Tourism in Ireland. The level of development of tourism in Ireland Is the geographical position of Ireland favorable for tourism

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For many centuries, Ireland was the outskirts of all of Europe, and this despite the fact that many scientists and prominent Irish people worked in almost all corners of Europe. Per centuries of history More than once they tried to turn Ireland into a Protestant state, they tried to seize it by the colonial yoke, and the inhabitants of this hungry and poor land tried to leave to work overseas.

At the present time, Ireland is one of the most developed countries in the world with a high GDP and HDI per capita. Almost 30% of Ireland's GDP comes from the export of high-tech products and software. In addition, tourism is developing rapidly in Ireland. Thus, tourists from all over the world are attracted picturesque corners countries covered with Celtic legends. The most visited place in the state is Dublin, which was founded by the Vikings in the 9th century. At the beginning of the 18th century, the city became the center of the struggle against British rule, and already in 1919 Ireland became an independent state.

The most famous and historical monuments of the capital are Trinity College, founded in 1591, Dublin Castle of the 13th century, as well as gothic cathedral St. Patrick. Most of the inhabitants can be found on the square or the embankment. So, walking along the embankment, you can visit the defense towers, which were still erected in the era of Napoleon. One of the towers houses the museum of the famous writer James Joyce, who lived in it. for a long time. In addition, such a rare direction in tourism as equestrian tourism is developing in Ireland. The thing is that the Irish are proud of their traditions, which are hundreds of years old.

Popular centers of the so-called equestrian tourism are the cities of Killarney and Birr. Ireland is also very popular country for resort recreation, in particular sailing. Here is the most real paradise for those who like to enjoy the lonely and quiet nature. One of the most popular island is Blasket. It is located off the coast of the Dingle Peninsula. One of the oldest lighthouses in the country is located on this island. despite the inactive island life, many residents try to move to the islands, where they experience a sense of solitude and peace. It is noteworthy that the landowners of Ireland quite carefully preserve the old traditions. Among the visited objects, it is worth highlighting the chapel in the town of Gallarus, which was laid out of stones back in the 6-7th century, the ruins of the cemetery and the church on the island of Holi, the Irish pub - a classic vacation spot for many Irish people and much more.

Ireland provides opportunities not only for sightseeing tourism, but also for agro- and ecotourism, and many opportunities for outdoor activities.

Ireland has many beautiful mansions and gardens open to the public. In order to make the right route, you should pay attention to:

The Heritage Services, Duchas- The Department of Arts and Cultural Heritage is responsible for the preservation of the nature of the island and historical monuments, including prehistoric burial grounds or monasteries, medieval castles and national reserves. The list of this organization includes 65 monuments

Heritage Towns of Ireland— This organization unites cities and villages with valuable architectural monuments.

Houses, Castles and Gardens of Ireland— The association includes important architectural monuments.

Heritage Island— The consortium brings together monuments across Ireland - North and South.

National Trust- The trust was approved for the protection of the coast, the countryside. The trust list includes 600 miles of coast and more than 200 mansions and gardens. It is a charitable organization independent of the government, completely dependent on the donations of its members.

Northern Ireland Museum Council“It's a charitable organization sponsored by the Department of Culture. Supports museums in Northern Ireland.

Ireland has great fishing opportunities with a network of canals, lakes, rivers and coastal seas. Sea fishing is just as good as river fishing.

Other types of tourism in Ireland


What could be better than river cruise along the rivers and lakes of Ireland, including Shannon, Barrow, Grand Canal, Erne? A cruise is a wonderful vacation for the whole family, for a friendly company or a couple in love. It does not matter that you have never sailed a yacht before, you will be taught on the spot, and you will go on an exciting voyage.

Cycling tourism

This is a very favorite sport of the Irish, many of them are famous athletes. A bicycle is a very good means of transportation if you appreciate the beauty of rural landscapes. You can always rent a bike from the operator or directly on the spot.

