Stone chest. What secrets hide the Khakass "Chests

Chests -Temple of the time of Northern Khakassia. - Here the “Chests” opened a little and the spirits of the Underworld escaped from them and they rushed, howling angrily, along the river. Watch out for the dangers! However, if you are strong and ready to perform heroic deeds, then try to look into the "Chests" while they are open. There you, in case of luck, will get living water. She will make you immortal... The discovery of the secrets of this unusual place to a wide range of people belongs entirely to the Novosibirsk scientist Vitaly Larichev, who, with a group of enthusiasts, has been conducting his research in this area of ​​​​northern Khakassia for three decades. - A quarter of a billion years ago, five fantastically beautiful pyramidal mountains, colloquially referred to as Chests, ascended to the very Sky. Larichev And it all started back in the late 70s, when Larichev began excavating the settlement of Malaya Syya in Northern Khakassia. - They, unexpectedly for everyone, made the beginning of the development of Siberia by Homo sapiens about 10 thousand years older than previously thought (this event went beyond 30 thousand years!), And the culture itself was very puzzled by the obvious, it seems, improbability - the presence of peculiar, made from art stone. The discovery of such was not expected in Siberia, as it was believed, the bearish deaf periphery of the settlement of “reasonable people” of Eurasia. Larichev According to fundamental science, this could not be, so the results of this discovery were compromised and forcibly interrupted. But it was this event that prompted the scientist to continue his studies of Northern Khakassia in order to find other evidence of the cultural and spiritual past of this territory.
The complex of pyramidal rocks immediately attracted the attention of Larichev and his colleagues, but getting to the Chests at that time was not so easy. - Places adjacent to the "Chests" are considered dangerous in the district. The reason was not the fear of angry spirits raging there for weeks, who knows what. Just around the "Chests" on both sides of the small rivers, the tributaries of the White Iyus - Chernaya and Cheryomushka, during floods, turned the district into a dead lowland, where, if careless, one could disappear without a trace. In addition, in summer, myriads of swamp mosquitoes, clouds of midges made staying there unbearable, and numerous snakes nesting in crevices of rocks turned a walk along the slopes of the mountains and at their foot into a risky enterprise. Larichev But scientists had no reason to believe that in ancient times the natural conditions were different. Only two decades before that, work began on draining these wetlands by the Ministry of Water Resources of the USSR, and only in the mid-70s did scientists first appear here.Having passed along the earth-management dams, the employees of the North Khakass expedition of the Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk) began their research on chests. During a superficial examination of the area adjacent to the Chests, from the height of the rocky peaks, it was possible to examine the entire territory. - Low-lying, heavily swamped, covered with impassable shrubs and birch groves, the hollow, along which small rivers, tributaries of the White Iyus once wound, and from under the ground of which many springs of icy water gushed, stretched for tens of kilometers to the north and east. It was surrounded on all sides by mountains, the slopes of which clearly outlined the distant horizon, and the core part was the chain of chests on the left bank of the main river. They stretched along it, almost coinciding with each other, in a direction close to the north-south azimuth. Larichev
This rocky ridge made a great impression on scientists. Each of the five Chests, especially the First, looked like natural pyramids. From their stone peaks, the eastern and western horizons were far visible, as well as the points that determine the directions
astronomical north and south.
- All this taken together, and most importantly - the Chests, elevated high above the oversaturated lowlands of an elongated oval basin, could not but excite anyone who was at least a little aware of the cosmogonic concept of the Indo-Europeans, explaining the beginning of the formation of the universe (about the appearance of the oceans of the World the mountains). Larichev This area perfectly reflected the cosmogony of the ancient inhabitants of this territory. More suitable for the real personification of the myth about the beginning of the creation of the Universe from the rise from the "primordial waters" of the unprecedented size of the World Mountain could hardly be found. - The Iyusskaya basin provides two fundamental elements for this - hard-to-reach spaces of swamps, which are a viscous mixture of water and a shapeless mass of "fluid unsteady earth", sucking in all living clay mud, and, as if miraculously raised above the "waters" Chests. Larichev

World mountain.

