Interesting in Barcelona. What to visit in Barcelona - attractions and interesting places

Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and one of the most beautiful port cities in the world. It lies on five hills between the Besos rivers and the flapping on the northeast coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The epochs missing from Barcelona, \u200b\u200bleft a deep mark on the appearance of the city, turning it into one of the main trade, industrial, tourist and cultural centers of the country. This article offers the top 40 most popular attractions of Barcelona for those who decided to visit this unique city.

A huge modern city includes ten administrative districts. In the center of all tourist routes is the Old Town of Owned Millennies, where the main attractions of Barcelona are concentrated. The historic center consists of four quarters - Gothic, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bRaval and Born, in which Santa Caterina quarters, San Pere and La Ribera are combined. No less interesting areas of Sans Montjuic, EshamPle, Grassia, Forest Courts, Pedralbes, Pondoble, Olympic Village.

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Attractions Barcelona

Sights of Barcelona, \u200b\u200berected by projects of world-famous architects, millions of travelers attractThrows to get in touch with the stories frozen in stone and get a charge of cheerfulness and optimism characteristic of the everlasting city.

One of the main characters of Barcelona - the Church of the Holy Family or Sagrada Familia (Basílica De La Sagrada Família), It is almost in the city center, in the Eashable area. The construction began almost a half century ago and was still not completed, despite the participation of the Great Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi. The giant construction in the form of a Latin Cross, surrounded by many pointed towers, seems to be openwork and air. Facades and interior decoration is striking the abundance of decor elements.

The church of the Holy Family is one of the most famous "long-term" world. First, the end of construction detains the complexity of the manufacture of stone blocks. Secondly, by decision of the initiators of the construction of the temple, financing of work should be carried out solely at the expense of donations of the parishioners.

Why should you visit:

  • The church of the Holy Family is one of the most vivid creations of Gaudi and the main symbol of Barcelona.
  • The temple presents a harmonious combination of styles of different eras.
  • A interesting museum is working here, which love to visit tourists.

Working hours:

  • From April to September: from 9.00 to 20.00
  • March and October: from 9.00 to 19.00
  • From November to February: from 9.00 to 18.00
  • January 1 and 6, December 25 and 26: from 9.00 to 14.00

The cost of visiting:

  • Visiting the temple: 17 euros
  • Visiting the Temple + Rise to the Tower: 32 Euro

How to get:

  • Metro: Sagrada Familia (L2 and L5 lines)
  • Buses: 19, 33, 34, 43, 44, 50, 51, B20 and B24

2. Park Guell

One of the most amazing attractions of Barcelona - Park Guel (Park Güell). The park is located on a hill in the Gracia region. At the beginning of the last century, here on the plan of Count Eveby Guell, a noble citizen, a permanent customer and a friend, Gaudi, the area of \u200b\u200belite development was planned, but the plans were not destined to come true.

At the huge territory of 17 with excess hectares of the famous architect, houses and some infrastructure facilities were built - a hall with giant columns on a hillside, a terrace area in the central part of the park, to which stairs are laddered, laddered by fragments of a broken dish, decorative tiles, pebbles . The area is wrapped with a long mosaic bench in the form of a lizard, the symbol of Barcelona. This is one of the most symbolic and unique parks of Barcelona!

Why should you visit:

  • Guell Park is a sign attraction of Barcelona and one of the most popular places near tourists.
  • The territory of the park is a giant green zone: it is one of the most pleasant places for walking, including with children (even a children's playground is provided here).
  • On the territory of the park you can visit the Museum dedicated to the life and work of Gaudi - in this building, the famous architect also lived.

Working hours:

  • From January 1 to February 15: from 8.30 to 18.15
  • From February 16 to March 30: from 8.30 to 19.00
  • From March 31 to April 28: from 8.00 to 20.30
  • From April 29 to August 25: from 8.00 to 21.30
  • From August 26 to October 26: from 8.00 to 20.30
  • From October 27 to December 31: from 8.00 to 18.15

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 8.5 euros
  • Ticket for children 7-12 years old: 6 euros
  • Ticket for children 6 years and younger: free

How to get:

  • Metro: Lesspes O Vallcarca (Line L3)
  • Buses: 32, 24, 92, H6

The Gothic Quarter or El Gothic (El Gòtic) lies in the heart of the Old Town, between Rambla Boulevard, Columbus Avenue, Laetan Street and Catalunya Square. In the central part of El Gothik are the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Holy Evollia and Plaza Nova, the market square. At the entrance to Plaza Nova, the towers and the gate of the bishop are towering, next to which you can see the aqueduct fragments. Here is the Bishop Palace in the Baroque style and a sculptural group of six letters dedicated to the Roman settlement of Barsino.

For the quarter are characteristic narrow streets and medieval buildings. On the lower floors of stone residential buildings there are shops, cafes, small restaurants.

Why should you visit:

  • The Gothic Quarter has preserved atmosphere of the Middle Ages and earlier ears, walking along the old streets is a pleasure.
  • The famous art cabaret "Four Cat" is located in El Gothico.
  • Great Quarter is a place of spontaneous musical ideas.

How to get:

  • Metro: JAUME I (Line L4), Liceu Y Drassanes (L3 Line)

What to see in the Gothic Quarter: Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Evollia, Catalonia Square, Royal Square, Monument Christopher Columbus, Oceanarium Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBig Royal Palace, Historical Museum of Barcelona (Description of all attractions below).

(Casa Milà) is located in the Eashable area, at the intersection of the streets of Carre de province and Paste-de Gracia. Very unusual six-storey residential building with a wave-like facade and roof, decorated with chimns of a bizarre form, was built according to the Gaudi project for the magnate and the political figure of Mila.

A giant reinforced concrete design does not have bearing walls, and inter-storey floors support columns. Mobile partitions are installed between the premises, allowing you to simulate space. Balconies are decorated with curly railings in the form of twisted algae from wrought iron. On the roof there is a summer terrace in which music evenings and concerts are held in the summer.

Why should you visit:

  • The house of Mila is one of the masterpieces of the Spanish architecture of the beginning of the XX century.
  • In the attic room there is an exposition of drawings and plans for the hand of a brilliant architect.
  • The equipped roof offers a magnificent view of Barcelona.

Working hours:

  • From March 1 to November 3: from 9.00 to 20.30 (Night visit: from 21.00 to 23.00)
  • From November 4 to February 28: from 9.00 to 18.30 (Night visit: from 19.00 to 21.00)
  • From December 26 to January 3: from 9.00 to 20.30 (Night Visit: from 21.00 to 23.00)
  • December 25: Closed

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 25 euros
  • When buying a ticket online: 22 Euro

How to get:

  • Metro: Estación Diagonal (L3 and L5 lines)
  • Buses: V15, V17, H10, H8, 7, 22, 24, 6, 33, 34, B20 and B24

(Casa Batlló) - a masterpiece created by Gaudi is located in the center of the Quarter Eashable, on Paseo de Gracia Avenue. The eight-story building was intended for the famous Industrial Balo. All parts of the facilities are characterized by smooth lines and asymmetry. The tiled roof hills over the house, reminding the ridge of the head of the dragon. All design elements are decorated with stone, decorative tiles, mosaic from multicolored ceramicsreminiscent of the science of mythical monster.

Asymmetry and wave-like lines are present in the design of interiors. The visitors are presented by the Balo Cabinet with a chandelier, similar to the sun, a salon with a wavy ceiling, a patio laid out with a glass and ceramics.

Why should you visit:

  • The Balo House is one of the best modes of modern style in architecture.
  • The tour of the house Balo will introduce you to the ideas of interior design.
  • In one of the premises there is a shop selling products in Gaudi style.

Working hours:

  • All year: from 9.00 to 21.00
  • Approximate time of visits: 1 hour

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 25 euros
  • Students, children 7-18 years old, people over 65 years old: 22 Euro
  • Residents of Catalonia: 15 euros
  • Children under 7 years old: free

How to get:

  • Metro: Passeig de Gràcia (L2, L3 and L4 lines)
  • Buses: H10, V15, 7, 22 Y 24

The main attraction of Barcelona - Rambla Street (Las Ramblas), passes in the center of the old cityBetween the quarters of El Raval and Gothic. The central part of the Rambla is a wide pedestrian zone, seated by planenes and stretching from Catalunya Square to the portal de la Pau with a monument to Christopher Columbus.

Boulevard consists of five parts:

  • Rambla Canteles with the cast iron fountain of the XIX century;
  • Rambla of the exercise, named after the university;
  • Ramblela flowers, which received its name due to a large number of flower shops;
  • Rambla Kapuchinov, where Liso Gran Theater is located, Bruno Kvadras's house in Modern style, Three grace fountain;
  • Rambla St. Monica, withdrawing to the portal-de-la-paw "Gates of the World".

Why should you visit:

  • Rambla is one of the most beautiful and lively boulevards of the city.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bRambla flowers there is a Beria, the main market of Barcelona.
  • According to local beliefs, drove the water of the fountain Canaletes on the Square of the same name, the traveler will certainly return to Barcelona.

How to get:

  • Metro: Liceu, Drassanes or Catalunya (line L3)

(Tibidabo) - the highest mountain in Barcelona with a height of more than 500 m, part of the ring chain of ring circuit. Here is the church of the Holy Heart, on the top of which the statue of Christ, the Museum of Cosmocaixa, Moon Park, Fabra Observatory. Most of the Tibidabo is covered with a dense rain forest. Main landmark Tibidabo - beautiful church of the holy heartThe project created by Enrico Sanier was built for almost 60 years. Inside is equipped with an elevator on which you can climb the roof of the building.

In the moon park on Tibidabo, a variety of attractions for children and adults are presented, including a miniature railway, a ferris wheel, a carousel, a ghostly castle, a surprise house, an autodrome.

Why should you visit:

  • There are several viewing sites on Tibidabo, offering a magnificent panorama of the city.
  • On the mountain you can relax from the noise and bustle of the big city.
  • In the amusement park there are many exciting attractions, including the American slides.

Days of the fleet of amusement park:

  • From March to December: Open only on weekends and holidays
  • July: Opened from Wednesday on Sunday
  • August: Open every day
  • January and February: Park is closed

Operation Days:

  • February: Open only on weekends
  • January 1, from January 6 to January 31, December 25 and 26: Closed
  • Other days: Open daily

Look at the exact desktime on the official website:

The cost of visiting the fleet of amusement park:

  • Standard ticket: 28.50 euros
  • Children's ticket (growth< 1,20 метра): 10,30 евро
  • Children's ticket (growth< 0,90 метра): бесплатно

The cost of visiting the observation deck:

  • Standard ticket: 12.70 euros
  • Children's ticket (growth< 1,20 метра): 7,80 евро
  • Children's ticket (growth< 0,90 метра): бесплатно

How to get to Mount Tibidabo:

  • By bus: No. T2A from Plaza Catalunya (Bus sent every 30 minutes, the cost of 3 euros)
  • On the funicular: from DOCTOR Andreu Square

(Catedral De La Santa Cruz Y Santa Eulalia) - One of the main attractions of Barcelona and the whole region. The cathedral is built in the heart of the Gothic Quarter, on the site of the Roman sanctuary. The construction of a grand structure began in the XIV century and continued without a small three century. Elalia - a 13-year-old girl who took painful death for faith in the IV century. e. During the reign of Emperor Diocletian.

The Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Holy Evlalia is monumental structure in the Gothic style, topped with a dome with an 80-meter spire. Of particular mention deserves a non-height of 26 m with a site for choir, the body built in the XVI century, Crypt with alabastra sarcophagus, in which the remains of Holy Evlalia rest.

Why should you visit:

  • Almost every month concerts of organ music are held in the Cathedral.
  • In the chapel of holy sacraments, a valuable image of a crucifixion from the Lepano XVI century is stored.
  • In the courtyard around the fountain, decorated with the statue of George Victorious, broken a palm garden. There are also 13 white geese, symbolizing the purity of the Elalia.

Working hours:

  • From Monday to Friday: from 8.30 to 12.30 and from 17.45 to 19.30
  • Saturday, Sunday, weekends: from 8.30 to 12.30 and from 17.15 to 20.00

The cost of visiting:

  • Entrance to the Temple: Free
  • Visiting the terrace: 3 euros
  • Tourist visit: 7 euros (This includes a complete visit to the temple, monastery, terraces, museum, chapel)

How to get:

  • Metro: Jaume I (line L4)
  • Buses:

(Palau de la Música Catalana) - A giant concert hall at 2200 seats, is in the quarter San Pan, on Carrert-del Palau de la Musik street. The building was erected at the beginning of the 20th century and reconstructed at the end. Multi-level facade is an organic combination of different architectural styles.

A stained glass dome rises above the concert hall, saving in the central part of a giant drop. A peculiar dome design ensures unusual lighting of the scene and hall. A large number of statues of music, graces, goddesses and gods have been installed in the hall and around the scene.

Why should you visit:

  • The Palace of Catalan Music is of great interest to art connoisseurs in all manifestations.
  • In the palace, interesting excursions are held daily.
  • Be sure to listen to organ music.

Working hours:

  • Every day: from 10.00 to 15.30
  • Christmas Week and July: from 10.00 to 18.00
  • August: from 9.00 to 18.00

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 20 euros
  • Ticket for pre-sale (minimum for 21 days): 16 euros
  • Children under 10 years old: 10 euros

How to get:

  • Metro: URQUINAONA (L1 and L4 lines)
  • Buses: V15, V17, 45

(Castillo Montjuïc) is one of the most symbolic attractions of Barcelona, \u200b\u200blocated on the top of the mountain of the same name near the port. Powerful fortification structure was erected around the watchtower in the second half of the XVII century, in the period of confrontation between Catalonia against Dictate of the Habsburgs.

During the years, the fortress served as an important role in the defense of the city and the entire province. Napoleon's troops were here, and during the Frankist regime, she served as a prison and a venue of the execution of war criminals. In 1940, Luis Company was shot in Fort, President of Catalonia. Now Fort is available for tourists.

Why worth visiting

  • Montjik Fortress is the main historical and architectural center of Barcelona.
  • A military museum is working on the territory, which is necessary to visit.
  • From the walls of the fortress, views of the city and the surroundings are opened.

Visit time:

  • From October to March: from 10.00 to 18.00
  • From April to September: from 10.00 to 20.00

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 5 euros
  • Every Sunday after 15.00: free

How to get:

  • Bus number 150 from Plaza de España

(Museu Nacional D'Art De Catalunya) Located on Mount Montuica. The museum was formed by the merger of the Foundations of the Catalonia Museum of Catalonia and the Museum of Contemporary Art. Before the luxurious palace, in which the permanent expositions of the museum are located, extends square with a giant fountain and four ionic columns.

The attention of visitors are exposure:

  • romanesque art;
  • gothic period;
  • renaissance and Baroque;
  • collection of Tissren-Borneysis;
  • contemporary art;
  • drawings and engraving;
  • photos;
  • numismatics.

Why should you visit:

  • You will definitely impress the magnificence of the Palace of the Spanish Renaissance Palace.
  • Collections of the National Museum are of interest to a wide range of visitors.
  • On the terraces of the palace nice to relax after a tiring pleasure day or make luxurious memorable photos.

Visit time:

  • From October to April from Tuesday to Saturday: from 10.00 to 18.00
  • From October to April on Sundays and holidays: from 10.00 to 15.00
  • From March to September from Tuesday to Saturday: from 10.00 to 20.00
  • Mondays (except festive): closed

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 12 Euro (Museum can be visited twice within a month after purchase)
  • Standard ticket + Audio Guide: 14 Euro
  • For children under 16 years old and people over 65 years old: free

How to get:

  • Metro: Plaza de España (Lines L1 and L3)
  • Buses: 9, 13, 37, 50, 55, 65, 79, 109, 150, 165, D20, D40, H12, V7

Poble Espanyol) is an open-air park-museum, which is also located on Mount Montjica. A peculiar monument was established in 1929 to open the international exhibition in Barcelona. On the territory of 42,000 m² were built copies of houses, palaces, famous attractions from all regions of Spain. The purpose of the village creators was to show a variety of architectural styles in Spain.

In the Spanish village there are bars, cafes, restaurants, workshop workshops, for the production of ceramics, glass, jewelry. Opened Museum of Contemporary Art. Flamenco show regularly.

Why should you visit:

  • The Spanish village is a mandatory attraction of Barcelona for visiting, where you can see unique architectural replicas in full size.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe crafts, master classes, teaching mastery of weaving lace and baskets, blowing glass, production of ceramic products, making chocolate.
  • On the territory of the complex there are shops where the products of craft workshops and confectionery shops are sold.

Visit time:

  • Village is open every day
  • Monday: from 9.00 to 20.00
  • Friday: from 9.00 to 3.00
  • Saturday: from 9.00 to 4.00

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 14 euros
  • Audio Guide: 3.50 Euro

How to get:

  • Buses: 13, 23 and 150

(Fuente Mágica de Montjuïc) is one of the most amazing attractions of Barcelona, \u200b\u200blocated on Square in Spain in the Sans Montooga area. A singing magical fountain was created to open the international exhibition of 1929 on the project of Carlos Bunos. In 1992, it was reconstructed. The number of jets were increased, music is added and highlighting.

The fountain is a huge pool in the form of an ellipse size of 65x59 m, in which 3620 nozzles for jets equipped with backlit are installed. In the evenings under the sounds of music on a height of up to 54 meters torn multicolored jets of water, performing a delightful dance.

Why should you visit:

  • The "singing" fountain is of great popularity both in the citizens and guests of Barcelona.
  • It is worth visiting the fountain on September 26, when in honor of Saint La Merce, the patroness of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe show is complemented by fireworks.
  • Not far from the fountain there is a park with playgrounds.

The time of "singing" fountains (with illumination and music):

  • From November 1 to January 6: on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 20.00 to 21.00
  • From January 7 to February 28: Fountain is closed
  • From March 1 to March 31: on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 20.00 to 21.00
  • From April 1 to May 31: on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 21.00 to 22.00
  • From June 1 to September 30: from Monday to Sunday from 21.30 to 22.30
  • From October 1 to October 31: on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 21.00 to 22.00

How to get:

  • Metro: ESPANYA (Lines L1 and L3)
  • Buses: 9, 13, 23, 37, 50, 55, 65, 79, 91, 109, 150, 165, h12

(Plaça Catalunya) lies at the intersection of Rambla Boulevard with Paseo de Gracia avenue. A huge space of 50,000 m², laid out with a granite mosaic and decorated with sculptures, luxurious trees, fountains. The nine streets of the Old Town and Eshample are published on the square, which are marked with the rays of the stars laid out in the center. Around the buildings of large representative offices, banks, shopping centers, travel agencies.

Catalonia Square is one of the most popular holiday destinations citizens and tourists. There are significant urban events, festivals, festive events.

Why should you visit:

  • Catalonia Square is a comfortable place for walking, meetings and shopping.
  • There are several metro stations on the square, from where you can reach anywhere in the city.
  • In winter, one of the largest rollers in Europe is working here, and in the summer it is convenient to get to the beaches nearby.

How to get:

  • Metro: Catalunya (L1 and L3 lines) or Plaça URQUINAONA (L1 and L4 lines)
  • Buses: 14, 24, 41, 42, 65, 67, 68, 91, H16, V15

Parque De La Ciutadella) is located on the northwestern outskirts of the Old Town, where for 150 years there was a citadel built by Phillip V for the assimios of the residents of Barcelona. After the destruction of an ominous symbol of the odious king on a giant wasteland, an English park was broken.

Nowadays, the Park of the Southademia, spreading in an area of \u200b\u200b30 hectares, is huge recreation area with magnificent plants, lush flower beds, artificial ponds, fountains, castles and a complex system of alley and tracks. Next to the park there is a beautiful zoo, where hundreds of animal species, reptiles, birds are contained.

Why should you visit:

  • In the northern part of the surfactant is a fountain Cascade in the form of a triumphal arch.
  • One of the most impressive facilities of the park is the castle of three dragons, be sure to pay attention to it
  • Visit to the main city park Barcelona for free

Visit time:

  • Park is open all year
  • Opening hours: from 10.00 to 22.30

How to get:

  • Metro: Ciutadella y Vila Olímpica (L4 line)
  • Buses: 14, 17, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 51, 57, 59, 64, 141 and 157.

(Arc de Triomf) - grand Construction at the entrance to the Park of SuitadeliaAt the place of intersection of the streets of Paseo de Lias-Kompanses, Paseo de San Juan and San Pedro, was erected in honor of the opening of the World Exhibition of 1888 as a symbol of scientific and cultural cooperation in different countries of the world.

A construction of a 30 m high brick-style high brick style on both sides is decorated with allegories with detailed sculptures of the ancient gods. The frieze of the main facade is decorated with a sculptural group "Barcelona welcomes the nation." At the top there is a bas-relief with the image of the coat of arms of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b49 coat of arms of Spain provinces are located on the facades. Columns are decorated with volatile mice, the emblem of King Haume I.

Why should you visit:

  • The Triumphal Arch is one of the most impressive symbols of Barcelona.
  • Sculptural compositions Arches are interesting for a detailed study.
  • Near the archway there are significant attractions of Barcelona.

How to get:

  • Metro: Arc de Triomf (line L1)
  • Buses: 39, 40, 42, 51, B20, B25, H16

Mercado De La Boqueria Market (Mercado de La Boqueria) is one of the most popular attractions of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bstretched in the Rambla Colors area. Trading platforms are located in a giant pavilion of glass and reinforced concrete area of \u200b\u200bmore than 2500 m². Bokeria offers a wide range of agricultural and gastronomic products - from the freshest meat to confectionery.

Beria - the oldest market of Barcelona. In the XIII century, a straw trade was boiling. Subsequently, the market gradually expressed. Today he is one of the main tourist objects of the city.

Why should you visit:

  • On the canteria you can buy any delicacies and enjoy the Spanish delicacies.
  • There are places where the selected products are roasted in the presence of the customer.
  • You can buy ready-made food and take with you to the hotel.

Visit time:

  • From Monday to Saturday: from 8.00 to 20.30

How to get:

  • Metro: Liceu (L3 line)
  • Buses: 14, 59, 91

(Museu Picasso) is a museum complex that occupies five mansions in the Gothic style on Moncada Street in the Old Town. The museum was opened in 1963 on the initiative of Heime Sabartes, the secretary and a friend of the artist.

Exposions are presented more 3500 Picasso Craps and Pictures, Ceramics, personal items, printed publications, which were given to the museum by the artist himself, his widow, Sabartes and numerous fans of Picasso's creativity.

