Seven wonders of the Egyptian pyramid in Giza. Great pyramids Giza

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7 Wonders of the World - These are the most ancient monuments of architecture that are rightfully considered the most great creations of human hands. The number 7 was chosen far from just like that. It belonged to Apollon and was a symbol of completion, completeness and perfection. At the same time, the traditional genre of Hellenistic poetry was the glorification of the list of the most famous cultural figures - poets, philosophers, kings, commander, etc. or prominent architectural monuments.

Pyramids Giza

One of the most ancient and, nevertheless, bright miracles of the world are the Great Pyramids located in Giza (Egypt). The complex of Gazean buildings is the greatest architectural monument, ever created by a person. In total, more than a hundred pyramid buildings were found in Egypt, but most of them could not stand the tests of time. The Pyramid of Cheops

The largest of the Gazee Pyramid of Heops is the largest building structure in the world. Its base represents the square with a side of 127.5 meters. As expected, the initial height of the structure was 146 meters, but several upper stones were destroyed, and today the pyramid is below 9 meters.

Engineering studies have shown that the largest Gizai architecture monument consists of 2.3 million stone blocks, each of which weighs at least 2.5 tons. The total structure is 2.34 million cubic meters. The faces of the pyramids are deployed on the sides of the world, and the entrance is internally located from the north.

A distinctive feature of the structure is that all united building blocks are so well confused to each other, which is even now, after several thousand years, it is impossible to push between them even the thinnest blade. In addition, the researchers found that the solution that the structural elements was fastened exceeds any modern material in their strength. Purpose Pyramids

In the pyramid of Cheops, there are no inscriptions, drawings and decorations. There are three cameras inside the structure, in the center of one of which is mounted granite sarcophag. Initially it was assumed that the structure was a tomb. Perennial research was confirmed, then refuted this assumption.

But neither the remains of Pharaoh, nor any utensils or things that, according to the tradition of that time, were buried with the deceased, were not found. True, there is a high probability that the pyramid is simply plundered. However, some details in the hypothesis about the purpose of the structure do not converge with an option about the tomb.

However, I will leave the historians and archaeologists about the origin and objectives of the construction of such an amazing complex of buildings, the entrance to which protects the large Sphinx is the largest monolithic sculpture on the planet. For us, with you the Pyramids of Giza, with which many legends are connected, remain one of the brightest and unusual examples of the flight height of engineering thought.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Babylon's hanging gardens are the second most important miracle of the world. To preleal, this amazing architectural structure did not survive to the present day, but the memory of him still remained.

The attraction is located not far from Baghdad, and today its stone ruins can impress a simple tourist except with their scale. However, history suggests that the construction was one of the most beautiful creatures of humanity.

Amazing gift spouse

The gardens were discovered by Robert Koldohem, which in 1989 spent excavations near Al-Hill. During the archaeological surveys, a branched network of trenches was discovered, and in their cuts, the scientist immediately recognized the legendary architectural monument.

Facts indicate that the hanging gardens were built at the Teling of Nebuchadnezzar II, the board of which falls on the 6th century BC. The best engineers, mathematics and interference inventors in the afternoon and night worked to satisfy the king's request for the creation of a gift for his wife Amitis.

The latter had a mussel origin, and those lands, as we know, were filled with flavors of flowering gardens and green hills. In the stuffy Babylon, the Tsaritsa had fallen, she squeezed in native land. That is why the ruler decided to break the unusual park, which at least a little reminded his wife's native home. Spores around the Babylonian Miracle

Hanging gardens of the semi-amides were described by many historians of antiquity. But still there are some doubts about the reality of this work of engineering art. For example, Herodotus, who traveled in Mesopotamia somewhere in the V century BC, did not mention this construction. Although, apparently, it was the most majestic and beautiful in Babylon.

Even the chronicles of the city itself do not mention the gardens. However, Beros, Chaldean priest, engaged in annals at the end of the IV century BC. Very bright and clearly designated the construction in his works. It even exists that all historians, including contemporary scientists, relied on its descriptions, and they are too embellished by speculation and judgments of the author.

Some even believe that the hanging gardens of Semiramides were confused with similar parks that were created in Ninevei, located on the east coast of Tiber. But the basis of the irrigation system of this monument was the design of the archimedes screws, which was invented in the second century BC, while the construction of the gardens is dated to the VI century.

However, maybe Babylonians had already had an idea of \u200b\u200ba special thread of such a screw, although they called the device differently. And be that as it may, the mystery of the hanging gardens of Semiramids still excites the minds of scientists, archaeologists and historians.

Zeus statue in Olympia

The statue of Zeus in Olympia is the third on the meaning of the miracle of the world, the history of which began long before its creation - in 776 BC Then, for the first time in the temple, which was built in honor of the Father of the Gods, the participants of the next Olympic Games arrived.

Representatives of Malaya Asia, Syria and Sicily, Egypt and, of course, were present at the opening of the greatest in the history of the event. The first sanctuary of Zeus was built 150 km from Athens. But over time, the game acquired an increasing political weight, so Greece rulers decided to build a new temple. Temple Zeus

Construction continued over 15 years, and in 456 BC. The world saw one of the most monumental and beautiful houses of Zeus. The project developed the most famous antique architect - Le Bon, whose creation had all the signs of the famous Greek sanctuations, but exceeded their scope.

The temple building was installed on a high rectangular platform. The roof was maintained 13 majestic columns with a height of about 10 m and a diameter of at least 2 m, and in total there were as many as 34. Creation

The Government of Eldlas invited Fididi into Athens, the famous sculptor, who managed to create something excellent - the statue of Zeus. The whole ancient world flew about this work on this work of art, and the masterpiece took its place in the list of miracles of the world.

Creating a statue dates back to 440th BC. The sculpture of the fathers of the gods was created mainly from the selected ivory. According to the description of eyewitnesses, who managed to find a statue in "good health", it had very impressive sizes.

Its height was at least 15 m, there were about 200 kg of gold, the modern cash equivalent of which exceeds 8 million dollars. Opening of the statue of Zeus Olympic falls for 435 BC. Fate Statue Zeus

Historical sources argue that in the second half of the 4th century AD. The temple of Zeus was closed by the Roman emperor Feodosius, who was a Christian and disliked reflected in the pagan beliefs of the Greeks.

In 363, the statue was transported to Constantinople. Although some facts indicate that this architectural monument did not survive the looting and destruction of the temple, which took place at the end of the V century.