In the mythology of many countries of the Earth, the most widespread and fundamental idea is the idea of ​​seeing the universe in the guise of the World Mountain rising from the waters of the Primordial Ocean. She, as the ancient philosophers claimed, reached the height of the orbit of the Sun. It was because of its mountain slopes that the Moon, the Sun, planets and stars appeared, and then disappeared to be in the sky again.
A stable and immobile state in that system was occupied by the Polar Star, which was at the zenith of the celestial dome, sparkling right above the top of the World Mountain.
The universal mountain was called by the inhabitants of North Africa and Eurasia in different ways. So, the Egyptians called it Sar or Det, the Chaldeans of the Near East - Garsak Babbara, the Indo-Aryans of the Middle East and Central Asia - Khaara Berezaite, the Indians - Su Meru, the Chinese - Kun Lun.
Summarizing what is known about the World Mountain, it is possible to describe it in an extremely brief presentation as follows: on the rocky peak of the “ocean creation”, a source of living water gushed. Its four streams flowed down the slopes, giving rise to rivers and lakes of earth and sky. There, at the top, sat the Creator of the universe himself and the Gods of the highest rank serving him - the rulers of the Universe. At the foot of that mountain lived the first representatives of the human race, as well as the animal and plant worlds. Subsequently, at the end of the universal scale of the catastrophe (the all-destroying flood), they left their ancestral home, the northern regions of the earth, and settled across the continents, having mastered favorable conditions for cattle breeding and
agriculture in the middle and southern latitudes.
The myth of the World Mountain remained in demand for many millennia. In particular, representatives of the priestly clans of the Indo-Aryans carefully preserved it. The northern area of ​​the earth, up to the inaccessible due to the waters, ice and snow blockages of the Arctic, was perceived by them as the side of the ancestral home, from where the ancestors began their exodus to the southern lands. They left the foot of the primordial mountain because of the impossibility of living in those parts. This is now seen as the main reason that wherever the communities of the Indo-Aryans then turned out, each time the servants of their gods, the priests, turned the most spectacular in terms of picturesque elevation of the development area into the earthly incarnation of the very, universal rank of the World Mountain, with the appearance of which the universe began and where, over time, the great gods appeared, the creators of everything endowed with life. This mountain and the territories adjacent to it turned into a sacred place. It was equipped in strict accordance with the religious and cult canons of the priesthood.
Surprisingly, the Judaic Meru looks consistent with the main canons of the arrangement of the "World Mountain" of the Indo-Europeans. Irrigation system.
An equally surprising discovery is a large-scale system of ancient water channels located throughout the valley, in the center of which is the mountain range of Chests. This so-called Iyusskaya irrigation system. Modern scientists attribute it to the Tagar archaeological culture of 2000 BC. There are several similar systems built on the basis of ancient irrigation canals in the Minusinsk Basin. In addition to Iyusskaya, there are two more large ones: Uybat and Koybal irrigation systems. Below I give a brief description of the irrigation systems that I gleaned from the book of the famous Soviet archaeologist Kiselyov S.V. "Ancient history of Southern Siberia": - Irrigation systems are currently presented canals, catchment ponds, artificial lakes. On the site of the steppe, where artificial irrigation was used, flooded and dry meadows and areas of woody vegetation arose. water channels have different widths and depths. Among them are - main canals, channels 1st and 2nd order. All irrigation systems in the spring-summer period are filled with water from large rivers.
Main channels- these are the largest channels, they have a depth of 1 to 1.5–2 m and a width of 14 to 20 m. These channels carry the main flow of water from the river to the steppe areas to fields or lakes.
There are hydraulic structures on the canals. These include bridges, locks and crossings. In places of such structures, the canal bed is lined with concrete slabs and reinforced with rocky embankments. Bridges are built of concrete blocks, between which there are quite large gaps. Iron locks are hydraulic structures for
water flow control and have various hollow holes and slots.
1st order channels are ditches bordered by earthen ramparts. Their depth is about 0.7 m and width up to 2-3 m. 2nd order channels(irrigators) are characterized by a depth of 0.2–0.5 m and a width of up to 1 m. On some systems, there are also transit channels, which carry water to bulk lakes from the main canal or from one lake to another. An example of this is the transit canals in the Koibal irrigation system. These canals are artificially dug ditches up to 4–5 m wide and up to 1 m deep, usually with a muddy bottom.
In some sections of these channels, shallow spills of water are formed in the form of marshy swamps with small open water mirrors and sandy islands in them. Along the edges, these spills were overgrown with reeds, and near the water's edge, sandy-silty shores were formed, uncovered with vegetation.
Water channels are present in all irrigation systems. In addition, the structure of a particular system includes catchment ponds or artificial lakes.
catchment ponds- these are artificial pits filled with water, the minimum depth of which is 0.1–0.5 m, and the maximum depth is 1.6–2 m. Ponds have a rectangular shape with an area of ​​up to 20 hectares (200x1000 m). Each pond has 2 locks. One lock is used to fill the pond from the main canal, and the second one is used to descend into the channels of the 1st
artificial lakes- These are large reservoirs with a depth of 5.5 m to 35 m and an area of ​​155 ha to 1200 ha. Restoration of ancient water channels began in 1926 (Uibat irrigation canal) and gained momentum in the second half of the 20th century. By the 70s. In the 20th century, there were 56 irrigation systems with 318 main canals on the territory of the Minusinsk Basin with a total length of 1450 km, the irrigated area was about 70 thousand hectares. But in connection with the decline of agriculture in the 90s. 20th century most of the irrigation systems no longer function. Let's try to figure out what the Iyus irrigation system we are interested in is and what changes were made to it with the advent of Soviet power in Khakassia. Inspection of the canals on the ground and from satellite images showed that at the moment the irrigation system around the Chests is represented by all types of water canals: main, canals of the 1st and 2nd orders. Judging by my observations, the Iyus system has undergone minor changes and now we see almost the same thing that the ancient builders created. The basis of the system is the channels of the 1st order, they are cut by smooth lines with a high degree of accuracy, which is clearly visible from satellite images and stretch for many kilometers, breaking the space into regular geometric shapes. Modern "hydraulic builders" apparently only slightly worked with bulldozers on the network of water channels that already existed before them, equipping them with locks and bridges. The system is fed by the water of the rivers Bely Iyus, Chernaya and Cheryomushka, launching streams throughout the valley, in the center of which is the mountain range of Chests. How not to remember the prototype of Mount Meru in Khakassia and the people who lived at its foot and were engaged in agriculture on the fertile lands around the mountain where the Gods lived. It remains only a mystery how people of the Bronze Age who did not know iron could create such a global irrigation system by actually digging it out by hand and running water through canals for many kilometers. Orthodox science finds simple answers: thousands of slaves with the help of improvised tools who have done hard work. But even if we omit the question of how the June irrigation system was built - there are not many options here, then the authorship of such global projects is not so obvious. Personally, I am inclined to believe that the age of the irrigation system is much older and, in its ambiguity, belongs to the heritage of the most mysterious so-called Okunev culture of 2000 BC, which left us, among other things, sun-shaped faces on cult stones; the largest burial mounds in Central Asia, framed by chains of stone cromlechs and sacred centers like the same Chests. VIt is not known for certain that in ancient times a powerful people lived in this territory for a long time, who built stone houses, cult complexes - SVE, skillfully used the land for crop production, judging by the irrigation systems, and also had quite impressive knowledge (as studies have shown) in scientific fields such asastronomy, calendar studies, cosmogony and philosophy.It was they who three thousand years ago became the creators of the northern civilization, equal in power to the civilizations of the south of Eurasia. Chests. The structure of the complex. The sacral complex Chests consists of five separate mountain ranges. This chain stretches from north to south and covers an area of ​​6 square meters. kilometers. Without exception, all Chests are a kind of take-off platforms - gently sloping from the west and steep from the east. The ancient priests apparently noticed this remarkable feature, as it reflects the power and influence of the Sun. In the east, at sunrise, the luminary has the greatest strength, which decreases simultaneously with the movement of the Sun to the west. First and most impressive Box from the east, it is crowned by a cuboid-shaped stone remnant elevated 140 meters above sea level.From there, the far horizon line is visible for tens of kilometers in all directions, which is ideal for accurate astronomical observations. This circumstance became the starting point for the start of full-scale research of the First Chest by a team of Novosibirsk scientists.In addition, the ancient Khakass name of Chests is Okhonol (the place where observations were made), which further assured astroarchaeologists, as they call themselves, to start a full-scale study on the First Chest. From the south, the rock is supported by four mountains, which have a similar appearance of rocky ridges. They limit deep canyons, through which water streams flowed in ancient times, personifications of primeval rivers - the sources of all earthly rivers and fillers of the waters of the "Universal Ocean". Study Fourth Chest led scientists to a new discovery. In the place where powerful layers of pink sandstone sank deep into the earth, the remains of ancient tombs appeared. Huge slabs, each weighing hundreds of kilograms, covered the burial chambers, reliably protecting the peace of the dead. It is very likely that in ancient times this Chest was used for the burial of priests, and later shamans, who knew about the cult significance of this place. Apparently here, in the grave of a shaman, according to the stories of local residents, a strange stone was found, on which stars and constellations were depicted. The most famous "epopee" of petroglyphs was also found here, which tells about the descent of the hero into the lower world. I am sure that other Chests in those days also served some sacred purposes, and the absence of finds there is only a consequence of a very superficial study of these mountains. Scientists led by Vitaly Larichev focused their attention on the First Chest and for several decades found enough evidence to explain their versions. - The sacred significance of all these places in the north of Khakassia is confirmed by the numerous sanctuaries on the tops of the mountains, which frame the "Pristine Earth" along the entire perimeter. There, in the closest proximity to Heaven, behind ramparts made of slabs and walls separating the ordinary world from the holy world, the priests offered prayers of the highest rank to the gods. And at the foot of each of the Chests there are many grave fields with palisades of memorial plates. Temples and astronomical observatories were built into the rocky cliffs of the Chests themselves, designed to observe the sunrises and sunsets of the luminaries. Cult and ritual actions were performed near them in memory of the ancestors, for the benefit of the living and for the glory of the gods. Larichev First Chest.

