The most popular tourists in the world. Rating of the best countries for tourism

The World Tourist Organization (UNWTO) published data from which countries and regions of the world enjoyed the greatest popularity in 2013. In just last year, 1 billion 87 million people took a trip with tourist purposes. Europe's most popular region remains steadily Europewho visited more than half (51.8%) of the world tourists - 563.8 million to Asia (without the countries of the Middle and Middle East) and Oceania accounted for 22.9 percent of tourists (248.7 million), north and southern America - 15.5% (168.2 million), in Africa (without Egypt) - 5.1% (55.9 million), in the Middle and Middle East (including Egypt) - 4.7% (50.8 million), and this region became the only one, where the number of tourists compared with 2012 decreased. This is due to an unstable political situation in Egypt and Syria. In 2014, the number of tourists in this region continues to decline due to the Military Operation of Israel in the Gaza Strip.

As for the most popular tourist countries of the world, the first dozen looks like this:

10th place - Thailand from 26.5 million tourists in 2013.

9th place - Russia from 28.4 million tourists. For a long time, the most active tourists in our country were Americans and Europeans. But recently, more and more tourists come to Russia comes from China. Chinese tourists in Russia entered the leaders in the first quarter of 2014. Since 2015, it is planned to send groups of Chinese tourists to the Crimea on visa-free lists (tourism data for 2013, naturally, without registering the Crimea, which was then part of Ukraine).

8th place - Great Britain from 31.2 million tourists.

7th place - Germany from 31.5 million tourists.

6th place - Turkey from 37.8 million tourists. Turkey is.

5th place - Italy with 47.7 million tourists.

4th place - China from 55.7 million tourists.

Travelers' Choice Award is the most important tourist rating of the year, compiled by - the largest tourist service in the world. The winners were selected with the help of an algorithm that takes into account millions of reviews and estimates of Internet users about thousands of attractions, hotels and restaurants around the world over the past 12 months. Want to know what cities won? See the top 25 best travel places.

25 photos

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1. Marrakesh in Morocco became number 1 in the list of best travel places in "Awesome-raising the old market in the center of the city" is the most attractive place of the city, according to the portal users. (Photo: CNN).
2. Siem Rip in Cambodia - number 2 in the ranking of the best travel places. Special delight of tourists causes the sunrise over the Angkor Wat temple, because it is not for nothing that he is considered one of the seven new wonders of the world. (Photo: CNN).
3. Istanbul in Turkey is a city full of contrasts. A trip to Istanbul is a fantastic trip to different epochs, styles, religions, tastes and fragrances. (Photo: CNN).
4. Hanoi in Vietnam. Users call him alive, interesting and chaotic, in the good sense of the word, the city. (Photo: CNN).
5. "Beautiful and charming" Czech Prague. Here at every corner you can stumble upon "strange shops", which will pleasantly surprise you. (Photo: CNN).
6. Eclectic London is a mixture of styles of life, people and history. (Photo: CNN).
7. Rome, Italy. "Such a huge part of the story in the same city." (Photo: CNN).
8. Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Cool, fashionable, absolutely delightful city." (Photo: CNN).
9. Paris, France. Nowhere in the world you will not find such an amazing atmosphere as on Montmartre - a beautiful and colorful area with his little shops, art galleries and charming cafes. (Photo: CNN).
10. Cape Town, South Africa. One of the main attractions of Cape Town is the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden, which users write only complete admiration reviews. (Photo: CNN).
11. New York, USA. According to users, the main attraction of the city, which must be visited - this is Times Square. (Photo: CNN).
12. Zermatt, Switzerland. "As soon as you get to the top of the Matterhorn glacier, you will feel that you are standing on the roof of the world." (Photo: CNN).
13. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain. "In some corners of this city you will feel that you have traveled in time ... for 500 years in the past!" (Photo: CNN).
14. Hard, Turkey. "This is the most unusual and surreal landscape in the world!". (Photo: CNN).
15. Ubud, Indonesia. This is the best place for those who like Spa: massage, acupuncture, reflexotherapy, aromatherapy - here you can try absolutely everything. (Photo: CNN).
16. Cusco, Peru. "This is a wonderful city with charming cobbled streets, very hospitable inhabitants and good restaurants." (Photo: CNN).
17. St. Petersburg, Russia. One of his main attractions is St. Isaac's Cathedral from which a breathtaking view of the entire city opens. And the beauty of the interior of the cathedral causes the tourists "goosebumps!" In the photo: Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on the blood. (Photo: CNN).
18. Bangkok, Thailand. Khao San Street - "This is the heart and soul of Bangkok, the best place for all travelers, with his lively streets and bars at every step." (Photo: CNN).
19. Kathmandu, Nepal. Kathmandu is first of all the city of Buddhist temples, unique monuments that should be visited. (Photo: CNN).
20. Athens, Greece. The visiting card of this city is the "exciting" Acropolis. (Photo: CNN).
21. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, Internet users called the Queen Danube. (Photo: CNN).
22. Quinstown (New Zealand) is the best place for sports and stunning nature. (Photo: CNN).
23. Hong Kong (China) is the only one in its kind city, a characteristic feature of which are floating restaurants, in which there are very tasty "Dim Sumy" (Chinese dumplings). (Photo: CNN).
24. Dubai (UAE) - cosmopolitan oasis with futuristic city landscapes, which towers over the Arabian desert. (Photo: CNN).
25. Sydney (Australia) is a city that will have to "taste" both lovers of history and modernity. A business card of the city is the building of the opera (Sydney Opera House), which looks like a peaceful sailboat in the harbor. (Photo: CNN).

