Miraculously survivors of the plane crash. "I did not feel my body"

"I passed the ticket", "I missed the flight", "I had a disturbing dream" ... After the crash of passenger liners, as a rule, at least one such story emerges.

The number of those who escape from the giant iron grave is much smaller. In Popular Mechanics magazine, experts published data according to which the chances of life of passengers choosing a seat in the tail increases by 40%. Ed Galea, professor of mathematical modeling and engineering at the University of Greenwich in London, refutes this data, arguing that there is no "happy place" on board. The safety of all seats is the same.

The percentage of crash survivors is minimal. What happens to them next? How do they live after the second birth?

Kamil Bazhenov

In April 2012, a UTair passenger plane crashed near Tyumen. The liner, which was heading to Surgut, fell 42 seconds after takeoff. This time was enough to gain an altitude of about 200 meters.

As it turned out later, the airliner crashed due to the PIC's decision not to carry out de-icing, although there was snow on the plane. Because of this, the crew could not recognize in time what was happening and take the plane out of a catastrophic situation. After the incident, UTair obliged all its aircraft to be treated with anti-icing agents. Previously, this decision was made by the captain.

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As a result, 33 people died, 10 survived. One of those who escaped was Kamil Bazhenov. The young man was then 27 years old. I went to a business meeting. It so happened that Kamil mixed up the queues and first stood at the registration desk in Moscow. Only a few minutes later I found out that he was "in the other direction." I took my ticket 16A (in the tail section), at the right time I went to the plane.

Kamil later said: the bus, which was supposed to deliver passengers to the board, stood for quite a long time - late passengers hurried to it. But everyone was in time, the plane took off without delay.

"We ask you to fasten your seat belts, remove the folding tables ..." Everything was going according to plan, when suddenly a few seconds later a shaking began on board, which only intensified. Kamil woke up already on the ground. He was able to raise his hand so that rescuers could see him. And then ... I was conscious, but did not react to anything around. I couldn't remember what happened.

He suffered ten fractures and tore four ligaments, and spent several months learning to walk again.

Before the disaster, I had a rather difficult period in my life. I work under tough conditions. On a personal level, it was not easy ... But I am not discouraged. The black stripe will change to white. If this happened to a person, then we must fight, - said the KP young man.

A little over a year after the tragedy, Kamil got married and became an entrepreneur. On his pages on social networks, you will not find posts about airplanes, plane crashes. Only the electronic photo album "New Life" reminds of what happened, and even that one for two photos. And the first post after the disaster, dated May 30, 2012: "Thank you all for your support, she helped me a lot, especially when I was in intensive care."

Cecilia Sichan (Crocker)

A photograph of little Cecilia Sichan in 1987 went around the world. A four-year-old girl miraculously survived a plane crash in Detroit on August 16. Liner McDonnell Douglas MD-82 of Northwest Airlines could not gain altitude - it flew straight into the post. The pilots were able to divert the aircraft from a head-on collision, but the left wing was damaged. The plane got out of control, crashed onto a nearby motorway and crashed, slipping several meters.

As it turned out later, the accident occurred due to the fact that the crew could not control the speed and takeoff angle. In addition, according to the Daily Mail, no signal was given that the plane was not ready for takeoff. The reasons for the failure of the electronics on board remained unclear. The plane crash killed 153 people - passengers and crew members, as well as two eyewitnesses of the crash.

The only survivor was Cecilia, whom her mother covered with her body. The girl was returning from vacation with her parents and brother. She does not remember the moment of the collision.

She decided to talk about the tragedy only after a quarter of a century.

I think about what happened every day. It's hard not to think about it when I look in the mirror. I have scars on my arms and legs, on my forehead, ”she said.

The girl's skull was fractured, her leg and collarbone were broken. She also suffered third-degree burns. The fact that she survived with such injuries can also be safely called a miracle. The girl spent seven weeks in the hospital, after which her uncle Franklin Lumpkin and her aunt Rita, the mother's sister, took the child into foster care. To hide it from the eyes of journalists, they moved from Arizona to Alabama. The distance between her hometown and where the family moved is about two thousand kilometers.

The girl does not remember anything about the plane crash. And the fact that she became the only surviving passenger, she found out only in high school.

I felt guilty. Why me? Why didn't my brother survive? Why not someone else? - she said in the film Sole Survivor.

She made a small plane tattoo on her left wrist as a reminder of the tragedy, which, however, she does not forget.

The girl honestly admitted that she did not have any superpowers, she did not acquire a fear of flying, but she never intended to work as a flight attendant. Years later, the "main American orphan", as the media called her in the late 80s, tracked down firefighter John Tie, who found her on the plane and urgently handed her over to doctors. In 2012, he even walked at her wedding. Cecilia also decided to keep in touch with the families of the victims. The girl admitted in an interview that she is sincerely trying to live a normal life. But one look in the mirror again brings her back to her guilt that it was she who survived that plane crash.

Juliana Koepke

The plane crash in Peru, which killed 92 people, occurred on December 24, 1971. The Lockheed L-188 Electra aircraft was caught in a thunderstorm.

The only one who survived was 17-year-old Juliana Margaret Köpke. Her father is the zoologist Hans Köpke, and her mother is the ornithologist Maria Köpke. The girl studied in the city of Lima.

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On that day, Juliana and her mother were heading to their father - he was doing research in the South American jungle. They all planned to celebrate Christmas together.

There were about 20 minutes left until the end of the voyage, when strong turbulence began on board. The plane flew into the cloud. The girl's mother looked out the window and repeated that something was wrong.

Suddenly we entered a very heavy dark cloud. My mother was worried, but I was fine, I liked flying, - the woman later told the BBC.

The plane literally bounced: jumped up and fell down, parcels and luggage fell from the shelves, gifts, flowers and Christmas cakes flew on board. The passengers began to cry and scream. Juliana did not let go of her mother's hand.

My mom said, "It's over, it's over." These were the last words that I heard from her, - the woman recalls.

After that, the plane went into a tailspin. Juliana passed out. I woke up only, as it turned out, the next day, and my first thought was: "I survived the plane crash."

In several places, her collarbone was broken, in addition, the ligaments in the knee joint were torn. But at that moment she did not feel these injuries - the girl was in a state of passion. She understood that she had to get out urgently.