Horseback Riding

During the Middle Ages, according to Breton law, only noble people could ride a horse. Nowadays more and more more tourists enjoy horseback riding. Many programs include exciting rides on horseback.

horse racing

Horse racing is very popular in Ireland, with 25 races taking place annually across Ireland.

Celtic football. Rugby. Football

There are many sports competitions throughout Ireland.


Ireland's landscapes make an ideal base for hiking.

Water tourism and sports

In Ireland, there are many types - rowing, sailing, kayaking. Surfing, windsurfing

Holidays and festivals

There are many fans of literature and music in Ireland, so cultural festivals are the favorite brainchild of the Irish. Plan your trip to Ireland to take part in the festival.

Emerald Island. A country where there are twice as many sheep as people, the grass is green both in summer and winter, and tomatoes barely have time to ripen by the end of August, even in a greenhouse. I fell in love with Ireland as a child from books and films for endlessly fresh green landscapes, ruins of castles in almost every village, for music and dancing, for interest and aspiration local residents study and maintain the history and culture of their country. I fell in love with it with all my heart and dreamed of getting there every year. My dream came true when I was 16. Since then I have been returning to Ireland every year.

The island of Ireland is small. You can visit the main cities and the most interesting places in one and a half to two weeks. But secrets and wonders are hidden in the farthest corners of almost forgotten villages... Probably, that's why you want to return there again and again and discover new ones, uncharted places.

Few travel agencies offer to buy a trip to Ireland. Most often this individual tours by enough high prices. It is much easier and more profitable to organize a trip yourself, it is very easy to do it: the main thing is to have a great desire!

Collection of documents and obtaining a visa

An Irish tourist visa is much easier to obtain than an English one. At the same time, you need to be extremely careful when collecting documents.

First you need to fill out an electronic form on the website of the Irish consulate. There you can also find a design guide and a list required documents.

Embassy of Ireland in Russia

All papers, along with a printed application form and photographs, must be taken to the visa department of the Irish Embassy in Moscow, which is located at Groholsky Lane, 5. There are no Irish embassies in other cities, but all documents can be sent by courier, personal presence is not necessary. If you still decide to take the documents yourself, then your station is Prospect Mira, from it to the house you need on foot 7-10 minutes. The place is quite small, most of the time there are no queues. The staff is friendly and welcoming.

If your set of papers lacks any additional document necessary for obtaining a visa, for example, a copy of the passport of the inviting person in case you are flying to visit, most likely you will be offered to send the necessary papers by fax.

Terms of consideration and subtleties of obtaining a visa

Documents are reviewed fairly quickly. Most often, a visa is issued in a week, but the terms may change during the high tourist season, that is, in the summer.

Things to remember when collecting documents:

  • All hotels must be booked. If you are flying by invitation, it should be written where you will spend the night. You must also have proof of your return to your home country (return ticket).
  • All documents must be translated into English language and notarized!
  • The Irish visa is valid only in the territory of the Republic of Ireland. If you would like to visit northern part islands, it is necessary to submit documents to the British Embassy.

By the way, with an English visa you can enter not only the territory of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but also the rest of the Emerald Isle. However, this rule is valid only until October 2016. Details can be found on the websites of the Irish and British embassies.

How to get there

Ireland is an island. Accordingly, you can get there either by plane or by ship.

By plane

The easiest way to get to Ireland, of course, is by plane. However, keep in mind the fact that most likely you will fly with a transfer. Direct flights from Moscow are operated by the S7 airline, but they do not happen every day, and the prices for such a flight are quite high.

Transfer flight

It is most convenient to fly through France or the UK. For your peace of mind and ease of travel, buy tickets from one airline, i.e. when buying, drive in the search bar immediately the city of departure and the city of destination (for example, Dublin).

The airline itself will offer you options for routes and cities of transfers. Personally, I have always felt comfortable flying Air France with a layover in Paris. Tickets cost about 16,000 rubles in both directions. True, on this moment Air France does not offer such prices. But a similar cost, if you're lucky, can be found on the website of the Dutch airline KLM. Accordingly, the transfer will be in Amsterdam.