Among all the existing global areas of tourism, there are a number of country leaders in the number of travelers in 2019-2020. Such popularity is usually due to various benefits of recreation in a particular country.

It can be both unique attractions, architectural monuments and natural objects, and tourist-oriented policies of the country, allowing to simplify entry into it. An important factor is the total cost of the trip. The top 10 rating of countries is as follows for 2020.

Considering the most visited countries of the world, one cannot be bypassed. According to statistics, this year the state visited up to 22 million tourists, which allowed him to take a leading position among similar areas. Guests of this country are provided with a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with the ancient culture of the disappeared Maya people, to warm up on the hot sun or swim in transparent water.

The cost of recreation here varies depending on the living conditions. Hotels a lot, and they are all capable of satisfying even the most demanding guests due to exceptional service and affordable posting rates.

Fascinating Mexico (Capital - Mexico City)

Mexico will also please tourists with a loyal attitude towards guests, so that the latter has the opportunity to visit these states without the need for visas and other permits.

Vouchers to this country are in incredible demand from both tourists from the Russian Federation and CIS countries and among citizens of other states. The secret of this success is extremely simple - excellent weather, unique culture and low cost of rest.

In addition, one should not forget about the loyal policy of this country in relation to tourists: a visa-free entry for the citizens of most countries - a huge plus.

Planning a trip here, travelers note that most of the budget planned for rest is the cost of the flight. In the same time, prices for food and other expenses are incredibly small. Compared to other inexpensive analogues, it boasts an excellent quality of service, which makes it a competent and rational.

Additionally, it should be noted that the specifics of this country provides excellent opportunities for natural tourism, which will certainly include visiting local wonders of nature.


The Russian Federation is also included in the list of countries with the highest number of tourist numbers. Such interest is due to cultural features, as well as the rich history of the state. Due to climatic specificity, this area prefers more lovers of winter holidays and related sports, such as mountain skiing, snowboarding and others.

Extreme recreation adherents are extremely demanded by a trip to Siberia, where, in marching conditions, the tourist has the opportunity to enjoy the unique beauty of this corner of Russia.

Moscow and St. Petersburg are greatly popular with historical excursions, while lovers of the hot sun are more often sent to Kazan or Sochi. Pretty much demand is observed for tours, including a number of cities and the opportunity to add the most complete impression of the country.

This direction is incredibly popular in view of a number of features. First of all, they include a huge number of ancient attractions of the medieval period. Also, the tourist expects:

  • high quality service in hotels;
  • a huge number of architectural monuments;
  • unique original culture.

Additional advantage in a similar direction is that state language here English. Since it is international, travelers are not difficult to navigate the city and communicate with the locals.


Romantic Paris has been holding a leading position among popular tourist destinations for many years, and is perhaps the country visited the world, along with the United States. Rest in France allows you to balance the tourist program, including many different events in it and just admire the most romantic city in the world.

Lovers of excursions will surely not refuse to visit - Louvre or Eiffel Tower, and the Sea lovers will surely go their attention to the Cote d'Azur. In addition, this state is in itself a variety of cultural features, including unique local cuisine, interesting customs and many other factors attracting tourists in this direction.

Travel video to France.

France more than other states are suitable for a romantic pastime.

If you go here with children, it is easy to make a trip interesting for all family members. After all, there is a Disneyland, which will certainly leave a lot of bright and pleasant impressions and give the children joy.


This country is able to truly surprise travelers with a unique diversity, which cannot be compared with any other direction. First of all, it includes several climatic zones, stretchingly different from each other, which provides excellent opportunities for natural tourism. This contributes to the huge number of national parks that occupy a significant part of the country.

USA - the desired dream of many

In addition, there are many architectural and historical attractions. Tourists most often give preference, San Francisco and Washington. Often, batch tours include visiting all these cities, which allows you to enjoy a variety of fully.