In 1875, the remains of the temple of Zeus were found, and in 1950, archaeologists discovered the workshop of Fidia. Careful research of the place where the architectural monument was found was allowed to recreate the temple itself, and the statue of the Zeus Olympic.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The ancient Greek Ephesus knew the period of unprecedented heyday. Founded in the XII century BC, the city was the largest center of trade and radiated wealth and prosperity. Patronized Artemis. She, as you know, was the goddess of fertility and the patroness of animals, the guardian of the fever and hunters. Holy honorable it, the townspeople decided to build a majestic temple in honor of Artemis, which, moreover, was to significantly increase the income of the city. Construction of shrines

In the VI century BC. Harsifron arrived in Ephesifron, the famous architect. It is he who owns the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a building from marble. According to his plan, the temple should have gone to two rows of impressive columns. At the same time, the master, apparently, possessed an outstanding engineering mind, since the project is the most difficult and at the same time original of all that was developed at that time. Since the city was rich and could afford to build such a big and expensive building.

But there was one obstacle - there was still no deposit found, able to satisfy the appetites of the project. But soon, thanks to the occasion, a sufficient number of stone was found, and the temple was successfully built. A single place in the construction of the building deserve just monolithic marble columns. They were transported here straight from the Kamenolomen, located ten kilometers from the construction site. The foundation of the temple is the highest aerobatic of engineering thought.

The building was built on a swampy terrain, since still alive was the sad memory of the earthquakes who fell on Ellad. At the site of the future structure, a huge pitan was died, which builders filled with charcoal and wool. This and plus a very unorthodox foundation of the temple was to become a guarantee that the building would be with underground jogging of any power.

In the main hall of the temple, an amazing beauty was established by the statue of the goddess Artemis, the height of which was about 15 meters. She was very expensive because it was completely and near her inlaid with precious stones and gold. An outstanding Greek artists and sculptors took part in the decoration of the building. Rumors about the beautiful shrine rapidly spread throughout the ancient world, and later the temple of Artemis became one of the seven wonders of the world. The fate of the temple

It should be noted that the Harsphon did not have time to bring the construction to the end. But the case continued his son, and after - the architects of Peonitis and Demetrius. And here about 450 BC. The world saw an unsurpassed temple of Artemis. It is said that if he was preserved for this day, he could eclipse any of the current masterpieces of architectural art. But, unfortunately, in 356 BC Herostrat, obsessed with the idea to become famous at all costs, arranged a fire in the building.

The building was almost completely destroyed, naturally, with the exception of those elements of the design that were made of marble. After that, the temple of Artemis was reborn several times and stopped his existence again. But in 263 BC. He was last looted by Gotami. Finally, the "marble" health of the construction was broken by the swampy soil, as well as the river Kayshthor, which took place nearby. And to restore the initial appearance of the building, scientists from all over the world needed several decades.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

Galicarnassky Mausoleum is the same age of the second temple of Artemis. The same persons were taken part in its construction that they were restored by the shrine after a fire arranged by Herostrate. The building is Ziggurit, that is, both the tomb, and the sanctuary, and the monument. It should be noted that the name "Mausoleum" occurs on behalf of the powerful and cruel ruler of the Karia - Malsol. Start of construction

Despite the fact that already in the 4th century BC The state was the colony of the Persian Empire, Malsol rules powerfully and stubbornly, trying not to fade under imperial pressure. His position was so strong, and the bonds are so wide that even after the suppression of the rebellion raised by him, he managed to stay on the throne. During the reign of the energetic and ambitious king, Helicarnas turned into the capital of Karya.

At the same time, the construction of the tomb, which subsequently entered the list of seven most famous attractions of the ancient world, was started long before the death of the ruler - approximately in 353 BC. The Mausoleum project was developed by Greek architects - satire and Pyfe. For the design of the construction, the sculptors Timofey, Leochar, Skas and Brixide were hired. And in total, the construction of hundreds of talented masters, whose names, unfortunately, were not preserved in history. Luxurious tomb for the king

The tomb was an impressive architectural complex with his own courtyard. The center of the latter was installed a stone platform. A wide staircase guarded by stone lions was led to the top. Inside the building was decorated with bas-reliefs, depicting scenes from ancient Greek legends and legends. The external walls of the mausoleum covered the sculptures of the gods and the goddesses, and in the corners of the facilities, the huge guards of the warriors squeezed out of stone.

Vastly Zigurat Marble Chariot, driven by a four massive horses. The statues of the catchers were depicted by Malsol himself and his sister-spouse Artemuscia. The height of this sculpture was about 6 meters, and the pyramidal roof of the tomb was maintained by 36,7-meter monolithic columns. Fate Mausoleum in Galicarneas

When the Karya ruler died, the construction of the mausoleum was not yet completed, and fully finishing the premises was over only 350 BC. The tomb survived the conquest of Galicarnas Macedonian, and the attack of pirates in the early I Millennium. But at the beginning of the 15th century, Maltese at the beginning of the XV century, who finally destroyed the building, taking marble and stone slabs for the construction of the Fortress of St. Peter, which was located at the very place where the Palace of Malsol and Artemism stood. By the end of the XVI century, one base remained from the mausoleum.

Excavations of the tomb of Mausol, who led Kristian Jeplezen, were completed only in 1966-1977. According to the found bas-reliefs, statues and other elements of the situation and the design, the appearance of the Mausoleum was restored. His project served as the basis for the construction of a municipality building in Los Angeles, a memorial soldiers in Indiana, the London Church of St. George and many other architectural monuments of modernity.

The Colossus of Rhodes

Rhodes was the major economic center of the ancient world. Located on the south-west coast of Malaya Asia, he often acted as a talleled piece for the rulers of neighboring powers. So, in 357 BC. The famous king Mavlos became the new ruler of the city, and after 17 years the city fell into possession of the Persian Empire. In 322 BC Rhodes was conquered by Alexander Macedonian, but after his death, civilians began between the heirs of the Great Communion and one of them - the Antigonus - sent her son Demetrius to capture and destroyed the rebellious city.

Construction idea

It should be noted that a long siege did not succeed, and the commander was forced to retreat. On the shores of his warriors threw a huge siege tower, which was a real engineering miracle of that time, and enterprising immediately decided to sell it. The money was decided to build a statue of Helios - the patron of Rhodes to hurt the praise of the Sun God for saving the city from the invaders.

The beginning of the construction of a statue accounts for approximately 304 BC. The creation of a colossus was instructed by Harez, a student of the famous antique sculptor of Lisippa. It was proposed to portray Helios standing, and in his left hand he had to keep the covers with the rest of the earth, and the right to cover his eyes from the Sun. Despite the fact that such a posture did not match some canons of the sculpture of that time, the master understood that a huge statue would not hold on her legs if the colossus would point into his hand in the distance.