Why should you visit:

  • You will definitely like an impressive cycle of 58 cloths on the work of the Velasquez "Menins".
  • It is interesting and convenient that the Picasso Museum in the Barcelona work is presented in chronological order.
  • Temporary expositions are regularly working, in which other masters are presented.

Visit time:

  • Monday: from 10.00 to 17.00
  • Thursday: from 9.00 to 21.30
  • Other days: from 9.00 to 20.30
  • From March to September on Sundays and holidays: from 10.00 to 15.00
  • December 24 and 31: from 9.00 to 14.00
  • January 1, May 1, May 13, May 20, June 24, December 24 and 25: Closed

The cost of visiting:

  • Basic exposure + Temporary ECPOSITY: 12 Euro
  • Only temporary ECPOSITY: 6.50 euros
  • Children under 18 years old: free
  • People from 18 to 25 years and older than 65 years: 7 euros (4.50 euros - temporary excose)
  • Free: Every Thursday from 18.00 to 21.30, the first Sunday of each month from 9.00 to 19.00, as well as on the days of open doors on February 12, May 18 and September 24.

How to get:

  • Metro: Jaume I (line L4)
  • Buses: 17, 39, 45, 51, 120, V17

(Basílica de Santa Maria Del MAR) - one of the most beautiful attractions of Barcelona in the Gothic Quarter. The majestic constructions from gray stone was erected in the XIV century, when the Catalan sailors seized important maritime trading paths.

A window-rose is located above the central entrance of the basilica, one of the few elements of the facade decor. Interior decoration is characterized by simplicity and rigor. The altar is decorated with a sculptural group depicting the coronation of St. Mary, and the image of the ship.

Why should you visit:

  • Basilica Santa Maria del Mar is a bright sample of Catalan Gothic.
  • Especially like tourists stained glass windows with the image of the saints, apostles, biblical scenes.
  • Not far from Basilica there are many other attractions of the Old Town.

Visit time:

  • From Monday to Saturday: from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 17.00 to 20.30
  • On Sundays and Holidays: from 10.00 to 14.00 and from 17.00 to 20.00
  • January 1, May 1 and December 25: Closed

The cost of visiting:

  • Visiting the temple: free
  • Visiting Terraces and Towers Temple with City Views: 10 Euro
  • Evening excursion tour for 2 hours: 17.50 euros (from mid-June to mid-September)

How to get:

  • Metro: Jaume I (line L4)
  • Buses: 45, 51, 120, H14, V15, V17

In the center of the Portal de la Pau in the southern part of Rambla, the monument of Christopher Columbus (Monumento A Colón), dedicated to the return of the discoverer from West Indies in 1493, when Columbus ships entered the port of Barcelona. The monument was completed to the opening of the World Exhibition in 1888.

The monument is a composition of a variety of elements. The statue of the commander of a height of more than 7 m is mounted on a 50-meter Corinthian columnAt the top of which four female figures are located, symbolizing the four sides of the world.

Why should you visit:

  • Monument Christopher Columbus is one of the most symbolic attractions of Barcelona.
  • The monument contains many interesting details that will be worthy of your attention.
  • Inside the monument is provided for a lifting mechanism with which you can get on the viewing platform.

How to get:

  • Metro: Drassanes (L3 line)

(Aquàrium de Barcelona) is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe old port, not far from the Columbus Monument. The gigantic tank, divided into several separate sections and many small aquariums, contains more than 11 thousand representatives of the sea fauna.

The underwater part of the oceanarium is wide 80-meter glass tunnel, where up to 100 people can be. The exposition presents dozens of different ecosystems of the World Ocean. In individual aquariums, in the conditions of the most close to natural, representatives of the fauna of the tropical seas live.

Why should you visit:

  • In the oceanarium, educational and research zones work capable of interested in children of different ages.
  • There are a variety of attractions for children and adults.
  • The souvenir shop offers a wide range of goods related to the maritime subject.

Visit time:

  • Oceanarium is open every day
  • January, February, March, November, December: from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 19.30
  • January, February, March, November, December: Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10.00 to 20.00
  • April, May, October: from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 20.00
  • April, May, October: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays from 10.00 to 20.30
  • June, July, August and September: every day from 10.00 to 21.00
  • From December 14 to January 7: every day from 10.00 to 20.00

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 21 euros
  • For children from 5 to 10 years: 16 euros
  • For children under 4 years: 8 euros

How to get:

  • Metro: Drassanes (line L3) orBarceloneta (L4 line)
  • Buses: 39, 45, 59, 91, 120, D20, H14, V13, V15, V17

The Museum of Science Cosmokayysh (Cosmocaixa) is located in Modern Building in the Saria-San Jervazi area. Museum enjoys particularly popular with visitors with children. Exhibits presents exhibits from a wide variety of science areas.

There are rooms for children. The Hall "Click", intended for children under 6 years old, is a game room in which a collection of magnifying glasses, mirrors, a variety of items are collected. In the "Flash" hall for children under 9 years old there are many devices and tools.

Why should you visit:

  • Information about complex phenomena is fed in an easy accessible form.
  • There are many halls dedicated to the development of the planet, prehistoric forms of life, nuclear physics and other topics, interesting for children over 10 years old and adults.
  • There is an interesting planetarium.

Visit time:

  • From Monday to Sunday: from 10.00 to 20.00
  • December 24 and 31, January 5: from 10.00 to 18.00

The cost of visiting:

  • The cost depends on the cocktail exposure (from 3 euros)
  • Read more about tickets on the official website:

How to get:

  • Metro: AV. Tibidabo (L7 line)
  • Buses: H2, H4, V17, V15, V19, V13, 73, 75, 22 and 196.

(Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau) In the area, the ECAMPL is huge architectural ensemble in modern style, built according to the project of Louis Domaseca-and-Montainner in the first half of the 20th century. The hulls located in the garden are combined with a system of underground tunnels.

The main building of the hospital with a turret in the central part of the facade is distinguished by large arched windows and numerous elements of decor - frescoes, bas-reliefs, mosaic panels. Two stairs lead to the central entrance. The gate has columns crowned with statues.

Why should you visit:

  • You are sure to impress the interiors of the main administrative corps.
  • Since 2009, a museum and a cultural center has been opened in the corps.
  • In the garden grows a huge amount of medicinal plants.

Visit time:

  • From Monday to Saturday from 9.30 to 19.00 (from November to March to 17.00)
  • On Sundays and Holiday from 9.30 to 15.00
  • December 25: Closed

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 14 Euro (without a guide)
  • Standard ticket: 19 Euro (with guide)
  • Audio guide: 3 euros
  • For people from 12 years to 29 years and older than 65 years: 9.80 euros (13.30 euro with guide)
  • April 23, September 24, the first Sunday of each month: free

How to get:

  • Metro: Guinardó | Hospital de Sant Pau (L4 line) or Sant Pau | DOS de Maig (L5 line)
  • Buses: 19, 20, 45, 47, 50, 51, 92, 117, 192, H8

(Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona - Macba) - One of the most unusual sights of Barcelona is located in the Old Town, in Angels Square. Museum Funds are located in three buildings. The snow-white building of the main building with a glazed facade overlooking the square is located opposite the Angels Monastery, the building of which also belongs to the museum.

Macba exposures are represented a huge number of Catalan and Spanish painting masters Different directions and genres, starting from the 40s. last century to this day. The main exhibitions are held in the halls of the main building and the monastery. The third building contains research and training centers, archive, library.

Why should you visit:

  • Macba presents the works of fashionable modern masters.
  • Exposures are updated regularly.
  • In addition to paid rooms, free departments of the museum work.

Visit time:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: from 11.00 to 19.30
  • On Tuesdays (not festive): closed
  • Saturday: from 10.00 to 20.00
  • Sunday and holidays: from 10.00 to 15.00

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 11 Euro
  • For children under 14 years old: free
  • On Saturdays from 16.00 to 20.00: admission is free

How to get:

  • Metro: Universitat (L1 and L2 lines), Catalunya (L1 and L3 lines)
  • Buses: 7, 24, 41, 50, 54, 55, 59, 62, 63, 66, 67, 91, H12, H16, V13

(Laberinto de Horta) - Big Park Zone and one of the most picturesque attractions of Barcelona, located in the area of \u200b\u200bOrta Girardo, on the slope of the Mount Kolonierol. The park consists of several parts located on the terraces. The main part is the labyrinth himself.

The exit from the labyrinth is a staircase on the second terrace with pavilions in the style of the Italian Renaissance. The stairs on the third level set the statue of Dionysus. On the upper terrace there is a pavilion, a reservoir, filled from a natural source.

Why should you visit:

  • In the labyrinth of ort, you can see rare plants.
  • Special attention deserves a romantic garden with magnificent flower beds.
  • The labyrinth is surrounded by a dense Mediterranean forest, truly picturesque.

Visit time:

  • From November to March: from 10.00 to 19.00
  • From April to October: from 10.00 to 20.00
  • December 25: from 9.00 to 14.00

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 2.23 euros
  • For children under 14 years old: 1.42 euros
  • For children under 5 years old: free
  • On Wednesdays and Sundays: Free

How to get:

  • Metro: mundet (L3 lines)
  • Buses: 27, 60, 76, H14

Parque Zoológico de Barcelona) - One of the most popular and beloved townspeople and guests of the city's attractions of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bis located in the Park of Southadevia. In the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 12 hectares there is a picturesque exposition from hundreds of spacious elites, in which in conditions close to natural, diverse representatives of world fauna live.

In the Zoo Barcelona presented more than 7.5 thousand species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibious, reptiles. Predators live in enclosures fenced with high walls from plexiglas of special strength.

Why should you visit:

  • In the Zoo of Barcelona, \u200b\u200byou can see a huge variety of animals, including rare species.
  • Theatrical shows are held with the participation of dolphins and sea lions.
  • This is the perfect place for family walks with children.

Visit time:

  • From January 1 to March 18: from 10.00 to 17.30
  • From March 19 to May 15: from 10.00 to 19.00
  • From May 16 to September 15: from 10.00 to 20.00
  • From September 16 to October 29: from 10.00 to 19.00
  • From October 30 to December 31: from 10.00 to 17.30

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 21.40 euros
  • Standard ticket when buying online: 19.25 euros
  • For children from 3 to 12 years: 12.95 euros (when buying online 11.65 euros)
  • For children under 3 years old: free

How to get:

  • Metro: Ciutadella / Vila Olímpica (L4 line)
  • Buses: D20, H14, H16, V21 and V27

Cheap tickets to Barcelona:

(La Barceloneta) - one of the oldest quarters of the historic centerLies on the small stray peninsula of the triangular shape between the port and the Olympic Word. The quarter was built in the XVIII century for the residents of the demolished Quarter of Ribera.

Nowadays, Barceloneta is one of the most visited attractions of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere you can see a typical residential building for the XVIII century, which houses a huge number of restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs. The coast of the Barcelney is famous for excellent beaches.

Why should you visit:

  • This is one of the oldest Rainins of the city, where you can see a unique building of past centuries.
  • Barcelonet has many best in the field of fish restaurants.
  • Naberezhnye Barcelonets replete with nightclubs and entertainment facilities.