Do not forget about Las Vegas, which is very in demand not only by foreigners, but also by the US residents thanks to the unique opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of rampant fun and excitement.

People's Republic of China

Despite the fact that this area is relatively recently started to be in demand, it quickly gained great popularity among tourists from a variety of corners of the world. First of all, travelers are interested in local culture and flavor. It is not a secret for anyone that this civilization is represented by one of the most ancient, in view of which it can boast a huge number of sights.

the great Wall of China

Another feature forcing travelers to go here is a rapidly growing economy. Local hotels are able to provide excellent placement conditions for a relatively small fee, and the number of goods and services that can be beneficial in this state made it popular among shopping lovers.

Middle - Majestic and Mysterious

In China, you can observe a unique combination of the dynamic rhythm of life in the metropolis and the peaceful calmness of small settlements. Therefore, attending this country, it is worth it to find time for inspection not only the capital, but also less large cities.

It is one of the most visited countries thanks to excellent service and suitable weather conditions. More often than others here tourists from various, which is explained by the geographical position of the country and the convenience of visiting.

The best conditions for rest are observed on, Ibiza and other popular southern resorts. The unique combination of the sea, clean beaches, colorful local cuisine and large number of attractions guarantees high demand for trips to Spain.

Ibiza - holiday every day

In Ibiza, various festivals of club electronic music are often held, which attracts young people from both neighboring states of Europe and from other countries.

It is impossible to leave Italy without trying the original local dishes prepared in accordance with all the rules and traditions.

In addition, only here you can appreciate the greatness of the Coliseum with your own eyes, take a picture near the Pisa Tower and admire the beauty of the mountainous areas of this country. Holidays here will definitely have to taste with shopping lovers, as in Milan you can buy many exclusive and unique things of the world's leading fashion brands.

Beach recreation lovers are best sent to Sicily. There they will be able to count on:

  • excellent weather;
  • high quality hotel service;
  • clean beaches and sea;
  • tasty kitchen.

For sightseeing, it is better to go to Rome, and for shopping, of course, in Milan. Thanks to such a tempting combination, this area is popular even with experienced travelers. The best option will be an alternate visit to several cities, which will allow you to get a maximum of the experience of the trip.

Today, more and more people prefer to spend money on travel, because emotions from trips to new cities and terrain are priceless and often awesome-unforgettable.


Also in India, many attractions that are considered to be the UNESCO World Heritage sites: the cave temples Ajanta, the cave temples Ellora, the Taj Mahal, numerous unique churches in the city of Goa, the monuments of Hampi, Kutub-Minar, etc.

The most unique country: Indonesia

Indonesia is the largest island state in the world: about 18,000, of which their own names have only about 7,000. The largest of the islands are New Guinea, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, and all the other islands are much less.

For large islands, a combination of mountain relief with plains covered with thick wet tropical forests is characterized. On many islands, the mountain slopes are cool rising almost from the shore itself and are completed by peaks.

One of the natural features of Indonesia is that many islands are covered with snow, despite the fact that they are close to the equator. Also Indonesia can be considered a country of volcanoes: their more than 500, and 129 are active. Especially famous for its numerous volcanoes is the island of Java.

And the most famous volcano of Indonesia - Krakatau, which is located between the Islands of Java and Sumatra. The largest - Rindjani on Lombock and Agun on Bali.

The most unique country: Bolivia

The uniqueness of Bolivia is that it can be called the most high-mountainous country, and in its insoxiance from the world. Not in vain Bolivia Master "Tibet America". Unfortunately, the exit to the Pacific Ocean, the country lost as a result of the war with Chile, so now it is in the middle of the continent. Here the most high-altitude actual capital is La Paz.

In Bolivia is the most high-mountain shipping lake in the world - Titicaca. Unlike other Latin American countries, most of its population are indigenous people, Indians are one of the main Indian tribes of Bolivia.

The number of its population is more than 2 million people. Tourists have a unique opportunity when visiting Bolivia, will meet with representatives of this people, which still follows its traditions and customs.

Photo: Open sources online, collage: Svetlana Karmadonova

"See Paris and die." This phrase is familiar to everyone. But not Paris, our planet is ready to amaze and attract. Especially since, according to the latest final data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), France although he headstop Tourist countries, but last year, not Paris attracted guests most often. In the meantime, Unwto determines the new rating of the regionspopular for travels, Flying Club "Fly With Alex Club" is looking for the cheapest flights to countries that will look at below. So what they are - one of the mostvisited tourists country mira.


Thailand is considered one of the most popular resorts in the south-east of Asia. A well-developed tourist infrastructure, charming nature, a mild climate and rather low prices made this country one of the ten most popular among tourists. Last year, the good of Thailand appreciated 35, 4 million tourists. Most often, guests went to Phuket, Bangkok and Pattaya. Thailand's beaches are open year-round, but the most appropriate time to relax - from November to March, when not too hot and without rains.