Three massive stone pillar served as the basis of the 36-meter sculpture. They were fastened with iron beams at the level of the shoulder of the colossus, which should have been sustainable. Construction continued for 12 years, after which the world saw the greatest statue whose head was decorated with a radiant crown. The death of Colossus

Literally through half a century, the island was the strongest earthquake, and the legs of the colossus of Rhodes were abandoned. The statue of God fell into the sea and lay on the coast of about 1000 years. The defeated giant has become legends, but in 977 AD. He was decided to disassemble, remember and sell. In the chronicles, the data is preserved that for the bronze crossing, which the statue was finished, it took 900 camels. Modern interpretations of the Great Statue

Colossus Rhodes entered the list of seven wonders of the world. Currently, even some measures to restore a huge statue are being taken. According to some given data, the cost of modern sculpture of Helios will be about 200 million euros. However, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating monumental sculptures according to the example of a colossus of the Rhodes was used much earlier - a statue of a woman holding a huge torch in the hands of hands is installed in the New York Bay. This monument is more famous for the world as a statue of freedom, but the basis of its creation was the image of the Rhodic masterpiece.

Alexandrian lighthouse

The story of the seventh miracle of light - Alexandrian Mayak - is related to the basis of 332 BC. Alexandria, cities, which was named after the great Roman commander Alexander Macedonsky. It should be noted that throughout his career the conqueror founded about 17 cities with similar names, but only the Egyptian project managed to live until today. The foundation of the city into the glory of the Great Communion

Macedonian selected a place for the founding of Egyptian Alexandria very carefully. He did not like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe location in the Nile Delta, and therefore it was decided to break the first construction sites in 20 miles to the south, near Mareotis wetland. Alexandria was supposed to have two big harbors - one was intended for merchant ships coming by the Mediterranean Sea, and the second - for ships going on the Nile.

After the death of Alexander Macedonsky in 332 BC The city passed under the power of Ptolemy I Sothera - the new ruler of Egypt. During this period, Alexandria has turned into a prosperous trading port. In 290 BC Ptolemy ordered to build a huge lighthouse on the island of Faros, which would cover the way in the harbor of the city ships in the dark and in bad weather. Construction of a lighthouse on the island of Faros

Construction of Alexandrian lighthouse dates back to the IV century BC, but the system of signaling lights appeared only in the first century BC. The creator of this masterpiece of engineering and architectural art is the Costrath, a resident of the book. The work continued a little over 20 years, and as a result, Alexandrian Lighthouse became the world's first structure in the world and the highest building of the ancient world, not counting, of course, the Gizaye pyramids.

The height of Alexandrian lighthouse was approximately 450-600 feet. At the same time, the structure was absolutely not like any of the architecture monument at that time. The building was a three-core tower, the walls of which were folded from marble plates bonded by lead mortar. The most complete description of Alexandrian lighthouse was Abu Al Andalusi - the famous Arab traveler - in 1166. He noted that the lighthouse in addition to the fulfillment of purely practical functions served as a very noticeable attraction. Fate of the Great Lighthouse

The Faros Lighthouse covered the path of navigators for more than 1500 years. But strong underground shocks in 365, 956 and 1303 AD. The building was strongly damaged, and the most powerful earthquake of 1326 finally destroyed one of the greatest architectural structures of the world. In 1994, the remains of Alexandrian lighthouse were found by archaeologists, and later the image of the structure was more or less successfully restored using computer simulation.

New list of miracles - And 2001 was marked by the NEW Open World Corporation project. Its main purpose was the choice of modern miracles of the world, worthy of all in the story forever. So, the winners of the competition on July 7, 2007 were:

The great Wall of China

It is the largest architectural monument in the world. The construction of the wall was started in the III century BC. And about a thousand years continued. The construction of its scale captures the spirit - the length of the wall is a little less than 9 thousand kilometers.

Her history is rooted in the V century BC, the time that was noted by the collapse of the state of Zhou. It was formed by many small kingdoms, who immediately began a bloody internecine struggle with each other for the heritage of the Great Empire. It was during this period "the warring kingdoms" and the first pitched and eldcled shafts were erected to strengthen the boundaries from aggressive neighbors. In 221 BC The ruler of one of the kingdoms - Qin - the Great Shea Huangdi managed to pacify the long-term blood enmity. He was proclaimed the first Chinese emperor and for 11 years of his reign created a state with an effective management and justice system. It is him that the idea of \u200b\u200bconnecting the defensive structures in the north of the Empire has already existed in the north of the Empire.

And on the orders of the mistress, his army, consisting of 300,000 soldiers, as well as about a million prisoners and slaves began to build the fortress walls. The Great Wall of China was built using a wide variety of building technologies. To protect even unfinished fortifications in the construction site area, numerous garrisons were keptically carried.

After the death of Shi Huangdi, his successors continued - the emperors of the Han dynasty, who not only follow the maintenance of the structure in a proper order, but also engaged in lengthening the wall. The last important stage in the construction of the Great Wall of China falls on the era of the Board of the Imperial Dynasty Min, at 1368-1644.

Today the length of the wall is a total of 8,851.8 kilometers, which is absolute and, most likely, an invincible record in construction.

In 1962, the Great Wall of Wall took an honorary place in the list of National Monuments of China, and in 1987 she was taken to the general list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. It should be noted that this is the only structure that can be seen from the near-earth orbit without the use of any optical devices. And in July 2007, the wall entered the list of new wonders of the world, as one of the most impressive buildings in the history of mankind.

Roman Coliseum

One of the most majestic amphithers ever built by a person. This famous Ancient Roman monument and this day towers in the middle of modern buildings of the Italian capital. Very long, the Colosseum played in the life of citizens and guests of Rome a very important cultural role. A huge number of people were gathered on his stands, which was craving for one - bright and exciting spectacles. It was here that there were gladiatorial battles and animal tribes, sports competitions and numbers. The Colosseum is also a full miracle of the world.

The construction of the amphitheater was conducted for about a decade. And the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a grand constructure belonged to the Roman Imperial Dynasty of Flaviev. From all such buildings, the Colosseum differs in its sizes - the height of its walls is 48-50 m, while the podium of the amphitheater can accommodate more than 50 thousand people.

Like any other Roman building of this type, the Colosseum has the form of an ellipse, in the center of which is the Arena, and its stands are equipped as a concentric rings. The perimeter of the outer ellipse of the Roman Arena is 524 m, the large and small axis have a length of 187.7 and 155.64 m, and the height of the amphitheater walls is approaching the mark of 50 m. The results of the simplest calculations show that the Colosseum could easily accommodate about 50 thousand. Spectators. It is the most ambitious arena in the world, not counting modern stadiums that can accommodate and over 100 thousand people.

The Colosseum was deservedly considered a symbol of Roman greatness. The philosophers said that while he was standing, and the Great Empire would stand. Back in 264, during the reign of the Department, the Millennium of Rome was celebrated in the Amphitheater. History indicates that about 40 wild horses, more than 30 elephants, 60 lions and many other wild animals were killed in this era of the arena. In 405, the gladiatorial battles were banned by Emperor Gonenim, and the Colosseum removed the laurels of the greatest arena of the world.

Taj Mahal

The world's largest Muslim Mausoleum-Mosque, built in Agra, on the orders of the descendant of the Great Tamerlan - Emperor Shah-Jahan - in memory of his prematurely crawled spouse. The construction of the shrine was started in 1632 and ended in 1653.