Before the crash, I spent a year and a half with my parents at a research station just 30 miles from where the plane crashed. I learned a lot about life in the rainforest. I heard search planes circling, but I could not see them because of the dense forest, she recalls.

The girl lost her glasses and saw almost nothing. Juliana was very afraid to stumble upon poisonous snakes that disguise themselves among the leaves. During the day, she went to a small stream and headed downstream. After all, this meant that somewhere he flows into the river. And where the river is - most likely, there is a civilization.

Not far from the crash site, she found a bag of Christmas candy.

The girl walked for about 10 days. She was paralyzed with a feeling of panic, because on the way at first she came across the torn bodies of passengers. She gazed into the faces of people with one simple question: is there her mother among them? And, realizing that these were other people, I experienced both relief and shame.

The 17-year-old girl had many wounds, where at some point the larvae started. She pulled them out with her hands, barely holding back so as not to scream in pain.

At some point, I heard the voices of several men. It sounded like the voices of angels. When they saw me, they became alarmed and stopped speaking. They thought I was some kind of water goddess — a figure from a local legend, ”Juliana recalls.

As a result, the teenager managed to explain who she was and what happened. During the day, local residents provided assistance on their own. A day later, they managed to get to the rescuers.

The girl's mother was found a little more than two weeks after the plane crash. It turned out that she did not die, but received many injuries. For several days, doctors tried to bring her back to life, but in the end the woman died.

Juliana tried to forget this whole nightmare, but the environment did not allow her to do it. The media literally followed on the heels, directors attacked, strangers spoke in the street. Juliana Koepke's story formed the basis for the plot of the American-Italian film Miracles Still Happen, which was filmed in 1974. She ended up refusing to give interviews of any kind.

Juliana was able to talk about the tragedy only in the early 2000s. It was directed by Werner Herzog, who invited him to the filming of the documentary "Juliana's Fall into the Jungle". She agreed to do several interviews. A decade later, in 2011, she herself wrote a book, the title of which translates as "When I fell from the sky."

Juliana, as she dreamed of, became a mammaliologist (a branch of zoology that studies mammals). She admitted that she was not afraid to fly, but did not like. And he is still looking for an answer to a simple question: why do plane crashes happen?

Ever since this happened to me, I have followed the plane crashes. It is very important for me to know why they are happening. It is important for me to find an explanation. Our fall was never explained, she says.

The only fear that remained for the rest of her life was that when she got into the zone of turbulence, her palms sweat and squeeze her heart.

Vesna Vulovic

The stewardess got into the Guinness Book of Records as a survivor after falling from a height of more than 10 thousand meters.

The plane crash, in which the then Yugoslav Airlines flight attendant fell, occurred on January 26, 1972. On board the plane, which was heading from Copenhagen to Zagreb, there were 28 people. The flight took place in normal mode, the liner was in the air for about an hour, when it began to collapse: the bow part with the cockpit separated from the main body.

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The experts concluded that an explosive device had detonated on board. 10 days after the crash, the State Security Service of Czechoslovakia presented fragments of an alarm clock, which was identified as part of an explosive mechanism. The names of the likely terrorists were identified, but they were never found.

22-year-old stewardess Vesna Vulovich does not remember anything about the fatal flight. The last thing that remains in my memory is how the cleaning lady cleans the side of the plane. A couple of hours later, she was found on one of the wreckage of this very plane.

A loud explosion, a very bright light and unbearable cold - that's all I remember about that disaster, - she said in an interview with "Interlocutor". - A local resident, the German Bruno, came across me. I felt my pulse, I realized that my spine was broken, so I didn't move my body, but immediately called for help.

As it turned out, she has multiple fractures and memory loss. Waking up in the hospital, Vesna could not remember what happened. And also where she is, why there are no beloved dogs and cats nearby and for what reason the parents with tears in their eyes.

I broke my left arm and left leg, three vertebrae (one of them was simply crushed), in several places I broke my skull, - said the former flight attendant in a commentary to the AIF.

Like others who survived the plane crashes, realizing what had happened, Vesna felt a sense of guilt. She could not understand why she survived, and her colleagues and passengers were killed. And why it was she who was saved.

In general, at such a height, the heart with a high probability should not have endured, however, Vulovich has very low blood pressure since childhood. In addition, she lost consciousness, which saved her life.

She learned to talk, remember everything and even walk anew. It took her four and a half years to move on her feet. She limped a little all her life.

And nevertheless, the first thing that Vulovich did when she left the hospital ... went to get a job at Yugoslav Airlines as a flight attendant. The airline did not accept the arguments that “it doesn’t shoot twice in the same funnel” and that therefore “it is the guarantor of flight safety”. Vulovich was not allowed to work on board, but found work in the office. She worked at the airline until she retired. There were no children.

The woman died at her home in Belgrade in December 2016.

Larisa Savitskaya

Another record holder for "landing height without a parachute" is 20-year-old Larisa. She just got married and was returning from a honeymoon trip with her husband on an An-24 plane from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Blagoveshchensk. Their plane was at an altitude of 5220 meters when a Tu-16 military bomber crashed into it at full speed. The debris scattered several kilometers. The girl firmly grabbed the remains of the chair and flew down.

I remember a terrible blow, a burn - the temperature from plus 25 instantly dropped to minus 30. Terrible screams and the whistle of air. My husband died immediately - at that moment my life ended. I didn’t even scream - from grief I didn’t have time to realize fear. At first I lost consciousness, and when I regained consciousness, I lie and think - but not about death, but about pain. I don’t want it to hurt when falling, ”Savitskaya later told Izvestia.

The girl did not count on salvation. The only thing that beat in my head was the desire to die without pain. But by some miracle, she crashed into a tree and survived. When struck, all her teeth were knocked out, Larisa injured her spine in five places, broke her arm, ribs, and legs.

For three days she could not even open her eyes. And when I woke up, the first thing I saw was the body of my husband.

The state of shock was such that I did not feel pain. I could even walk. When the rescuers found me, they could not utter anything except "mu-mu". I understand them. Three days to remove pieces of bodies from trees, and then suddenly see a living person, - the woman recalled.

By that time, all passengers on both aircraft had been declared dead. Larisa's relatives ordered a coffin and even, as she confessed, dug a grave. Months spent in hospitals, trips to the chiropractor, constant procedures, a long recovery period. Larisa's pains are still getting worse in spring and autumn. She literally scratched out her own right to a normal life.