From Moscow and St. Petersburg

From Moscow or St. Petersburg, you can get to Dublin with a transfer any day, it all depends on which airline you choose. The list is quite large. The most profitable and convenient offers are usually at:

  • Finnair with transfer at , flight time 1.45 + 3 hours,
  • KLM with transfer in Amsterdam, flight time 3.15 + 1.35 hours,
  • Air France with a change in Paris, flight time 3.55 + 2 hours,
  • Lufthansa with transfer in Frankfurt, 3.20 + 2 hours.

The prices of all these airlines are approximately the same, moreover, they are constantly changing. Most likely the flight will cost 20,000 rubles in both directions. The easiest way to compare prices and find the best deals is on sites like Skyscanner or TravelAsk.

From other cities

From others major cities It will be somewhat more difficult for Russia to get to Ireland. If you try, you can find tickets with one transfer (for example, from Yekaterinburg by the airline Turkish airlines through ). But the easiest way would be to take a ticket with two, that is, fly to the capital, and then to Dublin with a transfer in one of the EU countries.

You can look at the options from your city on the sites for finding air tickets.

Airports in Ireland

More or less major airports in Ireland there are in such cities as:

  • Dublin (actually the capital of Ireland),
  • Shannon (it’s more convenient to fly there if you are going to start traveling around the island from cities such as or),
  • Cork (the southern part of the island, from there it is easier to get to the Dingle Peninsula and the ring of Carrie).

Well established between airports and cities transport connection(by Irish standards), there are buses. There are other airports, but planes fly there much less frequently.

By train

By train, you can get from Moscow to the port of Holyhead in Wales, from where a ferry leaves for Dublin. There will be several segments of the path:

  • Train - (the cost will be about 20,000 rubles and more).
  • Train - (such a train goes quickly, the duration of the trip is only 2 hours and 15 minutes, and tickets will cost from 35 € or 29 pounds and more).
  • Train - Holyhead (journey time is approximately 4 hours, tickets cost about 48 € or 40 pounds, prices may vary depending on the chosen date and time).

It will not be possible to save with the help of trains for sure, and in time the move will be quite long. But it will be possible to see clearly more than from the window of an airplane. The main thing is not to forget to make the necessary visas!

By bus

If you don’t really want to bother with searching and buying train and ferry tickets, you can fly to England and then buy a bus ticket -. How, you ask? Is there an ocean there?

In fact, the bus also moves on a boat. You don't need to buy a separate ticket for it. For a price of 42 € (35 pounds) and above, two companies will be able to take you from one island to another:

  1. Euroline UK,
  2. Megabus.

The drive, however, will take a long time: about 12 hours. But you can go out and walk in English towns at stops, which usually last about two hours.

Main routes on the way: M1, S8, A2, E40, M20, M40. The distance is about 3600 km. Travel time: 40 hours (approximately).

For such a trip, you will need Schengen and English visas. Well, and a visa of the Republic of Ireland in the event that at the time of your trip the program for visiting Ireland with the help of a UK visa ceases to operate.

During the journey, you will have to cross the sea twice: once by train (the ticket will cost about 200 € in both directions, the car is placed on a special platform) and once by ferry (from the port of Holyhead to Dublin).

By ferry

In the event that you have an English visa, you plan to visit the UK and like to travel by ship, you can get to Ireland by ferry. There are many transport companies that operate regular ferry crossings, mainly to Dublin, Cork or Belfast (Northern Ireland).
The most famous include:

  • Irish Ferries,
  • Brittany Ferry,
  • Stena line.

The journey takes 2 to 4 hours from Wales, England and Scotland or up to 18 hours from France ( Attention, you need a Schengen visa to visit France!). This option may seem interesting for those who do not like or are afraid to fly.