- The "primordial earth" is notable for the fact that the Creator, according to the creation myth, erected a mountain in its center, the top of which reached the orbits of the Moon and the Sun. The first Chest, the grandest of all the Chalice Chests, is an almost perfect reflection of this idea. Larichev The upper edges of the mountain are long rocky ridges. They limit the vast and deep spaces of the three canyons, within which are located astropoints and proto-temples, created in order to observe the Moon and the Sun at certain times.
Larichev and his team of like-minded people are sure that 4000 years ago, the ancient people who inhabited this territory turned the First Chest into a grandiose Temple of Time. Years of research convinced them that the ancients built this mountain as an observatory. There were not many strategic periods in the year to observe the luminaries: 1. Spring Equinox - March 21st. Day equals night. The sun rises exactly in the east. 2. Summer Solstice - June 21st. The longest day of the year. 3. Autumn equinox - September 23rd. Day equals night. The sun rises exactly in the east. 4. Winter Solstice - December 22. The shortest day of the year. Why did the ancient priests need to follow the Sun? - It was the dates of the equinoxes that were more important than the solstice, because they made it possible to accurately determine the length of the year. Any bad weather could postpone this moment for a year.Elena Gienko Associate Professor, Department of Astronomy, Siberian State Geodetic Academy. It is also possible that it was part of their sun-worshipping religion, as in the then reigning Egyptian civilization. By the way, Larichev found a lot in common between this civilization and the culture of the ancient people who inhabited the Iyusskaya valley. The first thing that immediately caught my eye was the shape of the Chest itself, resembling a pyramid with a falcon's head on top. According to Egyptian mythology, the right eye of the falcon is the sun, the left eye is the moon. Another plus in favor of the astronomical observatory theory.
According to scientists, it took the ancient priests one hundred to two hundred years of continuous astronomical observations to create such a complex that has been operating for thousands of years. To observe the luminaries, ancient astronomers did not use cunning instruments. The priests found points on the ground from which, on certain days, the Moon or the Sun could be observed in some noticeable rocky hole. To remember the observation point, the place was marked with menhirs. And in order to separate the world of the Gods from the world of mortals, the priests erected a stone rampart at the foot of the First Chest, which exists to this day. One of the first questions raised by Larichev was this. Is the ancient complex of the First Chest man-made, on a par with the pyramids of Egypt and very similar in functionality to the astronomical complex of the Druids of Stonehenge? It could be assumed that the sacred object found by astroarchaeologists was of artificial origin and was built by the hands of an ancient man. Suspicions of human intervention evoke spacious openings in the rocky ridges, as if they were cut down in rocky sandstone under a certain luminary. The stone remnant Throne of the Shaman is specially made for observing the winter equinoctial rising sun and is located on the White Horse - First Chest line.
White horse- This is a petroglyph located on the neighboring Mount Solbon, located 3 kilometers northwest of the First Chest. This petroglyph appeared there16 thousand years ago. According to scientists, this is how a group of stars from the constellation Leo was depicted. Then it was from this constellation that the Sun rose on the day of the winter solstice. Hence the observation thaton this day, being at the White Horse, one could see how the sun came out of a stone chest on top of the mountain. The ancient priests apparently figured out this place and marked the petroglyph on the rock.
Returning to the version of the possible man-made of the First Chest, it should be noted. that, compared to its brethren, it has deep canyons. According to historians of Khakassia, it is documented that the amphitheater of the first canyon was carved artificially. The magnificent acoustics of this place and the area allow to accommodate several thousand people here. Probably, spiritual services were held here, gathering a large number of people, and a priest spoke on a stone cube at the top. Again, how great physical capabilities were needed to shovel thousands of tons of rock. This work is comparable in scale to the construction of an irrigation system. However, scientists reject the man-made origin of the mountain. - This mountain has absolutely natural origin. It was interesting to ancient people that they saw in it symbols corresponding to their mythology and religion. Sergei Parshikov. Institute of Physics SB RAS Over 30 years of research, Larichev found out. that there are no random holes on the First Chest. It is important to determine what could be observed there and in what period. - Everything here has been traveled and viewed many times over the decades - step by step, kilometer by kilometer, along and across, and therefore, it seems, one cannot find something new near the fiery red sandstone mountains. But, apparently, the treasures of the rock Chests are inexhaustible, because each regular field season was not without a surprise.Larichev A real discovery for a group of astroarchaeologists was the petroglyphs, which confirmed the worldview theory of the ancient priests, rooted in the cosmic mythology of the Indo-Europeans. - Among everything discovered on the banks of the Iyus, until recently, there was no monument that would allow clarifying the mysterious circumstances of the birth of the World Mountain itself. It is known that this event was linked in the cosmic mythology of the Indo-Europeans with the appearance in Chaos of a huge egg laid by a divine bird. It contained the ordered structures of the Universe ready to appear in the world of God - the Sky (shell), the circular waters of the World Ocean (protein) and the Earth, a spherical yolk in the center of the egg, the embodiment of that same World Mountain, so effectively represented by the First Chest. Larichev This event happened in 2005. Astroarchaeologists, examining the stones near the First Chest, stumbled upon a wall completely covered with multi-figured compositions. Among the images of various creatures, a majestic picture, unique for the rock art of Siberia, was captured. - In the center of it is placed the main component of the plot, which tells about the creation of the Universe - an oval, vertically placed egg. Inside it, the correct circle of the waters of the Ocean and the sphere of the Earth are inscribed, and in the immediate vicinity of it there are 7 figures of the primordial gods. Immediately there are carved drawings of a predatory eagle with bulls' heads at the ends of widely spaced wings, a man with his hands raised to Heaven, a supreme deity and 13 rounded symbols of the luminaries, allowing you to read the time by the Moon and the Sun. The planes of the temple are still protected from bad weather by the ceiling - a massive sandstone slab, and at its base are multi-ton blocks, embodied in stone by a round flat Sun and the same flat, crescent-shaped outlines of the Moon. Their sunrises, respectively, in winter and summer, were observed from the temple above the top of the First Chest, the height of which exactly corresponded to the height of the distant horizon. This means that when viewed from the new temple, he again reached the height of the orbits of both luminaries, once again confirming his status as the World Mountain. Larichev Never before have archaeologists met on the rocks either Siberia, or Central and Central Asia, or India, the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, in the ancient myths of the Indo-Europeans, who in the distant past inhabited the vast expanses of Eurasia from Britain in the west to Hindustan in the east, such an Egg seemed to be that great “Something”, in the image of which the Indo-Aryan priests saw the World. The general appearance and structure of this Egg exactly corresponds to the ideas about the Universe of the first European cosmologist Anaximander I millennium BC, who, judging by written sources, borrowed this scheme from the Zoroastrian priests of Iran and Asia Minor. The outer contour of the Egg, its shell, represented the solid starry Sky, and the three circles inside ("multilayered yolk") - "rings", the orbits of the Sun, Moon and planets. No less interesting and an illustration of a story well known in Indo-European cosmogonic mythology about the miraculous appearance from an Egg floating in the primordial World Ocean, the creator of the Universe, shining with the dazzling light of the God of time and space. The Romans called him Phanes, and the Greeks - Zeus; the Hindus respectfully called a deity of such a high rank - Brahma, and the Indo-Aryans of eastern Iran, Central Asia and the steppes of Western Siberia - Zurvan Dargavidat,"The God of finite time", who controls the World materialized by his efforts. If the plots of the left wall of the temple were easily recognized by Larichev one after another, then the compositions of the right wall looked at first beyond interpretation. Only after many days of viewing, photographing and copying drawings at different times of the day, Larichev was able to interpret this plot as well. - Part of the plane was occupied by the image of Chaos with a bizarre confusion of curves, angular and straight lines and a mess of figuratively indistinguishable fragments of bodies. The other department was occupied by the monsters of the hrafstra. They attacked winged, anthropomorphic deities, humans and animals. The horde of the vile appearance of the hrafstra was led by an ugly creature with a long neck and the body of a chicken, with a serpentine tail and amazingly long wings (like the god of evil of the Zoroastrians Ankhra-Manyu) and a skinny lion with a sunken belly, a rachitic wing and a greedily open mouth. They emerged from the crown of Chaos and, together with their unearthly guise assistants, blazing with furious anger, rushed to the World carefully arranged by the gods. It was a picture of a terrible, not for life, but for death, collision of the polar forces of the Universe. It is they, the symbolic incarnations of the forces of Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, Chaos and Cosmos, who determined in bloody battles the course of affairs in Nature and the fate of people, living and departed into other existence.Larichev And now let's get acquainted with the main discoveries of Novosibirsk scientists, made by them over the years of research on the territory of the First Chest. First canyon.