Later in an interview, she recalled that shortly before the fatal departure she had seen the film "Miracles Still Happen", which tells the story of Juliana Köpke. She still doesn't think if it was an omen.

I did not fall into religion, or drunkenness, or depression. I love life. But sometimes, half in jest, half seriously, I say: "I am a beloved girl with God." I live as I lived, - she said.

In 1985, Savitskaya gave birth to a son. Two months after giving birth, her mother died in a road accident. Larisa lived with her child on the allowance of a single mother, which by that time was 32 rubles. She reprinted texts, traded in books. After the restructuring, she opened a shoe sales company. Then she went to the Borjomi office. In the 90s, she was paralyzed - the injuries sustained during the fall affected. However, Larisa was able to recover from this and even got a job as an office manager in a real estate company.

She tries not to remember the disaster. But any plane crash that occurs in the world, as if returns it to the place of the tragedy. She also celebrates August 24th. Like a second birthday.

06.09.2019 , 19:10 13160

This happens extremely rarely, but even in serious plane crashes, people survive. Sometimes with severe physical and mental consequences, sometimes on the contrary - with the desire to live and even continue to work on board the aircraft. How these people were able to escape, what they did after they woke up, and what trials fell to their lot - read in our article.

Through the jungle with a bag of candy

This plane crash happened almost 50 years ago, in December 1971. There were 92 people on board the LANSA airline. At some point, lightning struck the ship's right wing and set off a fire in the fuel tank. Because of this, the wing was torn off, the plane lost control and fell from a height of 3000 meters into a forest in the Peru region. Juliana's 17-year-old passenger, Margaret Köpke, was the only survivor.

For 10 days, the girl sought help and walked to people through the jungle. Not far from the plane crash site, a survivor found a bag of candy that helped her get through those difficult days on the road. There were deep cut wounds on her body, in addition, the girl's collarbone was broken. Juliana also lost her glasses and could not see well, so she was afraid to stumble upon a snake. At some point, larvae began to appear in the girl's wounds, which she had to pull out through severe pain on her own.

On the tenth day, Köpke found a boat moored on the river. Nearby, she saw a hut built to shelter a boat engine, in which she found gasoline. Juliana treated their wounds and pulled out about 30 larvae from them. Being very weak, she fell asleep on the ground by the engine. As a result, residents of the nearest village found the victim.

The girl's mother was an ornithologist, and her father was a biologist. Juliana survived thanks to the knowledge she received from her dad. “Before the crash, I spent a year and a half with my parents at a research station just 30 miles from where the plane crashed. I learned a lot about life in the rainforest, ”the heroine said afterwards.

Juliana became a zoologist, as she dreamed. She admitted that after the disaster, she monitors aircraft accidents and is looking for an explanation as to why they occur. Köpke's story was filmed and released under the title Miracles Still Happen.

Stewardess, survivor of the terrorist attack

Flight attendant Vesna Vulovic survived a plane crash in January 1972. The DC-9-32 Jugoslovenski Aerotransport aircraft flew from Stockholm to Belgrade. An hour after departure, an explosion thundered on board, and the ship collapsed. Its debris fell near a village in Czechoslovakia. As it turned out later, there was an explosive device on board, which was allegedly left by members of the terrorist organization.

The 22-year-old flight attendant was the only one who survived the explosion on the plane; in total, there were 28 people on board. Note that the girl was not supposed to fly on this flight, she was mistakenly assigned to him instead of another flight attendant with a similar name. On the day of the incident, Vesna had not yet completed her studies and was an intern.

“The person who was in charge of the flight lists was wrong. Me and another stewardess were named Vesna. And he put “Vesna Vulovic” instead of Vesna Nikolic, an accidental mistake. After the plane crash, the stewardess Nikolic quit: she never flew again in her life, ”said the survivor.

The villagers found the girl at the crash site and provided first aid. The first thing Vulovich asked about after she regained consciousness was to light a cigarette. The flight attendant fell from a height of more than 10,000 meters, but survived, she said, due to low pressure and loss of consciousness at the time of the accident.

Vulovich did not remember the details of the plane crash, so she wanted to continue working as a flight attendant after she recovered, but she was hired for an office position. In 1985, the name of the flight attendant was entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the holder of the world altitude record for survivors of a free fall without a parachute.

Saved the plane seat

In August 1981, the An-24RV plane, which was heading for Blagoveshchensk, collided with a Tu-16K military bomber. There were 38 people on board, including a student Larisa Savitskaya and her husband, they were returning from a honeymoon trip. At the time of the incident, the girl was asleep, but woke up from a strong blow and cold.

After breaking the fuselage in front of her chair, Savitskaya was thrown into the passage. She got to the nearest chair, sat down in it and squeezed. Later, the girl shared that at the time of the incident she remembered a frame from the movie "Miracles still happen", where the heroine did the same.

The plane's tail landed on a birch forest, which softened the blow. Two days after the disaster, the student was found by rescuers. The girl injured her spine, received a concussion and fractures. Larisa also lost almost all her teeth, but she was in shock and did not feel pain.

In total, there were 32 people on board the plane, among whom all died, except for Savitskaya. Later, the survivor learned that after the plane crash, graves were already ready for her and her husband. “I didn’t get caught up in religion, drunkenness, or depression. I love life. But sometimes, half-jokingly, half-seriously, I say: “I am a beloved girl with God,” Savitskaya said after.

The girl was included in the Russian Guinness Book of Records as a survivor after falling from a maximum height (5200 meters) and as receiving the minimum amount of compensation - 75 rubles.

"I think about what happened every day"

Cecilia Xichan, who was only 4 years old at the time of the accident, was the only survivor of the August 16, 1987 plane crash. Airliner McDonnell Douglas MD-82 immediately after departure from Detroit could not gain altitude, hit a lamp post and fell on the road. More than 150 people were killed in the crash.

Mother covered Cecilia with herself at the time of the accident, but the girl herself does not remember anything about the accident. The survivor spent 7 weeks in the hospital, after which her uncle and aunt took her to their place. For a long time, Xichang, who lost her parents and brother, hid from the press and decided to talk about what happened only in 2013. The girl shared that she constantly blamed herself for the fact that she survived, and not someone else.

