a pottery presented in ancient Athens the flowering branch of industry and His products had a very common sales.

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Helpful information

greek. Αττική.
english Attica.

Political device in antiquity

In politically, Attica was in antiquity the most centralized area of \u200b\u200bGreece.

The main city was not only the location of the administration, but the court, equally and the people's assemblies, in the hands of which from the time of democratic reforms started by Clisphen and finished by pericles, focused on the supreme solution of all public affairs.

The value that Attica was due to its main city of Athens, in the political and cultural life of ancient Greece, can be correctly appreciated only in connection with the presentation of the general history of Greece.

Administrative division in antiquity

The division of the people on 4 films remained both with the kings and during the archonds. Even the legislator of Solon did not cancel this unit, and in parallel with it, part of wanting to reduce the influence of ancient aristocratic genera, part to lead to a more equitable distribution of the applied burden between citizens, created a new division of citizens on grade 4 on their property.

Only Clisphen canceled the ancientionic division of the knees and put in his place the division of the people by 10 Phil, of which each wearing the name of the ancient andothic hero (eponym).

Each of these phil hugged a certain number of communities (demos) lying in different parts of the country.

Commodably, every not very significant area was a special "Dima", the largest as the cities of Athens and Buron, disintended several dem. The number of the demas was different at different times: - at the beginning of the Christian era there were 371.

Thanks to the writers and inscriptions to us, the names came about 180 dem, but the location of many is now impossible to establish. The total number of citizens hesitated, judging by the censuses during the heyday of the state, to the Peloponnescent War, in the range of 80-100 thousand. The number of huems stood under the auspices reached 40,000, the number of slaves reached 400,000, so that the total number of free and non-free population exceeded 500,000. Increase in the number of phil (10) two new ones occurred in 307 BC. e.

From the desire to flatter Demetrius, the lattes were named after his name and the name of the Father of His Antigone - Antigonide and Demetriad. But the first was renamed 265 BC. e. In honor of the Egyptian king, Ptolemya II Philadelph in Ptolomaida, the second in 200 g. In honor of the Pergam's king Attala I in Attalid.

Finally, at the emperor Adriana, the 13th Phil was attached and named Adriaanide named this benefactor of the city of Athens.

What is still to spend the precious time of vacation - to purchase a chocolate tan or the study of the uncharted places of our planet? It would be a pleasant to combine with useful! Such a rest is quite real, and in Europe. In the center of civilization and technical progress, it was possible to preserve the cultural heritage of distant ancestors - the beautiful coast of Attica, the Polinsular Territory of Greece.

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How to get

Attics easier to go from Athens, where regular international flights will take you from anywhere in the world. And then you can continue to get acquainted with the areas of this fertile part of the country using a sufficiently comfortable public transport system: buses and ISAP (electric train).

In Athens, the terminal of the suburban transport is at the address: Kifisu Street (Kiffissou), 100. Before you can take a bus number 051, which departs from a stop at the intersection of Zinonos and Menandrou streets (in the area of \u200b\u200bOmonia Square). The bus walks every 15 minutes from 5 am to 11:30 pm.

According to Attics, routes are serviced by KTel Attikis, in its conduct two bus stations:

  • Western Attica - not far from Acropolis near the ISAP station "Fistaos",
  • East Attica - on the Egyptian Square (the intersection of the Aleksandra and ul. Pations, the nearest station ISAP "Victoria").

Search flights to Athens (Nearest a / p to Attika)

Weather in Attika

In the attic it is best to go in August - October, when the sun is no longer a bake, but gently heats, and the fruits are already ripe.

Beach resorts attic

So, the ticket purchased, the hotel is ordered, you stepped on the ancient, hungry heroes of myths and the legends of the earth, and we proceed to the first part of our plan: tan, water treatments and languid nonegelia at the edge of the sea.

The ideal place for this is the so-called Athenian Riviera: Paleo Faliro, Glyfada, Kavuri, vulgmena, Voula. And immediately heats the thought that reclining, clarified by fragrant oils, you will be on the sands of the Apollo shore, the coast, which includes these areas. Get used to pathetic and slightly giving library dust by Greek names. Be sure that in most cases, instead of the expected naked rocks and ascetic huts, you will see luxurious yacht clubs, comfortable upscale beaches, expensive hotels and modern nightclubs, which are littered with this part of Greece.