1. Astrocomplex "Equinoctial window". Here, according to the calculations of scientists, the ancient priests could observe the sunrise on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes in the period of 1500 BC.
This astrocomplex includes four observation sites located on the southern edge of the second ridge, and a “window” built of large heavy plates in the zone of a small, insignificant depth of the opening in the upper part of the first ridge. It is obvious that the triangular window is made of a slab that was deliberately placed here in order to limit the field of view of the sun at a certain period. The extreme platforms of the "observatory", No. 7 and No. 5, clearly limited the "equinox period", i.e. the time at which the Sun crosses the line of the celestial equator, moving either to the north, determining the beginning of the spring astronomical season, or to the south, determining the beginning of the autumn astronomical season. The middle observation site, No. 6, is not placed symmetrically with respect to the two extreme ones and reflects the moment of observation of the passage of the Sun through the "Window" at the time of the average date between two solstices. The middle of the summer and winter seasons does not coincide with the dates of the equinoxes by about two days due to the uneven motion of the Earth in its orbit. - Special calculations showed that the determination of the corresponding dates was carried out by the ancient priests of the First Chest with an accuracy of 1 day. Such detail in the study of an elusive calendar event cannot but amaze any historian of astronomy. Indeed, if the determination of the days of the summer and winter solstices consists in fixing the extreme positions of the rising or setting Sun relative to the meridian and is not difficult in practice (the luminary rises and sets at the same point on the horizon for several days), then the key dates of the equinoxes are extremely difficult to determine. Therefore, the determination of the days of the equinoxes by the ancient priests should be considered a very significant, truly scientific achievement. Larichev
2. Astrocomplex "Arktur". As evidenced by the reconnaissance searches of scientists, the ancient astronomers who equipped the first canyon with "observatories" were very concerned with the exact establishment of the time of the equinoxes. They solved this problem by observing the brightest star in the constellation Bootes - Arcturus, called "Northern Sirius" by astronomers. This star, like Sirius in Egypt, had great calendar significance for them, but not in connection with the summer solstice, as among the peoples of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, but with the spring equinox.

Rectangular window for observing the star Arcturus during the vernal equinox 1500 BC. is located on the top of the second ridge, up the slope from the observation platforms of the astrocomplex "Equinoctial Window" and is formed by a massive slab, which, according to Larichev, was knocked out by ancient astronomers and deliberately lowered down. As it was possible to establish immediately, after the discovery, neither the Sun nor the Moon could be tracked in the "window", since the luminaries simply did not fit there. One of the scientists suggested that this rocky hole was intended to observe one of the brightest stars in the northern part of the sky - Vega or Capella. And in the next field season (2003), this idea was tested. But the star that visited this window 1500 BC It turned out not to be Vega, but Arcturus.As calculated by scientists, while Arcturus flashed in the window 15 minutes before the spring equinox. The idea of ​​using the appearance of bright stars in the sky as signs (harbingers) of especially significant calendar and astronomical events is well known to historians of astronomy of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Babylon (in the valley
Nile, the rise of Sirius on the days of the summer solstice was perceived by the priests as a sign of God, graciously foreshadowing the flood of the nurse of the river).
Summing up the above, we note that among the many astroarchaeological objects of the First Chest, the point of observation of the heliactic phenomenon of Arcturus in the “window” on the eve of sunrise on the day of the vernal equinox acquires key importance. In addition to the striking fact in itself, confirming the birth of stellar astronomy in Siberia in the Bronze Age (Okunev culture), we note three circumstances:
1. this astropoint allows us to confidently date the time of the especially intensive functioning of the First Chest as a grandiose center of astronomical observations in the south of Siberia, not inferior in importance to its contemporary - Stonehenge in England;
2. the conclusion about the observation of Arcturus by the priests of the Okunev culture confirms and explains the perfection and accuracy of their lunisolar calendars;
3. Since Arcturus until recently occupied a particularly important place in the astral mythology of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, it becomes promising to solve the problem of reconstructing the stellar mythology of the Okunev people.
3. Astrocomplex "Oval". Not far from the place of observation of the star Arcturus, about fifty meters up the slope and in the immediate vicinity of the rocky peak of the First Chest, there is another grandiose astroarchaeological complex. It was intended to observe the sunset on the days of the summer solstice.
Observation of the Sun in this astrocomplex
was carried out from a pavement of stones, by now already partially destroyed. Slabs and blocks of sandstone in the form of an oval are laid around this site. (photo on the left) At the top of the second ridge there is an inclined plate under the base of which the Sun set on the days of the summer solstice (photo on the right). Just below the slab, a small niche has been carved into the rock. This is a kind of proto-temple - a cult place for ritual actions. Its structure includes a large, massive, rounded slab, laid obliquely above the chamber of the grotto and fixing its position (preventing slipping down) the second slab, semilunar outlines. It is curious that the first plate is located in the place where the setting Sun turns out to be on the days of the summer solstice, if you mentally extend the route of its departure beyond the horizon from the plate installed on the edge of the ridge (photo on the right). - This circumstance gives the right to see in the round slab covering the grotto, a sculptural embodiment in stone of the disk of the Sun. Apparently, the daytime luminary seemed to the ancient priests not to be spherical, but flat, disc-shaped. Larichev This section of the rock looks like a sculptural embodiment of a dragon's head with a rounded eye of the Sun (a rounded plate) and a tiled horn. The mythological interpretation of the sculptural head of the dragon is as follows. Gthe dragon's eye (a rounded slab above the grotto) is the June Sun of the summer solstice, and the horn above the temple, the place of its setting, is designed to clearly illustrate the episode of the annual confrontation between two alternative deities of the Universe, personifying light and darkness, good and evil, the confrontation between the Sun and the Dragon, - it shone on the days of the summer solstice, the time of its greatest power, when it hit right under the horn of the monster with the intention of striking him on the spot, and then blinded - burned out the eye, reaching the location of the grotto. There is another circumstance that allowed Larichev and his team to accept the idea of ​​a cult proto-temple - its connection with the Arcturus astrocomplex. - On the day of the summer solstice, the last ray of the setting Sun disappeared under an inclined slab mounted on a ridge above
proto-temple, and on the days of the equinoxes, the sunset was observed in the gap formed by the right side of the obliquely lying slab (Arcturus) and the left side of the root protrusion of the rock.
4. Prototemple of the sunrise on the days of the summer solstice.
Sunrise on the days of the summer solstice was tracked with the greatest accuracy from the site of the astrocomplex associated with the opening in the lower part of the second ridge (the site is located approximately at an equal distance from the structures of the Equinoctial Window and Oval observatories).
The structures of the astrocomplex and at the same time the sanctuary include an eastern rocky cliff with two holes placed one above the other; rocky plane on the opposite, western side of the opening with two gutters oriented tangentially in
the side of the holes, and a narrow sandstone block with a flat table-like surface, aligned with the middle part of the western wall of the opening (a place for sacrifices?). On the same wall, a little to the south, there is a multi-figure composition of embossed drawings.
Special studies with complex procedures for geodetic measurements and calculations allowed astronomers to conclude that in the opening of the second ridge, the sunrises of the daylight were tracked on the days of the summer solstice and the days of the solstice following them, which together determine the beginning of the months of astronomical summer. It was natural to assume that these significant events were accompanied by corresponding cult and ritual actions, as evidenced by the found petroglyphs.
Second canyon. 5. Astrocomplex and prototemple "Sun in Aries".
The proto-temple is located on the left side of the second canyon, not far from its mouth and close to the rampart of slabs that encloses the sacred space of the First Chest with all its cult monuments from the swampy valley of the Chernaya River. The main structural part of the astrocomplex is the column
remnant, conventionally called "fungus". This remnant
with a flat platform at the top, where you can comfortably stand, adjacent to the central section of the rock with various types of carved figures, including an astrally symbolic composition representing a picture of the entry of the Sun (a circle with point in the center) into the constellation Aries (two semicircles of horns, combined with the right edge of the circle) and the crescent of the young Moon, located above the "Sun in Aries", a symbol of the onset of spring.
As shown by the relevant astronomical calculations, the rising of the Equinox Sun could be observed from the "fungus" in the lower right corner of the "Opening" for about ten centuries - from the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e. before
middle of the 1st millennium BC On this occasion, near the proto-temple, cult ritual actions were performed, dedicated to the onset of the spring astronomical season and the rebirth of nature after the end of winter.
6. Astrocomplex "Summer Moon" on the celestial meridian.
Well, we got to the observation of the moonrise by ancient astronomers. Larichev and his team discovered two such places in the space of the Second and Third Canyons. Now we will talk about the first place where the sunrises of the night luminary were tracked - the Summer Moon astrocomplex.
The central position here is occupied by an inclined stele deeply dug into the ground, from which the directions to the north and south were oriented. Measurements taken from the location of the stela clearly showed that these directions were marked by prominent features of the relief of the northern and southern walls of the canyon. With the help of a stele installed on the line of the celestial meridian, the priests determined the time of the onset of noon (in the last ten days of June, the plate at noon still does not cast a shadow), as well as the boundaries of the transition from one astronomical season to another.
Of the many phenomena that have been observed from the stele in the northeast, the greatest interest is the possibility of tracking the rise of the low summer moon in the south - in the zone, apparently, artificially a cut rocky opening, which is located near the upper edge of the southern wall of the canyon (photo on the right). In this peculiar “Window”, through the central zone of which the line of the celestial meridian passes, the full summer Moon rose during the period. The night luminary appeared for a short time, touching the lower edge of the rocky surface at the place where the meridian passed, and immediately began to set.
- This is an event that was observed only once, at the end of the period
lasting 18.61 years, clearly and very clearly signaled to the ancient astronomer about the completion of one long period of shifts of the rising points of the night star relative to the South and the beginning of the next period of shifts, but already directed in the opposite direction.
Larichev Knowledge of this pattern allows us to assert that the priesthood of the First Chest was able to calculate the time of the onset of lunar eclipses, which seriously raises the authority of ancient astronomers, who are able to draw up calendars of the movement of the stars thanks to their observations.
Third Canyon. 7. Astrocomplex of rising and setting of the high winter moon. The structural objects of the complex include observation platforms, objects of observation (characteristic points of the horizon marked with plates), as well as a “window” punched in the fourth ridge that limits the canyon from the north side.