Buying tickets

Ferry tickets can be purchased at this. It is in English, but it’s quite easy to figure it out: drive in the city of departure and city of destination, the number of passengers, transport (you can move on your own two feet, or you can use your own car or bicycle) and voila! Then it remains only to look at the price and choose a ticket.

So, for example, from Wales (Holyhead port) to Dublin and back can be reached for 81 € (68 pounds, price both ways) by Stena Line ferry. The trip will last a little longer than 3 hours. The town of Holyhead, in turn, can be reached by train from London.

Tourist regions

Ireland can be conditionally divided into three tourist regions:

  • Dublin and environs.
    many significant and interesting places located in Dublin and suburbs. Dublin is the capital and most visited city in Ireland. From it you can easily and quickly get to Malachaid Castle, national park Wicklow Mountains, Glendalough Dales, etc.

  • West Coast.
    This region includes the territory from Limerick to the Connemara region. Principal cities: , Ennis, . Here, the most visited places include the Cliffs of Moher, the Aran Islands and Keilmore Abbey.

  • Southern part of Ireland.
    Here it is worth highlighting the Dingle Peninsula, the ring of Carrie and the surroundings of the city of Cork. Principal cities: Dingle, Tralee, Killarney, Cork.

You can see which hotels are offered in each of the regions, but I usually book on Booking -. Options for private apartments are presented in the Trevelask section.

Top cities

From my point of view, there are several cities in Ireland that you cannot do without visiting. They are all different, big and small, but each is beautiful in its own way:


From the port near Galway, as well as from the pretty village of Doolin, you can take a small ferry to three wonderful islands:

  • inishmore,
  • inishman,
  • Inisheer.

They are also called the Aran Islands. This is a favorite vacation spot for both visiting tourists and the Irish themselves. Of course, you can’t call these islands resorts, but I wouldn’t refuse to build a summer house there. Ah, dreams!


It is the largest of the three islands and the most popular. In order to see everything, one day is enough, but many people want to stay there longer - it's so beautiful and cozy around. For those who are in no hurry to leave, small B&B hotels are waiting all over the island, which you can see.

The favorite form of transport on each of the islands is a bicycle. Walking around for a long time, but on an iron horse just right. Bicycle rentals are located right at the pier, and the choice is quite large. You can find a walking, high-speed, mountain, double, with a trunk, with a basket, with a trailer ... in general, for every taste! The price for renting a bike is approximately 10–15 €. In addition, you will need to leave a small deposit, you can check it on the spot.

There are also cab drivers on duty at the pier. If you are too lazy to pedal, you can jump into the cart, and a motley horse will make a circle around the island. A good-natured Irishman will also conduct a tour if he likes you. True, in English. Such a trip will cost more, I guess, the approximate cost will be about 30–40 €.

In the farthest part of the island is a local attraction. These are rocks just below the famous Cliffs of Moher. There are much fewer people, and the beauty is indescribable. You can lie on the edge for hours and not notice how time flies.

Inisheer and Inishman

These islands are much smaller. However, there is also something to see. The system with bicycles still works, although it is quite possible to take a walk here.

The main occupation of the locals is animal husbandry. Sheep are mainly grown, from the wool of which threads are spun, and then a variety of products are knitted. The wool of Aran sheep is famous throughout Ireland. You can buy sweaters, socks, hats and other things on any of the islands. Prices start at €7 for the simplest items like socks, but the larger items are much more expensive. Aran wool socks have saved my life more than once in cold rainy weather.

How to get to the islands

The easiest way is to buy a tour in the town. Tours can be bought at the tourist office, which is located near the bus station. The price includes, in fact, only transport - a bus from the city to the port and back + ferry to the island and back. Any island can be chosen.

There are such tours every day, the price is about 30 €. There are discounts for students (you can prove that you are a student by showing an icic card. A Russian-style student ID will not work: the Irish don’t really want to understand what it is. But icic is known and accepted in many places). Buses leave around 9 am for the first ferry. The return ferry can be chosen depending on how much time you plan to spend on the island.

