What is the future of aerospace transport. Interstellar travel is not science fiction

We have long been accustomed to the presence of stops public transport not far from home, to the daily departure from the nearest station of dozens of trains, departures from airports. Disappear public transport - and the world familiar to us will simply collapse! But, getting used to the convenience, we begin to demand even more! What development awaits us?

Highway - pipes

Terrible traffic is one of the leading problems of all metropolitan areas. The reason for them is often not only poor organization of transport interchanges and highways, but also weather conditions. Why go far: Russian snowfalls often lead to road collapses.

One of the most effective solutions is to hide the bulk of traffic flows underground. The number and size of road tunnels has only grown over the years. But they are expensive, and limited in the development of the landscape. These problems can be solved by replacing the tunnels with pipes!

Henry Lew, an engineer and builder from America, has already proposed his development of a pipeline for transport. It will be possible to send large cargo containers driven by electricity. Considered his project for application in New York, known for its huge traffic jams. In this city alone, the transfer of freight traffic to pipes will reduce the movement of cars by tens of billions of miles in just a year. As a result, the ecological situation will improve, the load on the highways of the metropolis will decrease. We should also not forget about the safety and timeliness of cargo delivery.

It is also possible to transport people in such pipelines. A similar passenger transport system was proposed by Elon Musk, an American millionaire. Musk's "Hyperloop" will include a system of pipelines placed on overpasses, the diameter of which will exceed a couple of meters. They plan to maintain low pressure. It is planned to move the capsules in the pipes, hovering just above the bottom due to the air pumped there. The speed of the capsules, thanks to the electromagnetic pulse, can reach six hundred kilometers in half an hour.

Train flights

Trains will develop, becoming more spacious and fast. They are already discussing an incredible project of a route from London to Beijing, prepared by the Chinese. They want to build a super-high-speed road eight to nine thousand kilometers long by 2020.

Trains will pass under the English Channel, then - through Europe, Russia, Astana, Far East and Khabarovsk. From there - the final move to Beijing. The whole journey will take a couple of days, the speed limit is 320 km / h. We note here that the Russian "Sapsan" accelerates only up to 250 km / h.

But this speed is not the limit! The Maglev train, named after the phrase Magnetic Levitation, easily reaches a speed of 581 km / h. Supported by a magnetic field in the air, it flies over the rails instead of riding on them. These trains are now rare exotics. But in the future, this technology can be developed.

Car under water: unrealistic, but it exists!

Revolution is expected in water transport. Experts are exploring projects for underwater high-speed vehicles, as well as underwater motorcycles. What can we say about individual submarines!

A Swiss project called sQuba was created to develop an original car that can go into the water right off the track and, moving through the waves, even dive into them! Then the car can easily return to land, continuing to move along the road.

The designers of the novelty were inspired by one of the films about James Bond. A real underwater car, exhibited at the Geneva Motor Show in the form of an open sports car. This model is very light and allows the crew to leave the car in case of danger.

Movement under water is provided by a pair of propellers located under the rear bumper, as well as a pair of rotary water cannons near the front wheel arches. All this is powered by electric motors. Of course, you will have to add a waterproof cap to the model so that the driver and passengers do not get wet.

Ready to go to space?

Aviation, keeping up with other modes of transport, is actively developing. Having abandoned supersonic liners like the Concorde, she decided to go into outer space. British designers are working on a spaceship, or otherwise - an orbital plane, called "Skylon".

He will be able to rise on a hybrid engine from the airfield and reach hypersonic speed, which exceeds sound speed by more than five times. Having reached an altitude of 26 kilometers, he will switch to oxygen from his own tanks, and then go into space. Landing is like landing an airplane. That is, no external boosters, upper stages or fuel drop tanks. Only a couple of engines will be needed for the entire flight.

They are currently working on an unmanned version of the Skylon. Such a space carrier will be able to put 12 tons of cargo into orbit. Note here that the Soyuz, the Russian rocket, can only handle seven tons. A spaceship, unlike a rocket, can be used repeatedly. As a result, the cost of deliveries will decrease by 15 times.

At the same time, designers are thinking about a manned version. By changing the design of the cargo compartment, creating security systems and making portholes, three hundred passengers can be transported. In four hours they will circle the entire planet! An experimental model will be launched in 2019.

Surprisingly, all the modes of transport we have listed were described by futurologists at the dawn of the twentieth century. They hoped that their implementation was not far off. They made a mistake with the timing, while everything is at the development stage. But we have a great opportunity - to become a passenger of one of the above miracles of technology in the future.



transport to V L VI11R GP

With a powerful push, the rocket rises vertically from the launch pad and goes up ... This is familiar from the 1960s. the picture may soon sink into oblivion. Disposable space systems and shuttles should be replaced by a new generation of vehicles - aerospace planes that will have the ability to take off and land horizontally, like ordinary airliners

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KRAUSE Egon - Honored Professor, SP 973 to 1998 - Director of the Aerodynamic Institute of the Rhine-Westphap Technical Higher School (GOASH ^ "(Akh ^n, Germany). Laureate of the Max Dlank Society Prize, honorary doctor of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences ~