Visit time:

  • Village is open every day
  • Monday: from 9.00 to 20.00
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday: from 9.00 to 00.00
  • Friday: from 9.00 to 3.00
  • Saturday: from 9.00 to 4.00

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 14 euros
  • Standard ticket when buying online: 12,60 euros
  • Audio Guide: 3.50 Euro
  • For children from 4 to 12 years: 7 Euro
  • For children under 4 years old: free
  • When visiting after 20.00: 7 euros

How to get:

  • Metro: Barceloneta (L4 line)
  • Buses: 45, 59, D20

(CAMP NOU) is one of the most significant for the fans of football around the world sights of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bis located near the Mary-Christina Metro Station. The largest football field in the region is 106x70 m in size, with ribunes with a capacity of up to 100 thousand spectatorsIt was commissioned in 1957.

A large-scale reconstruction of Kampa NEO is planned, the purpose of which is to increase the number of seats, the construction of a glass roof over the construction, equipping the territory with additional stairs, escalators, elevators, wheelchair ramps.

Why should you visit:

  • Camp Nou is the main stadium of Barcelona and the whole region.
  • On the territory of Camp NOU, the most interesting museum of the Barcelona Football Club, which will not even like not football fans.
  • There is a souvenir shop with a rich assortment of the subjects of football themes.

Time to visit the Camp Nou Stadium and the Barcelona Museum:

  • From January 1 to March 18: from Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to 18.30, Sunday from 10.00 to 14.30
  • From March 19 to October 16: from 09.30 to 19.30
  • From October 17 to December 18: from Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to 18.30, Sunday from 10.00 to 14.30
  • From December 19 to December 31: from 09.30 to 19.30
  • January 1, January 6, September 24 and December 25: Closed
  • Days of Barcelona matches: closed (3 hours before the start of the match, a museum, a trophy room and a panoramic view of the stadium)

The cost of visiting the museum and stadium:

  • Standard ticket: 26 Euro
  • For children from 6 to 13 years old: 20 euros
  • For children under 6 years old: free
  • When visiting after 20.00: 7 euros

How to get:

  • Metro: Palau Reial, Maria Cristina Y Les Corts (L3 Line) or Badal Y CollBlanc (L5 Line)
  • Buses: 7, 15, 33, 43, 54, 56, 57, 59, 63, 67, 70, 72, 74, 75, 78, 113, 157

29. Royal Square

Capital Catalonia famous magnificence and scopewhich is traced both in the appearance and the names of the famous attractions of Barcelona. So, there are two royal squares in the city. Both are in the Gothic Quarter of the Old Town. The first is a small paved King Square in front of the royal palace of the XI century.

The second Royal Square (Plaza Real) is a spacious inner courtyard of old mansions, combined long arcade with a rambl exit. In the center of the square, decorated with palm trees, Gaudi lanterns, large cast iron balls, the fountain of three graces with an elegant sculptural group depicting the goddesses.

Why should you visit:

  • The Palace of Clarian Padales, where the expositions of the Museum of Barcelona are posted on the King Square.
  • The Royal Square in Rambla is one of the most visited places of Barcelona.
  • Especially picturesque Royal Square in the evenings.

How to get:

  • Metro: Liceu Y Drassanes (L3 line)
  • Buses: 59, 91, 120, D20, H14, V13

Palacio Real Mayor is located in the center of the Gothic Quarter. He is complex of grand facilitieswhich includes:
  • The Royal Palace is the official residence of the Aragon Kings;
  • Palace of Salo del Tinnel with round arches for meetings and techniques;
  • Chapel of Santa Agata, near which the horse statue of Ramon Berrenger III is installed, Count Barcelona;
  • Martin King Watchtower;
  • The Palace of Lockent - the residence of the Vice-Kings;
  • Clarian Palace Palace, in which the Museum of the History of Barcelona is located.

Why should you visit:

  • The royal palace complex is a bright sample of Catalan gothic architecture.
  • Frederic Mares Museum is posted in the palace.
  • In the Tinnel Palace, exhibitions, concerts, solemn events are held.

Visit time:

  • From Monday to Saturday: from 10.00 to 19.00
  • Sunday: from 10.00 to 20.00
  • From December 1 to December 31: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 14.00

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 7 Euro
  • These are a shared ticket to visit the following attractions of Barcelona: Museo Del Monasterio De Pedralbes, Casa-Museo De Verdaguer, Centro De Interpretación Del Parque Güell, Capilla de Santa Ágata

How to get:

  • Metro: Jaume I (line L4)
  • Buses: 47, 120, V15, V17, N8, N28, N70

(Museo de Historia de Barcelona - MHCB) Located in the Gothic Quarter, in the Palace of Clarian Padelas. On the territory of about 4,000 m², which includes an overhead and underground exposure, is stored more than 35 thousand unique exhibitsrelating in different periods of the life of the city.

In the underground part, stretching under the square of the king, you can see the ancient settlement of Barsino, with the ruins of Roman and Westgoth structures. The top of the Roman Necropolis, the Museum of Verdage, the ruins of the ancient palaces, temples, wineries, workshops are located in the upper part.

Why should you visit:

  • The Barcelona Historical Museum is one of the most interesting museum attractions.
  • The museum building has a souvenir shop, where you can purchase exclusive copies of exhibits.
  • In the museum is equipped with interactive corners, especially interesting for children and adolescents.

Visit time:

  • From October to March from Monday to Sunday: from 10.00 to 17.00
  • From April to September from Monday to Sunday: from 10.00 to 19.00

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 7 Euro
  • For children under 16 years old: free

How to get:

  • Metro: Jaume I (line L4)
  • Buses: 47, 120, V15, V17, N8, N28, N70

Monasterio de Pedralbes) is located in the same quarter, in the respectable area of \u200b\u200bthe Korts Forest, in the western part of the city. The female abode was founded in the XIV century by the Queen of Alisenda de Moncada, the wife of Heime II fair.

Today the operating monastery is grand historical and architectural complexincluding:

  • square three-story building with galleries in which the Celi nuns come out;
  • clorter is a picturesque courtyard with a garden of orange trees and palm trees;
  • the church in the Gothic style, where the Queen of Alisenda is buried;
  • chapel of St. Michael;
  • residence Abbatis, decorated with painting.

Why should you visit:

  • Pedralbes Monastery is one of the most beautiful attractions of Barcelona.
  • The monastery reigns the atmosphere of calm and peace.
  • Next to Pedralbes is a picturesque park with a fountain, where it will be pleasant to spend time.

Visit time:

  • On Mondays closed
  • From October to March from Monday to Friday and Holidays: from 10.00 to 14.00
  • From October to March on Saturdays and Sundays: from 10.00 to 17.00
  • From April to September from Monday to Friday: from 10.00 to 17.00
  • From April to September on Saturdays: from 10.00 to 19.00
  • From April to September on Sundays: from 10.00 to 20.00
  • From April to September on holidays: from 10.00 to 14.00
  • January 1, May 1, June 24 and December 25: Closed

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 5 euros
  • For children under 16 years old: free
  • First Sunday of the Month: Free
  • Rest Sunday after 15.00: free

How to get:

  • Metro: Maria Cristina, Palau Reial (L3)
  • Buses: 63, 68, 75, 78, H4, V5

(Plaza de España) stretched in the territory of 34,000 m² at the foot of Montjuic Mountain. By 1929, the opening of the World Exhibition was reconstructed, during which old buildings surrounding the square were demolished. Center decorated giant fountain with statues of antique gods and heroes.

Around Spain's area there are buildings of the Las Arenas shopping complex, the National Palace with a cascade of stairs, which houses the Museum of Arts of Catalonia, the Fira de Barcelona exhibition center.

Why should you visit:

  • The magic fountain on Spain Square in the evenings is the place of the fascinating show of Barcelona.
  • From Spain Square it is convenient to start acquaintance with the city.
  • The five main highways of the city originate from the square.

How to get:

  • Metro: ESPANYA (Lines L1 and L3)
  • Buses: 13, 23 and 150

(Fundació Joan Miró) - Museum of Contemporary Art, was opened in 1975 in a complex of pavilions, designed by Joseper Lion, a student Le Corbusier, in the park on the slope of Montjuic mountain. In the expositions of the Fund presented 14 thousand works of Miro, an outstanding representative of Spanish avant-garde and surrealism, and thousands of works of other Spanish masters of the XX century.

The museum complex consists of several exhibition halls, combined with galleries and arches with glass walls and roofs. The center is a patio in the Mediterranean style. From the terrace offers a delightful view of Barcelona.

Why should you visit:

  • Foundation Joran Miro is a huge collection of works of modern artists and sculptors.
  • The museum collections allow to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main directions of modern world art.
  • Interesting time exposures are held here.

Visit time:

  • On Mondays closed
  • From November to March from Tuesday to Saturday: from 10.00 to 18.00
  • From November to March on Sundays: from 10.00 to 15.00
  • From April to October from Tuesday to Saturday: from 10.00 to 20.00
  • From April to October on Sundays: from 10.00 to 18.00

The cost of visiting:

  • General Collection + Temporary Exposition: 13 Euro
  • Temporary exposure: 7 euros
  • For children under 15 years old: free

How to get:

  • Bus number 55 or 150 from Plaza de España
  • Plaza de España can be reached on the subway (L1, L3 and L8 lines)

Tower Agbar or Barcelona Cucumber (Torre Agbar) is one of the strangest attractions of Barcelona, \u200b\u200btowers over the Schlorias Catalanes area and the Barcelona business center. The giant construction was erected in the early 2000s on the project of the French architect Jean Nouvel and in June 2005, Huang Karos I. I was solemnly open.

Tower Agbar is modern 38-storey building high 145 meters high. Four floors are located underground. The facade is covered with steel panels in which several thousand LED lighting elements are mounted. In the afternoon, the tower shines reflected by sunlight, and at night - myriads of multicolored lights.

Why should you visit:

  • The agbar tower is one of the bright samples of abstract symbolic expressionism in architecture.
  • The tower looks particularly impressive in the evenings, when lights up with multi-colored lights.
  • There are several good restaurants and cafes in the building.

How to get:

  • Metro: Glòries (Line L1)
  • Buses: 7, 56, 60, 92, 192, B21, N0, N2 and N7

(Casa Vicens) - Mansion in the Gracia district, built on the project Antonio Gaudi. It was the first major work of the architect, made for the industrial magnate Manuel Vissa in the 1980s of the XIX century.

The house is a structure in which harmoniously combined straight and curved lines characteristic of Mudjar style. The facade is decorated with tiles and plenty of decorative elements - turrets, balconies, figured protrusions, erkers.

Why should you visit:

  • Visena House is one of the rare samples of the work of early Gaudi.
  • On the example of the house of Vissis, you can see a variety of creative approach to the use of tiles.
  • In the premises there is a museum dedicated to the work of Gaudi.

Visit time:

  • Museum is open every day
  • From October to March: on Mondays from 10.00 to 15.00
  • From October to March: from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00
  • From April to September: from Monday to Sunday from 10.00 to 20.00
  • December 31: from 10.00 to 17.00
  • December 25, 1 and 6 January: closed

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 16 euros
  • For people over 65 years old: 14 Euro
  • For students up to 25 years: 12 Euro
  • For children under 12 years old: free
  • May 22: Free

How to get:

  • Metro: Fontana (L3 line)
  • Buses: 22, 24, 27, 32, 114, V17

Palacio De La Virreina) is on Ramble. The majestic structure was erected in the second half of the XVIII century for the Marquis of Manuel de Amato, Vice-King Peru. Facade baroque style with elements of classicism and rococo, decorated with bas-reliefs, stucco, balconies with patterned handicraft grids. The interiors are designed in the style of Baroque and Rococo.

