The largest passenger aircraft Boeing. A380 - the largest plane in the world

People always attract any record - record aircraft always enjoy great attention

3 place: Airbus A380

Airbus A380 - wide-body two-candy jet passenger aircraft created by the concern Airbus S.A.S. (Earlier, Airbus Industrie) is the largest serial airliner in the world.

The height of the aircraft is 24.08 meters, length - 72.75 (80.65) meters, wing spacing 79.75 meters. A380 can perform non-stop flights to a distance of 15,400 km. Capacity - 525 passengers in the cabin of three classes; 853 passengers in a single-class configuration. Also provides the cargo modification of A380F with the possibility of transporting cargo to 150 tons to a distance of up to 10,370 km.

For the development of A380 aerobus, it took about 10 years, the cost of the entire program was about 12 billion euros. Airbus argues that it is necessary to sell 420 aircraft to refund the costs of the corporation, although some analysts are estimated, the figure should be much larger.
According to the developers, the most difficult part in the creation of A380 was the problem of reducing its mass. It was possible to solve due to the wide use of composite materials in both the power elements of the design and in the auxiliary units, interiors, etc.

To reduce the mass of the aircraft, progressive technologies and improved aluminum alloys were also used. Thus, the 11-ton central unit for 40% of its mass consists of carbon fuel. The top and side panels of the fuselage are made from the hybrid material GLARE (English). On the lower panels of the fuselage, laser welding of stringers and the trim, which significantly reduced the quantity of fasteners.
According to Airbus, according to one passenger, the A380 airbus is incinerated by 17% less than fuel than the "modern biggest aircraft" (apparently, it means Boeing 747). The smaller the fuel is burned, the less carbon dioxide emissions. For the aircraft, CO2 emissions per passenger constitute only 75 grams per kilometer of the path. This is almost half a less than carbon dioxide emissions established by the European Union for cars produced in 2008.

The first sold aircraft A320 was commissioned to the customer on October 15, 2007 after the long phase of acceptance tests and entered the service of October 25, 2007, making a commercial flight between Singapore and Sydney. Two months later, Singapore Airlines President Chu Chong Seng stated that Airbus A380 works better than expected and consumes 20% less fuel on the passenger than the Boeing company 747-400.

The upper and lower decks of the aircraft are connected by two stairs, in the nasal and tail parts of the liner, quite wide, so that they fit two passengers to the shoulder to shoulder. In the configuration with 555 passengers A380 has 33% more passenger places than Boeing 747-400 in a standard configuration with three classes, but the interior has 50% more space and volume, as a result of which one passenger accounts for more space.

The maximum certified aircraft capacity is 853 passengers when configured with a single economy class. Announced configurations have the number of passenger seats from 450 (for Qantas Airways) to 644 (for Emirates Airline, with two classes of comfort).

2nd place: Hughes H-4 Hercules

Hughes H-4 Hercules (Eng. Hughes H-4 Hercules) - a transport wooden flying boat developed by the American company Hughes Aircraft under the leadership of Howard Hughes. This 136-ton aircraft, originally designated as NK-1 and received the unofficial nickname Spruc Goose ("Shyolt, Pijon", a literally "fir goose"), was the biggest ever-built flying boat, and the swing of his wing and today remains a record - 98 meters. It was intended for transportation of 750 soldiers with full gear.

At the beginning of World War II, the US government allocated 13 million dollars to the manufacture of a prototype of a flying vessel, but the aircraft was not ready for the end of hostilities, which was explained by the lack of aluminum, as well as the stubbornness of Hughes, who sipped to create an impeccable car.


Crew: 3 people
Length: 66.45 m
Wing scope: 97.54 m
Height: 24.08 m
Height of the fuselage: 9.1 m
Wing Square: 1061.88 m?
Maximum Tear Mass: 180 tons
Useful load mass: up to 59,000 kg
Fuel supply: 52 996 l
Engines: 8? Air cooling Pratt & Whitney R-4360-4A 3000 liters. from. (2240 \u200b\u200bkW) each
Propellers: 8? Four-blade Hamilton Standard, diameter 5.23 m

Fewer characteristics

Maximum speed: 351 mph (565.11 km / h)
Cruising speed: 250 mph (h (407.98 km / h)
Flight range: 5634 km
Practical ceiling: 7165 m.

Despite his nickname, the aircraft was built almost completely from the birch, or rather out of the Birosis plywood mashed pattern.

The Hercules plane, piloted by Howard Hughes himself, made its first and only flight only on November 2, 1947, when it rose into the air to the height of 21 meters and covered approximately two kilometers to a straight line of Los Angeles Harbor.

After long-term storage (Hughes supported the aircraft in working condition until his death in 1976, spending up to 1 million US dollars per year) The plane was sent to the Long Beach Museum, California.