XAPMTOHCJP Anatoly. Mikhailovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S. A. Khristianovich SB RAS (Novosibirsk). Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the USSR Council of Ministers Prize (1985). Author and co-author of about 150 scientific papers and 2 patents

The further development of astronautics is determined by the need for intensive operation of space stations, the development of global communication and navigation systems, and environmental monitoring on a planetary scale. For these purposes, in the leading countries of the world, reusable air-space aircraft (VKS) are being developed, which will significantly reduce the cost of delivering cargo and people into orbit. These will be systems characterized by capabilities, [the most relevant of which are:

Reusable use for launching production and scientific and technical cargoes into orbit with a relatively short time interval between repeated flights;

Return of emergency and spent structures that clog space;

Rescue of crews of orbital stations and spaceships in emergency situations;

Urgent reconnaissance of areas of natural disasters and catastrophes anywhere in the world.

In countries with developed aerospace

technology has made great strides in the field of high flight speeds, which determine the potential for a wide range of hypersonic air-jet aircraft. There is every reason to believe that in the future manned aviation will master speeds from Mach numbers M = 4-6 to M = 12-15 (while the record M = 6.7, set back in 1967 by the American engine).

If speak about civil aviation, then the development of high speeds is extremely important for the intensification passenger traffic and business connections. hypersonic passenger aircraft with a Mach number of 6 will be able to provide a low-fatigue flight duration (no more than 4 hours) for international routes with a range of about 10 thousand km, such as Europe (Paris) - South America(Sao Paulo), Europe (London) - India, USA (New York) - Japan. Recall that the flight time of the supersonic Concorde from New York to Paris was about 3 hours, and the Boeing 747 spends about 6.5 hours on this route. Planes of the future with Mach 10


Mach number - a parameter that characterizes how many times the speed of an aircraft (or gas flow) is greater than the speed of sound Hypersonic speed is a loose term for speed with a Mach number greater than 4 5 stream

Angle of attack - the inclination of the wing plane to the line of flight A shock wave (shock wave) - a narrow flow region in which a sharp drop in the speed of a supersonic gas flow occurs, leading to an abrupt increase in density Rarefaction wave - a flow region in which a sharp decrease in the density of the gaseous medium occurs

Scheme of the model of a two-stage aerospace system E1_AS-EOE. These devices will take off and land horizontally, like conventional aircraft. It is assumed that the length of the full-scale configuration will be 75 m, and the wingspan - 38 m. From: (Rable, Jacobe, 2005)

in 4 hours they will be able to overcome 16-17 thousand km, having made a non-stop flight, for example, from the USA or Europe to Australia.

GTaya MaoTai

Hypersonic aircraft require new technologies that are completely different from those that are inherent in modern aircraft and vertically taking off spacecraft. Of course, rocket

the engine produces a lot of thrust, but it consumes fuel in huge quantities, and besides, the rocket must carry an oxidizer on board. Therefore, the use of rockets in the atmosphere is limited to short-term flights.

The desire to solve these complex technical problems has led to the development of various concepts of space transportation systems. The principal direction, which is actively explored by the world's leading aerospace firms, is the single-stage VCS. Such an aerospace aircraft, taking off from a conventional airfield, can deliver a payload of about 3% of the takeoff weight to low Earth orbit. Another concept for reusable systems is the two-stage apparatus. In this case, the first stage is equipped with an air-jet engine, and the second stage is orbital, and the separation of the stages is carried out in the range of Mach numbers from 6 to 12 at altitudes of about 30 km.

In 1980-1990. VKS projects were developed in the USA (NASP), England (HOTOL), Germany (Sänger), France (STS-2000, STAR-H), Russia (VKS NII-1, Spiral, Tu-2000). In 1989, at the initiative of the German Research Society (DFG), joint research began between three German centers:

Rhine-Westphalian Technical University in Aachen, Technical University of Munich and the University of Stuttgart. These DFG-sponsored centers have pursued a long-term research program that includes the study of fundamental questions necessary for the design of space transportation systems, such as general engineering, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, flight mechanics, propulsion, materials, etc. Much of the work in experimental aerodynamics has been carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. S. A. Khristianovich SB RAS. Organization and coordination of all research work were carried out by a committee headed for ten years by one of the authors of this article (E. Krause). We bring to the attention of the reader a number of the most illustrative visual materials illustrating some of the results obtained within the framework of this project in the field of aerodynamics.

The flight of the two-stage ELAC-EOS system should cover the widest range of speeds: from breaking the sound barrier (M = 1) to the separation of the orbital stage (M = 7) and its entry into near-Earth orbit (M = 25). From: (Rable, Jacobe, 2005)

Sound barrier Mach number


Large model ELAC 1 (more than 6 m long) in the test section of the German-Dutch wind tunnel DNW at low speeds. From: (Rable, Jacobe, 2005)

Aaóóñóó"i áí^áóáy ñeñóálá ELAC-EOS

For research, the concept of a two-stage aerospace vehicle was proposed (the carrier stage was called in German ELAC, the orbital stage was EOS). Fuel - liquid hydrogen. It was assumed that the full-scale configuration of the ELAC will have a length of 75 m, a wingspan of 38 m and a large sweep head. At the same time, the length of the EOS stage is 34 m, and the wingspan is 18 m. The orbital stage has an elliptical bow, a central body with a semi-cylindrical upper side and one keel in the plane of symmetry. On the upper surface of the first stage there is a recess in which the orbital stage is placed during climb. Although it is shallow, at hypersonic speeds during separation (M = 7) it has a significant effect on the flow characteristics.