This mausoleum personifies the memory of the delicate love of the Muslim ruler of Shah Jakhan to his wife - a fabulous beauty to the woman named Mumtaz Mahal. The future king of the Great Mughal was still a young prince when at the beginning of the XVII century he took his wife a nineteen-year-old beauty. Newlyweds gently loved each other and, despite the fact that the king had a huge harem, he simply did not pay attention to other women.

Favorite spouse gave birth to Shahu Jakhan six daughters and eight sons, but numerous births dredied the health of women, so when the fourteenth child appeared on the world, it was not. The king's grief was so great that he wasveling to reduce the scores with life. But responsibility for the state and other reasons kept the ruler in this world. Literally in the eyes of his suite, he has developed, and soon two-year-old mourning was announced throughout the state, during which there was no place for holidays, dances, music and fun.

Somewhat later in the capital of the Mogolskaya Empire - Agra - Grand Mausoleum was erected. The construction of the Taj Mahal lasted for more than 20 years. More than 20 thousand people worked at the construction site, including on a par with all the best Persian, Turkish, Samarkand and, of course, Indian architects and architects worked. The project was completed in 1653, and since then this amazing structure attracts millions of researchers and travelers.

Inside the Taj Mahal there are two tips - Shah and his spouses. But in fact, the burial is underground. Mausoleum is a five-populated building with a height of 74 meters. It is located on a platform with 4 minarets that are tilted away from the tomb, and adjacent to the construction of amazing beauty garden with an abundance of fountains and a swimming pool. The walls of the Taj Mahal were laid out of a translucent polished marble, which was brought to the construction site from a unique field 300 km from Agra.

The oldest Asian city of Peter

The ancient city of Peter is one of the most amazing memo architecture. It is carved in a solid stone rock, and around his origin is a huge amount of secrets and shortcoming. It is believed that the city was founded by nabbeans - nomadic tribes, which in the VI-IV centuries BC It was possible to subjugate a huge territory on which today is located Jordan, Syria and Israel. It was built at the crossroads of the largest trading paths connecting the Red Sea, Damascus, Persian Bay and Gas. The construction here almost never ceased, and various peoples were ruled into various epochs of Petro, including the ideas, Arabs, Romans and Byzantines.

Due to its advantageous location at the intersection of the wide trade routes of Peter over the years, flourished and rich. For many years, he was a real salvation for merchants and travelers from the scorching sun. However, in the IV century BC. For unknown, so far reasons were abandoned. Perhaps the inhabitants kicked out the lack of water from the cool stone shadow. But most likely the city was left due to the loss of significance of its location in the very depths of the rocky Jordanian desert.

Peter is cut in a rock from red sandstone. Externally, architectural elements, preserved to our time, resemble Roman architecture. On the territory of the city archaeologists managed to find many temples, palaces, tombs and even an antique theater. The structures of Petras were built over the centuries, so there is an incredible interweaving of the culture of various eras.

The main urban attraction is the treasury - a huge building with a solid facade carved from the cliff. Cause the admiration and magnificent colonnade with an amphitheater, crowded by a kilometer Canyon Sik. They are the legacy of Roman culture in the history of Petra. Also should be noted the aqueduct, which supplied water to the city. He was the most complex system of terracotta pipes, which were collected by moisture from all sources located within a radius of 25 km from the city.

Separate attention deserves Ed-Dair - a huge monastery, cut down right in the rock on the top of the highest rock in the canyon. For a while he served even the Christian temple. Conducting the excavation of the monastery, archaeologists found here the tomb of the Nabatoy king. It is possible to climb it in stone staircase consisting of 800 steps.

Today, Peter is one of the busiest tourism centers in the world. About half a million people who wanted to see this amazing creation of hands of man with their own way every year. In July 2007, Peter, a few previously entered the UNESCO World Heritage List, became one of the new wonders of the world.

Machu Picchu

Archaeologists believe that this lost city of Incov was created as a winter residence of the ruler of this ancient people - Pachaktec - literally in a century before the Spaniards came here. In 1532, when brave conquistadors and rampant gold adventurers invaded the Empire of Inca, all the inhabitants of the city mysteriously disappeared.

Machu-Picchu was one of the three houses of Pachektec and continued the role of shrine. The city had very modest sizes and accompanied about 200 buildings. Urban buildings were built out of highly treated stone blocks, fitted to each other so tightly that most buildings Machu Picchu have been preserved until now. An abandoned settlement was accidentally discovered only at the beginning of the 20th century by the American archaeologist High Bingham. A few decades later found the legendary trail of the Inca, leading through the Urumamba Valley straight to the city.

The highlight of the ancient city is the extensive terraces, on which the Incas were engaged in agriculture. "Decorated room", found from the western wall of the main temple, is a vivid evidence of how skillful this people was. The foundation of the room is made of two impressive stone blocks with outstretched three-dimensional vertices.

The temple of three windows is the most mysterious factor of Machu Picchu. According to the Bingham hypothesis, the trapezoidal windows overlooking the East were the symbols of the house of Pachaktec ancestors. But since the architectural style of the city refers to the late Incan period, the accuracy of such an assumption causes certain doubts from archaeologists.

Chichen Itsa

Chichen Itza is the sacred city of Maya - located 75 miles in the eastern direction from Merida - the capital of Yucatan. Archaeologists consider the ancient settlement, which occupies the area of \u200b\u200babout 6 square miles, one of the world's greatest architectural monuments. Earlier there were several hundred structures here, but before our time most of them were not preserved. The surviving buildings, which are about 30, are of a huge interest for archaeologists, scientists and researchers.

The remains of the city archaeologists are conventionally divided into two parts - in the first the buildings were built by Mayan approximately in the VI-VII centuries of AD, the second is a monument to Toltec culture, which lived in Yukotan in the X-XI centuries. Apparently, the population of Chichen-Itsi experienced a rather acute lack of water. This is evidenced by numerous seats - wells with steep smooth walls.

It was during the Mayan period that is associated with the unprecedented flowering of science and art, the city acquired the high status of the cultural and religious center. This is a bright confirmation of this construction, built in this period - a deer house, a monastery and church, Akab Djib, a house fell, the temple with three jumpers and a red house. After the Mayan civilization fell into decay, the reasons for which are still shrouded with a dense shadow of mysteries and secrets, cities like Chichen-Ice, were used for burials and carrying out some rituals.

One of the most famous buildings preserved in Chichen-Ice is the Cukulkan Pyramid, which local residents are often called El Castillo. The height of the structure is 23 m. On the day of spring and autumnal equinels, the Sun lights the western balustrade of the main staircase so that the image of 7 of the equilibrium triangles placed in a special order is formed. With attentive consideration it becomes clear that the figure that the sun's rays create is best like a huge snake crawling towards his head. And to see this exciting spectacle, annually on March 20 and September 21 thousands of tourists gather here.