The plane is attended by about 300,000 tourists annually. The biography of the Creator of the Howard Hughes Airplane and the testing of the aircraft is shown in the film Martin Scorsese "Aviator".

Currently is the exhibit of the Evergreen International Aviation Museum in McMinnville (Oregon), where he was transported in 1993.

1st place: An-225 This is a plane! Of course, he is Russian!

This car was designed and built in very short time: the first drawings began to be created in 1985, and in 1988 the transport aircraft was already built. The reason for such compressed terms can be quite easily explained: the fact is that "Mriya" was created on the basis of well-developed nodes and the units of An-124 Ruslan. So, for example, the "Mriya" fuselage has the same transverse dimensions as the An-124, but it is longer, the scope and the area of \u200b\u200bthe wings have increased. The same structure as the "Ruslan" has a wing, but additional sections have been added to it. An-225 has two additional engines. The chassis of the aircraft is similar to the chassis "Ruslan", but in it seven, instead of five racks. Pretty seriously changed the cargo compartment. Initially, two aircraft were laid, but only one An-225 was completed. The second copy of the unique aircraft is ready for approximately 70% and can be completed at any time, subject to proper financing. For his completion, the amount is needed 100-120 million dollars.

On February 1, 1989, the aircraft was shown to the general public, and in May of the same year, An-225 made a non-stop flight from Baunur to Kiev, carrying on his back "Buran", weighing sixty tons. In the same month, the An-225 delivered the Burand spacecraft to the airline in Paris and produced real Furior there. In total, on the account of the aircraft 240 world records, including the carriage of heavy cargo (253 tons), the most severe monolithic cargo (188 tons) and the longest cargo.

The An-225 Airplane "Mriya" was originally created for the needs of the Soviet Space. In those years, the Soviet Union was building "Buran" - its first vehicle of reusable, analogue of the American shuttle. To implement this project, a transport system was needed, with which it was possible to transport loads of large sizes. It is for these purposes that "Mriya" thought. In addition to the components and nodes of the spacecraft itself, it was necessary to deliver the parts of the Rocket "Energy", which also had colossal dimensions. All this was delivered from the place of production to the points of the final assembly. The nodes and components of "Energy" and "Burana" were manufactured in the central regions of the USSR, and the final assembly occurred in Kazakhstan, on the Baikonur cosmodrome. In addition, the An-225 was originally designed so that in the future he could carry the ready-made spacecraft "Buran". Also An-225 could carry large loads for the needs of the national economy, such as equipment for the mining, oil and gas industry.

In addition to participating in the Soviet Space Program, the plane was supplied to transport oversized cargo over long distances. This work An-225 "Mriya" will fulfill today.

General functions and tasks of the machine can be described as follows:

transportation of widespread goods (large, heavy) total weight up to 250 tons;
incontinental nonsense cargo transportation weighing 180? 200 t;
intercontinental cargo transportation weighing up to 150 tons;
transportation of heavy large-sized goods on the outer suspension with a total weight of up to 200 tons;
using the aircraft for the air start of spacecraft.

Other, even more ambitious tasks, were also placed in front of a unique aircraft and they were also associated with space. The An-225 Airplane "Mriya" was supposed to become a kind of flying cosmodrome, the platform with which cosmic ships and rockets were introduced into orbit. "Mriya", according to the design of the designers, should have become the first step to start reusable spacecraft like "Buran". Therefore, initially before the designers there was a task to make an aircraft with a carrying capacity of at least 250 tons.

Soviet shuttle was supposed to start with the "back" of the aircraft. A similar way to launch devices for near-earth orbit has many serious advantages. First, you do not need to build very expensive ground start-up complexes, and secondly, the launch of the rocket or ship from the aircraft seriously saves fuel and allows you to increase the payload of the spacecraft. In some cases, this can afford to completely abandon the first stage of the rocket.

Various air start options are currently being developed. Especially actively in this direction work in the United States, there are Russian developments.

Alas, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the project "Air Start", with the participation of the An-225 was almost buried. This aircraft was an active participant in the Energy-Buran program. An-225 completed fourteen flights with "Buran" on the top of the fuselage, hundreds of tons of various goods were transported within the framework of this program.

After 1991, the funding of the Energy-Buran program ceased, and the An-225 remained without work. Only in 2000, the modernization of the machine for use for commercial purposes began. The An-225 Airplane "Mriya" has unique technical characteristics, huge loading capacity and can carry large loads on their fuselage - all this makes an aircraft very popular for commercial traffic.

Since that time, An-225 completed many flights and transported hundreds of tons of various cargo. Some transport operations can be safely called unique and having no analogues in the history of aviation. The plane took part several times in humanitarian operations. After the devastating tsunami, he delivered electric generators in Samoa, transported the construction technique in the destroyed Gaiti earthquake, helped eliminate the consequences of an earthquake in Japan.

In 2009, the an-225 aircraft was modernized, and his service life was extended.