To carry out theoretical and experimental studies, several models of the carrier and orbital stages were designed and manufactured on a scale of 1:150. For tests at low speeds in the German-Dutch wind tunnel DNW, a large model of the studied configuration was made on a scale of 1:12 (length more than 6 m, weight about 1600 kg).

Aegóáeegáóey ñaáSógaóeá

Flight at supersonic speed presents a great difficulty for the researcher, since it is accompanied by the formation of shock waves, or shock waves, and the aircraft in such a flight goes through several flow regimes (with different local structures), accompanied by an increase in heat fluxes.

This problem was studied both experimentally and numerically in the ELAC-EOS project. Most of the experiments were carried out in aerodynamic

Oil-soot pattern of streamlines on the surface of the ELAC 1 model obtained in the T-313 wind tunnel of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. From: (Krause et al., 1999)

Comparison of the results of numerical simulation of vortex structures on the lee side of the E1.AC 1 model (right) and experimental visualization by the laser knife method (left). The results of the numerical calculation were obtained by solving the Navier-Stokes equations for laminar flow at the Mach number M = 2, the Reynolds number Ye = 4 10e, and the angle of attack a = 24°. The calculated vortex patterns are similar to those observed experimentally; there are differences in the transverse shapes of individual vortices. Note that the oncoming flow is perpendicular to the image plane. Quoted from: (EKotberegr e? a/., 1996)

chimney T-313 ITAM SB RAS in Novosibirsk. The Mach number of the oncoming flow in these experiments varied in the range 2< М < 4, число Рейнольдса - 25 106 < Ие < 56 106, а г/гол атаки - в диапазоне - 3° < а < 10°. При этих параметрах измерялось распределение давлений, аэродинамические силы и моменты, а также выполнялась визуализация линий тока на поверхности модели.

The results obtained, among other things, clearly demonstrate the formation of vortices on the leeward side. Panoramic patterns of flows on the surface of the model were visualized by coating with special liquids or oil-soot mixture. In a typical oil black imaging example, the surface streamlines curve inward from the leading edge of the wing and converge into a line oriented approximately in the direction of the current. Other bands are also observed, directed towards the central line of the model.

These distinct traces on the leeward side characterize a cross current whose three-dimensional structure can be observed using the laser knife technique. With an increase in the angle of attack, the air flow flows from the windward surface of the wing to the leeward one, forming a complex vortex system. Note that the primary vortices with reduced pressure in the core make a positive contribution to the lift force of the vehicle. The laser knife method itself is based on photographing coherent radiation scattered

Vortex bubble in transition state

Fully developed vortex spiral

The decay processes of the vortices on the leeward side of the ELAC 1 configuration were visualized by injection of fluorescent paint. From: (Stromberg, Limberg, 1993)


on solid or liquid microparticles introduced into the flow, the concentration distribution of which is determined by the structure of the studied flows. A coherent light source is formed in the form of a thin light plane, which, in fact, gave the name to the method. Interestingly, from the point of view of providing the necessary image contrast, ordinary water microparticles (fog) turn out to be very effective.

Under certain conditions, the cores of the vortices can collapse, which reduces the lift of the wing. This process, called vortex shedding, develops

of the “bubble” or “spiral” type, the visual differences between which are shown by a photograph taken using the injection of fluorescent paint. Usually, the bubble regime of vortex shedding precedes the spiral-type decay.

Useful information Toepler's shadow method gives information about the spectra of supersonic flow around aircraft. With its help, heterogeneities in gas flows are visualized, and shock waves and rarefaction waves are especially clearly visible.

Main lens lens Projection lens Screen (camera)

Light source V g H Inhomogeneity Foucault Knife "I


Back in 1867, the German scientist A. Tepler proposed a method for detecting optical inhomogeneities in transparent media, which has not lost its relevance in science and technology to this day. In particular, it is widely used to study the distribution of air flow density when flowing around models of aircraft in wind tunnels.

The optical scheme of one of the implementations of the method is shown in the figure. A beam of rays from a slit light source is directed by a system of lenses through the object under study and is focused on the edge of an opaque screen (the so-called Foucault knife). If there are no optical inhomogeneities in the object under study, then all rays are delayed by the knife. In the presence of inhomogeneities, the rays will be scattered, and part of them, having deviated, will pass above the edge of the knife. By placing a projection lens behind the plane of the Foucault knife, these rays can be projected onto the screen (directed to the camera) and an image of the inhomogeneities can be obtained.

The considered simplest scheme allows one to visualize the density gradients of the medium perpendicular to the knife edge, while the density gradients along a different coordinate lead to an image shift along the edge and do not change the screen illumination. There are various modifications of the Toepler method. For example, instead of a knife, an optical filter is installed, consisting of parallel stripes of different colors. Or a round aperture with colored sectors is used. In this case, in the absence of inhomogeneities, the rays from different points pass through the same place in the diaphragm, so the entire field is colored in the same color. The appearance of inhomogeneities causes the deviation of the rays that pass through different sectors, and the images of points with different light deviations are painted in the corresponding colors.