Another attraction - Wuho de Pelota - is the largest playground ever created by Maya. It should be noted that there are eight eight such structures in the city, but the "big box for playing the ball" significantly exceeds them in size - its length is 135 m. Special attention is attracted by paintings cut on the walls that protect WEGO de Pelota. They depict a very cruel scene, and scientists believe that they are directly related either with the practice of sacrifice, or with the illustration of the game serving the replacement of bloody war.

After 1194, Chichen Itza finally empty, and around the fact that there was a reason for the care of residents of the city, numerous rumors and legends go. It should be noted that the rigid policy of the Spaniards, fired in the XI century in America, assumed the execution of Maja's clergymen, as well as the destruction of ancient books and manuscripts. Therefore, no more and less believable information about the mysterious history of this ancient civilization has not come to this day.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer

The statue of Christ-Redeemer is installed on the top of the Corcovado mountain in Rio de Janeiro. The monument is a symbol of the city and Brazil. Every year, millions of travelers and tourists come here, so that with their own eyes to see the majestic statue of Christ, as if taking the entire modern world in their arms.

The history of the monument leaves the roots in the XVI century, when Portuguese navigators dubbed the peak of Corcovado "Mountain Temptation". In 1921 (a year before the anniversary of Brazil's independence), the well-known edition of Cruiseiro announced the collection of funds for the construction of the monument, as a result of which more than 2 million flights were collected.

The draft Statue of Christ-Redeemer developed Carlos Oswald. In 1927, the first monument models were designed, and all the necessary calculations performed the Costa Hices. The construction of the monument was attended by Pedro Vyang and Either Levi, as well as the sculptor Paul Landovsky, who modeled and made a gypsum head and the hands of the statue.

The whole army of engineers and technicians worked on the creation of the sculpture. The steel frame of the monument was decided to replace the reinforced concrete, and the outer layer of the monument was made of soap stone specially imported in Rio de Janeiro from the Swedish Lymhamn field.

Construction lasted about 9 years, and in 1931 the world saw the majestic statue of Christ-Redeemer, which for a long time was not equal in scale all over the world. The height of the monument is 38 meters, and the weight of the entire structure, taking into account the base exceeds 1100 tons. The scope of the statue of the statue is about 23 meters, and the head and the hands of Christ-the Redeemer weigh about 54 tons.

In 1965, the monument was consecrated by Pope Paul VI, and in 1981, on the day of the 50th anniversary of the monument, John Paul II was present at the solemn festival. The statue of Christ-Redeemer was renovated three times - in 1980, 1990 and 2010. In 1932 and 2000, the night lighting system of the statue was modernized, and today it is highlighted in a special way against the background of the starry sky at night.

It should be noted that the statue of Christ the Redeemer passed the strongest storm in July 2008, which destroyed several nearby Rio quarters. The monument saved the very soapy stone, which performed as a dielectric and redeemed the lightning discharge on the surface of the statue. To date, the monument is in excellent condition.

- Okorosavina Anastasia (discussion) 17:37, December 1, 2015 (MSK)

--Valery Lobashova (discussion) 22:45, 2 December 2015 (MSK)

From the editor

"Everything in the world is afraid of time, and time is afraid of the pyramids," says the Arab proverb.

To remove the great Egyptian pyramids, Sergey Semenov has already tried to rent a helicopter in Cairo, but he did not work out. "The shooting is prohibited, since a military base is located nearby" - so explained Sergey's reasons for refusal. In addition to the negative result, Sergey also brought from Egypt and one positive news: his friend-guide's story about how at night, paying local conductors, to the top of one of the pyramids secretly climbed by an enthusiast from France with scientific equipment and measured the force of some There are magnetic fields. It must be said that the pyramids are fenced with a high fence with motion sensors, and protected by military machine gunners and dogs in those hours when access to tourists is closed. From the story of Semenov about the scientist, I concluded that in Egypt flexibly approaches national security issues, and we still have a chance to fly :)

It was necessary to hurry, because the pyramid of Heops is the only one of the "seven wonders of the world", preserved to the present day. And after the recent viewing of the film "Transformers" I concluded that in the next series these pyramids can actually be destroyed by militant robots to the ground :)

Frame from the movie "Transformers 2: Revenge of Fallen"

We collected our guys on the road and sent them to Egypt. This time, for filming, we decided to use the radio-controlled model of the helicopter. It must be said that judging by the news reports in Cairo at that time, demonstrations were held and the shooting was carried out, so the guys were eating not very willing. But I called one friend who lived in Cairo, and he reassured me: "They shoot in our city center, and if you live on the outskirts, where tourists are absolutely safe. Just look so that you are not robbed by taxi drivers ":)

So, the guys flew into Egypt to shoot the pyramids. And when SMS came from them: "We took off, but the police were detained," I was not particularly worried. This is Egypt, and there are no tourists offended, but on the contrary, they love. And soon the second SMS came: In order for us to be released and allowed to shoot, it was necessary to pay 1000 dollars. And then I replied: "No, sit there and trample!".

In the tradition of Eastern culture, it is extreme disrespect if you immediately agree to the proposed price, and the interlocutor will be grateful to you if you even make a little more.

So came out. But the guys, apparently, were very upset, being surrounded by military and police, so the price was reduced purely symbolically and happily agreed to $ 800.

For this money, they sold a ticket to shoot and singled out the police for the whole day. And shooting began.

Well, before conveying the word to the direct member of the events of Stas Sedov, the pilot of the radio-controlled helicopter, I want to say that Egypt is a kind of, but still a wonderful country where tourists love at all and photographers in particular. My father went to Egypt for 14 times and is not going to change anything ...

"Enough to engage in pampering guys! "Oleg told us in one of the autumn days." We go to Cairo, you will shoot the pyramids. "

"What cairo?! There is a revolution, there are shooting, barricades on the streets! " - I thought, but aloud just asked: "Uh-uh ... And when are we flying?"

For two weeks I collected and set up another radio-controlled apparatus, which served as a spare in the case of the breakdown of the first. Every helicopter we packed in our own suitcase - this is if suddenly the luggage is lost. Total our baggage is two helicopters, repair tools, photo equipment (3 sets of cameras and lenses) Weight about 80 kg.

And here I am already admiring the deserted scenery of Egypt, floating outside the window of our liner. "What, however, for the cities outside the window" - notes Slemon Sergey, and I notice that we are rounding in one place for more than an hour. A few minutes later the ship's commander announces that the rebels seized Cairo International Airport, and until the situation permission it will remain in the air. Merry start!

Burning for about an hour, our airbus landed safely. At the airport passengers already waited for the rebels. Joke, of course! I did not notice any traces of capture, the usual peaceful life of the international airport. It turned out that it was just a strike of dispatchers with the requirements to raise the salary.