From the second half of the 20th century, the building in which the museum's exposition was posted in the municipality department. The luxurious halls are held exhibitions, festivals, solemn events.

Why should you visit:

  • On the first floor of the palace placed valuable expositions of the museum of decorative art.
  • A special impression on the visitors of the palace produce a survey area on the roof and the patio.
  • Free exhibitions are often held in Virrarian Palace.

Visit time:

  • On Mondays closed
  • From Tuesday to Sunday: from 12.00 to 20.00
  • December 25th and 26, January 1, May 1: Closed

The cost of visiting:

  • Visit: Free

How to get:

  • Metro: Liceu (L3 line)
  • Buses: 14, 59, 91

Bellybard or Casperas (Torre Bellesguard) - the tower in the Gothic style, built at the beginning of the 20th century according to the Gaudi project on the site of the medieval residence of the Martin of Mercy, is located in the Tibidabo area. The mansion tower was erected for Maria Sagez, the widow of the industrialist of Figueras.

The tower of bellyguard is characterized by strict forms and straight lines.. The angle of the building is crowned by the Ostrich Tower with a long spire. The facade is bristingly an acute gothic arcade. Narrow fitted windows poached curly lattices are decorated with stained glass windows. On the roof, the mansion is located a terrace to which a complex system of transitions with screw staircases is leading. The building and surplus buildings are decorated with tiles.

Why should you visit:

  • Torre Belfaard is recognized as one of the most unusual works of Gaudi.
  • The terraces offer great views on Barcelona.
  • The mansion will be interested to visit and with children.

Visit time:

  • On Mondays closed
  • From Tuesday to Sunday: from 10.00 to 15.00
  • December 25 and 26, 1 and 6 January: closed

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 9 Euro
  • For children from 8 to 18 years old and pensioners: 7.20 euros

How to get:

  • Buses: 22, 60, 75, 123, 196, V13, V15

(Monestir Santa Maria de Montserrat) Located on the territory of the National Park of Catalonia in the mountains of Montserrat, at an altitude of 725 m above sea level, 50 km from Barcelona. The world famous Benecta Resident has been there for almost a thousand years..

The monastery complex consists of many structures of different periods, including:

  • Cathedral of the Virgin Mary Montserratskaya;
  • buildings with messengers of monks;
  • museum;
  • chapels, slates, caves connected by the funicular;
  • monastery library;
  • hotel for parishioners-pilgrims;
  • numerous workshops, winery, confectionery.

Why should you visit:

  • Montserrat Monastery is a magnificent architectural complex, harmoniously inscribed in the landscape.
  • The miraculous statue of Black Madonna is kept in the chapel of the monastery. Ointment valuable historical copy.
  • The museum contains the richest collection of cloths, sculptures, gold products created by the greatest masters.

Visit time:

  • Monastery Montserrat: from 7.30 to 20.00
  • Chapel of the Virgin Mary: from 8.00 to 10.30 and from 12.00 to 18.15
  • Museum Montserrat: from 10.00 to 17.45

The cost of visiting:

  • Standard ticket: 7 Euro
  • For children from 8 to 16 years old: 4 euros
  • For children under 8 years old: free

How to get:

  • Train: Plaça Espanya station R5 trains (Barcelona-Manresa), which depart every hour, starting from 8.36.

On the coast of Barcelona there are 10 beachesWhich in the summer become a pleasant variety in a long line of attractions. Along the shore, there is a beautiful promenade with magnificent plants, in the shade of which cafes and restaurants, recreation areas and playgrounds, bicycle paths and simulators, sports clubs and entertainment places. All beaches are sandy, with a gentle water entrance, equipped with cabins for dressing, shower, toilets, rescue tons, medplexes, water equipment rental points. The entrance is free.

Among the best beaches of Barcelona:

  • Sant Sebastia (Platja de Sant Sebastià) is the oldest beach in the Barcelonet area, in the western part of the Barcelona coast, overlooking the Sails Hotel W Barcelona.
  • The rich (Platja del Bogatell) is the most modern beach of the city, located near the Olympic port, is characterized by purity, tranquility and high-quality service.
  • Somoomor-Somorostro (Platja de Somorrostro) - the beach with the statue of the Golden Fish, the symbol of the 1992 Olympic Games, is located between the Olympic port and Espiro del Gaza.

Unique architectural ensembles Gaudi, numerous museums and parks - no vain Barcelona is considered a popular tourist center of Spain. incredibly popular. But this advantages of the sunny city do not end. Many institutions and entertainment centers are open for guests completely free. The main thing is to know the "secret" days and time.

So, if you ended up in Barcelona with a limited budget, you should not hurry home. We bring to your attention the list of attractions whose doors are open for free.

In entertainment and cultural institutions, Barcelona are considered open days on February 12, May 18 and September 24. All places listed in the article work free at this time. Some institutions are provided with additional free days.


Free Museums Barcelona

Barcelona leads in the list of Spanish cities, where it is easy to arrange a luxurious cultural program without excess costs. Among the most popular exhibitions, we recommend looking at the following:

  • Museum Picasso. The institution is in the Gothic Quarter and has 3500 works by the artist. It is noteworthy that artworks are placed in 5 gothic palaces dating from 8 century. Therefore, before viewing paintings Pablo Picasso, you will have time to appreciate the authentic architectural ensemble and make several memorable pictures. The collection of paintings is presented in chronological order. In addition, here you can enjoy the exhibition of ceramics and printed graphics. Estimate the beauty of the exposition will be free of charge on the first Sundays of each month, from 9 am to 7 pm, and on Fridays, from 18:00 to 21:30. Days of open doors, except traditional, can be caught on May 21.


  • Museum of music.Those who wish to meet the world of sound and see rare musical instruments, be sure to look into this cult place. You are waiting for 500 copies, including tools belonging to legendary musicians. Catalan guitars, harp, clasine, organ of 18th century - this colorful collection is known for the whole of Europe. But the key advantage of the institution is an interactive gallery, where you can try on the role of a musician. Free entry into the institution is allowed on the first Sunday, from three days to eight in the evening, as well as February 12 and November 22.

  • Museum of National Art.Excellent opportunity to visit 2 attractions at a time. The exposition is equipped in a cult structure - the National Palace, decorated with sculptures and a wide front staircase. The building hosts a collection of romance and gothic art. A variety of artworks are exhibited in the halls: paintings, engraving, statues, wooden products with carvings, ornaments of gold and silver. You can go to the exhibition for free on Saturdays monthly, from 15:00 to 18:00, and on the first Sunday of the month, from 10: 00-15: 00, May 11th.

  • Museum of history. Those who wish to learn historical facts about Barcelona can implement an idea for free. If you walk in the center of the Catalan capital in the days of the open doors and on Sundays, from 15:00 to closure, look at the Museum of History. The exposition is devoted to all peoples who have settled this territory.

In addition to the listed institutions, in "Free Days" you can stroll through the following institutions: the center of modern culture, the sea museum, Palacio de la Virlane, Museums of science and chocolate.

Parks and gardens

Botanical Garden

Special delight among tourists is the Barcelona Botanical Garden. This pearl of the city is on Mount Montjik, next to the fortress and the Olympic stadium. The landscapes of the oasis extend to 14 hectares. Rare samples of Spanish nature and views of the river Jobregat will leave the brightest and vibrant memories of Spain. Visit a picturesque corner, without paying no cent, you can on the first Sunday of the month.

To complement the garden's trip to the garden is better to the lift to Montjuic, from the top of which the wonderful panorama opens onto the central streets and square.


Citadel Park

This park was the first green corner within the city. It is located in the northeastern part of the old Barcelona and has 3 alleys: Lipova, topoly and Vyazova. The territory of the park is decorated with monuments, fountains, animal sculptures and palm trees. Traveling through his allys will be daily at any time. From paid entertainment here you can look at the zoo or ride a boat on the lake.

Park "Labyrinth Orta"

Remember the film "Perfume: the story of one killer"? Now you will know that some of his scenes were removed in the Labyrinth of Orta. It is located on the slope of the ring of colonier and is free to enter Wednesdays and Sundays. Walking on well-groomed alleys, you will see a huge number of exotic plants: strawberry trees, irises, African lilies. On the territory of the corner of nature there are original architectural buildings: houses made in Arabic style, statues and towers. But an outstanding line of the park is considered a maze of cypresses. Be careful, it's not so easy to find an output!


If you find yourself in the city from July to August, do not miss the chance watch movie. On the beach of San Sebastian during this period, you can visit the open-air cinema. Popular world films here are broadcast on Thursdays and Sundays, on the rest of the days you will be a spanish cinema.

Another enchanting Barcelona entertainment that should be appreciated by every tourist - show singing fountains. This is a spectacle you will see at the central square during the year, from Thursday to Sunday. From April to October, the show starts at 21:00. And from November to March you will set it out at 19:00.

Finally, we recommend going to tibido Amusement Park. Here you can go on the ferris wheel, arrange a trip to the tram, as well as climb to the viewing platform, from where one of the best panoramas on the capital of Catalonia opens.

Barcelona is the place of attraction of millions of tourists. Snow White Beaches Barcelonets are replaced by modern skyscrapers Les Corts, amazing multicolored houses Echchample are moving into the old Gothic structures of Born and Raval. At sunset, tired travelers rushed to Guele District Park Gracia, then going down to the city on the famous Fontanov Show Montjuic. The city, which is shot in the same song in the performance of the Great Montserrat Caballe and inimitable Freddie Mercury. The famous singer and now prefers to live here. Barcelona Spanish and Catalan at the same time - so much slept and mixed it. This city is served under the sauce of antiquity monuments, modern eclectic residential buildings and football.

The beauty of Barcelona can be seen on the video:

For those who want to plunge into the most thick of festive events, we advise you to visit Barcelona in September, when you celebrate two major events at once: September 11, the Independence Day of Catalonia and September 24, the locals are walking for several days in honor of the Mother of God, the patroness of the city. And for a leisurely and measured rest, we recommend to come in the spring when it is warm, but still few tourists.

How to get and move on site

Photo: Barcelona Map

Spain enters the euro zone and all prices are indicated in this currency. On average, the ticket from Moscow costs 230 euros with a transfer and 350 euros direct flight. From St. Petersburg Flights are much more expensive - 270 euros with a transplant and from 900 euro straight flights. Sometimes cheaper to buy a batch tour in travel agency and fly by charter.

Visa documents are accepted at Spain's visa centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Most often in the passport set multiviz for a year or two.

In Barcelona himself and around her three airports.

  1. From El Prat several ways to get to the city:
  • From terminals 1 and 2 go buses A1 and A2, respectively. The cost of one side is 5.90 euros, both - 10.20 (a ticket is valid 15 days). Time on the way is 35 minutes. We depart every 5 minutes. You can buy in advance on the site online.
  • In 2016, they launched a separate metro branch from the airport - L9 SUD. Explore the Metro map in advance, because it is not always possible to immediately figure out how and where to go - the card here Direct and a regular metro ticket is invalid - you need to buy a special For 4.50 euros.
  • Buses to metro stations: L46, LPR1, L77, L99, N17, N16. The ticket costs 2.15 euros. Ride different stations, sometimes pass through the airport to other areas. Go to the morning and before the evening, except for the night N16.
  • Taxi is expensive, but convenient and fast.
  1. Girona Airport is 90 kilometers from Barcelona. Loaders arrive here to unload El Prat.