Head shock

Fan of rarefaction waves

shock wave

This shadow pattern of the flow around the ELAC 1 model was obtained by the optical Toepler method in a supersonic wind tunnel in Aachen. According to: (Nepe! e? a /., 1993)

Shadow photograph of the flow around a model E1.AC 1 with an air intake in a hypersonic shock tube (M = 7.3) in Aachen. The beautiful iridescent flashes in the bottom right of the image are chaotic currents inside the air intake. From: (Olivier et al., 1996)

Theoretical distribution of Mach numbers (velocities) in a two-stage configuration Е1_АС-ЕОЭ (Mach number of the oncoming flow M = 4.04). From: (Breitsamter et al., 2005)

A good agreement was observed between the calculated and experimental data, which confirms the reliability of the numerical solution in predicting hypersonic flows. An example of the calculated picture of the distribution of Mach numbers (velocities) in the flow during the separation process is presented on this page. Compression shocks and local rarefaction are visible on promises. At the rear of the EBAC 1C configuration, in reality, there will be no vacuum, since a hypersonic ramjet engine will be located there.

The separation of the carrier and orbital stages is one of the most difficult tasks considered during the work on the ELAC-EOS project. For the purposes of safe maneuvering, this stage of the flight requires especially careful study. Numerical studies of its * various phases were carried out at the SFB 255 center at the Technical University of Munich, and all experimental work was carried out at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Tests in the T-313 supersonic wind tunnel included visualization of the flow around the full configuration and measurements of aerodynamic characteristics and surface pressures during stage separation.

The ELAC 1C lower stage model differed from the original ELAC 1 version by a shallow depth compartment in which the orbital stage should be located during takeoff and climb. Computer simulation was carried out at the Mach number of the oncoming flow М = 4.04, Reynolds number -Re = 9.6 106 and zero angle of attack of the EOS model.

In general, it can be said that the studies of the aerodynamic concept of the two-stage ÜiELAC-EOS systems, initiated by the German Research Society DFG, have been successful. As a result of an extensive complex of theoretical and experimental works, in which scientific centers of Europe, Asia, America and Australia participated, a complete calculation of the configuration capable of horizontal takeoff and landing at a standard airport was performed, aerodynamic

flight tasks at low, supersonic and especially hypersonic speeds.

At present, it is clear that the creation of advanced aerospace transport requires more detailed research on the development of hypersonic jet engines that operate reliably in a wide range of flight speeds, high-precision control systems for the processes of stage separation and landing of the orbital module, new high-temperature materials, etc. . The solution of all these complex scientific and technical problems is impossible without the combined efforts of scientists different countries. And the experience of this project only confirms that long-term international cooperation is becoming an integral element of aerospace research.


Kharitonov A.M., Krause E., Limberg W. et al.//J. Experiments in fluids. - 1999. - V. 26. - P. 423.

Brodetsky M.D., Kharitonov A.M., Krause E. et al. //J. Experiments in fluids. - 2000. - V. 29. - P. 592.

Brodetsky M.D., Kharitonov A.M., Krause E. et al. //Proc. at X Int. Conference on the Methods of Aemphysical Research. Novosibirsk. - 2000. -V.1.- P. 53.

Krause E., Brodetsky M.D., Kharitonov A.M. //Proc. at WFAM Congress. Chicago, 2000.

Brodetsky M.D., Krause E., Nikiforov S.B. and others // PMTF. - 2001. - T. 42. - S. 68.

Aerospace transport of the future

With a powerful push, the rocket rises vertically from the launch pad and goes up... This familiar picture may soon sink into oblivion. Disposable space systems and "shuttles" should be replaced by a new generation of vehicles - aerospace planes, which will have the ability to take off and land horizontally, like ordinary airliners. Participants of an international research project introduce readers to some visual materials illustrating the concept of a two-stage aerospace transport of the future

The further development of astronautics is determined by the need for intensive operation of space stations, the development of global communication and navigation systems, and environmental monitoring on a planetary scale. For these purposes, the leading countries of the world are developing aerospace aircraft(VKS) reusable, which will significantly reduce the cost of delivering goods and people into orbit. These will be systems characterized by capabilities, the most relevant of which are the following: reusable use for launching production and scientific and technical cargoes into orbit with a relatively short time interval between repeated flights; return of emergency and decommissioned structures that litter space; rescue of crews of orbital stations and spaceships in emergency situations; urgent reconnaissance of areas of natural disasters and catastrophes anywhere in the world.

In countries with advanced aerospace technologies, great strides have been made in the field of high flight speeds, which determine the potential for a wide range of hypersonic air-jet aircraft. There is every reason to believe that in the future manned aviation will master speeds from Mach numbers M = 4–6 to M = 12–15 engine).