A great place for European recreation is Glyfada 15 km from Athens, with a developed infrastructure, a stormy nightlife and golf courses.


If you relax with your family, it is better to settle in a small cozy resort town of Lagonistic on the shore of the Aegean Sea. The calm atmosphere, the sandy beach and walks along the shady lemon groves compensate for the lack of vitamin D and serotonin (mood hormone).


Strengthen the benefits of "Greenotherapy" for the tired travelers will help the waterproofs of Loutraki. The combination of a mild climate, nature and healing forces of mineral waters, of which you, like Aphrodite from Marine Foam, will be on the light of born, will allow the opportunity to restore the strength and return the sincere equilibrium. Water here for every taste: chlorine-containing, alkaline, radon; Temperature - +30 ... + 32 ° С.

Stage of the Cup in Triathlon in Loutraki


But those who are chasing the novelties of cosmetology, it is worth paying attention to the Sunion resort. Here you can spend a lot of time, trying unusual intake and rejuvenating procedures using Greek herbs, colors, minerals, sea salt and algae. The body relates in the aquailixir hydrothonizing basin or a relaxing jacuzzi.

Popular hotels in Attica

Attica cards


Greece's kitchen is so diverse and colorful that every date with it will open with it new taste horizons. And under the Greek wine receptors will become even more sensitive. In a hot afternoon, it will help to cope with the feeling of thirst for the Greeks of Himos Portocali, fresh orange juice. Cost of cup - 2-4 EUR. Prices on the page are shown in October 2018.

The best way to get acquainted with the mentality of local residents is to spend even another in the traditional tavern, where the Greeks, open and warm people, spend lively evenings, preferring to television and homemade gatherings noisy communication and dancing until the morning.

Guides in Attica

Entertainment and attractions attractions

After the intensive course of solar baths and water procedures, confusing the forces, you can go to the second part of the holiday program - immersion in the history of Greece. To study all the riddles and secrets hidden in the ruins and monuments of the ancient architecture of this country, there will not have enough lifetime - so great the property of an ancient civilization, inherited by the inhabitants of the sunshine. But touch some of them, and literally, you can.


Shopping is very developed in Athens. Expensive pleasure will be in the Colonaki area, economical and practical - on Ermhouse Street, where the best shops of Greek firms are located. In stores Street metropoles you will find fur and jewelry. The shopping streets of Eolog, Patirasion, the Monastiraki district and Athenas Street, famous for markets and bazaars will not be mounted.

But antiques, souvenirs, handmade products are waiting for their buyers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe old part of the city, on a cry. At the same time, it is possible to eat here by choosing one of the numerous Greek taverns not far from the Lisicrat Memorial. To describe the atmosphere of this area, it is enough to imagine the Moscow Arbat or Paris Montmartre. Distinctive features: a leisurely endless stream of tourists, national music, coming from crowded cafes, antique bans with olive trees exhibited along the boulevards, atmosphere of a relaxed holiday.

Night sparkling panorama of Athens - awards to those who got to the top of the Likavitos hill, which crowns White Capella St. George. To save strength and time, it is better to use urban transport by purchasing a single ticket for a bus or trolleybus, or descending into the subway.

The cost of a one-time ticket that needs to be processed within 70 minutes from the date of purchase, 1.4 EUR, the daily worth 4.5 EUR, 5-day - 10 EUR. Trying to ride a hare risky, a penalty is too large for a similar prank - 60 times the cost of the ticket price.

Monastery Daphne

After studying Athens, turn an inquisitive gaze to suburban territories. 11 km from Athens there is a Daphny Monastery - a monument of the Byzantine religious architecture of Greece. His story is unique. Created as a sanctuary of Apollo Daphnia, the monastery took into his arms of Christian pilgrims, then used as a fortress wall and became a psychiatric hospital to top item. Now the renovated monastery has the status of the monument. You can visit it every day from 08:30 to 15:00.

Temple Poseidona

The second bright pearl in the attractions of attractions of Attica is the temple of Poseidon at Cape Sunion. Powerful gigid framed by slender columns symbolizes the harmonious union of the Earth and the sea. The victims of the Sailors and the rulers of Greece were brought to their patrons, believing in the connection of ordinary mortals and residents of Olympus.