The relative location of sighting stones and observation platforms allowed Larichev to formulate the idea, the essence of which was that all these structures were intended to track the rising and setting of the full high moon in winter on a full moon day.
Based on the foregoing, it can be stated that the First Chest was in ancient times a grandiose complex for tracking celestial phenomena throughout the year, unique for Siberia and neighboring regions of Asia, and was mythologically estimated as the World Mountain.
Here the priests "forced" the Sun, the Moon and the stars to revolve around the sacred mountain, which is exactly what is narrated in the cosmogonic myth of the Indo-Aryans. For this, it was only necessary to track the sunrises and sunsets of the luminaries, successively and in a certain order, moving from one observation astropoint to another. Such an admission confirms the possibility of the perception of the First Chest as an earthly hypostasis by the cosmic World Mountain.
The same is evidenced by the second fundamental sign of the World Mountain, clearly reflected in the specific feature of the First Chest - reaching the height of the sky. To make sure, one should have looked at the mountain from the astronomical site, located 3 km from it on the saddle of Mount Solbon. With this positioning of the observer, the top of the First Chest turned into a place of sunrise on the days of the winter solstice, which should be taken as a clear embodiment of the idea of ​​the ancient natural philosophers of Eurasia about the primordial World Mountain reaching the height of the sky. V. Larichev
Author's opinion: The Chest complex is the most significant power and sacred object in the territory of Northern Khakassia. Taking into account the achievements of Novosibirsk scientists, one can speak with a high degree of confidence about the high spiritual and cultural level of the people who created an astronomical observatory on the First Chest. The large-scale ancient irrigation system surrounding the complex is another proof of the cult of this place. (The temple was always built in the center of the city on a hill, so that it could be seen from everywhere). Developed agriculture allowed the existence of a large community of people located around the sacred mountain where the Gods lived. Only dedicated priests were allowed to enter it to perform religious rites and observe the heavenly bodies. Symbolic petroglyphs, different in their content from other samples of rock "painting" of the ancient peoples who inhabited this territory, show us the confrontation between man and strange creatures, as well as the cosmogony of this people. One of the Chests was apparently used for the burial of the priests and leaders of this people, and also as a chronicle of the spiritual life of one of the shamans in later times. Another proof of the sacredness of the Chests was until recently their inaccessibility. This complex was surrounded by swamps, which prevented most people from getting close to the Temple. Such a non-standard solution is often chosen by the Keepers of places to close significant objects. However, now that the swamps have been drained, the flow of people to the First Chest has greatly increased. To protect the complex, measures were taken and a museum-reserve was created, with the assistance of the same Larichev. Access roads for cars to the mountain were blocked. It's for the best. 08/25/2015 Rostovtsev Sergey Rubicon website materials

In the vastness of our country, there are many places that sacredly keep their thousand-year-old secrets and are in no hurry to reveal them even to scientists. Tourists from all over the world come here every year, as well as groups of researchers who do not give up hope of making the greatest scientific discovery in history. One of these places is Khakassia. People come to this amazing region to see the magnificent natural monuments and plunge into their energy, which is the stuff of real legends.