If we talk about civil aviation, then the development of high speeds is extremely important for the intensification of passenger traffic and business ties. Hypersonic passenger aircraft with a Mach 6 number will be able to provide low-fatigue flight duration (no more than 4 hours) on international routes with a range of about 10 thousand km, such as Europe (Paris) - South America (Sao Paulo), Europe (London) - India , USA (New York) - Japan. Recall that the flight time of the supersonic Concorde from New York to Paris was about 3 hours, and the Boeing 747 spends about 6.5 hours on this route. Planes of the future with Mach 10 will be able to cover 16-17 thousand km in 4 hours, making a non-stop flight, for example, from the USA or Europe to Australia.

New approaches

Hypersonic aircraft require new technologies that are completely different from those that are inherent in modern aircraft and vertically taking off spacecraft. Of course, a rocket engine produces a lot of thrust, but it consumes huge amounts of fuel, and besides, the rocket must carry an oxidizer on board. Therefore, the use of rockets in the atmosphere is limited to short-term flights.


Mach number- a parameter characterizing how many times the speed of an aircraft (or gas flow) is greater than the speed of sound
Hypersonic speed is a loose term for a speed with a Mach number greater than 4 5
Reynolds number is a parameter that characterizes the ratio between the forces of inertia and the forces of viscosity in the flow
Attack angle- inclination of the wing plane to the flight line
shock wave (shock wave) is a narrow flow region in which there is a sharp drop in the velocity of the supersonic gas flow, leading to an abrupt increase in density
rarefaction wave is the flow region in which there is a sharp decrease in the density of the gaseous medium

The desire to solve these complex technical problems has led to the development of various concepts of space transportation systems. The principal direction, which is actively explored by the world's leading aerospace firms, is a single-stage videoconferencing. Such an aerospace aircraft, taking off from a conventional airfield, can deliver a payload of about 3% of the takeoff weight to low Earth orbit. Another concept for reusable systems is the two-stage apparatus. In this case, the first stage is equipped with an air-jet engine, and the second stage is orbital, and the separation of the stages is carried out in the range of Mach numbers from 6 to 12 at altitudes of about 30 km.

In 1980-1990. VKS projects were developed in the USA (NASP), England (HOTOL), Germany (Snger), France (STS-2000, STAR-H), Russia (VKS NII-1, Spiral, Tu-2000). In 1989, at the initiative of the German Research Society (DFG), joint research began between three German centers: the Rhine-Westphalian Technical University in Aachen, the Technical University of Munich and the University of Stuttgart. These DFG-sponsored centers have pursued a long-term research program that includes the study of fundamental questions necessary for the design of space transportation systems, such as general engineering, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, flight mechanics, propulsion, materials, etc. Much of the work in experimental aerodynamics has been carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. S. A. Khristianovich SB RAS. The organization and coordination of all research work was carried out by a committee, which for ten years was headed by one of the authors of this article (E. Krause). We bring to the attention of the reader a number of the most illustrative visual materials illustrating some of the results obtained within the framework of this project in the field of aerodynamics.

Two-stage ELAC-EOS system

For research, the concept of a two-stage aerospace vehicle was proposed (the carrier stage was called in German ELAC, the orbital stage was EOS). Fuel is liquid hydrogen. It was assumed that the full-scale ELAC configuration would be 75 m long, with a wingspan of 38 m and a large sweep angle. At the same time, the length of the EOS stage is 34 m, and the wingspan is 18 m. The orbital stage has an elliptical bow, a central body with a semi-cylindrical upper side and one keel in the plane of symmetry. On the upper surface of the first stage there is a recess in which the orbital stage is placed during climb. Although it is shallow, at hypersonic speeds during separation (M = 7) it has a significant effect on the flow characteristics.

To carry out theoretical and experimental studies, several models of the carrier and orbital stages were designed and manufactured on a scale of 1:150. For tests at low speeds in the German-Dutch wind tunnel DNW, a large model of the studied configuration was made on a scale of 1:12 (length more than 6 m, weight about 1600 kg).

Visualization of supersonic

Flight at supersonic speed presents a great difficulty for the researcher, since it is accompanied by the formation of shock waves, or shock waves, and the aircraft in such a flight passes through several flow regimes (with different local structures), accompanied by an increase in heat fluxes.

This problem was studied both experimentally and numerically in the ELAC-EOS project. Most of the experiments were carried out in the T-313 wind tunnel of ITAM SB RAS in Novosibirsk. The Mach number of the oncoming flow in these experiments varied in the range 2< М < 4, Reynolds number – 25 10 6 < Re < 56 10 6 , а attack angle– in the range – 3°< α < 10°. При этих параметрах измерялось распределение давлений, аэродинамические силы и моменты, а также выполнялась визуализация current lines on the surface of the model.

The results obtained, among other things, clearly demonstrate the formation of vortices on the leeward side. Panoramic patterns of flows on the surface of the model were visualized by coating with special liquids or oil-soot mixture. In a typical example oil particulate imaging you can see how the surface streamlines turn inward from the leading edge of the wing and flow into a line oriented approximately in the direction of the current. Other bands are also observed, directed towards the central line of the model.