Barcelona Central Station (Estació Del Nord). One side ticket - 16 euros.

  1. Reus Airport is one and a half hours drive from the city. From the terminal to the Ruis station, the bus ranks number 50, then by train to the destination. Or on the La Hispano Igualadina bus, which immediately goes to Barcelona.

There is a convenient and inexpensive public transport: metro, trams and buses.

The metro scheme is here - The cost of a trip is 2.15 euros. There are T10 tickets for 10 trips for 9.95. And tourists can acquire Barcelona Card: an unlimited number of trips through the central zone on the subway, trams and buses, discounts in museums, some restaurants and shopping centers. On sale options duration from 2 to 5 days.

In Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba huge selection of cars for rent at a price of 5 euros per day.

What to see

Photo: Beautiful view of Barcelona

Barcelona is a rich and ancient city, in him and around him a lot of entertaining.

Attractions, mandatory visits:

  1. Temple of Sagrada Surname is perhaps the most famous long definition in the world. Great Antonio Gaudi 43 yielded the construction of this building. A fundamental decision was the financing of construction - only on voluntary donations of parishioners. Therefore, the process lasts and the end is not yet visible.

Photo: Sagrada Temple Surname

2. Guel Park with fantastic sculptures, houses and gardens.

Photo: Park Guel

3. Catalonia Square is a favorite place for meeting Barcelonians and tourists.

Photo: Catalonia Square

4. Montjuic hill is a huge territory where famous museums, Olympic facilities are concentrated, as well as a landscaped park for walking. In the evening, a unique show of singing fountains begins.

Photo: Montjuic Hill

5. The Museum of the Extraordinary Picasso - is located in five ancient Gothic buildings.

Photo: Extraordinal Picasso Museum

6. The Balo House is an unusual building with a bright ceramic mosaic and a roof in the form of a curved dragon back.

Photo: Balo House

7. Maritime Museum with large-scale liner layouts, boats and old vessels.

Photo: Maritime Museum

8. Gothic quarter - narrow streets create a complete feeling of immersion in medieval Europe, when the injury of the Inquisition will appear due to turning. In such a labyrinth is easy and lost.

Photo: Gothic Quarter

9. Mila House is really a residential building. It is said that the tenants here are long for a long time delayed due to the increased attention of tourists to this building, but the apartments are not empty for a long time. Too many wishes to feel like a special residents of Barcelona.

Photo: Mila House

10. The museum of unusual inventions - in case there is not enough around strange buildings and monuments.

Photo: Museum of Unusual Inventions

11. Rambla Boulevard - a business card of the city with a pedestrian part. Here in the neighborhood there are theaters, museums, palaces. On one of the streets of this area, fans traditionally come to celebrate the victory of the club "Barcelona".

Photo: Rambla Boulevard

12. Rock Museum - in addition to the excellent exposition of musical instruments, a beautiful view opens with the roof of the Las Arenas Shopping Center.

Photo: Las Arenas Shopping Center

13. Aquarium - It presents almost all maritime livery from the Mediterranean Sea.

Photo: Aquarium

14. The Cosmocaixa Museum is a modern interactive museum on how the universe is arranged. It clearly shows and told a lot about nature and space.

Photo: Museum Cosmocaixa

15. Museum of FC "Barcelona" - 99.99% of citizens are sick for this club.

Photo: Museum of FC "Barcelona"

Interesting surroundings:

  1. Monstserrat monastery, hidden between the rocks. Place of pilgrimage of believers from around the world. Around there are paths for pedestrian walks.
  2. The medieval city of Vic with the ruins of the ancient Roman settlement. On Tuesdays and Saturdays there is a large market.
  3. Famous Plants of Sparkling Wine Fresente (Freixenet) and Codorniu (Codorniu) for those who want to learn more about production technology and visit deep underground cellars.
  4. Saoo reservoir with flooded church of San Roma. In the arid years, it appears from under the water.
  5. Cadaques and Fig and Figueuros are small and cozy, he at one time struck El Salvador Dali. It also opened his house-museum.
  6. Sitges resort town with the most famous nightclubs. From the end of February, the beginning of March carnival is held.
  7. The volcanic area of \u200b\u200bGarror is a huge park, in which more than 70 fastest volcanoes. Picturesque churches are erected in separate crater.
  8. Girona is a medieval city of 65 km from Barcelona with a fortress and a labyrinth of the narrow streets of the Jewish Quarter. In the historic part, the Gothic Basilica Buildings has been preserved.

The "Eagle and Rusk" program came twice in Barcelona - to inspect the sights and shatter, you can watch the video:

What to do

In Barcelona, \u200b\u200byou must do:

Photo: Singing fountains
  1. Walk through the Rambla Boulevard - no matter, in the morning or evening. It is beautiful at any time of the day.
  2. Go to a football match at the famous Camp Nou Stadium. It is still a hundred thousand fans in the crowd, this is an amazing feeling.
  3. View the city from the height - there are many viewing sites: Montjuic Mountain, Holonolol Tower, Guele Park, Agbar Tower.
  4. To admire the beauty of singing fountains on Spain Square.
  5. Visit the best Museums of Barcelona - Cosmocaixa Museum, Barcelona Club Museum, Picasso Museum and Tens of Others ..
  6. Relax from summer heat in Guel Park, walking in the park Citadel and Zoo.
  7. Try the freshest seafood in local restaurants - La Paradeta (Passage de Simó, 18) and El Puma (Carrer d'Aribau, 44).
  8. To sunbathe and buy on the beach of Barcelonet (by the way, they appeared only since the 1990s in front of the Olympics 1992). Only without fanaticism! Do not forget tanning cream to avoid health problems.
  9. To come to the port to the statue of Christopher Columbus and try to imagine yourself at the place of a brave navigator and the discoverer. From here there is a funicular straight to Montjuke.
  10. Make a trip to the past, walking along the Gothic Quarter and Raval district. Special crispies are even drunk at such a walk in deep at night - in pursuit of sharp feelings.
  11. Wear comfortable sneakers and sneakers and go beyond the city - enjoy mountainous species and landscapes: Montserrat Monastery, former Craters of ancient volcanoes, small streets of the village of Sitges.
  12. To drink in Catalan wine and eat tapas in the best bars of the city - El Xampanyet (Calle Montcada, 22), El Vaso d'Oro (Calle Balboa, 6), Jai-Ca (Calle Ginebra, 13).
  13. Turn the taste of original national Catalan dishes.
  14. Go to one of the many concerts and ideas in the city, which makes the magnet attracts talented musicians. Daily billboard has dozens of events.
  15. Take a tourist bus on the second floor and with a breeze in the evening or in the morning (not yet hot) ride several times in Barcelona and listen to an interesting audio accounting about the main attractions.
  16. Come on the market of the canter and try to bargain - the pleasure will not only you, but also the seller. After all, tourists who come and buy, as in the store is a solid boredom!
  17. To come to the large opera house "Lisse" and compare it with a large theater in Moscow. If you take care of the tickets in advance, it is quite possible to plunge into the world of high art, watching artists from the comfortable lodge.
  18. Marsh throw on the largest shopping centers of the city, as well as on the flea markets of Ecants and Fira de Nautumismo (Placa Reial), where lucky buyers catch antique items.
  19. Listen to excellent concerts in local clubs, for example, Jamboree, or dance all night on disco La Terrrazza (Open-air), Razmatazz (Main Technology City)

Shopping (what and where to buy)

Photo: Arabic dessert "Tourron"

What are tourists from Barcelona:

  1. Hamon is better to take in vacuum packaging, because it is not enough to bring the leg. You need another acute knife, which can cut meat on thin plates.
  2. Tourron - Arab dessert who loved the Spaniards.
  3. To Christmas in Catalonia, they love to make men to make a lot of need. They are hiding in the house, and according to local beliefs, the whole year will be accompanied by good luck in all matters. Catalans with humor are suitable for the manufacture of figures: it can be famous modern celebrities, politicians and even religious figures. Cagners are sold at all christmas fairs and souvenir shops before the holiday.
  4. Cheese - in Catalonia prepare their specialty delicious varieties. These are mainly a goat cheese with various additives. There is also a sharp - Formatge D-Oli Amb Herbs de Musser. But the most popular on the tables of Catalans is Mato - gentle goat cheese, which is served with dried fruits, berries, jams and honey.
  5. Footwear - in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe long standing traditions of making high-quality shoes at pleasant prices.
  6. Original local souvenirs - they are sold in the Spanish village on Mount Montjuic. Local artisans - glass windows, potters, masters on the skin - work right in front of the tourists.
  7. Olive oil - carefully choose the packaging, we will have to carry in the luggage.
  8. T-shirt FC "Barcelona" with a favorite player is one of the favorite souvenirs for memory.

Photo: Souvenirs

Barcelona has a unique bus for all lovers to make purchases: Barcelona Shopping Line. He makes stops from all the largest shopping centers, as well as near boutique streets and seats with souvenirs. The ticket costs 10 euros, the bus leaves from stops every 7 minutes. At one ticket you can ride a whole day, leaving the bus, making purchases, and departing further along the path.

Check out the video of the Eagle and the Rushka about Shopping in Barcelona:

In the city, two large seasons sales: from January 7 to March 6 and from July 1 to August 31. All stores declare big discounts. Experienced shopaholics know that at the very beginning of the season, the sale of discounts are small - up to 20-30%, but the assortment is huge. But at the end of the season, the discount is already much tangible - up to 70%, but the choice is significantly less.

The capital of Catalonia is a shopping center of the region, so there are many Molls and Outlets:

  1. L'Illa Diagonal (Avinguda Diagonal, 557) - a huge shopping center near the subway, low prices, a large range;
  2. Pedralbes (AV. Diagonal, 609-615) - a modern shopping center, many European brands, as well as Big Fudcourt and even an ice rink;
  3. Bulevard Rosa (Paseo de Gracia, 53) - Premium class brands in numerous boutiques;
  4. El Triangle (Plaça Catalunya, 1-4) - Multi-storey shopping center, modern brands of clothing and cosmetics;
  5. Maremagnum (Muelle de España, 5) - near the port, two floors, a large assortment for every taste;
  6. El Corte Ingles (Plaça de Catalunya 14) - Network Mall in the city center with a huge selection;
  7. Glòries (Plaça de Les Glòries) - convenient location, parking and more than 100 clothing and accessories stores;
  8. La Maquinista (Paseo Potosí, 2) is a good assortment of both famous brands and local brands;
  9. Diagonal Mar (3 AVDA. Diagonal) is a rich selection, comfortable parking and a restorated courtyard on the roof.


In addition to modern shopping centers in the city work wonderful markets.

The most famous of them is Beria, which is located in the heart of Barcelona. Even if you are not going to buy anything, it's still worth to go here so that at least feel this atmosphere.

On the street Avinguda de Francesc Cambó, another Santa Catarina grocery market is working.

Photo: Santa Catarina Market

Among the various street markets is the most popular for the Ecants flea market. His history of existence has more than seven hundred years. This is the oldest market from the preserved in Europe. It works at AV. Meridiana, 69 4 days per week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.