“I think about what happened every day. It's hard not to think about it when I look in the mirror. I have scars on my arms and legs, on my forehead, ”said Sichan.

The girl made a tattoo with an airplane on her left hand as a sign of memory of the disaster. Years later, Xichang tracked down a firefighter who found her on the plane and handed her over to doctors. In 2012, she invited him to a wedding. She also tries to keep in touch with the families of the victims.

"I see this number everywhere."

30 years ago, on July 19, 1989, a United Airlines plane flew from Denver to Chicago. An hour later, his tail engine collapsed. The crew was able to land the ship at the airport in Sud City, but the plane hit the runway with its right wing and crashed. Of the nearly 300 people on board, 112 were killed. Flight attendant Susan White, who was on Flight 232, survived. She still remembers that day.

“I see this number (232) everywhere. I wake up in the middle of the night and see this number, during the day I look at my phone at 2:32. I'm going to send a text message to my mom, and the clock at that time is 2:32, "White said.

Specialists told White that she was one of approximately 8 people in the back of the plane who survived the crash. To this day, the woman maintains contact with other survivors and the families of the victims. And until now, she continues to work as a flight attendant.

“Many people cannot believe that I have returned to work, they say that if I were, they would quit. But I was so young at the time, I was 25 and I loved my job. I decided: "If I let this overcome me, then I will allow many other things to overcome me." So I dared and returned. And I'm glad I did it. I feel like I have a goal and I am so grateful to be alive, ”White shared.

Full day in the ocean with sharks

On June 30, 2009, the Frenchwoman Baia Bakari flew to the Comoros to her grandparents with her mother. A total of 152 people were on board the Airbus A310. A few minutes before landing, the plane crashed into the ocean. No one survived except Bailly.

A 13-year-old girl grabbed a piece of the fuselage and spent about 9-10 hours in the Mozambique Channel, which is teeming with sharks. After that, she was rescued by one of the fishermen and taken to a local hospital. On July 2, the girl was taken to Paris, and on the 27th she was discharged from the hospital.

Experts believe that Baja survived due to the fact that she was thrown from the plane through the resulting crack. According to the girl's father, Bahia is quite fearful, and he would never have thought that she could be saved in such an emergency.

“Dad, I saw the plane go under water. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. Also, I don't swim well, so I grabbed onto something and held on. I don't even know what it was, ”the girl told her father after the disaster.

In January 2010, Bakari published her autobiography Survivor. In May of the same year, it was reported that Steven Spielberg offered her to purchase the rights to film the book, but she refused.

Salvation is like a second birth

This plane crash occurred on April 2, 2012. The UTair airliner made a flight from Tyumen to Surgut, but almost 2 minutes later fell to the ground. Of the 43 people on board, 10 survived. One of them was 27-year-old Kamil Bazhenov. The man flew to Surgut on a business trip.

Initially, Kamil confused the queues at the check-in counter, for some time he stood at the check-in of a flight to Moscow. Later, the man realized that he was mistaken and went the other way. When it was his turn, Kamil got a place in the tail of the ship.

The man woke up already on the ground, he does not remember the details of the disaster. According to him, he could only move with one hand. Kamil lifted her up and called for help from the rescuers who were already working on the spot. The victim was taken to hospital, where he woke up only 6 days later.

According to the man, he did not become afraid of heights and was going to jump with a parachute immediately after recovery. He considers April 2 his second birthday. “I want this not to happen in the future. But I do not have such feelings that I want to take revenge on someone, so that he would sit in prison and suffer. I just want people to be more responsible, ”Bazhenov said.

The baby who flew to grandma

The crash of the L-410 aircraft occurred on November 15, 2017, the ship crashed while landing in the village of Nelkan. There were 7 people on board, of which only Jasmina Leontyeva survived, who at that time was 3.5 years old. The baby flew to visit her grandmother, accompanied by a local school teacher. According to one version, it was she who covered the girl with herself and helped her survive.

Jasmine was taken to the hospital in serious condition, but she underwent the operation well and was already dancing a year after the accident. “Jasmine feels rather well, she is a fidget here - she doesn't like sleeping during the day, she runs all the time, dances - she turns on a music channel on TV and she doesn't even need cartoons. True, if she gets too tired, she starts to limp, with time, they say, it should pass, ”Jasmine's grandmother said a year after the plane crash.

The fearlessness of the flight attendant

A West Wind Aviation aircraft operated a passenger flight from the United States to Canada on December 13, 2017. Shortly after takeoff, the ship lost altitude and crashed to the ground. All 25 people on board survived the crash, but one of them later died from his injuries in hospital. The investigation into the causes of the incident continues.

26-year-old flight attendant Miranda Jenny Tate spoke about what was happening inside the plane at the time of the accident. She felt the tremor of the ship and the way its tail hit the ground.

“I heard how we cut down trees with our tail, passing through their crowns. Then I heard the screams of passengers, ”- said Tate.

The blow tore her seat from the wall, the girl was thrown into the galley (cooking room). She got to her feet and was able to get out of the plane, and then began helping the others. “People were shouting. There were many badly wounded people there. " Three more men helped to get the victims out of the plane.

Tate spent the next 6 weeks on crutches after the disaster and underwent a huge number of physiotherapy sessions. “As soon as I got to the hospital, I screamed. I was so grateful to be alive. "

The CEO of West Wind Aviation called the flight attendant's efforts "heroic."

“She had a number of injuries that made it difficult for her to work, but she continued to perform her duties like a true professional,” said Mike Rodnyuk.

Tate has now returned to university to study social work and plans to continue working as a flight attendant.

Despite these frightening stories, statistics show that the plane is a fairly safe mode of transport. By the way, during the entire existence of civil aviation, which is almost 100 years old, fewer people have died than in a month in road accidents around the world. So don't be afraid to fly. If you're still tense, here's how to increase your chances of surviving a plane crash.