There are a lot of places in Khakassia that you should definitely visit. But the most popular and mysterious is the Chests mountain range. Until now, the scientific world is arguing about whether these mountains were a natural formation or were created artificially for a specific purpose. No one can put an end to these disputes, but it is obvious to everyone that this monument can present many more surprises, judging by what it has already managed to reveal to its inquisitive researchers. As you already understood, our today's article is completely devoted to the chests reserve in Khakassia. We will tell you all the interesting facts about this place and the legends associated with it. We will also explain how to get to Chests (Khakassia), and give a description of several more attractions of this beautiful region.

What are Chests?

Old-timers say that what Khakassia is truly rich in is places of power. Chests are distinguished by powerful energy that can heal and even destroy a person. It is not surprising that in ancient times special people, priests, had access here. They were chosen from shamans and entrusted with the most sacred knowledge. Moreover, it is known that not each of the chosen ones could cross the valley. Her spirits could not let the daredevil in, lowering him into the abyss of madness for the rest of his life.

From the point of view of science, Chests in Khakassia (we will describe in detail how to get to this place in one of the sections of the article) are a mountain range stretching for four and a half kilometers. It is located in the valley of the White Iyus River, which at one time was densely populated by ancient peoples.

This natural monument stretches through the Shirinsky and Ordzhonikidzevsky districts. The mountain range is not a continuous chain, but five separate rocks. Some of them reach a height of two hundred meters. Each Chest is unique in its own way and is constantly studied by representatives of various scientific institutions. Vitaly Larichev devoted most of his time to this amazing mountain complex. He has been studying Chests for about thirty years and eventually came to the conclusion that this formation is man-made. He expressed several versions about the purpose of these structures, which we will tell you about a little later.

Museum-Reserve "Chests"

At the moment, the mountain range in Khakassia is recognized as a unique cultural monument and is protected by the state. This place is constantly monitored by representatives of environmental organizations, who carefully monitor the integrity of the mountains themselves and their environs.

Geologists confidently assert that there is nothing unusual in the shape of the mountain range. After all, nature for many thousands of years could well have created such beauty, of which there are numerous examples. However, different groups of scientists find evidence on the mountain range that it was used as a temple complex and an observatory. Indeed, for many centuries Chests have been considered a sacred place by shamans, and legends about these places have been passed from mouth to mouth.

Larichev himself believes that it was here that the ancestral home of mankind was. It is mentioned in the most ancient texts of different peoples of the world. It is described as a mountain where great gods lived, who gave birth to demigods and then humans. This place is unsuccessfully trying to find researchers from different countries. In his scientific works, Academician Larichev cites many facts that testify in favor of his version. Be that as it may, the main secret of the Chests has yet to be revealed.

A bit of history

Ordzhonikidzevsky district, where the famous mountain range is located, was once part of the territories of the Tagar civilization. There were legends about her power and strength, and the priests of this people possessed ancient knowledge about the origin and structure of the Universe. From the first millennium BC to the third century BC, the Tagars occupied the territory of modern Khakassia and even the south of Siberia.

It is noteworthy that this people is mentioned in the ancient annals of the Chinese. There they were called Dinlins or Siberian Scythians. Some scientists believe that they were not the builders of the Chests, but only skillfully used the structures of a more developed and ancient people. It is impossible to prove or disprove this fact, so at the moment the question of the origin of the mountain range still remains open.

First Chest

Excursions to Khakassia to the Chests are very popular, so almost at any time of the year there are a huge number of people. If you plan to visit this monument on your own, then be aware that each rock is numbered and has its own history. The most remarkable of all, many tourists consider the First Chest.

It can be seen even at the entrance to the mountain range and this sight for a long time pops up in the memory of brave adventurers. At the very top of the cleft is a stone cube seventy meters high. It seems perfectly flat and resembles a roomy chest.

In fact, archaeologists claim that this stone is the remains of a many kilometers long fortress wall. In ancient times, it separated the territory of temple complexes from human settlements. Only initiates could cross this border for rituals and observations of heavenly bodies.

The legend about the hero Khokho-Babai is connected with the First Chest. According to legend, he became famous for his great exploits and eventually became very rich. He had countless amounts of silver, which was considered a sign of wealth among his people. But one day he decided to transform it into gold and after that he could not get enough of his treasure. From the constant brilliance of gold, the hero became blind and prayed to the spirits for the return of sight. They agreed to help Khoho-Babai, but demanded to bring their treasure as a gift. However, having regained the ability to see, he regretted his promise and set out to take the huge chest of gold back. The spirits were angry with the hero and turned him into a bird of prey. To this day, he circles over his treasure, but he still cannot touch it.

Not far from the top is the Shaman's Chair. This place has incredible acoustics. If you sit on a stone throne and whisper a few words, they will become distinguishable for many kilometers around. Especially good audibility on a special stone fenced area at the foot of the mountain.

The version that the mountain was used as an observatory is confirmed by numerous recesses, drawings of stars and which was found in Soviet times during the plowing of land. Workers accidentally stumbled upon an ancient grave with a huge stone. Scientists were struck by the fact that it depicted stars from another hemisphere. And the most amazing thing is that it is impossible to see them with the naked eye - they are visible only through a telescope.

Second and Third Chests

These mountains are notable for numerous stone pyramids. They almost completely cover the mountain plateau, and very little is known about their real purpose. Scientists draw a parallel between these structures and the Baikal oboo, which are designed to become houses for spirits. Such pyramids are erected only in special places of power and with the permission of shamans. It is strictly forbidden to personally touch the stones and rearrange them, because according to ancient beliefs, each object has its own soul and is connected with other thin invisible threads of fate. Violation of the established order will entail dire consequences.

Fourth Chest

This mountain is covered with numerous drawings, many of which have existed for more than two thousand years. These drawings - petroglyphs - are not just painted on stone. Each of them carries a meaning, although sometimes it is inaccessible to the understanding of a modern person.

For example, the image of the Skier is remarkable. It is a three-dimensional picture that tells about the adventures of the protagonist in three worlds. Interestingly, the drawings are very well preserved and are easy to see even from a distance.

The most unique depiction of Chests is the White Horse petroglyph. Scientists have proven that it appeared at least sixteen thousand years ago. The author created his creation in a special manner. He embossed the drawing at the site of the natural outcropping of salts, so it has survived to this day unchanged. However, this is not at all the main secret of the White Horse. As conceived by the artist, she runs north and is associated with the constellation Leo. Namely, in it sixteen thousand years ago was the point of the winter solstice. Surprisingly, ancient astronomers were well aware of this.

Fifth Chest

At the foot of this rock there is a group of burials, and the Chest itself seems to scientists to be a huge observatory. They speculate that the Temple of Time was once located here. On one of its walls, an image of a dragon is engraved, which appears to be a large sundial. Until now, all their secrets have not been revealed.

In addition, it was on this chest that historians found the most unusual petroglyphs. For example, it is not known how ancient astronomers could accurately depict people in spacesuits, if at that time people could not even think about space travel.

Features and anomalies of the mountain range

Chests (Shirinsky district / Republic of Khakassia) are famous for the fact that with each new discovery they give researchers new riddles. For example, in the reserve there is a rock Dragon. At its top, a horn is clearly visible, set at an angle of twenty-four degrees and four minutes. On the days of the spring and autumn solstices, the beam passes exactly through this stone and pierces the so-called It is amazing how accurately the ancient astronomers were able to calculate everything.