Top attractions

  • Cliffs of Moher.
    What is most often found in pictures or postcards. Crazy height and stunning beauty. This is a place where you want to come back again and again, lie on the edge of a cliff, look at the horizon and catch salt spray, miraculously reaching the top along with the wind.
    You can get to the cliffs from the city. However, it is also possible to book a tour from other cities.

  • Guinness factory.
    For many, one of the first associations with Ireland is Guinness beer. Which, in general, is true: the beer was created here, and it is in great demand among both locals and tourists, and many consider it almost a healing drink. It is said to be used as a vitamin for pregnant women and as a supplement for the finest Irish racehorses. True or not?
    The factory describes in detail the process of creating Guinness, as well as tells its history. At the end of the tour, you can try this beer (or rather, a stout) at the highest level of the plant-museum, in the Sky Bar.

  • Banratty Castle.
    Beautiful medieval castle with a park around. You can walk along narrow stairs and corridors, wide and cold halls, climb the towers and also go down to the dungeons. One part of the park is a museum under open sky, a real life story. A village where Irish hard workers walk the streets, where you can look into houses and see how someone lives. The other part of the park looks like a zoo. In the enclosures you can see a variety of animals, mostly domestic, as well as those found in Ireland. So, for example, deer graze in the glades, and guard houses and estates. huge dogs, Irish wolfhounds.

  • Calemore Abbey..
    Initially, this palace was a private estate. A beautiful castle on the lake with a park around. Then the monks settled there, and the estate turned into a monastery. The abbey is open for visits, you can walk around the palace and the surrounding areas, park and garden.

  • Blarney Castle.
    A lot of people travel to County Cork specifically to visit Blarney Castle. After all, it is there that the famous stone of eloquence is located! According to legend, whoever kisses this stone will gain the ability to talk anyone into anything. The stone is built into the wall, so to get to it, you have to lie on the ground and hang down a little. However, there are always queues of people who want to.


Many people think that Ireland is something like or (I even heard this!) Greenland. Not everything is so bad! Yes, it's raining in Ireland. Often. Summer, winter, autumn, spring... So you should always have a raincoat or at least an umbrella with you. However, the rain usually passes quickly, and the roads and the ground dry out just as quickly, which is wonderful and amazing.

Very pleasant climate, never too hot (even like in summer in Moscow) or too cold (even like in Moscow in winter). Temperatures rarely rise above +25°C in summer and hardly fall below -3°C in winter. Snow is a rare phenomenon, and green meadows with sheep can be observed all year round. Be prepared for the fact that on the same summer day you may need a warm sweater and a light T-shirt. The weather is changeable and can easily play a trick on you.

Summer is the best season to visit Ireland. Still warmer, and less rain.

Moving around the country

Transport in Ireland is developed quite well. Buses go to any more or less visited town, there are also trains (attention, railway stations not available in all tourist cities!). In addition, you can fly from one part of the island to another (as well as to the Aran Islands) by plane.

Ticket price

As I said, transport is quite expensive. Usually a bus ticket is much cheaper than a train ticket. However, if you watch tickets in advance via the Internet, the situation becomes completely opposite. In any case, buying tickets in advance, you can save a lot.

For example: a bus ticket from Dublin to will cost about 15€. A train ticket costs about 20€. For a bus from Galway to you will also have to pay about 15 €, but a train ticket will cost only 10 € if you buy it on the Irish Railways website. All prices quoted by me are approximate and change from time to time. Check ticket prices on the websites of Irish transport companies or directly at the stations.


For lovers of hitchhiking: catching a car on the island is real! Stop often, people are mostly good-natured and friendly. A couple of years ago, I was able to hitchhike all over the island. Minor difficulties arose only on the Cork-Dublin segment, where we had to wait for the car for about two hours.

I have never come across a car rental, since I myself am not driving. However, those who travel this way can read about car rental prices in the Travelask section.


Internet and WiFi hotspots are much easier to find in Ireland than in many European countries.