January 6, 2012 3:59 pm

December 23, 1971 aircraft Lockheed L-188A LANSA with 92 passengers on board took off from the capital of Peru, Lima and headed for the city of Pucallpa. In 500 km northeast of the capital of the country, the liner fell into a vast thunderstorm area, fell apart in the air and fell into the jungle. Only 17-year-old Juliana Dealer Kopka, who was thrown from the plane, managed to survive in the terrible disaster.
Juliana Dealer Kopke “Suddenly an amazing silence reigned around me. The plane disappeared. I must have been unconscious and then came to my senses. I flew, spinning in the air, and could see the forest approaching rapidly below me. " Then the girl, falling, lost consciousness again. When falling from a height of about 3 km. she broke her collarbone, injured her right arm, and covered her right eye with a tumor from a blow. “I probably survived because I was strapped into a row of seats,” she says. “I was spinning like a helicopter, which probably slowed the fall. In addition, the place where I landed was densely covered with vegetation, which reduced the force of the impact. " For 9 days Juliana wandered through the jungle, trying not to leave the stream, believing that sooner or later he would lead her to civilization. The stream also gave the girl water. Nine days later, Juliana found a canoe and shelter, in which she hid and waited. Soon she was found in this shelter by lumberjacks. January 26, 1972 Croatian terrorists blew up a passenger plane over the Czech town of Serbska-Kamenice McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32owned by JAT Yugoslav Airlines. The board followed from Copenhagen to Zagreb, there were 28 people on board. The bomb planted in the luggage compartment detonated at an altitude of 10,160 m. 27 passengers and crew members were killed, but the 22-year-old flight attendant Vesna Vulovich survived, having fallen from a height of more than 10 km. Vesna Vulovic The plane fell on snow-covered trees, and a few hours after the tragedy, a qualified physician appeared at the crash site, who recognized the signs of life in Vesna. Her skull was fractured, both legs and three vertebrae were fractured, which left her lower body paralyzed. The quickly rendered help saved the girl's life. She was in a coma for 27 days, and after another 16 months she was in the hospital. After leaving it, Vulovic continued to work for her airline, but on the ground. The miraculous rescue of Vesna Vulovich is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest jump without a parachute. October 13, 1972 FH-227D / LCD crashed in the Andes. 29 people out of 45 on board were killed. Survivors were found only on December 22, 1972.
On October 13, 1972, a rugby team from Montevideo went to compete in the Chilean capital Santiago. In the Fairchild-Hill FH-227D / LCD plane of the Tamu Uruguayan airline, besides them, there were also passengers and 5 crew members - a total of 45 people. On the way, they were to make a stopover in Buenos Aires. However, the "side" of the T-571 got into a strong turbulent zone. In conditions of heavy fog, the pilot made a navigational error: the plane, flying at an altitude of 500 m, headed straight for one of the mountain peaks of the Argentine Andes. The crew reacted too late to the error. A few moments later, the "side" hit the rocks, piercing the steel skin of the plane. The fuselage collapsed; from a terrible blow, several seats were torn off the floor and, together with the passengers, were thrown out. Seventeen of the 45 people died instantly when the Fairchild-Hillier plane crashed into the snow. As a result of the plane crash, people spent two months in a snowy hell - at an altitude of 4 thousand meters, at a temperature of minus 40 degrees. They were discovered only on December 22!
“After the disaster, 28 people survived, but after the avalanche and long exhausting weeks of starvation, only sixteen of them remained. Days and weeks passed, and people, without warm clothes, continued to live in a forty-degree frost. Food that was stored on board the crashed The plane did not last long. The scarce supplies had to be divided into crumbs in order to stretch for a longer time. In the end, only chocolate and thimbled ration of wine remained. But then they ran out. Hunger took its toll on the survivors: on the tenth day they began to eat corpses. " August 24, 1981 in the Far East at an altitude of 5 km. collided passenger plane An-24 of the airline "Aeroflot" and bomber Tu-16 USSR Air Force. Among 32 people, only a 20-year-old survived Larisa Savitskaya, returning with her husband from a honeymoon trip. Larisa with her husband At the time of the crash, Larisa Savitskaya was sleeping in her seat in the rear of the plane. I woke up from a strong blow and a sudden burn (the temperature instantly dropped from 25 C to -30 C). After another rupture of the fuselage, which passed right in front of her chair, Larisa was thrown into the passage, waking up, she got to the nearest chair, climbed up and squeezed into it, without strapping herself. Larisa herself later claimed that at that moment she remembered an episode from the film "Miracles still happen", where the heroine, during a plane crash, sank into a chair and survived. Part of the aircraft's hull glided into a birch grove, which softened the blow. According to subsequent studies, the entire fall of a wreck of an aircraft measuring 3 meters wide by 4 meters in length, where Savitskaya ended up, took 8 minutes. Savitskaya was unconscious for several hours. Waking up on the ground, Larisa saw in front of her a chair with the body of her dead husband. She received a number of serious injuries, but was able to move independently. Two days later, rescuers found her, who were very surprised when, after two days they came across only the bodies of the dead, they met a living person. Larissa was covered with paint flying from the fuselage, and her hair was very tangled in the wind. While waiting for rescuers, she built herself a temporary shelter from the wreckage of the aircraft, warming herself with seat covers and sheltering from mosquitoes with a plastic bag. It rained all these days. When it ended, she waved to the rescue planes flying by, but they, not expecting to find survivors, mistook her for a geologist from a nearby camp. Larisa, the bodies of her husband and two other passengers were the last of all the victims of the disaster to be found. Doctors diagnosed her with a concussion, spinal injuries in five places, and fractures of the arm and ribs. She also lost almost all of her teeth. Larisa Savitskaya From an interview with Larisa: - How did it actually happen? - The planes collided tangentially. The wings of the An-24 were blown off along with the gas tanks and the roof. Within a fraction of a second, the plane turned