Outping on the plane, we rushed to go to shoot the pyramids, but because of the late arrival, the arrived at the closed goal. Our guide is a beautiful local girl called Hinda, which is translated from Arabic, however, means "100 camels". We agreed with her that we would try to get into the territory early in the morning - shortly before the opening of the museum (we wanted to make several pictures without the public).

It must be said that the work of the museum complex near the pyramids is focused on numerous tourists who are brought there on buses. The complex is open from 8 to 16 hours, during the rest of the time it is a reinforced military base, which is not included in our plans.

In the morning, half an hour before the discovery, we already stood at the gate of the museum, trying in vain, trying to resolve our early entry into the territory in vain. Absolutely useless! Contrary to expectations, the protection at the entrance was incorruptible. I will not describe how we were nervous while waiting for the start of shooting. Only one hour and a half, we finally could get on the first point. And then there were new difficulties.

Almost all locals who are near the pyramids are somehow earning themselves to life. And if we knew something about the castors and other colorful personalities, we knew quite a few about the protection of the museum. In place it turned out that near every pyramid, in addition to policemen, there are police officers in civilian clothes, representatives of the army in civilian clothes, as well as employees of the museum. Which of them is more important, I do not take it, but it seemed to me that the guys from the army.

Hinda offered to immediately go to negotiate with army, so that there were no trouble. We were ready for this and after a long bargaining between Sergey and a high man in a white coat and Arafatke, sitting on a camel, we were given good to take off. By this time, I almost "overwhelmed" from the tension, the unknown and heat - the confidence that we successfully take off and as successfully landed at a temperature of more than 35 degrees in the shade was not completely. However, the technique did not fail, and we completely successfully made the first two departures.

They moved to another point, soared, and here, it seems, good luck from us turned away. Someone from the disguised staff guarding the pyramids, made a call, and for us a whole group of capture was raised, which demanded to drive with them in an ultimative form.

We were brought to the building of the museum administration. A man gathered 20 people, someone in the form of police with big stars, someone from the museum administration. To understand who in this crowd is the main thing, it was quite difficult. Initially, the conversation was on increased colors, our guide was standing with a pale face and did not translate us almost nothing. In the end, a man from the leadership of the museum demanded to show the footage, after which the flash drive with pictures was withdrawn. When we, we have the most "valuable", the boss from the museum immediately changed the tone, the situation was discharged. Everyone began to look at what a miracle apparatus we launched near the pyramids. We realized that now it's time to agree on the conditions of shooting, which I asked immediately Hindu. "5-10 minutes and we will all decide" - she transferred to us the words of the museum chief.

These 5-10 minutes resulted in about 4 hours of long and long bidding. With the care hours of each of the parties, with some unthinkable requirements, calls to the Minister of Culture, the Minister of Police, someone else. In general, if you have ever been to the Egyptian bazaar, you can imagine this action, multiplies your impressions of 10 times.

We had to go to the police, where we accidentally stumbled upon the Prime Minister of the country (I'm not kidding), - to negotiate a police accompaniment. Without police, the museum workers refused to coordinate it.

In the evening we managed to dying almost all the formalities, and the conversation went only about the final sum for shooting. The Egyptian side requested about a thousand dollars. All officially, with paperwork. Of course, they did not have a ticket for Aerophoto, they were offered to buy a ticket for professional photography, such as we fly - it means that the pros! By the way, with ordinary professional cameras you can shoot without any problems everywhere, except for the insides of the pyramids. I hung up a bit and knocking the price in the amount of up to 800 dollars, we officially paid for, finally, the cherished block of paper and the accompaniment to the police.

Repair helicopter in front of tomorrow's shooting

The next day can be characterized by one phrase - we plowed like negros on the plantation!

We were given "green light" practically throughout the territory of the pyramid. Police fenced from annoying zooak and local money extorters. We were launched to the sphinx for half an hour to the bulk of tourists, for which I was very grateful to the leadership of the museum. It is a pity that it was not possible to get on the archaeological platform directly to the legs of the figure. I had to remove from the side of the sides, visibility was limited, and I worked a little about the fact that I could have stopped to "correct" the sphinx by my helicopter and the eye, but everything went.

In the evening, we worked with our accompaniment that I no longer wanted to part. Only deputy director of the museum, stroke us: the museum is a regime object. Recent tourists leave it at 16:00. We had to have time until 16:30, otherwise our accompaniment could have problems ...

On that day, we still wanted to shoot the most famous, beautiful and old mosque of Mohammed Ali, located in the city, but because of the demonstrations and the riots, the record, flatly refused to go there and really discouraged us to do it. After the museum employee confirmed her words, we decided not to remove the mosque.

We were so tired that returned to the hotel, which was literally in a couple of quarters from the pyramids, fell asleep instantly, barely touched the pillows.

The next day we flew home.

At the entrance to Security Airport, transludes the suitcases , He said that in Egypt, it is forbidden to carry the helicopters in the baggage, but after a small bargaining I took out $ 20, and he kindly allowed me to do it. The second helicopter in the next suitcase was already met very welcoming and cost only $ 10.

Then, Sergey and I sat in a cafe in anticipation of the aircraft and shimmer on the laptop photos that were so difficult for us. And in the news was transferred that yesterday in Cairo on Tahrir Square during the clashes killed 19 people ... an amazing country of Egypt. But very friendly to tourists. After all, as one of the museum workers said: "In Egypt, there are only two values \u200b\u200bon which we can make money - tourism and the Suez Canal."

"Everything in the world is afraid of time, and time is afraid of the pyramids," says the Arab proverb.

You can also see a small video about shooting the pyramids.


Miracles were seven: Great Pyramid in Giza, Mausoleum in Galicarnassa, Colossus Rhodes, Alexandrian Lighthouse, Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, Statue of Zeus in Olympia, Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Their number was determined by the magic of the numbers of seven, the limited possibilities of human memory, the limits of the ancient world and, the main, the sustainability of the traditions. When someone and the third century BC, someone proclaimed this particular seven-density of miracles, part of humanity, who dwells around the Mediterranean Sea, submitted to authority, and only some local patriots, without challenging the principle itself, tried to make amendments in particular.

Through a thousand years after the fall of Rome, when people again had to have interest in what was happening outside of their little Mirka, the miracles of light were remembered, and the strength of an ancient authority was such that the seven wonders perceived already as an unshakable whole.

Only one of the miracles lived to this day, no matter how paradoxically, the oldest is the great pyramid in Giza.

Great Pyramid in Giza

This Grand Egyptian Pyramid is ancient of the seven wonders of antiquity. In addition, this is the only one of the wonders that have been preserved to the present day. During its creation, the Great Pyramid was the highest construction in the world. And she kept this record, apparently, almost 4,000 years.

Tsarist Tomb

The Great Pyramid was built as a tomb of Huf, known to the Greeks as Heops. He was one ofpharaohs, or the kings of ancient Egypt, and his tomb was completed in 2580 BC. Later in Giza, two more pyramids were built, for the son and grandson of huof, as well as smaller pyramid for their queens. Pyramid Hofu, the furthest in the picture is the biggest. The pyramid of his son is in the middle and looks higher, because it stands at a higher place.