For example, free Wi-Fi can be used in the city land transport Dublin. In many cafes and restaurants, Internet access is also provided free of charge, the same applies to hotels and hostels.

The easiest way to call Russia is to buy a SIM card from local telecom operators. These include, for example, vodafone, orange and three. You can also purchase in advance in Russia international card sim-travel. It's cheaper than using roaming.

Language and communication

Ireland is bilingual: Irish Gaelic and English. Although Irish is the official language and is required to be taught in schools, Irish people mostly speak English among themselves. Only in the most remote corners green country you can meet grandparents for whom Gaelic is the main language.

However, even the English we are used to in Ireland sounds quite original. Not everyone speaks clearly and clearly, and Irish pronunciation is legendary.

Simple phrases in the local language for those who are going to get lost in the Irish outback or surprise familiar Irish people:

  • Fáilte (Falcha) - Welcome!
  • Is mise ... (Is misha) - My name is ...
  • Is as ... dom (Is as ... house) - I am from ...
  • Slainte! (Sloncha!) - To your health (toast)!
  • Tarrthail! (Tarheil!) - Help!
  • Stad! (Stat!) - Stop!
  • Gura mile (Gur mile) - Thank you.
  • Ta bron orm! (Ta bronorm) - Sorry.
  • Ní thuigim (Ni higem) - I don't understand.
  • Slán (Slan!) - Bye!

But do not be afraid :). The English we are used to is the official language. All residents speak it, including among themselves. It's rare to find people just chatting in Irish. Personally, I have never met.

Features of the mentality

The Irish are very hospitable people. Do not expect that if you get off the bus and look at the map, crowds of locals will immediately run to you to tell you where everything is and at the same time invite you home for a cup of tea. At the same time, if you are really lost, do not hesitate, they will definitely help you and tell you everything. The Irish can even offer lodging for the night in their house if you are in trouble and left without a roof over your head - this happened to me once when, having hitchhiked to some remote village, I missed the last bus to Dublin, and cars at night little travel around the country.

Of course, do not forget that all people are different, and even among the Irish you can meet those who do not wish you well. Just be careful.

Food and drink

There are not as many differences between Russian and Irish cuisine as there are between Russian and Indian, for example. Irish cuisine is quite familiar to the Russian stomach, and you will not find new strange products in this country.

The Irish love to eat tasty and, most importantly, satisfying. Dishes can be characterized by the top that I give below.


Separately, I would like to mention two favorite Irish drinks. Even if you are indifferent to beer, it is still worth trying at least once.


World famous stout. In Ireland, they will definitely tell you how and from what it is created, how to properly store, pour and drink it. And you will also find out that the same Guinness as in Ireland, you will not buy in any other country. The Irish produce two types of this stout, one for distribution around the world, and the other for their own favorites.


Favorite drink ever! It seems that there is very little alcohol in cider (it is also called apple wine). From one pint it can carry away well, and it is drunk as easily as apple juice.

5 dishes worth trying

  • Irish breakfast.
    Few people these days eat hearty and hearty breakfasts. But it has long been considered a very correct action! In cold countries, a full hot breakfast helps keep you energized for most of the day, so rest assured that if you decide to try it, you'll have enough energy to take a walk through the Irish hills and fields.
    There is nothing alien to our stomach in an Irish breakfast: one or two scrambled eggs, beans, fried tomatoes, small fried sausages and a slice of bacon. A similar breakfast is also served in England - there, of course, it is called English.

  • Irish Stew.
    In our opinion, Irish Stew is the most common stew. The dish is extremely simple: meat stewed with vegetables (mainly potatoes). The main traditional difference is that meat and potatoes are cut very, very large. It turns out rustic and tasty.

  • Salty ice cream.
    Such ice cream can be tasted in the town of Dingle in one of the coffee houses. There are a lot of species, but this is the most famous. Real sea salt is added to it, which is mined by hand right near the city.