into a "boat". At that moment I was asleep. I remember a terrible blow, a burn - the temperature from plus 25 instantly dropped to minus 30. Terrible screams and the whistle of air. My husband died immediately - at that moment my life ended. I didn't even scream. From grief, I did not have time to realize fear. - Did you fall in this "boat"? - Not. Then it broke in two more. The rift went right in front of our seats. I ended up in the tail section. I was thrown into the aisle, right on the bulkheads. At first I lost consciousness, and when I regained consciousness, I lie and think - but not about death, but about pain. I don't want it to hurt when I fall. And then I remembered one Italian film - "Miracles are still meeting." Just one episode: how the heroine escapes in a plane crash, huddled in a chair. Somehow I got to him ... - And buckled up? - I didn't even think about it. Actions were ahead of consciousness. She began to look through the porthole to "catch the ground." It was necessary to amortize in time. I didn’t hope to be saved, I just wanted to die without pain. There was very low cloud cover, then a green flash and a blow. Fell into the taiga, onto a birch forest - lucky again. - Just do not say that you have not received a single injury. - Concussion, spinal injury in five places, fracture of an arm, rib, leg. Almost all teeth were knocked out. But they never gave me a disability. The doctors said: "We understand that you are disabled in aggregate. But we cannot do anything - each injury individually does not lead to disability. Now, if there was one, but serious, then please." - How long did you spend in the taiga? - Three days. When I woke up, my husband's body was lying directly in front of me. The state of shock was such that I did not feel pain. I could even walk. When the rescuers found me, they, except "mu-mu", could not utter anything. I understand them. Three days to shoot pieces of bodies from trees, and then suddenly see a living person. Yes, and I still had that Vidocq. I was all the color of prunes with a silvery sheen - the paint from the fuselage turned out to be extremely clingy, my mother picked it out for a month later. And the hair from the wind turned into a large piece of glass wool. Surprisingly, as soon as I saw the rescuers, I could no longer walk. Relaxed. Then, in Zavitinsk, I learned that a grave had already been dug for me. They were dug according to the lists. August 12, 1985 Boeing 747SR-46 Japanese airline Japan airlines crashed near Mount Takamagahara, 100 km from Tokyo in the mountain region (Gunma Prefecture). Of the 520 people, only four women survived: 24-year-old Japan Airline employee Hiroko Yoshizaki, 34-year-old passenger on the plane and her eight-year-old daughter Mikiko, and 12-year-old Keiko Kawakami, who was found sitting in a tree. All four lucky ones were sitting in the center row of seats at the very rear of the plane. For the remaining 520 passengers and crew, this flight was the last. In terms of the number of victims, the crash of the Japanese Boeing-747 is second only to the crash in Tenerife in 1977, when two Boeings collided. So many people have not died on any liner. August 16, 1987 Aircraft McDonnell Douglas MD-82When taking off from Metro airport, the plane lost control and first hit the power lines with its left wing, located 800 meters from the runway, then the roof of the car rental point, and then crashed to the ground.
There were 155 people on board. 4-year-old Ceselia Sichan was found by rescuers in her seat, a few meters from the bodies of her parents and 6-year-old brother. Until now, no specialist can explain how, and with the help of what miracle, she was able to survive. A possible cause of this plane crash is considered to be the carelessness of the pilot and crew in following the take-off trajectory. July 28, 2002... crashed at the Moscow Sheremetyevo airport immediately after takeoff IL 86with 16 people on board: four pilots, 10 flight attendants and two engineers. 200 m after the plane took off from the ground, there was a loss of engine power, the plane fell onto the left wing and crashed, after which an explosion occurred.
Only two flight attendants managed to survive: Tatiana Moiseeva and Arina Vinogradova... Vinogradova, some time after being discharged from the hospital and undergoing a rehabilitation course, returned to work, and Moiseeva decided not to tempt fate and stay on earth. June 30, 2009 plane crashed off the coast of Comoros A310 Yemen Airlines Yemenia, flying from the capital of Yemen, Sana'a, to the capital of Comoros, Moroni. There were 153 people on board the A310. The only surviving passenger of the crashed liner was a twelve-year-old girl Bahia Bakariwith French citizenship. When it hit the water, it was literally thrown out of the plane. For several hours, the girl, practically unable to swim, without a life jacket and in complete darkness, tried to hold on to the wreckage of the plane so as not to drown. At first she tried to navigate by the voices of other passengers, but they soon died down. When dawn broke, she realized that she was all alone in the center of an oil puddle on the surface of the water. Fortunately, she managed to climb a large wreckage and fall asleep, despite overwork and thirst. At some point, she saw a ship on the horizon, but he swam too far, and she was not noticed. The crew of the private ship Sima Com 2 discovered Bakari only 13 hours after the plane crash. Another 7 hours later she was on land, where she was sent to the hospital. The girl received numerous bruises, her collarbone was broken and her knees were burned. May 12, 2010 Airbus-330 Libyan airline Afriqiyah Airways, who arrived from Johannesburg (South Africa), crashed while landing at Tripoli International Airport. In the foggy conditions, the crew decided to go to the 2nd circle, but did not have time. There were 104 people on board. Among the wreckage, only an eight-year-old boy was found with fractures in both legs. He was crushed by a chair, which may have sprung the blow. September 6, 2011 In Bolivia, the plane of a private airline crashed in the Amazon jungle. As a result, it was initially believed that all 9 people on board were killed. After 3 days of searching, a miraculously escaped passenger was found - a 35-year-old cosmetics seller, Bolivian Minor Vidalho. He escaped with head bruises and broken ribs. Minor Vidallo said that he was under the wreckage of the plane for more than 15 hours, and when he managed to get out, he went deep into the forest in search of people.
The plane crash survivor was found several kilometers from the plane crash site. "We saw a man on the river bank who was giving us signals," said Captain David Bustos, who was in charge of the rescue operation. "When we got closer, he knelt down and began to thank God."