In recent years, tourist interest in Russia has increased significantly. In 2017, more than 35 million guests visited the country. Nature connoisseurs usually attract Baikal, volcanoes and geasers of Kamchatka, snow-covered tops of Altai, and lovers to soak on the beaches go to the sea coast. In the top of the most visited cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi. By the way, the capital of Russia entered the top three most photographed cities in the world. When it is better to go to the Russian Federation, depends on vacation plans. Who do not frighten the harsh winters and extreme rest in the mountains - welcome in January-February, but still more tourists come here in the summer.

Great Britain

37.7 million tourists visited the United Kingdom last year. For most guests, the purpose of the trip is London with its majestic Tower, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. Great Britain is what to attract tourists: the romantic coast of Wales, the harsh scenery of Scotland, the vintage streets of England and the ancient castles in which the story comes to life. It is impossible to be in the UK and not to see one of the main mysteries of the world - Stonehenge. Every year about 1.3 million tourists arrive at the stone giant. The best travel time to the United Kingdom is the summer and the period of Christmas holidays, when each street reminds pictures from children's fairy tales.


According to UNWTO, in last year, Germany visited 37.5 million guests. Berlin, Munich and Hamburg heads a list of the most popular cities. Also, Germany also attracts guests with countless natural and historical sights. And these are National Parks Saxon Switzerland, Yasmund, preimean lagoons and incredible beauty Castle Neuschwanstein. In winter, Germany is interesting ski resorts, summer - resorts and excursions. And autumn is, of course, Bavaria and the world famous feast of Oktoberfest beer.


For many, Turkey is, first of all, resorts, beaches and oriental sweets. In this country, it is impossible to bother. Ethnic diversity and rich cultural heritage make it an open-air museum. Last year, this country has opened the doors of 37.6 million guests. The largest flow of tourists traditionally falls on Istanbul and the beaches of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas. High season in Turkey is July-August. In the winter months, it is possible to spend great time in the mountainous regions, for example, in Uludage or Palandoches.


Italy is a museum country, an emotion country, the birthplace of the most useful cuisine in the world, one of the capitals of world fashion and winemaking. Italy is countless beaches, fascinating mountain regions, numerous monuments of history and culture. Going to Italy, it is difficult to decide where to go first: in Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan, maybe in Naples? According to UNWTO, it takes up to 58.3 million tourists in Italy. The most comfortable time to relax on Apennines is a velvet season.


60.7 million guests crossed the border of China over the past year and made this country number 5 in the UNWTO world ranking. Middle beloved is not only the Great Wall of China. This is still a legendary monastery Shaolin, Waterfall Huangosh, the Forbidden City, the Terracotta Army, the Sacred Mountains, a delightful power plant of three gorges and many other beauty. By the way, according to forecasts, in 2020 China has every chance to lead a list of the most popular countries fortourism. There is no low season in the Middle Kingdom, but if the goal of the trip is the Chinese wall, it is better to go during the Golden Autumn.


Troika leaders in attendance by tourists tear off Spain, in which 81.8 million people have time to visit the year. Corrida, colorful carnavals, Barcelona with her cathedral of the Holy Family, amazing rock paintings in the cave of Altamira, endless vineyards in Riookhe, Ordes National Park, Valencia with its oceanarium, the ancient capital Toledo and, of course, modern Madrid - all this worth seeing at least Once in life. The influx of tourists to Spain begins in May and lasts until autumn.


The USA - a dream country in which last year visited 75.9 to 79 million tourists. People go here all year round to see New York with his Times Square, Las Vegas Casino and Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, Beaches of Miami and Hawaii, Great Canyon, Niagara Falls, Death Valley, Favoric Alaska and Yellowstone National the park. You can go on vacation in America at any time of the year, but most of all tourists here on Christmas holidays and from May to September.


Only in 2017, 86.9 million tourists managed to relax in this country. Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg is a small part of cities that are usually planning to visit guests. For many years, the Eiffel Tower remained the top venue of France, but at the end of last year, more and more tourists prefer not to the noisy capital, and the azure coast and Alps. France can not dislike. This is the global capital of fashion, wine and cheese. Incredibly colorful France is not in vain. It takes first place in the world ranking of the most popular countries. Here you and the Alps with their ski resorts, warm beaches, enchanting villages, which have retained a unique color, elegant and romantic city parks. But for real romantics, France is primarily the Eiffel Tower. By the way, annually it attracts about 7 million tourists.

In the meantime, UNWTO accounts for top countries 2018, Vogue edition has already published a list of directions that, according to forecasts, will attract travelers in 2019. This rating includes Mongolia, countries of South America, Oman, the Kingdom of Bhutan and Seychelles.

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