The an-225 aircraft "Mriya" is made according to the classic scheme, with high-dimensional wings of small sweatshirts. The cabin is located in the front of the aircraft, the cargo hatch is also located in the nose. The plane is made according to a two-killeum scheme. Such a solution is due to the need to carry cargo on the fuselage of the aircraft. An-225 aircraft glider has very high aerodynamic properties, the magnitude of the aerodynamic quality of this car is 19, which is an excellent indicator not only for transport, but also for passenger aircraft. This, in turn, seriously improved the characteristics of the aircraft and reduced fuel consumption.

Almost all the inner space of the fuselage occupies a cargo compartment. Compared to An-124, it has become more than 10% (seven meters). At the same time, the wing is increased by only 20%, two more engines were added, and the aircraft carrying capacity increased by one and a half times. During the construction of the An-225, the drawings, nodes and units of the An-124 were actively used, so the aircraft could create in such a short time. Here are the main differences between An-225 from An-124 Ruslan:

New centralland;
increased the length of the fuselage;
Single tail plumage is replaced by twokill;
lack of tail truck hatch;
The number of racks of the main chassis is increased from five to seven;
fastening system and superior cargo;
Installed two additional engine D-18T.

Unlike Ruslan, "Mriya" has only one cargo hatch, which is in the nose of the aircraft. Like its predecessor, "Mriya" can change the clearance and the angle of inclination of the fuselage, which is extremely convenient for loading and unloading. The chassis has three supports: the front two-sided and two main, each of which consists of seven racks. In this case, all racks are independent of each other and are released separately.

For take-off without cargo, the aircraft requires a runway with a length of 2400 meters, with a load - 3500 meters.

An-225 has six D-18T engines suspended under the wings, as well as two auxiliary power plants located inside the fuselage.

The cargo compartment is sealed and equipped with all the necessary equipment for loading. Inside the fuselage, the An-225 can carry up to sixteen standard aircraft containers (each weighing ten tons), fifty cars or any cargo weighing up to two hundred tons (turbines, the cargo technique of particular large sizes, generators). From above on the fuselage there are special attachments for the transport of large-sized cargoes.

Technical characteristics of the An-225 "Mriya"

Wing scope, m 88.4
Length, m 84.0
Height, m \u200b\u200b18.2
Mass, kg.

Empty 250000.
Maximum take-off 600000.
Fuel weight 300000.
Engine 6 * TRDD D-18T
Specific fuel consumption, kg / kgf · h 0.57-0.63
Cruising speed, km / h 850
Practical range, km 15600
Range, km 4500
Practical ceiling, m 11000
Crew six people
Payload, kg 250000-450000.

An-225 Soviet transport jetting aircraft with super-large lifting capacity of the development of the OKBE. O. K. Antonova, is the largest aircraft in the world.

The size of the first aircraft with the engine was more than modest. Its length was 6.4 meters, and the height is 2.7 meters. "Flyer-1", designed and built in the distant 1903 brothers Wright, was able to raise only one person into the air. The wingspan of the wings of the first aircraft was just over 12 meters, and the wing area is 47 square meters. Of course, from the moment the aviation stepped far ahead. Modern liners are striking with their dimensions, power, withdrawal. The largest aircraft in the world can transport several hundred tons of cargo, and passenger giants for the flight transport more than 800 passengers. Let's talk about the heavyweights of modern aviation.

Leader on the length of the wing

Before switching to the giants, remember the unique Hughes H-4 Hercules. It was he who has been holding leadership for more than 70 years old, and only modern Airbus A380-800 compared to it with it.

The story of the aircraft is not easy. At the beginning of World War II, the US government ordered Hughes Aircraft to build amphibian aircraft for cargo-passenger traffic. Yes, he had to not only fly, but also to be able to swim. The main goal stated by the customer is to spend at least strategic raw materials, that is, it is not made of metal, but from the tree.

The "flying boat" was designed to become the largest of all existing aircraft. But the search for the ideal decision was delayed, and the amphibian aircraft was built only two years after the completion of the war. The device that received the famous nickname "Fir Gus" was completely made of plywood. It was estimated to develop and the construction of the aircraft it took $ 22 million from the US budget, another 18 million invested the owner of the company Howard Hughes.

The dimensions of "Hercules" seven times higher than the parameters of any aircraft. The length was 66.45 meters, the height is 24 meters, and the wing span is 97.5 meters. It weighed 136 tons, the carrying capacity was 59 tons. Flying boat was able to accommodate more than 700 soldiers.

By the project, the aircraft could develop speed up to 378 km / h, gain a height of more than seven thousand meters and fly 5.6 thousand km. But it was not possible to experience his limit opportunities. The first and only experimental flight "Hercules" performed in November 1947 in Los Angeles Harbor. Making several passes along the harbor, the amphibian aircraft broke away from the water and flew about two kilometers at an altitude of 21 meters and a speed of about 120 km / h. After the perfectly perfect landing of "Hercules" returned to his hangar, where he was maintained in working condition until 1976. Today you can see the wooden giant at the US Oregon State Museum.