  • Oysters and mussels at Temple Bar.
    The most famous bar in Dublin, which is located in the district of the same name, is Temple Bar. They say the oysters and mussels are the best in town! Haven't tried it elsewhere, but at Temple Bar they are really magical. Especially if you order a pint of Guinness with them.

  • Salted butter toast.
    You can't eat Irish breakfast every day, there's too much of everything. Having lived for some time in an Irish family, I noticed that they always buy salted butter. And it's really delicious! Most of the days I started my mornings with coffee and crispy hot toast with salted butter. Surprisingly simple and very tasty.


Ireland is not a country for shopping. People come here for impressions, for unusual views, wonderful photographs...

Few people consider Ireland from the point of view of replenishing their personal wardrobe. However, in major cities you can find everything you need and take a promenade to shopping centers.

What you need to know about shopping in this country

If you still consider Ireland as a country for productive shopping, you should consider buying clothes or local drinks. Household appliances in terms of quality and price are unlikely to differ for the better from other European countries.

Clothing in Ireland is relatively inexpensive. I remember I was able to buy a knitted vest with faux fur trim on the hood for only 6 €. My Spanish friends, who came to Ireland to study English, bought clothes in such a way that they had to send things to Spain by mail: it no longer fit into their suitcases.

As for food and drinks, Guinness, cider and whiskey are most often brought home from Ireland. Be careful with the packaging - carry only in luggage, wrap the glass in soft things and towels so that the bottles do not break.

Shopping is easiest to do in large shopping centers or specialized stores.

The best cities for shopping

It is most realistic to do shopping in the most big cities. These include Dublin, and Cork. There are large shopping centers, as well as streets with shops of well-known brands in Europe.

What to bring from this country

Walking around Dublin, as well as in many other towns, it is impossible not to pay attention to the alluring Carols souvenir shops.

There you can buy almost any souvenirs related to Ireland - T-shirts, leprechaun hats, traditional music CDs, backpacks, magnets, postcards, toys, mugs, jewelry, umbrellas, Guinness and whiskey flavored caramels, pots of Irish clover seeds for sprouting etc.

It is very difficult to leave these stores empty-handed!

Vacation with children

Of course, it is better to go to Ireland with older children who are used to a large number travel and walking.

At the same time, every city has something for every child, whether it's a mini zoo, pony rides or meeting a princess in a castle. For example, in Dublin, the Leprechaun Museum will impress both adults and children.


Ireland is a small and rather calm country. You need to be most careful in large cities (Dublin, Cork), especially in the evenings. Late in the summer, you can meet drunken youth walking on the streets, but, as a rule, the guys behave quite peacefully.

Arriving in Dublin on the night bus at 4 am, I encountered a small number of homeless or simply drunk people spending hours near restaurants until dawn. Catering open around the clock. Seeing you as a non-local person, they may try to start communicating with you: offer the help of a tour guide in their own person, eternal friendship, or something else like that. As a rule, they don’t want anything bad, but they won’t be able to say anything useful either. If suddenly there is a desire to communicate with them (well, you never know) - hold your bags and wallets tight. Just in case.

Popular types of scams

Perhaps I will write again that Ireland is a very peaceful country. Crime of some sort rarely occurs here. However, here are a few tips that can help keep you safe on your trip:

  • Don't lose sight of personal items. Especially when walking along the streets of large cities. Theft is everywhere, including in Ireland
  • No matter how nice the hostess of a private hotel is, do not leave valuables in sight and always close the door to your room with a key
  • If you live in a hostel, you need to have a lock with you so that you can close your personal box or locker, leaving something there.
  • Don't trust everyone you meet. The Irish are a sweet and good-natured people and often want to help with difficult situation even absolutely strangers. You may well accept their help and listen to their advice, but you should not lose your vigilance. A little suspicion does not hurt, people are different. Trust but verify.

5 things you definitely shouldn't do

There are a few things that are definitely not worth doing in Ireland.