Also, scientists found a stone gnamon on the Chests. Surprisingly, at astronomical noon, it does not cast a shadow. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine the angular height of our daylight.

The rocks are dotted with numerous gutters and holes, clearly handmade. Scientists have found that most of them served as assistants in observing the stars. However, today the map of the starry sky has changed and it is no longer possible to do this.

Known in Chests and places with bad energy. Historians claim that sacrifices were once held here and the stones absorbed the energy of fear and death. It is strange, but if you hang an object made of gold over such a place, it will begin to rotate rapidly. And he stops only when a mirror is brought to him. Otherwise than mysticism, this phenomenon cannot be called!

How to get to Chests (Khakassia)?

Most independent travelers are afraid of getting lost at the entrance to the mountain range. Their fears have certain grounds, because it is known that not everyone passes through the valley located at the foot of the Chests (Khakassia). How to get to this place? Tourists say that everything is extremely simple.

On your own car, you can drive up here from the side of two villages. The easiest way to get there is from the village of Iyus, it is closest to the mountain range. You can also go on a trip from the village of Shira and follow the signs. The road to Iyus is paved, and then you will have to move along the dirt road. In dry weather, this is not difficult, but in rainy weather, the car may well get stuck in the mud.

You need to follow the road signs, there are quite a lot of them here, so do not be afraid to get lost.

Sights of Khakassia

Almost all Russians like to travel by car. Therefore, if you are planning a trip to Khakassia on your own car, be sure to visit the following interesting places:

  • Lake Khankul. All locals are aware of its healing properties and are sure to come here at least once a year.
  • Fort Tarpig. It is located near Chests and is a famous historical monument.
  • Mount Chalpan. People often come here by car, the attraction of Khakassia is located on a small strip of land that divides the lake into two parts. Moreover, one of them is salty, and the second is fresh.

Of course, you can continue this list yourself. After all, we have indicated far from all the treasures of these places. However, as tourists say, it is simply impossible to get to know Khakassia in one trip.

A few words instead of a conclusion

Some people spend their holidays in overseas resorts, while others prefer to explore unusual places in our country. And it is worth saying that every year there are more and more such enthusiastic tourists. Perhaps one of them will be able to uncover the ancient secret of the Chests someday.

We have long heard about the legendary Chests in Khakassia, it is time to go personally. Previously, the infa was as follows: there are five mountain-remnants, up to 200 meters high, near the village of Iyus, in the Shirinsky district. Rock paintings of the Tagar period (IX-III century BC) were found there, on which people in spacesuits can be distinguished. Academician V.E. Larichev, who has been studying Chests for more than 30 years, proves that this is an observatory of our ancestors. In the era of Soviet power, an amusing incident happened here. The tractor accidentally opened the shaman's grave. At the same time, he turned out a large stone, on which some drawings were embossed. When scientists astroarchaeologists studied them, they bewitched to the ground. The drawings showed a map of the starry sky as seen from the southern hemisphere. From this, astronomers began to flatten, archaeologists - goggle.

In addition, this is a cult place, and also a possible spaceport for aliens. But the most interesting thing is the place of power. We went to find out.
Now here is the detail. First we walked along, which made the right impression. Then we visited, which, on the contrary, severely disappointed us. In a state of emotional imbalance, we went to the Chests.

It started with these cute horses, from whom we learned the exact way to the Chests.

Go. The vast sky, open spaces and friendly horses were inspiring. As they explained to us, you need to go from the village of Shira to the roadside stone, on which "Chests" is written. Turn there. Indeed, we found this stone and turned.

Picturesque places! I especially liked the flowers as a symbol of spring. Okay, let's move on. The road is so-so. You can’t accelerate among the deep holes, but you can still go.

Started. In front of the Chests are stone rectangles of a mysterious type. And who brought these stones and what they designated with them is also unknown.

Scientists suggest that these are burial grounds.

Here they are, the mysterious rectangles in the steppe. However, at that moment I was already more interested in the sky, so sunset-promising.

Only 5 km from the turn off the highway - and we are among the chests. It is curious that a car came across us. I look - my students are getting out of there, including my eldest son. We went here without saying a word. They said in complete delight that they easily found all the points of power. But they were moving in the opposite direction. They have already studied the chests, now they are looking for the path of their ancestors. We, on the contrary, after the trail of ancestors are looking for Chests...

I could not miss such a picturesque swamp ... Unfortunately, there was no time left for filming. After all, we wanted to find a comfortable place to spend the night before dark.

Beauty is everywhere.

Here are the famous Chests. The energy is impressive. We were without measuring instruments, but subjectively - Chests are more powerful than even Burkhan. You do not need to have any particularly subtle sensitivity to feel a powerful wave.

Here we stopped for the night. Right among the Chests.

As soon as we had dinner, the heavenly performance began.

Sunset colors spilled over the vast sky. View to the west.

We turn back to the east - it's also interesting. Orange clouds crawl across the colorful sky.

In the west, the sky was rapidly changing shades. More often, yellow colors turned into orange, and then into red. But sometimes it was the other way around.

I turn back again. The sky has turned green!

The dynamics of the sunset is clearly visible.

A dog of incredible color came to us. Perhaps a cross between a diver and... maybe a setter? Having consumed a piece of sausage, the dog was imbued with respect for us and accompanied us until the very end of the journey.

The sky continued to change color.

Suddenly the yellow glow went out. A band of red hues stretched along the horizon. During sunset, a barely perceptible rumble was heard, just from the direction of the west. He subsided as soon as the heavenly flame went out.

Then we went to bed. Before that, we have already familiarized ourselves with the stories of miracles that lie in wait for travelers in these places. Indeed, something like this was, only without the horrors. Reality exceeded expectations. We enjoyed the adventure and it turned out that it was just in time. The morning turned out to be gloomy, at times frightening rain.

The route starts from this point. Everything is clear with the column. Behind him is a wall that separated the forbidden territory. For centuries, only the priests had the right to be there. But then the Soviet government came, sweeping away religious prejudices along with all the priests. The common people got free access to miracles. True, almost no one knew how to use them. For example, in this place there is an acoustic miracle. A man, being 200 meters higher up the slope, could speak even in a whisper - here his voice was heard quite distinctly. The scientists casually explained that this acoustic corridor was due to a downward flow of air, and left. The phenomenon exists, but how to use it is also unclear.

A well-trodden path leads along the rocks. In general, there are a lot of people here. Photographers, ufologists, psychics, shamans, yogis, scientists and just tourists. They come from all over the world! Some walk here blindfolded, others sing mantras, others say "om". According to rumors, somewhere here is a portal and a time corridor through which you can look into the past and the future. We did not find any corridor. Probably, they searched badly, because they were afraid of rain.

The path clearly shows the best way to go.

The Main Chest makes an impression. Below, in the valley, an irrigation canal is visible.

Amazing, mystical places.

Leaving mysticism for a while, I photograph flowers.

The yellow spots on the rocks are lichen.

Panorama. Even at this distance, the trail is clearly visible. How many people have passed here? Considering that the oldest petroglyph (White Horse) in this area is 16,000 years old, it turns out ... a lot.

Between the chests we see a small lake. From there we heard the chirping of cranes. Very romantic! And yesterday the larks were flooded.

It would be nice to meet the sunset in this place, to catch the soft light. Here is the plan for the next trip...

The picture was taken from the top of the acoustic corridor.