Temple Demetra

Another recommended place to visit the temple of Demetra in Eleusin. Here in the ancient times there were mysterious rites dedicated to the cult of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. You can visit the museum every day from 08:30 to 15:00, except Monday and holidays.

Attica, literally means "coastal country". This is the land where the ancient Greek myths come to life, where antique gods live, where harmony and beauty fill all the living, where they are born again and take birth to happiness under a wonderful azure sky, in the warm gentle waters of the Aegean Sea.

Attica is the peninsular area, an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 2200 sq. Ax, which is the southeastern tip of mainland Greece, bordering the north with central Greece, and from the south it is washed by the water of the Saronic Gulf. In the north of Noma there are mountains Kiferon (1400 m) and a parkhouse (1413 m), forming its natural border. The relief of attics is mainly mountainous. In the Athenian Plain, small Rivers Illissos and Kafissos proceed. Athens, Eleusin and Marathon are located in the plain part of the region. In the south-west and south, the low ridge of hills gently falls to the sea. The Attic region is athens, which are the capital of the country and its main administrative center.

Attica features a soft, dry Mediterranean climate. Small attic plantations are thick covered with vineyards, fruit trees, not to mention olive trees that grow everywhere.

Attica was formed about 4-5 centuries of our era. Greece was a great influence on this region as part of the Byzantine Empire, which was reflected in the architecture, painting and the attic sculpture. Attica survived many wars and battles, hunger, economic crisis, and at the same time preserved its greatness and uniqueness.

Today Attica is the most industrially developed area of \u200b\u200bGreece. It focuses on the main amount of production and lives more than half of the population of the whole country. In addition, it is a major tourist center. Tourists coming here from all over the world falls a unique opportunity not only to relax and enjoy the wonderful nature, clean sea, sandy beaches, the services of modern hotel complexes, the amazing hospitality of local residents, but also to get in touch with the great past of this extraordinary country.

The attic a lot of interesting sights, many of which are not inferior by Athenian's value - for example, the famous temple of Poseidon (440 BC. Er) at Cape Sunion, one of the most impressive images of Greek architecture. Powerful temple columns standing at Cape, open to all winds, are an unforgettable spectacle. The temple is located 69 km from Athens.

Temple Dimetra in Eleusin - an ancient temple dedicated to the mysterious cult of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. The famous Eleusinsky Mysteries took place here: everything was known about the rites there, but the details of the ceremonial and the sacred texts were transferred to their mouths to the mouth, to write them prohibited. Therefore, the essence of the Mystery is unknown by modern scientists so far. At the temple there is an archaeological museum. The temple is located 22 km from Athens.

Daphny Monastery is 11 km from Athens. Built on the site of the former sanctuary of Apollo and is surrounded by a serf fence. The church of the 11th century is very picturesque outside and attractive with its mosaic, adorning her interior.

Nearby Cutuki Cave. Natural cave with several halls in the vicinity of Poeania town. The visitor's visitor appears beautiful stalactites and stalagmites of various forms.

Fans of outdoor activities can take up horse riding, mountaineering, tennis, sailing. Glipad has a golf club.

Lake Volgena - Miracle of Nature. It is 50 centimeters above sea level and is constantly coming out of the shores, due to the hot springs filling its water. The water of the lake possess therapeutic properties, you can swim here all year round.

Piraeas - the main port of the country since ancient times. Now this is a beautiful city, famous for its fish restaurants and entertainment facilities. In the summer, the Summer Open Theater Castells ("Waaakio") is working, and in the winter you can visit the Pirainian City Theater.

Gorgeous beaches of Paleo-Faliro, Kalamaki, Glyfada, Voula, Kavuri, Vulita, Varkis, Lagoni.

Palio Faliro resort is located in close proximity to the sea. Convenient location, proximity to the center and the sea make this area attractive for lovers of outdoor activities. It offers tourists: beaches, fish and meat taverns, restaurants, nightclubs, yacht clubs, cafes and bars. Here you will find everything you need for a comfortable holiday on the sea.