  • Forget the umbrella. Without putting a raincoat or an umbrella in your bag, you run the risk of falling under a real downpour in an open field (especially considering that almost all of Ireland's attractions are located in open areas).

  • Drinking too much whiskey/Guinness/cider. Russians know how to drink. Irish people too. You should not compete on the subject of who outdrinks whom. The atmosphere of the pub inspires alcoholic exploits, however, remember that you are in a foreign country and you most likely still have to somehow get on the bus.

  • Take the last bus. Well, no, you can, of course, and on him. Most likely, he will still come. Or maybe not. This advice was given to me by my Irish friends in the city of Ennis, who know exactly the quirks of intercity buses.

  • Walk along the edge of a cliff. Although there are warning signs everywhere, tourists are drawn to stroll along the very edge of the Cliffs of Moher. Be careful - it's really dangerous.

  • Hurry somewhere. The Irish are a quiet people. Nobody is ever in a hurry. If you are accustomed to the frantic pace of life in the metropolis, at first in Ireland it will be a little difficult for you to understand how the locals live. However, try to accept it and adjust to their time course. You will always be in a hurry and late, and they simply will not understand you, it will only be worse for you.

5 things to do in this country

What should you definitely do when you get to the Emerald Isle:

  • Do an Irish dance.
    Irish dances are different: sports and “for the soul”, solo and team, soft and hard. One of the types of Irish dances is set dances. Among them there are simpler and more difficult ones, but even a person who has come to a lesson or a party for the first time will be able to dance something. The Irish (mostly the older generation) gather for meetings in pubs where there is a dance floor and dance to live music. The meeting takes place in the form of a lesson with a brief analysis of the dance scheme, then the music begins to play, and lo and behold, everyone is dancing! You can always look at it, but it's even better to join and try it yourself!

  • Try to catch the leprechaun.
    There are many fairy tales and legends about the little magical inhabitants of Ireland - leprechauns. It is unlikely that you will be able to catch (although ...), but you can find out everything about these creatures and not only in the Leprechaun Museum in Dublin.

  • Walk on the worms.
    In Ireland there are places where you can walk on the water at low tide. The water goes so far that, feeling almost solid ground under your feet, you can walk, for example, to an island with a watchtower, as in the suburbs of Dublin, the city of Skerries. Walking in boots is wet, barefoot is just right. Only now the heels are tickled all the time by small worms, which are hunted by all the local seagulls. Worms are harmless and do not bite, but at first they can surprise.

  • Find a four leaf clover.
    Clover is one of the symbols of Ireland. You can see his images everywhere! However, like the plant itself. Initially, clover is a shamrock. The Irish say that with the help of him, Saint Patrick (the patron saint of Ireland) told the pagans about Christianity. The four-leaf clover is rare, and finding one is considered a great success.

  • Ride a horse.
    The whole history of Ireland is closely connected with horses. The Irish love these animals, keep them at home, bet on horse races, and still use horses in agriculture. Wherever you move, from whatever city to whatever you go, you will definitely see both sheep and horses grazing outside the window.
    Many centers offer horseback riding. To do this, it is not necessary to be able to ride a horse - the walk is done at a step under the guidance of an experienced guide. Riding through the green Irish forests and fields is an amazing experience that will remain in your memory for a long time.
  • Great Britain

    The United Kingdom... A country of kings and queens, centuries of tradition, amazing architecture, world famous literature and rich history. This island is located next to Ireland and is very similar in nature, but in general and in general it seems a little more austere and majestic.

    Great Britain must be visited at least once, and each of the four provinces: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


    Most people's first associations with France are the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, lavender fields, frog legs, snails, croissants, Moulin Rouge and Disneyland. In fact, the country is quite large and very diverse. Everyone can discover something wonderful.

    Are you crazy about ancient castles, chivalry and medieval themes? Or do you dream of eating oysters with white wine while looking at the raging cold ocean? Or maybe you like the hot Mediterranean landscapes and the azure waters of the sea? France is waiting!