Passenger traffic recorders

Among the largest modern liners in the passenger air transport segment, two models of competitors aircraft are distinguished: Boeing 747 and A380 airbus. The first holds the palm of the championship in length, the second became the undisputed leader in terms of capacity.

Leader in Gabaritam

The long passenger liner today is Boeing 747-8. In addition, he is the largest commercial aircraft ever built in the United States.

Boeing 747-8 wide-body baying 747-8 Almost per meter exceeds the length of the previous leader AIRBUS A340-600. The length of the fuselage is 76 meters, the height is more than 19 meters. The wingspan of this giant is almost 68.5 meters.

The liner was announced in 2005, and the first flight took place in five years. The elongated fuselage, a new wing, engines and onboard systems became key differences from the previous Boeing 747 models. Significant refinements led to the fact that it became the most quiet and economical liner of the family. A business card of Boeing, hump in front of the case, remained, here is the upper deck.

On board the liner, up to 581 passengers fit. The liner is able to overcome up to 14.1 thousand kilometers at a speed of 917 km / h. The maximum speed of Boeing 747-8 reaches 950 km / h, which makes it the leader among passenger subsonic liners.

Boeing 747-8 is available in three versions: cargo, passenger and presidential. Today, the world's longest aircraft enjoy, Air China, Korean Air, Cathay Pacific Airways, UPS Airlines and others. It is he who keeps the championship to orders VIP versions of the aircraft intended for flights of the first persons of the state, government leaders and politicians.

Passenger capacity record holder

For 37 years, leadership in three parameters: size, weight and capacity, held passenger Boeing 747. Everything has changed in 2005, when Airbus A380 took off in the sky. Since then, it is he who keeps the leadership on passenger capacity.

On board a liner can simultaneously be up to 853 passengers, while Boeing 747 accommodates up to 600 people.

For about ten years and 12 billion euros left for the development of a liner. As stated in AIRBUS S.A.S, to recoup the project, you need to sell 420 aircraft. At the end of 2017, 317 aircraft were ordered, more than 220 of them - are already exploited by airlines.

The first commercial flight A380 committed in 2007 from Singapore to Sydney under the Singapore Airlines flag. In honor of this event, passengers were treated with champagne and handed memorable certificates.

The record holder dimensions are no less impressive: the height is 24 meters, length is almost 73 meters, the wing span is almost 80 meters. It weighs 280 tons, and can lift as much as much. The most difficult issue, according to the developers, was how to make such a giant as much as possible. To solve the problem of construction, light composite materials were used.

Despite its size, the A380 is the most economical among the giants, fuel consumption is 20% lower than Boeing 747. It can overcome without landing up to 15.4 thousand kilometers at a speed of 1020 km / h.

Heavyweights in the world of aviation

Let's go to the biggest and heavy truck. The line of leaders did not change here since the 80s of the last century, when An-225 entered the Pedestal. Among the serial versions of the freight models, the championship holds his prototype - An-124. Although American aircraft designers are already catching up with the latest developments.

Recordsman on freight transportation

The most lifting aircraft in the world is officially recognized by the An-225, called "Mriya" ("Dream"). The top of the thought of the Soviet designers put about 250 world records, many of which were not surpassed to this day.

An-225 was designed and built in the Antonov Design Bureau. The aircraft was intended for solving specific tasks in the implementation of the Soviet Space Program "Buran". In particular, he had to carry heavy components of the spacecraft and carrier missile, as well as used as the first stage of the spacecraft start system.

As a basis, the designers took the An-124, it gave it the quality of a universal cargo aircraft. And fundamental improvements made it possible to achieve record indicators of carrying capacity: "Mriya" can transport up to 250 tons to a distance of four thousand kilometers.

An-225 made his first flight in 1988, and a year later, the demonstration of his capabilities was produced by Furior at the Paris aircraft.

An-225 amazes with dimensions. Its length is 84 meters, the height of more than 18 meters (the height of the five-storey house), the scope of the wings exceeds 88 meters. The weight of the empty aircraft is 250 tons.

"Mriya" is able to carry superheavy cargo in both a sealed cabin and outside on the fuselage. The load cabin length is 43 meters, the width is 6.4 meters, the height is 4.4 meters. 50 passenger cars will spread freely on such an area. The second deck accommodates 6 crew members and 88 passengers.

To date, "Mriya" exists in a single copy. The aircraft is used to transport goods and during rescue operations. The second aircraft was planned for release, but remained in a half-headed state. Due to the lack of customer, the completion and modernization of the second An-225 is still questionable.

The largest serial heavyweight

From the heavyweights produced by the serial, the most load-lifting in the world is another development of the KB. Antonova An-124, or "Ruslan". Before the appearance of Airbus A380 in a reductions, only Boeing 747 was inflicted.