Glyfada resort is one of the most fashionable coastal areas of Athens, located 15 km from the center, the favorite holiday destination for the Greeks and tourists themselves. A large number of hotels, restaurants, bars, taverns, sports centers and nightclubs are concentrated here. On the coast is "Moon Park". Gliphad is excellent shopping: many large shopping centers and boutiques. To get to the center of Athens, you will need only 20 minutes by bus.

The resort of vulgmena is located in a green bay 24 km from the center of Athens, on the seafront. It is a picturesque fashionable area with comfortable beaches, fish and meat taverns, restaurants, bars, yacht clubs, an abundance of greenery - one of the most popular resorts among tourists. On the flight bus to the center of Athens can be reached in 35 minutes. In vulagmena is a unique radon lake.

Resorts of Kavuri, Varkis, Voula - these resort regions follow one after another, along the highway leading to the Miss of Sunion and the temple of Poseidon. There are beaches, cafes, taverns, restaurants and other entertainment facilities. Abundant coniferous groves, stretching along the coast, give air unique properties.

The resort of Lagonistic - the luxurious Peninsula of Lagonistic enchants picturesque landscapes and azure marine waters. Attractive neighborhood with Athens (in the capital of Greece can be reached by bus) makes this peninsula such attractive for tourists. The shallow coast of Lagonistic is perfect for those who rest with children, so this resort is ideal for family holidays. Resting in Lagonistic, you can easily familiarize yourself with the sights of Athens.

The resort of Anvissos is a picturesque green village on the southern coast of Attica, lying in 49 km from Cape Sunion. This is a great place to leave. It attracts tourists to the nature of amazing beauty, clean sea and sandy beaches.
This corner is very loved by the Greeks themselves. Certificate for this is a set of cottages, including government. A convenient location allows not only to relax, but also familiarize yourself with the sights of Greece. And the small sea and comfortable coast created a good atmosphere for family holidays with young children.

Sunion - the resort on the Cape of the same name. Cape Sunion, or Cape Colon, is one of the most eastern capes of attices elongated towards the Aegean Sea. In ancient times, the temple dedicated to the sea of \u200b\u200bSea Poseidon was built here. Cape Sunio is the attraction of Athens Attica, a beautiful and fertile land. Here is a mild climate, generous soils with olive groves, a clean coast and a beautiful view of the surrounding islands.
The resort of Sunion is located near the capital of Greece, so that there is a large historical heritage and the rapid development of the hotel infrastructure. Sunion - an expensive and well-kept resort, whose sandy beaches will give an unforgettable impression from the sea, the Sun and Greece.

Mati - Nea Macci resorts are perhaps the most popular resorts in the eastern attic. These resorts are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Marathon Valley, where in 490 BC. e. The famous marathon battle took place. Magnificent conditions for recreation provides here Nature itself: beautiful beaches, clean sea, healing aroma of pine boron.

Nea Macci is one of the very first resorts in Attica, is 33 km from Athens. The story of Nea Macci began in the ancient century, during the time of the Stone Age. Now this resort area, located next to the capital of the sea, is experiencing an economic and tourist rise. In Nea Makri you will find a lot of entertainment: discos, nightclubs, numerous bars and restaurants.

Mati - area, which is located 5 km from Nea Macci, 27 km from Athens. This is a quiet holiday place suitable for a full holiday. On the rocky pine coast you will find small, hidden from the eye gorge with sandy beaches.
The immediate proximity of the resorts to Athens will make it easily perform the "mandatory" program for each tourist a program of dating with the sights of this wonderful city.

Vacation in Attica is an excellent opportunity to combine acquaintance with Athenian antiquities and rest on the sea.


The region of central Greece, located in the south-east of the Balkan Peninsula and washed by the waters of the Aegean Sea. Three bays approach the shores of this peninsula - Evoby, Saronic and Petali. A significant part of the territory of the peninsula is covered with low mountains from limestone and marble. Mountains are covered with coniferous forests.