These distinct traces on the leeward side characterize the cross current, the three-dimensional structure of which can be observed using laser knife method. With an increase in the angle of attack, the air flow flows from the windward surface of the wing to the leeward one, forming a complex vortex system. Note that the primary vortices with reduced pressure in the core make a positive contribution to the lift force of the vehicle. The laser knife method itself is based on photographing coherent radiation scattered by solid or liquid microparticles introduced into the flow, the concentration distribution of which is determined by the structure of the flows under study. A coherent light source is formed in the form of a thin light plane, which, in fact, gave the name to the method. Interestingly, from the point of view of providing the necessary image contrast, ordinary water microparticles (fog) turn out to be very effective.


Back in 1867, the German scientist A. Tepler proposed a method for detecting optical inhomogeneities in transparent media, which has not lost its relevance in science and technology to this day. In particular, it is widely used to study the distribution of air flow density when flowing around models of aircraft in wind tunnels.
The optical scheme of one of the implementations of the method is shown in the figure. A beam of rays from a slit light source is directed by a system of lenses through the object under study and is focused on the edge of an opaque screen (the so-called foucault knife). If there are no optical inhomogeneities in the object under study, then all rays are delayed by the knife. In the presence of inhomogeneities, the rays will be scattered, and part of them, having deviated, will pass above the edge of the knife. By placing a projection lens behind the plane of the Foucault knife, these rays can be projected onto the screen (directed to the camera) and an image of the inhomogeneities can be obtained.
The considered simplest scheme allows us to visualize medium density gradients, perpendicular to the edge of the knife, while density gradients along a different coordinate lead to a shift of the image along the edge and do not change the illumination of the screen. There are various modifications of the Toepler method. For example, instead of a knife, an optical filter is installed, consisting of parallel stripes of different colors. Or a round aperture with colored sectors is used. In this case, in the absence of inhomogeneities, the rays from different points pass through the same place in the diaphragm, so the entire field is colored in the same color. The appearance of inhomogeneities causes the deflection of rays that pass through different sectors, and the images of points with different light deflection are painted in the corresponding colors.

Under certain conditions, the cores of the vortices can collapse, which reduces the lift of the wing. This process, called vortex shedding, develops in a “bubble” or “spiral” pattern, the visual differences between which are shown in a photo taken with the help of fluorescent paint injection. Usually, the bubble regime of vortex shedding precedes the spiral-type decay.

Useful information about the spectra of supersonic flow around aircraft is given by shadow toepler method. With its help, heterogeneities in gas flows are visualized, and shock waves and rarefaction waves are especially clearly visible.

Step separation

The separation of the carrier and orbital stages is one of the most difficult tasks considered during the work on the ELAC-EOS project. For the sake of safe maneuvering, this stage of the flight requires especially careful study. Numerical studies of its various phases were carried out at the SFB 255 center at the Technical University of Munich, and all experimental work was carried out at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Tests in the T-313 supersonic wind tunnel included visualization of the flow around the full configuration and measurements of aerodynamic characteristics and surface pressures during stage separation.

The ELAC 1C lower stage model differed from the original ELAC 1 version by a shallow depth compartment in which the orbital stage should be located during takeoff and climb. Computer simulation was carried out at the Mach number of the oncoming flow М = 4.04, Reynolds number Re = 9.6 10 6 and zero angle of attack of the EOS model.

A good agreement was observed between the calculated and experimental data, which confirms the reliability of the numerical solution in predicting hypersonic flows. An example of the calculated picture of the distribution of Mach numbers (velocities) in the flow during the separation process is presented on this page. Both stages show shock waves and local rarefaction. At the rear of the ELAC 1C configuration, in reality, there will be no vacuum, since a hypersonic ramjet engine will be located there.

In general, it can be said that studies of the aerodynamic concept of the two-stage ELAC-EOS system, initiated by the German Research Society DFG, have been successful. As a result of an extensive complex of theoretical and experimental works, in which scientific centers of Europe, Asia, America and Australia participated, a complete calculation of the configuration capable of horizontal takeoff and landing at a standard airport was performed, aerodynamic problems of flight at low, supersonic and especially hypersonic speeds were solved .

At present, it is clear that the creation of promising aerospace transport requires more detailed research on the development of hypersonic jet engines that operate reliably in a wide range of flight speeds, high-precision control systems for the processes of stage separation and landing of the orbital module, new high-temperature materials, etc. The solution of all these complex scientific and technical problems is impossible without the combined efforts of scientists from different countries. And the experience of this project only confirms that long-term international cooperation is becoming an integral element of aerospace research.


Kharitonov A.M., Krause E., Limberg W. et al. // J. Experiments in Fluids. 1999. V. 26. P. 423.

Brodetsky M.D., Kharitonov A.M., Krause E. et al. // J. Experiments in Fluids. 2000. V. 29. P. 592.

Brodetsky M.D., Kharitonov A.M., Krause E. et al. //Proc. at X Int. Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research. Novosibirsk. 2000. V. 1. P. 53.

Krause E., Brodetsky M.D., Kharitonov A.M. //Proc. at WFAM Congress. Chicago, 2000.

Brodetsky M.D., Krause E., Nikiforov S.B. and others // PMTF. 2001. T. 42. S. 68.

Kuzminova Anastasia Olegovna
Age: 14 years
Place of study: Vologda, MOU "Secondary School No. 1 with in-depth study of the English language"
Town: Vologda
Leaders: Chuglova Anna Bronislavovna, teacher of physics in the senior classes of the MOU "Secondary School No. 1 with in-depth study of the English language";
Kuzminov Oleg Alexandrovich.