"Ruslan" was originally created for military purposes. With it, they planned to carry the sets of start-up of ballistic missiles, heavy combat techniques and military. The first test of "Ruslan" took place in 1982. For three years, it was used exclusively in the interests of the army. Heavyweight was able to transport up to 120 tons of cargo, up to 440 parachutes or 880 soldiers with equipment.

Since 1985, Ruslan has moved to the service of civilian traffic, making the first "delivery" from Vladivostok to the Yakutia of a 152-ton career dump truck. From unusual "orders" it is worth noting the delivery from London to Moscow 140 tons of equipment of the legendary Pink Floyd, transportation of more than 50 tons of gold from the UAE in Switzerland. Michael Jackson also took advantage of Ruslanov's capabilities, transporting 310 tons of their cargo on three aircraft.

In terms of the size of An-124, somewhat in short, "Mriya" (69 meters), but above (21 meters). Wing scope exceeds 73 meters. The mass of the empty aircraft is 178 tons.

The crew cabins are located on the upper deck (by 8 people) and two passenger cabins (7 + 21 people). The lower deck is a hermetic cargo cabin along the length of the AN-225 shorter and is 36.5 meters.

The production of "Ruslanov" stopped in 2004. A total of 55 aircraft of this model were released. After some of them, modernized: updated the fuselage and wing, replaced some systems and blocks, increased load capacity.

Ruslans can carry goods up to 120 tons at a distance of 4.8 thousand kilometers. If the load is three times easier, the flight range will be up to 12 thousand kilometers. The maximum speed that the liner can develop is 865 km / h.

Western Analog An-124

The nearest competitor of Russian serial heavyweight is the American military transport aircraft Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. This is the third for carrying capacity of a giant air transportation in the world after "Mria" and "Ruslan".

The first flight Lockheed C-5 Galaxy produced in 1968. Pretty soon he became the main means for transporting military forces and techniques in the hostilities of hostilities. A total of several aircraft modifications were released. The latter - C-5M Super Galaxy - can transport almost 130 tons of cargo (for comparison so much weigh in the amount of 150 Volkswagen Beetle cars).

The height of the case is almost 20 meters, the length is 75.5 meters, and the wing span is 67.9 meters.

The size of the aircraft is no less impressive than its abilities. The aircraft length is 75.5 meters, the height is almost 20 meters, the wing span is just less than 68 meters. In a cargo cabin, 27 meters long and a diameter of 5.8 meters can fit 270 soldiers and another 118 tons of payload. On the upper deck - the crew cabin for five people and places for passengers. The flight range with maximum load is 5.5 thousand kilometers at a speed of up to 888 km / h.

Perspective giant

Aircraft Designs do not get tired of competing in the release of giants. So, in 2011, it was declared, and six years later - the strutolaunch model 351, developed by Scaled Composites, was presented - the largest two-body transport aircraft, developed by Scaled Composites. The new "titanium" by the scope of the wings constituting 117 meters exceeds both "Meria", and even the famous "Hercules".

The length of the aircraft is more than 72 meters at a height of 15 meters. According to the project, it will be able to raise up to 250 tons of cargo on an external suspension. Purpose Stratolaunch Model 351 - Become a platform for the air launch of missiles.

Now the plane passes the necessary testing. For 2019, commissioning is scheduled.

This list contains the 10 largest aircraft in the world from ever built. The ranking includes aircraft both passenger aviation and cargo and transport liners. About some of them, for example, An Mriya, have more detailed materials, and we will tell about some for the first time. The list is presented in descending order.

Dorne Do X.
Dorney DO X was the largest, most difficult, and most powerful aircraft in the world, when the German company Dornier was produced in 1929. In fact, it is rather a passenger flying boat than a classic aircraft.

Tupolev ant-20
Tupolev Ant-20, or Maxim Gorky, was named after Maxim Gorky and dedicated to the 40th anniversary of his literary and social activities. AnT-20 was the largest famous aircraft who confess the philosophy of the design of the Junkers, with a corrugated sheet steel in many key components of the case.

Boeing 747 Dreamlifter.
This enlarged version of Boeing 747 called Dreamlifter is used exclusively for transporting the parts of the Boeing 787 aircraft to the company's assembly plants from suppliers from other parts of the world.

Boeing 747-8
Boeing 747-8 is the largest version of the 747th, as well as the largest commercial aircraft built in the United States and the longest passenger aircraft in the world. That's how many records have this outstanding aircraft.

Boeing 747.
The original version of Boeing 747 was two and a half times more with passenger capacity than Boeing 707, one of the giants of commercial aviation of the 1960s.

Antonov An-22
Antonov 22 is a heavy military transport aircraft developed by Antonov's Design Bureau in Kharkov. The aircraft operates to four turboprop air-reactive motors. An-22 became the first Soviet wide-body aircraft and remains the largest four-stroke turboprop high population with a two-bone plumage and tail truck so far.