Attica is the historic region of Greece, the capital of Athens is located on its territory, the legendary city of Marathon, the city of Eleusin, in which the residents worshiped Demetra, the port of Pirae. The first settlements on this land belong to the Neolithic Epoch (III Millennium BC). The ancient historians Plato and Herodotus wrote that the inhabitcies were autochtons - that is, not by the arrivals, and the original inhabitants that occurred literally from the earth itself. In ancient times, every city or area represented a small state, who honored his deity on the territory of attics. There were 12 such states, they combined them, according to legends, the king of the Teskey. The main city of Attica was Athens - the cradle of Greek statehood and democracy. Already in ancient times, the attic managed to nine elected officials, in the hands of which the executive, military and judicial power focused. In a year, these nine were transferred to the power to newly elected magistrees, and they themselves went for life in the areaopag - the body of the aristocracy. Athens themselves became the place of development of culture, arts, philosophy.

The attic climate is soft, temperate Mediterranean. The average temperatures in the summer is almost always higher than +30 degrees. At the end of September, the rainy season begins here, which lasts April. From April to September, the swimming season continues, the sea is warm up to August (up to +26). In winter, here, despite the positive temperatures, snow can fall out, almost immediately melting and not forming snow cover.


In Athens, an Eleftiios Venizelos International Airport is located in 2001, which serves as an air gate to Greece and at the attic in particular.

Inside attices can be moved on railway transport (electric trains) and long-distance buses. In the eastern and western parts of attices, buses depart from two different bus stations in Athens. The first is located near the Acropolis, the second - on the Egyptian Square. Ferries transport the islands and salamine tourists. One of the rapid ways to move in Athens is a metro with three lines, one of which is terrestrial. Athens also has bus express routes leading to the airport, city bus, trolleybus, tram routes.

Resorts Attica

Administrative attic is divided into four nomas:, Eastern and Western Attica. The most popular, both in terms of beach and in terms of cultural and historical leisure of Nome Athens. The suburbs of the capital are spa towns with the common name "Athenian Riviera". They are located along the coast and except hotels and beaches contain yacht clubs, nightclubs, golf clubs, have their own specifics. So, it is considered a resort for wealthy, lagones - for families with children. Specialization and vulgaria - Improvement.

Rest in Pirae will cost cheaper than in Athens. Due to the location of the port here, only one beach, but beautiful views and ancient sights of Piraeu guarantees.

Attractions and excursions

An acquaintance with the rich heritage of Attica will start with Athens and his sacred hill of Acropolis. The second name of the hill is kecropy, in honor of Kekrops, the first king of Athens. The Achropole also called a well-protected place and a settlement located inside this fortress. In antiquity in the Acropolis and was the main city. According to the legend, he was a residence of a gatherer of the land of Attica Tereus. When the cult of the goddess Athena was established in Athens, the temple was erected here in her honor - Parthenon.

The attractions of various eras are preserved on the territory of the attic. Heritage Eldlas - ruins of the ancient cities and temples dedicated to the greek pantheon gods. For example, at Cape Sunion, the remains of the temple of Poseidon are preserved on the shore. Christian monasteries and temples are preserved from the Byzantines. One of them is a Daphne Monastery near Athens. At the base of the monastery are the remnants of the temple of Apollo. Near the Mountain imitos surrounded by coniferous and cypress forests there is a Kaesarian monastery, also the Byzantine period.

The island of Eagina is visited to see Paleochora. She is called an abandoned city, but in fact it is a valley, in which the buildings of about seven dozen churches and chapels of the Byzantine and later period are preserved. It is believed that each of these structures was built in pursuance of a vow given to the salvation of a loved one. Relatives, wives of fishermen and warriors came to this prayer.

Salamin, even though it is called a "country" island, has places of attractions such as Euripid Cave, another ancient Greek playwright. It is at an altitude of more than a hundred meters, in the city of Salamin in honor of the ancient author annually passes the theater festival. On the island you can also visit the museum dedicated to the folk arts and history of the ancient fleet, the monastery of the pheroman and the old town of Ambolacia with the ruins of the Acropolis.

Wellness holiday

Lutraki, Vouliagmena, Sunion - Resorts where they come for the amendment of health and cosmetic procedures. Lutraki is a center of hydrotherapy, which specializes in the treatment of skin diseases, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system. Drinking from under the ground sources are saturated with radon, microelements.

The resort of Vouliagmena rose next to the lake of the same name, which is filled with water thermal sources. Here we treat skin problems, joints, diseases of the female reproductive sphere. Air is written with aromas of coniferous forests and helps strengthen the respiratory organs, the nervous system.