We went around the First Chest. The faithful dog showed us the way. He must have been bored.

Shooting under the First Chest.

View of the First Chest from below.

Vegetation under the First Chest.

After lunch, it still rained. So it's time to return. On the way I see another swamp. The last frames - and then we rush without stopping. Preliminary conclusions: the place is very interesting. Energy is the most powerful. Obviously, not everyone can be here, in terms of security. We are already trained people, we have been traveling around the world for many years, studying different places of power, and then we were not childishly pinned here, up to inadequate behavior. We will definitely go here again.

“Rocky and steep eastern shores of the Caspian in the area of ​​the Mangyshlak Peninsula,” writes desert researcher E. A. Fedorovich. - Horizontally located strata of rock lie here on clays and sands and form a plateau 100-150 m high. The sea in such places easily erodes the soft layers, and huge sections of overhanging layers collapse down, forming a chaos of collapsed rocks.

Go down the cliff and look at these rocks up close. You immediately see some original hollow rocks, 1 cubic meter in size. m, or even 2-3 cubic meters. m across. Their walls are so dense that they ring when struck by a hammer. And fresh rocks - the very ones from which hollow rocks broke off - are much softer! But the strangest thing is that many blocks have only the appearance of a rock. Often one of their sides is partially or completely absent, and they turn out to be formed from stone walls alone, 7 or even 3 cm thick. The question is, who could gouge these rocks so carefully? But do not look for traces of human work in them, since he is not the creator of these stone boxes.

These stone boxes or chests, the scientist explains, were created by wind and water. The wind destroyed the stones with millions of grains of sand hitting the rocks, he hollowed them out, gave them the shape of "chests". And the water gave the walls of these "chests" such strength that they now resist even the destructive force of hurricane winds. And here the most unusual begins.

The composition of the rocks that broke off, fell to the sea and formed chaos from the rocks, includes sparingly soluble carbonic salts. For hundreds of years, rainwater seeped through tiny cracks into the rocks. Then the water was warmed by the rays of the hot southern sun and evaporated. At the same time, the salts contained in it remained on the surface of the rocks, gradually compacting it, making it hard. Then it rained again. It would seem that rainwater, soaking into loose rock, should carry with it the salts that have just fallen out of the solution. But this did not happen: rainwater, penetrating into the cracks inside the rocks, dissolved new portions of salt in them and brought them to the surface. This went on from year to year, from century to century, until the surface of the rocks turned into indestructible walls - “chests”.

Why does rainwater carry salts out of the depths of the rocks, but never bring them back?

It has already been said above that the carbonic salts that make up the bizarre rocks are difficult to dissolve in water. When water penetrates into the cracks inside the rocks and heats up there, more of these salts are dissolved in it than in the cold rainwater washing the rocks from the outside. This explains the fact that rainwater washes away salts from rocks, but does not dissolve them after they have been deposited in the surface layer of rocks.

When hiking in the mountains, when it rains, it is best to hide in a tent or in recesses in the rocks, light a fire and sing hiking songs with a guitar with friends. If you don't know how to play musical instruments yet, it's never too late to learn. You can learn how to play the guitar at the Moskvorechye Rock Academy if you live in the capital of Russia. Having successfully completed the training, you will be able to please your friends with your ability to play the guitar and not a single trip with you will be boring and will be remembered by everyone for a long time!

An array of five separate outlier mountains, up to 200 m high, combining burial grounds, rock paintings and special structures, which, according to some archaeologists, all together, were used by ancient people to observe the stars, the sun and the moon.

The ridge stretches for 4.5 kilometers from north to south and consists of five main fortresses, but it got its name from the northernmost mountain - “Chest”, on top of which there is a rock in the form of a cube, similar in shape to a chest. After that, other hills received serial numbers.

The whole area, the landscape is so unusual and the atmosphere is mysterious. When you are there, you really feel the energy. Another interesting point is the acoustics between the rocks, sounds can be heard at a great distance. You will be able to hear the conversation of people who are far away, and under normal conditions it would be impossible to hear them. If a person speaks quietly, standing on the top of a slope, listeners at the bottom of the ridge can hear him perfectly, although the distance between them is 200-300 meters. The shape of the mountain, resembling a horseshoe, creates a corridor through which sound travels without losing its volume and intelligibility. This is possible due to the air flow going from top to bottom.

First Chest. The most beautiful, interesting and significant in the ridge in the ritual and astrological sense. Back in Soviet times, in this area, when plowing a field, a shaman’s grave was accidentally opened with a tractor. Then a stone was dug out, on which the constellations of the other hemisphere were depicted and some stars visible almost through a telescope.

According to Academician V. E. Larichev, who has been studying Chests for about 30 years, it was here that the “world mountain” was located - an astrological sanctuary, including a priestly temple and an ancient observatory. Scientists have long known about the mythical world mountain, supposedly located at the North Pole. According to legend, this is a kind of primordial land where the greatest gods lived and where the first people appeared. Each nation had its own world mountain, or rather, its image. It turns out that the First Chest is a world mountain for this region.

The second chest is of particular interest to photographers - numerous stone pyramids are being built on it. The construction of such pyramids has deep roots: earlier, the Khakass created them as dwellings of mountain spirits in especially revered places, which included Chests from ancient times. In the area of ​​the second and third Chests, you can find evidence of this, in the form of several ancient stone fences of burial grounds.

On the rocky slopes of the Fourth Chest there are drawings carved more than two thousand years ago. Petroglyphs are a kind of heroic epic in paintings. They show not only the difficult earthly path of the hero, but also the other world, where he ends up after death at the hands of an enemy lurking in an ambush (the lower part of the stone slab). The exposition of the Shirinsky Museum of Local Lore can tell you more about their interpretation. The most mysterious is the White Horse petroglyph. Scientists suggest that the drawing appeared about 16 thousand years ago, during the Ice Age. In the image of this Horse, the ancestors saw the renewed Time.

The Fifth Chest is the southernmost of all. In front of it is a large group of burial grounds. At its foot is an irrigation canal, one of those that has been preserved since ancient times (already in the 1st millennium BC, the Khakass-Minusinsk basin was the center of irrigated agriculture).

People still wonder what it is: an observatory of the ancients, a cult place, a landing site for alien spaceships, or all together? The entire complex is often referred to as the Temple of the Sun. There is a legend that Khakass spirits do not let everyone into this place, confuse the road or send thunderstorms with strong winds. If you still manage to get to the Chests, do not forget to tie a strip of cloth to the sacrificial tree (you will see it right away), this will be your sign of worship to the omnipresent spirits.

Not far from these mysterious mountains, you can live in numerous camp sites and tent camps located on Lake Bele. Bases: "Big Reach", "ELKO", "Dacha Pavlova", "GOLDEN STAR", "Chalpan", "Aviator".

How to get there: From the highway from Shir to the Kommunar mine, it is necessary to turn right between the villages of Marchelgash and Topanovo - onto the highway crossing Bely Iyus along a reinforced concrete bridge. Behind the bridge - the first turn to the right and there is that gravel road that leads past Chests to the railway station.

If you go to Chests from Malaya Syya, you can shorten the path by turning off the Shirinsky highway outside the village of Troshkino, in front of the pass through Kyzyl-Khaya, to the left, onto a dirt road that runs along the Iyus and leads directly to the bridge over the river. In some places the road comes close to the shore.