Antonov An-124
Antonov 124 is a strategic aircraft for air freight. One of the largest aircraft in the world was developed by the Constructive Bureau of Antonov. 124 - The second in height of the cargo plane in the world after the Boeing 747-8F and the third heaviest cargo plane in the world.

Airbus A380
Airbus A380 with double deck is a wide-visor airliner with four engines. This is the largest passenger airliner in the world. A variety of airports had to modernize their landing bands to adapt them to its size. A380 made his first flight on April 27, 2005 and began the commercial service in October 2007 with Singapore Airlines.

Airbus A340.
The second in the list is Airbus A340. It accommodates up to 375 passengers in standard variants and 440 in an enlarged modification. Depending on the model, A-340 can overcome from 12,400 to 17,000 km at one refueling.

The biggest plane - An-225 Mriya
An-225 Mriya - a strategic cargo aircraft for air transportation, developed by Antonov's design bureau in the 1980s. Mriya is translated from the Ukrainian language as a dream. The aircraft is driven by six turboclerous engines and is the largest in the world, with a maximum weight of the take-off of 640 tons. Currently, only one version is built, but is preparing for the release and second "Mriya".

Airbus A380 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world. In a classmate layout, he can take on board 853 passengers, there is still a project A380-1000, which accommodates 1073 passengers in economy class.

2. The first flight Airbus A380 made on April 27, 2005, began to be operated on October 25, 2007. This month we celebrate the anniversary of 10 years.

3. Several countries take part in the production of liner. The main sections of the airliner are built at enterprises in France, Great Britain, Germany and Spain. Russia also did not remain aside. In the design of A380F, employees of the Airbus Ecar engineering center in Moscow - the first design bureau created by the concern in Europe beyond the territories of its participating countries in June 2003. Russian designers perform a significant amount of work on the design of the parts of the fuselage, calculations for strength, the placement of onboard equipment and maintaining the serial production of aircraft.

4. Airbus is very open and often suits events for aviation lovers. On October 1, together with the Domodedovo Airport, another spotting was held. To get on Spotting, follow the accounts of Airbus and Domodedovo Airport. But if you do not want to wait, you can take a picture of Airbus because of the fence, now it can be done in the daytime day and every day.

5. Wing scope Airbus A380 is79.75 m, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe wing845 m². The size of the Wing A380 is designed for the maximum take-off mass of over 650 tons. Flight range for the A380-800 model is 15400 km.

6. Length of the airlining airliner2050 m, the length of the run2900 m.

Cruising speed900 km / h, and the maximum speed of 1020 km / h.

7. Domodedovo Airport became the first airport certified for receiving A380. For this I had to buy special equipment. For example, the height of the aircraft is 24.09 m is an eight-storey house. For such a height, you need to get, for example.
By the way, the equipment is delivered due to large sizes.

8. Currently, Domodedovo Airport remains the only airport of Russia, receiving Airbus A380 on a regular basis. From October 1, Airbus A380 airlines Emirates flies on the route Dubai - Moscow - Dubai.

9. There are cases of manufacturing A380 on special price of individuals. The first ordered a personal Airbus A380 Super Jumbo Saudi Prince al-Valid Ibn Talal, the nephew of the King Abdullah. Order price - $ 488 million US dollars.

10. Now in the world, 215 airbus A380 aircraft released, orders are received for another 100 sides. In the middle airbus Corporation, about 30 A380 aircraft per year is available.

Thanks to Airbus employees and Domodedovo airport for Spotting invitation. It was very cool.

The history of aviation in its modern understanding has more than 100 years, if not to take into account the attempts of a person take off into the air since ancient times. During this time, the aircraft construction has passed from the first prototypes of the Right brothers and other enthusiasts-inventors to heavy duty multi-duty giants that can carry tons of cargo and hundreds of passengers. This article is about the 10 largest aircraft in the world.

The largest passenger aircraft in the world

The palm of the championship among the largest civil aircraft for the transport of passengers holds Airbus A380. This is the brainchild of the European company Airbus. He first flew into the air with passengers in 2005 after the 10-year developments and experiments of the designers.

Fact. The cost of creating a giant amounted to almost 12 billion euros.

This expensive, but but the largest passenger aircraft has the following dimensions:

  • height - 24.08 m;
  • length - 72.75 m;
  • wingspan - 79.75 m;
  • weight - 280 tons.

Additional Information. Despite its impressive dimensions, the A380 airbus is very economical and even environmentally friendly - for the carriage of one passenger, only three liters of fuel is spent at a distance of 100 kilometers. It can overcome the distance over 15400 meters without refueling. And the smaller the fuel is spent, the less emissions into the atmosphere. It was possible to achieve this result due to the perfect design of the wing and fuselage, as well as the special material from which they are made. These engineering solutions significantly reduced the total weight of the vessel and improved its aerodynamics.