One of the crew members survived the plane crash that killed 71 people.

"I put all the bags between my legs and took the posture recommended in an emergency." Erwin said that many passengers jumped up from their seats, began to scream and panic - this pushed them to death.


Vesna Vulovic

The 22-year-old flight attendant holds the Guinness Book of World Records for Free Fall Survivors without a parachute.

In 1972 the plane carrying Vesna Vulovich exploded at an altitude of 10 160 meters. Spring not only survived the destruction itself, but was also the only survivor of 28 passengers and crew.

The stewardess was not supposed to fly this flight at all, she was sent instead of another stewardess simply due to an airline error. When the explosion occurred, Vesna Vulovich was working in the passenger compartment. She immediately lost consciousness and subsequently could not remember what she was doing and where she was.

Spring received many injuries: fractures of the base of the skull, three vertebrae, both legs and pelvis. According to Vesna Vulovich herself, the first thing she asked when she regained consciousness was to smoke.

The treatment took 16 months, of which 10 the girl's lower body was paralyzed. Vesna Vulovic died in December 2016 at her home in Belgrade.

Larisa Savitskaya

A young student Larisa Savitskaya in the summer of 1981 was returning with her husband Vladimir from a honeymoon trip. The couple flew flight 811 on board An-24RV from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Blagoveshchensk and, since the plane was half empty, instead of their seats, they took comfortable seats in the rear of the plane.

During the flight, the An-24 aircraft, on which the Savitsky spouses flew, collided with a Tu-16 military bomber at an altitude of 5220 meters. The crews of both aircraft were killed.

At the time of the crash, Larisa Savitskaya was sleeping in her seat in the rear of the plane. She woke up from a strong blow and a sudden burn due to a strong temperature drop.

The fuselage broke right in front of Larisa's chair, she was thrown into the passage. The girl reached the nearest chair and sank into it. Larissa later claimed that at that moment she recalled an episode from the film "Miracles still happen", where the heroine pressed into a chair during a plane crash and survived.

Part of the hull collapsed into a birch grove, the trees softened the blow. Waking up on the ground, the first thing Larisa saw was a chair with the body of her dead husband. She suffered a number of serious injuries, but could move.

Two days later, rescuers found her. During this time, the student built a temporary shelter for herself from the wreckage of the plane, warming herself with seat covers and sheltering herself from mosquitoes with a plastic bag. She entered the Guinness Book of Records not only as a person who survived a fall from a maximum height, but also as a person who received the minimum amount of compensation - 75 rubles.

Bahia Bakari

The 13-year-old French woman is the only survivor of a plane crash near the Comoros in 2009. On June 30, 2009, Bahia flew with her mother on an Airbus A310 to Comoros to visit her grandparents.

The plane crashed into the Indian Ocean a few minutes before landing. Bahia, asleep during the disaster, decided that she had somehow fallen out of the window.

The newspapers wrote that she spent in the shark-infested Mozambique Channel from 12 to 14 hours, Bahia herself claims in her autobiography that she was there no more than 9 hours. Bakari saved the fisherman, and he took her to the Comoros hospital.

In addition to her, there were 152 people on board - no one survived. Steven Spielberg himself wanted to film the story of her salvation, but Bakari refused.

Ruben van Assuv

The nine-year-old boy was the only survivor of the Afriqiyah Airways plane crash that crashed during landing. Ruben and his family made a tourist trip to South Africa. On board the crashed plane were passengers from 10 countries, most of which (62 people) were citizens of the Netherlands.

His father, mother and brother died along with the other 103 passengers. Ruben immediately lost consciousness. He broke both legs, but they were restored after surgery. He now lives with his aunt and uncle in the Netherlands.

By far the fastest and most comfortable mode of transport of our time is an airplane. Moreover, quite often it is on an airliner that passengers can get to the most remote place on the planet, and the journey will take very little time. However, many refuse this option, as they consider plane crashes to be a frequent occurrence. And this is not at all surprising, because if you analyze the numerous feature films about plane crashes, then you can really come to the conclusion that planes crash almost every day and passengers have practically no chance of surviving. In fact, of course, this is not the case, and this fact is confirmed by the numerous survivors of the plane crash. The real stories about the lucky ones who managed to escape from plane crashes, we will cite in this article as a convincing example.

Of course, the plane was and will be the most convenient and safe mode of transport, but even such a powerful and reliable aircraft should first of all be considered as technology. And as you know, any machine can be malfunctioning, which leads to emergencies. According to analytical studies, the main cause of disasters, however sad it is to admit, is the human factor. After all, technology cannot spoil itself and disable itself, this happens due to the carelessness and negligence of a person. If, when assembling the machine, low-quality components were used, due attention was not paid to this process, and the daily technical inspection was carried out, as they say, in haste, then even the most reliable equipment may sooner or later fail.

Almost all survivors of the plane crash point out that the car in the sky is simply beginning to behave somehow incorrectly, and on board at this time, alarming "lights" begin to flash, which further aggravates the already alarming situation. Experts argue that any breakdown in the sky is a flaw and specialists need to find it on the ground in order to prevent an emergency.

Most often, planes crash due to the following reasons:

  • malfunctions of the aircraft or individual devices that were not identified during the technical inspection. According to statistics, approximately 23% of air crashes occur precisely for this reason, that is, due to ordinary human negligence and carelessness;
  • mistakes made by pilots and maintenance personnel;
  • unfavorable conditions that can change dramatically on the route of the airliner.

There are several other reasons that can lead to a plane crash, for example, terrorism, but this is a completely different topic for discussion. But in order not to cause an emergency, the survivors of the plane crash remain in almost every accident. What helped them stay alive, what measures they took to save their lives, we will further analyze more carefully.

Names and stories of people who survived plane crashes

Rescuers carry survivors from the crash site of the Jose Maria Cordova airport in Colombia

It may seem to many that those who managed to survive the plane crash were just lucky, that is, they are said to have been born under a lucky star. In reality, this is not entirely true, because the experts, having analyzed more than 2 thousand rescues, came to the conclusion that the survivors after the plane crash were able to save their lives not only because of a favorable coincidence of circumstances, but also thanks to the knowledge and rules that they timely took in extreme situation.

This refers to the surviving crew member of the Yugoslavian airliner - flight attendant V. Vulovic, who was 22 years old at the time of the accident. Unfortunately, in the history of those who survived it is not often possible to find the names of the crew members of airliners, perhaps this is due to the fact that in such a difficult situation the crew of the airship does not care about their own safety, but devotes all their efforts to rescue passengers.

And V. Vulovich, nevertheless, managed to miraculously escape in a terrible plane crash, in which a passenger plane exploded in the sky due to a bomb on board, which was planted by terrorists. This terrible tragedy happened in 1972, during an air flight from Copenhagen to Zagreb, which was carried out by a Yugoslav air carrier. Despite a terrible explosion in the sky, the stewardess survived the plane crash. According to experts, such an incredible rescue can be explained by the fact that the flight attendant at the time of the explosion was in the safest place - in the middle of the cabin and at a decent distance from the bomb. By a lucky coincidence, the surviving flight attendant, when the plane crashed, was in a compartment separated from the hull, which fell from a height of 10 thousand km onto the branches of snow-covered trees and thereby softened the blow.