Historical research work on the topic:



  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Main body
  • 2.1 History of the development of aerospace vehicles;
  • 2.2 Promising transport ships of the future;
  • 2.3 Main directions of use and development of advanced transport systems (PTS);
  • 3. Conclusion
  • 4. Sources of information.

1. Introduction

For the first time, the space exploration program was formulated by K.E. Tsiolkovsky, in which the key role belongs to space transport systems. Currently, aerospace transport is used for: scientific exploration of planets and outer space, solving military problems, launching artificial earth satellites, building and maintaining orbital stations and industries, transporting goods in space, as well as developing space tourism.

Spaceship - is an aircraft designed for the flight of people and the transport of goods in outer space. Spacecraft for flying in near-Earth orbits are called satellite ships, and for flying to other celestial bodies - interplanetary ships. At the initial stage, transport spaceships demonstrated the capabilities of space technology and the solution of individual applied problems. Currently, they face global practical tasks aimed at the efficient and cost-effective use of space.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Creation of universal, reusable spacecraft;

Use of power plants with more efficient and inexpensive fuels;

Increase in the carrying capacity of the PTS;

Ecological and biological safety of ships.


Creation of the aerospace transport of the future will allow:

- fly, to ultra-long, practically unlimited distances;

- actively explore near-Earth space and other planets;

- to strengthen the defense capability of our state;

- creation of space power plants and industries;

- creation of large orbital complexes;

- extract and process minerals of the Moon and other planets;

- solution of ecological problems of the Earth;

- the launch of artificial earth satellites;

- develop aerospace tourism.

Targets and goals:

- study the history of the development of spacecraft in Russia and the United States;

- make a comparative analysis of the use of aerospace transport of the future;

- consider the main directions for the use of PTS (promising transport systems);

- determine the prospects for the development of transport systems.

2. The main part.

2.1 History of the development of aerospace vehicles.

In 1903, the Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky designed a rocket for interplanetary communications.

Under the leadership of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, the world's first rocket R-7 ("Vostok"), which on October 4, 1957 launched the first artificial Earth satellite into space, and on April 12, 1961, the spacecraft made the first manned flight into space.

Vostok rockets were replaced by a new generation of disposable spacecraft: Soyuz, Progress and Proton, their design turned out to be simple, reliable and cheap, it is used to this day, and will be used in the near future.

"Union" It was very different from the Vostok rocket in its large size, internal volume and new onboard systems, which made it possible to solve problems related to the creation of orbital stations. The first rocket launch took place on April 23, 1967. A series of transport unmanned cargo spacecraft was created on the basis of the Soyuz spacecraft « Progress", which ensured the delivery of cargo to the space station. The first launch took place on January 20, 1978. "Proton"- a launch vehicle (LV) of a heavy class, designed to launch orbital stations, manned spacecraft, heavy Earth satellites and interplanetary stations into space. The first launch took place on July 16, 1965.

Among the American spacecraft, I would like to note "Apollo"- the only one on this moment spacecraft in history, on which people left the limits of low Earth orbit, overcame the gravity of the Earth, successfully landed astronauts on the Moon and returned them to Earth. The ship consists of the main unit and the lunar module (landing and takeoff stages), in which astronauts land and take off from the moon. From 1968 to 1975, 15 spacecraft were launched into the sky.

In the distant 70s, engineers dreamed of creating spaceships of the future that would be able to transport cargo and people into orbit, and then safely return to Earth, and be in service again. The American development was a reusable transport ship "Space Shuttle" which was planned to be used as a shuttle between the Earth and low Earth orbit, delivering payloads and people back and forth. Flights into space were carried out 135 times from April 12, 1981 to July 21, 2011.

A reusable transport winged spacecraft has become a Soviet-Russian development "Buran". An important step towards the exploration of outer space was the development of the universal reusable space rocket system Energia-Buran. Which consists of a heavy-duty launch vehicle Energia and an orbital reusable spacecraft Buran.

This ship is capable of delivering up to 30 tons of cargo into orbit. Orbital ship "Buran" is designed to perform transport and military tasks, as well as orbital operations in space. After completing the tasks, the ship is capable of independently descending in the atmosphere and landing horizontally at the airfield. The first flight was made on November 15, 1988. Reusable spacecraft projects are expensive, and at present, scientists are improving and reducing operating costs, which will effectively allow the use of this type of spacecraft in the future in the creation of space production, reusable spacecraft will be cost-effective, since intensive operation of transport systems will be required.

2.2 Promising transport ships of the future.

Currently, the space industry does not stand still, and many new and promising transport ships of the future are being created:

Space rocket complex "Angara"- a family of promising modular-type launch vehicles with reusable oxygen-kerosene engines under development. Rockets are supposed to be of 4 classes (light, medium, heavy and super heavy). The power of this rocket is implemented using a different number of universal rocket modules (from 1 to 7), depending on the class of the rocket. The first launch of a rocket, a light class, took place on July 9, 2014. The launch of the Angara-5 heavy-class rocket took place on December 23, 2014.