Sunion specializes in cosmetology using drugs based on local herbs and minerals. Here are also used methods using sea salt and algae.

Beach rest

Many attic beaches have the highest European reward for the purity of the sea and the shore - the blue flag. Many of the beaches are free. In the vicinity of Athens (the so-called large Athens) all beaches are comfortable - Faliron, Glyfad, rocket and others. The beach in Pirae is called Fatswalekia. On the west coast, the sandy beaches of Lagonissi are good on the eastern best, Schinias is found near the city of Marathon.

In Loutraki, the beaches are covered with small pebbles. This resort features a variety of accommodation: from five stars to low-cost family hotels. The Loutraki resort is also chosen due to the proximity of Corinth cities and Delphi with their famous attractions.

Beautiful sandy beaches are on the island of Aegina, lying in the Saronian bay. From Piraea it separates the half-day trip to the ferry. Another attic island, which can be reached from Piraea, - Salamin. This island is popular primarily among the Greeks themselves. On Salamina there are beaches, but few hotels.

Vacation with children

Entertainment for children in Attica is mainly in Athens. Perhaps it is worth starting with a sightseeing trip around the city on a sightseeing bus to get acquainted with Athens as a whole, and then go to the child who interests the child. Within the framework of cognitive leisure, it is worth planning a visit to the main Athenian attractions of the Acropolis and Parfenon, see the objects of life and art created by the ancient Greeks with their own eyes.

Further recreation may depend on the preferences of the child: animal lovers can visit the center of saving sea turtles and even feed them there, as well as visit the Attiko Zoo. Young artists will be interested in an interactive Museum of Children's Creativity. A visit to the Harimidos puppet theater can be combined with an inspection of Agora - an ancient city square located nearby. Young astronomers waiting for the Athenian Planetarium.

And, of course, any child is unlikely to refuse to visit the Athenian confectionery, the national garden with Park and Zoosad, the city park Flizvos, the Amusement Park Allou Fun Park and water parks, two of which are located in the Athens themselves, one in the suburbs, the third - near the city of Primimia 20 km from the capital. Not far from Athens is an adventure park with a rope track.

Activities and entertainment

Attica will offer a restless set of active leisure options. On the coast, this water sports: rafting, windsurfing, scuba diving. The ancient city of Megara is about 40 km north-west of the capital is known to extremal as a center of parachute sports. There is a parachute school here.

Mountain attics to tourists will be offered to explore on foot and with the help of SUVs: the routes are compiled in such a way that it is possible to see the history of this part of Greece, and the modern life of the inhabitants of small towns, admire the beauty of nature. Some routes are laid through ancient roads.

The footage of the Acropolis, the 156 meter hill in Athens, serves as a start-up of Acropolis racing competitions, which are held in early June.

Club life boils in Athens and resort suburbs, for example, in glyfade. Discos, concerts of world stars, parties and shows are held in nightclubs. Fans of gambling come to Loutraki - there is a casino.

During the entire tourist season in different cities of Attica are festivals. The largest of them is the festival of Athens and Epidaur in the capital. From June to September in Athens, there are performances and concerts, world stars come and Greek artists and teams are coming. From April to October, Acropolis is becoming a venue for light show dedicated to the history of the Greek capital. Eleusin becomes the venue for theater festival in honor of Eschylla, an ancient playwright.

Kitchen and souvenirs

Greek called Russia, and in the Greek itself, peasant, this salad is served here with the olives of the local variety Kolomat. For dessert - local fig. The stony soils of attices are best suited for the cultivation of olives and figs, and local honey herbs add their fragrances to the receiving honey.

Residents of this part of Greece prefer the AVGOL'MENO Soup with the addition of eggs and lemon juice, dolmatakia - a local version of the straw-fried seafood, acute pepper stuffed with cheese. From alcohol it is worth trying here, except for crayfish and a Uzo, a liqueur of a mastich, which acquires a special taste after adding a tree resin from the family of pistachio.

On the coast of Attica mined clay, so ceramic products here are above all praise. Souvenir trade is focused mainly in Athens. Very often come here for buying fur coats or leather clothes, jewelry. There will be a less costly purchase of natural cosmetics, herbal fees, ceramics, gastronomic souvenirs - oils, olives, cheese, honey and traditional honey desserts.