Today, the two-storey Airbus A380 contains 525 passengers when dividing into three classes and up to 853 people with a single-class interior configuration. However, there are already developing and testing improved versions of the aircraft, the capacity of which should exceed 1000 people.

Airbus A380 dismissed with a pedestal Boeing 747, which kept the position of the largest aircraft from the 1970s. The A380 developers have found a way to reduce the cost of producing the vessel by 15% compared with Boeing and increase the capacity by 7%.

The second largest plane in the world

The already mentioned Boeing 747 (Jumbo Jet) occupies an honorable second place in size among passenger liners. At the time of creation in 1969 it was the largest, heavy and roomy airraft and a length of 70.6 m.

It was 36 years old in various modifications, however, keeping in them the main characteristics: a wide fuselage and two floors for passengers. This design gives Jambo Jetu recognizable silhouette similar to hump, since the upper deck is much shorter than the bottom.

Interesting. In the late 1960s it was believed that the future of passenger aircraft belongs to supersonic light aircraft, which will be out of journey heavyweights. Therefore, "747" was developed with the possibility of re-equipment in the cargo. Experts evaluated the capacity of the spacious aircraft no more than 400 pieces, but these forecasts did not come true, and in 1993 the company sold his thousandth Boeing-747. Only in our century, with the advent of Airbus A380, the demand began to fall.

In the 1970s. The world has happened to the fuel crisis, the prices for airfelt fuel rapidly soared, as well as ticket prices. Companies with Boeing 747 collided with its unprofitability, the plane often flew unfilled. However, on highly loaded routes and on intercontinental flights, Jumbo Jet was and remains in demand by the model.

The longest passenger plane in the world

This record holder is already from the latest history of aviation - Boeing 747-8, began to produce in 2008 is a modification of the legendary Boeing 747, with substantial refinements. The designers extended the fuselage as much as possible, re-released the wing and worked on the efficiency in operation.

The Length of Boeing 747-8 is 76.25 m, which makes it the longest passenger liner in the world. However, this is also the most severe US aircraft, its runway is 447 tons, which is still considered a record for the entire history of the aircraft engineering in America.


  • length - 76.25 m;
  • height - 19.35 m;
  • wing span - 68.45 m.

In addition to cargo, this aircraft accommodates up to 581 passengers.

The most "hardy" plane

For the successful operation of aircraft, in addition to capacity and load capacity, it is important how they can overcome without refueling. Today, the record holder on distant flights is Boeing 777, which is capable of flying half of the circumference of the Earth - 20,000 km. However, this is the limit value of the flight length, in ordinary practice overcome the distance is 9000-17000 km.

Interesting. Boeing 777E is the first modern airliner, when creating which computer simulation was used instead of paper drawings. In the early 1990s Such technologies have become a breakthrough in aircraft enterprise, since 3D modeling makes it possible to eliminate errors in the docking of parts at the design stage.

Boeing 777 has different modifications depending on the length of the fuselage and range. 777-300ER is one of the most "hardy" and in demand by modification. It is a large liner with two turbofer engines. Maximum capacity - 550 people.

Like a far-haul aircraft, Boeing 777 may be in the air to 18 hours without a break. However, there is a restriction on the duration of the work shift at the crew, therefore special places for sleep and recreation of pilots and flight attendants are highlighted in the cabin.

Leader on the length of the wing

In the top 10 largest aircraft in the world, Hughes H-4 Hercules entered due to its size of the wings. Despite the fact that this is the oldest of the aircraft described here, his record has not yet been able to beat: a scope reaches 98 meters.

The plane is the first and last time soared into the air in 1947, he has a sad story of creating. At the beginning of World War II, the US government ordered the development of a military aircraft by Hughes Aircraft under the management of Howard Hughes. However, the search for impeccable solution was dragged. Hughes could not be satisfied with the result. In addition, there was a shortage of aluminum. As a result, the war is over, and there was no plane. Only two years after the end of the host of Hughes H-4, Hercules made the first flight. What is surprising, this unit was completely made from plywood and, in fact, was a flying boat.


  • length - 66.45 m;
  • height - 24.08 m;
  • wing span - 97.54 m;
  • maximum takele weight - 180 tons.

Interesting. This "boat" could transport 750 soldiers in full uniforms to the place of hostilities. However, in reality, its flight was limited to two kilometers above Los Angeles. After that, the plane remained in the personal ownership of G. Hughes, who, until death, spent great money for maintaining it in working condition. After the constructor's death, the giant was sent to the Museum in California to attract tourists. According to the life of the engineer of Howard Hughes, the film "Aviator" with Leonardo di Caprio starred.