Advantages of the Angara launch vehicle:

- quick assembly of the rocket from ready-made modules, depending on the required carrying capacity;

- rocket launch adapted from Russian spaceports;

- the rocket is completely made from Russian components;

- environmentally friendly fuel is used;

- in the future, it is planned to produce a reusable first-stage engine.

Reusable transport systems ("Rus"). Promising manned transport system(PPTS) "Rus" is a multi-purpose manned reusable spacecraft. The PPTS will be made in the modular design of the base ship in the form of functionally complete elements - the return vehicle and the engine compartment. The ship is planned to be wingless, with a reusable returnable part of a truncated conical shape. The first launch is planned for 2020.

Designed to perform the following tasks:

- ensuring national security;

- unhindered access to space;

- expanding the tasks of space production;

- flight and landing on the moon.

Manned reusable spacecraft "Orion"(USA).

The ship is planned to be wingless, with a reusable returnable part of a truncated conical shape. Designed to deliver people and cargo into space, as well as for flights to the Moon and Mars. The first launch took place on December 5, 2014. The ship retired to a distance of 5.8 thousand km, and then returned back to Earth. When returning, the ship passed through the dense layers of the atmosphere at a speed of 32 thousand km / h, and the surface temperature of the ship reached 2.2 thousand degrees. The spacecraft passed all the tests, which means it is suitable for flights with people over long distances. The start of flights to other planets is planned for 2019-2020.

Reusable transport spacecraftDragon Space X"(USA).

Designed to transport payloads and people. The first flight took place on December 1, 2010. A crew of up to 7 people and 2 tons of payloads can be on board. Flight duration: from 1 week to 2 years. The production of a transport ship in various modifications is successfully operated and planned. The main disadvantage is the costly operation of this type of spacecraft. In the near future, Dragon Space X plans to reuse the first and second stages, which will significantly reduce the cost of space launches.

Consider promising transport spacecraft that will fly over long distances .

Interplanetary spacecraft "Pilgrim". In the United States, a NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) program has been created to design an interplanetary spacecraft based on a miniature nuclear reactor. It is planned that the power propulsion system will be combined and the nuclear reactor will start working when the ship leaves the earth's orbit. In addition, after the completed mission, the ship will be put on a trajectory on which it will move away from our land. This type of power plant is very reliable and will not adversely affect environment earth.

Our country is a world leader in the field of space energy. Currently being developed transport and energy module based on a megawatt-class nuclear power plant. Almost the entire scientific potential of Russia is working on this program. The launch of the spacecraft with a nuclear power plant is planned for 2020. This type of power plant will be able to work for a long time without refueling. Transport ships with nuclear power plants (nuclear power plant) will be able to fly to ultra-long, practically unlimited distances, and will allow the exploration of deep space.

Comparative table of promising spacecraft.


The country

Range of flight


load capacity

First launch date

Space rocket complex "Angara"

Launch vehicle (reusable)


From 1.5 to 35 t

Reusable transport systems "Rus"

Manned, reusable

planetary; Moon, Mars



Manned, reusable

Moon, Mars

« Dragon Space X»

Manned, reusable




Nuclear, combined

Transport and energy module


long distance

Nuclear, combined

The most promising transport ship of the future is a ship with a nuclear power plant, because. it has an energy-intensive engine, and can fly ultra-long distances. The nuclear system is 3 times superior to conventional installations. After resolving issues with safe operation, this type of spacecraft will be able to make a breakthrough in the study of outer space.

2.3 Main directions of use and development of PTS (promising transport systems)

The main areas of use of PTS





Exploration of space and other planets

Research and scientific work in space

Launching cargo and Earth satellites into low Earth orbit

Construction and maintenance of orbital complexes

Creation and maintenance of space power plants and industries

Moving payloads from other planets

To create the aerospace transport of the future, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

- power plants of the vehicle should be equipped with more capacious energy sources compared to the fuel currently used (nuclear power plants, plasma and ion engines);

- promising power plants should be modular, depending on the range of flights. Power plants must be of low, medium and high power. Small - for servicing near-Earth orbits, medium - transportation of cargo to the Moon and other nearby planets, large - for flights of interplanetary complexes to Mars and other distant planets. Interplanetary manned complexes for long distances, due to the large weight, must be assembled from modules in near-Earth orbit. The docking of these modules should be carried out automatically, without human intervention.

- promising systems should have a high degree of reliability to ensure environmental safety;

Spacecraft must be operated in manned and unmanned modes, with the possibility of remote control from the Earth. To perform manned flights, space interplanetary ships must have all types of protection for the normal existence of all crew members.

3. Conclusion

The paper gives examples of the latest promising developments of transport systems in Russia and the United States, which will be built according to the following principles:

Universal modular design;

Use of energy efficient power plants;

Ability to assemble modules in space;

High degree of vehicle automation;

Possibility of remote control;

Environmental Safety;

Safe operation of the ship and crew members.

After solving these problems, the PTS will allow active exploration of outer space, creation of production facilities in space, development of space tourism, and solution of scientific and military tasks.

Despite the fact that we managed to collect a lot of information, I would like to continue the work in the following areas:

Application of new types of fuel at PTS;

Improving the systems for the safe operation of spacecraft of the future.

4. Sources of information:

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