In Barcelona, \u200b\u200ball prices are in euros. Euro exchange rate to ruble 1 to 63. According to reviews of tourists, it is best to change rubles to the euro before traveling. Bank cards take almost everywhere.

The average check on the business lunch with a fixed menu (Menu-del-Dia) in an inexpensive institution is 10-15 euros.

For 20-30 euros you can dine with alcohol in a decent restaurant.

Bread - 0.70 euros

Chicken 1 kg - 4 euros

Tomatoes - 1.5 euros

Milk - 0.8 euros

Prices for tickets to museums from 4 to 15 euros per person.

Souvenirs (plates, magnets) cost from 1 euro.

Taxi's trip is on average 7 euros depending on the range.

Middle budget visits Barcelona per person per day (accommodation, transport, food and tickets to museums and attractions): 100-120 euros.

Where to live

Photo: Hotel Hotel MEDIUM PRISMA

The area of \u200b\u200baccommodation is worth choosing in accordance with priorities. If you want to see the city first, it is worth choosing hotels closer to sights. According to reviews of tourists, the most convenient areas of living are Raval, Born, Eschample, Barcelonetta and Gothic Quarter.

Top 5 inexpensive hotel reviews hotels:

  1. Bonanova (Bisbe Sivilla, 7) is the perfect combination of price-quality, near restaurants, supermarkets, bus stops and metro station.
  2. Hotel Lloret Ramblas (Rambla Canaletes 125) - literally two minutes from the central pedestrian street of Barcelona. Delicious breakfasts, cozy rooms.
  3. AMREY SANT PAU (173 Sant Antoni Maria Claret) is a small hotel in a small distance from the center. Spacious rooms, a great view from the windows, good transport accessibility.
  4. Hotel Medium Prisma (Josep Tarradellas 119-121) is a comfortable stay of 10 minutes from attractions. Rash breakfasts, modern equipment in the rooms.
  5. Smartroom Barcelona (56 Carrer Olzinelles) - minimalist, but comfortable rooms. Near a lot of cafes and restaurants. Sea within walking distance.

Hotel Room 3 Stars costs about 50 euros per person. Hostels and 2 star hotels offer accommodation for about 35 euros per person.

Better so - if needed quite inexpensive, you can spend the night in hostels, an average of 20 euros. The best hostels of Barcelona for tourist reviews:

  1. HostelScat BCN (C / Panissars, 5)
  2. INOUT HOSTEL (Major Del Rectoret, 2)
  3. Hola Hostal Eixample (149 Carrer de Napols)
  4. Barcelona Central Garden Hostel (Roger de Lluria 41)
  5. ALBERGUINN SANTS YOUTH HOSTEL (C / Melcior de Palau 70-74)

For a large company, it is more profitable to rent apartments: per day per person from 20-30 euros.

Plan of vouchers, tours for 1-3-7 days

We have prepared a detailed plan for visiting attractions in Barcelona:

Day Morning Dinner Evening
1 Sagrada temple surname, observation deck, park near According to the avenue, Diagonal to the square of Juan Carlos first. Art Gallery. On foot to the house of Mila, then the house of Balo, to Catalunya Square Triumphal Arch, Fountain Big Cascade, Walk along the sea past the yacht club, casino.
2 Zoological Park Museum of History of Catalonia
3 Square of Catalonia, Museum of Contemporary Art, Beria Market, Bolshoi Theater Lisew, Palace Guelle Narrow streets of the Gothic Quarter, Roman Gate Torres Romanese, Gallery of Contemporary Art (Villa Del Arte Galleries) in an old building Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Holy Evlalia, Museum of History of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSaint Jacob, Canopley Museum
4 For the whole day to go to Montjuic Mountain, visit the Olympic Stadium, View Lighthouse Olympic Museum, Montjuic Fortress, Spanish Village Magic Fountain Montjuic
5 Monastery Montserrat in the mountains or town Sitges or Fegaras Oceanarium
6 Ecants flea market Shopping centers Visit the match at Camp Nou Stadium
7 Relax by the sea Concert in the Palace of Catalan Music

What and where there is

Photo: Seafood

In Spain, at every step are ready to feed delicious. And Catalan cuisine in Barcelona is somewhat different. How to deal with all this manifold?

Top 5 of the most delicious dishes:

  1. Butfarra (Botifarra) - raw meat sausages with spices. Most often it is eaten without heat treatment. There is a more lean white buttiffar or black with pork blood. According to the reviews of travelers, the most delicious Butfarr is served at the Pork Boig Per Tu cafe (Carrer Del Consolat De Mar, 15).
  2. Escudella - stewed dish of potatoes, beans, meat and cabbage. Be careful: this is the food 3 in 1: broth, meat and vegetables. The best evasudel is prepared at the Terra D'Escudella restaurant (Premia 20, Baixos).
  3. Fideua (Fideua) - Barcelona Palelia, but instead of rice, a small noodles add here. As part of vegetables and chicken or seafood. All visitors to 7 Portes restaurant (Passeig Isabel II 14 | PLA Del Palau) is delighted with the local preparation of this famous dish.
  4. Empedrat (Empedrat) is a traditional Catalan cold salad, which in addition to fresh vegetables includes a salt cod. Before serving, it is additionally put in the refrigerator, which is very nice on a hot summer day. The Casa Isabel restaurant (Passeig Garcia Faria 69) is perhaps the most delicious salad in the whole city.
  5. SUQUET DE PEIX is one of the most popular fish dishes in Barcelona. This is a juicy steag of their fish and seafood with potatoes, tomato and several cloths of garlic. When cooking add the latest fish, preferably morning catch. In the restaurant El Grao (Plaza del Mar | Numero 6), there are always many wishing to try this dish.

Some establishments are offered a buffet with unlimited approaches for 10-15 euros per person - these are Network Wok, Fresc & Co, Lactuca, Pans Company, Dao Kaitensushi, El Puma.

Top Excursions for reviews

In Barcelona there is a lot of excursions, and we tried to choose the most interesting reviews of experienced travelers:

  1. Modern and Gothic: Two faces Barcelona - Guide will give the opportunity to see medieval buildings next door to the most modern skyscrapers, will spend along a narrow streets and will bring to wide areas. Excursion participants will learn about the most mysterious legends of the city.
  2. The secrets of Masonic Barcelona are a secret, but the powerful society is a lot of secrets and secrets. But professional historians have learned to read Masonic symbols and solve hidden messages. Tourists will be very surprised by learning how many of them around us in Barcelona.
  3. Flying on a helicopter over the city. You can cover it entirely during the aircraft. Only the favorites can see Barcelona from a bird's eye view. The most famous sights will open with a completely different angle.
  4. Quest "Legends of Barcelona" is an ideal way to get acquainted with Barcelona and go with her to "you" for those who do not like to slowly go for a guide and listen to stories. Here you can become an active participant in the events. In the process of excursion will be able to solve riddles and get into the most mystical places of the city.
  5. The nightlife of Barcelona is a big and dynamic city, where life just begins with the onset of darkness. And it is no less interesting and exciting than at the light of the sun.
  6. Try Barcelona to taste: go with a guide at best establishments, learn how to eat cheese and Hamon and even distinguish high-quality olive oil.

Once again, the beauty of Barcelona will help the video:

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What to see in Barcelona Alone for 3 days. How to get from the airport where to be budget to stay, as well as transport.

How to get to Barcelona

  1. City buses 46, N16, N17 with a ticket price of 0.95-2.15 € or by metro for 4.5 €, but it does not reach the center and you need to transplant to another line.
  2. The easiest way to get to buy to Catalunya Square for 5.9 €.
  3. The most expensive version is 40 €.

Where to stay in Barcelona

  1. Hotels: In the tourist season, hotels start from 60 € for the most budget number and whatever it is better to use the search engine. The search engine compares the price of hotels in different booking systems and shows where cheaper one and the same number. Do not forget about which will reduce the price of hotels up to 20%.
  2. Apartments: To save money, it is better to rent an apartment, it is cheaper and makes it possible to reduce food costs if you prepare. Book a private housing I prefer to where with the help you can get a good discount. I managed to rent a room at the midst of the season for the 3rd day for $ 50 near the historic center.

Transport in Barcelona

This advice is to save on transport you will find on any tourist forum, but I will repeat it. If you are going to use the transport, then at the airport you need to buy not a one-time ticket for 2.15 €, but a pass T10. 10 trips for 9.5 €. This is enough to leave the airport, go to the mountain Tibidabo, to the Fortress of Manzhik, and at the end to return to the airport.

With the active use of urban transport, it is advantageous to buy a unlimited travel from 2 to 5 days. Cost from 15 € for 48 hours.

Attractions Barcelona

Having stayed in this city for 3 days I managed to get around it almost all and even lie down half a day on the beach, but inspecting from the inside many sights did not have time. Somewhere due to large queues, and somewhere due to lack of time. Therefore, tickets are better to buy in advance and you can see much more than me.

  1. The bus route passes on most attractions and can replace urban transport. A ticket for 24 hours 29 €, and for 48 hours 39 €.
  2. Without a queue - 10 €.
  3. Without a queue - 20 €.
  4. Without a queue with Russian audio activities - 22 €.
  5. With audio and video guide - 24,5 €.

What to see in Barcelona for 1 day

The first day in Barcelona is best to devote to the standard tourist route and inspect its historic center and Catalonia Square. There are tens of places of attractions Barcelona. We will try to run on the main one.

Square Catalonia

Start Walking in Barcelona is best to start how many travel guides are advised. . This is not only a historic place, but also the city's transport center, to get here the easiest. Focusing in the city is also easier relative to this place.

Another plus of this place is a tourist center where you can buy a Barcelona card for 1 €, here it does not hesitate for free as in other tourist cities.

Street La Rambla

From Catalonia Square begins street La Rambla This is the most famous and most tourist street of Barcelona. Beginning at the area, it goes to the sea long in 1.5km and ends with a monument to Columbus. Walking along this street is not always measured, because She is simply filled with tourists. Walking through it stands to the Beria market.

Beria Market

Beria Market This is one of the attractions of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bits most adapted for tourists with naturally inflated prices. In the heat, refreshing juices, sliced \u200b\u200bfruits, are sold, just right in the middle of the market there are a mini-cafe, where you can eat freshly prepared fish or other inhabitants of the sea. At the sight, some of them do not look very appetizing.

Rambla Del Raval Street and Ravali Cat

After the market it is worth getting off the street La Rambla to visit another one streetsRambla del Raval . This is mini red Light Area in Barcelona. The trading of the carnal pleasures is not so open here as in Amsterdam, but the girls offering their services a lot.

Those who are not interested in the topic of paid sex should not be bypassing this street by side. Apparently, to attract here more tourists on the street installed the sculpture of a very nice and very large cat whose nickname Ravali cat From the name of the street, but he has a second name on behalf of the sculptor Cat Botero.

But to meet the parrots on this street was quite unexpected for me. Perhaps for Barcelona is a normal phenomenon.

Palace Gulea

Not far from the Red Lantern district is Palace Gulea This is one of the first buildings of the Gaudi architect, which you will see if you go on my route. Many go to Barcelona not for the sake of beaches and rest, but to see the Gaudi buildings who became the work of art under the open sky. The photo of this palace has not been preserved, but if you wish, they can be seen online.