Not so long ago (May 31, 2017) Record Hughes H-4 Hercules on wings splasha managed to surpass: the world was presented with a stratolaunch airplane with a wings of 117 meters. However, he has not yet committed a single flight, so the brainchild of Hughes while the leader among the exploited models.

The largest cargo plane in the world

Such a title belongs to the An-225 designed in the USSR at the Kiev Mechanical Development Plant, in the OKB. O. K. Antonova. Ukrainian name of the majority - "Mriya" (in the translation "Dream"). The first flight was committed in 1988.

The Soviet Space Program "Buran" served as a stimulus for the creation of "Mriya" on the development of a reusable transport spacecraft. For the implementation of ambitious plans, an airplane with ultra-large lifting capacity was required to participate in cargo transportation of the components of the ship. The projected aircraft was to raise at least 250 tons and have fasteners for the transport of external goods.

The designers took the basis of An-124-100 (Ruslan) and changed some nodes and details to obtain the necessary specifications. So the biggest transport aircraft An-225 appeared. Despite the fact that "Mriya" was created for very specific tasks, he became a universal ship in cargo aviation.

The cargo cabin of hermetic and has such dimensions:

  • length - 43 m;
  • height - 18, 2 m;
  • width - 6.4 m;
  • wingspan - 88.4 m;
  • weight - 250 tons.

The plane provides a place for 6 people crew and 88 people accompanying the cargo. The likelihood that the aircraft in flight fails is extremely small - all important systems are duplicated 4 times.

So far, "Mriya" is created in a single copy - the folding of the program "Buran" suspended the release of heavyweight aircraft. It is known that the design bureau is. Antonova continues to develop a second modification of the giant.

The largest military aircraft

An-124 "Ruslan", the prototype of the An-225, - one time was considered the largest aircraft in the world. Now this is the largest military aircraft with a huge lifting capacity. It has four turbojet motors, a wide fuselage and two decks. Lower - for cargo, upper - for the crew (8 people) and accompanying (up to 21 people). The volume of the cargo cabin is 1000 cubic meters. An-124 lifts 120 tons into the air.


  • length - 69.1 m;
  • height - 21.08 m;
  • wing span - 73.3 m;
  • weight - 178.4 tons;
  • harf weight - 392 tons.

Ruslan is also developed in the OKB. O. K. Antonova, like "Mriya". The purpose of its creation is the transportation of transcontinental ballistic missiles. However, the result of the work of the Soviet designers surpassed expectations - An-124 turned out to be a universal military aircraft that can carry large combat techniques. Ruslan produced serially, all released 56 copies. In the early 2000s. There were attempts to resume its production by the forces of Ukraine and Russia, but in connection with the exacerbation of the political relations of the two countries, the project was minimized.

The largest turboprop aircraft in the world

An-22 was developed in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, at the height of the "Cold War". He had the code name "Product 100". As a result, in five years, the world saw this gigantic "product" called An-22 "Antei". This is the first Soviet and Russian aircraft with a wide fuselage. Until now, it is considered the largest aircraft with a turboprop engine. The diameter of the screws is 62 cm., And the power of each of the four engines is 11227 kW.


  • length - 57.31 m;
  • height - 12.53 m;
  • wing span - 64.40 m;
  • weight - 119 kg;
  • load capacity - 60 tons.

"Antey" is able to carry heavy and large combat techniques over long distances, is used to land the air landing.

The worst combat aircraft in history

Tu-160 - a representative of a completely different generation of military aircraft. It flies with supersonic speed and is a strategic bomber. While this is the largest and most powerful aircraft in Russia and the world in the history of military aviation.

The concept of Tu-160 was born in 1970-1980. As an answer to Russian strategists for US military developments and NATO. The future plane was supposed to fly to the neighboring continent and overcome the air defense air defense at supersonic speed.


  • length - 54.1 m;
  • the wing of the variable sweatshirt, so the scope is different: 55.7 / 50.7 / 35.6 m;
  • height - 13.1 m;
  • weight - 110 tons.
  • maximum take-off mass - 275 tons.

Most tu-160 missile mines are named after outstanding domestic aviation figures. For 2017, in service with our country of Russia consists of 16 aircraft. The plans to fully modernize them.

The largest serial-produced cargo plane

Completes the selection of "The largest aircraft" American cargo plane Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. Today it is the largest model among mass trucks produced. Since 1968, the aircraft has been successfully operated by the US Army, and regular upgrades allow it to be considered modern and promising.


  • the length of the aircraft is 75.54 m;
  • the height of the aircraft - 19.85 m;
  • wing span - 67.88 m;
  • weight - 169.6 tons.
  • maximum take-off weight - 379, 6 tons.

The aircraft without refueling can fly over 4 thousand kilometers at an altitude of 10 km. Maximum developed speed - 920 km.

The largest aircraft are milestones in the history of aviation. They demonstrate how the engineering thought developed, which path seen constructors in front of them. As the story shows, the most outstanding achievements in aircraft are associated with military actions.