Construction of pyramids

Pyramids stand in ancientcemetery in Giza, on the opposite of Cairo, the capital of modern Egypt, the bank of the River Nile. Some archaeologists believe that, perhaps, the construction of a Great Pyramid of 100,000 people took 20 years. It was created from more than 2 million stone blocks, each of which weighed at least 2.5 tons. The workers melted them to the place using ramps, blocks and levers, and then customized to each other, without a solution.

Brilliant limestone

When the main construction was completed, it resembled a number of steps. They were then closed with white limestone blocks with a polished shiny surface. The blocks were so tightly adjacent to each other that even the blade of the knife was impossible to sleep between them. Upon completion of the works, the Great Pyramid rose by 147 meters. Now her top collapsed, in addition, at present, only the pyramid of the son of Hufa retained on its very top limestone facing. The base side of the Great Pyramid reaches 230 meters. It takes more square than nine football fields.

Funeral Pharaoh

The ancient Egyptians believed that in the event of a man's death, his body should keep his body so that the Spirit could continue to live and after death. They removed the internal organs, filled the body with the salts and turned around with linen shields. So the body turned into a mummy. Mumia was then buried along with clothes, food, jewels and other things useful for the afterlife. Mummified Hufa body was placed in the burial chamber in the heart of his pyramid

The address: Egypt, Plateau Giza in the suburbs of Cairo
Date of construction: XXVI-XXIII century BC e.
Coordinates: 29 ° 58 "41.3" N 31 ° 07 "52.1" E


Where the Green Valley of the Nile is replaced by the Libyan Desert, in the suburbs of Cairo, the Great Pyramids are on the Giza Plateau. The gaze of a tourist who came to Gizu, the pyramids open unexpectedly: like a mirage "grow up" they are from the late sands of the desert.

Great Pyramids Giza from a bird's eye view

In the ancient world, the pyramids were considered one of the "7 miracles of the world", but today they are impressive with immense sizes, and their secrets will still be worried about the fantasy of humanity. Pyramids admired the "Strong World of this" - Alexander Macedonian, Julius Caesar, and others.

Great pyramids Giza. From left to right: Pyramids Tsaritsa, Pyramid Micherina, Pyramid Hefren, Hoeop Pyramid

Wanting to inspire the French army in front of the famous battle with Mamli, Napoleon, standing at the pyramids, exclaimed: "Soldiers, the 40th centuries look at you from these vertices!" And then Bonaparte calculated: if heopsy pyramid is disassembled, then the 3-meter wall around France could be built out of 2.5 million stone blocks.

Three Great Pyramids Guarded by Big Sphinx - Part of Huge Necropolis Giza. These pyramids were built with pharaohs of the IV dynasty, which ruled in the ancient kingdom in 2639-2506. BC e. They are surrounded by small pyramids and temples, where the wives of Pharaohs, priests and officials are buried.

The Pyramid of Cheops

Heops Pyramid (Hufu)

The largest of the pyramids - the pyramid of Heops - is the only one of the "7 wonders of the world", survived to the present day. More than 3000 years, before the construction in England of the Lincoln Cathedral (1311), the pyramid of Heops was the highest construction on Earth. Its initial height - 146.6 meters - corresponded to the 50th-storey skyscraper, but after the earthquake in the XIII century, the peyramid of Heops decreased by 8 meters - she lost the cladding and the gilded stone of Pyramidon, crowded the top.

Heopsy pyramid and solar museum

The Egyptians melted facing plates from polished white limestone and used them in the construction of Cairo homes and mosques. Hope's pyramid amazes with its magnitude and titanic labor of people raised to the sky stone blocks weighing 2.5 tons with primitive fixtures - ropes and levers. And in the King Camera, granite blocks weigh to 80 tons. Arab historian Abdel Latif (XII century) notes that individual boulders are so tightly adjacent to each other, which is not imposed between them.

Sunny Ladium

Sunny Ladium

Inside the pyramid of Heops, there are funeral cameras, and outside, her foot is worth the Sunny Fair Museum. On this ship, built from a cedar without a single nail, Pharaoh had to go to the afterlife.

Pyramid Hefrena

Pyramid Hefrena (Hafra)

The second largest Ancient Egyptian pyramid was built 40 years later by the first pharaoh Hafra - the son of Heops. Although the pyramid of Hefren is inferior in height (136.4 m) to the tomb of his father, but due to the location at a higher point of the plateau, it was a worthy competition of the Great Pyramid.

At the top of the pyramid, the chefren partially preserved a white basalt lining, resembling a glacier on the mountain.

Pyramid Micherina

Pyramid Micherina (Mencar)

The ensemble of the Great Pyramids Completes the relatively modest size of the micrine tomb, built for the grandson of Heops. Contrary to the loudsome nickname "Her" (high), it reaches only 62 meters in height, but it emphasizes the greatness of the pyramids of Heops and Hefren.

Big Sphinx

Big Sphinx

At the foot of the Giza Plateau, a monumental sculpture is 73 meters long and 20 meters high. It is carved from the monolithic limestone rock in the form of a sphinx - a mythical creature from a man's head, legs and a body of a lion. According to scientists, large Sphinx Face Damage Similar to Hefren Pharaoh. The view of the sphinx is fixed to the east, to the rising sun. According to the beliefs of the Egyptians, the Lion was a symbol of the solar deity, and Pharaoh - the governor of the god of the Sun of the Republic of Armenia on Earth and after death merged with a shining luminaire.

Big sphinx from the rear

The lions stood at the gate of the afterlife, so the sphinx is considered to be the guard of necropolis. The face of the statue is badly damaged. Most often it is possible to hear that the nose of the Sphinse beat the Napoleon Grenadle. According to another version of the legend, the damage of sculpture is one Shah, a religious fanatic. The reason for vandalism is simple: Islam prohibits making images of people and animals.

Big Sphinx on the background of the pyramid of Hefre

The secrets of ancient times: what was the pyramids built for?

There are still no disputes on the purpose of the prescription of the pyramids. The traditional version says that the mounds towering above the Brennar World could be the tombs of Pharaoh, from where their ashes raised closer to the sky and the sun. Some scientists consider the pyramids of temples, where the ministers of the cult of the Sun committed religious rites; Other - scientific laboratories created for astronomical observations. German archaeologists put forward another hypothesis: the pyramids are natural earth-energy generators.

Unlike the pyramids, lonely towering in the wilderness, the Pharaohs of the ancient kingdom by building three tomb on the plateau of the Giza as a real city cemetery, with tombs, temples, roads and sidewalks.

Not only the pharaohs, their wives and servants, but also the closest relatives, as well as the courtesy - in the future, everyone who was waiting to go after their master in the other world in the hope that he will give them life after death (all these people except The servants were noble origin - the road in Eternity was closed forever).