But this is just the first part of a happy story, a Yugoslav flight attendant who miraculously escaped. If not for the help of a local resident, who, upon seeing the girl, immediately freed her from the wreckage of the plane and took her to the nearest hospital, Vesna Vulovich could simply freeze in the cold forest. The surviving stewardess after the plane crash from such a great height lay in a coma for more than a month, and after that she still had to wage a desperate struggle for her life for almost 1.5 years. The girl was able to withstand serious trials and soon fully recovered both physically and mentally, and her really "fantastic" jump from a height of 10 thousand km without a parachute was listed in the Guinness Book. The legal certificate of the world famous stewardess was handed over by her idol - Paul McCartney, which made the heroine incredibly delighted.

The story of Cecilia Sichan, a 4-year-old girl

Cecilia Sichan

The story of the next heroine Cecilia Sichan took place in 1989, even today it is actively discussed. Indeed, in this terrible tragedy that happened to the McDonnell Douglas DC-9-82, serviced by Northwest Airlines, only one passenger out of 154 people on board, a 4-year-old little girl from America, was able to survive.

Cecilia traveled by air with her parents. The malfunction that caused the plane crash showed itself on takeoff - the pilot could not turn the steering wheel correctly, as a result of which the left wing plane caught on the mast for illumination, a terrible flame immediately engulfed the wing. Air transport changed the trajectory of the flight, which led to the fall and explosion of the aircraft. The airliner fell on the highway, a terrible explosion followed immediately. The wreckage of the car and the mutilated bodies of those on board were found by experts half a mile from the crash site.

Medics and firefighters arrived at the scene of the tragedy immediately, but the horror of the picture presented made it clear that there was no one to save in this place. However, the crying of children, which came from the wreckage of the plane, led the rescuers to real amazement. Firefighter D. Tied was the first to rush at the children's voice. Seeing a small hand that reached out of the wreckage, the fireman carefully took out the victim and carefully handed her over to the doctors.

Of course, during the crash, the girl received numerous injuries to both the head and limbs, besides this, her body was badly burned. But despite everything, it was this little traveler who was the only one to survive in the terrible tragedy. For a complete recovery, the girl had to undergo several operations, including 4 skin grafts. Cecilia was taken care of by her aunt and uncle. As soon as the girl grew up, she decided to get an airliner tattoo on her arm, as a constant reminder of a terrible and at the same time happy day in her life. Today Cecilia continues to use modern airplanes, and to the frequently asked question, are you afraid of air travel, she jokingly replies - "No, I'm not afraid, because the shell certainly doesn't hit the same place twice."

Russian accident

The tragedy with the An-24 aircraft, which carried 38 passengers from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Blagoveshchensk, was discussed for a long time all over the world. After all, the survivors of the plane crash were not numbered in dozens or even single ones - in this terrible disaster that happened in 1981, one 20-year-old passenger, L. Savitskaya, was able to survive, who was returning home with her husband after a honeymoon. The name of the surviving passenger was entered into the Guinness Book of Records, and more than once:

  1. For surviving a fall without a parachute from a height of more than 5 thousand km.
  2. For receiving the very minimum compensation, in the amount of 75 rubles, which is paid by the state as damage to all victims.
  3. She also collected many domestic awards from the authorities.

The cause of the plane crash was a collision with a bomber. Of course, the An-24, which is small in size, could not withstand the terrible blow and simply fell to pieces high in the sky. At the moment of the collision, the happy passenger was resting in her seat, wearing a seat belt. She was brought out of sleep by a severe burn caused by fire, which was rapidly gaining strength due to depressurization.

Larisa was familiar with the rules of safe flight, so she did not unfasten her belts and squeezed into her chair as much as possible. As the girl later explains, she was helped to survive by the plot of the film from the Italian directors "Miracles still meet", in which the main character was able to survive thanks to the fastened belt and the correctly chosen body position. The part of the plane, in which the girl was, fell on tree branches, which largely mitigated the fall, which lasted about 8 minutes. After landing, Larisa lost consciousness, but after a while she woke up on her own, went down into a birch forest and even built a shelter for herself for a safe overnight stay. It took rescue teams 48 hours to find the happy passenger, whose name had already been added to the list of the dead.

This is not at all surprising, because those who arrived at the scene of the tragedy could not find a single survivor, there were only charred bodies and aircraft wreckage around. The girl had serious head and back injuries, for a full recovery she needed to undergo several operations, with which Larisa was able to cope 100%.

Erica Delgado's story

Erica Delgado

Many worried about the recovery of 9-year-old, one surviving passenger of the McDonnell Douglas DC-9-14 aircraft, Erica Delgado. Air transport carried 47 passengers to Bogota from Cartagena. Only Erica managed to escape death. The cause of the crash was the breakdown of the altimeter, as a result of which the plane could not safely land and simply fell in a swampy area.

The girl was on board with her parents and brother, according to her, from the plane, which literally began to fall apart before our eyes, she was pushed out by her mother's hands. Just a few seconds later, the air transport was engulfed in flames, a terrible explosion thundered. Erica fell on the seaweed, but she could not get out of the swamp bog on her own. According to the girl, in a few minutes local residents arrived at the scene of the tragedy, but not to save the victims, but to make money. According to Erica, they ignored her pleas for help, but the marauders quickly ripped off the gold jewelry from her neck and hurried away. But nevertheless, her rescuer was a local farmer, who, hearing a child's cry, hurried to help the girl. Surprisingly, in such a terrible accident, Erica escaped with only a broken arm.

More stories from Russia

In the 2011 crash of the Russian Yak-42 aircraft, flying on the route Yaroslavl - Minsk, two survived. The plane was supposed to deliver the hockey team to Minsk, after the fall of the air transport, rescuers found two survivors - the athlete A. Galimov and A. Sizov, the flight engineer of the crashed aircraft. Unfortunately, the efforts of doctors did not help save the hockey player's life, as he received serious burns to his body, incompatible with life. The flight engineer was much more fortunate, despite numerous fractures and bruises, Alexander was able to fully recover his strength and did not even give up aviation. Of course, the flight engineer does not agree to work in the air, but he very carefully checks each aircraft for technical serviceability before departure.

Experts say that saving their lives in a plane crash is quite realistic, the most important thing is that passengers should know about the rules of safe flight, use this knowledge in an emergency, remain calm even in a seemingly hopeless situation, and strictly adhere to instructions from the crew members. It is imperative that you soberly assess the current situation and slowly make the right decision.

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