Monument Columbus

We return to La Rambla Street and go to the monument to Columbus at the end of the street. The monument was not easy because it is a port city, because after the opening of the new continent, the navigator arrived in Barcelona to report on the results of his navigation.

The height of the column of 60 meters and there can be climbed to the surveillance site for 6 € buying a ticket. What would the money seemed to be spent in vain you will give a glass of wine to your choice for tasting.

Near the monument are two beautiful buildings - buildingseaport Barcelona and Building of port customs , and if you go further on the pier, then you can go on Oceanarium Barcelona . This is great entertainment for children.

  • For 1 day costs 20 € for an adult and 15 € for children from 5-10 years. (Gallery 9374 and 9360)

Those who are tired of the walk and from the aquarium can go to wet legs into the sea or even sunbathe to the nearest beach Sant Sebastia on the pier to go 1.5km. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhe is considered the youth and most part, for a family with children here can be quite noisy, especially in the evening, when youth in the company gather with alcoholic beverages.

Also, do not be surprised if someone shall be up to the goal and fit to swim in the sea, and then it turns out again. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bit is not prohibited and I watched in the evening on this beach such a picture more than once. If for someone my description it turns out to be frightening, then you should not worry, everything happens peacefully and how the jagged companies and nudist-swimmers did not seem to represent some threat. Only annoyed beer sellers and other drinks, driving on the beach in large quantities.

Gothic Quarter

After the beach, you should return to the center and visit the Gothic Quarter. The name is mystical, which is actively using guides by arranging thematic excursions in the quarter. What would be even more catching up the atmosphere happens in the evening. An example of such an excursion -.

In the quarter you will see landmarks like Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Holy Evlalia, Canoniki Bridge, Royal Palace, Sant Jaume Square or St. Jacob and if you wish, some more different buildings, I listed only the main ones.

Show Flamenco

Here in the Gothic Quarter you can get to the flamenco show in one of the bars, and at the lowest price of 20 € complete with a glass of wine. You can book a table and better do it in advance, especially in the tourist season.

You can pay up to 30 € and buy dinner, but according to the reviews of the show so fascinates that I don't want to be distracted for dinner, because the whole action lasts a little less than 2 hours and the wine glasses is quite enough.

It may arise that for such a price and in such a place you will not see the real flamenco, then you can arrange a similar in 45 €.

Last on the first day of the walk can be viewed. It is located near the Gothic Quarter on Palau De La Musica Street. From the history of the concert hall, it is known that such famous personals were played in his walls as the Spanish singer Montserrat Caballe and the largest pianist Svyatoslav Richter. Today there are concerts here, and from the windows of the palace you can hear the process of artists rehearsals.

The palace can be visited with an organized excursion, which are held mainly in English, but once a day there is a Russian-speaking guide. The ticket costs 18 €, you can buy it.

What to see in Barcelona for 2 days

The main tourist route is completed, it is worth going somewhere a little away of the center and see how the Gaudi architecture. To do this, start again from Catalonia Square and go to Passeig de Gracia Street, it's like La Rambla Street begins with Catalunya Square. There are several Creations of Gaudi at once. Balo House and Mila House . On the same street there is another beautiful house, but the less famous it has worked on another architect.

For fans of Gaudi, and you will become necessary when you see his creations live, there is a thematic excursion -.

Entrance to all houses Gaudi paid and wishing a lot, especially in the tourist season. So get ready for big queues or buy a ticket in advance online. And now briefly about the houses of Mila and Balo.

House Mila

At the sight of this house, you may arise any associations, and everyone will have their own. For example, I seemed that the house was melted in the sun, and sometimes the feeling was created that he was moving somewhere. The most interesting thing is that this house is partially residential and in apartments you can independently manage the space of the rooms, moving the walls. Another part of the building is a museum where you can see an example of apartments, as well as climb the roof.

  • costs 22 € when buying online.

House Balo

This is another extravagant Creation of Gaudi, which turned out as a result of the alteration of an ordinary standard home. Here you can surprise the complete absence of straight lines and an unusual roof, which will remind the dragon's science. It is with this character that many are associated the main facade of the house. Also pay attention to how Gaudi trembled to the lighting system. The walls in the courtyard, at the very foundation, where the least of the world, he decided to designate with light tiles, and already at the very top - dark. All this is possible to look at tourists.

  • online costs 23.5 €.

Fabulous houses in Barcelona created not only Gaudi, but also other masters. For example, Pascual-I-Pons house is the creation of architect Enric Sanya. Such a name house was given in honor of his two tenants Alexander Pons and Sebastian Pascual.

House with spikes - Les Punxes

After the house of Mila, you can not reach the end of the street, but to go to the side of one of the main attractions of Barcelona Sagrada Familia, but still we will go to it, you can see several more objects. The first will be a house with turrets that look like a castle, it is located on Diagonal Avenue. Because of the same six turrets, it was called a house with spikes. There is another name - Terrades, in honor of the sisters, Terrades, who made an order for the construction of this house.

  • It costs 12.5 €, running time from 9 to 20.

Next we go prospect Diagonal before the intersection of S. passeig de Sant Joan StreetIf you turn right to this street, you can see the monument to the Catalan poet Jasinta Verdager-I-Santallo.

Sagrada Familia.

After the previous church, honey houses should already be viewed. The main goal for today Sagrada Familia. . If you want to get inside, then prepare for the longest queue in Barcelona for several hours.

  • Without a queue - 20 €.

The church of the Holy Family or in another Sagrada Sagrada is the main Cathedral of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwho dedicated 43 years old by Antonio Gaudi. He managed the construction, he was not immediately, another architect worked over his cathedral, who planned to give the temple a completely different appearance. When Gaudi came for work, he planned 3 facades, but only one was being built - the facade of the Christmas of Jesus Christ. In 1926, the architect died, and the construction of the temple went into the hands of other masters. The following two facades are the passion of Christ and Sunday have significant differences from the facade of Christmas. Antonio Gaudi is buried in the crypt of this temple.

On the day of our visit, part of the cathedral was in the scaffolding, the lifting cranes worked, as the cathedral was not yet completed and the construction continues to the present.

If not stuck from Sagrada Familia until the end of the day and still want to see the sea for today, you can go to him, and on the way to see Tower Agbar, National Theater of Catalonia, Ciutadella Park and Triumphal Arch .

From Sagrada, the last name we went on Gaudi street and at her end we saw a beautiful building - the São Pau's Hospital or the Hospital of the Holy Cross and St. Paul. Be sure to look inside the hospital and get into the courtyard, it is very beautiful there.

  • costs 13 €.

This is a former hospital, built in the 15th century. But only she was then elsewhere. And the existing building was built already in XX. It was in this hospital after an accident died Antonio Gaudi.

Tower Agbar and National Theater of Catalonia

Tower Agbar and National Theater of Catalonia, built quite recently, but are already part of tourist programs and are indicated on tourist maps. Several words want to say about the tower. Tower Agbar is named after the company, which sponsored the construction. From far it may seem that it is just a brilliant tower, but in fact, there are offices inside. And if you get closer, you can consider windows in chaotic order.

Triumphal Arch and Ciutadella Park It can be considered as one object, they smoothly switch one to one with a pedestrian alley. The arch built specifically for the World Exhibition to 1888, as an entrance gate.

At the site of the park once there was a citadel, so it is now so called. In the park there will be something to do and children, because Here, apart from the beauty of the park itself there is a zoo.

  • When buying online it costs 19.9 € for an adult and 11.95 € for children.

If there is still time on the beach, the closer to the park is Olimpica Beach, this is one of the most popular beaches of Barcelona because of a similar location. It makes your drawbacks, the beach is always crowded and often many garbage.

What to see in Barcelona for 3 days

On the 3rd day, when the entire center is already segged on foot, you can ride the most outskirts of Barcelona and get to such places as Mount Tibidabo and Montjuic Fortress To see Barcelona from a bird's eye view. You can get both fiscal by public transport and taking advantage of tourist features or cableways, prices for which several times higher.

How to get in 0.95 € to the mountain, as well as other ways I described in a separate story, for those who are going to visit this place -. Below I will give some photos.

If in the fortress Montjuic, children can be bored, then to the mountain of Tibidabo with children it is necessary to go be sure to go, because There is a small amusement park.

  • When buying online costs 28.5 €.

Montjuic Fortress

About Tibadabo, I painted quite a lot, but how to get into the fortress Montjuic to the height of 200m? You can get from Spain Square by bus 150 for 0.95 € or to ride on the cable car from the port of Barcelona for 11 €, just on the mountain from Parallelo Metro Station on Funicilere.

From the history of the fortress it is known that already in XI on Mount Mojik was a watchtower, which laid the beginning of the history of the fortress. The motive of construction was the Segadorsk uprising or war of the reapers. The fortress was erected in thirty days during the siege of Barcelona Spaniards.

Entrance to the fortress is paid 5 € for adults and 3 € for children and students. If you are not impressed by the fortress, then you should not get upset, but especially to leave the mountain. From the mountains, it is best to go down to the square of Spain, and on the way you can see Olympic Village and National Palace And a few more beautiful parks.

Square Spain

This is an elegant area with a fountain in the center. In the circular building in medieval times, spectacular battles with bulls were organized, and now there is a shopping center Arenas de Barcelona. Two Venetian towers give rise to Queen's Avenue Maria Christina.

Such a beautiful view of Queen's Avenue Maria Christina will open from the steps of the National Palace, in which the National Art Museum of Art Catalonia is located.

We indicated the approximate location of the apartments that we liked. You can only find out the exact address of the apartment only after you book it.

Beach rich

Best City Beach

Do not even try to swim in the summer on the very closest to the center of the city of the beach - on Barcelonet: there is so crowded, noisy and dirty, that, even if you succeed, it will not want to go to it. This is a quintessence of that Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich is local residents lately, just say, dislike. Go to the far beach. The richer in the Pobyloede district - it is more, wider, cleaner, more beautiful, and people are much smaller there (and in the no-season so in general holy emptiness). In addition, the victim himself is incredibly nice - from the God of the forgotten industrial outskirts, he in recent years has become alive, cozy, fashionable and, unfortunately, dear area. The beach is a mesh for volleyball, there is a playground with simulators and a playground, free city Wi-Fi, and at the very end of the beach, in the municipal center for water sports, hides a cafe - with a great terrace and beach view: it's worth come here Behind a glass of cold white or kava.

Park Jardins de la Tamarita

Jungle at the foot of Tibidabo

Jardins de la Tamarita - a carefully hidden treasure in the bourgeois area of \u200b\u200bSan Zhervasi - so carefully that even many Barcelonians do not know about its existence. It is worth a collapse in the park from the noisy Avenue of San Zhervasi - and it seems that it moved in space in a second and got into the jungle. Here are the real thickets: blamed palms, acacia, planenes, cypress trees, bamboo plus orange trees and a 23-meter centenary oak; And all this in the city center, in a step from a big important street. In Jardins de la Tamarita, a completely different air is more fresh, cool and wet. The park was broken at the beginning of the 20th century on the territory of the estate of the Cravinkel family - there is an excellent playground, fountains and quiet creek plus a lot of secluded corners with benches and without where teenagers kiss, play hide and seek children and reflect on life beerry old people.

Observatory Fabra

Acting Observatory, where gastronomic dinners are satisfied






