What the great pyramids of Giza look like

  • pyramids of Heops Hefren and Micheryina;
  • temples leading to them, located at the beginning of the memorial road and in one of which the Egyptologists were discovered by the Triad - a unique ancient statue of Pharaoh Micherina and the accompanying two goddesses;
  • pyramids satellites with hearty wives;
  • four cemeteries, where the next relatives and courtiers were buried;
  • the most ancient and mysterious monument of our world is the Sphinx Statue.

This necropolis is well known that one of his tombs, the pyramid of Heops, has long been considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, and the Pyramids of Giza recently did not barely headed a list of seven new miracles of the world. It did not happen only because the Egyptian authorities for some reasons decided not to take participation in the competition - and withdrawn the application. This did not prevent this unique complex of the Honorary Candidate: too many people wanted to see these tombs in the list.

The great pyramids of Giza on the west coast of Nile are located, in the suburbs of Cairo, in Egypt - and on the geographic world map of the world can be found in the following coordinates: 9 ° 58 '32.72 "with. Sh., 31 ° 7 '49.53 "in. D. They were built on a rocky plateau, not far from the career, from which the builders removed the limestone blocks to build the casing of the tomb.

As for the exterior finish, it was made from better white limestone, which was mined in the careers of the tours, and granite, which was used in the construction of transitions and burial rooms, brought from Aswan, located at a distance of 800 km towards the equator.

Tomb Heops.

The central tomb is the Great Pyramid of Heops, the greatest tomb in the world, whose height in the year of construction was 149 m (now it is 11 m below). This tomb is interesting because it is the only pyramid where there are corridors as driven up and down.

Another mystery of the pyramid of Heops are its ventilation channels leading from the burial rooms outside. This tomb is unique in that it has as many as three skills, while two of them are clearly illegal and work on them was stopped during construction. There is a suspicion that no funeral room was used to be appointed: Pharaoh for some reasons did not bury in this tomb.

Hefrena tomb

Interesting fact: Pyramid Hefren is considered the most compact construction of our world - despite the fact that the total area of \u200b\u200bthe tomb exceeds 16 thousand square meters. m, the amount of free space in it is less than 1/100 percent. Hefren's pyramid was built on half a century later than the central tomb and is located less than two hundred meters from her.

Interestingly, despite the fact that the pyramid of Hefren is three meters below the cheops, thanks to the greater angle of tilt and the smaller length of the base looks much higher. The fact that this tomb is located at the highest point of the plateau, the optical deception is significantly strengthened.

At the temple belonging to this pyramid, one of the most valuable finds of ancient Egypt was found - the Pharaoh Hefren statue made from dark green diorita. She depicts Pharaoh, proudly squeezing on a pedestal, behind which God is in the form of falcon.

Inside the pyramid, Hefren has an extremely simple layout - two corridors and two burial rooms carved in the rock, one of which was scheduled at the bottom of the tomb in case Pharaoh Hefren will die ahead of time. Pyramid Hefren has two entrances - the main is at an altitude of 15 m, the second is at the bottom. More Pyramid Hefren No rooms or mines do not have any.

Tomb Mikherina

The Micherine's pyramid is located on the south side and it turns out a bit from the overall picture, since it is significantly inferior to the sizes with two neighboring tombs: its height is only 66 meters. Interesting Pyramid Micherina in that inside her the lack of unity of planning is traced (this gives grounds to scientists to argue that Micheer has not been a direct heir to the throne, so when he reigned, the tomb had to rebuild and increase).

Despite this, Pyramid Micherina was considered the most beautiful of all tomb: in the era of the board of this pharaoh, the development of the sculpture was at a very high level. The bright samples of this time are the sculptures of the triad, an example of which can be the statue of Pharaoh Micherin surrounded by two goddes, depicted on the Pharaoh Temple, located near the pyramid.

The Pyramid of Micherina is also interesting because two finishing materials were decided for her cladding: down - plates from Asuan granite, at the top - from white limestone. The finish of his Pyramid Micherina was able to preserve for several millennia, before the beginning of the XVI century, until Mameluki reached before her, which were removed.

The tomb, which was built by Micheryin, belongs to two periods at once: it completes the era when the tombs were built and forms a new standard - from this time the height of the tomb is at the same level and deviations from the norm almost do not exceed twenty meters.

Big Sphinx

Guards the pyramids of Giza huge Sphinx, which is located on the eastern side of the pyramid of Heffren. At the moment, this sculpture of the half-length, receiving the height of which is 20 meters, is considered the oldest monument of humanity - it is interesting that the statue was carved from the limestone rock.

Unlike the pyramids, behind which the Egyptians managed, the sphinx was paid to the attention much less, so it periodically entered sand to such an extent that he disappeared from the face of the earth for many centuries - until the ruler came to power, who was unwound and ordered the monument to dig. These works were hard so much that the Sphinx from the sand was able to free only partially - and he was completely dug away in the twenties of the last century.

Riddles of ancient pyramids

Despite the fact that when the pyramids of Giza were erected, it is still unknown so far, it is believed that they were erected in the days of the ancient kingdom (XXVI-XXIII century BC. E), in the era of the board of representatives of IV-V dynasties. Given the age of these structures, the Egyptologists cannot but surprise the fact that ancient people could build the facilities of a similar type with such mathematical and geometric accuracy. Many scientists are fighting over this raysterity, the secrets of the pyramids still have not solved.

Many surprises the triangular shape of the tomb - despite the fact that it is not clear to the end why the ancient Egyptians stopped on this design, the assumption, of course, is. For example, according to one version, thus, they tried to reproduce the shape of the mountains on which the gods lived, on the other - the pyramids were perceived as the stairs, according to which the Spirit of the ruler will be able to rise to heaven.

As for the most famous Egyptian tombs, then if you carefully look at the card on which they are located, we can see that the three main pyramids of Giza are inside the rectangle, which is formed when the centers of two identical circles are located on each other's circles. The researchers have noticed that Heops Heeffens and Micrine's pyramids are located on a line that clearly corresponds to the Spiral Fibonacci.

Another interesting fact, which could not pass by scientists, is that all the facilities on the Plateau Giza as the tomb of Pharaohs and other tips, perfectly harmonize each other (primarily it concerns the height, the angles of inclination, their mutual location ).

Interestingly, the secrets of the pyramids of Giza are particularly intriguing mathematicians and astrolories who like to reflect on them with a ruler and a circulation in their hands. For example, among the interesting facts that they found are data that if the heopus pyramid height is multiplied by a million, it turns out the distance from the ground to the Sun.

They did not miss their attention and the fact that the sum of the faces of one pyramid is equal to the square of her height. They made more simple calculations: for example, they calculated that the three-meter wall, built from the blocks of three pyramids of Giza, it is quite possible to cover the whole territory of France.